Saturday, March 22, 2014

Eazol Natural Pain Relief

Pain is something that we all feel, and everyone of us is looking for effective solutions to relieve all types of pains we have. Some prefer fast and powerful help of synthesized drugs, but some people prefer natural remedies, which include only herbal or other natural ingredients. Eazol Natural Pain Relief is one of such natural formulas, which contains only natural constituents and herbal extracts. It can assist you in relieving pain of any nature, from chronic to acute pains. Eazol Natural Pain Relief is available for everyone and since 2002 it has been working fine for many people who tried and enjoyed the benefits of this miraculous formula.

This innovative formula contains only natural ingredients, that is why it is absolutely suitable and recommended to everyone without exceptions. The main active ingredients of Eazol Natural Pain Relief include extracts of Lobelia (Lobelia inflata), White Willow (Salix species), Boswellia (Boswellia serrata) and other medicinal plants, rich in natural vitamins and minerals. The composition can not only calm down various types of pains, but also has anti-inflammatory properties, ease muscle and nerve tension, and so on. White Willow is known as the best natural aspirin which can calm down aches and pains, as well as have quite lasting action.

Every bottle of this natural remedy has 60 pills, and it is enough to take just one of them a day to relieve any possible type of pains. Primarily, the product is targeted to caml down pains caused by the following diseases and ailments: arthritis, muscle and joint pains, stiff joints, various types of neuralgia, neck and back aches, low back pains, carpal tunnel syndrome and so on. Eazol Natural Pain Relief is one of the most effective natural and 100% safe pain relief solutions available on today's market. It is recommended by many specialists and experts and has already helped thousands people around the world.

Remember that Eazol Natural Pain Relief does not have any harmful and unwanted side effects. This product if 100% natural and contains only natural or naturally derived ingredients which can not visit any harm to our body. Exactly the absence of any chemical or artificial elements in this formula makes it available and recommended to everyone who needs an effective painkiller. You will not get allergic or receive an upset stomach after taking Eazol Natural Pain Relief, but if you are still worried about possible complications, you can consult your health care specialist before taking the pill.

Dos and Don'ts When Exercising With Dumbbells

Incorporating dumbbells into your daily exercise regimen has a host of benefits whether your intention is to build bigger muscles or just to keep fit and build stamina. It is a form of weight lifting that is pretty much user-friendly. You essentially just need one set of dumbbells, which is 2 dumbbells: one for each hand, and you are set to go.

Strain and Sprain

As with any form of exercise, it is imperative to pay close attention to some dos and don'ts so as to protect yourself from getting hurt while doing any of the exercises. Exercising incorrectly can lead to undesirable muscle strain and ligament sprain which is what you must do in your utmost to avoid. A strain is when the muscle is stretched too far or torn. This damages the muscle fibers. When bone or joint ligaments are over-stretched or torn, it results in a sprain. Ligaments are fibrous connecting tissues that connect muscles to bones and joints.

Dos and Don'ts


  • Warm up first before you start lifting the dumbbells, even if you are just practicing. Warm-up exercises help warm up the muscles to prevent overstretching too quickly which could hurt either muscles or joints as mentioned earlier. You can warm up the muscles with light cardio, or by doing a light set of each exercise before proceeding to heavier weights.

  • Take a rest in between sets of exercises. A set is defined as a group of repetition for different exercises.

  • Go slow when handling your weights. Lift and lower your weights slowly and steadily.

  • Stand up straight. Make sure your posture is straight. Engage your abdominal in every movement you make to keep balance and protect your spine.

  • Choose at least one exercise for each major muscle group. Some major muscle groups are: chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and abdominal. Leaving any muscle group out could cause an imbalance in your muscles and possibly lead to injuries.

  • Take a rest for 1 to 2 minutes, or long enough to catch your breath, between each set of exercise.

  • After you complete your routine, remember to cool down with light cardio and/or stretching.

  • Take rest days too! They are as important as workout days. Make sure the same muscle groups is not worked for 2 consecutive days.


  • Don't use momentum to lift the weight. If you have to swing to get the weight up, you could be using too heavy weights.

  • Don't forget to breathe! We are tempted to hold our breath especially when it is the toughest. Don't. As the American College of Sports Medicine puts it "Exhale when the exercise is hardest, and inhale when the exercise is the easiest."

Check out Dumbbell Routines and Exercises for a total body workout to improve your physical fitness in 90 days. Digital format means you can get started working out right away.

Coping With the Pain of Ankle Arthritis

Patients who suffer from "ankle arthritis" are actually dealing with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis which has settled in the ankle joints. A lot of pressure is put on ankle joints, because they bear the brunt of the entire weight of the body. When you pile all of your weight on sore joints and take a step, there's bound to be pain. What's worse, ankle joints are ball joints which rotate in all directions, so the cartilage will deteriorate even faster than in other joints.

Ankle Pain Stemming from Other Causes

Never just assume that any pain you have in your ankles and feet is being caused by arthritis. These pains can be caused by many different things, including lower back and hip problems. Before just shrugging your shoulders and thinking, "Its only arthritis", make an appointment with your doctor for an exam. Only then will he be able to tell what's causing your infirmity.

The rarer diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis can be made by taking a simple blood test. If you are diagnosed with the more common osteoarthritis, it may mean that you'll be facing a regimen of intensive treatments for the rest of your life.

Sprained ankles are fairly common and cause sufferers a lot of pain, even more so that an actual break. To treat a sprain, doctors will prescribe 'RICE'. No, not the stuff you eat. In this case RICE means:
o Rest - and give your ankle a chance to heal.
o Ice Compression - use cold compresses to reduce inflammation and pain.
o Elevation - keep the leg raised to lessen swelling and pain.

You may be able to tell if you have ankle arthritis by watching for the following symptoms:
o Recurring pains without a reason
o Swelling and stiffness suddenly occurring
o Pain remedies won't stop the pain and stiffness
o A big toe that's very painful and wants to turn to the side
o Bunions that hurt badly even when not being touched

When a person first develops ankle arthritis, simple OTC pain medications will probably be all the treatment needed. The disease is incurable, though, and will progress over time. It may get to a stage where your doctor wants to treat the condition much more aggressively.

If you've tried everything looking for relief from arthritis pain, you may want to do what many others have done, and try some form of home remedy. Doctors and the FDA frown on such practices as herbal medicines and yoga, but there are a lot of people who swear by the treatments claiming they have stopped the progression of the disease and even caused some improvement.

Electrotherapy Alternative Medicine - A Second Chance For Better Health

Alternative medicine is gaining popularity and it's often used as an alternative to standard medical techniques. In addition to the conventional medical practices, there are other therapies and treatments like traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, yoga, Ayurveda and others. Another alternative practice is represented by electro-stimulation therapy, a non-surgical method through which you can achieve good results in a relative short amount of time.

Electrotherapy is a kind of therapy that uses electric current to stimulate tissues in order to cure various illnesses or to recover some lost functions of the body. It has been proven that bones, cartilages, ligaments, tendons and other body cells are influenced in a positive way through electricity.

Electrotherapy represents a modern therapy that has been used starting with the end of the 19th century in order to treat various health problems. The location of the pain is associated with a specific body part and it was believed that electricity can operate certain transformations, accelerating the healing process.

Electrotherapy procedures may vary and are supposed to treat a wide range of illnesses: headaches, postoperative pain, cellulite, muscle stretching, hematoma, contusions, arthritis, chronic constipation and many more.

Electrotherapy procedures:

Neurostimulation: A buffer is placed on the problem area and an electric current is induced through the nerves of the skin. Treatment effect is the annihilation of pain.

Diadynamics: This treatment uses a special power to remove pain and improve circulation. It is used in treating bruises, degenerative diseases of the spine and joints. At the same time has an analgesic effect.

Interferential currents: Treatment with these currents is very effective for removing pain, especially regarding the neck or the back. Some pads connected to a device like a vacuum cleaner are positioned on the painful areas. This therapy has the effect of a micro-massage, removing pain and improving circulation of oxygen in tissues.

Galvanic baths: Treatment consists of combining water with an easy power. The patient sits in a bath at a temperature of 34 degrees Celsius, while an electric current passes through the body. Plating baths are used to treat degenerative and inflammatory arthritis and joint disease.

Ionization: These procedures have the effect of allowing drugs to enter the body through the galvanic current. Ionization is recommended if a patient suffers from arthritis or chronic diseases and inflammatory spine. Everyone can use this sort of therapy with a few exceptions: people who have metal rods inserted into their bodies or pregnant women that don't have their doctor's approval. Electro-stimulation based therapies are not recommended for people who suffer from epilepsy, different skin conditions, thyroid, and hypertension.

Electrotherapy doesn't have an age limit; it can be applied to people of all ages. The results depend however if the illness is chronic or not, they depend upon when was the illness discovered and when did the therapy began.

What is very important to note is that the application generally requires individual physiotherapy for the patient. Each patient will be closely examined to find the cause of his/her symptoms to determine if it is a functional or organic defect and to choose the correct therapeutic behavior. Prior examination is important for it helpful in choosing the most appropriate physiotherapy methods for the patient at that time.

Electrotherapy is practiced in the office, by a neurologist or by functional re-educators, or even in the hospital, in a rehabilitation service or a center against pain. It unfolds in a series of 5 to 15 sessions of 10 to 30 minutes each. This number may be renewed 3 times. Electrotherapy may result in some rare burns, especially in the case of those methods that use direct electric currents (ionic currents) and luminous radiations.

The Basics of Injury Prevention for Figure Skaters

An athlete who participates in a sport, whether it be individual or team, obviously has an increase in risk for injury than the non-athlete. If the athlete participates in one sport year round, that risk may increase due to the repetitive motion and muscle dominance associated with that sport. Competitive figure skating is a sport that requires year round practice, with little time for rest; therefore, skaters are susceptible to injury in various joints and muscles. When a family enters the world of competitive figure skating, or even recreational skating, it is important for that family to be aware of the factors that cause and can prevent injury. By adhering to some basic guidelines, a skater may have a long and prosperous career without significant interruptions by injuries. Longevity in the sport is important to maintain consistent training and progress, and a skaters' overall musculoskeletal health is important post-skating career. This article will discuss several precautions a skater can take to prevent injury.

