Saturday, August 24, 2013

Can an Earache Be Caused by Stress?

Having an earache is no picnic and even though most individuals experience them rather frequently as babies or toddlers, when adults get them they can tend to be somewhat unbearable. Any parent knows many little ones get them as a result of drinking bottles or Sippy cups while lying down and form other germs, but why would an adult get one? Can an Earache be caused by stress?

The answer to this question is yes, but not directly caused by stress. When a person is stressed they often engage in other habits to diffuse their stress levels which will result in causing themselves to obtain an earache. For example, if you happen to be in the midst of a stressful day then you tend to have problems sitting still. You result in tapping your feet, chewing on pens or pencils, chewing on gum for long periods of time, grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw. When you're stressed and you continuously engage in these nervous behaviors, you can begin to experience earaches or symptoms of TMJ from causing all the pressure in the jaw, facial muscles and most importantly the ears.

To avoid getting earaches caused by stress, take a look at your life at what changes you need to make to diffuse that stress. Engage in healthier habits to overcome it such as exercise, reading or even relaxing in front of the television for a little while to give your body and your mind a rest. There are several other situations that cause earaches and the stress you endure simply triggers it also. Swimmers who experience swimmers ear and pressure built up the ears also suffer from earaches as adults. To offset these infractions you must be use when engaging in water activities and wear the appropriate ear plugs to prevent the water from entering the ear canals. The beginning signs of an earache are pressure and tightness in the jaw muscles and even at times a headache. When you experience these warning signs you need to treat them right away and seek medical attention if they do not subside with any over the counter medications or home remedies.

Earaches are a nuisance and they can be expected to hang around from anywhere from an hour to days depending on what caused the earache. Try to sleep with your head higher than the rest of your body at all times by using two pillows if necessary to drain out the ears and keep other fluids and toxins from going into the ear canals and causing even more pressure and more pain inside the ears. If you suffer from TMJ which is a common disorder in which the jaw muscles are not allowing you to open your mouth the entire way or to chew foods without it making a cracking sound, then many times that is the root of your pain and not an earache caused by stress, making it worth your time to have your doctor evaluate the issue and find the best treatment options for you.

Get Rid of Gout Pain & Regain Joint Mobility

Boy, getting old is no fun is it? As we age, we have heart problems, diabetes, impotence and many other illnesses to worry about. Another condition gaining prominence is gout, where between 2-5 million people in America suffer from this condition.

Just what is gout?

It is a kind of arthritis that causes sudden swelling and stiffness in the joints; the big toe in particular. This condition affects men mainly and can flare up at any time over an extended period of time


It is well known that this condition is caused by very high levels of uric acid in the blood (as a result of eating high purine foods) leads to the formation of hard crystals in the joint. However, it is now coming to light that consuming high fructose corn syrup in the form of sodas and other foods, is another culprit.

By cutting your sugar intake and drinking more water to flush out uric acid from your body, you could seriously reduce the likelihood of getting gout.

Some Symptoms

a. Pain and swelling in joints, especially big toe.
b. Nodules on ears, hands and elbows
c. Fever
d. Reddish or purplish skin around the affected joints

Gout Prevention

Exercise helps to normalize insulin levels and hence uric acid. Furthermore, cut the amount of sugar in your diet. Other dietary changes include

e. Reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption which can help to reduce the amount of uric acid in your blood
f. Diets high in meat and sea food are high purine foods and will raise uric acid levels in your blood, exactly what you don't want

Some people take prescription drugs like allopurinol and cholchicine to reduce uric acid levels. But these can have long term side effects.

Therefore look to herbal supplements for safe effective relief.

3 Common Postural Mistakes That Cause Back Pain

For many people, posture correction is a key component of back pain treatment. Posture - the way we hold ourselves when sitting, standing or laying - can either help protect our backs or be the cause of its pain. The tension and alignment of our soft tissues and joints are affected by posture and the lower back, both highly mobile and load-bearing, is perhaps most affected by poor posture.

Are you making any of the following common postural mistakes?

Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Since the pelvis is the foundation of the upper body, its position affects and is affected by the position of the lower back. The lumbar spine in the lower back has a natural inward arch that helps balance the forces absorbed by the spine. The inward arch is called lordosis. Often, people have too much lordosis. As the arch increases, the base of the spine is pulled upward. The base of the spine is the sacrum, which attaches to the hip bones via the sacroiliac joints. This causes the back of the pelvis to raise and the front of the pelvis to drop lower.

Anterior pelvic tilt is most often caused by muscle imbalances; tense lower back and weak hamstring and glute muscles can cause the pelvis to be pulled up in back, while tight quads and hip flexors pull it down in front without sufficient counter-force from weak abdominal muscles. This may result from imbalanced training or from simply standing and sitting with an increased arch for years. Wearing high heels, being overweight and being pregnant all predispose a person to anterior pelvic tilt.

It is important to correct this postural distortion, as it takes a toll on spinal discs, joints and the muscles throughout the pelvis and back. You may require myofascial release if muscle tension has begun to cause knots in the myofascia (the connective tissue surrounding muscles). Exercise to target the abdominal, glute and hamstring muscles will be helpful in conjunction with efforts to relax the tight opposing muscles.

To see if you have anterior pelvic tilt, stand with your back against a wall, making sure your buttocks and shoulders are touching the wall. If there is more than a two-inch gap between your lower back and the wall, you may have hyperlordosis.

Forward Head

This type of postural dysfunction is on the rise due to the proliferation of small electronic devices like iPhones and our increasing reliance on them. Forward head posture is just what is sounds like: The head is positioned in front of the body's mid-line. Ideally, the head is supported by the neck directly over the shoulders. This position maintains the cervical arch within the neck and keeps neck, upper back and shoulder muscles at the appropriate length.

When the head is positioned in front of the body, its weight is no longer balanced on the spine. Rather, the upper back and neck muscles must support it. In order to look straight ahead with forward head, the muscles in the back of your neck must shorten and the cervical arch increases. This can lead to muscular pain, myofascial pain, premature cervical disc wear, cervical joint degeneration and tension headaches.

Often when people crane their heads forward, they are trying to get closer to what they're looking at. Consciousness of this tendency combined with efforts to counter it, such as raising objects closer to your face, can help to reverse forward head. Myofascial release and stretching exercises will help to relax tight neck and upper back muscles.


We are all likely guilty of slouching at times. Some slouch when they stand or walk, and this postural mistake is particularly common when sitting. Slouching occurs when the upper back rounds out, the shoulders droop forward and the lower back flattens. Often, forward head accompanies slouching. The spine is a unit, and changes in one area are often reflected by changes in another.

A leading cause of slouching is core muscle weakness. The muscles of the lower back, pelvis, buttocks and stomach are relied upon to support spinal alignment and uprightness of the upper body. If these muscles aren't working to do these jobs, the spine will round out and the upper body will sag. Your chances of slouching increase with the amount of time you spend in a sitting or standing position; even the strongest of cores tires out eventually.

One way to counteract slouching is to consciously engage your core muscles when sitting or standing. Focus on your deep abdominal muscles and gently engage them. These muscles support the lower spine. Doing balanced core exercises such as bird dogs, bridges, partial crunches and planks will help to correct slouching. As with other forms of postural distortions, myofascial release may be needed in addition to stretching in order to relax muscles that have been chronically tensed by habitual slouching.

Being aware of common postural mistakes will help prevent you from making them. You can reduce or eliminate back pain by holding your body in proper alignment.

Natural Treatment for Feline Arthritis Recommended by Veterinarians

Work with your vet to rule out other problems that might cause your cat to limp or be lame. There are tests your vet will use to rule out other complications. Then ask your vet if you can use a natural treatment for feline arthritis.

There are several kinds of treatment that can be prescribed. The overall goal is to make sure your cat's arthritis symptoms are managed or even almost eliminated. Having your cat return to top shape makes you feel better too. Your kitty returns love more easily when he isn't hurting. While you don't mind picking up the cat, you would rather have him jumping into your lap on his own.

There are two substances that are naturally produced in your cat's body which are glucosamine and chondroitin. These combine to form major components of your cat's joint cartilage. Your cat's body produces less of this as he ages. There are different supplements that can be used to help rejuvenate your cat's joints, and some cats will even completely regain all of their mobility.

When Omega-3 fatty acids are used, it will help relieve stiffness and pain, as well as lubricate your cat's joints. Corticosteroids are prescribed to help provide relief for a cat's arthritis pain. Some people will even try natural remedies, but you have to be careful. Some treatments like tea tree oil or cayenne may work for humans, but your cat can't tolerate certain natural substances. If you go the natural path look for products specifically formulated for cats and dogs, not for human consumption.

Whatever treatment for feline arthritis you follow, whether it's pain-relieving drugs or a natural supplements, there are some things that are necessary to relieve your cat's pain and suffering. For one, if you are dealing with an overweight cat, he's going to have to undergo a weight loss program. The excess weight puts extra pressure on the inflamed joints. Exercise is difficult for fat cats. However, the fatter he is the more lethargic he'll be.

This leads to more stiffness and pain. As he limbers up, your cat will resume his former antics and play. Of course, don't ask your fatty to do too much at first. He's going to have limitations, but cats love to play. He's going to love the fact that you are spending more time with him too. Cats love warm spots in the house. Cats with arthritis need more warmth to minimize joint pain too. If you have a electric blanket on your bed, leave it on low so he can benefit from the warmth. A heating pad can help too, just make sure there is a towel or blanket in between your cat and the pad. Keep this on low too.

What could be better than a gentle massage? Massage helps keep the blood flowing to muscles and joints. Use your fingertips to gently massage your cat's muscles all over, but be careful when you get to the sore areas. The last thing you want is to be bitten. Exercise is an effective treatment for feline arthritis. Also consider using natural treatments that you can use long term to minimize your cat's pain from osteoarthritis. You can use these on a daily basis without bad side effects or causing problems with other vital organ functions.

