Saturday, December 14, 2013

Synflex - The Truth Behind Natural Pain Relief and Synflex

Synflex Vs Painkillers That Cause Pain, natural pain relief and Synflex.

So your arthritis is kicking up again and as a dutiful sufferer you beeline to the medicine cabinet and take a painkiller. After an hour you don't feel much relief. Or maybe you don't feel any pain at all. But either way,did you just guarantee more pain in your future? Have you insured yourself of a future of long term agony and debilitation that you would not have had otherwise, just by the act of taking painkillers?

Get ready for an unpleasant surprise! The most likely answer is yes! Even if the painkiller seems to be working, even if your arthritis pain is gone, all you have really done is guarantee yourself more pain and more suffering in the future by taking those painkillers today!

But, how could you and millions of arthritic sufferers who are using painkillers be harming yourselves with them? Even those taken by doctor's prescription and with their approval? Well lets see, answer these vital questions...

Have you treated your arthritis pain with any painkillers within the last 7 days?

Do you now have, or have you ever gotten a prescription for your arthritis pain?

Are you concerned that you may be taking these drugs for the rest of your life?
Do you wonder if a nutritional supplement like Synflex be better for you?

A yes answer to any of the above questions entitles you to know that you can cure arthritis through natural, and nutritional means and thus eliminate your arthritis pain naturally, and never need arthritis painkilling drugs again!

Painkillers That Cause Pain

Now I do believe pharmaceuticals and especially pharmaceutical painkillers do hold irreplaceable positions in medicine chests. I myself have taken plenty of pain killers to counter pain from strains and sprains and the like. The trouble arises when people take arthritis pain killers for any great length of time.

To begin with, it is important to know that actually curing the arthritic condition would require rebuilding and restoring the cartilage and, or restoring the muscles around the arthritic joint. Sufferers usually take some form of drug to reduce inflammation and wipe out pain. But, the real problem is generated when the joint is in pain and you can't feel it, enabling you to even forget about your condition. You could take a painkiller and then spend the next few hours feeling mobile and great but in the process, you're killing the overstressed joint without even knowing it. And thus the unaware arthritic patient severely damages the joint and the remaining cartilage, and feels great while doing it!

So is death a fair exchange for pain relief?

Let's say you were mowing the lawn and you're wearing your full head phones with your ipod , you're enjoying your music, it's loud to cover the mower hum. And the mower is handling fine. Then comes the fatal engine shudder, and the blue-grey puff of smoke. You whip off your big headphones just in time to hear an awful metallic shearing sound. And then you're wishing that your college course load had included a course in small motor repair as you hand over your mower to the repair guy smiling dollar signs at you. Your wallet shivers at that smile. He asks, didn't it sound like the motor was in distress for awhile just before it blew? Why didn't you shut it off back then? Of course you heard nothing but your music. So you were unaware of your mower's cries for help right up until it died. This is the same as taking painkillers to treat your arthritis pain. The painkillers mask the main symptoms and help you forget about the problem, even ignore it. Guaranteeing you will soon have to deal with a bigger problem.

Painkillers could also cause intestinal bleeding and even worse problems that could kill you. Over 2000 suffers died in this way last year. So is death a fair exchange for pain relief?

Enticing Your Body To Heal

On the whole, scientists are astonished by the amazing functions of human physiology. And arthritic specialists and research scientists are just as astonished. Because under the proper circumstances the body can actually cure chronic illnesses, including arthritis.

It absolutely must be noted that primitive tribes, totally free of the western type diet, are totally free of arthritis and many other modern ailments. That is until one generation have been exposed to the western diet and living conditions. Then all the typical western aliments and illnesses begin to appear with increasing frequency until they equal levels in other western cultures.

Curing Arthritis Forever And Naturally

Here are some tips that will allow you to begin to feel some positive results in the next couple weeks.

5 Points To Address For Treatment

1. Target your sugar consumption! Arthritis has been associated with high levels of sucrose (refined sugar). Begin to cut yourself off of sweets and replace them with healthy alternatives like your favorite fruits or smoothies.

2. Stop drinking from cans immediately. Yes that includes all your favorite canned drinks. Canned or processed foods contain preservatives and other food additives that government agencies say are fine. But when these same ingredients are added to the diets of former primitives, they begin to get sick with all our chronic dieseases. Draw your own conclusions. Start this week with a water flush which could be tough but is achievable. For the caffeine kick in the morning eat an apple. Their are many varieties. Again, it's tough but it's achievable.

3. Inhale for Health! Most folks bodies are failing for lack of oxygen. You need to give your joints more oxygen to beat pain. Learn some deep breathing exercises you can do as you go about your daily routine.

4. Exercise! Yeah, you may hate to hear that word. But you must initiate a weight training program to gain more muscle mass. More muscle mass will take stress off of your body and joints. Plus you'll enjoy the added benefits of looking good and feeling better too.

Simply And Naturally: End Your Back Or Rheumatoid Joint Pain

In advanced cultures lower back pain has emerged on the scene as yet another chronic condition of our modern times, the likes of which can be traced back to our diets and lifestyles. Back pain any where can often begin suddenly and may follow an obvious strain or injury, but more likely than not, it seems to come on slowly or "out of the blue".

Sciatic back pain is the most common form of back pain. It is caused by a herniated, ruptured, slipped disc or, a pinched nerve. In plain terms, that means a disc is protruding outward or away from its normal position in the vertebral column and is pressuring a nerve in the lower back which forms part of the sciatic nerve.

In F. Batmanghelidj's book, "How To Deal With Back Pain and Rheumatoid Joint Pain", Dr. B explains in detail how chronic low back pain or Rheumatoid joint pain are indicators that there is a drought in certain specific areas of the body. As we age, we also lose our our ability to sense thirst. A dry mouth is not a reliable signal to trust, and to make matters worse, we often drink other beverages instead of pure water. Adult beverages such as tea, coffee, alcohol are drying agents and further force water reserves out of the body.

Ending back or joint pain first and foremost begins by hydrating discs and joints (the affected drought areas) with nothing more than pure water.

When discs are dehydrated 80 percent of all back pain is caused by muscle spasms. The water deficiency affects the back muscles as well as the dry protruding disc. The burden then gets shifted onto the back muscles to keep pulling on the vertebral column continually to keep the posture of the body upright.

The second step to stopping the pain in the back, caused by dehydrated disc displacement, is to begin to do a set of simple corrective exercises. Dr. B illustrates and explains in easy to understand terms, the anatomy and law of physics, that are involved in returning your disc to its normal position, thus alleviating the pain.

Thirdly you will be shown how to strengthen back muscles with specific protective exercises. These exercises will promote better circulation and will bring about the possibility of strengthening tendons and ligaments, as well as promote hydration of the disc core of all the vertebral discs.

Just like back pain associated with disc displacement, Rhuematoid joint pain is also a direct signal of a regional dry spot in the body. If you learn to consciously recognize this as a signal, then step up your water intake. In most cases the pain will gradually disappear and local swelling of joint surfaces may possibly go away as well. Joint structure will then begin to repair itself if a gross deformity has not already begun.

Dr. B's short 100 page book on the subject of these two specific chronic pains of our modern societies is a must read if you, or someone you love, suffer from back or joint pain.

You owe yourself or your loved ones a more basic and natural approach. The many evasive treatments that are commercialized and profit driven currently are not in the best interest of a suffering public.

By applying the knowledge in this well researched manual with an open mind, you may very well be on your way to a much more "pain free" and "anxiety free" life. You will then be doing your part when you recommend this self-help guide to others.

The momentum for a more cost efficient and knowledgeable art of health care is emerging steadily year by year and day by day. You can make a difference in joining a team to help force a paradigm change in the science of healing, that will eventually be acknowledged in the future as truth!

What Are Orthopedic Implants?

Orthopedic implants are medical devices used to provide fixation of bones. They are also used to replace articulating surfaces in different joints of the body. There are many bones and joints that might need repair due to injury, disease or simply wearing out. Orthopedic implants are used to strengthen or fully replace the damaged bones or joints in the region.

Orthopedic implants are inserted into the body using surgical procedures. These surgeries are always performed by highly trained surgeons who have specialized in this particular field. When a joint has deteriorated beyond a certain point, the damaged joint is removed and then replaced with an orthopedic implant.

Most of these implants are made from titanium alloys and stainless steel, which are then lined with plastic. The metallic structure provides strength to the implant, while the plastic surface acts as an artificial cartilage. Most often, the implants are fitted into position and the bone is allowed to grow into the implant for better strength. Sometimes the implants are also cemented for better adhesion.

The Need for Orthopedic Implants

The cartilage surrounding the bone is what makes joints function smoothly. Degenerative joint diseases like osteoarthritis result in the cartilage wearing out and causing friction between moving bones in a joint. This can cause a lot of pain and discomfort whenever there is movement in a joint. Excess weight and other factors can also contribute to cartilage loss. When other treatments fail to improve the condition, orthopedic implants might be suggested by the doctor.

The Different Types of Orthopedic Implants

The knee, elbow, hip and shoulder joints are some of the joints in the body most affected by loss of cartilage. Implants are designed to withstand the stress and movement associated with each kind of joint. This can then correct the affected function of the joint and decrease pain while at the same time increasing the mobility of the joint.

There are different orthopedic instruments used to insert and position the joints in place inside the body. Safety locking plates, interlocking nails, wires, pins, Large / Small / Mini fragment implants, Cranio Maxillofacial Implants, cannulated screws, external fixators and many other orthopedic instruments are used in these procedures.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Orthopedic implants can greatly increase the mobility of a patient and at the same time decrease the pain associated with joint movement. This will enable patients to enjoy the quality of life that they had before.

However, the success of the treatment depends to a large extent on the skill and experience of the surgeon performing the procedure. The outcome of the operation also depends on post-operative care which includes prevention of infection and possible malfunction of the implants.

