Saturday, September 28, 2013

Problems Relating To Crepitus

Crepitus can be defined as an unexpected creaky noise coming from beneath the skin or due to joint movement or somewhere around the lungs. Also, referred to as snapping joints, popping joints or creaky joints, Crepitus is a growing problem among people of all ages nowadays.

Derived from a word that means frictional sounds, Crepitus can be categorized into several types depending on the region and cause.

Patellofemoral Crepitus happens when the structure of two very important bones of our body, femur and patella which is the knee cap, is not normal. A disorder called Patellofemoral Syndrome or Chondromalacia Patella takes where the friction between the trochlear groove of the femur and patella is more than 20% of that between two ice cubes,

Crepitus can happen in the knee joint too when there is excessive extension or augmentation of the joint which certainly means injury. The main reason can be degeneration of the patella-femoral joint or damages in other joints or joint capsule. Straightaway affecting the kneecap, knee crepitus can be quite alarming.

Crepitus happens in the neck when it has undergone serious soft tissue injuries or large surgeries. Usually no bone is involved in the neck crepitus, hence using anti-inflammatory medication can easily cure the problem.

Shoulder Crepitus generally happens in people who suffer from various osteo problems such as various types of arthritis, crepitus in shoulder gives a painful experience when there is any movement in the shoulder.

Usually a popping or cracking sound in the knee retropatellar crepitus is an indication of severe damage. The reason for such crepitus is the grinding of the two joint bones of the knee. It directly affects the posterior position of the kneecap.

Causes of Crepitus

Crepitus is mainly caused because of the recent disturbances that the joint has suffered which can be sensitive tissue surgery or some major damages to the ligaments or bones. Also, serious joint problems such as Arthritis can cause crepitus at various regions of the body. Crepitus is basically a symptom of a problem than being a problem as it might indicate damages or unceasing injuries. It can also happen in the tissue of the human body when there is a significant amount of air present in them.

Treating Crepitus

In some cases, elastic supports help in preventing further damage to the knee and eases tension on it. Some individuals also find it effective to apply ice packs for 15-20 minutes after exercising. Sometimes, using medicines like Advil, Aspirin or Aleve can also help get relief from pain and other discomforting symptoms.

A number of ways can be adopted to get rid of the annoying noise. Mostly comprising of exercises, methods adopted will not only improve the physical activity of the sufferer as well as increase the movement of the joint. The things that should be avoided while treating Crepitus of the knee are climbing the stairs, aerobics, bending knees, playing some outdoor sport like football, wearing high heeled shoes etc.

Wrist Pain - Causes & Solutions

Wristy Business...Is wrist pain interfering with your yoga practice or Pilates workout or Life?

Wrist Pain: Our hands, by design, were not intended for weight bearing, so it's no wonder that many of us experience pain or discomfort when assuming those Pilates or yoga positions that require us to do just that -bear body weight on our hands. Discomfort may simply be a result of mild limitations in wrist range of motion, improper alignment of shoulders, arms and hands or reduced core and arm strength. Gentle and gradual stretching and strengthening exercises, along with proper body alignment and weight distribution may reduce your wrist discomfort in weight bearing positions. However, for some of us, even with good strength and proper form wrist pain persists. A close look at the anatomy of the hand reveals why.

Hand Anatomy: The hand is designed more for mobility than stability. It is composed of 27 small bones, muscles and ligaments that allow for a large amount of movement and dexterity, enabling us to perform a multitude of daily activities requiring fine precision and coordination. The two bones of the lower arm, the radius and ulna, meet at the carpal bones of the hand to form the wrist. Unlike the foot the hand does not have a large bone cushioned with a fat pad for bearing weight, but has small bones surrounded by soft tissue, including the nerve and blood supply. The median nerve crosses the wrist through the carpal tunnel. These soft tissues of the wrist, including the ligaments and tendons, are subject to strain when we are weight bearing on a fully extended wrist such as in a push-up position.

The Culprits: As a simplification, the common causes of wrist pain are grouped into 4 categories:

  1. Overuse: too much repetitive movement or joint impact

  2. Injury: wrist fractures, strains & sprains

  3. Lack of conditioning: weak muscles, poor range of motion, improper form

  4. Aging or Disease: arthritic changes in the joints, inflammation, diabetes etc.

Which category does your wrist pain originate from?

Overuse: One common cause of wrist pain is Overuse, clinically known as RSI - Repetitive Stress (or Strain) Injury. Long periods performing the same movements, such as typing on a computer, playing a musical instrument or doing sun salutations, can lead to RSI. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) a leading cause of wrist pain is grouped in the RSI category.

What do you do about RSI?

An important first step in treating an overuse injury is to rest - stop doing what is causing you pain to allow healing time. The reality, however, is that many of our repetitive movements are related to our livelihood such as data input, graphic design, dental hygiene, massage therapist or fitness instructor, so to stop completely might result in a few bounced checks. If complete rest isn't an option, two ways to decrease repetitive joint stress are through task and schedule modification.

Suggestion One: Modify Your Activity

Once you've identified the specific task(s) that's aggravating your wrists (or other joints) look at how frequently or for what duration you're performing this task.

Modify your Schedule: The objective of modifying your schedule is to reduce how often and how long you spend doing the pain inducing task. Urgent deadlines, productivity ratings or financial stress are real factors that contribute to overuse injuries. Many smart industries have implemented job rotation and other programs to reduce RSI in the workplace, thus saving money on workman's compensation claims and lost productivity. Practical examples for modifying your schedule may include:

1) Part Time Work: a schedule of Monday, Wednesday and Friday will allow a day of rest in between.

2) Plan Ahead: instead of spending 6 hours banging out a report on the computer spread it out over 4 days for 1 ½ hour each day.

3) Set Time Limits: Break up the problem task into shorter time segments with rest and stretch breaks built into your day.

4) Job Sharing / Rotation: Can you recruit a co-worker to assist you or swap tasks with? Look at all options for creative scheduling.

Modify the Task: The objective here is to use an alternate method to accomplish the task, which may require a different set of muscles or reduce muscle tension and joint stress.

1) Change the Method: If you're a fitness instructor with a wrist injury, give verbal directions instead of demonstrations. If you spend your day on the computer consciously reduce keyboard time by limiting your email correspondence - pick up the phone and make a quick call instead.

2) Change or Modify the Tool: Examples include using a track ball instead of a mouse, substitute an electric tool for a hand tool and increasing the diameter of the tool to open the grasp of the fingers and thumb.

3) Modify your Body Position: Use an ergonomic keyboard, set up your 'work station' optimally for your body and alternate standing with sitting.

4) Use your non-dominant hand: If your wrist pain is primarily in your dominant hand try to develop the skill to accomplish the task with your non-dominant hand. Start with something simple like stirring while cooking or dialing the phone then work towards using your computer mouse with your opposing hand. This may be challenging but is very useful and good for your coordination.

Suggestion Two: Incorporate frequent stretch breaks into your day.

Whether it's an occupation or leisure pursuit that's resulting in RSI, do strengthening and stretches that move your body, limbs and joints in the opposite direction of the repetitive motions you're engaged in. Computer use is a big culprit of wrist pain, since many people now spend hours of their day at a keyboard and monitor. The typical computer posture takes its toll on your back, neck, arms and hands -possibly resulting in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Break up long hours at the computer by scheduling intermittent breaks to stand up, move around and stretch. Do these simple stretches several times a day in standing or from the comfort of your chair.

Hold each stretch for 3 to 5 deep breaths:

1) Stretch shoulder and arms: Reach back from the shoulder rotating the spine, straighten your elbow and rotate your palm up, extend the wrist slightly or keep neutral then straighten and spread the fingers apart. Deepen the stretch by rotating the neck so your face is turned away from your stretched arm. Repeat with the other arm.

2) Rotate both wrists several times clockwise then counter clockwise.

3) Stretch finger flexors: Extend fingers and place them together in a prayer position. Press fingers firmly together and spread them apart keeping fingers straight. To increase the stretch, gently pull the wrists apart 1 or 2 inches while keeping fingers together.

4) Stretch wrist in extension: Continue in prayer position with fingers and wrists pressed together. Start with your finger tips at your chin, and then slowly slide hands down towards your waist keeping the wrists pressed together. Go as far as you can comfortably & hold stretch for several breaths. If you feel discomfort in your thumbs simply cross them on top each other instead of pressing together.

5) Stretch wrist in flexion: Flip your hands over so the backs of your hands and fingers are touching and pointing down. Start with your hands at your waist and move slowly up to chest height keeping the backs of the hands pressed together. Fingers dangle loosely while the top of the wrist joints are stretched.

6) Gently shake shoulders, arms, wrists and fingers.

This series of stretches, each held for 5 deep breaths, only take a total of 3 minutes to do! A simple and healthy way to incorporate this routine into your day is to drink lots of water. Every time you get up for a bathroom break, do your stretches before resuming work.


Is wrist pain interfering with your fitness pursuits, work or life? If so, what's the culprit? Too much keyboarding, weight bearing on your hands or other repetitive activity may be an underlying cause of your wrist pain. If you have an overuse injury - first try to rest! Next modify the activity through creative scheduling and use of alternative methods, tools or props. It's also important to develop a stretching & strengthening program to counteract the negative effects of repetitive movements on muscles and joints. Our bodies were designed to move in a multitude of directions, so mix it up and bring some balance and variety into your weekly routine. You know what they say...Variety is the Spice of Life!

Disclaimer: If you have significant wrist pain resulting from a more serious issue such as joint inflammation, arthritis, carpel tunnel syndrome, previous fractures or surgeries of the wrist, it is essential that you consult your health care practitioner prior to beginning a wrist exercise program, Pilates or yoga practice.

