Saturday, April 20, 2013

Some Sweet New Facts About Sugar and Crohn's Disease That Will Surprise You!

Much of what you hear these days about Sugar is that it is public enemy number one, as it relates to our health. The media in our country on a continuous basis likes to beat the drum over and over again about how bad sugar is for us and our children, because it makes us fat, and is unhealthy for us to eat overall. Some so-called experts even suggest sugar should be removed from our diets, recommending that popular restaurants like McDonald's be mandated to replace their milk shakes with apples and carrots. With that being said, just how much do we all know about sugars really, and are these people justified in making such a broad sweeping claim about them?

I found out that there are many different kinds of alternative sugars available for sugar lovers, good sugars that are completely harmless to Crohn's, Colitis and IBS sufferers. Not only are many sugars harmless, but have been found to be actually beneficial for us to consume, containing valuable healing properties in them, vital for our good digestive health! Not only are these sugars harmless for our bodies, but they actually possess healing properties in them as well!

True, the bad sugars, like so-called "table sugar" containing corn syrup, are really bad for all of us, and should be avoided at all costs, especially if you're a Crohn's, Colitis, or IBS sufferer. This is especially true if you take steroids for your condition. If you are taking steroids and have a diet that is high in sugar, you are setting yourself up for serious problems. Corn syrup based sugar is one of the most toxic foods on the digestive lining and pretty much intolerable by all those who suffer with digestive disorders. The most deceiving part of sugar, is that it does not cause pain or bowel obstructions like nuts or a high fiber food do. Consequently, many people don't link sugar consumption to their stomach flare-ups, and as a result, continue to suffer out of not knowing the truth.

So, why is Sugar so bad for Crohn's and like diseases? Sugar totally strips the intestines of its healthy bacteria and replaces it with an overgrowth of bad bacteria, which leads to a condition known as Candida. Sugar consumption also leads to a serious PH imbalance in the body making it harder for us to heal from a recent flare up. The side effects sugar has on the gut, is that it causes gas, bloating, diarrhea, even mouth ulcers (even in those without digestive problems). To make matters worse, Sugar obviously is addictive (just ask millions), and a hard habit to break. It can be especially difficult to wean children and teens with Crohn's off sugar because they are seeing their peers eating it all the time with no similar side effects. In addition to stay away from table sugar, even the imitation sugars, like NutraSweet and sorbital should be avoided as they are proven to upset the digestion of almost everyone, even those without Crohn's. Alcohol behaves like sugar too, when in the body and should be consumed only in moderation, if not at all, depending on the seriousness of your digestive condition.

So, what are the good sugar alternatives available for Crohn's sufferers and what are their positive effects on your body? These kinds of sugars are found naturally in fruits, and vegetables, even honey. Though honey can cause allergy reaction in some, and trigger attacks in people with ADD/ADHD, it is harmless on most people and healthy to consume. Honey is actually much easier to digest than common sugar, can promote wound healing, kill bacteria, sooth digestive upset and even decrease allergy symptoms. The sugar found in the fruit called the wolfberry contain complex sugars called polysaccharides or complex sugars, clinically shown to help to support your pancreas, boost immunity, build and tone muscle, and actually help you loose weight! In addition, this fruit boosts your metabolism, causing it to strengthen the immune system, causing bettor and faster healing from the Crohn's induced flare-ups you have. The Sugar polysaccharides provide have actually been proven break down tumors, and combat free radicals in the body. These are the toxins we ingest from polluted air, pesticides and carbon monoxide gases from gasoline and diesel powered vehicles to site a few.

Another alternative healthy sugar that you can use in your Crohn's Disease Diet, which also does not have the bad affects traditional table sugar has on your health, is Xylitol. Like the Polysaccharides found in the Wolfberry, Xylitol too is completely natural, coming from fibrous vegetables and fruit, as well as corn cobs and various hardwood trees like birch. Actually, Xylitol amounts are actually produced naturally in our bodies...up to 15 grams daily. It occurs daily as the natural glucose metabolism of man and animals as well as several plants and micro-organisms. While, Corn Syrup derived sugar wreaks havoc on the digestive system, Xylitol actually helps heal and repair it. It does this by building up our immune system, enabling it to bettor protect us against the chronic degenerative diseases we suffer from like Crohn's, Colitis or IBS. Xylitol is considered a five-carbon sugar, which means it is an antimicrobial, preventing the growth of bacteria. It actually makes the cell walls of our digestive system slippery, to viruses and germs, allowing them to slip right through and be washed away. Xylitol also has no known toxic levels. Xylitol has even been credited with helping slow the aging process! But most of all, amazingly Xylitol tastes and looks exactly like sugar and leave no unpleasant aftertaste! It is available in many forms. In its crystalline form, it can replace sugar in cooking, baking or as a sweetener for beverages. It is also included as an ingredient in chewing gum, mints and nasal spray. It was actually approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) way back in 1963.

One other good sugar on the list is called Acetylglucosamine. A more commonly heard name for this saccharide is glucosamine, found in supplements to alleviate symptoms of joint and muscle aches associated with arthritis. Arthritis is a by-product of many who suffer Crohn's. Glucosamine actually repairs cartilage and reduces swelling in joints. This is just another sugar that defies the critics claim that we should eliminate sugar from our diets.

So, though there are sugars (processed sugars) that we truly should stay away from as Crohn's sufferers, there is an abundance of sugars, natural sugars, some of which have not been included in this article, that we would be foolish not to educate ourselves on, especially with the great access we have to the internet now-a-days. We truly are able to have our cake and eat it too (pardon the pun), by getting all the benefits from good sugar, namely the good taste, but still not have to be guilty over a food that we suspect is bad for our Crohn's disease.

Treat Bruxism Naturally - How To Stop Teeth Grinding In Sleep Naturally

The attention seems to be shifting to articles that provide tips on how to treat bruxism naturally. Many people are in the habit of grinding their teeth when sleeping in the night, and sometimes during the day. This has even gone beyond having medical effects, and has become a source of worry for most couples who complain of their inability to sleep. People who grind their teeth during sleep make a lot of noise, which could make other people lose sleep.

Not many people can cope for too long with the effects of teeth grinding. Experts have come out to say that if actions are not taking to stop teeth grinding, it might lead to the following; broken teeth, tooth loss, jaw pain, headache, earache, and loss of sleep. These are minor cases compared to cases like depression and insomnia.

The truth is that bruxism is a deliberate act on the part of the individual; in other words, it is not without the consciousness of the individual. It is a habit that develops over a period of time; which means that it can be stopped the same way it started. Now that you have an idea of how bruxism starts, it is time to find out the conditions that may lead to it.

Experts also say that conditions such as anxiety and digestive disorders could lead to bruxism. That is why one of the best ways to treat bruxism naturally is to tackle these disorders. Once an individual who is battling to tackle bruxism is able to overcome these, he/she may start gradual relief from the pain. Having said this, did you still think bruxism can be cured without being tackled from the root?

Among the artificial treatments people normally use for treating this problem is the use of mouth guards. People who use it normally place splints between the teeth in order to prevent both the upper and lower teeth from coming in contact. The result of course, is that bruxism will be "curbed." What many of them did not know is that this method only prevents their teeth from making contact; and not actually solving the problem. As a matter of fact, mouth guards wear out over time, which may have to be replaced with another one. The cost too is something you have to be worried about; most of the mouth guards being sold in stores go for as high as $650 for one.

Doctors also prescribe pain medications as a part of measures to stop teeth grinding. This is also not a cure for the disorder; but doctors prescribe these drugs as temporary relief for people who suffer from TMJ. These prescriptions also have their effects on the live; and may actually lead to a damage of the liver in the long run.

When a problem like this is tackled from the origin, it gives a permanent solution and also brings a permanent relief. Changing your diet and maintaining a general healthy habit are some natural TMJ cure one can apply any time one is faced with this kind of health challenge.

There are lots of bruxism treatment options out there but very few are actually reliable and affordable.

MSM and Osteoarthritis

Over twenty million people in the United States suffer from a condition known as osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative arthritis. Such a condition is quite painful. One common area of the body that can suffer from degenerative arthritis is in the area of the knee or hip. One of the symptoms of osteoarthritis is pain and swelling around the joints. Osteoarthritis is one of a hundred different types of arthritis, but it is one of the most serious ones.

With osteoarthritis, the cartilage part of the joint wears down. As the disease progresses, it becomes more debilitating -- for example, if it occurs in the joints around the knees, with time there is a problem with weight bearing in the area of the knees.

Osteoarthritis is commonly experienced by people who are middle-aged or older. One of the causes of osteoarthritis is genetic. For people struggling from degenerative arthritis, what is the best solution? The best solution for this painful problem is the subject of much debate. There is are a variety of solutions available, but no single answer has surfaced as the definitive solution to reducing the pain associated with osteoarthritis.

One popular solution to help reduce the pain associated with osteoarthritis is the use of MSM. MSM is a natural sulfur compound that is found in many natural food sources and is used by the human body to maintain cell function and restoration. One way MSM and can be added to the body is through eating fresh fruits and vegetables. However, if the fruits and vegetables are not fresh, modified or over-cooked, MSM levels are significantly reduced to ineffective quantities.

Since MSM can be taken as a daily dietary supplement, it is often used to help with arthritis. Its natural sulfur based composition is beneficial for arthritis suffers because sulfur is an important component in keeping joints healthy. Another related benefit of MSM is that it helps the body absorb nutrients because sulfur makes the cells more able to absorb these nutrients.

MSM is not only good to assist in treating joint problems, but it should also be taken by those who are seeking preventative solutions to avoid future hassles with joint and muscle problems.

One reason it is important to take MSM is that, although it is present in the food we eat, MSM quickly dissipates in the body. MSM needs to continue to be taken as a supplement in order to keep the levels of MSM in the body at an adequate level.

How safe is MSM? It has been proven to be relatively safe and has been used for thirty or more years to treat a variety of symptoms.

