Friday, March 21, 2014

TMJ Therapy to Manage Pain

If you have TMJ disorder, you shouldn't have to suffer in silence from TMJ pain. There are multiple medical and therapeutic treatments for TMJ disorder. Most often your doctor will suggest you take pain medication and in severe cases, encourage surgery.

Fortunately, you have options other than pain medication or surgery. New studies through TMJ research have uncovered that TMJ therapy can relieve the pain. In some cases, therapy may even lessen the pain so that surgery is no longer necessary.

Your best approach is to consult a specialist to discuss treatment options that will work for you. Your doctor will help with advice if you decide that you want to explore TMJ therapy. Often, your doctor will suggest changes to your diet and exercise to also help with your TMJ symptoms.

Here are some common forms of TMJ Therapy:

1. Posture - If your work involves sitting in at a desk all day, do your best to pay attention to your posture. Your best approach is to keep moving so that you avoid being in an uncomfortable position for too long a time. You can also rest your arms and hands to relieve any fatigued muscles.

2. Stretching - To help repair and strengthen the muscles in your jaw, your doctor may recommend different stretches and exercises.

3. Changes to your diet - Certain foods can actually aggravate your TMJ symptoms. Avoid foods that are high in sugar and preservatives, and also those with a high amount of Vitamin C and iron. You may also want to cut back on foods that contain salicylates, which are found in juices and jellies. Your doctor may also suggest for you to consume less wheat and dairy. There are some foods that you may be encouraged to eat like red meat and broths made from animal bones. These are good sources of hyaluronic acid, which is excellent for joint health.

4. Stress - Stress can actually worsen your TMJ pain. People often clench their jaw when they are experiencing stress. Stress is also a cause of teeth grinding and tightened facial muscles, which adds to the TMJ pain. For your treatment, you may want to consider chiropractic massages which greatly reduce stress and relax muscles. Another option is to take yoga classes where stress is released through breathing activities and stretches.

You can make a difference in managing your TMJ pain. Combining TMJ therapy with regular treatments like pain medication can make a huge difference in relieving your TMJ pain.

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