Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Back Pain Relief - 7 Simple Tips to Save Your Back While Sitting - Ergonomic Too! - Nurse's Guide

If you're looking for some simple tips to help save your back, hips and joints or get back pain relief, assuming you do a lot of sitting all day at work or at home on your computer, these are some of my favorite tips.

Oftentimes it isn't a better ergonomic chair that's needed but the fact that most of us are slouched forward with our earlobes in front of our shoulders. Then we sit that way for hours, hardly moving. So first of all check your posture and make sure you keep your head and neck back using your earlobes as a guide.

Good posture will also give your lungs room to breathe properly from your abdomen and help your voice and speech too.

Sitting for prolonged times like this, no matter what your age, can cause blood clots and hip, joint and back pain which is the leading cause of disability in people under the age of 45!

Sitting is the worst possible thing you can do for your back and puts a lot of stress on the spine and slouching makes it worse. So make sure to stand up every ten or fifteen minutes or so and clasp your hands behind you. Walking around for a few moments is even better. You want to keep from hunching into a C shape.

The disks that absorb the shock between our vertebrae need nutrients because they have no blood or nerve supply. They depend on movement for nourishment. So keep moving as much as you can.

Make sure your chair is not too low. This is one of the reasons people get back pain and are not aware that their chair is positioned too low. Consider buying an ergonomic chair or better ergonomic chair. Beware of those labeled ergonomical that aren't.

When you're on the phone try standing up instead of sitting at your desk or on the couch at home. You can also tighten your abs and lean back keeping your earlobes in check.

Some people use a treadmill desk and walk at about 2 miles an hour or so.

Get a lumbar roll. These are inexpensive and available at medical supply houses. You can put them behind you in the natural curve of your back to help keep your spine in the proper positioning.

You can set reminders to stand up every 15 minutes or so with timers, post-it notes or Outlook reminders.

Using these tips will help you avoid back pain and serious problems. If you're suffering now with pain and need relief, make sure you do these every day and work on your posture whether standing or walking. Try building up your back muscles at the gym or health club - I especially like the lat pull-down and seated row to keep my back healthy and ward off pain. Give these tips a try and avoid back, hip and joint pain like I do. There are a lot more tips and secrets you can use to help you get back pain relief or avoid it like I do - too many to mention in this article.

Natural Treatment For Teeth Jaw Clenching

Natural treatment for teeth jaw clenching is out there! You may have just found out that you have a teeth clenching problem, or you may just be fed up with the ineffective treatments offered to you by doctors and dentists. I want to help you find the best method available to find relief.

Is it common?

Over one million people worldwide suffer from this condition. Many of them do not even know that they suffer from teeth clenching. Those suffering the most damage are those that grind their teeth during sleep.

Mouth Guards

Dentists and professionals will usually tell you to wear a mouth guard if you have a problem of clenching your teeth at night. Although mouth guards may protect your teeth from severe wear, mouth guards provide little to no protection for your jaw and the immense pressure that is common with bruxism.

Effects of nighttime teeth clenching

Nighttime teeth grinding can cause a whole host of problems including cracked teeth, migraines, neck pain, facial pain, teeth sensitivity, loose teeth, jaw pain, and TMJ. The constant grinding can also cause worn teeth enamel.

Natural methods

Teeth grinding and clenching can be treated effectively with many different natural methods. These include changes in diet, sleep environment, simple daily exercises, chiropractic care, stress relief, hypnosis, etc.

The best method in dealing with any medical issue is a multi-dimensional approach. Several changes in your life can bring about immense relief from teeth grinding and even eliminate the problem altogether.There is effective natural treatment for teeth jaw clenching available to you.

Common and Severe Ankylosing Spondylitis Symptoms

Ankylosing spondylitis is swelling mainly of your joints within the spinal column. However it may also include soreness of your eyes, some other joints, particularly all those within the hips, chest, and all over the heels. On some instances, the feet, shoulders, hands, knees and wrists also get sore.. Though it is uncommon, ankylosing spondylitis symptoms are also able to trigger changes such as thickening of the aorta or the major artery as well as the valve inside the heart known as the aortic valve.

When the inflammation persists after some time, it is going to bring about permanent scarring and damage. In several individuals the condition is usually light and advances gradually. The signs and symptoms will never become critical. Some people might have a more intense condition progression.

Whether or not ankylosing spondylitis symptoms become more serious are determined by several factors like the age of when you started to experience the disease, how soon it was clinically determined, and which joints are concerned. It really is too soon to know yet, however specialists believe that fast cure using more recent medications will decrease or lessen the soreness, avoid scar tissue formation, and restrict the advancement of the ailment.

The signs of this disease normally begin with irregular rounds of pain on your lower back area, having both discomfort and tightness getting intense at nighttime, on getting up, or in times of inactivity. On the other hand, indications usually get better through physical exercise. Even though pain is originally centered within the sacroiliac joints that are lying between your spine and pelvis, it could spread out to other sections of your backbone as time passes.

Common and Minor Symptoms

You could encounter ankylosing spondylitis symptoms everyday or occasionally. Sometimes some of these signs and symptoms may be acute:

繚 Fatigue or Tiredness

繚 Lumbar region or sacroiliac pain

繚 Neck pain

繚 Eventual reduction of spinal flexibility

繚 Eventual loss of mobility particularly the range of flexibility within the joint

繚 Hip pain

繚 Stiffness in the spine

繚 Intense pain and tightness along with inactivity

The following are other manifestations of this disease which are less common even during its advance stage. Some people encounter these from time to time.

• Uveitis or inflammation of the eyes

• Heel pain

• Lack of appetite

• Mild fever

• Painful and inflamed shoulder, knee or ankle

• Sudden weight loss

However, there are more serious indications which may reveal a life-threatening situation. This means that immediate medical attention is required. While ankylosing spondylitis is not fatal by itself, the injury to your joints could predispose to bone fracture or even damage to your spine. Below are the serious warnings of this disease.

• Fecal and urinary incontinence

• Numbness and weakness of the extremities

• Acute pain on your joints and lower back

These ankylosing spondylitis symptoms seem to be manageable. However, if any of these gets out of hand or becomes chronic, you need to consult your doctor for proper medical assistance.

Who Else Wants to Banish TMJ?

Temporomandibular joint connects the lower jaw to the bone at the side of the head. Dysfunction in the joint and muscles that controls the movement of the jaw is called TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorder. This condition could result to several symptoms and discomforts. If you have this condition, of course you want to banish TMJ problems for good.

If you have TMJ disorder, extreme movement of the jaw creates crunching sound and your jaw movement maybe limited. This disorder can also lead to problems like locked jaw, headache, pain radiating to your face and ears. It is important to banish TMJ disorder to relieve the discomforts.

The cause of TMJ disorder is still unknown and some symptoms may go away without treatment but others experience long term excruciating pain. Although as of this time, there is no scientific basis why these things happen, it is still important to know how to ease the pain and banish TMJ disorder.

It is best to consult your doctor or health provider because facial pain can be a symptom of other health problems. If TMJ disorder is identified, most experts recommend conservative and reversible treatments to banish TMJ. Invasive procedures like surgery should be the last option.

To treat TMJ pain, the use of pain medications like pain relievers and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs maybe recommended but prolonged use of medications may result to addiction or other side effects like digestive and liver problems.

Self-care is one of the best conservative treatments to banish TMJ pain like eating soft foods to avoid too much pressure on the jaw. Extreme jaw movement and other activities that will require too much jaw movement should be avoided like gum chewing, wide yawning and eating hard to chew foods.

Stress management is also another method that can help banish TMJ pain. Stress can cause muscle and joint pains and you should know how to manage your stress. Learn some relaxation techniques to release muscle and joint tension.

Physical therapy with the help of a therapist is also another good way to banish TMJ. If necessary, electrical stimulation maybe performed to ease the pain. Your therapist may also perform appropriate joint and muscle relaxation exercises and massage to ease TMJ pain.

Joint Pain After Total Knee Replacement, a Study Into Why You Experience Pain

Pain relief in your knee is the main reason why you opt for total knee replacement, arthroplasty (TKA). But, most studies that talk about the success of TKA haven't actually taken a look at the factors that predict the freedom of pain in the years that follow the surgery.

In a study published in the summer of 2008 this subject was addressed noting that 13% to 30% of people who had a TKA have a slow, painful or incomplete recovery from surgery, the researchers also found two new key factors that will help predict who among those people with osteoarthritis (OA) would be likely to still feel pain after two years from their surgery. The two factors were other medical problems and people's particular way of experiencing pain.

The study followed 55 consecutive OA patients scheduled to have a TKA in a hospital in Nova Scotia, Canada. The patients, 35 women and 20 men averaging 69 years old, completed pain questionnaires before surgery, and then again 3 months, 12 months, and 2 years later. Researchers used standard surveys to assess the pain of the men and women in the study and used their medical records to find out about their other health problems. The problems included, OA in joints other than the knee, high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, under active thyroid, heart disease, depression, and being overweight. Researchers also looked at a psychological feature of how the men and women experienced pain called "catastrophizing." A widely used survey called the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) that ask these men and women to rate how often 13 statements about pain would apply to them. These statements gauge how much they reflected on their pain; how much they magnify its potential impact; and how helpless they feel about managing their pain.

Scientist found that the men and women catastrophizing was a stable trait, unchanging over the two years of the study, and on average, their pain dropped dramatically after knee replacement surgery, but there was a wide variation among the men and women in the study. The goal of the study was to identify which presurgery factors are responsible for the variance and can they be used to predict whose pain will persist.

Age, gender, length of hospital stay, and the type of anesthesia the men and women received didn't predict pain after two years and not surprisingly, the patients who reported the most presurgery pain were more likely to be in the group still in pain at two years. Researchers suggest that this calls into question the practice of delaying TKA until pain is unbearable.

