Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Back Neck Pain Causes, Treatment and Natural Remedies

Neck pain or Cervicalgia is a common disorder inflicting two-thirds of the world population. The area affected by pain is the lower neck region and upper back region. This area bears and supports the load of our head. The top three joints of the neck are responsible for maximum and flexible movement of neck and head. The lower joints and those constituting the upper back, collectively form an effective support system for the head. When this support system undergoes an adverse attack by any one of the several reasons, neck pain is generated. The root of the pain lies in the tightening of neck muscles and pinching of spinal nerves.

To understand neck pain, we have to first know about the structure of the neck. The spinal column in the neck is made up of seven vertebrae besetting the spinal cord and canal. Tiny discs occur between vertebrae and through the little opening at the sides of the discs pass the nerves of the neck. In other words neck region is a complex collection of neck muscles, arteries, veins, lymph glands, thyroid and parathyroid glands, wind pipe, food pipe or esophagus and larynx.

Medical conditions affecting any of these neck tissues lead to pain. The pain may be piercing: sharp shooting pain accompanied by tingling sensation and numbness in the neck and upper limbs, or may be in the form of a dull ache. The other symptoms associated with neck pain may be tenderness of neck muscles, difficulty in swallowing, gland swelling, pulsations, dizziness and swishing sounds in the head.

Causes of Back Neck Pain

1. Spondylosis or degenerative arthritis
2. Ankylosing spondylitis
3. Rheumatoid arthritis
4. Thyroid trauma
5. Esophageal trauma
6. Tracheal trauma
7. Torticollis
8. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
9. Rubella
10. Certain cancers
11. Congenital cervical rib
12. Lymphadenitis
13. Spinal stenosis or constriction of the spinal canal
14. Spinal disc hermiation or protruding discs
15. Infections like retropharyngeal abscess etc
16. Carotid artery dissection
17. Referred pain due to acute coronary syndrome
18. Traumatic or minor injuries or falls from car accidents or certain sports
19. Cervical spine fracture
20. Head injury
21. Emotional and physical stresses
22. Muscular strains due to over exertion or over use
23. Poor sleeping and sitting postures

Neck Pain Treatment

Neck braces like soft collar, Philadelphia collar, halo, sterno-occipital device are often given to patients. These braces support the spine, compensate for neck muscle weakness, check the risk of further injury, quicken healing and also keep the neck in a proper position as is required.

Some patients are treated with ultrasound which can also be of help. The common medications for neck pain include analgesics like acetaminophen, carprofen, ketoprofen or Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, muscle relaxants like cyclobenzaprine, massage creams containing counterirritants. Epidural steroid injections also are given to reduce inflammation of nerve roots. They are mainly used to treat spinal stenosis. Surgery may also be required in critical cases.

Herbal pain relief oil such as Rumatone Gold Oil is very effective ayurvedic herbal formula for getting relief from back neck pain. Regular application of this anti-inflammatory massage oil reduces pain and inflammation and provides lasting relief.

Can a Chiropractor Fix TMJ?

Chiropractic care is most often thought of as something individuals seek when they are suffering from back pain. But it can also help with a variety of other problems, such as Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ). So the answer is YES, chiropractors can fix TMJ.

The ability to speak, chew and swallow or even yawn is a result of the jaw acting as a hinge to connect the mandible with the skull. This joint is one of the most commonly used joints in the body.

TMJ occurs when the disc becomes displaced or when the surrounding muscles and tendons become inflamed. The results are:

  • Pain and tenderness around the joint directly in front of your ear

  • The opening and closing of the mouth will become difficult or painful

  • A grinding or crunching sound when an individual opens or closes their mouth

People with TMJ can also have earaches, headaches, dizziness, and muffled hearing.

A chiropractor can help with treating TMJ in two ways:

  1. Providing Chiropractic Adjustments to the upper neck or jaw.

  2. Recommending exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle changes to help speed recovery and prevent a relapse

Chiropractic treatment is very effective for patients with TMJ. Before treatment a Chiropractor will perform a full spinal analysis focusing on the upper neck and evaluating the jaw joint. Treatment plans will include chiropractic adjustments of the upper neck and/or jaw area. Depending on severity, patients may see immediate relief or will need a series of adjustments over time to see relief. Usually, the longer one waits to see a chiropractor for treatment, the longer the recovery time.

Chiropractors are concerned with not only treating patients until their pain dissipates, but also assuring their problems are permanently eliminated.

What are some of the philosophical elements associated with chiropractic care? Among them:

  • Naturalism

  • Rationalism

  • Holism

Chiropractic care focuses on the total human body, in the belief that it is inter-related with both the environment and individuals' lifestyles.

In many cases, chiropractic care is proven to be more effective than drugs and medicines. Not only is it more effective, it helps patients through care that is gentler, cheaper, and does not include the potential for negative results later.

Chiropractors can recommend certain pain relieving exercises that help relax jaw muscles and relieve stress. Meditation and massage are some of the other methodologies adopted by the chiropractor to treat their patients.

Since chiropractic care is effective with disorders which are mechanical in nature it is very effective with TMJ. Not only is chiropractic effective, it is preferable when other options are more closely examined. For example, most people suffering from pain believe medication will provide quick relief for their problems. This is true, but medications only provide temporary pain relief and do not eliminate the cause. Medications may also result in harmful side-effects.

Surgery is another option for TMJ. But surgery can be costly, demand time away from work and other activities during recovery, and it can be dangerous.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Arthritis - Facts and Helpful Tips

The colder months of the year can be miserable for sufferers of Arthritis. The cold and damp can play havoc with joint mobility, causing inflammation and pain. If you suffer from this condition you are far from alone. The information that follows will hopefully provide you with some useful tips to help you get through the winter months with less pain.

The Statistics

  • Arthritis and Rheumatic disease affect around 8 million people in the UK

  • More than 3 million people have a significant disability

  • Osteoarthritis - the most common joint disorder in the UK affects more than one million people.

  • It affects 10 - 25% of people aged over 65

  • Around 600,000 people have Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Arthritis and rheumatic disease are the most common causes of long-standing illness, and account for one fifth of all visits to the doctor.

The Facts

The term "Arthritis" means damage or swelling of joints. Joints are the points where 2 bones meet. The ends of bones are covered by a thin layer of gristle or cartilage, which acts as a shock absorber when you put weight on a joint.

Cartilage is the tough, rubbery coating you can see on the ends of chicken thigh bones. It cushions the joints and ensures a smooth motion.

Joints are surrounded by a membrane called the Synovium, which produces a small amount of thick fluid called Synovial Fluid. This nourishes the cartilage and keeps it slippery. The Synovium has a tough outer layer called the Capsule, which stops the bones moving too much. Ligaments on both sides keep bones firmly in place. These are thick, strong bands usually just outside the Capsule. Tendons are also on both sides and attach muscles to bones. They keep the joint in place and help to move it.


Osteoarthritis is the end result of a number of different episodes of damage to the joint over a period of time. Genetic inheritance may play a part with some people. Being overweight, injury to the joint and repeated minor pressures on the joint, e.g. some sports or occupations involving repeated kneeling or lifting, can also cause this condition.
Osteoarthritis usually occurs at the knee (more common in women), the hip (equally common in men and women), the spine, and in the hands, especially at the base of the thumb and in the fingers. Osteoarthritis can produce a mild ache to crippling pain, when Total Hip Replacement or Knee Replacement may be indicated.

