Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Case for a TMJ Mouth Guard

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) is a very painful and often delimiting health issue with most TMJ patients willing to go to any extreme in order to treat this disorder. The term TMJDs also refers to temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders but the more common term is TMJ usually.

Treating TMJ symptoms starts with understanding the problem and then looking at the various options out there.

TMJ treatments essentially come with a couple of options, which a TMJ dentist can help you with. Those treatments and the counsel involved include:

  1. A TMJ mouth guard that is designed to cure the problem; a good night guard also works well with in solving teeth gritting or teeth grinding.

  2. Jaw muscle exercises designed to strengthen the areas causing characteristic jaw popping, clicking and/or jaw pain, ear pain, headaches, etc.

  3. Counsel as to what to avoid, e.g., needlessly clenching the teeth, chewing gum, chewing on a pencil, biting lips or fingernails, etc. Doing these things or a combination thereof can cause or make the problem worse.

As alluded, it goes without saying that you need proper diagnose from a qualified dentist. Your TMJ issue may be hereditary or stress induced. In which case, your dentist can help guide you to the best option(s) available. In truth, your TMJ specialist dentist may recommend a combination of all the aforementioned options.

Regarding TMJ splints, it is one of the most viable options available for you. An option that works. A TMJ dentist can recommend a TMJ mouth guard that is designed to help you gain that coveted pain relief. Most dentists don't have their own night guards to provide you with but most know which ones on the market work and which ones that don't -- that is valuable information. (By the way, a TMJ splint is sometimes called a TMJ appliance or TMJ mouth guard or TMJ night guard -- those terms are interchangeable essentially so don't let the cross usage of those terms confuse you.)

Continuing, a combination of the above recommendations is the way to go. The problem is getting the right mouth guard for you specifically. That's the trick. There are a LOT of night guards out there. What you need to carefully review the one that's right for you.

So one possibility that you might want to think about is entering into the habit (for a time) of utilizing a TMJ night guard.

These are mouth guards carefully designed to reduce grinding or clenching by eliminating back teeth interferences and muscle stimulations during sleeping time, which mouth guards also precipitate your distinctive and particular bite and thus let your jaw muscles, ligaments and tendons relax in a natural position that will obviate discomfort and pain.

That's what you want. Patients of TMJ typically experience pain comparable to migraines or headache-like symptoms or complications, and rightly consider these pains TMJ related.

There is some proof for this in that a significant percentage of people who use bed time biofeedback to scale back bed time "clenching" or pain say they experience an elimination of migraines and headaches as well as a reduction in direct TMJ pain. Also, it should be noted that another problem is that depression is common with TMJ as well, unfortunately. Sufferers usually really feel helpless as the character and cause of their pain is not properly understood by most.

Although the concept of TMJ dysfunction could appear sophisticated, TMJ cures are actually quite simple.

The key is the correct product -- and the correct non-biased info or review.

Arthritis Pain Between Your Shoulder Blades? - 8 Possible Reasons and Treatment

Arthritis is a strange disease in that one minute it's present in the lower part of your back, and then next your shoulder blades can ache uncontrollably and nothing you seem to take will fix the pain.

Back arthritis is particularly guilty of this random flare up and if you're suffering from some sort of arthritic condition from the top to the bottom of your spine, then this can be excruciating.

However, if you feel this disease is present in your shoulder blades then you may be mistaken as there are a few alternative theories:

1. Fibromyalgia:

This could be what's causing the discomfort as it occurs commonly in this region of the back.

Fibromyalgia is brought on by stress, sleep problems, headaches and fatigue and may last for awhile, but it's not permanent and the symptoms are very similar to various forms of arthritis.

2. Osteoporosis:

It could also just be simply that the curvature of the back has deformed, forcing the muscles to pull and stretch and this kind of behavior may be linked to osteoporosis, the depletion of minerals in the bone.

3. Problem with Lungs:

While the lungs sit at the front of the chest, the back of the lungs can have affect the upper back if there's some sort of ailment present.

4. Gallbladder problems:

Pain is felt from gallbladder inflammation not just in the upper right abdomen but also it can radiate to the back and up and under the shoulder blades.

5. Metastatic bone cancer:

More seriously it could be metastatic bone cancer which is when cancer forms in one of the organs and then quickly spreads to the bones.

This type of cancer is life threatening.

6. Hip Bursitis:

The bursa is a small sack of fluid sat between the tendon and the bone to prevent friction. When this becomes inflamed then this could also place pressure on the shoulder blades and the upper back.

7. DDD Arthritis:

Degenerative disc disease could also be causing the pain in this region. Doctors are unsure as to what causes DDD but essentially the symptoms can effect the upper back as a result of the discs between the cartilage in the vertebrae slowly deteriorating.

8. Bad posture:

It could just be down to years of bad body posture which can cause one to stoop in later life, and when the back tries to stretch flat out to it's original shape, such as when we lie flat on our backs, the shoulder blades can feel quite tense and compressed.

Rather than use dangerous NSAID's to provide pain relief, try some of the latest FDA registered homoeopathic supplements to reduce inflammation, relieve joint pain and build bone density:

Ingredients include:

  • Omega 3, 6 and 9 proteins.

  • Vitamin D in 800mg capsules.

  • Real natural anti-inflammatory compounds like Reishi, Capsaicin, Tongkat ali, Vitamin C, Ginger, White Willow Bark.

  • Glucosamine Complex, Chondroitin Sulfate and MSM.

What Is the Difference Between Bruxism and TMJ Disorder?

Bruxism is a term that describes a condition where a person is teeth grinding or clenching. While it can happen at any time of the day, it usually occurs during sleep. It is a parafunctional activity that every person may experience at some point in their life.

It is considered a habit that can affect 10 to 50 percent of the population depending on the study that you look at. Bruxism is a subconscious activity so many people do not realize that they are doing it. Since biting force is 6 times stronger during sleep than waking hours, most damage is usually caused during night time.

While there is no one thing that may cause bruxism, it may be attributed to stress, suppressed anger, aggressive personality, abnormal alignment of teeth, prescription drugs, certain sleep disorders, alcohol, stimulants like caffeine and anxiety.

When you disrupt your sleeping pattern due to stress, you may experience teeth grinding or clenching. This is where a lot of research is taking place as stress is believed to be the most common reason for bruxism. Also, if a person is angry, frustrated or is aggressive by nature, he may experience teeth grinding.

TMJ Disorder (also known as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) is a condition where a person may have acute or chronic inflammation of the temporomandibular joint. People who have this may experience difficulty eating or biting certain foods, headaches that usually occur in the morning, loss of hearing, jaw pain or tenderness, neck or shoulder pain, feeling of dizziness, clicking/popping sounds when opening the mouth and pain in the face.

There may very well be a relationship between stress and TMJ. When we hold on to stress, there is a tight clenching of the jaw and the muscles and face muscles. This usually leads to teeth grinding. However, the symptoms of TMJ could be reduced by removing stressful areas of your life.

So if you think you may be experiencing this, you will want to act quickly to get the problem resolved. The longer you wait on it, the more issues you may have later. While nobody can tell you the exact course of action, it would be best to educate yourself so that you can make the right decisions. You can see your dentist or doctor for more information. Also, there are several ebooks online that will provide more information about bruxism and TMJ disorders.

A Cure For Osteoarthritis Conditions

Osteoarthritis, which is also called degenerative joint disease, is a common form of arthritis. This condition takes places when the cartilage in the joints wears away. There is no cure for osteoarthritis, but there are many treatment options available and they include medications, therapy, and surgery and home remedies.

It can affect any joint in the body, but the most commonly affected areas are the ones in the hands, hips, knees, neck and lower back. The condition worsens over time. The different treatments will relieve the pain, but will not provide a cure.

The symptoms will often develop quite slowly. You will feel pain in the joint while you are moving or after you have moved. There will be tenderness in the joint if you apply pressure to it. If you have been inactive for a while or when you awake in the morning, there may be stiffness in the joint. The range of motion in the joint may become limited. There may be a grating sound from the joint when you use it. There could be extra bits of bone which form around the joint. This will be felt as hard lumps.

The causes of osteoarthritis include aging; injury or stress to the joint; muscle weakness or obesity. The tests that will be performed by your doctor will include x-rays which will be taken of the affected joint. MRI scans will be requested. Blood tests will be done to rule out other possible causes of joint pains. And joint fluid analyses will be done.

Treatment with acetaminophen will relieve the pain, but it will not reduce the inflammation. It is effective for those who have mild to moderate pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories will relieve the pain and it will reduce the inflammation. Tramadol is a prescription analgesic that will relieve pain, but will not relieve the inflammation. Stronger painkillers can be prescribed if you suffer from severe osteoarthritis pain. Cortisone injections will relieve excessive pain.

You could go for physical therapy which will strengthen the muscles that are around the joints. This will increase the range of motion and reduce the pain in the joint. There are also shoe inserts or braces that will assist with pain relief.

Surgical procedures include joint replacement. The surgeon will replace the damaged joint with plastic or metal prostheses. The hip joint and the knee joints are the most commonly replaced ones. Realignment of bones is an option where surgery is done to realign the bones in order to relieve pain. It is normally offered in place of joint replacement, particularly to younger people who suffer from the condition. Bone fusion is another option to increase stability as well as to reduce pain. The joint will then be able to painlessly bear weight, but will have no flexibility.

Some of the home remedies that are available are regular exercise and the use of hot or cold packs to manage the pain. Weight loss will assist in removing the stress that is placed on weight-bearing joints like the knees and the hips. There is no cure for osteoarthritis, but there are ways to relieve the pain and the inflammation that is caused by it.

Popular Applications of Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid has received much press lately as a natural source of health and beauty. In fact, there are so many uses and benefits of hyaluronic acid, it is instructive to clarify and organize them.

The three main categories of uses for hyaluronic acid are: anti-aging treatments, nutritional supplements, and medical treatments.

Anti-Aging Supplements and Creams

As we age, hyaluronic content in the skin changes due to two separate clinically proven factors, decrease in HA synthesis and shift from concentration from the epidermis to the dermis. These changes can leave the epidermis depleted in hyaluronic acid resulting in thinning, aging, and decreased moisture in the skin. Nutritional supplement and beauty products such as Episilk ® contain ultra-high concentrations of hyaluronic acid in order to provide intensive moisture for aged skin that suffers from the dryness and wrinkles. When applied to the skin, HA can penetrate the skin surface and replenish the natural levels already present. Like hyaluronic acid produced in the body, hyaluronic acid used in this form moisturizes from the dermis to the epidermis - from deeper layers of the skin to the outer layer.

