Saturday, September 14, 2013

Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis - What Are They?

Do you know that "arthritis" is a general term describing hundreds of different diseases that afflict millions upon millions of people worldwide?

The term 'arthritis describes the problems of inflammation of a joint, and symptoms of the condition include swelling, stiffness, and pain in the affected area(s).

The most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease, and is thought to be brought on by the everyday wear and tear that all of our bodies go through in our daily lives.

As such, osteoarthritis is developed as you age and once you have it, the arthritis progresses as you continue to age.

The bones experience excessive calcium loss, resulting in decreased bone density. Loss of calcium and reduced bone density can result in brittle bones and fractures.

As a result, women, especially after menopause, are more prone to develop this form of arthritis.

Osteoarthritis suffers experience problems with their knees, hips, hands, or the spine, and those with the osteoarthritis are forced to endure pain, tenderness of the area, and decreased functionality of the area, swelling, and of course ... general discomfort.

Diagnosis and treatment of this is tricky because many people don't realize they have the condition until they suffer from some kind of injury and it may takes a bone fracture for broken hip or wrist before receiving a diagnosis.

While rheumatoid arthritis is similar, in that suffers have aches and pains, stiffness and swelling in joints, and it is also progressive.

However it is also quite a different form of arthritis; it is an autoimmune disease that causes the body to produce cells that attack its own tissues.

This results in inflammation that damages the joints and surrounding muscle. It's a chronic disease that can cause a complete disability of the affected joint(s), and those with rheumatoid arthritis often face symptoms of joint pain, stiffness, loss of function and a swelling of the afflicted area, as well as fatigue and lack of energy.

This last symptom, fatigue and lack of energy, make each and everyday very difficult, and unless you suffer from this, you will have a hard time understanding how debilitating this is.

Somebody suffering from this is likely to have severe difficulties even getting their body going each day, until 12:00.

In addition to these problems, suffers may potentially have problems, via fluid retention, with their lungs as well as heart problems. Doctors are aware of this and will continually watch this.

Anyone can develop rheumatoid arthritis, there are no known causes, race and ethnicity appear to have no effect, however age does seem to play a part in its development and diagnoses tend occur between the ages of 35 to 50.

More than two million people in the United States, and many more millions worldwide, are believed to suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. About 1.5 million of all rheumatoid arthritis patients in the United States are women. Statistics tell us that women appear to be two to three times more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than the male population.

If you are diagnosed, early and aggressive treatment is important in order to prevent complications and permanent damage to the tissues.

Read everything you can about your condition, including all the available treatment options.

Join "rheumatoid arthritis forums" and talk with other suffers of this disease. Via the other members of the forum, you will learn far more than you will from any other source.

Keep Active Horses Going With Joint Supplements For Horses

There are a whole lot of joint supplements for horses out on the market today. These supplements are important for horses that suffer from joint pain. As horses get older, their bodies do not produce enough glucosamine, which is the lubricant for the joints that keeps them operating smoothly. Without this substance, the cartilages can no longer absorb impact properly, which means the joints take the brunt of the shock.

This is especially found to be true in very active horses. The more motion they go through without protection for their joints, the more shock the joints have to absorb and endure. Over time, this can result in arthritis, loss of motion, and in more severe cases, total immobility.

As you might expect, there are a great many different equine joint supplements available to help fix these joint problems. Some of these products are known to aid in the elimination of pain, and in some instances, the products have even been able to restore the joints back to normal function. They do this by adding the glucosamine that the horses cannot make on their own. This is what lubricates the cartilage enough to absorb the shock and reduce friction on the joint tissues.

Glucosamine is found in a number of things, but it is most notably in sea mussels, ground shrimp, and crab shells. In other words, they are not items you can simply feed a horse and use in their everyday diet. Most horses will turn up their noses as a plate of shrimp! This is why you have to get them to ingest these healthy ingredients through supplement form. MSM, Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and other ingredients are found in substantial quantities in many of the great supplements for joints being sold online and at local feed stores.

Glucosamine horse joint supplements are especially effective for horses that are extremely active, as these are the animals most prone to joint pain. When trying to get a good supplement, make sure you focus on natural, whole food based supplements without chemicals. While most of them get the initial glucosamine from natural sources, a few companies sometimes add chemicals and other harmful things to them, which might cause undesirable side effects. If possible, try to focus on all natural products.

Toothache Relief - Found in Your Kitchen and Medicine Cabinet

Did you know that your kitchen sink and pantry can hold the key to your toothache pain relief?

In fact everything you need can be found right under your own roof. No expensive over the counter pills and potions that leave you with nasty, drowsy side effects.

First of all the pain you're experiencing is the nerve that's been compromised. The lattice of minerals that form your teeth are a fortress of strength. They are the toughest bones in the body because they are designed to be exposed to the elements that you throw at them. They are subjected to wearing and grinding as well as acids that are secreted from the bacteria on your teeth.

Because your tooth has been eroded and is now compromised because of its weakness from tooth decay it exhibits as the pain you're now experiencing.

Other reasons for a toothache could be due to:

Wearing down of the teeth through a condition called Bruxius, most don't know they have this because they are usually asleep during the time this takes place. This is the grinding of teeth which gradually wears the teeth down over time, weakening the protective enamel layer.

Impacted wisdom teeth which is the inability of the wisdom teeth to either partially break through the surface of the gum or not at all. This pent up tension causes pain in the back of the jaw.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, this arises from the Temporomandibular Joint wearing down to the point that its movement causes friction resulting in pain. The Temporomandibular joint is responsible for the movement between the upper and the lower jaws. Wearing of this joint makes it difficult to speak, eat or yawn without inflicting pain. It is situated near the back of the jaw and it hinges between upper and lower jaws.

To feel this joint in action, insert your index finger into your ear canal then open and close your mouth. The movement you experience is your Temporomandibular joint.

Infection due to Gingivitis. Gingivitis which is the disease of the gums can turn into periodontal disease which eventually leads to tooth loss. Gingivitis can be painful and exhibits as swollen red, inflamed gums. This is due to food particles not being properly cleaned from the gum line. Left untreated can turn into abscess causing infection.

The most obvious scenario for tooth pain is cavity and this caused by erosion of the teeth or by blunt trauma caused by accident or by a chipped or cracked tooth.

You can treat your toothache naturally with ingredients you have around your home. No need to buy expensive over the counter medicines when you can easily grab a cucumber, a clove of garlic or even a tea bag from your cupboard.

Tea bag is a mild astringent with antibacterial properties it also offers relief directly to the site of pain.

Directions: Place a standard teabag into a cup of water, place in the microwave for 1 minute. Remove the teabag while still warm and place on the sore tooth. Bite down gently and hold in place for 20 minutes or until you get pain relief.

Substituting green tea instead of regular tea works as equally well.

This should pain relief within 20 to 30 minutes.

If you want more natural remedies to put an end to your toothache pain for good, I've put a link to a great resource below.

What Causes Insomnia? 5 Reasons You Can Not Sleep at Night

In order to successfully treat symptoms of sleeping disorders it is necessary to understand the reason behind each individuals inability to sleep. This article lists the 5 most common causes of insomnia, and outlines the appropriate resolution for each cause.

Cause #1 - Food And Drink

Food and drink, particularly during the evening hours, can have a profound effect on the ability of an individual to fall asleep at night. Common reasons include eating foods with large amounts of either proteins (for example meats) or processed sugars (cakes, candy bars) later in the day. Conversely, carbohydrate-rich foods in moderation at night can often aid sound sleep. These often contain 'tryptophan' a substance which triggers the brain to produce sleep-inducing chemicals. Drinks containing caffeine such as coffee and some sodas can have a profound effect on your ability to fall asleep, these should be avoided late in the day where possible.

Cause #2 - Exercise And Lifestyle Choices

Healthy lifestyle choices and regular exercise are great methods of assuring yourself a successful nights rest. However, it is possible that exercise can have the opposite effect - if this is too close to your bed-time. Exercising actually releases stimulating brain chemicals which may prevent sleep onset. Ensuring that you complete any exercise 3 hours before bed will avoid any issues.

Cause #3 - Your Sleeping Environment

This is a complex area and potentially involves many interacting factors including temperature, noise and the comfort of your bedding. A common cause of insomnia symptoms is not having enough natural space to twist and turn in the night. Blocks or objects in your bed can cause disruption to the natural sleeping cycle that can have lasting effects into the next day. The ideal sleeping environment is cool, dark, quiet and has comfortable bedding and pillows.

Cause #4 - The Contrary Effects Of Alcohol

Alcohol is actually a sedative, this will relax you and is considered an aid to falling asleep at night. However, this substance has a negative overall effect and can actually be a common cause of reported sleep disorders. The reason is that the sleep you get after drinking alcohol is of lower quality than without. This can leave you tired the next day, which leads to compensatory behaviors including higher caffeine intake and napping. Both of these then lead to sleeping problems - starting a 'vicious circle' of behavior which is detrimental to quality sleep.

Cause #5 - Anxiety, Stress And Worry

Financial, family and work worries can often lead to sleeping problems. The effects of this can work in various ways, leading to stress symptoms which change your brain-chemistry or just leading to a 'busy mind' at night which stops you falling asleep. The main treatment of these psychologically induced insomnia symptoms is to address the underlying causes. Where this is not immediately possible then keeping a notepad by your bed side and jotting down those worries can go a long way towards helping.

The Process Of Hip Replacements

It is amazing how advances in medicine and medical research now enable physicians to treat patients in so many new ways. In past years, when patients suffered from severe arthritis that affected and inflamed their joints, all the patients could do was suffer.

The most that physicians were able to do to reduce the pain of the patients was to prescribe pain relieving medications, such as aspirin, that would work for a few hours, but then the pain would return. Today, however, physicians have additional treatments for the arthritis sufferer. For example, if arthritis affects the hip joints, the patient can undergo hip replacement surgery for both pain relief and an increase in mobility. Patients who suffer from arthritis that affects their hip joints know that the pain can be excruciating.