In severe osteoarthritis, the cartilage can become so thin that it no longer covers the bone ends. The bone ends touch and start to wear away. The loss of cartilage, the wearing of the bone, and the bony spurs at the edges can change the shape of the joint. This forces the bones out of their normal position and causes deformity.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory, auto-immune disease where the body turns against itself. Normally, inflammation is our immune system's response to fighting bacteria, viruses etc. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis the tissues and joints are attacked, which damages the cartilage, bones and sometimes the ligaments and tendons, too. When this happens the joints become unstable and deformities can occur.

Rheumatoid arthritis is more common in women and usually occurs between the ages of 40 to 60 but can appear earlier. It can also be hereditary in some families.

With rheumatoid arthritis the symptoms can come and go unpredictably. Sometimes physical exertion, an illness, or an emotional experience may trigger a 'flare up' but other times there may be no obvious cause.

Helpful Tips

Information and education - knowing how and why arthritis occurs can help to slow down or prevent further deterioration.

Weight management - being overweight puts further stresses on the joints, particularly the knees and hips. A reduction in weight can make a significant difference.

Exercise - aerobic exercise where the individual raises their heartbeat, sweats and becomes breathless is good for the whole body and can help in the management of weight. It may also increase general well being. Local strengthening exercise is particularly useful in arthritis of the knee. By strengthening the quadriceps muscle on the front of the thigh, pain can be reduced and balance and stability can be improved, therefore lessening disability. A physiotherapist can teach the exercises.

Frequent breaks in activities - it is sensible to have frequent breaks when gardening or doing housework to avoid mechanical stress.

Sensible footwear - a good training shoe for arthritis of the hip or knee is designed to absorb any impact when walking. Shoes should have a thick sole, no raised heel, a broad forefoot and soft uppers.

Drug therapy - no drugs are totally safe but Paracetamol is usually the first painkiller to try. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Ibuprofen may be the next choice but they have the potential to cause side effects, especially stomach problems, and may interact with other drugs. NSAIDs can inhibit repair of the joint.

Natraflex - a natural, herbal balm containing Boswellia, Capsaicin and MSM has been shown in trials to be effective in over 75% of people with arthritis and is available from Health Food Shops or the internet.

Diet - Nutritionists recommend that we eat a diet which is 80% alkaline and 20% acid. Instead, most people eat the opposite. Acidic bodies also cause calcium to be leached out from the joints, making the condition worse.

Foods that should be avoided

  • Alcoholic drinks

  • Caffeine-Coffee, Tea, & Chocolate

  • Packaged or processed food with artificial additives

  • Chinese food (contains Monosodium glutamate)

  • Dairy products

  • Eggs

  • Refined flour

  • White sugar

  • Salted foods

  • Fried foods

  • Burnt, charred or rancid food

  • Animal proteins-red meat

  • Foods containing nitrates

  • Citrus fruits

  • Aubergines

  • Tomatoes

Foods that may help Arthritis sufferers

  • Yams

  • Celery

  • Sea vegetables e.g. seaweed, kelp

  • Garlic and onions

  • Pineapple -contains the enzyme Bromelain

  • Bananas

  • Apples, pears and paw paws

  • Water - at least 2 litres of filtered water each day

  • Herbal tea

  • Rice milk

  • Oats, oatcake biscuits

  • Rice cakes (with no added salt)

  • Brown rice

  • Millet

  • Flax seed or linseeds

  • Linseed oil

  • Cider vinegar

  • Tuna, mackerel and sardines

  • Nuts and seeds (make sure they are not mouldy) - Brazil nuts, almonds, hazel nuts, cashew nuts (not peanuts), sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds (Tahini paste)

  • Dried fruits

  • Pulses -lentils and beans

  • White meat -chicken, lamb, and game

  • Herbs -basil, coriander, and ginseng

Any allergens or food intolerances should be identified to reduce the load on the immune system, particularly with Rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. Milk, yeast, eggs, grains and citrus fruits are the common foods that cause intolerance (see list of foods to avoid, above).

Fish oils are recommended to help lubricate the joints and therefore reduce the damage. MSM (methylsulphonylmethane) has also been found to reduce degeneration of the joints and can be taken orally or as a skin cream. Glucosamine is also recommended by Rheumatologists as it speeds up joint repair.

Doctors practising in nutrition recommend taking a multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplement each day, which provides the daily values of all essential vitamins and minerals.

By understanding the facts about arthritis and following these simple diet and lifestyle recommendations, you can help to control or even reduce the symptoms of this common disease.

Fish Oil for Natural Pain Relief

Healthy, natural, pain relief - killing two birds with one stone.

Pain killing drugs may work well (for pain) but they are not good for your health. The most commonly used pain killers are called NSAID's for Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. And drugs like these kill. Prolonged NSAID use is associated with kidney problems, GI bleeding, ulcers, and even heart disease.

Killer NSAID's

The Associated Press reported the results of a research study on over-the-counter pain killers like Aleve, Motrin and Advil. The study found that anyone taking any of these drugs for at least 6 months had "twice the risk of dying of a heart attack, stroke or other heart-related problem".

Tylenol is no better.

Many people, hearing of the dangers of NSAID's turn to acetomenophen (Tylenol). Unfortunately acetomenophen is "the leading cause of acute liver failure in the United States".

A particularly diabolic drug combination is found in Vicodin. Vicodin contains opiates which are addicting combined with acetomenophen which damages the liver. Vicodin is also the most prescribed drug in the United States. In giving Vicodin to a patient a doctor is giving and addictive drug that damages one's liver.

Vicodin referred to by surgeon as "Candy and Poison".

The foregoing information on acetomenophen is found in an article titled The Danger Of Mixing Candy And Poison. It was written by a liver transplant specialist at the University of California. No doubt this doctor is seeing personally the ill effects of Vicodin in his liver transplant patients.

Pain also causes damage.

I would never suggest that anyone suffer pain. Pain is also damaging to the body. One study followed chronic back pain sufferers for one year. MRI scans of the brain were taken at the beginning and end of the twelve month period. These MRI's were compared with MRI's of matched subjects who did not suffer any pain whatsoever. The difference was astounding. Normally as we age, we lose grey matter in our brain. The MRI scans could measure the amount of grey matter in the brain of each test subject at the beginning and end of the one year time period. The brains of the group suffering chronic pain aged the equivalent of 10 years when compared to the pain free group.

Healthy pain relief found with fish oil.

So what's a solution? How about natural pain killing omega-3 fats that relieve pain with no negative side effects, only spectacular health benefits?

By now most everyone has heard of the benefits of taking fish oil, flax oil (oils containing Omega-3 fats). The important component of Omega-3 fats when it comes to pain is EPA. EPA is a building block for a potent anti-inflammatory hormone found naturally in the body. Most Americans are woefully deficient in Omega-3 fats and EPA. When our body doesn't have enough of the building material to make this critical anti-inflammatory substance, it cannot control inflammation. (Chronic pain is often associated with chronic inflammation). EPA is especially concentrated in certain fish oils.

Research studies show the pain relieving effects of fish oil.

The American Association of Neurological Surgeons published a study entitled "High-Dose Omega-3 Oils used to Treat Non-Surgical Neck and Back Pain". This study involved 250 patients who suffered from chronic neck pain and who were taking NSAID's for relief. Researchers gave the patients high doses of fish oil daily. After 75 days nearly 2/3's of the patients (59%) had stopped taking their pain drugs for pain, saying that the oil provided satisfactory relief. 88% of the entire group in the study said that they planned on continuing with the oil after the study.

Many types of pain are relieved by fish oil.

Another study published in The Clinical Journal of Pain was titled "Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Neuropathic Pain: Case Studies". Neuropathic pain is nerve pain. This pain arises directly from the nerve and is different than the pain of arthritis, a strained muscle or a bruised knee. Neuropathic pain is usually harder to treat and is often more severe. The study followed the cases of five patients. Each patient had a different ailment causing pain. They suffered a cervical radiculopathy (a pinched nerve in the neck), thoracic outlet syndrome (nerve compression in the chest/shoulder), fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, and one a burn injury. The patients were given high doses of omega-3 containing fish oil. Here's how each of these patients fared after just taking oil.