Nutritional Supplements

Hyaluronic acid extracted from rooster combs cannot be absorbed by the intestinal tract. But, Japanese scientists have developed a proprietary enzyme-cleaving technique to lower the molecular weight of hyaluronic acid without altering its chemical nature. This allows hyaluronic acid to be taken orally as a nutritional supplement, many varieties of which are readily available for commercial use.

Facial Injections

Hyaluronic acid based gel injections are a new option for the on-spot treatment of facial wrinkles. These shots must be administered by a dermatologist and last up to 4 to 6 weeks.

Medical Treatments

Products containing hyaluronic acid are in use or are being researched to aid in the prevention and treatment of symptoms related to connective tissue disorders such as: fractures, hernias, glaucoma, keratoconus, detached retinas, osteoarthritis, TMJ, prevention of scarring, vocal chord repair insufficiency, wrinkled skin, cartilage damage, and wound and ligament healing. Of these, osteoarthritis has recently become a particularly popular area for HA treatment. Physicians have injected hyaluronic acid directly into the synovial fluid in the knee as a treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee for the past 20 years. There is, however, an ongoing debate as to the efficacy of this treatment.

Fractures and Back Pain - Who's at Risk?


Managing back pain due to back or hip injuries and fractures needs thorough assessment, diagnosis and immediate treatment. Having your back and bones thoroughly analyzed by a qualified medical professional is essential to increasing your chances of living a more normal life. The manner in which a doctor treats fracture-related back pain will be based on his evaluation of the type or mode of fracture incurred by the patient.

According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, patients aging 65 years or older are more prone to fractures, particularly hip, spine or back fractures. By 2050, the worldwide incidence of hip fracture is said to increase by 310% in men and 240% in women. Aside from osteoporosis, age, falls and injuries due to certain activities, bone disease, and post-operative conditions cause hip fracture and hip injuries causing back pain.

Who are At Risk?

Everyone is at risk of incurring fractures. However, people suffer increased risks with conditions like old age, osteoporosis, osteomyelitis, type 2 diabetes patients and other diseases that make the bone porous, brittle and highly permeable. Unfortunately, falls and hip injuries are common on frail elderly patients, making hip fracture rehabilitation a primary concern. Elderly and other people like athletes and workers who are prone or highly likely to incur hip injuries must establish an ongoing communication with a qualified medical doctor or orthopedic surgeon.

Types and Modes of Fractures

There are several types of fractures, which doctors consider before diagnosis is set:

* Comminuted fracture - is the condition where the bones fragment into several pieces.
* Oblique fracture - the bone breaks acquired a curved or sloping pattern.
* Impacted fracture - otherwise known as the buckle fracture, this is the type of fracture whose ends are driven into each other.
* Transverse fracture - the type of fracture forming a right angle to the bone's axis.
* Greenstick fracture - occurs when the bone is just bent and not fully broken.
* Other types of fracture include pathologic, compressed, avulsion, depressed, and spiral.

Modes of Hip Fractures

Only a few types of fractures are associated with hip injuries, which cause back pain. With that, several modes of hip fractures and considered to thoroughly evaluate the extent of injury:

* Intertrochanteric hip fracture is the type of fracture that does not involve or cause damage to the blood flow in the bone. It usually does not require hip replacement for treatment.
* Intracapsular hip fracture is the type of bone breakage that occurs within the capsule of the joint.
* Extracapsular hip fracture is the type of fracture that occurs at the articular extremity of the bone, which is outside the line of the attachment of the capsular ligament of the hip joint.

Causes of Fractures

Bone fracture can happen to anyone. It is typically caused by various types of trauma on the bone. Bone trauma may result from accidental falls, motor vehicle accidents or a disease that weakens the bone. Hence, hip and back injury, bone fracture may cause back pain, swelling, bruising and internal bleeding.

Assessment of Fracture Risks and Fracture Damage

The risks of getting fractures can be assessed by performing tests and evaluations on bone density, current medications taken, medical conditions, medical history or personal history, and lifestyle or work factors.

To assess actual fractures, doctors usually perform hematology tests and x-rays to evaluate and locate the fracture area. X-ray results will guide them in locating the breaks on the bones while hematology tests help them spot the decreases in HCT and Hgb, which indicative the severity of damage incurred. Doctors may assess the condition by evaluating the pain experienced from motion and the tenderness, immobility, deformity, crepitus, ecchymosis, edema and paresthesia or creeping, tingling and pricking sensations observed and experienced on the affected site.


Pathophysiology is performed to perform further assessment of fractures, determining certain aspects like time and amount of stress applied on the bones, causing it to break. This way, doctors will be able to localize the tissues surrounding the injury and prevent complications like muscle spasms, edema, hemorrhage, ecchymosis, nerve compression and more.

On Back Pain

Pain is rather common with bone fractures or with the disturbance in the permanence of the bone. In addition to the tingling and pricking sensations felt with the injury, the inflammation and other forms of damage caused by the fracture on the surrounding tissues result to pain. Any type of bone fracture must receive immediate treatment to prevent back pain and chronic and often dangerous complications. The pain caused by fractures might be indicative of more serious conditions, which might pose serious health risks.

Tests for Back Pain

Accurate assessment and proper management of fractures are essential to relieving back pain. Since back pain is a common complication of fractures, diagnostic tests may be performed to effectively manage pain. Initially, patients will be put under physical examination where general inspection of posture, level of distress and range of movement causing back palpitation and pain will be performed.

Plan of Management

Rehabilitative exercises and proper diet and the two things involved in managing fractures and back pain. Performing stretching, ROM and isometric exercises are also helpful in minimizing back pain and gradually increasing movement over the affected area. Pay attention to your routine to prevent further bone damage. In general, a well-balanced diet and vitamin supplementation are important in getting adequate nutrition.


Pay attention to your fitness and training routine. Make sure that you do proper warm ups and stretching before going over your reps. To prevent progressive bone loss or degradation, which increase the risk of fractures, taking preventive regimens like vitamin D, calcium and biphosphonate supplements is advised. People who have higher risks of getting hip fracture or hip injury must undergo a muscle strengthening and balance training program. This is particularly helpful to older people. Wearing hip protectors with force-diverting and force-absorbing padding makes a fine investment among the elderly.


Any type or mode of fracture demands immediate medical attention. Similarly, consulting your doctor when you experience back pain is essential in accurately determining its cause. Once you experience back pain that spreads down the legs, accompanied with numbness and tingling sensations, consult your doctor. These are common red flags of possibly more serious conditions or complications.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Essential Supplements For Arthritis

Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints and this painful condition aggravates in winter. There are many different kinds of arthritis, but the most common forms of arthritis are: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis also called degenerative joint disease, involves deterioration of the cartilage protecting the ends of the bones. It is sometimes caused by injury or an inherited defect in the protein that form cartilage. More commonly, it is a result of the wear and tear resulting from aging, diet and lifestyle. Osteoarthritis affects most the weight bearing joints -- the knees, hips and back -- most severely, but it also affects the hands and the knuckles. Usually, pain and stiffness is felt with osteoarthritis but it also increases your risk factor for fractures, as bones become brittle.

If we are what we eat, then arthritis can be reversed with dietary changes which will help arrest inflammation and relieve the pain.

Which nutrients you should take?

1. Bromelain: An enzyme that helps to stimulate production of prostaglandins. It reduces inflammation when taken with meals and is found naturally in pineapple.
2. Chrondroitin Sulphate: It provides nutritional support for strengthening joints, ligaments and tendons.
3. Essential fatty acids: Essential fatty acids increase production and activity of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. It helps to control arthritis pain and inflammation.
4. Glucosamine Sulphate: Glucosamine is a natural component-a form of amino sugar, found in connective tissues and joint cartilage. It has a vital role in cartilage formation and repair.
5. Methylsulphonylmethane (MSM): A sulfur compound needed for reducing inflammation and joint and tissue repair.
6. Boron: A trace mineral required for healthy bones and uptake of calcium.
7. Calcium & Magnesium-Calcium is needed to prevent bone loss and magnesium strengthens the connective tissue and helps in bone formation.
8. Zinc: Zinc is needed for bone growth and is often deficient in those with arthritis.
9. Selenium: A powerful antioxidant.
10. Vitamin: Vitamin C is a super antioxidant and is a powerful free radical destroyer that also aids in pain relief because of its anti-inflammatory effect.

Which herbs can you take to ease arthritic pain?

1. Alfalfa - It contains all the minerals essential for bone formation, and may be helpful for arthritis.
2. Boswellia - It is an Ayurvedic herb which is important for reducing inflammation. It also helps restore blood vessels around inflamed connective tissue.
3. Cat's claw - This is helpful for relieving arthritis pain.
4. Fever few and ginger are also good for pain and soreness. Ginger is a powerful antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory effects. Do not use cat's claw or fever few during pregnancy.

5. Hot peppers - Also known as cayenne it contains a compound called capsaicin that relieves pain, apparently by inhibiting the release of substance P, a neurotransmitter responsible for communication pain sensations.
6. Noni - A sacred plant to natives of south Pacific has been used for ages to gain relief from arthritic pain

Joint Pain and Some Suggested Home Remedies

If you are reading this, and happen to be over the age of fifteen, chances are that you've felt joint pain before. When you feel joint pain, you realize how much you take pain-free freedom of movement for granted. There are so many joints in your body and each is subject to aches and pains at some point in our life, but the common ones that seem to bother people are knees and hands, followed by feet and shoulders.

When you first start feeling pain in one of your joints, your first reaction will be to wonder what happened, and why. In order to begin this voyage of self-discovery, you should first know that while there are many possible causes to the pain, they usually do fall into one of two broad categories. The first is injuries or strains. The second category, is a variety of medical conditions which can then be subdivided into two smaller groups. Chronic conditions (such as arthritis) cause inflammation in the joint, and are long-term ailments. Acute attacks from infection by bacteria or viruses also can cause pain and inflammation in the joints. These are most often short-lived and the pain will abate as soon as the infection passes. Sometimes finding out what category your pain falls into is easy, other times it is hard to tell and you will want to visit a professional as soon as possible.

