Saturday, November 2, 2013

Understanding The Causes of Elbow Pain and The Treatments to Reduce It

For you who have done weightlifting for quite some time, pain on certain parts of your body is nothing new. Elbow pain is a common pain experienced by weight lifters or people who often lift heavy weight for a long time. Elbow pain can happens to different parts of the elbow, some of the causes are explained below.

Do you experience constant elbow pain?

Consult a medical professional to help you determine the causes to the constant elbow pain you have. You can also do this following test yourself to locate the pain.

1. Stand in front of a mirror with both arms hanging by your sides.

2. Do you see anything not normal with your arms position?

3. Bend your arms towards your chest.

4. Straighten your arms and rotate your palms.

5. Do you feel any tension or pain at your elbow due to the rotating movement? Can you locate the pain?


It is common to weightlifters and people over 40. Tendinitis is an inflammation of joint or tendon that causes pain near the joint. Apply ice at the painful area at 20-minute intervals to relieve the pain.

Golfer's elbow

The pain occurs mainly at the ulna side of the elbow. Some exercises that can trigger this pain are triceps presses, barbell curls, dumbbell flies, and other movements that include up and down movement of the forearms.

Pain at the front of the elbow

Overtraining your biceps can cause this issue. This kind of pain often occurs when people do biceps curls, preacher curls, concentration curls, or hammer curls. Too much strain at the front of the elbow causes the pain.


Arthritis is the inflammation of joints that cause swelling and pain. People who have been doing weightlifting can develop arthritis over time. To prevent arthritis, consume more vitamins by eating fruits and vegetables regularly and take glutamine supplement if you need to.

Is there something wrong with your exercises?

If the pain occurs when you are using a straight bar, this may be the cause of your issue. The best way to deal with this problem is by substituting the bar with an EZ bar, which is designed specifically to allow your arms and wrists to take more neutral position. EZ bar is often used for lying triceps extension, biceps curls, and upright rows. When doing bent over row exercise, use an underhand grip instead of using an overhand grip.

If there is no EZ bars in the gym, use dumbbells instead of a bar. However, if you find no issues with using traditional bar, keep doing your exercises normally.

Alternative Drug Free Approach To Joint Pain Relief - Exercise And Physical Therapy

Non-pharmacological approach to joint pain relief comes in many forms. The evidence obtained from a systematic review of all applicable randomized controlled trials proved that exercise and physical therapy can benefit joint pain patients among all the alternatives.

In fact, exercise and physical therapy benefit the aging population more than just for relieving their joint problems. It also provides benefits to address conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, depression, stroke and insomnia. Non-pharmacological joint pain treatment is without doubt the preferred option over any conventional medications and treatments for pain management. This is due to the drug free and all natural's prescription.

Exercise and physical therapy have been studied extensively and the results were found to be very supportive in managing osteoarthritis pain. While the review have shown positive benefit of exercises in addressing osteoarthritis of the hip and knees, there is no concluded information as to which types of exercise were recommendable. On that account, exercising program and frequency will need to be customized to each individual's requirement as well as conditions permit.

On the whole, exercise programs will benefit the individual in maintaining a fit musculoskeletal system. Exercising is beneficial is reducing weight if conduced properly. This is helpful especially since obesity increases the risk factor of osteoarthritis.

Generally speaking, the type of exercises consists of 3 aspects;

  1. Mobility - stretching and tai-chi

  2. Strengthening - thera-bands, yoga and gyms

  3. Fitness - aerobic, swimming, dancing or cycling

Given the fact that inactivity actually cause more harm, what then can exercise achieves for the patients suffering from painful joint? Other than to reduce the weight and pressure off the affected joints, exercising should work to achieve the following goals;

• Strengthening the muscles

• Improve mobility

• Improve general fitness

• Improve cardiovascular performance

• Help in losing weight

• Maintain bone density

• Improve quality of life

• Enhance well-being

• Maintain healthy status

Exercising program should be embarked upon progressively through a period of time. This is especially so for chronic joint pain patients. The need to stick to a routine schedule in order to be successful in administering joint pain is crucial. Preferably this is done in a class or with someone as company. Do not do it alone. Having someone to accompany or supervise is important. That person doesn't have to be the physiotherapist; it can be your partner, children or friends. Encouragement is as important in any non-pharmacological approaches in overcoming osteoarthritis joint pain.

Address Hip and Back Pain With Structural Release Foam Rollers

Perhaps the major, negative factor contributing to hip problems is tension in the leg muscles. Think about it; if the leg muscles: quadriceps, illio-tibial band (I.T. band), adductors, and hamstrings are shortened, and all of ours are, then the hip (and knee) joint they cross will be compressed and distorted. Those muscles never shorten symmetrically and so the joints are always compressed asymmetrically; and this is where the degenerative wear and tear comes in.

Identify any problem in the skeleton and there will be areas that need to be addressed, above and below that problem area. There are no isolated problem areas because the musculo-skeletal system is like a spider web. Pull or tug on or mess with any area of the web and there will be negative repercussions throughout it. Many things need to be untangled and addressed to remedy one, seemingly isolated symptomatic area. This is another reason why treating a symptom as "the problem" doesn't work

By releasing those muscles from each other and the bone, and by lengthening and organizing them, the knee and the hip joints (*along with the low back) are allowed to decompress and reorganize. It's not rocket science, but rather simply logical, mechanical dynamics. Treating a structural problem, with drugs or unnecessary surgery is expensive, dangerous, and ultimately counter-productive, since drugs (poison) will only depress and strain your immune system and surgery (mutilation) will, in almost all cases, simply add insult to injury and make your situation worse. Use your common sense, before drugs or surgery, please exhaust all other less aggressive, intrusive, and harmful methods.

Foam exercise rollers are the simplest, most effective all-around self-maintenance tools you'll find for releasing tension in all the major chronic pain problem areas of your body. They will release and organize your musculature and release and align your skeleton.

Areas addressed using Foam Exercise Rollers:
Spine, Ribcage, Shoulder Girdle, Neck, Your Whole Back, Pelvis, Sacrum, Hips, Thighs, Calves, Feet.

Using my understanding of body mechanics and myofascial release work, I have discovered ways to perform the most amazing structural release / massage bodywork on yourself using Foam Exercise Rollers. They are the perfect compliment to the Flexibility movements, in that they speed up the process of loosening the body. Once you begin using the Foam Exercise Rollers you will wonder how you ever got along without them.

You will not find a simpler, more effective method for releasing the old accumulated tension, and the chronic everyday tension, from your body.

You can think of the Foam Exercise Rollers as an insurance policy against injury. Muscle pulls, strains, tears, and even the breaking of bones can be avoided by attaining flexibility and skeletal alignment. Working with the Foam Exercise Rollers gives you both of these. You'll feel their effectiveness from the very first time you use them. You do not have to keep getting stiffer and more decrepit as you grow older. You can turn back your Structural Aging Clock by working with these incredible tools.

For less than the price of a single massage, you will have in your possession something you can use everyday, at your leisure, which will enable you to understand and break your own pain cycle. It's like having your own physical therapist, chiropractor, and masseuse in your home, at your beck and call.

I've been using these Rollers for over 14 years and I attribute a huge part of my current level of fitness to them. I never travel without one and they are something I use everyday for at least a few minutes; while other days I schedule 20 to 30 minutes with them to keep myself on track.

Pain Relief - 7 Risks, Dangers and Warnings If You Take Painkillers - From a Nurse

If you're taking painkillers right now for a recent injury or other trauma for pain relief or if you have other acute or chronic pain that you're taking them for here are a few risks, dangers and warnings I want to pass on to you about over-the-counter and opioid or narcotic painkillers. Plus what happened to my young assistant.

1. If you're taking high doses of painkillers and have been for some time to treat back pain, joint pain, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis or any chronic pain condition, you should be in close contact with your doctor. You need to be checked regularly for heart, stroke, kidney, liver and gastrointestinal problems. Your blood pressure should be checked often to watch for any increases in blood pressure or high blood pressure.

2. All other avenues for relieving pain should be explored that are non-drug options. There are many techniques, therapies and treatments that you can do yourself that will relieve, diminish or stop your pain. If you have severe pain these methods may still reduce the amount you're having.

3. If you're taking painkillers often you want to use the lowest possible effective dose to treat your pain flare-ups. Painkillers should not be used to prevent pain. I've seen many patients expose themselves to the risks of painkillers by taking painkillers as a preventative measure. All drugs and over-the-counter, opioid and narcotic painkillers have side effects and potential risks. Many can be life threatening. You can do a lot of damage to your stomach, liver and kidneys. The liver and kidney act as filters. They try to get rid of toxins and in the process damage to these organs can occur.

4. Certain basics for taking pain medicines or pain medications apply. If you have a liver disorder or drink alcohol you should avoid acetaminophen (Tylenol.) Acetaminophen is in many combination drugs, read the labels or ask your pharmacist.

5. If you've ever had gastrointestinal bleeding or ulcers caused by any one of the NSAIDs then make sure to avoid them if at all possible. Especially if the damage was done in the past year. NSAIDs include aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve).

6. Pain killer addiction can sneak up on you - another reason not to take them unless you absolutely have to. And a lot of people think they're addicted to painkillers when they're actually physically dependent on the narcotics or painkillers and not addicted. There is a simple, easy question and answer test you can take to find out if you're physically dependent or addicted to painkillers.

7. Taking painkillers and other drugs should not be taken lightly. Many people are on transplant waiting lists for liver or kidney transplants because of the damage over-the-counter painkillers and narcotic painkillers have done. Narcotic painkillers are often combined with acetaminophen and the NSAIDs can cause more damage than the narcotic in many cases.

My former assistant who is in her twenties is on a kidney transplant waiting list. She goes in three days every week for several hours for her kidney dialysis. She spends almost half her time at the hospital. Taking Advil over a period of time gave her gastrointestinal ulcers and damaged her kidneys. There are many other cases like this. Be careful.