Supplements For Joint Pain Relief

Finding relief from musculoskeletal issues is something anyone can do by making a few lifestyle changes. Changing your diet and exercise schedule are just two ways that you can improve your health. There are supplements made that focus on joint pain relief. Taking natural supplements is a safe way to improve joint health.

There are many symptoms to look out for with joint pains caused by osteoarthritis. Common symptoms are stiffness, swelling, and pain. You may hear a cracking sound (also called crepitation) when moving your joints or you may notice swelling that makes the bones appear to be larger. Osteoarthritis also limits people's range of movement and makes even normal daily movements painful. You will also notice tenderness if you press on your joint. Although osteoarthritis (also known as OA) cannot be cured, there are supplements that can relieve the symptoms. Poor elbow joint health can cause people to not be able to fully extend their arm, bend it in all the way, pick up and carry objects, or flex their muscles. Joints may be inflamed and elbows may hurt when you are resting or at night time.

Glucosamine sulfate is an ingredient in supplements used to help support healthy joint function. It is an amino acid that can be derived from shell fish if your body is not producing it on its own. This ingredient is ultimately beneficial to your cartilage and connective tissues. Glucosamine sulfate is characterized by its ability to strengthen proteoglycans because it is what makes up most of the substances that surround your joints. Proteoglycans are what help provide cushion and absorption around your joints to make for pain free and flexible movement.

Chondroitin sulfate is another ingredient that you should look for in a supplement to help your joints. It is often paired with glucosamine sulfate. Together they work as a team to stop enzymes that threaten the cartilage break down process. This helps slow down the break down of cartilage and helps to reverse the whole process of losing cartilage. This ingredient is backed by The Arthritis Foundation.

Other supplement ingredients to look out for are calcium L-threonate, boswellia serrata, bromelain, vitamin D3 and ginger.

Supplements can help you find relieve in all your joints. Whether your elbows, knees, hands, feet, or other joints are bothering you, you can find relief by taking supplements. They can give your body the nurturing it needs to support healthy cartilage and slow down the break down process. Supplements can also be paired with a healthy diet and exercise if you are looking for ultimate results and relief.

Cartilage, Osteoporosis and Glucosamine

Glucosamine sulfate is a dietary supplement that is used for the treatment of osteoarthritis. The most common source of this supplement is from the shells of shellfish like lobsters, shrimps and crabs. They can also be hydrolyzed and fermented from other sources such as yeast, grains and other organisms. The substance can also be made synthetically inside a laboratory.

Since glucosamine is a precursor of glycosaminoglycans, which are major components of joint cartilages, it is believed to help prevent cartilage degeneration brought about by wear and tear (along with other reasons) and can also contribute to the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease characterized by a group of mechanical abnormalities that involve the degradation of the joints. It is the most common form of arthritis recorded, and is the leading cause of chronic disability here in the US of A. It can be caused by several reasons that lead to the gradual loss of the cartilage. And when the bone surfaces are exposed, they become damaged resulting to the appearance of signs and symptoms like pain, tenderness, stiffness, locking, effusion, regional muscle atrophy, and lax ligaments.

Since the cartilage plays a huge role in the pathophysiology of this disease, it deserves a fair length of discussion. The cartilage is a unique tissue predominantly composed of collagen and proteoglycans. From time to time, they undergo dynamic remodeling wherein minute degradation occurs during the process while certain activities are done to keep the balance in order to keep the volume of cartilage within accepted levels.

However, in the cartilage of a patient with osteoarthritis, the enzymes that produce degrading effects are over-expressed giving them the privilege to wreck havoc to the joints. As a result, the collagen and proteoglycans are lost from the matrix. As a defense mechanism of the body, the chondrocytes proliferate initially to synthesize increased amounts of proteoglycans and collagen. Unfortunately, as the disease progresses, the constant and repetitive attempts of the body to repair itself are exhausted leaving the degeneration unmatched and the debilitation inevitable unless treated.

Seeing as glucosamine sulfate is normally found in the human body and other organisms to help in the formation of chemicals responsible for the production of tendons, ligaments, cartilage and synovial fluids, it has been the subject of several clinical studies to prove this effect. That is why it has now become the most famous non-mineral and non-vitamin supplement in the market today-even outselling its other form, glucosamine hydrochloride.

This supplement is also available in forms which contain its common partner agent, chondroitin. With this combination, their effects are synergized to help each other out giving better results for the treatment of the disease. This is backed by several studies in relation to these substances and they (the clinical trials) show positive results for the glucosamine and chondroitin combo. However, larger and more thorough studies today are showing elaborate evidence that glucosamine produces no significant effects compared to the control groups that take placebo. That is why further researches are being done to put finality to the argument whether or not glucosamine sulfate, along with its chondroitin partner, is really effective.

What You Need to Know About Severe TMJ Symptoms

There are a few things that you need to know about severe TMJ symptoms, and unfortunately many people with some of the most extreme TMJ symptoms often delay seeking medical help. These patients do not realize just how dangerous their symptoms are, and they do not realize that the longer they delay treatment - they more likely they are to sustain permanent, irreversible damage.

When severe TMJ symptoms are not treatment, they may cause damage to the joints in the jaw area, the facial nerves (which result in facial numbness), and the facial muscles.

What you also need to know, however, about severe TMJ symptoms is that there still many effective treatments which currently exist that can significantly reduce and relieve these symptoms. Receiving treatment is critical if your TMJ disorder consists of ANY of the following symptoms:

1. Lock jaw - This is characterized by minimal to no ability to open the jaw or mouth, and may require emergency care in extremely severe cases. At this point your jaw joint has become severely worn and misaligned, and is in danger of soon becoming permanently damaged.

2. Severe migraines - These are indicative of a jaw joint that has been misaligned for such an extended period that the joints now improperly rub against the skull bones, the ear, or against a facial nerve.

3. Worn down teeth which are of a noticeably different length or height - Teeth that have been ground to this level are in danger of being irreparable by a neuromuscular dentist. At this point the roots of the teeth may also be affected as well.

4. Vertigo or dizziness, or ringing in the ears

5. Lancing pain in either of the ears or the jaw itself

6. Hearing problems

7. Tingling or numbness in either the fingers or the hands

8. Swelling on the side of the face with the tmj symptoms

Some of these severe TMJ symptoms may occur following any trauma to the face, head, or neck area, such as a severe accident or blow to the head. If you experience these symptoms after such an incident, you should not delay in seeking help for your TMJ disorder.

It is common for any severe blow to the head, neck, or face to create a correspondingly severe and dangerous case of tmj as well, and as such should be treated as soon as possible.

There are many TMJ treatment options that will help to relieve the symptoms associated with the condition. Take some time to visit with a specialist or to learn more about TMJ exercises in or to effectively treat severe TMJ symptoms.

Elbow Grease: Omega 3 and Joint Relief

It is just a cliche until you're forty-five or so, if you're lucky. But sooner or later, you'll wish there really were such a thing as elbow grease. Whether you're a corporate animal or a manual worker, there comes a time when your joints start to creak and crack as a result of natural aging. Of course, such factors as hereditary illness and extra strain are likely to aggravate the misery. Fortunately, there's a close substitute these days.

Human joints are one of the most amazing engineering feats in nature. They are reasonably resilient in their construction, but by means of successive layers of cartilage and fluids they keep friction between the two pieces of bone to a bare minimum. However, for much of human history our lifespans are brutally short compared to the modern 70 years or so. That is why Mother Nature, shrewd as ever, decided to skimp on her ingredients. After all, there's no reason why a joint should have a longer shelf life than the entire organism.

Joint pains are either classified as non-inflammatory (arthralgia), or inflammatory (arthritis). The former cases usually involve trauma, cancer, gout, or infection. Inflammation of the joints, however, is a far more common occurrence, as it is usually related to aging. Statistically speaking, almost every single reader here would have either experienced first-hand, or know someone who has experienced arthritis. Of this, there are two major categories: osteoarthritis (OA), or degenerative joint disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Primary OA is a chronic degenerative disorder, but it isn't directly caused by aging - witness the occasional nonogenarian jogging with abandon. The cartilages in our joints dry out with age, becoming less resilient in the process. Sometimes mild inflammation and attempted repairs are triggered in the process: bone growth, however well-intentioned, only adds to the pain at this stage.

(Note that rheumatoid arthritis is a whole other ball game: it is a systemic autoimmune disorder which affect 1% of the world's population. Bluntly put, the body attacks itself at the synovial joints, crippling the victim in the process. Neither cause nor cure is known at this stage.)

So what is a sufferer to do? While we can't attack OA at the root, there is still a viable treatment by proxy: repressing the counter-productive anti-inflammatory response. This might sound a bit defeatist, but as the average GP doesn't go beyond physiotherapy, lifestyle recommendations, and over-the-counter analgesics (acetaminophen and ibuprofen, for instance), treating OA at the inflammatory level is actually the best strategy we have at our disposal.

Fish oils chiefly comprise Omega 3 oils, of which EPA and DHA are essential to human health. After decades of research, these fatty acids have proven their anti-inflammatory credentials in cardiovascular treatments beyond a doubt. Research on the relation between OA and Omega 3 is only beginning in earnest, but already a Canadian meta-analysis of 17 separate clinical trials on the pain-relief properties of Omega 3 has shown positive results.

They can investigate all they like, as long as the patients say it stops the pain.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Even Animals Have Arthritis

If you think humans are the only ones suffering from arthritis, you're wrong. Our misery is shared by many of our animal friends, including dogs and cats.

Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease - the most common form of arthritis that affects 21 million Americans - is also common in animals, especially elderly dogs and cats. The disease is caused when cartilage that cushions the ends of bones in the joints deteriorates over time. This may be due to aging, being overweight, joint injury and stress or muscle weakness.

As the cartilage wears down, bone rubs against bone resulting in damaged bones. There is stiffness and pain in the joints during or after use or after a period of inactivity. Other symptoms are loss of flexibility, swelling, and tenderness in the joint.

