Saturday, August 17, 2013

Pain Control - Coping With Arthritis

How pain control helps you cope with your arthritis.

Living with a degenerative joint disease such as arthritis often means living with severe aches and pains associated with these diseases. Knowing how to alleviate the pain comes from learning about how to control the disease. There are different types of arthritis and knowing which type you have affects what treatment may be needed. However, before beginning a treatment plan, let's learn some basic concepts regarding pain.

  • Aches and pains are not all the same.Just as there are different types of arthritis so are there different types of pain. Along with that, each patient is also different and it may take trying different treatments to find the best pain control method that works best for you.

  • What causes pain? Most will occur to alert us that something is wrong with our body. Our nerves release chemical signals then transmit the signals to our brain. There are short-term signals like we get when touching something hot to help keep us safe. Long-lasting pain experienced with arthritis is a different kind of hurting. This type must be managed with proper pain control to improve our comfort levels and improve the quality of life.

  • How do we control pain? Our brain and spinal cord has an arrangement of nerves that our pain signals travel through. Creating chemicals either naturally or with supplements that interfere and block these signals will help stop pain.

There are many factors that can contribute to the aches and pains with arthritis that include:

  • Inflammation- Responsible for causing swelling and redness in the affected joints.

  • Injury to joint tissues- Resulting from pressure, stress, injury or the disease process of the joints.

  • Fatigue- A basic result of the arthritic disease process, which makes the pain build up and thus more difficult to handle.

  • Depression and stress-Limited movement and being unable to enjoy countless activities can make depression a serious issue caused by this disease. Increased aches and pains, stress, depression and the loss of abilities can make the overall pain control management more difficult.

What contributes to the increase of aches and pains associated with arthritis?

Depression, Anxiety, Fatigue, Focusing on pain, Overdoing physical activity, Stress, Increased disease activity.

What helps with the pain control associated with arthritis?

Cold or heat treatments, Topical pain relievers, Distraction, Massage, Supplements and Medications, Relaxation, Appropriate low impact exercises, Humor, positive attitude and pleasing thoughts

What ever the type of arthritis you may have there is sure to be some level of joint pain that you will have with it. It is important to find ways to cope with the best pain control possible to ensure your happiness and a good quality of life.

Joint Pain Causes

Some people may experience mild joint pain from minor injury; however, the pain can often by subsided simply by resting. That being said, there are others who have joint pain for various reasons such as infections, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory conditions and degenerative diseases.

Injury-related joint pain:

Chronic joint pain can be due to a traumatic injury in the past. Some people may even experience continuous joint pain because of an injury for the rest of their lives. Some injuries that can cause pain in the joints are:

Severe bruising
Dislocation or separation of a joint
Sprain of a ligament
Overuse of the joint or repetitive movement of a certain joint
Tearing of ligaments or cartilage

These can all be related to some sort of sports injury, but this is not necessarily the case, as other non sport related injuries may also cause severe joint pain.

Infectious cause of joint pain:

Many people who experience joint pain may also have an infectious disease that causes their pain. These can include diseases such as:

Hepatitis - an inflammation of the liver
Influenza - This can include common flu or other viruses such as H1N1
Lyme disease - an inflammatory disease that is caused by tick bites
Measles - a contagious illness, that is easily spread and caused by a virus
Mumps - a contagious disease that will cause an inflammation of the salivary glands
Osteomyelitis - a chronic and severe bone infection
Rubella (German measles) - a contagious infection which is characterized by a rash on the skin
Septic or infectious arthritis - an inflammation of a joint caused by a bacterial infection
Syphilis - an sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacteria Treponema Pallidum

Joint Pain Causes

Degenerative, inflammatory and autoimmune-related joint pain:

Certain degenerative, inflammatory and autoimmune conditions may cause severe joint pain. The people who have the following conditions will normally experience chronic and severe joint pain. These conditions include:

Ankylosing spondylitis - an inflammation of joints that are between the spinal bones and between the spine and pelvis

Bursitis - an inflammation of the bursa which is the fluid-filled sack found between the tendon and the bone. This condition may be acute, but can also be chronic

Fibromyalgia - a chronic condition that causes pain, rigidity, and tenderness in joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues.

Gout - a kind of arthritis caused by a uric acid build-up in the joints. Two types of gout exist: acute gout, which often affects one joint; and chronic gout which is repeated episodes of pain and inflammation in more than one joint

Osteoarthritis - The most common joint disorder that has symptoms such as pain and stiffness in the joints

Psoriasis - is a skin condition that normally causes skin redness and irritation but is also known to cause joint pain

Rheumatic fever - an inflammatory disease that could develop after being infected with bacteria such as strep throat and scarlet fever.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - a chronic disease that causes inflammation of the joints as well as the tissues surrounding it

Sjogren Syndrome - an autoimmune disorder that often accompanies other autoimmune disorder like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. It is characterized by dry eyes and mouth but can also cause joint pain

Systemic Lupus erythematosus - a chronic autoimmune disorder that can affect the skin, joints, kidneys, as well as other organs

Tendinitis - characterized by the swelling and irritation of tendons which joins the muscle to the bone. Tendon degeneration will often be present with tendinitis.

Other Joint Pain Causes:

There are also a few other causes that are not part of the above categories, these are:

Bone cancer
Paget's disease

As you can see, there are many different causes of pain. Sometimes, the actual cause can be hard to pin-point resulting in untreated joint pain. Although it is important to continue testing with a doctor to find the exact cause, there are some supplements, such as Flexcin, that can be taken in the meantime. These supplements will help ease the pain and in some cases make it go away completely.

Osteoarthritis - Definition, Signs, and Symptoms

Osteoarthritis is a group of diseases and mechanical abnormalities that involve degradation of the joints. Sometimes, the degradation can include articular cartilage as well as the subchondral bone that is next to the joint. This condition is the most common form of arthritis and it is also referred to as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease. This disease normally affects the hands, the feet and the spine. It also affects the large bearing joints such as the knees and the hips.

Clinical symptoms of this condition include pain, sharp ache or a burning sensation in the affected muscles and tendons. Other symptoms are stiffness, inflammation and a creaking or a crackling noise when you move or touch the affected joint. You may also experience muscle spasm as well as contractions in the tendons.

Osteoarthritis can lead to loss of cartilage; a protein matrix that lubricates and cushions the joints. When the bone surfaces are less protected as a result of loss of cartilage, the subchondral bone may be exposed and damaged. The re-growths may lead to a proliferation of ivory-like dense reactive bone in the central areas of the cartilage loss. This process is referred to as eburnation.

Although this condition is as a result of trauma, heredity has also been linked as another cause. This disease often affects several members of the same family. Recent studies show high prevalence of the disease among siblings especially identical twins. Sixty percent of osteoarthritis is said to be as a result of genetic factors. Available treatments for this condition include manual therapy, exercise and medications.

7 Home Remedies for Joint Pain Relief At Home

Living with chronic joint pain?

Many times in life, body pains as such may inevitably affect our living lifestyle and even cause inconvenience to our lives, as moving of joints is almost indispensable.

Basically the causes of joint pain can be triggered by various injuries and conditions besides aging. It may be a result of sports injury, excessive straining due to the overuse of joints, or even be one of the symptoms for arthritis. Hence it is important to understand your body well and detect the symptoms early as an average person may not be able tell if it's the joints or a torn tendon.

Here are a few remedies which can give you a better quality of life and may help to eliminate the consumption of painkillers as medications commonly prescribed for joint pain are usually pain killers and anti inflammatories:

1. Take a shower with warm water

It can effectively reduce your joint discomfort easily.

2. Consumption of banana

Bananas provide strength and grease to your joints, which may help in reducing the pain in joints suffering from pain.

3. Intake of carrot juice

It helps in improving the condition of joint stiffness by making our ligaments stronger.

4. Use hot and cold compresses on the painful areas of your joints

It will help in reducing your pain from the joint.

5. Joint Pain Exercises

Effective in resolving the problem of joint stiffness. Such workouts will help in improving your joint flexibility and also strengthens your bones.

6. Warm olive oil massage

It is a cost-saving solution and natural remedy for joint stiffness.

7. Mixture of carrot juice and lemon juice

This is one of the good home remedies to reduce joint pain.

Although there is no permanent cure for joint pain, but changing your lifestyle and taking good care of your body can yield positive results on a long run. Start keeping up to a weekly or daily exercising habit as workouts can effectively help in reducing the pain in the joints. Researches have shown that working your body with motion exercises will help to improve your mobility and keep your fitness levels up. While performing those exercises, be cautious with the movements and perform it with good control.

However, do not hesitate to seek for medical support if your joint pain still persists after trying out the suggested remedies. It is advisable to seek for professional treatment if your pain is giving you symptoms that can be interpreted into serious health issues.

When a Painful Toothache Won't Go Away

You've been to the dentist, perhaps even had a filling or root canal, but your painful toothache still persists. What do you do next? Sometimes the pain isn't coming from a tooth! Did you know tooth pain, jaw pain, and even ear pain can be coming from somewhere else?

You may ask how this that possible? To have a toothache that is not caused by a tooth? To begin to understand how you can experience pain in one area that is being caused by a problem somewhere else, it is important to become familiar with the concept of referred pain. The concept of referred pain has been around for over 50 years. It is used to describe the phenomenon of pain experienced at a site nearby or even at a distance from the pain's origin.

Referred pain is best understood when you consider the most common symptom reported by patients that are about to have or are in the midst of having a heart attack: pain in the left arm, the left side of the jaw, and under the chin. All caused by signals being sent by the heart muscle. You can only imagine that 100 years ago, before this connection was understood, doctors and community healers probably went to great lengths to sooth these left sided symptoms only to often fail with dire consequences.

