Saturday, February 8, 2014

Inflammation of the Hip - What Can Help?

Inflammation of the hip is a problem far too common to ignore. It is one of the most difficult conditions to go through, as it is not only painful but can affect mobility as well. Here are some of the common conditions that cause hip inflammation and what can be done about it.

Arthritis. The most common cause for inflamed hips is arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a difficult and debilitating disease characterized by pain, discomfort and stiffness not only of the hip, but the thigh, groin and lower back as well. Osteoarthritis is also a leading cause of hip inflammation, and is caused by the breakdown of cartilage in the joint of the pelvic area.

Hip Fractures. Breaking of the hip bone due to accidents or fall can lead to a painful inflammation in the hip area.

Strains. The muscles in the hip area can get strained due to sudden twist or pull. When the muscles get strained, an unbearable pain will be experienced, coupled with swelling and inflammation.

Bursitis. This condition is actually an inflammation of the bursa - the fluid-filled sacs founds in between muscles, joints and tendons. Inflammation of the bursa in the hip area causes severe pain during pressure or movement.

Treating Hip Inflammation through Conventional Medications

Traditional medications for hip inflammations and practically any type of inflammation include steroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opiate-based pain relievers. Although they are effective in managing inflammation, they are oftentimes not advised for use on a long-term basis.

Continued use of NSAIDs may have the potential to increase the body's resistance so that higher doses will be needed for the effect to kick in. The use of steroids and opiate pain relievers can have the potential for serious side effects such as possible addiction as well as mood disorders and health problems.

Natural Help for Inflammation

If you want a natural way out of that painful inflammation of the hip, here are a few tips to follow, after consulting with your doctor and getting his or her agreement:

1. Go for an anti-inflammatory diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables, healthier fats, and legumes. Avoid foods rich in trans fats and saturated fatty acids as they can enhance the production of inflammatory prostaglandins.

2. Exercise regularly, if you can. Exercise will help keep the joints of the hip mobile, healthy and flexible.

3. Load on vitamins and minerals. Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, and zinc can help provide your body with the necessary nutrients to fight off free radicals that can attack the joints of the hip and create further damage.

Fish Oil for Hip Inflammation

Omega 3 fatty acids richly found in fish oils have a proven potential to help reduce inflammation of the hip in some healthy individuals. Fish oil contains essential fatty acids like DHA and EPA which are responsible for the production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins that may help the body to ward off pain, swelling and inflammation. Fish oils also offers additional health benefits such as better heart health, etc.

Ask your doctor about pure concentrated fish oil to help relieve inflammation of the hip.

Deadlift Versus Squat - Understanding The Difference

When we think about the lower body and "the king of all exercises", what comes to mind for most people is the squat or a variation of it. However, when we take a look at the pros and cons and the results gained from specific lower body movements, a better "go-to" exercise may in-fact be the deadlift.

Let's take a closer look:

The squat, whether front-loaded, back-loaded, or with the smith machine is going to incorporate hip extension created by the glutes and the hamstrings, knee extension created by the quadriceps, and some plantarflexion created by the gastrocnemius and the soleus.

Now, whether you are a powerlifter, an athlete of some sort, are returning from a knee injury, or are a senior trying to prevent falls and osteoporosis, some form of the squat may be an important component of your training regimine.

Squats, when performed correctly, will help to stabilize the three major joints of the lower body and can also assist in improving the mobility and function around the hip joint.

If you can squat with good form and without pain, it will be instrumental in bringing you closer to achieving your fitness, sport, and life goals. However, in my decade of experience in working with clients and athletes, I have come to realize that the squat is not for everyone.

Whether it is because of injury, a lack of necessary mobility, or an inability to perform with correct technique, forcing, or attempting to force an individual to squat can be just like driving your car full-steam ahead into a brick wall. There's just no point.

What I have found to be successful in body transformation, maximal strength enhancement, sport performance, and in minimizing the impact of lower back pain is a focus on correct implementation of the deadlift.

The biggest difference between the squat and the deadlift, where the squat is more of a "sit-down, stand-up" motion, the deadlift is a bit closer to the vision of "leaning over to touch your toes and then standing all the way up". That may be the simplest definition, not to say that either are simple exercises.

If we take again, a closer look, with the deadlift, we have taken almost the entire knee bend out of the movement. This means that with less knee extension during the upward phase, there will be less quadriceps recruitment. This can be a key element for those that find discomfort from too much squatting and for those who are too immobile to perform the squat with the necessary range of motion to achieve the desired results.

If the focus is not on the quadriceps, where has it gone? Consider the deadlift almost exclusively a posterior chain exercise. We are thinking about the back of the body here. Everything from the calves, hamstrings, glutes, erector spinae, trapezius, and deltoids are active. If I could perform only one exercise for the rest of my life, this might be it!

Here's how this carries over into sport performance and life function. The Big 4 sports in the United States all involve running or some sort of forward propulsion (skating). What we need for all of these is the ability to extend through the hip. Increasing the maximal strength of this movement as in the deadlift has a correlation to one's ability to produce force with that same movement.

This doesn't mean that you are going to carry your 1RM weight onto the football field and deadlift during plays. It means that the work you put in to your training is going to enable you to recruit or use your hip extensors more effectively at game speed.

The glutes and hamstrings are larger muscles than the quadriceps are, right? Would you rather rely on your quadriceps to carry you or the larger, stronger muscles of the posterior chain? We would obviously love to use all three major muscle groups, but this should help pinpoint where the majority of your focus should be.

When we think about body transformation, we think about the total recruitment of muscle. An exercise like the deadlift allows us to activate muscles throughout the entire body in very little time. That activation allows us to put on more lean muscle which will increase your metabolism and create the "looking in the mirror changes" that many of us are looking for.

As far as lower back pain is concerned, the deadlift and its variations, when performed with correct form place the lifter in an adequate position to recruit stabilizers and movers of the lower back with greater intensity than would say, a lower back extension.

That load and the calculated range of motion create a safe environment for the lower back and for the lifter. Whenever we use the deadlift in this fashion, the emphasis must be on proper technique with correct progression. There is no point in using a great exercise if the lifter doesn't have the foundation to support it.

Take a look at your current program design and if you need to, seek out the help of a professional for a refresher on your technique. Without fully understanding the difference between these two important exercises and the results that they will yield, you may be cheating yourself out of your best body yet!

Arthritic Joint Pain Relief

What is arthritis? Arthritis may cause damage to opposing joints and connecting tissues, tendons, ligaments, muscles and bursae. It affects many people that is why the quest of finding the most excellent arthritic pain relief is imperative. As a condition, arthritis includes the erosion of cartilages that can be found in the hand and leg areas. The cartilage functions by protecting the joints from continually wearing and tearing. The continuous movement of several joints may bring about pressure on a certain area and this will in turn cause a lot of pain, swelling and stiffness in our joints.

Arthritic joint pain relief supplements

There has been no permanent arthritic joint pain relief known to man. Most of the treatment modalities that are available today work by preventing the situation from worsening. Many treatments have become available but nothing has really been reported that has overcome the condition. Instead of going through the many painful treatments out there, consuming some joint pain supplements for arthritic joint pain relief is recommended before the condition can start greatly affecting one's everyday routine. Several arthritic pain relief supplements can give users complete remedy from symptoms of arthritis and aid in the smooth movement of the joints as well as strengthening the muscles found in them. Supplements that work for relief of joint pain are usually made from natural ingredients and therefore, they do not bring any negative effects on the body. By taking these, one can experience relief from pain, stiffness, and swelling. Effective joint pain supplements are rich in anti-inflammatory properties which can facilitate the easy movement of muscles and fibers in the joints. Thorough research that has been placed into these products that will guarantee that the herbal components in supplements will provide relieve pain without offering any side effects.

For arthritic sufferers, proper weight should be achieved so that the pressure being given to the joints may also be eased. Arthritic joint pain relief supplements are slowly growing in popularity that is why many people opt for them. Arthritic joint pain relief supplements have been known to give satisfaction to several customers and recommending products with all natural formulas to other people who are in the same position and situation as them. With all the adverse effects that have been linked with synthetic arthritic joint pain relief, sufferers must really ponder deep before choosing this type of treatment option. For an effective and safe way to treat pain in the joints, an all-natural method is the key. Supplements have been celebrated for their capacity to relieve pain and its ability to restore and rebuild any damaged joints.

Synotrex has natural glucosamine, COX-2 inhibitors, and chondroitin. This potent formulation can give a sufferer lasting remedy from all the pain that arthritis may bring. In fact, it does not only relieve the pain but restores the damaged joints back to their healthy state which means that an arthritis victim can go on with his or her normal routine.

Causes of Knee Joint Pain That Can Affect You Daily Life

Knee is said to be the largest and the most complicated joint. It is used in various purposes like standing up, in walking, sitting, running etc. This joint is weight - bearing joint which bends, straightens, rotates and twists. The risk of acute or overuse knee injuries increases with the increase in the motion. It is the most easily injured part of the body.

Acute knee injuries include torn cartilage and torn ligaments. Falling or twisting of the knee is the main cause of this problem. There are certain sports activities which increase the risk of an acute knee injury like running and jumping, sudden stopping and turning, like, soccer, basketball, volleyball, baseball, tennis. It also includes contact sports like wrestling, football and hockey which increase the risk of an acute knee injury.

Sudden knee injuries are caused due to overuse which includes tendinitis, bursitis and muscle strain. In this case, initially the pain is mild and intermittent but over the period the condition gradually worsens. In this condition there occur microscopic tears, even the tendons and the muscles are slightly stressed beyond their capabilities. Pain is caused due to inflammation, which is a part of the healing process. It is necessary to treat overuse injuries in the early stage to prevent chronic problems.

Sometimes knee pain may be the result of excess walking, running or jumping on hard surfaces or uneven ground, in case of excessive running up and down stairs.