Head and Neck Pain: The Correlation and Causes

For those who frequently suffer from both headaches and neck pain simultaneously, it may not be surprising to learn that these symptoms are often interlinked. In 1983 a Norwegian physician, Dr. Ottar Sjaastad, documented a sub-group of headache patients with head pain that originated within the cervical spine. He dubbed this discovery the "cervicogenic headache".

Cervicogenic Headaches - Likely Causes:

Pain can spread. A problem within the neck can stimulate a nerve that leads to the scalp and subsequently cause a headache. Unfortunately, the duality of this problem can make it difficult to find the root and therefore define a suitable treatment. The majority of cervicogenic headaches are due to tightness in the posterior neck muscles, which can be found at the back of the neck. As a result, anything that can strain the neck muscles can also cause a cervicogenic headache. Below is a list of the main causes:

Stress Induced: Stress can cause the muscles around the neck to tighten, which can lead to tension headaches, neck pain and a feeling of pressure.

Bad Posture: From a pillow with inadequate support to a poor driving position, there are a thousand and one ways to cause neck pain.

Injury or Trauma: An injury to the neck of shoulders can create tension and strain within the muscles around the neck, shoulders and head.

Poor lighting: If you're straining to read due to insufficient light, it can lead to eyestrain and stiffness in your scalp and forehead muscles.

Gum chewing: Vigorous chewing can strain the muscles in your head and neck.

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders: Excessive jaw clenching or poor jaw alignment can lead to both headaches and neck pain.

Meningitis: Symptoms of meningitis often include head pain, neck stiffness and fever.

Do I have Cervicogenic Headaches?

Approximately 8% of the global population suffers from cervicogenic headaches - according to the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. If you think you may be suffering from cervicogenic headaches, ask yourself these questions:

1) Does the pain begins at the base of the neck and gradually moves into the head?

2) At the headache's onset, is the neck region tender to touch?

Both of these are classic symptoms. However, there are many causes for headaches and neck pain, so it is important to talk to a health care provider to determine the exact cause. Issues rarely cure themselves and can sometimes be a sign of a more serious condition, so don't ignore the issue.

Joint Pain Causes and Treatment - Prevent Muscle Pain

As we grow older so is our body systems and parts. Many of these parts already begin to deteriorate their functions and they affect each other. The diseases they give to the body become complications. One of the diseases that is caused by old age is joint pain.

Joint pain is very common to adult people especially those ages 45 and above. Many people at this age experience creaking of knees, hips and ankles. However, this is not necessary a result of aging but it could also be arthritis. One of the most effective treatments of join pain is exercise though medicine also offers a lot of alternative medications.

Joint pain s could be symptoms of serious problems associated with serious diseases like arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, rheumatoid arthritis or even infections. The pain could affect not only your joints but your whole body as in could cause the patient to become immobile. Even the livelihood, job, interaction with friends and family could also be affected when a person suffers from joint pain. Taking over the counter drug pain relievers are usually not enough to cure the pain because it could become recurrent over time.

What is beyond the joint pains?

Arthritis is one of the causes of joint pains but diagnosis of arthritis is not as simple as telling the doctors that a patient is feeling pains in his or her joints or near the joints. Nowadays, there are already 100 different forms of arthritis.

Gout, which is also a kind of arthritis, can cause a lot of joint pains. This is because uric acid crystals are deposited in the joints usually in the arms and legs. Persistent joint pains caused by gout can lead to osteoarthritis. Worst, joint pain can spread in the joints and later on develop to cancer or the other way around, a cancer that has reached and spread out up to the joints.

Health Conditions Related to Joint Pains

Osteoarthritis, often called the degenerative joint disease, is the most common type of arthritis that causes joint pains. A person grows older the cartilage that serves as shock absorber between bones can no longer sustain the rubbery and become stiff. It also loses its elasticity and becomes damaged. When these cartilages and ligaments wear out, they cause the pain.

The second common condition that results to joint pain is rheumatoid arthritis. Joint pains are result of inflammation in the joints on both sides of the body. It is believed by researchers that this kind of arthritis is caused by external organism like a virus or bacteria that attacks the joints.

Thirdly, polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) and temporal arteritis (TA) also affects the joints. The former affects the larger joints of the body like those in the hip or shoulders; while the latter affects the blood vessels to the head. These two diseases often occur together. Symptoms of PMR includes pain in the hip and shoulder joints, fever and weight loss.

Fibromyalgia, on the other hand, is also a chronic disorder that gives joint pains to numerous parts of the body. Lastly, depression not only related to sadness but depression that already manifesting in the physical body. Sometimes, while suffering from emotional depression, many people also coincidently suffering from back pain, joint pain and abdominal pain.

Experiencing joint pain is not only a physical but also financial and emotional problem. When a patient already has fever which is not associated with flu, sudden weight loss, and long lasting joint pain, it is already recommended that the person should see a physician for proper diagnosis and care.

Arthritis - Can it Be Prevented?

Overview of Arthritis

Effective help is currently available for people to pro-actively manage arthritis and enjoy life to the fullest. But the actual prevention of arthritis itself is yet another story.

With rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the membranes or tissues lining the joints become inflamed. There is no known way to prevent any form of this disease, including osteoarthritis, adult-onset arthritis and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The exact causes of all these conditions are unknown.

It's very important for people who fear they are at risk of rheumatoid arthritis to realize that at this time there are no medications to take or lifestyle modifications to make that can completely prevent this crippling disease. However, by making changes to your weight and diet and engaging in moderate exercise, you may be able to slow or even halt the disease's onset and progress.

But you can only really take the measures needed to control arthritis after it is diagnosed. Until it is known for sure if certain bacteria or viruses trigger the disease, contact with people suffering from it will not change your risk of developing it.

Traditionally, medications and physical therapy have been used to manage the disease. A massive amount of nutrient research has also shown the effect diet and supplements have on the body's healing processes. Lifestyle changes can also make a big difference.

Causes of the Disease

Joint injuries caused by accidents or overuse increase the occurrence of some types of arthritis. You can also inherit certain genes that may increase your risk. More research is needed to find out how to reduce the disease's onset from these factors.

Some individuals have an inborn tendency to degenerative joint disease because they have changes in the structure of the important protein-building blocks of the articular cartilage which covers the surface of their joints. These seemingly small but significant abnormalities predispose their joints to wear and degeneration. In other cases, joint injuries may contribute to the development of DJD.

No foods have been definitively shown to cause or exacerbate arthritis in most individuals. A variety of diets and "hand-me-down" information exists about certain foods and arthritis, in particular the night shade plants, but none of it has been proven.

There is a rare form of arthritis called Spure which is caused by allergies to wheat products. Avoiding those will eliminate this disease. Associated features include weight loss, diarrhea and osteoporosis. Consult your health care provider if this is a concern.

There are things you can do to reduce your risk for getting certain types of arthritis or to reduce disability if you already have arthritis.

Overweight and obese people have a higher frequency of arthritis. Excess weight increases risk for developing osteoarthritis in the knees, and possibly in the hips and hands. Women are at special risk. In men, excess weight increases the risk for developing gout. It's important to maintain your recommended weight, especially as you get older.

Arthritis Prevention Programs

The Center for Disease Control has implemented programs in several states to reduce the onset and consequences of arthritis. The National Arthritis Action Plan: A Public Health Strategy delineates the actions necessary to better understand the arthritis burden in the USA and helps to fully apply known and effective interventions.

This document represents the combined efforts of nearly 90 organizations, such as the Arthritis Foundation, government agencies and many other groups and individuals with an interest in arthritis prevention and control.

The NAAP proposes a nationally coordinated effort for reducing the occurrence of arthritis and its accompanying disability by focusing on these three areas:

1. Surveillance, epidemiology and prevention research to strengthen the science base.

2. Communications and education to increase awareness and provide accurate information about arthritis.

3. Programs, policies, and systems promoting increased quality of life for people with arthritis and facilitating arthritis prevention measures.

The CDC continues to accumulate scientific knowledge on the benefits of physical activity. Because healthy eating reduces a person's risk of becoming overweight, good nutrition plays an important role in preventing knee osteoarthritis. In addition, moderate physical activity is essential for maintaining the health of joints.

Resources/The information outlined in this article is originally from:

HealingWithNutrition, Arthritis Facts, Disease Prevention and Treatment Strategies

Center for Disease Control, Framework for Arthritis Prevention and Control

The University of Washington Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Frequently Asked Questions About arthritis.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Hip Joint Replacement - Expectation and Limitations

Hip Joint Replacement is a surgery commonly performed in Orthopedic practice, wherein the hip joint is changed to a new modular bearing providing painless articulation.

The common indications of a Hip Replacement surgery are:
1. Hip Joint Arthritis- either degenerative or inflammatory pathology.
2. Fracture Neck Femur (upper end of thigh bone)
3. Malformed hip Joint- a disease of the childhood
4. Loss of blood supply (Avascular Necrosis)

The definite indication of Hip Replacement is - Painful hip joint with radiological evidence of obliteration of joint space. Only exclusion is Fracture Neck Femur; wherein a partial change of the bearing component may be performed.

Patients usually have a number of queries regarding;
a) Will the pain go?
b) How much time do I need to stay in Hospital; and how much time off work?
c) Do I need to come back again for a possible surgery?
d) What happens to the metal inside my body?
e) What precautions I need to take, and for how long?

I will try to offer explanations to every question one by one...

The foremost concern is PAIN.
After a hip replacement, the pain due to arthritis usually subsides in 4-6 weeks. Thereafter, there may be occasional reminders of pain after unaccustomed activity. If however, the pain re-appears after a prolonged pain free period; or the pain tends to worsen progressively, there is a definite cause for concern. This requires an urgent evaluation by the Orthopedic surgeon.

As regards hospital stay, the usual duration is 1 week. The timing of going back to previous level of activity depends upon the type of Hip replacement - Cemented/ Un-cemented; and the quality of bone stock. Usually patients may resume office and sedentary work after 4-6 weeks.