The men and women whose catastrophizing score, especially the reflecting about pain, was a significant predictor of who would have pain after two years. The other predictor of pain two years on was the number of other medical problems the men and women who participated had at the time of surgery. The scientists tried to explain how catastrophizing could lead to the continuing experience of pain, they said that reflecting and focusing attention on pain may make cells more sensitive, actually amplifying pain. Medical problems just might, likewise focus constant attention on pain, therefore, altering the pain experience compared to individuals whose only medical problem was the OA in one knee. The drawbacks to the study are its small size and that the study didn't examine whether pain immediately after the TKA surgery predicts long-term pain.

The hope of the researchers is that the results of their study will help to identify those at risk for persistent pain following knee replacement. It could make it possible to take special measures, such as aggressive pain management or psychological intervention, to prevent long-term distress and disability in total knee replacement patients.

I have had total knee replacement, in 2007, but before I had the surgery I had asked my orthopedic doctor if the pain I was experiencing would go away after the surgery. His answer was "No." There wasn't any explanation, just a "No." I couldn't help but ask myself, "Why am I having this surgery then?" It's been almost three years since the surgery and I still have pain but not the intensity I had before.

The Dreaded Back Pain

According to Stats Canada, four out of five adults will experience at least one episode of back pain at some point in their lives. Sometimes solace can be found in statistics, but that just unnerves me. Although four out of five adults is a huge number, there are even more alarming statistics about back pain. In Britain, an estimated 4.9 million work days are lost per year due to back pain, which translates to monetary loses of approximately 瞿5 billion a year, or roughly $8 billion (CDN).

Interestingly, Stats Canada offers some reasons that we might 'get' lower back pain, including poor muscle tone, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking, poor posture and psychosocial factors (chronic stress and depression). As an Osteopath, it seems to me, that that some crucial factors have been missed, namely; muscle imbalance, postural control, sacroiliac dysfunction and digestive problems.

So how can we ensure that we are not just another 'statistic'? Well, first thing's first - let's look at what Stats Canada suggests may contribute to back pain:

1. Poor muscle tone and sedentary lifestyle.

Well, that should be pretty easy to change by joining a gym, walking more and stretching during the work-day, so why aren't more people doing it? In my practice, common excuses I hear for avoiding these simple activities are, "I work too hard to exercise" and, "I don't have enough time." Time is always a challenge, and if there genuinely isn't enough time to exercise, there are small things you can do. Rather than spending 3 hours straight at the computer, you can get up and stretch every 45 minutes or so. This will keep your joints and muscles more subtle, allow better blood flow though your body and, hopefully, make you feel like doing more. Rather than driving to the supermarket and seeing how close you can get to the entrance, make a conscious decision to park a little further away to lengthen your walk. These seemingly little efforts do add up and contribute to a better quality of life.

2. Overweight

In a few rare cases there are clinical explanations for obesity, but the vast majority of people are eating the wrong stuff at the wrong time in the wrong place. There are plenty of fantastic nutritionists out there, qualified in helping people tackle obesity. Why aren't we utilizing such invaluable resources and supports? Even a few simple changes can make a huge difference. Obesity prevention and reduction involves understanding the importance of walking at least 20 minutes per day, and recognizing that breakfast truly is important daily meal (for metabolic function), that a sugary drink is not a substitute for water, and that white bread raises blood sugar levels as quickly as eating sugar itself.

3. Smoking

Enough said.

4. Poor posture and psychosocial factors.

It is interesting that Stats Canada put these factors next to each other, as sometimes they do go hand in hand. We have all had the experience of seeing an old friend and, without exchanging words, been able to infer their emotional state. Posture and body language are reflective of the psyche. There are many psychosocial factors that can lead to a person developing back pain and many of them are under appreciated. In the western world, we are taught that the body is similar to a machine and immune to psycho-emotional influence. Many of my patients have had little or no findings on MRI or X-ray, and so the 'unspoken' conclusion by their Doctors is there is nothing wrong with them and they shouldn't have any pain. Well...they do have pain, so it must be coming from somewhere! A classical, well-accepted example of pain's psychosocial connection involves the phenomenon of phantom limbs. Many individuals with amputations have reported feeling pain in the missing limbs. Doctors accept these symptoms as real and visceral experiences, as phantom limb pain has been documented for centuries and it is understood that the pain is being generated in the brain. Through these studies of phantom limb pain, modern medicine is beginning to map the connection between back pain and psychosocial factors. (Schielp 2008)

Further Osteopathic Insights into Back Pain

There are many more reasons for back pain that Stats Canada does not list. I have highlighted 4 massive reasons for back pain that I routinely see in my clinic:

1. Muscle Imbalances

Research has shown that imbalance in hip flexor muscle length, strength, and endurance can play a role in back pain (1). Range of motion differences, in which one hip moves more than the other, have also been proven to affect the lower back. As long ago as 1964, a Czech researcher, Valadmir Janda, observed that weak gluteal muscles are significant in lower back pain (2). All these factors are reasonably easy to screen for and, unless there are multiple predisposing reasons for these imbalances, they are fairly simple to correct.

2. Postural Control and coordination

The spinal muscles should be able to contract in coordination with the other muscles of the trunk, namely the abdominals. To ensure correct muscle firing and contraction, the body relies on clear input from the eyes, ears and joints. All the information collected from these sites is processed by the brain, which enables correct muscle response to be executed. For example, if a person bumps into your shoulder while you are walking down the street (perturbation), your body should reflexively bring your trunk back to an upright, balanced position. Your ears, eyes and joint receptors provide instant feedback to your brain, which, in turn, sends out signals to the muscles in your trunk to contract and stop you from falling over. Researchers have also determined that people with chronic back pain have poor postural control. In instances of poor postural control, people may use their hips to correct movements instead of their ankles, leading to an overuse of the lower back. Also people with lower back pain showed delayed or altered muscle-firing times to perturbation.

3. Sacroiliac Dysfunction

In our clinic we have lots of people complaining about SI joint pain, a form of pain felt at the top of the buttocks on one side. Before treating for SI dysfunction, it is important to insure the pain actually originates from the SI joints, as the hip and surrounding muscles and ligaments can refer pain to that area. Fortunately, there are some simple tests we use to differentiate between these structures. Valadmir Janda worked out that the big gluteus maximus muscle can be 'switched off' if the SI joint isn't working properly. In addition to that effect, the SI joint can cause inhibition of one of the supporting muscles on the other side, the gluteus medius. He also found that this could happen in the absence of pain, so your SI joint doesn't even have to be painful for the inhibition of the muscles to happen. In addition, it has been discovered that the latissimus dorsi (the big back muscle) and the gluteus maximus work together to stabilize the SI joint. The latissimus dorsi is attached from the lower back, via the lower ribs and scapular, to the arm, so its proper function is affected by the mobility of the upper back. Since the average individual spends hours hunched over their computer, their upper back rounded and shoulders raised, it may be inferred the latissimus dorsi is negatively impacted and at the root of any SI dysfunction or pain.

4. Visceral (abdominal) Problems.

The contents of the abdomen, stomach, liver, intestines etc, are all attached to the spine. In fact, the spine acts as a bony scaffold that gives support to all those structures. As the back moves, the abdominal contents must also move. If the structures are not mobile, whether due to surgical scarring or internal adhesions, they can prevent the back from moving optimally. This leads to areas of stiffness in the spine and concomitant areas of hyper-mobility. The hyper-mobile areas of the spine are prone to overuse and injury and are commonly at the heart of complaints brought to Osteopaths. Clients will experience the pain as originating from their backs, which is true to an extent, but an Osteopath will recognize that the source of their discomfort lies in the abdomen. These abdominal adhesions can be helped with gentle visceral manipulation, freeing up the organs and reducing the load carried by hyper-mobile spine areas. Once visceral problems have been addressed, the body will be capable of repairing any damage to the back/spine and the associated pain will dissipate.

Treating Back Pain Through A Whole-Body Approach

Popular medicine addresses and successfully treats many causes of back pain, but, as reflected by Statistics Canada's areas of focus, other crucial sources are frequently overlooked. An Osteopath will not only consider the usual suspects, namely poor muscle tone, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking, poor posture and psychosocial factors, but will approach the symptoms of back pain from a more holistic perspective. Back pain may be intimately connected to any of the above conditions, but, often, such broad diagnoses fail to recognize the intricacies of the body's systems. Through acknowledging the interconnection between muscles, connective tissue, the nervous system, viscera (organs), and the structural skeleton, an Osteopath is able to thoroughly comprehend and successfully treat the various elements that inform and contribute to back pain.

(1)Nourbakhsh, M.R, and Arab, A.M. (2002) Relationship between mechanical factors and incidence of low back pain. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 32 (9): 447-60.

(2)Janda, V. (1964) Movement patterns in pelvic and thigh region with special reference to pathogenesis of vertebrogenic disturbances. Thesis, Charles University.

(3) Byl, N and Sinnot, P.L. (1991) Variations in balance and body sway in middle aged adults: Subjects with healthy backs compared with subjects with low back dysfunction. Spine 16:325-30

Monday, December 30, 2013

Natural Joint Pain Relief Remedies And Therapies

Natural joint pain relief remedies and therapies have been proven to readily eradicate any agony brought on by oversensitive irritated and swollen joints, without any reason to resort to synthetic medicinal drugs. In any case differing of the more effective natural remedies are already, in actual fact, the basis of the evolution of the much more readily identified medicinal options that happen to be at present popular.

Some of the better known forms of natural joint pain relief therapies compose massaging joints, soaking joints in warm water, and exercising in order to preserve joint mobility and flexibility, as well as, ingesting foodstuffs that help fight off inflammation. All manner of other dietary adaptations that will aid in natural joint pain, or Arthralgia, respite consist of such things as drinking lots of normal water, eating fresh fruit and vegetables, avoiding refined sugars, and getting rid of caffeine in addition to adding green juices to ones eating habits.

The root causes of Arthralgia can be put down to many different problems. One such concern is how heavy you are, as a person's weight could be quite a significant issue with joint pain. The more excess poundage one happens to be carrying, the more compression is applied to ones joints. Excessive bodyweight also increases the prospect with regard to contracting osteoarthritis in the knee joints, as well as quite possibly in the hips and hands. Also joint aches and pains could be pointers coupled with major issues related to serious diseases such as arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, rheumatoid arthritis and even bacterial infections.