Holistic Pain Relief

Pain can make your life a living hell. It can take all the joy out of it and hinder you from appreciating all the good things you could enjoy otherwise. Modern medicine has supplied is with plenty of painkillers: from ibuprofen to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opiod-based drugs.

However: these painkillers come with a fair share of side-effects, risks and dangers. Prescription pain medication overdose is now one of the leading causes of accidental death in the United States of America. That's why holistic pain relief is celebrating a comeback: more and more people realize that there are better ways of handling pain.


Arnica is derived from a plant that is common in middle-European countries, and its medical use has been documented since the 1500's. It boosts many anti-inflammatory properties. It's used for strains, sprains, bruises and some other acute pains. It is also a common homoeopathic treatment used for holistic pain relief.

Counting Out Loud

This is a simple mental concentration technique that can help to better stand short, low-to-midlevel-pain. Simply count out loud from 100 backwards. There was a Japanese study that found out that the study participants experienced substantially less pain when they got a needle injection when they counted backwards from 100. However, this works only if you truly concentrate on the counting.

Fish oil

When you eat fish oil, your body breaks it down into prostaglandins. These are hormones that help to reduce inflammation and act as holistic pain relief. You probably already know that fish oils are very healthy for you, but they can also help to reduce pain. There was a study that showed that people who consume high amounts of cod liver oil had less neck pain.


This substance is derived from a red seaweed and contains high amounts of magnesium and calcium. Research indicates that aquamin might help to reduce inflammation of the joints and building of bone tissue. It also seems to help for arthritis pain and can reduce the feeling of joint stiffness.


Hypnosis is simply a technique that helps you to consciously alter your state of consciousness, in order to direct your attention towards, or away from, a certain sensation or thought.

Many people think of hypnosis as some kind of mind control technique - but it really is more of a concentration technique. With hypnosis, you can easy and switch of sensations of pain completely naturally, without introducing any chemical or foreign substance into your body, only through the power of your own mind. This may be one of the best kinds of holistic pain relief that is available right now.

Knee Replacement Surgery and Social Security Benefits

If you cannot work due to chronic knee problems, you should consider applying for Social Security Disability benefits. This article explains how Social Security evaluates claims for people with chronic knee problems before and after knee replacement surgery. Knee replacement surgery, however, is not required for approval for benefits.

When knee problems impact your ability to walk effectively, Social Security applies 1.02A of the musculoskeletal listings (or definitions) of disability. Listing 1.02A is below:

1.02 Major Dysfunction of a joint(s) (due to any cause): Characterized by gross anatomical deformity (e.g., subluxation, contracture, bony or fibrous ankylosis, instability) and chronic joint pain and stiffness with signs of limitation of motion or other abnormal motion of the affected joint(s), and findings on appropriate medically acceptable imaging of joint space narrowing, bony destruction, or ankylosis of the affected joint(s). With:

A. Involvement of one major peripheral weight-bearing joint (i.e., hip, knee, or ankle), resulting in inability to ambulate effectively, as defined in 1.00B2b...

The phrase "major weight-bearing joint" in this listing basically means a joint you need for standing and walking. Knees, along with hips and ankles, fall into this category.

Disability Benefits Before Knee Replacement Surgery

For my clients who need - but have not had - knee replacement surgery, the usual situation is that they have degenerative joint disease or internal joint derangement and the more conservative treatments, including arthroscopy, pool therapy, and/or therapeutic injections, have been unsuccessful. Of this group, some await knee replacement surgery because their orthopedic surgeons were concerned about their younger age. These clients seem to be under 50. The rationale for waiting (when possible) is that artificial knee joints have a life span, and the procedure (apparently) cannot be repeated indefinitely. If you face this situation, certainly discuss these issues thoroughly with your surgeon.

My clients awaiting knee replacement surgery are usually approved for benefits at Social Security benefits hearings under Listing 1.02A when they have:
(1) the appropriate imaging studies with "marked" findings,
(2) examination and ongoing treatment by an orthopedic specialist, and
(3) comments about knee replacement in the treatment records.

A practice note for attorneys and non-attorney representatives: I ask my clients with ongoing knee problems about hip and low back issues. I also ask if the healthier knee is getting worse because of favoring it. My clients commonly develop these problems because of their difficulties walking (their "gait"). These collective mobility issues are taken into account at a hearing. Medical-vocational guidelines apply for those near 50.

Disability Benefits After Knee Replacement Surgery

For my clients who have had knee replacement surgery, the general questions shift to two areas: (1) duration (when will full recovery occur) and (2) the ongoing mechanical integrity of the artificial joint. As for duration issues, I hope my clients benefit from knee replacement surgery so they can get on with their lives. Still, at least a year of disability leading into and after the replacement surgery is necessary for approval for benefits. Technically, if post-surgical recovery happens before a Social Security benefits hearing, a "closed period" of benefits may apply. This means that only backpay, and not ongoing monthly benefits, are payable. This makes sense if your new knee joint gets you back on your feet again.

As for mechanical integrity of the artificial knee joint, I have had some clients who, despite knee replacement and the proper follow-up treatment, still have issues with the joint. They may have problems with locking or clicking. Again, discuss these situations with a qualified professional. In the context of Social Security benefits, you may get ongoing benefits if the knee replacement is less than fully functional. The question becomes a matter of degree.

A practice note for attorneys and non-attorney representatives: If your client needs a cane when standing, you can argue at a hearing that he or she is effectively "one-handed" when standing at potential jobs, even under a "sit-stand option". Important, too, is whether or not your client holds the cane with his or her dominant hand.

A final thought. Social Security benefits are also available for those who may not need knee replacement surgery in the foreseeable future. The ultimate question is how your collective medical issues (physical and emotional) impact your ability to work full-time. There are many problems people can have with joints, such as gout and rheumatoid arthritis. Hand impairments, as well, can be devastating. Pain and immobility from these conditions and others can, depending on the severity, allow you to receive Social Security benefits.

Andrew W. Kinney, Esq.

Natural Approaches to Joint Pain Relief

It is normal for older people to complain about joint ache. But then, it is not normal to tolerate the pain. Painful joints can be caused by progressive joint disorder that requires immediate treatment, or else the condition may worsen. Even if joint aches are not caused by any disorder, joint pains are really bothersome and it negatively affects the lives of the sufferers.

Scientists have come up with several treatment options for joint pains however, most of the treatments available can only offer temporary relief. What sufferers are looking for is the treatment that would totally free them from joint ache. Treatments for joint pains are typically related to its causes.

Arthritis which is the major cause occurs primarily among older adults aged 55 and older. People at this age may not be able to escape the joint stress. More importantly, osteoarthritis which causes chronic pain in the affected joint may progress and worsen until the joints become totally immobile.

The joints are naturally lubricated and thus allowing for flexibility and mobility of the bones. But as one gets older, the lubrication diminishes and since bones meet, they tend to rub each other and cause friction, hence the pain. The condition is both progressive and irreversible and since it causes great deal of pain and suffering, appropriate treatments should be given to provide relief.

Why should one choose natural approach in managing pain?

Natural means is always better. Natural approaches mean no harmful chemicals are involved in managing the pain. Joint pain relief can be achieved even without these chemicals that have been known for their adverse side effects. Certainly, the sufferers would not want to invite yet another potential pain-causing disorder, which may result due to the use of chemical and drug-based approaches to joint relief.

Drugs are used in providing pain relief and these drugs are no doubt effective. The main drawbacks with the use of these drugs however are the serious health implications that have been reported. One may need to totally avoid these side effects by avoiding pain medications and other drug-based treatments. Instead, choose for the natural approaches that have been proven effective, but without the unlikely side effects. Most pain sufferers need immediate relief and while natural approaches do not provide immediate results, they may continue using their medications.

Natural approach provide long-term pain relief

there are various natural approaches that help sufferers deal with pains relief. Most of these however do not provide immediate relief as medications can offer. But their effects are long-term and more permanent. Exercise, diet and use of joint pain supplements are the most effective natural approach for stress relief. Diet and exercise included in ones treatment program to prevent disorders such as obesity, which also contributes to bones stress.

Supplements are an essential part in treating them naturally. Supplements contain natural ingredients that are proven to work effectively to relieve pain. At the same time, these supplements help maintain the bones healthy. This is therefore recommended not only for people with osteoarthritis but also for those who are into sports. This will help them maintain the flexibility and mobility of their bones and strengthen them.

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Basics of Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Dentists offer different dental treatments and procedures under different dentistry fields. One such service is full mouth rehabilitation.

What is Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

Full mouth rehabilitation corrects your improper bite and enhances the appearance of your teeth and gums. It involves the application of cosmetic and neuromuscular dentistry, combined to give you a functional, comfortable, and beautiful smile.

You need to learn about cosmetic and neuromuscular dentistry first, to know what full mouth rehabilitation involves. Here is a brief and lengthy discussion of each respectively.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry involves activities practiced in general dentistry. The difference is it is a more specific dentistry field. Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of the teeth and gums by correcting chipped, cracked, discoloured, and unevenly spaced teeth. The treatments involved in this field are elective in nature, and can include teeth whitening, dental implants, and veneers.

What is Neuromuscular Dentistry?

Neuromuscular dentistry is a dental treatment approach that focuses on the correction of jaw misalignment. Neuromuscular dentists strive to ease the stress from the jaw muscles and reduce painful symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD).

Neuromuscular dentistry is also the process of measuring and establishing the most favourable position of your jaw. After determining your jaw's best position, your dentist sets it by using orthotics or by applying dental restoration treatments.

Orthotics are clear, removable or fixed appliances made to fit over the top of your lower teeth. They can artificially build up your bite to a comfortable position to reposition your jaw.