Injuries to joints can occur in the obvious ways such as sports injuries, or work related injuries. Some exceptions are unusual, such as a fall, or simply stepping off of a curb awkwardly. What joint injuries have in common though are that they are usually caused by extending the usual range of motion the joint is capable of, or the ligaments and muscles are flexible enough to handle. It is for this reason that professional athletes and fitness experts take part in regular stretching exercises. The more flexible the muscles and ligaments that support the joint, the less likely you will overextend them. There are cases of direct impact damaging the cartilage, but these instances are rare.

Among the medical conditions that can strike the joints, the one that everyone has probably heard of its arthritis. Arthritis is simply a case of the joints wearing out, which explains why it is usually associated with growing older. The cartilage is gone, so the bones are rubbing against each other instead of being cushioned. This causes pain. It's probably not news to anyone who's had a severe case of the flu that when little "nasties" invade your body, it does affect your joints a lot of the time. Personally I always wondered why I ached in my joints when I had the flu. Well, I eventually found the answer. When your body is attacked, it has self-defenses, similar to a little war going on in your body. Some of both sides die, and collect in the blood stream. The blood then carries these casualties and other debris from this battle, and deposits them in your joints. They say it's always the innocent that suffer in a war.

Besides these more common ailments, there are a few that are less well-known but should also be discussed. You can also find people who suffer from Lupus, and Fibromyalgia. Both of these are chronic conditions, and even resemble arthritis in some respects but have different root causes. I actually have personal experience with Fibromyalgia, as my wife has suffered from it for years. In her case the condition is debilitating, and some days she actually can not even get out of bed.

What about causes? Well for the most part, medical authorities have not been able to pin point the specific causes of many of these conditions. They do seem to find a correlation to genetics. Arthritis they've said is just getting old and wearing out. However, there are some activities you should avoid such as too much exercise. Being overweight also puts a lot of extra strain on the joints, and that is a contributing factor not only to joint pain but many other symptoms.

If you are feeling joint pain, of course the first thing you should do is consider consulting a medical professional. Realistically however, there are plenty of people who just can not afford to do this unless it is a matter of life and death. Often this is not the case, so these unfortunate people will suffer with their pain as long as they can take it. Hoping all along it will just go away. We do have some ideas that you can try at home, that might help in these situations:

  • Move! The tendency you have when you are in pain is to curl up in the fetal position and wait it out. Okay maybe that's just me. At any rate, when you are hurting, the last thing you feel like doing is being active. But this is exactly what you should do. If you don't, your pain will only get worse. Whatever is making your joints swell and hurt is getting there through the systems of your body. In order for these systems to also get rid of any contaminants, they need a little help moving things out. When you move your joints, the bones come into contact and alternately squeeze and release those tiny tubes that carry materials both in and out of your joint area.

  • Cold and Hot. Yes this may seem counter intuitive but it works. You probably have used ice or a cold gel pack on a swollen joint or muscle or even your head. You also have seen the success of such products such as Icy Hot. With the joints, they do swell, so it is good to use the cold pack to reduce swelling and inflammation. Once it is back to close to normal however, you should apply heat to stimulate the blood vessels and other body systems. Plus it feels great!

  • Massages. Sure, it would be nice if it were possible to massage the cartilage directly, but something that does that hasn't been invented yet. We can only hope. The muscles, and ligaments near to your ailing joint are also affected by the joint. So massaging them to stimulate the flow of blood helps to reduce recovery time. Yes, it also feels great. Try Thai massage if you can, that has worked wonders for me.

  • Over-the-counter medications. Of course a trip to your local pharmacy is not a bad idea. Let the pharmacist know what you are experiencing and I'm sure they will recommend a product that will help. Make sure it is an anti-inflammatory.

Whether you have a chronic condition or an injury, joint pain is not fun at all. Especially if you're active and find that with this pain you end up just sitting around the house. You'll go crazy. So do what you can to go see a medical professional at least to find out what is causing it. If that isn't possible, try to figure out what is causing it, using the categories I've outlined here. That's not going to make you a doctor any time soon, but it sure will help you stop worrying. Keep in mind the remedies that I listed that you can use yourself while at home, they're cheap and effective. If you do, you might find that dealing with joint pain is a bit easier in the future.

LitoZin and Joint Health

What is LitoZin?

LitoZin is an innovative and exciting new supplement which has been derived from rose hip in order to help relieve the effects of joint ache. The joints and joint tissues are often a cause of great pain and discomfort for many people and there is a constant need for new ways in which supplements and medicines can be used to promote good joint care and health. Made 100% from natural rose hip plants allows these supplements to be free from any additives and allergens. They can be taken by people who are intolerant to lactose, wheat and vegetarians. With no known side effects you will find this to be a completely natural and pure supplement which can help people troubled joints and joint tissue, be it a long time problem or a new condition.

How do the Ingredients Work?

Rose hips contain specific ingredients which are able to improve joint health and reduce discomfort. The active ingredient in rosehips is called GOPO and was first found a couple of decades ago in Denmark. The only way that enough of the active ingredient can be harvested from rosehip plants is when they are dried using the patented process from LitoZin. LitoZin is the only supplement licensed to have GOPO in their products and this ingredient from rose hip flowers has been found to be an extremely effective ingredient for joint health.

What Forms Can LitoZin be found in?

LitoZin powder and LitoZin 200 capsules are one of the most common forms that this ingredient can be found in and, both are equally effective when taken orally. By following the instructions on the packaging you will find that the controlled doses of the active ingredient GOPO, which has been properly extracted from rose hip plants, are extremely beneficial to anyone who suffers from joint aches and pains. LitoZin is becoming more popular and with increased knowledge and information.

Causes of Water Retention - 10 Common Reasons For Swelling of the Body

Water retention is a common health problem that greatly affects the day to day activities of the sufferers. Water retention - medically referred to as edema - is the accumulation of excess fluid that leaks into the body tissues. The leakage will lead to swelling in all over the body (generalized swelling) or more localized swelling, such as swelling in legs, feet and ankles or fluid retention in abdominal, the face, hands, arms, and around the lungs.

Although there are many different conditions and diseases associated with the term water retention or edema, there are several more prominent causes of water retention. And here is some of them:

1. Arthritis
Arthritis, which means "joint inflammation", is described as an inflammation of one or more joints that involves the mechanical failure of cartilage resulting in joint pain, swelling, and limited movement. It can affect any joints in the body from hip, heel, spine, shoulder, knee to the big toe.

There are more than 100 different types of arthritis but the three most common types are: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Different types of arthritis show different symptoms. Common symptoms of arthritis include: persistent joint pain, fever, tenderness, joint swelling, stiffness, redness, joint malformation, inflexibility of joint and unexplained weight loss.

2. Kidney disorders
Certain form of kidney disorders such as kidney failure and glomerular disease will lead to swelling throughout the body as well as localized swelling in the abdominal, ankle, feet and leg swelling. This occurs because the kidneys have lost its normal functions including to efficiently removing salt and water out of the body. This will in turn cause the body to retain fluid and over time, get accumulated in the body tissues.

3. Chronic lung disease
Chronic lung disease is a general term of persistent lung disorders that damage the function of the lungs. Severe chronic lung disease will cause water retention in the body include fluid retention in lungs (pulmonary edema), ascites, neck, face, ankle and feet swelling. Chronic lung disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), smoke inhalation injury, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), lung cancer, mesothelioma, etc. may lead to pulmonary edema, abdominal edema / ascites, fluid retention in the neck and face, swelling in the ankles and feet.

4. Cirrhosis of the liver
Cirrhosis of the liver usually causes abdominal fluid retention. It also causes low protein albumin synthesis by the liver and results in legs and abdominal fluid retention.

5. Congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy disease and heart valve disease
Congestive heart failure obstructs the normal circulation of the blood and often leads to water retention. Two most common causes of water retention in congestive heart failure patient are: (1) the blood flow to the heart backups and leaks into the lung and vein; (2) the kidney retain fluid due to the insufficient amount of blood flow. Both cardiomyopathy and heart valve disease are a variety of heart disease and lead to heart failure.

6. Excess sodium intake
In people who are more sensitive to sodium, excess sodium intake will raise the blood pressure and lead to water retention especially in the lower extremities such as swelling in the ankles and feet.

7. Gravity
Standing or sitting too long in one position because of occupation necessity or after long trips may cause fluid retention in legs. This is usually worsened in high temperatures.

8. Pregnancy
In some cases, the developing uterus in pregnant women may press the vena cava leading to fluid retention in the legs. Hormone imbalances and increased amount of blood flow also responsible for water retention during pregnancy. The most affected areas of swelling during pregnancy are in the lower extremities especially the ankles and feet.

9. Side effects of certain medication
Certain medication such as anabolic steroid, calcium channel blockers, levitra, methadone, etc. may affect the normal functions of the body and lead to swelling particularly in the legs, feet and ankles.

10. Venous Insufficiency
Venous insufficiency is a disturbance of the blood flow in the leg veins because of the damage of the veins itself or the valves causing the fluid to backup and leak into the surrounding tissues. This disorder is one of the most common causes of water retention in legs.

Look over the list of water retention causes and decide if you are indeed experiencing one or more. Remember, many diseases take years to appear after the symptom does. Thus, you should speak to your doctor if you have any questions regarding water retention in any parts of your body. Your doctor is the one who can tell you just what exactly the cause of your swelling and what treatment options will work best for you.

Horse Joint Supplements: A Solution for Osteoarthritis?

As horses grow older and exercise less, weight gain and natural joint deterioration can lead to osteoarthritis. Eventually horses suffering from osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease, can become lame. This doesn't have to be the norm. Keeping a horse flexible and active by using horse joint supplements can do wonders to improve a horse's overall health and quality of life.

Osteoarthritis Symptoms

Recognizing osteoarthritis is an important part of the treatment process. Failing to treat a horse quickly can result in additional damage that can often only be cured by surgery. Horse owners should begin looking for osteoarthritis symptoms when a horse is near 15 years old, or has led an unusually active life that required a lot of conditioning and joint usage. Horses that have experienced injuries can also be at risk.

The first sign of osteoarthritis is a gradually deteriorating performance. A horse will start having trouble doing the most simple activities, or exercises they usually performed with ease. As the condition worsens a horse will start displaying stiffness after they wake up or attempt to walk after standing still for a long period of time. Swelling that does not go away will be the most pronounced sign of osteoarthritis, and if the swelling is hot to the touch a condition more serious than osteoarthritis may be present requiring immediate veterinary attention.

