Saturday, November 2, 2013

Address Hip and Back Pain With Structural Release Foam Rollers

Perhaps the major, negative factor contributing to hip problems is tension in the leg muscles. Think about it; if the leg muscles: quadriceps, illio-tibial band (I.T. band), adductors, and hamstrings are shortened, and all of ours are, then the hip (and knee) joint they cross will be compressed and distorted. Those muscles never shorten symmetrically and so the joints are always compressed asymmetrically; and this is where the degenerative wear and tear comes in.

Identify any problem in the skeleton and there will be areas that need to be addressed, above and below that problem area. There are no isolated problem areas because the musculo-skeletal system is like a spider web. Pull or tug on or mess with any area of the web and there will be negative repercussions throughout it. Many things need to be untangled and addressed to remedy one, seemingly isolated symptomatic area. This is another reason why treating a symptom as "the problem" doesn't work

By releasing those muscles from each other and the bone, and by lengthening and organizing them, the knee and the hip joints (*along with the low back) are allowed to decompress and reorganize. It's not rocket science, but rather simply logical, mechanical dynamics. Treating a structural problem, with drugs or unnecessary surgery is expensive, dangerous, and ultimately counter-productive, since drugs (poison) will only depress and strain your immune system and surgery (mutilation) will, in almost all cases, simply add insult to injury and make your situation worse. Use your common sense, before drugs or surgery, please exhaust all other less aggressive, intrusive, and harmful methods.

Foam exercise rollers are the simplest, most effective all-around self-maintenance tools you'll find for releasing tension in all the major chronic pain problem areas of your body. They will release and organize your musculature and release and align your skeleton.

Areas addressed using Foam Exercise Rollers:
Spine, Ribcage, Shoulder Girdle, Neck, Your Whole Back, Pelvis, Sacrum, Hips, Thighs, Calves, Feet.

Using my understanding of body mechanics and myofascial release work, I have discovered ways to perform the most amazing structural release / massage bodywork on yourself using Foam Exercise Rollers. They are the perfect compliment to the Flexibility movements, in that they speed up the process of loosening the body. Once you begin using the Foam Exercise Rollers you will wonder how you ever got along without them.

You will not find a simpler, more effective method for releasing the old accumulated tension, and the chronic everyday tension, from your body.

You can think of the Foam Exercise Rollers as an insurance policy against injury. Muscle pulls, strains, tears, and even the breaking of bones can be avoided by attaining flexibility and skeletal alignment. Working with the Foam Exercise Rollers gives you both of these. You'll feel their effectiveness from the very first time you use them. You do not have to keep getting stiffer and more decrepit as you grow older. You can turn back your Structural Aging Clock by working with these incredible tools.

For less than the price of a single massage, you will have in your possession something you can use everyday, at your leisure, which will enable you to understand and break your own pain cycle. It's like having your own physical therapist, chiropractor, and masseuse in your home, at your beck and call.

I've been using these Rollers for over 14 years and I attribute a huge part of my current level of fitness to them. I never travel without one and they are something I use everyday for at least a few minutes; while other days I schedule 20 to 30 minutes with them to keep myself on track.

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