Saturday, May 4, 2013

Joint Kote - Natural Remedy For Joint Pain

As much as 45 million people are reported to experience joint pain, with the most common form being arthritis. People who suffer from arthritis can experience extreme discomfort and pain in the joints. As people age, that number will definitely increase.

The joints can swell as a result of the arthritis and this is made worse by the weight of the individual. A lot of people with arthritis have had to take medicine for it, just to be able to move around and alleviate the pain, but as you are well aware most medicines come with side effects. Some people have even tried to wear a brace just to alleviate the pain or using hot water to soothe the painful joints.

If you are looking for a natural herbal remedy for joint pain, one of your first stops should be Joint Kote. Joint Kote is a joint formula that shields your joints and it is designed for both men and women. It helps supports your joints and it maintains healthy mobility. It works for your hands, knees, elbows, hips, shoulders, back and neck, basically it works for any part of your body that is struggling with joint pain.

Joint Kote is formulated with a specific blend of Glucosamine Complex, Chondroitin Sulfate, MSM, Vitamin C, Ginger, and White Willow Bark. The ingredients that are used in Joint Kote have been proven to be effective in the treatment of joint and osteoarthritis inflammation and pain. As for side effects, there have not been any reported so far, but that does not mean there are not there. When it comes to your health and what you put inside your body, let your doctor sign it off first.

When you have joint pain, it is also extremely important to know the foods that you should include in your diet to manage your joint pain better. Your nutrition is extremely important, and that is why you get the Joint Protection Diet Guide with your Joint Kote order, which will educate you on the foods you need to eat and the liquids that you put inside your body and how your body reacts to it once it is inside.

Joint Pain During Pregnancy: Its Causes and Possible Treatments

Most people know that pregnancy is accompanied by a range of bodily changes, including weight gain and hormonal differences that can affect your mood, appetite and sleep cycles. Fewer people are aware of the increased risk of joint pain during pregnancy. This can be due to a number of causes, including anatomical changes that prepare the body for birth, as well as simple stress damage due to the weight of the growing fetus. No matter what causes your joint pain during pregnancy, it is important to be careful what you use to treat it, since some supplements and medications could affect your future child.

Pelvic Girdle Pain

Over the course of a pregnancy, the joints of the pelvis begin to loosen. This allows the baby to be born more easily when the time comes, but it can also produce pain. Discomfort relating to pelvic girdle joints often becomes worse when the weight of the pregnancy causes changes in posture and the center of gravity.

While most patients experience this kind of discomfort gradually, some find that it happens suddenly after a fall or exercise. Doctors recommend managing this pain with lifestyle changes, mobility aids and some medications.

Pain in the Feet and Ankles

Ankle, foot and lower leg pains are also very common in pregnancy. These are due to edema, or swelling and fluid retention in the joints. This occurs when the growing uterus presses against major blood vessels, causing circulatory problems. Elevating the feet when you sit or lie down can reduce the amount of fluid buildup. You can also wear supportive stockings and avoid standing or crossing your legs for a long period of time.

Back Pain

Aching back joints and muscles happen in a majority of pregnancies. This condition is due to the added weight and balance problems that come with carrying your baby-to-be. If your back pain becomes severe, report it to your doctor right away. For less serious cases, make sure you avoid high heels and chairs without back support. Try to maintain the best posture possible, avoid heavy lifting, and consider changing your sleep position. Use gentle massage, exercise and heat to reduce the pain as much as possible before resorting to medication.

Joint Pain in the Hands and Wrists

Surprisingly, the changes that occur during pregnancy can affect even non-weight bearing parts of the body such as the wrists and hands. Many patients suffer from a burning sensation in these areas caused by inflammation of the carpal tunnels. Swelling and hormonal changes in the second and third trimesters make this condition especially likely.

While natural supplements such as green-lipped mussel powder are often used to deal with normal joint inflammation, you should consult your doctor before taking them while pregnant, since there is little data about their safety and effectiveness during this time. You can also use heat and cold compresses, massage, exercise and support splints to help manage the problem.

Joint Pain Ayurvedic Treatments and Herbal Remedies

Joint pain can be due to relatively benign condition like muscle sprain or ligament injury which can subside by some simple treatment or on its own and it can be a symptom of serious disease like arthritis. Some other mild infections like flu and other viral infections can cause inflammation of bursae, which works as cushion pads for joints and known as bursitis, which can cause pain in the joints.

Joint pain which occurs after strenuous physical activity or repeated use of any particular joint or due to sudden jerk and shock is largely due to muscle pull and sprain. Such pains can be problematic too, massage with any over the counter pain relieving ointment or cream can be a sufficient treatment, if one feel pain in almost every joint of the body due to straining or sudden physical activity, taking a bath with warm water shall help. If there is some inflammation at any joint hot and cold packs can be applied. Hot water tubes and a pack of ice cubes shall be applied at the affected joint one after another, this will improve blood flow to the area and will control the pain and inflammation.

People who occasionally get involved in strenuous physical activity tend to develop the tendency of joint pain as their body is not used to of taking physical strain. Mix two parts of pure olive oil with one part of kerosene oil to form a paste. This paste can be used in the case of joint pain as and when required. It is safe and effective treatment for joint pain. Rumatone Gold oil is also an Ayurvedic non-prescription treatment for this condition.

If there is swelling and redness on the joints along with the pain and particularly if the pain surfaces in the morning or after a period of inactivity it can be a symptom of arthritis. In such condition medical advice shall be taken but some alternate treatments can go along with the regular treatment for quicker relief. Mixture of camphor, methyl salicylate, eucalyptus oil and menthol can be applied and rubbed at the aching joints to relieve the pain. Application of hot apple cider vinegar at the joints before going to bed also provide relief from joint pain and inflammation.

It can be relieved by some supportive diet. Equal parts of carrot juice and lemon juice mixed and a large tablespoon of this mixture consumed everyday helps the body in relieving the joint pain. One clove of garlic consumed with water is also an effective treatment of this condition. Consumption of carrot juice is also helpful in treating recurring joint pain.

Hot and cold water bath, TENS, therapies and exercises particularly of joints, helps in improving strength and endurance of the joints which eventually helps in relieving pain due to any reason. Mild exercises like aerobics, walking and jogging improve metabolism and blood circulation for better joint functioning. Yoga has few exercises and poses which can relieve the joint pain and also prevent its re-occurrence by strengthening the muscles and ligaments. Breathing exercises in yoga have been found helpful even in rheumatic arthritis conditions as they help the body in flushing the toxins out of the body.

Various Joint Ailments and Joint Pain Relief

Many ailments affect the joints, are mostly painful, and tend to worsen if neglected and not treated on time. Ganglion Cysts grow on tendon of the joints, usually consisting ball made of fluid. The wrist or hand is the commonly affected by cysts and treated often with medication or simple surgery consisting of needle aspiration.

Joint pains medically know as Arthralgia are common in old age patients and those suffering from diabetes mellitus, other lifestyle diseases. Diet supplements and naturopathy may reduce pains and give long-term solutions.

Shoulder pain may due to Shoulder Impingement Syndrome pinching of the supraspinatus tendon and bursa between the upper arm bone and roof of the shoulder. It may be noted that pain relief may also be achieved by physiotherapy and natural treatment. Joint pain may worsen in cold weather conditions, and it is comparatively better in warmer weather. On diagnosing with acute shoulder pain, the effective joint pain relief would be to consult an orthopedic, be treated for the ailment. Frozen Shoulder is a joint pain affecting due to inflexibility or lack of lubrication in the shoulder of the individual.

Playing golf is no wonder a delightful hobby, however professional golfers suffer from a common joint pain called the Golfers Elbow, it affects the bony bump on the inside portion of the elbow. The wear and tear of elbow muscles, ligaments, and tendons cause a permanent injury to the players.

Ankle injury and sprains are common to active individuals and sportsman, and they can be painful and cause permanent injury if affected repeatedly on the same body part. Ankle sprain is damage to the ankle ligaments caused by a single sudden incident, and may be traumatic if the injury worsens by lack of proper posture and post sprain care.

The Joint Hyper mobility Syndrome (JHS) is a condition that features joints that easily move beyond the normal range expected for a particular joint. This causes a lot of pain in the knees, fingers, hips, and elbows. There no know and specific joint pain relief treatment for JHS, still symptomatic treatment is possible.

Pseudo gout is a joint inflammation disorder, due to the calcium pyrophosphate crystalline deposits in and around joints, local ice application on the area affected and removing the fluid containing the crystals is common practice. Anti-inflammatory drugs may also be taken by the doctor's advice.

Obesity and fat accumulation may result in excess weight on the bones and joints, resulting in pain and friction in the joints. Such joint pain relief may be achieved by weight loss, diet, and implementing proper body postures.

How to Cure TMJ Without Surgery

If you have been diagnosed with the TMJ disorder you need to know how to cure TMJ without surgery. The TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) disorder is a very difficult problem to treat because of the amount of use your jaw joint and muscles get every day. You use them for eating and talking and yawning which you need to do every day. Some of us use them a lot more than others.

The most common cause of TMJ disorder is clenching and/or grinding your teeth in your sleep because of stress, tension, or anxiety, so if that's the case with you, you should know that you will have to treat the cause of your TMJ as well as the TMJ itself. You should do everything possible to find a natural TMJ cure rather than resort to surgery but whether you had surgery or not to correct your TMJ you would undoubtedly wind up with the same problem soon because of the teeth clenching and grinding if you don't treat the stress.

Exercises You Can Use to Cure TMJ

There are many different exercises you can use to cure TMJ but, I have to say this again because it's so important, the most crucial thing you need to do to cure TMJ is to find ways to handle and cope with your stress. You may want to try some Yoga breathing exercises.