"Osteoarthritis can affect any joint in your body, though it most commonly affects joints in your hands, hips, knees and spine. Osteoarthritis typically affects just one joint, though in some cases, such as with finger arthritis, several joints can be affected," said the Mayo Clinic.

In animals, however, osteoarthritis may be difficult to detect since the former can't complain or talk. Dr. James "Jimi" Cook, director of the Comparative Orthopedic Laboratory at the University of Missouri at Columbia, said the disease is often found in 20 percent of dogs over age 1.

Scientists at the University of Glasgow said a third of cats over age 8 may also be suffering from arthritis pain. However, unlike dogs or horses, they don't limp or make a fuss, making the disease difficult to diagnose, according to Professor David Bennett from the university's vet school.

Cook lamented the fact that by the time patients develop symptoms - about seven to 15 years after an injury in humans, and only six weeks for dogs - it is already too late to reverse the damage.

"The signs may be hard to spot at first: your gray-in-the-muzzle Labrador retriever takes a little longer to get up in the morning, or your fuzzy Persian doesn't jump as high as she used to. As time goes on, it becomes more and more clear that your pet is having a hard time moving, and soon you realize that she is in pain whenever she walks, jumps, or even sits up. It can be a hard moment for a pet owner - learning that the animal you love has arthritis," said the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).

"The symptoms of arthritis can be hard to distinguish - animals can't complain about their aching joints, so all that pet 'parents' see is a response to pain. Animals with arthritis might avoid the activities they used to enjoy, stop jumping onto the furniture, or they might nip or seem upset when touched. Some animals may become depressed or change their eating habits; others may simply seem grumpier than usual," the AAHA added.

To make life easier for you and your pet, see a competent doctor for help. Although osteoarthritis can't be cured, modern treatments can reduce pain and maintain movement so you can perform daily tasks. To control pain, swelling, and inflammation, use Flexcerin, a natural supplement that soothes aching joints, rebuilds worn joints, and restores joint flexibility and mobility. For details, go to

Horse Joint Supplements: Prevent and Protect Your Horse From Arthritis

Horse joint supplements are the only possible prevention tactic for equine arthritis. These supplements can help manage arthritis and give pain relief but it is better to make use of supplements before this problem arises if you want to ensure your horse's optimal performance. Arthritis is more widespread in dressage and racing horses or those who have performance careers. The usual symptoms of arthritis would be swollen joints in animals, joint pain and stiffness, lack of movement around joint.

Arthritis is one of the most common bone related diseases that can affect horses. It is a type of degenerative disease that impairs mobility and causes inflammation of the joint. The pain from equine arthritis can render a horse unable to move without being uncomfortable. Since arthritis is a progressive disease and only gets worse with time, it can completely ruin a horse's professional riding career. And that's not all - joint deterioration from arthritis can also cause deformities and in time, even serious disability.

Joints may also be warm to touch, with some difficulty in motion and pain after exercise or limping. The horse may also be constantly uncomfortable and show signs of changed demeanor. Equine arthritis develops due to deformation and deterioration of cartilage. Cartilage is the tissue that surrounds a joint and acts as a kind of shock absorber for active motion. With wear and tear and intensive routines this cartilage breaks down and starts to erode. Some areas of the bone may also start to deteriorate along with the cartilage, causing extreme pain and stiffness in movement.

Equine arthritis frequently affects the front fetlocks, front feet coffin joints, upper knee joints and hocks. This problem can be caused by wear and tear and poor nutrition but it can also be caused by some kind of infection, age, over-exertion without the use of proper supplements, injury, nutritional deficiency and mineral deficiencies. Horse joint supplements like easy joint liquid or joint suppleness powders can improve the health of joints because of the various types of substances like Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate and MSM.

These substances present in various horse joint supplements will improve joint lubrication and aid in the growth of cartilage tissue around joints. These supplements can also help main the functionality of joint structures and improve muscle formation in horses so the horses can perform at their maximum potential. But the most important function of joint supplements is to make sure that the horses are prevented from the onset of arthritis and other degenerative diseases and illnesses.

The Basics of TENS Units For Pain Management (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)

T.E.N.S. is an acronym for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. They are small battery powered devices designed to relieve post-operative, acute, and chronic pain. They are about the size of an iPod. It is a safe non-invasive drug free method of pain management that can help decrease the need for pain medication and also supplement treatment being received for pain control. It is used for pain caused by peripheral nerves and not centrally derived pain. TENS Units are prescription only devices. Sometimes they have attachments that go on your pants or pockets so that they are easy to bring with you.

TENS units are often used along with additional non-operative treatments such as Physical Therapy, Physiotherapy, Pain Management, Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression, or Manipulation Under Anesthesia.

How Do They Work?

A TENS unit is a device that transmits small square electrical pulses to the electrodes, which transmit this electrical pulse to the underlying nerves. The fundamental components of a TENS unit are the electrodes, a highly advanced computer chip, and an electrical battery source. The small amount of electricity is transmitted through the computer component then to the electrodes, which transmits the electrical waveform through the skin to the underlying nerves.

The user can personalize the pulse frequency, which is the strength of the electrical current given to the electrode (this should be accomplished in conjunction with the prescribing provider).Typically the prescribing provider will show the patient how to use the device and show any advisable setting options.

What conditions are helped with Transcutaneous Units?

Neck Pain, Back Pain, Arthritis, Sciatica, headaches, Muscular Strains, TMJ Disorder, Radiculopathy, pain from herniated discs, mid back pain, upper back pain, tendonitis, Sports Injuries, bursitis,

TENS units will not cure a disease or pain problem. They are of no curative value. It is a symptomatic treatment which suppresses pain sensation.

Application of a TENS Unit

Electrodes are placed on or near the area of pain. Soothing pulses are sent via the electrodes through the skin and along the nerve fibers. The current travels through the electrodes and into the skin stimulating specific nerve pathways to produce a tingling or massaging sensation that reduces the perception of pain. The pulses suppress pain signals to the brain. TENS Machines also encourage the body to produce higher levels of its own pain killing chemicals called Endorphins.

How long does it take for a TENS Machine to start working to relieve my pain?

It takes approximately 30 minutes or less to feel the effects. Some people use their TENS unit throughout the day off and on. It's not typically recommended to be used continuously. Rather best to use for a period of time (1-2 hours) then take off for a while.

What does a TENS Machine feel like when it's turned on?

The device produces a tingling sensation but should not be painful.

Who Should Not Use a TENS Unit?

  • Persons using a CARDIAC PACEMAKER

  • Has any form of malignancy,

  • Various conditions where circulation is impaired.

  • Persons with a heart condition.

  • By someone with epilepsy

  • Around the head

  • With the electrodes placed on the neck near carotid

  • It may not be used transcerebrally across the head,

  • Not over the carotid sinus(where the jaw meets the neck), over metal implants or in conjunction with sleep apnea or heart monitors.

You should be aware that TENS units provide symptomatic therapy only and are not considered curative.

What are potential adverse effects with using TENS Units?

Users of TENS machines experience significant pain relief by and large. Some patients note that their skin is red where the electrodes are placed.

How can I obtain a TENS Unit?

One needs a prescription from a medical provider such as a chiropractor or an MD/DO for a TENS Machine. When you receive a TENS Unit, the machine will be set to optimally manage your pain condition and personal instructions will be given on its use. One should not attempt to change the settings without having undergone this instruction.

Electrodes are attached to the surface of the skin over or near the area where you are experiencing pain. It is important that you learn how to:

-Correctly put on the electrodes -Operate the Unit -Change the Batteries -Vary the controls and Settings -Set the proper duration and intensity of the stimulation

How well do they work?

For some chronic and acute pain patients, a TENS machine provides pain relief that can last for several hours. For others, a TENS Unit may help reduce the amount of pain medication needed.

Research on TENS

Few quality research studies have been done on the use of TENS for pain relief. With regards to the literature that does exist, it's controversial. Anecdotally however, patients often rave about the pain relief felt. In conjunction with physical therapy, chiropractic treatments, or pain management treatments, the results tend to be good to excellent. They also work well in the post-operative setting.


Despite the lack of hard scientific data backing up TENS unit efficacy, they are mainstream for pain control and extremely safe. Ask your doctor if a TENS will help your condition.

Natural Arthritis Relief is Possible If You Know What Treatments Work to Ease Joint Pain

Natural arthritis pain relief is a real option, one that is continuing to grow and expand every day. For those who suffer from the daily pain and discomfort of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and other degenerative join disorders, there is a choice. Prescription medicines with harsh side effects and strange, home-spun folk remedies are not the only routes you can take to get relief from your symptoms.

Arthritis is caused by the breakdown of the protective layer of cartilage which surrounds the joints. Without this layer, the bones of the joints rub against each other, causing pain and malformation of the bones themselves. Though most common among people over 60, it can strike at any age and can be terribly debilitating. Arthritis natural remedies offer a safe, healthy alternative for pain relief, good news for the millions of people who suffer from degenerative joint disease.

Alternatives Can Be As Effective As Conventional Medications

There are many natural substances which can prove quite effective in treating arthritis pain. Among them are glucosamine, chondroitin, manganese, turmeric and ginger extract. These substances and others like them offer natural arthritis pain relief without the nasty side effects caused by most prescription medications. They also offer more complete treatment by targeting the underlying cause of arthritis instead of just focusing on the pain itself.

Glucosamine and chondroitin promote joint health and can actually help damaged joints to repair themselves naturally. Manganese is a powerful antioxidant, which helps rid the body of harmful free radicals, thus combating the effects of aging, and turmeric and ginger extract are anti-inflammatories, which work to reduce swelling and aching of affected joints. By working from the inside out, these arthritis natural remedies can help the body to heal itself, produce healthy cartilage to protect the joints and improve overall health.