The typical longevity of a Hip replacement depends upon- quality of bone/ level of physical activity/ Age/ body weight/ technique of surgery. Most hip replacements survive an average of 15-20 years. However, a large number of variables affecting longevity prevents accurate survival analysis.

The metal typically used in a Hip Replacement is non - reacting to body fluids. It may be Stainless Steel/ Titanium alloy, Cobalt - chrome alloy. The bearing surface is important factor in survival. Ceramic-on Ceramic and Metal-on Metal the the favored ones in current practice.

The most important of all, are the precautions to be taken by the patient himself. Dislocation of the new joint is a potential risk. extremes of movements should be avoided under all circumstances.

To summarize, it is important to understand the advantages/ limitations of a Hip replacement and to expect a reasonable goal before undergoing surgery. In a properly selected patient, it offers significant improvement in the quality of life and activity level.

The discussion on the relative performance of different bearing surfaces in hip replacement, will be discussed in subsequent posts.

The Better Way of Curing TMJ Disorder

TMJ happens when the joints involved do not function the way they should. When one or more TMJ joints don't function well, symptoms such as a stiff and sore jaw and clicking or popping sounds while eating could happen. Other symptoms that may occur are ear pain and definitely headaches. Although, there are also other conditions in which these symptoms also occur. This is why it is very important that the professional whose opinion you are seeking from is very reliable and known in the field of determining TMJ disorders. If this disorder is misdiagnosed, then your treatment plan may not match with your health needs.

There are a lot of TMJ cures available today. They vary from invasive and non invasive procedures which will really help in easing the pain and other symptoms you feel from TMJ. More people would, of course, prefer non invasive treatments because they are less painful and no surgical incisions needed. A few examples of natural TMJ cures are exercise and massage. Jaw massage can ease the pain you are feeling and this is also very easy to do.

When you are trying to treat this condition, try to also avoid habits which could contribute to what is causing it. These habits include jaw clenching and teeth grinding. Doing these could cause teeth misalignment and lead to TMJ disorders. Jaw exercise is a great and easy way to manage and cure TMJ symptoms caused by teeth misalignment. Through these types of exercises, you will be guided on handling your jaw muscles and help you minimize or completely stop clenching it. Another TMJ cure is undergoing bite therapy. A dentist tries to determine what is specifically causing this condition or the symptoms you feel by meticulously analyzing your mouth and jaw.

If there are no other means of curing TMJ, then your physician might suggest you undergo a surgery. If you haven't tried the other non invasive ways of taking care of this condition, don't result to choosing surgery right away. Sometimes, these operations don't come out entirely successful and might even worsen your condition.

Best 6 Physiotherapy Exercises for Ankle Pain and Injury in Joints

An estimation of more than 2 million people are already facing pain in their ankle joints and this has addressed a serious health issue to all by becoming one of the most common neurological disorders - ankle pain.

Taking good care of your injured ankles is almost critical, as injury can highly reoccur again if neglected. Hence it is essential to strengthen your muscles around your ankle by practicing some physiotherapy exercises at home so as to enhance on the joint support and avoid the chances of reinjuring your ankle again.

When practicing these exercises at home, estimate your limit and perform the workouts carefully at a moderate pace that is best at your comfort level. Try repeating these exercises 5 - 10 times during each workout session and push your limit further once your condition improves. While performing the non-isometrics exercises, do remember to tie a Theraband to your table leg and place your feet in the loop so as to enhance on the difficulty level. Alternatively, you can use a long towel as a replication of Theraband.

Here are 6 physiotherapy exercises to strengthen your ankle muscles:

Isometrics Strengthening Exercises

1. Eversion Isometrics
• Place your injured foot against a table leg facing out while seated.
• Push your foot outwards the object that is against to your foot (take note that your ankle joint should not move) to perform a muscle contraction.
• Hold for 15 seconds and relax for 10 seconds.

2. Inversion Isometrics
• Place the injured foot inwards against a table leg or closed door.
• Push your foot inwards towards the object against your foot (take not that your ankle joint should not move) causing a muscle contraction.
• Hold for 15 seconds and relax for 10 seconds.

Non-Isometrics Strengthening Exercises

3. Dorsiflexion
• Working only on your ankle by pointing your foot backwards to your nose (while performing this workout, keep your knees straight). Continue until you feel discomfort or can't tilt it back any further.
• Hold this position for 15 seconds.
• Return to neutral position.

4. Plantar flexion
• Moving only your ankle, point your foot forward (while keeping knees straight). Continue this workout until you feel discomfort.
• Hold for 15 seconds and return to neutral position.

5. Inversion
• Moving only your ankle and keep your toes up with your foot facing inwards. Make sure that your sole is facing your other leg while performing this workout. Continue until you feel discomfort or when you can no longer turn your foot inwards.
• Hold for 15 seconds and return to neutral position.

6. Eversion
• Moving only your ankle and keeping your toes up with your foot facing outwards. Continue until you feel discomfort or when you can no longer turn your foot outwards.
• Hold for 15 seconds and return to neutral position.

Trikonasana - Yoga Posture For Back Pain Management

There are so many forms of back pain, that it seems impossible for Yoga to help them all. Truthfully, Hatha Yoga is great for pain prevention, but it also helps one cope with chronic back pain. If your day is filled with chronic back pain, less or no pain seems like a miracle. On the other hand, long term inflammations and chronic pain can make any form of adjustment or movement a challenge.

What can one do to get enough pain relief to practice Hatha Yoga, exercise, or physical therapy? In the case of a person who is in severe pain, no matter what he or she does, a physician may recommend a shot of marcaine, triamcenalone, or both. There is a school of thought that believes medication should be avoided at all costs. In reality, pain, and your tolerance of it, will make you come to a personal decision quickly. Each of us is different, and there is no need to make comparisons.

Doctors and chiropractors often recommend Yoga for back pain, but we want to make sure there is a doctor's approval before beginning a practice. Once approval is received, it is wise to seek out a competent Yoga teacher, with expertise in back pain management. If a prospective Yoga teacher shows no sign of compassion and competence, search until you find one who meets your needs.

With safety in mind, each of us learns to explore the body gradually. Never force or lock a joint while practicing Yoga postures. Learn to incorporate Yogic breathing techniques, as you become comfortable with your practice, and do not skip past foundational Yoga instruction. Listed below are details concerning Trikonasana, which should help a person experiencing chronic back pain.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose): This is an open twist, which is usually practiced from a standing position, but Chair Yoga practitioners may have learned to do this from a seated position. So many muscles are involved when practicing Trikonasana, that many people forget about the benefits to the skeletal structure.

To reduce pain in the back, the parts of the skeletal structure we are concerned with are the spine, shoulders, pelvis, and hip joints. When we consider back pain, all of these parts come into play, but we often forget that hips have limited range of motion while we move them from side to side. The hips have great range of motion going into a forward bend, but they are designed for stability more than mobility. Forcing the hips into abduction puts excessive torque on the SI joints.

One method to consider is the use of a chair, tall block, or a short stool while practicing Trikonasana. Forget the "cookie cutter" photographs of 19 year old models performing this posture. Forget the dogma from Yoga teachers who want to force your hips to rotate forward. Each skeleton is different. When you mindfully practice Trikonasana, you gently work the hips, pelvis, SI joints, and the rest of your spine, to reduce, or prevent, pain.

Foods That Help Arthritis

We get the word arthritis from the Greek, and the literal meaning is inflammation of the joint. There are over a hundred different types of arthritis, the most common of which is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is degeneration of the joint due to trauma, infection, especially over time, so we see this condition frequently in the elderly person. Pain and reduced mobility are common, and muscle strain from forcing stiff joints to function is possible, along with fatigue.

There are a plethora of advertised treatments available, as well as a pile of prescription medication, so to simplify things, let's look at what we eat, and our lifestyle.

There are many natural foods that are stated to improve our health, and reduce inflammation in our body.

Firstly, a diet high in protein can increase uric acid deposits, causing pain. Animal protein is particularly known for this, so consider using more vegetable proteins like potatoes and legumes. Did you ever think when enjoying some hummus dip and crackers that you were getting a nice serve of protein?

Have lots of fiber from fresh raw fruit and vegetables and whole grains as this will help to sweep away mineral and acid build up, and reduce harmful bacteria. Dark green leafy veggies contain the carotenoidslutein and zeaxanthin, and saponins and flavonoids. These wonderful foods are said to be beneficial in preventing breast cancer, skin cancer cells, and lung cancer and stomach cancer by inhibiting their cell growth. They also help to build and maintain bone cartilage. Did you know that the vegetable Kale contains more calcium than milk?

It is also more easily adsorbed than milk, so go for the veg! Sounds good to me! The silica found in alfalfa sprouts, lettuce and cabbage is also helpful. Plant based essential fatty acids are great for reducing inflammation, grind flax seeds fresh as you want them, and the oil is great in a salad dressing. Bromelain found in the core of fresh pineapples is also helpful in reducing inflammation, and cruciferous vegetables also such as cauliflower and broccoli, and foods high in sulfur help to repair bone and cartilage, so serve up some asparagus garlic and onion every day.

Water is essential, and aim for at least one glass every 2 hours you are awake. Foods to avoid? Acid forming foods as these; red meat, eggs, saturated fats, fried foods, dairy foods, refined foods, and high gluten foods such as bread, pastries and pasta. Along with these avoid caffeine and refined carbohydrates and alcohol. Sounds impossible? Have a think about this easy meal plan: Have some fresh fruit for breakfast, with some freshly ground flax seed (a coffee grinder works perfectly) on mashed banana, and a handful of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and almonds, or some raw mixed nuts. This is very filling and well satisfying.

Lunch can be a jacket potato with a chickpea salad, adding in sprouts tomato, grated carrot, lettuce, celery, onion and fresh garlic to taste, with lemon juice and a good tablespoon of flaxseed oil, and I like a sprinkle of cayenne pepper as well. If you want a lighter lunch, swap the potato with a whole grain bread or wrap.