Recent research has suggested that for no specific reason the nerves that send pain information to the brain from teeth, can become "sensitized". Example: you leave the beach with a sunburn and putting your shirt on (a normal activity) produces pain. What happened is that the threshold for the nerves in your skin to fire has diminished due to the heat from the sun.

The knowledge we have gained about referred pain through medical research not only has helped us recognize the signs of a heart attack, but have enabled us to also understand puzzling toothaches, face pains, ear symptoms, and other problems that often elude quick solutions. Getting back to the young woman with toothache: my evaluation uncovered that her symptoms were due to referred pain from the muscles of her upper neck! My patient was dumbfounded. How could the source of her painful toothache be her neck? But soon after her care began, her symptoms diminished and she is now happily toothache-free. The care I applied was a combination of:

• Changing learned behaviors (posture, especially)
• Home exercises
• Physiotherapy
• Injections

Patients often ask: "Why does my ear, tooth, face, and eye hurt when I have been told by my physician and dentist that there is nothing wrong and they don't see anything?" If this describes you, I assure you, you're not "crazy." Referred pain is real, and you should see a TMJ specialist in your area.

Friday, August 16, 2013

How To Treat And Prevent Hip Pain

The hip is a "ball-and-socket" joint. The largest bone in the body, the femur, is in the thigh and narrows to a "neck" that angles into the pelvis and ends in a ball-shaped knob. This ball fits into a curved socket in the pelvic bone (acetabulum). This arrangement provides a joint that can move freely in all directions. The joint itself is located rather deep under some big muscles so that it is protected from dislocating - that is, from coming out of the socket.

Two special problems arise because of this anatomical arrangement. The narrow neck of the femur can break rather easily, and this is usually what happens when an older person "breaks a hip" after a slight fall. Also, the "ball" part of the joint must get its blood supply from below, and the small artery that supplies the head of the femur can become clogged, leading to death of the bone and a kind of arthritis called aseptic necrosis.

The hip joint can also become infected. Very occasionally it will be the site for an attack of gout. The bursae that lie over the joint can be inflamed with bursitis. Rheumatoid arthritis can injure the joint. Conditions such as spondylitis can cause stiffness or loss of motion of the hip.

A "flexion contracture" is a common consequence of hip problems. This means that motion of the hip joint has been partly lost. The hip becomes partially fixed in a slightly bent position. This causes the pelvis to tilt forward when you walk or stand, so that when you stand straight the back has to curve a little more than normal. This allows extra strain on the low back area.

For poorly understood reasons, pain in the hip is often felt down the leg, often at or just above the knee. This is called "referred" pain. Non-referred hip pain may be felt in the groin or the upper outer thigh. Pain that starts in the low back is often felt in the region of the hip. Since the hip joint is so deeply located, it can often be troublesome to locate the exact source of pain in these regions.

Listen for the pain message and try to avoid activities that are painful or that aggravate pain. You will want to avoid pain medication as much as possible. Rest the joint from painful activities. Use a cane or crutches if necessary. The cane is usually best held in the hand opposite the painful hip since this allows greater relaxation in the large muscles around the sore hip joint. Move the cane and the affected side simultaneously, then the good side.

As the pain begins to resolve exercise should be gradually introduced. First, use gentle motion exercises to free the hip and prevent stiffness. Stand with your good hip by a table and lean on the table with your hand. Let the bad hip swing to and fro and front and back. Lie on your back with your body half off the bed and the bad hip hanging and let the leg stretch backward toward the floor. Standing, see how far apart you can straddle your legs and bend the upper body from side to side. With your feet together, try to turn your feet apart like a duck so that the rotation ligaments are stretched. Repeat these exercises gently two or three times a day.

Then introduce more active exercises to strengthen the muscles around the hips. Lie on your back and raise your legs one at a time. Bicycle or walk. When walking, start with short strides and gradually lengthen them as you loosen up. Gradually increase your effort and distance, but not by more than 10% each day. Swimming stretches muscles and builds good muscle tone.

A good firm bed will help, and the best sleeping position is on your back. Avoid pillows beneath the knees or under the low back. Make sure you are taking anti-inflammatory medication as prescribed, especially if you have rheumatoid arthritis or spondylitis.

Hip Fractures - A Guide For Recovery

Hip Fracture Basics: Types and Causes of Broken Hips

Hip fractures are serious injuries that often require surgery to repair. Every year in the United States alone over 300,000 people suffer broken hips and require hospitalization. Of that number, over half of those people suffering a hip fracture are over the age of 80.

Bone density, age, and other medical conditions can all contribute to the likelihood of a broken hip, but generally a fracture occurs because of some sort of trauma to the area, like a fall. Most hip fractures in the elderly are caused by falls, while in younger patients - car accidents and other high impact injuries are the most likely causes.

Elderly women and other patients with osteoporosis are at a greater risk of suffering a broken hip in the event of a fall. Because osteoporosis weakens the skeletal system by causing loss of bone mass - bones and joints are at a greater risk of fracturing in the event of trauma.

Hip fractures are actually the breaking of the femur (the bone that extends from the pelvis to the knee) inside or near the hip joint. Hip fractures are generally placed into 2 main classifications - a Femoral Neck Fracture or an Intertrochanteric Fracture. Both of these types of fractures are very serious and in most cases will necessitate surgery to repair the fractures.

Femoral Neck Fracture

The femoral neck is just below the head (top) of the femur. A femoral neck fracture generally occurs within 1 to 2 inches from the end of the femur.

Intertrochanteric Fracture

This fracture occurs within 3 to 4 inches of the head of the femur and usually requires the use of a metal plate and screw to hold the bone in place while it heals - allowing the head of the femur to continue moving normally in the hip socket.

Though hip fractures are generally caused by a serious trauma - a fall or a high impact injury - other factors can contribute to the risk of sustaining a broken hip.


Statistics show that age is a large factor. The majority of hip related injuries and fractures occur in people over 80. There are two main reasons why this may be true: bone density loss and the presence of other medical conditions affecting balance and mobility. But also effecting elderly patients are general aging issues like loss of vision and a decreasing or weakening sense of balance.

Medical Conditions

Osteoporosis puts patients at an even higher risk for breaking a hip simply because it reduces bone density. There are a number of other medical conditions that will also lead up to and increase chances of developing osteoporosis which in turn can lead to increased risks for hip fractures.

The development of other diseases and conditions like Parkinson's disease which effect a person's mobility and balance can contribute to an increased risk of falling and breaking a hip as well. Diabetes, arthritis, and similar diseases can also effect a person's activity levels which in turn increases risk.

Physical Inactivity

Because physical inactivity can lead to the weakening of bones, tendons, and muscles - it can also contribute to a higher risk of fracturing critical bones and joints. Physical inactivity can in turn lead to other conditions such as obesity and weight gain which can put a larger strain on a weakening bone structure. Maintaining a regular physical activity schedule will often reduce a patient's risk of hip fracture.

Mortality Rates and Common Problems Associated with Hip Fractures

Hip fractures are serious injuries that require immediate medical attention because there are a number of problems and conditions that can arise because of the broken bone. Studies have shown that mortality rates following a hip fracture can be rather high for a number of reasons which include the development of other serious medical conditions (blood clots and infections) as well as the age of the patient at the time of the injury (since the majority of fractures occurs among seniors).

A study published in the British Medical Journal places mortality rates within one year of suffering a fractured hip at 20%. And this number only increases with the age of the patient - as many as 33% of patients over the age of 80 die within a year of breaking a hip. The 30 day mark following surgery for a fractured hip is high in this population also - coming in at about 10%.

A number of factors contribute to these high numbers. Post-operative complications like infections (i.e. pneumonia or bronchitis) are dangerous factors. The general health of the patients involved in the study also contributes to the high mortality rates. Because as we talked about, a number of other conditions can increase a patients risk of breaking a hip. These same conditions (obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, Parkinson's, and others) can also make recovery more difficult.

Mobility factors increase risk as well. Because a broken hip makes it even more difficult for patients to get proper exercise, the overall deterioration of the body due to inactivity can bring about other health problems or exasperate existing conditions like heart disease. For patients that are bedridden following surgery, pressure sores and infections become an increased risk.

Overall, the general health of a patient prior to the sustained injury and following surgery is going to play highly in determining the likelihood of the patient's complete recovery. This is why younger patients tend to recover more completely and quickly as they are less likely to have preexisting medical conditions that are going to be worsened by the injury.

Mortality rates and other complications decrease significantly in patients that work hard at maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle regardless of age. Often for these folks - a broken hip is a temporary setback, though it is still a serious injury. Recovery though will often be a lot simpler if the patient has maintained general good health prior to fracturing their hip.

How Hip Fractures are Treated

In most cases, a hip fracture is going to require surgery. In cases where surgery is not possible because of an illness or other factor - traction may be used. In those cases without surgery - the main treatment for a broken hip relies mainly on pain reduction.

Both types of hip fractures - the femoral neck fracture and the intertrochanteric fracture - require surgery. The exact procedure is slightly different for each type.

Intertrochanteric Fracture Surgery

When the break is lower on the femur as in an intertrochanteric fracture (occurring 3 to 4 inches from the head of the femur) a different procedure is generally used. Doctors will attach a metal plate to the side of the femur and insert a metal hip compression screw into the femur. This compression screw and plate allows the bone fragments to compress together and mend themselves.

Femoral Neck Fracture Surgery

With a femoral neck fracture, surgery will generally involve one of three types of procedures: metal screws, replacing part of the femur, or total hip replacement.

Using metal screws, the surgeon will align the bones and fix them in place with three long metal screws which will remain in place and not be removed. These screws serve to allow the bones to mend back together as well as strengthen that section of the femur.

If the doctors are unable to align the bones in a way that will allow them to heal properly, they will usually attempt a procedure known as a hemiarthroplasty. This involves removing and replacing the damaged head and neck of the femur with a metal prosthesis.