Pain from pinched nerve and herniated disc relieved.

Patient #1 was a 53 year old man, had a disc herniation in his neck pinching a nerve, which caused radiating pain into his arm. Previous treatments such as physiotherapy and NSAID drugs did not help. After 2 翻 weeks taking fish oil his pain lessened. After taking 8 months he had improved so much he started playing competitive hockey again. After 19 months he felt he was cured and had no restrictions whatsoever. However, if he stopped taking the oil for more than 4 days, his pain began to return.

Fibromyalgia pain and thoracic outlet syndrome relieved.

Patient #2 was a 48 year old nurse who was injured at work. She was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and thoracic outlet syndrome. (Thoracic outlet syndrome is a compression of nerves as the travel from the neck to the arm through the upper chest and shoulder). Previous treatments with pain drugs and physical therapy had not helped. After 7 months of taking high doses of fish oil she had improved greatly. After 13 months she felt she was cured of both conditions.

Man with disabling pain after an auto accident gets relief with fish oil.

Patient #3 was a 50 year old man who suffered from chronic neck pain and arm pain as a result of being in a car accident. This patient remained disabled even after treatments including chiropractic, massage, physiotherapies and NSAID drugs. After taking large doses of fish oil his pain began to improve. Eventually he was able to resume working out at the gym without pain. He also reported that he was thinking more clearly and had better concentration.

Patient with carpal tunnel syndrome avoids surgery and gets pain relief with fish oil.

Patient #4 was a 47 year old man with carpal tunnel syndrome. After 8 months of taking high doses of fish oil his pain symptoms improved significantly. A nerve conduction test also showed significant improvement in nerve function. He improved so much that he was able to avoid surgery.

Patient with 2nd and 3rd degree burns gets off of morphine and relieves pain with fish oil.

Patient #5 was a 54 year old man who had suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns to 30% of his body. He was hospitalized for over a month and had extensive skin grafts. His pain levels continued at such a high level that he was on morphine. Taking high-dose fish oil alleviated the pain so much that he was able to get off of the morphine.

Fish oil supplementation provides tremendous health benefits. Some of the documented health benefits include relief of inflammatory joint pain and chronic spinal pain, improvements of autoimmune diseases, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, improvements and reduced risk of depression, and relief of pain in fibromyalgia syndrome.

Things to be careful of when taking high doses of fish oil.

  • Fish oil is a blood thinner. If you are taking a prescription blood thinner, you should start at a low dose while monitoring clotting times. If you are going to have dental work, surgery or any other invasive procedure (like a colonoscopy) you should stop taking fish oil two weeks before, because of its blood thinning effect.

  • Before taking high doses of fish oil you should have a blood test that measures the ratio of Omega-6 (AA or Arachidonic Acid) to Omega-3 (EPA or EicosaPentaenoic Acid). An ideal AA/EPA ratio for heart health is 1.5/1 to 3/1.

  • Take only "clean" fish oil. Better products are cleaned of contaminants and toxins commonly found in today's ocean fish (mercury, PCP's, dioxins). The gold standard cleaning process is called molecular distillation.

3 Gout Toe Pain Relief Tips to Deliver You From Excruciating Gout Toe Pain Fast and Naturally

The vast majority of gout attacks occur in the big toe. And if you're a gout victim then you know just how painful it is. That's why you need to get immediate treatment. But if you've tried prescription meds, then perhaps you've found that although your symptoms seem to go away (eventually), the gout keeps returning. Here, you'll discover 3 top natural remedies that gout sufferers are using to get fast gout toe pain relief.

Between 70% and 90% of gout victims have gout toe. But it can occur in other joints such as the ankle, knee, elbow and hands. It's caused by urate crystals that form in the joints, e.g. the big toe, because of high uric acid levels in the blood.

You can get drug-based medications such as anti-inflammatory's, pain killers and drugs to reduce uric acid. But, apart from the horrible side effects that they can have, they are also only of use whilst being taken. This means that, unless you do something about the underlying causes of gout, you can continue getting gout attacks after you come off them.

But there are very many natural ways to get gout toe pain relief. And more and more gout sufferers are successfully using these. There are too many to list here, but here are 3 gout pain relief tips to get you going. You can get gout toe pain relief...

1. By Drinking Plenty of Water

This is a must. By drinking water throughout the day you're keeping your body hydrated. This is important because a dehydrated body is an easy target for gout. And water helps your kidneys to flush uric acid out of your body too. Drink at least 3 to 4 litres every day.

2. By Eating Cherries

These have great natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Some experts suggest eating 30 to 40 cherries every 4 hours during an attack. They are also known to help reduce uric acid levels in the body.

3. By Changing to a Low Purine Diet

Purines are chemical compounds in the body and in foods. They help produce uric acid during the body's normal metabolizing process. Some foods are higher in purines than others. Typical foods to avoid are red fatty meat, game, offal, poultry, seafood and some vegetables.

These are effective natural remedies for gout toe pain relief in their own right. But, there are a number of other underlying issues for gout that you need to address to enable effective gout prevention. Because recurring gout attacks can leave you with permanently damaged joints, kidney problems and even hypertension (high blood pressure).

Arthritis Affects Everyone Not Just Older People

Arthritis is a very common chronic disease which is characterised by the inflammation of the lining of joints in your body which can lead to disability and loss of function. It is the leading cause of disability. It progresses in 3 stages:

Stage 1: Swelling of the synovial lining, causing pain, warmth, stiffness, redness and swelling around the joint.

Stage 2: Rapid division and growth of cells which causes the synovium to thicken.

Stage 3: Enzymes are released by the inflamed cells that may digest bone and cartilage which causes the involved joint to lose its shape and alignment, more pain, and loss of movement.

Types of Arthritis:

Osteoarthritis: This is the most prevalent form of arthritis. It is a degenerative joint disease in which the cartilage that covers the ends of bones in the joint deteriorates. This causes pain and loss of movement as bone begins to rub against bone.

Rheumatoid arthritis: Here the joints get inflamed leading to swelling, pain, stiffness, and the possible loss of function.

Gout: This often attacks small joints, especially the big toe and this can completely controlled with medication and changes in diet. It is more common in men.

Ankylosing spondylitis: The spine gets affected. As a result of inflammation, the bones of the spine grow together.
Juvenile arthritis: Seen in children.

Systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus): This can damage joints and other connective tissues throughout the body. It is a serious disorder.

Scleroderma: Here the skin gets thickened and hardened.
Fibromyalgia: Pain affects the muscles and attachment to the bone.


o Joint Pain. It starts with smaller joints like your fingers and hands. The pain will be mostly symmetrical,meaning that if a joint hurts on the left hand, the same joint will hurt on the right hand.

o Fatigue

o Weakness

o You experience stiffness particularly in the morning and when sitting for long periods of time.

o Fever

o Pain associated with prolonged sitting

o Muscle pain

o Loss of appetite

o Depression

o Weight loss

o Anaemia

o If you observe lumps of tissue under the skin typically found on the elbows

o Involvement of the glands around the eyes and mouth, causing decreased production of tears and saliva


Arthritis comes in different fronts and ways and so the treatments vary accordingly. Current treatment methods focus on relieving pain, reducing inflammation, stopping or slowing joint damage and improving your functioning and sense of well-being. This is a critical disease so do not avoid it. It is important that you get an early treatment so that you can live with it.