If you are suffering from degenerative joint disease, you should definitely consider MSM as one solution to help deal with this problem.

Where can you buy MSM? It can be bought at a local health food store and often at the local drugstore, but a better source for buying MSM is through the Internet because it is easier to compare prices and research detailed information.

Arthritis and Joint Pain

Arthritis Joints are highly complex structures composed of a number of connective tissues including bone, articular cartilage, and peri-articular soft tissue, all of which contribute to normal joint function and undergo changes in structure and metabolism in disease. While your physician is best equipped to be more specific (such as detailed history & lab tests), rheumatoid arthritis and gout arthritis joints are red, warm, and spongy. Yet sometimes psoriatic arthritis joints are less tender than rheumatoid arthritis joints, so you may have joint deformity with psoriatic arthritis without significant pain.


Arthritis is a problem that causes damage to the normal joint surfaces. It mutilans (a long-term psoriatic arthritis in which the joints are severely damaged and deformities can be seen, especially in the hands, fingers, and feet) this may occur in as many as 16% of people with psoriatic arthritis and severe pain can be associated with it. The disease occurs before psoriasis in 52% of affected children. Arthritis that affects many joints symmetrically is common with psoriatic arthritis. It is an inflammatory disorder of the joints that may produce pain and swelling that lasts a lifetime and may require surgery.  The disease is a slowly progressive condition and whilst treatment and surgery may help to relieve symptoms and slow the progression, the damage that is already done cannot be reversed.

Pain Treatment:

Warmth, such as a hot bath, can often help to ease the pain. Changes in barometric pressure may increase stiffness in the joints and trigger subtle movements that heighten pain response in already sensitized joints. If the barometric pressure drops, tissues can become more inflamed, causing more pain. Seasonal weather patterns may influence mood in some people, indirectly affecting their pain perception. Nevertheless, it does appear that certain people are weather-sensitive and say they suffer from more intense pain and greater difficulty performing tasks in particular weather conditions. While some studies of the link between arthritis pain and the weather have been inconclusive, others seem to have found an association. Moving to a warmer climate is not always the answer to improve arthritis pain as the body is said to establish equilibrium with the local climate, so that relative changes in weather may trigger an increase in pain regardless of the actual weather.

The Care of Arthritis:

If you are having symptoms of arthritis, see your healthcare provider for a proper evaluation, diagnosis, and a treatment plan. The information provided in this article is intended to be informative and educational and is not a replacement for professional medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional. Thus, persistent back pain requires careful evaluation. It is imperative that you take good care of your joints and overall bone structure if you want to enjoy life. Always consult your own doctor or medical healthcare provider for any care and treatment.


Joint Supplements consist of glucosamine and chondroitin, two of the major building blocks of normal cartilage. Joints are composed of two or more bones, cartilage that cushions and separates the bones, and ligaments that attach the bones together. Joints become dry and swollen and may also feel cold to the touch. Joints are surrounded by a capsule lined with a membrane called synovium. Joints consist of 2 or more bone surfaces. Joint fluid will keep the joints greased up, and will provide nutrients to the cartilage cells, and other structures in the joint. Joints can swell up, become inflamed, have severe pain in them and they become stiff as well.

Treatment Options:

Treatment options include: Anti-Inflammatory Medications these medications can help treat the pain of finger arthritis, and also help decrease inflammation and swelling around the joints. Treatment for most forms of arthritis includes medications, exercise, and rest.   The treatment for 'normal' arthritis due to wear and tear and injuries consists of 2 main ways: (1) repair of cartilage and improving joint fluid quality (2) controlling pain and inflammation in the joint. Treatment of one involves suppressing the immune system to reduce inflammation, while the other involves stimulating the immune system. Treatment by chiropractor can include ultrasound or low level laser to help reduce inflammation, electro therapy to strengthen weak muscles of the forearm, soft tissue massage to stretch contracted tissues and, of course, adjustments of the dysfunctional joints of the wrist. Early treatments of arthritis are focused on managing the symptoms in an effort to avoid surgery.  Treatment of joint stiffness and range of motion can be improved by ice and heat treatments.


Symptoms of finger arthritis include: Joint pain, Swelling, Stiffness, and Loss of motion. Patients with osteoarthritis often develop lumps or nodules around the knuckles of the fingers. Symptoms of joint pain, color changes of the fingers with cold exposure, thickening of the skin and muscle weakness have been described in these patients. Symptoms of arthritis can be from hardly any symptoms at all, to severe pain and functional loss of limbs.  Other symptoms include: numbness, tingling and a burning pain in the hand or area. Symptoms can arrive very suddenly or slowly, and the arthritis disease has various times when it is bothering you and periods where you are not bothered.


Exercise in these situations must be thoughtfully prescribed; excessive motion of an acutely inflamed joint can increase the inflammatory response and cause more damage than good.  Exercise also improves balance, prevents falls and also reduces the risk of fracture (due to increased bone density). Exercise also helps to prevent osteoporosis a condition that's more likely to occur in women who have rheumatoid arthritis. Exercise not only lowers blood sugar but keeps your weight down and improves blood circulation. Exercise is good for your heart, lungs, muscles and bones. Exercise can help you feel less pain sometimes. Exercise can help you at any age.


Arthritis is a very painful disease that slowly creeps up on you and increases as you get older. The disease can spread throughout your body, Warmth such as a hot bath, exercise, and ice & heat treatments are good to relieve the pain sometimes. And also consult you doctor or healthcare provider before starting an exercise plan.

What Is the Real Effectiveness of Snoring Mouth Guards?

When you go to the doctor to address your snoring problem, there are going to be a range of treatment options made available to you after you have gone through a full evaluation. Chances are the doctor will send you to complete a thorough procedure called a sleep study so that he can see just how severe your snoring problem is. This sleep study will help the specialist to make an official diagnosis of either obstructive sleep apnea, mild sleep apnea or a mild case of snoring.

Your doctor should explain to you that your snoring is the result of a partial obstruction of the airway caused by the flapping and vibrating of tissues in the back of the throat and the soft palate. Of course, a full obstruction is more severe and should usually warrant a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea. After you've been diagnosed, the doctor will give you a few options to correct the problem and hopefully prevent snoring at night. One of the major options that are used to treat sleep apnea is CPAP, which involves wearing a special mask so that air can be forced through your nasal passageways.

Another treatment solution for snoring and mild sleep apnea is snoring mouth guards. These types of mouth guards basically position your jaw and tongue in place so that your airways aren't obstructed and so that snoring can be prevented. There are actually a few different types of snore guards that your dentist or medical professionals should make you aware of, all of which can treat snoring and certain cases of sleep apnea.

How Snore Mouth Guards Work

A snoring mouth guard utilizes the fact that your lower jawbone is connected to the tongue. The guard fits over your jaw in such a way that it protrudes the jaw and lifts both the tongue and a flap of cartilage called the epiglottis out of the way from the back of the throat. Thus, this relieves some of the tension and constriction that's caused by muscle relaxation as you sleep. Aside from lifting the lower jaw and the tongue out of the way, snoring mouth guards can also treat symptoms of TMJ disorders.

When you're fitted for one of these, you are required to have a sufficient number of healthy teeth in both your upper and lower set of teeth so that the mouth guard appliance can attach. If necessary, the dentist can set implants so that the guard will fit properly. During the snoring guard fitting, the dentist will take impressions of both your top and bottom teeth. These impressions, along with your protrusive bite registration that the dentist requires you to do, are sent to the lab so that the best-fitting mouth guard can be made.

Three Types of Snoring Guards

The first type of snoring mouth guard is the fixed jaw relation snore guard. Fixed jaw relationship snore guards can either be prefabricated appliances, custom-made devices or a device called the "NAPA" Appliance. Prefabricated snore guards are perhaps the least expensive and perhaps the easiest to fit because you don't necessarily need to take a trip to the dentist for it. Instead, these are what you might know as the boil and bite mouth guard often used in sports.

When you buy prefabricated appliances, you're typically instructed to bite down onto a double-sided tray that's lined with flexible plastic. When the material cools after you bite, impressions are made of both sets of your teeth and it essentially becomes an instant snoring mouth guard. Depending on your particular situation, the doctor may suggest you try one of these devices first to determine if you can adequately tolerate it. If you can, he may "upgrade" you to a better, more functional guard.

Another type of fixed jaw relation snore guard is the elastomeric appliance. Like the prefabricated appliance, elastomeric is also relatively inexpensive compared to other snoring mouth guards. This is perhaps the classic snoring mouth guard as impressions are made of both your upper and lower teeth. From those, the dentist makes plaster models as well as a protrusive bite registration, which are both shipped off to the lab in order to be custom-made. Most patients feel that elastomeric appliances are comfortable enough to use over the long-term. In addition, one of the advantages that elastomeric snoring mouth guards have is that they are virtually indestructible, produced out of silicone rubber and very capable of holding up well under pressure.

Finally, the NAPA Appliance is similar to the elastomeric appliances in terms of structure and function. This snoring mouth guard is made out of hard acrylic; eight clips that grasp the teeth hold the guard into place. In addition, a small breathing tube extends out in front, which is designed to keep the lips apart.

Semi-Adjustable Snore Guards

The second major type of snoring mouth guards are the semi-adjustable snore guards. Many semi-adjustable guards are often marketed under the name "SilentNite." Just as with the elastomeric appliance, the dentist makes plaster models of your upper and lower teeth. The lab manufactures a device that is basically a set of two separate plastic bit trays, which are attached with a simple hinge designed to protrude the lower jaw while still allowing the patient full function to open and close his mouth. A semi-adjustable snore guard is more expensive than fixed jaw relation snore guards.

Fully-Adjustable Guards

The third type of snoring mouth guards is those that are fully-adjustable. These are perhaps the most expensive of any of the types a dentist can use on a patient. The "Klearway" is one such type of guard that's often used.