Seeing that the pain arising out of troublesome joint complaints may be induced by any one of a number of difficulties, as stated above, there isn't just one remedy, one quick fix, that'll solve everyone's pain problems. Arthralgia medication choices, unhappily, may not be as sophisticated subjectively as many of us may reasonably desire them to be, which may very well be for the reason that fundamental joint pain causes aren't yet fully comprehended.

Prescription medication basically aims to proffer pain management, with the goal of moderating inflammation in addition to postponing disease progression in addition to joint damage. It is by and large recognized that alternative remedies and therapies typically make full use of natural therapeutic modalities without the danger of the potential pernicious side-effects of present-day pharmacologically derived medications.

It is universally accepted that joint pain relief really ought to be viewed from many aspects, conditional upon the cause for the particular suffering. Thus the initial and most critical aspect of treatment is unalterably to get a qualified medical diagnosis. The care of joint and muscle pain should then focus on working with the root causes of the problem.

Benefits of Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery

As hip replacement surgery has become more common, it is now much easier and safer to have the procedure performed. Qualified surgeons are doing the surgery in less time and with much less risk to the patient. Minimally invasive hip replacement surgery is the choice that many surgeons advise for their patients. Briefly, they use small portals rather than large incisions to get to the surgery site. This makes it much more comfortable for the patient. The patient will have less post-surgery pain, a shorter hospital stay and a quicker recovery. Also, the entire cost of the operation itself is drastically reduced.

The hip implant that the surgeon uses actually grows into the bone. The surgeon does minimal cutting to the surrounding tissues and bone which eliminates much pain for the patient. The surgeon gently inserts the hip implant through two small portals that are less than two inches long. Most people are able to go home within a day or two because they recover in half the time it takes for more invasive hip surgery procedures.

This surgical technique is used routinely for many common hip disorders. The first sign that a person is a candidate for hip replacement surgery is that he or she is experiencing pain and stiffness in their hip joints. The person's quality of life is greatly affected because he or she is finding it very difficult to walk. Often, the person has Osteoarthritis which deteriorates joints, bones and cartilage in the body. He or she may also have Avascular Necrosis in which the bone actually dies and blood flow is stopped. Another common disorder that might result in hip replacement is Rheumatoid Arthritis, which inflames the cartilage and surrounding tissues of the hip joint.

If a person is suffering from any kind of painful disorder that limits their ability to get around, then minimally invasive hip replacement surgery is something that might work for them. It is a better alternative to traditional hip replacement surgery because it requires less time to complete and less time for recovery. Insurance companies are more likely to approve this type of surgery because the total costs involved are less

Controlling Arthritis, Inflammation And Pain

Most of us by now know that it is important to eat fish and to take our fish oils to keep our memory sound and our joints lubricated. However what do we do when despite our best efforts our body is beginning to seize up and we have pain in our joints and cramps and we have arthritis?

Inflammation is often directly responsible for joint pain and tissue damage in Arthritis. It is important to choose foods that decrease inflammation such as avoiding refined, processed and manufactured foods since these contain inflammatory fats, preservatives and carbohydrates.

It is possible to increase inflammation with Omega 6 fatty acids. They are found in soybean oil which is often used in biscuits and biscuit snacks. Another problem is corn syrup which is often used as sweetener. It is a carbohydrate that we digest quickly but disturbs the metabolism leading to the body making inflammation in some instances.

On the other hand extra-virgin olive oil has the antioxidant (polyphenol) which helps protect tissues from inflammation. Omega 3 (oily fish such as salmon, sardines and herring) will help reduce inflammation. We need to eat fish three times a week but as we all know fish oil supplements are essential for people with arthritis.

It is also important to distinguish good carbohydrates from bad by understanding the glycemic index and how they affect the blood sugar. Controlling blood sugar lowers inflammation so replace high-glycemic foods made with sugar and flour with lower type foods such as whole grains, sweet potatoes, beans and squash. If you must eat pasta then do so but not too often. It is better than bread and potatoes. You also need less animal protein, especially red meat and chicken as these contain an amino acid which may cause inflammation. Instead eat more vegetable protein such as beans and soy. It is also important to check if you have wheat and yeast sensitivities as these can add to your problems for all your cells in your body.

Fruit and vegetables are a must on your list. Choose three from each colour daily and add ginger and turmeric, both which have anti-inflammatory effects. Green tea also makes for a good anti-inflammatory drink.

From the list of supplements which will help Celery is essential for arthritis as it has anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic properties. It is detoxifying, helps the kidneys dispose of waste products and is good for the digestion. It is useful with bio-flavanoids for rheumatism and gout.

Glucosamine hydrochloride is another supplement which may regenerate cartilage and synovial fluid. It is important that you take it at the same time each day and 2 capsules a day. You will not see the effects until after about 3-6 weeks and do not take it if you are allergic to seafood. Sometimes is can upset your stomach a bit and give you loose bowel motions but this only happens in a few people. It is only a temporary measure and you need to tell your doctor if you are a diabetic or are on certain medications.

Another product in the glucosamine group is Glucosamine Sulphate which is a natural constituent of our bodies formed from glucose. It is important in making cartilage and synovial fluid that helps cushion the joints. As we age our ability to make this decreases and it has been found to stop the pain of Osteoarthritis in some cases. It may also be used as a preventative. It is good for knee Osteoarthritis and sometimes better than ibuprofen. It helps athletes and sports people reduce risk of training injuries. Arthritis sufferers should take 1500mg for acute pain followed by 500-1000mg for general maintenance. It does not act as quickly as medication and should be taken at least 6 weeks.

Since everyone is different if you do not have success with the above try Devils Claw which is yet another herbal remedy to reduce inflammation and pain. Take 1-2ml of the tincture three times a day.

If you have had success with homeopathic remedies then try some Bryonia which can help in rheumatism and arthritis, chest conditions and headaches. Get it from a homeopath. It often assists with swollen, intensely painful joints in rheumatism.

If you prefer something more in the line of teas, try some Cats Claw which is a woody vine grown in rainforests of Peru. Traditionally the Indians used it to treat Arthritis. It has immune stimulating, anti viral, antioxidant, anti- inflammatory effects and has some anti-tumour and anti-microbial properties. It also comes in capsules.

Remember also that your digestion is important as it is important to have a good digestion to actually absorb the supplements you are taking and your nutrition from your food. Otherwise you are loading up with pills and they are just going straight through you with hardly any beneficial effects. Ginger has warming properties, is good for the digestion, circulation, helps with the inflammation and lowers blood pressure. It also helps reduce the pain. Studies in Copenhagen have found it is as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs but without their side effects. However it is slower to work and takes about three weeks to ease symptoms. 500mg daily is a good preventative or for long-term ailments.

To add to the above there are 12 Biochemic tissue salts which help to create a balance back to the body. Ferr Phos (phosphate of iron) is used in acute attacks with fever, inflammation of joints which are swollen and red or painful when aggravated by motion. Nat Phos (sodium phosphate) is useful when there are acid conditions and alternate it with Nat Sulph (Sodium sulphate) Nat Mur (Sodium chloride - which is ordinary salt) when there is creaking of the joints, Mag Phos (magnesium phosphate) alternated with Calc Phos (calcium phosphate) for pain relief in Osteo-arthritis. Sometimes it is good to combine Ferr Phos, Nat Phos, Nat Sulph and Silica and this was a remedy called Zief developed way back in 1964 for pain. It is important to get the chewable, biochemic salts as these are usually more effective.

The above is a long list and I cannot emphasise enough that different things work well for different people however It is possible to control Arthritis with proper diet, alkalising your system and proper supplements. Consult your natural practitioner for a balanced health plan. It is important to not 'self-medicate' so to speak and a 10 minute chat with a practitioner at a health food store does not suffice. You need a proper, in-depth assessment by a Naturopath or Nutritionist who will make a plan to specifically suit your needs and take into account other illnesses and symptoms also.

TMJ Disorder - 10 Ways Recognize If You Have TMJ

Within the TMJ, there are moving parts that allow the upper jaw to close on the lower jaw. This joint is a typical sliding ball and socket that has a disc sandwiched between it. The TMJ is used throughout the day to move the jaw when biting and chewing, talking, and yawning. The TMJ is one of the most frequently used joints of the body.

The signs of TMJ disorder vary greatly from chronic to acute symptoms. Doctors agree that problems around the jaw can present with varying degrees of pain and impairment The TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint is the hinge between the lower jaw (mandible) and base of the skull (temporal bone). You can locate the TMJ by firmly placing a finger slightly in front of the ear canal and opening the jaw; what you feel is the TMJ joint.

The causes of TMJ disorder have not been widely studied however, common problems relating to TMJ are:

Trauma from grinding teeth or clenching teeth or trauma from accident


Developmental anomalies

Many symptoms may not appear related to the TMJ itself so it may not have occurred to some people that they actually have TMJ disorder.

Consider the following common symptoms to see if you may have TMJ:

1. Headache and dizziness
2. Facial pain which can extend to head, neck, back and shoulders
3. Ear pain, tinnitus (ringing in ears), hearing loss
4. When joints move, sounds such as clicking, popping or grating occur
5. Jaw may lock wide open or may not fully open at all.
6. Trouble swallowing
7. Swelling of face on affected side
8. Misaligned bite disorder
9. Chewing on one side all the time
10. Waking with pain on side of head, usually in the temporalis muscle

Many TMJ sufferers do not know that their TMJ is the source of the ear pain they are experiencing, and assume instead that it must be caused by an ear infection or another inner ear problem. Because the TMJs are located right next to the ears, radiating pain from the affected joint, nerves, or other surrounding structures may seem like it is originating from the ears. A visit to a ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) surgeon will provide an assessment of your TMJ dysfunction and provide an accurate diagnosis.