These are just a few of the risks, dangers and warnings that come to mind. There are many others. So be cautious if you're taking painkillers for pain relief. Prescription and over-the-counter pain pills are not harmless. Find other non-drug options to reduce or stop your pain. Many others have found ways to do it. And remember that combined pain from two or more sources at the same time can greatly increase your pain. Reducing one can significantly lessen your total amount and give you relief. Seek non-drug options for the best pain relief.

Is Your Dog in Pain - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Canine Joint Pain

Pet owners may not realize their dog is in pain until the symptoms become advanced. That's because animals deal with pain better than their owners do at times.

People have varying amounts of tolerance to pain and the same is true of their pets. One dog may not limp on an injured leg until damage to the joint is extreme while another will yelp and cry at the least discomfort.

Knowing your dog and his habits and behavior is often the trigger to realizing the animal is hurting. There are symptoms to watch for but often the first sign of pain in a family pet is the feeling of the owner that "something isn't right". When that impression remains for several days, a trip to the vet for a checkup is a good idea.

Symptoms of Pain:

Vocalizing -

Your dog may whine when he rises from a sitting position or yelp when he jumps down from a chair. He may whimper when you massage a shoulder or make moaning or groaning sounds when at rest.

Posture -

Your dog may limp with one leg or may appear to walk in an awkward, hunched position holding his front end and back end at uneven heights.

Level of Activity -

Owners accustomed to a pet who follows them from room to room may notice the animal staying in one place instead. The dog may lay down, get up, circle and lay down again repeatedly trying to find a comfortable position and may have difficulty getting up after laying down.

Behavioral Changes -

Your pet may avoid social contact or growl or snap when you touch part of his body or manipulate a joint. He may withdraw from petting and be reluctant to participate in play activity. Some dogs may become more needy than usual and seem to be asking for constant attention.

Dog may lose their appetite when they are in pain or appear unusually tired or lethargic. Incessant licking, scratching or chewing of one part of the body is a visible indication of itching or pain and an increase in drooling is another sign of a problem.

Appearance -

Many dogs display facial expressions that their human companion recognize as part of the personality of their pet. A change in expression or physical appearance may be an indicator of a dog who is in pain.

Ears laid back may be unusual for the animal and a vacant stare that replaces the attentive look or eyes that seem constantly tired and sleepy may be subtle clues of a joint that is aching or an injury that needs treatment. Panting is normal for dogs but constant panting in the absence of exercise or heat is unusual.

Causes of Pain in Dogs

Serious illnesses such as cancer will lead to excruciating pain for an animal. However, the most common source is injury or arthritis affecting the dog's joints.

Joint pain in dogs can cause limping and vocalizing and all of the other pain symptoms listed above. A simple sprain may heal itself in a few days while arthritis will lead to pain that comes and goes and varies in intensity. Hip dysplasia is common to some breeds and another cause of ongoing joint pain.

Pain symptoms in dogs should not be ignored. Finding the cause of the discomfort can often lead to treatments with pet medicines that will control or even eliminate pain for the animal. Prompt treatment can halt the progression of serious illness and relieve discomfort quickly.

Treatment for Canine Pain Relief

For life threatening diseases, your veterinarian will prescribe a course of treatment. Medications can be costly but can be obtained online safely by ordering discount pet medicine from a site run by a veterinarian. Treating joint pain has been a focus of development in veterinary medicine for several years. The resulting medications have relieved painful joints for tens of thousands of dogs. Dogs with hip dysplasia or senior dogs suffering the pain of arthritis can become pain-free with discount pet meds at a price any pet owner can afford.

* Deramaxx - Taken daily, Deramaxx will help control chronic osteoarthris and pain. Your dog will enjoy the taste of the beef-flavored tablet and this pet med is safe enough to use every day.

* Metacam - Available as a solution for injection (used in the vet's office) and as an oral suspension for follow-up treatment at home, Metacam addresses dog arthristis symptoms with a two step procedure that provides fast canine pain relief.

* Rimadyl for Dogs - This is the most popular dog pain medication available today and is widely used by both pet owners and veterinarians. Rimadyl for dogs is used to relieve dog arthritis pain and also for pain due to soft tissue surgery such as spay/neuter.

Treating dog arthritis pain and joint pain caused by injury or hip dysplasia is now possible with new medications that can return your pet to a healthy, active lifestyle that is pain free. Buying both prescription and non-prescription remedies through a veterinarian online provides pet owners with discount prices for long term treatment.

When Treating Arthritis, There are Definite Foods to Avoid, and Specific Arthritis Foods to Eat

Foods to Avoid

You need to make sure that the calcium to phosphorus ratio in any of the foods you eat is as low as possible - this is because excess phosphorus will increase the loss of calcium from the body and worsen the condition. The more phosphorous-containing foods you eat, the more you need to supplement with a good source of calcium.

Reduce your intake of:

o red meat, red-fleshed fish

o most grains, especially wheat.


o soft drinks - high in phosphoric acid

o organ meat (liver, kidney), processed meat - especially high in phosphorus

o caffeine - increases the rate of loss of minerals and nutrients

o fried foods and vegetable oil - a high intake of fried foods and omega 6 from vegetable oil can make the inflammation worse

o sugar - results in poor absorption of nutrients

o antacids - neutralize stomach acid and result in poor absorption of calcium (heartburn and indigestion are caused by poor eating habits and NOT ENOUGH stomach acid!)

Important Note: Eliminate the bad fats such as margarine, cooking with too much vegetable oil and fried foods from your diet. A high intake of vegetable oil (a source of Omega 6) needs to be avoided as this will aggravate any inflammation.

Arthritis Foods

The best arthritis foods are diets high in calcium and magnesium and other trace minerals - this will ensure healthy bone and bone matrix structure. Specific nutrients are also required to build bone and bone structure.
Calcium: Non fat milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese, snow peas, soybeans, tofu, sardines, salmon, walnuts and almonds, sunflower seeds, kale and other green leafy vegetables, broccoli, alfalfa seeds - to name a few. Milk isn't a great source of calcium because it has a low magnesium content and you need magnesium to get the calcium into your bones.

Magnesium: Many fruits and vegetables, whole grains, leafy vegetables, nuts, beans, bananas and apricots - all these make great arthritis foods.
Vitamin D: is required to get the calcium into the bones. The best source is the sun - about 10 minutes per day is fine. Other sources include dairy products and fatty fish.

Trace minerals: Boron and Manganese are important to help the body absorb Calcium; the best sources of Boron are green leafy vegetables, apples, almonds pears and legumes. For Manganese, look for ginger and oats as your arthritis foods.

Collagen & Support Tissues: Collagen is part of our bone matrix, the cartilage in our joints and in the fluid that protects and lubricates our joints. It's also part of our skin, hair and the connective tissues of the body.

Arthritis foods containing the following nutrients will provide nutrition for bone support: zinc, copper, selenium and beta-carotene (Vitamin A). Green leafy vegetables and pumpkin seeds are good sources of zinc; selenium may be found in brazil nuts from Brazil (because of the high selenium content in the soil); while Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, berries, red and green peppers, tomatoes, broccoli and spinach. Eggs and meat are good sources of amino acids which form part of the collagen structure.
Essential Fatty Acids - are excellent arthritis foods and are required for the body's natural pain relief and anti-inflammatory responses. They are also part of the protective joint fluid. Best sources are from fish (particularly oily fish such as salmon and mackerel), animal fat and some oils such as flaxseed (for omega 3)and borage oil (for omega 6).

Regarding essential fatty acids, ideally you should consume Omega 6 EFA & Omega 3 EFA at a ratio of 2:1. Most people find it very difficult to get this right (the average ratio in the U.S. and UK is around 10:1) so we suggest you use an EFA Supplement from a quality source.

Final Note on Arthritis Foods

While it is possible to meet some of your dietary requirements from the food you eat, if you are serious about preventing or reversing arthritis, you need to consume these arthritis foods in combination with nutrient supplements.

Also consider that the majority of the food we eat is grown in minerally-depleted soils - so an almond may not contain all the calcium and magnesium it's supposed to have, sad but true!

If you have a busy lifestyle, eat junk food and/or can't get enough fresh food in your daily life, then you should consider supplementing with all 90 essential nutrients including plant derived colloidal minerals and supplements containing vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids.

Calcium and magnesium are normally very difficult to absorb from our arthritis foods diet and from supplements, however, calcium liquid supplements containing Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin D and Glucosamine are a good way to supplement your diet.

Supplements that specifically assist with maintenance and repair of the joint such as Glucosamine, are also beneficial. If you suffer pain and inflammation, then CM Cream has been scientifically and medically proven to relieve pain and improve mobility.

The use of a digestive enzyme supplement - will improve the absorption of the good arthritis foods you eat and will maximize the benefit you receive from taking supplements. As we all reach the age of 40, our stomach acid concentration begins to fall and this can lead to complications of existing chronic disease conditions, such arthritis.


1. Avoid foods high in phosphorus - particularly SOFT DRINKS, processed foods, processed meat and organ meat. No fried foods, cooking oil or margarine - use butter small amounts of extra virgin olive oil.

2. Eliminate caffeine and sugar from your diet and stop taking antacids.

3. Consume food with a wide variety of fresh fruit and vegetables and eggs. Reduce your intake of red meat and fish.

4. Consider the use of supplements to support and reverse your arthritis, and digestive enzymes to maximise the absorption of the food and of the supplements.

Causes of Housemaids Knee (Bursitis) And Treatment by Pharmaceuticals and Natural Remedies

This article gives the reader a basic knowledge of the knee structure. Points covered will be different ligaments and cartilage that interact to enable correct function of the knee. The treatment and causes of housemaids knee (bursitis) will also be described. Pharmaceuticals can be used to reduce pain and inflammation. These can range from the fairly mild paracetamol to the strong opoids such as morphine. Herbal remedies tend to work on inflammation. The reduction of inflammation itself can often reduce pain levels. This article aims to help the reader suffering knee problems to be able to make considered choices in their treatment.

Basic Structure Of The Knee.

