Saturday, October 12, 2013

What Are the Natural Remedies For Wrist Arthritis Inflammation?

Wrist arthritis inflammation is a painful condition and it may be caused by gout, infection, trauma, degenerative joint disease, or autoimmune conditions.

Symptoms of this problem include pain, tenderness, swelling, stiffness, and locking of the wrist joints. Treatment varies according to the specific type of arthritis, symptoms, and the patient's age, health status, and existing medical conditions. If the symptoms are not that severe, natural remedies such as those mentioned below are enough to relieve and alleviate the problem.

Natural remedies for wrist arthritis inflammation include:

1. Rest - Rest is essential during bouts of active inflammation of the wrist. Patients are advised to take ample rest and to avoid doing physical tasks that require the use of hands.

2. Spices - Including spices like turmeric, ginger, and black pepper in one's daily diet can help curb this condition according to Ayurvedic medicine. This claim is also supported by various scientific studies that reveal that these spices contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.

Turmeric, for instance, contains a compound called curcumin, which is effective in stimulating anti-inflammatory activity. Ginger contains gingerol while black pepper has piperine, both of which have the same anti-inflammatory benefits.

3. Fiber - Also to include in your diet are other anti-inflammatory foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, which are fibrous enough to stimulate and improve blood flow.

4. Olive Oil - Good fats like olive oil contain oleocanthal, which also has anti-inflammatory activity.

5. Exercise - Proper exercise is recommended to maintain good functioning of the joints. This is also essential for weight loss, as excess weight can be overbearing on the joints and further cause pain.

6. Fish Oil - Another type of good fat is fish oil, which is one of the best natural remedies for wrist arthritis inflammation and painful joints. Research has proved that omega 3 fatty acids stimulate the production of molecules that signal the immune system to inhibit the inflammation.

To be more specific, the DHA present in omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil is converted into a chemical called Resolvin D2 after taken in by the body. This chemical reacts with the inner linings of the blood vessels and counters the inflammation.

Fish oil is abundant in tuna, mackerel, salmon, halibut, and other similar types of fish. However, due to the alarming level of mercury absorbed by fish in the sea, it is safer to take in nutritional supplements that have undergone extensive purification to get rid of this toxic chemical.

It is just important that you are able to choose high quality fish oil supplements from reputable suppliers so you can be assured of potency and purity. Always choose a good brand and an authorized dealer so you can enjoy the anti-inflammatory benefits of this supplement.

For best supplements, look for those that are made from healthy cold water fish like hoki, tuna and salmon. Also, ensure that the supplements have undergone the proper molecular distillation process. Don't let yourself be debilitated by this condition. Use natural remedies for wrist arthritis inflammation to help fight this problem before it becomes severe.

To learn more about how omega 3 fatty acids can help wrist arthritis inflammation, please visit my website where I share what products I have personally been using daily for several years.

Increasing Your Magnesium Levels Can Help Prevent Allergy and Asthma Attacks

Most people are deficient in magnesium due to the refining of foods- find out how increasing your daily intake of this important mineral can make a big difference to your overall heath and also prevent allergies and asthma attacks. Magnesium is a trace mineral that is required for not just building strong bones but for the proper functioning of our entire bodies.

"Magnesium is not limited to improving bone health. There are some three hundred bodily enzymes that require magnesium, which suggests that magnesium is vital for most cells and tissues of the body." - from American Chiropractic.

Studies show that insufficient magnesium levels not only can cause asthma and allergies, but also muscle cramps, muscle twitching, muscle weakness as well as muscle aches, TMJ disorders, depression, insomnia, osteoporosis, attention deficit disorder, fibromyalgia, diabetes, mitral valve prolapse, migraines, attention deficit disorder, noise sensitivity and nervousness among several other conditions.

Today's refined food simply doesn't contain enough magnesium and foods that do contain it lose it through the cooking process. Even if you are purposefully eating raw foods daily that are rich in magnesium, consuming coffee, alcohol, soda or soft drinks and salt will result in a loss of this mineral. Foods that contain magnesium are cereals, nuts, green vegetables, and dairy products. However, according to an article in The Lancet by Britton et al. Magnesium deficiency is surprisingly common. In one study 65% of an intensive care population and 11% of an outpatient population suffered from magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is used pharmacologically in acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) angina, (chest pains) cardiac arrhythmias, (irregular heart beat) alcohol withdrawal, and pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy). It has been used to treat acute asthma and plus magnesium may also help prevent asthma symptoms.

Maintaining proper levels of magnesium in the body helps by relaxing airway smooth muscle and dilating bronchioles in the lungs. It also reduces histamine release and inflammation of the airways and lungs by stabilizing mast cells and T- lymphocytes. Studies like the one in The Lancet showed that increasing magnesium intake helped to reduce and even prevent allergy and asthma symptoms. Taking a good magnesium citrate supplement, which is easily absorbed is important. Recommended daily dosages vary from 500 mg to 1000 mg if you have a substantial deficiency, but be aware that a dose of 1000 mg of magnesium will cause a loose stool. It is best not to take it after a meal since it neutralizes stomach acids, which would interfere with digestion. It is best to consult a naturopathic doctor or nutritionist for advice and testing to determine your individual needs. Trace mineral deficiencies can be determined through a tissue mineral analysis using a stand of your hair at a medical lab.

If you are looking for an effective drug-free alternative asthma treatment you should consider The Dramatic Asthma Relief Report, which is based on extensive medical research & proven clinical trials that will positively change your life.

Good News For Joint Pain and Arthritis Sufferers - Goodbye Pain in the Neck!

As a person who has spent a high percentage of his waking hours adorned in sporting colours and locked in fierce combat with an opposition or digging deep to find that last bit of energy and strength on the field or on the track, I am fully aware of the physical repercussions as I grow older, and hopefully wiser. How do I now ensure this body keeps functioning like the well oiled machine that it has always seemed to be? The answer may well be as simple as two health supplements, which, when taken in combination are producing promising results.

Our body, like a machine, has a limited lifespan and requires much care and maintenance in order to maximise its potential and ensure it lasts as long as possible. All wise mechanics and engineers will tell you that the key to a machine's output is best found in preventative measures rather than painstakingly lengthy remedies and cures. For too long I have watched the ageing, as well as fellow sportsmen and women, suffer at the hands of joint pain after years of high physical activity. On most occasions it is not our muscular or skeletal systems that give way to fatigue, but rather it is that which hinges those systems that throws up its hands - our joints!

It had always been in the back of my mind that one day joint pain and arthritis could plague me due to excessive and constant training and competition. Yet it seemed to rocket quickly to the forefront of my thoughts as seemingly simultaneously my father and father-in-law, both elite sportsmen in their day, started suffering from intense pain caused by degeneration with joints such as knees, neck, elbows and shoulders. Their physicians presented them with two options: invasive means involving joint replacements and the like or proven supplements that improved joint function and relieved pain. The results of choosing the latter were and have been remarkable. The key? The highly researched dietary supplements glucosamine and chondroitin.

If you have ever suffered from arthritis or joint degeneration, you will know that it can be a debilitating experience. Without going into the intricate medical terminology and indepth physiological explanations that often confuse sufferers, it is often the combination of a diminishing level of fluids and a breakdown of cartilage that normally creates the easy sliding movement within joints which causes decreased movement and corrosion. Without this slipperiness, grating and scraping occurs and movement is restricted as pain is increased.

It is not just the aged and elderly that suffer from pain due to arthritis, oesteoarthritis and other forms of joint disfunction. Observing a former elite sportsperson who has played sport at the highest level and represented his nation in Rugby League just a few short years ago, I was amazed at a recent sight. I watched him struggle to put his socks on, thanks to joint pain in his knees and back. Such a simple task for one still so fit but it was causing major discomfort. Yet, this discomfort can be radically lessened with the use of a supplement containing glucosamine and chondroitin. It would now place you in grave danger if you attempted to steal them from him! In many ways they are, and have been his saviour!

Thousands of Oesteoarthritis sufferers throughout the world have been rejoicing at the recent news that studies have confirmed. Glucosamine and chondroitin provide long awaited and anticipated pain relief. The Council for Responsible Nutrition says the clinical trial sponsored by the National Institute of Health in the USA, showed that the combined use of the two dietary supplements provide significant pain relief for arthritis sufferers. Many believe that the early use of both will significantly slow the onset of arthritis and joint pain.

Glucosamine and chondroitin are substances found naturally in the body. Glucosamine is also believed to play a role in cartilage formation and repair. Chondroitin is a part of a large protein molecule that provides cartilage elasticity. The combination of both in a single supplement greatly enhances the effectiveness of relieving pain and increasing joint movement. Many users state that it can take up to two months of use until they fully feel the effects of their use. But it is well worth the wait, they say!

It would be my strong advice that sufferers of arthritis don't totally rely upon supplements to answer all of their particular questions. There are many physical activities that can also assist in increasing movement and reducing pain in joints. Stretching and warming up the joints should be a common practice as this assists in making joints more flexible. Any exercise generally will help mobility of joints. However, add to this physical activity the combination of glucosamine and chondroitin, and your chances of better movement with less pain are significantly increased.

When warming up and stretching muscles and joints, it is important that you do not overstretch and push yourself too early in the exercise session. Commence with long slow movements as opposed to vigorous sharp activities. Hold the stretch if possible for at least 10-15 seconds. Include in your exercise session a wide range of movements depending on your age and mobility as well as some isometrics and some appropriate weight bearing activities.

There are few things worse than constant, debilitating pain. The simplest of everyday activities like cleaning your teeth, lacing your shoes, lifting up your kids and grandkids and even turning on taps, become an ordeal. Arthritis and joint pain sufferers are finding hope in a combination of two health supplements called glucosamine and chondroitin. As a long time health educator and adviser it thrills me to receive emails from join pain sufferers who have found glorious relief in these simple supplements.

Natural Pain Relief - Can it Work For You?

What do you use for pain relief? Most of us reach for a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) like aspirin and Advil or acetaminophen (Tylenol) when in pain.

With over 13 million regular NSAID users in the US and at least 30 billion over-the-counter tablets sold each year, you might say we're "sold" on NSAIDs and acetaminophen for pain relief.

Yet, these drugs aren't as friendly as their advertisements suggest. They help relieve pain, but their side effects can kill!

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports that NSAID-induced disease causes at least 103,000 hospitalizations per year and every year 16,500 arthritis patients die from NSAID-related gastrointestinal damage.

These drugs increase the chance of a heart attack and stroke. They cause ulcers and bleeding in the stomach and intestines. Worse yet, these side effects can happen suddenly without warning symptoms and may cause sudden death.

Acetaminophen, another potential killer, likely lurks in your medicine cabinet too. This common over-the-counter (OTC) drug found in Tylenol, cold medicines, and prescription drugs like Vicodin and Percocet is widely used for pain relief and fever.

Though generally considered safe when used according to the directions on its labeling, acetaminophen can cause liver damage and even death according to a FDA 2009 consumer update. Unfortunately, overdosing is easy as many drugs use acetaminophen in combination with other drugs in their formulas.