The pain gets so bad that patients are often unable to take part in the activities they participated in before their arthritis became so severe. Sports, such as bike riding, tennis, and even golf, become no more than a memory. Even activities such as walking becomes painful so the patients often find themselves staying home more instead of going to parks or even shopping malls.

When hip pain due to arthritis becomes severe and is no longer manageable by pain medications, physicians usually prescribe hip replacement surgery. With hip replacement surgery, the original, natural hip joint is replaced with an artificial, or prosthetic, hip joint. The surgeon must take care to place the prosthetic hip joint into place properly.

After all, this is a joint that must function properly and smoothly if the patient is to regain full use of his or hips. Without hip joints that function properly, a patient will have trouble walking and standing. After the surgery is completed, the patient must undergo physical therapy to ensure that the joint is working properly. Specific exercises are prescribed that the patient must undergo after hip replacement surgery.

If the patient participates in these exercises faithfully, the outcome is likely to be very good following hip replacement surgery. The patient will be able to participate in activities that he or she had been unable to participate in for quite some time prior to the surgery.

The physical therapy exercises makes the recovery process more efficient and less likely to encounter problems that will delay healing. Therefore, it is important that the patient takes these exercises seriously and really works at them in order to get the best result in the most expeditious way possible. Just as in the case of knee surgery and its accompanying rehabilitation that athletes usually undergo, hip replacement patients have a therapy and exercise regimen of their own.

The therapy and exercises associated with hip replacement surgery can sometimes be uncomfortable, especially since the patient has only recently had surgery and now has to use muscles that haven't been used in some time. With these exercises, however, hip replacement patients will find that their prosthetic hip joints will allow them to enjoy life and participate in a variety of physical activities just as knee surgery rehabilitation is known for helping athletes resume their sports activities.

Amazing Arthritis Relief With Antioxidants

Antioxidants are an amazing arthritis relief treatment, since they are readily available, low in cost, and quite effective. They are in all fruits and vegetables. Most people are always looking for that magic bullet to cure arthritis and over look the amazing antioxidants. Antioxidants are effective in many inflammatory conditions such as bursitis, sprains, and rheumatoid arthritis. Since most diseases arise from inflammation, antioxidants can be there to stop the start of disease. But you must used them consistently, whether as a supplement or as a food

In his book, Pain Free, 1995, Luke Bucci, Ph.D. recounts,

"After taking four grams of vitamin C daily for several months, Dr. J. Greenwood reported that he had 'cured his lower-back pain.' He started recommending that his patients with degenerative-joint disease take daily oral does of one-to-four grams of vitamin C. Most patients got relief from their symptoms."

Vitamin C is in a class of well known antioxidants. The basic class of these antioxidants is vitamin A, C, E, and selenium. Vitamin C has also been found effective in many other conditions. You can take 4000 mg or more without side effects. If your stools become watery, then you have take to much vitamin C, so just back off a little to find the right dose for yourself. Take vitamin C daily with your other antioxidants.

You may also be familiar with these other antioxidants, glutathione, glutathione, coenzyme Q10, SOD, catalase, methionine, lipoic acid, and flavoniods. All of these antioxidants are powerful agents and you should be using them in your diet even though you may not have arthritis, since they will help stop other diseases.

So what makes these antioxidants so amazing for arthritis relief? Arthritis is a painful inflammatory disease that is difficult to treat. It is a disease that doctors have no cure for. This is why people use Anacin, Buffrin, and Ibuprofen and even more powerful drug pain killers to block this pain. But, antioxidants are not pain killers, yet they work as a treatment for arthritis. They stop the progression of arthritis and will help to lessen the pain gradually.

When your cells burn oxygen, oxidation, they create a by product called "free radicals." These free radicals are super reactive and look for tissue and other body surfaces to combine with and destroy. Free radicals are also created when you develop arthritis, since inflammation creates free radicals. When one free radical is created, it sets off a chain reaction, creating other free radicals, which go randomly damaging surrounding tissue molecules causing more pain and inflammation.

Free radicals cause cells to corrode and malfunction. They damage cell membrane, DNA, cartilage, and protein. By using antioxidants for an amazing arthritis relief, you can lessen the arthritic effects of pain and inflammation. Antioxidants grab up the free radicals as they are created. They neutralize them and preventing them from doing excess molecular damage. For this reason, antioxidants are a treatment for arthritis, provided that they are used in quantities higher than for normal maintenance.

Use of basic antioxidants - vitamin A, C, E - with one of the power antioxidants like SOD, flavoniods found in fruits, or glutathione precursors can provide you with a powerful and amazing arthritis relief and treatment.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Suppressing Your Arthritis Pain

One in seven Americans--nearly 41 million--has some form of arthritis. That number will climb as the baby boomers age. By the end of this decade, about 60 million Americans will have arthritis, according to The National Arthritis Data Workgroup of the National Institute of Arthritis. The disease is physical, but also exacts a mental anguish, emotional and economic toll. Arthritis means the joint pain or the joint inflammation.

The joint means the junction where the ends of the two bones meet. The ends of the joints are covered with the cartilage, a smooth and slippery cushion that protects the bone edge during the time of the movements and reduces the friction.

Inflammation is a complex process that causes swelling, redness, warmth, and pain. It's the body's natural response to injury and plays an important role in healing and fighting infection. Joint injury can be caused by trauma or by the wear and tear of aging. But in many forms of arthritis, injury is caused by the uncontrolled inflammation of autoimmune disease, in which the immune system attacks the body's own tissues. In severe cases, all joint tissues, even bone, can be damaged.

The term 'arthritis' is looking in singular form, but the disease arthritis is the combination of more than 100 rheumatic diseases. This rheumatic disease comprises of pain in the joints, muscles, affecting connective tissues.

By far the most common forms of the arthritis are Osteo Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. It is very essential to distinguish the arthritis sickness from the various other disorders like fibromyalgia that may remain with musculoskeletal symptoms.

Osteo arthritis- This arthritis lays the foundation by affecting the cartilages and turns them in to bony parts. This arthritis results the injury in the bone joint and causes the stiffness and may require you to purchase some lower back pain relief medication. The most affected area of the human body with this arthritis is the joints of the fingers, hips, knee and spine. Other joints that are affected in less frequently are wrist, elbows, shoulder and ankles. Only the repetitive work injuries and the trauma in the earlier age may turn the Osteo Arthritis on for the people.

This degenerative joint disease is common in people over 65, but may appear decades earlier. It begins when cartilage breaks down, sometimes eroding entirely to leave a bone-on-bone joint in extreme cases.

Rheumatoid Arthritis- Rheumatoid Arthritis is considered as the most deadly arthritis in US. People of around 2.5 million have become the victim of the Rheumatoid arthritis. People of any age can be victimized by this kind of arthritis. Hands are most commonly affected in the symmetrical basis. But the other organs of the body may be in danger with this arthritis. Initially the inflammation begins at the synovial lining and merges to the joints.

For the sudden arthritis pain relief there are some several natural ways to cope with the arthritis. Below are some of the home remedies that are very effective in treating arthritis and suppressing pain like castor oil, Ashwagandha, cod liver oil and garlic etc.

The Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

The symptoms of TMJ disorder can be disheartening and painful. TMJ difficulties not only create extreme agony in the jaw, but also contribute to ear discomfort, throat problems, back pain, and much more.

Here is just a partial list of the symptoms that specific body parts suffer from due to TMJ disorder. While you may already be suffering from one of the symptoms below, please keep in mind that there are numerous home remedies that can help alleviate your pain today.

A sample of symptoms includes:

Ear Pain

  • 50% suffer from pain in the ears

  • Consistent "whooshing" or crackling sounds

  • Diminished hearing abilities

  • "Scratchy" or clogged ears

  • Vertigo

Eye Discomfort

  • Eyes encompassed in pain

  • Blurred vision

  • Light sensitivity

  • Bloodshot eyes

  • Constant watering

Teeth Problems

  • Persistent tooth pain

  • Sensitive gums

  • Bruxism

Throat Issues

  • Difficulties swallowing

  • Tight throat region

  • Loss of one's voice

  • Sore throat

Shoulder and Neck Stress

  • Stiffness throughout back area

  • Tingling in the arms and fingers

  • Partial numbness of the limbs

  • Tense shoulders

Head Discomfort

  • 80% suffer from headaches

  • Forehead area throbs

  • Pain in back of head

  • Sensitive hair and scalp

  • Migraines

Facial Pain

  • Sore cheek area

  • Lack of tongue control

  • Trouble maintaining jaw movements

  • Aching jaw joints

  • Improper bite when teeth come together

  • Persistent "clicking" or "popping" noises in the jaw

Please keep in mind that there are numerous things you can do from home, work, and even while on vacation to help with the pain and discomfort you're experience from TMJ disorder. You can alter your diet to make sure you eliminate foods and drinks high in caffeine. You can do basic and simple jaw stretches to help ease your pain. And of course, exercise of any kind - from swimming to jogging - will help alleviate the pain caused by TMJ disorder.

Is There A Cure For Degenerative Bone Disease?

Many people deal with some type of degenerative bone disease later in life, usually after the age of 45 and especially after the age of 65. There are many different types of diseases that affect the bones and they all fall under the category of one that degenerates. These types of diseases include osteoporosis, arthritis, multiple myeloma, and bone marrow disease. There are many ways to tell when these types of illnesses are present, though there are not a lot of things that you can do to get rid of them unfortunately.

Of course, as science continue to progress, there are continuous advancements made to finding cures for degenerative bone disease. Doctors will always typically recommend that you stick to a certain diet and try to exercise more, which will help your body battle diseases, even if they are cancerous like myeloma. For things like osteoporosis and osteoarthritis of the spine though, you can do a lot by simply cutting back on caffeine and alcohol. You also should try to get more Vitamin D in your diet, whether by drinking more milk or eating more fish. This alone will work wonders.