While the field of natural arthritis pain relief is continually growing, one of the more exciting developments in recent years has been the creation of comprehensive supplements which contain a carefully balanced combination of these natural ingredients. These products provide the ability to target and treat arthritis pain as never before, by addressing a host of symptoms as well as their underlying cause for the most comprehensive arthritis treatment available today. And by including so many natural ingredients in one medicine, they reduce the need for taking supplements as well as providing a safe, gentle method of pain relief without harmful side effects.

Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Help Ease Symptoms

Along with using these natural products, there are many things that arthritis sufferers can do to relieve their symptoms. Primary among them is maintaining a healthy, balanced diet, low in fat and rich in sulfur-containing foods such as asparagus, eggs, garlic and onions. Sulfur helps to repair and rebuild cartilage, so adding it to your diet is among the most effective arthritis natural remedies. Getting proper exercise is also important and massage can also help to ease tense muscles and joints and relieve pain.

While products which provide natural arthritis pain relief are available over the counter, as with any medical treatment you should not consider taking them without consulting your doctor. Together, you and your doctor can determine exactly which regimen of diet, exercise and pain relief supplement can work for you. Pain relief may be your ultimate goal but maintaining your overall health is crucial. The better shape you are in, the better equipped your body will be to respond to any treatment you undergo and the better your chances of receiving real relief.

There is nothing more debilitating than living with arthritis pain. For millions of people, managing the symptoms of rheumatoid or osteoarthritis is a daily reality. Fortunately, that reality has been made much easier to bear with the development of arthritis remedies made from natural ingredients. A safe, gentle alternative to treatment, these medicines can help you stop arthritis in its tracks and get you moving again. So consult your doctor and find out which product works best for you and say goodbye to arthritis pain today!

Physical Therapy Ultrasound Helps Reduce Joint and Muscle Pain

Physical therapy ultrasound has been around since the 1940's, when therapists learned that ultrasound waves could destroy brain tissue and used it to treat patients with Parkinson disease. Patients could also receive treatment for ulcers and arthritis using ultrasound waves. Ultrasound is a form of heat therapy, and heat has been proven to loosen muscles and tissues and help people relax. With physical therapy ultrasound patients can receive noninvasive treatment for back, neck, knee, and leg pain.

What Is Ultrasound in Physical Therapy?

Ultrasound makes high frequency sound waves that when placed on an area of the body cause vibrations. These vibrations, rather than the actual ultrasound machine, is what causes the production of heat. The vibrations happen deep within the tissues. Blood is drawn into the tissues from the vibrations and bring more nutrients and enzymes that help heal damaged areas.

Ultrasound can help patients who need relief from pain, inflammation, and frequent muscle spasms. The vibrations of the molecules within the tissue also increases the flexibility of joints and can help speed the healing of scar tissue. The therapist will choose whether to use ultrasound continuously or in pulses depending on the location and intensity of the pain. A therapist may also choose to apply ultrasound for a short period to help loosen muscles before exercise therapy.

How Does Physical Therapy Ultrasound Work?

A sound head is used to administer the ultrasound waves to the affected area. A therapist will squirt a hypoallergenic gel onto the probe to help reduce friction when using the sound head. For several minutes the therapist will rub the sound head in circular motions across the skin, allowing the sound waves to vibrate the tissues. The sound head must move continuously or the high frequency waves can cause slight burns or hot spots.

Physical therapists can also use an anti-inflammatory gel in conjunction with the hypoallergenic gel when administering ultrasound. The ultrasound waves cause the medicated gel to enter the body, helping to reduce inflammation and swelling of the tissues.

Patients will either sit in a chair or lie on a table to receive treatment. Depending on the area being treated, patients may need to change into a gown or robe before receiving treatment.

Specific Conditions Helped by Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound therapy works best on conditions that cause swelling and muscle soreness. Some common conditions that would benefit from ultrasound therapy include:

  • muscle spasms

  • nerve compression

  • arthritis and osteoarthritis

  • carpal tunnel

  • fibromyalgia

  • myofascial pain syndrome

  • rheumatoid arthritis

  • whiplash

  • tendinitis

  • sprains

  • herniated discs

Physical therapy ultrasound is a modality that is used in conjunction with other therapies. The duration of ultrasound therapy is dependent upon the severity of the pain and whether or not the therapy seems to be showing favorable results. Ultrasound therapy is generally safe for most patients. However, patients who have pacemakers, open wounds, have a chance of being pregnant, or recently had surgery should inform the therapist before receiving treatment.

Spinal Degeneration Not Only An Aging Process!

"Joints don't break down with age alone, but rather with disuse, misuse, or no use. It just so happens as we get older we have more and more opportunity to do less and less". Murray Allen, M.D.

Despite medicine's best efforts, degenerative joint disease, also known as osteoarthritis, continues to be one of our society's most common - and tragic - degenerative diseases. By age 30, about one third of the population will show osteoarthritic changes on spinal x-ray, and by 70 years of age degenerative joint disease is almost universal.

The prevalence of osteoarthritis has lead to two widespread misconceptions. Many people attribute back or neck pain to the presence of spinal degeneration. Similarly, many believe spinal degeneration is a normal and inevitable aging process. Both these traditional beliefs are now starting to be questioned as more, and better, research is expanding our knowledge of this condition.

Although recent medical research has identified a possible genetic component to certain forms of osteoarthritis in certain individuals, spinal degeneration is still considered largely a "wear and tear" condition. In the simplest terms, the spine is comprised of vertebra separated from one another by discs (analogous to cushions or sponges). As we age, these discs undergo subtle biochemical changes resulting in a loss of thickness and cushioning ability. Evidence now suggests these biochemical alterations in the disc may be a product of chronic undernourishment due to faulty spinal mechanics, rather than an inevitable part of the aging phenomenon. Faulty spinal mechanics is primarily the result of accidents, microtrauma and postural distortions. Trauma and abnormal posture produces malalignment of the spine, further contributing to spinal wear and tear.

The major significance of spinal osteoarthritis, however, lies in its effect on the nervous system. Studies show even minor changes in spinal configuration - the beginning stages of the degeneration process - result in compromise of the spinal cord and associated nerve function. As the arthritic changes progress in severity so does nervous system compromise. The potential implications of this are enormous, as science confirms the nervous system controls every tissue, organ and system in the body. For example, evidence shows there is a direct connection between the nervous and immune systems.

The process of spinal degeneration may not be an inevitable part of aging. This is evident from the fact many older people have healthy, well-preserved discs and no sign of disc or joint degeneration. Yet severe degenerative change can be seen in young adults if there has been trauma or prolonged, abnormal spinal stress, such as the result of postural distortion and malalignment.

Chiropractic care can significantly benefit osteoarthritis sufferers by gradually improving movement in dysfunctional joints and through restoring normal spinal curves and alignment. In addition to relieving pain, chiropractic may also assist in preventing further degeneration from occurring. The most important contribution chiropractic care can have to spinal health, however, may lie in prevention. Through maintaining optimum joint movement and spinal alignment, regular chiropractic care can help prevent spinal degeneration from starting in the first place.

An ounce of prevention...

For a consultation or more information you can reach Dr. Browner & Dr. Behar at Windmill Health Center, Weston 954-217-4881. We also have two additional locations to serve you in Pembroke Pines and Plantation, contact our Weston location for more information.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sciatica Causes and Chiropractic Treatment

Sciatica is one of the most common low back injuries seen in chiropractic offices. Sciatica presents as low back, buttock, and leg pain that can be accompanied by numbness, tingling, or burning pain. It is typically one sided but can involve both legs at once. True sciatica can have many causes but the most common result from muscular and skeletal problems in the low back and buttock. Chiropractic care offers fast, natural relief from the pain without the use of harmful prescription drugs and surgery. Tight muscles and spasms can cause the spine to misalign and put pressure on the sciatic nerve. The most common treatment for sciatica is to begin at home with ice and rest. The ice should be applied to the lower back on the side of the leg pain in intervals of 15-20 minutes with about 30 minutes between applications. If the pain does not go away within 3-4 days it is recommended that you go to see a health care professional. Further studies including x-rays, MRI's, or nerve conduction velocity testing may be required in some cases. Once it is determined that there is no serious injury or organic cause for the injury chiropractic is a natural, cost-effective form of treatment that can provide lasting relief from the back and leg pain. Chiropractic treatment usually begins with ice therapy and may include electric muscle stimulation in order to reduce swelling and muscle tension. Specific stretching is then used to loosen the muscles of the back and remove pressure from the sciatic nerve. Using gentle chiropractic adjustments, the chiropractor then realigns the spine in order to remove further tension from the nerve and allow healing and recovery. Then specific stretches and exercises are provided to the patient to be done at home along with icing in order to keep the back looses and strengthen any weak parts. In order to fully understand sciatica I will now discuss in detail the involved structures and the medical explanation behind the mechanism of injury.

In most cases the sciatic nerve is being affected by a number of structures within the lower back and pelvic region. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body measuring 2 cm across at its origin and is formed from the sacral plexus by the ventral rami of L4-S3. It leaves the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen, travels beneath the anterior portion of the piriformis muscle, passes behind the sacrospinal ligament, and then descends along the posterior aspect of the thigh behind the quadratus femoris muscle to supply the skin of the posterior and lateral portion of the leg and foot as well as motor to the muscles of the posterior thigh, leg, and foot. The sciatic nerve has two main divisions: The tibial nerve and the common peroneal (fibular) nerve. The tibial nerve descends through the popliteal fossa and divides at the flexor retinaculum into the medial and lateral plantar nerves. Its main function is to supply motor innervation to the posterior muscles of the knee joint and leg. The common peroneal nerve descends with the medial aspect of the biceps femoris, and passes over the posterior aspect of the fibular head where it divides into the superficial (lateral compartment of the leg), and deep (anterior compartment) peroneal nerves. The relationship between the sciatic nerve and the piriformis muscle is very important, especially in this case. Normally the sciatic nerve passes inferior to the piriformis muscle as it leaves the inferior portion of the greater sciatic foramen, but in an estimated 12.2% of the population it divides before it enters the gluteal region and the common peroneal division passes directly through the piriformis muscle. In 0.5% of the population it divides early and the common peroneal division crosses the piriformis superiorly. The piriformis muscle itself helps to stabilize the femoral head in the acetabulum and externally rotates the extended thigh and abducts the flexed thigh. It travels from the anterior surface of the sacrum and sacrotuberous ligament to the superior portion of the greater trochanter of the femur. It is innervated by branches of the ventral rami of S1 and S2 and receives no innervation from the sciatic nerve.

