Saturday, December 7, 2013

TMJ Tinnitus and Treatments

Temporomandibular joint disorder has a lot of medical manifestations which include ear pain, neck pain and tinnitus. Actually, about half of those persons suffering from temporomandibular joint dysfunction have tinnitus as their symptom. This disorder is very hard to diagnose since hearing loss is not the root cause of the problem but more of the jaw being out of alignment. But once identified, relief from the condition can be attained in a number weeks of finding the TMJ tinnitus.

TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorder is a condition that deals with the misalignment of the jaw and could also be one cause for hearing loss. Basically, the joint is located in front of the ears which allow us to chew, speak and smile. TMJ tinnitus patient commonly feel that they did not sleep well or did not sleep at all. Temporomandibular joint disorder symptoms include migraine headaches, sinus headaches, tingling fingers, jaw joint popping when eating or yawning, stiff neck and shoulders, lower back pain, frequent dizzy spells and light-headedness.

On the other hand, tinnitus or ringing ears is usually suffered by TMJ victims as a side effect. There are also researches that tell that patients with craniocervical mandibular disorders suffered with ringing ears as the main or secondary complaint. If for instance tinnitus is present without the obvious reasons, a questionnaire will be given to the patient by an audiologist in order to assess if the condition is associated with the jaw joint dysfunction. Compressions of the tissues at the back of the jaw joint are often the root cause of the hearing loss as well as tinnitus.

TMJ tinnitus treatments cure tinnitus noises that you are hearing, treat the depression, relieve the pain and help you to sleep as well. A diagnostic test should be performed before the treatment. The cause of the TMJ can vary from one person to another so a careful diagnosis and treatment is essential.

Moreover, it is also recommended that you take chiropractic manipulation of the temporalis masseter muscles in the jaw for two to three weeks while doing the treatment. The treatment may offer two different remedies and in between them, relieves the pain, treat the ringing ears, helps you to get enough sleep and above all aids in relaxing those tensed muscles. One of the treatments being used is the cranial osteopathy which uses a hands-on, gentle structural adjustment, tied with other procedures in order to deal with TMJ, headaches, and facial pain, vertigo, and tinnitus and ear infections.

On the other hand, there are also some cases where oral surgery has been performed to correct any abnormality that might have been previously overlooked. However, medical practitioners advise that this should be your last resort of solving your condition.

Finding Relief From Arthritis Pain in an Adjustable Bed

Arthritis is a joint disorder that leads to inflammation in one or more joints. Due to the increasing number of people affected by this condition, health experts and various institutions today are finding effective ways to prevent and cure arthritis. One of the popular solutions recommended by experts to relieve and prevent arthritis is to sleep with the legs and feet positioned in a manner that promotes exceptional blood flow, and the best way to achieve this end is through the use of an adjustable bed. Arthritis is one of the main medical conditions that can be prevented and eased by using adjustable beds during sleep.

Arthritis is becoming a serious problem especially in the United States. According to studies, arthritis is the number one cause of disability in the US. The country also spends more than $50 billion every year for hospitalization, medications, doctors, physical therapies, home care, wage loss, family discord and death due to arthritis. Because of this condition, people's functionality and overall quality of life is degraded. For example, individuals with arthritis may not be able to engage in the physical activities to which they are accustomed. Arthritis may even be debilitating, depending on the severity of the pain.

Common Types of Arthritis and Available Treatments
There are numerous types of arthritis and each is classified according to their causes. Two of the most common arthritis affecting millions of people all over the world is osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is joint inflammation caused by wear, tear, and aging. On the other hand, Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by disorder in the immune system. Various treatments for arthritis include medications, physical therapies, and even surgical procedures. These treatments may help to alleviate arthritis but it cannot prevent relapse. In addition, many of these treatment options are unavailable to the masses because they may be very expensive.

How Sleeping Well Can Reduce Arthritis Pain
One effective solution to ease and prevent arthritis is to sleep in a position that inflicts minimal tension on the joints and tendons. Most adjustable beds can be adjusted in order to raise the legs and feet during sleeping. Health experts usually recommend that patients elevate their lower body preferably with their legs raised about 40 degrees higher from the bed or the 90/90 sleeping position. This position promotes proper blood and fluid circulation in the muscles, joints, and tissues preventing joint diseases like arthritis. With a good and proper sleeping position, adjustable beds are also effective in relieving joint pains caused by arthritis. Proper sleep also helps the body to repair and recover faster from certain wear and tear affecting the muscles and joints. With a properly rested body, adequate sleep and relieved arthritis, people can now work properly and do the things they need to do efficiently.

Arthritis is a very common condition especially for aging adults. However, this condition can also affect young people due to various causes like autoimmune disorders and infections. Using adjustable beds when sleeping can help the body relieve arthritis and preventing it from coming back by promoting proper blood and fluid circulation in the joints and muscles. Proper sleep also means better body rehabilitation especially wear and tear problems affecting the joints. Compared to other expensive solutions, using adjustable beds is a natural and noninvasive solution that can provide effective and long-term effect with less cost.

TMJ Cure - What Is The Best Solution?

Having a TMJ condition is not something to laugh about. It can be both a painful experience and an inconvenient one. It is therefore of the greatest importance to zero in on the best TMJ cure.

Controversy with Cure

There has been a lot of patient frustration over TMJ cure solutions. Some patients may experience a worsening of symptoms or a simple lack of relief. There may be several reasons why a TMJ cure may not work for some individuals. It is possible that the cure is poorly or improperly applied or the wrong TMJ cure is resorted to. In some cases, a TMJ condition may be misdiagnosed. In such a situation, wrong medication and treatment may even result in complications.

Ask Experts

Sometimes a TMJ condition may be misdiagnosed because the doctor you consulted is not an expert in TMJ. There are also some experts in TMJ conditions that only provide cures that are limited to their specific area of expertise. This may not work for some people if the particular cause of the TMJ condition does not fit the TMJ cure.

One way to ensure that you are getting the right TMJ cure is to get a good doctor. It would probably be to your benefit if you got a highly recommended doctor with a good track record. It would also help if you got second and third medical opinions before deciding to stick with just one particular TMJ cure.

Non-Invasive Solutions First

Your personal rule of thumb in your search for a TMJ cure is to go for non-invasive procedures first. It is quite possible that your condition may require extreme medical solutions like surgery and heavy medication. You should however make sure that your condition is really so severe that no other solution but an invasive one will work. One way of determining the severity of your condition is to simply try non-invasive solutions. When no safe natural solution works, then that is the time when you should consider further medical assistance. It is important to do this because some invasive and drastic procedures may be irreversible and may cause further damage if ineffective.

Possible Non-Invasive Solutions

There are several non-invasive solutions that you could try. As mentioned though, not all of these solutions can be a TMJ cure that will work for you. They are however worth considering if you want to protect yourself from the possible effects of invasive procedures.

Exercise - Gentle massage and jaw exercises might relieve your TMJ condition. There are actually some specific exercises to follow but the basic one simply involves gently and comfortably opening and closing your mouth and moving your jaws from side to side.

Food - A soft diet or avoiding foods that are too hard may also be a TMJ cure. Avoid overusing your jaws by frequently chewing gum.

Manage Stress - It is possible that your TMJ condition may be stress induced. If this is the case, you can try stress reduction classes or simply teach yourself to relax during stressful situations.

Joint Pain Remedies for Natural Relief From Pain and Inflammation

If you are suffering from joint pain, then you are one among the million sufferers. It is a common disorder that affects many in varying degrees. Aging that causes degeneration of bones and cartilages is the most prevailing factor, which ultimately leads to osteoarthritis. In this case the protective cushioning of the cartilage wears away due to constant friction causing immense pain. Not only age, but unhealthy and sedentary life style may induce osteoarthritis at an early age. Apart from this, various strenuous activities or over exertion of the joints can result in joint pains e.g. sportsmen experience serious joint pain conditions.

Women pose a higher risk of joint pain than men after menopause due to low estrogen levels. Main joints like those of hips, shoulders and knees face the brunt of this wear and tear, as maximum mobility of the body is dependent on these joints. Other joints of ankles, heels, fingers and wrists are also affected by arthritis.


1. Swelling and inflammation of the joints followed by pain.
2. Redness and tenderness in the joints.
3. Free movement is impaired to a great extent.


1. Degeneration of bones and cartilages leading to Arthritis.
2. Autoimmune disease like Rheumatoid arthritis.
3. Gout
4. Low estrogen levels in women after menopause.
5. Obesity
6. Sprain or physical injury.


It can be very bothering and restrict the free movement but the good news is that you don't have to suffer the pain alone as there are a number of remedies, which if followed regularly with consistency can reduce the pain significantly.

1. Firstly, you should control your body weight and reduce the craving for sweet food, sugar and other refined foods. Being overweight puts greater load on the joints leading to fast wearing of the cartilage.

2. Regular massage with Rumatone Gold oil helps in this condition.

3. You should avoid some foods like red meat, beef, pork, certain dairy products, some citrus fruits and vegetable oils which may aggravate inflammatory condition.

4. Various stretching exercises, yoga postures benefits in treating joint pains, as exercises help in strengthening of the bones, joints and the muscles around. Always seek an expert advice before going for these exercises.

5. Alternative cold and hot treatments are helpful in reducing the problem, as the cold pack relaxes the stretched nerves and the heat treatment improves the blood circulation along the joints.

6. Taking Epsom salt baths in hot water for 30-40 minutes regularly is a useful remedy of joint pain.

7. Massaging of camphor oil, eucalyptus oil, oil of wintergreen and menthol give good results in treating joint pains.

8. Extracts of Birch, Boswelia Serrata, Arnica and Devil's Claw are good remedies.

Ask the Doctor - Can Chiropractic Help Headaches?