Total hip replacement is the most invasive of the three options. If for some reason, the socket joint in the hip is damaged - total hip replacement might be the best option. In this procedure, the surgeons will not only replace the top portion of the femur, but also the joint section of the pelvic bone. One of the benefits of total hip replacement is that it allows patients to become mobile again sooner after the surgery than other options. This can help to prevent other complications associated with major surgery from developing.

Hospital stays after surgery for a hip fracture can vary in length - although the average stay in the hospital generally lasts a week. The majority of patients will require physical therapy for a long period following the surgery to recover completely. Older and less mobile patients may even have to look to a long term care facility if they don't have available help or care at home.

Help With Recovery and Prevention of Hip Fractures

Exercise and physical activity is a key in helping with both recovery from a hip fracture and prevention of those fractures. Because mobility is limited following surgery for hip fractures, the use of a rolling walker is often a good idea for elderly patients as it will help them get the exercise to speed up healing and also help to prevent another fall from aggravating the injury further.

Everyday tasks will probably become a little more difficult for a patient recovering from hip fracture surgery. Things like bending over to tie shoes or getting dressed in the morning will require a little bit of extra effort. Lifting the affected leg into bed or onto the couch will also become more difficult at times during the recovery. There are quite a few products like extended shoe horns and leg lifters which can ease the pain and difficulty of recovery.

Often times, simple tasks that are taken for granted become more complicated. Bathing for example is an everyday thing that becomes tough following hip surgery. A sponge on an extended handle or a bath bench become tools which can really help.

To make recovery easier, the purchase of a "hip kit" is a small investment for quite a bit of help. Common items that you'll find in a hip kit include:

  • Long Handled Sponges

  • Long Handled Shoe Horn

  • A Dressing Stick

  • Extendable Reachers or Grabbers

  • Leg Lifters

Mobility and physical therapy are both important factors in helping to speed up recovery. Full use of the hip will take some time, but in patients that were healthy prior to the surgery, a full recovery is possible and likely.

Exercise is a major factor in recovery as well as the prevention of other complications arising because of the surgery. Any help that a patient can enlist - either from family or qualified medical practitioners is going to aid them in recovery.

Prevention Tips

Learning how to prevent falls is another factor that is going to seriously limit the likelihood of breaking a hip.

* Building railings or ramps to help with stairs around the home is a good idea.

* Installing rails next to the toilet and in the bathtub or shower is another preventative measure. They're also great ideas to help somebody who is trying to recover from hip surgery since their mobility will be more limited for a time.

* Rearranging furniture to allow for clear paths.

* Check rugs and carpets for slippage or places somebody could trip.

* Consider the use of a hip protector - a low profile pad that you wear beneath your clothing and over your hip to help absorb any impact from a fall.

* Keep cords stowed safely away.

* Place used items in easy to reach places - avoid step stools and ladders where balance might be lost.

* Make sure areas of the home and yard are well lit. Being able to see a hazard is half the battle.

* Wear practical shoes that are non-slip.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also decrease your risk of breaking a hip. Not only exercise, but proper nutrition is important.

* Weight Bearing Exercise - Helps to fight bone density loss and works to maintain the strength of tendons and muscles that support the joints. Not only that, but regularly walking or exercising will help to maintain your sense of balance and agility - making the likelihood of a fall less likely.

* Smoking - Believe it or not, smoking actually works to reduce your bone density. So not only can it cause cancer - but it can weaken your bones.

* Calcium and Vitamin D - Proper nutrition and watching levels of calcium in your diet (through foods or supplements) will work to maintain your bone density so that in the event of a fall, you are less likely to fracture your hip. Vitamin D is also a key component of this process as it helps your body absorb and process calcium.

Other Hip Fracture Resources

There are a ton of available resources on the web these days that can help you in the prevention of or recovery from a hip fracture. The following is a listing and review of some great web sites and articles if you would like more information on hip fracture prevention, treatment, and recovery.

The Mayo Clinic

The Mayo Clinic is a highly respected non-profit organization and clinic that maintains clinics in Minnesota, Arizona, and Florida. They also have a very informative web site that is a great resource for countless medical conditions. The section of the web site on hip fractures is very in depth and organized in a way that you can find information very easily on prevention of hip fractures or help with recovery from hip surgery. is an interesting web site in that it deals with the care of patients following surgeries like total hip replacement. On this web site you'll find questions and tips related to helping patients or parents who are going through a difficult hip surgery recovery.

Advice on how to deal with the medical condition is provided, as well as advice on how to help the patient mentally get through the recovery is discussed.

This web site also provides access to a network of caregivers and service providers in your area if you need additional help with recovering from hip surgery. You can find providers for any level of help that might be needed, from full time care to part time help with housework and chores. The great thing about this service is that you can post your needs and interview potential caregivers as well as look at a background check.

Maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle are the best preventative measures that you can take towards avoiding a hip fracture. Working as an online community and resource, is a great resource and web site to use to maintain that active and healthy lifestyle.

Nutrition information and tools like their 'meal planner' and 'weight tracker' are great ways to make sure you are doing everything you can to stay healthy. Participating in the community forums is also a great way to meet other people facing the same issues or working towards the same goals.

Hip fractures are a common injury, especially among the elderly - so reaching out to a community like EveryDayHealth will give you the opportunity to find understanding support of what it is you might be going through following hip surgery.

Finding the proper support, medical care, and tools to aid in the recovery from hip fracture surgery is a key component to reducing the difficulty and likelihood of complications from a broken hip. Whether you have experienced a hip fracture or are just interested in the prevention of a future injury - there's a myriad of online resources available to help you in that quest.

The Essential Ingredients in the Best Joint Relief Products

The best joint relief products can help in decreasing joint pain, as well as promoting joint, cartilage besides tissue regeneration. They can even prevent recurring damage, as well as promote joint mobility besides flexibility. Then the quality of ingredients used in the best joint relief products is very important, including where that product is made.

In fact, many products marketed today lack the key ingredients that are necessary in order to even positively improve joint function.

When it comes to choosing the best products for joint pain, there are many options. You need to use caution when you are choosing them.

Glucosamine is a common ingredient in the joint pain products. It is an amino acid that is produced naturally in the body. Glucosamine is a precursor to a molecule that is used in the formation as well as repair of cartilage. Treatment with glucosamine is based on the idea that this substance can increase to rate of formation of new cartilage as it can provide the necessary building blocks.

Chondroitin is another ingredient in the joint pain products. Chondroitin is the most abundant glycosaminoglycan that is present in cartilage. In fact, it is partly responsible for the resiliency of cartilage. Chondroitin also helps to prevent the action of enzymes that tend to destroy cartilage. Most commonly chondroitin is takes in combination with glucosamine in the best products for arthritis pain.

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in the best joint relief products is taken because it helps to support health ligaments. It is the sulfur in MSM that helps the body to maintain healthy, flexible ligaments.

The combinations of all these aforementioned supplements are usually cheaper than the individual medications as well as much easier to take. But it is better to use caution when taking these medications, as well as check with your doctor before starting on these joint relief products.

Hip Joint Pain Causes and Effective Natural Ways to Get Relief

The pain in hip joint is also very painful. There are many causes of hip joint pain. Some of the most common causes of hip pain are bursitis, nerve irritation, muscle strain, arthritis etc.

Arthritis - Hip is an example of "ball and socket" joint which is formed by the pelvic bones (the socket) and the end of the femur bone (the ball). A smooth layer of protective cartilage covers both the bones. Arthritis is caused by the loss of this cartilage from wear and tear, inflammation, or injury.

Bursitis - The large muscles which cover the hip joint and the hip joint are lubricated by five large bursa sacs and the fluid which is present in the hip joint. Lubricating fluid which is produced by each of the sac, performs its function properly in the direction to reduce pressure and friction around the joint. Due to injury, excessive pressure, and overuse, these bursa sacs become irritated. Bursitis is caused due to inflammation of a bursa.

Muscle strain - A group of three major muscle help to move the hip through a wide range of movements. Sometimes due to irritation and overuse of these muscles can result into muscle strain.

Nerve irritation - The major nerves crosses the hip which controls the lower leg function. There may be the pain through the hip or down the leg due to the irritation of these nerves. When there is a frequent injury to the sciatic nerve, it may result into the pain along the outer thigh or down the back of the leg. This condition is known as sciatica.

It is necessary to limit the activities to reduce the hip joint pain. Some of the activities which must be limited -

1. You must avoid jumping and running.

2. Activities which require you to spread your legs widely must be avoided.

3. Contact sports like rugby, football and wrestling, and stop and go sports like tennis, basketball and racquetball must be limited and avoided.

4. Repeated bending of the hip and direct pressure over the hip must be avoided.

5. Sleeping towards the affected side must be avoided; it is preferable to sleep on the back or stomach.

6. Stair stepper, stair climbing, step aerobics, bicycling etc must be avoided.

7. Avoid prolonged sitting.

8. Working in a stooped position must be minimized.

9. Repetitive bending at the hip must be limited.

For reducing the hip joint pain, you can take herbal supplement such as Rumatone Gold Capsules and massage with Rumatone Gold pain relief oil. Some exercises on the advice of the doctor are also very helpful.

Physical Exercises That Relieve Hip Bursitis Pain

Hip bursitis is the irritation of the bursal sac positioned over the outside of the hip. An individual with hip bursitis seeking treatment may be advised initially to rest by avoiding actions that may stress or strain the hip. Often individuals choose to seek a physician to prescribe medications that may help in reducing their hip bursitis symptoms such as pain and inflammation. In addition, many may be advised to follow a specific exercise program designed to strengthen their hip muscles. These exercises usually include stretching exercises that will increase flexibility and promote movement of the hips by reducing the pain.

The following is a list of exercises that will help decrease hip bursitis pain.