Sciatica is defined as sharp pain in the leg along the course of the sciatic nerve caused by irritation, compression, or trauma to the sciatic nerve or its roots. Many factors can lead to the irritation of the sciatic nerve, resulting in low back and leg pain. Mechanical aspects of nerve compression play a large role in sciatica cases. The sciatic nerve can be slowly compressed and deformed from factors such as the multiple disc bulges, disc herniations, degenerative changes such as discogenic spondylosis, facet arthrosis, stenosis, and osteophytosis, and then peripherally at the piriformis muscle. When compression occurs either centrally or peripherally it impairs neural function due to compromise of the vascular supply. When it comes to any nerve compression in the body, the first structures to be compressed are within the venous system causing blood stasis. Venous stasis leads to capillary stasis which then changes the microcirculation to the nervous tissue. This decrease in neural tissue perfusion causes hypoxia or a decrease in oxygen. Without sufficient levels of oxygen the cells can no longer produce the energy rich molecule ATP via oxidative phosphorylation. Without ATP, important Na+/K+ pumps within the neural membrane can no longer maintain the needed ionic gradient across the membrane. This results in the leakage of Na+ into the cell and alteration of the resting membrane potential (RMP) of the nerve. Normally this RMP is -70 mV. During normal depolarization, the threshold for nerve firing is around -55 mV. Once the ionic charge within the nerve reaches this threshold the nerve will fire. The leakage of Na+ into the cell brings the RMP near threshold. This results in a hypersensitized nerve that needs very little input to fire. This is the cause of the associated numbness and paraesthesia in the areas of the sciatic nerve. Pain is also perceived much easier in this state. If the pressure on the nerve is not relieved, chronic hypoperfusion and hypoxia will result in neural death. In cases which involve arthritis, the patient may have advanced osteoarthritic changes throughout the lumbar spine. In the early phases of degenerative joint disease dehydration of the intervertebral disc causes thinning and approximation of bony structures. Damage often begins within the inner portion of the disc which as no innervation and thus goes undetected. As time goes on and compressive forces deform the inner nucleus, shearing and rotational forces cause tears and weakening of annular fibers. The annulus of the disc is highly innervated by the sinuvertebral nerve and can cause a great deal of diffuse low back pain. This weakening can cause disc bulging and herniation into the extradural space and can put compressive and chemical forces into neural structures including the cord and the nerve roots of the sciatic nerve. This will manifest as sharp pain along the nerve route and cause antalgia. If the inner disc materials fully protrude out in later stages of disease it can cause increasing pain and tenderness. This is due to the water attractive properties of glycosamino glycans once out of the contained space of the disc. This hydrophilic swelling will place more pressure on the neural structures. As disc degeneration continues and the bony structures of the vertebral column come in contact with one another, a reflex hypertrophy takes place to protect the surfaces. This is seen in subchondral sclerosis of the vertebral bodies often resulting in space occupying osteophytes protruding into the neural canal. Apophyseal joint arthrosis occurs at the posterior aspect of the neural canals and in Irene's case, hypertrophy of the ligamentum flavum occurs. Together, all these degenerative changes produce stenosis in the canal and place extradural compressive forces on the nerve roots of the sciatic nerve. Stenosis can result in one or two sided sciatica. If centralized, bilateral leg pain is more common.

As the sciatic nerve leaves the greater sciatic foramen it can also be compressed as it transverses the piriformis muscle in the gluteal region. Sciatica cases such as these are referred to as piriformis syndrome sciatica, which is very common. Spasm or hypertonicity of the piriformis will compress the sciatic nerve. These peripheral nerve entrapment syndromes usually occur as the nerve passes beneath or through muscles or fibrous tissues. These nerve compression symptoms usually develop gradually with pain and paraesthesia being the most common complaints. Weakness can be seen later in chronic settings although in cases of older individuals this may be hard to detect. These are just a few of the most common causes of sciatica but any severe case should be evaluated by a health care professional if symptoms remain the same or worsen after initial ice and rest routines.

Safe and Natural Remedies for Hip Pain That Work

Hip pain can be very problematic as it can restrict the movement of the body, natural remedies can provide relief and promote smooth and pain free movements. There are many causes for hip pain, the thigh bone known as femur swivels in the socket at hip to join upper and lower torso of the body and provide joint movement. There is some free space in the socket which gets filled with blood and fluid if there is any inflammation, swelling or infection in the joint. Other structures attached to the joint can also be the source of pain. In most of the cases trauma is the main cause of pain. Though hip pain can be problematic but sometimes referral pain is also experienced in hip like the one in the case of irritated sciatica nerve. Arthritis can also cause hip pain, muscle pull or strained tendons are also commonly found reasons of hip pain.

Not straining the aching part of the hip during the movement, while sitting, getting up or lying is a precautionary measure to avoid aggravation of the pain. The pain might have been caused due to strained muscle or tendon which will get further aggravated if pressure is exerted on it during any activity. It might appear that hot and cold compresses would not be able to help as pain is deep inside but it is not correct, hot and cold compresses can be very good natural remedy for hip pain though the compressions shall be applied for more duration than for pain in other parts of the body. Gentle massage at the painful area is also helpful, pain relieving gels or creams can also be used for massage. The massage shall be done with sufficient pressure neither too much nor too less. Massage promotes blood flow and cures swelling and relieves strained muscles to relieve the pain.

Care shall be taken while sitting and getting up so that too much pressure is not passed on to the troubling area. While sitting gently folding and unfolding right leg can help if pain is due to minor cramp. Leisurely walk wearing flat soul shoes is also beneficial in promoting blood flow and curing cramps in the hip.

Capsaicin ointment is available as over the counter medicine in the market and is an excellent natural pain relieving cream. This cream is made up of cayenne pepper which slows down the signals of pain getting transferred to brain. Thus a person feels lesser pain or no pain after its application. Though this is not a remedy but relief from pain can help in making movement and increasing comfort.

If a person feels shooting pain which is radiating down towards thighs than this cream can be helpful as such a pain can be caused by irritation of sciatica nerve. Soaking the body below waist in tub filled with warm water and two cups of Epsom salt is also an effective natural remedy to relieve hip pain if caused due to muscle strains or cramps. Epsom salt contains magnesium which is when absorbed by the body through skin relieves such pain. Eating more fruits and vegetable, increased intake of garlic in the diet, using ginger in food as spice or in salad and avoiding red meat and spicy food also works as good remedy for hip pain.

Ear Reconstruction Recovery Time - What is the Recovery Period of Ear Surgery?

There are many reasons why someone would consider undergoing an ear reconstructive surgery including a birth defect or even a traumatizing injury. Regardless of the reasons for undergoing this ear reconstructive surgery the results are that the ear will end up looking normal and your self-esteem will become improved as well.

In the event that the ear to be reconstructed is that of a child's, the surgeon will usually ask that the child waits until the ear's cartilage is fully grown which means that the surgical procedure will have to wait until the child is 5 or 6 years old. The ear reconstruction surgery has also been around since the Egyptian times and it requires a steady and artistic surgeon to perform the surgery with success.

The recover process with regards to an ear reconstruction surgery can be lengthy. The surgeon will most likely be repairing part or all of an ear which means that layers of hairless skin will have to be found on the body elsewhere that has the same flexibility of the ear's skin. This is usually found in the upper thighs and the surgeon will end up shaving of a sizeable section to complete the surgery.

After the skin has been removed and grafted onto the ear, the surgeon will also need to find suitable replacement cartilage. In general the cartilage that will be used can be found in the ribcage and will need to be carefully cut so that not too much cartilage is taken away. This cartilage will then be attached to the ear's remaining cartilage if there is some.

All in all you will have a minimum of 3 places on the body which will have its own recovery process associated with it. You will have the missing layers of skin from the legs that will have to re-grow and even once they do the area may never look right again. You will also have the incision along the sternum of the ribcage from which the surgeon removed the necessary cartilage from. Last but not least you will have the cartilage fusion, skin grafting and incision recovery of the ear itself.

These locations combined means that more careful attention will have to be kept during the recovery process to prevent infection. While the missing skin will not be the biggest issue, it will be painful and burning. The rib incision from the removal of the needed cartilage will take some time to recover from since the ribcage is in a perpetual case of motion caused by the necessary requirement of life; breathing. The ear will need to be closely watched for any possible complications.

Overview of Some of the Best TMJ Treatments

What's the best TMJ treatment? Well, as with plenty of other disorders there isn't any simple answer or a miraculous solution that works for every case of TMJ disorder. The truth is that there is a different approach for different cases. However, the best way to choose the right TMJ treatment is to truly understand the nature of the disorder, to identify all the symptoms, the cause for the problem and together with a physician to choose the best treatment. The best way to understand this disorder is by understanding what TMJ and TMJ syndrome is? TMJ stands for the temporomandibular joint that connects the skull and the lower jaw. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome is a type of disorder that can happen as a result of a variety of medical problems.

