Saturday, March 29, 2014

Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery

If you're considering hip surgery, you can reduce recovery time and pain with minimally invasive hip replacement surgery. The surgery involves an anterior approach to the hip. Traditional hip replacements performed in the U.S. use the posterior or lateral/posterior approach. Over the years, a smaller incision with the traditional approach has been used and is less invasive, but it still requires following strict hip restrictions.

The Minimally Invasive Anterior Approach

The anterior approach to hip replacement has been quite successful with the vast majority of total hip replacement patients, including hip fractures. After the surgery, the patient is free to move his hip without restrictions, and, in most cases, is up and walking later that same day. A patient's hospital stay is also shortened to 2-5 days.

After traditional hip replacement, patients must strictly follow their hip precautions.

Minimally invasive hip replacement is performed while the patient is lying flat on his back. A small incision (about 4 inches) is made at the front of the hip joint, as opposed to the traditional lateral or posterior incision. During the anterior approach, the hip is replaced without detachment of muscle from the femur or pelvis. The hip is reached through a natural opening between the muscles. This results in a quicker rehab and a shortened hospital stay.

Traditional hip replacement requires a large incision through the gluteal muscles, which are the most important muscles for hip function. This places restrictions on hip movement for a period of time after surgery. Restrictions (referred to as hip precautions) include no internal rotation, no leg crossing, and no bending of the hip beyond 90 degrees. Often times there are also limitations on the amount of weight a patient is allowed to place on his leg while walking. These restrictions are in place to prevent dislocation of the new hip.

Minimally invasive hip replacement (anterior approach) eliminates restrictions because muscles and tissue are left intact in the lateral and posterior areas. This provides stability for the hip and greatly reduces the chance of dislocation.

Minimally invasive surgery doesn't necessarily refer to the size of the incision. It has more to do with the minimal amount of tissue damage during surgery. The incision can't be made too small or else the incision area becomes too stretched in an attempt to reach the hip joint.

ProFX Operating Table

The ProFX is a special operating table that positions the patient's leg for the anterior approach. Not all hospitals have this table. Without it, the anterior approach isn't performed. For instance, in California there are less than 10 hospitals that perform this minimally invasive procedure. Another reason for the scarcity of this approach lies with surgeons. Most orthopedic surgeons have been trained in the lateral and/or posterior methods only.

Advantages of Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement (anterior approach)

  • No limitations on hip motion

  • No weight bearing restrictions

  • Decreased chance of hip dislocation

  • Reduced hospital stay

  • Shorter rehab time

  • Quicker return to functional mobility

  • Quicker return to driving your vehicle

  • Much less pain from surgery

  • Reduces chance of leg length discrepancy


Complications are rare but are similar to complications from traditional lateral and posterior approaches. These include infection, DVT (deep vein thrombosis), nerve damage, femur fracture, and revision surgery. Dislocation is a complication, but is much less likely to occur.

Effects of Drug Abuse on the Skeletal System

The effects of drug abuse on the body do not take into consequence a person's gender, lifestyle or personal situation. Drug addiction and substance abuse damages physical and mental health in many ways. While most people are aware of the effects of drug abuse on the liver and brain, not everyone realizes the damage that drugs can cause to the skeletal system.

Effects of Drug Abuse on the Skeletal System

There are a variety of consequences of drug use and abuse on the human body. Here are a few of the complications that can be caused to the skeletal system.


Osteomyelitis, or bone infection, has been linked to intravenous drug use. Over time, osteomyelitis can cause disability by destroying bones from the inside out. Osteomyelitis is associated with the use of dirty needles and contaminated drugs, such as heroin and methamphetamine.


Scientists have long known about the effects of drug abuse on bone density. Osteoporosis is often caused by the malnutrition seen in long-term stimulant users. People addicted to cocaine and methamphetamine commonly go for long periods without eating and consume low-quality foods when they do eat. Opiate addiction has been linked to osteopenia, or reduced bone density, which can precede full-blown osteoporosis.

TMJ and Dental Deterioration

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), dental damage and decay are associated with stimulant abuse. TMJ and tooth damage are often due to habitual teeth-grinding related to stimulation and stress. Smoked crack and methamphetamine are also known to affect the saliva glands, reducing protection from tooth decay.


Malnutrition among users is often responsible for the effects of drug abuse on joint health. The most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis, is associated with nutrient deficiencies that reduce the body's ability to repair itself. Levels of vitamin C, a primary nutrient involved in joint repair, are often low in people exposed to chronic stress.

Effects of Drug Abuse on the Spine

Spinal health is often reduced by long-term poor postural habits, such as slouching. The effects of drug abuse on posture are especially visible in users of depressants, such as opiates. In stimulant users, chronic muscle tension can make correct, relaxed posture impossible. Over time, these issues weaken the spine's supporting muscles and increase the risk of spinal injury from routine lifting.

These are not the only skeletal problems caused by drug addiction and substance abuse. Any time malnutrition occurs, systemic health problems can result. Due to the high nutritional needs of the skeletal system, it is likely to suffer in the face of poor diet. Compounded by the other effects of drug abuse on the bones, the skeletal system of substance abusers can end up devastated.

The Functional Body in Crisis

Defining the Problem-

While almost everyone acknowledges and understands the benefits of proper exercise and diet. Few understand the importance of good posture and muscle balance which is defined as the relative equality of muscle length or strength between opposing muscles surrounding a joint; this balance is necessary for normal movement and function. Muscle imbalance often begins after injury or with functional pathology leading to pain and inflammation. Muscle imbalance in today's society is compounded by stress, fatigue and insufficient movement through regular physical activity as well as a lack of variety of movement. Lack of variety contributes greatly to imbalance and repetitive movement disorders.

In the United States alone, musculoskeletal conditions account for approximately $254 billion a year in associated healthcare costs, lost productivity and medical research (United States Bone and Joint Decade 2002). This means that human dysfunction, misalignment and associated pain cost the U.S. more than $695 million per day. Certainly these conditions weigh heavily on the economy, but-more importantly-their profound and dramatic effects are causing many people to suffer.

Some Background-

The human body is a wondrous thing, the product of millions of years of evolutionary selection and adaptation to change. Witness any professional athlete performing his or her sport and behold the wonder of its capabilities. Precision, power, grace, endurance, strength, and creativity are just a few of the many things that it can do. Now think about this: our ancient ancestor's struggles to survive. They constantly had to move to survive: walking, running, climbing, digging, hunting, gathering, running from predators, or chasing prey and surviving the elements could all be a part of a days work. This was the crucible from which our bodies were molded!

As wondrous, rugged and adaptable as the human body is why today does it seem so fragile and prone to joint related break downs, degenerative disease and pain? Why are joint related surgeries and joint replacement surgeries dramatically on the rise? How has such a rugged structure become so frail and problematic in seemingly just a few generations of time? How have millions of years of natural selection and evolutionary development, that helped shape such a wondrous and adaptable body, one that science and technology even at it's very best can only crudely replicate, have gone so a rye? If you don't believe me just take a good look around you. Watch those around you move and listen to them speak about their bodily aches and pains. In some conversations its all people talk about.

So what's going on here?

Most people in our society are becoming increasingly sedentary due to automation and technology. It took millions of years for humans to stand upright and only about the last 50 to spend most of the day hunched over again at a computer, driving or watching television; leading our bodies not only toward obesity, but also to muscular weakness and imbalance and with it compensation and movement dysfunction, which is something we rarely hear about. Just think about this! As recently as the turn of the last century for example (c. 1900) one person in a household spent a full day just doing laundry! We no longer have to move to survive. As we human beings have become smarter and more efficient at using tools, we move less and our specially adapted bodies are doing much less of what they were designed to do. Those that are active today often repeat the same movement patterns i.e., biking, running, swimming, etc., subjecting them to repetitive overuse injuries and muscle imbalances. Compared to our ancestors our bodies are not getting the regular physical activity, and more importantly the diversity of movement stimulus needed to stay balanced and functional.

My experience as a strength coach, posture, movement correction specialist, and observer of human movement have clearly showed me that almost everyone suffers from some sort of musculoskeletal imbalance that affects his or her ability to move optimally. In fact, it was through the observation of my clients and members and their struggles with imbalance, pain, and movement while exercising and my own imbalances that have motivated me to study and research this area exhaustively. Muscle imbalance can be defined as opposing muscle groups being imbalanced in length or strength creating restriction and abnormal joint function. The process of muscle balance and movement is thought to be directed by a sensorimotor program that regulates function throughout the body and is interconnected. Think of this regulation as a sort of orchestrated intra-muscular coordination. During movement balanced muscle contractions about a joint are necessary to aid the connective tissue in providing joint stability and equalize pressure distribution at the joint surface(s). Our sedentary lifestyles, pain, injury and chronic stress can cause communication deficits within this sensorimotor system which delays the protective muscular responses of reflexive joint stabilization, affecting alignment and balance that are critical for proper joint function, overall body posture and the long term health of the joint(s). Over time, this imbalance becomes centralized in the Central Nervous System (CNS) as a new motor pattern, thus continuing a cycle of pain and dysfunction.

So what does this mean for you?

Left unchecked these changes get worse with time and lead to increasingly inefficient movement, excessive wear and tear to the joint and joint surfaces at best and at worst excessive, painful joint surface erosion leading many to have joint replacement surgery. These surgeries are a very poor substitute to replace what we were born with. Ultimately surgery does nothing to correct the real problem 'the imbalance'. If the uncorrected imbalances remain, in time the joint above and or below the replaced joint, could and often do follow suit. The problem is the pain is only a symptom of the problem and not the cause. Therefore joint replacements don't resolve the problem only the symptom. This can easily be avoided if the proper movement and postural assessment, testing and corrective therapies are applied early on.

What can you do about it?

The bad news is that this problem is not correctable with regular exercise and stretching. In addition, the imbalances are rarely taken seriously; until they are fairly advanced because they are difficult to detect by the individual as the changes happen slowly and gradually over time.

The good news is these imbalances are correctable but they require time and work to correct. For correction to take place and to minimize permanent soft tissue damage the imbalances need to be identified early and corrected by a trained professional, otherwise they will only be reinforced and exacerbated with continued exercise and training.

Another upside of this issue is that musculoskeletal pain issues are firmly and squarely in the spotlight. Consequently, more and more qualified professionals are entering the corrective-exercise and fitness arena developing new and more effective ways of assessing and correcting imbalance. World-renowned physical therapists, exercise physiologists, doctors and biomechanics specialists are bringing quality research to the fitness and wellness industry-and as a result, business is booming.

In closing, if you have any further questions or concerns about this topic or just want to improve your quality of movement please come see me. I specialize in designing customized programs to correct postural alignment and musculo-skeletal imbalances to minimize injury and maximize performance. In my work, I combine posture and movement corrective modalities with an extensive strength and conditioning background to provide my clients with an optimally functioning body that is balanced, strong and pain free.

Understanding The Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement joint surgery is a surgical procedure whereby the damaged parts of hip joint are replaced with prosthetic implants (artificial parts). The hip replacement surgery is categorized into two: Total replacement also referred to as total hip arthroplasty and the hemi or half replacement also referred to as hemiarthroplasty. The total hip replacement involves replacement of both the femoral joint and the acetabulum (hip bone) while the hemiarthroplasty consists of replacing only the femoral head. Nowadays, hip replacement surgery is the most popular orthopaedic operation, although the patient's short term and long term satisfaction varies widely.

When is the right time for a hip replacement surgery?

Hip replacement procedure should be carried out when the hip joint is experiencing painful symptoms that can no longer be controlled through medicinal treatment. Depending on the severity of the hip damage, your surgeon will recommend a total hip replacement or a hemiarthroplasty.

What leads to hip substitution?

Joint failure is the reason why hip replacement is performed. Joint failure can be as a result of Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Traumatic arthritis, avascular necrosis, Hip fractures, protrusion acetabuli, Bone Tumors, Malignant and Benign.