Exercise is a very important part in fighting degenerative bone disease as well. The heavier that you are, the more stress that is put on your bones. If you have any problems with your hips or degeneration of your joints, then this will make a huge difference. Lose weight, and your body will not be put through so much stress every time you walk. When this is combined with the proper diet and whatever medications your doctor prescribes for you, you have a great chance at helping your bones to start to get stronger.

Keep in mind that it is never too late to improve your health and fight degenerative bone diseases. It is better to start sometime than to just give up. You will see results if you follow what your doctor says and combine it with solid exercise and a good appetite.

Cetylated Fatty Acids Reduce Joint Pain Swelling

For thousands of senior citizens, joint pain swelling is a reality of daily life. Stiff joints, pain and decreased mobility are an unfortunate circumstance for many people. Despite all the available treatments, thousands of people still suffer daily. The good news is that there is a solution: Cetylated Fatty Acids. Cetylated Fatty Acids have been proven to attack the symptoms of joint pain swelling.

Cetylated Fatty Acids--also known as CFA supplements--are providing relief above and beyond prescription medications. In fact, when combined with glucosamine supplements, CFA supplements provide all-around relief for those who suffer from joint pain and stiffness associated with arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Many people are using Cetylated Fatty Acids in combination with their prescription medications or alone. Listed below are just a few of the benefits that Cetylated Fatty Acids provide.

1. Lubricated joints. Cetylated Fatty Acids lubricate the joints in as little as 30 minutes, providing fast-acting relief for the pain sufferer. When used over a longer period of time, CFA supplements lubricate all the body's joints and muscles, providing an overall feeling of wellness.
2. Cushioned joints. By adding a layer of lubrication, Cetylated Fatty Acids cushion the joints and make movement more bearable. Lubrication adds flexibility to joint movement and helps the sufferer to perform simple, daily tasks with ease.
3. Decreased inflammation. Cetylated Fatty Acids minimize inflammation, a major source of pain. When used in combination with glucosamine supplements, they provide enhanced relief.
4. Alleviated pain. By adding decreased inflammation to a layer of lubrication, Cetylated Fatty Acids dull the pain of arthritic symptoms and osteoarthritis pain.
5. Increased mobility. Once symptoms are eliminated, people who suffer from joint pain swelling have increased mobility in all of their joints.

Cetylated Fatty Acids are available in a topical cream or as a supplement to be ingested orally. Both have been proven to provide immediate short-term relief for the arthritis sufferer as well as long-term relief when used over time.

Cetylated Fatty Acids have been used to treat a variety of other conditions as well. For instance, people who suffer from skin irritations, such as psoriasis, experience decreased swelling and pain when CFA supplements are applied topically.

Muscle aches and pains are commonly treated with CFA supplements. Sports injuries and minor back injuries have been successfully treated with Cetylated Fatty Acids with fantastic results. Runners have typically taken glucosamine supplements to keep their joints lubricated. However, Cetylated Fatty Acids are more powerful than glucosamine alone. When taken over an extended period of time, CFA supplements lubricate all joints and muscle systems for overall wellness.

For people who have been unable to participate fully in activities due to joint pain swelling, stiffness and pain, CFA supplements offer a fantastic solution for alleviating pain and the accompanying symptoms. As a cellular lubricant, CFA supplements provide long-lasting comfort for people who suffer from joint pain swelling. The best news is that Cetylated Fatty Acids are available without a prescription and are available to anyone who wants to live a pain-free life.

Glucosamine Hydrochloride Effectiveness

Glucosamine, an amino sugar that occurs naturally serves as the building block for bones, joints, cartilage and tendons. It plays a major role in lubricating joints, increasing their mobility and strengthening of cartilage. Glucosamine can also be prepared in the lab with extracts form different types of shellfish. There are two forms of glucosamine available for commercial use. They are glucosamine sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride.

Glucosamine hydrochloride commonly used in the treatment of osteoarthritis is considered to be equally effective as glucosamine sulfate. The hydrochloride form is easily absorbed by our body and can be taken in lower dosages with the same effectiveness of glucosamine sulfate. The hydrochloride form is available more abundantly in the natural form and it tends to be compatible with human digestion. The chlorides and sulfates, on the other hand cause irritation to the gastrointestinal tissues.

Research was conducted to determine the most effective form of glucosamine. The sulfate form was used more in the olden times. Researchers generally attribute the benefits related to osteoarthritis to glucosamine and not the form used, only that the hydrochloride form is readily accepted as the stomach contains a strong concentration of hydrochloric acid. Moreover, glucosamine hydrochloride is pure in nature. It is highly stable and is 99 percent pure. Sulfate, on the other hand is only 75-80 percent pure as potassium chloride must be added to stabilize it, or else the sulfate would decompose and loose its effectiveness. The dosage of glucosamine hydrochloride required is lesser compared to the sulfate form. You might require only 1500 milligrams of glucosamine chloride as against 1900-2015 milligrams of sulfate to produce the same effect.

Sometimes glucosamine hydrochloride might decrease the effectiveness of medicines used to treat cancer such as etoposide and doxorubicin. It is always better to consult your physician before taking medication so that the appropriateness of the medicines in relation to existing medication can be checked.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Chiropractic Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, or TMD, is a common injury that affects millions of people everyday. In fact, it is estimated that around 50% of the population may be affected by some type of TMD. TMD is defined as pain or tenderness, often accompanied by symptoms including audible clicking, headaches, earaches, and jaw locking, related to the dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ. There are three major types of TMD which include internal derangement, degenerative, and myofascial varieties. It can affect anyone but it seems to affect women more than men in a 4:1 ratio and its peak incidence occurs between the ages of 20-40. It typically presents as jaw or facial pain that can radiate into the neck, jaw, or temporal areas. Often it can be accompanied by a loss of proper range of motion in the jaw, audible clicking with chewing, and even locking. Some patients also get earaches, headaches, and neck pain with it. There are many common causes of TMD that should be considered in order to remove the causative factors. Hypermobility and hypomobility can be a cause for TMD.

Disc displacement inside the joint can cause snapping and popping as well as jaw locking and pain. Patients that grind their teeth at night can cause asymmetrical wear and tear on their teeth which can result in jaw displacement and abnormal stresses during chewing and biting and can lead to TMD. Muscle spasms in the muscles of mastication (chewing) can lead to abnormal placement and movement of the jaw during chewing. Dental conditions such as poorly fitting dentures, toothaches, and long periods of dental work can cause displacement and pain as well as degenerative osteoarthritis and direct trauma as seen in car accidents, boxers, and facial injuries. There are many different orthopedic and exam findings that help to diagnose the cause of TMD by a chiropractor, physical therapist, or medical doctor. Palpation in the TMJ space will most likely be tender and in late stages will involve crepitis or a crunching sound/feeling. There will be increased pain with clenching or chewing and a measure of range of motion of the jaw will reveal a limited range of motion overall, but specifically on the affected side. The normal range of motion of the jaw is around 40 mm, or 3 fingertips, and is measured upon jaw opening by measuring the space between the upper and lower incisors. The jaw may also open and close incorrectly with the appearance of jaw protrusion or lateral deviation of the mandible. Normally the jaw should depress in a straight motion and should not deviate to either side. This is called mandibular tracking. Palpation of the muscles of mastication including the masseter and pterygoid muscles will reveal tenderness and possibly muscle spasms or trigger points. Diagnostic imaging is sometimes used to determine internal structural stability. Normal x-rays are usually not very helpful in the diagnosis but can be used in cases of trauma to determine a fracture of dislocation. An MRI can be useful to determine the position of the intraarticular disc but is often used as a last resort after traditional noninvasive treatments have failed. Videoarthrography is an expensive and painful form of advanced imaging that can also be used to view the TMJ through the process of clenching and chewing but it is rarely used.

Research has shown that chiropractic treatment of TMJ is very effective and should be considered before invasive procedures are incorporated. Chiropractors work with the muscles and the joint to free fixations and restore the proper biomechanical properties in order to reduce the pain and clicking and retrain the muscles to work properly. It is estimated that 75% of TMD patients will have their symptoms fully resolve within three months under multidisciplinary care including chiropractic, dental, and physical therapy. With proper instruction and treatment, the majority will not experience any further issues in the future. Chiropractors use muscle therapy including trigger point therapy, myofascial release, stretching, massage, and Active Release Technique (ART) to relax and lengthen tight and spasmed muscles and simple exercise to strengthen weak muscles in order to restore balance to the jaw and realign the joints. Sometimes gentle manipulations of the TMJ are incorporated to realign the joint and reduce fixation within the joint. Ultrasound and electric muscle stimulation can be helpful, using a small probe applicator to apply the therapy directly to the muscles of mastication and the TMJ. The patient should avoid hard and chewy foods for a period of time and should refrain from chewing gum or hard candy if that proves to be a cause for concern. Stress reduction is another helpful activity which in turn can reduce teeth grinding. In some cases referral to a dental specialist is required to correct dental damage or to negate grinding of the teeth through the use of a night guard or a splint. In any case, patients that experience TMD for a period longer than 3 weeks should seek a medical evaluation by a dentist, chiropractor, or medical doctor.

Glucosamine For Dogs - 3 Must Know Ways to Treat Arthritis in Dogs

We all love our pets, and in most cases they are considered a special part of the family. As a dog and cat owner myself I would do just about anything to ensure my pets are safe, healthy and happy. Unfortunately many dogs will suffer from some form of arthritis or joint pain. Don't lose hope because there are several inexpensive and effective ways, including glucosamine for dogs, to alleviate and help prevent the onset of dog arthritis and joint pain.