Bruxism, jaw thrusting, osteoarthritis, trauma, disease, lack of overbite are just some of the possible causes of TMJ syndrome. As far as the signs and symptoms they include pain in the facial muscles, ear ringing, ear pain, sounds when the joints move, swelling on the mouth and face at the affected side, troubles swallowing caused by muscle spasms, the lower jaw deviates to one side or doesn't open widely, etc. Even though there are more signs and symptoms that might appear as a result of TMJ syndrome the ones mentioned are the most common ones. Ones the symptoms and signs are confirmed as TMJ disorder, finding the best TMJ treatment is the next logical step. Most of the TMJ treatments are conservative ones. The main recommendation by most of the doctors is to try dealing with it at home without any medical assistance. If that doesn't work the Doctors can prescribe a suitable medical TMJ therapy. The doctors first recommend home therapy because most of the TMJ syndromes disappear in a week or so. That is so because during the period when the jaw is rested it can recover and the symptoms disappear.

The best home TMJ treatment includes eating soft foods, applying warm compresses on the area where you feel the pain and massaging the area that hurts. In case the pain is too big taking anti-inflammatory pain medications can reduce the pain. Aspirin or acetaminophen are one of the best over - the - counter medications that are said to be helpful in cases of TMJ syndrome. In case the home treatment doesn't help, the doctor can offer you few other medical options as well. One of the first things that almost any doctor will recommend is using a bite plate. Bite plate is a plastic guard that looks much like mouth guards used by sportsmen. The goal of it is to ease the muscle tension and reduce the teeth grinding as well as the clenching. This TMJ treatment has proven to be one of the most successful ones.

However, even if that doesn't work the next step would be to follow a procedure at the doctor's office. It is a procedure that is done under local anesthesia that includes inserting two needles in the temporomandibular joint. It is a simple TMJ treatment that even though is bit more evasive than the ones mentioned earlier has a great success rate. The relief of the pain caused by the TMJ syndrome is almost instant. The last is the TMJ treatment that no one wants to have and it is only to be done in absolute necessity. That is to do surgery. With the help of a surgery the jaw joints can be replaced with artificial implants. Such operations are very rare and avoided most of the times when faced with TMJ syndrome. The vast majority of the people find a cure with some of the other earlier mentioned treatments.

Safe and Effective Natural Remedies For Hip Pain

In today's life the problem of hip pain is very common. Most of the people either male or female suffer from the problem of hip pain. Sometimes it becomes necessary to consult some expert to solve this problem. You must consult to the doctor especially in these cases -

1. If your sleep is interrupted by the severity of the pain or it interfere your work or home activities.

2. Even after a minor injury the problem of hip pain grows worse.

3. If you suffer from leg pain or open sores on your feet.

One of the most common causes of hip pain is arthritis especially if it is osteoarthritis. As with the growing age there is a wear and tear and this result into the hip pain. Sometimes a structural defect may be the root cause of hip pain. Sometimes a curved spine or if your one leg is slightly shorter than other, can cause pain in your hip. Sometimes extra pounds can also contribute to hip pain.

It can easily be cured with the help of natural remedies. Some of the popular and effective natural remedies are -

1. You must eliminate hot spices and red meat from your food.

2. You must stop smoking and also lower the intake of alcohol. It will contribute a lot in reducing the pain of hip pain.

3. You must make a habit of doing regular exercise. It will give an effective result in reducing the pain in the hip.

4. Avoid giving pressure on the affected area while sitting or sleeping on that side.

5. You can also apply some gel or oil on the affected area especially before going to bed in the night and early in the morning after getting up from the bed. Regular body massage can prevent the further risks or aggravation.

6. Increase the intake of healthy foods which includes vegetables, nuts, grains, cereals, fruits and seeds in your diet.

7. In case of severe pain you can go for a stroll and can take leisurely and long walks.

8. Always remember to turn on your side then wake up from your bed. Don't get up suddenly from your bed. It may further increase your pain.

9. For 10-15 minutes try to do cold and hot compress alternatively on the affected region. Try to find out whether hot or cold relieves your pain. You can continue this process as long as pain remains.

Six Possible Side Effects of Dental Implants

Dental implanting is basically a surgical procedure of replacing a lost, worn out or damaged natural tooth with an artificial one. Just like in any other surgical procedure, the patient's body may not be able to sustain the condition of the new oral structure after the surgery. It is good to differentiate between the normal reactions of the body and alarming incidents that might call for the doctor's assistance. Some side effects or body reactions that may arise as a result of dental implants may be as follows.

It is possible that some yellow and purple bruises may appear on the face of the patient after dental implants surgery. This should not be taken as a serious problem especially if the bruises seem to migrate from face to the neck region and finally to the shoulders. The occurrence is due to disturbance of the tissues during the surgery procedures.

Pain is of course an obvious expectation from any surgical operation. The pain is experienced at the region around the dental implants. However, the pain should subside in magnitude as time goes following the procedure. But sometimes, the pain may get worse after the procedures especially after 24 to 48 hours. It could be a sign of an infection, but basically pain killers should be used to reduce the magnitude of the pain.

As mentioned above, dental implants may cause infection which may be experienced in form of pain and swelling around the implant region. In addition, a patient may experience fever and bad breath coming from the dental implants region.

Nerve damage:
Dental implants can lead to nerve damage. Though this happens in rare occasions, it can lead to severe problems. The effect is that the patient will either feel pain or feel nothing on his lip or tongue. The dental implants can either be done on the lower or upper jaw. The numbness happens in most cases when a dentist tries to replace a tooth on the lower jaw by drilling through. The insensitivity may be short lived and may never go away.

Jaw Fracture:
The lower jaw may also experience a fracture when such a fracture happens. An individual may feel jaw joint pain otherwise referred to as temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ. The jaw fracture damage can lead to heightened pain around the fracture region and swelling.

Sinusitis rarely happens in dental implants associated with upper jaw. Sinusitis damage occurs when a surgeon drills by accident through either an upper or a lower jaw bone right into the sinuses or worse still into the nose cavity leading to an infection in the sinuses system.

Dental implants can last for many years if proper care is taken. A patient should be reminded to use good oral hygiene and be specifically told how to care for the implants and attend constant and regular check up with the dentist to make sure the implants are secure and working as they are meant to be. The good thing with dental services is that it is possible to search for providers online even before visiting any. Today, it is possible to communicate with providers online, arrange and hold consultations with them before the actual medication as well as seek opinion from others regarding their services. For instance, one can inquire about the quality of services of a given local provider. This information is available from reviews by others or by asking friends. In most cases, various countries emphasize that dentists must be licensed to operate in the localities. However, it is necessary to be sure of professionalism. Professionalism reduces chances of side effects and worst side effects.

Is New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel Extract The Next Great Super Food For Longevity?

The New Zealand green lipped mussel has been an extremely popular food source in New Zealand for ages already. It is a thriving industry which is worth nearly 300 million NZ dollars. Generally speaking, mussel farms yield approximately 10 tons of mussels per hectare. In terms of protein production, mussel farms are roughly 200 times more efficient than onshore livestock farms.

These days the mussels can of course be farmed in other countries but those farmed in New Zealand are considered to be superior in terms of quality. This is of course largely due to the water quality where they are farmed. The New Zealand government has some of the most stringent environmental laws and regulations in place, and water samples are taken regularly for independent analysis in order to check for traces of heavy metals, bacteria, and various other bio toxins.

Okay, we know that green lipped mussels from New Zealand are of the highest quality money can buy, but what makes this particular species of mussel so unique?

Green lipped mussels, when consumed fresh, are known to inhibit an inflammation-supporting pathway known as 5-lipoxygenase. For this reason, a number of dietary supplement manufacturers have started adding concentrated green lipped mussel extract to some of their products which are designed to combat ailments such as arthritis.

The big pharmaceutical companies are of course disputing the anti-inflammatory properties of these mussels, but as we all know, the large pharmaceutical companies dispute all natural remedies. They tried to convince the world that fish oil supplementation is useless, and yet today even the FDA recommends it.

The mussels are also a great source of lipids and omega-3 essential fatty acids. Many health conscious people have even switched from fish oil supplements to green lipped mussel supplements. While oily fish are a richer source of omega-3 fatty acids than mussels, many consider mussel extract to be a safer option. The reason for this being that only farmed mussels are used, and because of this, risk of heavy metal contamination has been eliminated.

Fish oil on the other hand is produced from fish which have been taken from the ocean, and of course it is a well known fact that heavy metal contamination in the world's oceans is getting steadily worse. Even the purest fish oil you can buy comes from fish that have at least some degree of contamination. This is why it is always wise to choose a supplier carefully.

In order to get a high quality extract, the New Zealand green lipped mussel must be freeze dried almost immediately after they have been harvested. They are then turned into powder in order to facilitate lipid extraction, and it this extract which you will find in a good supplement. Lower end manufacturers will however quite often purchase the powder which is left over after the lipid extraction process. This powder is of an inferior quality, but of course it is cheaper, and that equates to bigger profits. The moral of the story... think carefully before you buy.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Spices for Winter Joint Health

The cold winds of winter bring snow and fun, but they can also cause joint pain to worsen. When joint pain becomes difficult to deal with it's easy to miss out on all the joy and love this wonderful season has to offer. Changes in the atmosphere's barometric pressure can cause minor joint and arthritis pain to become worse. Be sure to take time to nurture your joints this winter. A fantastic way to do this is to use Indian spices like turmeric, cayenne pepper, and ginger. Adding these spices to a curry (or any other dish for that matter) makes for a delicious meal that will help relieve and prevent arthritis and joint stiffness and pain. These ingredients are powerful cleansers as well as pain relievers, making them a beneficial addition to your diet throughout the year.

Turmeric comes to us from shrubs grown in India. It's bright yellow in color and gives food a bit of a bite. India's traditional Ayurvedic medicine considered Turmeric to be a symbol of prosperity and was used to cure digestive problems, fever, liver ailments, and arthritis. Today we have learned that this spice has a knack for lowering histamine levels, which in turn will lower the inflammation that comes with arthritis. This reduces the amount of pain that joints experience. Turmeric is also chock-full of antioxidants, making it a smart addition to almost any meal.