Fortunately, you can avoid these risks by using simple and effective natural pain relief methods like these:

Ice. Ice is a well-know pain reliever especially in the early phase of injury. "Try to ice the area as soon as possible after the injury and continue to ice it for 10 to 15 minutes four times a day for 48 hours. If you use ice, be careful not to use it too long, as this could cause tissue damage," reports Mayo Clinic staff on their website. After 48 hours, try heat.

Heat. Heat promotes pain relief and it increases blood flow to the area bringing nutrients and specialized cells to speed healing.

Fish Oil. An April 2006 study in Surgical Neurology found that after seventy-five days on fish oil, 59% of patients who were taking NSAIDs for chronic spinal pain and who had degenerative spine disease were able to discontinue their prescription NSAIDs. Eighty percent stated they were satisfied with their improvement, and 88% stated they would continue to take the fish oil.

Zyflamend. This preparation contains a synergistic blend of 10 specially processed herbs including ginger, rosemary, turmeric, holy basil, green tea, Hu Zhang, Chinese goldthread, barberry, oregano, and skullcap. Laboratory cell studies found it inhibits the COX-2 enzyme that triggers inflammation.

If you're already taking NSAIDs for your pain, "Take Zyflamend at half the recommended dose along with your prescribed medication; after 1 month, cut your NSAID dose in half and increase Zyflamend to full dosage; a month later, drop your NSAID and see if your symptoms are controlled. If your pain returns, you may need to resume taking your NSAID again," recommends natural health expert, Andrew Weil, MD in Prevention magazine.

Proteolytic Enzymes. These enzymes including papain, chymopapaine, bromelain, and pancreatic preparations can "fast forward" the healing process, support the removal of damaged tissue, and reduce swelling, report natural health experts Ross A. Hauser MD and Payson Flattery, NP, DC, in The Cure for Chronic Pain: End the Pain of Arthritis, Sports Injury and Other Joint Problems.

Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). An analysis of the 2002 National Health Interview published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine found that a majority (60 percent) of survey respondents who used CAM therapies for back pain perceived "a great deal" of benefit and they reported improved health status. Here are the most commonly used therapies with their percentage of usage:

  • Chiropractic (66 percent)

  • Massage (56 percent)

  • Yoga/Tai Chi/Qi Gong (56 percent)

  • Acupuncture (42 percent)

  • Herbal Therapies (32 percent)

  • Relaxation Techniques (28 percent)

These CAM therapies count as side effects potential improvement in all aspects of your life: body, mind, and spirit.

This is only a partial list; there are many other natural pain relief methods like physical therapy, meditation, and more. Ask your health provider about natural pain relief.

Before you decide to take drugs like NSAIDs and acetaminophen, try natural pain relief methods. You can use them in place of these drugs or along with them, in order to decrease the amount you need to take.

Natural pain relief methods can work and without the nasty side effects of drugs!

Think You Might Have It? Take the Fibromyalgia Quiz!

Fibromyalgia can be difficult to diagnose... even for doctors. Going to your family physician with a grocery list of health issues can actually help him or her to recognize fibromyalgia syndrome... if that's what you have. To help you to organize your thoughts, take a look at the series of symptoms below in the fibromyalgia quiz. Then, ask yourself if this is what you've been experiencing. Be sure to take good notes that you can take to your doctor:

1. Fibromyalgia Quiz- Pain -People describe the pain as deep muscular aching, throbbing, shooting, and stabbing. Intense burning may also be present. Quite often the pain and stiffness are worse in the morning and you may hurt more in muscle groups that are used repetitively. Have you experienced pain like this?

2. Fibromyalgia Quiz- Fatigue - This symptom can be mild in some fibromyalgia patients, but in others it may be debilitating. The fatigue has been described by patients as "feeling totally drained of energy". Many patients describe this condition by saying that they feel as though their arms and legs are tied down. Do you feel tired all the time?

3. Fibromyalgia Quiz- Brain Fog - Fibromyalgia sufferers may also have difficulty concentrating, remembering, and focusing. Many patients say that they can't follow instructions and experience confusion, even in very familiar situations. Do you have difficulty concentrating and remembering things?

4. Fibromyalgia Quiz- Sleep Disorders - Most fibromyalgia patients have associated sleep disorders. These conditions usually involve the patients' sleep being constantly interrupted by waking or semi-waking up all through the night. Insomnia is also common in fibromyalgia sufferers. If you don't feel refreshed upon waking or feel worse in the morning after you've slept, you should suspect that a sleep disorder is involved. Many fibromyalgia patients have also been found to have sleep apnea, teeth- grinding during sleep, and restless legs syndrome, as well. Does any of this sound familiar to you?

5. Fibromyalgia Quiz- Irritable Bowel Syndrome - IBS includes nausea constipation, diarrhea, gas and abdominal pain. These are symptoms found in many fibromyalgia sufferers. Acid reflux or gastro-esophageal reflux disease also may occur. Are you experiencing or being treated for any of these symptoms?

6. Fibromyalgia Quiz- Headaches - Do you experience recurrent migraine or tension-type headaches? These can pose a major obstacle for fibromyalgia sufferers in dealing with everyday activities and can be made worse by stress. Do you suffer with frequent and/or severe headaches?

7. Fibromyalgia Quiz- Temporal-mandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome -TMJ can cause tremendous jaw-related face and head pain. It occurs to some degree in most fibromyalgia patients and is can be a source of much discomfort. The problems are usually related to the muscles and ligaments surrounding the jaw joint. Have you been diagnosed, been treated for, or experienced jaw-related face and head pain?

8. Fibromyalgia Quiz- Other Common Symptoms - Have you experienced any of these?

  • Chest pain (non-cardiac)

  • Premenstrual syndrome and painful periods

  • Morning stiffness

  • Dry eyes and mouth

  • Sensitivity to bright lights, odors, loud sounds, medications and foods

  • Numbness and tingling sensations

  • Muscle twitching and tremors

  • Irritable bladder

  • The feeling of swollen extremities and skin sensitivities

  • Dizziness and impaired co-ordination

If you have made a list of symptoms from the fibromyalgia quiz series, it is possible that you could have fibromyalgia. Take you quiz results to your doctor for an evaluation.

As a fibromyalgia survivor myself, I can tell you that there is hope to overcome the miserable symptoms. After taking the prescription drugs for years, I found a way to treat my fibromyalgia naturally through nutrition. If you would like to find out how I beat this disease and got off the medications with all their side-effects, contact me now by clicking on one of the links below.

Thumb Arthritis: This Joint Pain Is More Common Than You Think

This condition can cause many problems for sufferers, including loss of grip and, of course, a great deal of pain. But what are its causes and is there a remedy?

Thumb arthritis usually occurs after the age of forty and is more common in women than in men. The first symptom of thumb arthritis is usually pain experienced at the base of the thumb when gripping an object or when applying force - say to turn a key or open the lid of a jar. This form of osteoarthritis can make these simple household tasks difficult as it limits the strength and range of motion of the thumb.

Other symptoms may include swelling, stiffness and tenderness at the base of the thumb, decreased strength when grasping objects, enlarged appearance or a 'bony' look to the base of the thumb and general discomfort and aching after use.

The exact cause of this condition is unknown (in common with osteoarthritis generally) but the following factors are thought to contribute to its development:

Being female
Having a job that puts high stress on the thumb joint
Having certain hereditary conditions - joint ligament laxity, defective cartilage etc.
Having past injuries such as fractures or sprains to the basal thumb joint
Being over forty years of age
Having existing rheumatoid arthritis

The basal thumb joint allows your thumb its wide range of movement and consists of the trapezium (the small bone at the base of your thumb), the first metacarpal (the thumb's first bone) and the wrist's scaphotrapezio-trapezoidal joint (STT).

In a normal basal joint, cartilage covers the ends of the bone, acting as a cushion to let the bones glide smoothly over each other. In thumb arthritis, the cartilage deteriorates allowing the bone ends to rub and roughen - the main cause of pain.

Your body's attempts to repair the damage may lead to new bone growth (spurs), which are noticeable on the joint. Each of the repair steps also produces the pain commonly associated with this condition.

Although there is no cure for thumb arthritis, self-care measures do exist. These include specialised splints, prescribed medication or corticosteroid injections. In extreme cases surgery may be the only way to gain a measure of relief.

It would seem then that there is no real remedy for thumb arthritis, any more than other general arthritic conditions, but that early diagnosis and treatment may serve to alleviate the worst symptoms of what can otherwise be a very debilitating condition. Changing lifestyle or work practices may help - any reduction of strain on the affected joint should bring some measure of relief. Too, adapting to the condition by using aids to mobility or dexterity can help, alleviating some of the frustration that is often felt by sufferers of arthritis and allowing the person affected to retain as much independence as possible. Exercise (as opposed to stressing) of the joint can also help to retain its range of motion.

As with all medical issues, it is essential that you consult your doctor if you suspect the onset of any form of arthritis.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Compare Pet Insurance - Your German Shepherd May Be Depending on It

The German Shepherd was originally used to herd sheep. They are a good-natured dog and do well in a family atmosphere. They do need to be trained at an early age however since they do tend to be dominate.

Many of these dogs that are surrendered to Humane Societies are surrendered usually because of behavioural problems or health problems. Any dog will get sick but purebreds seem to be prone to certain diseases and the German Shepherd is no different.

German Shepherds are prone to a number of diseases, one of them being hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia is most common among larger breeds of dogs and is considered to be a genetic disease. It is the malformation of the hip joint where the ball or the head of the femur does not fit properly into the socket. It can cause moderate to severe pain and lameness in an affected dog. It can also cause arthritis of the joints. It can affect the left hip or the right hip or both.

Hip dysplasia can be apparent at birth or can be detected during the growing phase of the puppy or it may not be detected until the dog is much older.
Hip dysplasia is usually detected after a physical examination and then confirmed by x-rays of the hip joints.

There are different ways to treat hip dysplasia and treatment is going to be determined by the severity of the dysplasia, the dogs' age, the radiographic findings and how much an owner can afford. Having dog insurance may make your decision easier.

One way of treating hip dysplasia is by restricting your dogs' exercise and give them some sort of pain medication prescribed by your vet. Acupuncture can be used to help alleviate the pain but that would be an ongoing treatment.

There is also a surgical solution to hip dysplasia. Three types of surgery used are a total hip replacement, femoral head or a triple pelvic osteotomy. The cost varies from the least invasive surgery, the femoral head, which costs between $1000 to $2000 to the more invasive, triple pelvic osteotomy, which can cost between $2000 to $3500 and the last surgery which is a total hip replacement can cost between $4000 to $6000.

As you can see unexpected illnesses and diseases can cost quite a lot of money. You now have the option when purchasing a new puppy to purchase healthcare for them. There are different plans and many different companies that now offer pet insurance. Your best to research and compare pet insurance policies and find one that covers your pets needs and is affordable.

Natural Arthritis Pain Relief Supplements

There have been a few natural arthritis pain relief supplements which are known to assist in relieving sometimes excruciating pain in the hip or knees, but often men and women in the West still prefer to opt for prescription NSAID's which have now been exposed through concrete medical evidence to damage your liver, kidneys, pose heart risks even heart arrhythmia - where your heart skips a beat and dramatically raises your chances of a heart attack.