Hip Arthritis In India - Resurfacing And Proxima Hip Replacements as Treatment Options For Young

Hip arthritis in India affects young and middle aged persons unlike the west where Primary hip osteoarthritis predominantly affects the elderly. Surgery in this group of relatively younger patients requires newer techniques and implants. This article will shed light on the disease and the current modalities of treatment available.

Types of Hip arthritis

Hip arthritis is classified as Primary and secondary Osteoarthritis. Primary osteoarthritis is age related wear and tear arthritis. It is rare in India. Secondary osteoarthritis occurs at a younger age and is more common. Rheumatoid arthritis, avascular necrosis, traumatic arthritis and other connective tissue disorders like SLE, Psoriasis etc. all lead to secondary osteoarthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto immune disorder, affects all joints particularly the small joints but also does not spare the hip and knees.

Avascular necrosis is a condition that reduces the blood supply to the end of the bone. It affects patients with excess alcohol intake, consuming steroids, connective tissue disorders like SLE. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a connective tissue disorder affecting mainly young women A photo sensitive rash on the cheeks, renal involvement and arthritis are some notable features. Avascular necrosis affects a proportion of the patients with SLE.

Gaucher's disease is a genetic storage disorder. Post traumatic arthritis occurs after a severe injury to the hip. Fractures of the ball (top of the femur) or socket (acetabulum) can lead to arthritis after inadequate treatment.

Hip arthritis is very disabling as it is a small ball and socket joint unlike the Knee joint which is a large one. In advanced disease a total hip replacement was recommended by Orthopaedic surgeons until recently. Advances in orthopaedic surgery now cater to the specific requirements of these younger patients.

Surgical solutions

These are the mainstay of treatment as conservative measures fail to relieve pain. Total Hip replacement (THR) is a time tested operation and has a success rate of 93 % survivorship at 10 years.

The hip joint may need to be replaced with an artificial joint when it is irreversibly damaged and cannot be salvaged by alternate surgery. The patient complains of pain and restriction of movement. The pain may often be referred to the knee or felt in the knee and no hip symptoms. Occasionally the pain may be felt more in the buttock area rather than in front of the groin.

Who needs a hip replacement?

In India, many young patients with ankylosing spondylitis, avascular necrosis, post septic arthritis, post injury suffer from hip arthritis and are advised a hip replacement for disabling pain. Thus many hip replacement operations are performed in younger patients. The surgery should cater to the enhanced demands on an artificial joint by younger and more active patients. Naturally an operation designed for Western elderly patients is not suitable for younger patients.

What is a total hip replacement?

In this operation the ball shaped upper end of the thigh bone (femur) and the socket (acetabulum) are replaced. The ball is replaced with a long metal stem that is fixed into the upper end if the thigh bone. Its upper spherical end articulates with a cup shaped polyethylene socket that is cemented into the pelvis.

Conventional hip replacements sacrifice a great deal of normal bone as the head, neck, and upper part of the thigh bone is removed for implantation of the prosthesis. Moreover wear debris from the poly-etheylene liner lead to osteolysis and bone loss. When this first hip is to be changed or revised after its lifespan more bone loss occurs. Conventional hips have a small ball to reduce friction and wear, but the ill effect of this is an increased risk of dislocation. An average dislocation rate of 3- 4 % has been reported. These implants do not last very longer than 20 years and revision rates of 50% at 20 years have been reported. Survival rates are less satisfactory for the relatively younger active patients. Thus a total hip replacement is not an ideal implant for younger patients less than fifty years old who need a new hip.

Problems with conventional total hip replacement:

o Excessive bone sacrifice and loss

o Increased risk of dislocation

o Patients cannot squat or sit cross legged on the floor with out the risk of dislocation

o Range of movement is less

o Patients cannot involve in sports

o Poor survival in young and active patients they require earlier revision

o Revision surgery is difficult

o The hip feels less like a normal hip

o The cup wears with time and plastic from it harms bone

o Change in length of the leg after surgery leading to leg length discrepancy

Why remove normal bone when only the surface of the ball is bad?

This is the logic behind hip resurfacings. This bone preserving hip resurfacing involves replacing only the diseased bony surfaces of the head of femur and acetabulum. This involves sculpting the head of the femur and covering it with a metal cap and fixing an uncemented socket into the acetabulum to receive the head.

Hip Resurfacing- A bone preserving hip replacement!

Preservation of bone and less stress shielding makes it easy to revise this hip if needed. The large head size provides a very stable joint and recreates the sensation of a normal hip joint. Patients have gone back to playing Judo and Squash after this operation. Advances metallurgy makes the metal on metal articulation likely to survive longer in the young and active patient. With less metal inside the bone and less invasion of the medullary cavity of the femur, the risk of infection is reduced. Rehabilitation is faster and better.

Advantages of hip resurfacing:

o Allows the patient to squat and sit cross legged on the floor safely

o Allows a normal range of movement

o Sacrifices only the surface diseased bone and preserves normal bone

o Imparts a more normal sensation

o The joint is likely to last longer even in younger and active patients

o Earlier and faster rehabilitation

o Less risk of dislocation

o Easier to revise if needed

o No leg length discrepancy

Proxima hip replacement - A perfect bone preserving hip replacement?

This is the latest addition to the armamentarium of the hip surgeon in India. It is a bone preserving hip replacement. In this operation, the entire diseased head of the femur is removed. The lining of the hip socket is resurfaced with a metal cup. A tiny uncemented hip with a short stem called the Proxima hip is impacted into the upper end of the femur or thigh bone.

The size of the implant matches the natural one and hence the risk of dislocation is almost eliminated. It is recommended when the bony destruction is advanced and hence unsuitable for resurfacing and a total hip replacement would be overkill.

The advantages of the Proxima are:

o suited for minimally invasive surgery

o No thigh pain

o Metal on metal - confers longevity

o Conformity to normal size eliminates risk of dislocation

o Ability to correct biomechanical abnormalities makes this superior to resurfacing

o Imparts a more normal sensation

o Allows a normal range of movement and normal activities

TMJ Symptoms and Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Treatment

TMJ Symptoms are more common than you might at first think, and many different factors can contribute to Temporomandibular joint disorder. Some of the most common symptoms that you may experience might include...

  • Trouble chewing food

  • intense migraines

  • sore jaw

  • trouble opening jaw

  • nausea and/or throwing up

  • Popping or clicking noise when opening the jaw

What causes TMJ as you shall soon see is quite common. Many cases are contributed to trauma or events of high stress. For instance, an individual who has lost a loved one and is struggling with their work load at the office may start grinding their teeth while they sleep. After a while of doing this night after night, the effects of clenched teeth can be felt, leading to more problem with Temporomandibular joint disorder.

In some cases people who are dealing with TMJ symptoms will also experience ear ringing, also known as tinnitus.

Another name for this disorder is Costen syndrome, named after the fellow who helped identify it. There is a TMJ part on either side of your jaw, and each one consists of many little parts such as nerves, muscles and bones.

As a result, any area of either TMJ can becoming aggitated, causing a person to experience at times excruciating symptoms of TMJ.

TMJ Treatment

Some people find relief by using mouth guards, which helps to also protect tooth enamel, however in very extreme cases this only makes things worse for some patients - actually causing their teeth grinding to get worse.

In some extreme cases oral surgery might be used to correct any abnormalities that had previously been overlooked. There are numerous methods for realignment and replacement of crucial areas.

However, the medical world truly recommends that if possible, any treatment tried should be reversible, which rules out many procedures of oral surgery - making them an absolute last resort.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Symptoms of TMJ Disorders - Exposed

The Temporomandibular Joint is in itself a very complex bone formation, and as it is placed very close to some very vital organs like the eye, ear, tongue, neck, shoulder, etc. it leads to varied range of symptom when it stops functioning properly. Doctors who are not aware of the complications of the TMJ dysfunction end up attributing these symptoms to other ailments which leads to a misdiagnosis of the case. To make the picture more complicated some of these organs are interconnected with the TMJ. For example, Pinto's ligament which connects the mid-ear with the TMJ can convey any sort of soreness of the mid-ear to the TMJ and vice versa.

TMJ syndrome's primary symptoms are those that can be easily identified. While there are some symptoms that can be a bit more difficult to recognize as being connected to TMJ, these are termed as secondary symptoms. TMJ also has its fair share of unusual symptoms that go a long way in complicating a case and leading to misdiagnosis. All the symptoms are listed below.

Primary Symptoms Of TMJ Syndrome

TMJ syndrome's primary symptoms consist of jaw-ache, soreness in the facial muscles, persistent headache, pain in the ear and also gradual loss of hearing. These symptoms also include swelling of the TMJ with tender surrounding muscles, tendons and bones. Patients suffering from temporomandibular joint syndrome also suffer from a feeling of stuffiness in the sinus, ear and also dizziness most of the time they are awake. The most common symptom however, is the pain in the jaw joint, coupled with severe and continuous headaches, popping sound while trying to open the jaw and bridled jaw movement.

Secondary Symptoms Of TMJ Syndrome

TMJ syndrome's secondary symptoms are no less oppressive when compared to the primary symptoms of this disorder. Here's a list of the secondary symptoms.

o Secondary symptoms of the TMJ syndrome associated with the head and the facial muscles consist of cluster headaches, sinus type headaches, pain in the temples and migraines. Also, pain can be experienced through the calp or the roots of the hair.

o Secondary symptoms of the TMJ syndrome associated with the eye consist of light-sensitivity, blurred and hazy visions, pain all around and in the eye balls, and persistent watering from the eyes.

o Secondary symptoms associated with the ear include hissing, buzzing, ringing sounds in the ear as in the case of Tinnitus, also slow and continuous hearing loss, a stuffy kind of feeling in one or both the ears, pain in the ears and also a feeling as if the ears are clogged.

o Symptoms associated with the mouth can be apparently seen in the cheek, chin and facial muscles, it consists of pain in the jaw-joint, painful and bridled mouth movement, a clicking sound while trying to open the mouth, berserk tongue movement, discomfort and pain in the mouth and other facial muscles.

o Symptoms of the neck include painful shoulder blades and aching neck muscles. Also, the person experiences back pain and stiffness and the whole area feels sore to the touch.

o Symptoms of the throat include sore throat for no apparent reason, problems in swallowing anything, tightness or gripping kind of a feeling in the throat.