Headaches are painful, elusive, and one of the most common physical symptoms that people face throughout their lifetime. Pain can occur with a variety of intensity, frequency, location, and duration, and often is debilitating. Just as there are many types and causes of headaches, there are also many treatments that can relieve them without the use of medications.

According to the National Headache Foundation, more than 45 million Americans suffer from chronic, recurring headaches. Of those 45 million people, an estimated 28 million suffer from migraine headaches, an extremely painful condition that may include unpleasant additional symptoms, such as vomiting and visual disruption. It is interesting to note that about 20% of children complain of headaches.

Over the years, the trend toward suffering from headaches has escalated significantly, largely due to such lifestyle issues as greater stress, increased use of visual screens (mobile phones, texting, computers, etc), more caffeine, specific food chemicals, and poor eating habits. These can be added to basic physical triggers, such as hormonal changes, lack of a proper curve in the neck, whiplash injuries, slips and falls, heavy weights on the shoulders and neck (such as backpacks and laptop cases), and other factors. According to chiropractor specialist Dr. George B. McClelland of Christiansburg, Virginia, "Today, Americans engage in more sedentary activities than they used to, and more hours are spent in one fixed position or posture. This can increase joint irritation and muscle tension in the neck, upper back, and scalp, causing your head to ache."

Types of Headaches

Headaches originate in diverse ways, including but not limited to:

• Tension: the most common type of headache, a muscle-contractive pain.
• Cervicogenic: pain from subluxation (misalignment) of the neck and upper back.
• Dietary: stemming from food chemicals, such as MSG, and commercial food processing techniques.
• Exertional: head pain that develops after exercising.
• Hormonal: most common in females with active reproductive cycles, using hormone-based birth control, or undergoing life-stage hormonal changes.
• Hypertension-based: a vascular (blood vessel related) issue that is usually worse during the night.
• Medication-induced: the side effect of many prescribed, store-bought medications.
• Sinus: deep constant pain at the front of the head and in the cheeks, with possible fever, a feeling of fullness in the ears, and actual swelling.
• Temporomandibular jaw (TMJ)-induced: a result of joint inflammation and clenching the teeth, which typically accompanies the disorder.
• Cluster: the least common type of headache, consisting of a severe, intense group of attacks behind one eye.

More than 150 headache categories have been identified. The majority involve symptoms that encompass pulsating, throbbing, or squeezing pain and can last just a few minutes to hours and even several days. Additional signals associated with headaches frequently include light sensitivity; auras, sometimes provoked by certain odors or noise; and more intense symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and stomach cramps, visual disturbances, floaters, fever, dizziness, and loss of skin tone. Numerous options exist for headache treatment, and the approach to care typically varies with the type of headache that is occurring.

Headache Treatment and Care

Treatment and care for headaches includes prescription and over-the-counter medications, chiropractic care, acupuncture, trigger point therapy and massage, night guards to prevent teeth grinding, dietary modifications, and changes in lifestyle. Various medications have been shown to alleviate headaches, and, often, a simple conversation with your family physician and alteration of your medication regimen can reduce and even end the pain.

As early as 1995, an article in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) reported that chiropractic adjustments were determined to be effective in relieving headaches when following the chiropractor's treatment plan and produced more benefit than most prescribed medications. Then, in 2001, a study performed at Duke University showed that spinal adjustments helped curb the majority of headaches that arose from muscle spasms and headaches stemming from the neck. The effect of adjustments was also reported to last much longer than the duration of most prescribed medications.

A recent study reported in the JMPT showed that people who took appropriate pain medications did get relief; however, those who were under chiropractic care experienced greater relief and had far fewer side effects than participants taking medication. Chiropractic care has proved to be particularly effective at easing the pain and correcting the origination of many kinds of headaches.

Proactive Measures

A variety of proactive measures can help lower the likelihood of developing a headache. • If you typically stay in a fixed position for long periods doing computer work or another kind of laborious activity, try stretching every 45 minutes.
• Avoid staring at computer screens for long periods of time. Tilt your head from side to side and stretch. Raise your computer monitor to a position slightly above eye level.
• Have your eyes checked by a doctor to make sure that your vision has not changed.
• Try to avoid teeth clenching where possible and have periodic dental checkups.
• Avoid placing too many pillows underneath your neck when lying down and reading or watching television.
• Stay hydrated, as many headaches occur because of a lack of water intake throughout the day.
• Limit intake of red wines and red meats, as both are known headache triggers.
• Consult your physician about the many medications that cause headaches as side effects, and determine whether you are taking any of them.
• If you are a woman who experiences difficult menstrual cycles, consult your obstetrician/gynecologist and discuss altering any related medications you are taking.
• Avoid foods with caffeine, MSG, and other excitotoxins that contain MSG, such as hydrolyzed protein and autolyzed yeast, bouillon, sodium caseinate, natural flavors, and spices.

Studies show that one of eight people in the US sees a chiropractor. Consult your family chiropractor regarding a headache treatment plan that is right for you. Many headaches are caused by a lack of neck curve that results in muscle spasms and spinal cord tension as well as misalignments. Massage therapy can "do wonders" for tension in the head and neck, and acupuncture has become increasingly popular as a care option. More people than ever are gravitating toward natural methods of managing their headaches, and evidence points to the fact that, to a large extent, they are achieving the relief they seek.

Reduce Joint Pain Stiffness With Herbal Remedies

Joint pain and stiffness look closely associated with each other in the case of joint discomfort but sometimes one is a symptom of another and sometimes both of these conditions occur almost simultaneously. Joint pain occurring either due to relatively moderate reasons like muscles sprains or due to serious medical conditions like arthritis is accompanied by stiffness immediately or later.

Join pain signifies malfunctioning of the joint due to muscle sprains, injury to ligaments, infections, inflammation and cartilage damage. These conditions promote stiffness while moving the joint as the smooth and friction free movements of bones, muscles, tendons and ligament get obstructed. In the case of osteoarthritis stiffness has been noted to appear prior to the pain, particularly in the morning when person is getting out of bed or after a period of inactivity, which goes away after sometime and with the movement. Later mild to severe pain is experienced while moving the joint. In case of rheumatic arthritis, pain is experienced prior to stiffness and stiffness signifies the progression of the disease.

Stiffness either due to arthritic conditions or due to infections and injury suggest the damage caused to the normal functioning of the joint. Ligaments hold two bones of joint at a proper place and if any trauma has caused some swelling to ligaments the position of bones may get disturbed to cause pain and stiffness. Muscles move the joints and if not contracting or expanding properly may cause pain while moving the joint. Person suffering from osteoarthritis have brittle cartilages, this condition disallow the smooth movement of bones and severe pain is caused when the joint is moved along with stiffness. Rheumatic conditions can infect the tissues of the joint, synovial fluid present between the bones and other parts of joint to cause stiffness and joint pain. With the progression of rheumatic conditions the stiffness also progresses and can lead to complete immovability of the joint.

Massages, herbs, dietary supplements and exercises can treat and cure stiffness of the joints. Though if stiffness is due to any underlying medical condition use of all of these methods or anyone shall be in accordance with the main treatment of the medical condition but in case of benign conditions any of these methods can surely alleviate the problem. Massages can improve blood flow to the affected area which oxygenates the tissues and muscles improving them in strength and endurance. Exercises keep all the related parts and the joint itself in proper shape. While herbs and dietary supplements can help the body in withering infections and controlling the damages caused to the joints, causing stiffness and pain.

Besides all of these condition old age, obesity and lethargic life style also contribute in causing and promoting joint pain and stiffness. Extra pressure exerted on the bones due to excess fat is transferred to joints which increases wear and tear of cartilage promoting pain and stiffness. Degradation of joints due to age is a natural process and cause stiffness which can be delayed or slowed down with proper and light joint exercises.

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Two Types of Teeth Grinding Mouth Guards

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a poorly-understood condition that affects millions of people every night. Since it often isn't immediately painful or life-threatening, many sufferers will simply ignore the condition, or not even realize that they have it. However, even though bruxism is often a silent issue, it can have very severe long-term ramifications, including damaged teeth, temperomandibular joint disorder, and injuries to gums. For this reason, getting adequate treatment for it is critical. There is not yet a cure for bruxism, but many patients find relief using one of two types of teeth grinding guards.

Some people experience bruxism as a result of stress, anxiety, dental conditions, or certain types of medication. For these patients, psychotherapy, dental work, or a simple change in medication might cause the resulting grinding to go away. For others, doctors and dentists will often recommend the use of grinding mouth guards. These generally come in two different forms- ready-to-use guards available without a prescription or any preparatory work, and custom-fitted guards that require a dental visit for proper fitting.

Over the counter teeth grinding mouth guards are usually made of a flexible plastic, or even a thermoplastic material. These are not custom fitted to the user's teeth, though those made of thermoplastic materials (also called "boil-and-bite" guards) can be heated and molded more easily than other types. These prevent dental surfaces from touching, and hold teeth in a stationary position, relieving the chipped teeth, sore neck and facial muscles, and painful jaws that night time teeth grinding can result in. Since these grinding mouth guards are readily available from a pharmacy, they tend to be rather inexpensive.

Prescription teeth grinding mouth guards require a dentist to make a plaster cast of a patient's teeth, and then using this to have a dental laboratory create a guard designed specifically around the unique shape of the patient's mouth. These teeth grinding guards do not require any additional boiling, molding, or special fitting, and are often the best option for people with braces, extensive dental work, or hard-to-fit mouths. Because they are more labor intensive than over the counter mouth guards, as well as requiring more specialized training and preparation, prescription teeth grinding mouth guards tend to be more expensive than the non-prescription variant, including the cost of the dental visit.