If your dog shows signs like: hobbling, not wanting to walk, fear of climbing stairs, no desire to jump or play, lagging behind on walks, pain when rising from the resting position, and disliking normal touch. There is a good chance that they may be experiencing the symptoms of arthritis in dogs.

Some common causes of joint pain and pet arthritis include: Degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis, dysplasia, obesity, over strenuous exercise, and poor diet.

A fairly high percentage of dogs, especially larger breeds, will suffer from some form of dog arthritis or joint pain. Fortunately there are many simple and affordable ways to prevent and alleviate dog arthritis and joint pain. Glucosamine for dogs is one of the best ways to achieve this.

Keeping your dog within their ideal weight range is the first step in minimizing the impact on their joints and will also contribute to their overall good health. Switching to a low calorie food with less fillers and added omega 3's is important in achieving the best results.

Excessively strenuous activities can lead to an increase in the pain your dog experiences, so limit exercise to two or three daily walks of moderate intensity and distance.

You should consider utilizing the benefits of glucosamine for dogs when treating joint pain or arthritis in your dog. Side effects are minimal and results can be astounding. Glucosamine for dogs has the ability to regenerate joints and its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce pain. As with many supplements, it may take three to four weeks to see the maximum results, but many have seen improvements in the first week of supplementing with glucosamine for dogs.

Supplementing with glucosamine for dogs allows us, as their trusted caretakers and friends, to see that our dogs live the happy and pain free live that they deserve.

3 Easy TMJ Relief Home Tips

TMJ pain is unpredictable and can hurt you anytime, anywhere, This is why it is crucial to know a number of easy TMJ relief techniques you can do in the comfort of your own home or in a private area if you are out of the home. Although these are easy-to-do exercises, remember that "practice makes perfect", so always keep these tips close by when you first start out.

TMJ disorder can present itself in a number of ways. For most people, the common symptom is pain and stress in the jaw and neck. Others may also experience teeth grinding and clenching (especially at night), and jaw popping. In extreme cases, some sufferers go through jawlocks that can be very painful for an undetermined amount of time. The good news is that there some simple jaw exercises you can do at home to alleviate the pain. Although these exercises may seem simple, they can be a powerful way to feeling better quickly.

The secret to pain relief is to first relax and try to ease the tension in your jaw. Many people forget this easy tip and tense up which prolongs the pain and makes it more severe. As with everything else in life, you will need to practice the exercises a number of times before you find the right ones that fit your needs.

Another quick pain relief method is to apply soft pressure using a warm, damp cloth on the affected area and counting slowly from one to ten and back again. The counting process forces you to focus on your breathing and will help you relax and get through the pain calmly.

While most TMJ sufferers look to medical treatment to solve the problem, many are not told that diet plays a big part in helping to ease pain. One amazing ingredient that helps pain relief is magnesium. Not many people know this, but a number of recent medical studies have found a link between magnesium deficiency and TMJ. You can confirm this easily by asking your doctor about this on your next visit. Besides magnesium, there are many, many other super foods that can help prevent or heal TMJ.

The most efficient technique to get TMJ relief is to use a combination of these 3 tips and find a balance that works for you. Remember that everyone suffers different symptoms so finding the right combination of relief techniques is really the key to success.

Learn The Pain And Relief Mechanism

To understand the pain relief mechanism, we need to know how the pain is generated. Once, we get familiar with the path and the constituents involved, it becomes rather easy to get acquainted with this system and how it can be prevented.


Pain is all about nerves that run through out our body. The mechanism is not very complex but the system of neurons (basic unit of nerves) and their transaction sometimes gets confusing. Anyhow, to get it simple, let's see what it's all about.

Planted throughout our body tissues are pain receptors. When we experience any injury that could be from burning, cutting, tearing, fracturing, freezing or crushing, these receptors are stimulated which in turn send pain signals to the brain through nerves via cervical spine and spinal chord. When it reaches to the brain, the signal is passed on to other nerve cells that carry it over to the Cerebrum and Limbic system of the brain.


The path is very much obvious now, but throughout the path we have several structures which play their part to pass the information of injury to the central nervous system (the brain, spinal chord).

On the way right form the pain receptors, pain nerves carrying the information mix up with position sense nerves, temperature sense nerves, vibratory sense nerves and muscle control nerves to get larger when entering into the spinal chord.

Before entering into the spinal chord it naturally forms two roots. They are the frontal or back root (dorsal root). The Dorsal root is responsible for the pain signal to be carried through.

Right into the spinal chord, the dorsal root forms a relatively short nerve called the Interneuron. From here, right out of the spinal chord there is a nerve tract called Spinothalamic Tract which runs to the brain.

When in brain, the pain information is distributed to several regions, including the medulla, cerebellum, pons, limbic system and somatosensory cortex.

Simultaneously, as a natural counter mechanism, brain modulates the incoming pain signals by sending it down to the spinal chord to stop the pain signal being generated there. This special path is called the modifier pathway. Hence the pain is naturally nullified.

But what happens if this natural process doesn't work well. Definitely, a person experiences acute pain or chronic pain. It becomes even worse if the inflammatory pain is also triggered. The inflammatory response is a complicated local reaction, involving numerous body chemicals, blood vessels changes, temporary or permanent tissue damage. It can be either chronic or acute in the end because it inflames all the structures at the injury site.


There are different ways to get a relief from the pain. As we have just discussed that the pain's hub is in the spinal chord having NMDA receptors from where the pain is generated and passes on to the brain. So we need to stop the efferent nerves entering into the spinal chord before it could produce pain. The natural modifier pathway does the same. But sometimes it is beyond the scope of the natural mechanism to counter pain that usually forms a wind-up nerve to aggravate the pain in the due course.

In spine related pain the zygapophyseal joints are responsible for an acute pain. The nerves from these joints are again lead to the medal branches of the dorsal nerve root in the spinal chord. But here we could block the joints by a surgery to stop the pain element going through. A good block of these joints in turn, actually blocks the medial branches of the dorsal nerve root and pain is averted.

For an inflammatory pain which could be associated simple by an injury or other joint diseases or inflammation that affect the organs, a different mechanism may be involved. For the relief mechanism of a simple injury related inflammation, a localized medication which could heal up the wound is beneficial because it helps the accumulation of white blood cells to get normal and stop sending the pain signals to the spinal chord. For other joint related diseases that are associated with the pain even surgeries of those particular organs are done to relief the patients from the pain. It may include myocarditis, colitis, nephritis etc.

Different drugs are used to prevent pain and all of them have their own mode of action and mechanism. Among them, the commonly used drugs are NSAID's (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs). But other drugs like anti-depressants, anxiolytics, anticonvulants, cardioconvulsants, cardiovascular agents, local anesthetics and general anesthetics and opiods are also used to address the pain..

They act on different areas of the pain path.

Opiods and NSAID's act on C- fibre pain receptors.

Membrane stabilizers (anticonvulsants, topicals, transdermal) act on AB-fibre touch receptors where usually the inflammatory pain is triggered.

NMDA receptors or opoids act on the NMDA receptors in the spinal chord.

Tricyclics (alpha-1 and alpha-2 blockers) act on the descending pathway (pain modifier)

and Antidepressants, anxiolytics, anticonvulsants, sleeping agents act centrally in the brain. These drugs play a defining role in reducing the pain.

Cure TMD-TMJ Syndrome Naturally - Common Methods of Treatment

Common Methods of Treatment

  • mouth guards / appliances / splints

  • neuromuscular dentistry

  • reshaping teeth

Mouth Guards / Appliances / Splints

Mouth Guards Don't Cure. The principle and hope of these kinds of devices is that by separating the teeth, they are prevented from grinding each other. However, from the very name, "mouth guard," we infer that this kind of device doesn't solve the problem, but only hopes to prevent tooth damage. It's obvious -- what the mouth is being guarded from is... the mouth! "Appliance" and "splint" are other names for "mouth guard".

Neuromuscular Dentistry

Neuromuscular dentistry takes a more sophisticated technological approach to the use of dental appliances. By measuring electrical activity of the muscles of biting and chewing, practitioners of this approach identify patterns of movement, of position, and of dental stress and then prepare an appliance to retrain the nervous system's control of those muscles. The desired outcome common comes in a few months; cost ranges from $5,000 to $25,000.

Re-shaping Teeth

Dentists have found that by changing the fit of upper and lower teeth, they can alter neuromuscular control of the muscles of biting and chewing and thereby alleviate TMJ Syndrome. This approach posits that the cause of excessive jaw tension is poor fit between upper and lower teeth. Its method is to reshape tooth surfaces by a polishing process to improve the fit. This method does get results. By changing the fit between teeth (by removing contours that prevent uniform contact among teeth), the process changes ones experience of biting and chewing.

This change introduces such a new experience of biting and chewing that habitual patterns of muscular control are interrupted, allowing new movement patterns to form. However, it's an indirect approach involving ongoing dental surgery in a series of steps to a good fit. While its effects may be beneficial, it is costly and is invasive.


Clinical Somatic Education

Understanding that we are dealing with conditioned postural reflexes that govern muscular tension, one way to cure TMD naturally would be to retrain those conditioned postural reflexes -- in effect, to eliminate residual trauma reflex and to ease dental stress.

A simplified description of clinical somatic education technique:

  1. With teeth slightly apart, grasp the chin with both hands, thumbs hooked underneath the chin.

  2. Gently bite, but prevent the teeth from meeting by your handhold.

  3. Feel the muscles of biting. Remember the feeling of chewing.

  4. Slowly and simultaneously do two things: (1) Relax the bite action. (2) Tip your head back (rather than drop the jaw open). Your hands maintain position exactly where they were.

  5. At your first easy limit to opening further, bite again, but prevent the jaws from closing by your handhold.

  6. Feel the muscles of biting. Remember the feeling of chewing.

  7. Relax the bite as you tip your head back a bit further to your easy limit.

Continue to your limit (without forcing).