As you grow old, your chances of getting arthritis increase. Joints naturally degenerate over time. This being a chronic disease it will be with you for long and maybe even life long. But the good thing is arthritis can be managed by taking the right medication, exercise, rest, weight-management, nutrition, and, in some cases, surgery. Your doctor should be able to decide on the best treatment for your case. You should be positive thinking and with the help of family and friends you can continue with your daily activities without any fear.

Natural Treatments For Scoliosis Pain Relief

Scoliosis, or the sideways curvature of the spine, can cause back pain. The medical community has struggled to find an effective treatment for this type of pain, with most doctors believing that surgery is the only way to reduce the curvature. If you are unwilling to have surgery, then, you are left with pain medication to mask your symptoms and leave the causes untreated.

Fortunately, there are conservative treatments that not only ease the pain of scoliosis but actually reduce the curvature as well.

Why It Hurts

While some people with scoliosis experience no symptoms, others may experience back pain, neck pain, headaches, difficulty walking or standing for long periods of time, reproductive dysfunction and difficulty breathing. The symptoms depend largely on the location and degree of curvature, but also on your behaviors. If your head is off-center or one shoulder or hip is higher than the other, you may have scoliosis.

Some are treated in adolescence with bracing and surgery to reduce the spinal curvature, while others go untreated. Adults who experience scoliosis pain may feel it from muscles, spinal discs or both. The muscles of the back try to pull the spine back into alignment so they can return to their normal length and tension. These muscles are constantly overworked, trying to support the upper body without a stable spine to help. The discs of a curved spine also undergo asymmetric loading, which can cause bulging and herniation. These disc problems are often associated with nerve impingement, causing sharp, traveling pain.

Adults may have scoliosis from birth, or may acquire it due to osteoarthritis (if one side of the spine's joints deteriorate faster than those on the other side). Those who acquire it will have added pain due to joint inflammation and friction.

Natural Treatments

If your doctor tells you that your only option is surgery, he or she may be wrong. Scoliosis pain has been shown to decrease with chiropractic care and physical therapy. While many doctors prescribe physical therapy as part of a pain management strategy for scoliosis, combining it with other treatments is not always considered. Contrary to what most seem to think, these treatments have proven their abilities to reduce spinal curvature as well as back pain.

Physical therapy is effective for scoliosis pain when it focuses on the relaxation of chronically-strained muscles and postural retraining. Yoga, for example, may be helpful. Chiropractic care is administered to restore alignment and improve nerve function. You may be given traction treatments as well, which stretch the spine and its surrounding ligaments and muscles and increase disc space. An example of a scoliosis treatment regimen can be seen here:

As with many forms of alternative medicine, studies into the non-surgical treatment of scoliotic curvature are few and small. However, the existing studies give us compelling evidence that surgery is not the only answer. A study of 19 individuals showed spinal manipulation, traction and muscular work to significantly reduce spinal curvature after 4-6 weeks. More on this can be found at

There are a number of reasons to avoid surgery: cost, recovery time, invasiveness, risk of failure and a curve that gradually returns over the years. Talk to your doctor about a referral to a chiropractor with experience treating people with scoliosis. Talk to a physical therapist about retraining posture and restoring muscle balance. There are natural ways to relieve your pain.

How to Understand and Avoid Arthritis

Arthritis is actually a general term for any of about one hundred different diseases that cause swelling, stiffness and pain in the joints. It is the top cause of disability in the United States, affecting about 40 million people, or forty percent of the population. While primarily considered a disease of age, arthritis also affects almost 300,000 children in the U.S. Arthritis crosses all boundaries of social strata; economic status, gender, geographic location and race.

What exactly is arthritis and how can we avoid and treat it?

In a normal joint, cartilage cushions the area where the bones meet. Cartilage is a strong, smooth, elastic tissue, which, along with the bone ends is encased in a joint capsule. The joint capsule is filled with synovial fluid, which secretes from the synovial membrane lining the capsule and further cushions the joint. Arthritis is experienced when anything goes wrong with this system, and pain results.

Osteoarthritis (OA), also known as degenerative joint disease, is the most common form. It is most common in people over 55 and affects approximately 20 million Americans. OA is created by the breakdown of the cartilage cushion between the bones, creating friction at the bone ends, which manifests as pain and swelling. In some cases bone spurs will also develop, exacerbating the problem. It is most commonly found in the large, weight bearing joints of the knees and hips, but is also common in the spine, hands and feet. It can however, affect any joint in the body.

Rheumatoid, or inflammatory arthritis is somewhat different from OA. Here, the synovial membrane becomes inflamed and swollen causing the pain and stiffness. Blood flow is increased to the area because of chemicals released by the inflamed tissue and this can cause the joint to appear red and feel hot. Inflammatory arthritis may be caused by immune system deficiencies, crystal deposits in the joints, or infection.

In any case, the patient will tend to favor the painful area, often holding it stiffly to ease the pain. This can cause the supporting muscles to weaken from disuse and also create serious tightness in the tendons that support them. All of this combined can cause the joints to contract or change shape and may result in complete loss of movement in the affected joint.

Doctors who treat arthritis, called rheumatologists, have a variety of diagnostic tools to use to determine the type and severity of a patient's arthritis. As there is currently no known cure, treatment is applied to ease pain and increase mobility. Various pain killing and anti-inflammatory drugs; rest and exercise are tools available to aid the patient. There are a few drugs for specific types of arthritis that can slow the advance of the disease.

Regular, light exercise is a most important key to not just treating, but avoiding arthritis. For patients with arthritis an excellent exercise is swimming, as it allows activity with little joint pressure. Exercise, plenty of rest, a constant intake of fluids to keep well hydrated and a good diet with supplementation can all help to prevent arthritis.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Women & Joint Pain

The top five health concerns of women are breast cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease, depression, and autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, and lupus in which the body attacks itself. Although the most common cause of disability for women in the United States is arthritic disease.

What Is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a condition that causes damage to the joints of the body. There are different forms of arthritis and each has a different cause; however, the most common form is osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) that results when a joint is injured or becomes infected. While its origin is uncertain, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a painful autoimmune disorder that leads to chronic inflammation at the joints. Osteoarthritis is a more common illness caused by a gradual breakdown of cartilage in the joints. Any form of arthritis typically worsens with age, but ironically, almost two-thirds of people with arthritis are under age 65, and more than 60 percent are women.

Who Is At Risk?

Arthritic disease affects 46 million Americans, or more than 21 percent of the adult population. The disease affects Caucasians and African-Americans equally. That number and the costs associated with treating the disease is expected to rise even higher as baby boomers age. Currently, arthritis treatment costs Americans more than $128 billion a year in lost earnings and medical care. Those who are overweight are especially prone to having arthritis due to the extra stress that obesity places on the joints.

How can holistic therapy help women with common arthritis?
Experts advise staying active and keeping your weight under control to help prevent or treat arthritis.  If you lose as little as ten pounds, you can decrease pain in the knees and hips by 50 percent. With exercise, you can decrease the progression of the disease. Chiropractic care has similar positive effects. If you suffer with low back pain or neck pain you may benefit from gentle spinal care to facilitate mobility and reduce stress.  Related conditions such as fibromyalgia, lupus, carpal tunnel syndrome, and rheumatic/giant cell arteritis may also be helped with chiropractic care.