Hence Vioxx and Celebrex have now been removed from the market and currently there is a shortage of respectable prescription arthritis drugs which is why the trend is veering towards all-natural alternatives.

There's also a shift in the way people are treating joint pain today as the new medical biological arthritis injections are proving much more successful at instructing remission as opposed to the NSAID's, which just dampen the pain while the disease continues to spread.

Additionally, NSAID's cannot be used in combination with these new injections due to the unpredictable nature of their side effects, which is why more refined and concentrated natural supplements are being sought after.

Of these Provailen is one such supplement.

In short this product contains 3 main ingredients, Reishi, Capsaicin and Tongkat Ali.

Reishi, which is well-known for its anti-inflammatory benefits is now extracted in FDA approved pharmaceutical labs, which takes approximately 60 hours to produce an active ingredient 70 times its natural anti-inflammatory strength.

This is now achieved through piercing the Chitin which coats the fungi's spores which prove almost impenetrable when digested.

To help increase the absorption of Reishi, which will help reduce the swelling and the pain, while contributing to the remission of the cartilage is Capsaicin.

Capsaicin can also assist in blocking pain signals being transmitted from the injured joint to the brain so it works two fronts.

Finally Tongkat Ali can help speed up the blood flow and is often a preferred natural metabolism booster to caffeine due to its minimal side effects, plus more importantly it works on strengthening muscles and adding density to bone cartilage.

Muscle atrophy is common amongst people with joint pain and arthritis, so by helping to rebuild the muscle through consuming this active muscle building compound, in combination ideally with exercise, preferably swimming, this will help relieve the stress on the joints almost overnight.

Additional natural pain relief supplements on the market, which contain active botanicals to treat joint pain include Eazol, an FDA registered homeopathic pain reliever, Jointkote and JointAdvance.

How to Relieve TMJ Disorder, Fast! You Don't Have to Suffer TMJ Jaw Pain Any More!

Do you need to know how to relieve TMJ disorder fast? The problem is that most recommended treatments by physicians focus mainly on muscle relaxant drugs. These can have serious side effects. I know. I suffered for years with TMJ, my doctor prescribed Cyclobenzaprine. Almost immediately I suffered serious fatigue and drowsiness. It got so bad I decided it was less painful to have the TMJ jaw pain, than feel like I was ready to drop any second.

I got really annoyed. I needed help and all I was given was something that made me feel even worse. I don't know if you experienced anything similar. If you did then you have my sympathy, I know how bad it can be. This experience did result in me finding something that actually can help folk like us in dealing with TMJ, without the dangerous side effects.

TMJ Easing Exercises

I discovered by regularly following simple TMJ exercises I was able to reduce the symptoms of my TMJ. Now it doesn't affect me at all. I earnestly wish you the same benefits by following these tips:

1. Jaw exercising and stretching: Gentle stretching and exercise and help to reduce the TMJ pain in the jaw. The whole routine takes less than 5 minutes a day.

a. Open-Close. Use a hand on your chin to gently resist as you slowly open and close your mouth 20 times.
b. Back and Forth. Resist again slightly as you move your jaw back and forth 20 times slowly.
c. Left and Right. Use a hand again to gently resist as you push your jaw to the left and back to centre, then to the right and back to centre. Repeat 20 times on each side.

2. 20 minutes of relaxation: Relaxation is a vital part of good health. Stress alone can cause serious health issues. Take 20 minutes a day to do something that helps you achieve deep relaxation

3. Hot and cold treatment: Apply a heating pad or hot water bottle to the side of the jaw. After 1 minute apply an ice-pack to the area. After 1 minute apply heat again. Alternating between the hot and cold treatments can help to improve circulation and reduce inflammation in the joints.

Heat applied directly to the neck and shoulders can also bring much relief.

Caution: These advices are given freely as a record of my experiences and personal understanding. You are under no obligation to follow these advices. Random attempts at self-healing without any structure can be ineffective at best, possibly dangerous.

Dental Bridges - A Quick Way to Replace Missing Teeth

Losing a tooth can be difficult especially if the empty space is visible every time you smile. It can be quite uncomfortable and sometimes even embarrassing to expose that empty space whenever you open your mouth. As a result, many people with missing teeth choose to either smile very modestly (when they really want to smile widely) or avoid smiling altogether for fear of humiliation.

But no one has to endure such hardship. A simple dental option called dental bridges can help solve your problem right away.

Dental bridges are artificial teeth planted into the space previously occupied by the missing teeth. They can cover up for one or more lost teeth. Dental bridges are generally needed to close the gaps that missing teeth have left because the surrounding natural teeth can slowly move in to the empty space, thereby causing a bad bite and imbalance. Such an imbalance can further cause gum disease and Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders.

Dental bridges make use of a pontic and two abutments. The pontic is the false tooth while the abutments are the natural teeth found before and after the empty space. Pontics are planted in between the abutments, which serve as anchors for the bridge, and attached to both of the abutments crowns. You have a variety of bridge materials to choose from including gold, porcelain, ceramic and porcelain. If you do not know which material would be ideal for you, the dentist can help you decide on this based on the area of the missing tooth, the function of the pontic and cost.

Although dental bridges last for a very long time, they can sometimes fall out due to a dental disease that has affected the area underneath the bridge. Hence, oral hygiene must be observed. For people with dental bridges, brushing with a fluoride toothpaste twice a day and flossing becomes necessary to eliminate any bacteria or plaque build up and strengthen the enamel of the teeth. It is also recommended that they regularly visit the dentist for checkups and cleanings.

Knee Ache Causes - What's Really Going On? - Get the Support to Move On

How are your knees feeling?

Do you have pain now, or does it come and go?

The knee, one of the largest and most intricate joints in the body, is often taken for granted. People use their knees ever day in almost every activity they perform. Yet, they do not usually think much about their knees unless they start to hurt. When the aching starts, the knee suddenly becomes the focus of your attention, and finding and eliminating knee ache causes becomes a priority. - Can you relate?

So what are some of the most common knee ache causes? Of course, only a qualified physician can tell you for certain what is causing your knee ache.

What follows is a short list of some of the more frequent knee ache causes:

1.) Degenerative Arthritis: Otherwise known as Osteoarthritis, this condition results in a wearing away of the cartilage in the knee joint that prevents the painful rubbing of bone against bone upon movement. It usually occurs with age, and is a progressive condition. You can feel the symptoms on one side of your knee, or throughout the joint. This is one of the most common knee ache causes.

2.) Rheumatoid Arthritis: Unlike Osteoarthritis, this condition can occur at any age. It causes inflammation and stiffness within the knee joint, which in turn causes knee ache.

3.) Overuse of the Knee: One of the most typical knee ache causes is simple overuse. Athletes are prone to overuse, but so is the average active person, especially if they are performing an activity not part of their usual routine. Overuse causes the muscles and tendons to become overworked and strained, which in turn results in knee ache.

4.) Chondromalacia Patellae: This condition occurs when the cartilage under the kneecap (patella) becomes softened or worn, and the kneecap consequently fails to move smoothly over the joint as it meant to. It is one of the most well known of knee ache causes.

5.) Bursitis: This condition occurs when the bursae (small fluid filled sacks) that protect the knee joint at various points where the muscles and tendons move over the bone become inflamed. The inflammation can occur from overuse, injury or even infection, and cause pain problems.

6.) Synovitis: This condition, which is an inflammation of the lining of the joint, in not as common as the other knee pain causes, but carries the same symptoms of achiness.

Whatever the cause of your aches and pains, a knee brace, when used properly, can help reduce the friction and pressure on the knee joint, thus reducing pain stemming from any of the conditions noted above, plus the others not mentioned here. A knee support can also help keep the knee properly aligned which will in turn help reduce the stress on the knee joint, knee cap and cartilage underneath. Regardless of the cause of the knee ache, therefore, the use of a knee brace can help relieve your symptoms.

We hope that your pains disappears by itself, but if it does not, the problems can get worse. If you have knee pain, it is time to look it in the eye, and do something to get rid of it. Knee supports are low cost options to helping you deal with your knee issues. They are great because you can start using them right away to help rid yourself of your instability and pain issues. You deserve to get rid of your pain, don't you?

Can Your Own Stem Cells Regenerate Cartilage?

Lay media attention on stem cell (SC) therapy has generally focused on two areas:

1. The promise of embryonic SC
2. The proliferation of charlatans preying on the dreams and fears of helpless patients.

While embryonic SC, in theory, appear to potentially be the best option for tissue regeneration, the hype has exceeded the hope. Because of political and ethical concerns, research efforts using these cells has been disappointing.

At the same time, news articles and television commentaries have also dealt with controversial areas of SC therapy. An inordinate amount of time has been devoted to exposing the seamy side... individuals involved in obvious hucksterism, the possible abuse of SC therapy by practitioners, as well as the implication that all SC research conducted outside academic centers is suspect.

As a result, there has been neglect regarding of some fascinating and promising work, particularly in arthritis treatment.

One of the more intriguing studies was recently published by Korean investigators (Pak J. Regeneration of human bones in hip osteonecrosis and human cartilage in knee osteoarthritis with autologous adipose-derived stem cells: a case series. J Med Case Reports. 2011; 7: 296)

The Korean physicians treated four patients. Two (a 29 year old woman and a 47 year old man) had osteonecrosis of the hip. Two other patients (a 70 year old woman and a 79 year old man) had osteoarthritis of the knee. They were all given a mixture of autologous stem cells (the patient's own stem cells) derived from fat along with platelet rich plasma, hyaluronic acid, nanogram amounts of dexamethasone, and calcium chloride.

Pre and post treatment MRI scans were obtained in all subjects. In the case of patients with osteonecrosis, new bone formation was noted. In the patients with osteoarthritis, new cartilage formation was seen.

Along with the MRI findings, both subjective pain measures and functional outcomes improved.

I found these findings to be extremely interesting for a number of reasons.

First, the mixture used in the Korean report is similar to the one that we use at our center, with one exception. The exception is this: In addition to the SC, we also use bone marrow derived stem cells.

And, while our center has had excellent results with knee osteoarthritis (more than 90 per cent success), our experience with both hip osteoarthritis as well as hip osteonecrosis has been disappointing.

Why the difference between hip and knee? I suspect it's because the mechanical forces are different. The anatomy of the hip joint allows extreme rotation as opposed to the knee joint which is primarily a hinge joint with some rotation and some gliding. Activity level and body weight may also be contributing factors.

Nonetheless, this report from Korea underscores what we believe to be true... the use of autologous stem cells, also known as repair stem cells, will prove to be a fruitful area of progress in osteoarthritis research for years to come.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Arthritis in Your Hips? Nordic Walking May Help You Get Rid of Your Hip Pain

You have powerful muscles that surround your hip joint. Sometimes these muscles get "out of balance." Some get used and some don't. This creates stress on the joint. When muscles pull on bones in a different way than they were designed to--more pull on one side than on another--it creates little bony spurs or bumps. Those little bone spurs are arthritis. But, you can have hip pain whether you have arthritis or not. Many times hip pain comes from your muscles!

If your hips hurt, you might wish to consider walking a different way.