Proper Equipment

Biomechanical alignment of the body is influenced from the bottom up, starting at the feet. An alignment dysfunction, lack of motion, or improper arch in the foot can have an effect on the knee, hip, and back. Unlike gymnasts, who have no support on their feet, figure skaters have the luxury of wearing exceptionally designed boots to support them. A skilled boot fitter will be able to match the correct skate to a skater's level of ability, yet the correct boot is only the beginning of the process. A skater with a flat foot may need either generic or custom arch supports to prevent excessive pronation in the skate. If pronation is not addressed, it may cause a skater to twist the boot or favor one edge over the other. A high, rigid arch can be addressed with extra cushioning in the arch of the skate, to increase the amount of shock absorption in the foot, which is lacking in a high, rigid arch.

Attention should be paid to the width of the foot, the flexibility of the ankle, and the skaters' weight. If a skater uses a boot that is too stiff or too flexible for his or her body type, it may affect a variety of joints. The ankle must bend properly for the knee and hip joints to function correctly.

Mounting of the blade in the proper position can affect a skaters' balance on the edges and the ability to maintain control in turns, spiral, spins, and jump landings and takeoffs. An excessive angle of turn-in of a skaters' knee or an anteverted hip (turned in) may require the blade to be moved to compensate for the alignment problem. An experienced boot fitter will spend a significant amount of time watching a skater balance, walk, squat, etc. to find the ideal blade alignment for that skater.

Padding is also essential to prevent injuries from falling. Every skater falls when he or she is learning a new jump, and those falls are not always pretty! Vulnerable areas are the hips and buttocks, and various types of padding have been invented to create a cushioning for the susceptible areas. If the padding does not provide enough cushioning, and a skater lands consistently on a certain spot, it may be beneficial to cut a hole in the pad over that spot and build up the padding around it. Therefore, pressure will not be put on the sore spot. Padding on the buttocks can also reduce the amount of shock to the spine when a fall occurs. Back injuries are quite common among figure skaters, and all necessary steps should be taken to prevent them.

Proper Warm-up

I can't stress the importance of a proper warm-up enough! In this day and age, skaters rush from school to skating with a few minutes to spare to put the skates and gloves on, leaving little time for stretching and warm-up. The problem is, those ten minutes of warm-up that the skater skips can quickly result in a muscle strain. Muscles should reach a certain temperature and mobility level before a skater completes jumps that require plyometric strength or spins and spirals that require a certain degree of flexibility. A muscle that is not warmed up can not be pushed past its maximum flexibility level, and will result in pain.

Dynamic warm-ups have gained in popularity in the past five to ten years, and involve taking each joint and muscle through its full range of motion in an active way. The tissue temperature of a muscles increases far more quickly with dynamic stretching than if a skater stretches statically. Static stretching (holding a muscle in a lengthened time period in one position) does not increase tissue temperature and will not effectively prepare a skater's muscles.

Ideally, 15 to 20 minutes of dynamic warm-ups should be completed, yet even 10 minutes will provide a skater with a decent warm-up to prevent muscle strains. A skater will learn which muscles are his or her 'problem area,' and can create a warm-up that is most beneficial for the body as a whole.

Off-Ice Strength and Conditioning

Every skater should be involved in an off-ice strength and conditioning program, whether it be one day or five days per week. Skating is a sport that creates dominance in certain muscle groups, and over time, a skater develops an imbalance in muscle strength. This may lead to joint or muscle pain. If a skater is properly evaluated by a health professional, that person can determine which muscles are inflexible or weak, and will guide a skater toward a program that will focus on the skaters' deficits. Sk8Strong has developed programs that will focus on skating specific muscles, yet also address the need for an overall balance in musculature to prevent injury.

Figure skating also requires a significant amount of hip stability from the gluteal and hip abductor muscles, and strength in the quadriceps. Without proper hip stability, a skater will have trouble stabilizing landings, achieving the correct alignment on jump takeoffs, and creating power for higher jumps. Gluteal and hip abductor strength (in my opinion) is lacking in many skaters, and can be the primary cause of inconsistency, injuries, and slow progression of skills. It will greatly affect the movement pattern of the lower extremity when a skater bends the knees and hips.

Core strength is absolutely necessary for a skater to prevent back injury. Skating is a sport with a high demand for core stability, and the abdominals play a large part in keeping the back and trunk healthy. At least two days of core strengthening exercise is recommended for any skater, both to prevent injury and improve skating skills.

Strength and conditioning may also involve stamina training, if a skater is at a level that demands a lengthy program. There are various methods of stamina training, including the use of a slideboard, jump rope, elliptical, or exercise bike. The slideboard is most useful, as it trains the muscles in a similar manner to skating. Why is stamina training is important to prevent injury? Near the end of a program, the muscles are fatigued. Fatigued muscles do not create as much power, and the risk of falling is increased. Stamina training will increase oxygenation to muscles, increasing the chance that the muscles will stay strong at a later point in a program. This will improve performance and decrease the risk of falls.

Flexibility: too much or too little

Since the inception of the International Judging System, there is high demand for flexibility for all skaters. Spin variations and spirals require more mobility than in years past to gain the maximum amount of points. For the lucky few that possess the natural mobility for these positions, the need for consistent stretching is not at a premium. In fact, the 'overly flexible' skater should do more strength training to compensate for the overabundance of mobility in his or her joints. Excessive joint mobility typically results in a lack of stability.

The muscles a skater should focus on for mobility are the psoas (front of the hip), hamstrings (back of the thigh), and adductor (inner thigh). A flexible psoas is will help a skater reach back efficiently for jump takeoffs and extend the free leg for landings and spirals. The adductors and hamstrings will also affect a spiral and camel spin.

Quadriceps (front of thigh) and ITBand (outer thigh) tightness will not directly affect most skating moves, yet play an important role in prevention of injury. Skaters are constantly using these two muscles for power, which tends to make the muscles tighter. Both will affect mobility and motion at the knee and hip, and can cause pain around the kneecap if not stretched on a regular basis.

Try Moves Within Your Range of Motion

Some skaters just aren't meant to do a biellman or a haircutter spin, no matter how hard they try. A biellman requires a great amount of flexibility in the hamstrings, psoas, adductor muscles, and a great amount of joint mobility into extension of the lower back joints. It is recommended to consult with a physical therapist of other health professional to evaluate back mobility and flexibility of the previously mentioned muscles before trying a biellman. Forcing a joint into a position that it does not naturally reach is harmful to the joint, and a skater is setting her or himself up for injury. Find alternate ways to gain points, and your body will thank you!

Simple and Easy Sacroiliac Joint Exercises for Quick Relief

Your SI joint, or sacroiliac joint, is found in your pelvis. It connects your upper body and back to your hips and legs. Pain in this part of your body can be often be felt down to your buttocks or at the back of the thigh.

When there is injury or inflammation in this area, it can really affect the movement because this is a joint that can transfer the upper body weight to your lower body. Kind of important, right?

Activities as simple as walking up stairs to reaching things on your high shelves in your closet suddenly become a huge struggle. There are many treatments for sacroiliac dysfunction ranging from simple at-home exercises (what we're talking about here) to invasive surgery.

Now of course you can get a surgery, but that's dangerous and expensive. Plus, did you know that only about half of the people that undergo this kind of operation really get rid of the pain for good?

That's a pretty big gamble to take with your body and your health. Here I want to share some simple home exercises that can help to fix SI joint pain. But first you need to neutralize your spine to prevent injury while doing the exercises.

How to Neutralize Your Back to Prepare for the Exercises

Important: Don't skip this. If you do the below exercise without doing this first, you will risk further injury to your sacroiliac joint by only making any misalignments worse than before. So make sure you do this!

To do this preparation exercise, you start from a standing position. The first thing to do is placing the shoulder blades and the buttocks and against a wall so that you can check the position of the lower back. Make sure there is an arch between the lower back and the wall (which is where it is a normal position). In order to neutralize the spine, it is important to stay in the same position that pushes the center of your back toward the wall.

The Best SI Joint Exercise

Simple exercises such as wall squats can be used for sacroiliac (SI) joint pain. The first and basic position is that to stand in neutral while learning on the wall and placing the feet at a distance with a thigh length.

The knees should be bending at an angle with no less than 90 degrees, and that means that the body weight should be keep evenly on both heels. The kneecaps have to be lined to the 2nd toe on each of the foot.

Keep in mind that the shoulder blades, buttocks, middle back and the shoulder blades need to be kept flat on the wall at all times while there is bending and lifting. Repeat about 8 to 12 times, three times a week.

This will probably hurt quite a bit and make your upper thighs very sore. Back when I was in school, my gym teacher actually used to make us do this exercises to punish us for misbehavior.

Try out this exercise to help relieve your SI joint pain. It might take a few days of doing it to really see the results. Don't expect a magic pill here. Just keep doing it and you can expect to see improvement after several days.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Pain and Stiffness Getting Up and Sitting Down

You're told that you have arthritis. Is it the knee, hip, back or neck? Well, you're not alone. Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease can be common if you don't take care and maintain your muscles, bones and joints.

Osteoarthritis commonly affected weight bearing bones and joints such as the hips, knees and spine. The synovial fluid inside the hip, knee and spinal articulations lubricates and nourishes the joints, cartilages and intervertebral discs. Joint and cartilage nutrients are absorbed by osmosis. By-products are also excreted by osmosis.

Osmosis is the movement of things through a pressure gradient. Joint movement and mobility create a pressure gradient inside the joint that pumps and circulates synovial fluid just like the heart pumps and circulates blood and its contents.

If the articulation is restricted and the range of motion is reduced then synovial fluid cannot circulate and nourish the joints, cartilages and intervertebral discs. Restricted joints wear out their bones, cartilages and intervertebral discs quicker than those that are allowed to bend and turn without any hindrance.

Watch how people walk at the mall or on the street. You'll notice that some waddle like a penguin as they walk. Those people have restricted mobility in their hips, pelvic and may be even the knees. Imagine how much extra wear and tear is put on the joints with each step.