Most people do not know that arthritic pain symptoms often appear as a result of food allergies. Food sensitivities often manifest in a delayed matter, which means that something you ate in the previous 24 to 48 hours may be the culprit. Keeping a food diary or having a ALCAT (food and chemical sensitivity/intolerance test) will help you determine a cause. The most common foods that trigger arthritis pain are:

Nightshades  (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, onions, eggplant) 
Salicylates  (naturally-occurring chemicals found in some fruits and vegetables)

By avoiding foods the body is allergic or sensitive to, arthritic symptoms may be eliminated. Even if there is wear and tear of the joints, pain is dramatically reduced.  During my 17 years of treating people with food allergies, I have seen arthritic symptoms disappear through natural holistic therapy.  While the joints may appear the same, the pain is relieved. My hope is that you find help to relieve your joint pain.

Sore Joints and Food Allergies - Is Your Diet Making Your Joints Ache?

Might you have a food intolerance that makes your joints ache?
If you thought your joints felt achy after a meal, only to doubt yourself after hearing that no evidence links food allergies to rheumatoid arthritis, you're not alone. Until now science offered little evidence to support this connection.
Most studies have focused on antibodies (proteins that attack foreign substances) in the blood, but that focus may have been wrong. Food-related antibodies may not show up in the blood but in the gut of people with rheumatoid arthritis, and that's just where researchers at the University of Oslo, Norway, looked. They found that, in test tubes at least, the intestinal fluid of people with rheumatoid arthritis had higher levels of antibodies to proteins from milk, cereal, eggs, cod and pork than in people without rheumatoid arthritis.
Gut to Brain: Here Come the Allergies
Since your gut welcomes food first, the gut's immune system is the first to recognize potential substances that cause allergic reactions.  
Food allergies occur when your immune system mistakenly believes that something you ate is harmful. To protect you, the immune system produces immunoglobulin E  -  also called IgE antibodies -  against that food. The antibodies set off a chain reaction that causes symptoms. 
In some people, the antibodies and proteins bind together and form immune complexes in the intestine. These immune complexes then circulate and get into every nook and cranny of the body, including the joints, where they may contribute to inflammation.  Once antibodies are made against a particular food, the body instantly recognizes that food the next time it is consumed, and the cycle begins again.
Do Certain Foods Make Your Arthritis Worse?
If you think certain foods affect your arthritis, you could try eating the standard Stone Age Diet, which includes only fruit, vegetables, meat and fish, for one month, or follow the elimination diet, which is discussed in the book The Real Life Diet. Studies have shown that if a person is food-sensitive, this type of diet can help reduce morning stiffness and pain, improve range of motion and lower inflammatory mediators in the blood.
In a recent study British researchers noted that when on The Real Life Diet, more than one-third of participants with rheumatoid arthritis felt better and had less morning stiffness. A few study patients were able to return to walking and all other previous activities.
Investigate the Food Detective for Food Intolerance
Self-diagnosis by diet alone can be difficult, as food intolerances often have a delayed onset. This means that symptoms can arise hours, days or weeks after you've eaten a problem food.
An alternative way to check whether you have food intolerance is to use a new test called the Food Detective. A first in the world, the test can be done at home with a simple pinprick of blood, which will yield a result in 30-40 minutes.
The test results will show which food(s) you should eliminate from your diet to alleviate your symptoms. These foods include gluten, rice, cocoa beans, mushrooms, yeast, nuts, soya, shellfish, eggs and dairy products. More than 70% of testers who eliminated offending food groups from their diets experienced an improvement of their ailments.
If you're suffering with aches and pains or diagnosed arthritis, it might be worth it to eliminate the guesswork and get yourself properly tested. If you have food intolerance the symptoms can range from anxiety, constipation and diarrhoea to insomnia, migraines, arthritis, asthma and chronic fatigue syndrome.
The Food Detective is a useful tool and not very expensive, which makes it even more attractive as it takes much of the guesswork out of the process. Once you've identified the foods that may be causing the problem, it's ideal to omit those from your diet for a month, making sure you have plenty of alternatives to replace the missing nutrients. Within a month or two you should notice a significant difference to your symptoms, if it's diet-related.

What Are The Definitive Shingles Symptoms I Can Expect?

Shingles symptoms often begin with a mild but persistent headache, sensitivity to light and flu-like sensations. Soon after, a rash begins to develop that can be accompanied by extreme pain in the rash area. Tingling and dizziness may be present.

As the pain intensifies, bright red lesions develop, which gradually fill with fluid. As soon as a crust forms over the blisters, the person is no longer contagious. These lesions most commonly develop over the torso and face, and usually confine themselves to one half of the body. Other symptoms that may be present are a feeling of general unhealthiness, lymphatic swelling, joint pain, hearing loss, abdominal pains or genital lesions.

Shingles treatment often involves treating the symptoms and letting the lesions clear up on their own, which they will do in two to three weeks with a very small chance of recurrence. Since the pain is sometimes very intense, it is often necessary to treat it with painkillers during a shingles episode. Sometimes steroids are prescribed for this end, but these have been linked to impairing the immune system and their helpfulness in shingles treatment has never been proven.

Calamine lotion is sometimes said to reduce the pain that is one of shingles symptoms. Vitamins C and E are also said to help relieve pain and speed the healing process; either a topical cream or an oral supplement may be helpful. Cool dressings on the affected area can also be incredibly effective shingles treatment. A topical ointment made out of two crushed aspirins and two tablespoons of chloroform has routinely been found to alleviate pain and speed healing by many people with shingles. Lysine cream is an amino acid which impairs the growth of the herpes virus which causes a shingles outbreak; application of a lysine cream once or twice daily may help your body heal faster.

Symptoms of shingles are often a sign that the body has been weakened by age, stress or other infection. Therefore, keeping your body healthy can reduce the risk of a shingles outbreak or speed up recovery. If you have been exposed to the chickenpox virus (through a vaccine or by coming down with chickenpox) then you are a host of the virus that causes shingle symptoms. It stays dormant in the body and may never impair you, until your immune system falters due to cancer treatment, fatigue or any other extreme stresses. It is then that it can flare up and reactivate, leading to an outbreak of shingles.

Eating a lot of vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables can help keep you immune system strong enough to prevent reactivation of the virus, and consuming raw fruits and veggies during a shingles episode may speed the recovery process. Reducing stress and exercising regularly are also good ways to keep you immune system working hard for you and minimizing the likelihood of an outbreak and shingles symptoms.

If you think you have developed any symptoms of shingles, you should be sure to talk to your doctor before beginning any treatment.

Jaw Pain Home Remedies

This disorder puts incessant stress on your jaw. Learning the way to relax your jaw will help the agony to vanish fairly quickly. But this is typically simpler said than done. It's natural for you to tighten your jaw. Clenching your teeth is not unusual for folk with TMJ.

There are many home cures that you'll be able to find on the web. A mouth guard is just one of the possible solutions. In order to make this effective you'll be wanting to soak the mouth guard in hot water for a little while. It's best to use this method right before you go to bed at night and leave the guard in as you are sleeping. This is a useful method to eliminate the discomfort. There are a few things that you need to begin doing instantly like eating foods that are soft, taking small bites, stop dental gum, shifting sides that you chew your food and many others.

Searching the internet for different ways to dump the agony in your jaw will help you to uncover a range of techniques. Using warm and cold compresses will help in reducing the soreness in your jaw.

TMJ Jaw Pain Causes

Waking up with agony in your jaw, painfully chewing your food or merely severe agony in your jaw can be more than your willing to handle. There are a variety of causes, but often these are the most common causes - rheumatism, TMJ, sinus infections, ear illnesses and a spread of other minor causes. There'll be a range of symptoms that you'll feel if TMJ is the cause of your pain,eg ringing in the ear, sinus pressure, clicking in your jaw when eating, and headaches.