The knee consists of four bones, namely the femur, tibia, the fibula and the patella. The knee joint is located between the femur and tibia and is traditionally classed as a hinge joint, having movement in only plane. This means that the knee only bends or straightens. However, it is also classed as a ellipsoid joint because it does allow a small amount rotation of the lower leg. The patella (kneecap) is situated at the front of the knee. The femur has two ellipsoid surfaces and joins the fibia with the menisci (commonly known as cartilage) between. The fibula does not directly move with the femur but works on the lateral (outer) side of the tibia. There thirteen ligaments attached around the knee. These are patellar, patellar retinaculum, oblique popiliteal, arcuate popiteal, medial collateral, lateral collateral, anterior cruciate, posterior cruciate, coronary (2), transverse, and meniscofemoral (2). It is not in the remit of this article to describe in detail the function of all of these ligaments.

Housemaids Knee', A Common Cause Of Knee Pain.

Housemaids knee is a common name given to Bursitis. This occurs in the subcutaneous prepatellar bursa. This can, as the common name suggests, be caused by prolonged work performed on the knees. This type of bursitis can affect roofers, carpet layers, miners, plumbers amongst other groups who kneel for long periods. Bursitis may also cause another condition of slow accumulation of fluid in the knee commonly called 'water on the knee'.

Another cause of a swollen knee can be caused following an injury. If the swelling appears immediately after the injury the swelling is often an accumulation of blood within the joint called 'hemarthrosis'.

Treatment For Housemaids Knee Using Pharmaceutical Drugs.

There are many pain relief and anti-inflammatory medicines readily available. In this article some general ones will be described.

Paracetamol: Also called Acetaminophen. Paracetamol relieves pain and fever in adults and children. Its pain relief (analgesic) and fever relief (antipyretic) effects are similar to those of aspirin and it works in a similar way. Unlike aspirin, however, increasing the dose does not result in clinically useful anti-inflammatory activity. Paracetamol is therefore not of value for reducing inflammation in the treatment of bursitis (housemaids knee). The recommended adult single dose of paracetamol is two standard 500 mg tablets. Although paracetamol is widely available it should be treated with respect. An overdose to a healthy person of taking 30 tablets at once will result in liver damage and possible death.

Co-Codamol. Co-codamol contains a combination of two pain-killing ingredients paracetamol and codeine. It is used to stop pain. The amount of codeine in the combination determines the strength of the preparation. There are three different strengths of co-codamol available. Codeine/Paracetamol 8/500mg, 12.8/500mg, and 30/500mg. Common side effects are feeling sick, dry mouth and constipation amongst others.

Codeine Phosphate. Codeine phosphate is a pain killer. It comes in 3 tablet sizes, 15mg, 30mg, and 60mg. Common side effects include skin rash or itchy skin, difficulty breathing, increased sweating, redness or flushed face, constipation, feeling or being sick, dry mouth, a slow or fast heart rate, palpitations, low blood pressure, low blood pressure on standing, pain and difficulty in passing urine and a less frequent need to do so, dizziness, and blurred vision amongst others.

Ibuprofen. Ibuprofen is in the group of drugs known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body. Ibuprofen is used to reduce fever and treat pain or inflammation caused by many conditions such as bursitis (housemaids knee). Common side effects are an increase in asthma symptoms, increased risk of stomach ulcers, and damage to the intestines amongst others.

NaproxenNaproxen is a NSAID. It is used to reduce pain and inflammation in many conditions including knee pain. Common side effects include ringing in the ears, headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, heartburn, and constipation amongst others.

Voltarol. Also called Diclofenac Sodium is a NSAID. Voltarol is available in tablet form and a gel that is rubbed into the affected area. Voltarol is used in the treatment of many conditions including acute musculo-skeletal disorders such as periarthritis (for example frozen shoulder), tendinitis, tenosynovitis, bursitis. Some common side effects include nausea, constipation, vomiting, indigestion, loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, skin rashes, drowsiness, depression, insomnia, fluid retention and ringing in the ears amongst others.

Treatment Of Housemaids Knee using Natural Methods.

Chondroitin Sulfate: Chondroitin Sulfate is also naturally found in the body. It prevents other body enzymes from degrading the building blocks of joint cartilage.

Devils Claw: Devils claw has been shown to be effective in reducing inflammation and pain in such problems of arthritis and bursitis, during clinical trials. This should not be taken by people with stomach ulcers.

Glucosamine: Glucosamine is a form of amino sugar that our bodies naturally manufacture. It is considered one of the major building blocks for joint protection. It is usually found in conjunction with Chondroitin Sulfate, and is widely used to relieve pain and inflammation in such health problems of back ache, tennis elbow, and housemaids knee.

MSM: Is the shortened form of methylsulfonylmethane. MSM provides sulfur, which is a vital building block of joints, cartilage, skin, hair and nails. It also supports the production of energy. It helps normal re-building of connective tissue.

Turmeric: Turmeric has been shown in clinical studies to be as effective as some NSAIDs, without the unpleasant side effects. High doses of turmeric should not be taken if the user suffers intestinal problems.

White Willow Bark: The active ingredient in willow bark is salicin. Records show people have been using willow bark since the time of Hippocrates in 400 B.C. It is used to ease discomfort.

It appears that for mild bursitis natural remedies are well worth giving consideration. Pharmaceutical drugs are preferred for more severe pain but have many more unpleasant side effects.

Friday, November 1, 2013

What Is The Best Way To Relieve Joint Pain Naturally?

Joint pain happens when the cartilage and muscles close to the bone joints suffer from wear and tear, and it leads to rubbing of bones against each other causing pain. Inflammation may also happen if the bones are not getting adequate amount of nutrition and it loses the plane surface structure and the poor blood flow to the bones may also lead to inflammation and pain in the joints. Women suffer three times more than men from pain in the joint (mostly due to osteoarthritis) - the condition which is caused due to poor intake of nutrition required for healthy bones.

The way to relieve pain in the popular method of treatment is to take anti inflammatory medications which help in relieving pain immediately but these over-the-counter medicines, generally, have side effects and the dose of these medicines varies depending on the amount of pain you are suffering. It may be more for patients suffering regularly from the pain and as you start taking this way to relieve joint pain, you get dependent on it for relieving pain and find it difficult to live without these medicines.

Surgery is another way to relieve pain but surgery does not guarantee prevention from pain. A joint replacement surgery is done by an expert doctor to remove the damaged tissues but as the person ages the pain may reappear after some years. Surgery is very expensive way to relieve joint pain and you will have to take leave from your everyday work for go for it.

One of the safe and effective ways to relieve pain is natural remedy - Rumoxil capsule and oil- which is a traditional tried and tested remedy. Rumoxil capsule and oil helps to improve blood flow to the joint to improve the health of the bone. The herbal way to relieve joint pain - Rumoxil capsule and oil contains plant based substances which are needed to improve the flow of nutrition to the joints and to prevent degradation of the bones. The herbal way to relieve joint pain tries to eliminate the roots cause of joint pain, and it also contains herbs which have the properties to reduce symptoms of pain and inflammation.

The herbal way to relieve pain - Rumoxil capsule and oil provides a complete solution which include nutrition to improve the condition of joints and the oil which should be massaged on the joints to relieve pain. The oil helps to reduce pain as the pressure applied on the joint by the massage of oil helps to soothe the tissues which are injured and it also helps to reduce the irritation to the nerves caused by broken damaged tissues. Rumoxil capsule and oil not only helps to reduce joint pain in the legs but it can be used for different types of inflammation and swelling in the bones and joints. It is effective way to relieve joint pain caused by sciatica and arthritis, and the oils can be massaged two to three times in a day to completely improve the condition.

Yoga For Joint Pain Relief

We all know that diet and exercise are the keys to good health. There are study results, articles, books, and television shows everywhere reminding us what we need to do to take good care of our bodies. There is the food guide pyramid to follow, the Play 60 campaign sponsored by the NFL, and various local diet and exercise programs that serve to educate the community, but what if you are suffering from joint pain

It is a natural reaction for us to avoid anything that we know will cause us pain. When joint pain becomes part of someone's everyday life, their activity level is likely to drop. Unfortunately, depending on which joints are hurting, this can actually cause more problems. Depending on which joints are painful and the current level of activity, beginning an exercise program can be a big challenge.

Painful joints can become harder to move when they are not moved through their range of motion often enough. This stiffness causes more pain, and a vicious circle ensues. Exercises like yoga can be extremely helpful for people with joint pain. Yoga is also great for overall fitness and peace of mind.

Yoga can be done by just about anyone. There are even classes emerging tailored to senior citizens. The slow, controlled physical movement of joints is instrumental in helping to relieve joint pain. Yoga improves the blood circulation in joints and helps the body remove unwanted toxins. One of the challenges is overcoming the initial pain and reaching a new level of fitness. A commitment to try yoga, or any exercise you choose, will be more successful if you can push through an initial adjustment period.

The type of yoga that will be best for you depends on your age, current level of fitness, and physical ability. If you are starting a fitness regimen for the first time, it has been a long time since you exercised regularly, or if you have already lost significant muscle tone and flexibility, you should start with a very gentle choice, such as hatha yoga. There are so many different types, each with their own emphasis, that there is bound to be one that will help anyone improve their flexibility and lessen their pain.

Although it is possible to learn yoga from DVDs or instruction books, the best way is through an instructor in a yoga class. Attending a class will allow you to get the most out of yoga with the least chance of having an injury. Yoga classes designed especially for seniors are becoming more and more available. If you are looking for a class, a good place to start is by checking local senior centers, retirement communities, religious organizations, and even health clubs. If you can't find a special senior class, a gentle beginners class can be a good place to get started.

When patients begin yoga they often find it helpful to try some of the supplements available on the market. Many of them, such as glucosamine, chondroitin, and Celadrin, have been found to help joints become more lubricated, less inflamed, and can increase their range of motion. By combining a good exercise, diet, and supplement regimen it may be possible to lessen the pain and get on with your life.

Dogs With Joint Pain - 3 Ways to Stop Your Dog's Joint Pain!

Dogs with joint pain need our help immediately! It is so sad to see dogs suffer from swollen, stiff joints. Here are a few signs that your dog is experiencing joint pain...