Dental restoration treatments, on the other hand, include porcelain veneers and crowns that can reposition your jaw. These treatments can also enhance the appearance of your teeth, gums, and mouth.

How does Full Mouth Rehabilitation work?

The process of full mouth rehabilitation involves the evaluation of the function of your jaw muscles, both in the stressed and relaxed positions. They use dental equipment that can run computerized scans of your jaw to better facilitate this process.

Your dentist can offer to reposition your jaw with orthotics or dental restoration treatments if you have a disproportionate jaw. You have to wear orthotics for a few weeks or months, if you choose them as your treatment. After such time, your jaw will naturally drop into its most comfortable position. Once your jaw is set, your dentist can now restore your natural bite.

Your dentist can also offer to use dental restoration treatments that can raise or lower your bite. Once your jaw is in its correct position, your pain and discomfort will lessen or disappear. The correction can also give you better dental health.

With full mouth rehabilitation, however, always choose a method that can give you the most effective jaw repositioning and bite correction. Keep in mind that with every type of dental procedure, you should choose a dentist that would give you the best possible result.

What You Need to Know About TMJ Disorders

There are many medical conditions that affect a large number of the population but most of them go ignored because people either don't know what they are or they just choose to suffer silently. One of them affects the temporomandibular joint or otherwise known as TMJ disorders. For those unfamiliar with the term, the temporomandibular joint connects the jaw to the rest of the skull and is responsible for opening and closing the mouth.

Many people experience pain and difficulty when opening their mouths which are positive signs of disorder on the TMJ. But because there is very little public information out there about this kind of condition, they are forced to endure it hoping it will go away on its own. What they don't realize is that TMJ disorders like this are either a sign of something more serious or could lead to further damage if left undiagnosed or untreated.

These disorders are not just caused by injury or damage to the joint itself. Surrounding areas and parts like the jaw, facial and neck muscles, teeth, cartilage disk at the joint, ligaments and blood vessels can affect function. It's important to know what the usual causes for these conditions are in order to help people avoid suffering from them.

The most common source of TMJ disorders is extreme physical trauma to the joint that causes it to not be in alignment or worse, break apart. This usually happens to people who experience accidents or blows to the jaw or head. Teeth grinding is also a common cause as well as other oral conditions like deformed teeth that require correction using braces. Also, dentures that are poorly done can cause these problems to occur.

Degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis also play a big role for people who suffer from diminished TMJ function. Unhealthy habits like excessive gum chewing and biting big chunks of food also contribute to formation of the disorder. The symptoms of this condition often involve difficulty in biting or chewing food, clicking sound when opening the mouth, dull pain in the face, migraine, hearing loss, neck and shoulder pain. People who suspect they show any of these signs should visit an Oral Surgeon or even their own physician.

TMJ disorders and its treatments vary depending on how it's diagnosed. But usually it involves realignment or corrective measures like exercise and therapy. If it's caused by a disease or any illness, treatment will slowly reduce symptoms until TMJ function returns to normal. Surgery is usually only reserved for extreme cases like accident victims.

Serious Sleep Disorder Common In Overweight Men

Do you snore loudly and a lot? Do you feel you're not getting enough sleep? Are you sleepy always, especially at daytime? Do you fall asleep easily and at the wrong time? Are you forgetful, suffering from high blood pressure, and have a poor sex life?

If you answered "yes" to the above questions, chances are you're suffering from sleep apnea - a potentially serious sleep disorder that's as common as diabetes and affects over 12 million people in the United States alone.

The Greek word "apnea" means "without breath." This common sleep disorder is characterized by brief but repeated interruptions of breathing during sleep, sometimes hundreds of times during the night and often for a minute or longer. There are three kinds of sleep apnea: obstructive, central and mixed. Of the three, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common.

"OSA is caused by blocked airway when the soft tissue in the rear of the throat collapses and closes during sleep. The airway is not blocked in central sleep apnea but the brain fails to signal the muscles to breathe. Mixed sleep apnea is a combination of the two," according to TMJ (temporomandibular joint) specialist Dr. Herminia P. Chavez of the Queen Mary Holistic Center in Manila.

Chavez said the usual victims of sleep apnea are overweight males over the age of 40 who smoke and drink a lot and have a family history of the disease. However, she adds that anyone can be affected regardless of age, weight and sex.

In children, OSA is often caused by large adenoids and tonsils. The American Sleep Apnea Association said the condition can be found in one to three percent of children between the ages of 2 and 18 but it is often present in children aged 2 to 6 years old.

"Untreated, OSA may raise your risk of developing high blood pressure, heart failure, stroke and other cardiovascular complications. Interest in sex is diminished due to oxygen deprivation, fatigue and depression. Lack of sleep may affect your job and contribute to vehicular accidents. In children, it may increase their risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In addition to habitual loud snoring, labored breathing and disruptive sleep, OSA in children causes' bed-wetting, sweating and sleeping in unusual positions. Disturbed or insufficient sleep can also affect a child's physical and psychological well-being," Chavez warned.

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the most common treatment for OSA. This machine pushes air through the nose at a high pressure to keep the airway open during sleep. However, patient compliance is a problem since many people are uncomfortable with the idea of a wearing a mask while sleeping.

Surgery is expensive and works only in severe cases where OSA is caused by enlarged tonsils, nasal polyps, a deviated septum (a crooked partition between your nostrils) or jaw malformations.

Chavez said a non-invasive and less expensive way to treat OSA is with the use of an oral appliance. This dental device is worn during sleep and is effective when airway obstruction is caused by enlarged tonsils, a big tongue or an abnormal soft palate (the muscles in the roof of your mouth).

To minimize your risk of suffering from sleep apnea, lose weight and eat right. One product that can help is Phenocal, a safe, natural, and effective weight loss supplement that boosts your metabolism, suppresses your appetite, reduces food cravings, and increases energy levels to keep you in shape. Check out for more information.

The Work of a TMJ Dentist and How to Locate an Experienced One

TMJ is a very rare disorder that most health care professionals are unaware of. TMJ stands for temporomandibular joints which are located on either sides of a person's face. This disorder is quite serious and needs immediate treatment. It not treated in a timely manner it can severely affect the patient's back, neck, ears, and head too. TMJ also has a negative effect on the patient's eating, breathing, and sleeping thus causing quite distress in his/her life. The main cause of TMJ disorder is a shift in the position of patient's teeth or by orthodontic work performed on the patient. A patient experiencing this disorder will experience symptoms like difficulty and pain when opening or closing his/her jaw, jaw clicking, and even tightness in the jaw. When the patient's jaw joints become unaligned due to various reasons he or she can start experiencing this problem.

If you feel that you are experiencing any of the above mentioned symptoms, you should immediately consult a TMJ dentist. Before you go looking for a TMJ dentist, you should first consult with your regular dentist and describe these symptoms to him or her. Any regular dentist will also be able to diagnose this disorder by conducting a thorough exam. Your regular dentist will be more familiar with your jaw and teeth history than any new TMJ dentist. Therefore it is important that you first consult with your regular dentist and discuss your problems with him or her first and then take his/her advice on which TMJ dentist to go to.

People working in the medical profession are more able to give you good referrals. Therefore ask your dentist to refer to you an expert Dentist or any maxillofacial surgeon that is board certified too. The problem is that you can never find any Dentist who is a recognized specialist in this particular area. This is why you will have to search for maxillofacial surgeons who will basically be your Dentist too. A maxillofacial surgeon is basically experienced in the particular areas of jaw and mouth and hence the work of the Dentist falls in his medical expertise. If you are suffering from TMJ disorder the most probable treatment that your Dentist will recommend is surgery and for that you should go to an experienced maxillofacial surgeon who will be able to bring your jaw back in balance through surgery.

The best place to search for an experienced and recognized TMJ dentist is the online website of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain. On this site you can find many references to any expert Dentist that is located close to your area. Here you simply have to select the state in which you are living in and from there you can get a complete list of Dentists. You can get full details on any Dentist that you find appropriate like his/her contact number, official address, email ID, and personal website if he/she has any. Always go for a Dentist that is located close to you because making multiple trips to the Dentist office will be difficult for you if the clinic is located too far away. Other details that you should look into are the Dentist credentials, educational background, working experience, and their policies regarding dental insurance.

There are other ways as well through which you can search for a good TMJ dentist like asking any dental school in your vicinity for referrals or by asking the dental society of your state to give you good recommendations. These sources will help you locate a good and experienced TMJ dentist that you can go to confidently.

What Are These TMJ Exercises?

The world of medicine has often been found wanting when it comes to discovering an effective cure for certain diseases, which are serious in nature, and cause considerable pain and discomfort to those afflicted by it. This holds particularly true for the conventional school of medication. People are thus often left with only two options: either trying to cover the internally generated noise via other 'white noises' or 'sound masks', or making an attempt to switch to a life in which these distressing sounds would be a regular occurrence. Fortunately, the intensity and the pains associated with many such diseases can be considerably brought down, if exercises are regularly practiced, in sessions conducted under seasoned experts. One of the ailments that fall in this category is the temporomantibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Experiences of many people show that these exercises are highly effective in alleviating the painful sensations of TMJ disorders. However, the physiological getup of this intricate jaw joint has to be carefully understood, before one becomes able to fully grasp the full advantages of practicing these tasks.

The joint in the temporomandibular joint of the body is somewhat different from the other joints. Its utility is not limited as a ball and socket joint (hip and shoulder joint) or a device that resembles a hinge (elbow joint). While the TMJ does act as a hinge for the lower parts of the jaw area (mandible), it also makes the slight forward movement of the jaw possible as well. This movement, in fact, allows people to bite things in the proper manner. The TMJ exercises try to ease out the process of opening and closing the jaw, by toning the muscles present in the TMJ area. Such ways of relaxing the muscles also ensure that biting activities become more easy and problem-free.