A common cause of the knee pain is osteoarthritis. This form of arthritis involves degeneration of cartilage. To maintain strength and flexibility of muscles which supports the knee, exercise is vital. It reduces the stress on the knee joint. Person suffering from this problem has to take pain medications.

It is necessary to prevent knee pain by keeping the muscles which supports the knee, strong and flexible. Brisk walk, before you start to run or slow run before you pace up your speed. Please start slowly. If you are going to engage yourself in a strenuous high impact activities like jogging or running, go for walking at least for a week. If, while walking you feels a knee pain than don't go for walking. Knee exercises are must to avoid the problem of knee pain. Keep your weight under control. Overweight increases the possibility of knee joint pain.

Most of the knee pain is treated conservatively, but there are some situations in which there is a requirement of surgery. Athletes are at an elevated risk for sudden injuries which requires surgery.

How to Get Rid of Gout Tophi Naturally

Tophi gout is that painful stage in gout where horrible-looking 'lumps' appear at the joints. And if left untreated they can cause some serious issues. Luckily, there are drugs that can help, but they can have side effects, and, they need to be taken regularly. But, there are natural treatment alternatives for tophi gout you should discuss with your doctor.

Tophi (tophaceous) gout is caused by the build-up of uric acid salts (monosodium urate crystals) in and around the joints affected by gout. This usually happens as a result of prolonged, frequent, and repetitive gout attacks arising from elevated uric acid levels in the bloodstream.

They are normally seen as chalky-colored, bulging lumps under the skin at the joint(s) affected. And although by far the most common joint for gout is the big toe, tophi can appear in almost any joint. They can also be seen at the ear ridges.

Apart from the fact that they are horrible and unsightly, untreated tophi can eventually lead to serious complications such as permanently damage to joints and surrounding tissue. They can also become ulcerated and septic, so septicemia is a possibility that would need urgent medical attention.

Since tophi is caused by continuously elevated uric acid levels, the key is to reduce those levels and keep them at a level that prevents tophi forming. Of course, this also means that recurring gout attacks are prevented.

There are various drugs available (such as allopurinol) that can help to lower and maintain uric acid at healthier levels. And they seem to work pretty well. But, they are only effective whilst being taken. Once they are stopped there is nothing to prevent uric acid levels rising again. Which is why many sufferers end up taking them for years on end. And, unfortunately, they do have some nasty side effects for many people.

Which is why more and more people are turning to more natural alternatives to get rid of tophi gout. There are many natural remedies that can help to neutralize and lower uric acid levels. There are also remedies that have natural anti-inflammatory properties. Typical are herbs such as alfalfa, burdoch and buchu. Also things like natural kidney cleanses.

But underpinning the whole natural approach is your diet. Since uric acid is actually produced by the breakdown of purines in our bodies and food, gout sufferers, and especially those with tophi gout, need to go on a low-purine diet. Otherwise you are just producing more and more uric acid which your kidneys can't process and excrete efficiently enough.

Dietary information is too detailed to go into here but, generally speaking, gout victims need to avoid high-purine foods within the following groups; red meats, gravy, meat extracts, poultry, fish, shellfish, vegetables, etc. plus, yeast products and alcohol.

The Link Between Fibromyalgia and Celiac Disease

Do you have Fibromyalgia? Are you constantly sick and tired all the time? Have you been told to live with it and that there is no cure? Could you actually have Celiac Disease and it has been undiagnosed? Is there a possibility you could find a solution to all your health problems that is a simple as a change in diet?

Fibromyalgia is a complex pain syndrome, with a multitude of different symptoms and without a single known cause. There are many symptoms. Here are some of them:

• Increased sensitivity
• Stiffness on Awakening.
• Arthritis like pain, with or without joint involvement
• Fatigue
• Un-refreshed sleep (tired on awakening)
• Sleep Disturbances
• Muscular pain
• Tendon pain
• Hormonal effects
• Headaches and Migraines
• Brain Fog
• Depression
• Exercise Intolerance
• Low immunity/ frequent infections
• Stomach/ Bowel disturbances /Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
• TMJ/ jaw pain.

Many people tend to have Fibromyalgia as a co-existing condition along with another disease. The most common of these is Rheumatoid Arthritis, but it can also exist with Lupus, or Psoriasis. However is also possible for it to exist as a stand alone disease. There is however another possibility that has been overlooked and that is the incidence of Celiac Disease that is being misdiagnosed as Fibromyalgia.

Celiac Disease is an auto-immune disease that is, the body mistakenly attacks its own tissues seeing them as a foreign substance. When a person with Celiac Disease eats any food containing gluten (the protein found in Wheat, Rye, Oats and Barley), the body reacts to those proteins found in the gluten and attacks the small finger like projections in the small intestine called villi, thus preventing absorption of food. This leads to major digestive disorders, stomach ailments, fatigue, anemia, headaches, exhaustion, and pain and fatigue.

At least 1 in 100 people have Celiac Disease but it is often missed. It is not commonly something that is checked for when someone has all the fibromyalgia symptoms, but it is worth ruling out and investigating. It is diagnosed by a blood test and by a biopsy of the small intestine during a gastroscopy. The simple treatment of it is a completely Gluten free diet.

Most often people with Fibromyalgia have digestive disorder complaints, most commonly they are told that it is caused by Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The symptoms of this are alternating diarrhea and constipation, nausea, bloating and wind and constant fatigue. Well unsurprisingly this is also the exact symptoms of Celiac Disease! How many doctors have checked their Fibromyalgia patients for Celiac. I know I wasn't.

Since following a Gluten free diet all my symptoms of Fibromyalgia and IBS have disappeared! I am however not advocating that all Fibromyalgia is caused by Celiac Disease, but don't you think it's worth your health to rule it out.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Glutathione (Glutathione) Antioxidant and Osteoarthritis

This article on osteoarthritis is for information only. There are many causes of joint inflammation and you should consult with your physician for diagnosis and treatment.

Osteoarthritis (OA) or degenerative joint disease or is the most common form of arthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs over time from wear and tear on the cartilage (cushion) of the joints. Osteoarthritis can affect any joint in your body, though it most commonly affects joints in your hands, hips, knees and spine. Osteoarthritis typically affects just one joint, though in some cases, such as with finger arthritis, several joints can be affected.

There is no cure for osteoarthritis but osteoarthritis treatments can relieve pain and help you remain active. Taking steps to actively manage your osteoarthritis may help you gain control over your osteoarthritis pain

According to the Center for Disease control osteoarthritis affects 13.9% of adults aged 25 and older and 33.6% (12.4 million) of those 65 and older. An estimated 26.9 million United States adults in 2005 up from 21 million in 1990 (believed to be conservative estimate).

Osteoarthritis symptoms most commonly affect the hands, hips, knees and spine. Unless you've been injured or placed unusual stress on a joint, it's uncommon for osteoarthritis symptoms to affect your jaw, shoulder, elbows, wrists or ankles.

It isn't clear what causes osteoarthritis in most cases. Researchers suspect that it's a combination of factors, including being overweight, the aging process, joint injury or stress, heredity, and muscle weakness

Osteoarthritis symptoms often develop slowly and worsen over time. Signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis include:

- Pain in a joint during or after use, or after a period of inactivity

- Tenderness in the joint when you apply light pressure

- Stiffness in a joint, that may be most noticeable when you wake up in the morning or after a period of inactivity

- Loss of flexibility may make it difficult to use the joint

- Grating sensation when you use the joint

- Bone spurs, which appear as hard lumps, may form around the affected joint

- Swelling in some cases

Regan and colleagues in the 2008 Journal of Osteoarthritis and Cartilage showed us that joint fluid from patients with osteoarthritis was characterized by significantly decreased superoxide dismutase levels and significant decreases in glutathione compared to the reference group of knee joints with pain or sub acute injury but macroscopically intact cartilage.

Afonso and colleagues in the 2007 Journal of Joint Bone Spine discussed the role of superoxide dismutase in preventing the formation of aggressive free radicals that play a role in joint inflammation.

Kalpakcioglu and colleagues in the 2008 Journal of Clinical Rheumatology reviewed the interaction of antioxidants against free radicals in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. There was evidence that antioxidants: glutathione reductase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and glucose-6-phopshate destroy these free radicals.

More studies are available online; search "glutathione and osteoarthritis" in PubMed.

Traditional treatment involves use of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)

and Tylenol to relieve pain and inflammation. This is certainly reasonable in the acute phase. Rest, bracing and crutches/walker may be necessary to rest the joint to allow the inflamed tissues to heal. As the inflammation calms down begin joint motion and strength exercises as soon as possible to prevent debilitation.

A weight loss program is critical to the long term health of your joints and your body if you are overweight. As little as ten pounds can make a difference. Weight loss strategies can be found in my blog; There are many low impact activities that can help you burn calories as well. Check with your doctor before you start an exercise program.

There are many glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supplements on the market. The scientific literature has mixed reviews on their effectiveness. I tell my patients to try it for a month or two and see if it makes a difference.

The scientific research showed me the importance of antioxidants glutathione, superoxide dismutase and catalase in osteoarthritis. I researched products and chose Max GXL, a glutathione accelerator and Max N-fuze which contains the balance of the antioxidants. It made sense to use products which worked at the cellular level to fight the free radicals that threaten our bodies.

The pharmaceutical companies will not take care of you. The government will not be able to take care of you. Why not take steps NOW to take care of yourself so that you can live a long, healthy AND productive life?

I wish you health and prosperity.

Arthritis Treatment: What Causes the Pain of Osteoarthritis of the Knee?

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and affects more than 20 million Americans.

There are two different types of cartilage within the knee. Hard hyaline articular cartilage is the tough gristle that caps the ends of long bones within the joint. Also located on either side are two semicircular pieces of fibrocartilage, a somewhat softer form of cartilage, called menisci.