Other factors that influence the development of osteoarthritis include lifestyle, nutrition and fitness level. The amount of wear and tear of osteoarthritis is not age-related.

Have you ever wondered why your arthritic knee, hip, back or neck is stiffer in the morning or after sitting down for a while? You may even feel some aches and pain. As you get up, it's quite stiff and sore to take the first few steps. But after moving around for a bit, the stiffness and soreness gradually decrease.

As you begin to move, you're creating a pressure gradient in the joint. And when the pressure is high enough, the synovial fluid begins to circulate and lubricate the joint easing the stiffness. With restricted joints, the range of motion is reduced; it takes longer to reach the required pressure level for circulation, lubrication and osmosis.

A common way to increase joint mobility is to increase flexibility. It's sad, but true. As you get older you lose flexibility and strength in muscles, tendons and ligaments. Daily routine of stretching is a good way to maintain joint flexibility and preventing further osteoarthritis.

Another popular way is to take nutritional supplements, especially glucosamine sulphate. Healthy and unrestricted joints make their own glucosamine sulphate. As you get older, the amount of glucosamine sulphate produces decreases. Glucosamine sulphate prevents premature degeneration of cartilages. It also helps retention of synovial fluid to hydrate the joints. Without glucosamine sulphate synovial fluid level becomes inadequate. Restricted joints do not make and absorb enough glucosamine sulphate which causes the intervertebral discs, cartilages and joints to degenerate quicker.

Guess what? Glucosamine sulphate circulates within the joint and absorbs to the cartilages and intervertebral discs by osmosis.

Consider taking glucosamine sulphate instead of glucosamine chondroitin. The body cannot effectively absorb glucosamine chondroitin; its molecular structure is too big to be absorbed. Furthermore, take glucosamine sulphate with MSM. Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM) improves the absorption of glucosamine sulphate. You may not notice any quick improvement with glucosamine sulphate since it takes about 3-4 weeks to show any results.

And finally, chiropractic treatments are an excellent way to prevent osteoarthritis and maintain any farther degradation of osteoarthritis. Chiropractic treatments improve joint mobility and increase the range of motion which is critical in creating osmosis and pressure gradient. Chiropractic treatments also restore restricted joints to their normal state of function and movement.

Be Aware: The 3 Main Symptoms For TMJ

TMJ, found on each side of the jaw, connects the lower jaw to the skull. TMJ moves in a rotating action and gliding action. Rotating action is related to the mouth's opening and closing action while the gliding action permits the mouth to open broader. The coordination of these two actions is necessary for talking, chewing and yawning.

Temporomandibular joint or TMJ syndrome or disorder is a medical problem in the joint. Patients experience pain in the neck, head, face and ears. Patients might encounter problems in biting, popping sounds in biting, difficulty to open the jaw, and jaw lock.

TMJ syndrome is usually caused by teeth grinding and clenching, joint degeneration, and rheumatoid arthritis. Inflammation of the joints may also be caused by habits of gum chewing, fingernail biting, dental problems, misalignment of the teeth, and previous history of fractures in the jaw. Stress and occupational tasks via the head and shoulders are likewise considered associated causes of TMJ. Likewise, the dislocation of the disc that performs as a cushion connecting the ball and the socket could cause the disorder.

Symptoms for TMJ include the following signs:

  • Headache, listed as one of the most universal symptoms for TMJ, is experienced by about 80% of patients with TMJ. Headache becomes worse when the individual tries to open and close the jaws. Headache is triggered when something very cold is sensed by the jaw like cold drinks, cold weather and cold air. Headache can augment muscle contraction in addition to facial muscle pains.

  • Ear pains are not all caused by infections. As one of the symptoms for TMJ, individuals who encounter frequent or recurring ear pain in the front of the ear or just below the ear must visit the doctor for diagnosis. About 50% of patients experience this symptom among the other symptoms for TMJ.

  • Do you hear popping sounds, grinding sounds and crunching sounds? As one age, the jaw experiences wear and tear. If you have the habits of teeth clenching and grinding or is already in the old age, consider calling for an appointment with a doctor.

Lastly, it is important to watch out for sensitivity to light, bloodshot eyes, watery eyes, blurred vision, pressure behind the eyes and pain on top of, underneath and at the back in the eyes.

When you have experienced any of these symptoms for TMJ, do not hesitate to consult your doctor. Seek medical help to avoid suffering from more than one of the symptoms for TMJ. Get medication and get treated without difficulty.

Types of Restorative Dentistry Explained in Brief

For many people desirous of a newer, brighter and better smile, restorative surgery is their one and only hope. This comes as no surprise as restorative and general dentistry involves the treatment of all oral health issues from the teeth to the gums and tissues.

There are many procedures used to restore the teeth to their full glory, of which your doctor will choose from in order to make your smile as bright as those of the stars on the red carpet.

Dental Implants

These are the ideal solution for people with missing teeth although certain criteria must be met before implantation can commence. For example, patients who have undergone radiation therapy or who have diabetes are not suitable candidates for this type of restorative surgery.

The benefits of dental implants over conventional dentures are many. Since dental implants are more stable due to their integration into the jaw, the likelihood of pain and shifting are considerably lessened. Plus, these also help in the prevention of bone loss and gum recession.

Root Canal

Many people who suffer from infected tissues in the tooth pulp opt for a root canal procedure. It is basically designed for the removal of the infected tissues and the surrounding nerves to eliminate the source of the pain. The empty space is then filled while the tooth is subsequently capped by a dental crown. This is one of the types of restorative surgery that has earned an undeserved reputation as being painful when, in fact, it helps in eliminating the pain.

Gum Disease

Also known as periodontal disease, it is characterized by swollen, tender and bleeding gums. This is often treated via surgical and non-surgical therapy, the importance of which cannot be overemphasized since gum diseases can lead to tooth loss.

TMJ Disorders

Short for temporomandibular joint, TMJ disorders are very painful especially around the neck and head areas. Per estimates, as many as 10 million American suffer from the disease. Surgery may be necessary to ease the symptoms of the disorder.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns act as protective cover for severely decayed or damaged teeth, with the additional benefit of strengthening the tooth and the jaw. This is one of the the most popular of the types of restorative surgery. You can choose from metal, ceramic and porcelain crowns depending on the recommendations of your dentist.

Dental Bridges

As can be implied, dental bridges literally bridge the gap between the remaining teeth while stabilizing the jaw with attractive crowns surrounding said teeth. You have to take proper care of your dental bridges so as to extend their lives as well as to maintain good oral health. Thus, dental flossing and brushing are still very important activities.

Full-Mouth Reconstruction

And then there are patients whose severe dental problems often require no less than full mouth reconstruction. You will be able to enjoy a new smile with a new leash on good oral after cosmetic and restorative dentistry procedures.

Restorative surgery is your friend if and when you have the right attitude towards it. Good oral health will be yours, not to mention that it will lead to a new, attractive smile.

Excellent Tips To Ease Joint Pain

Arthritis is a chronic medical condition that affects the joints. There are different kinds of arthritis and a few of the most familiar are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Patients diagnosed with arthritis have 1 prevalent symptom and that is pain around and in the joints.

The cures for arthritis are centered on taking away pain symptoms through physical therapy, medications and also lifestyle changes because there is no direct remedy for this up to now. Natural cures for arthritis provide you with natural joint pain relief. There's also natural cures for arthritis and they are the focus of this article.

In the event that you want to attain natural joint pain relief, adopting a healthy lifestyle as well as the natural cures for arthritis are thought to be the best option in case you are being affected by any type of arthritis. Keep in mind that the root causes of arthritis are joint inflammation and immune system that mistakenly attack the body systems. The natural joint pain relief is effective in this scenario as it heals by rebuilding the normal function of the joints in order to end further damage to joints and eliminating arthritis pain.

The following natural cures for arthritis can help prevent arthritis and can also offer natural joint pain relief:

1. Arthritis diet - This consists of foods containing more antioxidants like fresh fruits and vegetables. They are helpful in counteracting the toxins of the body, thereby reducing damage to joints. Include them in considerable amounts and minimize intake of processed foods.

2. Gout diet - One more thing to consider is limit the amount of high protein foods, which includes meat and dairy products. Foods containing high carbohydrates and sugar must also be refrained from. Doing this deals with pain symptoms and gives continuous cures for arthritis.

3. Refrain from allergenic foods - One of the cures for arthritis also include pinpointing allergenic foods and eliminating them simply because they can intensify symptoms.

4. Cleaning bowels with fiber rich foods are usually necessary for you to prevent irregular bowel movements and also digestion problems.

5. Pain free arthritis diet - Many of the arthritis type result from amplified level of uric acid crystals in the blood. An effective remedy for this alkaline diet and consuming raw foods in huge amounts.

6.Juices of vegetable just like leafy veggies, beet, cucumber and carrot; potato juice and lemon juice may also be natural cures for arthritis. They are able to dissolving accumulated uric acid in the joints and also other body tissues.

7. Using all natural joint pain relief should also looked into. Look for trusted brands that provide fast and long-term relief for arthritis.

Making modifications in the diet and lifestyle habits can help reduce pain. Yet before actually taking on any type medicine for joint inflammation, it is best that one consult with a trusted health care provider in the specific field.

Arthritis Joint Pain - Ayurvedic Remedies and Treatments That Work

About 80% of the world population is within the clutches of the ailment called arthritis. Arthritis is characterized by joint inflammation. It is a chronic disorder making mobility, day to day activities and life altogether quite difficult. Pain or arthralgia is the ruling symptom of arthritis, and there is not a single arthritis patient who would not complain of aching joints. Arthritis causes the joints to wear out. To understand the cause of the pain, we have to cast a glance at the structure and functioning of a joint in human body.

A joint is surrounded by a protective cover called capsule. Two bone heads meeting at a joint turn on each other, and the muscles around the joint contract and relax, thereby collectively facilitating movement of the joints. The joint cavity is filled with synovial fluid which acts as a lubricating agent and absorbs the external jerks or shocks. The point where the bone heads meet, cartilages occur. Cartilages play a vital role in inhibiting friction between bones, and provide a padded surface for the free and smooth movement of bones. When the cartilages get damaged or wear out due to factors like aging, obesity, they can no more check bone friction. The bones get rubbed against each other, and may even get eroded to form spur like outgrowths called osteophytes.