While we have, till now, dealt only with the anatomical aspects of TMJ, the next thing we would do is to look at the TMJ exercises. For a person suffering from the TMJ ailment, the following TMJ exercises can come in extremely handy indeed.

Exercise # 1

The roof of the mouth has to be touched by the tongue, the mouth opened as wide as possible, and breath should be inhaled for a couple of counts. Next comes the holding of this breadth, followed by the exercise of exhaling, again for a couple of counts. Once completed, the tongue should go back to its initial position. After a specific interval (few seconds), the exercise should be repeated, that too, for ten times.

Exercise # 2

The fist has to be rolled up in a tight manner, and placed underneath the chin. Now, patients have to make an attempt to open their chin, while holding their arms simultaneously, in a steady manner. The lower jaw bone (or, the mandible) gets much-needed relaxation via this method, thanks to the isometric energy developed in the exercise. The time span of the exercise is ten seconds. Once completed, after an interval of ten seconds is to be repeated. In this manner, the exercise has to be done ten time. However, the exercise has to be immediately brought to an end, if clicking sounds become audible when the jaw is being opened. Patients have to restart the tasks once more in such cases.

Exercise # 3

Isometric energy can also be generated by forming a tight left fist, and placing it under the left portion of the jaw, and maintaining a strong pressure point. If this position is retained for ten seconds, the muscles of the jaw region become relaxed, and can easily retract back to their original forms. Ten times is the recommended number this exercise should be repeated. The directions are the same when people would use their right fist to support the right portion of their jaws.

Exercise # 4

Pressure can be exerted, albeit in medium dosage) right underneath the joint area of the TMJ, by the application of the index fingers in either of the patients' hands. The mouth should then be gradually opened, till a click sound is heard. Of course, as soon as the sound is audible, the exercise has to be abandoned and restarted. The jaw region will recover its original alignment and will open/close more smoothly, with the help of the even pressure that is applied on either side of the jaw, in this exercise.

Exercise # 5

This TMJ exercise is the most challenging one, and hence, people with more serious cases of TMJ disorders are generally advised to stay away from practicing it. It is certainly not suitable for those with persistent jaw pains due to TMJ, or if they have other related health hazards. Its efficacy as a TMJ pain-lessening exercise is, however, widely trusted by patients, particularly in cases where the ailment has been diagnosed at an early stage.

The two major functions of the temporomandibular (TMJ) joint can be listed in the following way - a) its hinge-like functions that allow the jaw to close and open with greater ease, and b) its property to sliding the lower jaw ahead, so that humans can bite food items properly. The exercise in question is aimed at rejuvenating the working powers of the TMJ. The forefinger as well as the thumb holds up the chin, and, in addition, shake up the chin, at intervals of ten seconds. Patients can also imitate the manner in which TMJ works, by moving the chin region slightly back and forth. It is imperative that the task is immediately halted if painful sensations are experienced while performing it.

Achieving TMJ Relief

There is no denying the benefits of the TMJ exercises, but these effects do never last for extended periods of time. The reason for this is simple: These exercises are not able to remove the underlying problem-creating factors the ailment. As such, chances of the TMJ disorder coming back are high.

High hopes should not be expected from the conventional schools of medication, or the drugs that are sold over the counter. Both these categories of treatment techniques treat only the symptoms of the TMJ disorder, and not the underlying causes behind the latter. On the other hand, holistic schools of treatment are much more effective, since they point out each and every reason behind the TMJ problems, and set about eliminating them. The entire body of the affected people is perceived as one entity for this purpose. Long-term cure from TMJ disorders is thus achieved, since there remains no trace of the causes of the ailment, or its symptoms, in the body of the individual.

Chiropractic: A Natural Preventative for Arthritis

To understand arthritis it is important to understand the definition of the word. "Arth" from the latin word arthro means joint. "Itis" means inflammation. Therefore, Arthritis simply means inflammation of a joint. There are many diseases that are classified under the term arthritis. There are many different types of arthritis. The most common type that affects most people in their life time is osteoarthritis.

The term osteoarthritis carries many different names. Some of these include degenerative arthritis, degenerative joint disease (DJD), and spondylosis if it is in the spine. Osteoarthritis is basically a condition that is defined as wearing out of cartilage that lines joint surfaces.

When joint cartilage is damaged, the sensitive bone tissue that is usually protected by the cartilage, becomes stressed causing degenerative changes in the joint. The bone around the joint may jut out causing osteophytes, more commonly called bone spurs. Bone spurs can irritate other things around the joint complicating the problem. This may include nerve irritation which can be a cause of pain associated with osteoarthritis.

The most common areas of the body to be affected by osteoarthritis include the lower neck, low back, knees, hips and fingers. The symptoms of DJD include stiffness or pain in the joints involved. Symptoms may also include referred pain. An example of this would be pain, numbness or tingling into the legs. This could be caused from arthritic joints in the low back irritating sensitive nerves which extend from the low back into the legs.

The best management for osteoarthritis is prevention and taking care of the joints involved. One should make sure that when joints are injured, they are taken care of as soon as possible to avoid the development of arthritis in the joints affected. If not taken care of, the joints can become unstable causing the cartilage in the joints to wear out faster than normal.

Degenerative arthritis affects most people over the age of 50. People often say "it is just part of getting old." Unfortunately many people accept being in pain thinking they are just too old. It is interesting to note that osteoarthritis always develops in specific joints and not evenly through the entire body. For example, a person may have one arthritic knee and not two, or they may have arthritis in the lower neck and not the entire spine. If degenerative arthritis were just caused from getting old, it would affect all of the joints in the body equally. The majority of elderly have joints in their body without any arthritis at all. The reason only some joints are affected is because of stress or injury to those joints.

Chiropractic helps to restore motion and proper mechanics in joints that are injured or affected by arthritis. Chiropractic can prevent or slow the degenerative process in joints. Studies have even shown a reversal of degenerative arthritis through chiropractic care. Chiropractic gets to the cause of the problem rather than just treat the symptoms associated with arthritis.

Chiropractors work to prevent arthritis by performing specific hands on adjustments to correct joints that are not in their proper alignment. This helps to restore proper motion to the joints and prevents the joints from becoming unstable. Proper motion is essential to preventing arthritis. It not only helps the joints to glide properly, but also allows them to receive essential nutrients and hydration.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Massages and Hydrotherapy For Pain Relief

Massages are known worldwide known for their multiple benefits. Depending on the receiver's need, massages can enhance muscle performance or relieve the deep tension that occurs mainly because of the stress. Recommended by doctors, massages have a strong therapeutic power and are integrated in the recovering process of many patients whether they suffer from osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis or need relief from an accident's post trauma.

The Swedish massage is being used worldwide where the patient receives because of the strokes used in it joint and tension relief. Having involved a rather gentle style with rubbing, tapping and kneading of the muscles, the Swedish massage is ideal for minimizing rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and because of that it is often prescribed in the rheumatoid arthritis treatments.

The deep tissue massage is a variation of the Swedish massage in which is more pressure applied to the tissues so that the massage effect will be felt on the deeper layer of muscles as well. Involving the use of fingertips and sometimes the elbows, the result of the deep tissue massage is stress relief and deep relaxation. However, more gentle massages like craniosacral therapy will also have as result the desired profound relief.

Hydrotherapy is an alternative for exercise therapy that can be painful for people that suffer from arthritis or osteoporosis and can not benefit from relieving pain and improving mobility because mobility causes pain to people having this autoimmune disease. Hydrotherapy offers the benefits of improving the body functions without putting stress on the joints or other body parts that are in pain because of the disease. Being especially useful for treating joint pain and stiffness, the common rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, hydrotherapy is a great way for patients to learn what exercises are helpful for their disease. The major benefit of the hydrotherapy is that patients do the exercises in warm water where the gravitational forces on the body are reduced and the joint mobility is considerably increased; also because of the water jets, the blood flow is increased as well improving the effective mobility in the entire body.

For people with osteoarthritis, hydrotherapy has been proved to be effective as well by improving the physical function and general health in the knees of the patients. Also, the benefit of having physical exercises impact free and with easier joint movement is a huge plus for people with osteoarthritis.

Combined with a healthy rheumatoid arthritis diet or a nourishing osteoarthritis diet, massages and therapies, especially hydrotherapy will help the suffering people of this disease make progress in recovering and get rid of the arthritis joint pain or knee pain and lack of strength. And for less pain in the joints, don't forget adding Omega 3 in your daily meals that will surely minimize your pain and joints inflammation!

Natural Health - Natural Solutions to TMJ (Jaw Discomfort)

Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ disorders) can be very disabling for sufferers. The temporomandibular joint is the one that joins your lower jaw to your skull, and can be felt if you press lightly just in front of your ear and move your jaw. This 'jaw joint' is one of the ones we use most often during the day, every time we talk, bite, chew or yawn. It is a complex set up of bones, muscles and tendons and any one of these parts can become inflamed and sore.

Many things can lead to TMJ disorders, but the most common are:

--Dental problems and misalignment of teeth. This can be caused by TMJ or lead to TMJ as sufferers chew on one side of their mouth.

--Teeth grinding or clenching can lead to TMJ disorder by wearing the cartilage of the joint. This behavior often occurs during sleep and the sufferer is unaware they are doing it until they are told, but they wake up every morning with a stiff or painful jaw.

--A history of a facial injury. Fractured jaws, or other facial bones, can lead to TMJ disorder.

--Chewing gum or nail biting. This is an overuse issue.

--Stress, because it can lead to jaw clenching or teeth grinding.

--Occupational issues, such as holding a telephone to your ear with your shoulder whilst talking.

The most common symptoms are:

--Pain. About eighty percent of sufferers will have headaches and/or facial pain. This pain is worse when opening or closing the jaw.

--Ear pain occurs in about half of all patients, often leading to unnecessary antibiotic treatment for ear infection.