OA is primarily a disease of the hyaline cartilage. Hyaline cartilage is made up of a matrix consisting of a combination of proteoglycans (complexes of proteins and sugars) and chondrocytes. Chondrocytes are located within the matrix... picture a gelatin mold with grapes. The gelatin is the matrix and the grapes are the chondrocytes. Chondrocytes are cartilage cells that manufacture matrix under normal healthy circumstances. They are responsible for nourishing the matrix as well.

However, when OA develops, a change in the metabolism of hyaline cartilage occurs. Chondrocytes begin to elaborate destructive enzymes causing cracks and fissures in the cartilage. These are called "fibrillations."

What has been a perplexing question is, "What causes pain in OA of the knee?" Cartilage has no blood vessels nor does it have nerves. So the topic of pain mechanism in osteoarthritis has been the subject of intense interest.

There are a number of potential suspects. For example, when osteophytes (bone spurs) develop, they can lift the periosteum (the thin top layer of the bone). Periosteum is rich in nerve fibers and certainly can be a source of pain.

It has been noted that blood vessels in bone underlying osteoarthritic cartilage can become engorged and this may elevate the pressure inside the bone which could also, theoretically, cause pain.

The lining of the joint (synovium) becomes inflamed in OA. Pain fibers are located within the joint capsule and these inflammatory processes could irritate them.

The joint capsule can contract or shrink leading to irritation of nerve fibers located within the capsule.

By the same token, if fluid builds up within the joint, it can stretch the joint capsule again leading to stimulation of pain fibers.

As mentioned earlier, there are two small pieces of fibrocartilage located within the knee. These pieces of fibrocartilage (menisci) have a rich blood and nerve supply where they attach to the joint capsule. OA often leads to tearing of these menisci. This can cause damage to the capsular attachment leading to pain.

Spasm of the muscles surrounding the knee can also lead to pain.

Finally, there is increasing interest in the role of the central nervous system- the brain- in causing the pain of knee OA. Recent studies showing the effectiveness of drugs like Cymbalta, a drug originally prescribed for depression, but also showing beneficial effects on pain relief in patients with OA, led to FDA approval for this indication in 2011.

Looking After Your Hips in Ballet Dancing

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint, and together with intricate sets of ligaments offers a ballet dancer tremendous range of motion, and at the same time also withstands great weight. The hip is one of the most elegant parts of the body, if you take it from an engineers perspective.

There of course is the occasional price to be paid for all that beautiful motion that your hips afford you. There might be occasional strain on the hip ligaments, or more frequently the muscles in the hip area. Some ballet dancing movements can create imbalances in the hip area. There is always differences in the strength and elasticity of the muscles in the hip and the most common conditions amongst dancers are hip flexor tendonitis, impingement and of course snapping hip syndrome.

Snapping hip syndrome is caused from tight tendons in front of the hips. These tight tendons can cause the tendon over the hip joint to snap and this often makes a clicking sound. If this happens to you, you may also notice tenderness or pain across the front of the hip. There will also be a pinching pain in you're your knees if you bring them up to your chest. Developpes may be painful to perform.

To prevent this happening in your ballet dancing, the hip flexors all the abductors will need to be gradually stretched and strengthened. In your ballet dancing, your torso must be correctly aligned by not overarching the back or tucking under. Don't sink into the hip while standing on one leg, or hike up the hip of the working leg. Twisting the pelvis and forcing positions is also asking for trouble.

If you have pain over the side of your hip, you could be suffering from trochanteric bursitis. This is an inflammation of the trochanteric bursa and is a common cause of hip pain in ballet dancers. The trochanteric bursa lies underneath the attachment of the broad flat bone of the femur, and serves to cushion and reduce friction between the bones, tendons and muscles.

Causes of trochanteric bursitis could be from overuse or structural imbalances in the pelvic area. Treatment will normally involve lessening the workload, and stretching and strengthening the affected areas.

If you have pain in the front of your hip near your groin, you could be diagnosed with iliacus tendonitis or iliopsoas syndrome. This is common amongst younger dancers and affects the iliacus muscle at the lower portion of the iliopsoas muscle at the front of the hip.

This condition is also from overuse and increased emphasis on hip flexion and internal rotation, so it affects modern dancers more often. Treatment will include reducing dance load until the symptoms subside. Anti-inflammatory medication can assist with reducing the swelling along the tendon. The ballet dancer may also need to strengthen and correct muscle imbalances, so advice from a physical therapist or athletic trainer may be well worth while.

For more ballet food, visit

Snapping Hip Syndrome: The Dancers Plague

Snapping hip syndrome is closely related to hip flexor tendonitis, but has a few subtle differences. The main difference and symptom is hearing or feeling a 'snap' when the hip flexor is activated (the leg is lifted in some manner). This doesn't always cause pain, but it usually does, with relief experienced after resting.

Much like hip flexor tendonitis, anyone who is fairly active is at risk of developing snapping hip syndrome. It's often referred to as 'dancers hip' as it is fairly common for dancers to develop this due to the repetitive movements they perform in training. Anytime someone is running or training physically a lot there is a risk of developing the injury. However, unlike other forms of tendonitis, this injury is usually only caused as a direct result of the activity being performed, as opposed to old age.

Snapping Hip Syndrome Diagnosis

In comparison to other hip flexor injuries, snapping hip syndrome is very simple to diagnose. If you feel or hear a snapping feeling while performing a common movement, along with some degree of hip flexor pain, you have developed the syndrome. This snapping sound is caused by the hip flexor tendon movement when the muscles are transitioned from contracting (lifting knee up) to relaxing (knee falling down). It is very important to catch this as soon as possible, otherwise it can be a chronic hip flexor injury plaguing you for years.

Two Main Types of Snapping Hip Syndrome

Lateral Extra Articular

This is the most common type of the syndrome which occurs when either the IT band or Gluteus Medius tendon slides back and forth across a part of the pelvis called the greater trochanter.

Medial Extra Articular

The other way snapping hip syndrome can occur, is if the Illiopsoas tendon gets caught on the front of the hip, most commonly on the anterior inferior iliac spine. If you have read about hip flexor tendonitis, you will notice that this is the same tendon that is usually inflamed, which is why these two injuries often have overlapping issues.


Treating snapping hip syndrome is a little tougher than diagnosing it. There are many reasons that the tendon may not be functioning properly: inflammation, damage, muscular imbalances, postural issues, and more. If you are not sure what caused your injury I would urge you to see a doctor, they can perform tests and scans to isolate the issue which will make treatment easier.

To correct any strengthening imbalances you need to test the relative strength of all opposing muscle groups, most importantly in this case are your hip flexors/Gluteus Maximus and quad/hamstring combinations. If there is an alarming strength difference in one of the movements, look to correct it through strengthening exercises.

If the injury only 'activates' when you train for an extended period, most likely you have an inflamed tendon. This should be treated similarly to hip flexor tendonitis with the PRICE recovery procedure and rest. If you absolutely must train try taking a low dose anti-inflammatory medication beforehand.

If you are an extremely serious athlete there is also the option to get an injection if you have an inflamed bursa (the fluid sac that tendons rest on). The most common injection is corticosteroids which are anti-inflammatory that last for weeks and depending on the dosage months. Unfortunately this also comes with many undesirable side effects.

Once the issue has healed, make sure you strengthen the affected areas slowly before resuming full activity. This will prevent the issue from becoming a chronic injury that affects you for a long time.

Avoid TMJ Disorders With Exercise

Many people don't realize they have this disorder. They seek medical help only when they feel pain along the jaw extending towards the ear of the affected side, or only when they experience discomfort when they open their mouth while chewing, talking and even smiling. This is commonly associated with headache. One may also experience the classic arthritic type of pain especially in the early mornings. The most common early indicator is the sound produced while chewing and opening of the mouth. If this is not treated early and properly, pain may increase and become chronic, which would lead to depression.

Overuse of this joint due to uneven teeth alignment, uneven bite, teeth grinding, excessive biting and gum chewing are the most common causes of this problem. Stress is also a major issue. But once diagnosed early and correctly, treatment is easy. If the problem has something to do with uneven teeth or bite, the orthodontist may prescribe splint or surgery. A night mouth guard is also suggested to avoid further unhelpful effects of habitual teeth grinding while asleep. The most common do-it-yourself treatment is facial massage and exercises.

TMJ physical therapy intervention would include patient education, e.g. a soft diet initially, the avoidance of gum chewing, and avoiding tightening and stressing the jaw. Application of moist heat followed by facial and moderate massage along the temporal area before and after facial exercises is highly recommended to relieve the pain. During facial exercises, use the mirror so you see yourself while moving your jaw. Close and open the mouth as wide as you can, using the hold-relax technique for at least 10 seconds hold for ten repetitions at least twice daily. To increase the range of motion (ROM), bring your lower jaw at the front, and assist your lower jaw out to reach the available ROM and apply minimal resistance and hold for ten seconds. Do this at least five times. Do some gentle stretching by reaching your ear to your shoulder on each side of the neck. Do this for ten repetitions. Always keep in mind to stay away from pain while doing the TMJ facial and jaw exercises.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Facts About Canine Hip Dysplasia In A Weimaraner

One of the major health concerns of a Weimaraner, as well as other large breeds of dog is hip dysplasia. Cats suffer from hip dysplasia too, but it is seen less commonly and the symptoms are less threatening. Hip dysplasia can also be found in humans but in rare cases only.

Canine hip dysplasia is a developmental orthopedic disease in which there is an abnormal development of the hip joint. This leads to looseness in the joints that is supposed to be snug. The looseness causes cartilage damage and eventually results to painful progressive arthritis that can cripple your beloved Weimaraner. Hip dysplasia is different from arthritis in the hips but is the common cause of it.