Nordic Walking uses poles to help balance you and might help people with hip pain more than using a cane. If you are walking with a cane, that cane supports you on only one side. But, walking with a pole in each hand gives you support on both sides and helps propel you forward.

The poles also cause you to swing your arms in a good, neutral position. When you walk, you are supposed to swing your arms next to your body rather than in front of (across) your body. Your thumbs should point upward as they do when you shake hands. When you swing your arms correctly as you walk you use all of your upper body muscles as they were designed to be used.

Holding the walking poles puts your hands in the correct neutral position. So, Nordic Walking gives you a good upper body workout as well as your legs, hips and abdomen.

Why is walking good for your hips?

We get into pain when we get out of muscular balance. Walking is what we were designed to do. We are supposed to move. We are built to walk for miles and miles. Honest!

But, long hours of sitting and other lifestyle changes caused some muscles to become "too tight" and others to become weak. Walking changes all of that. Walking helps get all of the muscles around your hip joint strong and balanced, each with the other.

Maybe you can't walk so easily anymore. You might be able to do Nordic Walking or you simply might not. You will have to really consider your body and how you feel, and you might want to check with your doctor.

You can watch a video about Nordic Walking at the website "Live Healthy By Walking dot com". When you watch the video, you might think, "They are walking way too fast. I could never do that." Well, maybe you can't do it right now, but if you start walking gradually at the pace you can manage comfortably, your hips will start to get happier and stronger. Using the walking poles might be a helpful way for you to begin to walk.

You can also read Rosalie's inspirational story when you are there. You'll discover how she's getting rid of her hip pain with walking.

Cerebral Palsy Suggested Exercises

Cerebral palsy is a condition that arises due to a group of disorders in the nervous system and the brain. People with cerebral palsy find difficulty in movement, seeing, hearing, thinking and learning. Cerebral palsy is a lifelong disease that has no cure! If a person suffering from this condition has to be made independent, it is possible only if the prime cause of this condition is dealt with, which is strengthening of the muscles with the help of exercises.

Cerebral palsy fitness training includes a lot of things that a person suffering from this condition needs to learn so that he/she can live by their own. There are many exercises and therapies that can be framed for the patient depending on his motor ability. When therapies are given along with other cerebral palsy exercises then it can increase muscle strength and flexibility. It also prevents atrophy of muscles which is a rare condition that can occur in children and adults suffering from cerebral palsy.

Exercises play a very vital role in the life of a child with cerebral palsy. There are many simple exercises that can be done by the child in his daily routine. Some exercises that can be done at home without any difficulty include arm cycling, chair aerobics, dancing, jogging, leg cycling, rowing, stair climbing, swimming, walking, water exercises, weights training, wheeling and yoga and, tai chi.

Arm cycling, chair aerobics and dancing help in the improvement of heart and lung efficiency, strength and endurance as well as flexibility and range. Arm cycling is an activity that stimulates bicycling but is done with the arms instead of legs. Special equipments like erogmeters can be used when done indoors. Chair aerobics is a combination of the upper body movements and stretches that are designed to increase flexibility and cardiovascular endurance. Dancing is an exercise that is done in tempo of the music so that the speed of movement and intensity depends on the music. People with contractures and low bone density should avoid dancing and do other forms of exercise that is appropriate to their condition.

Resistance bands can also be used while doing cerebral palsy exercises and stretches. While doing this, stretching should be slow and precaution must be taken not to release the band when it is in a stretched position. These exercises help in increasing bone structure and strength as well as strength and endurance of muscles. Jogging is also a good form of exercise by running at a steady pace. However, proper shoes should be worn and people with contractures or degenerative joint disease should avoid this. Jogging increases heart and lung efficiency, bone structure, strength and endurance. Walking is a milder form of exercise and can be done without any assistance device. Yoga involves breathing and stretching exercises that help in flexibility and range of muscles. Tai Chi - a series of individual dance like movements linked together in a slow, continuous, smooth flowing sequence can help develop bone structure and strength.

One of the Side Effects of Obesity? Knee Pain!

There are many side effects of obesity and related diseases stemming from the condition. Studies have shown that being just a few pounds overweight can contribute to health problems, so is it any wonder that common knee injuries are on the rise among those who are obese? Unfortunately, knee pain in overweight patients is something that doctors are seeing quite often these days.

Why are the knees so affected? The reason is very simple. When you walk, pressure is concentrated on your joints. Those closest to the ground handle the majority of your weight, of course. But did you know that the amount of pressure put on those joints can actually be many times your actual body weight? Your joints take a hefty beating even when you are at a normal weight, so for individuals who are obese, that pressure and joint stress is even more magnified. The joints take as much as they can, but at some point they can begin to weaken and then give out. That is the beginning of joint pain.

The above is a very simple explanation, but it illustrates the point: Knee injuries are more common in overweight people simply because there is so much more stress put on them. With that kind of stress, it's easy to twist a knee the wrong way, or to have situations where inflammation develops or cartilage is torn.

If you are overweight, how can you protect yourself from those common knee injuries? Knee strengthening exercises are good for keeping the knee pain at bay. Doing regular squats and lunges help to strengthen the muscles around your knees. Avoid high-impact activities, such as running or power aerobics, as the constant motion and demand on your joints can hurt your knees more than it will help. Engage in a low-impact exercise regimen until such time as you've lost enough weight to be good to your knees! Then you can more safely engage in more strenuous forms of exercise.

What exercises can you do that will be beneficial for you? Swimming and underwater exercises work wonders for your body. Water exercise takes the pressure off your legs, while you still get the benefits of increasing your heart rate and making your body work hard. If you prefer something on dry land, walking is always good. Make certain that you are fitted with appropriately supportive shoes and wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes. Take it slow and easy at first, and as your body and your knees become more accustomed to exercise walking, gradually build up to a faster walk and longer distances.

When you are exercising, beware of pain in your knees. If your knees begin to hurt, especially if you feel sharp, shooting pains in them, it's time to back off and rest. If the knee pain worsens or lingers for a few days, it's time to go to the doctor and get things checked out.

The side effects of obesity are legendary, but how often do we think of knee pain until it's too late? Avoid contracting knee pain from the beginning by choosing exercises and activities that are good to your joints, and avoid those that put a lot of pressure on them. Most of all, start losing weight! Even a few pounds off your frame will do your knees a world of good.

Natural Arthritis Pain Relief and Heart Health - Healing Power Of Nature's Acai Berry!

Do you want true natural arthritis pain relief? Do you need help with your high cholesterol levels or high blood pressure?

Now there are many different extraordinary natural products available, which feature super fruits, like the amazing brazilian acai berry, and many other potent body-beneficial fruits from around the world. These newly discovered fruit compounds which are contained in these super fruits are now being used to target specifically, heart health remedies and arthritis pain relief with natural ingredients, and are achieving fantastic real results.

Arthritis joint health - plant derived glucosamine and esterified fatty acids for natural arthritis pain relief use, have been scientifically proven to maintain lubricating fluid in joints, promote flexibility, increase your range of motion, reduce pain and inflammation caused by arthritis, and helps you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Most glucosamine sources are extracted from crushed sea shells, but generally only reduce inflammation of the muscles and tissues around the joints. Plant derived glucosamine is better for the body and can actually penetrate your joint tissue cells for maximum benefit, helping you achieve real natural arthritis pain relief!

Heart health - a healthy blend of fruits specifically chosen for their ability to nutritionally support cardiovascular health in your diet, would supply your body with healthy levels of plant sterols. Clinical studies show that they are a key factor in lowering cholesterol absorption and helping you maintain healthy cholesterol levels. These compounds will dramatically help reduce your heart disease risk. Also, with resveratrol included in your diet with using natural supplements, they can help support your cardiovascular system with proven results, showing it can also protect your healthy blood vessels and blood cells.

Resveratrol has many benefits being attributed to it, mainly the fact that this natural compound can and will slow the ageing process dramatically.

*What has been discovered about many human ailments.

Health scientists around the world are now concurring that chronic inflammation in the body is a precursor to a frightening list of serious health conditions and ailments. With the media constantly reporting the potential risk and dangerous side-effects associated with using anti-inflammatory arthritis pain relief drugs and heart health drugs, it has created concern with people worldwide and there has never been a time when the quest for safe alternative natural remedies has been more important.

Arthritis - Health scientists also now know that a multitude of free radicals damage our bodies healthy cells constantly, which can be slowed down or reversed easily by including potent natural antioxidants included in your diet. We now know that natural esterified fatty acids are incredibly important essential fatty acids needed in our diets to reduce and stop free radical damage to your joints. Esterified fatty acids have been proven to help improve joint function dramatically and slowly regenerate the protective tissue between the bone's and joints. These fatty acids help obtain painfree movement and natural arthritis pain relief for people struggling with the aches and discomforts resulting from their arthritis.

The wear & tear seen in osteoarthritis is actually due to the excess action of proteolytic enzymes that break down joint tissue and cartilage causing inflammation and pain. Published twice in the internationally acclaimed journal of rheumatology, studies show that esterified fatty acids offer great arthritis pain relief by providing youthful cell fluidity and elasticity, improved cushioning of bones and joints while also providing, cumulative and restoring benefits to joint tissue and cartilage. Esterified fatty acids are all natural ingredients scientifically reported to inhibit these destructive enzymes, and are known to reduce inflammation and pain. These vital compounds will give arthritis pain relief with outstanding results, and best of all, they are all natural compounds which have no dangerous side effects at all!

Heart - plant sterols have been proven to lower the amount of bad cholesterol absorbed by your body in a tricky but very simple way. The body absorbs the plant sterol compounds instead of the cholesterol in your digestive system because it cannot tell the difference between them. If you have a regular supply of plant sterols in your diet, the body absorbs less cholesterol because it is absorbing the sterols instead, which will then lower your bad cholesterol intake. It is a simple but very effective and safe way to help reduce your heart disease risk.

Resveratrol is also a very effective antioxidant which can stop free radical damage and improve your whole body health, which will help reduce the stress on your heart. Resveratrol has been studied extensively for its health promoting benefits and has been proven to slow down the ageing process and extend your life. Most importantly, is the fact that it can reduce the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, which are known to play a big role in heart disease. This natural compound also improves insulin resistance, making it effective in the treatment of weight loss and the management of diabetes. It also has anti-cancerous properties, inhibits the formation of tumours and can help delay the onset of Alzheimer disease.

*Natural health product benefits.

The synergy of properly combined body-beneficial fruits can produce an extraordinary delivery of the resources and nutrition of powerful anti-oxidants and phytonutrients your body needs to fight free radicals. These natural products help maintain your bodies overall health and give excellent arthritis pain relief, and provide heart disease risk reduction while improving your heart health with amazing results.

Enjoy the benefits of increased energy and better health today, and let the power of nature help you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle!

To learn more and read some product reviews, follow the links below. Natural arthritis pain relief and heart health products have improved greatly in recent years as we learn more about human health.

Natural arthritis pain relief and natural heart health products are a much better and safer option for yourself or your loved ones. They are easy, convenient, better for the human body and they are achieving excellent results!

Thanks for listening and good natural health to you.

Regards Shane Nolan.