This new technique, using natural biting/relaxation actions in an unusual way, rapidly (nearly instantaneously) retrains the muscles of biting and chewing, with lasting results that increase with practice. Though it seems innocuous, it is highly effective (and should be tested by the reader before forming an opinion).

By applying this basic technique to the various directions of jaw movement -- opening-closing, side-to-side grinding movements, and forward-backward jaw movements -- the various symptoms of TMD/TMJ Syndrome -- headaches, earaches, bruxism, poor bite, tinnitis, postural changes, limited ability to open or close the jaws -- resolve into normal function.

TMJ Hearing Loss - Your Best Treatment Option

TMJ can cause many problems to your health is the symptoms goes unchecked. TMJ hearing loss is one of these problems. While it can seem frightening at first, it is reversible, you just need to know how.

Option 1: You can pay a few hundred dollars to get a TMJ guard. These mouth guards work sometimes. The mouth guards are meant to relieve stress on the masticatory muscles, which allows the muscles inside the ear to relax, which results in better hearing.

But these mouth guards don't always work, they are expensive and frankly they are pretty annoying to sleep with. Expect to see some results after about six weeks of using mouth guard.

Option 2: The second and much more effective option is using TMJ exercises. Some therapists have developed specialised exercises for TMJ patients that massage, stretch and strengthen the appropriate muscles in your mouth and jaw to fix TMJ hearing loss and other TMJ symptoms.

The reason these exercises are so effective at treating TMJ ear problems is because they actually fix the root causes of TMJ. Mouth guards simply don't realign your jaw well enough or consistently enough to be pushed as an effective treatment for TMJ hearing loss.

Which ever treatment you choose to pursue, make sure you do it as soon as possible. Like many conditions, TMJ can become quite serious if the symptoms are allowed to continue. Starting exercises early is a great idea and will give you a great chance of early recovery.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Arthritis Causes - Factors Causing Joint Pain and Inflammation

Arthritis is a disorder causing joint inflammation. Joint inflammation includes inflammation of joint lining or synovium, surrounding tissues, eroding of bones and cartilages. Arthritis is a very common ailment, and chronic in nature. Once attacked by arthritis, it is not possible to eradicate the disorder completely, but remission of the disorder is possible through medications, changing of lifestyle and habits, simple home remedies involving natural herbal massage oil and herbal supplements.

Pain is the most torturing symptom of arthritis. Pain is often accompanied by swelling, joint stiffness, tenderness, redness of skin around joint, crepitus or crunching sound while moving affected joints, deformity, anemia, constipation, colitis, limited range of motion, fatigue. Many symptoms occur together making the disease debilitating, and the patient almost crippled. Life activities and mobility becomes quite difficult. Ankles, wrists, neck, back, shoulder, knee and hip are the joints commonly invaded by arthritis. Arthritis can inflict people of all ages. Osteoarthritis is noticeable in elderly people while rheumatoid arthritis is common among youths. Of the many forms of arthritis, the above two forms are the most widespread.

Causes of Arthritis

1. Age is one factor causing arthritis. With advancing age, the bone protecting cartilages become weak and brittle. The fluid content in the cartilages rise, the protein make up starts breaking up, leaving crevasses on the cartilages, the cartilages start flaking, and in no time are lost exposing the bones to friction. The result is arthritis.

2. Obesity also causes arthritis. The extra load on joints due to weight gain causes the wearing out of cartilages and rubbing of one bone against the other.

3. High impact sports and activities like wrestling, boxing, gymnastic, ballet dancing etc cause much wear and tear of cartilages, and often lead to arthritis in future.

4. Certain occupations trigger arthritis. Occupations like cotton processing, carpentry, shipyard work, the work of a construction worker etc involve frequent kneeling and squatting. Such occupations easily wear out joints, thereby leading to arthritis.

5. Arthritis is an inherited disorder, and seems to run in the family. In other words, heredity or genes is an arthritis causing factor.

6. Tobacco smoking and stress also may initiate or aggravate arthritic conditions.

7. Infection by viruses or bacteria may also lead to arthritis. For instance, the bacterium that causes gonorrhea or Lyme disease or the bacterium causing diarrhea is also responsible for causing arthritis.

8. High levels of urate or uric acid in blood lead to an arthritis called gout. Alcohol intakes, high blood pressure, fasting, over eating, taking diuretic medications are risk factors in case of this form of arthritis.

9. Previous history of traumatic joint injury or bone fracture may in future cause arthritis.

10. Also past history of septic joint may later cause arthritis.

11. Immune system abnormalities also cause arthritis.

12. Preponderance of calcium pyrophosphate in the body also causes arthritis.

Arthritis Neck Pain: An Exciting New Treatment for the Relief of Arthritis Neck Pain

Arthritis is medically defined as inflammation of the joints. Arthritis can occur in any joint of the body, including most commonly the fingers and knees, which are typically hard-used joints. Inflammation is the primary feature of arthritis, which is the body's natural reaction of joint tissues that have endured some sort of damage or injury, either through overuse due to physical abuse or excessive weight gain or in some cases hormonal or environmental factors.

Nutritional factors, including dangerously low levels of calcium, magnesium and essential fatty acids can also cause temporary arthritis, but these are probably the most easily solved once they are identified as the culprits.

What are some of the best natural remedies for arthritis pain?
Along with a host of prescription medications and medical options, those suffering form the arthritis neck pain who want to avoid potential side effects of over-the-counter medicines as well as prescription anti-inflammatory drugs have a variety of natural remedies that have proven quite effective.

One of the most commonly recommended home remedies for arthritis pain is to wrap the painful joint in heat. Heat causes the muscles around the joint to relax, which in turn releases the pressure and strain on the joint and eases the arthritic pain. In general cold-water treatments should be avoided by the patient suffering arthritis as this causes additional tension and can inflame the joints again.

Additional natural remedies for arthritis neck pain depend on the cause of the patient's arthritis, including a careful and structured loss of weight to ease the strain on the joints. In many cases, arthritic pain caused by weight gain can be completely eliminated when patients lose the extra weight and incorporate joint-healthy exercise into their daily lives.
Arthritis neck pain can also be eased and even eliminated through therapeutic massage. Massage therapy has been shown to ease arthritic pain at any age and with regular massage therapy, many arthritis sufferers can return to pain-free, normal functioning again.

What are the best natural supplements to relieve arthritis?
Some of the natural remedies for arthritis include dietary supplements and some of the most effective supplements are as follows:

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate - in a recent National Institute of Health (NIH) study, glucosamine combined with chondroitin sulfate provided statistically significant pain relief compared with placebo. Approximately 79 percent of those studied had a 20 percent or greater reduction in pain versus about 54 percent for those taking the placebo.

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) - which is a naturally occurring source of sulfur in the health food industry that has proven to have anti-inflammatory effects on the human body. Some of those suffering osteoarthritis have experience significant reduction in their daily pain and improved physical function without major side effects.

Manganese - which is a trace mineral that participates in many enzyme processes within the human body has been shown to be helpful in the utilization of key nutrients, such as thiamine and abscorbic acid. While not specifically used to treat arthritis symptoms, manganese has been shown effective in helping the human body properly absorb and distribute nutrients that can be effective at easing arthritis symptoms. In that regard, manganese is more properly defined as a helper remedy.

TMJ Disorder - Little Known Symptoms and Treatments

TMJ Disorder, otherwise known as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, deals with the joints that connect your jaw to your cranium. This disorder covers several different minor problems, whether it is mere inflammation of the joint or severe problems with jaw placement. This disorder causes a great deal of pain for people while chewing or talking. For some, it is a constant source of pain.

Frequent causes of TMJ are arthritis or trauma to the jaw. If you have been the victim of an event where you received head trauma (like a car accident or a fight), you should immediately visit a doctor or dentist to see if there have been any slight dislocations or problems with this joint.

It can also be the result of losing teeth. Some children may develop this at an early age when they lose their baby teeth. Adults may develop it if teeth are pulled. Your jaw is designed to rest at an angle, leaving just enough room for your upper and lower teeth to touch. If teeth are suddenly missing, there is nothing to support that angle. The jaw may sag and pull at the muscles and joint, inflaming it. This is why you should take good care of your teeth.

You can get this disorder just like you can develop tendonitis or carpel tunnel syndrome. If you repeatedly chew gum or other sticky substances, take bites of food that are too big for your mouth, have nervous ticks or habits that lead you to chew strangely, or constantly move your jaw, then you can wear out this joint. Sometimes it is merely an effect of a degenerative disease. If you have such a disease, ask your doctor or dentist if you are at risk for TMJ.

The problem occurs in a very central part of your body. It is technically a bone and joint issue, but many of your head muscles are affected when your jaw moves. It can also lead to hearing or vision problems, since the head is a tightly wired space with many overlapping and diverse anatomical systems. TMJ could lead you to having to see a neurologist, a dentist, an optometrist, a surgeon, and various other specialists.

Take note of any pain in your head. Even normal headaches could be a sign of a deeper problem. The more specific you can be about your pain, the better the chances of correcting it. Frequent symptoms include a clicking jaw or a jaw that locks up and cannot be opened without some difficulty. It may hurt to chew, especially for harder foods.

Your ears may be very sensitive to this problem and the muscles and tissue around your ears could be sore. This is because of their close proximity to the joint. You may feel a great deal of strain in your neck, like you pulled a muscle.

Treatments include wearing things like a mouth guard, braces or retainers. You may have to attend physical therapy to learn how to move your jaw correctly and stop any bad habits. Surgery is an option for very bad cases, while mild pain killers are enough for some slight cases.