Alternatives to Hip Surgery

The first alternative to hip replacement can be referred to as conservative management. Before a doctor concludes whether to perform a hip replacement surgery, the doctor will try other methods. These methods are: exercise, walking aids and medication. Taking part in exercises will strengthen the hip joint muscles while walking aids such as walkers and canes may relieve stress from the painful and damaged hips hence delaying or avoiding surgery.

For patients who experience hip joint pain without inflammation, the doctor will recommend analgesic medication acetaminophen. On the other hand, for patients with hip joint pains with inflammation, treatment involves use of NSAIDs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Aspirin and ibuprofen are among the most common NSAIDs.

For some cases, a much stronger analgesic medicine or a product containing both the narcotic analgesic and acetaminophen such as the Codeine may be recommended by the doctor in order to control pain.

Topical analgesic products may also offer pain relief. Some people may find pain relief from a combination of chondroitin and glucosamine. Patients should first inform their doctors before settling for nutritional supplements, herbs and alternative medicines to avoid destructive drug interactions.

Another alternative is hip resurfacing. This is a minor surgical procedure that involves placement of a cobalt chrome metal cup over the femur head while another similar metal cup is fixed in the pelvis socket (Acetabulum). The metal cup placed on the pelvis socket replaces the articulating surface of the hip joint by removing little bone material. The metal cup is hollow with a mushroom shape.

Viscosupplementation is another alternative to hip substitution procedure. This involves injection of artificial lubricants into the hip joint. An example of these lubricants is hyaluronan. This lubricant can also serve as a pain reliever.

Risks involved in joint Replacement

After the surgery some patients may develop blood clot in their leg vain. This is dangerous as it may not allow the flow of blood from the legs to the heart or to the lungs.

Some patients may also get infections in the hip joint or in the wound. This risk is likely to occur in people who suffer from diabetes, chronic liver disease or rheumatoid arthritis.

Nerve injury around the surgery site may also occur during the surgical procedure. Nerve injury may cause numbness, difficulty in muscle movement or tingling.

Difference in length height may arise from the surgical procedure. Usually the height difference is minimal and does not cause any pain or malfunction of the leg.

Attention Golfers - If You Have Joint Pain, Mona Vie Might Be the Answer!

Mona Vie is a powerful antioxidant nutritional drink with four distinct formulas for different nutritional deficiencies. The company was started in 2005 by visionary Dallin Larsen to market this antioxidant rich drink made from the acai (ah-sigh-ee) berry, a palm fruit grown only in the Amazon rain forest. The products are sold through direct sales on a one on one referral basis. In its first three years, Mona Vie became a leader in direct sales marketing with record sales of one billion dollars. With a line of nutritional health beverages anchored by the powerful acai berry and 18 other fruits from around the world, Mona Vie has become a leader in the health and wellness business.

I have worked hard all my life and my bad eating habits, as well as the hard work, have taken a toll on my body. With sore knee joints, lower back pain, and a chronic pain in my left shoulder, I had to give up the one thing I loved to do in my spare time which was to play golf. I was unable to enjoy the game with the constant pain.

I heard about this product called Mona Vie and attended one of their "open meetings" to find out more information on their product. I was told that Mona Vie would probably help with my joint pain if I used the "Active" formulation. Being the skeptic that I am, I figured it was a scam and the only one to benefit from my purchase of the product would be the guy who sold it to me. I went home and did my own research and discovered many positive reports about Mona Vie. At this point, I thought I didn't have anything to lose by giving it a try.

I can honestly tell you that was the best decision I ever made and it has changed my life! After two months of using Mona Vie, my knees, back, and shoulder pain were gone. I had renewed energy and discovered what it was like to feel good again. I returned to playing golf three months after starting on the Active Juice. I now play 18 to 36 holes a week pain free. I have been playing some of the best golf of my life, posting two eagles on par 4's in a two week period. It doesn't get any better than that.

Before I started using Mona Vie, I was taking 8 to 12 ibuprofen a day and I still hurt. Now I don't need ibuprofen or aspirin. In fact, I haven't used pain medication since starting on Mona Vie. Mona Vie doesn't profess to cure disease but there are many studies that prove that antioxidants do treat many modern day maladies when used in conjunction with a common sense diet and moderate exercise. It's like using a fuel booster in your car's gas tank. It just makes the body's own immune system work more efficiently so you aren't as susceptible to disease.

The Acai berry, which is being labeled one of the worlds super foods because of its high antioxidant and nutrient levels, is used in all of Mona Vie's blends along with other body beneficial fruits from around the world to provide your body with the antioxidant and nutrient levels of 13 servings of fruit and vegetables a day.

Mona Vie is fast becoming one of the best direct sales home businesses to partner with. With a strong management team and ongoing scientific research into new and improved products, they are positioned to be a leader in the surging health and wellness business. Distributors are paid 50% of products sold.

If you're interested in Mona Vie as a health supplement or the business opportunity, I highly recommend both. This is truly a wonderful product and I believe everyone can benefit from using it.

In Good Health
Michael Holmes

Friday, March 28, 2014

Pueraria Mirifica Facts

Pueraria Mirifica is a plant that helps to increase the size and volume of the breasts naturally and without side effects and leaves them firm and beautiful. Pueraria Mirifica increases the speed of development of mammary cells and fills the ducts around the nipple. It also increases the firmness of fatty tissue and ligaments around the breasts resulting in fuller and firmer breasts. These tissues are responsible for breast firmness and muscle tonality. The results obtained with this herb vary from person to person depending on individual physiological conditions and genetic backgrounds.

There are some cases in which people have been able to have an increase of 2.5 cms in breast size by using this herb. People who have bigger breasts get faster results. People with smaller breasts react to the herb more slowly and need more time to reach the desired size.

This can be used by people of any age. At low doses no significant effect on breast enlargement is seen. The intake of this herb increases the sensitivity of the breast tissues within 24 hours of first dose. The process of breast enlargement continues for a while even after stopping consumption. If you continue to take regular doses even after the breasts have achieve the maximum possible size, the breast muscles would start getting toned up and the shape of the breasts would improve. The recommended dosage is 800 to 1200 mg per day. These are available in the market in the form of capsules and 1 capsule 3 times per day for 3 months can give you around 2cms of breast tissue growth.

Maintenance of female hormones and control of PMS and Menopause

This magic herb contains an element called puerarin miroesterol. This has the capability of influencing hypothalamus secretions and regulating the hormones responsible for ageing. Research reveals that this element is 1000 times stronger than the soy isoflavones. Pueraria mirifica is suitable for those with mental stress, suffering from menopausal symptoms, those with alopaecea, osteoporosis and sexual problems. Since this herb is full of essential nutrients, it is also beneficial for boosting up the immune system. Some disease symptoms such as nerve irritation, dizziness, skin blemishes, wrinkles, puffy face, muscle aches, palpitations, back cat, bent hip, hip pain, colds, crooked leg (type O) and knee-joint pain can be treated using this herb.

However, you should keep in mind that Pueraria mirifica is a very strong herb and if you don't use it under medical supervision, you might end up harming yourself also.

Joint Pain During Menopause Requires Your Attention

Many women experience menopausal joint pain symptoms. Medical experts have researched the connection between hormonal changes and this kind of pain.

Some women experience joint and muscle pain, mouth discomfort, headaches and some even report heart palpitations. Interestingly, women who suffer tension headaches, abdominal, or facial pain found their symptoms lessened after menopause. Scientists today feel there may indeed be a link between estrogen, hormone levels including their fluctuations and this phenomenon

Menopause and Joint Pain: Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause occurs when a women stops ovulating and her period ceases. Most women reach menopause between 45 and 55 years, with an average age of about 50. However, about 1% reaches it before the age of 40, known as premature menopause or premature ovarian failure.

The most apparent changes recorded are in connection with menstrual cycle changes, changes in the bleeding pattern, hot flashes, sweating and urinary problems, such as, incontinence or increased frequency of urination. Dry vagina, mood changes, muscular weakness, joint pains and weight changes are all symptoms of menopause and can cause a great deal of pain as well as general feelings of discomfort in different parts of the body.

Menopause and Irritability: The Risks

Menopause is a very important time in a woman's life and all women who live past 40 must withstand the worst of this condition. A woman's body goes through many changes that can affect her social life, her feelings about herself and her functioning at work. In the past, many misconceptions and myths surrounded menopause but this perception has changed. Now, menopause is accepted as a natural step in the process of aging.

Contrary to the old-fashioned view that life is all downhill after menopause, many women today realize that the years after menopause offer new discoveries and fresh challenges. Modern medical advances have resulted in a wide range of health care choices, especially for joint pain and bone deficiency problems.

These can enhance quality of life during menopause and the decades that follow. It is vital for women to know that menopause itself carries no serious health risks. However, the chance for heart disease and osteoporosis (thinning of the bone due to the inability of the body to produce bone tissue) rises after menopause. Understanding menopause and the range of treatment options can help women make better health decisions.

Menopause and Irritability: Causes and Symptoms

Research has shown that a quarter of women have no problems while going through menopause, while half of the number will have some problems and the remaining quarter of them will have considerable problems including joint pain.

These are usually associated with osteoporosis and arthritis, which results in weakening of the bones and the degeneration of the cartilage between the joints that can fracture easily following a fall.

Fluctuating estrogen levels and poor estrogen clearance, can affect how your joints feel. It stands to reason that some women would also have joint pains in response to the hormone fluctuations so common in perimenopause. It's important to have yourself checked by your primary care physician for either osteoporosis or arthritis.

Menopause and Irritability: Treatment

There are also medications and exercises you can get that will overcome the severest of joint pains related to menopause. Some of these treatments include the use of steroids so it is critical to make this kind of decision in conjunction with your own doctor.

It's also prudent to check for the possibility of side effects from using these drugs and get a second opinion before embarking on a long-term treatment.

Arthritis Joint Pain Natural Herbal Remedies - Reduce Pain, Stiffness and Inflammation

Joint pain is a symptom which is associated with all types of arthritic conditions and its relief and alleviation is the primary goal of all the treatments for patient's comfort and mental and emotional health. Arthritis can cause inflammation of joints, pain in the joints, stiffness, redness, softness and feeling of warmth in the joints. During progression of the disease the pain and swelling tend to increase in the joints however in rheumatic arthritis, most of the time, the symptoms do not correlate with the aggravation of the disease. Arthritic condition causes stiffness of muscles, and ligaments which causes problems with the movement of joints in the form of pain, this promotes reluctance in the patient to move the joint and gradually range of joint movement reduces. Later, infection of synovial fluid, brittle cartilages, deposition of fat at the joint or between two bones and joint deformity may occur depending on the type of arthritic condition.

Joint pain due to arthritis is of two types acute and chronic, acute pain is a sharp temporary pain that subsides on its own or after treatment in a short duration, while chronic pain can last for weeks, months or even a lifetime. The period when disease is inactive symptoms like joint pain and swelling will not be evident or will be at minimum, while when disease is active they can aggravate to restrict the movement and cause lot of pain and discomfort. The period when disease is inactive is called remission and while disease is active that period is called flare. Treatment of joint pain can reduce the magnitude of the arthritic condition to a large extent as maintaining the movement of affected joint helps the body in prolonging the remissions of the disease.

Joint pain can be relieved by NSAID as they are known to cause minimum side effects out of all the allopathic medicines but too much NSAID can be harmful too. Herbs, therapies and exercises are the best ways of relieving arthritis joint pain. However exercises and therapies shall not be chosen without medical opinion as some therapies and exercises can be harmful in certain arthritic condition. Ginger, alfalfa, guggulu, ginseng and ashwagandha are few herbs those are good for over all health and a person who may be susceptible for arthritis can consume them to prevent the advent of the disease. Even when joint discomfort is initial these herbs help magically in controlling pain and inflammation to keep the disease inactive for longer periods and stopping its progression.