Tendinitis Vs Tendinosis - Why Chronic Joint Pain Will Not Respond to RICE

One of the myths of the health and fitness industry is that of chronic tendinitis. From runners with bad knees and hips to tennis players with bad elbows or baseball pitchers with elbow and shoulder pain, the diagnosis is often tendinitis. But with an incorrect definition of the problem, treatments may be ineffective at best or even counterproductive at worst.

In reality, there is really no such thing as chronic tendinitis. Once a tendon is injured, the inflammation rapidly builds up as the body attempts to isolate the injury and prevent any further use or damage to the joint. This, of course, is tendinitis, as the joint swells and becomes inflamed, tender to the touch, and painful for the athlete to keep using.

But this kind of tendinitis caused by a blunt force trauma injury is not as common as the type of pain that most active people may experience throughout their lives. Much more common than twisting an ankle or falling from a ladder onto one's back is the repetitive stresses that lead to chronic pain in a joint. This may be from years of running leading to a chronically sore knee or the dreaded "tennis elbow."

In these cases, where the pain lasts for longer than a day or two, the issue is usually not tendinitis -- an inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the joint. Instead, the issue is probably tendinosis -- an actual structural change in the soft tissues as a consequence of the demands placed on it. If someone spends hours a day hunched over a computer with a strained neck and a rounded lower back, it is not inflammation that is the problem; it is that the tendons are starting to change in response to that demand of sitting all day.

Furthermore, the treatments for tendinitis and tendinosis will be very different. Inflammation of the joint may respond well to anti-inflammatory medication, ice, and elevation. These treatments are used for the sole purpose of reducing the inflammatory response, reducing circulation to that area of the body, and giving the joint time to rest and repair itself.

But for tendinosis, there is usually no problem with inflammation at the area of pain. Instead of helping the joint repair, use of anti-inflammatory medicines may actually weaken the tendons and soft tissues of the joint, as well as contribute to further changes in the joint's structure. This will cause healing to take longer as the result of treating the problem with the wrong solution.

A more useful approach to helping reduce the pain of tendinosis is to begin to reeducate the joint and soft tissues through a combination of treatments. Foam rolling, massage therapy, or spinal decompression (for spinal issues) can help break down and stretch tissue. In addition, stretching to relax and reeducate a group of muscles and tendons can also help reduce pain, increase range of motion through a joint, and prevent future overuse injuries.

It is also important to reeducate the joint by practicing proper movement patters. Fixing one's running form, or practicing weight lifting movements in the proper manner with lighter weights and then progressing to heavier ones only once the form is excellent, can go a long way towards preventing tendinosis. Once a joint is no longer painful, it is important to fix any errors in movement patterns and address the causes that lead to the chronic pain.

It is important for everyone -- both active and sedentary -- to realize the difference between chronic painful tendinosis and local pain caused by tendinitis. Chronic pain in a joint that lasts longer than a few days and has no discernible cause like spraining an ankle or being struck by something is more likely to be a problem with the structure of the joint itself changing, and the treatment will be very different than resting and icing a twisted ankle.

Do Dead Lifts Cause Back Pain?

The dead lift is prized among bodybuilders and gym-goers for its capacity to develop large, strong muscles in both the lower and upper body. Its reputation as a stellar workout is tempered by the common awareness that it is often a cause of back pain.

The dead lift is a squat performed with a weight that is lifted from the floor to hip level. Performing this exercise works an impressive number of muscles, both primary and supplementary. There are 28 muscles that are built by this exercise in the thighs, hips, buttocks, back, stomach, arms and shoulders.

The balanced workout offered by this exercise when performed properly makes it a favorite among fitness enthusiasts. By addressing many muscles of the core group and upper legs, it helps prevent muscle imbalances that cause back pain. How, then, do dead lifts and back pain fit together?

1. Bad form is the main reason for back pain after dead lifts. Though it may sound like a straightforward exercise, there are actually a number of postural and biomechanical factors to consider. Bad form can turn this great strengthening exercise into the cause of painful injury. Here are some common examples of bad technique when performing dead lifts:

- Rounding the lower back: This bad habit doesn't allow you to engage your leg or core muscles properly and creates a significant amount of stress to the spine and lower back muscles. Keep your chest out and shoulders back while performing this exercise.

- Leaning backward: This position makes it hard for your hip muscles and glutes to assist in lifting, and causes your lower back to arch too much. The stress on joints and lower back muscles can lead to injury. This can be corrected by thinking of a dead lift as more of a push rather than a pull: You are pushing through your heels upward, not pulling the bar up at all costs.

- Hip and knee joint imbalance: It is important to straighten your hips and knees at about the same speed, since both joints need to be loaded in a balances manner. Many people straighten their knees before their hips, and straining both the hips and lower back.

Additional causes of back pain associated with dead lifts and technique tips can be found at

2. This is not a beginner's exercise. If your core is not already well-developed, performing the dead lift will leave your spine unsupported and strain your lower back muscles.

3. It is usually not an exercise for people who have had back trouble in the past. If you've suffered a herniated or degenerated disc, you risk re-injuring it with this exercise. Spinal arthritis or nerve pain may also make this exercise too painful to perform, as it places heavy load on the spine.

4. A certain amount of soreness is quite normal after beginning a new type of exercise. Muscles suffer small tears as they grow, and these heal within two days. You need to be the judge of whether or not the soreness you feel after starting dead lifts is normal for you. If the pain is abnormal or persists for more than the first few sessions, then it is probably a sign that your core is not conditioned enough for this intense exercise. If your core is solid, then you can suspect bad form. It is always best to learn exercise technique with a qualified personal trainer to ensure that you are not harming yourself. Also, make sure you give your muscles enough time to recover before your next session.

The dead lift is an intense workout for many of your body's essential muscles. Make sure you treat the exercise with respect and know your own limits. Dead lifts and back pain don't have to go together; don't allow your workout routine to send you to a doctor.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Joint Pain Relief

Joint pain, including Osteoarthritis, is found in nearly 43 million Americans.

Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, (DJD), is the most common form of arthritis and is caused by the breakdown of cartilage in one or more joints. Osteoarthritis has many signs and symptoms but the main symptoms are stiff and very painful joints. One of the most painful moments of having joint pain stiffness is in the morning after resting the joints. Moving the joints around and stretching in the morning are great ways to get rid of the stiffness. One other severe joint pain is right after or during exercising or continuous strain on the particular area.

Since most people wake up in the morning with some kind of stiffness, a person must look for further symptoms that may lead to joint pain, possible identifying which joint pain they are having.

Osteoarthritis causes the joint to grind and make creaking sounds usually limiting the full range of motion for that particular joint. People who have it more severely suffer from weaker muscles and swollen joints.

Though the direct cause of Osteoarthritis is unknown, there are many conditions that can cause joint pain. Bone disorders, inherited diseases, overworked and stresses limbs, obesity, derangement of metabolism and internal gland malfunctions are just some of the conditions people have had when diagnosed with Osteoarthritis.

One question about Osteoarthritis is why cartilage gets damaged as the joint pain increases. Cartilage itself does not cause Osteoarthritis, but the grinding and rubbing of other tissues around the affected joint is what sends the pain signals, since cartilage does not contain any nerve structures.

Weight management is one of the first things to approach when looking at joint pain. When it comes to arthritis, being overweight can increase your risk of osteoarthritis and place excessive strain on affected joints . If you look at the simple physics, the more you weigh, the more your body has to carry around. If your knees are stiff or you have increased joint pain, consider looking into a good diet to make your body work less.

Arthritis can limit your emotional experiences as well as physical. As most people go through aches and pains associated with arthritis, some feel many emotions with it as well. Some may be in denial they even have a disease, thinking they are in pain form an activity they previously have engaged in. Others may feel anger, loss of control over the disease, hopelessness, and devastation.

When we look at arthritis, we also have to look at how healthy our bones as well. Vitamin D is crucial for strong bones and growth. People with vitamin D deficiency are known to have more joint pain and difficulties with mobility. Most of our body's manufactured vitamin D comes from a response to natural sunlight. Elderly people are less efficient at absorbing the crucial vitamin, resulting in stronger and more painful causes of Arthritis and Osteoarthritis.

A vitamin D supplement is recommended to prevent and help with arthritis. Most supplements do not carry as much vitamin D as your body can, but the supplements are to replace the lost vitamins your body cannot produce.

There are many supplements and vitamins that will aide in the relief of stiff and painful joints. These supplements are designed to help manage the disease. While there are many available treatments, people have leaned to supplements instead of prescribed medications over the last few years. The goal of a good joint pain supplement is to decrease arthritis symptoms, slow the progression of the disease, prevent joint damage, maintain joint function and preserve the mobility of the joint.

Mechanical Traction - Does It Work?

Patients suffering from lower back pain and neck pain often take the help of mechanical traction - a kind of physical therapeutic intervention - to relieve themselves of the pain and discomfort associated with sciatica, herniated discs and arthritis.

Patients with disc injuries, leg pain, neck pain and back pain are of the opinion that this form of physiotherapy is indeed highly effective. This non surgical alternative is also an effective pain curing treatment for those suffering from degenerated discs and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Various mechanical devices such as straps, halters and ropes exert pulling forces on the affected areas and longitudinally separate the lumbar and cervical spinal sections. Mechanical spinal traction of this kind helps to minimise pain symptoms associated with lumbar and cervical spinal compression.

Mechanical spinal traction increases blood flow to discs, minimises intradiscal pressure, guards your muscles, decreases sensitivity, elongates muscle tissue and creates more space for nerves in the spine - which all combine to offer relief from pain and discomfort.

This method is known as mechanical traction as it involves creating tension on the affected parts through mechanical means as opposed to manual means (performed by a physiotherapist). Usually the tension is provided by a system of weights or a machine, in conjunction with straps, sling and harness.

The machine applies mechanical pressure to pull the spine and neck away from the head, releasing and relaxing muscles and nerves. Use of muscle relaxants and heat can increase the efficacy of traction.

Cases Where Mechanical Traction Works

Patients suffering from facet joint injuries, herniated discs, disc pain, peripheral nerve irritation or nerve root irritation, arthritic alteration in the vertebral column and degenerative alteration in the vertebral bones will benefit a lot from mechanical traction.

Patients who suffer from 'pinched nerve' or spinal nerve impingement will also benefit from this treatment procedure.

Usually, mechanical spinal traction is an integral part of a much bigger treatment plan, though its efficacy by itself is highly disputed. People experiencing tingling pain and numbness or muscle spasms in their necks and backs or in their lower and upper extremities will find mechanical traction highly beneficial.


Elderly patients in fragile condition, children, people with a history of spinal surgery, pregnant women and patients with fractures, osteoporosis, spinal instability, hyper mobility and cancer are listed as contraindications. Any systematic disease adversely affecting the spinal integrity is also listed as a contraindication.

Overall Verdict

Traction of this kind helps to improve spinal mobility and minimises pain resulting from degenerative alterations in the facet joints, nerves, discs and the vertebral column. If you are experiencing great discomfort and pain in the lower back region or in the neck area, you will find relief through traction therapy.

Doctors, chiropractors, orthopaedic surgeons and physiotherapists are divided over the issue of how effective mechanical traction actually is in relieving lower back pain, neck pain and sciatica. But almost all patients unanimously agree that traction physiotherapy offers immense pain relief on a temporary basis, even if for a short period of time.