As far as success rates are concerned, fully-adjustable guards are perhaps the most useful and typically provide the greatest relief from snoring as well as obstructive sleep apnea. These types of guards are specialty orthodontic devices that contain a jack screw assembly so the dentist can progressively increase your jaw protrusion. Though this is perhaps the most successful of all snoring mouth guards, it is the most expensive because it requires you to take several trips to the dentist to get a proper fit each time the screw must be adjusted.

All things considered, many patients do prefer snoring mouth guards to other solutions designed to relieve snoring at night. For example, the CPAP machine is one option that's often prescribed to relieve obstructive sleep apnea. However, many of these snoring mouth guards can successfully provide the same type of remedy, not requiring any awkward or bulky mask to be worn. No matter which guard you decide on, it's important that you and your doctor explore the entire range of options before a decision is made.

Cat Arthritis - Know How to Care For Them

Elderly cats are commonly known to catch arthritis, which is the wear and tear of joints in parts of the body. Its main causes include high age, due to which a time comes when unfit bodies exhibit joint degeneration and high pain due to tendon tissue damage. Arthritis is just as common in cats as it is in people and identical to their reasons in humans, they are caused due to high age, obesity, weak bones, genetic issues, Lyme disease, high level of activity and the stress factor. The chief cause of cat arthritis is high age, yet younger cats can also catch arthritis due to genetic and other stress problems.

Most of the cat owners find it difficult to spot any pain caused by arthritis due to the fact that they are already slow on account of their old age. But they might not be that lively and energetic due to arthritis. Cats cannot share their pain with their owners and for that reason they often hide or deal with the pain caused, which is why arthritis is pretty difficult to be spotted in them and the pain, equaled with the stress, results in early feline death in many cases.

However due to the innovation in technology, other symptoms in cat arthritis are described as follows. Cats often show signs of stress and depression, unwilling to play or jump, maintain a low level of activity, sleep more frequently, may appear bony than usual due to the excessive muscle waste and may signal pain and stiffness when standing or walking. Changes in mental attitude are also common which will result in changes in behavior such as less interaction and increased anger.

The diagnostic procedure of probable cat arthritis would include a detailed analysis of your cat's physical strength and a history of the disease would be taken. In addition to those, blood tests, X-rays and ultrasound etc of the aching joints could also be performed to get a clear diagnosis. Feline arthritis mostly includes Osteoarthritis and Traumatic arthritis where there is damage to the joints in both cases but Osteoarthritis can become serious in some cases depending on the nature of the cause, the damage done and the physical status of the cat; the condition may become untreatable a few times, but you can at least try to present comfort to the cat in the small life it has left.

Treatment to cat arthritis can be done through various ways. Glucosamine and Chondroitin are one of the most common cures adopted mostly by vets. Glucosamine is a significant element of the cartilage and joint fluid and Chondroitin improves the arrangement of the ligaments and restrains the joint-breaking enzymes inside. Regular and long-term vet-prescribed dosage can make a big difference to your cat suffering from arthritis and may enable her to recover in a month.

Anti-inflammatory drugs and pain-relievers such as Tramadol and Vitamin C and Corticosteroids such as Prednisone can alleviate any immediate pain but their consumption is lessened nowadays due to their high side effects. Alongside physical exercise and weight control are not only natural remedies to the current arthritis level, but they also keep the feline body fit, energetic and should prevent a large number of diseases in the future too, allowing your cat to spend a long and happy life.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Repair Joints and End the Pain For Good

Before you can truly and finally repair joints, and end your discomfort, you really need to find out what's at the root of the problem. I know you just want the pain to go away and it will if you find out the underlying cause and take care of that instead of only treating symptoms.

Everyone's symptoms differ but, for the most part, the symptoms felt by joints, inflammation of them in particular, are simply uncomfortable and can affect range of motion and even life activities. The reasons for the inflammation and discomfort can also differ by person and there can be a combination of reasons for the pain.

Being overweight puts stress on joints and, since many people are overweight, this is very common cause. In my opinion, this is one of the best reasons to have joint pain because you can completely reverse the damage done and live pain free. It requires effort, and if you listen to your body, then you'll know its time to take action. I also think this is why I choose to talk about Joint Advance; a nutritional supplement that targets joint pain and health. They do a lot more then treat their customers. They take it a step further and educate them, while empowering them to make a healthy lifestyle to match. These ideas to repair joints aren't new; they are simply buried beneath the enormous advertising campaigns of large corporations.

If you're not overweight and have joint pain or discomfort then there is still hope and the same applies to you. You can educate yourself and reverse joint damage, while protecting your joints from further damage. No matter your situation, I encourage you to continue learning more and to remain focused on treating the root of your pain, so you end the pain for good.

Joint Pain - Simple Home Remedies

Joint pains are very disadvantageous because they can interfere in the normal functioning of people. From an Ayurvedic point of view, joint pains occur when there are digestive problems in the body, which leads to the buildup of toxins in the spaces between the joints. Hence, when the joints are moved in the slightest, pain is felt in them.

Some people live with excruciating joint pains that don't go despite treatment. They look upon these pains as a part of growing up. However, with the right kind of medicine these pains can be totally eliminated.

Treatment with Simple Home Remedies

Remedy # 1

Take the juice of a ginger. Crush some vidanga (Embelia ribes, False Black Pepper) to a fine powder with some rock salt. Mix all of these and take them in quantities of three grams each time with honey. Lick on this thrice a day.

Remedy # 2

Massage the paining joints with the oil extracted from the seeds of the Bishop's weed. Warm the oil a little before massaging. A similar kind of relief is obtained by massaging with the oil of neem (Azadirachta indica, Indian Margosa).

Remedy # 3

In case of joint pains due to cold weather, add a fistful of Bishop's weed seeds and one teaspoon of salt in two cups of water and boil it. Keep a sieve on this, and then keep a cloth on the sieve. The cloth will get moistened with the warm fumes of the solution. Use this cloth to foment the painful joints. This will remove the pains.

Remedy # 4

Some joint pains are felt more acutely in the knees, fingers and shoulders when lifting some heavy weight. These are very persistent pains in most cases, and they do not dissipate despite treatments. In such pains, tomatoes are the best solutions due to their rich vitamin C content. Eat four to five raw tomatoes in a day, and eat one bowlful of thick tomato soup twice a day - in the morning and the evening. This provides great relief within a fortnight of continued use.

Remedy # 5

If there are sharp and sudden joint pains in any part of the body, then grind an amalaki (Emblica officinalis, Indian Gooseberry) in water that is a little warm. Then add a slightly crushed piece of cardamom in the water. Drink this concoction once a day. This will retain the zest and vigor of the body and also prevent all the inexplicable pains that arise suddenly in different parts of the body.

Remedy # 6

Take a petal of the yellow oleander flower, known as kaner in Hindi, and grind it to a paste in groundnut oil. Apply this paste regularly on the regions where the joint pains arise. Continuous use will totally eliminate the pains.

Remedy # 7

You can also grind some cloves of garlic and apply the paste on the affected joints. This will remove the pains in a short while. But the problem with this remedy is that the garlic paste needs to be washed off within a few minutes, or it will lead to boils on the skin.

Remedy # 8

Prepare a paste of mustard seeds with a little water. Apply this oily paste onto the affected joints. The pains will be eliminated in a short while.

Remedy # 9

This is a regimen that will take care of joint pains, but it takes some patience. Every morning after waking up, eat castor seeds in the following manner. On the first day of the routine, eat one peeled castor seed, on the second day two and so on keep increasing the number by one till the seventh day. From the eighth day onwards, begin reducing the number of castor seeds by one. Do this till the number comes down to one. The joint pains will vanish by then.

Remedy # 10

Cook some seeds of Bishop's weed in water. Let the water boil and the fumes come out. Bring your affected joints in contact with the fumes. This will make the joint pains disappear.

Remedy # 11

Put some bitter oil in a pan. Add some seeds of the Bishop's weed and some cloves of garlic. Use this oil to massage deep into the regions where you get frequent joint pains. This remedy has the potency to remove any kind of joint pains if done diligently.

Remedy # 12

Crush two cloves of garlic and add them to some sesame oil. Warm the oil and massage it deep into the paining joints. You will find immense benefits from this therapy.

Remedy # 13

If the pains are not that severe, then a simple steam fomentation with a cloth will also help. The cloth must be moistened with the vapors and then pressed deep into the affected areas. Fomentation must be done for at least twenty minutes a day, and preferably at dusk.

Remedy # 14

Prepare a brew of ginger juice in castor oil. Take no more than 10 milliliters of castor oil and a teaspoonful of the juice of ginger. Drink this twice a day - at dawn and at dusk - on an empty stomach.

Treatment with Special Ayurvedic Methods

Since joint pains are related to the accumulation of ama, the first step in their treatment is to remove all the toxins. This is done by making the patient fast for a day. After this, fomentation is applied on the swollen joints with dry heat. Castor oil is used extensively in Ayurveda to perform massage in case of joint pains. Herbs prescribed in various potencies are galangal, garlic, guggul and punarnava. Dashamoolarishta is the preparation most commonly prescribed, and treatment is generally carried on for three weeks.

Bruxism Treatment - Cure Brixism Naturally And Put A Stop To Teeth Grinding At Night Easily

Bruxism treatment could be a lot cheaper if a lot of people know what leads to teeth grinding. It actually starts when you start grinding your teeth either during the night while sleeping or during the day. Your dentition gradually begins to wear down once you continue to slide the lower part with the upper part. As a matter of fact, situations like these have led to a lot of problems between couples. People who grind their teeth during sleep actually make a lot of noise, which disturbs others. Besides, it also leads to a lot of health problems; jaw pain and toothache for instance.

Bruxism has a lot of side-effects, and it is actually dangerous to underrate some of its side-effects like; toothache, headache, jaw pain, permanent damage to the dentition, eating disorder, sleep disorder, clinical disorder, and a lot more. All these are just some of the health related problems that could possibly happen if you fail to stop teeth grinding. As a matter of fact, people who grind their teeth at night could disturb wake up their partners because of the noise being generated.