Unusual Symptoms Of TMJ Syndrome

An unusual symptom of the TMJ syndrome is the inflammation of the cheek and the jaw. Although the swelling of the affected jaw is a normal thing with the TMJ sufferers, swelling of the cheek is not that common. IT becomes more apparent on the side of the affected area. It generally happens due to the clogged blood vessels, where the blood gets accumulated.

Numb fingers are another unusual symptom of the TMJ syndrome in patients above the age of 50. Although, it is a temporary state and it vanishes as suddenly as it appears.

Aching shoulders also become a problem with people suffering from TMJ dysfunction; usually the pain is felt on one side. The pain originates from the neck and lowly radiates towards the shoulders.

Another unusual symptom of TMJ is when the sufferer experiences jaw dislocations without any accompanying pain. Such a person has to sleep on a hard pillow, making sure that it is pressing against the affected area. As the affected jaw is prone to get dislocated as the person is sleeping. This happens in chronic cases of misaligned jaw where the affected area has been without any kind of treatment for long.

Clicking sounds of the jaw are very common in TMJ sufferers. Usually this sound can be heard by others as well if they are standing close to the affected person. But in some rare cases this popping sound can be heard as far as 5 feet away; that is rare! In such cases, the sound is generally accompanied with severe pain that follows the popping sound, patients suffering from this symptoms are usually scared even to laugh!

TMJ Treatment

Since so many people are suffering from this dysfunction more and more modes of treatment are getting available, ranging from conventional modes like drugs and surgery to over the counter options like splints and mouth-guards, exercises and home-made remedies. But the only problem with most of these options is that they only treat the symptoms, and as the actual cause remains in the body the symptoms return after some days. Holistic remedies on the other hand reaches deep within the body and identifies the root cause of the problem and eliminates it completely. Since the underlying cause is gone, the problem is solved right from the root. And the symptoms go away automatically never to return again. The holistic remedies provide a lasting cure for the TMJ syndrome.

Natural Relief for Arthritis Joint Pain

Arthritis comes from the Greek arthro- meaning joint and -itis meaning inflammation. Arthritis joint pain causes a spectrum of pains from mild and intermittent annoyance to debilitating, life-altering agony. While there is no known cure for arthritis, the joint pain caused by the disease can be treated to improve the arthritis sufferer's quality of life.

Managing body aches caused by arthritis doesn't have to involve a narcotic, numbing out experience. There are natural solutions for treating the pain. One of the most promising discoveries in the battle against arthritis joint pain, whether the pain is in your knee, back, fingers, or hands, is Natural Eggshell Membrane, or NEM, for short. NEM is derived entirely from egg, so unless you have an egg allergy, it does not produce the side effects caused by prescription drugs. It is also vegetarian friendly, which makes this a great product for herbivores and omnivores alike.

NEM contains glycosaminoglycans, better known to us common folk as glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid. Before I explain how these carbohydrates help your joints, it's important to understand the basic structure of a joint. A joint is formed where two bones meet head to head. The joint is the cushion between the bones that keeps them from rubbing together and eroding each other. The connective tissue is called articular cartilage. The articular cartilage is lubricated by synovial fluid. A major component of synovial fluid is hyaluronan, from which hyaluronic acid is derived. Hyaluronan adds to the viscosity, or rich thickness, of synovial fluid. The lubrication provided by synovial fluid is important.

Imagine that your articular cartilage is a rubber band. Now, a new rubber band is very stretchy and flexible. But what happens to a rubber band when it gets old? When it sits out in the sun for days or weeks, when it gets dried out? It becomes brittle and will snap quite easily, or even crumble. It loses its ability to bounce back and to stretch and move comfortably. A similar effect happens when your articular cartilage is deprived of proper and adequate lubrication. The resulting joint pain - be it in your knee, back, hands, or fingers - is a result of both damage to the connective tissue or articular cartilage, and, potentially, your bones beginning to erode each other.

While arthritis pain is not always a result of injury or daily wear and tear (osteoarthritis), but can also include situations where the immune system attacks the body's tissues (rheumatoid arthritis), the basic joint pain arthritis treatment can be the same. NEM works by increasing joint lubrication, resiliency, and cellular function to potentially help rebuild articular cartilage. NEM's glycosaminoglycans also work in conjunction to help reduce the inflammation and swelling attributed to joint pain arthritis.

Multiple studies have produced statistically significant results correlating NEM with a reduction in arthritis symptoms specific to patients suffering from osteoarthritis. In one study, at the end of:

繚 10 days -
o 33% experienced a 30% reduction in joint pain arthritis in the knee, and
o 25% showed more than a 50% reduction in stiffness

繚 60 days -
o 32% of NEM-taking participants reported more than a 50% reduction in pain, and
o a 27% average improvement in stiffness

Such studies have shown NEM's effectiveness both on a short-term and long-term basis for treating joint pain arthritis.

Talk to your doctor about NEM. It may be the solution you're seeking for relief from joint pain arthritis in your back, knee, hands, or fingers, without the side effects of prescription drugs. Take your life back from the clutches of arthritis.

Arthritis Leg Pain and Arthritis Finger Symptoms Are Similar

Arthritis leg pain is a result of metabolic or degenerative arthropathy that occurs in or in the vicinity of ankles, knees, feet and hips joints. Those who suffer from degenerative joint pains experience pain in their joints when actively using them. On the other hand those suffering from psoriatic joint pain, gout and rheumatoid joint pain undergo bout of pain even when the joints are at rest.

Arthritis in general affects the body joints and musculoskeletal system. Arthritis leg pain can be because of leg problem arising due to rheumatoid joint pain condition. Another form of joint pain condition that is concentrated in leg to produce same type of joint pain is osteoarthritis. The general symptoms of arthritis leg pain are

Swelling - The possible joints pain condition produce a swelling around the joint. With a simple glance inflammation may either be seen or not seen but can be felt. Anti-inflammatory medications are used to ease the swelling from joint pain conditions.

Pain - Pain is a most common symptom of deteriorated joint condition in leg. The pain may be dull or severe depending on the type of joint pain condition. The pain arises from bone or muscles within the leg. In that case stretching gives relief from pain.

Walking difficulty - With time cartilages and joints in the leg deteriorate that makes walking difficult. Pain in the knee joints is the cause of person not able to walk.

Stiffness - Joint deterioration with swelling and pain add up to cause stiffness in the leg. Stiffness in the leg may be felt in the morning after sleep or when sitting or standing for too long.

When you have painful joint condition two major things happen. First the joint tissue or cartilage is deteriorating that produces change in the complete structure of the joint. This further affects rest of the skeletal system as everything is connected. Second in order to accommodate the pain in the body you may start sleeping or walking in different way.

Another painful joint condition in your body can be arthritis finger. Since each hand has 27 bones, there are number of joints in fingers. Also the normal daily work is dependent on fingers. There are two types of painful joint conditions found in fingers same as found in leg. Also the symptoms of arthritis finger are more or less the same as stated above.

Since cause and the symptoms of the painful joint conditions in leg and arthritis finger are almost the same, their treatment is in general the same. The treatment includes anti-inflammatory medications, ice and heat treatment, diet adjustments that are joint supporting foods, supplements, weight control and exercise.

To deal with arthritis leg pain and painful finger joint condition you have to work with combination of therapies and diet with an aim to reduce inflammation. Reduction in inflammation will reduce the pain.

Coral Calcium Alleviates Joint Pain and More

I was introduced to coral calcium in I'd say, 1999. For years I was experiencing joint pain, specifically in the shoulder(s). Over a ten year period, I had tried chiropractic, massage therapy, kinesiology, etc. I was at wits end, anticipating having to have some sort of surgery to alleviate the problem.

A friend of mine, Joe, who is a massage therapist and practitioner of alternative health, medicine, etc. called and asked me if I had heard of Bob Barefoot.

I replied that I had, in fact, I just ordered his book, The Calcium Factor. Joe then told me that he had Bob on the phone, to say, "hello."

I spoke with Bob for quite some time. I explained my condition, and asked a ton of questions about coral calcium and it's effects on degenerative diseases, like cancer. Bob was intriguing to say the least.

I ordered some coral calcium online, tested my pH and found that my saliva was acidic. According to Bob, an indication that you have some sort of illness, or are developing one.

I began taking the coral calcium right away. Within 5 days, I found that the joint pain I was experiencing before was gone! I had full mobility in both of my shoulders again.

In addition, I was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure. My BP was high enough that the doctor wanted to put me on medication. When I returned to the doctor, just 10 days after taking the coral calcium, my BP had normalized. No medication needed!

So, in less than ten days, my joint pain was gone, my BP was normal and my saliva started testing above 7.0, neutral on the acidic scale. Within a few more days my pH went up to 7.2!

In addition, many have experienced significant weight loss using coral calcium. Studies show that when your body is calcium deficient, it releases a fat storing hormone, called calcitriol. A simple fix - add calcium. Coral Calcium is a good source of calcium!

I started selling coral calcium, and needless to say, sales went through the roof! Our first website went to #1 on Google, and stayed there for over a year. We were selling in excess of 15,000 bottles of coral calcium a month.

Eventually, the FTC, FDA and the rest of some regulatory agencies filed suit against Bob Barefoot and one of his associates. They were forced to shut down their infomercial, being sited as making erroneous claims for the product.

The FTC can say what they want about scientific evidence not existing to support coral calcium claims, I don't need them, I AM ONE!

In addition, of all the coral calcium we have sold, there have been very few returns. Bottom line, for most people, coral calcium works!

Even if there are no evident benefits, coral calcium would be a good product to take for preventative reasons. Coral Calcium contains calcium and 73 trace minerals. In addition, we've added vitamin d, to aid in the absorption of calcium and the other nutrients.