Sufferers of bruxism should realize that while the condition itself is often not painful or life-threatening, the results of it can be dangerous, resulting in TMJ, infected gums, and extensive tooth damage. By using teeth grinding mouth guards, however, they can get relief from the side-effects of bruxism, and avoid all of the costly and painful dental treatments they could end up requiring later on.

Flex Protex - A New Remedy For Joint Pain

Health professionals confirmed what our grandmothers knew all along; that oat bran is good for health as it reduces serum cholesterol. After studying oat bran, scientists turned their attention to rice bran, which is a byproduct when rice is milled. Studies had earlier established that rice bran, the outer layer accounts for 10% of rice kernel but possesses 65% of nutritive value indeed.

Since rice bran quickly becomes rancid, it was not used in our diets. However, recent developments in food technology made it possible to stabilize bran and extract its oil. Rice bran supplements have been found to reduce the bad cholesterols by around 7% through interaction with lipoproteins as well.

Flex protex, developed by patty mcpeak, is a food supplement based on rice bran oil. Greater than 120 naturally occurring antioxidants have been discovered in flex protex so it's no wonder that this supplement, rich in polynutrients, does not have any side effects.

Supplements of rice bran such as flex protex indirectly work to limit the damages from arthritis and pain in the joints. Many types of arthritis cause severe debilitation and disability in not only older people but increasingly in younger people too. Osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease, is the most prevalent. It too causes joint pain that becomes progressively severe as the person gets older.

If your joints are giving you pain, or you feel like you might have arthritis, visit your physician. For some types of arthritis, cures exist, including surgery, therapy, drugs, joint replacement, creams, and over the counter supplements like flex protex. These may restore fluid around the joints, improving their functioning and decreasing pain.

Healthy people who are not suffering from arthritis or any other debilitation or disease can benefit from including rice bran in their food as well. Rice bran is a natural source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are essential for keeping good health. You can also start using rice bran oil for frying and roasting and occasionally even for salad dressing and barbecues.

We Americans are very careless about our eating habits. In today's life we eat all kind of junk food, red meat and other calorie rich food. They are very bad for our body and health. It is high time that we should realize this and switch over to some nutritious food.

Neck Pain Relief

Is most chronic neck pain an autonomically caused condition related to mental stress?

First off, what does the phrase 'autonomically caused' mean? If you have ever been in a situation where you felt nervous, like speaking to a large audience or taking a difficult test in school, you know what an autonomic caused condition feels like. The palms of your hands might have gotten sweaty, your heart might have beaten faster, or you might have even felt like you suddenly needed to go to the bathroom. These are all autonomic reactions caused by being nervous. Stressful thoughts activate something called the autonomic nervous system and cause physical symptoms like sweaty palms. A thought causes an emotion which causes a physical reaction in your body. This is how stressful thoughts can lead to neck pain. Research published in June 1985 in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, showed that mental stress can increase muscles spasms.

This is not a new idea in healthcare, Traditional Chinese Medicine has known about the emotional aspect of health for a few thousand years. More recently, western medicine has established fields around thought causing illness with specialties like, psychoneuroimmunology, psychoneuroendocrinilogy, mindbody therapy for cancer patients, and so on. Of course, mental stress causing neck pain is so common we even use the phrase, "What a pain in the neck" when we're referring to something that's mentally stressful.

Recent research findings published in October, 2011, in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Journal, showed that women with neck and shoulder pain that had more mental stress, had higher sensitivity to pain in their sensory nerves than women who did not have as much mental stress. This is a big indicator that mental stress contributes to neck pain. Also, a study done at the Center for Musculoskeletal Research in Sweden actually showed that the autonomic nerves are involved in stress related neck pain. They found that relaxation techniques changed the reaction of the autonomic nervous system and gave the patients relief from their neck pain.

But wait a minute though, couldn't there be other problems besides mental stress causing neck pain? This is obviously the case in some instances, but many times blaming structural problems for neck pain is a mis-diagnosis. By structural problem I mean any type of degeneration or biomechanical dysfunction at the spinal structure level of your neck. Not fractures or tumors, but things like disc bulges, arthritis etc. Structural problems causing pain is actually what I was taught in school studying to be a doctor of chiropractic. However, my experience and the research told me something different. What I saw in my practice was that patient's structural problems with their necks did not always conform to the level of pain they had. Some of my patients complained of severe neck pain and their x-rays and/or MRI's showed very little structural problems and some of my other patients had no neck complaints and they had pretty severe structural problems with their necks. Then I learned about some research that showed that structural problems in the spine do not necessarily correlate with pain problems. One of the more famous studies regarding this was in the New England Journal of Medicine in July 1994. It reported finding spinal disc bulges and protrusions, in other words structural problems, on MRI images in sixty-four of ninety-eight men and women who had NEVER had back pain. Also, doctors at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, reported that they saw no correlation between back pain and people with arthritis of their spine. And, on top of that, the University of Copenhagen compared x-rays of patients with low back pain with those who had no low back pain and found no difference in the levels of degeneration or structural problems. This research may be focused on the back, but it's still your spine and, trust me, your neck is a part of your spine.

The idea that neck pain is an autonomic problem related to mental stress is well established. What's not so well known is the precise mechanism. What happens with chronic neck pain is that mental stress activates the autonomic nervous system and causes your neck to hurt by reducing oxygen to your neck. The May, 1988, issue of the medical journal Pain showed that autonomic nerve activity was involved in low oxygen levels and chronic pain in the muscles. And, in 1986 an article in the Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology showed decreased oxygen levels in areas of chronic muscle pain.

One of the more interesting aspects of neck pain caused by mental stress is the research that shows that the inhibition of expressing stressful thoughts might actually be what is causing the pain. Research published in the Journal of Behavioral Therapy in 1994 showed that people who inhibited the expression of angry feelings had a higher rate of reporting intense pain and exhibiting pain behavior.

Is the solution to autonomic caused neck pain to become a mean person who always expresses their anger? Or, maybe relief could be found in becoming an enlightened master who has no mental stress? Neither one of these "remedies" seems very feasible. Fortunately, there is a third choice that has been shown to work in clinical situations. I call it information therapy.

One of the clinical studies published in the sept/oct 2007 issue of the peer reviewed journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, showed that information therapy works. This is great news because the fact that you can relieve autonomic caused neck pain with mental techniques eliminates the need for expensive therapy, drugs, injections, ice packs, stretches, exercises or any external intervention for that matter. Most people can get rid of their chronic neck pain by using information to reprogram the central control system (subconscious mind) that sends signals through the autonomic nervous system and causes their neck pain. You can still have mental stress without the neck pain as long as you stop the autonomic nerves from causing a physical reaction in your neck.

A big question you might have right now is: If this knowledge is so great why isn't it widely known or used by other doctors? The simple answer to that is obvious, there is little to no money to be made by giving people information and techniques they can do themselves. Let's face it, the health-care industry makes money on sick people visiting doctors, taking medicine and buying expensive treatments. It doesn't make money on people who can treat themselves without any medical intervention.

The good news is, if you or someone you know is suffering from chronic neck pain, relief might just be found in information therapy.

Glucosamine And Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus or simply diabetes as it is commonly known is a chronic disease characterized by high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. The pancreas, an organ behind the stomach, secretes insulin. Insulin regulates the amount of sugar in the blood that helps our body to store the sugar present in the food we eat. When the pancreas produce very little or no insulin or when the human body does not respond appropriately to the insulin produced, the level of sugar in the blood increases giving rise to a condition called diabetes mellitus.

Concerns were raised that administration of glucosamine to relieve people suffering from arthritis may cause a rise in the blood sugar levels. The reason being, glucosamine is ten times as powerful as regular glucose in causing insulin resistance. It can increase fasting blood sugar levels and exacerbate glucose tolerance. These effects are caused because glucosamine activates a metabolic pathway in our body called hexosamine pathway that leads to the relapse of insulin producing cells in the pancreas.

Researchers have found that this pathway causes proteins to be coated in sugar, preventing them from delivering insulin's signal to regulate glucose in the blood. Though glucosamine that is primarily a carbohydrate it cannot be broken down into glucose and provide an additional source of glucose, it can affect the secretion of insulin in people already suffering from diabetes. People with diabetes who need to take glucosamine to address their arthritis problem need to be more cautious. They must consult their physician before administering glucosamine and regularly monitor their blood sugar levels.

Many researches have been conducted around the world on glucosamine, but these effects have not been prominent. It has been found that only certain people may react to the effects. Further study is required to completely determine the effects of glucosamine on people suffering from diabetes mellitus.

Options for Joint Pain Relief

Joint pain is a common symptom that many people experience and it is related to numerous conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, bursitis and injuries. The discomfort associated with these conditions can range from mild to debilitating and may be acute or chronic. Treatments for this type of pain are centered on preserving joint function as well as minimizing inflammation and soreness. Find out more about treatments that can provide joint pain relief.


Prescription and over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are effective for relieving discomfort that is moderate-to-severe and these types of medications also reduce the effects of inflammation. While acetaminophen and other analgesics alleviate mild discomfort, they do not treat swelling and inflammation.

Opioids are a method of treatment that is used to treat pain that is severe and significantly impairs daily living. Muscle relaxants can be used in addition to NSAIDs, while other medications such as antiepileptic drugs and antidepressants can provide symptom relief.

Topical creams and ointments can also be applied for temporary relief. These products are typically obtained over-the-counter and treat joint soreness by producing a numbing sensation. Other topical agents contain substances that are absorbed into the skin and work by blocking pain signals.