Cayenne pepper has long been known as a spice with a kick. This spice is often added to spicy foods for some extra flavor and bite. It's great for making spicy foods hotter, but it can also help reduce the pain you might feel from achy joints. The reason for this is capsaicin. Capsaicin is the compound that makes cayenne so spicy. It also lowers the levels of a chemical that communicates pain to your brain. Capsaicin creams are available, but I'd recommend adding cayenne pepper to a curry to make for a delicious, healing meal.

Ginger is another spice used in Ayurvedic medicine to address joint pain and inflammation. Today's research backs up what Indian medicine has known for centuries - people with arthritis who take ginger daily experience less pain than those who take prescription medications. This is great news, and it's made even better by the fact that ginger is so versatile. You can add it into so many soups and stews (or even a turmeric and cayenne pepper curry)! You can even try ginger tea for a soothing finish to a cold winter day. There's no end to the creative ways you can add this healthful herb to your diet.

One of my favorite ways to add these spices to my diet is to make a curry. At the most basic level a curry is a spicy dish that's filled with vegetables or meat. Curry is flavored with a mixture of spices called curry powder (easy to remember, no?). They're one of those meals that are easy to make exactly how you like it. Just add in the spices and vegetables you like the best and serve over your favorite rice. It's also the perfect meal to house all those joint healthy spices. Turmeric, ginger, and cayenne are all common spices in curry. They give the dish so much flavor and character it's almost as if the joint benefits are an added bonus! Curries are delicious, wholesome and so easy to put together - they're perfect for a blustery, busy night.

It's easy to get caught up in all the activities that winter brings and forget to nourish your body. It's more important than ever to fill yourself with healthful foods. Go the extra step to give your favorite foods some personality by adding the spices I've talked about here. Give curry a try for a stress free dinner, or add some kick to your favorite dishes. Your joints will thank you for it, and you'll be ready to embrace everything the season has to offer.

What Joint Pain Relief Could Mean

Joint pain conditions are triggered or caused by two main factors which are; physical trauma and health conditions or diseases. Some of the most common diseases that cause this condition are arthritis and rheumatism. Many pain relief methods are advised by a qualified doctor. However, there are people who prefer to self medicate.

Self medication for joint pain is highly discouraged especially when the pain seems to be very severe. This is because you can make the problem even worse when you do not establish the root cause of the problem. Therefore, before joint pain relief is prescribed by a doctor, they must run tests which will reveal the actual cause of the pain.

When you are looking for joint pain relief for a sprain, there are several things you can do at home. Ice will also go a long way in numbing the area so that you do not experience severe pain. When you consult a doctor, they will prescribe anti anti inflammatory drugs. This drugs will prevent inflammation.

When you suffer from physical trauma, you can actually choose not to use any joint pain relief. This is because the body is able to naturally replenish and heal itself. This is the reason why relaxation and rest is always considered a good relief. Drugs will only speed up the recovery process.

However, when the cause of the problem is a chronic disease, the problem of pain can only be managed. Therefore, anti inflammatory drugs will not be the ultimate solution for the problem. You need to find ways of curing or managing the disease.

There are so many other alternative treatments like acupuncture and pressure puncture. This is where a specialist taps into the natural body energy to activate healing in the most natural way. This traditional joint pain relief involves the use of fingers and needles to target all the specific body points.

You need to be aware that there are certain side effects that you will experience as a result of using anti inflammatory drugs as relief. Such effects can be diarrhea, bloating, vomiting and so many others. Do not choose a relief just because it worked for somebody else. Follow the advise of your health professional and know which relief is the best for you.

Sometimes, we can use relief that we are not sure of. Testing whether various drugs will work, is one of the ways we get to know whether they can really work for us. While doing this, go for more safe methods to avoid major side effects.

Lower Right Back Pain Causes And Treatment

Lower right back pain is one of the more common forms of low back discomfort, due to the fact that the sacro-iliac joint is one of the more commonly used joints. Because of the large amount of usage, the Sacro-Illiac joint tends to receive more abuse and lower right back pain is symptomatic of this abuse.

The muscle that runs up from your pelvis to your rib cage may also be the cause of a lower right back injury condition, and the Quadratus Lumborum muscle can be a cause of serious lower back discomfort. It is important to know how to deal with lower right back pain aches if you suffer from them.

The majority of the backache symptoms will be centered on your lumbar spine, but the hurting in your lower right back is caused by the connection between the Sacrum and the Pelvis. The joint that connects the two has no disc to protect it, and when it doesn't move properly the lower right back and hip pain can be intense. You WILL want to get severe back pain relief as soon as possible!

The muscles alongside the vertebra are to support your spinal cord, and these muscles often tighten when mistreated. That tightening of the muscles is one of the causes of pain, which are also known as Trigger Points.

Many times you will feel discomfort radiating from the trigger points in your tightened muscles, but the radiating ache is not the problem. It is just a symptom. To resolve your issues and get lower back discomfort relief, you need to ensure that the joint is moving properly, your pelvic balance is correct, and your muscles are strong.

If you don't take care of your lower right back pain soon after getting it, you may find that you will end up permanently suffering from lower right back pain. You may actually end up spraining the Sacro-Illiac joint, and you will feel that the pain in your hip and lower back area is much more intense than it should be.

There are a number of pain medications and treatments to help bring about back pain relief. You can reduce or eliminate right lower back pain by taking anti-inflammatory medicine to reduce the swelling of the muscles. Injections of cortisone and electric stimulation therapy are also common treatments for sacro-iliac pain.

Chiropractors are also an excellent choice for those who are suffering from lower right pain. Chiropractors are trained to manipulate joints in order to reduce pain and bring about almost immediate relief. You may find that a few visits to your chiropractor may be more than enough to completely rid yourself of your lower right back dis-ease.

Left untreated it can turn into chronic pain. It is important that you take a few simple steps to help your body eliminate and prevent the pain from plaguing you in the future.

Before starting any program of medication or exercise - for this or any other disease or disorder - it is best contact a doctor. AND be sure to follow your doctors advice. That said, you can often heal and relieve your ache with the following:

For longer term relief, strengthen your low back muscles by doing back stretches and exercises that focus on the core and upper thighs.

Avoid any movements that would put undue strain or pressure on the lower right back and the joint movement.

Use ice and hot packs alternately to apply heat and cold to the lower right back to help eliminate the back ache.

Pay diligent attention to the causes and risk factors and not only can you return to health, but avoid lower right back pain disorders in the future.

Benefits of Massage Cushions

Now a day's most of the people especially who are working in offices, are facing problems related to back aches, neck aches and shoulder aches. They have to sit continuously for long hour at a single place. So it is very necessary for them to relax at the end of the day. Massage is considered as one of the best ways of getting rid from such problems. There are lots of massage cushions available in market for this purpose.

A massage cushions is useful equipment that helps in rendering a beneficial massage therapy session. These equipments usually perform a kneading massage technique by massaging on your neck, upper and lower back along both sides of your spine. With the help of it, you can begin your massage experience practically anywhere, on the sofa, bed, recliner, chair, or even on the floor.

Massage cushions are soothing, comfortable and also portable devices that are gaining huge popularity. These cushions help in providing relaxation to the whole body.

These equipments offer numerous benefits which are listed as under:

1. A massage cushion alleviates muscle fatigue and they are ideal for long distance drivers or for those people who sit for long time at a particular place.

2. They help in loosening tight muscles, joints and stretching connective tissues. They also help in reducing cramps and muscle spasms.

3. It improves and stimulates blood circulation and provides relaxation to the nervous system.

4. They even firm up muscle and skin tone.

5. It also improves lymphatic drainage of metabolic wastes and reduces symptoms of disorders such as carpal tunnel syndrome, asthma, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, chronic, arthritis, and acute pain syndromes, myofacial pain, headache, and athletic injuries.

6. It provides freedom from chronic aching problems. It easily penetrates deep into muscle layer and helps in speeding up healing from injury and illness.

There are numerous companies in market which deal in variety of such equipments. Just beware of those companies which manufacture duplicate massage product. A wrong massage-cushion can create a lot of problem. They can also increase pain in back as well as shoulder. So, I will advice you to make an adequate research before you purchase any such product from the market.

Massage cushion is a cheap yet convenient way of getting relieve from neck, shoulder and back pain. It is basically designed to provide comfort and pleasure to those people who do not feel comfortable in going to a massage parlor.

Immediate Gout Pain Relief - Top Remedies at Home

There are times that the body produces large amount of uric acid depending on the food we take in and discharge a little amount of it. This acid usually suspends in the blood. However, if these acids are not suspended and will shape into crystals that appear like needle and sharp in joints, it would cause so much pain.

This will trigger inflammation of the joints, which happens commonly in the big toe and other parts of the body such as knees or fingers. This is referred to as gout, which produces intolerable pain and gives the victim so much trouble in moving. Hence, it would be helpful to know some immediate gout pain relief and learn what to do during its attack.

Swapping applications of hot and cold water to the affected area will really help lessen the unbearable pain brought by gout. With hot water, bathe the joint for about three minutes and bathe it again for half minute using cold water. Repeat this process thrice to see better results.

You may also combine 3 tablespoons flaxseed, finely ground, 1/2cup of activated charcoal completely pulverized and warm water to form a paste. Rub down the paste on the affected area, and then wrap it using a plastic or cloth to let it stay. Do this before going to bed at night so that you may leave it over night or for a few hours.

Cover the cataplasm cautiously to ensure that the paste won't leave any stain on the bed cover. Activated charcoal is known to decrease the level of uric acid in the body so it is also possible to take 1/ 2 teaspoon of it when you get up in the morning, mid-morning, mid-afternoon and before going to bed. This procedure is known to be effective as an immediate gout pain relief.

