Tuesday, March 18, 2014

4 Secret Ways to Cure Hip Pain

Do you have any difficulty walking to the front of the house and back or walking upstairs? Then you probably complaining of hip pain. There are many various reasons why you might have pain and you should see your local doctor about your diagnosis. Also, if you have hip pain that last for more than six weeks, you probably have some chronic hip pain condition that probably don't know about.

Here are three easy ways you can treat any hip pain naturally and cheaply.

1. Use NSAID's (Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) - These are medications that help reduce swelling and inflammation in your hip. It is recommended that you go see your local physician to prescribe you one. However, don't take any more than the recommended amount or you will get severe side effects.

2. Use a wheat bag or a hot water bottle - These things are cheap and great way to control your pain. This will make your hip muscles to relax and will naturally increase blood circulation around the hip joint. The more circulation you have, the faster your hip will heal.

3. Gently massage your hips with your hands - You can self massage yourself using just your hands. Although it may not be effective as someone massaging you but it works wonders.

4. Perform home stretching exercises - You can download free videos on the internet about how to stretch your hips joint.  Also, make sure you perform the exercises regularly or your muscles will contract and stiffens up fast. 

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