Well there we are, that is about all I can think of as relevant and I am hopeful that this information has been of some value to you.

Amalgams and TMJ Disorder - A Connection?

Is there a link between amalgam (dental "silver" fillings) and TMJ Disorder? The possibility is there.

While not everyone who has TMJ Disorder has amalgam fillings, many people do, so amalgam fillings cannot bear the total blame for all cases of TMJ Disorder. We already know that facial/jaw injuries account for many cases of TMJD. Grinding and clenching account for almost all of the other cases of TMJ Disorder. Could it be that grinding and clenching are caused by the toxins in one's mouth?

Mercury is TOXIC

Despite the fact that most people refer to amalgam fillings as "silver" fillings, the fact is that one of the main ingredients of amalgam is MERCURY. Mercury is one of the most toxic substances known to man. There have been many studies showing the deleterious effects of mercury on people, yet fillings containing mercury have been permitted in people's mouths of all places. Small amounts of mercury may be leaked, through sensitive, delicate tissue in the mouth, or through swallowing, into one's system. It is known that mercury affects the nervous system. It seems possible that this continuous attack on one's nervous system could result in stress to the body. We know that stress is a major contributor and/or result of TMJ Disorder.

We are continuously forewarned not to consume many species of fish because of the levels of mercury in them, yet mercury is placed in people's mouths!


An increasing number of people are opting to have their amalgams removed and replaced by fillings composed of other, nontoxic, material. Will this solve one's TMJ Disorder though? This is not certain since no studies, to date, have been done on this. It may certainly improve one's health, however, although one must remember that mercury does not readily leave one's body, but "stockpiles" in one's liver, kidneys and brain. The mercury that does leave the body may be contributing to the poisonous waters on our planet as it is flushed down the toilet.

Many dentists are now opting not to use amalgams on their patients. Unfortunately, there are those who will argue that amalgam fillings are safe, and they will repeat studies done on sheep who had teeth filled. Sheep exert 500 times more pressure on their teeth when they chew, yet they showed no sign of mercury toxins. Sheep, however, do not eat the variety of foods that people eat, nor do they place items in their mouths which could stimulate the mercury to release vapors.


Each person must ultimately decide for himself/herself on this issue. Many people who have their amalgams replaced with other dental materials express an overall improved state of well-being. It is important, however, in considering the causes of one's TMJ Disorder, that one might give the use of amalgams strong consideration as a possible source of bodily stress that can exacerbate or cause TMJD, despite the current lack of scientific studies on amalgam and TMJD.

It is vital, when dealing with TMJ Disorder, that one proceed cautiously and not make rash decisions that may have permanent, devastating consequences. Removing amalgams is not a procedure that should cause irreversible damage, but rather may contribute to one's health and well being.

Pinched Nerve in Back - Understanding the Signs and Symptoms

A Pinched Nerve in Back is often associated with a slipped disc, ruptured disc, prolapsed disc or degenerative disc disease. The most common term used to describe such condition is herniated disc. Others refer to it as bulging disc. It happens when the nerve that travels in between the vertebrae (known as the backbone) has been impinged or compressed causing symptoms of numbness, burning and a tingling-type of pain along the nerve path.

The causes vary in nature but most have something to do with postural dysfunctions that put abnormal pressure on the disc situated between the vertebral bodies which eventually cause the wear and tear. When this happens, the area that has been affected gets in contact with the nerve thereby causing pain.

Muscle imbalance or wrong pull of the muscle secondary to a wrong twisting motion and improper lifting manoeuvre can likewise cause pinched nerve in the back. In such cases, the muscles involved along with the other structures can cause abnormal pressure or impingement on the nerve causing dull and aching pain. In some cases it may even result in sharp, shooting and excruciating pain.

Other symptoms include numbness along the affected area that radiates all the way down to the lower extremities, inability to move the trunk and limitation of motion, pain during walking and when standing up and a throbbing pain that does not seem to go away even when you are not engaged in any physical movements.

People who have suffered from pinched nerve in the back complain of low back pain that can either be localized, diffused or radiating. The type and nature of pain depends upon the severity of the nerve impingement as well as the location (or level) of the affected nerve. Most people who suffer from this injury or condition experience limitation in their movements and difficulty moving around.

There are some who can manage to walk with support but may require assistance in some of their activities of daily living or ADL's particularly in going to the bathroom, using the stairs and getting dressed. The pain can become very disturbing which, in more severe cases, can lead to disability.

It should be understood that most cases of pinched nerve in the back, particularly the ones which are secondary to degenerative joint disease, does not happen overnight. It may be the result of a consistent bad lifting or posture habit that gradually causes increased presure on the nerve. It takes a relatively long time before the condition can cause a nerve to be put under significant pressure to cause the pain, numbness and tingling sensation that radiates in other parts of the body. This is something that should be understood about the course of this disease.

In cases wherein postural dysfunction is the main cause of the impingement or slipped disc, the pain is indeed very sudden but usually, appropriate treatment and therapy are initiated as soon as the inflammation subsides. Lastly, pinched nerve in back is a painful condition that requires medical attention and physical therapy. Postural training and proper trunk movements are usually taught during the therapy sessions to avoid recurrence.

Buy Yucca Root For Inflammation, Arthritis, Joint Pain and More


Yucca glauca

Agavaceae (agave family)

Yucca was misnamed by John Gerarde, an English physician, in the 1600s, as it was mistaken for the vegetable yucca. Like other botanical misnomers, the name has stuck. The species name, glauca, means "whitened with a bloom"; the leaves are covered with a whitish, waxy film.

Yucca is a big family of striking plants, with about forty species native to North America. They grow primarily in the warmer regions of the South, where they are often cultivated. There are a few hardy species in the North.

These perennials grow in clumps radiating out from basal rosettes above woody rootstocks. Abundant, long, bayonet-like, waxy green leaves sometimes have whitish margins. Large flowers cluster along stout, spire-like stalks extending well above the leaves. These bell-shaped creamy-white flowers bloom from May through July, then ripen into long, green oval pods that become woody when mature and open to release numerous flat black seeds. All plant parts are valuable, but principally the large roots were used medicinally and for hair

Soapweed, Yucca glauca, is also known as beargrass, amole, Spanish bayonet, dagger plant, and Adam's needle (referring to these sharp-pointed leaves). The Lakota call it hupe'stola (sharp-pointed stem); the Pawnee call it chakida-kahtsu; the Omaha and Ponca call it duwaduwahi; and the Blackfeet name is eksiso-ke. This plant grows wild across the Great Plains regions, especially favoring the sandy areas.

Traditional uses:

The Blackfeet and other Plains tribes boiled Yuuca roots in water to make a tonic to prevent hair loss. This also served as an anti-inflammatory for poulticing sprains and breaks. Young emerging blossoms and new seedpods were also edible foods for many tribes. The Lakota made a strong root tea to drink for stomach aches. When this was mixed with a tea of the roots of the prickly pear cactus, it made a valued childbirth remedy.

The blue yucca, or banana yucca, Y. baccata, is found throughout the desert Southwest, and the Joshua tree, Y. brevifolia, also provided medicines, foods, and soapy cleansers. Ancient fibers from these species have been found as yucca cordage, belts, rope ladders, cradle lashings, and sandals at Bandolier National Historic Park and other prehistoric sites in the Southwest.

As the name soapweed implies, fresh or dry yucca roots are pounded and thrashed in water to make a sudsy lather for scalp and hair. Zuni, Cochiti, and Jemez Pueblo men and women wash their hair with it before ceremonial dances, as do many other Indians. They take great pride in the healthy shine it gives their black hair, plus the yucca treatments are considered to strengthen the hair. Pueblo potters used yucca-fiber brushes to draw their classic designs on clay pots, especially at Acoma Pueblo.

Modern uses:

Yucca tea provides valuable anti-inflammatory relief for arthritic pains according to Michael Moore, a folk medicine practitioner. He maintains that similar teas also provide relief from prostate inflammations.

Growth needs and propagation:

Yucca prefers sandy, loamy soil with good drainage and open exposure to the sun and wind. Propagation is easily made from the seeds, offsets (new young plants), and cuttings of stems, rhizomes, or roots in late summer, fall, or winter. Follow standard procedures.

Yucca is an attractive, robust evergreen plant that often blooms on Memorial Day in southern regions. It is cultivated across the country Roots of mature plants can grow to be twenty feet long. These plants have stunning cultivars, specially rosea, which is noted for its rose-tinted flowers.


Yucca plants are good companions for yarrow, prickly pear, Oregon holly grape, strawberry, and tobacco.

May all I say and all I think be in harmony with thee, God within me, God beyond me, Maker of the tree.
-Chinook prayer fragment

What is the Best Pillow For Neck Pain?

What is the best pillow for neck pain? This is a very common question I often get from people. Every pillow you see has a claim or an advertisement stating how great that pillow is. There are many pillows that could be considered good quality pillows for neck pain. We will discuss some of the important aspects when choosing a pillow and finding the one that is best for you, not only for neck pain, but for great sleeping as well!

Does it Support the Curve of the Neck?

The spine has three curves in it. The neck (cervical) curve has a "C" shape to it when looking from the side, with the mouth of the C facing behind you. If you look at the spine from the front of the person it should appear to be straight up and down. There are seven vertebrae or bones in the neck, numbered C1 through to C7. A good pillow will support the "C" curve of the neck and keep the spine in proper alignment when a person is lying on their back. Ideally the weight of the head and neck is supported in a neutral position. If the pillow is too large, the head could be held up to high and forced forward, or if the person is on their side the head would be bent at an uncomfortable angle. This can cause muscle strain on the neck and shoulders and may cause you to wake up with a stiff neck. Other effects of stressful angles on the head and neck from pillow size could also affect breathing, and snoring. If the pillow is too small, there is no support under the neck and this can also cause the muscles to still support the weight of the head, even while at rest, further straining them.

An ideal pillow size will support the person in a neutral supine position (lying on your back) while supporting the weight of the neck and head completely. The best to know is of course to lie down and try it. A basic measurement is about 9-14 centimetres high and should support the neck, head and shoulders.

No Two Necks Are the Same

Even though we can measure neck curves and have an ideal curve pattern, no two people in the world have the identically same neck. Having looked at thousands of x-rays of peoples necks and spines, one thing I am definitely certain about is no two necks are the same! For example, you may have two adult men who are the same height, the first is 70kg in weight and slightly built and works at a desk, and the second is 95kg and built like a tank from hard manual labour. When the second man lies down on the pillow his head will flatten a soft or thinner pillow as compared to the first male whose head probably weighs less and his shoulders are much slighter. Often, a pillow may have a hard, medium and soft version of each size. If you sleep on your side, you want to make sure the pillow supports your head and does not tilt on an angle away from the bed, your head and neck should stay in alignment with your body. Your neck should be supported and the pillow should fit comfortably between the bed and your neck and head. The pillow should have some degree of flexibility to fit to your body shape and size.