Going to a dentist and debating about the discomfort you are experiencing will help you to expose the underlying cause of your pain, which is the most effective way to help to find the correct treatment to get rid of or at the least scale back the level of distress or discomfort that you are experiencing. The dentist will examine your bite, and your teeth and debate a variety of issues with you like stress, food habits and your general fitness. The solutions to these questions will help them to reveal the cause of the pain in your jaw.

You may expose a spread of methods of treatments to relieve the discomfort like a hot or cold compress on your jaw will help to reduce the discomfort, using a mouth guard at night and soaking it in hot water for an extended period will help.

You'll learn about assorted other reasons behind jaw pain by doing a search on the internet, or by setting up an appointment with your dentist. You can read more about TMJ Jaw Pain Treatments [] here.

There are several natural remedies available which are worth investigating, ranging from self-help books to over-the-counter mouth guards. These inexpensive solutions are worth pursuing.

Erasing Joint Pain: Energy Clearing

Wouldn't it be nice if you could take an eraser and rub out your pain?

Like a pencil mark on a paper, pain is very noticeable. But once you erase that mark, you can forget about it completely. It no longer grabs your attention. And when a pain goes away, we easily forget it was ever there.

But how can you erase a pain?

One way, which is probably the most popular one, is to mask the pain with drugs. But that does not really solve the problem.

Another, which is our subject here, is to remove the cause of the pain and then the pain must vanish.

The Cause of Joint Pain

In order to remove the cause of the pain, you must know the cause of the pain. And this is where it gets interesting!

You may think of the cause of your joint pain as an athletic injury or the repeated stress and microtrauma of sitting at a computer or standing for long hours. You may say you cannot undo the injury and you cannot go back and undo all your years of typing or working on your job. And you can't even stop now or you would lose your job. So how can you remove the cause of the pain?

The Hidden Cause

While you may not be able to stop or reverse the mechanical cause of your pain, there is another approach that can help. There is another cause of pain which usually goes undetected and unaddressed. It is a more subtle cause and so it requires a more subtle technique. But the results are often as dramatic as taking a painkiller.

This hidden cause of much of your pain is conflicted energy. Like static on a radio or a virus on a computer, energy conflict within a system causes that system to fail. It simply cannot function properly. But once you tune in that radio station or clean up those computer files, everything can go back to optimal functioning.

A Viable Alternative

There are many energy workers using a variety of techniques that can help you with your joint pain. They can open the way for true healing in your joints. Find someone who inspires confidence. You will probably do best when you work with someone with whom you resonate well. Once the dynamic life force flows through you in an unconflicted way, you may very well notice an instant diminishment of your pain. In time it can completely disappear. For some, this process is very fast. For others it can take an extended period of time.

Erasing the Pain

The joints of the body create the most exquisite movements of human expression. But when they hurt they can cause some of the most excruciating moments in your life.

When you seek out an energy worker to help you with your joints, you are not masking the pain. You are erasing the pain by correcting the cause. And when you're dancing again, you probably won't even remember the pain at all.

Jumping On A Trampoline - The Miraculous Way To Get In Shape!

Jumping basically requires flinging you about on a trampoline the way children do. And this way you loose the weight as well. Not only is this but it's a great activity for blood circulation, varicose veins and cellulite.

Trampoline is basically a net bed or elastic canvas, a spring rubber suspension anchors the bed to a metal frame of table height & exercise kit is ready. Rebounding energizes the inner working of cell system and increases the blood circulation. It adds forces in vertical direction. Accelerate and decelerate to the gravitational pull.

As far as safety is concerned, this requires certain precautions to be followed every time a person rebounds. Otherwise, it's an enjoyable exercise for anyone.

It is a great full body's work out, along with being non-jarring to the joints. For example, if you exercise on a hard surface, a lot of forces go into the body. This is not always good for body joints and can cause painful joints. But with a trampoline, mats absorb any jerk and reduce any bad effect on knees and waist joints.

A trampoline exercise works like a vacuum. As vacuum cleaner creates a vacuum at the end of the hose, where air rushes into fill the space same way rebounding cells are forced to the bottom of the bounce, to squeeze the toxins, poisons and trash out from around the cellular tissue spaces, making it easy for lymphatic to vacuum them up and clean the body. As it is said, if the lymphatic function properly, we are healthy. Otherwise, we are prone towards being ill.

So what is the best way to use a trampoline? Just to have fun, what else? But if you really want to know what the best way is, here is it:

1. Concentrate on pushing down the balls of the feet.

2. going up is natural; you do not need to do anything.

3. Keep abdominal in and maintain the correct posture throughout the work out.

And you'll enjoy every moment spent on your trampoline, the healthier way.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Understanding Hip Bursitis And Chiropractic

The term bursitis simply means inflammation of the bursa. A bursa is a fluid filled sac that provides a smooth motion for structures with uneven surfaces. There are a few different bursas found in the hip, the one that is injured the most often is the trochanteric bursa. This bursa is located between the bony structure on the outside of the hip or greater trochanter and the tendons that pass over this structure.

This bursa can become injured in various ways. It may be the result of direct trauma such as a fall or through repetitive friction from overuse or misaligned joints. Biomechanical problems such as a misaligned hip joint can result in abnormal tracking of the tendons over the bursa. If the foot is turned out, it can also affect the hip and result in bursitis.

Bursitis of the hip is often noticed when running, climbing up a hill or getting in and out of the car. The symptoms will frequently get worse over time. Pain is usually felt when pushing on the outside of the hip. The pain may also radiate down the outside of the thigh when the tendons and muscles of the leg become involved.

Poor posture, abnormal foot bio-mechanics, misaligned joints, tight muscles and nerve irritation may all play a role in bursitis of the hip. If treatment is not effective, one or more of these factors may need to be looked at more closely. If left untreated, scar tissue may develop over time which can complicate the problem.

The cause of hip bursitis may stem from a misaligned pelvis, hip or joint in the leg or foot which can alter the proper biomechanics of the hip. These can lead to functional changes of the hip resulting in inflammation of the bursa. Using cryotherapy or ice is important to help minimize the inflammation of the bursa. Rest is also important to allow healing and preventing more injury. Runners should avoid running on hard or uneven surfaces which may result in pressure on the bursa. Orthotics can help provide support for the feet and help to avoid abnormal bio-mechanics in the leg which leads to hip problems.

Chiropractors can provide a variety of effective treatment options to effectively manage the various root causes of hip bursitis. Chiropractic adjustments are effective to correct misaligned joints to help restore normal bio-mechanics in the leg and hip. This will help take abnormal pressure off the bursa and restore normal function.

Degenerative Disc Disease in Neck - How to Avoid Life Time Medication or Surgery

Degenerative disc disease in neck is not actually a disease at all. It's a process that happens to everyone with aging. The spinal discs go through natural changes as we age. Degeneration of the disc usually happens in the lumbar area or in the neck, but it can occur anywhere along the spine.

When this process happens, the disc can cause pressure on the spine and the nerves and may affect nerve function and cause pain. Though this happens to all of us, most people won't experience pain.

What Causes Degenerative Disc Disease in Neck?

The discs are natural shock absorbers. As they break down with age, there's a loss of fluids makes the discs thinner and decreases the gap between the vertebrae. Muscle imbalances (one set of muscles over powering another) cause postural dysfunctions that increases wear and tear of the discs.

Eventually, the weak spot gives way and makes contact with the nerve, bringing pain. Except for cases of trauma, this process takes a long time before the pain begins.

Common Treatments and Why They Usually Fail

Common treatments include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), cortisone injections, ultrasound, hot packs, electrical stimulation, therapeutic exercises and surgery.

Common Treatment No.1 - Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs

This is usually the first treatment your doctor will recommend, in order to relieve the awful pain and even immobility that are the symptoms of degenerative disc disease. This step is necessary because you can't just live with this pain.