Dinner could be a walnut/rolled oat rissole, with fresh salad again, or some fresh steamed veg, or stir-fries veg on steamed brown rice. Rice contains an amino acid called histidine, which is helpful in removing heavy metals, as people with arthritis often have high levels of copper.

As a rough guide, you can see how easy it is to put the elements of this way of eating into practice once you give it a bit of thought. Don't make drastic changes to your diet at once, introduce new foods slowly, especially if you haven't been used to eating many legumes, and soaking legumes overnight before cooking can aid digestion.

Clenching Teeth in Sleep - Cure Clenching Teeth Before It Does Permanent Damage

Teeth clenching and grinding commonly occurs during deep sleep and is a usual sleeping action for individuals. For the record, nearly all people experience bruxism, the medical term for clenching of the teeth, even in daytime, especially if subjected to strong and suppressed emotions. However common it is, its symptoms must not be overlooked. Intense and regular teeth clenching can cause pressure to the teeth, which can eventually wear and chip the teeth down.

An evident cause of clenching teeth in sleep is yet to be established. Some scientists associate clenching teeth in sleep with central nervous system disorders or diseases. Some psychologists relate psychosomatic reasons as the main cause, citing stress as an influential factor. At any rate, bruxism is a condition that must not be overlooked to prevent the occurrence of more serious dental damage.

The following are symptoms and effects:

Teeth wearing. Bruxism causes pressure on the upper and lower teeth. If teeth clenching occurs regularly it is certain that the teeth will be damaged and are worn down. People with long-term and regular symptoms may have teeth that looked like it was filed down.

Chipping of the teeth. As bruxism gets more frequent over a long period of time, the teeth can break off. Chipping of the teeth might go unnoticed by the person because the cracks are too small to be seen through X-ray. Disregarding the symptoms can make the problem worse, which can lead to the damage deepening until it reaches the root canal. When this happens, a root canal therapy or operations should be done in order to replace the worn tooth.

Teeth sensitivity to cold, hot, and sweet food or beverage. If you have extremely sensitive teeth, it might be a symptom.

Premature loosening of tooth. Bruxism can loosen the tooth due to the grinding action, which makes the upper and lower teeth to rock back and forth and from side to side. This rocking motion affects the bone supporting the teeth eventually leading to teeth loosening.

Painful chewing and sore jaw. Waking up in the morning with a sore jaw can indicate this problem. The jaw around the check and temple are affected by bruxism as it overused jaw muscles during teeth grinding and clenching. It may also be a sign of TMJ problems. Difficult and painful chewing is also a sign that you are clenching teeth in sleep. This is related to jaw joints being overused and damaged by frequent teeth clenching and grinding.

Clenching teeth in sleep can be prevented by using mouth guards during sleep to prevent the teeth from unconscious clenching and grinding. If you have the mentioned syndromes, consult with a dentist to have a mouth guard fitted over your lower teeth. Do not ignore the symptoms to prevent further damage to your teeth and jaws.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Dog Hip Dysplasia Information Regarding Its Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment And Prevention

Dog hip dysplasia is a disease found in canines which causes the hip joints to form abnormally. A kind of dog arthritis, this condition results in loose joints in the hip area making it extremely difficult and painful for the dog to move. Simply put, it is when the hips of a dog do not fit together properly resulting in dog joint pain.

Dog hip dysplasia affects all kinds of canines, although it's more common in dogs of larger breed, and even more in purebred dogs. Some of the most likely breeds to get hip dysplasia are great Danes, Rottweilers, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, St. Bernards and Mastiffs. However sight hounds such as Grey hounds seem to escape this horrible disease.

The pain a dog feels depends on the degree of separation in the joints. If there is partial dislocation of the thigh bone from the hip bone then this is called subluxation, and this may even cause the dog to feel mild or no pain. But if the thigh bone is completely dislocated from the hip socket, it is known as luxation, and this will cause extreme pain to the poor animal.


There are a number of factors that can cause a dog to get this disease.

1. Genetics:

Dog hip dysplasia can be inherited genetically, especially in bigger breeds of dogs. At times, this disease also skips generations, but the chances are increased for a dog if the disease is in its immediate ancestry. However genetics is not the only way, as it can also be developed overtime due to environmental factors.

2. Obesity:

Obesity in dogs has also been known to cause this type of dog arthritis, as overweight dogs have to carry more weight and this tends to wear out their hip joints. Obese dogs tend to get more hip related injuries.

3. Calcium:

Receiving too much calcium is also a cause of this condition, as the extra calcium can cause the growing process to speed up resulting in the bones not being able to form properly. Similarly too little calcium will also play a role is forming abnormal bones as well. Even over-exercising a dog at a young age can be a trigger of dog hip dysplasia as well.


There are some signs that can show that a canine has dog hip dysplasia.

1. Trouble Walking:

The main indication is when a dog has trouble walking or seems to be limping in one or both hind legs. However both of its rear legs will be affected by this, but it may show a limp on the most compromised side. The excruciating pain will not allow the dog to enjoy any of its usual activities such as running, playing or walking. It will also avoid jumping or walking up the stairs, and will have trouble getting up from lying or sitting down. There will also be pain in the rear/hip area.

2. Physical Changes:

Another huge indicator is the physical changes such as the wasting of muscles in the hip region, or underdeveloped thigh muscles. The shoulder muscle will grow as the dog will place the extra weight in this area which its hind legs will not be able to carry.

3. Hind Legs Cow-Hocked:

If a young pup is too slow to stand on all fours, or climb up the stairs or even jump, then this could indicate that it will grow up to develop dog hip dysplasia. Another strong indicator is if the hind legs of a pup are cow-hocked (similar to knock-kneed in humans).


X-Rays are the main tests for diagnosing this disease, but physical exams are also essential. The physical will allow the veterinarian to manually check the dog's hip and the x-rays will show any signs of abnormalities.


To treat dog hip dysplasia, a combination of treatment is used. This includes joint supplements for dogs, pain medication, anti-inflammatory drugs, weight management, exercise and physical therapy. In more extreme cases, hip replacement surgery can also be an option.

Joint supplements for dogs such as glucosamine should be given to the dog, as this anti-inflammatory additive goes straight to the joints and helps regenerate cartilage. Exercise allows the weight of the dog to be controlled, thereby reducing the impact weight has on its hind legs.


If the breed of the dog is such that it is prone to develop dog hip dysplasia then steps should be taken to diminish the disease's impact, although complete prevention may be hard. The canine must undergo enough exercise to keep a healthy weight as well as build its muscles properly so that there is less impact on its joints.

Care should be taken to feed the dog properly so that its diet doesn't lack anything it needs and an ideal weight is kept. Dogs should be given joint supplements with calcium and phosphorus so that they develop healthy bones; also glucosamine supplements to heal any damage that could cause hip dysplasia or hip arthritis.

Avoid breeding dogs with this condition to minimize it. The dog must be kept warm, as cold weather tends to increase joint pains. Massage therapy can also play a role in helping the dog relax its stiff muscles.

Risk Factors for Osteoporosis and Hip Fractures

When it comes to osteoporosis, there are certain risk factors which people can avoid, and then there are those which are unavoidable. So obviously you want to make changes in the ones where you can make a difference.

Osteoporosis can predispose an individual to fractures in the wrist, hip, and the spine. These injuries can affect a person's ability to walk and may increase mortality. For instance, it is well known that the one-year mortality rate after a patient sustains a hip fracture is over 25%.

The biggest risk factor that people can't avoid is older age. As a person ages, they simply do not have as high of a bone turnover rate as they did while younger. What this means is that more bone is lost than is made each year, which leads to a gradual reduction in bone mineral density. If this amounts to 1 to 2% per year, think about over a 20 year period that person will have 20 to 40% less dense bone.

Additional risk factors that one cannot change is being female and a family history of osteoporosis. There are genetic factors to osteoporosis, a lot of which we do not understand. Being female and having a higher incidence of osteoporosis than men has to do with hormone levels and what happens after menopause.

Additional risk factors that cannot be modified include rheumatoid arthritis along with disorders such as hyperthyroidism and having a testosterone deficiency. Also, simply having a previous osteoporosis fracture can predispose individuals to developing future ones.

Now let's talk about the risk factors that people can modify. Weight-bearing exercise is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of developing fractures from osteoporosis. This does not include cycling or swimming, as those do not involve weight bearing. This involves such activities as walking, running, weightlifting, and those types of activities. In and of itself, weight-bearing exercise is the number 1 method of preventing osteoporosis.

Additional risk factors that can be modified include smoking and poor nutrition. If a patient has poor nutritional habits, they're not going to be be getting enough vitamins or calcium to ensure superior bone health. Smoking can decrease the blood supply to the bone and cause them to become brittle. The absolute worst combination is a patient who is thin, female, older, and white. This combination predisposes to osteoporosis tremendously.

Excessive alcohol intake is another risk factor for the problem. Alcohol directly interferes with the body's ability to produce bone. So along with the other problems that alcoholics develop, osteoporosis can easily be one of them.

Additional risk factors for developing osteoporosis include various medications. These are modifiable, but at times a patient has to take them because nothing else better is available for their disease. For instance, glucocorticoids like cortisone are often times necessary for a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.

Patients who take anticonvulsants are predisposed to osteoporosis along with methotrexate and the medication called cyclosporine. All of these can cause osteoporosis either by themselves or in conjunction with the additional risk factors.

Headaches Are Muscular Problems Affected By Tightness In The Chest, Arms, Shoulders, Neck, and Jaw

Active Isolated Stretching and Strengthening (AIS) treats migraine, cluster, tension, or chronic headaches as a muscular disorder. The source of headache pain is excessive muscular tension in the upper body, neck, and jaw muscles. Muscular tightness or weakness in these areas will refer pain into the head region. Night time teeth grinding can also play a role in causing pain in the head. Migraine treatment involves lengthening and rebuilding the numerous muscles that uphold the head. Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) has the best treatment plan for reducing inflammation in muscles that cause chronic pain in the head region.