Make Sure Its Comfortable

Everybody has a different idea of what feels comfortable. Some people like a soft pillow, some people like a firm pillow. In order for a person to experience a deep relaxing sleep, and wake well rested, they need to feel comfortable on their pillow. The material the pillow is made out of is also an important factor of what will make the pillow feel comfortable. Make sure you are happy with both the level of firmness and material that the pillow is made from, and covered with. Some people prefer foam, others latex, you may prefer flannel, or cotton, these are individual choices.

Any Previous Neck Injuries?

Some people have existing problems with their cervical spines possibly from degenerative joint disease, bone spurs or cervical disc hernia ion to name a few. Arthritic neck pain can make a person very stiff in the morning and progressively loosening up as the day progresses, but they are limited in the amount of movement they have in their neck. It is paramount for an individual recovering from an injury, or supporting a healed injured cervical spine, or arthritic changes to have the proper support and possibly some degree of slight tractioning, providing relief and stability to the weaker areas of the neck. This will also alleviate any unnecessary stress to the cervical nerves. Often times a foam pillow or a bit of a softer density that supports the curve of the neck comfortably works well with these conditions.

Forward Head Posture

A persons posture plays a significant role in pillow selection also. Many people have Forward Head Posture (FHP people whose hold their head and neck anterior to their bodies) which promotes neck pain and back pain, need the proper support of an orthopaedic or chiropractic support pillow. People who work at jobs where they hold their head forward most of the day may benefit from this type of pillow. A good experiment to try is too stand with your shoulders and buttocks flat against a wall, then glide your chin backwards until your head is touching the wall. This will give you an idea of how much forward head shift your own posture has. You could also have somebody look at you from the front and from the side, while your eyes are closed to also give you an idea if your posture is out of alignment.

Some of the possible benefits of selecting the best pillow for your neck include the following: waking up pain free, experiencing a deep and restful sleep, better breathing and maybe less snoring as a result, better circulation from decreased postural stress on cervical arteries and therefore increased oxygen uptake in the blood, better posture, no sleeping pills, better support and traction for your neck.

This is a general overview of some key aspects to consider when looking for the best pillow to fit your needs. Getting a great nights rest and waking pain free is an important aspect of maintaining your well-being. Use the criteria we have discussed when choosing the best pillow for your individual needs. Often times the pillow companies will have a guide describing the benefits and positives of the different pillow types for you to look at.

This article is meant as a general overview and for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the advice of a qualified professional. It is my goal for the public to better understand their health and general well-being. I urge you to consult with a qualified health care provider for diagnosis and for answers to your individual health questions.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Arthritis Can Lead To Many Other Problems in Pets

Arthritis in pets, and their pet parents for that matter, is a common condition. Pet parents may fail to take action for any one of a number of reasons such as not wanting to subject their pet to harsh veterinary medications, mistakenly believing it will improve on its own, or simply thinking it is not enough a problem to justify the cost.

I totally understand and have thought those same thoughts myself.

But the truth of the matter is that inactivity leads to a slate of serious health problems in pets and pet arthritis is one of the most common causes for reduced activity levels in pets.

What can go wrong?

*Debilitating arthritis leading to total immobility: This one is fairly obvious but worth mentioning anyway. Arthritis (degenerative joint disease) is the loss of cartilage and joint fluid which in turn leads to joint degeneration. As degeneration advances bone spurs may form causing movement to become so painful that pets keep their activity levels to a minimum. If the wear and tear on the bone and joint are too severe all of the sudden movement may become physically impossible leading to total immobility.

*Reduced immune system function: Research tells us that a healthy immune system and activity levels go hand in hand. Since most arthritic pets are older, and likely are already experiencing a decline in immune function, they become vulnerable to a laundry list of disease some of which attack the joint itself.

*Infections of the urinary tract: This one dovetails with immune system function. Urinary tract infections in pets are generally caused by bacteria entering through the urethra. When the immune system is strong bacteria is eliminated and flushed before it has a chance to set up shop in the bladder. But when a pet has any type of degenerative joint disease they move less, their immune defenses weaken, which in turn leads to an increased chance of urinary bacterial infection. Additionally older pets often have conditions that cause the bladder to retain urine after creating a fertile breeding ground for the invading bacteria.

*Depression: When a dog or cat can't do the things that make them happy, or are needed to maintain their dignity, they may slip into depression.

*Aggression: Pain associated with pet arthritis may trigger a change in personality. This can be a serious concern especially when children are involved leading to tough choices for pet parents.

Pet Arthritis - What can be done?

There are a couple of ways to go when treating pet arthritis. The first is to manage the main with one of the many pet pharmaceutical medication available from your veterinarian. While these tend to be effective, at least for a while, they only mask the pain and may in fact accelerate the damage to the arthritic joint over time.

The second is one of the natural pet arthritis formulas which contain multiple ingredients shown to be able to rebuild joint cartilage and increase joint fluid over time. These have been shown to be very effective and have gained an ever increasing amount of support for pet health experts in recent years.

From my perspective the second option is by far the best option due to the possibility of reversing the condition. That said, every pet parent should get the facts, weight the risk reward equation, and ultimately make the decision that suits them and their beloved pet the best.

What else? Other ideas that might help with arthritis in pets are weight management, keeping painful joints warm on cold days and nights, and considering alternative exercise options such as hydrotherapy; especially if regular exercise is no longer a realistic option.

TMJ Treatment at Home - 5 Myths About TMJ You Need to Break!

Are you suffering from Temporo Mandibular Joint disorder? Do you have the impression that your only choice for recovery is surgery? Are you scared that you might be afflicted for life with a sensitive, tender jaw? Are you looking for an easy way to get TMJ treatment at home?

Do not panic. TMJ is a very common disorder that affects millions of people every year. It is a completely curable condition, but often diagnosed only after the situation has become chronic. If you read the early warning signs and get yourself tested, it can often be prevented. Get ready to realize the truths behind myths circulated about TMJ.

Myth 1 - TMJ only affects people with bruxism or who clench their teeth while sleeping.

Wrong! TMJ can arise from a variety of accidental, genetic, orthodontic or habitual causes. Bruxism and clenching teeth are just two among them.

Myth 2 - TMJ can only be cured by a surgery.

Wrong again! In fact, irreversible TMJ treatments like a surgery should be only undergone if there is no other alternative and it is a very chronic, severe condition. A variety of methods like jaw exercises, biofeedback and movement therapy are reversible and are good for TMJ treatment at home.

Myth 3 - You need to get used to the pain from TMJ.

As you've already guessed, wrong! Pain management and relief is a vital part of any TMJ treatment at home. In fact, neutralizing pain can be achieved even before complete recovery from the disorder.

Myth 4 - Your jaws will remain tender and sensitive throughout your life, even after recovery.

Your jaws can be restored to their previous strength and flexibility with specific easy-to-follow exercises right from your home. These exercises need to be followed only for a short term after treatment.

Myth 5 - Wearing splints and anti-clenching devices will reduce pain.

This is partially true. For 50% of people, these devices work as intended and provide a way of recovery with minimal effort from TMJ. But for the remaining 50% they can even worsen the pain and suffering.

12 Foods That Fight Arthritis Joint Pain

#1 - Cantaloupe
#2 - Mangoes
#3 - Papaya
#4 - Apples
#5 - Grapes
#6 - Fish
#7 - Anchovies
#8 - Nuts
#9 - Garlic
#10 - Curry
#11 - Chile peppers
#12 - Water

It's long been accepted by people all over the world that food has many more benefits that just nourishing our body and delighting our taste buds. Various foods have been used for millions of years, in every country in the world, to treat a variety of health issues, from gout to arthritis. These days, food is still used to treat conditions like arthritis, with the main difference being that these days, science can tell use exactly why certain foods work for treating the painful symptoms of arthritis. And it turns out that grandma was right about the following foods making her bones and joints feel better!

So let's talk fruits. Cantaloupe contains large amounts of Vitamin C and the plant version of Vitamin A, known as Beta Carotene. These vitamins have been found to control free radical damage that contributes to certain conditions in the body, including arthritis.

Mangoes also have Vitamin C and Beta Carotene, and also contain Vitamin E. And a benefit of mangoes is that they contain almost the entire recommended daily allowance of all three of these vitamins!

Papaya contains even more Vitamin C, at three time the recommended daily allowance, as well as Beta Carotene. Between these three tropical, sweet fruits you should be able to find one that delights your taste buds and fights arthritis!

And those aren't the only fruits that play a role in treating and/or preventing arthritis. Apples and grapes contain a mineral called boron, which is known to reduce the risk of developing osteoarthritis. And by itself, boron has been shown to help build strong bones and reduce the pain of those who already have the disease.

So what else helps the symptoms of arthritis? Fish and nuts, in a nutshell! Nuts are another great source of boron, and fish and anchovies contain Omega 3 Fatty Acids, which as we know do a whole host of good thing for the body, including reducing joint pain and inflammation.

There are also certain spices that are shown to help with arthritic conditions. Garlic, for example, contains sulfur, which has long been used to treat arthritis. Curry contains quite a few powerful antioxidants that fight pain and inflammation, and chile peppers have capsaicin, which is commonly found in over the counter joint pain relievers.

And last but not least, water! Drinking eight glasses a day is the recommended amount, which in the case of arthritis, flushes uric acid from your body, thereby reducing pain.

Holistic Healing Practices - Defined - Jin Shin Jyutsu through Yoga

Jin Shin Jyutsu: Jin Shin Jyutsu is the art of releasing the tensions which cause various symptoms of discomfort in our bodies. Our bodies contain numerous energy pathways or meridians that feed life into all our cells. When one or more of these paths become blocked, this blockage may lead to discomfort or even severe pain. This stoppage or stagnation may not only disrupt a local area, but can persist and eventually cause disharmony to all paths of energy flows, leading to more severe ailments. In a Jin Shin Jyutsu treatment the specialist's hands are used as 'jumper cables' to energize the body's run-down battery. This reopens the energy pathways, to release pain, disease and stress. Stresses such as injuries, emotional and natural tensions, digestive disorders, genetic (inherited) and surgery all contribute to having blockages. A single treatment lasts about one hour and will continue to release energy for an additional eight hours, healing, balancing and relaxing the body. Jin Shin Jyutsu can assist in releasing almost any problem, because of the powerful unblocking that occurs as it opens the deeper universal meridians.

Jin Shin Therapies: Jin Shin Therapies, ancient oriental healing arts, use touch on specific points on the body to release blockages of energy, thereby harmonizing and revitalizing the body on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

Kinesiology: Kinesiology involves the testing of various muscles and nerves of the body in order to determine the strength or weakness of various organ and energetic systems. It can also be used to determine how receptive the body is to various remedies and therapies, thereby assisting with the restoration of optimal health.

Labyrinths: The Labyrinths was used in the early mystery schools to achieve balance and enlightenment and has been recently rediscovered to assist in the raising of our consciousness. It is an ancient tool thought to bring balance, healing, spiritual awakening, and protection. Learn how this design, found in many ancient cultures, is a path to center. It can bring about deep insight and new ways of perceiving the challenges of life.

Light Therapy: Light Therapies are a form of bodywork that uses gentle, pumping movements to break up blockage in the lymphatic system while speeding up the flow of lymphatic fluid. This action cleanses the body of waste and has been shown to restore fluid balance while strengthening the immune system. Lymphatic Drainage can be accomplished manually or with specific equipment.