Your Dog:

  • Is showing a reduction in muscularity or tone.

  • Is lagging behind during walks.

  • Walks with a limp.

  • Whimpers while walking.

  • Licks the joint.

  • Is reluctant to climb stairs or "jump up."

It's very important that we don't turn a blind eye to our dog's joint troubles. There are things we can do that don't require expensive vet visits or drastic measures of any kind. Simple things. Kind things. I will share three of them with you now.

Dogs With Joint Pain - 3 Ways To Stop Your Dog's Joint Pain:

  1. Massage and acupressure. Take some time to give your friend some love. Lay your dog down and massage the muscles surrounding the sore joint, being careful to avoid the joint itself. Nice, deep strokes. Get intuitive. How would you like to be massaged if you were in pain? Do this for a good minute or two, longer if desired. Then, while your dog is still laying down, firmly squeeze his or her akeela's heel for 30 to 60 seconds. Just watch your dog bliss out!

  2. Diet and exercise. It is a known fact that heavier dogs are more likely to develop joint pain and arthritis than are fit dogs. Feed your dog responsibly, manage your dog's weight, and keep your dog moving. If he or she just lies around all day, that will make the joints worse. They need to be flexed and lubricated. Light exercise can provide this.

  3. Avoid medication, as it can seriously worsen the problem. Instead, favor homeopathic treatment. It is more effective than medicine, without the toxic side effects. Find a supplement that not only eases your dog's joint pain, but also lubricates the joint, reduces swelling & fluid retention, and promotes flexibility.

If you do all three of these things together, your dog is going to be up and at 'em in no time! Your dog's joint pain (and arthritis) will be effectively managed, and you and your buddy can live a happy life together!

Understanding the Key Types of Arthritis

When a patient is diagnosed with arthritis, it's important to know what kind of arthritis type it is and, of course, their doctor should tell them. Typically, there are three common forms of the degenerative disease. To learn more about each keep reading.


Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. It's often called degenerative joint disease and tends to be more common in older adults. However, osteoarthritis can still appear in younger people, when it is normally the result of injury, a hereditary disorder or metabolic problem.

Osteoarthritis attacks the smooth cartilage on the bone ends. After it's worn away, new born forms, causing an overgrowth along with intense pain when the dry and exposed joints move and grate together. The disease is not usually associated with inflammation.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

When assessing rheumatoid arthritis, the body joints are essentially attacked by the immune system just like it were an external foe. This response of the auto-immune system is something of a chain reaction since there is an inflammation of the synovial joints - shifting fingers and thumbs apart - ligaments are weakened from the swelling, and alignment of muscles are damaged.

Rheumatoid arthritis can not only lead to deformity, but it can also be very painful. When a patient is experiencing an inflammation, simple tasks like opening a bottle or using a pen can be extremely painful and almost impossible. Rheumatoid arthritis will either worsen or often stay stable for a number of years before deteriorating further.

The disease is often diagnosed in 5 stages. Stage 1 has no visible or apparent symptoms other than those that can be detected through lab analysis. Stage 2 is accompanied by small amount of stiffness (usually in the mornings) and some swelling.

Stage 3 causes the synovial membrane to proliferate, and drug treatments are often required. During Stage 4, this disease continues to spread to the cartilage and joint swelling becomes more pronounced. At Stage 5, irreversible destruction has been caused and the patient is typically under high duress.

A diagnostic conclusion of rheumatoid arthritis is typically founded on the existence of the following symptoms for a period longer than six weeks - stiffness of the joints after awakening, swelling in finger or joints of the wrists, soft tissue swelling around joints and swelling on each side of a joint.


The term spondyloarthropathies actually refers to a number of arthritic disorders that affect the spine. Though it's the third most common form of arthritis, it's actually a blanket term to cover conditions such as psoriatic arthritis, intestinal arthropathy, reactive anthropathy, Reiter's syndrome and more.

If you suspect you have arthritis, knowing the arthritis type of disease is critical to understanding your treatment. And remember, early diagnosis is critical, so see a doctor.

What You Need To Know About TMJ Disorder?

Do you often experience pain in the face, jaw, and around the ear that extends to the neck and shoulders? If you do, you might be experiencing from Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD). Check out what TMDs are and how can it can be resolved?
What are Temporomandibular Disorders?

The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) is the affected area for the TMD which resulted from problems in the jaw joint, the jaw and the surrounding facial muscles. It is a group of TMD that has numerous causes which is common among women than men. The following are the multifaceted factors for the development of such disorders.

• Teeth clenching which exerts pressure in the Temporomandibular Joint.
• Stress is also a contributing factor. It tightens the jaw and facial muscles.
• The presence of other musculoskeletal disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
• The soft cushion between the socket and ball is dislocated.
• Punch to the jaw or trauma from the accident may dislocate the TMJ.

Manifestations of TMJ

The person may experience the following symptoms of TMJ that could affect his overall performance.

• Pain is noted when chewing or speaking. The tenderness can be located in the jaw joint area, around the ear, neck and shoulders.
• Headache
• Dizziness
• Tinnitus or ringing sound inside the ear
• Fullness of the ear
• Grating or popping sounds can be heard in the jaw joint area
• Difficulty chewing
• The ability to open the mouth is limited

The management for the TMD

This medical concern needs attention to restore your daily performance and to alleviate the symptoms of TMJ. Preventing the complications of TMJ such as chronic headaches and chronic facial pain are also one goal of the course of treatment.
The treatment's approach for the Temporomandibular Joint Disorder is usually conservative since this syndrome is commonly temporary. The level of management may change depending on the severity of the TMD.

• Warm compresses to relieve pain symptoms of TMJ. If pain is present, cold compress can be applied.
• Soft diet to avoid too much pressure in the jaw joint area.
• Perform TMJ exercise.
• The doctor may apply a bite plate to reduce grinding and clenching of the teeth.
• Taking the prescribed pain relievers.
• Injection of the prescribed cortisone may help alleviate pain and inflammation.
• Surgery is the last option in treating TMD. Artificial implants can replace the damaged jaw joints and this approach is usually irreversible.

How to strengthen the TMJ?

Performing a TMJ exercise five times a day for five minutes is a big help in strengthening and relaxing the jaw. This can be done after application of warm compress to warm up the muscles. Don't perform these exercises if pain is present.
Exercises can be done by:

• Raise the tongue to the roof of your mouth. Then open your mouth slowly and hold the position for five seconds. Close your mouth and perform this exercise ten times. Stop if you felt pain.
• Place the palm of your hand on the left side of your jaw and open your mouth. Slowly glide the lower jaw toward your hand. Push your hand against your jaw for five seconds while maintaining the pressure. Repeat same process on the opposite side five times each.
• Massage the temporal muscles for ten seconds by placing three fingers on the temples. Do the same massage to your jaw and repeat the cycle for two to three times.
• For the neck and shoulders, turn head to the Left side to rotate the neck. Place two right fingers on the left lower jaw while applying a little pressure to stretch the neck muscles. Hold it for five seconds. Do the same to the opposite side.

Precautions to Be Taken After Total Hip Replacement Surgery

As per the reports that have been obtained in case of the total hip replacement surgery, it has been found that more and more people are going for surgical treatment for hip joint disorders. Thus, the measures for prevention of hip breakdown or hip dislocation have also come into focus so that it may serve to be beneficial for the fast recovery of the patients. However, it has been observed in most of these cases that the traditional procedure is followed during the surgery. The traditional method of the surgery entails a posterior or lateral (side) approach in order to access the entire hip joint.

However, the most significant thing to be taken into consideration when it comes to lateral traditional form of total hip replacement is that the chance of your hip breakdown or hip dislocation is greater than as compared to the minimally invasive anterior approach. It has been, however, observed that the cases of hip dislocation following this surgery are only a few, but still there are certain measures for the prevention of hip breakdown that are to be followed by the patient with immediate effect as soon as the surgery is completed. These tips are actually provided by the physical/occupational therapists of the patients as they are who know their proper condition at that particular point of time.

The new hip of the patients needs specific period of time to heal in its accurate place. The most probable period is the first 6 weeks following the surgery. During this period after the total hip replacement surgery, the hip muscles and bones of the patients heal up around their new hip joint so that it gets adjusted to its right place. The most important measures that you need to keep in mind for prevention of hip breakdown or hip dislocation include no turning of your toes inward, no crossing your legs, and the angle of bending your new hip must not exceed 60-90 degrees.

The next important precaution that the patients need to take for prevention of hip breakdown. After total hip replacement surgery is to avoid bending down to pick up something from the floor or access a low cupboard while standing. There are certain devices called reachers that can help you in picking up things from the floor. The occupational therapists will, however, suggest and train you with different equipments that you can use to perform multiple tasks like putting on your socks, shoes, and pants. Thus, it may be stated that for fast recovery, the patients must follow the tips and guidelines as specified by their therapists.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Facts on Fibromyalgia

Muscular pain, tingling, burning, and numbness are common symptoms of a repetitive strain injury. However, these symptoms are also common in a condition called Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia basically means pain in the muscles, tendons and ligaments. It affects mostly women and up to 4% of the general population.

The pain of fibromyalgia occurs in areas where the muscles attach to bone or ligaments and is similar to the pain of arthritis. The joints themselves are not affected, however, so they are not deformed nor do they deteriorate as they may in arthritic conditions. The pain typically originates in one area, usually the neck and shoulders, and then radiates out. Most patients report feeling some pain all the time; and many describe it as "exhausting." The pain can vary, depending on the time of day, weather changes, physical activity, and the presence of stressful situations; it has been described as stiffness, burning, stabbing, sudden, radiating, and aching. The pain is often more intense after disturbed sleep.

The other major complaint is fatigue, which some patients report as being more debilitating than the pain. Fatigue and sleep disturbances are, in fact, almost universal in patients with fibromyalgia, due to lack of serotonin, and if these symptoms are not present, then some experts believe that physicians should seek a diagnosis other than fibromyalgia. Up to a third of patients experience depression, and disturbances in mood and concentration are very common.