Bruxism can be treated through different means; some of which will be mentioned here in this article for you to read and start applying immediately for gradual results. Actually, the main focus of the treatment is to reduce or possibly eliminate pain, make you adjust to a particular clenching attitude, while also trying to put a stop to any further damage to the dentition that may latter become permanent.

Some of the common methods usually applied by people who suffer from it include; taking enough rest in order to reduce stress during the day, adopting a healthy eating habit, massaging the muscles around the face, and shoulders, using to tender muscles, and taking a lot of water. All these are some of the common natural remedies for anyone who wants to stop teeth grinding at home.

While some of these remedies have been proven by many people to be very effective, there have been some exceptional cases too that have posed some difficulties. It is recommended that people try as much as they can to manage stress, avoid eating some hard foods. Although bruxism has been described by experts as involuntary or unconscious clenching of teeth, it is important to try to avoid it in order not to make things too difficult. Even though it is sometimes difficult to control sleep-related bruxism, someone can still prevent it.

Doctors agree that bruxism cannot be traced to a particular cause; yet we all know stress is definitely a part of it. That is why any instruction or tip on bruxism treatment must start from the root; avoid being under too much stress. No matter what may have caused or led to bruxism in your own case, the truth is that you can still apply the same methods commonly used by a lot of people at home to stop teeth.

Osteoarthritis in Horses

Osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) is a progressive loss of joint cartilage. It represents the last stage of many arthritic conditions in horses. Examples of other arthritic conditions where osteoarthritis is the last phase are traumatic arthritis (which involves the synovial membrane and joint capsule), fractures of the joint, damage to the cartilage caused by trauma, osteochondritis dissecans, cysts beneath the cartilage, and infective arthritis. Lameness is one of the heartbreaking consequences of osteoarthritis in horses.  

There may be varying degrees of excess fluid in the joint, an abnormal thickening and scarring of the membranes, as well as limited/restricted motion in the affected joints. When viewing the involved joints through an x-ray or bone scan a decreased joint space is seen as well as bony outgrowth, inflammation of the muscles or tendons, and a hardening and thickening of the tissue below the cartilage.When osteoarthritis in horses is less severe, a viewing device (endoscope) is used to determine the severity of joint damage.  

The prognosis for osteoarthritis in horses is not particularly rosy with treatment often being limited to reducing joint pain and stiffness. Drug therapy is often used for pain relief. The most widely used pain relief drugs are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ketoprofen, firocoxib, and phenylbutazone. A physical therapist specializing in horses may be helpful in specific cases to improve joint mobility. When osteoarthritis has advanced to a certain point surgery may be performed on the affected joints. Some horses return to athletic soundness after surgical fusion of the pastern or tarsal joints. For very valuable animals, the fetlocks may be surgically fused, making he horse comfortable and capable of breeding.  

In summary, the joints of horses are amazingly durable but over time they simply wear out. While there are a few good options for treating osteoarthritis in horses some horse owners are opting for natural alternatives containing vitamins and minerals. These supplemental treatments work with your horse's body to help rebuild joint cartilage and restore joint health naturally and may be a treatment option worth considering.

What Are Four Pet Products That Can Help Your Aging Pet?

As dogs age, they suffer from many of the same illnesses and conditions as humans do. Therefore it makes sense to invest in pet accessories that will make your dog's aging process as comfortable as possible.

It is difficult to predict how or when a dog will show signs of aging as there are many factors to take into consideration. A few important factors include the breed of the dog followed by size and genetic makeup. As soon as you see a difference in their behavior or see them having difficulty with activities such walking or climbing stairs, you should consider pet accessories to make them more comfortable.

Arthritis and Joint Pain:

As dogs get older they are susceptible to conditions such as arthritis, hip dysplasia and other joint pain. There are two types of dog beds manufactured specifically for joint pain: a memory foam bed and an orthopedic foam bed. Ortho Bliss, a memory foam bed is one option for dogs whose mobility is impaired due to joint problems. A memory foam dog bed is ideal as it molds to the animal's body heat and weight relieving pressure points and improving circulation. A memory foam bed is not the same as an egg crate bed.

Another type of bed for older dogs is an orthopedic foam bed. Often manufactured with a cushion-like material they, too, can provide relief to a dog's painful joints. The memory foam and orthopedic foam beds should be pre-treated to repel odors, bacteria and insects. Ideally, the pet bed that you choose will feature a pillow zipper out for ease with washing, are eco-friendly and machine washable.

If you have a senior dog that is not experiencing arthritis or joint pain, or have a smaller dog, there is a wide selection of bumper dog beds, bolster beds, or donut dog beds designed with comfort in mind.

Other Accessories for Mobility:

Some dogs have difficulty climbing steps or jumping into a truck or van as their only symptom of aging. Pet ramps or pet steps provide a flat surface angled for ease of ascending to a higher location. A selection of pet ramps or pet steps come in a variety of sizes and lengths that are sturdy enough to hold larger dogs without bending. They can easily be used to help your dog get into a truck or onto furniture without having to maneuver to a higher level. Many pet ramps comes with carrying handles for ease of transporting them from one location to another and most have a safety release available.

Pet strollers:

For those who want the company of their older pet along side of them while jogging, hiking or walking a pet stroller can provide the opportunity to continue with your cardio routine and still have your pet be part of the event. Most pet strollers accommodate one or two pets at the same time, are sturdy, waterproof, safe and fold up for easy storage.

Couch covers

Older pets experience problems with frequent urination, leaky bladders or incontinence. This can especially be a problem if dogs are allowed on the furniture or sneak on the furniture while you are at work. A line of couch covers protect furniture from pet leaks, shedding hair and stains from the oil in their fur.

By visiting Best Pet Kennels, you will find a wide selection of products that will accommodate your older pet. The variety of pet products like their pet beds, strollers, steps, ramps and couch covers will help you in making the changes that he/she is going through more comfortable and headache free.

Joint Pain Remedy - What Really Works

Pinpointing the source of the problem will help you find the right joint pain remedy to take. On the other hand, there are plenty of other methods that you can do to help relieve and alleviate the problem of joint pain. Here are some of the things you can try.

Home Remedies

You can go ahead and try home remedies in your quest to finding the perfect cure. Remedies like ice packs for your muscle aches and pains as well as physical aids like wrist bands will help to relieve some problem in your joints. A word of caution though, consult your doctor first before trying out any homemade remedies or at least ask them how to do it properly so that you can avoid complications.


This is a necessary thing to do if you have chronic joint problems. Mild stretching as well as plenty of water exercises helps alleviate the pain that you feel in your joints.


Pain killers are also another option; however, these should only be used if a doctor has prescribed it or if there are no other available options. This can be very effective when it comes to taking away the pain that you feel. Another form would be to go for herbal supplements that are also effective in relieving pain.


This is an alternative medication that plenty of people are turning to for a possible remedy. If you have a weak immune system, this will stop your body from attacking its own tissue and thus minimizing the pain that you feel in your joints.

There are still hundreds more remedies that you can try. However, consulting your health practitioner and finding out the cause for your pain will be the best step to take in finding the right joint pain remedy.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Joint Pain - What Causes Painful Joints?

If pain wasn't bad enough, to have it in the joints is the worst. Causing distraction, and inability to do certain things, painful joints affect your job, home, and personal life all at the same time. Realizing that the pain is really only the symptom for a more serious cause is the first step to getting rid of it. If you don't know what causes painful joints you can't very well treat it.

The tenderness and swelling associated with joint pain can be bothersome. It can also be described as feeling bruised or a restriction of movement in the joint. Inflammation and redness can also be seen in some conditions. These symptoms are all pointers to what the real cause may be. Don't assume that because you are 50+ in age that it is arthritis.

However, arthritis in the joints, or Rheumatism is the most common diagnosis. Inflammation caused by the degeneration of cartilage, and the wearing down of bone in the joints is called Osteoarthritis. These types of arthritis, including Rheumatoid Arthritis and Septic Arthritis are generally the cause of pain in older people, but it doesn't rule out the possibilities of other causes. Make sure your doctor is aware of any other reason that may be the cause for your pain.

An injury to a ligament, cartilage or bone in the joint area, caused by an accident, sport or outdoor activity, is the next largest reason for painful joints. If pain, swelling and redness occur after an injury it is important to put ice on the affected area. Contact a medical professional to find out how bad the injury is and how best to treat it.

Other causes can be infectious diseases that affect the area around the joints. These include, but are not limited to, Lupus or SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus), rheumatic fever, chicken pox, mumps, hepatitis and the common flu. If any of these are left untreated it could cause more severe problems to occur. It could be Lyme disease if a headache, rash and tiredness accompany the pain.

Sharp pains in the toes, feet and ankles could be diagnosed as Gout, a temporary condition that can be treated by changing the diet. Overweight individuals also tend to have joint, and muscle pain, caused by the additional pressure on the joints and surrounding muscles. Increased fruits and vegetables, and at least 8 glasses of water per day, along with a good exercise program will help both of these conditions.

Doctors will use several methods to determine the cause of your pain. Usually a physical exam, including your clinical history, along with possible X-rays, MRI, bone scans and urine tests, will be used to help in the diagnosis. This is the most important step, so make sure you discuss all possibilities, as well as the resulting diagnosis, with your physician for the best treatment options to be determined.

Pain relief is important, but understanding and treating the cause should be your number one goal. Of course, if any of the above symptoms are combined with fever or chills, severe headache, or upset stomach please consult your doctor, as this could be a more serious condition. Correct diagnosis is the key to treating the pain.

Effectiveness of Arthritis Pain Relief Cream

Arthritis pain relief creams are a type of topical pain medicine that is penetrated in the skin. It works directly on the pain. The good thing about these creams is that they do not need to pass through the digestive system. Others include gels, spray, and patches. It is best used in joints such as in hands and knees. Joints are very close to the skin thus; making the creams very effective medication.