AIS therapy is an alternative to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaid's) and analgesic drugs. In the book Heal Joint Pain Naturally by Ellen Hodgson Brown, research found that "nsaid's and analgesic pain- relievers impede the body's ability to repair itself (page 20)." Nsaid's and analgesic drugs promote a cycle of dependence with detrimental consequences to the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Pain relieving drugs reduce inflammation temporarily as the solution to migraine, cluster, or tension head pain, without addressing the source of the pain. Active Isolated Stretching reduces inflammation by lengthening each tight muscle that is contributing to head pain. The long term solution to head pain involves rehabilitation to the muscles that support the head.

The textbook Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction written by Janet Travell, M.D. pioneered the concept of referred pain problems. This concept is also called trigger point theory. Dr. Travell discusses how inflexibility or trauma in specific muscles will cause pain to corresponding regions of the body. Dr. Travell's trigger point theory illuminated the finding that the area where pain is felt and the source of pain can be two separate regions.

Following Dr. Travell's trigger point theory, AIS approaches head pain by first opening the muscles of the chest, shoulders, upper arms, and upper back. The theory is to open muscular regions close to the head, in order to resolve pain in the head. Attention must focus on reducing tension in the scapula region. The scapula is also known as the shoulder blades. And the scapula is the major landmark bone of the upper back. Numerous muscles of the shoulder, neck, and upper back attach to the scapula at one end. And reducing pressure on the scapula will decrease headache pain. Tension in the biceps, triceps, deltoids, pectorals (chest), latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and trapezius muscles all play a role in the placement of the scapula. So tightness in any of these upper body muscles can pull the scapula bone out of anatomical position. Displacement of the scapula can cause referred pain to the head region.

As previously stated, the AIS approach examines migraines by looking at significant muscles that support the skull. The head is above the chest, shoulders, and upper back; and the area closest to the head is the neck. Dr. Travell states that inflexibility in the neck muscles will also refer pain to the head region. Because muscles work in groups, opening the chest, shoulders, and upper back first; will optimally lengthen muscles of the neck. The scalenes, sternocleidomastoid, and levator scapula are some muscles of the neck that need to be treated to resolve chronic headache pain.

A third area worth mentioning is the muscles of the jaw. Jaw pain is also known as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). Like any joint that gets a lot of use, the jaw is susceptible to pain and dysfunction through regular usage. Jaw pain can be referred from stressed muscles of the upper body, particularly muscles of the neck and shoulders. And, jaw pain can be caused by grinding the teeth at night. When teeth grinding is a factor, AIS will release the pain but other methods of stress reduction (like pranayama yoga, hypnosis, or meditation) must be learned to stop the cycle of teeth grinding. The key muscle of TMJ is the digastric muscle. The digastric muscle plays a primary role in all types of headaches. The digastric (jaw) muscle can be opened through the Active Isolated Stretching process.

Reducing inflammation has long been advocated for treatment of migraine and cluster head pain. But many health professionals are not sure exactly where inflammation needs to be treated or which type of treatment should be utilized. Dr. Janet Travell's textbook outlines the muscles that cause migraines. But Dr. Travell's treatment plan of using injections into damaged muscle tissue is not the most effective. Active Isolated Stretching employs a unique form of muscle lengthening in replacement of Dr. Travell's injections. And Active Isolated Stretching techniques are most effective in implementing Travell's trigger point theory - far superior than Travell's injections. Aaron Mattes, the developer of AIS, wrote his own book called Active Isolated Stretching: The Mattes Method. Both books can be cross-referenced to see a blueprint on how to resolve chronic pain in the head. Dr. Travell's book states "what" causes headache pain. Aaron Mattes' book shows "how" to implement AIS into Dr. Travell's findings.

Arthritis and Your Pet - Symptoms, Treatment Options, Exercise and Diet

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis means "inflammation of the joint." Inflammation is characterized by swelling, stiffness, and pain. It is a common condition in older dogs and occasionally occurs in cats. This affliction can cause painful swelling and stiffness. Joints which are commonly affected include elbow, ankle, shoulders, and most often, hips.

Signs of Arthritis

Personality change
Lagging behind on walks
Difficulty sitting or standing
Resistant to touch
Weight gain
Moving stiffly or straight-legged gait
Weight gain
Sleeping more
Being less alert
Yelping in pain when touched
Hesitancy to jump, run or climb
Less interested in play

Types of Arthritis

Degenerative Joint Disease
Hip osteoarthritis - hip dysplasia
Elbow osteoarthritis - elbow dysplasia
Knee osteoarthritis - knee dysplasia
Knee (stifle joint)
Hypertrophic arthritis
Shoulder (degeneration)
Wrist Arthritis (carpi)
Kneecap (dislocation)

What Should I do if I Suspect my Pet has Arthritis?

DO NOT try to give your pet human medication! Anti-inflammatories and Acetaminophen can be extremely dangerous for your pet. Acetaminophen is actually toxic for cats.

The first thing you should do is seek the advice of your veterinarian. He or she can help you find out what kind of arthritis your pet has by taking X-rays, blood tests, joint fluid tests, and sometimes MRIs. Though it is relatively uncommon, sometimes arthritis can be caused by a bacterial infection inside a joint or an autoimmune disorder.

Treatment Options

Depending on the breed, age, history, and weight of the pet, there may be alternatives to medication. Arthritis caused by hip, knee, or elbow dysplasia can sometimes be treated with surgery. Arthroscopic surgery can be used to remove bone chips. In large breed dogs veterinarians will sometimes replace the entire hip joint. In cats and smaller breeds, they may recommend removing the top of the upper leg bone. The leg muscles will compensate in most cases where this is done.

Many pet owners are moving to more holistic approaches to treating arthritis.

Some practitioners are supporting herbal supplements and antioxidant vitamins.

Acupuncture is also gaining popularity among pet owners for chronic pain.

Massage therapists can also give your pet relief. It is not wise to massage your pet unless you ask your vet to show you how first. You can hurt them if you are not sure where and how to message their muscles and joints.

What About Exercise?

You should always follow your vet's advice regarding exercising your arthritic dog. There is a fine line between your dog needing exercise and exercise that will overexert your pets joints. If you can find a doggy pool close to you, and your veterinarian agrees, water sports can be a wonderful source of exercise that does not stress inflamed joints.


As always, you want to be sure your dog is on a healthy diet, and especially if your pet has arthritis. Obesity adds to stress on the bones and joints, which adds to their discomfort.

Last but certainly not least, have you hugged your pet today?

Ankylosis Spondylitus

Ankylosis Spondylitus, a disease with a long sounding name. It causes inflammation of the joints and is commonly referred to as arthritis of the back. This is a progressive disease that continues without remorse. It encompasses degeneration of the disks in the vertebra of the back. It extends to cause pain in the hips, neck, knees and ankles. A general stiffness of the body is first noticed by the host. Its effects include difficulty in walking, getting in and out of cars and stiffness of the spinal column. The end result of this disease is total fusion of the spine.

The effects of this disease progressively get worse. Over a period of time the ugly face of
complete disability may stare you in the face. Back pain is accompanied by the inability to
walk or move without constant and unbearable pain. Some people cannot actively function in
jobs that they have occupied for many years with the onset of this disease. This disease
can causes job changes or disability.

Although there is no cure for this disease there are things that you can use to slow the
disease down or lessen the pain associated with it. A mix of glucosamine, chondroitin and
MSM will slow down the effects of the disease. Physical therapy will also help to retard it's
effects. Use the same medications that you would normally use for arthritic conditions.

Salves or ointments normally reserved for arthritis treatment can be used in this capacity.
Chiropractors use treatments that help break up the vertebrae in the spinal column with the
hope of returning the spine to good health. If this disease continues unabated without some
type of treatment organ damage can result. In order for a body to be healthy the vertebrae
need to be flexible. Chiropractors offer manipulations as a way in which to achieve optimum
health. Pain pills offered for arthritis relief can also be of value. Hot baths seem to have a
beneficial effect. Start on some type of therapy as early as possible.

This disease can be detected in several ways. The first issue to be considered is pain in the
neck, shoulders and back. After consultation by a doctor the disease can be verified by
xrays or by blood work. Start on the medications and exercise regimens early in order to
forestall the onset of the diseases symptoms. If untreated this disease can have paralyzing
results. Falling to the floor and not being able to arise and walk is one complication involved
in this disease. Pain management and medications that soothe and lubricate the joints are
used for optimum benefits.

As the disease progresses physical activities enjoyed before the onset of symptoms related to the disease will have to be curtailed or stopped. Hopefully a total cure for this ailment will be brought about by medical intervention. Until that time we will have to use the tools that are available to us to limit the effects of this disease.

Why Fibromyalgia Needs Omega 3 EPA-DHA

If I were to let myself go on this one topic, this article would be the longest in history, rivaling the size of War and Peace! I promise to do my best to restrain myself.

I'll start by saying that every doctor worth his salt - MD, DO, ND, DC or any other - should be recommending Omega 3 EPA-DHA, no matter what illness comes across his threshold! In fact s/he should recommend it to everyone who is NOT ill...yet. The benefits go across the board, or literally from head to toe! Depression, cognitive function, ADHD, bi-polar disorder, macular degeneration, asthma, neck pain, back pain, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, osteoporosis, MS, Crohn's disease, autoimmune diseases like RA, Lupus, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease and more, as well as PMS, psoriasis, migraines, joint pain, degenerative disorders, inflammatory conditions of all kinds and much more. Any of your symptoms listed?

If any of your issues are not listed above, there are a few more extremely urgent reasons why your body - everybody's body - need Omega 3 EPA-DHA.

One of the main functions of EPA-DHA is to coat each cell wall (200 trillions cells, mind you) making it fluid, flexible and permeable, to allow easy transference and permeability of nutrients as they enter the cells, and waste products as they leave the cells. Next, and by no means least, EPA-DHA essential fatty acids act as conductors in the brain, enabling that electrical spark for the firing of neurons. Your brain is more than 70% DHA - that's another reason to keep feeding it EPA-DHA.