Hot water tub baths, hydrotherapy, application of hot and cold packs are few simple therapies which can be very useful in reliving arthritis joint pain at the initial as well as at later stage. Light exercises like walking, swimming, aerobics and some yoga poses and exercises can maintain the joint movement and relieve from pain and discomfort that occurs when arthritis gets triggered in the body. Dietary changes like consuming more citrus fruits, grapes, milk, whole grains supply the body with necessary nutrients and minerals which help in combating arthritis.

Handicapped Dogs - 4 Helpful Items

Carriers and Slings.
I carried my handicapped dog close to my heart with an over-the-shoulder sling. For the last two years of Gracie's life when she was unable to walk or stand, using this sling allowed her to continue going places with me. Worn diagonally across the body, a soft-sided hands-free sling is very comfortable without putting too much stress on one shoulder. These slings can be used for dogs, cats and other small animals, usually accommodating pets up to 20 pounds. Since Gracie was a five-pound Yorkie, this carrier was perfect for her. It slipped on and off quickly and easily and was always ready to go at a moment's notice. It made all the difference in improving Gracie's quality of life during her last two years.

Hip & Joint Supplements.
As dogs age, many of them suffer from arthritis and joint problems. Excessive inflammation puts pressure on their joints and causes moderate to severe pain, leading to impaired mobility. Cartilage degeneration is a progressive and debilitating disorder that can also impair mobility. Top-quality hip & joint supplements are available as treats for dogs with arthritis or joint problems. Read labels carefully to ensure supplements contain the most effective agents for the support and maintenance of healthy joints and cartilage.

Four of the best agents are:

1) green-lipped mussels harvested off the pristine coast of New Zealand to reduce inflammation in the joints;
2) MSM;
3) Glucosamine; and
4) Manganese to support healthy cartilage. Research supports the effectiveness of green-lipped mussels in reducing inflammation, so be sure your supplement contains this ingredient.

Lifting Harnesses.
A hand-held harness to help lift older and handicapped dogs provides an easy assist getting dogs in and out of vehicles and up and down stairs. The harness gently cushions your dog's body while its sturdy handles help you lift. This is great for dogs with hip or back problems and also for people with back problems trying to help their larger dogs.

Dog Litter Box.
Although you may not have considered a litter box as a handicap aid for your small dog, it could make all the difference. As dogs age or become handicapped, they simply can't "hold it" or make it down stairs to get outside. When people have handicap challenges, they have access to specially equipped bathroom stalls, handrails, ramps, and other assists to their physical needs. As valued members of our families, we can also help our dogs with similar assists for their needs. Compassionate care for our handicapped dogs can include simple litter box training to assist with their bathroom needs. Similar to a specially equipped bathroom stall designed for people, we can provide a litter box that is designed specifically for dogs. For ease of using an indoor bathroom station, handicapped dogs need one with a very shallow entrance to allow them to enter and exit easily and safely. If the litter box with a shallow entrance also has a taller back and sides, it will give dogs something to brace against when relieving themselves. It is certainly possible to teach an old dog new tricks, and an older or handicapped dog can easily be re-trained to use a doggy litter box instead of going outside. With successful re-training, these dogs can renew a sense of accomplishment and also fulfill their inherent need to please us.

As members of our families, dogs enrich our lives and give us love, loyalty, and laughter. Our commitment to their care is no less than what we'd give the human members of our families. We return their loyalty to us by compassionately caring for them in their "golden years".

Biofreeze: Provides Quick Relief From Arthritis Pain

In today's time, when things have become a complex combination of work and time, people are finding it difficult to cope up with their health conditions. Increased pressures of work in this stressful life have left people with no time for their personal healthcare. However, in order to match the steps of the fast changing world, we need to consume proper nutrients required by the body. There are several healthcare products manufacturing brands available in the market that have come up with ultimate and effective collection of health products. But, before approaching any of the health products manufacturing brand, one needs to consult the doctor to know the perfect type of product or nutrient required by the body.

Today, when everything has become advanced, so people have also switched their lifestyle to a much comfortable level. However, things worsen when their body parts stop cooperating with their lifestyles. One of the major problems arising these days is of arthritis- a form of joint disorder involving inflammation of one or more joints. Thus, Biofreeze, a cold therapy pain relief acted as a saviour to the people suffering from arthritis. This manufacturer creates formulas that consist of the active ingredient menthol with a synergistic blend of inactive ingredients. The formula formed by a medical professional, looking for a way to help his grandmother manage her arthritis pain, offered quick, effective pain relief without the use of prescription drugs. As a result, today, the products of this manufacturer relieve the arthritis sufferers from pain by its cooling formulation that comforts to sore muscles and muscle sprains. Its products also relive people from back, shoulder and neck pain, knee pain, hip and elbow joints pain.

Another brand energising people's life is Jay Robb. The company is named after a clinical nutritionist who is the CEO of the company and have over three decades of experience as a professional in his field. It was founded in the year 1988 and has been known for manufacturing the best testing protein powders. The mission statement of the company is to provide help to every willing man, woman and child to get in the best shape of his or her life. The company follows three major steps in getting the body into its perfect shape. The three steps are called as shape your thinking, shape your eating and shape your body. Therefore, if one is looking for a healthier lifestyle, then jump on to this company and get your body into perfect shape at much reasonable prices.

What Are the Qualities of a Good Dentist?

A dentist is a specialized and a qualified medical practitioner who specializes in treatment and general health of the teeth, gum and the mouth as part of human health. Just like in any other medical practice such as heart surgeons, opticians, otolaryngology or skin disorder specialists, dentists also require similar kinds of qualities relating to their line of duty. A dental doctor should exhibit these and more good qualities in his/her practice to attain success and satisfaction.

The dentist should be knowledgeable enough about his/her areas of specialization as the primary requirement. For instance, knowledge about different kinds of diseases that affect teeth, gum and the mouth should be at his/her fingertips. In addition, he /she should have a good idea of the symptoms that such diseases show and different way of treating and curing them. To be able to gather this knowledge, the dental doctor should undertake continuous and extensive research and seminars so as to keep abreast of any advances in medical discoveries regarding dentistry and dental care as a profession. In addition, a good dental doctor should be able to pass the acquired knowledge to his/her patients regarding good care of teeth and any good dental habits that help them maintain their overall health as human beings.

Surgical precision:
A good dentist should be able to perform surgical operations or any other such practices with a clear and sober mind. This is because dental operations just like in any kind of medical operations require maximum concentration, perfect precision, endurance and attention to detail. Any small mistake or error in a surgical operation may lead to a permanent damage to a patient's dental status or further complications may arise. Gentle and flexible handling of the process is necessary to carry on the process with the necessary traffic with causing accidents due to spillage or falling objects.

Excellent communication skills:
When communicating with any person that the dentist comes in contact with such as such a patient, a colleague or an assistant, a good dental doctor should be able to explain complex details in a way that can be easily understood by the recipient of that information. For instance, he should be able to explain to the patient in layman's possible way about different procedures available to assist him/her together with the details that are associated with this. The dentist's recommendations should not be biased, but the decision should be based on the patient's desires and only after considering the well explained facts.

A visit to a dentist is traditionally a dreaded choice to many during dental problems. However, with current developments in research and patient care, it has been discovered that genuine empathy with a patient develops courage in a patients to visit a dental doctor. A good dental practitioner is concerned about the patients feeling and empathizes with him/her during times of pain. This makes it easier for the patient to go though the procedure under reduced stress. A good way of starting to show empathy is by welcoming the patient in a warm way and then take the patient in through his/her interview comfortably without any rushing around about the details. The dental practitioner should handle the patient, not just like a client, but rather like a human to human relationship.

Patient Involvement:
A good dentist will always make the patient feel he/she is in control of all the processes involved in treatment procedures. The patient should be allowed to view all the heath records including x-rays and details be explained to him/her well. This way, the patient is at ease with the dental doctor and his/her confidence in the whole procedure is affirmed and therefore less stressful to both the dentist and the patient.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Joint Mobility For Golf - Simple Drills For Playing Pain Free

Joint mobility is a fairly new concept in the golf world, and is commonly mistaken with stretching and flexibility. There are some elements of stretching involved in certain joint mobility drills, but those tend to be side effects of the movements.

What is joint mobility?

Joint mobility is the pursuit of joint health through movement. As we grow older the cartilage in our joints begin to degrade, as a result our ability to move them in a full range of motion and with ease deteriorates. Arthritis and joint degeneration are common side effects of lack of mobility. Your joints that allow movement are lined with cartilage. This cartilage is what protects the joints and allows for shock absorption during activity. Your body secretes a fluid called Synovial Fluid, think of it as WD40 for your knees. Synovial fluid carries oxygen and nutrients to the cartilage and lubricates the joint. These joints are called Synovial Joints.

As we grow older, our joints become a dumping ground for all sorts of toxins. This can lead to degenerative joint disease. The best way to avoid these problems, and develop greater range of motion, to decrease risk of injury in your game is perform joint mobility drills. These drills will help stimulate the release of Synovial Fluid and keep the cartilage free of contaminates. When performing joint mobility drills, you must use your muscles. When you use your muscles you increase the blood flow to them. Simply put, this increases the temperature and makes them more pliable and less prone to injury. It also energizes the nerves attached to the muscle, prepping them for movement.

Try these following drills, focus on keeping the movements smooth and keeping a nice erect posture.

Neck Rotations
oSlowly turn your head to the left then the right
oSlowly tuck your chin down then tilt you head up
oSlowly tilt your head from side to side trying to touch your ear to your shoulder

Shoulder Circles
oBegin the exercise by shrugging your shoulders up then back, down, forward then up, continue
oMaking large circles then reverse the motion.

Hula Hoop
oStance should be hip shoulder width apart
oPlace your hands on your hips
oBegin to rotate your hips in a circular fashion
oBe sure to keep your shoulders stationary
oKnees can be locked or unlocked

Spine Twisters
oBegin with your feet shoulder width apart
oStart to twist your torso to the right allowing your arms to swing loose and freely
oTwist in the other direction, allowing your arms to bend naturally and tap your lower back

How Much EPA and DHA Should You Take? Here Are Some Simple Guidelines

How much EPA and DHA should you take to prevent age-related diseases or to improve your current health and well-being?

This article looks at those questions in some detail. But, first, let's look at some of the things that it may be suggested for.

All dietary supplements are associated with some health benefits. It is safe to say that omega-3 dietary supplements are associated with more benefits than any other.

Just a few of the benefits include:

o Reduced risk of heart disease and factors that lead to it

o Improvement in depression, attention deficit disorder, difficulty concentrating, anxiety and stress-related symptoms

o Improved vision and reduced risk of age-related eye diseases, like cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration

o Reduced joint pain, fatigue and stiffness in rheumatoid and osteoarthritis

o Beneficial for male infertility; improvement in sperm count and motility

o Beneficial for skin problems, including acne, eczema, psoriasis and sagging

So, let's start with this question.

How much EPA and DHA should you take for brain health?

Depression and related conditions have been attributed to low levels of DHA in the bloodstream, but the biggest benefits have been seen with supplements that contain both of the fatty acids.

However, the exact amount, the ideal daily intake, is still a subject of clinical research. Doctors that are knowledgeable in the subject recommend 2000-3000mg of fish oil every day, but the amount of omega-3s that will provide varies from one brand to the next. In the better brands, at least 50% of the total fats are omega-3s.

So, with 2000-3000mg of fish oil, you would be getting 1000-1500mg of total omega-3s. Positive results have been seen with similar amounts in some of the studies that have been completed, to date.

So, how much EPA and DHA should you take to reduce inflammation? The benefits seen in the areas of joint pain, skin problems and the reduced risk of heart disease have primarily to do with a reduction of inflammation. As with the omega-3 content, the anti-inflammatory activity of the supplements on the market varies greatly, but not solely because of the omega-3 content.