--Sounds. Patients are often aware of grinding and/or clicking noises when they move their jaws.

--Other ear symptoms, such as feelings of "fullness", dizziness, tinnitus and muffled hearing. This can lead to misdiagnosis as ear infection.

Some natural healing options:

· Rest the jaw. This can mean eating only a soft diet and trying to reverse such behaviors as teeth grinding and clenching.

· Heat or cold packs. Cold packs are best at the start of an attack as they stop blood flow to the area and prevent inflammation. Once it has developed, heat packs work better as they relax the muscles.

· Pain relief with natural anti-inflammatories like MSM (Young Living's Sulfurzyme is an excellent MSM product), essential fatty acids like fish oils and flax.

--Essential oils can give good relief (of course the therapeutic grade oils, not perfume grade oils). Wintergreen is an effective anti-inflammatory and lavender oil is often indicated in the natural approach to TMJ.

--Indian head massage, healing touch and reiki are also very effective. Seek out qualified practitioners of these healing arts.

Natural Home Relief For Bruxism - How To Stop Teeth Grinding

Natural Home Relief For Bruxism

This article contains some important tips that will change things for you; no matter how bad your teeth grinding problem is. Teeth grinding occurs during sleep, and is said to be a conscious effort that gradually develops into a habit on the part of the person suffering from it. Since it is said to be a habit; it can also be stopped through a conscious effort on the part of the person suffering from it. This is how to stop TMJ naturally because it does not require any pain medication. Though, it may take a bit of time before one begins to see or experience the result of this natural treatment; the effect will definitely last longer than other means. There are lots of people who hardly know how to stop TMJ naturally; these people spend huge amount of money buying mouth guards and acquiring pain medications.

Causes Of Bruxism

Experts say that bruxism is caused by a condition called anxiety or digestive disorder. One of the best ways to treat teeth grinding is to address this disorder before it escalates into something else.

Some of the side-effects of bruxism include; jaw pain, earache, toothache, headache, and broken teeth. Experts have claimed that these minor side-effects could lead to other complications that may cause some severe damages. These major complications include; depression, and insomnia. Those suffering from bruxism are known to apply the following relieves.

One way to stop teeth grinding is through pain medication prescribed by doctors. Though, not a natural method of stopping this problem; pain medication still remains a common treatment among people who suffer from bruxism. Actually, pain medication only provides temporary solutions to stop teeth grinding.

Mouth Guard

A mouth guard is a gadget usually placed between the lower and upper jaw, which helps prevent both ends of the jaw from coming in contact. Though, not a cure for bruxism, mouth guard remains the most commonly used method by people who want to stop teeth grinding. The cost of acquiring or replacing a mouth guard once it wears out is put at about $700. That means one may have to cough out that much each time the one in use wears out.

Tackling teeth grinding from the root cause remains the best solution to curing it; and not actually all these artificial means, which cost a lot of money. Having considered pain medication and mouth guards as some of the ways to prevent this disorder; natural home relief for bruxism remains the best way out.

Is the Pain in My Hip Coming From a Hip Problem or From My Back?

When a person has pain going into the hip area, it may not be emanating from the hip itself. The pain may actually be coming from a problem that is occurring in the low back and the resulting pain is radiating into a person's hip region. The problem may not be causing any low back pain so it can be difficult to delineate where the actual problem is coming from.

In order to treat the pain most effectively, it is necessary to figure out where the problem is emanating from. In the doctor's office a physical examination can show usually if the patient has arthritis of the hip. With hip arthritis often times range of motion of the hip is very painful and there are specific maneuvers which can show this. There are also additional physical exam maneuvers which can show a problem such as sacroiliac joint arthritis. Along with this, plain x-rays raise of the hip joint will typically show moderate to severe arthritis and people have pain in the area or potentially going down into the side.

Outside of hip arthritis pain, an individual might have some other derangement inside the hip joint including a cartilage tear otherwise known as a labral tear.

If the person's pain is not coming from the hip, there's a good chance it's coming from a problem in the low back. This may be from a nerve root compression or potentially several nerve roots are being pinched such as in spinal stenosis.

Spinal stenosis may cause no pain in the lower back itself, but radiating pain going down around the hip area. So the two may be mistaken for each other, or they may actually co-exist.

An MRI of the low back can show if nerve roots are being pinched. This may explain the patient's hip pain especially if there is is no evidence of arthritis and the exam does not display pain with hip range of motion.

One way to tell the difference is to have a pain management doctor do a diagnostic injection into the hip itself. This may be done with numbing medicine along with some steroid. The numbing medicine should kick in within just a few minutes so if the patient describes there being much less pain afterwards it probably was the hip being the culprit.

If the hip injection does not help, and the needle was reasonably assured of being inside the joint, then the next step would be an epidural injection to see if the pain was coming from the low back. This is done as an outpatient procedure, and can tell very nicely if the pain relief occurs into the hip area.

So between the two diagnostic injections, pain doctors can often get a very good picture of whether or not the pain is coming from the hip by itself, the spine by itself, or a combination of the two. Then treatment efforts can be catered towards the definitive diagnosis.

Arthritis Treatment - How to Reduce Your Arthritis Pain and Stiffness to Manageable Level

The word arthritis means inflammation of the joints. Arthritis is a crippling condition associated with the inflammation of a muscle joint. The inflammation is often caused by the rubbing of the bones. There are two main types of arthritis:

• Osteoarthritis is caused by degeneration of the cartilage in the joints (the cartilage between the bones wears away). Osteoarthritis usually affects older people although it can develop in a younger person, especially where joints have been damaged by injury.

• Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) a systemic disease caused by abnormality in the body's immune system making it to work improperly and therefore leading to inflammation of the joints. It is an autoimmune disease of the joints (usually).

However, you can learn to live with this disease without permitting it to rule your life. To ease the pain while continuing your daily life, here are some things you can do. Arthritis can be managed through medication, regular exercise (preferably walking), rest, weight-management, nutrition, or in some cases, surgery. Arthritis is a chronic disease that lasts for a long time and possibly for the rest of one's life. Treatments will probably change over time and medication may be adjusted.

• Positive mental outlook and the support of family are essential for performance of daily activities. Stay focused on the positive things in life.

• Try to maintain your social life, laugh with your friends, and keep doing the things you do daily.

• Keep joints warm at night to avoid morning stiffness.

• Practice deep breathing in addition to a regular exercise program. Exercise alleviates arthritis symptoms and improves strength and flexibility. In addition, exercise helps prevent weight gain which makes arthritis pain worse.

• Oily fish is a good source of Vitamins A and D as well as being rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have the power to lessen inflammation in the body, as well as lessen the pain associated with arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis patients usually report improvement in joint pains and inflammation when taking fish oil supplements.

• Honey is useful in arthritic and rheumatic pains when combined with apple cider. Use the cider vinegar and honey treatment for arthritis and also apply cider vinegar externally to painful joints. This entails drinking a glass of water with two teaspoons of cider vinegar and two teaspoons of honey three times a day.

• Raw potato extract is a traditional remedy that has been used for centuries. Wash a medium size potato but do not peel. Be sure it has no green patches. Cut it into thin slices. Lay the slices in a bowl, cover with water and cover the bowl. Leave overnight. Drink the water in the morning.

• Calcium supplements can also help some cases of arthritis. If you prefer not to take supplements you can take calcium in dietary form.

• Glucosamine in combination with chondroitin is a supplement that can help lubricate joints while reducing inflammation and pain in some cases.

• Add several teaspoonfuls of ginger to vegetables, salads or beverages daily.

• Garlic and turmeric both have anti inflammatory properties and can be included in your diet in generous quantities.

Eat grapes regularly as grape skins contain resveratrol. Resveratrol deactivates the Cox-2 enzyme, which produces inflammation at the site of injury or pain.

• Regular diet of bananas, which are rich in potassium and vitamin B6, can be helpful in treating rheumatoid arthritis flare up. Eat only bananas for up to 3 days. Bananas should be ripe, i.e. starting to show brown spots on the skin.

• Practice deep breathing in addition to a regular exercise program. Exercise alleviates arthritis symptoms and improves strength and flexibility. In addition, exercise helps prevent weight gain which makes arthritis pain worse.

The following foods are known to make arthritis worse and should be avoided. You may have to cut them all out of your diet for at least 4 days and then reintroduce them one by one to feel the effects:

Sugar, caffeine, red meat, dairy products, citrus fruits, corn (maize), wheat, salt, artificial sweeteners and other food additives.

Take Control:

Arthritis may limit some of the things you do, but it does not have to control your life. One way to reduce your pain is to build your life around wellness, not pain or sickness. Think of pain as a signal to take positive action rather than an ordeal you have to endure. This means thinking positive thoughts, having a sense of humor (i.e. you can joke about your disability), eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly (e.g. walking), enjoying activities with friends and family, taking your medication properly and practicing relaxation.

Exercise and Arthritis:

For a long time, it was thought that people with arthritis should not exercise because it would damage their joints. Now doctors and therapists know that people with arthritis can improve their health and fitness through exercise without hurting their joints. Along with medicine, rest, acupressure, relaxation techniques and regular exercise can keep your joints in working order so that you can continue your daily activities. Everyone should exercise regularly. But if you have arthritis, it is a must. Exercise enhances the muscles around your joints and reduces the pain in your body. It also acts like lubrication for the joints in your body. It also may help prevent further joint damage. If your joints hurt, you may not feel like exercising. However, if you do not exercise, your joints can become even more stiff and painful. Exercise is beneficial because it keeps your muscles, bones and joints healthy. Be sure, however, that you only exercise within your body's limits.

Collagen - For Arthritis and Joint Health

Collagen protein (Type II Collagen) is the most abundant fibrous protein found in our body, representing 30% of total body protein AND up to 70% of the proteins in our connective tissues. Collagen is essential for the healthy growth and development of muscles, tendons and bones, giving structure to tendons, cartilage tissue, and connective tissue.