These essential fatty acids also direct DNA and protein interactions; they enable fat-soluble vitamins like A,D, E and K to be absorbed. They influence enzymes, receptors and much more. To find out even more benefits, you can always check out The National Institute of Health's site for "Omega 3" and any of the 16,203 studies, or Medscape's 293 documents on hand at the moment of the 18,000 available, or Google's 81,600,000 pages on Omega 3.

There are 3 types of Omega 3 essential fatty acids. The marine sources (fish and sea vegetables) provide Omega 3 EPA and DHA. The plant sources (e.g. flax, flaxseed oil, walnuts, canola oil) provide Omega 3 ALA which is somewhat different. You'll find that 98%+ of the medical studies have used the marine source, EPA-DHA. This is because the plant source, ALA, is supposed to convert to EPA-DHA in our body after being ingested, and then do its work. However, this conversion is not very dependable.

Studies show that most people are unable to make this conversion, most particularly those with a chronic illness who are low in many minerals, enzymes and other necessary components to effect this conversion. In doctor Mercola's many articles on the subject, he describes this nations deficiency of Omega 3 EPA- DHA's and how it's affecting all of us. He also describes the ineffectiveness of this conversion process from ALA to EPA-DHA in most people.

Omega 3 ALA has many benefits in its own right, to be sure, but it is not a substitute for the same effects as Omega 3 EPA-DHA.

And then there is the Great Imbalance! Omega 6 is also an essential fatty acid. In a perfect world we would have a balance of 1:1 or 2:1 of Omega 6 to Omega 3 in our diet for all our systems to run smoothly- Omega 6, the pro-inflammatory, and Omega 3, the anti-inflammatory, working side-by-side, in balance.

But with the dawning of processed, packaged, boxed and fast foods this finely tuned balance has gone out the window like a boomerang coming back to whack us in the head, arms, legs, hands, feet, joints, gut, etc in the form of inflammatory nightmares! This "balance" now sits at 40:1 or 50:1 (depending on the study you read), far far far and away in favor of the PRO-inflammatory Omega 6 fatty acids.

Why? Because Omega 6's are found everywhere in our diet! They are in eggs, margarine, poultry, cereals, baked goods, whole grains, nuts, vegetables, seeds, and vegetable oils from corn, peanut, sesame, sunflower, soybean, cottonseed, wheat germ and more. The whole foods are one thing; Omega 6 belongs there. But look at the labels on the processed, packaged, boxed and frozen foods. These Omega 6's (including a preponderance of veggie & seed oils) have now taken on the forms of hydrogenateds, partially hydrogenateds and trans fats - all inflammatories, all preservatives - which will NOT preserve YOU! But rather will eat away at systems and joints and organs by increasing inflammation, slowly, steadily day after day after day.

Few are increasing their Omega 3 to bring this balance back to reality! Is it any wonder there are so many degenerative and inflammatory conditions running rampant in our Western world? Only recently are studies showing that Fibromyalgia is a condition that involves inflammation. But even if that isn't proven in the near future, think about the symptoms such as neck pain, back pain, joint pain, depression, cognitive difficulties, bowel disorders, asthma and allergies and all the rest that may be a part of your particular brand of Fibro. Omega 3 EPA-DHA has been proven to help all if these symptoms.

Not only does Omega 3 EPA-DHA help these listed conditions on the whole, but it has also been proven to be a much safer pain reliever than NSAIDS or ibuprophen, specifically for neck or back pain, as shown in this study reported by Medscape In fact, "...close to 2/3 of the patients could discontinue their use of NSAIDS..."

This medical abstract from NIH at Pubmed tells of the benefits of fish oil (EPA-DHA) for inflammatory and autoimmune diseases like RA, Crohn's, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, migraine headaches, lupus and more.

Omega 3 EPA-DHA is the very first supplement I recommend to everyone I meet who has Fibromyalgia or any chronic illness. I use Carlson's brand - 3 capsules per day. The better brands of capsules tend to have no "blow back," or fishy taste. Look for 3rd party tested, deep sea fish oil preferably from the North Atlantic where there are few if any PCB's and mercury contamination. Buy a one month's supply at a time, instead of stocking up. After two or three months, fish oil can go bad (oxidize) when it's opened. Heat, light and air affect it's viability, so I use capsules instead of the liquid- there is less of a chance for it's oxidaion.

The effect is accumultive. So in a week or two you may begin to feel positive effects, then as time goes on, even more positive effects will be recognized.

Some well-tested, well-known brands are: Carlson's, Nordic Naturals, Twin Lab, Kirkland (from Costco), NOWFoods & Nature Made, for example. Also consider checking with for their latest up-to-date information on this supplement.

Foods containing Omega 3 EPA-DHA are salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, trout, herring, halibut, cod, free range-chicken and beef and wild game (in other words, animals that have NOT been fed grain).

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

How Effective is Lyprinol as an Anti-Inflammatory Agent?

When our bodies undergo biological, physical, or chemical injury, the process of inflammation is its normal reaction. Generally, it helps repair or regenearate the damaged cells and tissues. But in some cases, the inflammatory process overshoots and does more harm than good. This is where Lyprinol comes in.

Lyprinol is a stabilized marine extract made from a combination of the highly regarded Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and other lipid groups. Because of its impressive anti-inflammatory properties, several researches have been conducted to check its safety and efficacy. Lyprinol has passed these tests with flying colors.

What are some of the instances when excessive inflammatory responses become harmful? A common case is the condition osteoarthritis (also known as degenerative joint disease or degenerative arthritis) wherein low-grade inflammation is coupled with pain in the joints.

It affects the "wear and tear" joints of the hands, feet, knees, shoulders, back, hips, and elbows. Pain is experienced because the cartilage that is supposed to act as a cushion between the joints is worn and the condition is aggravated by several years of hard work and, at times, injury.

When a signal is received to initiate inflammation, one of the biomolecular mechanisms that take place is the conversion of arachidonic acid into inflammation-aiding substances. This process happens via two pathways: the cyclo-oxygenase (COX) pathway which results in the formation of thromboxanes and prostaglandins, and the 5-lipoxygenase (LOX) pathway which forms leukotrienes.

The latter's products (LTB 4, and its metabolites LTC 4, LTD 4, and LTE 4) are potent inflammation supporters. The anti-inflammatory drugs we use today are known to inhibit the cyclo-oxygenase pathway, thus leaving the 5-lipoxygenase pathway products free to actively support the inflammatory process.

When this happens, the LTB 4 metabolites thrive and may possibly give rise to damaging inflammation. They are powerful bronchoconstricting agents and could could even bring the patient into anaphylactic shock.

Because of this, scientists will stop at nothing to find a treatment which effectively inhibits the 5-lipoxygenase pathway. They then discovered Lyprinol, an extract from the New Zealand green-lipped mussels, which effectively and safely impedes the 5-lipoxygenase pathway.

When these harmful leukotrienes are inhibited with the stable Lyprinol, persistent and damaging inflammation is markedly reduced.

When compared with other products of the same nature, Lyprinol can boast of remarkable results:

In a study published in the journal, "Inflammopharmacology," Lyprinol was tested to be 100x more powerful than Max EPA; 125x more effective than green-lipped musel powder; 175x more powerful than salmon oil or evening primrose oil; and 200x more effective than flax oil in the treatment of joint inflammation relative to arthritis.

Physiotherapy After Hip Replacement

Total hip replacement has matured into a routine operation for the relief of hip pain and disability due to hip arthritis, giving some of the greatest quality of life increases of all medical procedures. Typically performed in older people, many get a good result from their hip replacement surgery but many do not reach their greatest potential due to lack of follow up rehabilitation in the post-operative period.

An osteoarthritic hip joint is likely to cause a degree of pain and disability for a year or more before the person comes to operation. This period of difficulty can cause influential changes in the tissues around the hip which can be relevant in the postoperative period. Pain and weakness can make us use our joints less, avoiding pushing them to the ends of their movement, a process which gradually reduces the joint's range of motion. Adaptive shortening occurs in the hip's ligaments, as the structures shorten in response to the fact that the joint is not being put through its full range any more in the normal daily pattern.

When a hip joint is not used in the normal way or through its full range the muscles which power it will lose some of their strength. The hip joint is designed to bear weight and to move the body around which involves high levels of power, provided by the largest muscles in the body, the gluteal muscles. The ability to run, walk, get up from a chair, climb stairs and go uphill is facilitated by the power of the gluteal muscles to a great extent. If these muscles weaken they can reduce a person's independence to an important degree.

The hip abductors, a smaller muscle group of the gluteal muscles, are important in controlling the side to side stability of the pelvic girdle in gait, with weakness of these muscles interfering with walking. Standing on one leg in walking we hold the opposite side of the pelvis up to avoid it dropping and make bringing through the moving leg more difficult. The hip abductor muscles do this and if weak we feel unstable in walking and tend to lurch towards the weak side, making us lean our trunk towards the other side to restore balance. This is described as a positive Trendelenberg sign.

The abnormal Trendelberg gait imposes unnatural forces on the hip and requires side flexion of the spine to hold balance on each step. The abnormal gait which results fails to strengthen the hip abductors and remedy the problem. With hip problems we tend not to extend our hips fully so the gait cycle is shortened as the hip extensor muscles fail to attain full movement and power. A restriction in hip joint movement and the presence of muscular weakness makes mobility more difficult and can make the outcome of the operation less satisfactory in the absence of rehabilitation.

Patients typically have impaired balance and coordination even before they have their joint replacement operation, with some improvement occurring as the hip's function moves more towards normal after the joint has been replaced and the mechanical function of the hip is restored towards normal. Other impairments usually include the sense of joint position sense, an important ability the lack of which compromises balance and makes falling more likely.