Epsom salt includes magnesium that is known to be good at lowering blood pressure or making blood circulation better. Get the right size basin for your foot; fill it with hot water and place 2 or 3 tablespoons of Epsom salt. Bathe your affected foot for half an hour to ease the pain of your gout. If in case gout has also attacked the other parts of your body, it is advised to soak the whole body in a bath tub full of water and two cups dissolved Epsom salt.

Also, try getting one piece of white flannel and immerse it in warm Castor oil. To avoid any stain or wasted amount of it, squeeze out the spare amount and set it on top of the affected part. Envelope it using plastic and apply heat over the affected area with a hot water bottle or heating pad. So if you wish for an immediate gout pain relief, repeat this method two times every day in an hour.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Common Dog Illnesses

For pet lovers, it pains us to see that our pets sometimes experience sickness and pain. It may become apparent in the amount activity that the animal displays or how happy he or she appears to be in various moments.

There are a few common sicknesses that afflict dogs in particular. They are as follows:

1) Worms

There are generally three types of worms: Round Worms, Tap Worms, and Flat Worms. Round worms are tapers on both ends and are almost impossible to see with the naked eye. Making regular trips to the veterinarian who has specialized equipment will help in find and eradicating round worms. Tap Worms have a head and a tail. Dogs usually get them by eating rodents that have eaten fleas. Flat worms attach themselves to the dog's intestines, liver and lungs before they start to cause problems.

2) Arthritis

Arthritis in dogs is actually much more common in dogs that we believe. Dogs instinctually hide pain so as not show weakness. So, if they actually do show pain, it is very serious. There are two types of arthritis in dogs: Degenerative Joint disease and Inflammatory Joint disease. Degenerative joint disease affects the joints, hips, shoulders, back and neck; much like arthritis affect human victims. There are surgical treatments for arthritis though. Inflammatory Joint disease is causes by an infection stemming from bacteria, ticks or fungus.

3) Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is the most common mouth disease among dogs. It is preventable though, believe it or not, by brushing your dog's teeth, just like humans do. If you do not do this certain symptoms may occur, like bleeding gums, discolored teeth, tooth loss, and bad breath.

4) Canine Cough

Canine cough is caused by several different things, depending on the dog and its specific situation. However, coughing can also be a symptom of much more serious diseases like tuberculosis, heartworms, distemper and coccidiosis. For this reason, it is very important to take not of when your dog coughs and also how often. Discuss these things with your veterinarian so that you may find the source of the problem.

5) Addison's Disease

Addison's disease is a condition in which the dog's body is unable to regulate sodium levels in the blood. This can have far-reaching side effects and can even cause heart failure, which can be fatal. Symptoms include reduced appetite, bodily tremors, muscle weakness and pain in the hind quarters. At times the dog may collapse for no reason.

Remember everything on this list, though common, is treatable. For more information, visit

Instant Gout Pain Relief - Does Baking Soda Really Work Like They Say It Does?

Searching for immediate gout pain alleviation? Then you have arrived at the best place. Right here, you will find exactly how baking soda is able to bring nearly instant relief from gout symptoms without all the different medicines and their notorious side effects.

Baking soda can bring you pretty much immediate gout pain alleviation. Who would have thought that something which many of us have laying in a kitchen cabinet might be such a powerful tool in the battle to get quick gout pain alleviation?

Taken alone it's an efficient natural fix for gout pain, however, baking soda may also assist the usefulness of the pain relievers that your physician generally prescribes to alleviate the pain of the gout symptoms.

However even without medicines you will get nearly immediate, certainly fast, pain alleviation using baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) due to the several advantages such as:

-- a rise in body liquids which help your kidneys to purge uric acid from your system

-- enhanced uric acid solubility for simpler removal from the body

-- dissolution of uric acid deposits to help reduce the pain

You have to add 1/2 a tsp of it to ten ounces of water in a big cup. Consume the glass instantly before going to bed, and also the very first thing upon getting out of bed. Consume an additional cup every two to four hours in between foods. If necessary, comply with this program every day until your symptoms vanish.

Take care not to consumer over four teaspoons of baking soda in a 24 hour time period. And, simply because baking soda is extremely high in sodium you have to go on to a very low salt diet, or even better, cut-out sodium from your diet plan entirely.

Additionally, if you suffer from high blood pressure speak to your physician before using this treatment. It's a wise decision to speak to your physician relating to this therapy in any case.

Numerous gout pain victims have observed extremely fast gout symptoms alleviation with this particular technique. However, there are a variety of other things you need to consider in terms of eliminating your gout pain. For instance, your weight, diet plan, way of life, family history, and so on.

If you still suffer frequently recurring gout pain, there's a threat of long term joint harm and kidney issues over time. Plus, obviously, as soon as having suffered a gout pain attack, you are now much more likely to have more.

What Are The Causes And Most Common Hip Pain Diagnoses?

What are the most common hip pain diagnoses?

The hip joint literally has a lot riding on it. As a result, there are many reasons why we can experience pain here. That's why diagnosing hip pain might not always be quite as simple as we would like to believe.

There are many different reasons for hip pain. Some are minor enough that the individual can handle caring for it on their own through rest and over-the-counter medicines. But others can be quite serious and actually jeopardize our ability to ever walk again. This makes accurately diagnosing the problem of the utmost importance.

Some common causes

Cartilage: Since we are dealing with a joint, one of its components is cartilage. Cartilage has a tendency to wear out over time due to age, carrying excessive weight, etc. Cartilage can also tear due to an injury.

Inflammation: The hip joint is made up of numerous different components, many of which are susceptible to inflammation. These include muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fluid-filed sacs called bursas.

Sciatic: Although pain may be felt in the hip area, it does not necessarily mean that this is the actual source of the pain. Nerves running through the back to the legs have to pass through the hip. When these nerves become pinched, they create pain. The sciatic nerve is a classic example of this. Other nerves can also become inflamed, referring pain to the hip.

Slipped discs: The spinal column serves as a protection for many nerves which run through it and down into the legs and feet. If a disc becomes bulged or slips even slightly out of position, it presses against these nerves causing mild to severe pain.

Weight: Being overweight, particularly obese, places a great deal of strain on your frame. Joints are put to the test as they are now depended on to support even more weight than they are actually designed for. The resulting strain can wear joints out over time, but in the interim it can cause them to hurt from the additional weight of your body.

Diagnosing hip joint pain

Unless there is clear evidence of specific trauma to the area, hip pain has to be dealt with from a process of elimination. Your doctor will need to gather a history starting from when the discomfort first began and working forward to find the underlying cause. Once a specific diagnosis is made, then treatment options can be discussed.

Excessive Back Pain - Joint Problems and Chiropractic Procedures

Do you have chronic back pain? Joint problems in this area can go on for years, without ever being resolved. In fact, you may be going to a chiropractor several times a week, even though spinal manipulations do not permanently relieve your pain. Chances are, if you have been dealing with this pain for a number of years, you will be interested in finding a more useful method. At the very least, if you can stop going to chiropractic visit several times a week, you will have more time to enjoy other things.

Today, there are a number of natural remedies that you can use to manage back pain. Joint restoration supplements and herbal pain killers can all be used to help reduce soreness and increase spinal flexibility. This is especially important to consider if you must wear a back brace to get through a regular day of work or other activities. If you don't want to spend the rest of your life with miserable back pains, then you should start looking for remedies that will solve your problems. Even if you decide that you want to pursue surgical options, you should also look into newer remedies that may work better than standard ones.

Regardless of whether you are in a car accident, or suffer some other kind of injury, you will most likely be referred to a chiropractor to treat back pain. Joint issues in this area may or may not respond to these kinds of treatments. For example, if you have sciatica, or the pain actually comes from surrounding muscles, the spinal manipulations may not do much for you. On the other hand, if you start working with natural treatments, you may hit on one that actually solves the core issue.

How Omega 3 Fish Oil Can Improve Joint Health And Reduce Arthritis Pain

What are you currently doing to aid your rheumatoid arthritis pain? If you are like most people with the condition, you take one or more prescription medications designed to keep the pain and swelling to a minimum. The most commonly prescribed medications are called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs. Brands include Advil, Aleve, Clinoril, Lodine, and Motrin. Like all drugs, side effects are prevalent with these kinds of medications. The most common of these include upset stomach, dizziness, blurred vision, and heartburn.

What if you could skip the side effects and simply experience relief from arthritis pain? With omega 3 fish oil, your wish can become reality.

Not only does this supplement provide essential fatty acids to reduce pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis, it can also offer protection from heart disease. You may be surprised and excited to learn that omega 3 has proven so successful in various studies that all subjects of the trials were able to reduce their drug intake and 75% were able to completely eliminate their need to take NSAIDs.

Conditions of painful joints and severe morning stiffness normally experienced by rheumatoid arthritis sufferers were lessened to a degree of manageability without the need for drugs.

In the study published in the October 2006 edition of the Journal of Rheumatology, other aspects of the patients' health were measured as well. Get this: instead of unpleasant side effects and an increased risk for heart attack, omega 3 fish oil actually raised the participants' HDL cholesterol levels.

By increasing this good cholesterol, the balance between LDL and HDL is improved. Also triglyceride levels were decreased in the patients of the experiment as well. The conclusion of this specific study, as with many other rheumatoid arthritis studies, is that fish oil should be considered an effective means of reducing rheumatoid arthritis symptoms while simultaneously providing a number of other health benefits.

According to the American Heart Association, you should each two fatty fish meals per week to get between 650mg to 1,000mg of omega 3 fish oil. This can also be accomplished by supplementing your diet with fish oil supplements.

If you are ready to reduce your rheumatoid arthritis pain and improve your heart health at the same time, you should obtain a trustworthy source of omega 3 fish oil supplements. It is truly the best thing you can do for your joints as well as your heart.