The result is an inflamed and painful joint. Aging is a major factor causing arthritis. With age, the cartilages become weak, can no more resist day to day wear and tear, and start flaking. This degeneration leads to loss of cartilage and exposure of bones to friction. If body weight increases, that too can lead to painful joints. The cartilages wear out under the load of the extra body weight, causing arthritis. Apart from the above two factors, heredity, past history of traumatic joint injury or infection, may in course of time, lead to painful joints. Cartilage degeneration is the leading cause of joint pain; but also accumulation of fluids and uric acid crystals within joints can cause arthritis joint pain. Joint pain may even occur when the body's own immune system start consuming the healthy tissues at the joint. This is true in case of rheumatoid arthritis. Knee, hip, shoulder, ankle, wrist and even spine are the joints vulnerable to the attack of arthritis.


1. Excruciating pain at the joints
2. Swelling
3. Stiffness
4. Redness of skin
5. Deformity in the joint area
6. Crepitus or a cracking sound while moving affected joint
7. Constipation
8. Colitis

Rumatone Gold Capsule and Oil are ayurvedic remedies for reducing arthritis joint pain and inflammation. These herbal supplements and massage oil are clinically formulated to ease pain and discomfort associated with arthritis. Rumatone Gold is widely used and trusted ayurvedic remedy to get relief from arthritis symptoms.

How Vets Diagnose And Treat Canine Arthritis

Our pets are a very rewarding part of our lives and our love for them is as deep as that of a family member. As they get older, it is fairly easy to spot a pet who is limping or is reluctant to do things he or she did as easily as a younger dog. When these symptoms persist, a trip to the vet is advised. Making a proper diagnosis is critical to treatments that will be suggested and considered. The symptoms mentioned, are a typical result of canine arthritis. This degenerative joint disease is very common, but not limited to, aging, larger breeds, and is a serious condition. Besides the physical limitations, the pain that comes along with degenerative joint disease varies from mild to severe.

If joint disease is suspected, a veterinarian will conduct a physical examination of the patient. The purpose of this physical examination is to determine if symptoms are a result of this degenerative joint disease or another ailment that has the similar symptoms.

Physical examinations often entail:

1. An interview with the owner as to the symptoms displayed, length displayed and any worsening over time.

2. Examination of the eyes, ears, skin and gums of the dog.

3. Seeking signs of fever or inflammation.

4. Motion tests and observation of the dogs gait and posture.

5. Palpation of the limbs, neck and spine.

After the physical examination, additional procedures may involve X-rays, blood tests, and in severe cases, surgery. The vet will advise whether or not other procedures are needed to determine the extent of the damage arthritis has done, and prescribe a proper treatment.

Most likely, immediate concerns will be pain management. Typical medication prescribed by vets for canine arthritis is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). However, more and more vets are now turning to other forms of treatments to manage joint problems. Promising nutritional supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin have moved onto the list of viable treatments.

Glucosamine and chondroitin are gaining in popularity among vets because of the success seen in pets afflicted with joint problems. Glucosamine and chondroitin work to treat canine arthritis right at the point of damage itself. Glucosamine assists in repairing damaged cartilage tissue while chondroitin helps provide lubrication to the affected joints. Repairing damaged tissue is much better than just blocking pain with NSAIDs. Glucosamine and chondroitin do not carry with them the adverse side effects of NSAIDs. The list of side effects associated with these powerful drugs would have any pet owner concerned. Advancements in glucosamine formulas specifically designed to fight arthritic joints have been developed and are rapidly becoming accepted by vets as a preferred form of therapy for qualifying arthritic patients of theirs.

TMJ Therapy to Manage Pain

If you have TMJ disorder, you shouldn't have to suffer in silence from TMJ pain. There are multiple medical and therapeutic treatments for TMJ disorder. Most often your doctor will suggest you take pain medication and in severe cases, encourage surgery.

Fortunately, you have options other than pain medication or surgery. New studies through TMJ research have uncovered that TMJ therapy can relieve the pain. In some cases, therapy may even lessen the pain so that surgery is no longer necessary.

Your best approach is to consult a specialist to discuss treatment options that will work for you. Your doctor will help with advice if you decide that you want to explore TMJ therapy. Often, your doctor will suggest changes to your diet and exercise to also help with your TMJ symptoms.

Here are some common forms of TMJ Therapy:

1. Posture - If your work involves sitting in at a desk all day, do your best to pay attention to your posture. Your best approach is to keep moving so that you avoid being in an uncomfortable position for too long a time. You can also rest your arms and hands to relieve any fatigued muscles.

2. Stretching - To help repair and strengthen the muscles in your jaw, your doctor may recommend different stretches and exercises.

3. Changes to your diet - Certain foods can actually aggravate your TMJ symptoms. Avoid foods that are high in sugar and preservatives, and also those with a high amount of Vitamin C and iron. You may also want to cut back on foods that contain salicylates, which are found in juices and jellies. Your doctor may also suggest for you to consume less wheat and dairy. There are some foods that you may be encouraged to eat like red meat and broths made from animal bones. These are good sources of hyaluronic acid, which is excellent for joint health.

4. Stress - Stress can actually worsen your TMJ pain. People often clench their jaw when they are experiencing stress. Stress is also a cause of teeth grinding and tightened facial muscles, which adds to the TMJ pain. For your treatment, you may want to consider chiropractic massages which greatly reduce stress and relax muscles. Another option is to take yoga classes where stress is released through breathing activities and stretches.

You can make a difference in managing your TMJ pain. Combining TMJ therapy with regular treatments like pain medication can make a huge difference in relieving your TMJ pain.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Back Pain Tips For Golfers

Golf, one of America's favorite sports, is also a cause of lower back pain among many of its players. Compared to football or baseball, golf seems like a relatively low-impact sport. Yet the physical demands placed on the lower back by the golf swing can cause both short-term and chronic back pain.

The two main back injuries associated with golf are muscle strains and disc wear. Muscle strains are the most common and occur due to the twisting of the back during the golf swing. Disc degeneration and vertebral misalignment problems are surprisingly more common in young golfers between 30 and 40 years of age. Disc degeneration is very common among the general population, even young people who feel no pain. Golfers may begin to feel pain when the game exacerbates a preexisting degenerated disc.

The lowest lumbar vertebra (L5) and the first segment of the sacrum (S1) are most affected by the golf swing. This spinal segment allows for the most rotation, whereas the others mainly facilitate forward and backward bending. The constant rotation at L5 and S1 can aggravate the spinal disc between these bones, causing it to bulge or herniate. This can lead to nerve impingement problems like sciatica.

The following tips will help you prevent back pain from golf:

Warm Up

One of the best ways to eliminate back pain from muscle strains is to warm up before playing golf. Many might not think warming up is necessary when participating in a low-impact sport, but the golf swing is anything but low-impact on the back. If the muscles are not warmed up, the sudden wrenching of the golf swing will cause tears in the muscle that will be exacerbated with every swing to follow. Taking a few gentle practice swings before your game will get the blood flowing to the muscles of the back, loosening them and preparing them for work.

Stretch Regularly

Muscles and joints are kept limber by a regular stretching routine. Stretching sends fresh blood to the muscles which both delivers nutrients and flushes out waste. Joint range of motion is also maintained through stretching. For golfers, light stretching before and after games should be part of a back pain prevention plan. Hip muscles and hamstrings should be included in your stretching routine. The hamstrings attach to the hip, and the muscles within the hip connect to the lower back. If these muscles are tight, the position of your pelvis is altered and your ability to rotate without strain is diminished. Tight muscles in the hips and legs also change spinal alignment since they alter the position of the pelvis, which makes you more susceptible to disc injury.

The hamstrings can be stretched by lifting one leg at a time up onto a nearby object - a table, chair or golf cart - and bending at the hips to touch your elevated toes. Keep your toes pointed straight up for best results. An easy way to stretch your torso on the course is to put a golf club behind your neck, hold the ends with your hands and rotate side to side. For a quick and easy hip stretch, see the video at

Proper Form

As with any sport, proper form in golf is essential to avoiding injury. If your posture is off during your swing, you can wrench the joints, discs and muscles of your back. It is important to adopt a gentle and fluid swing. Since the golf swing is not a natural movement, it is best learned under the guidance of a professional. Keep in mind that the hips, torso and shoulders should all rotate together to share the impact. See the video at to learn how to position yourself properly before your swing.

Stretching, warming up and practicing proper form can help you prevent lower back pain from golf. Maintaining a healthy back will ensure that you can enjoy your sport for many years to come.

Might You Be Strengthening Your Pain?

Are you an injured athlete? A dancer who has occasional pain that interferes with your training? Or perhaps are you someone who wants to lose weight but can't exercise because you hurt?

If you have chronic pain from an injury, chances are likely that you have tight, sore muscles and possibly over-compressed joints. If you want to avoid strengthening your pain, there are some facts you need to know to avoid making your pain worse.

About Muscular Pain

  1. Muscles often go into involuntary contraction following an injury.

  2. Contracted muscles get fatigued.

  3. Muscle fatigue brings soreness.

  4. The pain of soreness makes us contract muscles elsewhere in the body.

  5. Contracted muscles get fatigued.

... and the pain spreads.

You may not have thought about it, but after about four seconds of strong, muscular contraction (say, lifting a bag of groceries or a box), your muscles tire; you start to feel the burn. Notice it, some time. Imagine the burn of muscles highly contracted twenty-four hours a day. What might that feeling do to your freedom of movement?

Let's look at other facts.

About Joint Pain

  1. Muscles in contraction pull on bones.

  2. Bones come together at joints.

  3. When muscles contract, they compress joints.

  4. Over-contracted muscles over-compress joints.

  5. Over-compressed joints hurt and may feel stiff.

  6. Long-term over-compression of joints leads to cartilage damage and/or loss.

  7. Cartilage loss leads to loss of mobility, and possibly, surgery.

Now that I've presented some (possibly obvious) facts about muscular and joint pain, let's look at what happens when you exercise.