Steroid medications that are injected directly into the affected area are an additional treatment option. These injections are delivered every three to four months and can provide relief from pain. Hyaluronic injections have also proven to be effective at increasing flexibility and alleviating discomfort. This substance is a derivative of the fluid that is naturally found in joints. It is also possible to have fluid drained from the affected area, although this option only provides temporary relief.


A specialized brace or wrap can increase mobility and flexibility while improving an individual's ability to perform everyday activities. These treatments are designed to take pressure off of the affected area and transfer the load to joints that are healthy.

Physical Therapy

Working with a physical therapist regularly can provide joint pain relief as range of motion gradually improves and muscles become strengthened. This can involve a daily regimen of cardiovascular exercises that are low impact such as swimming and walking. Gentle stretching is also beneficial for alleviating stiffness as flexibility increases.

Home Treatments

Applying ice to the affected area numerous times each day can relieve inflammation and reduce pain. Some individuals may also find relief by applying a heating pad to the area. Daily supplements of chondroitin and glucosamine can enhance joint function and may relieve discomfort. These substances are found naturally in healthy cartilage and work by providing cushioning support for the body.

The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not, nor is it ever intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice or professional recommendations, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician(s) or other qualified healthcare provider(s).

8 Benefits of Using a Powerball

As per the experts, a Power Ball is a gyroscopic exercising tool which is equipment used for exercising the wrist area as a section of physical therapy. It is used in order to construct finger and hand strength. On the side, it can also be taken as a clever manifestation of some of the concepts of the rotational dynamics.

The Powerball gyroscope is definitely the latest and a multi useful device which is constantly taking the world under its emphasis, all in the hands of both old people and the young. It is of the size of a baseball.


  1. The Powerball is used to build up the muscles of the shoulder, wrists and arms, and also useful in giving them a toned look.

  2. One can use it any time and anywhere as it is really compact.

  3. It is simple to use, but yet dynamic in nature, as it provide efficacious resistance training to the body.

  4. It can prove to be really helpful for an athlete to build strong and powerful grip, shoulders and arms. Use of Powerball for a longer plus continuous period of time will result in strengthened sports using body parts.

  5. It also gives a great boost to the endurance level and distance. There are a lot of benefits of using a Powerball by the sports person because it is helpful for the players of some sports like Squash, Hockey, Tennis, Baseball, and Golf. On the other side, it is also a form of aid for the motocross players, mountain bikers, rowing, and climbing activities because all these sports demand strong and active grip, shoulders, forearms, wrists, hands and fingers for a good balance.

  6. The Chiropractic and medical professionals are increasingly advising the use of Powerball to help repair damaged ligaments and muscles.

  7. Another side is, it is capable of stimulating a good flow of blood and also restores the complete movement of the joints.

  8. The Powerball has the ability to relieve all the symptoms of Repetitive strain injury and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).

Thursday, December 5, 2013

First Step in Treating A Hip Flexor Strain

This article will guide you through the process of treating a hip flexor injury. When you sustain a hip flexor pull, the body's natural defenses kick in and you will usually see some sort of swelling. To transition from this phase to the next phase in recovery, you should follow the P.R.I.C.E. procedure as soon as possible following the injury.

Injury Treatment Procedure (P.R.I.C.E.)

Protection - Stop all physical activity and try to immobilize the injured leg, this will prevent any further damage. Note that this step is primarily for grade 3 and bad grade 2 strains, there is no significant difference if you follow this step for grade 1 strains, however if you have the necessary equipment, you should use it to be on the safe side.

Rest - Rest may be the most frustrating step of the hip flexor treatment process, but also the most important one. An injury cannot heal unless it has time to rebuild, if you continue to train on an injured muscle you will develop a buildup of scar tissue which will most likely lead to chronic injuries. In this context, rest is about reducing the movement of the injured leg as much as possible and try to take as much stress of the injured hip flexor as you can.

Ice - Immediately after the injury, alternate icing and not icing the injured hip flexor every 20 minutes in order to reduce inflammation and pain. Continue this for 2-3 hours, after this continue icing at a less frequent rate, judge how often by how much swelling is still present; the more swelling, the more frequent you should ice. As a precaution, never apply an extremely cold object directly to your skin, wrap it in some sort of towel to prevent skin damage.

Compression - Compression goes hand in hand with icing, which has a purpose of reducing swelling from inflammation. The compression will temporarily restrict blood flow which prevents swelling from occurring. This area is hard to wrap, and takes a lot of material, so for the most part tape is not the best option. You should try to find a compress bandage that you can wrap around your torso several times and re-use for a long time.

Elevation - Try to elevate the injury as much as possible. The hip flexor is hard to elevate above everything else, but try to stay away from a sitting position where your hips are the lowest point on your body.

This protocol should be followed until all swelling is eliminated and the majority of Hip Flexor pain subsides, typically 48-72 hours with most grade 1/grade 2 pulls.

Joint Pain and MS - Is There Are Relationship?

There is no direct correlation between joint pain and MS as the disease attacks the central nervous system as opposed to diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus that attack your joints. Having said this, joint pain is very common amongst those who have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, predominantly in their hips and knees. The pain is caused by their gait that can be very uneven as the disease progresses.

Causes of an Uneven Gait

There are several different reasons that you can develop an uneven gait that causes pain in your joints:

1. Leg muscle spasticity that causes you to have problems controlling your legs

2. The lack of coordination that worsens as the disease progresses

3. Problems with your natural balance

4. Numbness in your feet or legs

5. The high levels of fatigue that are common with MS

6. Overall weakness of your muscles

7. Foot Drop

All of these are known to be a major part of the relationship between joint pain and MS as they all directly affect the way you walk. Whether they cause you to put more weight on one leg or the other, twist your legs and feet as you walk or make you walk heavy footed, it all puts extra stress and load on your knee and hip joints which can become inflamed and painful. If you have to use a cane, crutches or a walker, these too will affect your gait and result in pain.

Treatments for Joint Pain and MS

Just because you are having problems with joint pain and MS, does not mean that you have to live with it. In most cases you can get your doctor to refer you to a physical therapist. He will work with you to evaluate your gait and then suggest exercises that can help you to strengthen the affected muscles. By following the recommended program you should soon be able to improve your gait and the pain will go away.

Please note that there is a known relationship between joint pain and MS medications such as Avonex and Rebif. Interferon based medications all seem to have a side effect that causes joint pain, often it is worse within the first 24-48 hours these medications have been injected. Most patients find that standard over the counter pain medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen will take care of the pain associated with these injections.

The Facts of Sleep Apnea Surgery

What is the best treatment for sleep apnea? It seems that this is a question that plenty of people would like to be answered with. But there is no simple answer. There are several ways to treat sleep apnea. How that can be done depends on the factors such as the type of the sleep apnea disorder, the overall health of the patient, how severe the condition is, etc. The different conditions mean different treatments and different approaches. Most of the people can easily deal with this disorder on several conservative ways. However, in case when everything else fails or when the condition is too severe and there is no time for any other treatment the only solution is sleep apnea surgery. Sleep apnea surgery for certain cases is the only possible treatment. There are several sleep apnea surgeries that can be done in order to treat this disorder. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), laser-assisted uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (LAUP), pillar palatal treatment, tracheostomy are the most common surgery procedures performed for curing sleep apnea.

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPP) is a surgical procedure that includes removing soft tissue at the back of the throat. With it the tonsils and the adenoids are removed if present, part or all of the uvula, or parts of the soft palate. As a result of it the airway paths are to be wider opened, some of the muscle action is to be blocked in order to keep the airway open and to improve the closure of the soft palate. Usually the patients need to stay some time at the hospital while the complete recovery process can take up to several weeks. The chances for a complication are really small and there are plenty of statistical numbers to confirm that. The laser-assisted uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (LAUP) operation is a variation of uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP). It is a procedure that can be done in the doctor`s office. Usually is done to help reduce the snoring. With it much less tissue can be removed of the throat than with UPPP. However, some of the doctors are even worried that once snoring is eliminated as a symptom it would be much harder for them to diagnose the patient if more severe condition of sleep apnea happens to them.

Pillar palatal implant is a surgery that is used for treating mild to moderate apnea. However, reduction in snoring is the main goal of this surgery. With the help of the implant the movement and the vibration of the soft palates are significantly reduced. The procedure takes not more than 10 minutes and it can be easily done in the doctor`s office. According to some of the studies this procedure produces the same results as UPPP, with much quicker recovery time and much less pain. The procedure includes three short pieces of polyester strings that the doctor will insert into the soft palate. Tracheostomy was the only known surgery treatment in the past. Even though it sounds bit scary but this is relatively easy procedure. Surgeon makes an opening through the neck and inserts a tube into the windpipe. Even though the success rate is almost 100%, this surgery is rarely done. That is so because the procedure can cause number of psychological and medical problems associated with the recovery process. The doctors recommend it only when there is nothing else to be done. Surgery for nasal obstructions, maxillomandibular advancement (MMA), hyoid advancement surgery, genioplasty, genioglossus are other types of sleep apnea surgeries that can help with apnea as well.

3 Key Facts About Thumb Joint Pain

Is one of your thumbs sticking out like one with thumb joint pain? This is actually more common than you might think. Typically, the cause is arthritis of the thumbs. Here are some facts about this disorder.

1. The first symptom is aches at the thumbs' base. When you feel tenderness here when grasping, lifting or squeezing, then you could be suffering from arthritis. Not only could you feel aches when performing these actions, but you could also have difficulty doing the actions themselves (ouch!). Also, you may feel aching in this digit even when you aren't using it. Within time, you could suffer from inflammation in the region. Typically the first finger becomes rigid and the range of motion significantly decreases.