This disorder of the joint is proven to be caused by genetic factors. If two Weims carrying genetic material for hip dysplasia were bred, then their offspring will definitely inherit the disease. Apart from that, your dog's environment also contribute to the development of the disease. Your dog's nutrition should be restricted but not to the point that you will restrict fat and calorie content in his diet. Restriction here means to prevent your Weimaraner from becoming overweight. Although exercise is recommended to keep your dog from becoming obese, the activities should be controlled to prevent unwarranted stress and trauma to the joint. Climbing stairs and jumping into and out of pick-up trucks are some of the activities to be avoided.

Puppies as young as five months will begin to show signs of the disease. Pain and discomfort during and after vigorous exercise is usually seen to puppies in this age. Without immediate attention, these dogs may be crippled at two years of age. In most cases, however, symptoms begin to show during the middle or later years in the dog's life. Other signs include decreased activity, difficulty rising, reluctance to use stairs, reluctance to jump or stand on hind limbs, pain and soreness after heavy exercise. The dog will also suffer pain when weight is being placed on the joint.

Diagnosis of hip dysplasia is based on the combination of physical exam and x-rays. There is no complete cure for hip dysplasia, however, there are methods to alleviate the clinical signs. These methods include pain medications, weight loss programs, controlled exercise and physical therapy. Another option is through surgical procedure, that is if conservative medication cannot control the problem. There are two types of surgery- one involves reshaping the joint to reduce pain or help movement and another is hip replacement for animals which completely replaces the damaged hip with an artificial joint.

Pain in Left Side of Jaw - How to Cure the Pain

"Doctor, the pain in the left side of my jaw is killing me!", the father of two complained.

The dentist nodded reluctantly and said, "You've most likely got TMJ, it's a stress related condition affecting the jaw area, here's what I recommend you do...".

What Did The Dentist Say Next?

This dentist wasn't like most other dentists, who will tell their patients to fork out their money and buy an expensive mouth guard to wear at night. He suggested something a little less well known and a lot more effective.

TMJ Jaw Exercises.

He said the exercises will strengthen and stretch certain muscles in your body which will relieve stress on the muscles that are causing your jaw pain. They will only take about 10 - 15 minutes to do, but they will have to be done daily for about 2 - 3 weeks.

The Results:

After getting this advice, the father took got a list of specialised exercises and went home and started straight away. He thought they would be a lot more complicated than they were and the massages felt great and started some of the pain disappeared instantly.

He was so happy he let out an excited yelp and accidentally opened his mouth too wide. A bit too early for that he thought. Doing the exercises every day turned out to be a breeze and it was barely a week later when he called his dentist and told him the pain in the left side of his jaw had completely disappeared.

Battling Obesity in America

At the time of writing this article the obesity rate in the US is over 50% (adults and children included). If the trend of obesity continues at its current rate it is expected that in less than 2 ?翻 years the obesity rate will have reached 75% with it reaching an astounding 90% by the year 2020. This epidemic is systematically dismantling the health of America.

Poor eating habits, inactivity, and other environmental influences are the main contributors to the steady climb in what is known as the obesity prevalence factor. The obesity prevalence varies from region to region and state to state. The Southern States suffer the worse from obesity, with the Midwest states coming in second. The prevalence also varies among races, with Non-Hispanic Blacks struggling worse in battling this disease and Latin Americans coming in a close second.

The impact obesity has on the health of those it effects is enormous. There are multitudinous diseases and conditions that are directly associated with obesity and will increase in prevalence and frequency if this epidemic is not addressed expeditiously. Below you will find a short list of some of the most deadly and debilitating diseases and conditions that are directly associated with obesity.

• Coronary heart disease
• Type 2 diabetes
• Cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)
• Hypertension (high blood pressure)
• Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides)
• Stroke
• Liver and Gallbladder disease
• Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
• Osteoarthritis (a degeneration of cartilage and its underlying bone within a joint)
• Gynecological problems (abnormal menses, infertility)

In addition to the devastating impact that this epidemic is having on the health of the American population, there is the exorbitant costs that are associated with dealing with this problem. It is estimated that over 200 million dollars is spent annually to deal with different aspects of the fallout of this disease. These numbers are expected to climb as the obesity prevalence rate rises.

If something is not done soon we will have an entire nation that is physically dysfunctional. Many have become aware of the magnitude of the problem, but few have been able to conquer it. There is a great deal of effort but very little in the way of success to report at this point.

To truly engage this disease in a manner that will produce significant results at a level that will result in the reversal of this trend, there will have to be a national commitment to making a lifestyle change. I hope that you will work with those you love to help them engage this terrible epidemic.

Osteoarthritis and Loss of Joint Mobility Due to Breakdown of Cartilage

Nearly everyone, over the course of their lives, will experience some sort of joint pain. Chronic pain in the form of osteoarthritis is the mot common disorder affecting the joints and is nearly universal in people over the age of 80. For this reason, it is important that people know the symptoms of this degenerative disease, as well as some of the methods that doctors use to reduce pain and keep the joints healthy.

While osteoarthritis is common in people over age 80, it begins to manifest itself in people who are in their 40s and 50s. Below the age of 40, it is mostly men who have the degenerative joint disease and it is usually related to some sort of traumatic experience. From ages 40 to 70, though, it is mostly women who have osteoarthritis. By the time people hit their 80s, however, the distribution is even between men and women.

Osteoarthritis is referred to as a degenerative joint disease due to the loss of cartilage protecting the bones in the joints and the changes this loss of cartilage leads to. Pain in the joints, stiffness when using the affected joints, and occasional swelling are some of the symptoms indicating a potential loss of cartilage. It can begin with trauma, inflammation, or defects in the way the body makes and breaks down cartilage.

The end result of any of the causes of osteoarthritis, though, is that the protective cartilage breaks down and the bones become exposed and are able to rub up against each other when a joint is moved through a range of motion. Osteophytes, also known as bone spurs, can develop on the affected bones in an effort to maintain the stability of the joint. Ligaments and tendons can also become irritated and inflamed, and the muscles can get weaker, leading to further instability.

For older people, osteoarthritis of the spinal column can be a major problem. While the risk of herniating a disc lessens as people age, the risk of arthritis causing serious back pain increases. Osteoarthritis of the vertebrae can increase the chances of damaging the ligaments. Ligament damage in the back can be debilitating and can take months or years to heal fully.

A back doctor should evaluate anyone who has potential osteoarthritis of the spine, and x-rays can confirm the degeneration of the cartilage in any of the joints most affected. If the disease is suspected or confirmed by x-rays, it then becomes important to maintain joint function, range of motion, and the health of the cartilage protecting against bone rubbing on bone. Stretching and flexibility exercises can be used to mitigate the loss of mobility.

Various treatments can be used for reducing pain from osteoarthritis, including massage, acupuncture, and topical ointments to reduce pain and swelling. In extreme cases, surgery and total joint replacement may be used if all else has failed. Supplements such as MSM and glucosamine and chondroitin, if given enough time to work, may help reduce the rate of cartilage breakdown in some individuals.

The Best Diet for Arthritis Pain Relief

Arthritis is America's number one cause of chronic disability, affecting 40 million Americans. The foods you eat can play a big part in helping you deal with the pain of arthritis, especially osteoarthritis. It is a degenerative condition that causes pain and stiffness in the joints. It can worsen with age, and is aggravated by being overweight. Proper nutrition can actually help prevent the disease, and a good diet can provide relief from arthritis symptoms.

Unfortunately, the typical American diet is nearly the opposite of what is needed to bring relief for an arthritis sufferer. Grabbing a hamburger and fries might be convenient, but as you can see from the list below, you would be better off planning your meals in advance and preparing them at home.

Best foods for arthritis relief

1. Get your fiber from fresh vegetables, fruit, fish, nuts, seeds and whole grains.

2. Cold water fish, such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout, herring and halibut, will help in reducing joint pain. In addition, oily fish can help, such as tuna, salmon, sardines, and cod liver oil supplements.

3. Drink six to eight glasses of water daily to flush toxins from your body.

4. Good vegetables to eat include carrots, celery, kale, okra, watercress and parsley.

5. Unsalted pecans and almonds provide necessary nutrients.

6. Whole grains, such as wheat, barley, brown rice, millet and oats are important.

7. It is essential to get Vitamin C, but avoid fruits that are highly acidic, like oranges and lemons.

Worst foods for arthritis sufferers:

1. Avoid foods that make the internal environment of the body more acidic. Acid promotes inflammation in the joints, which causes pain and worses the disease. Foods that increase acid include saturated fats, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils, rich fatty foods, fried foods, and refined sugar.

2. Other foods high in acid content, and therefore to be avoided, include cranberries, rhubarb, chard, spinach and plums.

3. Avoid fatty meats, chicken, dairy products, eggs, margarine, excess salt, shortening, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, and sugars. If cutting them out completely is out of the question, cut back on them as much as possible, to get relief from arthritis symptoms.

4. Solanines, or nightshade plants, cause problems in about 33% of arthritis sufferers. Solanines include potatoes, peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, and tobacco.

By adjusting your diet, you will experience a reduction of the pain and inflammation from arthritis. Find out more about arthritis pain relief

TMJ Jaw Disorder - 3 Phases to Sure-Shot Recovery From Jaw Disorder Due to TMJ!

When searching for proven treatments for TMJ jaw disorder, you are not alone. Approximately 7% of the world's population suffers from TMJ jaw disorder. Many of them do not even realize that they have TMJ until it becomes severe. Among skeleto-muscular disorders, TMJ is only next to lower-back pain in terms of prevalence. What should be your course of action if you are also one of the affected?

Don't worry, TMJ is a completely curable condition and there are plenty of treatments available for TMJ. First, try to understand that it is a condition which has its roots in both physical as well as psychological causes. Then comes the actual TMJ treatment. Once you have opened your mind to these facts, you will be ready to take one among the many therapies for TMJ jaw disorder. The treatment consists of 3 phases.