Does My Senior Dog Have Arthritis? Painless Tips for a Painful Disease

Your lovable energetic canine best friend has been a faithful companion for nearly a decade but now stops short of the staircase or needs a push to get up when it is time to take a walk. It wasn't an overnight change but gradually he's step was slower and his passion for play and excitement waned. Could a dog have arthritis? In a word, yes.

Arthritis is the condition where the cartilage inside of joint deteriorates so bones rub together causing stiffness, pain and loss of the ability to move. It is not a disease reserved for humans. Osteoarthritis affects animals too! This is especially true for large breed canines (over 50 lbs). Unfortunately, a dog cannot tell us when he is in pain so as owners we must be conscientious and look for signs of this painful degenerative disease.

Indicators of a Dog with Arthritis

  • Trouble Standing or Sitting Is it a struggle for your friend to get to his feet? Does he circle around and around before finally setting down?

  • Sleeping Longer and More Often A dog with arthritis will often begin to sleep more and appear less interested in walks or play.

  • Appearing to suffer from sore, stiff joints Does your dog appears to have stiff legs or walk a bit funny when he stands up after a nap or car ride? Has he started to snap if awakened or whimper when petted?

  • Hesitancy to climb stairs Do you have to coax your dog to take that first step up or down the staircase?

  • Favors a limb Does he tend to walk more on one side or the other? Maybe one leg is appearing to waste away while the other three appear more muscular?

  • Tipping the Scale on the Heavier Side Increased weight from one vet appointment to the next can indicate avoidance of movement due to pain.

  • Decreased interest in Play or Other Behavior changes If your dog loved playing chase-the-tennis ball but now prefers to chew on it well out of reach, then take a nap Or maybe your pooch loved riding shotgun with the wind flapping his ears, but no longer races to the door when he hears the jingle of car keys., painful joints could be the cause.

  • Zoned Out A pet that appears disinterested in everything and somewhat less alert than normal is another sign of arthritic joints.

Make Your Lifestyle Senior Dog Friendly
If your dog is suffering from osteoarthritis, it is wise to make a few changes to your home to improve your dog's daily life.


Ceramic tile, hardwood and laminate flooring can be slippery, making it troublesome for an arthritic pet to maneuver. Area rugs with gripping or rubber backing are a great option to prevent injury to your pet.

A Soft Bed

Though your dog may have always slept on the couch, your bed or maybe the floor, these places may not be as comfortable as the arthritic joints become more problematic. It maybe time to invest in a doggie bed designed specifically for an aging dog. There are several types that designed to provide comfort. Water-beds, bolster beds (with sides shaped like a nest), hammocks and thickly padded beds will provide the additional comfort required.

Ramps and Stairs

A senior dog may struggle to get up and down stairs, into cars and up onto their favorite couch. There are dozens of options to make these everyday activities less of a painful struggle for the arthritic pet. Some ramps are designed for easy portability and can telescope up and down as necessary. In some areas it might make sense to build a durable ramp if it is going to be used everyday.

Young Children

Lovable old dogs sometimes look "hug-able" to a small child. But living with constant joint pain will make a dog less tolerant to interacting with playful children. An uncharacteristic nip has sent more than one toddler to the emergency room. Constant monitoring of an older dog is essential when children are around.

Extra Time for Exercise

Modest daily exercise can be very beneficial but never rush a dog suffering from osteoarthritis. Check with your veterinarian for an appropriate exercise program to strengthen your dog's muscles. Keep in mind a walk is going to be at his pace, not yours for best results. He may need support and assistance with stairs and a bit of extra time to get around.

For more tips and ideas on how to help your arthritic dog enjoy his golden years visit the OldDogPaws arthritis page.

Osteoarthritis Pain Relief - How You Choose One?

Today, there are many choices of osteoarthritis pain relief. Many of them may only give you temporary pain relief. Ideally, when you're looking for osteoarthritis pain relief, choose the one that not just relieves, but can eliminate the pain, and also rebuild the soft tissue around the effected joint. Is that really possible? In this article, I will try to evaluate the possible one.

What is osteoarthritis? Basically, any type of arthritis involve the fibrous tissue infiltration that give you stiffness, limit your joint movement, build up your cellular debris and cause the inflammation that lead to the pain.

Osteoarthritis is actually known as chronic degenerative joint disease or a wear & tear condition. It usually happens to elderly people or because of the injury. It's usually founded in one or several overused large joints or weight bearing joints such as the spine, hips, and knees.

Although you can diagnose yourself, it's better if you consult with a professional, like your family doctor or a rheumatologist, a doctor who specializes in this kind of disease, so you will know whether you suffer from osteoarthritis conditions or other disease.

You may know some people have been used enzyme supplement as osteoarthritis pain relief for quite a while. Perhaps you remember that arthritis is classified as inflammation conditions that occur in joint. One of the enzyme supplements that helps the body to eliminate the pain and inflammation is systemic enzyme. Actually, there're clinical studies conducted by Dr. Bannock that show the potency of it. This enzyme supplement also helps our body to regain the soft tissue and the joint changes caused by this disease.

According to the enzymes practitioners, doing systemic enzymes supplementation along with some particular exercising and healthy diets can give you much better approach for this disease or your general health and wellness. Whether you choose the short or long term pain relief, I think now you know how to choose osteoarthritis pain relief.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

What Other Diseases Masquerade as Rheumatoid Arthritis? Part 1 - The Non-Infectious Group

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis and affects more than 2 million Americans. The diagnosis is not easy to make in many instances. There are more than 100 different kinds of arthritis. Most of them involve inflammation. When a patient goes to a rheumatologist to get a diagnosis, there is a process of elimination in order to arrive at the proper diagnosis. This process of elimination is called "differential diagnosis."

Differential diagnosis can be a difficult undertaking because so many forms of arthritis, particularly inflammatory forms of arthritis look alike. Generally it is helpful to divide the differential diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis into two groups. The first group are the non-infectious diseases to consider and the second group are the infection-related conditions.

Since the discussion is rather long I have chosen to divide the article into two parts.

The following is a partial list of forms of inflammatory arthritis that can be seen and must be considered when evaluating a patient with inflammatory symptoms of arthritis and are not infection related.

RA is an autoimmune chronic inflammatory disease, primarily involving the peripheral joints (hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles, and feet). It can also affect non joint structures such as the lung, eye, skin, and cardiovascular system.

RA may start slowly with nonspecific symptoms, including fatigue, malaise (feeling "blah"), appetite loss, low-grade fever, weight loss, and vague joint pains, or it may have an explosive onset with inflammation involving multiple joints. The joint symptoms usually occur bilaterally- both sides of the body equally involved- and symmetric. Erosions- damage to the joint- can be seen with x-ray. In about 80% of cases, elevated levels of rheumatoid factor (RF) or anti-cyclic citrullinated antibodies (anti-CCP) are present in the blood. There appears to be a correlation between the presence of anti-CCP antibodies and erosions.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) occurs in children under the age of 16. Three forms of JRA exist, including oligoarticular (1-4 joints), polyarticular (more than 4 joints), and systemic-onset or Still's disease. The latter condition is associated with systemic symptoms -- including fever and rash in addition to joint disease.

Polyarticular JRA has similar characteristics to adult RA. It causes about 30% of cases of JRA. Most children with polyarticular JRA are negative for RF and their prognosis is usually good.

Approximately 20% of polyarticular JRA patients have elevated RF, and these patients are at risk for chronic, progressive joint damage.

Eye involvement in the form of inflammation- called uveitis- is a common finding in oligoarticular JRA, especially in patients who are positive for anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), a blood test that is often used to screen for autoimmune disease. Uveitis may not cause symptoms so careful screening should be performed in these patients.

SLE is an inflammatory, chronic, autoimmune disorder that can involve the skin, joints, kidneys, central nervous system, and blood vessel walls. Patients may present with 1 or more of the following: butterfly-shaped rash on the face, affecting the cheeks; rash on other parts of the body; sensitivity to sunlight; mouth sores; joint inflammation; fluid around the lungs, heart, or other organs; kidney abnormalities; low white blood cell count, low red blood cell count, or low platelet count; nerve or brain inflammation; positive results of a blood test for ANA; positive results of a blood test for antibodies to double-stranded DNA or other antibodies.

Patients with lupus can have significant inflammatory arthritis. As a result, lupus can be difficult to distinguish from RA, especially if other features of lupus are not present. Clues that favor a diagnosis of RA over lupus in a patient presenting with arthritis affecting multiple joints include lack of lupus features, erosions (joint damage) seen on x-rays, and elevations of RF and anti-CCP antibodies.

Polymyositis (PM) and dermatomyositis (DM) are types of inflammatory muscle disease. These conditions typically present with bilateral (both sides involved) large muscle weakness. In the case of DM, rash is present. Diagnosis consists of finding the following: elevation of muscle enzyme levels in the blood [the two enzymes that are measured are creatine kinase (CPK) and aldolase], signs and symptoms, electromyograph (EMG)- an electrical test- alteration, and a positive muscle biopsy.

In addition, in many cases abnormal antibodies specific for inflammatory muscle disease can be elevated.

In both PM and DM, inflammatory arthritis can be present and can look like RA. Both inflammatory muscle disease and RA can affect the lungs. In RA, muscle function will usually be normal. Also, in PM and DM, erosive joint disease is unlikely. RF and anti-CCP antibodies are typically elevated in RA but not PM or DM.

SAs -- psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and enteropathic arthritis -- are a category of diseases that cause systemic inflammation, and preferentially attack parts of the spine and other joints where tendons attach to bones. They also can cause pain and stiffness in the neck, upper and lower back, tendonitis, bursitis, heel pain, and fatigue. They are termed "seronegative" types of arthritis. The term 'seronegative' means that testing for rheumatoid factor is negative. Symptoms of adult SAs include:

o Back and/or joint pain;

o Morning stiffness;

o Tenderness near bones;

o Sores on the skin;

o Inflammation of the joints on both sides of the body;

o Skin or mouth ulcers;

o Rash on the bottom of the feet; and

o Eye inflammation.