Magnets/Magnetic Therapy: Magnets & Magnetic Therapy utilize magnets and electromagnet fields for the treatments of numerous conditions including fractures, pain, arthritis, circulatory problems and many others.

Massage Therapy: Massage Therapy is an effective broad-based system of remedial treatment consisting of kneading, rubbing and otherwise manipulating a part or the whole body with the hands. Although not limited to, Massage Therapy focuses mainly on muscles, organs and lymphatic tissue.

Meditation: Meditation has been utilized for thousands of years to bring about integration of mind, body and spirit. Similar to guided imagery, meditation has shown beneficial results on a wide range of conditions, from hypertension and immune enhancement to asthma, stress reduction and pain management.

Mind/Body/Spirit/Emotions: Mind/Body/Spirit/Emotions is an emerging field of health care that deals with the total effects of thought, physical body, emotional and spiritual aspects of humans and their effect on chronic conditions such as cancer, chronic fatigue, AIDS, lupus, fibromyalgia, diabetes, mitral valve prolapse, MS, PMS, TMJ, Parkinson's Disease, and mental health. This broadening field of 'wholeness' includes a wide range of disciplines including biofeedback, guided imagery, meditation, hypnosis, regression, past life regression, and many others.

Myofascial Release: Myofascial Release addresses the connective tissue that runs throughout the body. Because connective tissue can become strained or damaged, myofascial release can bring relief for those suffering from chronic pain, physical dysfunction or bodily injury, as well as surgery and postural misalignment.

Myotherapy: Myotherapy is manual massage and pressure on sensitive spots of the body known as 'trigger points' to relieve chronic pain and disease, such as arthritis and multiple scleroisis.

Naturopathy: Naturopathy is a system based upon natural principles of health and a deep respect for the healing power of nature. A growing field of holistic health care, Naturopathy focuses on the underlying cause of disease and blends centuries-old natural, non-toxic therapies with current advances in the study of health and human systems, covering all aspects of family health from prenatal to geriatric care.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a behavioral technology utilizing a set of guiding principles, attitudes and techniques about real life behavior. NLP allows you to change, adopt or eliminate behaviors, as you desire, and gives you the ability to choose your mental, emotional and physical states of well-being. NLP is used to enhance interpersonal skills, communication and rapport' in business to improve management and sales; in education to improve student performance and achievement and to enhance personal development and effectiveness.

Neuromuscular Therapy: Neuromuscular Therapy is a comprehensive program of soft tissue manipulation that balances the body's central nervous system with the musculoskeletal system. Based on neurological laws that explain how the central nervous system initiates and maintains pain, the goal is to relieve the pain and dysfunction by alleviating the underlying cause. NMT emphasizes the role of the brain, spine, and nerves in muscular pain. It uses advanced concepts in pressure therapy to break the stress-tension-pain cycle. It aims to relax muscle and release compressed nerves so that circulation can increase and the body will return to normal neuromuscular integrity and balance.

Oriental Medicine: Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM)--a.k.a. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)--is the oldest continuously practiced medicine in the world. More than one-fourth of the world's population now uses one or more of the many therapies and treatments offered through TOM. These therapies and treatments include acupuncture, herbs, massage, meditation and a wide variety of other energy related therapies such as Qi Gong and Tai Chi.

Oxygen/Ozone Therapy: Oxygen/Ozone Therapy is a rapidly growing treatment that dates back a hundred years to Germany and includes hydrogen peroxide therapy, ozone therapy (HVOT) and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to treat a wide range of ailments and disorders, and to assist in detoxifying the body.

Pilates: Pilates is a full-body exercise system that emphasizes body alignment and correct breathing system using the abdomen, lower back and buttocks as a power center. Pilates enables the rest of the body to move freely. You experience a new awareness as your mind is directed through your body's movement. Pilates may be performed by people of any age or fitness level in order to improve their flexibility and range of motion. Pilates is used in conjunction with physical therapy to aid in recovery.

Qi Gong: Qi Gong is an ancient oriental technique that utilizes movement and breathing to stimulate the natural healing energies within the body. Qi Gong has been shown to enhance the overall vitality of those who practice it regularly. It also helps to reduce stress and assist with disease resistance.

Reconnective Healing®: Reconnective Healing® is a process developed through Dr. Eric Pearl. It uses what quantum physics describes as parallel dimensional frequencies. These frequencies provide an experience that differs from anything previously encountered. People report experiencing healings cancer, AIDS-related disease and other serious illnesses.

Reflexology: Reflexology is a method of healing and balancing through the manipulation and stimulation of reflex areas located in the hands and feet. These areas correspond to all areas of the body providing effective treatment for pain and a variety of ailments.

Regression Therapy: Regression therapy takes the individual to hypnotically regressed point in their current life or a previous life. A, (preferably certified regression) practitioner discusses with the person what they wish to accomplish. They may, for example, believe that a fear of water, not based on any known traumatic experience, might be based on death by drowning in a previous life, or they may wish to know whether they knew their spouse in past life. The regression practitioner then takes the person back in time to current or previous life experiences. Regressing to a previous experience is powerful healing and cathartic, because the feelings associated with the experience, whether in one's current or past life, can be processed . In a past life experience, it often includes dramatic events of death, loss, betrayal, or deep love and happiness. The person often finds themselves in a body of a different gender, age, or race. The function of the whole experience is to heal past traumas by understanding, forgiving and being forgiven. Understanding the roots of a phobia, illness, accident, or even birthmark is very helpful to getting on with the business of the current lifetime. For instance, a person who starved in a previous lifetime can let go of the urge to overeat when it is understood as no longer relevant. A person who has an abusive relationship can let go of it when they understand that the karma binding them to the other person is that the other person caused their death in a previous life. It is not necessary to suffer further when this is understood. Past life regression hypnosis has extremely fast results in healing of self-defeating behaviors, or understanding potential areas of achievement which may have past-life roots.

Reiki: Reiki ('Rei'--universal energy and 'Ki'--the life force that flows through every living thing) is a energy-based system of bodywork. Treatment consists of the use of the practitioner's hands to stimulate and infuse energy to the recipient to expedite the healing process. Reiki is a safe, non-invasive, non-manipulative therapy commonly used to help reduce stress and revitalize energy.

Rolfing®: Rolfing is the original form of structural integration Dr. Ida P. Rolf perfected 60 years ago. It is a holistic approach based on the recognition that we function better at many levels when our bodies are properly aligned in gravity. The goal of Rolfing is to create a body that is effortlessly upright, properly aligned, and at ease with itself and gravity. Some of the results are long lasting freedom from pain and stress as well as improvement in function at every level including improved range of motion, joint integrity, and overall sense of well-being.

Shiatsu: Shiatsu means 'finger pressure.' It involves a sequence of rhythmic pressures firmly applied to specific body points. It is designed to balance the acupuncture meridians of the body while increasing wellness, treating pain and various other ailments.

Sound Therapy: Sound Therapy is based on the idea that sound can influence health by its balancing, calming and energizing effects on the brain and nervous system. Sound Therapy has become widely accepted in hospitals, clinics and schools throughout the world as an effective treatment to alleviate pain, overcome various learning disabilities, improve strength and endurance, as well as improve movement and balance.

Spiritual Brain Repatterning (SBR): Spiritual Brain Repatterning is a tool which allows review of a person's present-life (womb to age 5) cellular programming, SBR identifies the major negative-statements embraced at the cellular level which have created discordance emotional themes in one's life. The counter-statements are then programmed in at the cellular level which results in the release of those discordant emotional themes from one's life giving us the freedom to move forward in a whole new manner. Most people report that core attitudes towards life noticeable change. Children with ADD or ADHD respond dramatically positively to SBR, as wel as people with major self-punishing or self-destructive tendencies.

Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT): Spiritual Response Therapy allows fro definitively addressing many of the emotional issues/patterns limiting one's life. Through SRT, the emotional programs that are running at the cellular level of an individual are identified and an 'educational' process begins at the soul level which allows the programs to be resolved. This releases tremendous emotional baggage, enabling each person the freedom to explore life in a new manner, unconstrained by many of the old patterns and routines, which were previously governing their lives. It is a useful tool in releasing anxiety, depression, phobias, addictions, suicidal behavior patterns, and often effective in releasing health challenges and physical disabilities. SRT allows for greater quality in relationships, freedom from limiting emotional issues and a greater inner-peace and inner-harmony in dealing with life.

Structural Integration: Structural Integration work is based on the concept that human function is improved when segments of the body (head, torso, pelvis, legs and feet) are properly aligned. Practitioners use carefully applied pressure to help reorganize tissue while realigning the body. Structural Integration offers its own unique therapy--not be construed as chiropractic care.

Tai Chi: Tai Chi consist of graceful, continuous movements combined with breathing control to promote relaxation, balance, flexibility, muscle tone, and coordination while improving overall physical and mental agility. Tai Chi teaches the cultivation, balancing and focusing of internal energy (chi). This ancient art dates back to the 8th century and is based on traditional defensive and offensive techniques. In addition to bare hand techniques, weapons such as the sword, saber and spear are also used. Several schools of Tai Chi include the Chen, Yang, Wu and Sun. Tai Chi has been used as part of treatments for back problems, ulcers and stress.

Total Body Modification (TBM): Total Body Modification is a hand on healing practice which is an off shoot of chiropractic medicine. It essentially treats the body as having a 'health-computer,' tests the circuits to identify which are improperly programmed, corrects the programming, and then, 're-boots' the computer so the new patterns are fully operational. Many people with pneumonia, knee/joint problems, chronic cough, adrenal weakness, reversed polarity, herpes, sunburn sensitivity, etc. have experienced lasting relief with TBM.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)--a.k.a. Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM):--is the oldest continuously practiced medicine in the world. More than one-fourth of the world's population now uses one or more of the many therapies and treatments offered through TCM. These therapies and treatments include acupuncture, herbs, massage, meditation and a wide variety of other energy related therapies such as Qi Gong and Tai Chi.

Trauma Resolution: Effective Trauma Resolution approaches seek to release the physical and emotional pain of overwhelming experiences--a.k.a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
At the moment of an overwhelming experience the nervous system subconsciously and automatically induces an altered state to protect and calm the system. When left unresolved in the cells and fields of the body, these static energies foster depression, anxiety, disease and compulsivity. New strategies--such as: Regression Therapy, Spiritual Brain Repatterning (SBR), Spiritual Restructuring, Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) address these powerful moments of encoding.

Watsu: Watsu--a.k.a Water Shiatsu--is a form of massage performed in chest high, body-temperature water. A Watsu practitioner guides the individual through a series of dance-like movements, while using Zen Shiatsu techniques in order to release blockages in the body's meridians-energy pathways. Watsu is commonly used to relieve tension and stress, pain, arthritis and a wide variety of emotional and physical problems.

Yoga: Yoga is an ancient Indian system of spirituality, health and longevity, which utilizes various physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation and life-style considerations to bring about a state of balanced health and well-being. Numerous studies have shown that Yoga, Yoga Therapy and meditation have positive health benefits on a wide range of conditions including headaches, stress, pain, asthma, high blood pressure and numerous other health issues.