  1. Pain Management

  2. Repairing the jaw

  3. Eliminating root causes and preventing recurrence

Pain Management - This is the first and foremost phase in treating TMJ jaw disorder. TMJ pain can arise due to inflammations in jaw muscles, wear and tear of the joint, build up of tension, fatigue and poor blood circulation to the affected area. Jaw exercises, physiotherapy, hypnotherapy and medication can help to overcome them and prevent pain generation.

Repairing the jaw - This second step is to ensure that you restore functional and structural normality to the affected area. This will completely eliminate pain and movement difficulties from the joint and put you on a path to relieving yourself from TMJ forever. Exercises, splints, surgery and mandibular repositioning are the options to re-align the joint and rejuvenate the muscles.

Eliminating root causes - The root causes of TMJ jaw disorder are as wide a variety as its symptoms. Any pathological or physiological condition that has lead to the condition needs to be identified and corrected. Next any habitual or psychological factors need to be identified and dealt with. Hypnotherapy, biofeedback therapy and Neuro-plastic movement therapy can help accomplishing this.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Guidelines For Actions After a Hip Replacement

After a patient has a hip replacement, there are certain requirements and restrictions that are made by his/her surgeon and/or physical therapist. These steps should be taken seriously and followed by the patient systematically. By following these precautions and steps, a patient will dramatically reduce their chances of having their new hip fail and help provide a good healing process.

There are many steps to take in order to manage the healing process of a hip replacement properly. A major issue that a patient should never do is to cross their legs for up to 8 weeks. Crossing ones legs will result in excessive tension and pulling on the replaced hip implant. Too much stress on the hip implant will cause it to loosen, dislocate, not cure properly or break.

A patient should never bend at their waist beyond a right angle. This action will create excessive stress at the new joint. A patient may need help for the first couple months after a hip replacement in dealing with everyday activities as in tying their shoes, picking up items and even putting on socks. This timelines is critical for proper healing and shouldn't be tested.

Other actions that should be crossed off by a patients therapist include standing with feet pointing in (pigeon-toed), leaning forward while sitting down, excessive stretching, jerky movements, etc. All these movements may cause the patients implant to fail. Using pain as a guide to determine the extent of abilities is never recommended. Pain should never be used as a guide, because the new hip replacement is not connected to any nerves in the human body, therefore the body will never know exactly how much stress it is exerting on the hip implant.

The recipient of a hip replacement should understand what guidelines they can perform after surgery. A physical therapist will explain what a patient will need to do in order to have a healthy recovery. Each patient will be on a case by case basis, but the guidelines are somewhat standard.

A physical therapist will give the patient a list of exercises to conduct on a daily or weekly basis. These exercises may be scheduled anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks following hip surgery depending on the surgeons and physical therapists decisions.

Always keep the toes pointed straight and sit on high seats or stools. This will eliminate and reduce any stress that is put on the hip replacement.

It should also be noted that if a patient has one hip replaced and the patient must kneel down, the patient should kneel down on the side that was operated on. This way, the joint at the hip will stay straight and not bent at an extreme angle.

Also, if there is excessive pain, use ice as a remedy. Do not apply ice directly on the skin or hip area. Use a cloth or ice wrap when applying ice against skin.

Use a heating pad or warm towel and apply to the hip that was replaced, before exercising. This heating will increase the range of motion while exercising. If the muscles begin to ache when exercising, a patient can cut back, but shouldn't all together stop the exercises.

Hip replacement surgery can be a tedious and grueling process to overcome. By a patient following the regimen given to them by the surgeon, hip replacement failures rate decline substantially. Patients never put stress on their hips and follow all guidelines provided. In doing so, the patient will drastically increase their success rate after a hip replacement.

Herbal Therapy For Degenerative Arthritis

Before we delve into an herbal therapy for degenerative arthritis, let's briefly discuss what it is. Degenerative arthritis is also known as osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease and it is caused by the breakdown and eventual loss of the cartilage of one or more joints.

Symptoms include:

  • Mild aching to severe pain and loss of mobility, especially in the evening, due to joint stiffness.

  • Usually affects the weight-bearing joints - the knees, hips, and facet joints (in the spine), as well as the finger joints.

Degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis) is the most common type of arthritis and the disease is primarily associated with aging and injury. In fact, it was once called "wear-and-tear" arthritis. However, the exact cause of this condition is unknown.

Now, without further adieu, let's delve into herbal therapy for degenerative arthritis.

Introduce your joints to ginger. Historically, ginger has been used for arthritis as well as rheumatism. Ginger is said to have a powerful anti-inflammatory impact on the body. More importantly, studies have shown that patients who ate lightly cooked fresh ginger or took it in the form as a standardized ginger supplement showed improvement in swelling, morning stiffness, pain and joint mobility.

Get help from a friend in India. Boswellia comes from the boswellia serrata tree that grows in the dry hills of India. It has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for arthritis and inflammatory conditions. More specifically, Ayurvedic healers used the tree bark's gummy resin, called salai guggal. Nevertheless, researchers identified that the gummy resin is high in compounds known as boswellic acids, which have anti-inflammatory actions similar to NSAIDS, but boswellia doesn't seem to cause stomach irritation and bleeding problems commonly caused by these drugs. Indeed, this herb may be beneficial as an herbal therapy for degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis).

Get help from another friend in India. Turmeric, the yellow spice from India, harbors potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is often included in herbal formulas designed to treat the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis. More specifically, test-tube and laboratory studies have confirmed turmeric exhibits anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity. Turmeric's chief constituent is known as curcumin. In fact, one clinical trail found that a combination of boswellia, ashwagandha, turmeric, and zinc effectively treated stiffness and pain with degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis) and, as such, this combo as an herbal therapy for degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis) deserves a discussion with a physician that supports alternative medicine.

Get relief from willow bark. Willow harbors anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties and it has been used in connection with degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis). According to Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, author of the very well renowned tome "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" who states that willow bark is good for pain and inflammation.

Discover other herbal therapy for degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis). Cayenne (capsaicin), devil's claw, and cat's claw may be helpful. Cayenne (capsaicin) is used topically to relieve pain in the joints.

Now we would be remiss if we did not share with you a few nutritional supplements that may be helpful for degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis) sufferers.

Try this powerhouse duo, glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate. Glucosamine appears to help repair damaged cartilage caused by osteoarthritis and chondroitin sulfate is another building block of cartilage. Thousands of people claim glucosamine and chrondroitin supplements spelled RELIEF for them so we believe this duo also deserves a discussion with a physician.

Meet SAM-e. SAM-e is a substance that our bodies produce naturally by combining the amino acid methionine with adenosine triphosphate (ATP), an energy producing compound. SAM-e may help preserve the gel-like nature and shock-absorbing qualities of cartilage, which wears away in people with arthritis. In addition, there is evidence that SAM-e promotes damaged cartilage repair and regrowth. In fact, SAM-e is approved by health authorities in Germany as a first-choice prescription drug to treat osteoarthritis.

It's important that you speak with a health care professional before taking any herbal and dietary supplements.

We hope this information on herbal therapy for degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis) was useful to you.

Health Anxiety - The Quiet Suffering of Hypochondriasis With an Anxiety Disorder

When anxiety strikes and the anxiety is out of proportion to the norm we can get the weirdest of symptoms, both physical and mental. Gradually as these symptoms increase so does our fear level. Once we experience fear on a very regular basis we can be said to be living in a state of constant apprehension. When we are constantly nervously 'irritated' in this way we remain on high alert around the clock. We keep checking how we feel and if we feel any worse or any better. When anxiously fearful we are encouraging a natural release of adrenaline. The fight or flight response kicks in and we feel we must 'do something' or 'something terrible will happen'! Imagine living like this every single day because a lot of people do. They begin to live in fear.

As already mentioned, a chronic anxiety problem can throw up a lot of the weirdest symptoms such as...depersonalization and/or derealization where the self and/or environment feels unreal and detached. Strange head buzzes, fuzzy eyesight, inability to draw a breath, muscle stiffness, muscle spasms, speeded up and extremely fatigued are examples...there are so very many. When we are new to an anxiety problem we often don't recognise just how much anxiety is to blame for all these symptoms. People who suffer with anxiety problems are usually very tense and don't realise that too. Tense muscles have to work hard and pain can erupt intermittently. We can be more prone to headaches, chest pain, back, neck and shoulder pains. Fibromyalgia, tinnitus, IBS, TMJ disorder are just some medical conditions that are often closely connected by doctors to an increasing anxiety problem. So, not only do we have an anxiety problem but we can begin to feel very poorly physically. Naturally when we reach this point we find ourselves at the doctors surgery more and more. This should be to eliminate any 'other' causes. Blood tests and other tests such as x-rays, stress tests for our hearts and so on are usual just to make sure. It's when these tests have all come back with no other illness found and a firm diagnosis of anxiety is reiterated that the problem of health anxiety really gathers momentum.

A person who is very anxious will find it extremely difficult to believe that 'that pain' isn't something very physically wrong with them even when a doctor has ruled this out with tests. Being so hyper sensitive, they will often think something is getting overlooked or even that the test results may have been wrong. They find themselves imagining a whole host of illnesses are befalling them and that no one is taking any notice. So, they go backwards and forwards to their doctor in the hope that this visit will give them what they are looking for...a diagnosis but not that of anxiety! This is just one dilemma within an anxiety disorder.

The headache could be a tumour, the chest pains could be an impending heart attack, the unreality could be signs of looming insanity. Even when given medical evidence that none of these conditions are present the sufferer will STILL presume something undetected is very wrong. This is one of the bluffs of a chronic anxiety problem. Worst of all the sufferer often actually wants to have a physical illness as way of explanation. That is something they feel they will be able to accept much better than 'it's your nerves'!