Occasionally, arthritis similar to that seen in RA can be present. Careful history and physical examination can often distinguish between these conditions, especially if an obvious disease that is promoting inflammation is present (psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, etc.). In addition, RA rarely affects the DIP joints- the last row of finger joints. If these joints are involved with inflammatory arthritis, the diagnosis of an SA is possible. (Note of caution: a condition known as inflammatory erosive nodal osteoarthritis can also affect the DIP joints). RF and anti-CCP antibodies are negative in SAs, although, rarely, in cases of psoriatic arthritis there may be elevations of RF and anti-CCP antibodies.

Gout is caused by deposits of monosodium urate (uric acid) crystals into a joint. Gouty arthritis is acute in onset, very painful, with signs of significant inflammation on exam (red, warm, swollen joints). Gout can affect almost any joint in the body, but typically affects cooler areas including the toes, feet, ankles, knees, and hands. Diagnosis is made by drawing fluid from an inflamed joint and analyzing the fluid. Demonstrating monosodium urate crystals in the joint fluid is diagnostic, although finding elevated serum levels of uric acid can also be helpful.

In most cases, gout is an acute single joint disease that is easy to distinguish from RA. However, in some cases, chronic erosive joint inflammation where multiple joints are involved can develop. And, in cases where tophi (deposits of uric acid) are present, it can be difficult to distinguish from erosive RA. However, crystal analysis of joints or tophi and blood tests should be helpful in distinguishing gout from RA.

Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (CPPD), also known as pseudogout, is a disease is caused by deposits of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals in a joint. The presence of these crystals in the joints leads to significant inflammation. Establishing the diagnosis includes using:

o Detailed medical history;

o Withdrawing fluid from a joint to check for crystals;

o Joint x-rays to show crystals deposition in the cartilage (chondrocalcinosis); and

o Blood tests to rule out other diseases (e.g., RA or osteoarthritis).

In most cases, CPPD arthritis presents with single joint inflammation. In some cases, CPPD disease can present with chronic symmetric multiple joint erosive arthritis similar to RA. RA and CPPD disease can usually be told apart by joint aspiration demonstrating calcium pyrophosphate crystals, and by blood tests, including RF and anti-CCP antibodies, which are usually negative in CCPD arthritis. A complicating feature is that RA and CPPD can coexist!

Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory joint disorder. The majority of patients with this disease have lung disease, with eye and skin disease being the next most frequent signs of disease. Although the diagnosis of sarcoidosis can be made on clinical and x-ray presentation alone, sometimes the use of tissue biopsy with the demonstration of "noncaseating granulomas" is necessary for diagnosis.

Arthritis is present in 15% of patients with sarcoidosis, and in rare cases can be the only sign of disease. In acute sarcoid arthritis, joint disease is usually of rapid onset. It is symmetric involving the ankles, although knees, wrists, and hands can be involved. In most cases of acute disease, lung and skin disease are also present. Chronic sarcoid arthritis can be difficult to distinguish from RA. Although RA-specific blood tests, such as RF and anti-CCP antibodies, can be helpful in distinguishing RA from sarcoidosis, in some cases a biopsy of joint tissue may be required for diagnosis.

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) is a disease that leads to inflammation of tendons, muscles, ligaments, and tissues around the joints. It presents with large muscle pain, aching, morning stiffness, fatigue, and in some cases, fever. It can be associated with temporal arteritis (TA), also known as giant-cell arteritis, which is a related but more serious condition in which inflammation of large blood vessels can lead to blindness and aneurysms. Also, a peculiar syndrome where use of the arms and legs leads to cramping because of insufficient blood flow (limb claudication) can occur. PMR is diagnosed when the clinical picture is present along with elevated markers of inflammation (ESR and/or CRP). If temporal arteritis is suspected (headache, vision changes, limb claudication), biopsy of a temporal artery may be necessary to demonstrate inflammation of blood vessels.

PMR and TA can present with symmetric inflammatory arthritis similar to RA. These diseases can usually be distinguished by blood testing. In addition, headaches, vision changes, and large muscle pain are uncommon in RA, and if these are present, PMR and/or TA should be considered.

In part 2 of this article, I will discuss infectious diseases that need to be considered in the differential diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. When RA is suspected, it is critical to consult with an expert rheumatologist.

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Costochondritis

Costochondritis is a medical condition in which there is severe or moderate type of pain which is localised to the chest and usually seen on the rib joints. The pain is aggravated by movement and deep breathing. Costochondritis is usually caused due to repeated, minor trauma or unaccustomed heavy activity. The affected costo-chondral joints are tender to touch and pressure. Anti-inflammatory treatment and pain killers, local application of ointments, adequate rest, graded physical activity, and avoidance of heavy activity form the conservative management of this condition.

Even under normal circumstances, minor trauma to the ribs causes pain which usually lasts for about four to six weeks in spite of taking conventional treatment. Costochondritis, which is inflammation of the joints of the ribs, is usually quite refractory to treatment and this experience can be frustrating both to the affected individual as well as to the treating physician. This condition responds completely to treatment only if the causative factors are examined well and efforts are made to address these issues in a comprehensive manner.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for costochondritis is aimed at giving anti-inflammatory medicines to treat the basic disorder, control pain and tenderness, and also strengthen the costo-chondral joints, so as to avoid recurrence of this situation. Treatment is given in different stages, with control of pain and inflammation forming the first stage. This can be done with oral medication and supplemented by local application of medicines in the form of ointments, pastes, and medicated oils. Local application is usually followed by steam fomentation using herbal decoctions. The application of anti-inflammatory herbal pastes also provides long-term relief from pain and tenderness.

Once pain, swelling and tenderness are brought under control, some medicines with an anti-inflammatory action are continued in a low dose and in addition to these medications, herbal medicines are added which provide a strengthening action to these small joints as well as the ribs and muscles connecting the ribs. This strengthening action provides long-term relief from pain and also helps the affected individual to avoid a recurrence of this situation, as well as develop more tolerance for unaccustomed activity and occupational seating postures.

Some affected individuals do not respond satisfactorily even with the above mentioned treatments. In these situations, it is important to look for other factors which prevent a complete therapeutic response. Stress, depression, generalized weakness and long-term fatigue are some of the factors responsible for this situation. The specific cause needs to be identified and treated with specific medicines. In addition, medicines may also be required to treat depression, stress, and weakness. Herbal medicines which have an immunomodulatory action and which provide long-term strength and vitality to the body are especially useful in this condition.

Such individuals need to develop a daily schedule of regular exercise, relaxation techniques, eat healthy food regularly at prescribed times, and obtain adequate rest and sleep. Meditation, Yogasanas and breathing techniques like Pranayam may also help to achieve control from pain, or reduce sensitivity to pain. Non-irritating and strengthening medicated oils can also be applied on the tender costo-chondral joints on a long term basis, so as to provide complete relief from costochondritis.

Change The Shape Of Your Face - From Square To Oval - Without Surgery!

Although often felt to be a handsome quality for a man's face, a square looking jaw is not usually thought to be a desirable feature for a woman. Having a square look to the lower face is definitely more of a masculine look. And having a round, full face can be kind of cute when you're five years old - but not when you're past twenty-five! On the other hand, an oval-shaped face is thinner, softer, and looks more genteel, and more feminine. So, does someone with a square, round or wide looking lower face need major facial contouring or jaw surgery to look more elegant? Actually, a narrower, more oval, and more feminine look to the face can be easily achieved with a simple, 5 minute office treatment! No surgery - just Botox簧!

A face looking full, round, square and wide is often a result of a relative jaw (masseter) muscle hypertrophy- overthickened, overdeveloped jaw muscles - which lie over the outside edge and angle of the jaw. Bite down with your teeth together while holding your hand on the side of your jaw. You'll easily feel just how strong this powerful muscle is as it bulges when you clench down. This is the same muscle that is often overactive and overdeveloped in those with night time teeth/jaw "grinding" and similarly so in some cases of those suffering from TMJ Syndrome. The muscle can develop tremendous and recurring pressure on the temperomandibular joint (the TMJ, located just in front of the ear), and on the teeth, and the jaw leading to TMJ Syndrome and chronic headaches. The muscle may start out just being naturally thick and strong (i.e. genetically thick, such as is seen in many Asian women) or it eventually becomes that way from being overused and overly active (like a jaw muscle "on steroids"). The bottom line: it is the robust thickness of the masseter muscle which creates the wide look to the jawline.

This all too hearty and thickened muscle on the sides of the jaw can be thinned out and settled down with Botox簧 treatments. Botox簧 works on facial wrinkles the same way - it relaxes the muscles, and makes them much less active. The muscles learn to enjoy their decreased activity and they start to actually get thinner and progressively less active over time. In the case of a wrinkle, we see smoother skin. In the case of the masseter muscle, we see a more narrow look to the jawline and a more oval look to the face! A more refined, delicate, and less masculine look. A single treatment session will likely yield a visible change in facial shape within about two weeks that should last for some 3 - 6 months. Often, the thinning out of the jaw muscle also simultaneously creates a bit more visibility and prominence to the cheekbones, further accentuating a more feminine and aesthetically pleasing look. With repeated injection treatments over a year or two, the jaw muscle is more and more prone to staying thinner on its own and so, therefore, is the more oval facial shape! One potential side effect - some slight weakness with chewing pressures. But with a less strong, thinner masseter muscle, we often see a decrease in TMJ symptoms, headaches, and less of the side effects of teeth grinding as well!

Some patients truly do have a wide jaw or thick jaw bones. Botox簧 might not work quite as well in those situations where actual surgery might be needed. But Botox簧 will still help - and might make enough of an improvement to be more than a reasonable alternative to having the jaw surgically cut apart and partly removed! Softening the facial shape with Botox簧 is just one more of the many nice and simple things plastic surgeons can now offer to improve one's look - without surgery!

DPL Therapy System - One LED Device For Pain Relief And Skin Care

The Deep Penetrating Light Therapy System (DPL Therapy System)by LED Technologies, is both a skin care and joint, muscle pain relief device. It provides both benefits of photo rejuvenation for your skin as well as pain treatment, all from the comfort of your own home.