Recent studies have shown that a combination of the natural triglycerides and the concentrated esters have twice the anti-inflammatory activity of the standard supplements. So, logically, you would need to take half as much to see the same benefit.

If you are wondering how much EPA and DHA should you take for infertility issues, the standard recommended dosage of 2-3 capsules, 2000-3000mg per day, should be sufficient.

But, it is always wise to consult a doctor that is up-to-date with the research. As new research becomes available, recommendations may change.

Basically, the answer to the question is the same, regardless of why you are asking. As long as the omega-3 content is high, 2-3 fish oil capsule per day should be sufficient.

How much EPA and DHA should you take every day?

Take at least 1000mg of total omega-3s per day and you should see results, soon.

Why Osteoarthritis Causes Pain in the Joints

Osteoarthritis Explained
Most common symptom of osteoarthritis is pain in the affected joint(s) after repetitive use. Osteoarthritis affects over 21 million people in the US. The result can be swelling, warmth, and creaking of the affected joints.

What is Osteoarthritis exactly?
Osteoarthritis is caused by abnormal wearing and eventual breakdown of the cartilage. Cartilage is a protein substance that covers and acts as a "cushion" between the bones of the joints.

It's also caused by the destruction or decrease of synovial fluid that lubricates those joints. The result is pain in the joints.

Osteoarthritis also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease. As the bone surfaces become less well protected by cartilage, the patient experiences pain upon weight bearing, walking and standing. This pain causes decreasing movement or exercise of the patients, therefore regional muscles may atrophy and ligaments may become more lax.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. Over 21 million people in the United States have Osteoarthritis

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis
The main symptom of osteoarthritis is chronic pain. The pain is generally experienced as a sharp ache, or a burning sensation in the associated muscles and tendons. The result of this pain is loss of mobility and often stiffness. Osteoarthritis can cause a crackling noise (called "crepitus") when the affected joint is moved or touched, and patients may experience muscle spasm and contractions in the tendons.

Occasionally, the joints may also be filled with fluid. Humid weather increases the pain in many osteoarthritis patients. Osteoarthritis often affects the hands, feet, spine, and the large weight bearing joints, such as the hips and knees.

As osteoarthritis increases, the affected joints appear larger, are more stiff and painful, and usually feel worse.

Muscle Joint Pain and SLE - What Causes the Other?

The result of this pain in the joints and in the muscles is often inflammation. The symptoms of this condition closely resemble those of viral flu and sometimes those of arthritis.

The pain in the muscles and joint becomes so acute that one is unable to do any meaningful physical activity. As the muscle joint pain becomes more and more intense, the affected tissues seem to get more tender. In some few cases of SLE, the patient might not experience a lot of pain. In this case, the condition becomes very difficult to diagnose. It might not be until the individual has started losing physical strength before the problem is diagnosed by a specialist in arthritic conditions.

Sometimes, the symptoms of pain come before those of SLE. When things get to the extreme level, a person will experience muscle pain even when they are resting. In this case, doctors suggest that one engages in exercises as the situation is monitored closely. One has to ensure that an SLE test has been carried out so as to prevent future deterioration of the problem.

Remedial Measures

In order to overcome the effects of muscle joint pain, it is important that a person maintains a balance between rest and exercises of the joint. Care should be taken when one is engaging in any activity so as to prevent a situation where a joint is strained beyond threshold. Addition stress to the already swelling joints will not be a way forward in the fight against muscle joint pain.

This type of pain can occur in any part of the body. It might affect hip, shoulders and especially knees. Patients suffering from joint pain may have their problems compounded by being overweight. There are many other causes of muscle joint pains apart from SLE. Sometimes injury to some body parts might cause this type of pain.

Beware Of Muscle Joint Pain Killers!

Early detection of muscle joint pain is very important. A permanent cure might be impossible if detection does not take place early enough. A patient may have to undergo surgery in order to have the problem dealt with. The level to which the pain manifests itself determines the extent to which the problem may have been aggravated by negligence. Regular exercises should be part of the exercises. A balanced diet should also be ensured. It is important to consult a doctor when faced with serious problems which have something to do with muscle joint pain.

For many people today, painkillers have become the obvious solution to handling pain. There are many dangers associated with this approach to medication. It is better to consult a muscle joint specialist who is an authority on the matter. The specialist will tell you that pain killers often lead to damage to muscles and joints apart from killing the pain.The result of this pain in the joints and in the muscles is often inflammation. The symptoms of this condition closely resemble those of viral flu and sometimes those of arthritis.

The pain in the muscles and joint becomes so acute that one is unable to do any meaningful physical activity. As the muscle joint pain becomes more and more intense, the affected tissues seem to get more tender. In some few cases of SLE, the patient might not experience a lot of pain. In this case, the condition becomes very difficult to diagnose. It might not be until the individual has started losing physical strength before the problem is diagnosed by a specialist in arthritic conditions.

Sometimes, the symptoms of pain come before those of SLE. When things get to the extreme level, a person will experience muscle pain even when they are resting. In this case, doctors suggest that one engages in exercises as the situation is monitored closely. One has to ensure that an SLE test has been carried out so as to prevent future deterioration of the problem.

Remedial Measures

In order to overcome the effects of muscle joint pain, it is important that a person maintains a balance between rest and exercises of the joint. Care should be taken when one is engaging in any activity so as to prevent a situation where a joint is strained beyond threshold. Addition stress to the already swelling joints will not be a way forward in the fight against muscle joint pain.

This type of paincan occur in any part of the body. It might affect hip, shoulders and especially knees. Patients suffering from joint pain may have their problems compounded by being overweight. There are many other causes of muscle joint pains apart from SLE. Sometimes injury to some body parts might cause this type of pain.

Beware Of Muscle Joint Pain Killers!

Early detection of muscle joint pain is very important. A permanent cure might be impossible if detection does not take place early enough. A patient may have to undergo surgery in order to have the problem dealt with. The level to which the pain manifests itself determines the extent to which the problem may have been aggravated by negligence. Regular exercises should be part of the exercises. A balanced diet should also be ensured. It is important to consult a doctor when faced with serious problems which have something to do with muscle joint pain.

For many people today, painkillers have become the obvious solution to handling pain. There are many dangers associated with this approach to medication. It is better to consult a muscle joint specialist who is an authority on the matter. The specialist will tell you that pain killers often lead to damage to muscles and joints apart from killing the pain.

Can Exomine Revitalise your Joints?

There is no cure for Osteoarthritis but there are treatments that can help patients live more healthy, comfortable and productive lives. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease and is the most common of all known joint conditions. It is characterized by the breakdown of cartilage over time, meaning that the joints loose their ability to move easily. Cartilage is used in the joints to allow bones to glide over each other easily and for joints to flex.

Osteoarthritis can affect any joint in the body and usually affects the most frequently used or most affected by impact stress or gravity. These areas include the fingers, hips, knees, lower back, and feet. It is not uncommon for persons to initially have only one joint affected. However, more joints can become affected over time.

Most treatments for this condition do not treat the condition at all, but rather try to manage the symptoms. There are many drugs on the market that attempt to do this and you can find information on analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), glucocorticoids, corticosteroids, and viscosupplements from your health professional or other trusted sources.

Exomine is a natural supplement which aims to minimize inflammation processes and ease arthritis pain and muscular discomfort.

How Exomine works

Made specifically for osteoarthritis, Exomine is an all natural supplement that has no known side effects. You can rest assured that you are helping heal your joints safely and effectively. According to the manufacturer's supplied information, it is made of the following components:

  • Chondroitin Sulfate - A major structural component of the cartilage. Chondroitin has been shown to increase the production of new, healthy cartilage, block enzymes that break down cartilage, and normalize joint fluids to reduce friction.

  • Hyaluronic Acid - The greatest concentrations of this acid are found in joints and used as lubrication. As you age, less hylaronic acid is produced, which results in stiff joints. Supplementation with this protein has been shown lubricate stiff joints.

  • Glucosamine HCI - The clinical benefits of glucosamine in the treatment of osteoarthritis are impressive. In one study, 252 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee were given placebo or 1500mg of glucosamine every day. The results showed glucosamine can reduce pain and inflammation from osteoarthritis. The longer it was used, the more apparent the benefits were.

  • BioCell Collagen Type II(TM) - This ingredient was formulated as an alternative to glucosamine and chondroitin, but is also very effective when used in conjunction with the two ingredients.

  • Methylsulfonyl Methane (MSM) - This natural form of dietary sulfur has been used to reduce or eliminate arthritis pain.

  • Vitamins B3 and C - These have been shown to reduce pain and aid with range of motion, muscle strength, and endurance. Vitamin C may help to reduce cartilage loss and prevent arthritis progression.

  • Boron - An important mineral critical for maintaining healthy bones and joints. Double-blind placebo controlled studies have shown that small daily amounts of boron can help with osteoarthritis.

  • Boswellia Serrata Ext - This botanical possesses strong anti-inflammatory properties. Boswellic acid, its main chemical constituent, has been shown to block the production of enzymes in the body that cause inflammation.

  • Ginger - A study involving 56 osteoarthritis patients proved that ginger was 75% effective for osteoarthritis and muscular discomfort.

  • Cat's Claw - A potent anti-inflammatory, this botanical contains active ingredients called "glycosides," that have been shown to reduce inflammation and water retention.

  • Tumeric - Laboratory tests and clinical research indicate that the active ingredients have unique antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Grape Seed Ext - Has flavonoid-like substances call "proanthocyanidins" (PCOs) that act like antioxidants. PCOs inhibit certain chemicals from causing inflammation.

Why choose Exomine?

There are always a number of questions to consider when looking at using a natural supplement to help with a condition like Osteoarthritis. You need to consider the balance between traditional medicine which relies heavily on tested drugs, with the positives and negatives that can come from them, against the potential benefits and risk levels of a natural supplement. Make sure you look at the potential issues and are happy with the feedback from other users of the product.

Treatment of TMJ Syndrome

In the treatment of TMJ or temporomandibular joint syndrome, the objective is to manage the pain and discomfort that this disorder brings to the jaw, neck and face. People with a TMJ disorder usually find it difficult to open their mouths and chew their food because of a tender and stiff jaw.

Here are the methods in the treatment protocol generally recommended for TMJ disorder sufferers:


Biofeedback treatment calls for the training of patients in loosening the tension in their muscles and normalizing their heart and pulse rates. This mode of treatment is reserved for TMJ patients whose symptoms are linked to stress. Basically, it uses a biofeedback device that trains patients to keep their jaw muscles relaxed at all times. Patients are told to wear the biofeedback device at night to help them discard the habit of grinding their teeth while asleep, which is one of the major causes of TMJ disorder. The device comes with non-repositioning stabilization and anterior splints aimed at absorbing the pressure when the patient grinds his teeth. Thus, it is appropriately called splint therapy.

Reversible Treatments.

This mode of treatment is in line with the recommendations of health authorities which discourage TMJ cures that permanently alter the teeth or jaw of patients. In other words, temporary alleviation of the TMJ symptoms is encouraged. This can be done by jaw exercises and intake of over-the-counter pain relievers that bring no permanent damage at all.

Mandibular Repositioning.

TMJ patients are told to wear flat bite plate that covers either their upper or lower teeth to eliminate the clicking sensation when they open their mouth wide. Like the biofeedback device, this is worn at night. But the device designed to reposition the mandibular must be worn only for a brief period since longer use may lead to permanent changes in the jaw and teeth.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Treatment in cognitive behavioral therapy proceeds on the premise that TMJ is caused by psychosocial factors. Thus, therapy aims to identify the patient's negative feelings and behaviors towards correcting them. The idea is that if the therapist looks deeper into the patient's personality and past, it would be easier to pinpoint the therapy sessions that would help the patient increase jaw movement and reduce pain. In essence, cognitive behavioral therapy works on the patient's mind in order to turn negative thoughts and behaviors into positive ones.

Oral Surgery.