It is only when the sufferer has actually accepted fully their diagnosis that they are able to begin addressing the root cause - the anxiety problem. All the physical ailments attributed to anxiety will slowly but surely subside as the real problem is addressed. It may feel like one has to gamble on the doctors being right but acceptance has to happen to move forwards. If you want to get out of the health anxiety dilemma you may have to be willing to take that risk. Easy to say, hard to do but a must to assist you on the road to recovery. Another problem is that of the vast amount of medical information on the internet. If you want an illness or a disease from a couple of symptoms you can find one by browsing for a few minutes.. Don't be tempted to even go there. Go to your doctor for diagnosis, not the internet.

Understanding Knee Joint Pain - The Causes and the Cures

Have you ever wondered what the most common complaint is that brings patients into a doctor's office? The answer is knee joint pain. The knee is an amazingly complex joint in the body. Just as the nursery school song tells us, we are all made of hinges! The knee just so happens to be the one prompting us to spend some time with our doctor.

Why would the knee be such a trouble maker? The basic anatomy of the knee is fairly complex. This is no simple ball-and-socket structure! The knee involves several bones, ligaments, tendons and cartilage. Knees are made to do more than just bend and straighten; they also rotate and twist, creating more ways for them to become injured. There are four bones, four main ligaments, two main tendons, cartilage, and bursae (fluid-filled sacs) all involved in the knee joint.

Activities that are popular among the busy people of our society, like running, jogging, basketball, tennis and even golf, are hard on the knee joint. For the most part, knee pain begins with an injury, which leads to joint inflammation. All that repetitive activity puts stress on the knee joint and increases the chances of knee joint injury and inflammation.

There are many ways to treat an inflamed knee before calling for a doctor's appointment. One of the most basic and common principals to follow is the PRICE system: P represents Protecting the knee from any further injury; R is for Rest; IC is for Ice; and finally E for Elevate. Items such as ibuprofen and naproxen have anti- inflammatory aspects and help relieve joint pain as well. Acetaminophen is also helpful for pain; however, it does not assist with inflammation.

Supplements are also becoming a more and more viable option for fighting knee joint pain. With all the parts involved in a knee and all the activity it is asked to perform, it should come as no surprise that many people find themselves searching for relief from knee joint pain. Researchers have been working overtime to find new ways to help people experiencing joint pains. The fact that our population, in general, is aging and still very active is helping to spur the need for new options.

For years, glucosamine supplements have been used with varying levels of success. Lately, newer joint pain supplements, like Celadrin and Celecaine, use Cetylated Fatty Acid (CFA). There have been several studies showing the benefits of this emerging option for knee joint pain relief. The science behind this supplement has been around for years. The Journal of Rheumatology featured an article on CFA's and their effect on osteoarthritis in 2002. The study found that the range of motion and the functionality of the knee were improved with the use of CFA's.

Of course, most people would like to avoid that trip to the doctor. By choosing to take a supplement made for joint health, and using the PRICE method, you may be able to find relief from knee joint pain at home. It is always a good idea, however, to ensure that any supplement will not interfere with any current medications or other supplements you are taking.

Dealing With Muscle Imbalances

Bad posture is easy to obtain. This can lead to muscle imbalances, reduced flexibility, and leaves us more susceptible to injury.

Think of the times you lift your arms toward the front of your body. Eating, washing our hair, cleaning the dishes and brushing our teeth, just to name a few. When we continually use the same muscles, we tend to neglect the others. Similarly, if we spend the day driving, watching television, or sitting at a desk lead to tightening of our postural muscles, poor posture, rounding our shoulders, and a pelvic tilt.

Beyond esthetics, a strong back leads to years of health and mobility. Good posture helps decrease the normal wearing of joint surfaces, preventing arthritis. The skeleton, the muscles, ligaments and tendons all contribute to holding us upright against gravity. With improper alignment, our balance is thrown off and certain areas, such as joints and bones, are required to support more weight and work harder. Eventually, strains and injury may result.

Proper posture lessens the stress on the ligaments and holds the spinal joints together. It prevents the spine from becoming fixed in abnormal positions and uses your back muscles efficiently. Holding the natural curve in the spine without slouching keeps the bones and joints in the correct alignment.

Poor posture can round the shoulders, involving the posterior deltoids. Because most occupations and daily activities require the use of the breast muscle as opposed to the back muscles, our shoulders roll forward causing neck and back pain.

Gravity constantly pulls the shoulders out of normal position and alignment. Tightening of the latissimus dorsi causes a rounding of the upper back known as hunchback or Kyphosis. This can affect your lungs, nerves, and other tissues and organs, causing pain and other problems.

Numbness and/or pain in the legs, neck and back can all result from poor posture and muscle imbalances.

Muscles Involved in Imbalances

Weak Upper and Middle Back-Weak trapezius muscles and the rhomboids. This could bedue to lack of exercise or too many chest exercises. Each muscle has an opposing muscle or muscle that works opposite of it. If you do too many chest strengthening exercises, you will cause muscle imbalances. Our pectoral major is our trapezius and rhomboids antagonist.

Tight Hip Flexors- The pelvis rotates anteriorly and is due to sitting for extensive periods. Tight hip flexors do a lot of abdominal work, making your core exercises useless. Weakening of the glutes also occurs as these are the hip flexors opposing muscle.

Tight Hamstrings- The hamstrings take over the normal functions of the glutes and hip flexors as the hamstring is the synergistic (helper) muscle to the hip flexors. Sitting shortens the muscles, causing tightness, making gains in the gym near impossible.

How To Correct Posture

We need to engage in postural muscle strength activities. Typically, the exercises we choose are not focused on postural muscle strength. The most common muscle imbalances come from sitting. With prolonged sitting, our muscles become tight and cause a disturbance on the opposing muscle and the entire musculoskeletal system.

Planes of Motion

Focus on balance between the muscle and joints, when choosing an exercise program. Ensure balance throughout the entire body is the focus, along with proper form. Focus on the core, too. We must incorporate stability muscles into our strength training as they are vital for proper joint, tendon, and opposing muscle strength.

The muscle you are working is the agonist. The antagonist is in opposition. Let's use squats and lunges as examples. The quadriceps is the agonist, the hip flexors are the antagonist and hamstrings become the synergist muscles. When you perform more quadricep dominant exercises, your pelvis tilts, causing pain in the lower back, and knees.

Fix this by adding hip and hamstring dominant exercises to balance it out. As a rule, you should never do more quadricep dominant exercises than hip movements.

Same rule applies for the deltoids and latissimus dorsi muscles, better known as your lats. When you perform a vertical push (such as a shoulder press), incorporating your shoulders (deltoids), you must also add a vertical pull, targeting your lats (such as a lat pulldown).

Chin-ups and pull-ups hit the lats, biceps and stabilizer muscles. Always do the same amount in each plane of motion. With a horizontal push (bench press), target your chest. Here, incorporate your pectoral muscles, your front deltoids, triceps, trapezius muscles (traps) and your rotator cuff, instead of a horizontal pull, such as rows, that incorporate your traps, rhomboids, rear deltoids and rotator cuff.

(In legitimate workout programs, the back is broken into two different movements: lat pull and a row.)

Perfect posture requires a strong back. The upper back muscles, your trapezius muscles and rhomboids pull your shoulders down and back, and pull the pectoral muscles up. This is key for females.

How to Prevent and/or Correct Imbalances:

  • Create balance by incorporating every muscle into your workout with the same amount for each opposing muscle.

  • Improve shoulder flexibility by retracting the shoulders during exercise. Keep your upper body lifted and shoulders relaxed.

  • Strengthen your core. When you stand with your abdominal muscle disengaged, the top of the pelvis tilts forward, your stomach bulges forward and the lower back arches. Keep your abdominals tight and pelvis tucked.

  • Strengthen your gluteus muscles to ensure they dominate while sitting.

  • Better your flexibility. The best way to relieve tension is through stretching. Note- a stretch is opposite of the function of the muscle

  • Avoid locking your knees when standing or exercising.

  • Alternate sitting and standing every 45-60 minutes.

  • Tuck a small pillow between the chair and lower back to maintain the natural lower-back curve.

  • Sit with knees slightly higher than hips and feet flat on the floor.

  • Purchase a firm, supportive mattress for your bed.

In short: sit up keeping the head straight, not forward or to the side. Bring your shoulders back and relax them down. Sit with legs parallel, not turned out, and shoulder width apart. Keep your pelvis aligned by engaging your abdominals. Get up and stretch every hour. Every twenty minutes reach your arms straight, feeling lengthening of the spine. Strengthen your back and core muscles and make sure to maintain balance through all opposing muscles.

Benefits of Calcium Citrate Magnesium Vitamin D

As we all know, calcium and magnesium both are important for the development of our body. They are needed by many systems and functions of the body and if there is a deficiency of either of these nutrients, many serious health conditions may occur.

Now a unique formula containing both these minerals along with vitamin D is available on the market. Calcium is obtained from an easily absorbed salt of calcium known as calcium citrate. There are numerous benefits of calcium citrate magnesium vitamin D formula. Let's find out what these benefits are and how to find good-quality calcium supplements online.

Calcium is needed for strong bones and teeth. Calcium deficient people especially women above the age of 40 are at high risk of developing bone disease or osteoporosis in old age. Furthermore, calcium deficiency causes many complications like depression, PMS in women, fatigue, headaches, muscle cramps, joint pains and kidney stones.

Degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's also occur mainly as a result of nutrient deficiency in the body. Benefits of calcium citrate magnesium vitamin D include assistance in overcoming nutrient deficiency and fighting against the above-mentioned diseases and other illnesses.

