Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sciatic Pain Relief - Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Exercises

The sacral bone, located where the spinal column ends, is connected to the pelvis bone by the sacroiliac joint bridges. The structure acts a shock absorber when we run and walk, protecting the spinal cord from injuries while supporting the upper body. The joint, also called the SI joint, restricts the movement of the lower body and any awkward or abnormal movement can cause the joint to dysfunction. Such movements also affect the sacroiliac nerve that runs through the ligaments and muscles of the joint. Any problems related to the SI joint can cause pain in the legs and back. Aging can also cause sacroiliac joint dysfunction as the muscles around the joint start to stiffen.

Regular exercise can help relieve the pain and stress on the muscles and the joint. Here are some effective sacroiliac joint dysfunction exercises.

Exercises # 1

Lie down on your back and raise your right knee by folding the leg. Pull the knees towards your chest while you exhale. Release the leg and then repeat the routine 10 times for the same leg. Switch to the left leg once you are done with the right leg. This particular exercise works on the hamstrings and relieves the pain and strain you feel in the back muscles. It tightens the muscles around the pelvis and promoted the rehabilitation of sacroiliac joint dysfunction.

Exercises # 2

Lie down on your back with raised knees that are pressed together. Gently sway the knees sideways while keeping your feet flat and firm on the ground. Do not raise your lower back from the ground. This exercise should be repeated 5-10 times. The routine will stabilize the pelvic area and make the muscles flexible and stronger reducing the chances of arthritis.

Exercises # 3

Similar to the previous exercises start by lying down on your back. Now bend your right knee and balance the foot. Rest the other leg over your right knee in such a way that the ankle of your left leg is slightly higher than the right knee. Firmly link both hands around your right thigh and pull it towards your chest. Hold the position for 30 seconds so that the muscles stretch well. You can repeat the same routine with the left leg. You will need 3-5 repetitions for each leg daily.

You should be very careful when trying out these exercises so as to avoid straining the back muscles. It is recommended to consult a doctor if you experience any discomfort or pain while exercising. The exercises are aimed at rehabilitating those recovering from sacroiliac joint dysfunction and should be followed only after undergoing a proper treatment for sacroiliac joint dysfunction. The exercises combined with other treatments including massage, ultrasound and sacroiliac joint injections will help relieve the pain and joint inflammation. The sacroiliac joint dysfunction exercises help in restoring the flexibility of the muscles around the sacroiliac joint by stretching and strengthening them. It also helps avoid aggravating the condition.

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