About Strengthening

Your injury has caused you to change how you move. Your whole body avoids the pain by moving in a new way. This is called "favoring an injured area," "guarding," "poor posture," "loss of freedom of movement." It's also called, "aging."

So, you have two things going on.

  • You have painfully contracted muscles.

  • You favor the injured area by moving differently.

With an injury, you have two obvious options.

  • Continue to exercise and work through the pain.

  • Avoid exercise.

In general, exercise strengthens your existing movement pattern. That means that, if you have been injured, exercise strengthens the movement pattern of injury. The contraction of the injured muscles gets stronger and the contraction of the rest of your muscular system, which protects the injured area, gets stronger. The whole pattern of muscular contraction gets stronger. That's what the usual approach to strengthening does.

Knowing what you do about muscular contraction and pain, one conclusion is inevitable: If you strengthen muscles after an injury, you risk strengthening the pain.

That fact explains why, after exercise, the pain of an injured area, after a period of temporary relief, often gets worse. It explains why people often reduce or avoid exercise, once injured.

Let's say that after a time, the pain subsides. You start exercising, again. So far, so good - if you have returned to a free pattern of movement.

But often, the pain subsides without movement returning to normal. That's why we see bad posture and limited movement so much more often in older adults than in younger people.

So you start to exercise, again. Suddenly, the old injury reappears.

It hasn't "reappeared"; muscular contraction has just gotten stronger. Now, you feel the cramp, the spasm, the pain.

Let's say you see a physical therapist, who puts you on a regimen of strengthening and stretching.
Unless he or she supervises you closely to be sure you are exercising in good form, you're likely to be exercising your pattern of injury, making it stronger. Your progress is likely to be slow, and likely to be painful.

You've got to change your pattern of movement, your coordination, or else.

The Walking Wounded

Watch people who jog down the street. How many come down heavier on one side than on the other? How many have legs that move gracefully straightforward, straight back, rather than twisting wildly with each stride? Do you think they are aware of how they are moving? Are you?

That's the problem with injuries: the pain subsides, but the pattern remains.

If you want to be free of old injuries, if you don't want to re-injure yourself, don't exercise your injury, don't strengthen your injury, don't strengthen your pain. Get away from the movement pattern of your injury.

The question is, "Get away, toward what?" How do you get back to healthy freedom of movement?

First step: get rid of the "favoring," the "guarding."

Remember, favoring and guarding perpetuate the pain of injury through muscular over-contraction. Don't strengthen that movement pattern; get rid of that movement pattern. Don't strengthen the pain; don't avoid the pain. Get rid of the pain and its underlying cause, muscular over-contraction.

Another Option

What can you do, other than working through the pain or avoiding exercise? Retrain your muscular system.
To retrain your muscular system involves two steps:

  1. Restore over-contracted muscles to their flexible, pliant state. Regain freedom of movement.

  2. Apply that freedom of movement into patterns of coordination. Develop new patterns of coordination.

It's not so easy to regain freedom of movement through strengthening because strengthening strengthens muscular contraction, and contraction strengthens the pain.

If you've tried stretching, you know that doesn't work, so well.

If you've tried massage, you know how well that works. The same is true of other manipulative therapies.

So, what works?

Here's a clue: Patterns of coordination are stored in your brain. Your brain learns movement; it learns coordination; it learns to control muscular tension.

You develop new patterns of coordination by learning them. Think of how you learned to drink milk from a glass, to write, to type, to ride a bicycle, to ski, the shoot a basket, to thread a needle, to drive a car. Patterns of coordination. Learned.

Here's another clue:

Think of how you feel more relaxed after yawning. Yawning is an act of muscular contraction followed by full relaxation and movement.

You regain freedom of movement by contracting and relaxing in coordinated patterns. Yawning is just one pattern. The principle can be applied to many patterns of contraction/relaxation.

Your brain's ability to learn is the key.

Here's one method: somatic training

Somatic training uses a contact/relax mechanism in movements and positions directly related to your injury to eliminate muscular over-contraction and to develop coordinated freedom of movement. This "contract/relax" mechanism is similar to that used in progressive relaxation, but is much more precise and involves an innovation that makes the change both large and durable.

A somatic trainer works with you to guide you through, and manually assist, the process. You develop (or recover) the ability to relax and improve (or recover) your ability to contract muscles over which you have lost control. Once you've retained the ability to relax your muscles, you are no longer in danger of strengthening your pain. You have your freedom of movement back.

Is There A Cure For Your Arthritis and Swollen Joints?

So you believe that arthritis is a joke? Maybe you think that people are over exaggerating about the pain associated with their swollen joints. When it's cold outside the pain worsens. How do I know about people with swollen joints and arthritis pain? One day, I was scheduled for a follow-up visit from a foot operation at Detroit Receiving Hospital. Due to the fact that the orthopedic department at Detroit Receiving hospital has a great reputation, the wait to see the doctors can be long even if you are scheduled for an appointment. On this particular day I waited for three hours for an appointment that was scheduled for one o'clock pm. During the wait the waiting lobby was filled with people complaining about back pain, knee pain, swollen joints and things of the sort. Many were middle age but some appeared to be younger than 30 years of age. While there, I spoke with people who had suffered so badly that they opted for joint replacements either in the knee or hip. The pain that they were going through did not seem like anything that I wanted to be affiliated with.

After going home and doing more research on swollen joints and arthritis, I learned something that I could not believe. I discovered that arthritis is something that can be treated through nutrition. You mean to tell me that those people at the hospital could have avoided joint replacements? Harvard Medical School did a study confirming that it is possible to treat and possibly cure arthritis through nutrition.

Harvard Medical School took roughly 30 people who were scheduled to get joint replacement surgery and asked if they could hold on for a short time longer to be a part of an experiment to re-grow cartilage. What they did was give them a large tablespoon of ground chicken cartilage in a cup of orange juice everyday for three months. This study was performed to debunk the myth that collagen and glucosamine (animal cartilage) were being used by some doctors to treat and cure arthritis on humans. In the midst of trying to prove another study wrong, Harvard Medical School proved them to be correct! For many years animal cartilage has been used on racehorses with swollen joints and knee problems. The study showed three things:

繚 Within 10 days, there was a significant decrease in the patient's swollen joints.

繚 Within 60 days, most of the patients could open up a new pickle jar.

繚 Within 90 days, 28 out of the 29 were "clinically cured".

You will never see this study broadcasted on television stations or on the radio for many reasons. The primary reason is money. If the world was able to find out about this study the orthopedic industry would take a big blow and lose millions or possibly billions of dollars. The truth of the matter is that joint replacement surgeries act as a band-aid to swollen joints and joint problems. The problem is that the root cause of the arthritis is not being addressed. Prescription drugs will only ease the pain of your arthritis and swollen joints over a period of time. After that period, your system will become immune to the drugs and they will have little to no effect.

Dealing With Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Pain at Home

TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint Disease/Disorder, is a condition that affects the joints of the jaw that are located on both sides of your face just in front of your ear. These joints are responsible for the movement of your jaw that allows you to eat, speak and move many of your facial muscles.

When TMJ symptoms occur many is not only affected by the terrible level of pain and discomfort, but also by the mobility problems that keep them from eating, drinking and speaking properly. The causes of TMJ are complicated and may take some time to identify in the mean time there are TMJ home remedies you can use to relieve the pain, discomfort and mobility issues.

Some of these TMJ home remedies may include pain management in the form of over-the-counter pain relievers, jaw exercises or other at home remedies. Even when using an at home treatment it's important to talk with your doctor before starting any new treatment to make sure you are following a treatment plan that is safe to use with other medications or health care treatment you may be experiencing.

When considering which TMJ home remedies to use think about the treatment ideas you are most comfortable with including pain relievers and exercises. Pain relievers can be just about anything you use for normal pain relief and the relief of inflammation. This is generally in the form of Ibuprophen or other generic pain relievers. The exercises are ones that are of a specific nature and involve moving your jaw through the full range of motion for a set of reps that will help to stretch the jaw joints and strengthen the muscles surrounding the jaw joints for better mobility and, hopefully, less pain.

TMJ home remedies can be a great way to find relief when you are looking a way to carry on with daily life and remedy your TMJ symptoms at the same time. You should never use home remedies solely as a means for diagnosis and treatment, always seek medical attention to diagnose and treat any medical disorder. There are many causes of TMJ and unless you are under the care of a medical professional, you are likely to not find the root cause of the problem and therefore not be able to effective treat and prevent TMJ episodes from happening.

Using EMG in Evidence Based Dentistry

I get a lot of people lately asking, "What is an EMG?"

EMG stands for Electromyography. There are two types of EMG, surface EMG and needle EMG. Surface EMG is generally accepted as the gold standard for overall muscle function, whereas needle EMG is more effective in nerve conduction experiments and biofeedback procedures. From this point on, and in Biometrics and Evidence Based Dentistry, we will be discussing surface EMG.

Why do we use EMG in dentistry? Simply put - to quantify rest. Using more biometrics based equipment in the dental office and diagnostical equipment can help dentists answer a lot of previously unknown questions in their cases.

We can measure EMG activity to evaluate muscle activity in function, such as chewing and biting, or to evaluate parafunctional activities (literally - 'outside' function, or abnormal function) such as clenching. EMG can also be used simultaneously with mastication (chewing) analysis and a computerized occlusal (bite) device.

During most EMG tests, the muscles that are being measured are the Anterior Temporalis (area above your ears towards your eyes), Masseter (cheek area), Digastrics (under the chin), and the Sternocleidomastoid (a support muscle in the neck). In evaluating rest, it can be noted if the muscles are hyperactive. If muscles are hyperactive, it may be indicative that the condyles are posteriorized, the mandible or lower jaw is posturing in a certain direction, or if there may be an issue with head and neck posture.