Leg Raise:
Lie down on your back and keep your legs in a straight position. Now stiffen the muscles of the upper portion of the affected thigh. Then gradually raise that leg 6-8 inches above the floor. While raising the leg, make sure to keep the upper thigh muscles tightened. Hold for 10 seconds. Then slowly bring down the leg on the floor. Repeat this step 10 times. 3 sets.

Cross Leg Pull:
Be seated on a chair and cross the bursitis distressed leg over the other. Pull the affected leg to the other side while holding your knee there. Keep your buttocks flat while pulling the leg (You will feel the muscle pulling in the hip area). Hold the knee for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 10 times. 3 sets.

Ball Squat:
Stand upright with your back facing the wall. Place an exercise ball behind your lower back and lean against the wall. While keeping your body upright, slowly squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this pose for ten seconds. Return to up and slide up on the wall. Repeat this step 10 times, 3 sets.

Important Tips:
Be aware to how your body is experiencing throughout the exercise. It is important to remain within a range of motion that is comfortable. The goal is NOT to push the muscle through the pain. You will become more flexible in time. Upon finishing the set of exercises, it is recommended that you apply a cold pack to the hip for approximately five minutes. Icing the hip post exercise will help decrease swelling and relieve the pain caused by bursitis.Practice these exercises after the initial tenderness and swelling that results from hip bursitis.

Omega 3 Joint Relief

Is there such a thing as omega 3 joint relief? Can omega 3 really help alleviate pains and inflammations in the joints due to age, genetics or bad nutrition? The relationship between omega 3 in fish oil and joint inflammation has long been established through clinical studies. It has been found that fish oils can help decrease pain and discomfort in the joint.

Joint pains caused by conditions such as arthritis occur because the membranes that protect and lubricate the joints become inflamed. This inflammation is usually accompanied by nagging pain and swelling, and difficulties in walking and moving about. The problem with joint problems is that they are usually degenerative which means that slow deterioration of the affected joints is expected to follow.

Taking supplements such as fish oil have been found to provide joint relief. But what is omega 3 joint relief all about? Omega-3 fatty acids are basically polyunsaturated fats like DHA and EPA. Sufficient evidence suggests that these fatty acids have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. They stimulate the formation of anti-inflammatory compounds called eicosanoids which can counter joint pains and inflammation.

In the past, traditional pain medications for the joints include anti-inflammatory drugs like Celebrex. They are effective in relieving symptoms of joint pains, but they lead to unwanted side effects including coronary heart disease and kidney failure, especially when taken long term.It provides joint relief without the dangers of unwanted side effects.

Aside from providing joint relief, omega 3 fatty acids can also promote healthier joints by its "oiling" capability making it easy for them to move. It also prevent tissue and cartilage deterioration by properly protecting them. Research studies have also revealed that omega 3 can reverse as well as halt the unwanted action of enzymes that can bring about cartilage deterioration for people with osteoarthritis.

As you know, real results can only be achieved if you take in enough quality of it. How much of it do you need for omega 3 joint relief? Clinical studies show that intake of 1 to up to 3 grams of fish oil everyday can reduce joint pain and inflammation.

Omega 3 joint relief can only be experienced if you make the right choice of fish oil supplement to trust. Make sure to go for the purest, freshest and toxin-free omega-3 fish oil in the market today. Sadly, there are some that promise high quality formulation but don't really live up to your expectations.

You know now that omega 3 joint relief can be made possible. Omega 3 fish oils also bring in much more health benefits that you might think you don't need now, but are most welcome in the long term, including heart and brain health, and stronger immune system.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Causes Of Body Joint Pain And Ways To Deal With It

In the human body, one or more joints can be affected by joint pain and contradictory to the common fallacy, joint pain can affect a person of any age group.

In fact, joint pains are afflicting an increasing number of young people these days and the causes of body joint pain are diverse.

The most common causes of body joint pain include injury to the ligaments, bursae or the tendons of the concerned joint.

Injury not only affects the ligaments but can also impact the cartilage and bones of the joint. Pain is one of the strongest symptoms of joint inflammation and joint infection.

Pain can also signal the presence of a tumor within the joint. Joint pain has many variations to its name, the medical term being Arthralgia.

Injury or swelling of joints is one of the main causes of body joint pain. Joint pain can be subdivided into two general categories namely, acute joint pain and chronic joint pain.

Acute joint pain affects the joints temporarily. It generally lasts for a few passing seconds or longer, but sooner or later it will decline as the healing process takes place.

Chronic joint pain varies from mild to severe, and usually lasts for a relatively longer period of time.

Causes Of Joint Pain

Joint pain can be caused due to a variety of reasons. Some of the most common reasons for joint pain include:


Aseptic Necrosis


Osteochondritis Dissecans

Sickle Cell Disease or Sickle Cell Anemia

Steroid Withdrawal

Tearing of cartilage

Bone fracture

Septic arthritis


Synovial sarcoma


The other causes of body joint pain include rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that leads to stiffness and pain in the joints.

On the other hand, osteoarthritis involves deterioration of the cartilage surrounding the joint. Osteoarthritis is fairly common among people in their mid forties and above.

Another common cause for joint pain is bursitis. Bursitis means the inflammation or the swelling of the bursae.

Similarly, there are further causes for joint pain, which include septic arthritis, tendonitis and infectious diseases like influenza, rheumatic fever and hepatitis. External damage like fractures and sprains are also one of the main causes of body joint pain.

Remedial measures for joint pain

Home remedies can be effective, but before using them it is advisable to get the cause and type of the joint pain diagnosed. This can be done with the help of a few inexpensive medical tests. There are many easy-to-do and natural methods of achieving relief from joint pain.

Devil's claw has proved to be effective in the treatment of body joint pain. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor before attempting this method. There are many people who swear by its effectiveness, and its ability to cure painful joints, making mobility easier.

Glucosamine has been well tested, and is considered to be an extremely effective method of easing arthritis pain. However, in some cases, side effects do occur.

Different types of arthritis require various methods of preparation of glucosamine. Studies have shown that this product can be effective.

Nevertheless, it is strongly recommended to first consult with your doctor before trying out this potent product.

Water therapy is another popular remedy for joint pain.

It is also known as water aerobics as it involves performing different types of aerobics exercises in a pool.

Joint pain is certainly not life threatening, but it can definitely cause a lot of suffering and discomfort, making it amongst one of the most debilitating conditions ever encountered by man.

Arthritis Relief with Homeopathy

Homeopathy dynamically empowers the chiropractor with a comprehensive therapeutic armamentarium to help the majority of chronic degenerative health problems plaguing our society, including the many forms of arthritis.

Arthritis affects over 37,000,000 Americans. The broad spectrum of arthritis includes osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and related conditions, such as Ankylosing spondylitis, fibromyalgia, gout, Juvenile arthritis, lupus, Lyme disease, psoriatic arthritis, and Reiter's syndrome.

Homeopathy equips the chiropractor to not only help the multiple symptoms of arthritis; it works deep within the body to correct the underlining causes in many cases. This powerful ability of homeopathy corrects the genetic predispositions we have acquired through a thousand years of our family tree. This remarkably in-depth correction comes through an incredible discovery in homeopathy called miasms. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann originally developed the concept of miasms as the "obstacle to the cure of disease". Homeopathy can clear these miasms from our body - thus correcting the genetic predispositions we have to disease.

This phenomenally powerful therapy can not only correct the individual 's predisposition to a disease such as arthritis, but also help the offspring of that individual born after the deeper correction has been made!
Homeopathy uses minute doses of pure extracts from all realms of nature and activates the body to heal itself by correcting underlying causes of diseases rather than merely suppressing symptoms. There are many homeopathic ingredients that have stood the test of time - as they have been researched, tested and proven to provide relief from many of the painful associations with arthritis. An abridged summary of some of the most beneficial ones (as researched by William Boericke, MD, Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory, 9th Edition) are as follows:

Actaea Spicata: (Baneberry) A rheumatic remedy, especially for small joints, e.g. wrist, fingers, knees, ankles and toes. Relieves spasmodic and throbbing pains in head, face, stomach, abdomen and extremities.

Arnica Montana: (Mountain Arnica) Muscular tonic for limbs, body aches and strained joints, with a tendency to tissue degeneration. Gout.

Bellis Perennis: (Daisy) Excellent remedy for sprains, bruises, rheumatic symptoms, sore joints and muscles, varicose veins.

Bryonia Alba: (White Bryony) Relieves soreness, weakness, stiffness, dizziness, rheumatic pains, swellings, irritability, physical weakness, and apathy.

Calcarea Carbonia: (Carbonate of Lime) Great remedy for impaired nutrition for glands, skin and bones. Relieves rheumatoid pains, rheumatism in lumbar region, swelling of joints (especially knees), and cramps in calves.

Calcarea Fluorica: (Fluoride of Lime) Powerful tissue remedy for hard, stony glands, varicose and enlarged veins and malnutrition of bones. For chronic lumbago, gouty enlargement of finger joints, depression and groundless fears.

Causticum: (Tinctura acris sine Kali) Action mainly in chronic rheumatic, arthritic and paralytic affections, indicated by pains in the muscular and fibrous tissues with deformities about the joints. For progressive loss of muscular strength, and relief of heaviness, weakness and unsteadiness of muscles.

Cimicifuga Racemosa: (Black Snake-Root) Especially useful in rheumatic, nervous subjects. For restless feeling and aching or jerking in limbs and muscular soreness. Also for depression and for nausea and vomiting caused by pressure on spine and cervical region.

Formicum Acidum: (Formic Acid) For arthritis, articular rheumatism, chronic gout and stiffness in joints. For weakness of lower extremities, pain in hips, nodes around joints, complaints of over lifting.

Hypericum Perforatum: (St. John's Wort) Great remedy for nerve injuries. Relieves pain after operations, cramps in calves, pain in toes and fingers (especially in tips), joints that feel bruised, jerking and twitching of muscles. Useful for puncture wounds.