Now I am going to give you some exercises you can try that may help you cure TMJ. You may want to do these 3 times per day. Some good times to do them would be when you get up in the morning, in the afternoon when you get home from work and before going to bed. Just try to be as relaxed as possible and clear your mind from your problems.

Tongue Stretch - First close your mouth gently and place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth. Then slide your tongue back towards your throat as far as you can. Now open your mouth slowly and make sure you keep your tongue touching the roof of your mouth. Only open your mouth as far as you can without letting your tongue lose contact with the roof of your mouth. Hold that position for 5 seconds. Relax for 5 seconds then repeat the exercise 4 more times.

TMJ Stretching - Stretching your jaw muscles will aid in relaxing and repairing them. To do this you simply open your mouth as wide as possible without pain. Do this 10 times. Next, open your mouth wider on the left than on the right. Open as far as you comfortably can and then close your mouth. Then do the same on the right side. You can do this several times per day and the more the better.

TMJ Assisted Stretching - for this exercise you will be doing the same as the previous exercise except this time you will use your hand to pull your mouth a little wider than you can using just your jaw muscles. If this causes pain don't do it!

Crooked Jaw Repair - This exercise is for when you have a deviation or a shifting of one side of your jaw when you open your mouth. Some TMJ patients will have this when one side of their jaw is damaged and not the other side. This exercise will help you to reeducate the side that is not working properly. You'll want to do this one in front of a mirror so you can make sure you are opening and closing your jaw straight.

Even if you have to use your hand to guide your jaw at first you need to try to open your jaw evenly on each side. Open and close your jaw gently and straight and do it 10 times in a row. Then relax for a minute and do 2 more sets of ten times. Try to do three sets of ten like this three or four times per day.

Something else that could help is to do these stretching exercises with the help of warm moist heat. This will increase the blood flow to your jaw and facial muscles which will mean more oxygen is getting to them. Just put two hand towels in some hot water and then squeeze them out and place one on each side of your face while you are doing the stretching exercises.

These exercises may or may not help you but it's worth a try and you never know...they could lead to your TMJ cure.

Treating Subluxation - A Chiropractic Cure for Disease

Chiropractors have an extensive knowledge of the musculoskeletal system and are experts in the field of spinal healthcare. Considered to be an alternative medicine, chiropractic care is generally used in conjunction with traditional health care.

Chiropractic focuses on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the musculoskeletal system's disorders. This alternative medical practice is based on the theory that all living tissue in our body contains an innate or inborn intelligence. This is to say that our body parts have the ability to organize, maintain and heal themselves. This innate intelligence acts through the nervous system in order to heal the body. Chiropractic aims to cure diseases of the body by aligning the spine through adjustment. By performing adjustments, a chiropractor can remove interferences in the nervous system, allowing it to heal the body uninhibited.

Santa Monica is one of the well-known places in California to find some of the most skilled chiropractors in the country. Pretty much all Santa Monica chiropractors will perform manual adjustments of the spine, joints, muscles and tissues, to cure ailments, the best ones will also provide lifestyle counseling, prescribe stretches and exercise, as well as dietary advice and supplements.

When looking for a Santa Monica Chiropractor, keep in mind that there are two types of chiropractors; straight chiropractors and mixer chiropractors.

Straight chiropractors firmly adhere to the ancient metaphysical philosophies that hold that subluxation creates interference in the functioning of the nervous system's innate intelligence, which can cause a litany of diseases. These straight chiropractors focus entirely on vertebral subluxation and do not include any other forms of therapy in the treatments.

Mixer chiropractors are much looser in their interpretation and practice of the ancient philosophies. They employ all different types of medical, osteopathic and chiropractic techniques to provide cures for a patient's ailments. Mixed chiropractors treat subluxation as a potential cause of disease, but include mainstream treatments like homeopathy, massage, acupuncture, herbal treatments and biofeedback in ther treatment regimes. With a wider range of tools at their disposal, mixed chiropractors are able to provide a more holistic care program.

A good Santa Monica chiropractor offers you a non-surgical alternative therapy for healing your body from aches, pains and other diseases through spinal column adjustment. Your chiropractor will be able to diagnose and treat temporomandibular joint dysfunction, sports injuries, chronic headaches, as well as back and neck pains.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Getting Excellent Results And Low Impact Body Stress With an Elliptical Fitness Trainer

Elliptical fitness equipment is fast becoming a favored type of workout machine and evidence of this trend can be seen in the increased number of the elliptical fitness trainer machines that are seen in health clubs. Elliptical machines allow for an excellent and very effective aerobic workout while exacting a very low-impact on the joints, knees and hips. This combination of elements are very appealing to the baby boomers who want to stay fit but also want to avoid knee and hip pain.

An elliptical trainer lessens the stresses that are put on your legs, the hip and knee joints because of the gentle elliptical motion that is used. Less stress on the joints means there is less probability of strain that can lead to injury. One of the greatest problems with most types of exercise machines is that at some point during the movements, there is stress, or impact, which can cause soreness or injury. When this is the case, soon the machine is doing little more than collecting dust rather than helping people become more fit.

Those who have exercised on an elliptical fitness trainer report that the sensation is much like an easy walk right in midair. Because the person's feet do not lift off the oversized foot pedals during exercise, there is no stressful jarring of the joints in feet, ankles or knees, as occurs on treadmills.

Instead, the smooth motion of the crossover elliptical trainer in reality mimics the natural path of movement of the hips, knees and ankle joints during walking, running or jogging. However, unlike the actions of walking, running and jogging, your feet are supported the whole time you are going through the motions on an elliptical trainer, eliminating the jolting impact that comes from each step when you walk or run.

It has been approximated by sports physiologists that the impact the joints of the lower body receive when one is running is two and a half times their body weight. In addition to stressing the hip, knee and ankle joints, this also has a significant impact on the lower back as well. Using an elliptical trainer for your workout routines reduces such impact to virtually nothing.

In order to reduce joint strain even more, the best elliptical trainer models feature articulating foot pedals. This type of training elliptical configuration of the foot pedals allows the machine to better conform to your natural stride.

More and more often, fitness experts talk about the importance of doing weight-bearing exercises. This is because it has been shown in studies that weight-bearing exercises can reduce the occurrence of osteoporosis, which is another big concern for the aging population. Unlike fitness machines such as stationary bikes and rowers, an elliptical machine allows you to get a weight-bearing workout with minimal impact.

Another aspect that makes an elliptical uniquely beneficial is that it provides a way to workout both the upper body and the lower body at the same time. In fact, crossover elliptical trainer machines are in a class by themselves in this regard. There are simply no other exercise equipment gym machines that can simultaneously work as many muscle groups as the training elliptical method can.

While using an elliptical fitness trainer, you are able to engage your whole body for a workout the includes the glutes, back, chest, triceps, biceps, quads and hamstrings. This allows people to strengthen and tone all of the muscle groups at one time. This in turn means that more calories are used in a shorter length of time, making elliptical workouts a very efficient approach to fitness.

4 Harmful Complications of Teeth Grinding

'Bruxism' or teeth grinding is a health problem that needs to be addressed promptly, especially when it is very severe. Failure to do this may lead to likely complications that could otherwise have been prevented. Mild cases of teeth grinding may not be a cause for concern but, the more severe cases of this disease may lead to some complications.

I have listed 4 of such complications below.

1. Damaged teeth
The teeth are the part of the body that is primarily affected by dental disease. If the teeth move or grind against each other the result is physical damage to the surface of the teeth and the cheek. Fractured crown, abnormal wear and tear, and missing or broken tooth are common damages that result from this dental problem.

A great number of people invest money to get an alluring white set of teeth. Dental surgeries and restorations are undergone to improve the teeth but teeth grinding can take all the improvements achieved from these away. Because 'bruxism' can lead to loss of investment on teeth improvement it is important that one visits his dentist immediately one notices it. This will prevent further damage to the teeth which could cost a lot of money to restore.

2. Chronic Headaches
Headaches are caused by stress which is, in itself, a main cause of this dental problem. The constant, irregular, and usual involuntary muscle movements of the mouth, jaw, and the ear cause severe headaches and these are more severe than headaches caused by tension and anxiety. These headaches recur intermittently. Though doctors prescribe over-the-counter medications as remedy for these headaches it could be annoying and uncomfortable leading to health problems like sleeplessness, anxiety, and depression.

3. 'Temporomandibular' Joint Disorders
This is abbreviated as 'TMJ' and it is a disorder in the joint of the ball and socket located at the sides of the head. It is the joint joining the jawbones to the temporal bone of the skull. This 'TMJ' moves when we speak and, in like manner, there is a grinding of the teeth. This joint moves more than it is supposed to in teeth grinding because of the involuntary nature of the movement associated with 'bruxism'. In some instances the joint become dislocated because of the severe nature of teeth grinding.

Your 'TMJ' is in front of your ears. It moves as the jaw moves up and down and in teeth grinding its movement is different. It allows sideways movement of the jaw. With too much frequency of movement and pressure on the joint there may the occurrence of the problem of 'bruxism' over time.

4. Facial Pains
When Headaches are the chief complication of 'bruxism' facial pains is most likely to results. The 'bruxism' that affects the head first gets to the face before the head. How? The teeth clenching causes strain for facial muscles before it gets to the head where headaches are felt. The fact that 'bruxism' affects both the head and face is known by few people. Most people think it only affects the teeth alone. Facial pain causes wrinkle and skin sagging.

There you have it a list of 4 complications associated with this teeth problem.

Exploring Natural Remedies For Arthritis Joint Pain

Joint pain affects millions of people worldwide and tens of millions of people in the United States alone. In fact, statistics show that an estimated 21 million Americans suffer from arthritis in one of its many forms. The most common form of arthritis - osteoarthritis - is especially prevalent in our active society. Whereas most forms of arthritis are genetically linked, osteoarthritis is often caused by sports-related injuries or abnormal wear and tear on the joints, leading to cartilage damage.

