Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Osteoarthritis-Management With Yoga

According to Ayurveda, an integrated system of living, the imbalance of Vata dosha is the chief cause of Osteoarthritis (Sandhigata) which gives raise to inflammation and pain in the joints.

Accumulated negative toxins called ama (undigested waste) in the colon which occurs due to the emotional and physical disturbances when settled in the joints give rise to OA.

Yoga tries to the manage this degenerative disease by including all spheres viz., physical-mental-moral-spiritual in the following manner.

** Stressed life, worries, tiredness, disturbed sleep leads to a state of improper digestion and yoga helps one to overcome all these.

** The mild body movements and gentle pressures of the yogic postures keeps the affected joints mobile and prevents further damage and reduces pain. Stretching postures done with rhythming breathing techniques helps one to relax and release the muscles that are crumpled around the joints.

** When the patient experience pain due to inflammation in the joints, pranayama (breathing technique) is to be practiced as it removes the accumulated toxins leading to reduction in pain, after which one can do sun salutation. First do the warm up exercises then hold a posture that helps in building strength and flexibility of the body and finally do the Shavasana (relaxation pose).

** Strength building asanas build muscles around the joints and helps in nourishing it. Flexibility yielding asanas open up the joints and increase the blood, oxygen and energy circulation. Shavasana done after the above two asanas is used to rejunevate to heal the body based on the energy one has acquired from above postures.

** Energizing and warming pranayama like Kapalabhati pranayama and Ujjayi Pranayam are highly recommended. Asanas for hip OA are Virabhadrasana, Parsvottanasana, Vrkasana Utthita Trikonasana etc.,

** Cyclic yoga exercises based on Suryanamaskara, burn extra calories. Abdominal exercises improves digestion. Yogic postures along with breathing exercises makes an physiological and psychological impact. Then do Shavasana which helps in regulating the mind. This sequence in doing asanas helps one to restore the balance of vata dosha thereby treating OA at its origin.

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