What Joints Are Affected

Often people who are not familiar with, or have limited experience with, horses and their medical conditions believe that a horses knee joints (stifle) are the only joints affected by osteoarthritis. In reality, a horses knees are very rarely affected by osteoarthritis. In reality, the ankles (hacks) are the joints most commonly affected by osteoarthritis along with pastern and coffin joins. This is because of the stress that is caused by athletic training and daily use. Proper shoeing, weight management, and a healthy diet can slow joint deterioration; but even these preventative measures alone are not always enough. Medication will eventually become a necessity as your horse begins experiencing pain and unrelieved swelling.

Why Use Horse Joint Supplements

Anti-inflammatory medications are usually prescribed by veterinarians treating osteoarthritis. The problem with this is the fact that these medications are not usually safe for long-term use. Although prescriptions may provide short-term relief, they do nothing to heal the actual problem. On the other hand, our horse joint supplements are completely safe and deal with the root of the issue.

When combined with a nutritional diet, our horse joint supplements can help prevent osteoarthritis or slow joint deterioration that has already occurred. Horse joint supplements also improve a horse's circulation, which speeds tissue recovery. Most importantly, our horse joint supplements relieve pain, which will allow your horse to remain active during the healing process.

Bottom line? Horse joint supplements can help increase your horse's years of overall health and quality of life. Isn't that what we all want for those who trust us for their care?

Isolated Supplements and Osteoarthritis

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, "[o]steoarthritis is the most common form of knee arthritis," with approximately 9 million Americans suffering from this condition (as of 2005). Moreover, osteoarthritis is a painful degenerative disease of the joint cartilage that causes disability for millions of people.

Consequently, the medical profession has long sought to find either a cure or a reliable method of reliving the pain of this condition, and they have found it-with isolated supplements. Or have they?

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate

Glucosamine or chondroitin sulfate (alone or in combination) are two types of isolated supplements that have received much media attention for their purported ability to slow the progression of osteoarthritis as well as relieve the sometimes excruciating pain of this condition.

Since glucosamine is a component of cartilage, it would make sense that supplementation with glucosamine might improve the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis. Indeed, previous studies have indicated that glucosamine supplementation may well reduce the inflammation and the pain of this condition-especially when combined with chondroitin sulfate.

Chondroitin sulfate is an essential building block for the structure of the joint that is purported to slow the progression of osteoarthritis and to have some (limited) beneficial effects on the pain of this condition. In combination, these two isolated supplements-glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate-are considered to be a miraculous mixture for the successful treatment of this condition.

The Science

Although their have been many conflicting studies about the efficacy of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate in the treatment of osteoarthritis, the results of a 2008 study are particularly compelling.

This Glucosamine-chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT) tested the effects of these two isolated supplements-alone and in combination-on patients who suffered from knee osteoarthritis. According to Medpage today, "[p]atients in GAIT were randomized to 1,500 mg of glucosamine hydrochloride, 1,200 mg of chondroitin sulfate, both glucosamine and chondroitin, 200 mg of celecoxib (Celebrex), or placebo for up to two years."

Are Isolated Supplements Enough?

The results of GAIT showed the isolated supplements of glucosamine and chondroitin did not significantly slow the progression of knee osteoarthritis (as indicated by x-rays taken throughout the study). Moreover, these two isolated supplements, when combined, were less effective than placebos at slowing the progression of osteoarthritis.

Dr. Allen D. Sawitzke and colleagues at the University of Utah, who conducted the study, theorized that chondroitin might hinder the proper absorption of glucosamine, which could explain why the combination of these supplements were ineffective. But, Sawitzke stressed, none of their tests indicated a statistically significant improvement in those with severe osteoarthritis for either one of these isolated supplements. There were some beneficial effects seen in those with moderate osteoarthritis, however, (The results of this study were published in the October 2008 issue of Arthritis and Rheumatism).

It should be noted, however, that GAIT only studied the effects of glucosamine and chondroitin on the progression of osteoarthritis-not on their possible effects on the pain of this condition.

What is the Solution?

Glucosamine and chondroitin are not the only two isolated supplements that have been promoted as "natural cures" for the inflammation, pain, and crippling progression of osteoarthritis. Indeed, supplementation with S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) or Niacinamide (a form of B3) have also been shown, in studies, to improve osteoarthritis symptoms.

But the best way to treat osteoarthritis, say experts, is to combine such isolated supplements with a number of medical and holistic treatment options.

Medical and Holistic Treatment Options of Osteoarthritis

There are several medical and holistic treatment options that have shown varying degrees of effectiveness in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Here is a list of just a few of them.

Drugs. There are many prescription and non-prescription drugs-such as acetaminophen, NSAIDS (nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs), and analgesics-that have proven to bring some relief from the pain of osteoarthritis.

Exercise. Regular physical exercise has proven to ease the pain, and aid joint flexibility, in those with osteoarthritis. (Exercise lubricates the joints, making movement less painful).

Knee support. Methods of stabilizing the knee-such as knee wraps and knee braces-have proven to reduce the pain of osteoarthritis.

Weight Reduction. Obesity is not only a risk factor for developing osteoarthritis, but it can worsen the pain and joint stiffness of this condition. Losing weight, therefore, is a valid treatment option for this condition.

Tropical creams. There are a number of tropical creams on the market that have shown to reduce the pain of arthritic joints. These are generally used in combination with other treatment options-such as isolated supplements and exercise-to provide relief from osteoarthritis.

Acupuncture. This ancient therapy-which uses needles to open healing energy pathways within the body-has been proven alleviate many types of pain, including that of osteoarthritis.

Lifestyle modifications. The pain of osteoporosis can frequently be relieved by making a few simple lifestyle modifications. For instance, change exercise from from running (which puts stress on the joints) to walking. Avoid frequent climbing of stairs. Participate in water aerobics, or other aqua exercises, which cushions the joints while giving the body a good workout.

Surgery. There are many surgical options used to treat osteoarthritis. Some of these surgeries allow the doctor to clean out the debris around the knee joint. Other surgeries involve a complete or partial replacement of the kneecap. These surgeries are typically used when all other methods have failed.

Today, there are many treatment options for osteoarthritis that go beyond isolated supplements. Although each of these methods have shown varying rates of success, a combination of them could well relieve the pain (and even the progression) of this, one of the most common types of arthritis.

About FAI (Femoroacetabular Impingement)

FAI (femoroacetabular impingement) is a common source of hip pain affecting athletes, "weekend warriors" and young and middle-aged adults alike. It begins in the childhood growth years, when the bones of the hip fail to develop normally. Although exercise does not cause FAI (femoroacetabular impingement, symptoms may be worsened by exercise, particularly activities that require high-impact hip flexion. Soccer, gymnastics, hockey and ice skating are a few of the sports associated with this condition; however, the condition can occur in non-athletes as well.

In order to understand FAI (femoroacetabular impingement), it is important to understand how the hip functions. The hip joint consists of these important structures:

  • Head of the femur (femoral head, or ball)

  • Acetabulum (hip socket)

  • Labrum- composed of cartilage; sits on the edge of the acetabulum and extends almost all the way around the socket

  • Capsule- thick fibrous tissue that surrounds the hip joint

Impingement (FAI) occurs when there is an abnormal shape to the bone on either the socket or the ball side of the joint. For example, the ball can have an extra boney "bump" or the socket can be too deep. In either case, the labrum is pinched (impinged upon) between the abnormal areas of bone, resulting in damage to the labrum or to the underlying cartilage within the socket. This results in the pain that is typical of this condition.


The primary symptom of FAI (femoroacetabular impingement) is groin pain, although the pain may also locate to the outer edge of the hip. The "C' sign is demonstrated when a patient cups their fingers and thumb in a C formation and grips the side of their hip. Patients may complain that the pain is sharp or dull. Patients may also complain of a sensation of instability in their hip, as if their leg is going to "give way". Catching, locking and popping are also common sensations experienced by patients with FAI (femoroacetabular impingement).


Diagnosis of this condition should be made by an orthopedic specialist, who will initially obtain a thorough history focused on the hip pain. A physical exam will also be done in which the specialist maneuvers the affected hip in an attempt to localize the pain. In the anterior impingement test, the patient lies on their back. The hip is flexed and the knee is brought to the midline of the body while the hip is internally rotated. This simple maneuver often recreates the groin pain experienced by patients with FAI (femoroacetabular impingement) and is a reliable sign that impingement may be an issue. Of course, specialists will not rely solely on the anterior impingement test to diagnose patients-- x-rays are required, which may show abnormal hip bone formation and possible arthritis, and an MRI can often reveal soft tissue damage not visible on x-rays.


FAI can sometimes be treated conservatively. Conservative treatment consists of activity modification, physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medications. Hip joint injections, in which a corticosteroid is injected into the hip joint to relieve pain and inflammation, are sometimes performed when oral anti-inflammatories, physical therapy and rest are ineffective in relieving pain.

Should all of these measures (including joint injections) fail, arthroscopic surgery may be required. In this type of surgery, incisions (portals) less than 翻 an inch in size are created around the hip joint. Through one portal, a camera is inserted. Instruments no larger than a pen or pencil are inserted through the other portals. Using these instruments, the surgeon can shave down any bony spurs (bumps), reshape the acetabulum if it is too deep and/or repair any labral injuries with sutures. Arthroscopic surgery is minimally invasive. Physical therapy begins almost immediately, and most athletes can return to their sport of choice within 3 to 5 months.

Choosing a Surgeon

If you have hip pain, whether you are an athlete or simply an active adult, you will want to choose a qualified orthopedic surgeon to evaluate your hip pain. A determination will need to be made regarding the cause of your hip pain, as well as the best treatment for it.

Holland Bone and Joint Center offers state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment options to patients suffering hip pain, whether the pain is caused by FAI (femoroacetabular impingement) or another condition. Should arthroscopic surgery be needed, the Center provides professional and personalized pre and postoperative care to people from all walks of life, including world-class athletes.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Information About Joint Pain

The stiffness in the joints or excruciating pain that appears after sitting down in one place for too long is attributed to a host of possible causes that bring about joint pain. This condition, which only worsens as we age, can affect one or more joints at the same time. Some individuals may also suffer from muscle discomfort and inflamed joints caused by arthritis or bursitis. Overall, this is a common occurrence that has people searching for reasons why they feel pain in their joints, exploring their joint health, and looking for immediate pain relief.