Physiotherapists assess a patient's hip function and ability to get through their normal daily work, looking at the deficiencies in the joint so they can plan the rehabilitation. Noting the gait of the patient will be the first thing in the assessment, moving on to checking movements of the hip, knee and spine to check for any restrictions due to joint stiffness. An abnormal gait can be habitual and the physiotherapist will analyse and correct the gait pattern towards normal.

Excessive range is not encouraged in hip replacements due to the risk of dislocation. Next the muscle power in all the surrounding muscles will be tested and then the person's balance reactions and joint position sense. Once the assessment is complete the physiotherapist will give the patient a programme including joint mobility, strengthening, and balance and gait correction. Many with hip arthroplasty do not reach their best potential due to a lack of rehabilitation care after the operation.

Overcoming Joint Pains and Aches

The most important thing you should know about joint pains is that you do not have to live with the discomforts. Matter of fact, there are multiple different ways to overcome the aches, stiffness, and inflammation. With there being over 20 million adults suffering from joint pains, it is pertinent that we are all prepared for the battle against arthritis. Nearly everyone will experience some sort of musculoskeletal pain by the age of 70. This is greatly due to the fact that age is the main cause of joint pains. If you want to safely "overcome" joint pains and aches, it is best to start taking supplements. You can take them as a preventative step or you can take them to help treat the symptoms you are already experiencing.

At least when it comes to joint pains you aren't totally trapped. You do not have to go through surgery or anything extreme to overcome the situation. Although diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are a chronic pain that does not mean that you have to feel the weight of them every day. Rheumatoid arthritis effects both sides of the body equally. It is a long term disease where the body attacks its healthy this case, healthy tissue surrounding your bones. If that tissue is worn down or eaten away then your joints cannot work properly, may be painful, inflamed, or stiff. There are more than 100 different kinds of arthritis, and millions of people that suffer from the condition.

So how do you overcome your pains and aches?

Natural supplements: taking daily supplements can improve your joint health quickly and provide long term relief. You can take them whether you are experiencing severe side effects of arthritis or other degenerative diseases. As you get older it is smart to start adding supplements to your diet so that you can keep the healthy cartilage you have and protect your bones from bone spurs. They can slow down the break down process of cartilage and help reinforce proteoglycans. Proteoglycans need to be strong if they want to provide the cushion and shock absorption needed for free moving and pain free joints.

Exercise: adding exercise to your week can help improve the strength and flexibility of your joints. It also helps improve muscle mass.

Diet: there are many foods that can help improve your joint health. Salmon, nuts, strawberries, and ginger are a few foods that can help.

End Joint Pain With Natural Remedies

Joint pain relief and treatment options vary with the causes of the pain and when the pain is a result of an underlying condition, treating the condition, may offer long-term relief.

There is currently no known cure for conditions like Osteoarthritis (OA) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and medical treatment of these conditions aims to reduce joint pain, improve joint mobility and quality of life and restrict functional impairment, whilst limiting any toxic side effects of therapy. Although most conventional medication and drug treatments are prescribed purely for relief of symptoms, they do not offer a cure for the underlying condition and because of this many people around the world are opting for safer, all natural, non-drug, alternative remedies and therapies to avoid any potential drug related side effects.

Alternative treatment methods such as heat and ice applications or applying pain patches, can offer safe and effective relief from joint pain. Natural herbal and homeopathic remedies have been proven to effectively address the underlying cause of joint pain and encourage joint pain relief. Though there are no standard supplements that are available for the treatment of joint pain, throughout the years numerous clinical studies have proven the effectiveness of them and a few that could help alleviate painful joint conditions are mentioned below:

Devil's Claw has used for centuries to treat symptoms of joint pain in conditions such as osteoarthritis, fibrositis, rheumatism and small joint disease.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin are commonly found dietary supplements which help repair cartilage and maintain joint mobility. Glucosamine is an essential constituent of cartilage and Glucosamine sulphate is the dietary supplement most frequently used by patients who suffer from Osteoarthritis (OA) and joint pains. Considerable research has shown that it effectively reduces the inflammation and pain associated with OA whilst slowing down the progression of the disease. It has also been shown to control OA symptoms as effectively as ibuprofen and without the gastro side effects of Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs).

Chondroitin is a compound that is essential for the formation of our joints' matrix structure. Long-term use of Chondroitin supplements could slow the progression of the disease by slowing the narrowing of the spaces between joints. Chondroitin has not shown any benefit over glucosamine and can probably be considered as a modest supplement to alleviate pain.

Boswellia is a fragrant tree resin (Boswellia Sacra is thought to be the Biblical incense Frankinsence) and a natural anti-inflammatory. Bromelain is a natural enzyme in pineapple used as a joint pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. There are also the additional complementary physical therapies such as:

- Massage
- Aromatherapy
- Physiotherapy
- Chiropractic
- Acupuncture

The above are but a few of the many pain relief treatments now readily available as alternatives to the usual drug solutions so favoured of the medical profession.

Then, in addition to the above, what with advent of functional and affordable self-care products such as, Acupressure tools and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (acronym TENS) machines, which work by producing a small electrical impulse current to stimulate the nerves for pain management and pain relief - and also infrared and ultrasonic devices that perform similar tasks - there are plenty of alternatives to over-the-counter and prescription medications and their potentially harmful side effects.

Can Chiropractors Help With Shoulder Pain?

Chiropractors are known for their abilities in helping people with neck and back pain. The most common reason why someone even considers seeing a chiropractor is for back pain, specifically low back pain. Research and studies and the general consensus is that we can help in this area. What about shoulder pain? Is there anything a chiropractor can do to help shoulder pain?

You can certainly have a chiropractor take a look at and evaluate your shoulder problem. While the spine is most commonly adjusted, the chiropractic adjustment can be performed at any joint. A joint is anywhere two bones meet. In the case of the shoulder, we'll be looking at three different areas; the clavicle (collarbone), the humerus (upper arm), and the scapula (the shoulder blade).

Any of these joints can move out of their normal position with extended use in the wrong way. Stress and poor posture in the upper back can lead the shoulder blade to become stuck and fixated in the wrong position. The chiropractor can adjust this area and work with the muscles to get things moving again.

The same principles apply to the humerus and the clavicle. There are certain movements in which each bone will take on a more primary role. The chiropractor can feel with his hand if the right areas are moving or not. If the joint is not moving, this means it is likely not functioning correctly. This is where the chiropractor's expertise can be of most use.

The first evaluation of the shoulder is really to see if any of the muscles, ligaments, or tendons have torn. Depending on the severity of the tear, you may need an immediate referral for an MRI and a visit to an orthopedic specialist. You don't want someone moving your bones around if you have a tear, and the chiropractor doesn't want to do that either.

If you haven't had any trauma to the shoulder joint and the pain has just come on gradually over the years. The chiropractor can take a look and provide adjustments and work to the muscles that can make a world of difference.

Say Goodbye to Joint Pains

"Health is wealth"--a phrase oft-used yet the most-ignored in today's world. But this would be more meaningful to the unhealthy, who have faced the health hazards and know how important it is to stay fit. Health gone, you would soon feel that the whole world around you is nothing but a miserable excess, which has no place for you. That is precisely why you should take caution before it is too late. Retain health, or at least restore it, before it gets out of hand.

One very common health hazard these days is osteoarthritis, a kind of arthritis (inflammation of joint/joints), commonly seen in aged people. It is a degenerative joint disease, because it affects the joints. In this, the surface layer of cartilage (slippery bone tissue) crumbles and erodes, thereby increasing the friction of bones under the cartilage. When the smooth movement of bones is hindered, it naturally causes pain, swelling, and limited joint motion. With time, the joint may lose its original shape too. Therefore, it is imperative to treat this early. Joint pains are also common in athletes and animals. Overuse of bones and muscles wears away their cartilage and leads to joint diseases.

People dread this disease because it not only gives the body an intolerable discomfort, it also restricts normal daily activities, thereby pushing the affected into serious depression and disgust. But this is not impossible to get rid of.

Regular rest or exercise is effective in minimizing joint pains. Some people take the "feel good" route to a pain-free life, taking the malfunction in stride, while others draw their sustenance from various educational and support programs. You may also consider going for the many joint pain relief medications available in the market these days, which soothe pains, reduce inflammation, restore the outworn cartilage and facilitates joint movement.

The commonest treatment to osteoarthritis or joint pains is the amino sugar Glucosamine. Synflex is one such Glucosamine-rich medicine made to arrest joint pains. It can also work wonders on your pets. Dogs and cats are known to have benefited a lot from this pain relief medicine Syn-flex. And if you are a pet-lover yourself, you would know how painful it is to see your loving pet in pain.

The joints mean the most for people in sports; therefore, they need to keep them working all the while. So many athletes prefer Syn-flex in their busy racing lives as this shows results in about ten days. Synflex or no Synflex, joint care health products are abundant in the market. All that is important is for you to pick up the right medicine and bid a bye to joint pains forever. Good luck!

Soothe TMJ Pain With Simple Exercises

TMJ disorder can strike without you realizing that it's been building up for a long time. A direct blow to the jaw could throw the temporamandibular joint out of alignment. It could have been caused by grinding your teeth when you sleep, something you can't help doing as this is involuntary. It could have been caused by you clenching your teeth, whether it's also an involuntary reaction to stress or done out of a habit of chewing on things like pencils, fingernails, or chewing gum. It could also be caused by teeth that are improperly aligned. All these causes put enormous stress on your jaw muscles and cause them to wear out, making them go into spasms that in turn produce pain.

And this pain isn't just restricted to your jaw. TMJ pain tends to be wide-reaching, affecting other parts of your body. What you thought might have been just a simple headache or a migraine could actually be an offshoot of your TMJ disorder. Even your neck and your shoulders are not safe from TMJ pain, since the pain could radiate to these areas as well. Another inconvenient result of TMJ disorder is a strange clicking or grinding sound that you hear every time you open you mouth wide.