Oral surgery is recommended only for extreme cases. But a procedure called arthrocentesis is a minor surgery that does not cause any permanent changes. This procedure tries to manipulate the jaw by cleansing the temporomandibular joint with a solution that eases the inflammation.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

CFA Supplements Alleviate Ankle Joint Pain

You love to work out. Running, hiking and power walking are part of your weekly routine. However, if you've been exercising for awhile, you might notice an occasional pain in your ankles that causes you to worry. Or, perhaps you're running through the discomfort, hoping you can work through it. Don't make the mistake of ignoring ankle joint aggravation. It could be a warning sign.

The truth is that if you're feeling pain in your ankles, you need to treat it. It could be due to over-exertion, or it could be the early signs of arthritis. Before your discomfort becomes unbearable, consider using Cetylated Fatty Acid supplements (CFAs) for fast-acting relief.

CFA supplements lubricate ankle joints, decrease inflammation, and improve mobility. In fact, CFA supplements do more than just relieve joint pain; they also provide deep muscle relief from soreness caused by physical exertion.

Earlier this year, the International Federation of Sports Medicine (IFSM) started using CFA topical cream for its athletes. IFSM works with top athletes around the world, including Olympic contenders. Due to the science surrounding the benefits of Cetylated Fatty Acids in sports-related injuries, they're using the cream to provide the best medical care possible for top athletes.

Fortunately, you don't have to be a top athlete to get CFA supplements. Even the occasional weekend warrior can experience these benefits:

* Joint lubrication. CFA supplements--whether taken orally or used in a topical cream--lubricate the joints to provide a cushion of relief. Whether you suffer from ankle joint discomfort or aggravation in your elbows or knees, the lubricating action will make continued exercise possible.

* Discomfort relief. CFA supplements are great because they don't just work on one source of pain. Whether you're experiencing joint issues, muscle discomfort or aggravation associated with skin conditions, CFA supplements tackle the source of the discomfort and provide quick relief.

* Reduced inflammation. In addition to providing relief from joint pain and muscle soreness, CFA supplements reduce inflammation caused by arthritis or exertion. Just rub the cream into your skin two to four times a day, and you'll feel a blanket of relief. You can also take oral supplements for the same, long-lasting relief.

* Increased mobility. People who use CFA supplements regularly enjoy increased mobility. Why sit on the sidelines when you can be part of the action? Many athletes use CFA supplements as part of their daily workout routines to mend painful injuries as well as use them as a preventative measure against soreness and pain.

* Fast acting. Studies have shown that people who use CFA supplements experience quick relief. Most feel relief within half an hour; some experience relief within minutes. When used daily, pain and soreness disappear and mobility is increased.

If you like to get physical but are sidelined due to joint and muscular aggravation, relief is within your reach. CFA supplements provide relief from ankle joint issues as well as deep muscle soreness caused by medical diagnoses or stress and strain. Before you experience these problems consider adding CFA supplements to your daily routine. They're fast-acting, effective, and won't keep you out of the action with negative side effects.

Natural Arthritis And Joint Pain Relief Without The Side Effects Of Drugs

For many years arthritis and joint pain sufferers have put forward glucosamine as an excellent reliever of joint pain and arthritis. More and more research is suggesting glucosamine, combined with other natural supplements, is an effective treatment for the joint pain caused by both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Because Glucosamine occurs naturally in human tissues, it makes it a viable alternative to the synthetic drugs that have been marketed by the world of medicine for many years. Like glucosamine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs these drugs, known as NSAIDs, relieve the discomfort associated with arthritis and joint pain. However, the each has its own specific method of treating the pain.

NSAIDs, such as the now withdrawn Vioxx, can, in some cases, increase the risk of heart attacks and gastrointestinal bleeding. Such were the concerns about NSAIDs, the FDA targeted non-prescription NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen and advised the manufacturers to revise their labeling and provide more specific information about the potential risks to the heart and stomach of their products. In comparison the side-effects of glucosamine are practically non-existent

So, apart from one being drug based and one being natural, what are the difference between the two remedies?

While NSAIDs trick the body into not receiving pain signals, glucosamine works on a cellular level, going straight to the cause of the pain. Research indicates that glucosamine benefits painful joints by stimulating the production of proteins, which aid in the building and repairing of connective tissue in between the joints of the body.

As we age, our body's ability to produce natural glucosamine decreases, and our joints deteriorate through wear and tear. Because osteoarthritis in particular is often caused by such wear and tear, glucosamine benefits the body by slowing and even reversing the progression of the condition.

Experts agree that glucosamine has few side effects when taken in recommended doses. Though taking excessive amounts of glucosamine may cause nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, drowsiness, skin rash, and headache

Glucosamine is often used in conjunction with Devil's Claw in the natural treatment of arthritis and joint pain. Devil's Claw is a native plant of South West Africa which grows in the Kalahari Desert and produces brilliant red flowers with a woody barbed fruit. The name Devil's Claw is derived from the claw-like shape of its seed pods.

Natives of the area in which it is found have used the plant treat digestive problems but it also has anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic properties. Because of this it is now commonly utilized to manage many inflammatory joint problems such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout. It is also used as a detox agent and liver cleanser. Other common benefits of Devil's Claw include the reduction of swelling and stiffness of inflamed joints and muscles.

If we look more closely at arthritis and joint pain we may understand that it is a natural but problematic cellular response to the stresses on the body. While the medical world has treatments to deal with the problems caused by arthritis and joint pain there is obviously a need to utilize natural components in order to minimize the side effects. There are no known side effects to taking Devil's Claw. In connection with proper diet, exercise, relaxation techniques, nutritional supplements, Devil's Claw and Glucosamine can allow you take charge of your own health and well being.

Exercise, wherever possible, is an excellent way of dealing with the problems caused by arthritis and joint pain. Gentle exercises such as yoga, pilates, swimming and walking are suitable.

There is natural relief on the market for people who do not want to take drugs and their side effects an example being JointEase Plus which combine Glucosamine, Devil's Claw and Boswellia. Such natural arthritis treatments are safe, effective and can allow you to have more control over your symptoms. Obviously it is always vital to seek professional medical advice should you wish to take any natural alternatives to ensure there are no contra-indications with other medication you may be taking.

Top 3 Signs You Have TMJ Disorder

In the United States alone, over 25% of the population have TMJ disorder, yet a large proportion of this population do not know they suffer from this condition. The sad truth is that TMJ disorder is not always easy to diagnose as it is not uncommon for TMJ symptoms to mimic regular medical conditions.

Unfortunately, most doctors are not yet aware of this condition and therefore cannot always make the connection between the symptoms and the disorder. As a result, sufferers are given cures that do not solve the core problems of the disorder, but only serve to treat individual symptoms. This wastes valuable time and prolongs the pain the patients have to go through.

If you have any of the 3 following symptoms and have tried to treat them without much success, talk to your dentist or primary physician about the possibility of having this disorder.

Symptom 1: Jaw Popping & Clicking

This is one of the sure signs that someone is suffering from TMJ disorder. Sometimes, the popping and clicking sound could just be a minor sign of a tense jaw muscle, in which case, simple jaw exercises might help ease the problem. In more serious instances, this symptom (if left treated) could lead to a more intense condition with unbearable pain. This is why it is crucial to highlight this symptom to your dentist immediately to determine if it is a clear sign that you suffer from TMj disorder.

Symptom 2: Teeth Clenching & Grinding

Like Symptom 1, teeth clenching and grinding can be mistaken as symptoms of an overly stressed lifestyle. Many doctors might prescribe a night guard or mouth guard to protect your teeth at night. This might help ease the wear and tear on your teeth while you sleep, but it definitely does not solve the underlying problem. If this symptom persists for a long period of time, then there might be a chance you have TMJ disorder. Talk to your dentist immediately!

Symptom 3: Prolonged Headaches, Not Migraine Headaches

Some TMJ disorder sufferers cannot tell the difference between regular headaches and migraine headaches. Migraine headaches usually cause impaired vision like sensitivity to light and the pain is normally focused on one side of the head. The bad news is that the remedy for migraine headaches does not relieve TMJ disorder induced headaches. If you experience headaches that resonate in the temple area right behind the eyes, or even at the back of your head along your neck and shoulders, then chances are this is a TMJ symptom not a migraine headache.

It is undeniable that TMJ disorder is a hard condition to go through because it can disrupt a person's daily life and activities. This is why it is crucial to accurately pinpoint the symptoms as they come about and get the proper treatment for TMJ disorder as quickly as possible.

Arthritis Pain Relief

Key Facts About Arthritis Pain Relief

Anyone who experiences the daily joint pain, stiffness and inflammation that accompanies arthritis needs to know what steps to take to achieve quick and effective arthritis pain relief. Daily choices in self-care and activity can definitely affect the intensity of arthritis symptoms, so arthritis sufferers will be helped by knowing the best choices that lead to arthritis pain relief.

Balance Movement with Rest

Even though it may initially hurt to move and stretch the body, gentle exercises done preferably at the end of the day, can eliminate some of the aches and stiffness of arthritis. Don't stand or sit in the same position for too long a time while doing daily activities. Any activity that gentle increases circulation in the body is beneficial toward relief.

Gentle Self-Care

Topical ointments that contain cayenne pepper have proven very effective when applied to painful joints. Applying ice packs onto painful arms, legs, knees and joints can also provide temporary relief from arthritis. Over the counter remedies that contain anti-inflammatory drugs are also useful when taken daily to relieve the pain that accompanies arthritis.

Proven Joint Pain Relief

Many products may promise relief, but Synotrex has developed an Advanced Joint Formula that is proven to not only eliminate the pain and swelling that accompanies arthritis but also works to repair damaged joints and promote ongoing healthy joint function when taken on a regular basis. Because the Synotrex formula is comprised of such all natural ingredients as COX-2 inhibitors, vitamins and minerals, it is much safer and less expensive to take for relief than dangerous prescription medications that cause numerous unwanted and hazardous side effects. Synotrex is not only safe, it is extremely effective in the fight against arthritis pain relief.

Thousands of arthritis sufferers have discovered quick and easy relief through Synotrex, which extends a risk free offer to try its proven scientific pain relief formula. Our risk free trial guarantees that arthritis sufferers will lose nothing but their pain when using Synotrex as part of an arthritis pain relief program.

Traditional Chinese Treatments As Effective TMJ Therapy

TMJ stands for Temporomadibular Joint Dysfunction, which is a disorder that affects the joints of both the upper and lower jaw in patients. Apart from pain or discomfort in the jaw joints, individuals suffering from TMJ are most likely to experience other symptoms as well.

These symptoms include shoulder pain, neck pain, ringing in the ears, headaches, etc. One of the successful ways of managing TMJ would be through TMJ therapy, and not just any therapy but one involving acupuncture and the use of traditional Chinese massages and medications.

Effective TMJ Therapy #1 - Traditional Chinese Acupuncture

According to many a research conducted, acupuncture is known to have a very positive effect on the pain associated with TMJ. This kind of TMJ therapy can reduce the pain of this particular disorder in addition to restoring effective joint function. Not only this, the patients suffering from this disorder would also be able to relax the muscles surrounding their jaw joints with the help of acupuncture. A great thing about acupuncture is that it can be used on its own or in conjunction with Western or traditional Chinese medicine and massages.

Even though this TMJ therapy calls for sticking needles in one's face, which can be quite intimidating for some people, it is actually a relatively painless procedure. This is because the needles that are used for such purposes are extra fine, very sharp and they are lubricated so that minimal pain or discomfort would be caused when such needles pierce through the skin. When combined with Chinese medications and massages, acupuncture can help to achieve the ultimate goal, i.e. to remove the obstructions in the path and improve the flow of qi in the body.

Effective TMJ Therapy #2 - Auricular Acupuncture

Apart from traditional acupuncture, which calls for the act of using needles on one's face, one can also opt for an alternative, i.e. auricular acupuncture. In this kind of process, the needles are placed on special points on one's ear in order to fix the problem. Auricular acupuncture is another very effective way of dealing with the TMJ condition, it provides quick relief of pain. Irrespective of whether you choose auricular acupuncture or the traditional one, the ultimate goal of re-balancing the function of the affected body part would be achieved.