Common Causes of Joint Pain

There are many injuries and conditions that can bring about joint pain, but no matter the reasoning, some sufferers experience pain that is just simply too great to endure on a everyday basis. In some extreme yet common cases, these people are forced to stop the activities they love, in hopes that it will reduce the chances of them suffering from excruciating joint pain. Arthritis commonly affects joint health, including rheumatoid arthritis - an autoimmune disorder that brings pain and stiffness to the joints.

When bone spurs develop or a reduction in cartilage at the joint appears, osteoarthritis is the result, which is quite common in adults older than 45 years of age. Joint pain is a typical symptom of this. Bursitis causes the fluid-filled sacs responsible for cushioning and padding protruding bones to become inflamed. The muscles and tendons no longer move as freely across the bone as they once did, which causes it.

Joint pain can also be caused by any form of strains, sprains, or a fracture caused to the bones, these in some cases cause tendinitis. Other causes of poor joint health are infectious diseases, like influenza, measles, hepatitis, mumps, chickenpox, Lyme disease, and the German measles (rubella).

A Visit to the Doctors

While some joint pain is fleeting, other circumstances call for the attention of a doctor. When a fever arises (which is not linked to the flu), an unexplainable loss of 10 pounds, or joint pain lasts for more than three days - it is suggested to make an appointment to see a physician. A doctor will ask you which joints hurt and if the pain is on one side or both. They will ask how long you have noticed the pain and if it is reoccurring. As you describe your pain, they may ask if it was sudden, intense, slow growing, or mild. They may suggest resting techniques or exercises to ease symptoms. A few tests are associated with treating it, such as a CBC or joint x-ray. Physical therapy or joint rehabilitation is sometimes suggested, where home care measures become significant as well.

The Importance of Home Care

In order to achieve satisfying pain relief, one must embrace the many different measures of available home care. In addition to following prescribed therapies that treat the source of joint pain, it is suggested to consider the following techniques: warm baths, massage, stretching exercises, rest, light exercise, as well as medications and supplements that provide pain relief and reduce swelling. The market is additionally saturated with an assortment of products (like Flex Protex Capsules), which are aimed at easing the symptoms, as well as improving overall joint health.

Home Remedies for Arthritis Joint Pain and Inflammation Relief

Arthritis is one of the common aging effects suffered by many, which is caused due to the degeneration of bones and cartilages. It is a painful condition generally observed in the major joints along with swelling and inflammation. Among a thousand types of arthritis, the most prevailing ones are gout, osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. The Rheumatoid arthritis is the most severe form of this disease that affects the muscles and tendons apart from the joints. The joints of shoulders, knees, hips, ankles, heels, wrists, fingers and elbow wear out as one progress towards aging. Sometimes unhealthy lifestyle and obesity also invites arthritis at an early age. Both men and women suffer from varying degrees of this disease; women being more prone to arthritis after menopause.


Common symptoms pointing towards Arthritis are

1. Moderate to severe pain in the joints.
2. Swelling and inflammation of joints.
3. Tenderness and stiffness in the joints restricting free movements.
4. Fever in case of Rheumatoid arthritis.
5. Formation of big toe in case of Gout.


1. Aging
2. Higher levels of uric acid in blood
3. Obesity
4. Fluctuations in the hormonal levels
5. Tenderness in the synovial joints

Home Remedies for Arthritis

Apart from the conventional treatment through the administration of high doses of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, home remedies provide an alternate treatment of arthritis which is no less effective than the drugs.

1. Raw potato juice gives wondrous results in treating arthritis. Thin slices of potato including the skin are soaked in a glass of water overnight, which should be drunk early in the morning with the sunrise.

2. Regular physical exercises improve the blood circulation and helps in strengthening the joints. It also keeps the body weight in control and prevents crippling of the limbs.

3. Hot Epsom salt baths are very useful for this treatment as the skin absorbs the salt and enhances blood circulation.

4. Reduced intake of protein, refined sugar and other processed foods is necessary in treating arthritis.

5. Drinking a cup of juice of carrot, beet root, celery and other leafy vegetables is a good home remedy for arthritis.

6. The herb Boswelia Serrata has anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing inflammation.

7. The herb Angelica is enriched with anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and pain relieving constituents that is very effective in reducing the discomforts of arthritis.

8. Sea bathing and steam baths are very useful in arthritis treatment.

9. Rubbing the joints with castor oil is also beneficial in treating this disorder.

10. Massaging the painful joints with the essential oils of Juniper, sage, Rosemary, Thyme diluted with olive oil in the ratio of 1:10 provides instant relief to the pain.

Pain in Joints Disappears With CFA Supplements

If you suffer from arthritic pain in joints, you know that the symptoms can be debilitating. Did you know that there are more than 100 types of arthritis? Arthritis, regardless of type, is accompanied by some common symptoms in the fingers, arms, legs and wrists.

* Swelling. Swelling is not just unsightly; it's downright painful. Often, this pain occurs on both sides of the body in common joint areas. Certain types of arthritis--like rheumatoid--are particularly painful upon awakening in the morning.

* Pain accompanied by fever. If you have painful symptoms--like the ones mentioned above-that are accompanied by fever, you may have infectious arthritis. This type of arthritis is caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses or parasites. Other symptoms include body chills, weakness and headaches. The individual suffering from these symptoms may feel as if he or she has the flu.

* Weight loss accompanied by a rash. Children who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis commonly lose weight due to poor appetite, develop a blotchy rash, and are anemic.

Because arthritis is a painful reality of daily life for those who suffer from it, finding pain relief is paramount to living an active life.

The good news is that many people find non-prescription relief by using Cetylated Fatty Acid (CFA) supplements. CFA supplements act quickly to lessen the symptoms of arthritic pain. When used daily, pain in joints lessens or disappears.

CFA supplements start by lubricating the joints, thereby lessening the pain. Because arthritis wears away at the cartilage, bones literally grind together, causing pain with any weight-bearing activity. Cetylated Fatty Acids act as a lubricant to cushion the joints. By adding a cushion of relief, the individual can pursue normal activities with decreased pain or no pain at all.

Some arthritis sufferers lose mobility due to joint destruction and the pain it causes. CFA supplements decrease inflammation while cushioning the joints. By providing this type of relief, individuals who use CFA supplements show marked improvement when standing from a sitting position or walking up a flight of stairs. Studies have shown that people who use these supplements over the long term experience more relief the longer they use the product.

CFA supplements are available over the counter, so a prescription is not required. They are available in two formulas: topical cream and oral supplements. Studies have shown that topical cream and oral supplements work equally as well. The cream should be applied two to four times daily, and supplements should be taken as directed on the bottle.

What makes CFA supplements so appealing is that relief is fast--within 30 minutes or less. The longer an individual uses the supplements, the more diminished the symptoms become. Studies have shown that individuals who take these supplements over a period of 60 days demonstrated remarkable improvement in mobility.

Cetylated Fatty Acids make pain in joints disappear and also provide relief for pain and inflammation due to over-exertion and sports injuries. The next time you experience pain, you might want to check into CFA supplements. They produce no side effects, and you won't have to wait to see your physician to get relief.

The Many Uses of Lemon As a Health Supplement

The lemon is a hybrid citrus tree of cultivated origin. This fruit is used to make juice while its pulp and rind are meant for other uses. Citric acid makes up about 5% of lemon juice which has an acidic (sour) taste and a pH of about 2 or 3. Due to the acidity, lemon juice makes a readily available acid for use in high school chemistry laboratory experiments. Lemons thrive in tropical and sub-tropical climates but can not flourish in frost and extremely cold temperatures. They require an abundance of water but should be permitted to dry out between watering.

Lemon juice is normally sprinkled onto fish dishes because its acidity can neutralize the basicity of the amines found in fish thereby converting them an ammonium salt complex. Furthermore, lemon juice is widely used, in conjunction with other ingredients, when marinating meat before cooking. The citric acid can denature, or break down, the cadherin and cadhesin proteins that hold the meat's muscle fibers together. Therefore, use of lemon juice allows the meat to become tender. It is a myth that lemon juice makes a good antibiotic. In reality, lemon juice that is sprinkled on freshly cut fruit such as pears helps to prevent oxidation (or browning of fruit).

Some people choose to eat lemon as a fruit. By doing so, be sure to consume water afterwards to help wash the citric acid and sugar from the teeth. Failure to do so can promote a favorable environment for tooth decay and other diseases of the dentition. One hundred mL of lemon juice contain about 50 mg of vitamin C and 5 g of citric acid. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is believed that a cup of hot water with lemon juice in it can cleanse and purify the liver.

Lemons are ovoid in shape and light yellow in color and have a thick, rough skin when ripe. When buying lemons, be sure to choose smooth-skinned lemons in case you plan to store lemons for a period of time in your refrigerator. Lemons are plentiful in many food nutrients such as citric acid. They are widely used for medicinal purposes due to their citric acid and vitamin C content. In addition, they are highly regarded for their juice which is many times used as an accessory to food. Lemon juice has the ability to improve the flavor and increase the taste of many different dishes.

According to Jethro Kloss in his book Back to Eden, he writes that lemon is "an antiseptic, or is an agent that prevents sepsis (the presence of pathogenic bacteria) or putrefaction (tissue decomposition).

For those who have symptoms of indigestion such as bloating, heartburn, and belching, they will find that lemon juice can promote relief. By drinking lemon juice on a regular basis, the bowels can eliminate waste more efficiently thus minimizing constipation and diarrhea.

Other nutrients found in lemon include potassium 48.3%, calcium 29.9%, phosphorus 11.1%, and magnesium 4.4%. Lemons have been found useful in treating conditions such as asthma, colds, coughs, diphtheria, liver problems, scurvy, and rheumatism.

Scientists advise that lemon water should be used in every person that has a tolerance for it. That is, if there is no allergic reaction to lemon (as a small percentage of the population does have a true allergic reaction to lemon) and no active ulcers, then all children and adults should ingest lemon water. The juice in lemon provides a natural strengthening reagent to liver enzymes by helping to affix oxygen and calcium in the liver to regulate blood carbohydrate levels, which, in turn, affects blood oxygen levels. The liver can manufacture more enzymes out of fresh lemon juice than any other kind of food.