A formula containing up to 200 IU vitamin D, 400-500 mg of calcium and about 180 mg of magnesium is ideal for people of all ages. Normally it is recommended to consume 2-4 capsules daily after or before meals. If you have a sensitive stomach, it is advisable to take calcium tablets right after meals.

To obtain maximum benefits of calcium citrate supplements, eat them with a well-balanced diet and also exercise on a regular basis. People who sit idle for long durations of time are at high risk of calcium loss from their bones. This is because the blood is constantly in need of calcium and other minerals and when it does not receive these minerals from food, it starts robbing them from bones, tissues and muscles.

To ensure the effectiveness of calcium and magnesium supplements, conduct a thorough research on these tablets and their ingredients before buying them online. Try to find user reviews and comments on the usefulness and effectiveness of these products. Furthermore, if you are already calcium deficient and do not eat a lot of calcium-rich foods, consult a doctor and determine how much calcium you should consume on a daily basis to avoid serious health complications later on in life.

When Joint Pain Leads to Replacement

The reason it is important to find an effective treatment for joint pain and the conditions that cause the achy symptoms in the first place is to avoid the drastic measures of having a total joint replacement. This type of procedure removes an arthritic or damaged joint and replaces it with an artificial joint called a prosthesis. While many people may have heard of a total knee replacement, this kind of surgery may also include the hip, ankle, shoulder, foot, elbow, and even the fingers.

Patients usually opt for a total joint replacement when joint pain has become too unbearable to endure. The damage that has taken place with the cartilage surrounding the joint is also too spoiled to repair. Severe pain may become debilitating, where an individual alters their lifestyle in order to accommodate their weakened bones, muscles, and joints. Without a total joint replacement, an individual may become disabled and unable to function in the manner they desire.

A doctor will perform a physical examination, run a few laboratory tests, and order a couple of x-rays in order to reveal the extent of joint damage. This will also help the patient come to a conclusion whether they wish to undergo the procedure to enhance their quality of life.

When a patient decides that a total joint replacement surgery fits their personal needs, they will make an appointment to have a surgeon replace the damaged parts of the joint. For instance, in the case of a damaged knee, the ruined ends of the bones and cartilage are replaced with metal and plastic parts that are molded to restore knee movement and function. With a total hip replacement, the damaged ball (upper end of the femur) is switched with a metal ball attached to a metal stem that fits into the femur. A plastic socket placed into the pelvis completes the surgery.

Overall, the materials used in a total joint replacement operation are constructed to encourage natural joint movement. With the use of metal and plastic, the materials are built to last and resistant to normal wear and tear. After the surgery, doctors often promote the immediate use of replaced joints. Some individuals (such as total hip and knee replacement recipients) are able to stand and walk with the use of a cane, crutches, or a walker on the day after their procedure. During the recovery process, it is important to exercise and treat the temporary pain that comes with weak muscles and the healing process.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

4 Anti Aging Secrets to Look and Feel Your Best

No matter how old you are, anti aging secrets are a great way to help your body look and help you feel vibrant, energetic and beautiful. Aging is a process that we all must go through, but everyone does it different. You can decide for yourself, will you let your body age quickly or would you prefer to keep it working and looking great for a while? If you are the latter, here are some anti aging secrets and tips that you can use everyday to be your best and age gracefully.

Exercise is key to keeping your body strong and healthy and is one of the foremost anti aging tips. The type of exercise you do depends on what you want to accomplish. There are a few exercises that are ideal for anti aging or to slow the aging process. These include yoga, weight or resistance training and for some, rebounding. Here is a rundown of each.

Yoga is one of the great exercises for anti aging, creating strength, toning and flexibility; especially for your spine. A healthy and flexible spine is considered to be the "backbone" of youthfulness; pun intended. If your spine is strong and flexible, the many nerves that run through it are better protected. If you keep your spine loosened and flexible, the muscles and ligaments connected to it also have a better chance to stay relaxed. Put together, this means less muscles spasms, less hip or joint pain, better flexibility to do daily tasks and all around less pain.

As you age, your bones become less dense while some even experience bone loss. Resistance and weight training are proven to counteract this. In fact, some studies noted that weight training is better than taking calcium supplements to preserve bones and make them strong. If you decide to try weight training, it is always best to work with a trainer, especially at first. Proper form is key to avoiding injury. Resistance training may be done at home with a band, exercise equipment or certain calisthenic programs that incorporate squats, some form of pushups and similar exercises. Even if done at home, patience and starting slowly will help you avoid injury.

Rebounding is a lesser known exercise that involves jumping on a mini-trampoline designed for exercise. Advocates of this exercise say this helps them exercise muscles throughout the entire body, including internal muscles that support the organs. Some long term users also say that it helps tone facial muscles just as it tones all muscles throughout the body.

Facial Exercise is another little known anti aging secret. Just as your body muscles sag without exercise, so can facial muscles. Exercising the tiny muscles around your jowels, neck, forehead and even cheek muscles can help keep them toned and firm for longer. You can use a device or purchase a program for facial muscles. And if you do try this, try doing a mini massage on your face yourself. It will feel good and research does prove that regular massage also contributes to keeping muscles firm.

Healthy diet is also important for an anti aging program. If you want to age gracefully, start your healthy diet now. If you feel you have aged prematurely, it is possible to reverse some of the damage. Take in extra nutrition in the form of whole foods instead of supplements. One example of this type of practice is to consume more raw fruits and vegetables and even incorporate fresh vegetable juice into your daily diet. This extra nutrition helps your body maintain a healthy level of collagen while allowing your body to continue to create fresh, healthy cells to replace old and damaged ones.

The right skin care is imperative and an important anti aging secret. And the secret here is to go all natural with your skin care. Use fresh scrubs from natural ingredients such as apricot seeds. This can stimulate collagen production while removing old skin cells. All natural moisturizers help maintain the skins natural balance. Look for ingredients such as rose water and glycerin. Avoid chemicals that can actually make the skin look older.

These anti aging tips can help you maintain a youthful look for longer. And we all know that healthy exercise and healthy diet are key to feeling good and staying healthy no matter how old you are. And be smart; if you take medications, check with your doctor before diet changes or starting exercise.

Canine Hip Dysplasia - Symptoms and Diagnosis of Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

Canine hip dysplasia is a common developmental disease which tends to occur in large breed dogs. The disease usually occurs in both hind legs and is caused by both genetic and environmental factors. The underlying condition is a laxity in the structures that hold the hip joint together. In this article, I will discuss the clinical signs that dogs show with hip dysplasia and how the diagnosis of hip dysplasia is made.

Dogs with hip dysplasia tend to present in one of two ways, either as a young dog or as an older patient. The young dogs present typically between 5-10 months of age with signs of difficulty rising in the hind legs especially after rest, reluctance to jump, a bunny-hopping gait when running, exercise intolerance, and popping that can be heard or felt around the hips when walking. When examined, these dogs tend to show pain when the hips are pulled straight back and laxity in the hip joint can usually be demonstrated by a procedure called an Ortaloni test. This test involves partially luxating the joint manually then feeling it pop back into place again. Young dogs present with pain because the structures that are holding the hip together are too loose and as the dog bears weight on the leg, the two bones keep pulling apart from each other causing the ligaments and joint capsule to stretch and tear resulting in swelling within the joint.

Older dogs present usually after 8-10 years of age and show signs of difficulty rising in the hind legs, a stiff or stilted gait when walking, and muscle atrophy in the rear legs. On examination, they are painful when the hind leg is pulled straight back and have a decreased range of motion in the hip joint. Most older dogs do not have a positive Ortaloni test since the joint has developed scar tissue preventing this from happening. Older dogs present with pain in the hips because over time, the two bones pulling apart have resulted in loss of the cartilage on the bone surface and progressive arthritis formation within the joint. These dogs are said to have end-stage osteoarthritis within the joints.

Diagnosis of hip dysplasia is usually made with radiographs. Typically, a ventrodorsal hip extended view is taken which is done by laying the dog on their back and pulling both hind legs straight back. In the young dog, the main sign seen on the radiograph is separation of the head of the femur from the acetabulum. Occasionally early bone formation within the joint, termed osteophytosis, may also be seen. The older the dog gets with this disease, the more bone change or remodeling, will be seen. Typically the femoral head changes from being round to flattened and the acetabulum becomes more shallow. Visible new bone formation within the joint, termed osteophytes, will be seen on the acetabulum and on the head of the femur also.

For purposes of determining if a dogs lameness is due to hip dysplasia, the routine ventrodorsal hip extended radiographs work well. It is always indicated to take radiographs to verify that the dog has dysplasia, even if the symptoms all fit, because there are many other diseases with similar symptoms such as cruciate disease, lumbosacral disease, and hock OCD. These diseases can be treated and the dog may return to normal function. Unfortunately, some dogs are assumed to have hip dysplasia when they do not or they have hip dysplasia but it is one of these other conditions that are really causing the pain but radiographs never get taken to prove one way or the other.

Another important consideration when it comes to diagnosing hip dysplasia is that just because a young dogs hips show some signs of dysplasia does not guarantee that the dog will have problems with the disease. It has been shown in studies that there is poor correlation between clinical signs and radiographic findings. Meaning, many dogs can have significantly dysplastic hips on radiographs but show no clinical signs related to it. This is important when trying to decide if treating a young dog with dysplasia is appropriate.

For purposes of screening breeding dogs to ensure that they do not have hip dysplasia, other radiographic tests have been developed which studies have shown to be more accurate in detecting hip dysplasia. These tests are necessary because you want to know that the breeding dogs have no signs of hip dysplasia at all. These tests include the PennHIP (University of Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program) technique and the dorsolateral subuluxation score. Both of these techniques use distraction to determine the degree of laxity within the hips. The other benefit of these tests is that they have been shown to be accurate as early as 4 months of age. Other tests such as CT scans and MRI of the hips have been looked at in research settings but are rarely used in clinical practice.