Effective TMJ Therapy #3 - Chinese Therapeutic Massages

Chinese therapeutic massages are quite effective. This therapy is widely used for the purpose of treating TMJ and other traumatic injuries suffered by an individual. This is a great aid for people who are trying to recover from this kind of disorder. In order to manage the conditions of TMJ and to improve your life, you can go for such massages. Besides, this kind of massage would prove to be a great TMJ therapy for you because you can relax completely and allow the masseur to work his/her magic.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How To Choose The Best Dog Bed For Your Dog

Back in the old days, dog beds were nothing fancy, consisting of an old blanket or used sofa cushion tossed on the floor inside the home or in the garage, depending upon where your dog lived.

Dogs sleep differently than we do

The usual amount of shut-eye is about 13 hours a day, but it's important to realize that dogs sleep differently than we do. They nap often. But once they wake, they're eager to carry out their assigned tasks. These can vary from affection and companionship inside, to fierce defense of what your dog's territory outside.

Sleep depends upon the amount of activity and exercise a dog gets during his waking hours, adjusted to coincide with his human owners activities. In short, dogs are active when we are. Quality sleep helps maintain your dog's health. The types of beds dogs sleep on have a lasting affect on health and well-being.

Why do dogs need dog beds?

Dogs are territorial critters and like to have their own, designated areas just for them. One size does not fit all. There are 493 different dog breeds worldwide. Each breed has a different size, shape, weight and wired-in sleep behavior.

If you haven't done this already, invest some time studying your dog's behavior as he prepares for sleep. Several breeds display various nesting behaviors. The most common of these is when the dog circles his bed three or four times before finally plopping down.

The type of bed your dog will prefer will depend upon his needs. Some dogs like to curl into a ball with their backs resting against a padded cushion for an extra sense of security. Bigger dogs need to stretch out, so a larger bed would be a must. Some also prefer to be enclosed for an additional sense of comfort and security.

Here what to look for when choosing the best dog bed

Sturdy construction is an absolute

Quality means you'll get what you pay for. Give every prospective dog bed the "give" test. Grab the bed and jiggle it. "Give" means the joints move or wiggle indicating shoddy assembly. Wooden joints or metal welds must be solid enough to stand up to years of use as your dog repeatedly climbs in and out of his bed several times a day..

Raised beds prevent chills

Dogs suffer cold just as we do. Cold drafts flow along on the surface of floors. Beds raised three to six inches or so provide an insulation affect, so cold won't seep as it does when beds are laid directly on the cold floor. The opposite is true in hot weather. A raised bed helps the dog sleep cooler, by providing some air circulation that whisks excess heat away.

Durable Fabrics last longer

If your dog chews or claws the cushion before reclining, a strong material that resists this abuse is necessary. Cheap fabrics will soon shred.


Size must suit your pet. It should be large enough for him to comfortably stretch out, yet tight enough to make him feel secure.

If you have a puppy, it's really important to know what final size and weight he will achieve when fully grown. This is where you need to do some breed research before you shop. When you buy a dog bed for a puppy, look for one that will fit him once he's full-grown. You can buy a large bed, anticipating growth spurts. But puppies might be overwhelmed in a large bed, feeling lost and insecure. One option might be to buy two beds. One that fits the puppy now and for a couple months of growth, and one for him to fit in comfortably later when he's an adult. Exposing your puppy to a bed early-on allows for better training, so that the dog knows the bed is his turf and his alone. If you have several puppies, you'll need a bed for each one.

I recommend choosing the size of your dog bed by considering your dog's breed, size and weight he'll achieve once grown.


Weight up to 25 pounds

Breeds: Jack Russell, Beagles, Cocker Spaniels, Terriers


Weight up to 45 pounds

Breeds: German Shorthair Pointers, English Setters, Springer's and Border Collies


Weight up to 70 pounds

Breeds: Labrador, Weimaraner, Irish Setters, Golden Retrievers


Weight up to 100 pounds

Breeds: St Bernard, Newfoundland, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Pyrenees

Shape and Style

Choosing the side and style of the dog bed begins with your observation of your dog's sleeping habits and behavior. Some dogs curl into a ball, so a bed with high thick sides would be the best choice. Some dogs prefer to sleep on their backs, paws in the air, while others like to hang their heads off the edge. If your dog stretches out, a flat bed or one with lower sides would be the one for him. In any case you need to measure your dog's width and length before you shop.

Special Needs

Older dogs sometimes develop painful age-onset degenerative joint disease problems and genetic disorders such as hip dysplasia and arthritis. Low stepped beds makes it easy for them to get in and out. A thick cushion and supportive sides are good. There are several memory foam dog beds available for your elderly dog's comfort. The foam has a "memory" in which means it doesn't pack down, but rebounds once the dog moves off of it.

Care and Cleaning

Regular cleaning of your dog's bed can reduce or eliminate that pervasive doggie odor, so choose a fabric that's easy to clean to make it easy on you. Look for dog beds with machine washable covers, or beds that can be tossed whole into the washer. If your dog sleeps outside, choose beds made with materials that only require light scrubbing with a mild soap and rinsing by spraying the surface with a garden hose.


Colors don't matter to dogs since they are color blind. But you're not. Since dog beds come in a variety of colors and covers, you can change these at a whim, as your home d矇cor style changes, or when you move the dog bed to another room.

Six Questions to Ask About Joint Pain and Inflammation

When it comes to joint pain and inflammation, finding the source of the pain can require asking a few questions of you. These questions will narrow down the potential reasons why the joint pain is occurring and if inflammation is the source of the pain.

Is it new pain?

When did the pain first start? If there has been an injury of some sort in the past few months to a year, the joint pain could be associated with that injury. When tendons and ligaments are damaged, they need to be surgically repaired because they have no blood flow to stimulate healing. Sprains and strains can also lead to pain that can last months before the joint is completely healed.

Does the pain worsen during certain seasons or weather changes?

Drops in temperature can wreak havoc on painful joints. Pain tends to increase during colder weather, so if the pain is worse during the winter months, this could be caused by an increase in sensitivity of the pain receptors. Decreased blood flow during colder weather may also increase pain. Before storms come through, the barometric pressure will drop which can cause an expanding of the inflammation leading to stiffer joints and painful movement.

Does the muscle or the joint hurt?

Some people have trouble discerning whether the source of the pain is in the muscle or the joint. If muscles are strained, as is the case when exercising, only two to three days are required before the pain should subside. Muscle pain often comes with a point of origin or a tender spot in the area of the pain. Stretching can help to ease muscle pain.

Do you have more pain in the morning?

Rheumatoid arthritis is often associated with morning pain. Other causes can include fluid retention and an unsupportive mattress. Changing the diet to limit simple and refined (or processed) carbohydrates before bed are good solutions to prevent water retention. A new mattress or mattress pad can also decrease pain if the inflammation or joint pain is associated with poor sleeping patterns.

Do you have a family history of inflammation?

Certain forms of arthritis are passed on genetically. If someone in your immediate family suffers from arthritis, there is an increased chance of you having the same problem. This is only a chance, however, and does not signify that arthritis is the cause of the pain.

What is your mood like?

Some doctors associate joint pain and inflammation with mood. Depression, anxiety and stress can affect the body physically which can increase the pain felt around joints and connective tissue. These issues are often resolved with mental treatment or therapy instead of treating the joint pain or inflammation alone.

In most cases, joint pain is associated with some form of inflammation. Inflammation can be caused by several factors including being overweight, having a high sodium intake and consuming certain types of food. Women often find inflammation increases when they are reaching the time of month when their menstrual cycle is supposed to begin. As is the case with all joint pain, there are solutions, both natural and medicinal that can limit the pain and help the body to better heal.

Craniosacral Therapy - Description and Benefits

Craniosacral therapy (CST) was developed about 30 years ago by John Upledger, DO. Dr. Upledger originally studied the practice of cranial osteopathy, which was devised by William Sutherland, DO in the early twentieth century, but adapted it based on his own research and personal observation during his career as an osteopathic physician.

Craniosacral therapy is based on several theories. The first of these is that the bones of the skull do not fuse completely in early childhood as is usually believed. Also, in his early career Dr. Upledger observed, while assisting during a surgical procedure, that the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord - the meninges - actually move rhythmically. At first it was thought that this rhythm was due to the heartbeat, but Dr. Upledger discovered that the rhythm of the meninges is a different pattern from that of the heartbeat.

Craniosacral therapists are taught to detect and evaluate the movement of the meninges by just holding the head and the base of the spine - the sacrum - very still and focusing on what they feel with their fingers and hand. After the evaluation, it is possible to very slowly and gently "adjust" the bones of the skull, so that the cerebrospinal fluid - the fluid lining the brain and spinal cord - can flow more naturally.

Craniosacral therapy is used for a wide range of symptoms, including neck and low back pain, chronic fatigue, temporomandibular joint syndrome, fibromyalgia and even emotional issues like depression and anxiety. It is especially good for chronic conditions that may have a neurological component, like coordination problems, hyperactivity and learning disorders. It has even been used to treat autism; Dr. Upledger has found that the meninges of most autistic children are unusually tight and that it is possible to loosen them during a CST treatment.

Craniosacral therapy is performed with the client lying on a treatment table while the therapist holds the head and/or the sacrum. The therapist's hands then move slightly as they do the needed adjusting. It may not feel like much is happening during the treatment; the therapist needs to maintain their concentration, so they don't talk much and the client, because they are not moving much themselves, may fall asleep. The effects are subtle and it can take a lot of sensitivity to notice them at first.

And what are the effects? To begin with, the client may notice that they are calmer and can concentrate more easily. Their posture or coordination may improve and they may have less pain; perhaps that nagging headache they've had is now gone. Or maybe they feel more optimistic about life in general. The issues in their life that have been a source of anxiety no longer seem so challenging - or hard to get over. (Because it has such a wide range of benefits, CST can be used in conjunction with other therapies, including emotional treatment.)

Craniosacral therapy can help people of all ages, from infants to elders. About the only time it is definitely not recommended is when there is a high-risk condition located in or affecting the brain or spinal cord, like an aneurysm or intracranial hemorrhage. The craniosacral therapist will obtain a medical history and may consult with a physician or other practitioner before doing a treatment.

Craniosacral therapy can be practiced by massage therapists, but it is not massage. It can be done by osteopathic physicians, but it's not an osteopathic adjustment. It takes special training to do this sort of work. But many people - practitioners and clients alike - swear by it and would never try anything else.

How Can Hip Braces Help Relieve Your Pain?

Hip pain can be caused by a number of different types of injuries and conditions. Your pain may be the result of: arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, strains and fractures.

Pain may also be caused by a condition called osteonecrosis. Osteonecrosis occurs when the blood flow to the hip bone is restricted.

This lack of blood flow can cause major problems in the hip joint. These different conditions can cause pain, aching and inflammation in the hip. This pain can make everyday activities such as walking or running very difficult.

How Can Hip Braces Help Relieve Your Hip Pain? Hip braces can help decrease your pain. Braces can also help with the healing process. The following are some examples of how braces do this.

A hip stabilizing brace is useful if you have had a dislocated hip, a hip replacement, or a hip fracture. A stabilizing brace will help you to keep your hip in the correct position while it heals. It also helps keep it still which helps the it to heal.

Hip braces can help you protect your hip from injury. They can also prevent swelling and pain by compressing the hip area.

Hip splints are ideal for those that have undergone some kind of surgery. Hip splints keep the hips from moving so they are stable. This stability can help the hip to heal more quickly.

Compression hip braces can help relieve pain in your upper leg. These types of braces can be used for the pain resulting from hamstring pulls, varicose veins, or Iliotibial band syndrome (also known as ITB).