2. The seriousness of arthritis of thumbs can vary. The seriousness of the symptoms you experience depends on how frequently you use the first finger and how serious the arthritis is. For example, if you play a racquet sport or use your thumbs a lot in the workplace, then it's likely that your situation will worsen. Still, you can learn to cope with the situation. For instance, when you suffer from thumb joint pain it's advisable that you perform tasks using your other hand, to avoid putting pressure on the first finger.

3. You can prevent arthritis of the thumbs. You can take certain steps to help prevent the forming of arthritis in your thumbs. Those who use their thumbs frequently at work are prone to suffer from it. Additionally, obesity can increase your chance of acquiring the disorder, so losing weight could consequently reduce your chance of acquiring it. While family history and aging are factors, they don't increase the likelihood of acquiring the arthritis.

To treat thumb joint pain naturally, you could use Joint Advance. It feeds your body's joints the nutrients they require.

Three Options for Joint Pain Relief

Before you go searching for something to relieve your joint pain, you should first decide what it is you want to discover. Joint pain develops for a variety of reasons, so you want to be sure you are treating yourself appropriately. Of course, it's always a good idea to get a recommendation from a physician, but there are a few things you can try on your own if you want to do some tests first.

There are really three things to consider when the joints are involved. You can have joint pain because you banged your hand and damaged some cartilage; or your cartilage could be just wearing away naturally as you get older from normal use. If you just banged your hand, use ice and take some Ibuprofen pain relievers to reduce swelling.

Most of the time it's not as easy to diagnosis where the joint pain is coming from as it is when a person injures themselves (as in a sports injury). Many times you will just be doing something and discover that your joints hurt. If you've been active, your joints may be getting stiff because you no longer have enough lubrication in them to keep them moving correctly.

When this happens you should look for something immediately that will help restore lubrication to the joints. If you do not do this as soon as the problem appears, it will only get worse as the lubrication depletes and your joints start rubbing against each other, or worse yet, against the closest bone.

That brings us to the third ailment. If you haven't hit your hand (or wherever the pain is coming from, and your joints seem to be moving correctly but still hurt, you may need to look for something that repairs cartilage as well as replaces needed lubrication to the joints.

Often, joint pain supplements can resolve all of these issues at once. But if you have intense pain, be sure to take care of that concern first. The more pain you have when using your joints, the less you will use them, and this will only make the situation worse. So take care of the pain first, and then find a supplement that will help restore and repair cartilage immediately. Joints do not get repaired overnight, and the longer you let it go, the longer you will be taking a supplement for joint pain relief.

Canine Arthritis - Ease the Pain With Green-Lipped Mussels

Research in canine arthritis and DJD (degenerative joint disease) offers compelling evidence that a natural supplement can ease inflammatory joint pain. Published reports from Clemson University and The American Society of Nutritional Sciences substantiate the anti-inflammatory benefits of green-lipped mussels. Perna canaliculus is a mussel found off the coast of New Zealand that has been used as a nutraceutical supplement for people since 1975. However, only recently has substantive research also proven their health benefits to dogs.

Perna mussels, or green-lipped mussels, are so named because the edges of this bivalve shellfish are colored green. They contain a combination of Omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, minerals, and polysaccharides not found in any other marine or plant life. This combination gives the perna mussel a unique health benefit. The Blue Ocean Institute, a US environmental agency, ranks the perna mussel in their highest and best level of seafood. Their rankings reflect environmental impact and levels of mercury and PCBs.

As dogs age, many of them suffer from arthritis and joint problems. Excessive inflammation puts pressure on their joints and causes moderate to severe pain, leading to impaired mobility. Cartilage degeneration is a progressive and debilitating disorder that can also impair mobility.

Perna mussels not only contain natural anti-inflammatory agents that reduce the pain from arthritis, but also contain agents that can rebuild joint components and reverse the symptoms of degenerative joint disease. Specific test results (American Institute for Nutrition) showed that 53% of dogs treated with perna mussels exhibited a 30% or greater reduction in arthritic scores. Of those dogs, seven dogs (41%) showed a 40% or greater improvement and two dogs (21%) showed a 50% or greater improvement.

A review of canine dietary supplements shows a clear front runner. Borghese Royal Treatment Italian Pet Spa's smoke-flavored hip & joint treats contain four of the most effective agents for the support and maintenance of healthy canine joints and cartilage - 500 mg of green-lipped New Zealand mussels, 400mg of MSM (a sulfur compound), 400mg of glucosamine, and 10mg of manganese. Working together, these four components reduce joint inflammation, support healthy cartilage, and aid increased mobility. Research studies from Clemson University indicate that perna mussels not only reduced the onset of arthritis but also reversed it.

Adding a daily hip & joint supplement in the form of dog treats may ease the pain of arthritis. MSM, glucosamine, and manganese can support healthy cartilage. Making sure that the ingredients also include New Zealand perna green-lipped mussels will add the extra punch your dog needs to help fight inflammation and to help restore mobility.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What Is The Best Natural Arthritis Joint Pain Relief Remedy?

Arthritis is a joint inflammation disorder accompanied by crippling and bothering pain. The inflammation occurs when joint tissues react to some kind of damage to the bones, cartilages and also muscles, tendons and ligaments surrounding the joint. Arthritis may affect one or more joints. The pain associated with arthritis occurs due to deterioration of bones and over-straining of muscles against stiffness. Of the several types of arthritis, the following are the most common.

1. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative form of arthritis that occurs due to the wearing out of cartilages paving the way for bone friction and formation of spurs called osteophytes. Knee joint and joints of the spine are more prone to osteoarthritis. Aged people suffer from osteoarthritis.

2. Rheumatoid arthritis is a more disastrous form in which the misdirected immune system invades the healthy joint tissues, resulting in considerable damage. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, the synovial membrane lining the joint gets thickened and inflamed, resulting in joint deformity. Joints of fingers, wrist, hip, knees and feet are generally affected by rheumatoid arthritis.

3. Gout occurs when uric acid builds up in system and gets caught in the form of crystals in the midst of a joint. Thumb, knee, elbow and big toe are commonly affected by gout.

Apart from joint pain, an arthritis patient also experiences joint stiffness, swelling, warmth, tenderness, crepitus, and redness of skin around affected joint, formation of nodules around the affected joint, fatigue, weight loss and anemia.

Arthritis Causes

1. Natural aging of joint
2. Heredity
3. Joint injury or fracture due to bad fall, severe jolt or traumatic accident, heavy physical activity.
4. Joint infection
5. Obesity
6. Lack of exercise
7. Stress induced hormonal imbalance
8. Nutrient deficiency
9. Damp environment
10. Diet consisting of animal products, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and wheat.
11. Faulty metabolism
12. Faulty joint alignment
13. Autoimmunity.

Best Natural Arthritis Joint Pain Relief Remedy

Jaguar cream is perhaps the best natural arthritis joint pain relief remedy. It is an effective fast acting topical pain relief remedy that treats joint pain, swelling, stiffness, muscle strains and sprains. The potent natural vitamins, herbs and nutrients in the cream soothe pain and inflammation in minutes. The cream uses a counter-irritation technology that stimulates receptors of the skin generating sensations of heat or coolness, barring pain and dilating blood vessels, thereby increasing blood supply to the zone of pain.

The product also applies a technology that sufficiently hydrates the outer layer of skin enabling quick and easy absorption in to the skin. The product is non-allergenic, non-irritating and non greasy on the skin. Jaguar is the best pain relief remedy formulated by a medical practitioner. It exclusively includes ingredients like methyl Salicylate, menthol, camphor, Diclofenac, Australian EMU oil, arnica, MSM, Glucosamine, DMDM Hydantoin, carbomer, sodium hydroxide, tetrasodium EDTA, hypromellose, mineral oil, thyme, eucalyptus, Montana flower extract and water. The potent natural ingredients take away pain from your life and make you more active.

How to Avoid Problems Associated With Neck Noise

The most common problems of the neck are caused by uncomfortable, sudden movements or a poor posture especially while sitting in front of a computer for long hours. Sudden twisting movements of the neck like when swinging at a golf ball or sleeping with the head resting on an uncomfortable pillow can cause discomfort in the neck and may lead to problems like neck noise.

Making unexpected movements when the neck muscles are relaxed can cause the dislocation of a joint in the vertebra. This leads to minute tears of the ligaments and inflammation and swelling may also be observed in the region. Tremors of the weakened muscles increase the pressure on the damaged joint leading to neck noise while moving your neck.

Your medical practitioner may advise you to wear a foam collar to support the neck and let the muscles relax to prevent the neck noise problem. Lots of pressure is put on the muscles and ligaments in the neck if the shoulders are not held in the right position and posture while pushing the head forward. As a result the ligaments become overstretched but have to contract to hold the head in position. This leads to pain and neck noise is felt when you make movements involving the neck.

Since the ligaments are overstretched, they cannot give the required support to the spine making it more vulnerable to an attack of acute neck pain. Habitual poor posture may lead to osteoarthritis and increased incidence of neck pain. Any damage to the inter-vertebral discs and the joints in the region are affected and the blood flow may be impeded at the joints causing neck noise. Problems like visual disturbances or blurred vision can also occur when the head is tilted back. A firm collar is used to prevent the head from tilting back to reduce the chances of further degeneration of the joint.

Disorders like neck noise can be avoided by doing some exercises to strengthen the muscles and ligaments in the neck. You can try the following exercise routine to improve flexibility in the neck and avoid problems like neck noise. Bend your head forward until your chin touches your chest and look straight down at the floor. Bring back your head upwards and rest for a moment. Then bend your head back and look directly at the ceiling. Repeat this exercise in sets of ten repetitions for best results.