Ledum Palustre: (Wild Rosemary) Relieves throbbing in shoulder, cracking in joints, swollen ankles, rheumatism, gouty pains shooting through feet, limbs and joints.

Magnesia Phosphorica: (Magnesium Phosphate) Anti-spasmodic remedy. For neuralgic pains, cramps in calves and sciatica, weakness in arms and hands, and general muscular weakness. Especially suited for languid, exhausted subjects.

Phytolacca Decandra: (Poke-root) For aching, soreness, restlessness and prostration, rheumatic pains, pain in under side of thighs; pain in legs, ankles, feet. Relief of stiff back.

Pulsatilla: (Wind Flower) For intense pain in thighs, hips, knees and legs with restlessness, sleeplessness and chilliness. Relieves numbness around elbow.

Rhododendron Chrysanthum: (Snow Rose) Relieves rheumatic and gouty symptoms with swollen joints, rheumatic tearing in limbs, stiffness of neck, pain in shoulders, arms, wrists, toe joints, and pain involving dental nerves.

Rhus Toxicodendron: (Poison Ivy) For rheumatic pains spread over a large surface. Relieves swelling of joints, tingling in feet, pains in tendons and ligaments, pain and stiffness in small of back, loss of power in forearm and fingers, and state of being listless and sad.

Ruta Graveolens: (Rue) Relieves pain in small of back and loins, bones of feet and ankles, pain and stiffness in wrists and hands, contraction of fingers, and great restlessness.

Salicylicum Acidum: (Salicylic Acid) Useful for swollen, painful knees and acute rheumatism. For sciatica and vertigo.

Symphytum Officinale: (Comfrey Root) For injuries to sinews, tendons and the periosteum. Acts on joints, neuralgia of knee, perineum and bones.

Needless to say, arthritis is a painful and often debilitating disease. However, with application of the appropriate homeopathic remedies, many patients can find relief that allows them to live their lives filled with more happiness and contentment than they ever imagined.
Although these are some of the more common remedies for arthritis, there are over a hundred other remedies to consider when uncovering the various underlining causes associated with arthritis. I recommend using homeopathic formulas designed to address the many possible causes and predispositions to arthritis.

Sacroiliitis and Buttock Pain

Sacroiliitis is a term used to describe an inflammation of either one or both of the sacroiliac joints found in the lower back. These connect your lower spine and pelvis.

Sacroiliitis is one of a number of conditions that can cause buttock pain. It can be hard to diagnose because it resembles other conditions like herniated disks, strained muscles and sciatica. Sacroiliitis can also be mistaken for a disease that causes inflammatory arthritis in the spine called spondyloarthropathies.

A person suffering from sacroiliitis will find it very uncomfortable or painful when they move even a little. The pain and stiffness will be centered in the lower back, buttocks and thighs.

Other symptoms can include inflammation in one or both eyes, an inflammatory skin condition called psoriasis, a fever and a decrease in the person's range of motion.

The pain can get worse when walking because of the strain this puts on the sacroiliac joints. You can also feel pain radiating down your leg and many times the person will walk with a limp.


There are many causes of sacroiliitis. An accident resulting in a traumatic injury to the spine, pelvis, buttocks or lower back can cause this condition.

Being pregnant will stretch the pelvis which can result in sacroiliitis along with certain types of infections.

Arthritis associated with spondyloarthropathies such as ankylosing spondylitis and degenerative arthritis can also cause this condition.

Treatments Options

There are several options available when it comes to treating sacroiliitis, depending on the severity of the condition.

Treatment normally consists of resting, taking medications and physical therapy. Rest is needed to allow the body to heal because the more you do the more you can make the condition worse. Physical therapy can help to increase the range of motion and reduce some of the pain.

Medications Used for Buttock Pain from Sacroiliitis

The medication used to treat this condition includes Corticosteroids, NSAIDs, DMARDs and TNF inhibitors.

Corticosteroids are used to reduce the pain and inflammation. They also slow joint damage caused by sacroiliitis. Some of these medications include methylprednisolone and prednisone. Corticosteroids can make you feel better but they can't be used for extended amounts of time or they can cause serious side effects.

NSAIDs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also options: they're used to relieve the swelling and inflammation. Naproxen and indomethacin are two of these drugs. NSAIDs can cause some side effects such as stomach bleeding, indigestion, high blood pressure and kidney and liver damage. Therefore, they need to be taken under the direct supervision of your doctor.

In some people, stroke and heart attack may also be a side effect.

DMARDs are disease modifying antirheumatic drugs that can help to limit joint damage. These should be used in the early stages of sacroiliitis to help slow down the disease and help prevent permanent damage. These medications include methotrexate and sulfasalazine.

TNF inhibitors are therapies that block a cell protein that can cause inflammation and this can help to reduce stiffness, swelling and pain. These medications can be expensive so they're usually used as a last resort.

If you're suffering from pain and stiffness centered in the lower back, buttocks and thighs, see your health care provider to find out if sacroiliitis is the cause.

Hip Pain - Do You Really Have Arthritis in Your Hips Or is it Muscle Pain?

"Oh, you have arthritis in your hips."

That's probably the most common diagnosis doctors give to us when we complain of hip pain.

If a doctor looked at an x-ray of any one of us, he would see changes in the bones. He would say we have arthritis. He would tell us that is the cause of our pain. Well, maybe it is and maybe it isn't.

We all have changes in the bones around our joints. Do we all have pain? The answer to that is no, we don't.

"You will just have to learn to live with it."

Maybe. Maybe not.

Doctors are great people and wonderful life savers lots of times, but as a rule, they don't know much about muscles. That's not something that is taught much in medical school. (Not in the schools you and I went to, either.)

We have large, powerful muscles that pass over our hip joints. These muscles allow us to move our legs and our body. The hip joint is where our thigh bone connects to our pelvic bone.

Those powerful, thick hip muscles can get overstretched from crossing our legs. The can be stressed from pressure like sleeping our our side or from car seats pressing on them. If you notice more pain when you cross your legs or ride in the car, take action to stop the pain.

The hip muscles can become tight from being overused or overstretched, too.

Our hip muscles can get out of balance sometimes. Our job is to keep them as balanced and in neutral as possible. When our muscles are in a neutral position, we have less hip pain. (And, "neutral" doesn't mean sitting in a chair all the time!)

"Neutral" means all of the muscles are balanced. They work together in harmony. Some are not stronger or weaker than others. They are all as strong as nature designed them to be so they can work together efficiently.

Some people do have a severe arthritic condition which causes hip pain and some have rheumatoid arthritis (which affects all of the joints in the body.) In those cases, a doctors' help may be necessary.

Some of us have a hip joint which has been worn over the years by the stress of having a short leg. A short leg causes pressure on the joint and muscles around the hip joint. Even this can often be "cured" by a knowledgeable muscle therapist and a lift for the short leg.

For the rest of us, here's the plan.

Think of your hip as having four sides. Front of your leg, back of your leg, the inside of your thigh and the outside of your thigh.

Your hip joint is most likely where you feel your pain. It seems like it's in the hip joint, but the cause could very well be the muscles on the inner side of your thigh or your back side.

You can start a movement plan to get your hip muscles back into balance. Always do your moves thoughtfully. Observe how your muscles are feeling. Pay attention to how you feel after your movements, too.

Move or lift your leg from each of the four sides. Do this while you are standing or on your side in bed.

You may discover, simply by paying attention to how your body feels, that it needs more movement in one direction than the others. Don't overdo, but do thoughtfully. Is one area tighter than the others?

If you determine that your hip muscles seem related to your hip pain (and they most likely are,) you can continue your movement therapy. Simply moving your legs in every direction, instead of always using them in only one or two directions, can help get your hips back to neutral.

You also might want to see a muscle or massage therapist. He or she will be able to loosen the muscles around your leg and hip bones. Sometimes those thick, powerful muscles need a little extra help to get back into balance. A massage therapist can be a perfect helper.

Try Feldenkrais For Osteoarthritis Relief Now

Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease. It is a mechanical problem involving the wearing of joints, including the destruction of cartilage and bone. Symptoms include joint pain and tenderness, stiffness, locking, and sometimes swelling. A variety of causes, including genetic, metabolic, and mechanical, may begin the process of bone destruction. Bony surfaces eventually become less protected by cartilage, and bone is exposed and damaged. Osteoarthritis commonly affects the hands, feet, spine, and the large weight bearing joints, such as the hips and knees, although any joint in the body can be affected. As the disease progresses, the affected joints appear larger, are stiff and painful, and may feel worse the more they are used. The diagnosis is typically made based on signs, symptoms, and X-rays.

Arthritis relief by a Feldenkrais practitioner views restoring the normal functioning of the joints as vital, and takes into consideration that mechanical stress on joints underlies most osteoarthritis. There are many sources of mechanical stress, including poor alignment of bones and poor general biomechanics. Both can be caused by trauma, misuse, disease, and underuse of the body. The Feldenkrais Method takes into consideration:

  • Joints are a complicated system of relationships between bones.

  • Joint pain only improves when the mechanics of the joint is improved.

  • Faulty mechanics of the entire painful area is a common finding chronic pain.

  • Altered relations create excessive strain in the joints and soft tissues of the area, with increased inflammation and pain being only one common result.

Have you maximized your arthritis meds and want to avoid surgery? The Feldenkrais Method is a systematic method to improve human movement and general functioning. Feldenkrais uses simple, gentle movements to reorganize posture, flexibility, strength and coordination and in doing so provides arthritis pain relief. A vital new approach to pain management, Feldenkrais integrates mind and body, using the plasticity of the nervous system to help the body function more efficiently. More efficient use of self creates environments within which arthritis pain can heal. Discover what Feldenkrais can do for your osteoarthritis.