Osteoarthritis goes by many names - from wear-and-tear arthritis to degenerative bone disease - but the effects are known by PAIN. According to published information from the National Collaborating Centre for Chronic Conditions, osteoarthritis occurs when abnormal wear degrades the cartilage that covers and cushions joints and leads to a decrease in the synovial fluid that lubricates those joints. In other words, the cushion in your joints wears out and you feel the pain. The pain is even more pronounced when doing weight-bearing activities such as walking, standing or climbing the stairs.

Because there is no cure for osteoarthritis, those who suffer from joint pain have long been bound by the confines of traditional medicines and treatment. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) have led the way in treatment, putting millions of patients on a never-ending cycle of pain and temporary relief... all the while offering increasingly limited efficacy and the risk of dangerous side effects. The question remains, can relief from joint pain be found outside traditional methods?

The experience of millions of people answers a resounding YES.

In hopes of avoiding the dangerous and sometimes deadly side-effects of the most common prescription medications, such as Daypro, Naprosyn and Celebrex, more and more people are looking outside of traditional treatments for kinder, gentler and in many cases, more effective ways of treating the problem. Nutritional supplementation with glucosamine and chondroitin has proven itself to be one of the best options for those looking for fast, effective and dependable relief from joint pain.

Glucosamine and chondroitin are the foundational materials needed for healthy cartilage in joints. These two molecules are lacking in the damaged joint and the body does not have the raw materials needed to replenish the cartilage as it is broken down. Supplementing with glucosamine and chondroitin give the body gets the extra boost it needs to repair damaged cartilage, resulting in long-term pain relief. This is in sharp contrast to prescription NSAIDs, which only mask the pain temporarily and yield no measurable improvement in the condition of arthritic joints.

Arthritis and Joint Pain - Food Can Be Your Best Medicine or Worst Enemy!

Arthritis often brings along many other illness not just joint pain, swelling and discomfort. The body slows down as arthritis takes hold, joints become swollen and painful at the same time, and movements are becoming more difficult. There for less exercise means weight gain, and the decline in health spiral has begun.

Cholesterol and blood pressure can become dangerously high, also cardiovascular fitness can decline. Blood sugar bordering on danger levels, as well through weight gain up goes diabetes. The human body is far too complex - and arthritis is much too stubborn for a simple solution. Healing any degenerative disease requires a multiple discipline, and to have success you've got to attack the disease at every level it exists on. It is also important to realise that there is no such thing as a "magic bullet" cure. Research has confirmed time after time that diet and lifestyle changes are the most important steps to improve any ones health.

Foods to stay away from at all costs!

Don't be lured into choosing farmed fish instead of wild-caught fish. In fact avoid farmed fish of any kind. They could make actually joint pain worse. Farm-raised fish contain a lower amount of inflammation fighting Omega-3. They also have unhealthy levels of pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. This is because farmed fish being fed unhealthy amounts of soy pellets, which increase the ratio of omega-6 that promotes chronic inflammation in the human body. On top of that farmed fish being fed large amounts of antibiotics to control diseases caused by crowded conditions in which they raised.

The best fish you can eat, which is toxin free and has a high content of Omega-3 is wild Alaskan Salmon. Overfishing has created a shortage of these healthful wild-caught fish.

Be aware of medication for arthritis!

Some medication and certain arthritis drugs have been found to lower the amount of selenium in your body. These are the often prescribed anti-inflammatory Glucocorticoid medication, as well as Dexamethasone, and Prednisone.

Only studies over long time tell the truth. A study taken over 22 years have found a clear association between aspartame (artificial sweetener) consumption and leukaemia. Diet soda and high sugar intake is also a trigger of developing leukaemia. Also this study found that aspartame and saccharin causes great weight gain. This also applies to any arthritis sufferers where there is sugar involved in drinks and daily meals. Stay clear from refined food, including most frozen meals, boxed cereals, snacks, sweet yogurt, banana-chips, also "natural" potato chips, and packaged products. Even pretzels act just as sugar when they hit your blood stream because they're made with refined white flower.

Those are full with sugars and trans-fats. All of them would say: "Hello inflammation and pain, here I come."

The ten worst foods for arthritis!

  1. Sugar carbohydrates, including cookies, candies, sodas, fruit and sport drinks

  2. All fast foods especially deep-fried

  3. Refined wheat products, white bread, cakes, pasta etc.

  4. Refined polyunsaturated vegetable oils, corn, soy, safflower, sunflower and canola

  5. Margarines and mayonnaise

  6. Commercial salad dressings and dips

  7. Granola bars and energy bars

  8. Processed snacks, chips and crackers

  9. Microwave popcorn with butter flavouring

  10. Veggie - burgers and any other fake soy-based foods

Those pain provoking foods contain excessive amounts of omega-6 fatty acids and lots of sugar. It is all about balance to bring your total Omega's into balance by consuming more Omega-3 foods than Omega-6 fatty foods.

When it comes to arthritis pain and taking supplements you should know what to take and only take a quality product. Not all Glucosamine is good Glucosamine; independent testing laboratories have discovered that up to 90% of all Glucosamine products on the market today are ineffective and practically worthless.

Glucosamine-Chondroitin creams and gels are bunk. Don't waste your money.

Only by eating the right food you will get the full benefit from a good natural supplement to make sure that your body will become and stay healthy, and pain- free.

You will gain pleasure and peace of mind by taking preventive action with no side effects.

For more information about health and how to choose the best supplement ("in a liquid form") to add to your daily diet, just follow the link below, info is free.

Joint Pain Stiffness and Inflammation Relief Natural Remedies

One of the common characteristic of arthritis is joint stiffness. This is the condition which is related with inactivity, decreased range or total loss of motion in a joint. If the patient is suffering from osteoarthritis then he or she may suffer from joint stiffness which may last up to 30 minutes after waking up.

In the condition of rheumatoid arthritis or systematic lupus erythematosus, which is of inflammatory types of arthritis, the stiffness typically lasts for more than 45 minutes. One of the causes of the joint pain may be bursitis also. The bursae allow the muscles and the tendons to move freely over the bone as it is a fluid filled sacs which cushion and pad bony prominences.

Some of the important causes of joint stiffness are given below.

Joint stiffness is caused due to the inflammation in the synovium, which is the lining of the joint. The pain in the joint can be caused by different types of injuries or conditions. Whatever may be the cause of the joint, joint pain and stiffness can be bothersome.

Stiffness and the pain in the joint can also be caused by an autoimmune disorder, Rheumatoid arthritis. Due to osteoarthritis, there is a growth of bone spurs and degeneration of cartilage at a joint. This type of joint pain is very common in adults older than 45 which results into the pain of the joint.

Some of the important causes of joint pain are hepatitis, influenza, rheumatic fever, rubella, varicella, infectious disease, bursitis, autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, mumps, injury, tendinitis, osteoarthritis, unusual exertion or overuse, which includes sprains or strains.

For treating the problem of joint stiffness there are many processes. Exercise helps in improving the condition of joint stiffness. Regular doing exercises helps in improving the health and fitness of the patient without hurting the joints. With the help of exercise -

1. Weight is controlled
2. Muscles are strengthened around the joints
3. Maintains the strength in the bone
4. Make it easier to get a good night's sleep
5. Make you feel better.

Cold and heat treatment is also beneficial in lessening the pain and the joint stiffness. With the help of cold treatment, swelling is reduced and it also relaxes the excited nerves and with the help of heat treatment, blood circulation is enhanced. Sometimes pain medicines also reduces the joint stiffness. Now people also prefer to go for herbal medicines to reduce the stiffness in the joint.

Beating Stress - An Alternative Cure For TMJ Disorder

Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ disorder, is one of the most common conditions from which people suffer, and yet it is quite likely that people get the wrong information on how to treat it and what causes it. There is the usual misconception that TMJ pain is caused only by getting hit directly in the jaw. While this is certainly one of the possible causes, it is highly unlikely that all TMJ pain sufferers today have been hit in the jaw.

TMJ disorder is caused by many things, and finding a cure for TMJ is dependent on identifying the real cause. Some more misconceptions about TMJ disorder claim that it just goes away on its own or that the only TMJ disorder cure relies on medicine or surgery.

Believe it or not, there are natural cures for TMJ pain out there, particularly if what caused your condition is stress. Indeed, stress is the culprit for a great many types of illnesses and TMJ disorder is yet another one of them. When you are stressed, your body tenses, your mouth included. You end up clenching your teeth together tightly, causing pressure on your teeth and in your jaw joints. You might not be aware that you do this, so whenever you feel under pressure at work, observe how you react, and you might just be surprised to find out that you're involuntarily clenching your teeth, and that the rest of your body is also tense.

A great way for you to reduce the pain you experience from TMJ disorder is by undergoing stress reduction workshops or stress management. You need to be able to learn how to deal with stress and allow yourself to relax. Reducing your stress levels seems like an unusual TMJ cure, but it is no doubt an interesting alternative cure for TMJ, one that lets you address your condition naturally.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Joint Relief Supplements For Elbow Pain

Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other musculoskeletal diseases can make for a bleak future if you do not stay on top of your joint health. The elbow is one of most common areas that take a beating from joint pains. Understanding where the pain is coming from is important when trying to find a way to treat the problem. Most of the causes of elbow pain are there because of age. Growing older is one of the main causes of arthritis and it can happen to either men or women. Conquering arthritis is up to you. Changing your daily lifestyle and adding supplements to your diet is the best way to find joint relief in your elbow.