Arthritis Knee Pain Treatment and Herbal Remedies - Relieve Pain and Inflammation

Knee is one of the most commonly affected joint by arthritis, severe pain can hinder even the day-to-day activities and can cause lot of problem. Sometimes conditions get so deteriorated that a knee replacement surgery remains the only treatment left. Moving the affected joint at least few times in a day is very important for treating arthritis knee which is only possible when patient get relief for sometime from pain and inflammation. Medicines like steroids, narcotic pain medication and NSAID are recommended by the doctors for arthritis knee pain relief, all of these are effective without any doubt but their side effects are well known, NSAID are treated as having minimum side effects of all the three but its complete effects are still not known.

Herbs are very effective ways to relieve arthritis knee pain and inflammation and of course they are free of side effects. Some herbs are effective when taken orally and some are for topical use. Cayenne cream is very popular herbal remedy for arthritis pain relief including knee due to its properties resembling the effects of NSAID. Cayenne cream's topical application on knee can reduce the signals of pain passing to the brain which makes the patient feel reduced or no pain for sometime. Ginger is an herb which can be used orally as well as externally for knee pain relief. Ginger has rich anti-oxidant properties and promotes blood flow in to the affected part.

Warm mustard oil spread over madar leaf and tied to the knee relieves the pain and inflammation caused due to arthritis effectively. Ashwagandha or withania somnifera is a natural pain reliever and has been recommended in Ayurveda for arthritis pain relief. Some other popular herbs used for arthritis knee pain relief are nettle leaves, in some old medications the sting of nettle thorn was given directly on the knee for immediate relief from pain and inflammation. Massage of warm oregano oil is also helpful in treating the knee pain.

If there is not acute inflammation and pain in the knee then moist heat is very effective to alleviate the arthritis pain. Soak a cloth in warm water and cover the knee till the temperature gets normal, repeat these compresses few times and 2-3 times in a day for pain relief. Hot and cold compresses are also effective for arthritis knee pain relief. In case of acute knee pain only cold compresses shall be applied. Exercises like water cycling is also an effective way to promote movement and blood circulation in the knee joint which reduces the frequency and intensity of the flares of pain. Mobilization therapy exercises are also effective in preventing arthritis knee pain and also alleviating it, however any exercise regimen shall not be chosen without medical opinion. Some yoga poses have been found very effective in relieving the knee pain and even preventing arthritis itself.

Sun salutation is a series of seven yoga exercise which is good for musculoskeletal and cardio-vascular system. Some breathing exercises can promote blood flow in the body for arthritis pain relief and promoting endurance.

Playing Guitar With Joint Pain

Years ago I played guitar with bands doing gigs on what I lovingly refer to as the "Juke Joint" circuit. Little dives, honky tonks and watering holes catering to the crowd that works hard, and parties harder.

In many of these "joints", a tequila induced transformation would take place somewhere on the south side of midnight, and invariably, the warm fuzziness of friends having fun would be replaced by feuds and fisticuffs.

As a guitar player on stage I did my best to avoid these late night free-for-alls and just play the gig while the "joint" started rockin', but there were occasions when landing in the middle of a brawl was simply un-avoidable.

It was in these moments I experienced the true meaning of "joint" pain!

But the joint pain we will discuss today is of a different variety.

Most of my guitar students are people that choose to pick up the guitar "later in life" and fall into the "over 40, 50, 60 and even 70" category.

As a result, one of the more common comments I receive are from students experiencing joint pain in fingers, hands, wrists and elbows while playing guitar.

As we get older, our bodies naturally become less cooperative when attempting physical activities that we are not used to.

We can spend an afternoon raking leaves, or a weekend cleaning out the garage, only to wake up with soreness and discomfort that lingers for days.

In our twenties and thirties we could bounce out of bed in the morning without the slightest hesitation, but as we age the pain is quicker to come, and longer to leave.

This applies to the act of learning guitar as well. A new guitar student, of any age, has to go through the process of teaching fingers and hands to do things they have never done before.

Coaxing muscles and joints into awkward contortions when attempting to form chords and play scales on the guitar will normally result in a certain amount of soreness and discomfort. Even with a younger player.

So what can we do to ease the pain?

Here are some ideas that might help:

1. Get a hand exercise device. Many of these are spring loaded devices that are squeezed repeatedly to increase hand strength. There are also exercise balls made for the same purpose.

The point is to develop hand muscle strength that will assist in easing any discomfort when playing guitar.

2. Get a finger exercise device. These are also spring loaded devices, but are designed to give the fingers a workout. They have 4 individual buttons allowing you to press down with each finger to develop strength.

They are primarily designed for guitar players, and can be found at most music stores.

3. Lift low weight dumb bells. These will help in strengthening the joints and muscles in the elbows and forearms, which are used when playing guitar.

Of course, consult your doctor before attempting any new workout program.

4. Play guitar! Yes, I know, if the soreness and pain are caused by playing guitar, why would you want to do it?

The reason is that ALL new guitar students experience a certain amount of pain and discomfort in the early days, and the only way to get past it is to keep playing guitar until your hands, fingers, wrists and elbows strengthen.

Just know that, unless your soreness and pain are caused by an arthritic condition, what you are experiencing is normal at any age. It just takes us longer to heal than a younger player.

For me, at my age, I do my best nowadays to steer clear from the joint pain of the "juke joint" variety.

But for you, the joint pain you are going through as a new guitarist is a natural part of the process. Just stick with it, without overdoing it, and you will find that it will eventually pass - or at least, greatly diminish!

Arthritis Joint Pain Relief Tips

More the world becomes modern, more the evolution of new diseases. Human body has natural resistivity for some common diseases caused by external infections. But the human body cannot deny the diseases caused by its own. Arthritis is a common term to define the damages caused to the joints as well as muscles of the human body. Biologists say that there are 206 bones and more than 250 bone joints in the human body. Arthritis can be caused to any of these joints. With the help of this surplus number of joints arthritis takes more than 100 forms.

The common symptoms of any kind of arthritis include weight loss, fever due to pain, restlessness, muscle pain, and difficulties to move bone joints. The person affected by arthritis also finds difficult to walk. This condition may occur to people of all ages and gender, but it is most common among older people and people who have the obesity. People who have arthritis will feel a lot of pain in their knee joints, ankles, feet, hip and vertebral bone. The pain is caused due the inflammation in the joints affected by the arthritis infection, strain to the bones and muscles due to day to day work and also due to the weakness of body.

Many effective ways have been found to get relief from arthritis pain. The treatment options depend up on the type of arthritis. It is always a better idea to consult a physiotherapist before pursuing any treatment. Some of the effective treatment methods include medications, arthritis diets, normal exercises, relaxation and so on. There are also home remedies which can be done in a natural way. The natural arthritis relief tips include medication using herbs such as Fever-few leaves, Chaparral, Saffron, Yucca, Celery Seeds, Black Cohosh, Bog bean etc.

Besides these there are also some other natural ways for treating arthritis using the natural items that is readily available at our home. Garlic constitutes a most important par when we speak about natural arthritis relief tips. Since garlic contains an anti-inflammatory property, it can greatly reduce inflammation due to arthritis. It can be taken either in raw or cooked form. Some other tips include drinking potato juice or drinking essence of black sesame seeds soaked in the water or drinking water that has been stored in a container made of copper, in empty stomach in the early morning will be a useful. Similarly juices of fresh green vegetables and juices of some fruits like pineapple or lime also serves better pain relief. Massaging with coconut oil or mustard oil in the affected area is also an option for reducing pain by speeding up the blood circulation in the infected parts. The oil needs to be slightly warmed before massaging. There are also camphorated oils readily available at shops which can also be used for massage.

While following the above said tips, it is also better to follow some other therapies such as adapting natural diet by eating only fruits and vegetables and avoiding meat items, is a good idea. It is also advisable to keep the body warm and drinking 8 to 10 liters of water daily helps a lot in reducing arthritis pain. Anyone can get benefited through following these tips and it is not a difficult task.

Horse Joint Supplements - Which is Right For Your Horse?

The 2005 Surpass Equine Arthritis Survey indicates that one in two horse owners in the United States has a horse affected with lameness, and that two-thirds of those owners identify joint pain rather than hoof pain as the cause of the problem. Obviously, joint health has become a major area of concern for horse owners, and it's a health issue that deserves serious attention.

At the same time, there are so many joint supplements, injections, and medications on the market today that it can be quite difficult to choose the best product for your horse. That's why in this article I list some of the major products on the market for horse joint health and joint pain-relief, and discuss the pros and cons of each. I hope this article will help you more easily choose the right product for your horse.

This is an injectable solution containing PSGAGs (a component of joint cartilage) that may be a good option if you don't think your horse will eat oral supplements or may not absorb them. This solution is good for low-grade chronic joint soreness, and as a way to prevent joint problems in older horses in heavy work. Adequan should be considered for any horse who is having difficulty in training with no obvious cause of pain. The horse could have very low-level joint pain that could be making it hard for the horse to learn and perform what he is being asked to do. The normal dosage of Adequan is a course of 5-7 intra-muscular injections, 5 days apart, followed by once-a-month injections for maintenance.

These neutralize the free radicals that are produced by heavy exercise, which can thin the joint fluid. Naturally-occurring antioxidants include blue-green algae, noni juice, mangosteen juice, super oxide dismutase (found in wheat sprouts), vitamin C, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, grape seed extract, omega-3 fatty acids (in chia seeds), and certain minerals such as sulphur. Antioxidants support the maintenance of healthy joints, and are excellent for horses in heavy training or on the show circuit.

Bute and Banamine
These are both non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with effects similar to aspirin. They offer pain relief but can have many side effects, and interfere with healing. These should be reserved for either acute injuries or as a last resort for chronic pain when all other supplements have failed.

Chondroitin Sulphate
This is a single component of joint cartilage. The body cannot effectively use this component by itself, so look for a supplement that combines glucosamine with chondroitin sulphate, minerals, and antioxidants.

Devil's Claw
This herb supports the digestive, urinary, and circulatory systems and has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative, and diuretic action. Devil's claw works well when fed in combination with yucca, or can be fed individually. Devil's claw is not as irritating to the horse as the non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, but if the horse has ulcers it can aggravate them. If your horse has ulcers, consider feeding yucca by itself.