Lasting Pain Management Relief With Manipulation Under Anesthesia

Anyone who has long-term pain syndromes may consider manipulation under anesthesia as an alternative treatment to painkillers and surgery. Basic conditions that may lead to this procedure are acute and chronic neck pain, joint pain, back pain, shortened muscles, muscle spasms, and fibrous adhesions (scar tissue).

Pain caused by the lumbar, thoracic, or cervical spine, frozen shoulder, and any discomfort in the pelvic region or sacroiliac may be treated by manipulation under anesthesia (MUA). The treatment is safe and can serve as a replacement for more intrusive and dangerous medical procedures. There are three primary ways that patients undergo this procedure.

1. During mild sedation
2. Under general anesthesia
3. After injection of the anesthetic into a specific area of the spine

Specialists working in a team environment to assure the safety of the patient may perform this procedure in a medical surgery facility. Manipulation under anesthesia is always a team effort, which generally consists of the anesthesiologist, the chiropractor or doctor responsible for the manipulation, and an assistant. Unlike general chiropractic procedures, manipulation under anesthesia is almost always performed in a hospital or other traditional medical facility such as an outpatient surgery center.

The primary aim of manipulation under anesthesia is to break up scar tissue or fibrous adhesions that center around the spine. The process uses specific kinesthetic maneuvers of postural and articular varieties, passive stretches, and short-lever manipulations of the spine specific to the problem areas.

Although the terminology might be new to many people, manipulation under anesthesia is far from a new procedure. It has been a part of medical treatment for more than sixty years and has its own CPT Code designation.

Who Receives Treatment

Back and neck injuries are the leading reasons for spinal manipulation, but not every situation requires the procedure, and some doctors might be hesitant to perform manipulation based on many factors including the physical condition of the patient. One of the main reason the procedure is done is for frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis

Other care and treatment is often attempted before spinal manipulation, but if those efforts prove ineffective, manipulation is the next step. Scar tissue builds up along with adhesions during prolonged aggravation of spinal joints. Over time, this produces chronic pain in the spine and surrounding muscles.

While chiropractic treatments, epidural injections, and physical therapy often give temporary relief from pain, they do nothing to treat the underlying problem of fibrous adhesions. Back surgery most often does nothing for this either and may make that problem worse. Manipulation under anesthesia can bring results that are more permanent for chronic back and neck pain.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Relieving Joint Pain the Natural Way

Today there are many different ways in which relieving joint pain of the body can be done using only natural ingredients. Such forms of natural pain relief will often be produced from various plants that help to alleviate the pain the person is feeling. Yet there are some people who view natural joint pain relief as nothing more than another form of traditional medicine and because of this there are other "natural" options now available.

Normally any form of natural joint pain relief is classed as an "alternative treatment" in today's society and because of this you may find that it has not seen in the same light or given the same respect as traditional western medicines. Although there are some who are skeptical of the benefits that natural pain relief can provide to them there are just as many who are more than happy with the benefits that such natural treatments provide them with. There have been cases where the use of natural joint pain relief in place of more traditional western medications have been extremely effective for some people, so much so it seems to have changed their lives.

There seems to be a number of types of natural joint pain relief therapies which seem to be quite effective and details are provided below.

Firstly there is MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), which is a combination of glucosamine and chondroitin. You will find that MSM is made from organic sulfur, glucosamine and chondroitin (these last two substances are formed naturally in the body) and both of which have been proven to be highly effective in helping to alleviate the pain felt either because of a joint problem or due to arthritis.

The other natural options which seem to be effective also for alleviate many forms of joint pain are bee venom, arnica and ginger, antler velvet, methyl salicylate, Zheng Gu Shui and Capsicum Oleoresin.

However, it is important to remember that when you are using any form of natural remedy to help with the alleviation of any form of joint pain, they should only be used as directed. If you are unsure as to how they should be used then seek advice before using any of the options either from some one trained in their use. In some cases these forms of natural remedy are only to be applied directly to the area of pain, whilst there are others which should be ingested, and as with any form of medical treatment there is the chance that the product may be misused, abused, the possibility of some side effects or a danger to a persons health if not used properly.

Migraine Headache and TMJ Syndrome

Headache and TMJ syndrome may go together if you have chronic recurring headaches. While wildly over diagnosed in the 1970's recently newer imaging techniques, such as MRI's, have allowed for a better look at this facial joint that causes so much pain.

TMJ or temporomandibular joint syndrome as the disorder is commonly called, is poorly understood at the present time in terms of how it is caused. While many patients have bruxism or grinding of the teeth at night, others may have had trauma, osteoarthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis. Many times the cause is unknown. For those of you with migraine, the constant clenching of the jaw causes muscle spasms in the temples. This then leads to a migraine.

The symptoms of TMJ may be any or all of the following: pain or tenderness in jaw and/or around the ear , difficulty chewing, a clicking sound when jaw is opened,spasms causing the jaw to "lock" when open or closing, uncomfortable or uneven bite, and finally, headache!

Diagnosing TMJ involves a good history of how you sleep, grinding habits during the day and general tension. An exam of the jaw should involve palpation of the joint both inside and outside of the mouth. Imaging of your jaw may be needed to find out how much damage is in the joint. X-rays, a CT of the jaw or even an MRI would assist the doctor. Once diagnosed you should be referred to a dentist who specializes in TMJ syndrome.

Treatment of TMJ may greatly reduce your headaches. But like anything else, a multi-factorial approach to the problem will yield the best results for you. Each of the following treatments may help you to reduce your pain.

Overuse of jaw muscles. This is mostly a lifestyle change. You must be willing to recognize when you are grinding your teeth during the day and learn to relax the jaw. Also, try not to eat foods that are difficult to chew until you heal a bit more.

Appliances. Depending on your particular situation, the dentist may make a bite plate or splint to help align your teeth at night. A night guard appliance could also be used to help prevent grinding.

Medications. Various medications may ease your pain and thereby reduce your headaches. A short course of steroids will reduce inflammation, or if the condition is not severe an anti-inflammatory could be used. Spasming of jaw muscles could contribute to the problem, and the ideal medication for this is Elavil.

Dental Repairs. Your dentist may recommend dental work that may not make much sense to you at first. However, correcting bite, repairing teeth and filing down tooth edges that aren't meeting correctly will all serve to decrease TMJ. Surgery.This is a final option and is reserved for cases where the above options have failed. In this case the joint is so badly damaged that joint reconstruction or replacement may be recommended. And again your headache and TMJ may be reduced!

TMJ Pain Relief Methods

Those who suffer from Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or TMJ, have to deal with pain in their lower jaw on a regular basis. There are a variety of things that can be done to treat TMJ and to lessen the pain that is brought on as a result of having this condition. There are dental treatments, medicines, at home treatments, and alternative treatments that can be used for this purpose.

One of the first things that can be tried in order to get some TMJ pain relief is checking out the available dental treatments that might help you. If you have a problem with grinding your teeth, or if your teeth are not aligned properly, you can be fitted with a device that can help realign your teeth or keep you from grinding them at night, depending on which problem you are having. Other problems that can be fixed by a dentist include an uncomfortable or uneven bite that is brought on due to not having all of your dental work being done, or a filling or crown that is too high.

Although many over the counter NSAIDS such as aspirin or Tylenol do not usually provide TMJ pain relief, there are some prescription medications that have been found to be helpful for some people. These include the off label use of some types of antidepressants. Some people also find that the over the counter medication Aleve can provide some relief.

The at home treatment methods for TMJ pain relief include trying not to use your jaw too much, trying to keep your jaw in the proper position, applying heat and cold, and using stretching exercises and massage. All of these methods can be done on your own once you have been shown the proper way to go about them.

Finally, there are some alternative treatments that can be used for TMJ pain relief. These are particularly good for people who grind their teeth or clench their jaw due to stress, since these are mainly stress relief techniques. They include yoga, meditation, deep breathing, guided imagery, and progressive muscle relaxation techniques. These can also be taught to those who are interested in giving them a try on their own.

TMJ Relief at Home - Are You Ready to Kick TMJ Out of Your Body and Life?

Hopefully, you answered yes. Like millions of others, you have been haunted by Temporo-Mandibular Joint disorder (TMJ) and want to bust it now! Good, it is highly probable that you made this decision just in the nick of time. TMJ is a condition resulting from a variety of factors as pain and movement difficulties in the parts related to the join between the skull and the lower jaw. It's better to get rid of it as fast as possible.

The intensity of the symptoms associated with TMJ (pain, difficulties in opening/closing of the mouth, clicking and grating sounds in the jaw, tenderness of the jaw) varies with each person. But irrespective of that, if left untreated for a long time, TMJ can be destructive towards the muscles, nerves, bones and blood vessels of the face. All you need now is to get treated as fast as possible. There are several methods to get yourself TMJ relief at home.

Most people believe that taking pain killers and wearing splints can cure their TMJ for them without any other effort. But in at least 50% of people who do so, this has resulted in the condition becoming severe and chronic. A holistic approach to getting TMJ relief at home would be concentrating on suppressing pain, treatment as well as eliminating the causes together.

Jaw exercises come handy for controlling pain and restoring functionality to the jaws. These simple exercises can be done everyday and are easy ways to get TMJ relief from home. Hypnotic therapy and movement therapy can do the same, but outside your home. In order to eliminate root causes of TMJ, you need to undergo examination and counseling by TMJ experts who can identify and suggest remedies to your specific conditions (like bruxism or para-functional habits).

It is very important that you stick to your TMJ treatment and follow all suggestions until they tell you to stop. Some people stop following their therapy once they are relieved of pain. Needless to say, this will only complicate issues.