To treat a sore throat, mix one part lemon juice with one part water and gargle frequently. For those who have asthma, ingest one tablespoon of lemon juice one hour before every meal. For those with liver problems, mix the juice of one lemon with hot water and drink it down one hour before eating breakfast every morning. To break up the flu or influenza, mix the juice of one lemon with hot water and drink it down while at the same time soak your feet in water with mustard added to it. To relieve heartburn, mix two teaspoons of lemon juice with a glass of water and drink. To treat rheumatism, one or two ounces of lemon juice diluted in water should be taken three times a hour before each meal and once at bedtime. To treat scurvy, take one to two ounces of lemon juice diluted with water.

There are many benefits to drinking lemon juice including the prevention of different kinds of disorders, viruses, and diseases.

  • Oral diseases: Due to the high concentration of vitamin C, this property of lemon juice helps to strengthen the gums and teeth. It is also highly effective in the prevention of acute inflammations of the margins of the gums, cavities, and other oral diseases.

  • Digestive problems: Lemon juice promotes the flow of saliva and gastric juice and is looked upon as an excellent digestive agent. It helps to kill intestinal parasites and eliminates gases that form in the gastrointestinal tract. This juice is very beneficial in treating several digestive anomalies such as dyspepsia (acid reflux) and constipation. Drinking fresh lemon juice with water easily relieves acid reflux.

  • Rheumatic affections: Even though lemon has a sour taste, its reaction in the body is basic (or alkaline). Taking advantage of this valuable information can allow one to treat rheumatic affections such as gout, sciatica, low back pain, hip joint pain, and rheumatism, which all result from too much acidity in the body. Taking in adequate amounts of lemon juice can prevent the deposition of uric acid crystals in the tissues and thus help eliminate the possibility of an attack of gout.

  • Circulatory problems: Lemon juice is not only abundant in vitamin C, it is also a rich source of vitamin P (bioflavonoids), which is found both in the juice and the peel of the fruit. Vitamin P is essential for controlling bleeding in a variety of conditions and for promoting capillary integrity. Lemon is highly regarded as a valuable food medicine in the treatment of high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.

  • Foot relaxation: Soaking your sore feet in hot water is a great way to relax the feet. Then you rub your feet with fresh lemon juice. The heat from the water will promote opening of the pores while subsequent application of lemon juice will provide a cooling, astringent effect. It is believed that this method also promotes healthy sleep.

  • Throat problems: Throat disorders such as catarrh, choking sensations, and itching sensitivities can be relieved by the properties found in lemon juice. A ripe unpeeled lemon should be roasted slowly until it starts to crack open. Then harvest one teaspoon of its juice, add a small amount of honey, and ingest it about once every hour. Sip it slowly.

  • Fevers: Lemon juice is a great thirst-quencher when you are suffering from pox, scarlet, measles, and other fevers. These fevers promote dehydration, polydipsia (extreme thirst), and very hot and dry skin.

  • Cold: If you suffer from a bad cold, juice two lemons and combine with 500 mL of boiling water. Add honey, and take at bedtime. Again, sip it slowly.

  • Cholera: The properties of lemons can kill cholera bacilli instantaneously. Lemons are very effective for this purpose when freshly juiced.

As you can see, lemon juice has many uses as a health supplement. If you are looking for a natural healing alternative to prevent some of the conditions listed here, pick up some lemons at your local grocery store.

Natural Joint Pain Relief


Pain is your body's natural defense against illness and injury. It serves as the signal that something is wrong in the body. Pains associated with arthritis include severe pain from inflammation of the joints, acute pain from damaged joints, and aggravated pain brought on by chronic suffering from joint pains. Pain is caused by the gradual breakdown of cartilage, the soft material that cushions the joints. Pain relief creams are consumed by athletes, housewives, and the elderly. While there are many causes and diseases that can contribute to joint pain, the most common are osteoarthritis and sports injuries. Joint pain from osteoarthritis is often treated with the use of over the counter and prescription medications. With concerns rising in the medical field recently about heart disease dangers of several prescription medications, many people are looking for a safe alternative to deal with joint pain. There are many pain relieving techniques which can be tried.


Cartilage is the cushion between bones in a joint and it provides support to other tissues without being as hard or rigid as bone. Cartilage is responsible for protecting the joints and serves as a shock absorber when pressure is placed on the joint during walking or running. Injury, occupation, excess weight, and genetics are among the factors which cause the cartilage of a joint to wear away. Osteoarthritis occurs as the protective, cushiony cartilage covering the bones wears away, resulting in bones rubbing together. Rheumatoid Arthritis can lead to cartilage as well as bone damage.


Arthritis is one of the most prevalent health problems facing today's aging population. It is a very painful and emotionally draining disease. Arthritis, also known as joint inflammation, is defined as an inflammation of one or more joints and involves the breakdown of cartilage resulting in pain, swelling, and limited movement. Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative arthritis because it is a form of arthritis that further damages the cartilages found in between the bones in places such as the knees, spine, hands and feet. Osteoarthritis is directly related to age, however, one may also get this disease through heredity, obesity where your joints will be overworked from excessive weight, other medical conditions such as diabetes, gout and hormonal imbalances. Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease that causes pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of function in the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes stiffness and pain in the joints and can lead to cartilage as well as bone damage. Hand deformity is a common symptom of the disease.

Drugs and Treatment

One of the treatments that many doctors recommend to their patients is prescription pain relief. Even morphine, opiates, and psychotropic drugs are prescribed as joint relief drugs. Because pain affects us mentally and emotionally as well as physically, it is important to try to find methods and treatments that will bring relief. Many types of pain are so persistent and pervasive, people become concerned about the commonly recommended pain treatment (pain medications) because they do not like to put so much chemical substance into their bodies for extended periods of time. No treatment either synthetic or natural is 100% effective all the time. Joint pain treatments vary from herbs to massage with much research backing the successful findings.

One of the most common forms of chronic joint pain relief is medication, such as analgesics (pain relievers) and non-steroidal anti-inflammation drugs. However, one of the biggest problems that usually arises with prescription drugs is the temporary relief. Many people seek antibiotics and strong medications in order to get rid of the pain as soon as possible so they can get back to their normal life however; these drugs can have serious side effects such as, drowsiness, fatigue, and change in appetite and sleep as well as mood swings. Most medical treatments will not take away all of your discomfort and you will probably need some type of natural remedy for coping with pain. Many drugs that you can find synthesized into pills can also be found in their natural form with fewer side effects.


The plant commonly known as Devil's Claw contains a highly potent anti-inflammatory compound that works just as well as prescription drugs - and sometimes better. Various cultures have traditionally used Sea Cucumber as a remedy for many ailments including joint pain relief. There are natural oil treatments for arthritis that have been found to be useful in improving the condition. Alternative treatments like supplements and acupuncture have become increasingly popular in recent years, so much so that the National Institute of Health is currently conducting research on both to determine the effect they have on joint pain relief. White willow bark is another effective choice in joint pain treatments. Alternative treatments include herbal tea, change in diet, and identifying food allergies.

Many natural joint pain relief therapies are termed "alternative" treatments because they do not receive as much respect as the more normal pain relief options. Chondroitin, also known as chondroitin sulfate, occurs naturally in human cartilage, bone, cornea, skin and the arterial wall. In addition, chondroitin can come from natural sources, such as shark or bovine cartilage, or can be produced in a lab. Chondroitin is part of a large protein molecule that gives cartilage elasticity and helps it retain water. Glucosamine is an amino sugar that the body produces and distributes in cartilage and other connective tissue. Some theories claim that glucosamine can assist in the creation of new cartilage, while chondroitin may slow cartilage destruction. Chondroitin sulfate may also offer natural joint pain relief through its ability to help rebuild healthy cartilage, improve flexibility and reduce inflammation naturally.

Dry heat, moist heat, or microwaveable wraps offer relief. Natural joint pain relief can be effective on osteoarthritis, inflammation, muscular, and other forms of arthritis. Natural plant alternatives like green tea are being investigated for the management of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Natural arthritis joint pain relief is a very popular method for alleviating pain, especially when dealing with arthritis pain. Natural options have become increasingly popular because many people feel that it is a safer and healthier way to treat their pain. Natural joint pain relief can take many different forms. The problem with everyday prescribed pills is that they are literally chemical bombs that go off inside your body, possibly reducing pain but also negatively impacting your systems well being. Natural pain relief techniques may not be as popular, since people tend to trust what the doc orders over what nature suggests, but nevertheless, they can be the perfect solution to your problem.

Natural joint pain relief products focus on long term healing and although they might be a little slower to punch in, they're definitely a more reliable solution in the long run. Flax seed, either in liquid form or ground into powder and fortified with extra nutrition, is a well-known nutritional supplement that can offer a wide variety of health benefits, including natural joint pain relief. Benefits of flax seed oil also include its ability to lower cholesterol naturally. There are many natural supplements for joint pain relief on the market today. You may be surprised to learn that many natural remedies for arthritis can be as effective if not more so than prescription and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs and as such might be a better solution for those that suffer the debilitating joint pain, swelling and inflammation of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout.


Diets high in glucosamine, green vegetables and fresh fruits all work to keep your joints pain free. Since most of us do not eat an adequate diet, taking a multivitamin supplement is a good way to make sure we are getting what we need for good health. Your diet is more important than you might think. Inflammation can occur with age, dietary conditions, free radicals, stress or other insults which can stiffen cell membranes. Studies have shown that diets high in protein are most important to healthy joints. For a long time, doctors doubted there could be any link between diet and osteoarthritis. A healthy diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, has been recommended by nutritionists for years. A heart healthy diet is especially important to patients with rheumatoid arthritis as studies have shown a link between this disease and heart failure.


Although it seems contradictory to recommend exercise for aching joints, research shows that exercise is an essential tool for joint pain relief. Low impact exercises such as stretching exercises, swimming, walking, low impact aerobics, and range of motion exercises may reduce joint pain and stiffness while increasing joint mobility. Exercise increases flexibility and endurance, strength, toning of muscles, wards off other health problems, helps control weight, decreases depression and increases energy. Exercise keeps muscles strong around affected joints, decreases bone loss and can help control joint swelling pain. Exercise can reduce stiffness, increase blood flow, and aid in weight loss, which takes the stress off of the joints.