This FDA cleared and approved device for skin rejuvenation and pain management is made of two removable LED panels, both equipped with visible red lights (20 diodes total) and invisible infrared lights (154 diodes total). It also comes with a Velcro strap so you can attach it to any part of your body.

Red light therapy is now regularly used to treat skin problems, mainly aging but also acne. It penetrates at about 8 to 10mm deep inside the skin and helps healing scars, cuts, wounds. It triggers a natural body repair process, stimulating collagen and elastin production. This will smooths your skin by progressively, filling your fine lines and wrinkles with collagen.

Studies have shown LED technology used in DPL Therapy System is a painless and risk free skin care treatment.

Infrared light therapy penetrates deeper in the body, 30 to 40mm deep. It is thus effective to reach joints, bones and muscles. It has been proven to reduce joint aches, sprains, back pain or muscle spasms. In recent studies, this easy to use, safe and effective treatment showed it can reduce chronic back pain by 50% over a period of 6 weeks.

LED light therapy is a very effective technology, which has been researched for over 40 years providing powerful therapeutic benefits. The DPL Therapy System is recommended and used for its many benefits, below are few of these.

Benefits in skin care:

  • diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • stimulates production of collagen

  • increases blood circulation

  • decreases pore size

  • prevents acne

Pain management uses for

  • Pain relief for many body parts: back, neck, shoulder, wrist, leg, ankle pain

  • Tennis elbow, golfers elbow

  • Muscle spasms and knots

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Arthritis

  • Ligament tears

These are just several problems DPL Therapy System can be employed for, but there are of course many more. The Deep Penetrating Light Therapy System is the first home device that has been promoted as a double action device (skin care and pain relief) and is still almost the only one on the market to effectively treat these two concerns. Most of LED light therapy devices are made for skin care only.

Arthritis Pain Relief Cream Doesn't Really Provide Any Long-Term Solution to the Problem

Arthritis pain relief cream comes in many different forms and is among the most popular treatments on the market today, yet it is also one of the least effective ways to address arthritis symptoms. For safe, thorough and complete treatment of the pain, swelling and stiffness associated with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, natural products containing anti-inflammatories, antioxidants and other similar ingredients offer the best and most reliable solution.

Arthritis is the result of inflammation of the joints and the degeneration of the protective layer of cartilage which surrounds them. As the cartilage wears away, the bones of the joints rub against each other, causing the bones to become malformed and resulting in extreme pain. As many sufferers experience chronic pain, they often reach for arthritis cream to soothe and relieve their symptoms. While creams and gels may provide some relief, because they are applied locally and are generally not very strong, this relief is usually only temporary.

Topical arthritis medications come in several forms, including creams, gels and patches. While some arthritis pain relief cream treats the problem by replacing it with a hot or cold sensation, others contain a small amount of salicylates, the pain reliever found in aspirin. Still others include a pain reliever call capsaicin, which is found in chili pepper seeds. Though capsaicin can be effective, it really only works on joints close to the surface such as the fingers and elbows because it is not deeply absorbed.

Creams Only Provide Temporary Pain Relief

While arthritis cream and other topical pain relievers can be effective, they can not treat the underlying cause of arthritis pain and therefore offer no long-term solution. Treatments made from natural ingredients such as glucosamine, chondroitin, manganese, turmeric and ginger extract have proven to target the inflammation, loss of cartilage and malformation of the bones which cause arthritis pain. This makes these products among the most effective on the market for providing long term results.

Along with providing only temporary relief, arthritis pain relief cream can also cause skin irritations and other side effects. Creams which contain salicylates may be particularly harmful to individuals who are allergic to aspirin or those who are taking blood thinners. Aside from irritating side effects, most creams and gels also produce both a stinging sensation and a strong medicinal odor which can be unpleasant.

The latest development in arthritis natural treatment, comprehensive remedies containing a carefully balanced combination of natural ingredients including antioxidants maximize healing effects as never before. By helping to free the body of harmful free radicals, these substances promote healing from the inside out, enabling the body to repair itself. Used in combination with a healthy diet and proper exercise, these products provide the most reliable and complete method for relieving arthritis pain and offer a safer, gentler, and more reliable alternative to arthritis cream and gel.

Talk To Your Doctor About Treatment Options

Though these products offer an exciting option for arthritis treatment, you should never consider using any of them without first consulting your doctor. Even mild arthritis pain relief cream should not be used without first determining that it is safe for you. Each product works differently for each person, so what works for one may not work for the next. Together, you and your doctor will be able to choose the best course of treatment for you.

If arthritis pain is slowing you down, don't be fooled by the promise of topical treatments. They may ease your pain for the time being, but lasting relief will only be achieved when you treat the cause instead of just relieving the symptoms. So talk to your doctor today about the natural products that are available for arthritis treatment and get pain relief that is more than just skin deep.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Treatment For TMJ Disorder

There are many ways by which one can treat TMJ. However, one should seek all simple, non-invasive procedures first before moving on to invasive ones. If you think you have TMJ, go to your doctor as he will prescribe talk to you about the treatment for TMJ that you can do at home. Some of these treatments may be discussed with you: eating only soft foods such as yogurt, eggs, oatmeal. Avoid hard, crunchy and large foods. Use moist heat and cold packs and taking medications.

The doctor will also tell you to avoid doing wide movements with your mouth that will cause strain to it such as yawning too wide, resting your chin on your hand, too much talking or clenching your jaw. Generally, the doctor will tell you to avoid stressful situations. And learn to do gentle exercise and relaxation techniques that can be helpful with the management of the pain brought about by TMJ disorder. Of course, nothing will beat having enough sleep and diet. Sometimes TMJ is aggravated by lack of sleep.

The treatment for TMJ depends on the severity of the disorder and how long has it been in existence. Of course, the invasive treatment for TMJ is surgery but usually the doctor will exhaust all other options first before he will consider surgery for you. There are some patients who have done simple, non-invasive procedures and no longer needed to consider further treatments. One thing is for sure; never discount your jaw pain as just pain in the jaw. Have it looked at by a doctor and get it treated.

Tips On Dog Arthritis Prevention

Arthritis is so common in people it should not come as a surprise that it is very widespread with dogs and cats and the numbers keep rising every year.

It may surprise you to know that your dog does not have to suffer with this and other related diseases such as: hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, Joint Inflammation and other painful diseases.

Put your pet on a balanced healthy diet, which does not include commercial dog foods and treats. If you feed your dog this type of diet you can almost rest assured your dog will be heading for arthritis, diabetes, and cancer. The reason for the widespread of these diseases which have increased tenfold in the last twenty years is directly related to the deterioration of dog food diets.

Nutritional Therapy:

The best diet for maintaining your dog or cat's health is a raw food diet.

If you cannot do a completely raw diet there are enzymes added to your pet's food that can supply the absorption of essential nutrients and fatty acids from cooked foods.

If you do follow enzyme therapy you can reduce the food intake by over 15 percent and feed your dog less to avoid your dog becoming overweight.

Veterinarians that have tested enzyme supplements have found improvements in coat, higher puppy survival rates, and fewer problems with hip dysplasia and arthritis. Once your dog develops arthritis there are tips to help it maintain a good quality of life especially in older dogs.

A Comfortable Bed:

If your dog is not sleeping in your comfortable bed you have to get one for your furry companion. Or if your dog is sleeping in your bed and you do not want that, you have to get it a comfortable bed. I have seen some pretty fancy beds on the internet that would befit a king, or queen with four posters and step stools which is truly over the top. The motto: " Nothing is too good for my dog" really is adaptable in this case. It could be grandma's old blanket or a soft throw blanket whatever makes a nice comfortable bed for the Prince or Princess of your household.

Nutraceuticals for Dog Arthritis:

Veterinarians who care about nutrition will recommend using supplements for treating and preventing arthritis, as much as they prescribe drugs. These supplements are used by humans and have been studied to provide relief from painful joints, and inflammation while repairing joint cartilage.


One of the essential ingredients in Arthritis supplements is Glucosamine which builds and is a major component of joint cartilage in humans and animals.

It is especially useful in osteoarthritis and used in veterinary medicine for horses, dogs, and cats with arthritis and as a preventive supplement. You will find you can purchase the Glucosamine with Chondroitin in the same bottle which you can use as directed for your particular pet's needs.


Chondroitin sulfate attaches to proteins and is a major goal of the study of Glycobiology. Chondroitin is a major structural part of cartilage and provides resistance to pressure on joints as the joint is used for daily activities. Again it is made with Glucosamine in the same bottle and you can take it as directed for your particular pet's needs.


Methylsulfonylmethane or MSM is assessed as an anti-inflammatory medicinal supplement and for relieving pain associated with joints and arthritis. If your dog is showing the signs of arthritis by limping, struggling to walk or having difficulty after a short walk you should consider relieving its pain by using MSM regularly.

Omega -3 Fatty Acids:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids or DHA and EPA are found in fish oils which are important in reducing joint swelling. Another side benefit of Omega -3's is it supports heart health of your dog or cat. As your pet ages you may want to consider especially if it is overweight the strain on the heart. It is also found to help with alertness and mental vitality in older pets, and memory.

Doses for Dogs:

A Dog of 60 -70 Pounds:

2,000 milligrams of Glucosamine daily, divide in 2 doses morning and night.

1,500 to 2,000 milligrams of MSM per day, divided in 2 does morning and at night.

1,500 to 2,000 milligrams of Omega 3 fatty acids per day, 2 doses morning and night.

Larger Dogs: double the doses.

Smaller Dogs: take 翻 of the dose for a 60-70 pound Dog.

Smaller Smaller Dogs: take 翹 of the dose for a 60-70 pound Dog.

Animals are like people and as we age, we all need reinforcement to the bone and joint structures of our bodies. These simple measures can repair the damage of arthritis and the most important benefit is it prevents future damage to our pets. Prevention is 99 percent of the cure and far easier than dealing with the disease.