Symptoms that you have joint problems are swelling and bruises on your arm or on the joint, inability to use full motion of your arm (can't straighten your arm all the way, can't bend it in all the way, can't flex muscles), pain or discomfort while you are resting or at night time, pains that last for more than a few days, and inability to lift items or carry them.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, then you may be experiencing a chronic pain called arthritis or osteoarthritis. Thankfully, the disease can be treated. Don't be discouraged by the discomfort and stiffened motion. There are literally millions of people that deal with the same challenges. Chronic pain is not something that can heal on its own or goes away over time; you have to do something about it.

Taking joint supplements can help improve the overall condition of your joints. Not only will they help build and support your elbow joints, but they will improve the function of all your joints-from your hands and wrists to your feet and knees. The supplements are made with high quality extracts that have the natural ability to help protect your existing cartilage and slow down the break down process. They can take cartilage from shellfish and help your body produce healthy cushioning between your bones. Ingredients like glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate work together to help naturally add natural protective tissues. The proteoglycans that surround your joints can benefit by adding these two ingredients. They help improve the cushion and shock needed to give your joints free movement. It is important that the collagen in your body is capable of absorbing shock.

Supplements are a great addition to anyone's diet. They help soothe elbow pains and keep your joints moving freely.

Vaxamine Provides Proven All Natural Pain Relief For Dogs

There are a number of products out there that provide your dog with relief from the pain that is caused by inflammation, but Vaxamine pain reliever for dogs is different than most because it is made from all natural ingredients. Many other products, while effective in reducing inflammation, are known to put your dog at risk of some very serious side effects. Among the most popular types of anti inflammation medications available are Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs, also known as NSAIDs. Unfortunately, NSAIDs have been shown to cause potential damage to the internal organs. The anti inflammatory benefits of any NSAID needs to be weighed against the potential of this very dangerous and possibly deadly side effect.

Fortunately, there are natural alternatives to non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, and Vaxamine is a clinically proven supplement that can provide safe and effective relief from the pain caused by inflammation. Vaxamine is made up of a special blend of ingredients, among which are Hops Strobile extract, Boswellia Serrate extract, Green Lipped Mussel extract, Yucca extract, Oleic acid, Black Pepper extract and Vitamin E. The various pain relieving and anti inflammatory properties of these ingredients work together to provide natural relief from symptoms.

Inflammation has been identified as a contributing factor to a number of canine health conditions. Perhaps the most common of these conditions is inflammation of the joints. Often, joints become inflamed with age, so the slower movement associated with it is often attributed to the natural effects of aging. Fortunately, through the use of all natural anti inflammatory supplements like Vaxamine, much of this age related slowdown can be treated. In fact, the effects of treatment can be quite extreme because the increased, pain-free movement means a more active lifestyle and a better quality of life.

In addition to treating joint inflammation, Vaxamine is also effective as a treatment for other inflammation-related condition such as arthritis, bursitis, synovitis, tendonitis, and myositis (muscle soreness.) While many if not all of these conditions can be associated with aging, they can also affect younger dogs; especially working dogs, extremely active dogs, and dogs of breeds that are prone to inflammation. Vaxamine is safe and effective for dogs of all ages. It is easy to administer, and is made with an all natural beef flavor that dogs love. If you've been noticing pain or slowdown resulting from inflammation, and you are concerned about the potential side effects of NSAIDs or other drugs, then Vaxamine may be just what you're looking for.

Treat Your Arthritis With Miraculous Homeopathy

Skeleton, the body frame, the attached muscles, ligaments and sheaths form the basic structure of human beings. So, the disorders associated with these parts form the biggest malady in human beings.

Back: There is a statistical record that the disorders of back are the commonest cause of sickness related absence from work. Back problems can be roughly divided into:

1) Disorders related to vertebral column

2) disorders related to spinal musculature.

How Homoeopathy helps?

Homoeopathic remedies help to tackle the root cause of the disorder. They alleviate the pain as well as prevent further damage to the stressed ligaments, muscles and bones.

In cervical spondylosis, there is spinal disc degeneration in cervical, i.e., neck region. The symptoms may include neck pain, giddiness etc. Remedies like Rhus tox, Lachananthes, Gelsemium, etc. along with certain neck exercises can avoid inconvenient neck belts.

In case of lumbago (low back pain) one must rule out spinal pathology, kidney stones, white discharge in women due to pelvic inflammatory disease, prostate pathologies and chronic fatigue syndrome or paraspinal musculitis. The treatment must be directed to tackle the cause. For example, women who have undergone caesarean section with spinal anaesthesia often complain of lumbago (low back pain). Remedies like Hypericum, Ledum pal etc. help them to get rid of it. Other remedies like Sepia, kali carb, Rhus tox, Arsenicum album, Lucopodium etc. help to relieve lumbar pathologies.

Arthritis of various joints: Arthritis is an inevitable degenerative process that affects various joints with age.

1) Shoulder pain: Though there can be various causes of shoulder pain, the most common are traumatic, degenerative or inflammatory in origin. Remedies like Ferrum met, Sanguinaria, Arnica, etc. are helpful particularle in shoulder pain.

2) Hand and wrist pain: Remedies like Ruta, Actea spicata, Kalmia, etc. act particularly in wrist pathologies.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that mainly occurs as a result of aging process. It affects different joints including hip, knee, joints of hand, etc. There is aching type of pain usually provoked by the use of the joint. As the disease progresses, there can be limitation of movements and in later stages, there can be deformities.

Homoeopathic medicines like Ruta, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, etc, act in 3 steps.

1) Alleviate pain

2) Arrest further progress of the disease and

3) Revert the pathology to certain extent. (Depending upon the individual response to drugs)

In Rheumatoid arthritis, RA factor, i.e., rheumatoid factor is positive. If it is an early rheumatoid arthritis, Homoeopathic remedies are capable of curing it completely. In later stages when deformities set in, Homoeopathic remedies arrest further damage and revert them to some extent. At least with these remedies, without any side effects, patients can carry out day-to-day activities without any hassles!

Find Out Here Which Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptom You Could Have

Arthritis is a complex disease and in fact there are one hundred plus forms. However, two represent by far the main ones: rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. We'll just talk about these two for now. They are quite different as you will see.

Osteoarthritis is often called degenerative arthritis which is a good name as it is caused by the degeneration of the cartilage between the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is an auto immune disease, so is completely different.

Here's a list to see if you have any or just one rheumatoid arthritis symptom?

1. Joint pain on both sides of the body
2. Inflammation and swelling of joints - particularly in the hands and the knees
3. Aches and pains in your joints, again the hands and knees are particularly affected
4. Stiffness in the morning that often lasts more than hour
5. Weak muscles due to stiff joints and less activity
6. Severe fatigue - tired all the time, everything is just too much
7. Generally feeling unwell, even nauseous; possible weight loss

If one or more of these symptoms affect you, then the first step would be to go and see your doctor and talk to him. He will examine you thoroughly and will probably recommend a blood test. There is a particular blood test that can determine whether you have rheumatism or not - it's call the rheumatoid factor. Maybe your doctor will also recommend you have an x-ray done to find out what damage there is to your joints or your cartilage.

If these tests are positive, then there are many options you can take. Although at the present time there is no known cure for arthritis, there are lots of options as far as pain relief is concerned. In fact rheumatism affects people in very different ways because it is an auto immune disease and everyone's body reacts differently.

They key here is to stay true to yourself. If you really don't want to have medication, then try natural remedies. There are so many ways to relief pain naturally and supplements to help hinder the degeneration of the joints and cartilage. Even acupuncture can help. Choose what is right for you. The same applies if you want to take a purely scientific approach . Your doctor will be happy to prescribe medication. If they don't work, go back and try again until you find something that relieves your pain.

The first step is to see if you have any of the rheumatoid arthritis symptom and if so, stay positive. Many many people live well and manage their disease admirably.

Diet For Rheumatoid Arthritis - What Foods Are Bad For Joint Pain?

When it comes to developing an adequate diet for rheumatoid arthritis, the food you eat is less important than the foods you don't eat! Treating rheumatoid arthritis symptoms can be as simple as avoiding certain foods that are known to aggravate pain and inflammation.

First of all, make sure that you completely avoid any food you may have allergies to. Allergic reactions lower the amount of antioxidants in the body, leading to the release of antibodies which in turn lead to an inflammatory response. Many people are unknowingly allergic to gluten, so cutting it out of your diet may also prove beneficial. If you're not sure you have any allergies, you can find out by gradual eliminating certain foods to see if you notice a difference.

Next in line of importance is getting rid of saturated fats, which come primarily from meat and dairy products. It is particularly important to avoid steak, bacon, and hi-fat cuts of meat. Cream and butter can also be very unhealthy. These foods will increase inflammation in the body, so if you consume a lot of saturated fat, you may experience a great deal of relief by cutting it out entirely. It may even be worthwhile to become a vegetarian for a while to see if it alleviates your symptoms.

A diet for rheumatoid arthritis should also avoid refined sugar, processed foods, salt, MSG, and caffeine. Although alcohol consumption is generally discouraged, there is some evidence that moderate use may actually reduce the risk of developing arthritis.

Another food to avoid when forming your diet for rheumatoid arthritis, oddly enough, are the "night-shade" vegetables. These include tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and peppers. Some people have a sensitivity to these types of vegetables that greatly aggravate their RA symptoms. Overly acidic fruits like oranges and lemons should also be avoided.

How To Get Relief From Arthritis Using Gelatin?

Arthritis is a degenerative disease which causes pain and inflammation in the joints of the body. There are two main kinds of arthritis, namely rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Till today, researchers have not been able to find the precise cause or cure for arthritis. So, when it comes to arthritis pain and inflammation, people have to resort to different treatment methods. The pain that arthritis sufferers experience can disrupt daily living activities. However, there could be hope in the horizon for arthritic patients. In 2000, a company called Cole compiled a research on food therapies that used gelatin for treating arthritis. The research stated that gelatin could be helpful in reducing the symptoms of arthritis.