Natural joint pain relief can take many different forms. Natural joint pain relief is a very popular method for alleviating pain, especially when dealing with arthritis pain. There are many natural supplements for joint pain relief on the market today. Supports will give you knee, leg, back, elbow pain relief and general joint pain relief. Regular physical activity decreases bone loss, helps control joint swelling, provides joint pain relief, replenishes lubrication to joint cartilage and improves sleep. Remember to consult your health care provider before starting a new exercise program for joint pain relief. To achieve aching joint pain relief you must reduce the inflammation. For chronic problems a major step in achieving muscle and joint pain relief is a balanced life style with proper supplements and a good healthy diet. Some sufferers will seek joint pain relief in an all-natural form, a form which actually promotes healing, rather than just masking pain. Natural joint pain relief offers a safer and sometimes more effective alternative to synthetic drugs. The quest for the most efficient treatment is a never ending journey.

What Is the Best Nightguard Type?

If you are grinding your teeth at night and wake up with sore painful jaw muscles and other facial pain, you may be able to stop that pain by wearing a dental nightguard while you sleep. You can choose a hard, soft or combination nightguard type depending on the severity of your problem and your need to save time and money. These night guards are available online or from dental specialists.

Who Should Use a Nightguard?

If you have any of the following signs or symptoms, you may benefit from a nightguard dental appliance.

  • Teeth clenching, grinding (bruxism)

  • Pain in the jaw joint (TMJ)

  • Ear ache or hearing problems, often a high pitched noise

  • General face pain

  • Pain in the neck

  • Clicking or popping of the jaw joint

  • Teeth that are sensitive

  • Painful jaw muscles

  • Dizziness

  • Sleeping problems

  • Trouble with opening or closing your mouth

  • Headaches

  • Teeth that are worn, sharp, short, or flat

  • Frequently breaking teeth or dental work

  • Sleep partner complains of grinding noise during sleep

  • Snoring or sleep apnea

What causes the pain?

Muscles rule.The constant muscle contraction during sleep causes muscle fatigue. Lactic acid and other chemicals accumulate within the fatigued muscles causing pain. It is sort of like the Colorado River making the Grand Canyon. It may not seem like much at first but over time the clenching can actually cause the teeth to wear away and damage the TMJ and bony structures. Sometimes the damage is permanent. Teeth can wear becoming sensitive as the clenching wears away the surface closer and closer to the nerve. The teeth sockets can be damaged resulting in the teeth becoming loose. The supporting ligaments and tendons of the TMJ are injured by this extreme muscular activity resulting in pain, bite changes, and permanent joint damage. All the associated muscles of the face and neck can become fatigued resulting in pain as the other supporting joint structures tendons and ligaments are stressed and also become painful as a result of the relentless muscle clenching.

How Can Nightguard Help?

The pain cycle is initiated by the jaw muscles clenching. In some cases the nightguard works by preventing the beginning of this cycle. Night guards have a similar shape to the common sports mouthguard; but night guards are designed with other benefits. Since the nightguard prevents full closure due to the thickness of the nightguard, maximum force cannot be created. Reduced muscle force helps eliminate the pain. Protecting the teeth with a resin or vinyl type nightguard material also eliminates further teeth or dental work damage. If the problem is caused by a bad bite, a dentist specializing in TMJ disorders may be required to realign the jaw to a more physiological position. Some of these dentists trained for treating TMJ problems are called neuro-muscular dentists.Emotional stress also may cause a person to clench. Professional counseling may get at the cause and the TMJ pain can be helped temporarily by using a nightguard during psychological counseling. Snoring and sleep apnea are also seen in combination with the clenching. Sometimes wearing a nightguard will help those situations also.

How to Choose a Nightguard

Nightguards are currently being made in one of three types: Soft Nightguard, Hard Nightguard and a Dual Laminate Nightguard which is soft on the inside and hard on the outside. Review the following information to help you choose the best nightguard type for your situation.

Soft Nightguard Benefits

If you have minor pain or just want to try a mouthpiece the soft nightguard may be a good choice. By being soft these nightguards are usually quite comfortable, priced right and may satisfactorily treat the clenching pain. By being soft however, the material is more likely to become worn easily especially if you are an extreme clencher; but the soft mouth guard still may help you. If you have extreme clenching or know that you have bite problems, some TMJ experts say that the soft nightguard may actually increase you clenching. This is an individual problem and can vary from case to case. These economical soft nightguards available online may fully stop your pain or let you see if you get relief from a nightguard, before you invest in a dentist nightguard or more durable custom laboratory nightguard available online. Since fitting is easy and the nightguards are economical, many people start with the soft night guard. If you find you are still having problems, you can make your own custom nightguard from the online lab or consult with a dental specialist for treatment.

Hard Nightguard Benefits

These nightguards are the most durable and are fabricated with hard acrylic. These may be used by people with extreme clenching or complicated bite problems. A TMJ dental specialist may be best to treat these extreme clenchers since the fitting process can be very precise. The hard acrylic does not compress under stress and as such may not be quite as comfortable. If you want to self- treat your problem, some online dental laboratories provide the option of making your own hard acrylic nightguard. You receive an impression kit form the lab, make your own impression, and then send it to the lab for fabrication. This hard lab nightguard available online may help solve your problem completely or serve as a good treatment option until you have time or money to obtain a professional solution.

Dual Laminate Nightguard Benefits

Relatively new on the scene is the dual laminate nightguard. This mouthguard combines both the comfort of the soft guard and the durability of the hard acrylic. The first soft vinyl layer of material covers the teeth and provides maximum comfort and adaptability. This cushions the teeth under extreme pressure. The outer layer is a hard durable acrylic designed to not break away under clenching and will help protect teeth. The dual laminate nightguard available onlinerequires a custom impression by the user. Yet with all these advantages the extreme clencher may not be able to tolerate the slight extra thickness require for these two layers. Extreme clenchers may need to consult a TMJ dentist. However for most nighttime clenchers, the dual laminate nightguard combination is strong yet comfortable.

Nightguard Availability

These nightguards are available from dentists and online stores. A nightguard fitted by a dentist specializing in TMJ problems will likely give you the best possible solution. However if you want to save time and money, you can consider treating your teeth grinding and clenching pain with nightguards obtained from mouthguard stores online.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Total Joint Replacements - The Surgeon Says I Am Too Young

In the United States today there are more cases of osteoarthritis also known as degenerative joint disease reported then ever before. In fact there are roughly 21 million people affected by it in the US in one form or another. It is estimated that 27% of the visits made to the primary care doctors in this country are attributed to osteoarthritis. There are numerous factors that contribute to the high incidence of arthritis. Included are obesity and the fact we are living longer. The diet we consume here in the west has also been blamed for the steady increase of arthritis along with, the lack of exercise and maintaining strength in the weight bearing muscles of the hip girdle, quadriceps and gluteal muscles just to name a few.

There are over 100 types of arthritis known in the medical community but the one that is the most predominant is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis not only weakens or atrophies the surrounding musculature around the affected joint but it also causes a marked decrease in the range of motion due to to the pain it causes with movement. Its a cycle that if not corrected will steadily add to the loss of function and quality of life.

It can affect all joints within the body but the area it is seen the most is the weight bearing joints such as the hips and knees. With arthritis in these joints walking now can become very painful depending on the progression of it. Once the joint becomes bone on bone walking effectively now becomes your biggest issue along with missing a good nights sleep as it will cause a mild chronic ache along with muscle spasms depending on the position of the joint while lying in bed.

Total joint replacement with hips and knees continue to be on the rise along with, orthopaedic surgeons seeing younger individuals where pain becomes unbearable and the replacement surgery is all that will give the patient relief. With the aging of the baby boomer the typical patient also is more active then previous generations causing an earlier incident of arthritis which can brought on quicker through previous injuries to your knees or hips.

Not to long ago finding a surgeon that was willing to replace a joint when someone was in their forties or fifties was difficult but today more orthopaedic surgeons are willing to recommend a replacement if conservative options such as physical therapy have been unsuccessful.

Once treatments with a physical therapist have not given the patient relief its time to consider getting the joint replaced as soon as possible. By continuing to live with the chronic pain either the patient has to live on a continual dose of pain medication or continue to lose what mobility they have.

By becoming deconditioned and allowing further muscle and soft tissue contractures to begin to develop, only causes further problems during the rehabilitation process.

By finding a surgeon that is willing to replace the joint allows you to get back on your feet and live your life without the discomfort that is associated with osteoarthritis. And if you live a normal lifespan you will have to have a revision done as the joint replacement will not last forever.

How long the original replacement will last will depend on your age, body weight, level of fitness and overall health. This is one of the big reasons that originally kept surgeons from wanting to complete a joint replacement on anyone under the age of fifty to start with. It was felt at one time that the original replacement would have the best outcome. The revision would not fair as well due to the fact there would be further surgical removal of bone and soft tissue causing greater difficulty in movement, pain relief, etc.... and the fact that when the patient is younger they will be much harder on the replacement then if they were older and not as active.

Today with the rapid advancement of technology in materials used in medicine that have become more bio friendly and, joint prosthesis that have started to mimic more of the rotational components of the human joint, will allow the original replacements to have a longer shelf life.

No longer should their be a case where you are being told that you are to young for a joint replacement. You and the surgeon will want to thoroughly discuss your options of course.
Conservative treatment will initially will be your first course of action to decrease pain and regain strength in the affected joint.

Once all avenues of conservative treatment have been pursued and relief has not been successful then is the time to get the joint replaced no matter what your age is. By postponing surgery due to age only will complicate matters in your quality of life and rehabilitation.

There are now today multiple prosthesis models available that your surgeon will recommend for your current lifestyle as your surgeon will have some sort of track record to go with in regards to what components are more successful then others.

If a total joint is needed and recommended then it is highly advised to get it done. I had a knee replaced at 43 years of age and never regretted that decision.

Richard Haynes
Punta Gorda, Florida

Arthritic Joints in Older Pets

Have you noticed your pet not being as enthusiastic about jumping and leaping? Perhaps your dog doesn't get as excited about that game of fetch or catch as he once did or perhaps your cat can't quite jump onto that warm windowsill that has always been her favorite. These are all signs of arthritic joints in older pets and chances are if these (or other) signs are present your pet has a common condition known as degenerative joint disease; often referred to as osteoarthritis.  

