Saturday, September 14, 2013

Keep Active Horses Going With Joint Supplements For Horses

There are a whole lot of joint supplements for horses out on the market today. These supplements are important for horses that suffer from joint pain. As horses get older, their bodies do not produce enough glucosamine, which is the lubricant for the joints that keeps them operating smoothly. Without this substance, the cartilages can no longer absorb impact properly, which means the joints take the brunt of the shock.

This is especially found to be true in very active horses. The more motion they go through without protection for their joints, the more shock the joints have to absorb and endure. Over time, this can result in arthritis, loss of motion, and in more severe cases, total immobility.

As you might expect, there are a great many different equine joint supplements available to help fix these joint problems. Some of these products are known to aid in the elimination of pain, and in some instances, the products have even been able to restore the joints back to normal function. They do this by adding the glucosamine that the horses cannot make on their own. This is what lubricates the cartilage enough to absorb the shock and reduce friction on the joint tissues.

Glucosamine is found in a number of things, but it is most notably in sea mussels, ground shrimp, and crab shells. In other words, they are not items you can simply feed a horse and use in their everyday diet. Most horses will turn up their noses as a plate of shrimp! This is why you have to get them to ingest these healthy ingredients through supplement form. MSM, Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and other ingredients are found in substantial quantities in many of the great supplements for joints being sold online and at local feed stores.

Glucosamine horse joint supplements are especially effective for horses that are extremely active, as these are the animals most prone to joint pain. When trying to get a good supplement, make sure you focus on natural, whole food based supplements without chemicals. While most of them get the initial glucosamine from natural sources, a few companies sometimes add chemicals and other harmful things to them, which might cause undesirable side effects. If possible, try to focus on all natural products.

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