Arthritis causes unwanted side effects and most of them are caused due to the medications that doctors prescribe. Several of them are anti-inflammatory medications. These medications lead to ulcers and certain bowel problems. Gelatin has a record of curing such side effects and does not cause any of its own. The National Institutes of Health says that gelatin has been approved by the US FDA as a safe dietary supplement that healthy adults can consume, but it is not approved as a treatment for any health problem, including arthritis.

Gelatin is found in various forms like pills powder and other gelatin forms. When gelatin is ingested, it increases the joint cartilage and this was found in a laboratory test on mice.

It is made from animal collagen using different scientific processes. However, people who are vegetarians may not be able to take gelatin therapy. The gelatin that is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is basically dependent on the availability. Many people find that taking a pill of gelatin has to be carefully administered before they take their food. Most of the gelatin products are animal derivatives.

Gelatin is actually a protein that is used by the entire human body. When a person consumes gelatin, it is converted into collagen. Collagen is the main component that aids in the easing of joints. The amount of collagen in the joints reduces the friction between the bones, and can ease the pain that an arthritic patient experiences. When a person consumes gelatin as a natural dietary supplement, it goes back as a part of collagen to the joints. It is an excellent lubricating agent.

Gelatin pills are available over-the-counter and a bottle may cost anywhere from $5 to $15. However, gelatin can be ingested just once or twice a day. Hence, it is recommended that before a person begins taking gelatin as a way to get relief from arthritis, he/she should first consult their doctor. Also, the person should ensure that the gelatin is sugar-free, as a person suffering from arthritis should not gain weight. Excess weight causes undue strain on the joints.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Treating Jaw Pain and Headaches: Six Red Flags for TMJ Disorders

Many of us can't imagine much joint movement when it comes to the bones of the skull. However, chiropractors and osteopaths have known that movement occurs along these "joints" (sutures) for over 100 years. When a person inhales, the pressure within the chest and head also increases. As a result, the head expands slightly along its sutures. When a person exhales, the opposite occurs.

The closed kinetic chain involving the jaw and skull is known as the stomatognathic system. Nature has integrated jaw and cranial movement such that they are mutually dependent. Since a person chews as often as 1,500 times per day, any muscular imbalance in the jaw will cause temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) pain or dysfunction. This will also limit cranial bone movement, causing fibrous adhesions to form. This is called a cranial fault. Head trauma and birth can also cause cranial faults, which in turn, lead to TMJ dysfunction.

Dental problems like poor dentition or malocclusion can also lead to TMJ related headaches. Therefore a knowledgeable, and skillful dentist is one professional to consult.

Spinal mechanics integrate with the head and jaw like cogs in a cogwheel. This means biomechanical irregularities within the spine can contribute to TMJ disorders, headaches, and cranial faults. The alignment of the first cervical vertebra (atlas) can affect the occipital nerves, and trigger headaches as well as jaw problems. Because correct spinal alignment is so important to proper jaw and skull movement, a chiropractic physician is also instrumental to obtaining relief.

Proper diagnosis is possible in any medical profession, but the ideal diagnostician is a professional applied kinesiologist, who can rapidly assess the spine, TMJ, and cranium. Chiropractors with this technique can offer natural treatments like cranial or spinal manipulation, orthopedic massage to the muscles of mastication, acupuncture, etc. Once the muscles are adequately balanced, normal movement is achieved and pain disappears.

Here is a simple checklist to determine if this situation describes you or someone you love:

1. Are you unable to swallow with the mouth partially open?
2. Does your jaw click, pop, lock, or grind when you chew?
3. Does one eye/nostril look bigger than the other?
4. When you chew, or open your mouth as wide as you can, does the jaw veer off to one side?
5. Are you unable to fit three knuckles of your non-dominant hand into your mouth?
6. When you have a headache, is it made better by changing how you breathe?

Yes to any of these questions indicates TMJ dysfunction, regardless of current symptoms. Ignoring this will prolong and enable unnecessary headaches, neck and jaw pain. I recommend professional treatment.

For more information on applied kinesiology or to "Find an AK Dr" go to

Joint Pain Relief Supplements

What are you doing to help relieve your joint pains? Ignoring them will cripple you and stunt your normally comfortable daily lifestyle. Your joints will not improve without help. You can compare it to a problem like mold. Mold will only get worse if ignored and cannot be fixed by masking the problem. The same goes with rheumatic conditions. These types of conditions are caused by swelling, inflammation, and pains in the joints or muscles. Osteoarthritis is a perfect example. With joints, once the healthy cartilage is worn down, your bones are not protected. There is no cushion or shock absorbency. The only way to resolve the problem is by making a change in your daily lifestyle.

The upside to rheumatic conditions being so common is that there are many different techniques and supplements available to help relieve pain. Not only will making some changes help relieve the side effects associated with joint pains but supplements will help rebuild healthy cartilage and replenish the healthy cartilage you have left. Of course, it is never too early or too late to start being proactive about your health either. Typically women start seeing signs and symptoms of OA or RA a little earlier than men. For man or woman, as you reach older age it might be good idea to start taking supplements for things like joint health. The more healthy cartilage you can keep the better.

Supplements always work best if taken on a daily basis. The best way to get full results from any supplement is to pair it with an all around healthy schedule. Try and get your eight hours of sleep a day. Try and do exercise weekly or physical therapy techniques. Think about changing you daily diet! You can also keep in mind that doing excessive movement of the same movement can put stress on your joints. The wear and tear of joints is the cause of osteoarthritis. You can potentially avoid osteoarthritis by not doing repetitive motions with the same joint.

Some ingredients that are popular in joint supplements are glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, and vitamin D3.

People resort to joint relief supplements because they want to end their joint pains by fixing the problem. Actually, adding an herbal supplement to your daily diet is one of the best things you could do for your joint health. Daily supplements don't just mask the pain associated with your given rheumatic condition, they replenish and promote healthy joint and bone health.

How to Avoid Back Surgery and Save Yourself A Lot of Pain

If you have prolonged moderate to severe back pain, chances are at some point a doctor is going to suggest back surgery. Most likely this suggestion will come after pain med prescriptions and epidural blocks have lost their efficiency and you are at your rope's end.

There are many things you can do to help your back heal and avoid going under the knife. Of course everyone is different and each cause of back pain is unique, so unfortunately a "one cure fits all" remedy is simply not available.

Let's get going. First and foremost is diet and exercise. Yeah yeah I am sure you are as sick as the rest of us of hearing you've got to work out and eat right. But maybe you are hearing it so much because it is actually important? Just a thought.

The preventative effects exercise alone can have on your back and its overall health are significant. Ever heard of exercises that strengthen your core? They are not referring to your spirit or soul. They are referring to that group of muscles located in and around your midsection (your waist and lower back). They are called obliques, abdominals, flexors, extensors and glutes. Keep these babies toned and loose and you will not only avoid a plethora of potential back problems later in life, but you will find your posture is one even 18th century Aristocrats would be proud of.

Keeping these muscles strong keeps weight bearing forces off the spine...which can prevent such nasties as bulging or herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, and facet joint deterioration. All of which equal pain with a capital "P." Regarding diet, answer this question: What is most likely to wear down your spine-80 or more lbs of beer belly fat (men) or no extra weight at all? Does the answer really need to be stated?

What does need stating is the effect smoking can have on the back. As if you needed one more reason to not smoke, the arteries which carry precious nutrient-rich blood to your back-including to all the delicate tissue around your spin and the discs and muscles that cushion and support it-tend to harden and restrict with age. Smoking speeds up this process possibly making it so you have an 80-year old back when you are only 60 or 65. Lack of nutrients to your back is an open door invitation for degenerative diseases such as arthritis to take hold.

But let's say you've already spent most your life neglecting your core muscles coupled with a wicked mixture of bad eating habits. Now you have constant moderate to severe back pain. Is it too late? Is your back destined to be sliced and diced? No, not necessarily.

Again, this has to be said with caution because sometimes surgery may indeed be necessary. But we'll assume you are one of the many lucky ones who can find relief without a surgical knife. How do you know if you are one of the lucky ones? One of the following tactics will work.

To begin with, start exercising your core muscles! Trouble is by now you may be in so much pain that you can't actually exercise. Now what?

Work with a physical therapist. Start slow, with stretches and mild moves. Believe it or not, little by little your muscles will strengthen. However, that might not be enough. You may have damage that needs repaired in addition to strengthening your core. Fortunately the body is its own best healer!A chiropractor, especially one that specializes in spinal decompression, may be exactly what you need. Today's decompression tables are guided by super smart computers that control the force and angle of the pull on the spine thus tricking the body's natural tendency to resist. The result is extra room between the vertebrae into which bulging or herniated discs can distract and heal.

Lastly, use a decompression spinal brace for your toughest times. Such a brace can give your back the break (no pun intended) it needs just long enough to get you to your next round of core-strengthening exercises.

Hip Joint Pain - Causes, Prevention and Cures

Hip joint pain is an ailment that plagues people from all walks of life. Some sufferers have very intense, constant throbbing pain while others have pain that's barely noticeable. As with all joint problems, there are many possible causes. Some causes include arthritis, bursitis, impact injuries, and repetitive stress injuries from activities such as running or jogging. Joint injuries are often long lived and once gone, they often reoccur later in life if conventional medical treatment was used.

The best treatment for hip joint pain is prevention. It's important to integrate a daily stretching regime into your daily routine. I find that the best way to do this is to stretch for 2 minutes while I take a shower. This helps wake me up in the morning, and I don't have to struggle to find the stretching time. Another preventative measure is to take the supplement glucosamine which helps with all joint problems. Many people consider this to be a miracle supplement. It's also important to drink at least 12 glasses of purified water every day to make sure that your joints stay well lubricated. We recommend distilled water because it has the in-organic calcium and lime removed from the water.