There are different types of ingredients present in topical creams. First is capsaicin. It is a felt-like burning cream. It diminishes the nerve cell so it can send a message to the brain the joint is painful.

Second is the salicylate. It is anti-inflammatory, a pain relieving substance. Lastly is menthol. It produces a numb sensation to ease the joint pain. According to research, when it comes to arthritis, the above mention pain relief creams give only a mild benefit. These arthritis pain relief creams are proven to be safe if a person is not allergic and recuperating from other ailments that might have an unpleasant reaction. Non-steroidal creams are available over-the-counter. But these medicines have side-effects; they are known drug that can irritate the stomach. Those steroidal like creams and gel needed the doctor's prescription.

There are things that need to know when using arthritis pain relief cream: First is to make sure those hands are always clean. Secondly hands should be away from the eyes. Third, do not apply creams on broken skin. Lastly discontinue usage if rashes develop.

Arthritis pain relief cream is temporary only. It won't even restore your cartilage back to normal. They just provide a relief for a day; in order for you to accomplish a work. There are plenty of creams available in the market; just choose the product that will suit you. The effectiveness of the product mainly depends on the person using it. It is also helpful if you will research for the side-effect of each product. Most of the creams have a reaction to the skin; or needless to say, consult a doctor if in doubt. Always prioritize your safety and health.

Crohn's Disease and Joint Pain

Many people suffering from Crohn's Disease complain of join pain in their elbows, knees, wrists and ankles. Although Crohn's Disease is best known for inflammation and pain in the gastrointestinal tract, it is often the source of different types of arthritis as well. In fact, joint pain and Crohn's disease almost always go hand-in-hand. The natural supplement OPC (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin), a natural antioxidant has been proven to control both.

When an autoimmune disorder like Crohn's Disease occurs, there is a release of inflammatory chemicals in the body, namely histamine. Histamine triggers inflammation in the intestine and other side effects like hay fever, joint pain, and even skin disorders. OPC naturally reverses or reduces the formation of histamine. OPC is a powerful natural antioxidant that is fifty times the strength of Vitamin E and twenty 20 times the strength of Vitamin C. OPC users often report obtaining the same benefits as listed for traditional antihistamine drugs but without the fatigue and lethargy side effects. Actually they experience a surge in energy and vitality when taking OPC. This is because of the high content of natural free radical scavenging OPC does when it's in the body. Since OPC is a 100% safe and natural antioxidant, made from wine/grape seed extract and pine bark, there is nothing in it to cause negative side effects for joint pain suffers.

With less free radical activity in the body there is an accompanying reduction in inflammation and pain in the joints, leading even to the elimination of joint pain and an overall bettor quality of life for joint pain suffers. Additionally, there are no known reports of any side effects in the use of this product...even when consumed in large amounts.

That is why many people with Crohn's Disease are switching to the safe and natural supplement OPC because of the way it controls not only the inflammation and pain directly related to Crohn's, but also their joint pain. Being free from chronic joint pain offers people a second chance to get their life back and enjoy the kind of active lifestyle with family and friends that they once so treasured prior to getting sick.

One testimony is from a lady in Canada who, after having a knee replacement, reported that she had improved range of motion from 80-85 degrees following surgery...which further increased to 115 degrees after just four months of taking OPC. Additionally, she was able to run down her stairs, not just walk! Another lady suffering from another painful autoimmune disease joint condition and unable to walk without assistance for 30 years is now able to take daily walks with her friends around the block and is even climbing stairs again, without pain, after taking OPC.

Therefore, if you are suffering from Crohn's Disease AND also from related joint pain, know that there is a natural and safe solution...remedy without the harsh and long term side affects of prescription drugs

The Basics of a Traumatic Hip Dislocation

Hip dislocations that are a result of trauma usually happen with a high-energy injury. This article will not discuss this dislocation of artificial hip replacement, rather the dislocation of a hip from trauma. When a person is in a car accident or has a fall from a height, the hip can dislocate if the force is high enough. Over 90% of the time, it is dislocated backwards which is called posterior. If a hip dislocation is not addressed in a timely fashion, the patient is at risk of having the bone around the hip joint die and possibly sustain a sciatic nerve injury.

Along with a hip dislocation, patients often have significant associated injuries because the force was so high. This can result in a fracture of the socket where the hip normally sits. This is called the acetabulum bone. The pelvis may have a fracture or the head of the femur itself may sustain a break.

When the bone dies around the hip, this is called osteonecrosis and is where the head of the femur actually loses its blood supply. This is what happened to Bo Jackson during his football injury where he sustained a hip dislocation and subsequent loss of the blood supply to the hip. He ended up needing a hip replacement. This can happen in up to 40% of hip dislocations if they are not relocated properly and in a timely fashion.

Once a patient has a hip put successfully back in the place, weight-bearing is usually limited for the next 4 to 6 weeks. Putting the hip back into position is not always an easy task. The patient should have muscle sedation and significant amount of pain medication. The maneuver involves traction delicately on the hip and some hip flexion and some gentle external rotation. At times there will be some bone in the way or maybe some soft tissue, which may make it impossible to successfully put it back in the place. If that is the case, surgery will be necessary emergently to facilitate this reduction.

After the hip is successfully put back into place, a physical examination should be done to check for a stable range of motion along with getting new x-rays. The CAT scan may be necessary as well to see if there is a fracture. Under 10% of hip dislocations come out the front and this is called an anterior hip dislocation. There's a high risk of vascular injury with these dislocations and they also should be treated as an emergency.

Useful Herbs For Arthritis Pain

Using herbs for arthritis pain is not the conventional way to treat arthritis but can be effective. Arthritis sufferers sometimes endure terrible pain. When the joints become inflamed, even the slightest movement of them is painful. Many of these sufferers take pain medications that come with less desirable side effects. If you want arthritis pain relief without all the side effects, here are some useful herbs that will relieve arthritis.

Arnica is an herb that works well for pain. It can be used as a topical application for the pain in the joints caused by arthritis. Black cohosh is another extremely potent remedy for inflammation as well. You can find sources for these by looking online or visiting a health food center.

Some herbs for arthritis pain like Alfalfa and Hops are great remedies for joint pain as well. Ginger tea is great as well. Ginger also works well when comprised into a compress for topical use. Using these natural ingredients will help to lessen the pain without side effects.

North American ginseng has been sold for years as a pain relieving herb. When made into a tea, it has been found to settle down many ailments including the inflammation associated with arthritis. Ginseng can be found at most health food centers.

You may have a couple of the best herbs for arthritis pain right in your kitchen. Turmeric is a yellow curry spice that works great as an anti inflammatory. Including this tasty spice into many of your foods can help. Pineapple is another food that has pain relieving properties that remedy arthritis and has the ingredient bromelain that reduces swelling and the onset of inflammation.

One other herb that works at preventing the onset of osteoarthritis is stinging nettle. This herb and turmeric work well together for extreme pain relief. White Willow is the derivative of aspirin and when used in herb form, can be a strong pain reliever for arthritis.

Using herbs for arthritis pain is an effective way to get arthritis relief. Remember arthritis did not happen overnight so consider which herbs may be right for you and incorporate them into your daily routine.

The Best Relief From Arthritis Pain

Arthritis means inflammation in the joints. Inflammation gives rise to pain, swelling, redness and increase in the temperature of the local area. This is of several types.

Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Gouty arthritis, Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), Arthritis after Rheumatic fever- to name a few.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is by far the most common arthritic disorder involving human being. By default, arthritis is referred to Osteoarthritis.

Knee or hip arthritis has affected more than 100,000 persons in the United States leading to so disablement that they are unable to move across the rooms. Even they are not capable to go to toilet. The basic reason behind OA is destruction of the articular cartilage of the joint spaces (the cartilaginous material that covers two ends of the bones forming a joint).

Rheumatoid arthritis occurs after bodily response to certain types of infection. It is a host-infection type reaction. RA (Rheumatoid arthritis ) factor gets increased in the body. The joints are mostly affected giving rise to pain and deformity.

There is deposition of Uric acid crystals in the joint spaces in Gout.

All the types of arthritis cause pain in the joint. And to get relief from arthritis pain, the following procedures are followed by the doctors. In the infants and adolescents, the specific type of arthritis occurs what is called JRA. JRA is genetically determined. Rheumatic fever also causes some specific types of joint deformity.

Reduction of weight- Osteoarthritis causes destruction of the articular cartilages. And if the person suffering is overweight, there will be more loss of cartilaginous tissues.

So the first and foremost criterion in virtually any kind of arthritis is reduction in the load of the joint. Weight reduction by various methods is very much helpful to achieve this. Only 24% of the patients suffering from the report that they are involved in some kind of physical activity. But sedentary lifestyle also increases the risk of other diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension, and Coronary Artery Disease etc.

For this reason, doctors prescribe some form of free hand exercise initially to reduce weight in the patients suffering from Arthritis. Gradually, the amount and the magnitude are increased.

Pain relief from arthritis [] with Thermal modalities- hot fomentation is one of the commonest and age old treatment modalities. Various forms of hot fomentation techniques are available in the market. Hot water bath is the best method in regard to patient compliance.

Patient education- for effective pain control among the patients suffering from Arthritis, reassurance, encouragement, proper guidance towards useful pain relief and recommendations regarding actions to unload the arthritic joint may become fruitful in a comprehensive pain relief from it.

Medication- first line drug for any type of pain in the body is NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug). Drug therapy for arthritis is only palliative. Arrays of NSAIDs are available in the market. Still the first generations Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Diclofenac or the combination of these are prescribed by the doctors.

Modern Selective COX-2 selective inhibitors have proved their efficacy for successful pain control. Intra-articular injection of steroids is helpful to suppress the arthritic pain for a prolonged period of time although this is an invasive procedure.