Glucosamine For Dogs - A Preventative Arthritis Treatment

The Importance of Glucosamine for Joint Health in Dogs

Glucosamine is a natural substance found in the cartilage of people and animals. Dogs naturally produce glucosamine in their bodies, but amounts decrease as they age. Eventually, the majority of dogs reach a point where they fail to produce enough to stimulate healthy levels synovial fluid, glycosaminoglycans, and chondroitin sulfate, which are essential for maintaining cartilage health.

This result is a progressive degeneration of joint health that causes canine arthritis. Because of glucosamine's availably as a supplement, treatments have developed to help replenish the supply of glucosamine and prevent the onset of arthritis.

Causes of Arthritis in Dogs

Arthritis is associated with aging, and most dogs develop it to some degree when they are older. It can also be caused and exasperated by trauma or injury, and certain breeds have developed a genetic tendency for developing canine arthritis.

Arthritis develops when there is a decrease of joint fluid, and can result in a degenerative joint disease called osteoarthritis. With this condition, cartilage gets stiff, loses its elasticity, and in time deteriorates completely. Unfortunately, this condition is often asymptomatic in dogs until the cartilage is gone, leaving them with arthritic related lameness, immobility, and muscular atrophy.

Glucosamine as a Preventative Arthritis Treatment for Dogs

Generally, glucosamine is viewed as a holistic, preventative treatment for canine arthritis. It has not always been readily recommended by the mainstream veterinary community because of a lack of studies verifying its effectiveness.

However, evidence is increasingly demonstrating that glucosamine supplements can counter arthritic development in dogs, and is particularly effective when used as a preventative measure.

The Mayo Clinic states that there is now solid scientific evidence that glucosamine is helpful in the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis for both animals and humans.

Other studies conclude that glucosamine reduces inflammation and pain caused by arthritis in dogs, and show that glucosamine both inhibits enzymes that degrade animal cartilage and enhances the activity of important cells necessary for cartilage growth.

Prevention of Canine Arthritis

The most conclusive data on glucosamine treatments for canine arthritis indicate that it is effective as a preventative therapy.

Vets now commonly recommend that dogs start using a glucosamine supplement in the middle years of life. It may be called for even earlier if they are a breed with a predisposition for arthritis, or if they have had an injury that is contributing to stiffness and immobility.

It is worth noting that glucosamine has not proven effective as a quick cure or powerful pain killer. Most supplement manufactures call for a waiting period of at least 4 weeks before expecting any visible signs that your dog's mobility or pain levels have improved.

Glucosamine aligns with medical trends that focus on the goal of preventing disease and maintaining health. This is a holistic philosophy that naturally preserves health rather than reacts only after issues have become serious and debilitating. The regular use of a glucosamine supplement beginning in your dogs' middle years will cost less than invasive treatments for osteoarthritis, and moreover, it will improve the overall quality of your dog's life.

TriVita Nopalea Review - All Natural Pain Relief

TriVita is a company based in Scottsdale Arizona, and has been offering health and wellness products for over 10 years. They are debt free and growing like crazy at this time.

Nopalea is a liquid drink that primarily offers an anti inflammatory health benefit.

Chronic pain can be a sign of inflammation, which this product seems to improve for many that try it.

In addition to chronic pain, there are many other serious conditions that may begin with inflammation that include: diabetes, asthma, allergies, arthritis, Alzheimer's, autoimmune, respiratory and many more.

Even rare skin diseases seem to be helped by this all natural inflammatory.

The Nopalea drink is sourced from the fruit of the Nopal cactus.

The healing properties of this Nopal cactus have been relied upon by the natives of the Sonoran Dessert area for centuries.

The Nopal fruit delivers potent Betalain antioxidants, which detoxify the body, ridding it of harmful toxins that cause inflammation at the cellular level in our systems.

This overall affects your bodies cells, reducing inflammation and bringing optimal cellular health.

There are 24 Betalains and only the Nopal cactus of the Sonoran dessert contains all 24 Betalains. This is because the Sonoran Dessert is the most extreme desert in the world and the Nopal plant needs all 24 betalains to survive in this intense environment.

Basically if our cells are healthy, then we will feel healthy.

Reducing inflammation in the body can help improve joint pain, reduce heart and/or stroke potential, improve brain function, improve mouth and gum problems, and even can improve your emotional well being.

Eliminating pain for sure can make anyone feel better and more energetic.

Since our bodies natural defense to a health is inflammation, it is no wonder that Nopalea, with its all natural anti inflammatory attributes offers a health and wellness improvement to almost everyone that tries it.

Osteoarthritis of the Knee - Treatment Options

Treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee can take a variety of forms, from exercise and bracing, to pharmacological and surgical options.

When the disease process is in its early stages and symptoms are mild, treatment usually consists of analgesia and a conservative program of weight loss and physical therapy. As the symptoms grow in severity, the treatment also becomes more serious with a variety of surgical interventions considered. The decision to escalate treatment is dependent on the individual and their pain levels, their knowledge of the condition, and the advice of medical professionals.

In order to provide informed consent, one must first possess sufficient knowledge of the procedure in question, including the intended benefits and potential risks.

The following summarizes the different treatment options:


Once the pain becomes unmanageable with non-prescription medication, a medical practitioner needs to be consulted as each persons' personal medical history affects which of the higher classes of drugs are suitable and safe to use. Typical medications include non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and low doses of opioids such as codeine.


The quadriceps and hamstring muscles cross over the knee joint and provide support. Due to the pain of osteoarthritis, it is typical for sufferers to be less active than previously, and muscle strength decreases. The result is a reduction in support of the knee joint and a vicious cycle is established when more pain occurs. Exercise to increase the strength of these key muscles can stop this cycle and slow the progression of degenerative joint disease. This usually occurs with the help of a physical therapist. Weight loss is also a significant goal of this type of treatment.


If only one half of the knee (inside or outside) is affected, orthopaedic bracing can help by offloading the affected side and redistributing the weight. It does not treat the affected area but can provide symptomatic relief and delay the need for more serious options.


Surgical management can include relatively minor procedures like arthroscopy (key-hole surgery) and continue to total knee arthroplasty or joint replacement.

An arthroscopy can be both a diagnostic tool and a treatment. Through small incisions, a camera and implements are placed into the joint and the extent of the degeneration observed. Rough surfaces can be made less so, and meniscal tears trimmed. The surfaces remain worn and the benefits vary significantly between patients. Arthroscopy rarely provides long term relief but has a low complication rate.

For unicompartmental arthritis - where only either the inside or outside of the knee are affected - an operation called a High Tibial Osteotomy may be performed. This involves either adding or removing a wedge of bone to offload the affected side and return weight to the underutilized surface. This operation is usually done on patients too young to have a total knee replacement with the aim being to provide some relief from pain while the patient moves closer to a suitable age.

As the majority of the pain in arthritic knees comes from the worn joint surfaces, replacing these joints is an effective treatment. It is also a significant surgical procedure that involves the insertion of a prosthesis. With the increased benefits comes increased risks. There is also a limited life expectancy of the operation itself with the possibility of future revision surgery.

Potential complications include infection, DVT, nerve damage, ongoing pain / failure to improve pain, loosening of the prosthesis and complications from the anaesthetic.

Although these complications are thankfully rare, they should discourage people with mild pain from considering surgical intervention until their pain is having a significantly negative effect on their quality of life.

A sensible approach to the osteoarthritic knee would be to act early on the risk factors you can change such as weight and muscle strength. This can help decrease pain and delay the need for more drastic measures.

When pain no longer responds to analgesia, mobility is significantly decreased, and everyday activities become difficult, it is time to discuss your options with an experienced Orthopaedic Specialist. Even if surgery is required, previous work done in the areas of weight loss and strengthening will make the recovery easier and quicker.

Cause of Lower Back and Groin Pain: The Iliolumbar Ligament

The iliolumbar ligament connects the fifth lumbar vertebra to the crest of the ilium, or hip bone, in the lower back. It is one of the thick, strong ligaments that supports the sacroiliac (SI) joint, which forms where the ilia meet the sacrum at the base of the spine on each side.

The ligaments around the SI joint facilitate pelvic stability and, since the pelvis is attached to the base of the spine, spinal stability. The lumbar spine is a highly mobile segment that bends forward, backward and sideways as well as rotating. The ligaments that attach to lumbar vertebrae are susceptible to injury if this spinal segment is overexerted.


The iliolumbar joint can be injured in a number of ways, including lifting a heavy object, impact from a fall or repetitive rotation of the lower back. Iliolumbar syndrome occurs when the ligament is chronically torn or strained. This is usually the result of a repetitive use injury, such as sustained by golfers, tennis players, or others who constantly twist at the lower back.

Ligaments have a difficult time healing; they naturally receive poor blood supply, meaning they do not get fresh oxygen and nutrients to facilitate healing. When a ligament is injured, inflammation in the region can cause pain in the area and in other parts of the body. The SI joint is affected when any of its supporting ligaments is injured; the joint loses support and becomes unstable. Inflammation in the area can cause the joint to seize up and interfere with nerves that pass through the area to other parts of the body.


Stabbing lower back pain, usually on one side

Hip pain

Groin pain

Pain on inner or outer thigh

Pain when bending to either side

Pain when twisting the spine

Misalignment of the L4 and/or L5 vertebrae, if ligament has been weak for prolonged period of time


Treating an injured ligament is difficult; while any motion can irritate it, prolonged periods of rest and immobility carry their own risks. Treatment of the ligament depends on the severity of the damage.

If you have only a minor strain of the iliolumbar ligament, ice and a brief period of rest followed by gentle stretching and eventually strengthening exercises should suffice to recover.

