Saturday, August 10, 2013

What is TMJ and Why is it Painful?

Temporomandibular Joint (also called TMJ), simply refers to the joint of the jaw that connects the jawbone to the skull. Most people want to know what is TMJ, and yet what they are really asking is the disorder associated with TMJ, that is TMD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder). There are over 10 million people in the United States who suffer from TMJ, and according to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, women are more likely than men to develop this disorder. Unfortunately, this disorder is still largely unknown and misunderstood. In order to understand TMJ disorder, one must first understand how the jaw works.

The jaw is made up of two TMJs, one on either side. In order for the jaw to perform its function properly, both TMJs need to work simultaneously. This means that the upper temporal bone and the lower jaw bone (also referred to as the mandible) need to come together flawlessly in order to eat, speak and make facial expressions.

TMJ hurts because there is essentially a disc displacement. The pain occurs when the upper temporal bone and the mandible do not make contact with the disc and this causes difficulty in opening the mouth. This is also why most people who suffer TMJ disorders hear a "popping" sound when they open and close their mouth.

One of the principal TMJ disorders causes sufferers to go through pain in various places like the ear, neck and back. In some extreme cases, the whole body may be affected. The reason pain can spread to different parts of the body is due to the fact that the problem does not only involve the jaw joint, but it also includes muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels and other tissues. This is why TMJ disorder sufferers can experience a range of symptoms, ranging from ear pain, sore necks, back pain, and headaches. This also means that treatment may entail consultation with a number of specialists, from dentists to otolaryngologists (doctors that specialize in ear, nose and throat conditions). The good news is that in most cases, the pain can be reduced with proper in-home care that do not require surgical treatments.

TMJ disorders can be very serious and should be properly diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. The more obvious signs of what is TMJ disorder are the malocclusion of the teeth (this means that the teeth do not meet when the jaw is fully closed), teeth grinding during sleep, and possessing an overbite. People who suffer from arthritis may also be in danger of getting this disorder.

TMJ Disorder

TMJ is the joint where the mandible or lower jaw joins with the skull bone. TMJ is involved in chewing, yawning and talking. You can feel this joint with fingers as a triangular part on both sides of your head just in front of the ear. It is the most used joint in our body. It is made up of muscles, tendons and bones. Relaxation of the muscle allows opening and closing of the mouth.


  1. Arthritis: It is the common cause of TMJ disorder in old age.

  2. Bruxism or teeth grinding causes damage to the TMJ cartilage.

  3. Malocclusion or malalignment of denture creates abnormal pressure on the joint.

  4. Injuries to the jaws

  5. Occupation related: TMJ disorders are often seen in people who keep the telephone between head and shoulder while talking.


The common symptom TMJ disorder include; pain and tenderness in the jaw and areas near the ear, difficulty in eating and talking, locked jaw (unable to open and close the mouth), malocclusion (uneven bite). The patient may also feel discomfort in the ear like fullness or ringing in the ear. Head ache and facial pain are also associated with TMJ disorders.

Immediately consult a doctor if there is constant pain in the jaws and not able to open and close the mouth properly.

Treatment of TMJ disorders

A thorough medical and dental evaluation is needed before proceeding into the treatment plan. When there is clicking or grating sounds with the movements of jaws, a damaged jaw is suspected. Diagnostic methods like dental x-rays, CT scans, etc are used to find out the reasons like ear, sinus and tooth infection. Treatment options include;

Resting the jaw: Patients should avoid food that requires deep biting or chewing. For example, stuffs like nuts, raw vegetable, etc requires more biting pressure. Cold application to the affected side helps to reduce muscle spasm. The doctor may advise the patient to take Anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxants and anesthetic medications. Orthodontic treatment is needed if the problem is due to abnormal bite. In extreme cases of jpoint damage, surgery is indicated.

You Can Treat Bruxism Naturally - Here Are Natural Methods To Stop Teeth Grinding

You Are Not Alone

There are numerous individuals that have the tendency of grinding their teeth while they are asleep. You may even grind throughout the day without noticing. It happens to be a routine that can create dangerous consequences. It does not only affect you and your health, but the noise that the grinding creates may also disturb your partner while they are trying to sleep. The following tips will help you to treat bruxism naturally.

Grinding and crushing your teeth can cause a lot of destruction inside your mouth because it can create tooth loss as well as broken or chipped teeth. In the grand scheme of things it can cause strong pains in your jaw and aching in the ears and head. It may even result in severe depression, insomnia, and eating disorders.

The Marvels Of Science

Scientists have discovered that grinding your teeth while you are sleeping actually is not a common reflex action, although many believe it may be. It is actually a chronic action that becomes more obvious as time goes on, even though you may not be aware of it. This means, since it is a habitual reaction, it can be broken.