The problem

These drugs often cause unwanted side effects (acute liver failure, perforated ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding, higher risk of heart attacks and more...); potential long-term kidney and liver damage and lastly they only treat the symptom so they don't provide a long-term solution to the problem. Who wants to take medication for the rest of their lives?


Degenerative disc disease in neck is not actually a disease at all. It's a process that happens to everyone with aging. The spinal discs go through natural changes as we age. Degeneration of the disc usually happens in the lumbar area or in the neck, but it can occur anywhere along the spine.

When this process happens, the disc can cause pressure on the spine and the nerves and may affect nerve function and cause pain. Though this happens to all of us, most people won't experience pain.

What Causes Degenerative Disc Disease in Neck?

The discs are natural shock absorbers. As they break down with age, there's a loss of fluids makes the discs thinner and decreases the gap between the vertebrae. Muscle imbalances (one set of muscles over powering another) cause postural dysfunctions that increases wear and tear of the discs.

Eventually, the weak spot gives way and makes contact with the nerve, bringing pain. Except for cases of trauma, this process takes a long time before the pain begins.

Common Treatments and Why They Usually Fail

Common treatments include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), cortisone injections, ultrasound, hot packs, electrical stimulation, therapeutic exercises and surgery.

Common Treatment No.1 - Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs

This is usually the first treatment your doctor will recommend, in order to relieve the awful pain and even immobility that are the symptoms of degenerative disc disease. This step is necessary because you can't just live with this pain.

The problem: these drugs often cause unwanted side effects (acute liver failure, perforated ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding, higher risk of heart attacks and more...); potential long term kidney and liver damage and lastly they only treat the symptom so they don't provide a long term solution to the problem. Who wants to take medication for the rest of their lives?


Natural Pain Relievers have the same affect - without the side effects. Proteolitic enzymes treat systemic inflammation (inflammation causes the pain) and combining them with anti inflammatory herbs can relieve your pain without becoming addictive or damaging to your kidneys and liver. Make sure you consult with your doctor before taking them because they can't be taken along with some types of prescription and OTC drugs.

Common Treatment #2 - Cortisone Injections

Cortisone injections are a more aggressive way to treat the inflammation (than NSAIDS). For some people they just don't work. For others they do work but again, who wants to have cortisone injections for the rest of their lives?

The problem: Again, these shots only treat the Outcome of the disc problem and not the real cause of it - So you can expect the problem to continue in your future and possibly get worse.


The same alternative for NSAIDs - natural pain relievers. Same outcome - no side effects, no addiction and dependency.

Common Treatment #3 - Surgery

Surgery is also an option, with the two main goals being to take pressure off the nerve and stabilize the joints.

The problem: The major danger with any back surgery is the resulting scar tissue. It can cause more of a problem than you had before the operation.

All operations are a "crap shoot". Some work, and some don't. Some can leave you worse than you were before. First thing you can do is ask your doctors as to the odds of success for this particular operation. Next, try everything you can before deciding on surgery.


Degenerative Disc Disease in neck is a loss of height of the disc and combining multiple treatment approaches together in order to decompress and generate balance and stability in the spine is very important for long term results.

These are the treatments you can consider combining to finally get back to your pain free life.

1. Inversion Therapy can be very effective but it works even better when you also perform Muscle Balance Therapy.

2. Muscle balance therapy - This complete back pain relief system will show you how to identify the true cause of your pain. You will discover where you have muscle imbalances and what specific exercises to do - to fix the cause once and for all.

Ice and heat - Apply ice with the beginning of flare up (first 48 hours) and then heat to help control inflammation, stiffness and pain. This can be combined with natural enzyme therapy for maximum effect

Home Remedies for Joint Pain Relief

A person can be afflicted with joint pain in one or more places in the body. In all its forms and causes, is always problematic to those affected by it. For them, home remedies can be a huge help.

Osteoarthritis occurs more frequently in people over the age of forty-five and is the most common cause of joint pain. Vitamin E is mostly used to bolster the effect of vitamin C which is the main nutrient in trying to alleviate pain coming from osteoarthritis joints. The recommended dose is 400 IU a day.

Maintaining a diet rich in fiber also prevents and reduces joint pain brought about by osteoarthritis. Because fiber fills you up on fewer calories, you're less likely to overeat and cause weight gain, which is known to pose difficulties for people with osteoarthritis. Fiber also has anti-inflammatory effects which wards off osteoarthritis pain.

Epsom salts, or magnesium sulfate, can be your best friend in joint pain relief. They help draw out carbon, which is one of the body's waste products, through the skin.

Exercise is an important factor for relief, but if your exercise causes pain that lasts more than half an hour after exercising, you probably overexerted and you may be worsening your osteoarthritis. Reduce the frequency of your exercise and increase it gradually.

Joints that are non-arthritis in nature can be relieved using massage, stretching exercises, warm baths, and other home remedy solutions. Stretching techniques help after an attack of joint pain caused by bursitis, or inflammation of the fluid-filled sacs that cushion bony prominences.

For stiff shoulder joints, use the cat stretch. Doing a cat stretch involves getting down on your hands and knees, and then placing your hands at the front of your head. Keep your elbows stiff as you arch back gently and come down on your heels. Another stretching motion you can do is to stand facing a wall corner and walk your fingers up the wall in the corner. Try to get your armpit in the corner; this is how you know you're doing the exercise right.

Pain due to bursitis may also be treated with a castor oil pack when the pain is not acute anymore. To make this particular remedy, spread castor oil over your afflicted joint then put cotton or wool flannel over it and apply a heating pad. If a joint that has bursitis is hot, you can use ice on it, alternating 10 minutes of ice with 10 minutes of rest, then the ice again and so on.

An alternative remedy that can accelerate joint pain relief in bursitis cases when used with standard treatments is homemade balm made from a paste of water and turmeric powder. The balm can be applied once or twice daily.

Flaxseed oil can be used in bursitis joint pains. The thing that makes it great is that you can use it on salad dressings!

If your joint pain still bothers you for more than three days, home remedies may not be enough. It is therefore best to consult a medical professional.

Back Problems in Dachshunds

Back problems are extremely common amongst Dachshunds. In fact, it is believed that Intervertebral Disc Disease is most prevalent amongst them, with an estimated quarter of the breed suffering from some form of spinal issue in the course of their lifetime.

What is Intervertebral Disc Disease?

The spine is made up of several vertebrae, which are separated by discs that act as shock absorbers. These discs, in their healthy state, have a jellylike center that is surrounded by toughprotective casing. Unfortunately, as the dog becomes older the discs lose flexibility and can become calcified.

Subsequently, the brittle discs can become herniated, rupture, or lodge into the spinal cord. Obviously, this is very painful for the dog and can ultimately result in paralysis. Invertebral Disc Disease is also known by its acronym IVDD, alternatively, it is referred to as a slipped disc, or simply called disc disease.

Why are Dachshunds Susceptible?

Tragically, in the quest to create differing breeds of dog, we humans have caused numerous genetic problems for many breeds. The Dachshund is just one such breed. The issue, which causes back problems in Dachshunds, is known as chondrodystrophy, which is an inherited condition that affects cartilage. Cartilage is transformed it into bone while the dog is still in the womb, causing dwarfism.

There are a number of chondrodystrophic breeds, including Basset Hounds, Bulldogs. All of these breeds are distinguishable by their short crooked legs. In addition, they all suffer with premature degeneration of the joints and vertebrae, which can lead to the aforementioned IVDD.