Pain medication is generally recommended when dealing with TMJ syndrome and, in some extreme cases, even surgery. But you can try doing some soothing jaw exercises to alleviate TMJ pain or simply to relax your face and your jaws. Here are some therapy exercises for TMJ that you can try:

  • While standing in front of a mirror, open your mouth slowly. You might notice that your jaw is misaligned, so move it slowly and try to align it. This will take some effort because of your jaw's weakened muscles. Do 10 sets of this and remember to take your time.

  • Stick your tongue to the roof of your mouth and gently open your mouth wide, keeping your tongue in place.

  • Press your finger on either side of your jaw and open your mouth, maintaining the pressure the whole time. This pressure can help keep your jaw properly aligned.

  • After each TMJ jaw exercise, loosen up your jaw by shaking your chin quickly. Stop the motion if it causes you pain.

These TMJ disorder exercises are not meant to cure you of your TMJ pain entirely, but they will ease the pain you feel and help you learn to relax your face and jaws.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

SI Joint Dysfunction: What Is It and What Can You Do About It?

Sacroiliac (SI) joint dysfunction, once the most commonly diagnosed cause of lower back pain, fell out of the medical mind in the 1930's when herniated discs became the main scapegoats for back pain. Recently the diagnosis of SI joint dysfunction began to reemerge on the medical scene. Some estimate that it is to blame for 15% of lower back pain instances, but is often confused with sciatica or disc damage.

The SI joint is located on each side of the body where the sacrum at the bottom of the spine connects with the ilia, or the large bones of the pelvis. This joint is less than one inch long and has a very small range of motion. It is responsible for transferring the forces of the upper body to the lower body.

If an SI joint is misaligned, or if it moves too much or too little, then SI joint dysfunction is present. The condition entails pain at the site of the affected joint that can radiate through the lower back, buttocks, hip and sometimes into the leg, particularly the back of the thigh.

There are a number of ways in which SI joint dysfunction can manifest. A genetic cause is leg length discrepancy. This will cause the pelvis, and therefore the joints, to be misaligned.

Another cause of SI joint dysfunction is muscle imbalance. The pelvis is the site of many muscles that work closely together to control the movements of the lower body and to support the weight of the upper body. If a muscle imbalance exists, the web of tough ligaments that supports the joint will be tugged in one direction, pulling the joint out of its proper position either upward, downward, to the front or to the back.

An example of muscle imbalance causing SI joint dysfunction is that of tight lower back and hip flexor muscles combined with weak hamstrings and abdominal muscles. Hip flexors (muscles in the hip that work to pull the knee upward) and lower back muscles often become tight due to poor posture and improper bending and lifting technique, two biomechanical problems that also lead to underused, weak abdominal and hamstring muscles. The pulling action of the tight, shortened muscles on the pelvis causes it to tilt forward. The ligaments of the joint are strained by this, and the joint may become dislodged.

Another cause of SI joint dysfunction is trauma. A hard fall or other blow to the pelvis can wrench the SI joint out of place. This can create hypermobility or hypomobility of the joint, and both abnormalities provoke the body's inflammatory response to block off the area. Significant pain results.

Other causes of the condition include infection, pregnancy hormones and osteoarthritis.

How to Test for SI joint dysfunction

The only medically certain diagnostic test for this condition involves injecting a numbing agent into the joint and seeing if this alleviates pain.

There are other, less certain tests that are still deemed valid for diagnosing the condition. One indicator may be obvious to you without the help of a medical professional: if one side of your pelvis is higher or more forward than the other side.

Other methods of diagnosis can be viewed at

Resolving SI Joint Pain

SI joint pain may be difficult to treat; the body's response to inflammation is to lock up the muscles surrounding the joint. This defense makes it hard to exercise, stretch and receive chiropractic adjustment. It may be necessary to pursue self-myofascial release (SMR) first.

Once muscles are loosened, a chiropractor can reset the joint by applying pressure and manipulating the joint's position.

Physical therapy will be needed to resolve any muscle imbalances that may have contributed to your SI joint dysfunction. The therapist can identify which muscles are overly-tight and which ones need conditioning to create a balanced workforce of core muscles.

Stabilizing the joint means stabilizing the whole pelvis; this is why physical therapy and chiropractic care often rely on each other in the treatment of this condition. It may not be possible to perform exercises with the joint out of place, since a hypomobile joint will severely limit range of motion and a hypermobile one may cause posture to be unstable. It will also be impossible to keep the joint aligned after a chiropractic adjustment without resolving muscle imbalances that influence its position.

It is always best to perform exercises for this condition under the guidance of a physical therapist. You can view examples of SI joint stabilizing exercises at

15 Effective Home Remedies for Toothache That You Can Try

Toothache is a result of poor dental condition, and consists in mild or chronic or sharp, excruciating pain around teeth and jaws. Toothache can be quite tormenting, making our daily life go topsy-turvy. Improper brushing techniques, usage of poor quality tooth paste, feasting on junk food items, mental stress and worries result in a poor dental health, and may often lead to toothache. Tooth problems like cracked tooth, dental cavity, dental abscess, and recession or exposed tooth root or nerve endings within the pulp can cause toothache. Toothache may also be the result of periodontal gum disease such as inflammation of soft tissues and abnormal bone loss around teeth or disorders of jaw joint like temporomandibular joint. Dental x-rays can help one find the cause of toothache. An aching tooth becomes very sensitive to cold or heat and aches all the more while chewing.

Toothache sometimes may be a symptom of sinus, external and inner infection, angina and heart attack. Scaling or removal of plaque deposits, tooth splinting, tooth extraction, dental filling, and root canalling procedures are various treatments to combat toothache. Analgesics like acetaminophen and ibuprofen may be taken to counter toothache. Toothache is often accompanied by swelling of gums, discharge or bleeding from gums, redness along the gum line and bad breath. Often the ache may radiate from tooth to cheek, jaws and ears.

Home Remedies for Toothache

1. Biting on a cotton ball soaked in clove oil gives relief from toothache.

2. Soaking a cotton ball in a mixture of lemon juice and a pinch of asafetida, and placing it at the base of the aching tooth, lessens pain.

3. A paste made out of 3 tablespoon of grounded black pepper, water and a pinch of salt may be applied on the aching tooth to get relief. This is an effective toothache home remedy.

4. Chewing a small onion daily keeps away toothache. Juice of onion destroys toothache causing bacteria.

5. Eating raw lime is an effective home remedy for tooth ache. Vitamin C rich lime juice improves dental health.

6. Juice of wheat grass can serve as an effective anti-bacterial mouth wash, giving fast relief from toothache.

7. Chewing guava leaves can lessen toothache.

8. Chewing spinach leaves can also check tooth decay and ache.

9. One may pour 3-4 drops of vanilla extracts on aching tooth to get immediate relief.

10. Application of the paste of bayberry bark along with vinegar on the cavity of an aching tooth gives much relief from pain.

11. One may boil 5 grams of peppermint in a cup of water, and drink the water frequently to get relief from toothache.

12. A paste of turmeric and mustard oil, if applied on the aching tooth, gives much pain relief.

13. A decoction prepared by boiling 2 inch Margosa bark, 5-6 cloves in a cup of water, straining and then using it as a mouth wash can control toothache.

14. Chewing of garlic also helps to fight against toothache.

15. Massaging gums, jaws and teeth gently with 3-4 drops of mustard oil added with a pinch of salt can lessen tooth ache and help to maintain healthy teeth, gums and jaws.

Elbow Joint Pain - Best Alternative Treatment to NSAID's

Often when a joint pain in the elbow starts, you may put it down to a simple niggle or ache from an old injury or the way you've been leaning or lying, but if you find the pain persisting then it could perhaps be something slightly different.

Obviously mentioning the words like, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or osteoporosis may sound a little extreme as these aren't curable diseases, where as lupus or a bacterial infection are, so one way of detecting what you have is through self-analysising the pain, to see if it is migrating round the body.

If you find the exact same pain suddenly move to a joint in the foot, and then to the wrist or shoulder and so forth, following the nerves around the body then there's a slim chance it might be related any one of the variant forms of arthritis.

If the pain also follows a daytime pattern, so say it comes in around midday, then by the afternoon it's got a little worse, then come evening time it is really starting to unsettle you then should seek a diagnoses straight away, whether it's a bacterial infection or joint disease.

Ways to Treat Elbow Joint Pain

When you visit your local practitioner, after preliminary tests, they will most likely put you on one of the numerous types of NSAID's there are on the market - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

These are most often prescribed to arthritic sufferers and are essentially drugs which reduce the swelling in the joints to relieve the pain.

Sometimes they kick in, other times they won't. If you are on any medication also you won't be allowed to take these due to their inherent health risks.

Celebrax and VIOXX which were once two of the most popular NSAID's in the West have now been removed from shelves after patients began experiencing liver, kidney and heart problems specifically heart palpitations, so bear in mind that these are for short-term use only should you decide to use them

FDA Registered Homeopathic Treatments

Alternatively, if you want to relieve the joint pain in the elbow naturally and not become dependent on these prescription pills, then FDA homeopathic treatments manufactured in pharmaceutical labs in the U.S and Europe are proving to be more popular today than ever before due to the advances they've made over the past few years.

The latest ingredients include Glucosamine Complex, Chondroitin Sulfate and MSM (Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane).

MSM which is found in plants, animals and humans, works especially well at treating and relieving chronic pain, osteoarthritis, joint inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis.

Glucosamine Complex on the other hand helps provide strength and elasticity to tissues fibers in the cartilage, increasing fluidity to the elbow joint and more cushioning between the joint.

Chondroitin Sulfate another natural substance produced by the body prevents other bacterial enzymes from degrading the building blocks of joint cartilage, therefore it prohibits the cartilage from becoming dry which will cause the joints to rub together and swell.

These 3 ingredients alone are just some of the advantages FDA registered joint pain supplements have as an advantage over NSAID's, not to mention they are completely safe and can be taken long-term.