If you already have hip pain, there are some fantastic and effective treatments that are great alternatives to traditional medications given by most doctors. One such method is eating an inflammation reduction diet. The food you eat directly effects how your body deals with joint pain. Another excellent cure is pain management hypnosis. Most people have tremendous success when these techniques are administered by a competent, licensed hypnotherapist. These treatments can bring about long lasting relief for your hip joint pain.

Basics of Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis is the disease generally resulting in the inflammation and loss of movement of joints. The arthritis treatment cannot cure the disease completely but it can surely reduce the pains and inflammation to large extent.

There are over 100 different forms of arthritis. Osteoarthritis or the degenerative joint disease is the most common. The basic cause of osteoarthritis is due to infection to the joint, trauma or age. Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and septic arthritis are other common types.

Whenever there is injury caused between the joints, it can get enlarged and painful and result in arthritis. The main complaint from the people suffering from arthritis is the joint pain. It is caused due to inflammation, stress on the joints, damage to the joints, etc.

The symptoms of the arthritis include:

• Joint Pain
• Joint Swelling
• Redness on the skin around joint
• Warmth-ness around joint
• Fever with joint pain
• Reduced movement of joints


Physical Test: The physical test may show a fluid collection around the joint that result in pain or difficulty in movement in certain direction. It is called limited range of motion.

Medical test: The test for arthritis can vary depending on the type and suspected cause. It can include different blood tests, joint fluid, muscle, urine tests and joint X-rays.
Treatment of Arthritis:
There are different types of arthritis and the treatment can vary according to the cause, age of the patient and severe-ness of the disease. Generally, the cause is incurable and the treatment aims to reduce pain and discomfort and prevent further disability.

• Aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen and dicolfenac have immediate analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects and are comparatively safe.
• Hydroxychloroquine, gold, azathioprine, penicillamine, sulfasalazine and methotrexate can delay the progression of disease.
• Supplement of calcium, zinc and vitamin C is beneficial.

• Wrap red flannel around painful joint and leave it overnight.
• Gentle massage with warm olive oil on the affected joint is effective in reducing arthritis pain.
• The sufficient amount of rest and small amount of exercise can benefit the arthritis patients.
• The treatment methods may include the heat and cold treatments ensuring the joint protection, medication and surgery.
• Warm baths, massage and stretching exercise may also prove helpful.
• Change in regular diet and food along with daily exercises can help.

• Sulphuricum: every two hours when the pains are worse at night.
• Apis mellifica: 3 times for much swelling, little pain.
• Arctium: 6 times, every four hours for pain in joints, colalgia, neuralgia.

The above mentioned basics of arthritis treatment will help you to know the symptoms and the treatment for arthritis. Although arthritis is incurable, following the prescribed treatment and regular exercise can reduce its effect to great extent.

Gout Pain Relief - 6 Foods to Eat to Help Gout

People often wonder what foods cause gout, but another key question to ask is, "What foods can I eat to help gout?". This article will show you 6 foods you can eat that will help with this painful joint disease.

1. Potatoes. Potatoes are helpful because they contain potassium. Potassium is noted for helping to liquefy uric acid crystals. This helps the body to eliminate or excrete excess crystals out of your body. Excessive uric acid settles in your joints causing swelling and pain. One serving of potatoes contains approximately 10% of your recommended daily allowance of potassium.

2. Bananas. Bananas also contain potassium. This makes it very nice because they have multiple sources of getting rid of gout. It is recommended to have 3500mg a day. A serving of bananas provides you with almost 10% of the daily allowance. Bananas also contain vitamin C. This potent vitamin is noted for helping you reduce your overall uric acid levels when taken regularly.

3. Water. Water helps you flush out excess uric acid. Proper hydration also helps keep your kidneys and the rest of your body working properly and helps to reduce inflammation.

4. Grapes. A serving of grapes provides 4% of the daily allowance of potassium. They also contain almost 20% of the daily allowance for vitamin C. Grapes are also beneficial because they consist mostly of water which will help you avoid dehydration. Dehydration can lead to a gout attack.

5. Pineapples. Pineapples contain almost all the major ingredients of these other great gout fighting foods. They contain potassium, vitamin c, and bromelain. One serving contains a small percentage of potassium (2%), however it also contains a large percentage of vitamin C (60%). Bromelain has been used to treat gout because it helps reduce swelling.

6. Cherries. Cherries are noted by many to be the best food to help you get rid of gout. They are loaded with multiple ways to help you reduce your pain and symptoms. Cherries have anthocyanins, the dark color that you see in the cherries skin that helps you reduce swelling in the inflamed joints. Cherries also have a lot of vitamin C, and they contain potassium.

Cosmetic Procedures To Whiten Stained Teeth

The quest to find that brighter and gleaming smile hasn't been easy at all over the past years. Ammonia and chlorine were used to whiten people's teeth back in the eighteenth century. It became harsher in the 1950s as the dentists used highly concentration solutions of hydrogen peroxide and baked the teeth under a heat lamp.

Such outdated methods were quite physically torturing, not to mention too expensive, to get much popularity. Today, that has become more subtle and for the Americans, teeth whitening have never been easier than it is now. Last year, the Americans spent over $250 million on bleach, cap, zap and other whitening products. That's still expected to grow steadily.

For both dentists and patients, this seems like a win-win situation. This is very similar to most home treatments, in which the patient is required to wear a specially made mouth guard that has a layer of peroxide gel pressed against the teeth, for two weeks. The most widely used and popular whitener used presently is the simple peroxide bleaching. However, the price for teeth whitening treatment using peroxide still amounts from $200 to $500.

It is less common, but more effective to use lasers to activate the peroxide based gel, and make it react considerably faster. The laser's benefit is speed. A laser treatment offers the same exact results that you can get from wearing a mouth guard with peroxide solution for several weeks, provided that you find yourself a good dentist.

Even though this is still quite expensive, about $100 or more per tooth, it's gaining quite the popularity since it is faster and easier. The stains may eventually return after bleaching, so ceramic veneers are a better alternative to caps. In this process, which costs $500 to $800 per tooth, a thin ceramic cover is essentially glued to the surface of the tooth, providing a more appealing color, and in some cases correcting irregularities in the shape of the underlying tooth.

Besides when your tooth is accidentally chipped or damaged, and you have to use veneers, teeth whitening procedures are not covered under your dental insurance. Though disappointing to patients, dentists sure like it. This is a good motivation for dentists to continue expanding their practice in managed care, such as teeth whitening. To summarize all of that, since managed care has taken hold of dentistry, dentists were able to put even brighter smile on their faces, metaphorically, for all the benefits they acquired.

The quest to find that brighter and gleaming smile hasn't been easy at all over the past years. In the eighteenth century, people used ammonia and chlorine to achieve the same whitening effect on the teeth. Dentists would use hydrogen peroxide before baking teeth under a heat lamp, as recently as the 1950s.

These outdated methods didn't really get that much popularity, as they are expensive and physically discomforting. As of late, the teeth whitening procedures have become more subtle and affordable, making the American's quest an easy route. Americans last year spent more than $250 million to bleach, zap, cap or otherwise whiten their smiles, and the amount is expected to grow steadily in the coming years.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Osteoarthritis and Animals

For most animal owners the idea of their furry companion developing a disease such as osteoarthritis seems unlikely; that is until it happens. This potentially disabling condition is the number one type of joint disease in cats, dogs, and horse. It also occurs in almost all other animals with a backbone, including fish, amphibians, and birds. In this informational article titled osteoarthritis and animals we will be focusing on the defining the condition along with a few simple ideas that could be helpful in reversing its impact.  

Osteoarthritis in past years was simply called degenerative joint disease. It is a chronic condition affecting joint cartilage and surrounding tissue that is recognized by pain, stiffness, and in extreme cases immobility.   While this osteoarthritis is primarily seen in older animals, it is not caused primarily by the wear and tear that occurs with years of use. Instead, microscopic changes in the makeup of the cartilage (structure and composition) appear to be the culprit.   When an animal walks or runs they have an amazing ability to make it look easy. Their amazing mobility is enhanced by joints which have a very low friction level that will protect their joints from wearing out, even after years of use.

Current research suggests that osteoarthritis in animals begins with an abnormality of the cells that synthesize the components of cartilage such as collagen (a durable, fibrous protein) and proteoglycans (substances that provide resilience).  Once the process has begun the next step is likely swelling due to water retention. As the process continues cartilage becomes soft, and then develops cracks on the surface. Tiny cavities form in the bone beneath the cartilage, weakening the bone. Bone growth may then become irregular, producing sharp edges and bumps.

The result is that the once smooth surface that allowed your animal to move so gracefully becomes rough and pitted, so much so that the joint can no longer move smoothly and absorb impact producing pain and immobility.   Osteoarthritis in animals is incurable, but there are a number of steps you can take to improve their quality of life.

The different size and shape of animals makes universal treatment ideas few and far between but nevertheless let's explore a few of these.  
*Provide a warm place for them to sleep and rest: Often times joints will stiffen up during a nap or overnight.   *Weight management: Not only is excess weight one of the major contributing factors in the onset of osteoarthritis in animals it also plays a major role in its progression.  
*Water therapy: This is not for all animals but if you can use water to take the stress off of the impacted joints during joint therapy it could be beneficial.  
*Sensible exercise: Sensible exercise is essential in maintaining muscle mass and preserving the remaining joint flexibility.  

Additionally, there are a number of excellent bone and joint supplements formulated specifically to restore cartilage health in animals. If your furry companion is struggling with joint mobility supplementation is worth considering.

TMJ Treatments and Cures

Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ, is a fairly new group of illnesses that concern the portion which attaches the jaw and the skull. This doesn't mean that TMJ disorders have recently surfaced, mind you. It's only because the general populace has only started to pay attention to the same, given the media attention it has garnered in recent memory.