Our body produces and stores collagen protein during our youth; unfortunately, as we age, our collagen protein level decreases and our body cannot produce or rebuild the collagen level on its own. From the age of 25 our collagen levels reduce at about 1.5% every year as part of the aging process, as well as, the body's natural ability to repair supporting connective tissue (bone, joints, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, skin, hair and nails) begins to diminish. By the age of 45 our collagen levels will have been reduced by up to 30%. When the body's collagen production is reduced, both cartilage strength and all the body systems that contain cartilage are affected. This reduction contributes to an increase in general aches and pains in our joints and muscles and longer recovery times from injuries.

Collagen Hydrolysate can replace the collagen our body is no longer producing. Collagen Hydrolysate is collagen effectively broken down to facilitate easy absorption by the body. Although collagen hydrolysate is found in a mixed diet which includes meat and other animal produce, (vegan diets do not contain any collagen hydrolysate), an insufficient intake of collagen hydrolysate is relatively common. Due to the limited food choices in our diets and the wear and tear that occurs with the natural aging process (and even greater risks for those who participate in strenuous jobs or recreational activities or are predisposed to joint disease), a collagen supplement is vital.

Collagen Hydrolysate is an ideal nutritional supplement and preventive for anyone wanting to stay fit and healthy. Collagen Hydrolysate can play a vital role for those individuals at risk of developing joint disease. Such at-risk populations include: older individuals, especially 50 years or older; being overweight; those whose occupational activities predispose to osteoarthritis (ex. jobs involving repeated knee bending); individuals participating in extensive non-occupational physical activities including recreational running/walkers, cyclists, gardeners, soccer/football players; those with a history of significant joint or ligament injury; and individuals with a family history suggesting a genetic predisposition to any form of arthritis. Collagen Hydrolysate can even benefit individuals who already suffer from degenerative joint disease and arthritic conditions by reducing inflammation, decreasing pain, (thus reducing pain medications) and improving joint function, flexibility and mobility.

To find out more information about Calotren, Better Joints, or any of our health supplements, please visit our website.'s your life...your well.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

TMJ Symptoms - An Insight

The nature of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is rather complex, and, prior to the detection of the symptoms that hail TMJ-related disorders, the physiological factors of this joint should be understood properly. It also is worth noting that the characteristics of this joint undergo a sea-change, when the area gets affected adversely, from its initial healthy condition. A hinge is what comes to mind while trying to describe the functions of the temporomandibular joint, which, incidentally, is placed at the meeting-point of the bones of the lower jaw (mandible), and a region of the skull. This joint is instrumental in helping humans open and close their mouths with ease.

Unlike what many individuals' trend of thoughts, one-way hinge-like functioning is not the sole utility that this joint has to offer (as in windows' and doors' opening/closing mechanisms). Indeed, the TMJ allows the jaw to slide in the forward slightly, so that a person can open his/her mouth to the fullest extent possible. Researches show that, while 66.67 per cent of the task of opening the mouth is accomplished by this sliding facilities that this joint offers, only the remaining 33.33 per cent of the job is actually done by the features of the joint that make it function like a hinge.

The various muscles and cartilages that are located at or near the TMJ also help this bone-filled joint of the jaw a great deal in the execution of the functions of the latter. In this context, the 'articular disk' cartilage deserves a special mention. Located between the top surface of the joint and the higher parts of the bone in the mandible region, the cartilage offers significant to the TMJ. The rear portion of the 'articular disk' is under the control of the retrodiscal ligament; the pterygoid muscle (arranged laterally) take care of the proper functioning of the anterior end of this cartilage. Thus, problems in either of these two body parts can give rise to severe TMJ disorder problems. There are many other factors as well, that serve as tell-tale symptoms of TMJ problems. Such TMJ symptoms can be studied in the form of the following list.

TMJ Symptoms: The Less Common Signals

The symptoms of the TMJ (temporomandibular) disorders can be of two types: primary and secondary. While the primary symptoms, like acute pains in the TMJ area, irregular incidents of lockjaw, sounds being heard whenever the jaw is opened or closed (snaps, clicks, crunches, etc) are rather easy to perceive, the secondary symptoms are rather more unusual in nature. Let us cast a glance at these latter symptoms now:

Symptoms Observable In The Eyes:

o Blood-red color of the eyes,
o Painful sensations, from the rear portion of the eye, as well as from beneath and above the eye,
o Visibility reduced to a blur,
o Developing an extra sensitiveness to lighted areas,
o Pressure conditions being created on the eyes from the rear, and
o Unnaturally water-filled eyes.

Symptoms Observable In The Ears:

o Not being able to hear clearly,
o Unexplained paining in the ear,
o Heaviness in the ears, and extra-full feeling,
o Sounds of hisses, rings and roars in the ear, similar to what tinnitus patients hear,
o A filled up and jammed sensation in the ear, and
o An acutely dizzy feeling, imbalance issues and vertigo complicacies.

Symptoms Observable In the Face And The Head:

o The forehead area becoming sensitive,
o Migraine, giving rise to headaches,
o Acute cluster pains in the head,
o Sinus problems and the resultant headache, and
o Scalp pain, and difficulties in even touching those areas, and even the hair.

Symptoms Observable In The Chin, Cheek, Face And Mouth Areas:

o One or all of these areas developing problems,
o The cheek as well as the chin hurting a lot,
o Discomfort in the jaw, particularly in the joint area,
o As the jaw is opened, clicks are heard,
o Erratic movements of the tongue,
o The jaws opening up in unequal measures, and
o While biting, one side bites off greater amounts than the other.

Symptoms Observable In The Gums And Teeth

o Teeth starting to hurt,
o Habits to gnash teeth,
o Bruxism habits, viz., frequent teeth-grinding,
o Difficulties in touching the gums, and
o Not being able to brush properly.

Symptoms Observable In The Throat

o Soreness in the throat regions, although no infections are present,
o Variations in the voice emitted, although not willfully,
o Acute problems of laryngitis,
o The throat feeling tightened up, and
o Problems in swallowing anything that is eaten.

Symptoms Observable In The Shoulder And The Neck

o The neck and shoulders hurting a lot,
o Problems in shoulder areas,
o The entire back parts starting to hurt, and
o Development of stiff backs.

Not every TMJ patient gets to experience all the above secondary symptoms, although the latter are, in general, clear indicators of disorders in the temporomandibular joint area. Manifestation of symptoms is unique to each and every TMJ patient, and hinges on his/her sex, age and other personal traits.

A comprehensive descriptions of the symptoms associated with temporomandibular joint problems have been discussed here. However, whether a patient feels them or not cannot be stated for certain. Incidentally, many of the TMJ symptoms are largely similar to the indicators of the tinnitus disease. It is, however, a hardly paradoxical situation, because while rings are audible to a person suffering from TMJ, temporomandibular pains in the heads do affect a tinnitus patient as well. The reason for this is simple: the nature of the tinnitus issue and TMJ disorder is somewhat similar, and mental pressures are not the main causative factor in these cases, as was believed earlier. In fact, these days, physicians point out at certain ligaments, bony areas, and nervous systems (common in both the TMJ as well as in the mid-ear areas) as the starting-point for these health-related problems.

TMJ Disorder: Getting Rid Of The Problem

While it is a fact that fast relief from TMJ disorders is hankered after by one and all, it is never possible to achieve it via the application of medicines sold over the counter and/or other drugs belonging to the conventional school. Since such medications are concerned only about the symptoms of the disease, and not the underlying causes of the problem, the latter remain within the body system. Although the TMJ symptoms might apparently grow weak for sometime, they might return in full vigor soon enough.

The other option that the patients suffering from TMJ disorders have is to opt for the remedial measures from the holistic school. Thankfully, all the causative points of the problems are unearthed in this method, after the body has been examined as one single entity. The problem-creating factors are subsequently eradicated. This ensures automatic vanishing of the TMJ symptoms too, and there exist no chances of their revival over time either.

Dealing with Arthritis Pain and Symptoms

Arthritis, or joint inflammation, affects millions of people. Arthritis pain typically is a result of the actual inflammation of the joint or joints and the synovial tissue layer. The synovial tissue is the soft tissue that lines the joints of the body. Arthritis can cause strain on the ligaments, sinews, organs and muscles as well as contributing to fatigue. One or more of these symptoms can worsen the arthritic pain that is already present.

Arthritis pain can inhibit normal daily activity and impair a person's life making even the simplest activities uncomfortable or painful. There are many types of arthritis and all of them vary in severity. Acute arthritis pain is usually temporary and sporadic. Chronic arthritis pain is the occurrence of pain for a regular and extended period of time ranging from days to months to even years. In fact, some chronic arthritis pain can made it very difficult for some people to maintain a regular job.

Every arthritis patient experiences the pain associated with the disease differently. Sometimes the pain is aggravated and evident with redness, or a feeling of heat, in the joint areas. Other times there is swelling in the joint area, or just a constant pain that results from arthritic damage. Every patient's pain threshold is different and thus may cause them to seek help with the pain at different stage of the disease.

The activities that an arthritis patient performs could contribute to the pain, or could help alleviate the occurrence of pain. Many patients complain that once they get out of bed, they experience arthritis pain. Others complain that they experience the pain only after a series of activities that wear the joints affected by the disease. Depending on how much the pain bothers a patient and when, the patient and his or her doctor will discuss and come up with a personalized pain treatment plan.

There are several main ways of treating arthritic pain. Many patients benefit from just one form of treatment while others must undergo a series of treatments or a combination of treatments. It is very common for a patient to try one treatment before going on to the next.