Fibromyalgia patients are also prone to tension or migraine headaches. Other symptoms include dizziness, tingling or numbness in the hands and feet, and gastrointestinal problems, including irritable bowel syndrome with gas and alternating diarrhea and constipation. Some patients complain of urinary frequency caused by bladder spasms. Women may have painful menstrual periods.

Several years ago Fibromyalgia was a disability categorized as "psychological". It's hard to understand how it feels to be told you are mentally having a problem when your body will not perform what you are asking it to do. How can that possibly be mental? Patients were, in effect, being told it was "all in your head". Fortunately, the medical field has produced enough research to re-classify it as a true physical disability that is often paired with studies and treatments for arthritis and rheumatism.

People with FMS have the additional stress and frustration in their lives of trying to explain (all the time) why today they can do almost anything and the next day they can barely get out of bed. Depression is a frequent side-effect of FMS and who can question it? Living with a body-wide toothache-like pain constantly is something only fellow sufferers can truly understand. When we have "bad days" the pain can feel like there are hot curling irons jammed into our muscles. Can you even imagine that? Also imagine the fatigue of your muscles being so bad that it feels like they have turned to Jell-O. And no matter how much you try to exercise your muscles never feel normal again. It's always like battling Jell-O to make your body perform.

Spouses, family and others in your life have a hard time figuring out how you feel when you have FMS or chronic fatigue syndrome. There are times when you were accused of not pulling your own weight, or just plain sand bagging it. Many are accused of wanting extra attention. After a while the Fibromyalgic doesn't like talking about it and they sure don't care for having to make excuses (can't go to a restaurant (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), can't go hiking; horseback riding; to the fairgrounds; the park and so on - while SOMETIMES the Fibromyalgic can't be stopped!). This is why I strongly recommend support groups where you can feel that you are not alone in this condition.

There is simply no way for anyone to understand what is going on internally with the Fibromyalgic body. Because you look absolutely normal, yet you feel like you will never perform normally again. No one can see what the problem is. And since it is not such a known illness such as cancer it does not get the respect that people with cancer would get. No one would question a cancer patient about his or her illness because everyone has heard of it. If you have bad days because of your illness with cancer no one would question it. But because Fibromyalgia has not been classified as a disease or given notoriety (such as a famous person getting FMS) it is relatively unknown.

As for doctors - it's very, common to end up with a FM diagnosis only after everything else is ruled out. Many people I've counseled with who have FMS also have now or have once had other problems such as herniated disks, degenerative disk disease, spontaneously fractured vertebrae or other bones, etc. that is why a Chiropractor is invaluable in treating Fibromyalgia. FMS is NOT known to cause these problems or to be caused by these problems. It's just not rare to find such combination irregularities. FMS is often brought on (not caused by, but 'triggered' so to speak) by a trauma such as an accident/fall which causes what could be relatively minor physical pain, or major (doesn't really matter); even childbirth can 'trigger' it or any number of other things. One of the biggest factors is people who have had Mono seem to find that this is where their first symptoms start to appear. Any illness that comes on suddenly seems to trigger Fibromyalgia if the person is genetically inclined toward this syndrome. I really feel syndrome is the wrong word for this condition it truly is a disease whether they can detect it medically or not does not matter, this condition is very real. Many people's lives are being permanently changed because of the effects of fibromyalgia

Most of all - please stop thinking that one must be in a cast, using crutches or wrapped in bandages to "really be hurting". Just because someone is not in a wheelchair or walker does not mean they are not in incredible pain. Fibromyalagia can even cripple a person like arthritis or even Multiple Sclerosis, its symptoms AND the feeling is very much the same! More and more cases are being reported of people who are becoming bedridden, having to use Walkers or wheelchairs due to Fibromyalagia. Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Chronic Pain/Myofascial Pain Syndrome are frequently found along with the FMS. It can get so bad that being hugged (a breeze!) can be painful! A cat on a lap can feel like bone grinding against bone. Your socks touching your toes can be a nightmare of pain. Your sheets and blankets touching your toes or legs can be so painful you are unable to sleep. Elastic touching you anywhere is pure hell. Imagine having even your clothes touching you your worst pain. It was so bad for one woman in her 30's, with small children (and a husband) that she used Dr. Kevorkian to end her misery.

Here is a brief list of common symptoms of this disease:

o Chronic pain throughout the body
o Burning, numbness and tingling
o Tenderness when pressure is placed on or around the neck, elbows, hips, thighs and knees.
o Sleep disorders
o Chronic fatigue or exhaustion
o Depression
o Anxiety
o Facial Pain
o Jaw Pain (TMJ)
o Memory Loss
o Irritable Bowel
o Tension or Migraine Headaches
o High sensitivity to foods and medications (allergic type reaction).
o Minimal tolerance to heat and cold
o High sensitivity to bright lights and sounds
o Hair Loss

Because symptoms develop gradually, this disease is often misdiagnosed. It is often diagnosed as a repetitive strain injury; sleep disorder condition, irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis or any other type of medical problem. Based on the American College of Rheumatology a person is diagnosed with Fibromylagia when he or she suffers pain throughout the body for at least three months and has 11 out of 18 tender points present.

Who Is Affected
Experts estimate that 3 million to 6 million Americans have Fibromyalgia. Of these, 80 percent are women. One of the main risk factors is being a woman between the age of 20 and 50. Another risk factor is having a rheumatic disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or Sjogren's syndrome. Fibromyalgia also seems to run in families, so a gene may be at least partly responsible for the condition. Most people with fibromyalgia begin to notice symptoms between the ages of 20 and 40. But children and older adults may develop the condition. Women with fibromyalgia typically feel pain throughout their body.

Experts do not know what causes Fibromyalgia. There are several theories about possible causes or triggers. Inadequate sleep is a possible trigger. Another is suffering an injury or physical or emotional trauma that affects the brain, spine and nerves. Some experts believe that a viral or bacterial infection plays a part.

Abnormal production of pain-related chemicals in the nervous system also contributes to the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. It's thought that any one of these factors may bring on the symptoms of Fibromyalgia in someone who is already genetically predisposed to the condition.

Treatment includes the following:
o Change in diet and nutrition
o Supplements geared toward Fibromyalagia
o Exercise: Gentle stretching such as warm water stretches and light aerobic activity, if possible.
o Physical Therapy under the guidance of a Chiropractor or Naturopathic
o Massage Therapy
o Avoidance of activities that over stress the body (Consider keeping a journal)
o Regulate sleep patterns
o Avoiding emotional stress

Nutrition is very important with this condition as with any serious physical condition. Avoid caffeine products, sugar, processed foods and fried foods. Low blood sugar (Hypoglycemia) is often a factor in causing the person with Fibromyalgia to feel fatigued. That is why a good nutrition program is very important, eating frequent small meals with some protein is very important in keeping the blood levels even.

Whole grains, seeds, nuts, yogurt, chicken, Turkey, organic beef, eggs, natural cheese and cottage cheese should form the base of your diet. Accompanied by Appropriate vegetables and a minimum amount of fruit.

A good quality multi-vitamin is absolutely essential with this condition. It's important to replace what the body loses daily. If a person takes no other supplement but a multi-vitamin they're helping to support their body daily. Co Q 10, in soft gel form 100mg, taken three times daily can help increase the energy.

There's no definite cure for Fibromyalagia but there are certainly many alternative methods that can help you improve the quality of your life. The medical drug Lyrica has been helpful in relieving pain for many people with Fibromyalgia. I still find that natural medicine works best for me.

I find that deep tissue massage therapy performed regularly really keeps down the pain. When I'm going through a really bad time I always get a massage. It works better than any medicine.

Physical therapy that is performed at home is very important for Fibromyalgia. Warm water stretches performed at least three times weekly can be of tremendous help keeping the joints and muscles flexible. A Jacuzzi or hot tub is without a doubt one of the best treatments you can do at home, not only does it improve circulation you can also perform warm water stretches in it. If you have access to one and can use this daily you would see a tremendous change in the body. Using a moist heating pad on areas of pain for 20 minutes can ease the pain.

I also find that chiropractic care can bring tremendous relief. I always recommend people with Fibromyalgia seek out a Chiropractor who uses the activator method for physical therapy and pain relief. If you would like to find out about a doctor of chiropractic in your area who uses this method go to

Take a proactive role in learning about fibromyalgia to help control it, and be vigilant about following your treatment plan. Emotional support is very important too. Living with fibromyalgia may be difficult if your family, friends or employer do not understand the condition. Seek out supportive family, friends, clergy, support groups or a mental health counselor.

Everything You Need To Know About Hip Arthritis

The main type of arthritis is Osteoarthritis which most affects people who are older, typically over 50 years old. A lesser type is Rheumatoid arthritis which mainly targets middle aged - elderly women. There are other types of arthritis but they are extremely less common than these two. The rest of this article will focus on Osteoarthritis which is almost 8 times more likely than Rheumatoid arthritis.

The basic definition of hip arthritis is an aging condition brought on by the general wear and tear of the hip joint over time. The protective cartilage that separates the bones that meet at the joint is worn down which opens up the joint for bone on bone and bursa contact, which leads to significant hip joint and hip flexor pain.

Hip Arthritis Causes

There is no single cause that is attributed to Osteoarthritis, there are several factors that can contribute to your chance of having the condition; genetics for example can play a large role in this. That being said, there are some things that have been linked to developing hip arthritis:


If you are overweight everything that you do will put more stress on your hip joint, which will accelerate any development of hip arthritis.


Similar to being overweight, when you have bad posture you put more stress on certain parts of your body than you should, the hip joint included. While there may not be many short term effects of this hip arthritis can be a long term result.


If you have had any traumatic hip injuries (like a complete hip flexor strain)in the past you are more likely to develop hip arthritis. Previous injuries can cause scar tissue to develop, move body parts slightly out of place, and change your walking and sitting posture.


The nature of the condition means that any hip joint pain will only get worse as the cartilage continues to degrade, which means that it is crucial to try to recognize hip arthritis early on for treatment.