Screening breeding dogs for hip dysplasia before mating is important but does not guarantee that the puppies will not have hip dysplasia. Some dogs may be carriers for the genes for hip dysplasia but not show overt signs of the disease. When two dogs that are carriers are bred, they can have a litter of puppies that have overt signs of hip dysplasia. The only current way to reduce this possibility is by screening not only the parents but all offspring for multiple generations proving that none of the generations of puppies ever showed overt signs of hip dysplasia which is rarely, if ever done. In the near future, genetic analysis for hip dysplasia should be available which will be a much easier and accurate way of screening potential breeding dogs.

Large Breed Dogs Also Suffer From Arthritis

Large breed dogs, medium breed dogs, and even small breed dogs have tendency to develop arthritis. Arthritis is a disease of the joints and usually occurs during the twilight years for both humans and dogs.

Canine Skeletal System

The skeletal system of dog is an incredible network of several bones, cartilage, as well as ligaments that are responsible for providing his body a strong and robust structure. This structure protects the internal organs, stands supported on four strong legs, and facilitates a variety of motions. However, lack of healthy bones, joints, as well as connective tissues mean that the dog becomes incapable of running, jumping, trotting, climbing, and playing. When a dog suffers from joint pain, these abilities are affected.

There are three types of joints or skeletal hinges in a dogs body. These include ball, socket joint like the hip, and should joints; the hinged joints like the elbow and knee joints; and the plane or gliding joints like the ankle and wrist joint. Arthritis strikes a large sized dog when the joints, lubricated by synovial fluid, are damaged by either injury or disease and he shows signs such of arthritis such as limping, yelping when touched, disinclination to walk, jump, or play etc.

Arthritis Disease

There are many types of arthritis. A degenerative joint disease, arthritis is a result of inflammation in joints and can be broadly categorized as inflammatory and degenerative, based on the source of irritation. Making a trip with your pet to a veterinarian is a prudent move rather than giving the dog a couple of aspirins to quell the pain (never give Tylenol to a dog or aspirin to a cat).

Osteoarthritis is a type of degenerative arthritis disease that affects the pet as a result of cartilage destruction. Now, cartilage is the covering that protects the bones that form the joint. The breakdown of the cartilage is a result of normal tension on an abnormal joint or abnormal tension on a normal joint. While hip dysplasia (a common cause of arthritis in dogs) and malformation of the hip sockets are examples of abnormal joints with normal stress; frequent jumping over obstacles, or tearing or excessive stretching of ligaments resulting from strenuous exercises or injuries from accidents or falls are examples of normal joints with abnormal stress.

Treatments for Arthritis

Typically, arthritis doesn't manifest until your pet has experienced years of abnormal stress. As the lubricating fluid decreases, it also loses its ability to protect the bones from degeneration. Sometimes, surgery can halt or prevent arthritis. However, relief can also be found with alternative medicines such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.

New Dental Treatment for Children - Myofunctional Therapy

Posture, upper airway obstruction, tongue habits, muscle and facial abnormalities all have a profound effect on occlusion (bite position) and facial appearance.

Studies have shown that there is a relationship between upper airway obstruction, facial appearance and dental abnormalities. The term 'Long Face Syndrome' has been used to describe the familiar facial pattern of the airway obstructed patient. It is common that in these patients, head posture is altered to help maintain an adequate airway that may be obstructed. The primary causes of upper airway obstruction include enlarged tonsils and adenoids, turbinate hypertrophy, allergic and nonallergic rhinitis (stuffy nose). Sleep disordered breathing such as snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea is also an associated disorder commonly associated with upper airway problems. Since airway obstruction can have a major negative impact on facial development, it is vital that we recognise signs of upper airway obstruction early and communicate closely with other specialists.

Normal facial growth and dental arch development depends upon the position of the tongue within the dental arch during growth and development. Ideal arch form results when forces of the tongue, cheeks and lips are in balance and this can only be achieved if the tongue has room to rest and function within the dental arch.

Mouth breathing due to an obstructed nasal airway causes a lowering of tongue position which results in a change in the balance between tongue and cheek pressure on the dental arches.

Consequently we often find that mouth breathing patients have high palates, narrow arches and a significant amount of crowding. If the oral and facial muscles are not in balance and mouth breathing is not addressed it can lead to facial abnormalities and impact on facial aesthetics.

Myofunctional Therapy is a treatment that aims at improving and establishing the correct function of the oral and facial muscles. It includes the evaluation and treatment of:

  • Detrimental orofacial habits (eg. Thumb sucking, nail biting, tongue thrusting)
  • Posturing problems related to the lips, tongue, jaw and respiratory system
  • Detrimental breathing patterns
  • Swallowing patterns which may be associated with malocclusions
  • Facial and postural aesthetics

Myofunctional therapy is painless and it involves a series of exercises which are relatively simple. When certain muscles are strengthened and functioning properly, other muscles will follow suit until an overall balance of these muscles is achieved. This will result in a normal attractive face. Treatment will also be beneficial to patients prior to orthodontic treatment (braces), as bad habits which can result in malocclusion will be eliminated. Sometimes if a myofunctional disorder is detected early, orthodontic treatment may be minimal or even avoided.

Managing Arthritis In Beagles

As Beagles grow older, it is undeniably true that the health deteriorates too. Whether they are well-taken cared of or not, there is always a risk of developing diseases as dogs age. But sometimes, disease that usually affects older dogs can also be seen in young ones. One of these diseases is the canine arthritis.

Just like any other organs and systems in the body, the skeletal system plays an important role in promoting normal health condition among dogs. It is composed of bones, cartilage and ligaments. These organs are responsible in providing the body with framework, protecting the internal organs and in providing a full range of motion. When one of these bones or joints is damaged, the dog's normal activity will surely be affected.

Canine arthritis occurs when there is an inflammation in the joints of a dog. Dogs of all sizes, breeds and ages can develop arthritis though older dogs are more prone to this disease. Canine arthritis is categorized into two; degenerative joint disease and inflammatory joint disease.

Degenerative joint disease, also called osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage that protects the bones that make up the joint is damaged. Cartilage is damaged when there is a normal stress on abnormal joints or abnormal stress on normal joints. Degenerative joint disease is further subdivided into two; primary and secondary. Primary degenerative disease has no known cause. On the other hand, secondary disease can be the result of hip dysplasia, patella luxation (loose kneecap), osteochondritis dissecans, trauma and ruptured cruciate (knee) ligaments.

Another type of canine arthritis is inflammatory joint disease. Inflammatory joint disease can be caused either by infection or immune-mediated diseases. This type of arthritis usually affects multiple joints and is accompanied by fever, anorexia and all-over stiffness. Inflammatory joint disease is further subdivided into two; infectious and immune-mediated diseases. Infectious disease can be caused by bacteria while immune-mediated disease is caused by weakness in the immune system. This type of arthritis can also be hereditary.

Signs of arthritis in Beagles include reluctance to walk, climb stairs, jump or play. Gradual limping and swelling around a joint can also be seen. Your dog will also exhibit tenderness when flexing a joint and may hold its breath or stop panting when an affected joint is used. Decrease in appetite is also present in canine arthritis.

Severe arthritis can be treated usually through surgery. But there are some cases when surgery is not needed anymore. Non-surgical treatment of arthritis includes painkillers, exercise, rest and diet. Dog owners should carefully read the product label of dog foods to check its content. But the amount of food and frequency of feeding should be regulated as well to prevent obesity. Exercise is another step to prevent obesity in dogs. But Beagles with arthritis should only have limited and gentle exercise. They should also be restricted from doing strenuous activities.

Elbow Joint Pain - Causes and Treatments

Elbow joint pain is a very common complaint among people of all ages. There are many different possible causes when it comes to elbow joint pain. The source of the pain may not even be at the elbow. Simple movements like turning your hand, using a pen, or bending and straitening your arm can cause shooting pain or a dull ache. With so many different things that could cause this pain (and different names to go with them), its good to be knowledgeable about the possible diagnoses so that you will be able to give the doctor all the information that you can.

The most common source of elbow joint pain is known as tennis elbow. This is when the outer tendon becomes inflamed from overuse of the lower arm, such as when you hit a ball with a tennis racket. The twisting motion can irritate the tendon, causing you pain. Though it is called tennis elbow, such elbow joint pain is not always caused by tennis, as many athletes know. With the constant motion required for sports using the upper body, the possibility of having elbow joint pain increases and it is very important that precautions are taken.

Golfer's elbow is a name given to elbow joint pain that is located in the inside of the arm. It is called "golfer's elbow" because of the tendons and muscles used to swing a golf club. This form of elbow joint pain is not only found in golfers; it can be caused by many different things, from awkwardly lifting a bag to a repetitive motion you may do at work or home. Usually, the pain will gradually come on and continue to get worse until it is treated.

Trigger finger may have a funny name, but it can be anything but funny. Pain in the joints of the finger is caused by inflamed tendons that are pulled through little tunnels in the hand. When the tendon becomes too inflamed, it can become difficult for the tendon to move through the tunnels. The small tunnels may also become inflamed, making it difficult for the tendon to pass through. When you have trigger finger, you may hear a small pop when the tendon finally pushes through. This can also cause the finger to lock in place for a moment. This causes the pain in the joints.

Nursemaid's elbow is called such because it mostly happens to children under the age of five, and is usually caused by someone taller than them holding them tightly by the hand or arm as the child falls or jerks away. It also happens quite often when adults lift the child by the arms or swings them by their hands. This movement can pull the joint just enough to cause a partial dislocation. The child may start crying immediately, or only when they use the arm or have it held by someone else. They may hold it close to their body, or not use the arm at all. If you suspect your child may have nursemaid's elbow, it is very important that you call your pediatrician immediately to get it fixed.