Most often, arthritis is treated with medications - usually non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs. These drugs are typically used for short-term relief and can easily alleviate the discomfort associated with inflammation. NSAIDs are the most common medications used for rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Aside from medications, exercise is a very effective form of arthritis treatment. Regular exercise can help reduce the amount of joint pain and stiffness. While a person exercises, he or she promotes stretching, which is ideal for arthritis symptoms. Before engaging in an exercise plan, it is best to discuss it with a doctor.

A more extreme form of arthritis treatment is surgery. Usually, surgery is reserved for those patients with the most severe and extreme cases of arthritis. During surgery for arthritis treatment, the synovial tissue is removed, the affected joints repaired or - in the more severe cases - the entire joint replaced with an artificial one.

TMJ Jaw Surgery - 5 Working Ideas to Cure TMJ

Do you hear clicking or grating sounds from your jaw-bones when you chew or talk? Do u have regular headaches and pain along the jaw, teeth and the face? Do you have difficulties in closing and opening the mouth? Chances are, you are suffering from Temporo-Mandibular Joint disorder (TMJ). It is a curable and preventable disorder that weakens the joint of the lower jaw with the skull, resulting in pain and wear & tear of the bones and cartilages that form the joint.

TMJ can result from a variety of factors. It is treatable by modern medicine. A person suffering from TMJ can be helped with both short-term solutions and long-term treatments. Pain killers, splints, braces and physiotherapy are short-term solutions. The long-term solutions are required for more severe instances and include Bio feedback, Myofunctional therapy, TMJ jaw Surgery and Hypnotherapy. TMJ jaw surgery is often the last resort.

Due to the wide span of symptoms and variety of disorders associated with TMJ, a TMJ jaw surgery can have different meanings for each person. It is best to seek treatment before the TMJ condition becomes so severe that it requires surgery. There are ways to control it without surgery.

  1. TMJ exercises that relax and stretch the jaws can drastically reduce pain and tension in the facial muscles responsible for the TMJ pain.

  2. Massages which release tension and reduce pain from facial muscles help to both control the effects of TMJ as well as re-align the jaws with joints if required.

  3. The use of splints and mandibular re-positioning devices over a period of time can help to re-align the jaws as well as act against the clicking and grating sound generation

  4. Biofeedback headbands which are worn while sleeping to assist para-functional habit modification can adjust the specific actions and habits of the body which lead to build up of tension and wear and tear on the TMJ joint.

Self-Awareness movement therapy using Neuroplasticity techniques work well to reduce pain, prevent and control TMJ.

Osteoarthritis-Management With Yoga

According to Ayurveda, an integrated system of living, the imbalance of Vata dosha is the chief cause of Osteoarthritis (Sandhigata) which gives raise to inflammation and pain in the joints.

Accumulated negative toxins called ama (undigested waste) in the colon which occurs due to the emotional and physical disturbances when settled in the joints give rise to OA.

Yoga tries to the manage this degenerative disease by including all spheres viz., physical-mental-moral-spiritual in the following manner.

** Stressed life, worries, tiredness, disturbed sleep leads to a state of improper digestion and yoga helps one to overcome all these.

** The mild body movements and gentle pressures of the yogic postures keeps the affected joints mobile and prevents further damage and reduces pain. Stretching postures done with rhythming breathing techniques helps one to relax and release the muscles that are crumpled around the joints.

** When the patient experience pain due to inflammation in the joints, pranayama (breathing technique) is to be practiced as it removes the accumulated toxins leading to reduction in pain, after which one can do sun salutation. First do the warm up exercises then hold a posture that helps in building strength and flexibility of the body and finally do the Shavasana (relaxation pose).

** Strength building asanas build muscles around the joints and helps in nourishing it. Flexibility yielding asanas open up the joints and increase the blood, oxygen and energy circulation. Shavasana done after the above two asanas is used to rejunevate to heal the body based on the energy one has acquired from above postures.

** Energizing and warming pranayama like Kapalabhati pranayama and Ujjayi Pranayam are highly recommended. Asanas for hip OA are Virabhadrasana, Parsvottanasana, Vrkasana Utthita Trikonasana etc.,

** Cyclic yoga exercises based on Suryanamaskara, burn extra calories. Abdominal exercises improves digestion. Yogic postures along with breathing exercises makes an physiological and psychological impact. Then do Shavasana which helps in regulating the mind. This sequence in doing asanas helps one to restore the balance of vata dosha thereby treating OA at its origin.

Bruxism and TMJ - An Effective New Treatment

Bruxism is a disorder of unconscious jaw clenching and teeth grinding that causes pain in the temporo-mandibular joint, a sensation of soreness and tension in the jaw as well as headaches, neck pain and even migraines. Over the years, continuous grinding wears down the teeth and can even cause cracking and severe tooth damage. Bruxism to some degree, especially at night, is very common. As long as there are no symptoms of pain or dental damage, it does not necessarily require treatment. However, once a person feels pain, he/she usually seeks a treatment for Bruxism.

Bruxism can be exacerbated by a variety of factors. Malocclusion (poor fitting together of the teeth), stress, anxiety, certain medications such as SSRI antidepressants and certain diseases such as Huntigton's and Parkinson's can all worsen Bruxism. Use of drugs like methamphetamine and cocaine, as well as overuse of caffeine and alcohol will frequently cause people to brux.

Treatment of Bruxism has been plagued with difficulties. Dental devices have been successful in protecting teeth from damage at night, but have not been effective at stopping the pain and soreness that accompanies severe Bruxism. Of course, the clenching and headaches do not subside with dental devices. Biofeedback, relaxation exercises and meditation have been variably effective in controlling stress with some people, but most do not find the relief that they are looking for in behavioral modification techniques like these.

Botulinum toxin (BOTOX®) has recently been seen to be very successful in treating the grinding and clenching of bruxism. BOTOX® is an injectable medication that weakens muscles and is used commonly in cosmetic procedures to relax the muscles of the face and decrease the appearance of wrinkles. BOTOX® was not originally developed for cosmetic use, however. It was, and continues to be, used to treat diseases of muscle spasticity such as blepharospasm (eyelid spasm), strabismus (crossed eyes) and torticollis (wry neck). Bruxism can also be regarded as a disorder of repetitive, unconscious contraction of the masseter muscle (the large muscle that moves the jaw). BOTOX® works very well to weaken the muscle enough to stop the grinding and clenching, but not so much as to interfere with chewing or facial expressions. The strength of BOTOX® is that the medication goes into the muscle, weakens it and does not get absorbed into the body. Side effects and allergies are unheard of. Despite the occasional brouhaha in the media, BOTOX® has been shown to be one of the safest medications ever seen. Over the last 20 years and 20 million treatments, there has never been a serious complication directly attributed to the drug. This is a safety record that puts Aspirin to shame.

The treatment of Bruxism with BOTOX® involves about five or six simple, relatively painless injections into the masseter muscle. It takes a few minutes per side and the patient starts feeling the effects the next day. Occasionally, some bruising can occur, but this is quite rare. The symptoms that are relieved by this procedure include:

Grinding and clenching
Morning jaw soreness
TMJ pain
Muscle tension throughout the day
Migraines triggered by clenching
Neck pain and stiffness triggered by clenching

The optimal dose of BOTOX® has to be worked out for each person - some people have stronger muscles that need more BOTOX®. This is done over a few touch up visits with the physician injector. This treatment is expensive, but sometimes BOTOX® treatment of Bruxism can be billed to medical insurance (plans vary - it is a good idea to call your insurer beforehand to find out what is covered and what documentation is necessary). The effects last for 3 months or so. The muscles do atrophy, however, so after a few rounds of treatment it is usually possible to either decrease the dose or increase the interval between treatments.

Osteoarthritis of Knee Diagnosis and The Healing Process

Among the most frequent joint diseases is osteoarthritis of knee. It occurs when the cartilage suffers gradual wear and tear. According to doctors, the cartilage is a cushion layer situated between the knee bones. Also called the degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis could as well affect other body joints. When the cartilage deteriorates, the knee joint feels stiff and sore. In the last steps of the disease, the pain and discomfort is unbearable. Consequently, the sick person could hardly walk steadily or even try to move his or her knee freely. Since the cushion between two bones no longer exists after degeneration, any movement will cause friction. This is because the bones will grind against each other. The result is intolerable soreness and discomfort.

The causes of osteoarthritis are numerous. However, not all the cases of the disease are necessarily similar, in terms of severity and frequency. The following is a brief outline of the known causes:

• Chances of developing osteoarthritis are high if you have had a serious knee injury in the past

• Being overweight is a good cause of many diseases, including this one. This is because heavy weight pressurizes the joints, as you walk. Consequently, the cartilage layer will slowly wear away

• Some cases of degeneration joint disease is gender specific

• Aging is generally the main cause of weaker joints, which eventually result to osteoarthritis

Several knee diseases show up closely related symptoms. Therefore, if you diagnose your problem, you are likely to be very incorrect. The most recommended action to take is to visit your doctor. He or she is in a position to examine your knee expertly. If you have this disease, you will generally have the following symptoms:

• Knee join soreness, stiffness and unbearable discomfort

• You will find walking as a punishment. If the knee joint cannot withstand your body weight, you cannot move properly.

• The cartilage degeneration continues to occur, as you try to figure what is happening to your knees

It is very important that you always take your health seriously. If you notice the above signs, do not take chances. Visit your doctor right away. This is fastest method of preventing more damage to the knee joints. When the physician is performing diagnosis, he or she will ask you to talk about your knee pain. In short, he or she will find out how worse the soreness gets, if, you workout and then rest. The doctor is much more likely to examine the problem with leg movement. Do not fear the check up exercise.