Even though this ailment is habitual, there are numerous disorders that can help the condition progress and become worse. Not all of the disorders are known, however some that tend to aggravate it are panic attacks and disorders involving the digestive system. If you are able to eliminate these conditions, you may be able to stop teeth grinding for good.

Remedies That Have Repercussions

There are many remedies available for overcoming grinding, however they do not generally assist in finding the main cause, only a part of it. Mouth guards are a commonly used remedy which involves the use of splints to keep your teeth from coming into contact with each other, thus limiting the dental grinding. Mouth guards come with numerous disadvantages since they only help to stop the actual grinding and it does not address bruxism itself. The continual chewing will eventually eat away at the splint and a new one will be required, which is a drawback considering that mouth guards generally cost close to $500. Some dentists will provide a prescription for medications that will help with the pain, however the clenching of the teeth will still be present, so that does not treat bruxism naturally. Also, some people may become dependent on the painkillers, which can cause damage to the liver.

Start At The Root Of The Problem

There's only one way to treat bruxism naturally and stop teeth grinding; by handling the issue from where it stems. There happens to be numerous ways to defeat bruxism while you sleep which will not include any side effects, such as changing your eating habits. If you're looking for a natural tmj cure and you want to treat bruxism naturally, keep in mind that you have to start at the source.

How to Document Your Joint Pain

Sometimes locating the best course of action regarding your joint pain may include keeping a diary to document all of your experiences. A medical journal is a great way to pinpoint the factors that cause the most discomfort pertaining to your joint problems, as well as identify the kind of environment or activities that brings out the best in your body.

Documenting your joint pain also allows your doctor to better include you in the process of pinpointing the most effective treatments for your pain. Below are a few things to lookout for when keeping a record of your joint pain:


The location of joint pain is essential for a patient because it allows them to accommodate the parts of their body that need a little extra attention. Recognizing where the joint pain exists plays an important role in getting the help you need to complete your daily activities and desires. Things to jot down include where the pain is centralized and which joints hurt. It is also a good thing to mention whether or not the pain localizes on one side of a joint or on both.


Pain is a tricky thing - sometimes it comes and goes like the wind and other times it is a persistent monster that takes a lot to get rid of. It is essential to document how long you have had the pain in your joints and whether or not you are experiencing new feelings. Doctors are quite interested to know if the pain suddenly erupted or slowly progressed. The intensity of the pain is also important - is it severe, extreme, dull, or mild? Reoccurring pain is also of concern, which can shed light on the severity of your joint problem. Is your pain constant - does it come and go?

Aggravating Factors

Sometimes joint pain is steady, but in other cases, it is affected by aggravating factors that can trigger discomfort and irritation. Whenever a specific activity causes your joint pain to surface, it is important to record the details, such as time of day, pain level, and how long it lasted. When you feel the pain, you should mention any other factors that may have caused its onset, including injury, repeated injuries to one part of the body, or an illness.

Whenever the pain worsens, it is suggested to make an account of it. Also, make sure to include whether or not you were moving at the time or at rest.

Alleviating Factors

In order to make sure the best treatment is given to eradicate cumbersome joint pain, it is also vital to make note of the times when you are not in pain. Through keeping a journal, some patients have learned that their pain is at a standstill when they are resting, while others feel less pain the more they move around. Does applying heat help or would you rather receive a nice massage?

Sometimes, a certain body position will trigger joint pain, while keeping the joint elevated helps with discomfort. While prescription medications are able to control the pain joints suffer, others have faired better when using natural or herbal remedies. When it comes to joint pain, it is also important to experiment with self-care measures and then record your experiences.

Gout Toe Pain Relief Today

Gout toe is a way of describing a gout attack in the big toe. Around 90% of gout victims have gout toe, but, the symptoms of gout can appear in other joints like the ankle, heel, knee, elbow, hand, etc. A first time gout toe sufferer is highly likely to suffer other gout attacks and these can appear in other joints. And if these gout attacks happen on a regular basis, permanent joint damage can be the result. So the key here is to get relief from your gout symptoms now, and at the same time, prevent further gout attacks (whether in the big toe, ankle or knee etc.) from recurring down the line.

The symptoms of gout (redness, swelling, inflammation, warmth, sensitivity, and, agonizing pain) are caused by the deposition of uric acid crystals in joints (mostly the big toe as described above). Uric acid itself is the outcome of the breakdown of chemical compounds called 'purines' which are naturally found in the cells of our bodies, and, in much of our foods. So the strategy is obvious: less purines > less uric acid > less uric acid crystals > less chance of gout toe, or any in other location.

An obvious thing to tackle is food that has high levels of purines. In other words, if you can avoid these types of foods you can reduce your purine intake. Typical foods in this category to avoid are; game, red meats, liver, kidneys, heart, broth, poultry, cauliflower, asparagus, mushrooms, legumes, and, although it's not a food, alcohol (especially beer).