More severe strains may benefit from friction therapy, a form of massage designed to stimulate the ligament just enough to break down scar tissue without aggravating the injury. Exercise therapy follows to build strength and flexibility in the hips, buttocks and lower back.

Iliolumbar ligament syndrome that doesn't respond to these forms of therapy may benefit from prolotherapy, a relatively new form of treatment for ligament injuries. It involves the injection of irritants into the ligament area to spark the body's inflammatory response, which is part of the healing process. Since ligaments receive poor blood flow, the body's initial inflammatory response may have been too weak to facilitate healing. Ligaments are expected to heal after 3-10 sessions of prolotherapy.

Injury to the iliolumbar ligament is fairly distinct in that it causes SI joint and lower back pain along with groin pain. If you have these symptoms, help your doctor arrive at an effective treatment plan for your pain.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Adult Options for Dental Braces

Older adults get braces for many factors, like aesthetic as well as health related concerns. The smile really is a powerful and impressive trait. Some people might also find problems presenting in public areas caused by an uneven smile and speech impediment. Some speech difficulties may be alleviated by means of braces. Overbites, underbites, crossbites, and also packed pearly whites might cause grinding as well as other complications which could be fixed as a result of orthodontics. In some instances, orthodontics could alleviate symptoms due to TMJ (a joint disorder) along with migraine headaches. However, they have also been recently reported to perhaps exacerbate a TMJ problem, depending on the ailment. It usually is vital that you contact your orthodontic expert to discover the main cause of your dilemma.

Great innovations have already been made in the field of orthodontia and there haven't been this many different types of treatment plans obtainable. Adults can easily select from common metal orthodontics in addition to much less observable braces. A common choice is ceramic braces, which might be occasionally called clear braces, and put on the front side of one's teeth but are a far more all-natural and transparent color choice. Adults will often afford to pay for the higher selling price for treatments not typically employed for youngsters. Yet another choice, that is favored amid adults, is a clear aligner, for example, Invisalign. They're comprised of a series of containers who will be swapped out after awhile, and are generally quite popular because of their good looks and absence of wires.

As expected, all different types of braces for your teeth in the market are for sale to adults.

Orthodontia authorities commonly think that much younger people are best suited to orthodontics because their bone fragments are still developing, and their teeth are simpler to manipulate as their jaw bones grow. Yet, adults can decide to start using braces. Older persons' orthodontics treatment plans usually takes a bit longer than for children, not merely so your bone fragments could shift, but so the muscles groups could heal. The grown mouth will be wholly created therefore, the teeth progress more progressively whilst in modification. Even so, just as with young people, the treatment period is different according to intensity. Orthodontics treatment solutions will take from 1-2 years, and perhaps an entire lifetime wearing retainers. Simply because treatment will take more time, they might be higher priced. There are problems utilizing insurance packages. Several dental insurance companies are only going to pay back for the price tag on clientele up until age 20 or perhaps control the actual benefit spent to the people covered more than the age of twenty five. Usually, adult braces cost $5000, that includes out of pocket fees of at least 2000 USD.

Craniosacral Therapy - The Body's Other Pulse

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

Craniosacral therapy, or CST, uses very light touch to release restrictions in the membranes around the brain and spinal cord. CST enhances central nervous system performance and allows the body to self-correct. It focuses on the cerebrospinal fluid that is continuously circulating throughout the body and providing a cushion for the brain and spinal cord. As craniosacral fluid is produced in the ventricles of the brain it creates a pulse all its own - the craniosacral rhythm.

Just as breath and blood circulation would cause a problem if hindered, so would cerebrospinal fluid and it shows up in pain, muscle tension, or other symptoms. Craniosacral therapy aims to find restriction in the body within the soft tissue. Since muscles have the inate ability to store energy and experience, energy cysts, fascial tension, facilitated segments along the spine, and diaphragm constriction are all things that can be addressed.

As with all therapy that is not mainstream there tends to be an air of skepticism surrounding it. Nothing speaks more solidly of a treatment than the comments of an individual who has received it. CST has seen recipients with scoliosis, fibromyalgia, chronic migraines, postural tension, sinusitis, and respiratory issues benefit. Enough cannot be said about the importance of overall body balance and release of restriction. Craniosacral therapy can do just that.

This bodywork was developed in 1970 by osteopathic surgeon, John Upledger, who discovered that the spinal column throbbed with a rhythm separate from that of breath or heart rate, the craniosacral rhythm. CST can alleviate pain and stress and is especially effective in treating week-long migraines, TMJ, sinus problems, and insomnia. It has been used to effectively treat cerebral palsy, nervous disorders, some forms of paralysis, and depression. Other things that wouldn't normally receive treatment like a gag reflex, twitching muscles, or a bruised foot (or other area of the body) are treatable with CST.

"...there seems to be a constantly-changing list of 'popular' human maladies. It is though we have a need to suffer..." -Dr. John Upledger, DO

Dr. Upledger notes that back in the 60's business executives suffered from peptic ulcers, creatively frustrated housewives from depression, and blue collar workers from hemorrhoids. In the 80's antacids marked the upwardly mobile while today the male has a coronary bypass scar and the woman oral appliances...the "badge of her TMJ." Rather than brush off these symptoms as passing fads, Upledger regards them seriously disagreeing with their over diagnosis. In his book, Craniosacral Therapy: Beyond the Dura, he mentions that TMJ was called Costen's Syndrome in 1936. Again, CST is highly effective in treating these symptom trends of different decades.

In receiving treatment, it is best to not skimp. Dire pain is a lot harder to reverse than is a funny twinge in the knee. Often people will feel relief with one session, find the pain more bearable, and wait for a flare up before going back for more treatment. But others will diligently treat their pain making sure it has gone completely and find more thorough and long lasting effects from their treatment. Regardless, CST peels back layers of restriction similar to how one would peel an onion. As pain starts to subside other pain will often show up. For example, the knee pain is gone, but now there is a strange shoulder pain. Because the body is all connected a fall on the shoulder during football season that was never treated muscularly and fascially never really leaves the body. It is stored. And 20 years later the morning jogging routine which seems to be to blame for the sore knee really, from a soft tissue perspective, can be traced back to that shoulder.

Aim to strengthen your health. Approach health care proactively rather than as a fireman would a burning building...with high pressure water hose and ax. Make good choices daily to short circuit major catastrophe. Eat right. Use exercise as a way to reduce stress. Minimize environmental toxins. Address facial and muscle restrictions in the body with massage. And watch yourself soar!

What Is The Best Way To Treat Knee Arthritis?

Arthritis can cause joint pain due to wear and tear at the joints and the person may suffer from extreme pain due to forced movement. The person suffering from the condition may have muscle weakness, loss of flexibility at the joints and decreased fitness. The condition has severe impact on everyday working capabilities of the person and the problem may hinder the output of the person. There is no cure provided in the popular system of medicine for controlling the condition.

Herbal Cure provides Rumatone Gold capsule which is the best way to treat knee arthritis because it cures most of the symptoms of arthritis and it has no side effect. It can be taken independently and it is made up of herbs and nutrients. Rumatone Gold capsule is said to be the best way to treat knee arthritis due to the following reasons -

Provides gold through the herbal formulation to the body to improve the strength of bones -

It is believed gold injection is one of the best ways to treat knee arthritis. In Ayurveda it is believed the combination of certain metals can provide relief from the pain caused by the wear and tear at the joint and therefore, the Rumatone Gold capsule has been formulated by experts, which contains gold in consumable form. There are many other metals elements found in Rumatone Gold capsule which are added in very minute quantities to make it beneficial for the body.

Provides herbs to reduce infections and inflammation -

There are a number of herbs added to the capsules which helps to reduce inflammation and pain at the joints. It contains rare herbs which offer the best way to treat knee arthritis by reducing infections at the joints to reduce pain.

Improves blood flow -

Rumatone Gold capsule is the best way to treat knee arthritis because it contains herbs which have the properties to improve blood flow in arteries and veins. It contains herbs which reduce blood cholesterol and control obesity. It is the best way to treat knee arthritis as it improves digestion of food and enables absorption of nutrition to the body.

Reduces the symptoms of ageing

Rumatone Gold capsule contains the features to reverse the process of ageing to control degradation of muscles and tissues. It prevents breakage of ligaments at the joints and helps to rebuild the fluid around the joints to enhance movement and flexibility of the bones at the joints.

Oil to massage the joints

The oils provided with the capsules contain the properties to enhance flexibility of the joints and it should be regularly massaged on the joints to reduce pain and to enable the herbs in the oil to reach the joints through the skin to offer easy way to treat knee arthritis.

The components in the Rumatone Gold capsule contains all the properties which is required to reduce the signs and symptoms of arthritis at joints and these remedies are mixed in appropriate quantities in the capsule to offer the best way to treat knee arthritis.

Chronic Joint Pain Relief

Pain is a four-letter word for a reason! For those who suffer from chronic joint pain, every day is a special challenge. Different levels of pain can be considered chronic; a person does not have to be suffering from severe, debilitating pain in order to be dealing with chronic pain. From mild to completely incapacitating, pain is considered chronic if it has been present for six months or longer. It's a sad fact that millions of Americans wake up every day to a world filled with chronic physical pain.

Joint pain is one of the most common types of chronic pain. Joint pain is also one of the most common reasons people see their doctor. Those two facts alone mean that vast medical resources are being dedicated to finding relief for chronic joint pain.

We are living in a time where our traditional ideas of medicine are shifting. Western medicine is becoming much more accepting of Eastern medicine and the ideas that go along with it. Patients are beginning to look for natural ways to heal their bodies. Joint pain relief is no exception. Chronic joint pain sufferers are looking to do more than mask the pain; they are looking to treat the underlying cause of the pain.