Iliotibial band syndrome occurs when the tissue running from the hip to just below the knee becomes inflamed. This injury is typically associated with athletic activities such as running, cycling, hiking, or weightlifting.

When you need to keep your hip stable but you still need to be able to move it, compression braces may be the best choice.

The type of brace you use will depend on the type of your injury you have. Braces come in many different styles and are made of many types of materials. So finding one for your needs shouldn't be difficult.

Hip braces can be used for various types of hip pain. These braces are comfortable to wear, and they are easy to use. Brace settings can be easily adjusted to meet your individual needs.

Causes of High White Blood Cell Count

There are several possible causes for a high white blood cell count. This count is high when there are more disease-fighting cells in your body. The technical term for this condition is leukocytosis.

Different medical practices may have different limits by which they define high white blood cell count. A count of 10,500 leukocytes in one microliter of blood is widely accepted as a high count. The threshold may vary between sex and age.

White blood cells are categorized by five subtypes, and each type has a different activity in fighting disease. When you get the results of your white blood cell count, they will usually specify what the levels are of all the different types. Usually, a high count is only caused by an increase in one type of white blood cells.

A high white blood cell count is indicative of an immune system problem that increases their production; a disease in your bone marrow that causes high blood cell production; a reaction to some drug that is used to enhance cell production; or the increase expected when your body is fighting off an infection.

There are some more specific reasons why your white blood cell count may be high:

Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) is a cancer that lives in the bone marrow and blood. This disease is a rapidly progressive one. Children are more affected by this than any other type of cancer, although adults can develop the disease as well.

Drugs like epinephrine and corticosteroids can affect your white cell count.

Measles is an infection that affects mainly the respiratory tract. It is very contagious. The signs include skin rash, fever, sore throat, inflamed eyes, runny nose and cough. The measles vaccine is an excellent way to protect children against this disease, but outside of the civilized countries, many children are not vaccinated. This disease will spread rapidly among people who have not had the vaccination.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious type of arthritis from which you will experience joint damage and pain. It attacks your joints' lining and this causes swelling. In turn, that leads to throbbing, aching pain and possibly eventual deformity. Rheumatoid arthritis, also called RA, can make even the easiest of normal activities hard to accomplish.

Some of the other causes of high white blood cell count include:

Stress, be it emotional or physical
Tissue damage, like one receives with burns
Acute or chronic myelogenous leukemia
Chronic or acute lymphocytic leukemia
Whooping cough
Severe allergic reactions
Polycythemia vera
Other viral infections
Other bacterial infections

Jaw Exercises For TMJ Disorder

Jaw exercises for TMJ provide much relief from the symptoms of this disorder. If you suspect that you may be suffering from this condition, it is a good idea to begin a treatment plan in order to prevent it from getting worse.

TMJ disorder is usually caused by jaw misalignment, stressed and tightened muscles, weak muscles, and by a number of features of this joint area not functioning properly. Many jaw exercises for TMJ focus on strengthening the muscles and increasing the overall mobility of the joint. These exercises allow this joint area to be able to function more normally without the pain and debilitating symptoms. One should note that these exercises are rarely the only treatment which the patient will need to cure TMJ-- so it is a good idea to begin a TMJ exercise plan along with consulting your doctor for additional treatment options.

Jaw exercises for TMJ will teach the patient how to move his jaw correctly again, as continuing these incorrect joint movements will be detrimental to any treatment which the patient may have already received. It is important to practice the TMJ exercises on a regular basis in order to break any habits that were previously formed.

Strengthening the jaw area during and after TMJ treatment is also critical in preventing a recurrence of this disorder, since this will prevent the symptoms from recurring. As the muscles are strengthened, the jaw will be better aligned and the entire joint with function better.

There are many jaw exercises for TMJ that help to treat the symptoms and help you find pain relief from this disorder. Set aside a few minutes each day to practice these exercises in order to help your mouth become pain free!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Acupuncture and Moxibustion Treatments - Healing Power and Its Wide Range

Acupuncture and Moxibustion is a medical treatment that has been practiced for thousands of years in China and other Asian countries as well as now around the world. It is used as a means of treating and preventing disease. Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of fine, sterile needles into specific sites (acupuncture points) along the body's meridians to clear energy blockages and encourage the normal flow of energy (Qi) through the individual.

The general theory of acupuncture is based on the premise that there are patterns of energy flow (Qi) through the body that are essential for health. Disruptions of this flow are believed to be responsible for disease. Acupuncture corrects imbalances of flow at identifiable points close to the skin. Today, acupuncture is an effective, natural and increasingly popular form of health care that is used by people whole over the world.

Acupuncture needles are so fine that there is no discomfort when they are inserted but a slight tingle (known as needle sensation) may be experienced. The needles are usually left in for approximately twenty minutes to more; during this time there may be a heaviness of the limbs and a feeling of relaxation. The Doctor / practitioner may also stimulate the acupuncture points using other methods, such as moxibustion (a traditional technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb used to facilitate healing), cupping and electro-stimulation etc. in order to re-establish the flow of qi.

Since Acupuncture and moxibustion Medicine promotes the body's natural healing ability, many conditions can be treated. It is also a comprehensive system of preventative health care and maintenance. The effectiveness of acupuncture is well-documented. Throughout its long history, acupuncture has established a solid reputation as an excellent alternative for health care that actually works, and is very effective to treat some diseases, where other methods of treatment could not achieve good result or failed.

An Acupuncture medicine doctor should possess adequate knowledge and experience for providing proper treatment to his/her patients. To avoid the unwanted complications in Acupuncture treatment please avoid taking treatment by quack / fake Acupuncturist. There are many around us without proper qualifications. Because inadequate knowledge and experience may lead to serious medical problems.

The World Health Organization recognizes Acupuncture as a viable means of treatment for a wide range of conditions. In an official report, Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials, the WHO has listed the following symptoms, diseases and conditions that have been shown through controlled trials to be treated effectively by acupuncture:

low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, tennis elbow, knee pain, periarthritis of the shoulder, sprains, facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders), headache, dental pain, tempromandibular (TMJ) dysfunction, rheumatoid arthritis, induction of labor, correction of malposition of fetus (breech presentation), morning sickness, nausea and vomiting, postoperative pain, stroke, essential hypertension, primary hypotension, renal colic, leucopenia, adverse reactions to radiation or chemotherapy, allergic rhinitis, including hay fever, biliary colic, depression (including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke), acute bacillary dysentery, primary dysmenorrhea, acute epigastralgia, peptic ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis.

In the field of acupuncture some good clinical researches have been completed, and there has also been some follow-up assessment of many of the conditions that have been treated by Acupuncture Doctors. Some diseases are more successfully treated by acupuncture and Moxibustion where other methods of treatment could not achieve good result or failed. Though this method of treatment has already been started in our country but due to quite less number of medically qualified acupuncture doctors available in our country and lack of proper perception about the application of this method in some specific diseases, the patients are depriving from the advantages of Acupuncture & Moxibustion treatment.

So, I have made an attempt to provide little information about the effects of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in few diseases. Many of the facts and figures quoted in the following sections are the results of my own experience and clinical trials carried out in China and others countries.

Diseases of the Muscles, Bones and Joints:
The muscles, bones and joints are usually called collectively the musculo-skeletal system. When disease or damage occurs to this system it nearly always results in pain, and most people use words such as rheumatism or arthritis to describe this type of pain.

There are three main types of damage that occur to the musculo-skeletal system; the first is a sudden injury or sprain which might be a domestic injury, or might be incurred during a sporting activity or in a car accident. This usually causes local pain and bruising lasting for a few days, or even a few weeks or more. The other main group is arthritis and this can be divided into two important types, Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Sprains: Sudden injury or sprains usually respond well to acupuncture. The pain resulting from a sprained shoulder, ankle etc will often continue for some days or weeks after the initial injury. Once a clear diagnosis has been made acupuncture can usually be used to relieve this type of pain.

The experience of a many of Acupuncture doctors, shows that, of the people treated for differing acutely painful conditions, about 70 percent obtain swift and significant pain relief. If a fracture of the bone is present then the pain relief gained from acupuncture is less effective than if the injury is due to a strain or tear of the muscles, tendons or ligaments. The main advantage of treating these acute pains with acupuncture is that chronic pain can be avoided. A sudden shoulder injury may produce pain and immobility for many months, sometimes years, but if acupuncture is used when the pain occurs then it seems that chronic pain may be avoided.

Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis and the rheumatic pains that result from this type of joint damage are quite a common problem. People frequently complain that their arthritic knee pain is worse in cold or damp weather and this demonstrates quite clearly the origin of the concept of pathogens in traditional medicine. The pathogen in osteoarthritis is almost always cold or damp and therefore these pains should be treated by moxibustion.

A great deal of research work has been done to investigate the effects of acupuncture on the pain caused by osteoarthritis. Clinical trials have been completed on knee, hip, elbow, neck and lower back pain, and the information from these trials shows that significant pain relief can be achieved in about 70 per cent of those who receive acupuncture. Some work suggests that only 50 per cent of people benefit from acupuncture while other trials show 95 per cent of the patients benefiting. Acupuncture also has a 'magical quality' that drugs do not have, so it is difficult to sort out the effects of the 'magic' as compared to the real effects of acupuncture. In spite of these problems, acupuncture is a safe and effective form of treatment for osteoarthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: The effects of acupuncture on rheumatoid arthritis are not so clear cut. During the early, acute, inflammatory stage of rheumatoid arthritis there is some evidence to suggest that Acupuncture might worsen the pain (though which usually may subside gradually) and therefore many acupuncturists do not treat acute rheumatoid arthritis. After some months the acute inflammatory stage subsides and the residual joint destruction may then lead to the development of a secondary osteoarthritis. This type of pain is amenable to acupuncture and responds in the same way as other osteoarthritic aches and pains. Chronic pain, due to disease of the musculo-skeletal system, is frequently amenable to acupuncture treatment. The published research shows that pain which has been present for many years can respond as well as pain that has been present for only a few months; therefore, from the available information, it is fair to say that acupuncture is 'always worth a try' in this type of condition.

Headaches: Headaches can be due to a multitude of factors; arthritis of the neck, dental problems, psychological problems, sinusitis, stress and tension, and head injury are a few of the many causes. Headaches are a common complaint and a notoriously difficult one to treat effectively, and they can be the cause of a considerable amount of distress and marital disharmony. Acupuncture treatment has been used to treat a wide variety of headaches, particularly migrainous headaches, and the results obtained have been very encouraging. The published work suggests that between 65-95 per cent of all headache sufferers obtain significant and long lasting pain relief from acupuncture treatment. Migraines seem to respond as well as, if not better than, other types of headache. Acupuncture therapy for headaches may cause the headaches to vanish completely, or occur with a markedly decreased intensity and/or frequency. The pain relief resulting from acupuncture treatment can sometimes be maintained for some years and re-treatment is usually required less frequently for headaches.

Diseases of the Nervous System:

Strokes: A stroke is caused by a disturbance of the blood supply to the brain. The blood vessels that normally supply blood to the brain can be compromised by becoming blocked or bleeding. This result in a deficient blood supply to the brain tissue and these events can be precipitated by a variety of factors such as raised blood pressure, hardening of the arteries and severe head injury. The brain is divided into many different functional areas, one area controlling speech, while another dominates the sensations of touch and pain. The functional impairment that occurs with a stroke depends on the area of the brain that is damaged; if the speech area is damaged by a lack of blood supply then the patient may be unable to speak properly. In China, acupuncture is the standard treatment for strokes. In the Western countries, the mainstays of stroke treatment are speech therapy, physiotherapy and occupational therapy, but the Chinese feel that these methods have less to offer than acupuncture medicine. Both scalp and body acupuncture are techniques that can be used to aid recovery from a stroke. The research work suggests that acupuncture increases the blood supply to the brain, and for some unexplained reason this seems to improve functional ability and acts as a stimulus to recovery after a stroke.