Where EMG becomes highly important and accurate is in the evaluation of function and parafunction. One example of a functional application is evaluated by having the patient swallow. If activity is seen in the elevator muscles (Temporalis and Masseter), it can be assumed that the teeth are touching when the person is swallowing. However, if there is no muscle activity, it can be assumed that there is some sort of tongue thrust, which can be a mandibular posturing issue or airway issue. Swallows that are long in duration can also be of significance and cause hyperactivity or spasms in the digastrics muscles.

Clenching is known as parafunction because it does not happen naturally; it is an activity that is usually induced by stress or an airway issue. Some people even think that it can be caused by a bad bite. By looking at the timing of when muscles fire and the amount of force, we can get an idea of how much force is being introduced into the system.

EMG tests can also give us prognostical data. Putting in a splint or an appliance can give us immediate feedback to see if we are improving muscle function or reducing overall muscle activity. As opposed to "hope dentistry" where dentists try a device and "hope" it works, it makes sense to use evidence based dentistry and a biometrics measurement to know the immediate impact we are having on a person when we make a "nightguard" or other appliance.

Someone's bite, or "occlusion" can be measured simultaneous to their muscle firing through EMG recordings and a link to computerized occlusal analysis. This is extremely useful in restorative dentistry and occlusal equilibration. Knowing which tooth hits first, with how much force, and when the muscles shut off makes for the most effective dentistry.

Muscles also play an important role in mastication, or chewing. If someone can produce a normal chewing pattern, but has to do muscle gymnastics to do so, that is extremely useful information because that is the exact patient who is a dental accident waiting to happen!

EMG is one of a number of biometrics tests that occur in the modern evidence based dentistry practice.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Joint Pain Relief - Some Effective Techniques

To get rid of joint pain relief it is very important to maintain a healthy life and exercise regularly. It is necessary not to have extra body weight as it puts a lot of strain on the bones. Drink lots of water and eat fruits rich in vitamin c, magnesium, zinc, dark green leafy vegetables foods with omega 3 fatty acids and calcium. Among various joint relief treatments, an all-natural approach can be safe and successful without the dangerous side effects of drugs, chemicals and other methods.

Natural comprehensive joint pain care starts with supplements that will enhance your strength and provide relief from soreness and suffering, along with maintaining balanced bone and ligament structure and composition. Natural herbs and oil massage are one of the best selling supplements for treatment because it offers joint flexibility and effortless movement without pain. Ashvagandha, Shallaki, Ginger, Eucalyptus oil are some of the commonly used and naturally available herbs for Relief. Arthritis most often causes joint pain, drinking lemon, ginger and constant calcium lactate intake with your doctor's advice may help get some relief.

Limiting your movements can increase weakness of the muscle adding to joint pain. Adopt a daily regime of medically administered exercises to get rid of the pain in joints like shoulder, knee, hips, and ankle. Such exercises not only strengthen muscles, they also can postpone and in most cases avoid surgery. As you keep exercising, you feel that the movements are less painful and muscle strength increases. Physiotherapy is an alternate exercise regime, which proves beneficial in joint pain relief. Put an ice pack on the joint pain area and avoid massaging it. Researchers have recommended swimming; Yoga and meditation as they increase flexibility and help maintain right body movements and postures.

Resolving joint pain without surgery may be possible from alternate therapies like homeopathy and reconstructive body therapy on mostly shoulders, knee joints, back, neck, wrist, and ankle joint, these are relatively new and well-researched treatment technique and therapy, these not only have potential to help many patients to enjoy their life and start living without the nagging pain. Sportsmen can increase their endurance and increase their competitive edge.

Hundreds of arthritic type's and conditions may affect the human body, like Osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint ailment, this form of arthritis is omnipresent in many individuals. The cause of Osteoarthritis is cartilage wear out, eventually resulting in painful sores inflammation and joint pain. Surgery is recommended to people who have lost their regeneration capacity due to old age and severity of the joint pain at the time of surgery, activity level of the patient, and dedication to recovery and adherence to surgeon's instructions for post surgery follow up.

Pain - Knee Pain Relief for Pain

With today's on-the-go mentality, it is no wonder why knee pain is the most common musculoskeletal complaint people have when they visit their doctor. Depending on the injury or condition, some knee pain can be excruciating. That's why millions of people seek knee pain relief. Knee pain relief will vary from person to person. Some may simply need to rest the leg to find knee pain relief, while others may only find knee pain relief after surgical procedures.

Knee Pain Relief for Severe Knee Injuries

There are many types of injuries that cause severe knee pain. If you are an athlete, you are most likely familiar with knee pain resulting from torn ligaments, cartilage, or muscles. The more active you are, the more likely you are to experience knee pain from a sport-related injury. For a torn ligament, meniscal injury, or a completely ruptured tendon, doctors will usually recommend surgery in order to receive permanent knee pain relief.

Knee Pain Relief for Knee Osteoarthritis

To receive knee pain relief from knee osteoarthritis (degeneration of the cartilage), exercise is necessary. Doctors will prescribe certain exercises and stretches that can greatly increase flexibility of the muscles that support the knee. These exercises will reduce stress on the sensitive knee joint. For instant knee pain relief, some people may take over-the-counter medication, such as Advil or Tylenol, to help with osteoarthritis soreness.

Pain Relief for Overuse Knee Injuries

Sometimes it's the simplest things that can cause damage. Something as simple as overuse of the knees can cause people to seek knee pain relief. Muscle strains and tendonitis can develop as people grow older. Inflammation occurs, therefore leading to pain. Stains and tears must be treated with care and allowed to heal over time. Some people use ice or heating pads for knee pain relief. Others take over-the-counter medications

Pain and Inflammation

In treating many types of knee pain, inflammation is the first thing you must bring under control. When you have an injury, substances that cause inflammation invade your knee, causing further injury, which leads to further inflammation, and etc. leading to continuation of your knee pain. So, the substances that cause inflammation must be brought under control to limit further injury to the tissue.

Some common care techniques to control inflammation:

1. Knee padding.

2. Rest the knee.

3. Ice on the knee 3X a day for 20 to 30 minutes.

4. Knee brace or wrap when you are on your feet.

5. Prop the knee up higher than your waist whenever you can.

6. Use Ibuprofen as an anti-inflammatory agent. NO aspirin.

7. Do all the above. If still pain after three days...see your doctor.

So, is your knee pain a slight annoyance or severe problem? Well, it all depends on what is causing your pain. If you feel a small amount of knee pain resulting from minor injury, you may be able to use self-help methods to find knee pain relief. However, if you experience a large amount of unbearable pain, or a nagging discomfort exists for a few of days, speak with your doctor to determine the correct knee pain relief plan for you.

For more information on knee pain relief, check out The Centre for Pain Relief. Educating yourself about knee injuries and condition.

Pain Relief Exercises For TMJ Sufferers

The fact that you are reading this article right now shows that you are looking for some TMJ pain relief. Well you stopped on the right page, because below you will learn some excellent free exercises for TMJ pain relief. Before we go into the exercises, though, let's discuss what TMJ is and what causes it.

So what is TMJ anyway?

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint disorder. Why is it so painful? Well, the cartilage where the skull meets the lower jaw basically dislodges or dislocates causing the sensory nerves to become stretched, hence the horrible pain. Anxiety, stress, and tension contribute even further to the pain, as people with these conditions tend to clench their jaws or grind their teeth a lot.

Many people suffer from TMJ and do not even know it, as their symptoms are not as severe as others'. However, for most TMJ sufferers, the symptoms can be extremely painful and these people do not even know what is causing their TMJ or that TMJ pain relief exists. Some symptoms include:

o Bruxism (teeth grinding)
o Mandibular Opening Deviation (the lower jaw diverges to one side upon opening)
o Limited opening (mouth cannot open fully)
o Steep Mandibular Plane Angle - rather than one's lower jaw being parallel to the ground, it is on a sharp downward angle
o Angular Chelitis - the inflammation and swelling of the corners of the mouth; also suffered by denture wearers when they need new dentures.
o Facial Edema - swelling of the face
o Cervical Torticollis - unusual neck movements
o Mandibular Torticollis - unusual lower jaw movements
o Pain in the joints where the lower jaw meets the skull
o Clicking and popping noises of the jaw joints, also known as TMJ noises.

If you suffer from any of the above symptoms, you will certainly benefit from the TMJ pain relief exercises in this article.

Traditional TMJ Pain Relief

In recent times, doctors would just prescribe certain pain medications to TMJ sufferers. However, this provides only short-term relief. Yes, these pain medications do work (because they numb the sensory nerves in and around your jaw), but by using them, TMJ sufferers are not addressing their problem at the source; they are just masking it. Also, one's body would eventually get used to and become immune to pain medications anyway. Therefore, pain medication is NOT the best TMJ pain relief in the long run.

TMJ is a physical condition and, therefore, should be treated in a physical manner with exercises. These TMJ pain relief exercises are designed with several purposes in mind:

o To strengthen the jaw muscles
o To relax the jaw muscles
o To eliminate the clicking and popping of your jaw
o To eliminate the strain off of the joints surrounding the jaw
o To eliminate any other pain or symptoms involved with TMJ

The TMJ pain relief exercises should be performed twice a day for about 5 minutes each time. Ideal times would be when one wakes up in the morning and before one goes to bed at night. However, you can perform them whenever you feel necessary.

Tens of thousands of TMJ sufferers have performed these and other exercises to get rid of their TMJ completely. It is highly unlikely that you would injure yourself by performing these exercises. However, I must give this disclaimer - Disclaimer: Though unlikely, I am not responsible for any injuries brought about because of these exercises, and I am in no way responsible for any of the outcomes of the practicing of these exercises.

The TMJ Pain Relief Exercises

Sit down in an upright position in a comfortable chair and perform the following TMJ pain relief exercises:

Session I:

1) Allow your top & bottom back teeth to touch.
2) Slide the tip of your tongue slowly from the front of your mouth to as far back is it will go, while keeping the teeth touching.
3) Now slowly open up your mouth until your tongue stops touching the roof of your mouth. Remain in this position for 5 seconds and do not open your mouth any further. Then close your mouth and rest for 5 seconds
4) Perform this exercise again multiple times over the next 5 minutes. Remember to stay relaxed and do the exercise slowly.