An effective diet is the foundation of your ongoing natural treatment for gout toe, but there are so many other things to take into account for a natural gout prevention remedy, without the nasty side-effects of drug-based treatments. And, if you are suffering in agony right now, you also need to get relief as quickly as possible. So you should be looking for both speed and longevity, i.e. get rid of your pain now, and, start on your preventative treatment at the same time.

TMJ Pain Relief

One in four Americans suffers from TMJ or TMD symptoms. The symptoms can range from clicking of the joint when opening to severe debilitating pain. Not only can the TMJ be affected, the back of the head, shoulders, neck can also be affected. Less recognized areas affected are: pain in the lower back and tingling in the tips of fingers and toes. If symptoms are left untreated the acute symptoms can become chronic leading to arthritis, reduced motion in the limbs and extremely cold sensation in the hands and legs. These symptoms may be temporary running their course with no recurrence or can last for years.

So, what is responsible for TMJ pain and other associated areas of discomfort? One of the main factors in TMJ pain is stress or emotional upheavals. This can cause clenching and/or bruxism (grinding) of the teeth. Trauma to the jaw joint is also responsible for a great number of TMJ disorders. Even a small blow to the joint can create this inflammatory response. Dental issues can also be responsible for TMJ pain. Ill fitting dentures, tooth removal or any minor or major dental surgery, missing teeth, advent of premolars and growth of wisdom teeth are some of the dental issues that can result in TMJ pain.

This causes the muscles surrounding the TMJ joint to become inflamed and tighten. Over a period of time, the stress on the tensed muscles, put pressure on the joint which can cause the muscles to shorten and result in misalignment of the joint.

Since the causes of TMJ disorder vary, the approach to treating TMJ disorders should be multi dimensional. There are a wide variety of treatment options available for TMJ pain, ranging from simple exercises, nutritional changes to complicated surgical corrective surgeries.

Natural cures for TMJ pain and disorder cause little or no side effects and many times little or no out of pocket. Probably the easiest and one of the most effective remedies would be proper diet. Not only is proper diet good for the rest of the body getting some essential nutrients will relax the muscles that have tightened which in turn reduces the pain. Water is one of the keys. When dehydrated, the muscles will tense up. Not drinking enough water and/or drinking high caffeinated drinks (dehydrating) will keep the body in a constant state of dehydration which tenses the muscles. Hydrating the body relaxes the muscles thus relieving the pain. Also magnesium rich foods and calcium relax muscles.

Relaxation exercises relax the muscles around the jaw, neck, shoulders etc reducing the pain associated with tense muscles. Take your fist and clench the fist as hard as you can, after a short period of time those muscles become very fatigued. That is what happens with the muscles associated around the TMJ. Now relax the fist, just opening your fist slightly and feel how the muscles relax and the pain goes away. The point is relaxing exercises will relax those muscles around the TMJ, relieving the pain.

Other natural cures include: massage, acupuncture, meditation and hypnotherapy.

One or more of these natural cures not only will help relief TMJ pain, but also can cure the symptoms for good.

Friday, August 9, 2013

What Is TMJ Disorder?

Have you ever asked yourself, "What is TMJ disorder?" If you've ever searched for the answer to this question you probably are familiar with the intense pain that TMJ disorder causes. Let's examine what makes up TMJ disorder and how you can finally receive relief from this awful pain - all from home - without costly visits to the doctors or medications laden with side-effects.

What is TMJ disorder exactly then? Well, on each side of the jaw is the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Each joints works in unison to enable you to talk, eat, and partake in a cold glass of water on a hot summer's day. When this joint becomes irritated in some manner, however, you run the risk of trying to coping with horrible pain.

Let's answer your question of "What is TMJ disorder" then. TMJ disorder is the constant inflammation of the temporomandibular joint. This is the connecting joint of the skull and jawbone that helps them work together in unison. Between the skull and jawbone is connective tissue similar to the material in your ear. If this connecting tissue becomes chronically damaged in some way - arthritis, partial dislocation, and additional ailments - you can potentially experience agonizing pain. Research has show that only toothaches rank higher for facial pain ailments.

If you think you're the only one suffering from this debilitating ailment, you aren't alone. Here are some startling stats:

  • Over 10% of Americans suffer from TMJ disorder

  • Caucasians typically cope with the ailment more than other ethnicities

  • Women suffer more so than men at a ratio of 4:1

  • Typically strikes adults ranging from 20-40 years old

You probably already know about the negative impacts TMJ discomfort presents. These frustrations include loss of sleep, lack of productivity, extreme headaches, loss of hearing, irritability, and much more. Thankfully there are multiple home remedies that you can take advantage of. By doing so today, you can start down the path of recovery. Additionally, relief doesn't have to come at the hands of expensive surgery or sketchy over-the-counter medications. With simple alterations to your diet, daily exercises, and more you can finally attain relief from this stressful disorder.