What Are the Best Shoes to Help Relieve Ankle, Knee, Hip Or Back Pain? - Nurse's Guide

If you're suffering from back pain or lower back pain or pain in the ankles, knees or hips you may be wondering if your shoes are causing it. This is a common question and supposedly easy problem to solve if the shoes you're wearing are causing your pain and you need instant pain relief.

While there haven't been any studies that prove that any specific brand of shoes can relieve or reduce ankle, knee, hip or back pain, many pain sufferers report that certain shoes have stopped the pain. Some people have reported that Easy Spirit's, Rockport's, Croc's and certain brands of tennis shoes have relieved their pain and sometimes given them instant pain relief. Sometimes people also have foot pain, which may be a clue that shoes are causing your problem if you have ankle, knee, hip or back pain along with it.

But of course, the best way to find out is to determine the cause of your pain. For example, if your back pain is caused by one leg being shorter than the other, than a shoe lift may be the answer. If it's from sitting too long in one position without good lumbar support than an ergonomic chair may help.

If all other causes have been eliminated or you also have foot pain or suspect your shoes are the culprit, then the following tips may help you get ankle, knee, hip or back pain relief.

If your shoes aren't fitting right, you will not walk correctly. Your stride will be off and you can get back pain or pain in the ankle, knee or hip or a combination.

Go shopping or buy your shoes at the end of the day or if you exercise, buy them at the time you normally exercise. Excess fluid goes to your feet due to gravity and they will be the largest at the end of the day.

Foot sizes do change. Ask to have both feet measured, both the length and width. Fit the shoes by the largest of the two feet. You want to have a half inch from the end of your large toe to the front edge of the shoe. Fan your toes out so you know you have a lot of room. Choose a wide toe-bed. Shoes are commonly fitted with a bed that's too narrow. If you use orthotics, bring them with you and insert into the shoes.

Make sure to wear the socks you would normally wear with the shoe. If you have foot problems such as blisters, bunions, hammertoes, high arches or flat feet, make sure to discuss shoes with your podiatrist before shoe shopping and get fit in a store that specializes in fitting shoes or an arch support store.

If you are buying women's shoes try to buy flats and forego the heels. If you have to have a heel try to keep it to one inch. If you need to wear a high heel shoe do it on a special occasion not for daily wear. Make sure to walk around the shoe store long enough to get a good feel for the shoes. Bend your feet and make sure the shoe feels flexible and very comfortable. Do not believe anyone who says you can "break-in" the shoe. It must feel comfortable in the store or it won't out of the store.

You may find buying the best shoes for your feet may relieve your ankle, knee, hip, foot or pain. Take the time to be fitted properly and buy the best shoe for you. There are many other things you can do to relieve pain without pain medications. Always seek alternative and natural treatments, tricks, methods, therapies and little known pain relief secrets for your pain whenever possible. Many have done it before you.

Natural Dog Arthritis Cures

You probably already know that like people dogs also are afflicted with Arthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs because there has been damage to the joints. With the onset of this joint disease your pet will show signs of lameness and generally be much slower in her physical movements. Cold weather, too much exercise, or some type of traumatic injury to the joints or ligaments can bring about the onset of arthritis. Natural dog arthritis cures can help to alleviate this debilitating, degenerative joint disease.

The number one cause of arthritis in dogs is obesity. Too much weight puts stress and pressure on joints causing inflammation leading to arthritis. Poor nutrition, lack of exercise and prior injury to bones and joints are other causes.

The first defense against this crippling disease is a natural diet and elimination of processed food and commercial pet food. Dairy products, grains, peppers, tomatoes, salt and preservatives should all be avoided.

Feed your pet fresh raw meaty bones and lean meats. Increase her fiber intake with extra vegetables such as Green Beans, Carrots, Cilantro, Asparagus and Beets. Make sure the vegetables are grated or pulverized as dogs cannot digest whole vegetables. You can sprinkle herbal antioxidants such as Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Parsley and Celery Seed on your pet's food to protect cells from damage.

Exercise is an important element in the prevention of this disease. Daily walking to keep the joints flexible will aid in retarding the disease, although in dogs with advanced stages of the disease exercise can be very painful.

Herbal remedies can be very effective in the treatment of arthritis in dogs. Herbs such as Dandelion, Burdock Root, Devils Claw and Frankincense have proven to be very effective when properly applied. Two herbs that can greatly reduce the pain of arthritis are Licorice Root and Cayenne. Licorice Root is used in place of steroids or as an anti-inflammatory agent and Cayenne taken internally provides pain relief. Wild Yam, which acts much like cortisone and St.-John's-Wort are additional herbs that ease pain and aid in the healing process.

There are many effective herbal remedies for this degenerative joint disease. Learning about them and learning how to apply these various remedies will provide you with a safe, non-toxic and relatively inexpensive solution to the ravages of this painful joint disease.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Early Symptoms of Arthritis

Arthritis is a group of conditions involving damage to the joints of the body. There are different forms and each has a different cause. The early symptoms of arthritis differ across the different types but with one common denominator - pain.
There are around 200 kinds - the most common forms are osteoarthritis - OA (degenerative joint disease) and rheumatoid - RA in adults; Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) in children.
All arthritides feature pain. The patterns may differ depending on the source and the location.
Elements of the history of the disorder guide diagnosis. Important features are speed and time of onset, pattern of joint involvement, symmetry of symptoms, early morning stiffness, tenderness, gelling or locking with inactivity, aggravating and relieving factors.
Early Symptoms of Arthritis include:
There will be medical problems affecting the joints and connective tissue. The aged patient simply moves less and the infantile patient refuses to use the affected limb. The pain is generally worse in the morning and associated with stiffness in the early stages.
Anemia (which is very common) and extra-articular ("outside the joints") manifestations are known to occur with RA.
With OA the main symptom is a sharp ache or a burning sensation in the associated muscles and tendons, causing loss of ability. It can cause a crackling noise when the affected joint is moved or touched. Patients may experience muscle spasm and contractions in the tendons.
In JIA the symptoms are often non-specific initially. They include lethargy, reduced physical activity, and poor appetite. The first manifestation particularly in young children may be limping. They may also become quite ill presenting with flu-like feelings that persist.
A healthy arthritis diet will boost the immune system and provide the sufferer with extra energy to fight the disease.

Medical Conditions Associated With Temple Headache

True enough the temple area is usually affected by headache pain. The affected area is dependent from the headache's underlying cause. There are people who complain of pain in both temples while there are others who happen to feel pain on only one side. Aside from location, the quality and severity of temple headache varies as well.

Headaches are usually not life threatening and can go away on its own, but there are cases of temple headaches that serve as warning signs for a more serious medical condition.

So what causes temple headaches? As mentioned before, the underlying cause of temple headaches do differ. It is important that we understand the different factors that causes pain in the temple region in order to treat the symptoms fast and effectively. Tension headaches, TMJ dysfunction and temporal Arteritis are some of medical conditions that are associated with temple headaches. Let us discuss each one.

1. Tension headaches - Stress is inevitable. It can occur to each and every one of us. Just by looking at your monthly billing statement can be very stressful. Stress do varies for each person. When repeated unresolved stresses occurs contraction of muscles can occur. As a result of chronic muscle tension, inflammation in the area takes place. Inflammation can be a bit painful. When the neckline and skull are pain can extend to both temples. Besides stress, poor body posture, hormonal changes and unhealthy diet can also contribute to the development of tension headaches.

2. TMJ dysfunction - Characteristically, women between the ages of 20 to 40 years old are affected by TMJ dysfunction syndrome. Unrelieved TMJ dysfunction can move the cartilage that causes extension of the connected soft tissues and sensory nerves. When the cartilage is displaced, you are predisposed to jaw locked up. Aside from the ticking of the jaw, people who suffer from TMJ dysfunction can also experience facial pain as a result of inflammation. Other symptoms associated with TMJ are ear pain, ear fullness and temple headaches. Moreover, temple headache in point of fact id pain that starts off from the jaws and which eventually branch out to the temple area. Again, this type of headache is known as a tension type of headache. The pain can extend to the neckline, shoulders and back regions.

3. Temporal Arteritis - As a person gets older the more susceptible one becomes to the development of Temporal Arteritis. When the arteries become inflamed the blood supply is disrupted, leading to a wide array of symptoms including temple headaches. According to one medical resource, women are more predisposed as compared to men. People who suffer from temporal arteritis are often diagnosed with giant cell arteritis. This type of disorder can cause episodes of pain due to the interrupted blood flow.

Certainly, temple headaches are caused by varying factors. Talk to your health care provider if you are still unsure of what causes your temple headaches.

What Is The Best Purchase, Elliptical Trainer Or Stair Climber?

If you walk into a health club, chances are that you will see either a stair climber, elliptical trainer, or both. The popularity of both machines is a result of their ability to address the fitness concerns of their customers. You can use either machine to burn calories and improve cardiovascular function which can help with weight loss, a major concern for most Americans. But which machine should you choose? That depends on your own specific fitness goals.

Weight Loss - Elliptical trainers and stair climbers are both effective exercise machines for burning calories, but the elliptical is better. As a general rule, a 200 lb. person burns about 1,030 calories with 60 minutes of elliptical training, but only 815 calories for the same time on a stair climber. Since a stair climber feels like a more intense workout on your lower body, it is harder to maintain a workout that lasts one hour. An elliptical trainer's lower rate of perceived exertion means you are more likely to finish one hour of exercise, and if your machine has moveable arms, you can work both your upper body and lower body at the same time, increasing calories burned.

Muscles Worked - Both machines work your lower body muscles, the glutes, quadriceps, calves, and hamstrings. Both machines require balance so you work your core to as a way of stabilizing your body throughout the workout. But an elliptical trainer with moveable arms can work the upper body as well, giving you more of an all body workout. Also, the elliptical is a more versatile machine which allows you to vary your workouts, by changing the resistance, incline, or possibly even allowing you to peddle in reverse motion.