Intra-articular injection of Hyaluroran is beneficial to relieve Osteoarthritis.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Health Issues Concerning Great Danes

The Great Dane, also known as the Apollo of Dogs, is one of the largest breed of dogs. This short-haired, mild-mannered and people-oriented breed makes a great family dog for those who don't mind having a large pet around the house. The only negative part about having a Great Dane for a pet is its short life span. On average, a Great Dane's life span is between 7 to 10 years. They are prone to several health problems such as orthopedic issues, cancer and heart conditions. For years, breeders and experts strived to reduce these health conditions from occurring but many of them cannot be eliminated. In 2003, the Health and Welfare Committee of the Great Dane Club of America released a list of major health problems afflicting Great Danes. Among them are:

Dilated Cardiomyopathy

Suspected to be an inherited disease in Great Danes, this degenerative heart muscle condition can be detected through testing. It is associated with the enlargement of the left ventricle of the dog's heart that eventually weakens its ability to effectively pump blood. Great Danes with this health condition can be treated with pain medication to relieve pain. However, this condition is often fatal and when medication eventually fails, it can be heartbreaking to watch your pet deteriorate.

Hip Dysplasia or K9HD

Because of the large size of Great Danes, orthopedic issues are also one of the common health problems for this breed. One health problem is Hip Dysplasia, a joint disease that affects the dog's hip joints. This genetic degenerative disease happens when the soft tissues around the hip joints break down causing the joints to break as well. This disease can cause severe pain and immobility. In most cases, this problem can be corrected through surgery but it can be costly for the owner.

Hypertropic Osteodystrophy

HOD or Hypertropic Osteodystrophy is a bone condition that occurs during the rapid growth stage of a puppy. This condition can cause severe pain in the joint and is often accompanied by fever. HOD is not life threatening but it can lead to a more fatal medical problem such as pneumonia.


Panosteteitis or Pano is a painful bone condition that occurs in puppies between the age of four and seven months old. This happens when the dog's bone grows more rapidly than the tissues around it causing joint pains. There is no cure for this condition but it normally disappears when the Dane reaches one year old.


Another inherent disease, this immune system disorder is a result of the inability of the thyroid gland to produce an adequate amount of hormones needed to support the dog's metabolism. Great Danes suffering from this health problem are often lacking energy and are unusually uninterested about everything around them. The good thing though is that this disease can easily be treated with hormone replacement pills. However, it is advised that dogs with this condition are not bred.

Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus

Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus, or more commonly known as Bloat, is one of the leading killers of Great Danes. This gastric dilation is caused by abnormal buildup of liquid or gas in the stomach. This often leads to the twisting of the stomach causing it to stop functioning. This condition is very painful for the animal and is life-threatening if not treated immediately, often via emergency surgery. The reason behind this disease is still not fully understood but some experts believe that stress can be one of the main factors.


Cancer is a very common health issue in all breeds of dogs, and Danes are no exception. Among the common type of cancers found in Danes are Fribrosarcoma (bone cancer) and Hemangiosarcoma (organ cancer than often attacks the spleen).

Cervical Vertibral Instability

CVI or Wobblers is another orthopedic health issue in Great Danes. In some cases, the problem is a hereditary deformity of the dog's cervical vertebrae causing pressure on the spinal cord. This results in the wobbling of the neck and increased instability when walking. Wobbler syndrome can also be caused by a traumatic injury to the neck.

All dogs have health issues. What is important is that owners take the time to learn and understand these medical conditions to be able to provide the appropriate care so that the dog doesn't have to suffer from them. Proper screening of the puppy's parents can also help lessen the chances that your dog will have these health issues.

Is Your Back Pain Due to SI Joint Dysfunction?

A painful sacroiliac joint is one of the more common causes of mechanical low back pain. There are two SI joints, each located on either side of the sacrum.

These joints allow twisting movements when we move our legs.

There are many different terms for sacroiliac joint problems, including SI joint dysfunction, Sacroiliac joint strain, and joint inflammation (sacroiliitis). Each of these terms refers to a condition that causes pain in the sacroiliac joints from a variety of causes.

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction may occur when an SI joint is injured or irritated. This is seldom dangerous and rarely requires surgery.

There are many different causes of SI joint pain. These joints have a cartilage layer covering the bone which allows for some movement and acts as a shock absorber between the bones. When this cartilage is damaged or worn away, the bones begin to rub on each other, and degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis) occurs. This is the most common cause of Sacroiliac joint dysfunction.

Pregnancy may be a factor in the development of joint problems. During pregnancy, hormones are released that lets ligaments relax. The relaxation of the ligaments holding the SI joints together allows for increased motion in the joints and can lead to increased stresses and abnormal wear.

If a person has one leg which is shorter that the other, the abnormal alignment may cause joint pain.

SI joint dysfunction can also occur from trauma, such as injuries resulting from a fall or associated with a motor vehicle accident.

The most common symptom of SI joint dysfunction is pain in the low back that is aggravated by prolonged sitting, standing, and stair climbing.

The diagnosis is often overlooked.

The most accurate method of diagnosing joint dysfunction is by performing an injection that can numb the irritated area. An anesthetic material with a steroid can be injected directly into the SI joint. This is usually performed with X-ray guidance to verify that the injection is correctly placed in the joint.

If the anesthetic and steroid relieves the pain from inflammation within the joint, this helps to verify that the Sacroiliac joint is the source of the pain, and treatment can target the SI Joint specifically.

Call your physician to determine if your back pain is due to Sacroiliac Dysfunction.

穢2011 Winifred Bragg, MD. All Rights Reserved.

Arthritis in Dogs - Discount Pet Medication Will Ease the Pain and Stiffness

It is not surprising that senior dogs develop arthritis in their joints just as their owners do. Dogs have no way to tell us they are in pain so it's up to the owner to watch for signs of discomfort in his pet and treat the pain with dog arthritis medicine.

Symptoms of Arthritis

* Stiffness in one or more legs
* Difficult standing from a down position
* Limping
* Reluctance to run or jump
* Swelling in one or more joints
* Joint dislocation

The symptoms of arthritis pain will seem to come and go. The dog may be stiff and slow after coming to his feet following a period of lying down or sleeping and then seems to limber up after walking a bit.

The weather may be a factor with damp days or extremely cold temperatures increasing the stiffness and pain for the animal.

Dog Pain Relief

For older dogs with arthritis pain, your vet may advise you to administer aspirin in low doses to ease the pain. Baby aspirin is effective in treating moderate painful joints as it reduces inflammation. Aspirin should not be used long term, however, as it can damaged the stomach lining and also acts as an anticoagulant.

Glucosamine and chondroitin products are useful for dog joint pain. The hip joint is the most common source of pain for dogs with osteoarthritis. In larger breeds, hip dysplasia in dogs is common where the cartilage in the joint can wear away. This creates pain due to bone contacting bone when the joint is flexed. Aging dogs normally lose some cartilage and may also develop arthritis in knees and shoulders.

Large breed dogs and those in middle to old age respond best to glucosamine and chondroitin therapy. Though buffered aspirin can relieve the pain of arthritis temporarily, that pain returns when the aspirin regimen is discontinued. Treating the problem with glucosamine and chondroitin can return normal function to the joint. This therapy is considered an alternative to using prescription dog meds to treat joint pain.

Deramaxx is used for chronic pain in dogs and given daily. One of five adult dogs suffers from arthritis and Deramaxx offers a solution for canine pain relief that is safe enough to use every day.

Rimadyl for dogs is a prescriptive medication for dogs that can provide amazing results. Owners often say their aging pet began romping like a puppy after taking Rimadyl. This medication is used for pain relief after surgery as well as pain from arthritis. It is an anti-inflammatory drug that does not contain steroids. Rimadyl is available only by prescription and can be purchased at discount pet medication sites online in caplet or chewable form. Injections of Rimadyl for dogs may be administered by your veterinarian before soft tissue surgery such as spaying to start pain management before the pain appears.

Any pet medicine may cause a reaction for some animals. Side effects of Rimadyl are usually observed within a few days of beginning treatment and may include:

* Vomiting
* Diarrhea
* Loss of appetite
* Change in bowel movements
* Change in behavior or activity level
* Yellow appearance of whites of the eyes, skin or gums
* Change in frequency or color of urine output
* Redness or scratching of skin

If these symptoms appear, discontinue use of Rimadyl or Deramaxx and contact your veterinarian. The symptoms may be a warning of more serious side effects involving kidneys, liver or the digestive tract. Rimadyl should not be given to dogs who have demonstrated an allergic reaction to aspirin. to carprofen, the active ingredient, or to dogs with an allergic response Rimadyl is for dogs only and cannot be tolerated by cats.

Canine Pain Medication and Safety

Remember that Rimadyl for dogs and other pain treatments are pet meds. The taste of Rimadyl is one your dog will like so medications should be kept where the dog cannot access them as treats. If your dog manages to eat a quantity of any medication such as aspirin or Rimadyl contact your vet immediately.

Before administering medicine to your dog, consult a veterinarian to find the best solution for your animal and to arrive at the proper dosage for his weight and age. Administer the dog arthritis medicine only to the pet that was diagnosed and prescribed the medication. Order online from a discount pet medication site for significant savings on pain medicines for your dog.

TMJ Natural Remedies - How to Cure TMJ With Natural Treatments

TMJ is disorder of the temporomandibular joint whereby the jaw muscles and joints get locked sometimes. It is difficult to chew food and perform other activities like talking, opening and closing of the mouth if you suffer from this problem. Most often symptoms for this disease include, teeth grinding, stress, rheumatoid arthritis and jaw injury. You must visit a doctor if you have any of the above symptoms immediately. The doctor might perform arthography, to see if your symptoms really lead to this disease. If the disease is confirmed then the doctor might want you to wear mouth guards or undergo a surgery if the case is extreme. Below are some suggestions for TMJ natural remedies that might prove beneficial for your efforts to cure this problem.