Today, whenever a person experiences ear pains, problematic eardrums are no longer the only culprits. Whenever headaches rain in on one's parade, it isn't immediately determined as sinusitis. Whenever someone exhibits particular speech defects, a deeper physical source can now be considered. Tooth pain that isn't caused by cavities or gum disease is no longer as enigmatic as before.

Each of the symptoms enumerated above can actually determine the persistence of a TMJ disorder.

Though the immediate idea of a TMJ disorder may seem complicated, TMJ cures are actually quite simple. Let's enumerate the TMJ cures a person can opt to pursue.

- Pain relievers. If the TMJ disorder isn't that grave, OTC pain relievers can be availed of to lessen the pain. Some problems affecting the temporomandibular joint aren't really severe, and any pain experienced is simply caused by pressure applied on the region.

- Orthodontic solutions. Sometimes, the jaw must be readjusted to cure the TMJ disorder. This is specifically true when the temporomandibular joint has endured so much that the jaw is no longer properly connected with the skull. A number patients may be required to support braces. This will last from 6 months to 2 years. The purpose of the braces is to push (or pull) the jaw to its ideal position.

- Removable solutions. A few subjects will find wearing braces quite inconvenient and limiting. Removable alternatives such as nightguards and biteplates can be recommended.

- Surgery. At times, when the TMJ disorder is so grave that the jaw must be surgically repositioned to eliminate the problem. There are even times when the temporomandibular joint itself has to be supplemented with TMJ plates. Even worse, there are extreme situations when the jaw itself has to be replaced by TMJ implants. Don't let this cause much fear, however, as surgery is considered as last resort and situations that require the same are really very, very rare.

Total Hip Replacement Means You Need To Change Your Life

Hip replacement is one of the most successful medical technologies. Hundreds of thousands of people have their hips replaced every year, the vast majority with every expectation of many years of pain-free function from their new joint.

But can you go on with your life just the same after your hip is replaced? Not exactly. Even though your pain will be gone, it is wise to remember that a new hip is not your old hip. You will find you can go back to do all the things you used to do, the walking, the activities, the hobbies and the jobs, without pain. But it's useful to observe a few thoughts about your new hip if you are going to get the best long term use from it.

Your new hip is different. It is steel alloy and plastic, the ball of the hip being much smaller than your original one. The steel thigh component is often cemented into the shaft of the femur. The metal and plastic parts bend in different ways to the bone into which they are inserted, setting up stresses across the junctions. The artificial materials do not have the ability to become inflamed and then heal like our own tissues, so if they become altered then they will either stay that way or worsen.

You want to ensure a long, pain-free life for your hip replacement. Revision surgery, where the hip is redone, is not the same as the original surgery in many ways. Apart from the fact that it is another operation to undergo with its attendant risks, revision surgery is harder to perform and the satisfaction scores of patients afterwards are lower than with first time surgery. First time is best.

There are things you can do to keep your new joint in good shape for as long as possible:

1. Observe the post-operative advice. The team who take you through the procedure are experts at getting the best results. If they ask you to do this or to avoid that, then observe their recommendations. There are always good reasons behind treatment programs, along with many years of experience. Use this knowledge.

2. Observe the weight-bearing instructions. Every operation is different and there may be different instructions for you depending on how the surgery went and what the surgeon hopes to achieve. Sticking to the recommended weight through your joint is very important. You may well find you can put much greater weight, even your whole bodyweight, on the new hip. However, what you can do and what is wise are two different things, so pay attention to the instruction and carry it out until told otherwise.

3. Avoid getting your thigh too close to your chest. The angle between the chest and the thigh should not be less than 90 degrees. If your new hip bends too much, the neck of the thigh component can impinge against the plastic socket component, levering the hip out of the socket. This is called dislocation and is potentially a significant problem as it can then recur. When you reach down to your shoes, let your knee fall outwards so you reach down between your legs, and do it slowly until you feel secure.

4. Watch putting your feet up. You may feel you want to put your feet up for a rest or to reduce swelling. This is fine as long as you don't lean forward for something. If you want to lean forward, take your feet down first.

5. Avoid rotating with your weight on the new joint. This is similar to point 3 above. Standing on your replaced hip and swinging your bodyweight around puts huge leverages on the hip. Get used to moving your legs to get into a new position, leading with the replaced one.

6. Take care when sitting down. The correct technique will soon become automatic, but sitting down can be a risk. When we sit, our body weight forces our hips into a new position. This is fine as long as it does not happen too fast or go too far. Sitting onto an unexpectedly deep sofa would be an example of an risky scenario. Know your chair heights so you don't get surprises, with 18 inches being a minimum. Chairs with arms are best as they allow you to let yourself down in a controlled way.

7. Avoid high impact activities. I know you want to do things you haven't been able to, but there is a price to be paid for having an artificial joint, if you want it to last. What you can do with it and what you should do are two quite different things.

Avoid sports and activities such as running and jumping, carrying heavy weights, repetitive heavy work, football, rugby, soccer, squash, downhill skiing and anything else which requires extreme joint stresses. You really want your joint to last more than twenty years. Invest the care in it and it will.

Suitable activities could include walking, cycling, swimming, bowls, cross-country skiing, amongst others. Take advice if you are unsure.

For more detail about what goes on in the interfaces between the metal, bone and cement, see The 5 facts of implant fixation.

8. Avoid crossing your legs when you sit. This puts the hip into a more vulnerable position and should certainly be avoided during the first three months after surgery. Many people do cross their legs later on without ill effects but it remains a risk to some extent.

7. Avoid bending over rapidly. This can cause impingement on the socket like leaning forward too far, and risks dislocation. Using a long handled reacher and a long shoe horn can be sensible.

8. If you get an infection, tell your doctor straight away. Infection is the single biggest risk for successful joint replacements. Infections such as teeth, urinary or chest can spread to an artificial joint via the bloodstream, either in illness or during a procedure. Consult your doctor or dentist and get the problem sorted early on. This applies no matter how old your replacement is.

9. Enjoy yourself! Despite these restrictions, the positive aspects of joint replacement vastly outweigh the negative ones, so go on, enjoy all the things you've wanted to do, without the pain.

Even though these precautions are mostly more important during the initial 6 to 12 weeks after surgery, they remain sensible guidance over the long term.

Treatment of Odontogenic Infections

Odontogenic infections, primarily consisting of periodontal disease (periodontitis and gingivitis) and dental caries, are typical and have local (tooth loss) and in a few instances, systemic implications. In the United States, it's estimated that twenty-five percent of adults over age 60 have lost all of their teeth (edentulism), around half from periodontal disease and half from dental caries.

Besides inflicting pain and discomfort, odontogenic infections may extend beyond natural barriers and cause probable life-threatening complications, like infections of the deep fascial regions of the head and neck.

Periodontal infection also can be related to numerous systemic disorders. They involve fever of an unknown origin, bacteremic seeding of prosthetic devices and heart valves, low birth weight/preterm birth babies, and a higher risk of cerebrovascular events and coronary heart disease.

Careful attention to oral hygiene is the most important plan for efficient control of subgingival and supragingival plaque which, in turn, is important for the prevention of caries and periodontal disease. For people with mental or physical limitations who can't adequately undertake efficient oral hygiene procedures alone, it is important there is assistance with day-to-day oral hygiene by a care provider. More frequent visits to the dentist and the use of an electric toothbrush should be considered with such patients. Prompt restorative care and routine check-ups by a dental professional should be actively promoted.

With the realization of microbial specificity of such infections, systemic antibiotics and topical antiseptics play a vital role in the treatment and control of periodontal disease and dental caries.

The necessity for dental extractions was considerably reduced by the obtainability of improved restorative materials, like fluoride-releasing and bonding agents, and improved dental restorative care.

Dental caries- Management of dental caries along with restorative therapy (i.e. fillings) is the preferred treatment approach in multiple countries. But, restorative therapy has to be blended with preventive measures, as restorations possess brief durability and new dental caries might form in the margins of restorations if the causes of the disease persists.

Pulpitis - Inflammation of the dental pulp, or pulpitis, happens as progression of caries. The dental pulp becomes exposed, resulting in infection. The dominant and early symptom of acute pulpitis is a serious toothache which may be elicited by thermal changes, particularly cool drinks.

Irreversible pulpitis will be characterized by intense and acute pain, and is among the most common reasons for individuals requiring emergency care. Aside from tooth removal, the usual approach to relieving irreversible pulpitis pain is drilling inside the tooth, getting rid of the nerve (inflamed pulp), as well as root canal cleaning.

Acute gingivitis- This will rarely require systemic antimicrobial treatment. Chlorhexidine 0.12% oral rinse may be utilized in many instances. Exceptions involve individuals who have severe pain, rapidly advancing disease, or HIV infection where systemic treatment is indicated. Potential regimens involve metronidazole and penicillin, clindamycin, ampicillin-sulbactam, or amoxicillin-clavulanate.

Periodontitis- Because of microbial specificity within different types of periodontitis, specific kinds of serious periodontitis will be amenable to systemic antimicrobials, along with mechanical debridement (scaling & root planing). The approach has often obviated the necessity for extreme surgical periodontal tissue resection.

Efficacy of local antibiotic treatment alongside scaling and root planing in chronic periodontitis also has been assessed. Adjunctive local antibiotics were proven to substantially decrease the degree of periodontal detachment or pocket depth. Efficient agents involve 2% Arestub (minocycline spheres), 10% Atridox (doxycycline hyclate extend release liquid), as well as 25% Elyzol (metronidazole gel). The agents will release controlled portions of the antibiotic beneath the gum and are utilized alongside scaling and root planing to decrease the pocket depth in adult periodontitis.

