Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What Are the Underlying Reasons For TMJ Lockjaw

Anyone who has experienced TMJ lockjaw can understand just how frightening the condition can be. Because the problem often starts as something psychological, most people do not even realize they have the symptoms until properly diagnosed by a dentist or a dental specialist. TMJ disorder is a very serious condition that if left untreated, can quickly deteriorate into something very physical and painful.

Unfortunately, TMJ lockjaw is caused, in most cases by stress. Many doctors and dentists believe that stress not only affects a person while he or she is conscious, but the underlying damage is usually done while a person is asleep. If you find yourself grinding or clenching your teeth at night, then chances are you will wake up in the morning to a sore jaw and maybe even a headache.

The bad news is that it is fairly easy to misdiagnose the symptoms of TMJ lockjaw. For one, headaches are usually written off as a result of daily stress or a lack of sleep. In today's highly charged environment, this is not unusual at all for most people. Most people only start looking for a cure when when the condition turns into something serious like lockjaw.

When the tendons in the jaw are overly taxed (which leads to inflammation) or when a person is prone to "jaw clenching", TMJ disorder develops. There is also a possibility that a misalignment can lead to TMJ. This starts a vicious cycle where the stress leads to inflammation which then promotes added tension and so on. The real problem starts once the tendons of the jaw are so inflamed that healing is impeded. The body becomes so accustomed to the inflammation that the body adjusts to the pain and the condition becomes progressively worse.

According to, a leading organization on scientific and medical news, "Prolonged inflammation, known as chronic inflammation, leads to a progressive shift in the type of cells which are present at the site of inflammation and is characterized by simultaneous destruction and healing of the tissue from the inflammatory process". Inflammation in itself is a normal response that signals the beginning of the healing process. However, when the body has been under that stress for too long, it impedes the healing process because it changes the cells that are present at the site of the inflammation.

So, what does this have to do with TMJ lockjaw? Well, when the jaw has been inflamed and in pain for an extended period of time, its only response is to lock in place. This prevents a person from opening or closing his mouth. As muscles are connected rather than isolated, this can lead to a whole host of related pain, including excruciating headaches, pain that radiates through the neck or even the tops of the shoulders.

There are a number of ways to manage the pain associated with TMJ lockjaw, but for permanent relief, a person needs to deal with all the CAUSES of TMJ, and not the symptoms. That's right! Most people deal mask the pain by taking anti-inflammatory medications. However, this should only be one part of the cure. Besides treating the inflammation, finding and curing the underlying cause of TMJ lockjaw is crucial.

One effective way to relieve lockjaw is to perform daily jaw exercises that can drastically help relieve the tension in this area. By doing this, the symptoms will automatically disappear as well over time. This course of action is definitely a more efficient way to deal with TMJ lockjaw.

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