Studies continue to show that breakthrough research in natural medicine is making a difference. The idea of looking to nature to nurture and repair our bodies is paying off for many joint pain sufferers. Two recently popular supplements, esterified oil and Cetylated Fatty Acids, have been shown to bring relief to the joints quickly. The longer people take the supplement or use the cream, the less pain they deal with every day. After just 30 days, people notice a large difference in the way they feel and the relief that can be attained through continued use. Recently, a newer product was released in a large chain warehouse store. This product, which comes in a topical cream and pill form, is made to lubricate joints, thus creating a cushion of comfort. Research has also found that it helps to repair cell damage. As you can see, results have come a long way!

Chronic pain sufferers have already been dealing with their pain for close to six months. After such an extended amount of time, any type of diminished pain can feel like a big relief. Luckily, there are still new and improved products hitting the market every year. It would be a tremendous turn of events if the number of chronic joint pain sufferers could be drastically reduced. Perhaps through persistent use of joint building and repairing products, chronic joint pain will be a thing of the past!

Top 7 Tips To Relieve Wrist Pain

You may not realize just how important your wrists are until one of them gets hurt. There are basically two types of wrist injury. One is acute, such as a sprain or a fracture. The other is overuse, caused by the repetitive motion of activities such as typing. The overuse injury that most often affects the wrists is tendinitis. People who use their hands a lot such as carpenters, computer operators, musicians can develop tendinitis if the tendons in their wrists are not strong and flexible enough. Overuse can also affect the ulnar nerve, which runs along pinkie side of the wrist and hand. And it can cause tissues in the wrist to swell and put pressure on the median nerve, leading to carpel tunnel syndrome. Both conditions can produce tingling, numbness, and pain in the fingers and hands as well as in the wrists. Here are some tips that you can consider to adopt to relieve wrist pain.

1. Build Some Muscles

You can prevent future wrist pain by strengthening the muscles in your forearms. It is recommended holding a 6-ounce can of tomato paste in each hand and flexing your wrists back and forth 15 to 20 times. Or you can simply squeeze a tennis ball in each hand. Squeeze the ball for 5 seconds and release, then repeat 12 to 15 times.

2. Ease Back Into It

A wrist that has been immobilized may become stiff from lack of use. Some gentle stretching can help restore flexibility. It is recommended pressing on a tabletop with the palm of your hand. Bend your wrist until you reach the angle of pain, then back off just a hair. By riding the edge of discomfort and stopping just before you feel pain, you are doing beneficial stretching. Hold this position or as long as you find comfortable, working up to 2 minutes. Repeat three to four times daily.

3. Treat It Gingerly

A compress made from ginger can draw out toxins and accelerate the healing process. To make the compress, simply boil some grated gingerroot, allow it to cool, place it in a moist washcloth, and lay the washcloth over your wrist. The washcloth should be as hot as you can tolerate. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes, and repeat every other hour.

4. Keep Still

For a more severe case of tendinitis, immobilizing the joint with an elastic wrist support may provide some relief. You will find these devices in drugstores and medical supply stores. It is recommended wearing one while you sleep, to prevent your wrist from twisting awkwardly as well as during your waking hours, when your wrist is in use. The support should keep your wrist in about 10-degree dorsiflex position. In other words, if your palm is facing downward, your wrist should be bent slightly upward.

5. Put It On The Rocks

Ice is a vasoconstrictor. That means it decreases the blood supply in your wrist, which helps reduce any swelling. It is recommended putting ice cubes in a plastic bag, wrapping the bag in a towel, and applying the pack to your wrist for about 20 minutes. Repeat the treatment four to six times a day.

6. Raise Your Hand

Elevation is not as crucial for an injured wrist as for an injured ankle or knee. Still, it can help keep any swelling down. Just be sure to prop your wrist so that it is above heart level.

7. Turn On The Heat

Once any swelling subsides, or if your wrist simply feels stiff and achy, heat can help. It is recommended to follow these instructions. Rub vinegar on your wrist, cover it with plastic, then apply a heating pad wrapped in a towel for about 20 minutes. You can repeat this treatment every hour as needed.

Hip Replacement - How to Cut the Cost in Half!

Hip replacement surgery is one of the most common orthopaedic procedures performed in the world, with more than 350,000 operations per year in the United States alone.

Reducing Hip Replacement Costs

Today, you can have the best surgery, and also benefit from hugely reduced costs.

By having your hip replacement operation abroad, you can use the cost savings to enjoy a relaxing holiday.

Before we look at the cost savings, let's look at the hip replacement operation and why it is necessary.

Hip Replacement Procedure

Recent developments in hip replacement surgery have seen the operation become a safe and reliable method to treat severe hip arthritis pain.

Hip replacement surgery (known also as arthroplasty) is usually undertaken when osteoarthritis has resulted in the wearing down of the hip joint.

In a hip replacement operation, the worn out and arthritic parts of the hip joint are taken out and a new artificial (prosthesis) hip joint is inserted.

Successful hip replacement surgery improves mobility, by improving the function of the hip joint and reducing the discomfort felt by the patient.

How Hip Replacement Surgery is performed

Hip replacement surgery involves removing the ball and socket of the arthritic hip joint.

The surgeon removes the top part of the thighbone (femur), and an implant fits within the central canal of the thighbone.

The surgeon then removes the remaining excess cartilage and bone from the socket part of the joint (within the pelvis), and replaces it with a new socket, allowing free movement at the new joint.

What does it Cost?

The cost of hip replacement in a UK private hospital or clinic is around £7,000 to £9,000, depending on the treatment.

In India costs are significantly less, starting at just £3,700 or less than half the price!

Patients from the USA can also make huge savings, as can patients in all other western industrialized nations.

What are common symptoms of hip arthritis?

Patients who have severe hip arthritis normally suffer from one, or all of the following symptoms:

· Difficulty in walking

· Stiffness of the hip joint

· Pain in the groin and thigh

The most common location to experience pain from hip arthritis is in the groin area. Sometimes however, patients may also complain of thigh, back, and knee pain.

Patients who have hip arthritis normally develop a limp, which is the body's reaction to minimize the stresses acting on the joint.

What Causes Degeneration of the Hip Joint?

The most common cause of hip arthritis is osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease.

Other causes of joint problems include rheumatoid arthritis, and osteonecrosis also called avascular necrosis.

India - A World leader in Medical Tourism

Indian corporate hospitals are comparable to hospitals anywhere in the world. In fact, India offers world-class medical facilities that are comparable with the USA or UK.

The high concentration of expatriate Indian medical staff working abroad particularly, in the USA and UK, gives patients confidence in healthcare in India generally. Patients are of course, already used to the expertise and professionalism of Indian medical staff.

India is the world leader in medical tourism and its medical tourism industry is set to be a multi billion pound growth industry, and considered an important part of economic growth by the government.

Low Hip Replacement Costs and the Holiday of a Lifetime

By having your hip replacement surgery performed in India you get greatly reduced costs, world class medical facilities and the chance to enjoy a holiday in a country that has a huge diversity of holiday options for you to enjoy.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Acupuncture and the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

If you suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis, there is a very good chance that acupuncture can help you find relief from the pain and swelling associated with arthritis. Since pain is the primary complaint of people suffering from arthritis, acupuncture is recognized as effective form of pain control. Acupuncture is useful for treating other symptoms caused by arthritis and as a way to restore balance and health. Let's take a look at how we help in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and how acupuncture accomplishes this.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is classified as an auto-immune dis-ease. When RA occurs, the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the membrane (cartilage) surrounding the joints causing pain, inflammation and stiffness in the joints. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, and a general feeling of malaise. Unlike other forms of arthritis, RA affects joints symmetrically - if one finger or wrist is affected, the other one will be as well.

Acupuncture decreases the pain by stimulating the release of various neurotransmitters in the brain. One of these is endorphins, sometimes referred to as the body's own natural opiates. Endorphins inhibit the perception of pain and are similar to morphine, which is used in Western medicine. And while the medications often prescribed for this condition have many side effects, there are none with acupuncture. Simply, the placement of tiny sterile stainless steel needles at specific locations stimulate the release of these chemicals, and this effectively blocks the transmission of pain signals to the brain. There is a misconception amongst the populace who think that acupuncture works on nerves, or that needles are inserted into nerves. Acupuncture works indirectly on the nervous system to produce this natural effect. The needles are inserted into muscle/soft tissue. Often, the muscles and tendon sheaths develop hard knots called trigger points, that are responsible for chronic pain. These trigger points can be reactive and tender and are often found in the belly of the muscles and around the joints themselves.

Acupuncture and moxibustion increase the circulation of qi, blood, and lymph, thus also decreasing the cycle of inflammation. Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by inflammation, (pain, heat, swelling and redness) in and around joints. Inflammation fluctuates do to internal and external environment factors... Acupuncture is also useful in treating osteoarthritis, the gradual eroding away of cartilage in joints and the deposit of bony osteophytes on bone and in the joints as well. Acupuncture works indirectly to influence the endocrine system. It stimulates the adrenals to produce natural steroidal compounds which inhibit inflammation and they stimulate the parathyroid gland to help balance calcium deposits. Chinese herbal formula's have also been found to be extremely useful as well.

Stress, emotional states, lack of exercise and improper diet can exacerbate symptoms. Each person is evaluated on a case by case issue. Some people have mild symptoms that can be acute, while others have a more chronic profile.

By making healthy lifestyle changes and getting competent treatments by a trained acupuncturist, you can manage this and live a relatively pain free and mobile existence.