Clinical trials completed by the Chinese doctor's state that some effect can be gained from acupuncture in about 80 per cent of strokes. The success rate claimed is very high but to some extent this success rate is mirrored by the experience of a variety of doctors in the West. Western medicine often has little to offer the stroke patient and therefore acupuncture therapy is always worth considering. Ideally strokes should be treated within six months of the damage occurring. The Chinese doctors also treat their patients for long periods and a stroke patient may receive one hundred or two hundred acupuncture treatment sessions before being declared a success or a failure.

The Neuralgias (Nerve Pain): Trigeminal neuralgia usually presents with severe unilateral facial pain. Its cause is unclear but the painful facial spasms are often precipitated by cold or wind. The Chinese acupuncturist claim to be able to gain improvement, with acupuncture, in about 70 per cent of cases of trigeminal neuralgia. Judging by the experience of Western acupuncturists this success rate represents a rather high figure, although acupuncture can undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on this type of pain.

Postherpetic neuralgia is the pain that occurs after an attack of shingles. Shingles is a viral infection of the nerves, and the nerves affected by shingles can occasionally continue to cause severe pain after the shingles has cleared. It seems that of those patients with established postherpetic neuralgia, about 40 per cent gain some degree of long term benefit from acupuncture treatment. There are a vast number of aches and pains that are often described as neuralgic. Many of these occur as facial pain and most of them cause severe discomfort. It is always worthwhile to attempt to alleviate these pains by using acupuncture treatment.

Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia and Other Nervous Disorders: It is difficult to be objective about the treatment of disorders such as anxiety, Insomnia and depression, as the problems themselves are difficult to assess objectively, and therefore no good clear figures are available about their treatment with acupuncture. In spite of this, many acupuncture doctors, including the Chinese, treat a wide range of 'mental disorders' and insomnia (sleep problem) with acupuncture. Many people have stated that acupuncture is clearly effective in helping symptoms such as insomnia and bed-wetting, and can also create a feeling of general well-being. The Chinese doctors have completed trials on some of the more clearly defined and serious mental diseases, such as schizophrenia. In a trial involving over 400 patients they claim a 54 per cent cure rate for this disease, with a further 30 per cent showing 'significant improvement'. However, from a variety of excellent research papers it is clear that acupuncture can influence quite radically many areas of the central nervous system, as well as neurotransmitters and others brain functions also. Therefore this therapy has a great role in brain related problems or neuro-developmental dysfunction.

Nerve Paralysis: Paralysis can also be treated by a variety of acupuncture techniques. The acupuncture must be continued for a long period. Sometimes daily for six months and the results from some of the Chinese research works are very encouraging. Chinese doctors claim that some 50-60 per cent of patients are likely to gain significant return of function if treated with acupuncture.
Facial paralysis (Bell's palsy) is a disease of sudden onset that causes one side of the face to lose muscular power; the cause of this is unknown. Acupuncture and moxibustion can be used to treat this and the research claim a 75 per cent complete recovery rate but, again, this disease allows a significant percentage of spontaneous recovery. The Chinese research also claim that a further 20 per cent gain benefit from acupuncture, although not complete recovery. Even allowing for the known level of spontaneous resolution in facial paralysis it does seem that acupuncture has something extra to offer.

Parkinson's disease, Epilepsy, nerve deafness etc: Acupuncture has been claimed to be effective in Parkinson's disease, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, nerve deafness, and a large variety of other problems. According to some studies, Parkinson's disease may be accompanied by an imbalance of energy along one or more meridians. The muscle stiffness, soreness, imbalance etc. of Parkinson's may be alleviated by a series of treatments. It is always wise to remember that acupuncture is a harmless technique and can sometimes give excellent results in above casese where other medical methods have failed.

Autism /ASD, Cerebral Palsy etc: Acupuncture along with herbal therapy have been found highly effective for treating children with brain dysfunction, resulting in improvement in the patient's overall functional abilities. Excellent results are being achieved through simultaneous application of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine in the cases of ASD / Autism and Cerebral Palsy in different countries of the world. There are several research papers, articles etc. that has been published all over the world about the efficacy of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicines in this context. In my clinical practice I am also getting very effective result by applying integration of Acupuncture and Herbal treatment. I noticed that, formulated Herbal Medicine along with acupuncture session gives much result other than only Acupuncture treatment or only Herbal Medicine. Like other diseases, I treated several patients. Some of them improved tremendously just after few days of treatment.

ADD and ADHD: Acupuncture can help the patient to manage the Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), and may provide some relief which will help the patient to gain greater benefit from the therapies available to him or her, and can help with the side effects of those therapies. Taking advantage of everything the medical knowledge of both hemispheres has to offer is a great way to ensure the most effective treatment for this disruptive, often limiting and painful condition. Acupuncture can be an excellent complementary therapy for the treatment of ADD and ADHD. In some cases Acupuncture works as a magic bullet for the treatment of ADD and ADHD. A research showed that, Acupuncture treatment has a good effect on infantile attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, its total effective rate was higher and the changes in abnormal electroencephalogram and the curative effect were better.

Diseases of the Digestive System:
IBS: An increasing number of studies have been conducted on treating IBS, with promising results. These studies have documented that Chinese medicine can effectively treat IBS in a safe and drug-free way.

Indigestion: Exact figures for success rates are not available, but the 'clinical impression' that arises from a number of acupuncture doctors indicates that about 60 per cent of patients gain some long-term relief of their symptoms with acupuncture.

Diseases of the Respiratory System:

Asthma: Acupuncture causes the contracted muscular walls to dilate; the mechanism of this is unknown, but there is good Western research data to support this claim. A recent Chinese clinical trial on asthma showed that some 70 percent of asthmatics gained a 'very good effect' from acupuncture and moxibustion. The acupuncture treatment was able to decrease the frequency and intensity of asthmatic attacks over a period of a year or more. This result is encouraging as it shows that acupuncture and moxibustion can affect the response of the body to the environmental stimuli causing asthmatic attacks. Our clinical experience also supports this efficacy of Acupuncture and Moxibustion medicine.

Bronchitis: Acupuncture cannot rebuild lung tissue, but by opening up the breathing tubes it can allow the remaining lung tissue to function efficiently. The mechanism of acupuncture in bronchitis is probably much the same as in asthma, allowing more air to enter the lungs. Recent Chinese research works has shown that about 50 per cent of bronchitis 'benefit' from acupuncture. The treatment must be repeated regularly if the effect is to be maintained for long period. On the other hand acupuncture treatment also help to control the infection effectively in bronchitis.

Diseases of the Heart and Blood Vessels:
In China it is a common and acceptable form of treatment for some of these problems. A variety of experiments carried out in the western countries give clear support to the idea that acupuncture does have an effect on the circulatory system.

Angina: Using sophisticated measuring equipment the Chinese researchers have completed a variety of trials to assess the effects of acupuncture on the heart, and they have shown a marked increase in the functional ability and efficiency of the heart muscles after acupuncture. This is further supported by clinical work, which shows that some 80 per cent of patients with angina have improved after acupuncture. When acupuncture is used to treat angina a course of treatments is given, and then followed by booster treatments.

The Correction of Abnormal Heart Rhythms: Heart diseases can frequently cause an abnormal rhythm to the heart beat; this may manifest itself as palpitations, an irregular heart beat, or dropped beats. Acupuncture can correct a small number of these arrhythmias. In established atrial fibrillation (irregular heart beats), acupuncture affects a small percentage of cases, some 1.5 per cent, although in recently acquired arrhythmias, acupuncture can be effective in up to 70 per cent of cases.

The Use of Acupuncture in Addiction and Obesity:
A large number of Western countries acupuncturists are using a variety of acupuncture techniques to treat obesity, smoking and hard drug addiction. There is some excellent physiological and clinical evidence to support the use of acupuncture method in these areas. The withdrawal symptoms experienced by people giving up smoking, or drugs, can be alleviated by raising the levels of endorphins in the nervous system. Some people believe that the desire to eat is also mediated by the endorphin level in the brain. It is clear that endorphin levels throughout the nervous system can be increased by Acupuncture. The techniques used to achieve an increase in endorphin levels center around the use of ear acupuncture. It must be stressed that acupuncture cannot replace willpower. It can only help the withdrawal symptoms, or hunger pains, experienced by those already motivated and committed to solving their particular problem.

Obesity: Acupuncture seems to relieve the problem of hunger usually created by dieting. Many people who receive acupuncture to help with weight loss also go on a diet at the same time. It is difficult to assess exactly which factors are responsible for weight loss, the acupuncture or the diet, or both in combination. Most acupuncturists claim that 40-50 per cent of their patients experience some significant weight loss during treatment.

Hard Drug Addiction: Some excellent research work has been done in this field, especially in Hong Kong. It is clear that acupuncture can help to solve the severe withdrawal symptoms experienced by those coming off hard drugs like heroin.

Acupuncture treatment helps about 40 per cent of people to give up smoking over a period of about six months. Again, it is essential to be well motivated before embarking on a course of treatment. Acupuncture does seem to decrease the desire to smoke and also to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms produced by abstinence from tobacco.

Reduce the Discomforts and Side Effects of Chemo/Radiotherapy for Cancer:
The effect of acupuncture on chemotherapy-induced nausea, vomiting etc. has been studied over the past 20 years, and clinical evidence gathered to date has been favorable. Current practice guidelines recommend acupuncture as a complementary therapy for uncontrolled nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy.

The Use of Acupuncture in Obstetrics:
In China the major use of acupuncture in obstetrics is to provide analgesia (pain relief) during Caesarean section, and to correct foetal malpositions, such as breech (breech means when the baby is 'bottom first' rather than 'head first').

Fertility and Gynecologic Problems:
Women who are having problems with conception, premenstrual symptoms or menopausal issues will often see positive results with Acupuncture medicine. It may be possible to reduce or eliminate the need for Western pharmaceuticals. If drugs or hormones must be used, side effects may be reduced. For women who are experiencing disorders of conception, my own experience suggests that acupuncture and Herbal medicine is more effective and much less unpleasant and dangerous than hormonal treatments or in vitro fertilization procedures.

Foetal Malposition:
The correction of foetal malposition is achieved by applying moxibustion to an acupuncture point. In about 60 percent of women the foetus turns naturally prior to the thirty-fourth week of pregnancy; this can be increased to 90 per cent with the aid of moxibustion. After the thirty-fourth week, when natural version is less likely, the Chinese claim that 80 per cent of foetal malpositions will be corrected permanently by this procedure. Once corrected, the malposition does not recur, provided moxibustion is applied daily. There seems to be no available physiological basis with which to explain this finding.

Anaesthesia for Labour and Delivery:
Acupuncture anaesthesia is widely used for caesarean sections in China. A report recently published, discusses the results of 1,000 cases managed in this manner. The Chinese Acupuncturist claim a 98 per cent success rate in the abolition of pain, a quicker recovery rate from the operation, less blood loss, and the obvious advantage of the mother being able to see the baby at, or soon after, birth. This report finds acupuncture a superior form of analgesia compared to other forms of pain relief (general or epidural anaesthesia) for caesarean section. Acupuncture can also be used to provide pain relief in normal obstetric deliveries. Adequate assessment of this form of obstetric analgesia has not yet been published, although the experience of a wide variety of acupuncturists in the western world would indicate that it is a useful and effective procedure.

Acupuncture Anaesthesia:
Acupuncture anaesthesia is widely used in China and it has been used in a wide variety of operations, from minor procedures to open heart surgery or brain operations. It is undoubtedly an effective form of pain relief in the majority of people, but there is always a small percentage who fail to gain adequate analgesia from acupuncture. In general, acupuncture allows for a safer operation, with less likelihood of complications, and a swifter post-operative recovery. (Excerpted from Acupuncture: It's Place in Western Medical Science, George T. Lewith M.A., M.R.C.G.P., M.R.C.P. )