Session II:

1) Slowly open your mouth as far and wide as you can without straining too much, and then slowly close your mouth. Do this 10 times in a row and then rest. Do 3 sets of these.
2) Slowly open your mouth as wide as you can and hold for 5 seconds. Then slowly close. Do this 10 times and then rest. Do 3 sets of these as well.
3) Slowly shift your lower jaw to the left, then to the right ten times. Rest. Do 2 more sets.
4) Now use your hand to help you open your mouth a bit further than you can open it naturally. Do this slowly, then hold for 5 seconds. Close your mouth and repeat for a total of 10 times.
5) Increase blood flow by massaging your jaw area with the tips of your fingers.

After performing these TMJ pain relief exercises, you should be noticing less and less TMJ pain.

Common Misconceptions About Hip Replacement Surgery

With an ever increasing active lifestyle, we are no longer willing to accept painkillers as part of our lives. We want a permanent solution to any issues we are facing. With an advancement in medical and materials technology, hip replacement surgery can be a permanent thing already. With ceramic bearings gradually replacing metal bearings in the hip components, the wear and tear rates are lesser. However, there are many misconceptions out there about hip replacement surgery that should be clarified.

Better range of motion

While surgery may help to reduce pain and any stiffness in the joints, it cannot help to increase the range of motion. Range of motion is fixed and cannot be increased by any means.

It is meant for old people

Although people who are more senior are more prone to getting arthritis, adults of any age can experience pain in their hip joints. With minimally invasive surgery being commonly performed and the choice of surgery for surgeons, many adults in their 30s to 40s are already having hip replacement surgery. However do take note that if the patient is very active in his daily life, the hip replacement may not last as long as someone who is not active.

A long recovery period is required

Although hip replacement surgery is a major one, patients will require only around a week's rest in the hospital. However, it varies among patients and some are able to leave the hospital in just a couple of days as long as they can bear weight comfortably on their hip. Short term recovery takes roughly 4 weeks and a full recovery will take roughly half a year. Physical therapy will help speed up the recovery period.

It should be the last resort

Surgery is the last thing on people's mind and the same goes for hip replacement surgery. They prefer to go for medication, physiotherapy and other methods when possible. However in many cases, the pain is almost unbearable and only surgery can help to provide the relief required. When medication and physical therapy do not work, go for surgery immediately.

You have to give up sports after the surgery

This is totally not true. Some people opt for hip replacement surgery simply because they want to go back to low impact sports such as swimming and cycling. Do consult your doctor for professional advice before participating in sports though.

Advances in medical technology and surgical techniques have caused hip replacement surgery to be more fuss free than before. Patients have a shorter recovery time and the success rates are higher. Be sure to dispel all those misconceptions and go for surgery if it is really required.

Flexcin Customer Review

Flexcin joint pain relief herbal treatment has been celebrated by those who have used it all over the globe. Many have determined Flexcin to be their best solution in a never ending pursuit of natural pain relief for sports injuries, arthritis, joint aches and other chronic pain in knees, hips, shoulders and hands.

Flexcin Ingredients

The main ingredient that distinguishes Flexcin from its lesser competitors on the market is the inclusion of its patented cetyl myristoleate or CM8 formula. This is in addition to the traditional glucosamine and msm that is normally found in these types of treatments. CM8 simply makes them work harder and more effectively.

Flexcin is the only joint pain health supplement that contains CM8 which as been determined by researchers to inhibit inflammation and reduce friction between the joints. It works by essentially lubricating the joints, thus facilitating easy and pain-free movement. It also elevates your immune system to battle auto immune disorders. All of these factors combined make it an effective remedy for numerous joint pain conditions like gout, bursitis and fibromyalgia.

Is Flexcin a Scam?

Some people are worried that Flexcin is a scam. The manufacturer has endeavored to put those fears to rest. As featured on the official Flexcin website, the pain reliever is glowingly endorsed by doctors across the US. Specifically Dr. Bob Martin commends the effects of the product on his nationally syndicated health related radio show. Additionally, Dr. Stephen Hayman provides his support with the following quote: "I am 100 percent pleased with Flexcin and feel very confident dispensing it to my patients. I take Flexcin myself, not because I have joint arthritis, but because it provides excellent nutritional support for my joints. I feel this nutritional approach for healthy joints could possibly ward off arthritic changes for many years."

Flexcin Customer Reviews

The testimonials don't stop there. One only has to visit the Flexcin product page on to see that actual customer reviews have collectively rated the product four and a half stars out of five, with thirteen of seventeen reviewers giving it a full five stars.

Does Flexcin Really Work?

Of course, like all natural health treatments, it will not work for everyone. To account for this and to assure that you only pay for the product if you are completely satisfied with the results, the makers of Flexcin with CM8 give you a generous three month unconditional guarantee. Most people begin to see results in three to six weeks, so this lengthy trial period will allow you to adequately gage the pain reliever's level of effectiveness for you personally.

Flexcin Trial

If you are suffering from joint pain and have not had success with traditional treatments, you should seriously consider giving Flexcin a try. It has worked wonders for countless others, including physicians and their patients. With their unconditional guarantee you can even try it for three months and still get your money back if you are not completely satisfied with the results. You simply have nothing to lose, but your joint pain.

Tendinitis of the Iliopsoas Muscle and Pelvic Pain

Injuries to the pelvis and hip constitute a small percentage of sporting injuries with groin pain being the most common presentation. Muscular and tendinous problems (especially where the tendon and the muscle meet) are the typical areas of complaint. The iliopsoas, a hip muscle deep in the pelvis, can be irritated by a traumatic event or by overuse from repeated hip flexion (bending). This condition is not well diagnosed and may often be missed, with young persons more likely to present and females somewhat more often.

The two muscles, iliacus and psoas, have their origin respectively from the pelvis and lumbar spine, coming together to make the combined iliopsoas muscle which becomes a tendon and inserts into a small area of bone on the inside of the upper thigh, the lesser trochanter. The bursa between the musculo-tendinous junction of the iliopsoas and the nearby pelvic bone is the largest in the body and in some cases runs into the hip joint itself. Acute trauma may cause damage to the tendon resulting in inflammation which can then be termed tendinitis and this can be longer term or chronic. Inflammation may occur around the tendon instead or the tendon fibres themselves may show degenerative changes due to overuse, known as tendinosis.

The most common traumatic event usually involves a contraction of the muscle while it is trying to lengthen and overuse occurs where hip flexion is repeatedly performed such as running, dancing, rowing and many sports. The iliopsoas muscle may become tight which increases the forces exerted on it and tilts the pelvis anteriorly, with other negative effects in the leg during activity. Typical onset is slow and gradual and people note that the pain comes on with the problem activity and eases off soon as they get warmed up. As it gets worse the pain will remain during the active period as ease after the activity is stopped, progressing to continuous pain if no action is taken. Pain will be in the groin area but can radiate down the front of the thigh.

Physiotherapy acute management involves rest, ice and gentle movements to allow the pain and inflammation to settle. Stretching can be gradually introduced, starting with very gently techniques and steadily progressed to return full range of movement, strength and endurance. Gradual return to the low intensity sport related hip flexion should allow the iliopsoas to tire without overstraining.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Symptoms and Effects of Malocclusion

Malocclusion is the misalignment of teeth and improper fitting of upper and lower teeth (bite). The ideal condition should show that all upper teeth fit slightly over the lower teeth or the points of the molars match the groves of the opposing molar. When a patient is not suffering from malocclusion, all his teeth are aligned, straight, and spaced proportionally. It is a common condition because very few people have perfect occlusion though most abnormal conditions are simple and minor which do not require treatment.

Most often than not, malocclusion is being inherited. If the upper and lower jaws or between jaw and tooth size are disproportioned, it will result to overcrowding of teeth or abnormal bite patterns. To some who have not inherited it but has a habit of thumbsucking or tongue thrusting during infancy, they might also develop malocclusion as these habits can affect the shape of jaws also. Moreover, the improper fit of dental appliances, crowns, or fillings may cause misaligned teeth also. Some accidents that may cause misalignment of jaw fractures or tumors of the mouth may contribute to malocclusion as well. Other causes of malocclusion include extra teeth, impacted or lost teeth, and teeth that erupt in an abnormal direction.

There are several types of Malocclusion and the most common is the first type or crowding (Type 1) which occurs when the bite is normal but teeth are crowded. Retrognathism or overbite (Type 2) refers to malocclusion where the upper jaw and teeth overlaps the bottom jaw and teeth. Prognathism or underbite (Type 3) happens when the lower jaw protrudes forward and the lower teeth extend over the upper teeth.

At an early age, usually during the first growth of tooth, malocclusion can be detected especially when the child loves pacifier or bottle until the age of three. The symptoms can range from mild to severe. Children who have it may improve over time as the jaw grows through the teen years. Symptoms for adults will typically get worse over the years if not given attention. If the patient has a poor bite that causes difficulty in chewing food, has the tendency to bite cheek or roof of the mouth, has trouble saying certain words (speech defects), suffers from pain in the facial muscles or jaw, or permanent teeth are erupting at the wrong position, he must submit to a dentist for observation and treatment.

The effects of malocclusion differ depending on the severity of the condition. Mild problems need little treatment or cosmetic dentistry help. On the other hand, severe malocclusion requires orthodontic treatment. Some patients may suffer from difficulty in eating and speaking while others are embarrassed on their crooked or protruding teeth. Although a poor bite does not usually submit from the risks of tooth decay and periodontal diseases, the patient may still develop more teeth problems because it is harder to clean misaligned teeth.

The orthodontic treatments for malocclusion will eliminate strain on the teeth, jaws, and muscles. This will reduce the symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorders and lessen the risk of breaking a tooth.

Glucosamine Products

Glucosamine, a combination of glucose and protein has been very effective in easing the pain of arthritis. It is primarily used to alleviate the pain of arthritis, check its progress and repair the damaged cartilage. There are lots of glucosamine products available and each differs from the other.

The key points to look for while purchasing a glucosamine product are dosage of glucosamine, type of glucosamine, quality of ingredients, synergistic ingredients and price. A standard dosage of glucosamine would be 1500 mg per day. It should ideally contain both the sulfur and hydrochloride form. It must also contain supplements like chondroitin, MSM or collagen. The liquid form rather than pills is considered more effective. The ideal cost per month should be between $30 and $50.