If you have hip arthritis you will experience pain with common everyday activities like walking, sitting, anything with movement really. You may also feel a lot of stiffness in the hip area and have trouble walking correctly.


There are limited options to reverse the effects of hip arthritis other than hip replacement surgery. Typically this is put off as long as possible as any surgery comes with cost and risk of complications.

If you are diagnosed with hip arthritis you will most likely be recommended to try one of the following to reduce pain and limit further cartilage deterioration.

Lose Weight: It may not always be applicable, but for the reasons explained above, if you are overweight it will take some stress off your joints if you lose a few pounds.

Walking Assistance: No one enjoys it, but using a walker or a cane can really make a big difference in managing the pain by taking stress off of your hip joint(s).

Painkillers: Usually not the first recommendation, but if there is also inflammation present in your hip (often in Rheumatoid arthritis), you may be given painkillers/anti-inflammatories

Strengthening Routine: If you follow a hip flexor strengthening routine you can also relieve some pressure that is directly on the hip joint, which will reduce pain.

Arthritis Prevention

There is no way to prevent hip arthritis for sure, but if you follow the suggestions in the treatment section of this article you can help to minimize your chances of developing the condition.

4 Powerful Teeth Grinding Home Remedies You Must Know

Teeth grinding habits can produce damaging effects for other parts of the body apart from the teeth and gum. Chances are that you are not getting proper sleep that your body needs as a sufferer of this teeth clenching or it might be that your sleeping companion also suffers in the same way as you do.

With this said it is important that you treat this dental problem once you find out you have it. To ignore this problem, maybe because it does not seem to be severe, will only make it worse. Once you start noticing that you have this visit the dentist or the doctor so that your teeth and health will be analyzed. Also, you can try the 4 effective home remedies for teeth grinding or 'Bruxism' in other to get quick relief from this dental problem.


When you lay on your back what you are doing is sleeping in the best position to keep you from teeth clenching. When you sleep on your stomach or sides of your body then your tendency to do some teeth grinding activities increases during your sleep at night or in the day time.

If you have the medication that you use make sure you use them, especially in the night before going to bed. It might that your dentist did not prescribe any medication for you. In this latter case you can go for some magnesium and calcium supplements. These are two minerals that you should add to your daily diet because they can help prevent instances of teeth grinding.

When you have to drink anything before going to bed at night ensure that it is either a hot tea or warm milk. Do not drink alcohol as doing so will make you grind your teeth while sleeping.

The right word to use here is to 'munch' these fruits. The fruits here can be apples, carrot or cauliflower as an example of the vegetable. Doing this before sleeping tend to calm the mouth a little. A calm mouth results in reduced occurrence of teeth grinding.

Posterior Pelvic Pain (Sacroiliac Joint Pain) In Pregnant Women

Posterior pelvic pain (PPP) is pain felt at or near the sacroiliac joints of your pelvis as a result of sacroiliac joint dysfunction. These are joints located at the 2 dimples of the lower back. The pain often feels deep within your lower back and can occur on one or both sides of your back. In some cases, pain radiates down to the buttock and the back of the thigh.

While pain may begin at any time during pregnancy, PPP on average begins in the 18th week of pregnancy and becomes more intense as the pregnancy progresses. The pain usually spontaneously resolves within 3 months post delivery. But in some cases it can become chronic and disabling.

What are the Sacroiliac joints?

The sacroiliac joints (SIJ) are formed between the sacrum, a triangular-shaped bone in the lower portion of the spine, and the right and left ilium of the pelvis. The SIJ is a strong and stable weight-bearing joint that permits very little movement due to its natural structure. The main role of the SIJ is to allow forces to be transmitted effectively through the body, absorbing impact from the legs to the spine during activities such as walking, running and jumping.

The SIJ is kept stable through two mechanisms:

  1. Firstly, the rough, groove-like connecting surfaces of the sacrum and ilium interlock and help stabilise the joint, like two pieces of Lego together.

  2. Secondly, the SIJ is further strengthened by a complex mesh of ligaments and muscles such as the core stabilizers. These core muscles, such as the transversus abdominis and multifidus which surround the SIJ, act as active stabilizers by actively contracting to create a compressive force over the SIJ, gripping the joint firmly together. They act as a natural corset by providing that compression around the lower back and pelvic region -much like wrapping your fingers around the two Lego pieces, keeping them firm and tight.

Posterior pelvic pain arises from sacroiliac joint dysfunction, in other words, when the stability of SIJ is compromised.

Why does it happen?

During pregnancy, mechanisms stabilising the SIJ is affected. This instability allows for increased motion, stressing the SIJ.

  1. Hormones released during pregnancy relax the ligaments of the body to allow the pelvis to enlarge, in preparation for childbirth

  2. Due to the growing uterus, some of the core muscles around the pelvis get 'stretched' and weakened.

Moreover, the additional weight and altered walking pattern associated with pregnancy can cause significant mechanical strain on the sacroiliac joints, which may result in SIJ inflammation, giving a deep ache in the posterior pelvis.

What are the symptoms?

Of all the back pains experienced during pregnancy, posterior pelvic pain is the most common - you are four times more likely to experience PPP than lumbar pain.

You may have posterior pelvic pain / sacroiliac joint dysfunction if you have:

  • Deep, boring pain in the back of the pelvis (around the sacroiliac joints)

  • Pain may occasionally radiate to the groin and thighs.

  • The pain is typically worse with standing, walking, climbing stairs, resting on one leg, getting in and out of a low chair, rolling over and twisting in bed, and lifting. The pain improved when lying down.

  • If there is inflammation and arthritis in the SI joint, you may experience stiffness and a burning sensation in the pelvis.

Diagnosing Sacroiliac

Joint Dysfunction in pregnancy Your doctor and/or physiotherapist will conduct a thorough history and physical examination to determine the underlying disorders for your pain. That includes your description of symptoms, a series of tests designed to look at the stability, movement, and pain in the sacroiliac joints and surrounding structures. Imaging, such as computed tomography (CT) scan and X-ray may also help in the diagnosis. Another reliable diagnostic method involves injecting an anesthetic agent into the SI joint, guided by an X-ray machine, numbing the irritated area, thereby identifying the pain source. However, due to the concerns of fetal exposure to radiation, diagnostic procedures involving radiation is generally avoided.

Treatment and Management

The first-line treatment of pregnancy-related sacroiliac joint dysfunction is physiotherapy and exercises that focuses on core stability of the trunk and pelvic girdle. Sometimes, a sacro-iliac belt is prescribed to complement the core stability exercises and to give quick pain relief. Exercises will form a large part of the treatment and in some cases, mobilisation (a gentler form of manipulation) of your hip, back or pelvis may be used to correct any underlying movement dysfunction. Other manual techniques include muscle energy technique (MET) and myofascial release. It is vital to engage a physiotherapist who is skilled in treating pregnancy-related pain as she is aware of the studies that support the use of specific stabilizing exercises and other treatment techniques, thereby preventing the dysfunction from escalating into a chronic condition.

Other alternative treatments include anesthetic and steroidal injections into the SIJ that can help in pain relief, which lasts from one day or much more long-term. Oral anti-inflammatory medications are often effective in pain relief as well. However, these two treatments may be contra-indicated during pregnancy.

Posterior Pelvic Pain Home Advice

Here are some tips for expectant women with posterior pelvic pain..

Lying down

  • Avoid lying on your back for long periods of time, particularly after the 19th week of your pregnancy.

  • Try lying on your side (preferably your left) with a pillow placed between your knees and another under your tummy.

  • If your waist sags down into the bed, try placing a small rolled up towel under your waist.

Turning over in bed

  • To turn to your right while lying on your back, arch your lower back, tighten your pelvic floor muscles and lower abdominal muscles and bend both knees one by one.

  • Turn your head to the right and take your left arm over to the right of your body. Hold onto the side of your bed if you can.

  • To turn, pull with your left hand and take both knees over to the right so that you roll to the right. As soon as possible, bend your knees up as high as they will go - this helps to lock out your pelvis and lessen pain.

  • Reverse this to turn to the left.

Getting out of bed

  • Roll onto your side with your knees bent up, move your feet over the edge of the bed and push yourself up sideways with your arms.

  • Reverse the process when you lie down.

Standing from a sitting position.

  • Sit on the edge of the chair.

  • Keeping your knees apart slightly and lean forwards till your head is directly over your knees, keeping your back straight.

  • Stand up by pushing up with your arms, with your back straight and tummy tucked in. This helps to hold your pelvic joints in their most stable position and may reduce your pain significantly.


  1. Fitzgerald CM and Le J. Back pain in pregnancy requires practitioner creativity. Biomechanics. 2007 November

  2. Ostgaard HC, Andersson GB, Karlsson K. Prevalence of back pain in pregnancy. Spine. 1991; 16:549-552.

  3. Ostgaard HC, Zetherstrom G, Roos-Hansson E, Svanberg B. Reduction of back and posterior pelvic pain in pregnancy. Spine. 1994; 19:894-900.


Wrist and Hand Pain Relief With Resistance Stretching

Wrist and hand pain can result when you type all day long. Or, play a concert piano, do hairstyles or retain tension from any activity. What makes this worse is if you work with poor posture - looking down (to any degree) at a computer monitor, slumping in the low back, and letting your chest cave in, suppressing proper breathing. This leads to decreased ranges of motion in your neck, shoulder, spine, forearm and wrist areas.

Repetitive stress, resulting in hand pain and wrist pain, can be prevented and soothed by understanding the connective tissues of the body, and how to take care of them.

The entire body is connected by fascia, a tissue covering all the soft tissues. Typically, the scalp muscles and the muscles right under the skull and top of the neck, will retain tension from nothing more than incorrect posture, and this tension will travel down the body.

Add athletic training, hours at a desk, or any repetitive motion, and chronic pain will result.

It is not a good idea to ignore pain or just take over the counter pain relievers. Seeing a chiropractor or a physio therapist, for treatment and to learn some home care, will bring pain relief and re-train your habits.

Also, getting a stretching guide from an experienced professional for home use will help you get pain relief. Not only will it relieve tension that is causing a pinched-nerve situation, resulting in muscle or joint pain, but establishing a routine in stretching will increase circulation and promote a general feeling of well being.