Symptoms of Invertebral Disc Disease

If you own a Dachshund, it is always advisable to watch out for symptoms of IVDD, because although it is more common in older dogs, it can occur at any age. However, typically, symptoms begin to present themselves when the dog is between the ages of 3 and 6 years. If your dog is suffering from IVDD, his, or her, symptoms may present themselves gradually or may suddenly appear very acutely. Things to watch out for include:

A hunched appearance when walking, which can be indicative if back pain.

Clumsiness or disorientation while walking.

Weakness in the hind legs.

Whimpering or yelping when the dog is lifted, again, this indicates that the dog has severe back pain.

Difficulty getting up from a lying position.

Difficulty climbing steps or stairs.

And, obviously, paralysis.

These symptoms can indicate IVDD, but they can also suggest other problems, such as a tumor, infection of the spine or other medical condition. Therefore, if your dog is experiencing any of the listed symptoms, he, or she, should be taken to a veterinarian who will perform a thorough examination to ascertain the problem.

How to Treat IVDD

If a dog's condition is recognized and diagnosed early, the prognosis for recovery is usually good. Often in mild cases, dogs with IVDD are prescribed anti-inflammatory medication and given strict rest to allow the spinal cord and discs to heal. In more severe cases, dogs with IVDD may need to undergo surgery in which discs are removed to give the spine an opportunity to recover.

Ways to Prevent IVDD

Although Dachshunds are genetically predisposed to the problem, there are still measures that owners can take to help their four-legged friend.

One of the principal exacerbating factors for Dachshunds is their weight. An overweight dog will have an even greater impact on an already fragile spine. Therefore, if you're worried about your Dachshund's weight, it is wise to seek the advice of a vet who will supply you with a diet plan.

It is good to ensure that your dog is getting plenty of exercise. However, rough play, jumping or any action that causes twisting motions should be avoided, as these will place further pressure on the spine.

Unfortunately, in our efforts to create designer dogs we have caused many medical conditions that cause great pain and suffering to our canine companions. Therefore, it is a good idea for all dog owners to assess their dog's risk of inherited problems.

Challenges in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Hip and Knee

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and is the one typically associated with aging. According to data compiled by the National Institutes of Health (NIAMS), OA affects more than 20 million Americans.

OA is a disease due to abnormal cartilage metabolism. Cartilage is the connective tissue that lines the ends of long bones. It is tough gristly material consisting of a matrix of proteoglycans and collagen. Within this framework, cells, called chondrocytes, manufacture the matrix.

OA can be a result of genetics (there is often a family history), injury to the joint, and aging.

Weight bearing areas such as the spine, hips, knees, and the base of the thumb are the most common areas affected.

Symptoms of OA include joint pain, swelling, limited range of motion of the joint, and stiffness.

Treatment of this disorder has been largely aimed at symptom reduction. Among the various treatments used have been analgesics (pain killers), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), which help reduce swelling and inflammation, injections of corticosteroid and viscosupplements (lubricants), physical therapy, and eventually joint surgery.

Different types of alternative therapies such as chiropractic, acupuncture, herbal medicines, and supplements have also been used.

These treatments, while helpful for symptoms, do nothing to restore cartilage. The end result is that patients end up needing joint replacement.

More recently, there have been attempts to heal cartilage defects. Procedures that have been employed include:

1. Autologous chondrocyte implantation. In this procedure, cartilage cells are removed from a non-weight bearing part of the joint, arthroscopically, grown in a lab, and then re-implanted into the cartilage defect.

2. Mosaicplasty. Multiple cartilage plugs are harvested from a non weight-bearing part of the joint and inserted into the cartilage defect.

3. Microfracture. The cartilage defect has multiple small holes drilled into it to allow blood and a few stem cells escape into the defect and ostensibly grow cartilage.

While these procedures have been used for small isolated cartilage defects- mostly in athletes- none of these procedures has been used extensively for osteoarthritis. In addition, long term data regarding efficacy has been mixed.

So the problem remains... What can be done to restore cartilage?

The most promising approach appears to be the use of autologous stem cell transplantation. In this procedure, bone marrow harvested from the posterior iliac crest of the patient is concentrated to isolate stem cells. Then using a combination of platelet-derived growth factors, subcutaneous fat, and a few other ingredients, the stem cells are reapplied in a regional manner to treat the osteoarthritic joint.

It must be mentioned that the pain of OA is not due directly to cartilage loss. Rather the pain is a result of several factors including irritation of the joint capsule due to bony spurs, called osteophytes, as well as inflammation of the synovium, the lining of the joint.

However, there are significant barriers when it comes to the used of stem cells. First, patients need to be at or near ideal weight. Second, they must be in good physical condition. And lastly there are biomechanical factors that must be considered. For instance, the knee is not just a hinge joint that bends back and forth. There is also a gliding component as well as a rotation component with normal knee range of motion.

The hip is a joint that is capable of significant range of motion. Most osteoarthritis develops in the superior portion of the joint and that also makes the treatment approach difficult since there is a tremendous amount of load strain that accompanies weight bearing.

The upshot is that with cartilage deterioration, there are altered biomechanics that need to be taken into account when treating an osteoarthritic joint, whether it's the knee or the hip.

Limited weight-bearing after the procedure is critical and an early program of directed physical therapy is also required.

Attempts to normalize the abnormal biomechanics are critical.

While the early data for stem cell transplantation looks promising, longer term data, and continued improvements in techniques should improve the long term outlook for patients.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin for Dogs

Of all the health problems that affect dogs, arthritis is one of the most common, particularly as they get older. It affects their joints, making them less mobile and giving them aches and pains in their limbs. Also known as degenerative joint disease, at its worst it can be utterly debilitating for dogs, leaving them unable to walk or stand up without suffering intense pain.

Arthritis is caused simply by wear and tear to the joints over time, and certain breeds of dog are particularly prone to it. These include Labradors, Alsatians and retrievers and other larger breeds.

The onset of arthritis partly has to do with the production of glucosamine. Glucosamine is a naturally occurring substance which gives shape, strength and flexibility to cartilage, ligaments, tendons and other tissues. In a young, healthy dog, enough glucosamine is produced naturally to keep their joints supple and flexible, but as they age the amount they can produce becomes less and less adequate, meaning the joints get stiffer and more painful.

For this reason, many arthritis treatments are glucosamine based, and serve to top up the dog's natural glucosamine. The glucosamine used in supplements usually comes from a substance called chitin found in crustacean shells. Arthritis medicines often mix glucosamine with other supplements such as chondroitin, which is another naturally occurring substance, and one which works in synergy with glucosamine.

Chondroitin is a vitally important component in cartilage; it provides strength and resiliency and helps to heal damaged cartilage. The chondroitin given for medicinal purposes can come from a number of sources, but derives mainly from cows or from marine sources such as whale and shark cartilage. It does not really matter where it comes from, as it will always do the same job of acting as an agent for rebuilding damaged cartilage.

Vets often recommend glucosamine and chondroitin to be given as part of a wider treatment program for arthritis. The program might also include a weight loss regime to reduce the amount of fat the dog is carrying around, and thereby relieving some of the stress placed on the joints. There is also likely to be some kind of exercise plan to ensure the dog does small periods of activity to keep them mobile without overdoing it and increasing their suffering.

Glucosamine and chondroitin can also be used in conjunction with some other medications, both herbal and drug-based. For example, if the natural route is taken they might be used alongside a course of mixed vegetable tablets, which soothe and relieve the aches and pains caused by arthritis.

Glucosamine and chondroitin comes in a few different forms, but is most common in an uncoated tablet form, which means it can be easily crushed and added to food. When vets prescribe it for dogs, they generally recommend that it is given every day with 1 tablet for every 10kg of bodyweight. After the first four weeks the dosage can be reduced if the dog is showing signs of progress and increased mobility.