Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bruxism Relief - Stopping Teeth Grinding, Bruxism And TMJ

Bruxism is a sleeping disorder where a person asleep is grinding their teeth. Most people don't know that they have bruxism, of course because you're asleep while you are doing it. But some people may mention it to you that you grind your teeth while you are sleeping and it is becoming a bother to them, especially with your partner. It doesn't only happen in the night, it can also happen during the day. It is not only irritating but can also cause side effects to the person and it commonly shows during stressful times. Although it is something that you are not aware of when you are sleeping, you can still treat bruxism.

Grinding your teeth can make you break or lose your teeth especially when you do it very strongly. After a while, bruxers experience pain in their jaw, ear and head. And it doesn't stop there; eventually you can also have eating disorder, insomnia and depression. So you have to stop teeth grinding before it leads to a more serious problem.

Although some people may think that grinding your teeth while you sleep is just a normal reflex, it is not and it is a habit that was subconsciously developed over time. So if it is not a reflex then you can treat bruxism. Some may even have a habit of clenching their teeth especially when they are under a lot of stress and they're anxious. If you notice that you are clenching your teeth, then you can relax and unclench it.

Bruxism is also a symptom of a TMJ disorder. So it would be best if you try to find a TMJ cure that would also help you stop teeth grinding. Available cures for teeth grinding do not solve the main cause of the problem but it alleviates the condition. One of the many cures is the mouth guard. It is used by placing splints between the upper and the lower teeth to prevent them from contact. It is only a temporary solution though because it doesn't really solve the problem. The mouth guard won't stay long if you constantly use it and it also costs around $200-$600.

So you have to know first the real cause of your problem in order to solve it. If the root cause of your problem is TMJ disorder then you have to find a TMJ cure and like a domino effect, your bruxism is also cured!

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