Alter your diet and include foods like fresh fruits, skinless poultry, whole grains, cereals, steamed green vegetables, pineapple, brown rice and eggs, these foods contain essential nutrients needed in building the cartilage and decreasing the inflammation. Eating soft foods would lower the uneasiness and soreness of the jaw when you chew. Avoid foods like gums, alcohol, caffeine, junk food and sugar that can aggravate this condition.

Herbs and herbal teas can be used as TMJ natural remedies, herbs like chamomile, passionflower, valerian, kava kava, catnip, nettle work great for relieving teeth grinding however check for your allergies before taking any of these herbal remedies.

A heat pack can be applied around the jaw area to relieve you off the pain and relax muscles. Acupuncture can also be used to decrease the pain, release the stress. Yoga and meditation can be used for relieving the stress. Sleep on your back as it keeps you off from the postures that worsen the TMJ disorders.

Joint Supplements For Humans

When you purchase and start taking a joint supplement for problems with pain, stiffness, and a lack of flexibility, it is important to know what you are getting. There are two major problems people run into when dealing with joint supplement products. The first is that many products on the market are designed for pets and not humans. This can make it difficult to find an appropriate product when conducting an online search. One easy way to make sure you are only getting search results appropriate to what you are looking for is to add the word "human" to the beginning of your search query. This should give you a set of results that eliminates supplements designed for pets.

The second and most common problem is that many people confuse joint health supplements with pain relief products that provide temporary reduction in discomfort. It is a common myth that joint supplements don't work very well because they do not provide immediate relief from joint pain. The truth is; these supplements are designed to provide your body with the proper nutrition it needs to support healthy joint function over a long period of time. As the overall health of your joints improves, you are likely to experience less discomfort and greater mobility but one should not expect a joint supplement to provide instant pain relief like an over-the-counter pain reliever would. By the same token, those instant painkiller products will provide temporary relief of symptoms but do not contain any ingredients that would help to promote any progressive improvement in the condition of the joints. If you have severe joint pain, there is nothing wrong with using a combination of both types of products to help maintain your active lifestyle in comfort. Depending on which joint supplement you choose, they will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly.

Some of the most popular supplements in recent years have been glucosamine and chondroitin although recent studies have called into question just how much benefit they can provide. The current trend in human joint supplements is to take a broad approach and provide ingredients that contain high levels of antioxidants to assist your body in neutralizing free radicals that can damage healthy tissue. One of the most popular products is a natural joint supplement capsule made by Greek Island Labs. It is made up of over three dozen fruit and vegetable ingredients to help support healthy joints. Remember to evaluate the performance of the supplements you take based on their intended use. This will help to ensure you get the most benefit from your supplements of choice and make good decisions about which products you should continue to take as part of your daily health routine.

Chronic Joint Pain Relief

Pain is a four-letter word for a reason! For those who suffer from chronic joint pain, every day is a special challenge. Different levels of pain can be considered chronic; a person does not have to be suffering from severe, debilitating pain in order to be dealing with chronic pain. From mild to completely incapacitating, pain is considered chronic if it has been present for six months or longer. It's a sad fact that millions of Americans wake up every day to a world filled with chronic physical pain.

Joint pain is one of the most common types of chronic pain. Joint pain is also one of the most common reasons people see their doctor. Those two facts alone mean that vast medical resources are being dedicated to finding relief for chronic joint pain.

We are living in a time where our traditional ideas of medicine are shifting. Western medicine is becoming much more accepting of Eastern medicine and the ideas that go along with it. Patients are beginning to look for natural ways to heal their bodies. Joint pain relief is no exception. Chronic joint pain sufferers are looking to do more than mask the pain; they are looking to treat the underlying cause of the pain.

Studies continue to show that breakthrough research in natural medicine is making a difference. The idea of looking to nature to nurture and repair our bodies is paying off for many joint pain sufferers. Two recently popular supplements, esterified oil and Cetylated Fatty Acids, have been shown to bring relief to the joints quickly. The longer people take the supplement or use the cream, the less pain they deal with every day. After just 30 days, people notice a large difference in the way they feel and the relief that can be attained through continued use. Recently, a newer product was released in a large chain warehouse store. This product, which comes in a topical cream and pill form, is made to lubricate joints, thus creating a cushion of comfort. Research has also found that it helps to repair cell damage. As you can see, results have come a long way!

Chronic pain sufferers have already been dealing with their pain for close to six months. After such an extended amount of time, any type of diminished pain can feel like a big relief. Luckily, there are still new and improved products hitting the market every year. It would be a tremendous turn of events if the number of chronic joint pain sufferers could be drastically reduced. Perhaps through persistent use of joint building and repairing products, chronic joint pain will be a thing of the past!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Complete Treatment and Management Plan for Groin Strain

The following is a very thorough and detailed management plan for the full recovery and rehabilitation of a groin strain.

Considering this management plan was written over ten years ago, my only addition would be the reduction of ice therapy and the addition of massage and heat therapy during the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th phase. Regardless of my suggestions, the following will be extremely useful for anyone who is, or has suffered from a groin strain.

Injury Situation:

A women varsity basketball player had a history of tightness in her groin. During a game she suddenly rotated her trunk while also stretching to the right side. There was a sudden sharp pain and a sense of "giving way" in the left side of the groin that caused the athlete to immediately stop play and limp to the sidelines.

Symptoms & Signs:

As the athlete described it to the athletic trainer, there was severe pain when rotating her trunk to the right and flexing her left hip. Inspection revealed the following:

  • There was major point tenderness in the groin, especially in the region of the adductor magnus muscle.

  • There was no pain during passive movement of the hip, but severe pain did occur during both active and resistive motion.

  • When the groin and hip were tested for injury, the hip joint, illiopsoas, and rectus femoris muscles were ruled out as having been injured; however, when the athlete adducted the hip from a stretch position, it caused here extreme discomfort.

Management Plan:

This detailed management plan comes from one of my old university text books, called Modern Principles of Athletic Training by Daniel D. Arnheim. It's one of those 900 page door-stoppers, but it's the book I refer to most for information on sports injury prevention and rehabilitation. It's extremely detailed and a valuable resource for anyone who works in the health and fitness industry. So...

Based on the athletic trainer's inspection, with findings confirmed by the physician, it was determined that the athlete had sustained a second-degree strain of the groin, particularly to the adductor magnus muscle.

Phase 1

Management Phase: Goals: To control haemorrhage, pain and spasms. Estimated Length of Time (ELT): 2 to 3 days.

Therapy: Immediate Care: ICE-R (20 min) intermittently, six to eight times daily. The athlete wears a 6-inch elastic hip spica.

Exercise Rehabilitation: No Exercise - as complete rest as possible.

Phase 2

Management Phase: Goals: To reduce pain, spasm and restore full ability to contract without stretching the muscle. ELT: 4 to 6 days.

Therapy: Follow up care: Ice massage (1 min) three to four times daily. Bipolar muscle stimulation above and below pain site (7 min).

Exercise Rehabilitation: PNF for hip rehabilitation three to four times daily (beginning approx. 6 days after injury)

Optional: Jogging in chest level water (10 to 20 min) one or two times daily. Must be done within pain free limits. General body maintenance exercises are conducted three times a week as long as they do not aggravate the injury.

Phase 3

Management Phase: Goals: To reduce inflammation and return strength and flexibility.

Therapy: Muscle stimulation using the surge current at 7 or 8, depending on athlete's tolerance, together with ultrasound once daily and cold therapy in the form of ice massage or ice packs (7 min) followed by light exercise, two to three times daily.

Exercise Rehabilitation: PNF hip patterns two to three times daily following cold applications, progressing to progressive-resistance exercise using pulley, isokinetic, or free weight (10 reps, 3 sets) once daily.

Optional: Flutter kick swimming once daily.

General body maintenance exercises are conducted three times a week as long as they do not aggravate the injury.

Phase 4

Management Phase: Goals: To restore full power, endurance, speed and extensibility.

Therapy: If symptom free, precede exercise with ice massage (7 min) or ice pack.

Exercise Rehabilitation: Added to phase 3 program, jogging on flat course slowly progressing to a 3-mile run once daily and then progressing to figure-8s, starting with obstacles 10 feet apart and gradually shortening distance to 5 feet, at full speed.

Phase 5

Management Phase: Goals: To return to sport competition.

Exercise Rehabilitation: Athlete gradually returns to pre-competition exercise and a gradual return to competition while wearing a figure-8 elastic hip spica bandage for protection.

Criteria for Returning to Competitive Basketball:

  1. As measured by an isokinetic dynamometer, the athlete's injured hip and groin should have equal strength to that of the uninjured hip.

  2. Hip and groin has full range of motion.

  3. The athlete is able to run figure-8s around obstacles set 5 feet apart at full speed.

Sit Straight, Walk Tall, Feel Better

"Sit straight, don't slouch, and walk tall," are good words of advice that we have all likely heard at some point in our life from a teacher, parent, or coach. While the advice may not have been appreciated in our youth, as we become adults we realize just how important good posture is to our overall health and well-being.

Unfortunately, poor postural habits are easy to form, while good posture requires a conscious effort. It is easy to slip into the daily grind of long commutes, long hours at the computer, and overloaded briefcases. The results are headaches, fatigue, tension, and back, neck and shoulder pain, to name a few. Worse, we usually don't realize that our symptoms could be related to chronic poor posture. Chiropractors warn that many unwanted symptoms are often related to poor posture, which can intensify with time if not corrected. The good news is that with a little bit of help you can reverse your poor postural habits and feel better.

Chiropractors recommend looking at your own posture (front and side views) in a mirror. Even better, look through past photos of yourself-photos taken while you weren't likely thinking about your posture. How do you look? Is your back slouched? Are your shoulders falling forward? These are potential signs of chronic poor posture.

How do you correct poor posture? First, you need to know what good posture looks like. Next, you should practice correct posture in front of a mirror and try to remember how that posture feels to your body. Finally, you will need to make a conscious effort to use that correct posture in your daily activities.