This is a single component of joint cartilage. The body cannot effectively use this component by itself, so look for a supplement that combines glucosamine with chondroitin sulphate, minerals, and antioxidants. Good choices that give you high quality for the dollar include Equine Mobility by Standard Process or Cosequin ASU.

Legend is an intravenous injection composed of hyaluronic acid, which will thicken the joint fluid and decrease inflammation in the joint. Legend can be used if your horse is sore after a particularly hard workout or show. The initial dosage is one injection a week for 3 weeks. If a horse is in heavy work, the maintenance dose is one injection per month. Remember, if you have the choice, use excellent nutrition and antioxidants before resorting to joint injections.

This supplement contains high levels of the antioxidant mineral sulphur, which is generally more supportive of muscles and connective tissues than joints. However, sulphur is component of cartilage and also an antioxidant so it can helpful in preventing joint damage.

Yucca is an herb that contains organic steroidal saponins. A saponin-effect allows a cleansing penetration and dispersal digestive enzymes, and the steroidal effect limits inflammation. The feeding of yucca can be against some medication rules in performance situations, so if you are competing be sure check this out. Yucca can be fed in combination with Devil's claw, or individually.

At the End of the Day...
I hope this short review of popular horse joint health supplements helps you find the perfect one for your horse. As always, I prefer to rely on a solid nutritional foundation before resorting to joint-specific injections and supplements. However, joint supplements and injections may be called for if you horse is older, has suffered an injury, has a constitutional weakness, or is in heavy work. In this case, choosing the right joint supplement for your horse's situation is important.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

TMJ Dentist

TMJ or temporomandibular joint and muscle disorder is one of the ailments that have not been really studied just yet. It is important that you find a good TMJ dentist who comes well recommended in his field, and always get a second opinion before undergoing any form or treatment. This disorder that involves pain when using the jaw joints for eating, talking, swallowing, and yawning may be due to inflammation on the jaw joints and if not diagnosed and treated properly, this can be a real serious medical condition that can be a real threat to someone's health and overall well-being.

Just like any other joints, the jaw joints can also suffer from conditions such as arthritis and ankylosis. The jaw may also suffer due to injury, the sleeping disorder teeth-grinding, severe stress that can weaken the muscles of the face and other unhealthy habits such as frequent clenching of the mouth and nail biting. Symptoms of this disorder include pain when one or both of the jaws are moved. The pain at first can still be bearable but may eventually lead the sufferer from extreme pain and discomfort of not remedied and treated immediately. The pain and discomfort will also eventually spread to the ears, neck, the head and even the shoulders. In severe cases, the simple pain accompanied by clicking or popping noise when the mouth is opened or the jaws are moved can eventually lead to jaw lock and muscle spasms.

Since there is still no board or medical professional organization that designates specific medical experts as TMJ specialists, TMJ treatment and medication is normally received through a dentist. To determine the extent and gravity of the TMJ disorder symptoms that you might have, a dentist might recommend X-rays, MRI and CT scans. Simple techniques to treat and alleviate the pain will be exhausted first if not serious. Dentists will normally advise surgery only when all simple techniques have been tried and condition still not improving.

A TMJ dentist will normally recommend ample rest of the jaw joint and the prescription of analgesic pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs to alleviate the pain and swelling. Ibuprofen is most commonly used in mid to high dosages. However, stronger medication may become necessary as the body builds up a resistance to Ibuprofen for TMJ. Moist heated compresses will also ease the pain the areas. Hard and chewy foods should also be avoided. In place of the conventional use of mouth guards, a splint will be used to temporarily reduce teeth grinding. If disorder is caused by dental neglect or disease or even injury, your TMJ dentist will also help you in restoring the proper occlusion. During the observation and treatment period, a TMJ dentist will also postpone any other dental work such as crowns and bridges.

At the very start of any of these symptoms, you should immediately consult your TMJ dentist so that a thorough orthodontic evaluation can be performed and find out the cause to avoid further aggravation of the disorder as well as determine the immediate remedies to ease the initial pain and discomfort. The right diagnosis and treatment of TMJ by your specialist dentist will help you find relief and remedies before any risky and costly surgical procedures.

TMJ Headaches - What You Can Do About Your TMJ Headache

TMJ headaches can be caused by many factors, most of which can't be relieved by aspirin or most pain relievers. In this article we'll talk about what causes these headaches and what you can do to stop them and cure your TMJ for good.

These TMJ headaches are incredibly painful and will certainly keep you up at night. As a TMJ sufferer myself, I've been through these too often to count. I've found a few ways to lessen the pain which I'll share a little later. First I want to explain why you're getting them.

The pure function of your temporomandibular joint affects the open and closing of your jaw. When this joint is inflamed or damaged, it causes the muscles to spasm. The muscles spasm because your jaw isn't opening or closing properly. As the muscles spasm, it causes muscles in the neck, face, shoulders, and head to tighten up and be pulled. This is the cause of the dull TMJ headaches.

Another headache you'll get isn't related to the muscles, but related more to the nerves around the TM joint. As your joint becomes inflamed it puts pressure on the nerves around the joint and ear. There are many nerves in this part of your face which shoot pain up in and around the ear and into the head. These are the most common TMJ headaches, and the most painful. Also, these are the hardest to cure because they affect the nerves rather than the muscles.

Anti-inflammatory such as Aleeve can work well, but they lose their effectiveness over time. I've been using a Dixie cup filled about 1/4 full with water and freezing it. I then rub the frozen end of the Dixie cup in circular motions around my TM joint area. This seems to help too. I've also been using some exercises that have been giving me longer term relief and are helping more than anything.

Get Rid of Gout Pain - At Home Remedies That Works

Gout - it is one of the most painful conditions that affect many old people. However, the condition may also affect younger individuals. So what is it? Simply put, it is a form of arthritis wherein the joint is swollen, inflamed, and stricken with excruciating pain. The condition is blamed to high concentrations of uric acid in the bloodstream.

But as painful as it is, there are solutions designed to relieve gout-related pain. Yes, you have the option of going to a doctor and get medication. But while waiting for the medication to take effect, here are some quick gout-pain relief solutions you can do at home:

Charcoal/Flaxseed Paste

To make the paste, you will need activated powdered charcoal and ground flaxseeds. Simply mix the two ingredients in the ratio of 2 parts charcoal and 1 part ground flaxseeds. Add warm water to make a workable paste.

Apply the paste generously over the affected area. Then secure the paste by wrapping the affected area with cloth or bandage. This will also prevent the paste from staining your clothes and bed sheets. Reapply the paste at least every four hours.

Heated Castor Oil Pack

You will need a clean piece of cloth, a regular castor oil, a plastic food wrap, and a hot compress. Soak the piece of cloth until in castor oil. Wring out excess so that the cloth is wet but not dripping. Apply the cloth over the affected area.

Secure the cloth in place by wrapping the affected area with food plastic wrap. Then apply hot compress over the area. The hot compress with give you instant relief and will activate the castor oil.

Hot & Cold Soak

You will need two basins. Fill one basin with hot water that you can endure. Also, fill the other basin with cold water that you can endure.

Now what you need to do is soak the affected joint alternately in hot and cold water. Start with the hot water and soak for 3 minutes. Then soak in cold water for 30 seconds and then in hot water again. Complete at least three rounds of alternating.

Epsom Salt Foot Soak

You will need a basin that is big enough to completely immerse both your two feet. Fill the basin with hot water that you can endure and add about a cup of Epsom salt. Make sure that you completely melt the Epsom salt.

Soak your feet in the solution for at least half an hour. Add more hot water once in a while to maintain the temperature throughout the half hour period. You add more Epsom salt as you add more hot water so that the solution does not become diluted.

Cortisone Shots

If all else fails, you might as well get proper medication from a licensed medical practitioner. It is advisable that you visit your doctor and request for a cortisone shot. Of course, your doctor will decide if this is necessary.

In cortisone treatment, a drug is injected directly into the affected joints. Even the small joints of your fingers can be treated this way. It can relieve pain, inflammation, and swelling.

A Fresh Perspective on Degenerative Disc Disease

Medical science has gone out of its way to promote the idea that degenerative disc disease is some abnormal and harmful condition which typically causes pain and disability in the spines of affected patients. However, DDD is actually a universal and completely expected part of the aging process and is virtually never the actual source of any significant pain or related neurological symptoms.

The actual words "degenerative disc disease" are incredibly frightening and conjure up visions of spinal dysfunction and agonizing misery. Most patients diagnosed with the condition are not given an objective and honest view of the real nature of the spinal changes they have experienced. Instead, many doctors describe in vivid detail how their spines are failing, due to the disintegration of the intervertebral disc structures. Most often, other diagnoses are made in conjunction to DDD, including foraminal stenosis, osteoarthritis, facet joint syndrome or even discogenic pain. These pronouncements, just like DDD, represent typical changes in the spinal anatomy and are certainly not inherently painful unto themselves.

Most degenerative conditions generally begin past middle age and typically continue for life. This is not true for degenerative disc disease, since most people demonstrate considerable degeneration in their lumbar and cervical spines by the age of 30 and many people show these change far younger. I, for one, was diagnosed with advanced DDD in my lumbar spine at the age of 16. The idea that DDD is an actual disease is laughable, since it is not harmful, contagious or unusual to experience during a normal human life. In fact, show me an adult without DDD in their lumbar spine and I will show you an evolutionary anomaly!

If DDD is so innocent and coincidental to the occurrence of back pain, then why is it diagnosed as the source of pain in so many patients? This is an excellent question and a major inspiration for my writing on the subject of chronic pain. Degenerative disc disease, like many other back pain scapegoat conditions, is almost guaranteed to be found in the human spine. It an old standby on which pain can be blamed, simply because doctors know it is there before they even complete any diagnostic testing. Additionally, the fact that most laymen do not understand DDD makes the condition a perfectly acceptable structural abnormality to target as the villain in otherwise idiopathic back pain syndromes.