If you have any sharp or deep pain of any kind, be sure to consult a health practitioner.

If you have mild aches and pains that are becoming increasingly noticeable, learn some stretches that will likely relieve them. Also, check your posture at work (or play, walking, running, etc.,).

A Guide for Alleviating Joint Pain in Dogs

Watching a dog you love suffer with joint pain can be difficult and finding ways to alleviate symptoms is part of responsible, caring pet ownership. As there are many reasons a canine might have joint pain, discovering the root cause is important for determining which type of treatment best suits your dog's situation.

What are the Symptoms of Joint Pain in Dogs?

Contrary to popular belief, dogs are not exempt from pain. In fact, renowned educator and dog expert, Stanley Coren, says that dogs not only feel pain, but also may feel more than we know. Coren's study of dogs has left him to note that their natural instincts of hiding pain to avert predators may lead to lessened symptoms, but not lesser damage to the animal's body and mind. With this in mind, if your dog suffers from joint pain, he or she may not show many visible outward signs, but keep an eye out for:

• Restlessness
• Lethargy
• Loss of appetite
• Sudden weight loss
• Panting, howling, or whimpering without reason
• Walking with an abnormal posture or stiff legs
• Easily Irritated
• Shows an aversion to petting and interaction with humans and other animals

If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your vet as soon as possible for diagnosis. Although these are common ways in which canine's express pain, there could be something more serious going on.

What Causes Joint Pain in Dogs?

Much like humans, a dog's body is not exempt from illness. Everyday wear and tear from aging, injury, and disease can take a toll on our joints and theirs. Getting a proper diagnosis from your veterinarian is the best way to find out what is causing your dog's joint pain, but here are a few of the most common reasons:

• Arthritis: The number one cause of joint pain in older dogs and according to a recent article from the Arthritis Foundation, one in five adult dogs are treated for the condition each year.
• Injury: Often brought about by over-extension of tendons and ligaments during normal play or exercise, but can be due to blunt trauma or attack.
• Dislocation: Typically either from genetic anomaly or blunt force directly to the joint. Most often occurs in the hip region of older dogs.
• Disease: Other than arthritis, serious illness such as cancer and Lyme disease will often cause inflammation and chronic pain in a canine's joints.

What Treatment Options are Available?

Veterinary medicine has made great strides towards diagnosis and treatment of joint pain within the past decade. Surgical procedures to repair injured and dislocated joints, as well as advanced medicines designed to target joint inflammation and infection are two of the most widely used treatment options available. However, your vet may recommend that you do the following at home to reduce symptoms and prevent repeat occurrences of injury:

• Put your pet on a recommended diet
• Encourage regular, non-strenuous exercise
• Limit your dog's activities
• Keep your dog's vaccinations up to date
• Make routine preventative appointments with your vet

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Acupuncture Has Gone to the Dogs - A Natural Pain Relief Method For Dogs With Hip Dysplasia

Can the ancient Chinese Medicine modality known as Acupuncture be used as a natural pain relief method for dogs with hip dysplasia? Yes! More and more veterinarians are recognizing the legitimacy and benefit of acupuncture as pain relief for dog joint pain, as well as for many other doggy related health issues.

Acupuncture is built upon the theory that all living things have energy channels throughout them, also referred to as meridians. These meridians act as the conduits through which life force, or Chi, flows through. When one experiences pain, illness, or any other inharmonious feelings, it is because there is a block within the meridians. These energetic blocks can be broken up by systematically stimulating certain points, or reflexes, along the meridian lines.

Traditionally this is done by gently placing small, thin needles just under the skin's surface of the recipient. There is no pain associated with this, and some do not even notice that the needles are in place. More recently acupuncture has been applied with the use of other tools such as herbs, magnets, and hot /cold applications.

Acupressure is another way to stimulate Chi within the meridians and is done without the use of needles. The practitioner simply uses their own hands and applies pressure for a set amount of time to the reflex points. Reflexology is another way of stimulating Chi and focuses on the points found specifically in the feet, hands, and ears of the recipient.

You may be wondering how Acupuncture can be used as a natural pain relief method for dogs with hip dysplasia when it is primarily practiced on humans. It can be done, and it has great results!

Owners who have opted for this alternative method have noticed quick to immediate results in their dogs after only a few treatments. Some even noticed a turnaround in their four legged friend's health after the first session.

Some of the more common ailments that dogs experience that can be helped by Acupuncture are:

Hip Dysplasia
Joint Pain
Neurotic Behaviors
Organ Related Diseases

Acupuncture is an amazing tool that when utilized can bring a totality of wellness to our beloved dogs, and to ourselves too. We owe our loyal companions the best in life and Acupuncture is just one way of offering that to them when they are in need of relief.

Knee Arthritis - Tips to Help Mobility & Function

Although you cannot stop the progression of osteoarthritis, you can take an active role in the management of the symptoms, maintaining optimal function and mobility, and positively influencing your recovery from joint replacement surgery. Learning more about how osteoarthritis impacts the body and what you can do will promote safe, effective, and positive management of the disease. Here are a few principles to follow that will help get you started with your self management exercise plan:

The Weight Bearing Principle: Osteoarthritis is the degeneration of cartilage in your joint that then presents in pain due to the friction of two bones rubbing against each other. When your knee joint is loaded as it would be in a weight bearing position such as standing or walking, it creates an environment where there will be friction on the bones possibly causing pain. Now, this does not mean you should stop walking altogether, but this principle exists to teach you the following:

  • If you are already in pain or experience pain upon weight bearing, select non weight bearing exercise options. Pain will increase inflammation in your joint and therefore decrease your range of motion. When you select non weight bearing exercise, you are able to keep your body moving and maintain range without causing pain and inflammation.

  • If you are overweight, this is presenting a greater load on the knee joint and adding to your pain. You could greatly reduce your pain and increase your mobility by doing your best to lower your weight.

  • Avoid standing for long periods

  • Cycling, swimming, and non weight bearing muscular endurance exercises are best

Range of Motion Principle

Range of motion at your knee joint enables you to walk normally, climb or descend stairs, and sit or stand with ease. Therefore, it is more important in terms of function, to work on maintaining flexion and extension of the knee than it is to solely target strength. Your first goal in implementing specific exercises should be to work on knee flexion and extension exercises. These exercises are often forgotten about, but are truly the most important for you to do especially if you will be going in for joint replacement surgery.

Quadricep Strength for Ability & Recovery

The most important muscle you can strengthen to help you recover from surgery quicker and to help support your knee joint is the quadriceps. Often this muscle will atrophy, or shrink, on the leg impacted by osteoarthritis due to the avoidance of pain. There are many exercises you can do in a non weight bearing position to keep the quadriceps strong. If it even hurts to just bend your knee, there are even isometric strength exercises that can be done for the quadriceps that do not require any bending of the knee. Everyone should be able to perform at least one to two quadricep strength exercises that do not cause pain.

The Importance of Muscle Lengthening

It has been reported that close to 90% of the pain associated with osteoarthritis is linked to muscle tightening, trigger points, or knots in muscles. When you begin to feel pain around a joint, your muscles begin to shorten in an attempt to protect the joint and also because you will start to use that muscle less. The muscles that may shorten around the knee joint are your quadriceps, hamstrings, illiotibial band, calves, and hip flexors. When you implement a weekly stretching routine to target all of these muscles, you will greatly influence your function, post surgery recovery, and possibly reduce pain.

By applying these principles of limiting weight bearing, targeting knee range of motion, strengthening your quadriceps, and stretching, you will improve all the symptoms created by osteoarthritis. Choose to start today in becoming an active participant in managing the symptoms and improving your quality of life.

What Are the Underlying Reasons For TMJ Lockjaw

Anyone who has experienced TMJ lockjaw can understand just how frightening the condition can be. Because the problem often starts as something psychological, most people do not even realize they have the symptoms until properly diagnosed by a dentist or a dental specialist. TMJ disorder is a very serious condition that if left untreated, can quickly deteriorate into something very physical and painful.

Unfortunately, TMJ lockjaw is caused, in most cases by stress. Many doctors and dentists believe that stress not only affects a person while he or she is conscious, but the underlying damage is usually done while a person is asleep. If you find yourself grinding or clenching your teeth at night, then chances are you will wake up in the morning to a sore jaw and maybe even a headache.

The bad news is that it is fairly easy to misdiagnose the symptoms of TMJ lockjaw. For one, headaches are usually written off as a result of daily stress or a lack of sleep. In today's highly charged environment, this is not unusual at all for most people. Most people only start looking for a cure when when the condition turns into something serious like lockjaw.

When the tendons in the jaw are overly taxed (which leads to inflammation) or when a person is prone to "jaw clenching", TMJ disorder develops. There is also a possibility that a misalignment can lead to TMJ. This starts a vicious cycle where the stress leads to inflammation which then promotes added tension and so on. The real problem starts once the tendons of the jaw are so inflamed that healing is impeded. The body becomes so accustomed to the inflammation that the body adjusts to the pain and the condition becomes progressively worse.

According to, a leading organization on scientific and medical news, "Prolonged inflammation, known as chronic inflammation, leads to a progressive shift in the type of cells which are present at the site of inflammation and is characterized by simultaneous destruction and healing of the tissue from the inflammatory process". Inflammation in itself is a normal response that signals the beginning of the healing process. However, when the body has been under that stress for too long, it impedes the healing process because it changes the cells that are present at the site of the inflammation.

So, what does this have to do with TMJ lockjaw? Well, when the jaw has been inflamed and in pain for an extended period of time, its only response is to lock in place. This prevents a person from opening or closing his mouth. As muscles are connected rather than isolated, this can lead to a whole host of related pain, including excruciating headaches, pain that radiates through the neck or even the tops of the shoulders.

There are a number of ways to manage the pain associated with TMJ lockjaw, but for permanent relief, a person needs to deal with all the CAUSES of TMJ, and not the symptoms. That's right! Most people deal mask the pain by taking anti-inflammatory medications. However, this should only be one part of the cure. Besides treating the inflammation, finding and curing the underlying cause of TMJ lockjaw is crucial.