Correct posture is straight yet relaxed. Stand tall and lengthen your spine comfortably. Do not become rigid or try to flatten your back. Relax your shoulders downward and keep them from rolling forward. From a side view, hypothetically you should be able to draw a line from your ear, through your shoulder, hip, and knee, down to your ankle bone.


Correct posture while sitting at your office desk begins with selecting or adjusting a chair to your specific body size. You should be able to put your feet flat on the floor and rest your back naturally (the spine has natural curvatures) against the back of the chair. Your elbows should be level with the height of the desk without slumping forward or leaning backward. Sliding forward on the edge of the chair and slumping forward over the desk or keyboard are poor sitting habits. Further, cradling a phone between the ear and shoulder is also a poor posture practice, which can result in pain and tension and should be avoided.

Practice sitting at your desk with your feet flat on the floor, back naturally against the chair or lumbar support (make sure any lumbar support is adjusted to your height), with your shoulders back and down. Remember to take regular breaks from sitting to walk and stretch before returning to your desk.


Sleep is a natural way to rest and rejuvenate; yet, poor sleeping posture can also contribute to daily aches and pains. Try sleeping in a position that supports the natural curvatures of the spine. Sleeping on your back with a pillow beneath your knees or sleeping on your side with your knees slightly bent (use a thin pillow between your knees if necessary) are preferred positions. Try to avoid sleeping on your stomach. Use a pillow that keeps your head in natural alignment with your spine. Oversized pillows are tempting but can push your head and neck out of alignment. Also, be sure the pillow is under your head and neck only, not under your shoulders.

If you continue to experience pain, headaches, and tension after correcting your posture, or if you are not sure how to correct your postural habits, consult with a chiropractor. A chiropractor will evaluate your body alignment, symmetry, range of motion, and mobility. A chiropractor can create a chiropractic plan of action to reduce or eliminate your pain and improve your overall health and quality of life. The bottom line-practice good posture daily and you will feel better and get your spine checked regularly to prevent unnecessary wear and tear.

Spondylosis - Arthritis of the Spine

Arthritis is one of the most common ailments that affect people all over the world. Osteoarthritis which happens through the normal wear and tear of the body's joint tissues occurs as people grow older. This kind of degenerative disease is the one that affects people of the older population. One kind of Osteoarthritis is the arthritis of the spine also known as Spondylosis.

There are two kinds of arthritis of the spine depending on which part the pain is most felt. Lumbosacral arthritis affects the lower back causing it stiffness and pain. It is loss of cartilage in the sacroiliac joint that is found between the pelvis and the spine. It is also called Lumbar Spine or lower back osteoarthritis.

The cervical spine or neck osteoarthritis is also called the cervical spondylosis which is felt in the upper spine. Stiffness and pain in the shoulders, neck, arms and head usually accompany the condition. Other signs of arthritis of the spine are pain or difficulty in bending or walking especially in getting out of bed in the morning, a feeling of your bone grinding on bone and any type of deformity of the spine.

Proper diagnosis of the condition by a doctor requires a record of your medical history, when you have started to feel the pain and difficulty of movement in your spine and also the test to recognize the regions which you are having most difficulty to function. Blood tests and x-rays must also be taken in other instances to assure that other spinal diseases are ruled out. These are important for the proper treatment of the ailment.

An effective pain management plan can be done through some known techniques for its treatment. Sometimes, a combination of the different methods added with other contributing factors such as lifestyle, food and exercise are used to restore balance and mobility to the body. Most traditional treatments fail to offer long-lasting pain relief to arthritis of the spine because they just address the symptoms and not the cause.

An example of the traditional treatment includes medications which has a high risk for the drug dependency among those who take it. Certain side effects are also triggered by the long-term use of the drugs that aggravate the condition instead of improving recovery.

The most important thing in the treatment of arthritis of the spine is to be informed as much as possible of the many possible treatment and alternative ways in bringing back the lost vitality through proper diet, exercise, health supplements and a combination of methods that would help ease the pain.

Reducing Inflammation to Relieve Pain

Why is Reducing Inflammation So Important?
Your body wants to be healthy. It is always seeking equilibrium. When something is out of balance, the body compensates, sometimes painfully so, as any chiropractor can explain if you have strained a muscle, or simply sat in a position such as at a desk, or repeated movements such as typing or driving over a long period of time.

Every day we hear about sickness and pain. But how do we acquire health and participate in our own wellness? Simply put: reducing inflammation helps reduce pain in joints, muscles, skin, and organs. When an ankle sprain, for example, causes the ankle area to swell we are told to put ice on it for 15 minutes in order to reduce the swelling, and then to walk on it and get movement in the joint to help the body's blood flow remove the lactic acid that builds up in the affected area.

But some of the inflammation causing back pain, neck pain, and joint pain and arthritis, among other muscle and joint pain, can be prevented even when no apparent injury has occurred, by eating more nutritional foods and by reducing or eliminating certain foods from the diet. For example, drinks such as sodas with added refined sugars, especially high-fructose corn syrup, should be avoided at all times, because the spike in insulin production they cause can increase inflammation.

Reducing inflammation in the body
Eating is the safest, most effective, and least expensive medicine for preserving and restoring overall health. Studies have shown that increasing our intake of certain foods & nutrients, while decreasing others, can lead to significant reduction in inflammation in our system, which can lead to a healthier, happier, pain-free you!

Inflammation reducing foods
Did you know that for centuries in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine, turmeric, which contains a chemical called curcumin, has been used as a natural anti-inflammatory recipe ingredient? Doctors tell patients to use it today! And this seasoning can be found in your grocer's spice aisle.

Reducing inflammation naturally
Omega-3 fatty-acids are a powerful, natural anti-inflammatory. The richest source of these essential fats is cold water oily fish, such as salmon, trout, and tuna. Fish oil, for example, contains EPA and DHA, which your body uses to maintain healthy heart function, maintain levels of triglycerides, as well as reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritis and overused joints. That's good news for people who may have restricted activity or movement.

A study conducted by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and their university colleagues suggests that cherries may reduce painful arthritic inflammation, as well as reducing the risk of other inflammatory conditions such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. But there is more.

How to relieve pain and reduce inflammation by diet
Inflammation is attributed to various ailments and many diverse conditions such as cancer, heart disease, chronic back pain, osteoporosis, migraines, dementia, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease. Dieticians and health experts say that increasing your intake of natural anti-inflammatory foods can significantly help reduce or even eliminate inflammation and pain.

Although there are many excellent foods people should try, and learn to enjoy, the Western/American diet is sadly lacking in quality choices. Too many people are habitually choosing the convenience of eating quickly and consuming heavily processed foods and refined products with all sorts of chemical additives to enhance or sweeten the flavor.

These foreign substances are inorganic and deposit into the body and over time become difficult for the body to eliminate. So often in Western civilization the results are patients with aches and pains in joints, muscles, and organs from the inflammations and swellings caused by their bodies reacting to and trying to adjust for this imbalance that has been building over years of abuse.

Another fact to consider are the amounts of pesticides, depleted soil from over-harvesting and too little crop rotation to maintain nutrients in the soil, artificial fertilizers, and bio-engineered foods known as Frankenfoods, where the foods are genetically engineered to reduce spoilage, repel insects, and other things meant to improve the value of harvests.

The need for vitamin and mineral supplementation to ensure enough nutrients are consumed is apparent. Studies conducted by the Mayo Clinic have linked Vitamin D deficiency with chronic pain, lending to voices calling for increased fortification or supplementation of this important nutrient among others, in diets.

Arthritis, Joint Injury, and Horse Supplements

If you have a horse suffering from arthritis or joint injury, there is no doubt you have tried just about everything to correct this serious situation. Your horse's overall health is important. Sometimes, though, surgery, exercise, and changes in diet are not enough to truly make a difference. For these problems, you may want to include horse supplements in the every day regimen of your horses.

How Horse Supplements Work

There are many different types of horse supplements on the market today. Those made specifically for joint care, however, are unique. They may serve a few different purposes:

  • They may slow the amount of cartilage that is lost

  • Help a horse's body develop new cartilage where the old has been lost

  • Reduce the amount of damage caused by joint fluid by slowing the destruction down

Supplements have been found to be very effective for treating certain kinds of joint disease, like arthritis. They have also been shown to be very helpful when it comes to treating pain and inflammation associated with joint injuries and joint surgery.

What is Horse Arthritis and How is it Diagnosed?

Horse arthritis is a degenerative joint disease in which the cartilage around the joints changes and breaks down. This leaves the joints unprotected as the horse moves, cause many different symptoms, such as:

  • Pain

  • Inflammation

  • Swollen joints

  • Loss of range of motion

  • Trouble with movement around the joint

  • Stiffness

  • Attitude changes

Most of the time, horse arthritis is diagnosed through x-rays, ultrasounds, medical history, and observation of how well a horse is walking. Veterinarians may determine whether the horse's gait is wrong or not. They may also take an analysis of the joint fluid to see whether it is playing a role in the deterioration of the cartilage around the joint.

Remedies for Horse Arthritis and Other Joint Problems

There are several ways to treat horse arthritis and other joint problems.

  • Oral and topical anti-inflammatory medications. These types of medicines will help to reduce the inflammation around the horse's joints. They can also reduce some of the pain your horse experiences.

  • Medicines may also be injected directly into the joint to help with pain and swelling.

  • Ice packs can be used to lessen the amount of inflammation a horse has around the joints.

  • In the most severe cases, where the joint is torn and decomposed beyond repair, surgery may be needed. During the surgery, the joints will be fused together.

  • Horse supplements are a natural remedy for joint problems. They can work well for arthritis, joint damage due to exercise or strain, joint deterioration, or joints that are injured before, during, or after a surgery.

If your horse is suffering from arthritis or any other type of joint problem, consider using horse supplements to help with the many symptoms associated with these joint diseases. Your horse may experience a longer, happier, and healthier life because of the use of these supplements.