Arthritic joints in pets may begin during the first half of life, with the symptoms not becoming apparent until much later with the primary symptoms being stiffness and lameness. It is not unusual for older pets with degenerative joint disease to be very stiff early in the morning, only to improve as the day wears on. Also, when the weather becomes cold and/or damp the condition tends to worsen making such simple tasks as making it to the litter box on time or racing to meet you when you get home from work a challenge. Next let's explore the condition itself and try to find a few helpful solutions.  

Degenerative joint disease is the most common form of arthritis in pets. It is often noticed in dogs, cats, and other pets around the age of 11 or so. As you may know 12 cat years is equivalent to 59 human years. Generally speaking when a pet is experiencing arthritic or painfully sore joints it is often a sign that the cartilage that has so effectively protected the connecting joint bones from rubbing together for years is starting to wear thin. As the cartilage degeneration continues the underlying bone develops a roughened surface that damages the joint. Pets whose joints have been subjected to overuse, severe stress, dislocation, or fracture are the ones most likely to develop arthritic joints at an early or premature age. Degenerative joint disease may be suspected but your veterinarian will probably need to take an X-ray to confirm the existence and severity of the disease.   Once the condition has been recognized it is important that swift action be taken to prevent lameness and continued loss of joint mobility.

There are no magic solutions that will make severely arthritic joints in old pets disappear. That said, there are a few steps that you can take to reduce the damage and make your pets life more enjoyable.  
* Provide a warm place for your pet to sleep and rest
* If your pet is overweight a diet plan should be formulated
* Moderate exercise may prove helpful in maintaining joint flexibility
* Consider hydrotherapy if possible
* Consider ways to make your pets life easier (stair steps, litter box placement)
* Check with your veterinarian for new medications to treat pain and inflammation  

Additionally, many pet owners are opting form natural pet arthritis formulas to rebuild lost cartilage and support joint health. These supplements have proven to be very effective in most cases and are an option worth considering.

Who Else Wants General Information on Arthritis?

Today there are about 70 million Americans with arthritis...that's one person out of every four who suffer both pain and the expense of this crippling disease. In one year alone, arthritis will be responsible for over half a billion dollars in lost wages. The economic consequences of arthritis are important to review because each year, arthritis takes a devastating financial toll on our society.

Over the course of ten years, arthritis related work loss has been associated with a 37% drop in income for arthritics - all those without arthritis had a 90% rise in income over the same period of time!

If you...a friend...or a relative has arthritis, it's important to know that early treatment can help sufferers continue with their normal daily lives and remain productive members of the community.

The term "arthritis" is derived from the Greek: "arthron" meaning "joint" and "itis" meaning inflammation. Arthritis is a word that describes over 100 different conditions, some involving inflammation and others not.

Arthritis is not a single disease. It encompasses about 100 different conditions, that affect joints and that pose unique problems for diagnosis and treatment.

Some common types of arthritis include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, pseudo-gout, ankylosing spondylitis, polymyalgia rheumatica, psoriatic arthritis, Reiter's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and fibromyalgia.

Most types of arthritis involve joint inflammation. Inflammation is the body's natural response to injury or infection.

For an example of inflammation, take a simple scratch...your body automatically releases chemicals that cause fluids to accumulate and white blood cells to gather around the area of the scratch. As your body fights foreign substances and bacteria, inflammation...redness...heat...swelling...and pain occur at the sight of the injury.

In arthritis, unfortunately, this natural defense mechanism goes awry. Elements from the blood designed to fight infection and repair injury attack the body instead.

And, unless this inflammatory process is halted, it will continue to attack the body and cause joint destruction.

So you can begin to see how treatments that just relieve the pain associated with arthritis - but that do not reduce inflammation - may not adequately treat this disease.

Getting proper treatment early on is important...because proper care can help arthritis sufferers lead more active and comfortable lives.

Yet many people with arthritis delay going to a physician. Either they have fear about going to a doctor or they feel that nothing can be done for arthritis. Other reasons include the notion that all arthritis medicines are harmful or arthritis is just a normal part of aging.

Some people try unproven remedies which also delay proper diagnosis and treatment.

Since arthritis may evolve gradually, people often ignore its early warning symptoms or signs. These include persistent pain, tenderness, or swelling in one or more joints...symptoms that should not be dismissed as signs of age.

Other warning symptoms are joint pain and stiffness...especially when they appear in the morning.

Low back pain is one of the earliest symptoms of arthritis. For people over the age of 60, arthritis is the most frequent cause of low back pain.

The activity of arthritis varies unpredictably. Symptoms are cyclic in nature and seem to come and go.

Therefore, it is important to remember that any symptoms or signs of arthritis that last for more than six weeks - no matter how mild - should be checked by a physician. And, if symptoms are severe, then even waiting six weeks might be too long.

The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Joint inflammation is involved in both.

But, these types of arthritis differ in terms of...age of patients who are affected...the joints involved...the pattern of stiffness...and the potential for disability.

Close to 16 million Americans have osteoarthritis - the most common type of arthritis. Although osteoarthritis can occur at any age, it most often begins in people in their 50's and 60's.

Osteoarthritis or degenerative disc disease is a disorder of cartilage - the gristle that covers the ends of long bones. Cartilage is made of cell called chondrocytes which sit inside a framework made up of collagen and proteoglyens. Under normal conditions, chondrocytes make collagen and proteoglycens - in other works - they make the framework they sit inside. With osteoarthritis, chondrocytes behave abnormally and begin to make destructive enzymes such as collagenasese, stromelysin and others. These enzymes degrade cartilage...these enzymes also attract inflammatory cells which secrete substances called cytokines which cause further inflammation and damage to cartilage, underlying bone, and the joint lining.

This process results in progressive pain, stiffness, and loss of function.

Joint pain and stiffness are the most noticeable symptoms of osteoarthritis. Morning stiffness is usually brief lasting less than 15 minutes. Osteoarthritis usually affects weight bearing areas particularly the neck, low back, hips and knees.

It may also affect the fingers and hands and bony knobs may appear at the finger joints. The base of the thumb may also be affected. The typical pattern of osteoarthritis in the hands involves the distal and proximal interphalangeal (DIP and PIP) joints of the fingers, and the carpometacarpal (CMC) joint of the thumb.

Osteoarthritis is considered to be a degenerative joint disease. Along with inflammation, there is wear and tear on the inside of the joint.

This causes damage to the cartilage (the substance that forms the surface of the joints and works as a shock absorber). As the cartilage wears thin, the underlying bone is damaged. This process results in progressive pain, stiffness, and loss of function.

Osteoarthritis does not need to be disabling and with the proper medical care can be managed easily.

Rheumatoid arthritis is the other most common type of arthritis. It is more common in women and affects 7 million Americans...or one out of every five arthritis patients. It may affect any age group, although onset is most common in middle age.

Rheumatoid arthritis is usually characterized by heat, swelling, and pain in multiple joints in both the right and left sides of the body, including the hands, wrists, elbows, hips, knees, ankles, and feet. Spinal involvement also occurs on occasion.

The typical pattern of rheumatoid arthritis in the hands involves the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints, the metacarpal phalangeal (MCP) joints, the wrists, and the elbows.

Unlike osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis can affect the entire body. People with this disease may feel sick all over...tire easily...lose their appetite...and lose weight.

In rheumatoid arthritis, the tissue that surrounds and nourishes the joints is attacked by the body's immune system. The body mistakenly perceives its own tissue as foreign, and it reacts by sending special white blood cells and toxic chemicals called cytokines to destroy the foreign material. (The cytokine abnormalities that cause the damage in rheumatoid arthritis are different from the abnormalities seen in osteoarthritis.) This process of white cell migration and cytokine release damages the joint.

Although we do not know the cause of rheumatoid arthritis, researchers are investigating several possibilities.

Another interesting point about rheumatoid arthritis is that this disease can affect the internal organs including the lungs, skin, blood vessels, spleen, heart, and muscles.

If rheumatoid arthritis is not well controlled it can damage the joints irreversibly and cause serious disability.

To diagnose rheumatoid arthritis, the rheumatologist establishes the presence of joint pain and inflammation lasting at least six weeks and then looks for signs of the course of the disease that are characteristic for rheumatoid arthritis.

There are also blood tests that aid in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have a series of flare-ups followed by a period where there are mild or no symptoms. Usually, the pain and disability of rheumatoid arthritis progresses gradually.

Morning stiffness generally lasts longer than half an hour and may last several hours depending on the severity of the condition.

Most forms of arthritis persist for the patient's lifetime. Medication cannot usually reverse the bone and soft tissue damage caused by arthritis.

However, new methods of measuring inflammation and its response to medication and other treatments offer valuable information to physicians...and can help to evaluate the arthritis sufferer's discomfort.

Magnetic resonance imaging is one such technique. This method using the effects that strong magnets have on water molecules to provide exquisite images of the interior of the body. MRI has been used to diagnose and also assess the degree of damage within joints of patients suffering from arthritis. It is also helpful for evaluating the effect of new drugs.

Although there is no cure for arthritis, proper treatment can help tremendously. The goal of arthritis treatment is to relieve the pain and stiffness due to the progressive destruction caused by inflammation, and to maintain or increase freedom of movement.

Among the advancements that have taken place in the medical treatment of arthritis are various disease-modifying medications that not only relieve symptoms but also help slow down the progression of disease.

Other advances include various cartilage sparing drugs, cartilage growing drugs, and also biologic remedies. These drugs act by blocking the destructive effects of enzymes such as metalloproteases in osteoarthritis and cytokines in rheumatoid arthritis. By targeting specific processes, relief of symptoms and healing of damage can take place with presumably fewer side effects.

What can you do if you think you have arthritis?

First, you can consult your doctor. This is important because medical issues are complicated and your doctor, who understands your health needs, can prescribe the best treatment for you.

The type of doctor who can best evaluate arthritis is called a rheumatologist. These are physicians who have completed four years of medical school, three years of internal medicine residency, and three years of rheumatology fellowship.

While arthritis can be a serious disease that can progress and cause disability, science has come up with some new answers for arthritis sufferers. It is now up to the arthritis sufferer to recognize early warning signs and symptoms and to see a rheumatologist. With proper medical care, the course of this crippling disease may change and people can help to be returned to fully active lives - without pain and crippling disability.