Blaming DDD for the kinds of serious and life altering pain conditions inherent to chronic lumbar dorsopathy is like blaming gray hair and skin wrinkles for causing cancer. It is a ludicrous notion! How a doctor can pronounce degenerative disc disease as the source of pain, when they themselves demonstrate the condition, just like every other human on this planet, is quite beyond me... That is until you take a long hard look at the profit driven history of the back pain industry and realize how keeping a patient in long term treatment is the real goal of many care providers. There are few cures for common back pain, although there are hundreds of symptomatic therapy options. In order for the money to keep flowing, DDD is used as a scapegoat and nothing more...

It is possible, in extremely rare circumstances, for a person to suffer pain from atypical disc degeneration. This is medical fact and I can not and will not deny it. However, the chances of this are so slim that less than one half of 1% of all positively diagnosed patients fit this criterion. The rest are merely chasing a dream, thinking that they will ever achieve lasting relief from treating DDD. Remember, there is nothing to treat! Therapy options designed to manage degenerative disc disease are generally unsuccessful, due to the simple fact that the diagnosis is incorrect and the pain is actually the result of another physical, or more likely, psychosomatic process.

Degenerative disc disease is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to blaming the epidemic incidence of chronic back pain on a structural spinal causation. The general public has been mislead into thinking that the spine is a fragile and easily damaged structure, when in fact, the spine is a miraculous result of millions of years of targeted evolution. The human spine is actually the reason why we, as a species, have risen above the rest and proven ourselves to be so successful. However, this is no surprise, given the Cartesian philosophy embraced by modern medical science. Doctors look at themselves as engineers of the anatomy, rather than healers who must consider all possible contributors to pain and suffering, including physical, mental, emotional, societal and environmental factors.

In summary, degenerative disc disease is not something to fear. In fact, fear is a major source of back pain and the nocebo influence of a positive DDD diagnosis will only intensify this occurrence. If you have been diagnosed, it is crucial to learn the real facts of the condition in order to put yourself on the right road to back pain recovery or else face being led down the wrong path like a lamb to the slaughter.

Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hip Dysplasia and Others: Is Dasuquin The Answer?

So you have heard already about this all-time favorite in joints supplements Dasuquin. Perhaps, you have even used it already to your suffering dog or as preventive measure against such common disease. Well, some people would still think that when their dogs got arthritis, it's just the way it is; "nothing to blame just let it lame" mentality.

The thing is, arthritis in dogs can be prevented; it can be treated and of course it can be alleviated. For our beloved pet owners who have their pet suffering from such ailments, I highly recommend that you bring your pet to your trusted veterinarian and surely he/she will be able to explain to you in-depth how are you going to handle such problem.

For now, I have reserved here some few technical terms regarding joints problems in our dogs. Absolutely, our dogs never could understand such a term but I hope when our times come, we not only let these terms penetrate our ears but propel us to be kind enough with pets to bring him/her to our vet for appropriate action.


This is a degenerative joint disease characterized by the destruction of bone cells and related cartilaginous tissues around joints. While being too technical, this is sometimes the the starting point of other much complicated and much specific joints disease. Because of the destruction of those cells, it results to inflammation, reduced shock absorption, and reduced flexibility causing severe pain to our pets.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

So dogs can get rheumatoid arthritis too? Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks joints cells leading to inflammation and swelling. While not being common in dogs, most breeds affected are the toy or small breeds during early phase of life.

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia has some wide range of causes from genetics to nutrition and even excessive exercise. What happens here is that the ball and socket that makes up the hip joint seems to become far away from each other causing tissue erosion and intense wear and tear. Eventually, this leads to arthritis, a disease characterized by pain and swelling.

Other joints illness and lameness problems quite worth to mention here are shoulder degeneration, traumatic arthritis, sprains and strains, bone fractures, ruptured ligaments and even dislocations. All these can or may lead your dog's active life come to an end.

Let's get straight here. As I said, joints diseases can be prevented, treated as well as alleviated. Today, we can find a number of supplements both synthetic and natural which we can try to help our pets. For example, we have the dasuquin with msm for dogs which your veterinarian might have recommended you.

This cost-effective formulation for dogs provides comprehensive joint health management. It includes NMX1000 ASU (avocado/soybean unsaponifiables), decaffeinated tea, Cosequin's FCHG49 glucosamine hydrochloride, and TRH122 low molecular weight chondroitin sulfate, as well as MSM (methylsulfonylmethane).

It contains avocado/soybean unsaponifiables, or ASU, fortified with green tea, combined with glucosamine hydrochloride, MSM and low molecular weight chondroitin sulfate. It is the most complete joint support supplement available.

Also, Dasuquin with MSM for dogs is a non-prescription (OTC) product available as flavored, chewable tablets which we can give our dogs to help counter joints problems.

Natural Joint Pain Relief You Can Make At Home

There are many factors that can cause pain in the joints, and the intensity of pain can vary from mild to serious. No matter what the pain level is, joint pains can be a big hindrance for doing normal daily activities. The good news is, there are already over the counter drugs that can relieve the pain. The bad news? They can have negative side effects on the health of its users.

People suffering from joint pains need not worry anymore since there are already natural joint pain relief that they can use at home.

Some examples of natural remedies for joint pains

Muscle strain and sprain can be a factor for pain in the joints. To heal or alleviate the pain, pain relieving substances in the form of gels and creams can be used. If you don't have anything like it available, you can always massage the affected part with warm mustard oil, which is a very good natural joint pain relief solution that is easily obtainable inside almost everyone's home.

Ointments and other pain relieving creams work in relieving pain because they contain ingredients that can penetrate the skin, to provide the necessary warmth to the affected area. It can also improve the blood circulation and helps the muscles in recovering from exhaustion and stress.

Many people experience recurring suffering brought about by joint pains. The good thing is, there are many alternative and natural relief solutions to reduce the frequenting pains. Ashwagandha and withania somnifera are some of the herbs that are very effective in alleviating all kinds of pain. It is also considered as one of the natural joint pain relief solutions for rheumatic and arthritic pains. It can also help to improve your strength and fitness.

Another easy and common relief for joint pains accompanied by swelling is through cold or ice therapy. Ice is readily available in most households and all you need to do is to wrap it in a towel or enclose it in a zip lock bag before applying it to the affected area. Once the swelling has subsided, you can then proceed to hot therapy to relive your stiff joints. This natural joint pain relief treatment is done by placing a hot water bag over the affected area for at most 20 minutes. Another easy way to do a hot therapy is by taking a warm bath or shower.

Another weird, yet very effective treatment for joint pains is by drinking the water where the potato was soaked in overnight. Do this once every day for a few days, and feel the difference. You can make this treatment more exciting by adding honey and apple cider vinegar.

It is also advisable that you take physical therapy exercises along with natural and alternative treatments.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Natural Remedies for Ringing in Ears

What is causing the Ringing in Your Ears? Almost one quarter of today's population suffer from for ringing in ears also known as tinnitus. Ringing in ears is nothing but perception of constant ringing, buzzing, or hissing sounds that a person experiences in the absence of any external sound. It is not a disease but a symptom. Tinnitus may not be a deadly disorder, but it is one that can be bothersome to the point that it interferes with your life. It usually does not develop on its own, so the key to improving or curing your condition depends on finding its cause. Here are some of the common causes of ringing in ears:

• Nerve damage in the ear.
• Side effect of medication.
• Hearing loss.
• Temporomandibular joint disorder or "TMJ".
• Ear wax.
• Allergies and diet.
• Ear infection.
• Ruptured eardrum.

Treatments for tinnitus can range from a simple ear cleaning to even surgery, because of this, finding the cause of your tinnitus is the first and most important step in recovery.

Remedies For Ringing In Ears:

If your doctor has told you that the constant high-pitched ringing and hissing noise in your ears is tinnitus, you need to know it's not a hopeless situation. Many people find relief by using some of the following helpful tips:

• Use earplugs.
• Make deep relaxation techniques a regular habit.
• Exercise regularly.
• Use white noise or listen to gentle music at night.
• Use background music to distract from your tinnitus during the daytime.
• Eat a diet low in salt.
• Chew gum to distract yourself.
• See a dentist about a possible TMJ cause.

Therapeutic Remedy For Ringing In Ears:

Tinnitus retraining therapy attempts to "cure" tinnitus not by eliminating the sound perception, as in traditional tinnitus treatments, but to habituate the patient to the sound so that he or she perceives it as "normal." This is a non-traditional technique through which some tinnitus sufferers have reduced or eliminated their perception of tinnitus sounds. Research into this area is still ongoing, but it is definitely something that any tinnitus sufferer should investigate.

Few Natural Remedies For Ringing In Ears:

There are home remedies that may reduce your symptoms. Some home remedies to help you cope with your symptoms are:

• Drink apple cider vinegar mixed with honey and water.
• Try having acupuncture.
• Take garlic supplements.
• Take vitamin supplements.
• Eat an anti-inflammatory diet.
• Use a homeopath treatment.
• Inhale steam to get relief from the annoying ringing.
• Avoid stress.

Your tinnitus can cause you a lot of pain and suffering. However, there are things you can do to alleviate this condition's effect on your life. Smoking and alcohol drinking can intensify the sound so try to reduce the consumption. The natural treatments can give your relief from symptoms but the best advice is to check with your doctor before doing any of these treatments on your own. It is always best to check with your physician about your particular case and treatment options once you have gathered information and formulated questions. Acclimating to tinnitus can be a challenge, but a support network and self care can bring you very far in combating the obstacles it presents.

If you want to learn more about cure tinnitus naturally, go to Cure Tinnitus Naturally and get your queries answered.