One effective way to relieve lockjaw is to perform daily jaw exercises that can drastically help relieve the tension in this area. By doing this, the symptoms will automatically disappear as well over time. This course of action is definitely a more efficient way to deal with TMJ lockjaw.

10 Natural Remedies to Reduce Muscle Pain and Inflammation

If you suffer from muscle or joint pain you know how much it can impact your life. From not being able to play active sports to missing out on family fun - the effects can be far-reaching and upsetting. So, its natural that we search for pain remedies.

Almost everyone is familiar with pain relief formulas. Over 30 billion over-the- counter tablets and 70 million prescriptions are sold annually just in the USA. Known as 'Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs' (NSAIDs), a few commonly known names include Aspirin, Ibuprofin, Advil, and Motrin as well as prescription products like Celebrex and Vioxx. What most people might not know is that over 16,000 Americans die from NSAIDs a year and approximately 107,000 patients are hospitalized annually for NSAID related gastrointestinal complications.(1)

There is an alternative. Natural pain relief therapies can decrease inflammation and help repair tissues. The following are some starting points for investigating natural solutions further:

1. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night: During the deeper stages of sleep the human body produces growth hormone, which results in tissue healing and repair. Inadequate amounts of sleep contribute to pain. Natural sleep remedies that can help you get a deep and restorative sleep are Melatonin, Hydroxy L- tryptophan (5-HTP), Calcium, Mangesium and colloidal gold. You can also listen to relaxing music - try searching on iTunes for ocean sounds.

2.Take a green-lipped mussel oil supplement: If you suffer from pain, swelling or other symptoms commonly associated with arthritis, you may benefit from taking green-lipped mussel oil from New Zealand. In a clinical trial conducted at the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital in Glasgow, UK, preparations of green-lipped mussel extract were shown to benefit 76 percent of rheumatoid arthritis patients and 70 percent of osteoarthritic patients (2) The omega-3s contained in green-lipped mussel oils (more potent than fish oils) cannot be manufactured by our body and decrease inflammation. The EPA and DHA essential fatty acids have been so effective that some people have been able to discontinue their use of other medications altogether.3. Take MSM, or "organic sulphur". It can lessen inflammation, pain, and stiffness due to arthritis, muscle, or back pain and helps to balance the blood chemistry in these conditions. MSM helps supply the sulfur amino acids needed for healing.

4. Massage a blend of essential oils of arnica, Calendula and St John's work into the affected painful area. Applying essential oils directly on the area nourishes cells and enables the body to metabolize waste and heal injuries more quickly. Herb Pharm makes a a blend called "Trauma Oil" which is very effective. Essential oils can help relax tense muscles and improve circulation.

5. Eat a whole food, mineral rich diet with plenty of vegetables and whole grains. Vegetable juices and green chlorophyll-rich foods can help relieve muscle inflammations by promoting the elimination of toxins from the body. Cut back on the amount of meat containing large amounts of saturated fat, which impacts the effective functioning of the liver - possibly leading to inflammation and irritation. Animal fats also contain arachadonic acid which can stimulate inflammation.

6. Take Glucosamine sulfate: Glucosamine is a naturally occurring element in the body that plays a crucial role in the building and healing of cartilage. Glucosamine may be efficient in treating and even delaying the progression of osteoarthritis. Some studies have hinted that glucosamine may be as effective as NSAIDs in treating joint conditions, while having fewer gastrointestinal side effects.

7. Magnetic therapy: Magnetic therapy is a safe method of applying magnetic fields to the body for therapeutic purposes. It helps speed the healing process and improve quality of sleep without any adverse side effects. A study from the University of Virginia showed that that a magnetic field of moderate strength can result in significant reduction of swelling when applied immediately after an inflammatory injury. Dilation of blood vessels is a major cause of swelling, and it's thought that the magnets worked by limiting blood flow to the affected area. Individuals wearing magnetic jewelry have reported diminished muscle soreness and lessening of cramps. Try sleeping on a magnet mattress pad to help ease the pain of muscle soreness or apply magnet straps to sore muscle or tendonitis areas.

8. Take Vitamin D: Researched conducted by the University of Minnesota found that 93% of all subjects with non-specific musculoskeletal pain were vitamin D deficient. Taking Vitamin D and CoQ10 can help alleviate muscle pain caused by cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. Vitamin D can also be synthesized naturally by the body upon exposure to sunlight.

9.Cayenne pepper: A teaspoon of cayenne shaken in 2 ounces of olive oil can be used as an ointment and rubbed directly into sore muscles. Cayenne contains capsaicin which eventually inhibits secretion of the neurotransmitter Substance P, that transmits pain to the brain, lessening muscle soreness, sprains and cramps.

10. Try an Epsom salt bath: The magnesium sulfate of Epsom Salt acts as a muscle relaxant, and by easing muscle pain it helps the body to eliminate harmful substances. Due to changes in agriculture in the past century, most Americans are deficient in Magnesium. Studies show increased magnesium levels from soaking in a bath enriched with Epsom salt! Magnesium and sulfate are both easily absorbed through the skin. Fill a bathtub with water as hot as you can stand. Add 2 cups of Epsom salts. The heat of the bath will increase circulation and reduce inflammation.

About Alchemy Radiant Health:(Alchemy Radiant Health offers services to help people achieve premium physical performance, mental clarity, and well-being through holistic wellness programs that promote radiant health and longevity. Our approach and philosophy is based on ancient Chinese nutrition combined with the latest developments in super-foods.

Sources Used in this article:

(1) July 1998 issue of The American Journal of Medicine

None of the statements in this article have been approved by the FDA. Any products or services referred to are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any disease or health condition.

All content in this article is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. The information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind. Alchemy Radiant Health assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. Your use of this article indicates your agreement to these terms.

Degenerative Osteoarthritis - The Best Pain Relief Measures

Degenerative osteoarthritis is an agonizing condition that is suffered by millions of people all over the world. However, though potentially debilitating, the disease can actually be treated the natural way. Read on to understand more about this form of arthritis and the remedies that can alleviate the symptoms of this disease.

Degenerative osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis. At the moment there is no permanent cure to treat this condition, which is also known as degenerative joint disease. However, with early diagnosis, proper treatment and a program of regular exercise and weight strengthening, the pain associated with it can be significantly reduced.

Degenerative joint disease is most commonly suffered by the elderly, as it is considered to be an inevitable process of aging. Eventually it is something that can affect by all of us. Although the cause of the disease can not be pinpointed to one factor, it is often thought that obesity and excess weight are some of the main culprits. This is backed up by recent research that demonstrated that even a modest decline in weight could improve the mobility of the joints and reduce pain in the knees and hips.

As for its prevention and treatment, increasing the intake amount of Omega 3 fatty acids in the form of fish oil supplements is highly recommended. After all, Omega 3 is an excellent anti-inflammatory substance that can help reduce pain caused by the disease. Fish oil supplements can also prevent more damage from occurring in the cartilage. Consuming Omega-3 fatty acids can also help the cartilage from thinning. This is especially useful to prevent age-related osteoarthritis, such as the degenerative type.

Taking fish oil supplements, which are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, is one alternative remedy that you should definitely look into if you want to improve your condition. Not only will they help to reduce the symptoms of degenerative joint disease, but they will also improve your general health. Omega 3 fish oil supplements are good for the heart, brain, skin, digestive system and of course, your joints.

In addition to taking supplements, you should also eat fresh fish and mussels. One specific mussel that is highly rich is Omega-3 is the green lipped mussel. The anti-inflammatory properties in these mussels have been shown to reduce pain and joint stiffness in your body. A combination of eating fresh fish, green lipped mussels and taking fish oil supplements is the best remedy to combat the disease.

Make sure to include these Omega 3 rich foods as a part of your daily diet. For more great tips and ideas about the benefits of fish oil supplements, visit my website.

Can Dead Sea Salt Stop Joint Pain?

This is it! You've reached the red line beyond which you cannot bear the pain. After having spent weeks and months of wishful thinking, the reality has hit you right on the face. No matter what experts say, there's so much so that medicines can do, so what would you do now?

There's a long way yet to travel before you could give up on your quest. Have you ever heard wise men saying that the world is a perfect place? It may be so, because relief for joint pain has been found right in Dead Sea Salt.

Among the best uses of Dead Sea salt is relieving Psoriasis, Eczema and related skin diseases. It also relieves lower back pain, joint pain and muscle aches caused by various diseases. The latter is the reason why it is popular among Rheumatoid arthritis patients. The efficiency of Dead Sea salt is clinically proven to relieve pain in both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

We all know that the Dead Sea contains far more minerals than any place on earth. It is known to contain 32% more minerals than any other sea with Iodine and Bromides being freely available together with Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and Calcium in dry form. These elements together are known to work the magic in relieving pain as they take over the job of regulating cell activity and daily functioning while stabilizing body's fluid levels.

Many user reviews prove that a hot water bath immersed in salt bring them closer to a world full of relief from joint pain. They report of being refreshed and relaxed in the mind and body so much so that they feel deeply relieved of joint pain. Dead Sea bathing salts are available in many colors and sizes in the market. However, you ought to be cautious of what you buy. Many rheumatoid arthritis sufferers prefer the white salt over other colors but you need to know how to identify authentic Dead Sea salt in order to benefit from its' usage.

There are washed or processed salts that come in to the market in the name of Dead Sea salt. These salts have had their minerals extracted for other purposes and would not provide you any benefit at the end. The best way to identify the difference between the authentic salt and processed salt is to examine the color. If the salt carries a 'bleached white' appearance, it has probably been refined. The authentic Dead Sea salt is off color white in nature. There would be a texture difference too in the refined salt, but it would be very hard to track the difference on its texture alone.

While many people seem to have benefitted from this salt for rheumatoid arthritis joint pain, some also report that the effects have worn off on the joint pains after regular use of the salt. So rather than using it daily, you could get in to a weekly plan of using dead sea salt in a hot water bath?