Syn- Flex, Corta- Flex, MaxiLife and Osteo Bi-Flex are a few brand names under which glucosamine is marketed.

Some of these products are in liquid form. Most of these compounds contain both sulfate and hydrochloride of glucosamine in recommended quantities. Different variants of glucosamine products contain differing amounts of glucosamine. Some might contain 1500 mg while some just 100 mg.

The commercially available glucosamine products generally have synergistic ingredients like chondroitin sulfate, Omega 3 fatty acids, Manganese, Vitamin A, C, E, Ascorbate and Boswellin.

Some glucosamine products might contain complementary ingredients like carbohydrates, Vitamin C, fructose, citric acid, red cabbage extracts and natural flavors.

Some glucosamine products contain the sulfate form of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate is used as a supplement. This kind of a product delivers glucosamine in the potassium salt form to the human body.

Glucosamine products are also available as soft chewable tablets. Such products include the HCl form of glucosamine. These kinds of glucosamine products are expensive but popular.

The finest glucosamine products must contain the essential synergistic ingredients to produce the intended effect on the patients.

4 Secret Ways to Cure Hip Pain

Do you have any difficulty walking to the front of the house and back or walking upstairs? Then you probably complaining of hip pain. There are many various reasons why you might have pain and you should see your local doctor about your diagnosis. Also, if you have hip pain that last for more than six weeks, you probably have some chronic hip pain condition that probably don't know about.

Here are three easy ways you can treat any hip pain naturally and cheaply.

1. Use NSAID's (Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) - These are medications that help reduce swelling and inflammation in your hip. It is recommended that you go see your local physician to prescribe you one. However, don't take any more than the recommended amount or you will get severe side effects.

2. Use a wheat bag or a hot water bottle - These things are cheap and great way to control your pain. This will make your hip muscles to relax and will naturally increase blood circulation around the hip joint. The more circulation you have, the faster your hip will heal.

3. Gently massage your hips with your hands - You can self massage yourself using just your hands. Although it may not be effective as someone massaging you but it works wonders.

4. Perform home stretching exercises - You can download free videos on the internet about how to stretch your hips joint.  Also, make sure you perform the exercises regularly or your muscles will contract and stiffens up fast. 

The Wonderful Healing Power of the Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth in any land mass: -417 meters below sea level and can also be called "the lowest health spa in the world." It's the only place in the world that combines all for greatest health effects: year-round hot weather, the higher atmospheric pressure, an enriched oxygen and very low content of allergens in the atmosphere, reduced UVB solar radiation, a mineral-rich salt and mud.

Cleopatra and the Queen of Sheba is known to have used the black mud and salts, which contain more than 20 kinds of mineral elements and provides health, relaxation and beauty.

Research has shown that Dead Sea products have a long lasting positive therapeutic effect on dermatological diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and other skin diseases. The most popular is the mud mask, which helps tighten the pores and stimulates and nourishes the skin, giving it a radiant and more youthful appearance.

The Dead Sea mud is rich in minerals which have antiseptic qualities. Covering the body in mud helps the minerals absorb into the body while the top layer of skin is purified and cleanse. Cover your body with the black mud can provide skin protection from physical ailments, such as black spots, acne, pimples on the back, arthritis, muscle stiffness, rheumatism and degenerative joint diseases.

Salt is a natural ingredient with few side effects. Used topically or in a bath, salt has many healing properties that can benefit you. It can be used to relieve acne and skin irritations, hives, psoriasis, dry and cracked skin, rheumatologic conditions, muscle aches, stress and insomnia.

Salt packs have been used for years as a remedy for swelling and pain relief. A hot compress made with salt is said to reduce inflammation and infection.

A salt scrub is a formulation of salt and other ingredients which is used to exfoliate dead skin from the body. Regular exfoliation promotes healthy, glowing skin by removing layers of detritus and dead material all at once.

Dead Sea salt is renowned for its ability to renew the skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, smooth and soften, and leave skin looking younger. Dead Sea cosmetics help the skin retain water and help keep it moisturized. More moisture in the skin leads to a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and the prevention of new wrinkle formation.

For over 2000 years people have recognized the healing powers of the Dead Sea. The extraordinary chemical composition has made the Dead Sea products an ideal solution for people seeking relief from skin, rheumatism and other disorders.

Rimadyl, Your Dog, and Arthritis

It is the dream of most dog owners to see their old dogs suffering from arthritis leap over fallen trees, jump high for a Frisbee or run like the wind like the dogs in TV commercials.

A Pfizer survey indicated that about one-fifth of dog owners are willing to be extravagant when it comes to their dog's health because over fifty percent have expressed that dogs have become their own unique companion. It is no wonder that carprofen, an anti-inflammatory drug also known as Rimadyl, became a popular remedy for arthritis in dogs. Launched in 1997, despite clinical trials that resulted in one-fifth of test subjects (dogs) exhibiting unusual and negative liver functions, Rimadyl got an FDA approval. Soon, the story of the miraculous drug was pouring over airwaves and TV commercials. Even veterinarians were amazed with what Rimadyl could do and even administered the drug to their own dogs.

However, dog owners soon became weary of Rimadyl when complaints about the drug's side effects arose during Rimadyls' launch year. A dog suffering from arthritis that showed unbelievable signs of progress was reported to suffer a series of vomiting and eventually died. Various complaints about the drug's negative side effects such as vomiting and diarrhea soon took place tainting Rimadyls' reputation as a miracle cure. Pfizer was even issued an ultimatum to input a warning to dog owners and veterinarians in the drug's labels about the fatal side effects of Rimadyl.

As the favor for Rimadyl declined, dog owners and vets seek an alternative therapy to canine arthritis. The usual remedy that most dog owners and uninformed vets resort to is to give their dogs NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) that work much like aspirin in people with headaches. However, knowledgeable dog owners and vets would know that a safer arthritis therapy exists and is fast becoming popular: glucosamine. Nowadays, dog owners have renewed hope of fulfilling their dream of seeing their dogs behave the way they do in TV commercial ads with dietary glucosamine supplements. Dietary glucosamine supplements such as Syn-flex for Pets allows assistance in the rehabilitation of your dog's joints thereby combating the effects of arthritis. Unlike Rimadyl, its benefits last long-term. Syn-flex Liquid Glucosamine for Pets combines anti-inflammatory ingredients with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, ingredients that enable assist the repair and re-growth of damaged cartilage. If you want to see a faster improvement in your dog's condition, try Syn-flex Liquid Glucosamine for Pets. Synflex is very effective and efficient as it is 90 to 95% absorbed by the body.

Unlike other dietary glucosamine brands, Synflex is able to treat different kinds of pet arthritis such as osteoarthritis, hip, elbow, and knee dysplasia, degenerative joint disease, and others. Moreover, you will notice a significant change in your dog's behavior in as quickly as 10 to 15 days. No more limping, skulking around a corner of the house, and moaning from your dog. How is this possible? Glucosamine, when combined with the right ingredients, not only eases the pain of arthritis but also assists in building healthier cartilage in joints. This is the secret of Synflex that makes it better than other glucosamine brands. You can read more about this terrific product at, my personal distributor.

Osteoarthritis and Its Biochemic Treatment

Joint pain is a common complaint. It is often associated with aging process. However, it can also occur in children, young adults and middle-aged people. Arthritis is not a disease but a symptom, which indicates that "something", is wrong in a joint. Arthritis occurs at all ages but is more common in the elderly. It is least serious among the elderly while it can be serious, crippling and sometimes even life threatening in young women and children. Of the various types of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the most common. Today we will discuss about osteoarthritis.

What is osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis is destruction of the smooth cartilage covering the ends of the bones. This destruction is similar to the - wear and tear of moving machines. Over time the cartilage may wear away entirely, and the bones will rub together and in that stage may cause severe aching pain. It usually starts in the middle age without any specific cause. It may affect all joints but mainly the knee joint,elbow joint, hip joint. Of the joint pains, pain in the knee joint is the most common.

Osteoarthritis of knee joints
In early stages there is pain or catch in the knee while getting up from sitting position or changing position of the knee after a period of rest in one position. In later stages, pain is almost constant and becomes worse. On exertion at this stage rest; painkiller medicines; or oil massage relieves the pain. In advanced stage, walking is difficult and often needs a lot of effort. Going up and down the stairs is especially very difficult. The shape of the leg changes and the knee bows outwards. At this stage, the gait changes and there may be sideways lurch at every step.

What are the causes of osteoarthritis?
Common causes of osteoarthritis are: Wear-and-tear of cartilage due to prolonged use of the joint (This is the commonest cause of osteoarthritis); Defect in quality of the cartilage such as in a disease called pseudogout; Defect in alignment of the articulating surfaces; Loose structures inside the joint such as a loose cover of the meniscus; Old injury; and Previous infection. Excess Weight is one of the main causes of osteoarthritis. Excess weight puts extra stress on the weight-bearing joints, especially the knees and hips and quickens the wear-and-tear of the cartilage. If you already haveosteoarthritis, losing weight may reduce stress on your joints.

1. Aching pain, stiffness and swelling of the joints.
2. Stiffness aggravates after rest and ameliorates by moderate movement.
3. Extensive movement of the joint worsens the condition.
4. Most people with osteoarthritis in knee joint complain of pain and/or creaking sound in the knee.

Traditional treatment:
Osteoarthritis is not curable. Once it starts, it remains for rest of the life. Painkillers are given to relieve pain; however, it does not reduce inflammation. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a type of medication that help reduce pain and swelling at different doses. Cortisone may be injected into the joint to relieve severe inflammation. Cortisone is a steroid that reduces swelling as well.

Biochemic Treatment:
There is very good treatment option of osteoarthritis in Biochemic Therapy. Biochemic medicines are efficient enough to control the inflammation, swelling and pains and can control the disease in a natural way. Biochemic medicines are nothing but mineral salts found in our tissues. That is why there is no side effect of Biochemic medicines at all.