With localized juvenile periodontitis, the systemic tetracycline treatment directed against a HACEK infection known as actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and blended with local periodontal therapy yielded outstanding results. Doxycycline or tetracycline administration to children 8 years of age or younger, unfortunately, may lead to staining of the permanent dentition and generally isn't advised. Moreover, tetracycline resistance amongst periodontal pathogens was increasingly apparent.

Regular systemic antimicrobials used to avoid postoperative infections after periodontal and/or oral surgery in a healthy host does remain controversial.

Suppurative odontogenic infections- The most vital treatment modality for pyogenic odontogenic infections includes surgical removal and drainage of necrotic tissue. A needle aspiration by the extra oral route may be especially useful for evacuation of pus and microbiologic sampling alike. The necessity for extraction or definitive restoration of an infected tooth, the main infection source, is usually readily apparent. Endodontic therapy using root filling and deep periodontal scaling is needed in most cases.

Antibiotic therapy- It might stop local infection spread, as well as prevent hematogenous dissemination. The antimicrobial agents are generally indicated if regional lymphadenopathy and fever are present, or if the infection has perforated the bony cortex, and spread to the surrounding soft tissue. Seriously immunocompromised individuals are especially at risk of orofacial infections spreading; empiric broad spectrum antimicrobial treatment with these individuals is warranted.

The option of certain antibiotics for the treatment of odontogenic infections is based on knowledge of the indigenous organisms colonizing the mucous membranes, gums and teeth, as well as certain periodontopathic and cariogenic pathogens related to medical disease, instead of on the results of susceptibility and culture testing.

The production of beta-lactamase amongst oral anaerobes, especially pigmented Fusobacterium spp and Prevotella spp, is highly recognized, and therapy failure with penicillin by itself was well documented. Therefore, penicillin monotherapy is no longer advised.

Ampicillin-sulbactam (three grams IV every 6 hours) offers prolonged coverage against anaerobes, involving the ones which produce beta-lactamases, and is also the therapy of choice. One alternative is penicillin G (two to four million units IV each 4-6 hours) along with metronidazole (500 milligrams IV or orally each 8 hours).

Even though metronidazole is extremely active against anaerobic gram-negative spirochetes and bacilli, it's only moderately active to anaerobic cocci and isn't active against aerobes that include streptococci. Consequently, it shouldn't be used solely in odontogenic infections except with advanced periodontitis and acute necrotizing gingivitis.

Patients who are allergic to penicillin should be treated using clindamycin (600 milligrams IV each 8 hours). Tetracycline and erythromycin aren't advised due to increasing resistance amongst a few streptococci strains and their loss of optimal anaerobic activity.

Osteomyelitis- Treatment of osteomyelitis of the jaw will be complicated by the existence of teeth and consistent oral environment exposure. Antibiotic treatment must be extended, often from weeks to months.

If available, adjuvant treatment using hyperbaric oxygen might hasten the process of healing, especially if combined with surgery, yet information that supports this is inconclusive.

Surgical management that includes closed-wound suction irrigation, decortication, saucerization, and sequestrectomy is occasionally needed. On rare occasions, in advanced cases, the whole infected jaw segment must be resected.

Five Fundamental Modes of Manipulation in Massage

There are five fundamental modes of manipulation in massage and these are:

  • effleurage (stroking)

  • friction ( rubbing)

  • petrissage ( kneading)

  • tapotment (percussion)

  • vibration (shaking or trembling)

1. Effleurage:

This involves sliding with the hands, using long even strokes over the surface of the body.

Effleurage is performed in five ways, namely stroking with (I) palms of two hands; (ii) the palm of
one hand; (iii) the knuckles; (iv) the ball of the thumb and (v) the finger tips. Effleurage increases
blood circulation and soothes the nervous system. It also warms and relaxes. It is very helpful in
atrophied condition of the skin.

2. Friction:

The movements, which are circular in nature are performed with the help of the thumb and tips
of fingers or the palm of the hand towards the joints or around the joints. Fric- tion limbers up
joints, tendons, and muscles and facilitates the removal of deposits by breaking them. It also
helps in reducing swelling after nerve inflammation.

3. Petrissage:

This is the process of kneading, pressing and rolling of the tissues and is performed with one or
both hands, with two thumbs or with thumbs and fingers. One should apply heavy pressure for
deep kneading and light pressure for superficial kneading. Petrissage is a treatment of the
muscles. It increases nutrition, strengthens muscles, relieves intestinal congestion and helps
elimination of the poisons. It boosts long activity and cellular respiration, eliminates fatigue
poisons and tones up nerve endings.

4. Tapotement:

This involves hacking, tapping, clapping and beating and is achieved by striking the body rapidly.
Short and quick blows are generally given from the wrist. Tapotement helps in atrophied
condition of the muscles. It increases blood supply, soothes nerves and strengthens muscles.

5. Vibrations:

This is achieved by rapidly shaking the pressing movements by use of the hand or fingers onthe
body. Vibrating hand should move constantly. This is beneficial in neuritis and neuralgia after the
inflammatory stage is over. It stimulates circulation, glandular activity and nervous plexuses. It
also helps in bowel movement.

Another form of massage helpful in most elements is the vibratory massage. This can be done
by trained persons only. The vibratory muscles is more efficiently administered by a special,
electrically operated machine.

Can Arthritis Fish Oil Supplementation Help With Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Someone once said if you haven't experienced arthritis you simply aren't living life to its fullest. Well at least the anonymous author got a weekend pass from whatever mental institution he was in. Arthritis and particularly rheumatoid arthritis can be quite painful and even debilitating and anyone who has it wishes they would have taken steps to avoid it or at least reduce its impact. But what about arthritis fish oil supplementation. Could it help? Could arthritis fish oil supplementation be used in addition to my current medications? What is the suggested amount of arthritis fish oil supplementation required? These are both questions we will strive to answer but first let's briefly talk a little about arthritis.

Arthritis is generally defined as inflammation of a joint, which causes localized pain, swelling, and stiffness. The most common type is osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease, which involves changes in the joint cartilage as a result of aging or use. Rheumatoid arthritis on the other hand is an autoimmune disease which is a more serious, systemic form of arthritis, which may affect the heart, lungs, and eyes, as well as the joints. The suspected cause is a yet unidentified virus that stimulates the immune system to wreak havoc.

You are probably saying would you please get on with it! My joints hurt and I would like to know whether arthritis fish oil supplementation could help. OK, I hear you!

The vast majority of research seems to focused on the use of omega 3 fatty acid supplementation. This includes fish oil which is the highest source of the two primary omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. A summary of the results concluded that arthritis fish oil supplementation seems to reduce tenderness, decrease morning stiffness, and allow for a reduction in the amount of medication needed for people with both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The daily dose used in the studies ranged from 1000 to 2000 mg of DHA/EPA per day. This is higher than the 900 mg number suggested by the AMA and the NIH. So consult your doctor first before taking the big leap to high dose arthritis fish oil supplementation.

Additionally, there seems to be a correlation between the imbalance of omega 3 and omega 6 in those with inflammatory disorders such as osteoarthritis. In fact, several test tube studies of cartilage containing cells have found that omega 3 fatty acids decrease inflammation and reduce the activity of enzymes that destroy cartilage. Omega 6 causes inflammation and is found in large amounts in red meat.

In summary, there seems to be good evidence that arthritis fish oil supplementation can benefit those with arthritic conditions by reducing overall inflammation. One of the benefits of this natural form of supplementation is that it can be combined with anti inflammatory drugs as well as most other arthritis medications.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of fish oil or learn more about a high quality DHA fish oil worth considering click here.

Monday, April 29, 2013

How to Cure Back Pain - Methods For Treating Common Back Pain

Thousands of people want to know how to cure back pain on a daily basis.

If you are a sufferer and your back pain does not need any medical attention, then there are some things you can do yourself if you have simply over exerted your muscles.

Some examples of treatment you can use are:

• Resting in bed
• Medical or herbal pain treatments
• Hot or cold compresses
• Massage and relaxation
• Exercise

Bed rest on a firm mattress that supports the back is often a good place to start. I usually find lying on the floor helps me.

There are numerous over the counter medicines you can buy, and there is an increasing move toward natural herbal remedies today. These can be used to relieve pain and also to relax the muscles. Always seek the advice of a doctor and do not self-diagnose.

Heat and cold can be a tremendous help too. For some people heat can bring quick relief. This could be with a hot water bottle, a bean bag or a nice hot bath with some herbal additives.

For others, a bag of peas from the freezer wrapped in a cloth, so that the skin is protected, is a good solution. I use a gel pack we keep in the freezer. Cold packs work well, but if you have conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or related symptoms you should avoid using cold packs.

If you just have a stiff back and you feel that your muscles are tight, you might find that a gentle massage works wonders for you. Do make sure it is a gentle massage though. Your partner can help here. Using something like baby oil is a good idea when having a massage.

If the massage is making things worse, then stop immediately and see a doctor.

Taking gentle exercise for back pain is often a good method to use. Often people tense up and restrict the
movement to "protect" the back. The more they tense themselves up the less movement they make. This has the effect of restricting the muscle groups.

By taking some gentle exercise and stretching the whole body people can often feel benefits quite quickly. Again you need to know if it's just the back pain from over-exertion or a hard days work or if you have suffered an injury from an accident.

A mixture of gentle exercise for back pain and relaxation get the body muscles back to normal in a lot of cases. Relaxation promotes wellness, since the muscles can rest from over-exertion.

Should the question be how to cure back pain, or should it be how to avoid back pain? You see, prevention is always better than cure!

Office workers are among the highest number of sufferers with back pain because of the amount of time they sit in the same position each day. Bad sitting posture has a lot to do with this.

It's a good idea to get up and have a walk around or do some simple exercise for back pain at work. Do not be a slave to back pain any more. Decide to do something about it today.