Your doctor might squeeze the joint slightly, but he or she may recommend an instant X-ray of the knee. The X-ray shows the exact cause of the soreness and discomfort. As some of you already know, osteoarthritis of knee disease is broad. To find out if a patient has other types of this disease, the doctor might take a blood sample. The treatment procedure could differ from patient to patient. Nevertheless, doctors recommend therapies to alleviate the knee joint pains. Generally, he or she will ask you to do the following:

• After a walk or any form of knee exercises, you should always take your time to rest

• For twenty to thirty minutes, you could place an ice cube on the painful parts of the knee. Do this everyday to minimize inflammation. It will ease the pain too.

• Take a specific over the counter cure. Never decide personally the medicine to pick between ibuprofen and acetaminophen. The doctor should guide you

• For stronger muscles and joints, you need to focus on special exercise. You need to work with a practitioner, who understands osteoarthritis of knee disease very well.

• In severe cases, physicians prescribe surgery.

Teeth Grinding, Jaw Clenching, & TMJ Disorders

Teeth grinding and jaw clenching are two common causes of TMJ disorders, as they cause undue pressure on the jaw joint and can result in the person's bite coming altered as well. TMJ in these cases is considered to be caused by mental stress, rather than by physical problems.

When a person is stressed, they may begin to unknowingly grind their teeth and clench their jaw-- and the patient must undertake a number of specific steps in order to control and remove the stress form his everyday life. Most importantly, the patient must also get a custom-made mouth guard which will prevent him from grinding his teeth and putting pressure on them, and help him to break this habit as well.

Here are some detailed steps that you can take to reduce the teeth grinding and jaw clenching which cause TMJ disorders:

1. Stress reduction and relaxing techniques: these include meditation, visualization techniques, yoga, and strenuous exercise. Other techniques may include stress management courses and professional counseling. Acupuncture, massage, and biofeedback have also proven to be effective as well.

2. Adjusting the diet to help reduce stress: limiting the intake of caffeine, sugar, fast foods, processed foods, and frozen foods may lower your stress levels and increase your health. Also, it may be helpful to take calcium 1200 mg at bedtime and pantothenic acid 200 mg daily.

3. Sleep on the back: studies have shown that a high percentage of those who clench their teeth at night sleep on their side. Sleeping on the back has been shown to reduce the habit of clenching their teeth at night.

4. Avoid taking antidepressants: these are often taken with the mistaken belief that they will reduce stress and overall tension, and thus reduce the TMJ teeth grinding. Although they may indeed reduce stress during the day, studies have shown that they actually INCREASE nighttime incidences of teeth grinding significantly, and have even been shown to cause cases of TMJ on their own, when no other previous symptoms existed. If these must be taken, it is important to wear a custom made mouth guard at night.

5. The patient must make a conscious and deliberate effort to avoid teeth grinding and jaw clenching during the day, as this will only make the TMJ disorder worse; in addition to eliminating stress, the patient must take care to notice whenever he feels stress, frustration, anger, or tension, and check to see if the jaw or teeth is clenched. If the problem is particularly severe, you may wish to wear a custom made mouth guard even during the day, removed only when eating or when the patient must speak.

6. A custom made mouth guard from a neuromuscular dentist: the patient must purchase one that is custom made, and not a generic one from a drugstore or online. The cost will range anywhere from $200 to $600, depending on the severity of the problem as well as the dentist himself.

One type of custom made mouth guard is the NTI device, which has the highest success rate (over 90%) of treating the teeth clenching, and should generally be the first choice of any TMJ patient. The device attaches to the two front teeth and prevents the back teeth, both upper and lower, from not touching at all; this device will be made of a thin piece of plastic molded from impression taken of your teeth; it is easy to wear, not cumbersome, small, and of clear plastic, and thus may even be worn during the day. This device must fit perfectly in order to be of any effect. It is crucial to remember that if you do not find relief from this device, then you should try another dentist, as this device is guaranteed to provide relief if fashioned correctly; most unsuccessful devices are either poorly fitting, or are treating cases of TMJ that are not based on teeth grinding. Please seek the care of a second, or even third, dentist if this does not work initially.

7. Lower splints to correct jaw imbalances and also prevent improper chewing and teeth grinding. These are quite effective as well, but again must fit properly in order to be of any effect; they are usually worn 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and may need to be adjusted monthly. Again, they should provide some, if not complete relief; if you do not have any effect you may need to seek the opinion of a second dentist. Avoid any dentist who suggest upper rather than lower splints as well, as these have proven to be ineffective and cause more damage adversely; these will not address the teeth grinding and jaw clenching causing the TMJ disorder.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What Type of Tinnitus Do You Have?

Tinnitus itself isn't a disease or a condition - but rather can be a symptom of many different illnesses or problems. This ringing, buzzing or ticking in the ears can sound like a constant hiss, like crickets chirping or like a high-pitched ringing. All are forms of tinnitus and, while not serious, are annoying and irritating nonetheless!

Ringing in the ears can happen in any part of the ear including the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. It's also somewhat uncommon to experience a ringing that goes along with your heartbeat called pulsatile tinnitus. Ringing in the ears might also be caused by an ear infection or by certain medications such as antihistamines, blood pressure medicines or aspirin/ibuprofen.

Can You Hear That?

The most common form of tinnitus is called subjective tinnitus. You can hear it, but other people can't. Surprisingly, there's another form called objective tinnitus, where your doctor actually hears a sound when examining your ears carefully. Only a hearing test and a doctor's examination can determine the type of tinnitus you're suffering from. And, although the physician can tell you about what type of tinnitus you have, we still don't know exactly what causes it (apart from the obvious causes like loud music, trauma to the ear or infection).

Some scientists believe that as we age, the cochlea, which sends sound waves to the brain for it to interpret what we hear, sends mixed up signals and starts making its own buzzing or ringing sound to compensate. Most people experience tinnitus in both ears but it can happen in only one or the other.

Other forms of tinnitus include pulsatile tinnitus which relates to the flow of blood and circulatory system, and tinnitus caused by TMJ, a disorder of the jaw that can lead to popping, teeth-clenching and grinding.

Finding Natural Relief from Tinnitus

The good news is that there are several ways to find relief from tinnitus. What works for one person may not work for someone else, which is why it helps (and is completely safe) to experiment and see what helps you. Some people benefit from "white noise machines" that block out or mask the ringing and buzzing. Other people find that if they get enough sleep, reduce their salt intake and start exercising, the ringing goes away naturally. Still others have discovered peace and quiet through homeopathic remedies.

Understanding what type of tinnitus you have is the first step toward learning about the kind of treatment that works for you. Talk with your doctor and browse the articles here on our site for more information about easy ways to cure nearly every kind of tinnitus without surgery, expensive prescription drugs or hearing aids.

Elbow Joint Pain

The elbow is a hinge joint where three bones meet in the middle portion of the arm. The elbow functions to move the arm forward and backward and in rotation twisting outward and inward like a hinge. Biceps is the major group of muscles that flexes the elbow. Triceps is the major muscles group that extends the elbow. Tendons are attached to both the outer and inner portion of the elbow. A fluid filled sac or bursa covers the tip of the elbow and serves to reduce friction. Some of the conditions that can cause elbow joint pain are listed below.


Tennis elbow and golfer's elbow are the two forms of tendonitis that cause pain in the elbow joint. With repeated movements of the forearm, the tendons attached to muscles of forearm can be injured. This can happen for persons who often use a manual screwdriver, wash windows and play tennis or musical instruments like violin. Repeated twisting motions or activities that strain the tendon result in elbow pain. Simple braces for the elbow can help to rest the joint and alleviate pain.

Golfer's elbow is characterized by pain and tenderness over the inner elbow. Repetitive motions like swinging a golf club affect and injure the tendons of the forearm that attach to the bone of the inner elbow.


Bursitis or inflammation of the bursa on the tip of elbow can occur from injury or minor trauma. Bursitis causes swelling over the tip of the elbow and pain.


The bones of the elbow can break into the elbow joint or adjacent to the elbow joint causing pain in the elbow joint and surrounding areas.


Sprain occurs when ligaments in the elbow area are stretched or torn. This may occur due to impacts on the elbow or when the elbow is hyper extended. The severity of the injury will depend upon the extent of injury to a single ligament and the number of ligaments involved.

Sacroiliac Joint Pain

The sacroiliac joint is the part of the body that connects the base of the spine (sacrum) and the part of the pelvis called the ilium. There are two connections and each connection forms a strong robust joint due to the formation of grooves and ridges at the end of the bones. Both ends of the bone are covered in cartilage, which acts as a shock absorber. The strength of the joint is really due to two factors the grooves and ridges and mentioned earlier and extremely strong ligaments surrounding the joint (both anterior and posterior)

There are two main causes of sacroiliac joint pain, sacroilitis and sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Sacroilitis is an inflammation of the joint and as such may cause pain in the lower back, buttocks and thighs. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction can also cause pain in the low back and legs but is commonly believed to be caused by problems with the joint movement i.e. either too much movement or too little. Sacroilitis tends to be caused by degenerative tissue diseases such as psoriasis. Strained ligaments are unlikely to be a cause of sacroiliac joint pain as the ligaments surrounding the joint are extremely strong; they are actually stronger than the bold so in most cases the pelvis will break before the ligaments to.


The following are symptoms that may be an indication of sacroiliac joint problems

  • A dull ache around the lower back and hips may be a sign of a mechanical sacroiliac joint problem. The joint has a very limited range of movement and the ache may be a product of the person exceeding the range.

  • The pain will usually be a mild or moderate a around the posterior that may become worse when standing from a seated position.

  • The pain usually appears on the left-hand side of the body.

  • You notice yourself changing your posture and body position to avoid discomfort.

  • Lower back pain and stiffness that often increases throughout the prolonged sitting all prolonged walking.


There are many ways to test for sacroiliac dysfunction but unfortunately, most of the individual tests have proven to be unreliable by themselves. Your doctor will usually recommend a combination of tests and then take great care and significant time to analyze and correlate the results. Careful interpretation of tests is critical as both false positives and false negative test results our common with individual tests.