Stronger Bones - Both machines help to build bone density. Stair climbing and elliptical training are weight-bearing and they work directly on the bones in your legs, hips and lower spine to slow mineral loss, according to the Mayo Clinic's website. Another nice feature of both machines is their ability to build bone without stressing your joints. The elliptical trainer is a little easier on your joints so that may be the best option if you have an injury. It is always best to consult with a professional such as a doctor or physical therapist before starting an exercise program if you have an injury or disability.

Space - An elliptical trainer takes more floor space but a stair climber is more vertical, requiring a higher ceiling. It is always best to make sure you have the space available before you purchase a fitness machine. The exact dimensions of the machine will be listed on the website, or you can ask the salesperson directly.

Price and Durability - A high quality fitness machine that is durably built so you will have little or no maintenance problems will cost thousands of dollars. A commercial grade machine that is used and has been professionally refurbished is a great way to save a lot of money, and these refurbished fitness machines should have many years of hassle free workouts left.

Trying to decide between a stair climber and an elliptical trainer is a little easier when you look at your fitness goals and your own fitness, including any chronic injuries or disabilities. Going through that analysis will make the choice to purchase a new or refurbished elliptical or stair climber much simpler.

Naftalan - Therapeutic Oil For Skin Diseases

Naftalan is therapeutic oil, very rare in nature. It has been used since the ancient times for preservation of health and preventing diseases, as well as treating existing illnesses and injuries.

What makes naftalan different from other kinds of oils? It is due to its physical and chemical structure. It's main ingredients are sulfur and nitrogen but it also has a variety of micro-elements and some light fractions, like petrol and kerosene.

Indications for using naftalan are various:

  • Impairments to the central and peripheral nervous systems -- paresis, polyneuropathy, radiculopathia

  • Skin diseases such as psoriasis, scleroderma, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, conditions after burn injuries

  • Vascular diseases -- Buerger's disease, Mb.Raynaud

  • Bone and muscle system diseases -- inflammatory rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis), degenerative joint and spine diseases, extraarticular rheumatism

  • Post traumatic and post operative rehabilitation of locomotive system

Naftalan is generally used in naftalan baths, washing the entire body in naftalan. Locally it can be used in different ways such as masticotherapy, iontophoresis with naftalan, sonoforesis with naftalan or by washing the parts of a body with naftalan.

There are only two places in the world where this therapeutic oil naftalan is produced. One is in Azerbaijan and the other one (the only one in Europe) is in Ivanic Grad, in Croatia. Naphthenic oil near Ivanic Grad was discovered in the 1970s. Since then there were made a series of cross studies of naftalan oil from Ivanic Grad and oil from Azerbaijan. All the tests confirmed that both types have almost the same chemical and biological characteristics.

Ivanic Grad is a small town situated 27 km from Zagreb, the Capital of Croatia. In prehistoric time the region of todays Ivanic Grad was the bed of the Pannonian Sea. That gave this unique value of natural riches of Ivanic Grad and its environs -- rare and powerful natural therapeutic agents -- therapeutic naftalan oil and thermomineral water. According to balneologic classification thermomineral water from the site in Ivanic Grad is hyperthermic brine of fluorine, brome, iodine, and sodium chloride. It is acquired from the depth of 1300 metres. Water temperature at the water source is 60 degrees. Organoleptically, the water is clear, salty and with characteristic oily odour and is classified as oily water. As a residue from the Pannonian Sea, this saline water is a strong therapeutic cause with favourable effects on human welfare. Some of those thermal effects are muscle relaxing, analgesy, anti-inflammatory effect, increase of connective tissue expansion, decrease of viscosity of synovial fluids, etc. Some of the effects of saline sodium-chloride water are stimulating microcirculation, muscle relaxing, effecting thermal regulation, cheratolithic effect, effecting sensitivity to UV rays, etc.

Knowing that naftalan and thermomineral water have been used for thousands of years as a part of folk medicine, in 1989. in Ivanic Grad (Croatia) was established Naftalan -- a Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation. It has recently been accepted as a fully fledged member of the European Spas Association (ESPA), which has members representing 21 European countries. For the time being Naftalan is the only Croatian member within the organization.

Naftalan oil and thermomineral water are a precious resource that Ivanic Grad can offer to the world. With it織s kind and well-educated staff, and comfortable facilities of the Hospital and the surroundings Special Hospital For Medical Rehabilitation Naftalan will make your stay both beneficial and pleasant. And don織t forget -- there are only two places in the world where you can find naftalan oil. And the only one in Europe is in Naftalan -- Special Hospital For Medical Rehabilitation in Ivanic Grad, Croatia.

The Benefits of Aloe in Pain Relief For Arthritis

Although arthritis won't really kill you, it can literally cripple you. Arthritis causes a lot of limitations and cuts back even the most undemanding activities such as bathing, walking or dressing up. Because of intense pain in the joints, arthritis can be quite debilitating. Added to that, it's also a recurring disease.

Arthritis affects many thousands of people every year and statistics show that one in every three adults over 40 suffer or will suffer from arthritis as they age. Arthritis has no specified age or gender parameter since arthritis can develop even in infants, but most sufferers begin to experience symptoms when they near their fifties, with more than 50% occurring before the age of 65. The sad thing about arthritis is that it can be debilitating both to the body and to one's finances. It is estimated that arthritis can cost a single person a whopping $150,000 in medical or support treatment and lost wages during his or her lifetime.

The two most common types of arthritis that afflict the greater percentage of the population are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a condition that results from normal wear and tear of the knees, hips, or ankles since they bear much of the weight in the body. Arthritis also invades the shoulders and other highly mobile joints in the cervical and lumbar spinal regions. Like grease on joints and gears in a mechanical structure, synovial fluid maintains lubrication and ease of movement within our joints. It is also responsible for the overall health of the cartilage surrounding the bone interface. Synovial fluid inevitably shrinks with age and cartilage undergoes wear and tear with heavy use, eventually causing the bones to grind against each other. This grinding action is what causes arthritis pain and the difficulty in movements.

Rheumatoid Arthritis on the other hand is a condition brought about by the assault of anti-bodies on the synovial lining of the joints. Although these anti-bodies are produced by our own immune system, genetics, certain infections or environmental factors can trigger immune system upsets and cause destruction of the synovial membrane and the cartilage. Inflammatory conditions such as swelling, stiffness and pain manifest as a result of this. Rheumatoid Arthritis affects any age group, and this type of immunologically induced arthritis is also prevalent in other systemic illnesses such as Lupus and Scleroderma.

Symptoms of arthritis are not permanent - the disease is said to be active when inflammation is present and that period is known as a "flare". When the symptoms go away, it is said that the disease is "in remission". Remission can be accomplished through treatment or may occur spontaneously and may last for months or even years.

Conventional treatments for arthritis include the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids to relieve its painful effects. Typically, these come in the form of cortisone injections or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or what is commonly known as NSAIDs. These types of treatment bring pain relief, unfortunately they don't repair the damaged tissues - hence relief is said to be merely symptomatic.

NSAIDs and steroids are also known to produce adverse effects. Most prominent of these are osteoporosis and some thinning of the skin. NSAIDs are also observed to increase the incidence of stomach ulcers.

No cure for arthritis has been discovered yet, but there is growing evidence that tissue repair and replacement can delay disease progression. In fact, this has been the focus of controversial stem cell replacement studies over the years. Whether or not stem cell replacement will eventually emerge as the cure for arthritis, it is a welcome relief to know that natural substances are available to relieve arthritis pain and discomfort, and slow progression of the disease - without the side effects.

One of the best known natural substances for its anti-inflammatory properties is Aloe Vera. Aloe generally provides analgesic relief and it has demonstrated positive results at immune system stimulation to speed up cell replacement and growth. Aloe Vera contains basic sugars which are also found in every cell of the body - it is rich in nutrients that include vitamins E, C, and the B series, as well as iron, manganese, calcium and zinc. Aloe Vera also contains essential amino and fatty acids needed by the body.

Possibly more than its nutritional benefits is the ability of Aloe Vera to help the body regenerate cells and repair damaged tissue. A breakthrough formulation combines aloe with glucosamine and chondroitin, two joint supplements that are building blocks of cartilage found within joints. Glucosamine increases fluid maintenance in the cartilage, while chondroitin, an ingredient of cartilage tissue, takes charge of drawing in fluids and nutrients. As we age, the body's capacity to produce these natural elements of healthy cartilage is diminished, thus leading to painful joint conditions. Combined with Aloe Vera which aids in tissue repair and cell regeneration, natural relief for arthritis without the side effects may simply be found in a glass of naturally occurring substances!

TMJ Pain Relief - Quick Tips to Mange Your TMJ

TMJ most often is a disease accompanied by episodes of intense pain in the jaw when the cartilage in the lower jaw because misaligned. This misalignment leads to intense pressure, leading to intense pain. For some, TMJ can become a debilitating disease, even to the point where only soft food can be eaten. For others, who have found TMJ pain relief, the disease causes little impact on day to day life and peoples lives are relatively normal. How can you go about getting relief from your TMJ? We'll discuss a few tips.

One top notch method of finding immediate TMJ pain relief, is making some modifications to your diet. Certain minerals can help or hurt TMJ. For example, magnesium deficiency has been linked to TMJ outbreaks as well as some other conditions (i.e., fibromyalgia and insomnia). As a remedy for TMJ you could try to reduce magnesium in your diet.

Aside from diet, there is a technique that has been known to work to manage TMJ when you feel it coming on. TMJ sometimes attacks in what are known as spasms. If you feel one occurring, you could immediately place a warm washcloth over the area and you should start to feel some relief from your TMJ almost immediately.

With a little guidance, you can be well on your way to managing this disease. You should also spend some time researching what foods you should and shouldn't eat for TMJ pain relief as well as certain exercises which over time could cure your TMJ.