Getting Pain Killers For Dogs

Pain killers for dogs can come in many forms just as the injuries can. These injuries can manifest themselves in many forms, like joint and arthritis pain, cuts, illness, sprains or breaks, and even bee stings. If your dog could speak and was suffering from one of these painful conditions, he would be asking you to buy him something that will help him handle the pain better.

One thing to keep in mind is that human medication whether it is prescription or over the counter medicine can be very harmful for dogs. Not all human medication would be harmful to them but the wrong dosage can prove to be fatal. Therefore, it is wise to stay on the safe side and seek a legitimate pain killer for dogs.

In which case, you will want to think about the many options for the problem of dog pain relief. Depending on what particular illness or condition your dog may have might constitute which remedy to take. Obviously if your dog has been in a severe accident possibly involving broken bones, large cuts or gashes, or internal bleeding you will want to head straight to the vet. The pain your dog might experience afterwards from the surgeries or treatments is where you can get involved.

Finding a pain killer for dogs is not so hard to track down as one might think. The first place you might think about looking is the Internet. There are various companies that specialize in dog pain relief. You can find many natural remedies out there to be a pain killer for dogs but you might need help determining what to use. Treating your dog's pain through herbal relief is growing in today's world with many good results.

Herbal mixtures, compounds, and salves are great for dog pain relief. Sometimes just the herb itself can be used as a pain killer for dogs like Ginger or Turmeric. The remedies can be applied directly onto a certain area of pain to bring relief or taken orally by the dog depending on the animal's condition.

Veterinarians also have a large array of pain killers for dogs that can be prescribed. There are many drugs that can be used to bring dog pain relief but a vet must prescribe it. The medication must fit the condition in all cases whether you are dealing with natural remedies or prescribed medication.

Another alternative for dog pain relief that has gotten much support in the last few years is Acupuncture. It might sound strange to take your dog for an acupuncture appointment but it is reported to be a great pain killer for dogs. Chiropractors have now also decided to lend a hand in dog pain relief in the areas of misalignment, arthritis, joint pain, and general stiffness. Many have great things to say about both of these methods of treatments.

Pain killer for dogs now can also be bought in a spray form. Pain sprays can be used for a variety of dog pains but will not work for all pain. Massaging your own dog can also bring your dog pain relief in such areas as, the neck, back and joints. Remember not to press to hard or roughly, which will cause the animal more discomfort. Whatever the illness or injury there are many ways to bring your dog pain relief.

Hip Pain at Night? The Problems of Pain and Lack of Sleep

Hip pain at any time is hard to handle, but hip pain at night when you should be relaxing and getting a good night's sleep, even mild pain can seem to be intensified to an unmanageable degree. This is especially true when pain disturbs your sleep, either because you cannot get comfortable enough to relax and fall asleep or because the stress of ongoing pain affects your mood and your ability to "switch off". Aching joints are one of the most common causes of sleep problems. Hip and leg pain at night is made worse by the pressure placed on the hip and knee joints as you lie in bed. Moving in bed demands that these joints be twisted and if flexibility or movement in the afflicted joints is limited then turning can be a real problem.

Lack of sleep leads to increased pain. We all need sleep in order to heal and conserve strength; not sleeping for any reason makes pain during the day worse but furthermore, lack of sleep makes pain management a much more difficult process. The stress, anxiety and frustration caused by insomnia, as well as the loss of concentration and general poor health that can result, can be as big a problem as the pain itself. If poor sleep patterns become a habit, your sleep can suffer long after the pain is gone. For this reason, sleep is an important part of your management of pain.

Uncovered: 5 easy ways to Sleep Despite the Pain

1. Choose a good firm mattress, with advice from a bed specialist if possible. Too soft and the joints are poorly supported, too hard and the joints cannot relax.

2. Keep to your normal sleep schedule, go to bed at the normal time and if after lying awake for 20 minutes you still cannot sleep, get up and do something gentle and not over stimulating until you feel tired again. This is healthier than lying awake becoming frustrated.

3. Help your body relax more easily at night by doing gentle exercise that does not aggravate the pain throughout the day. Often the cause of sleeplessness through pain is due to a lack of physical exertion throughout the day so keep as busy as your condition allows.

4. If you find that your pain wakes you throughout the night, this is likely to be when you move, turn over or twist in your sleep. Pain when turning in bed can be alleviated by lying on a shiny or slightly slippery surface. This could be a sheet made of satin or a nylon sleeping bag, whatever helps you to turn more easily with less resistance despite stiff joints. This is especially useful when suffering from pregnant hip pain.

5. Manage medication and therapies carefully to make sure that you are less likely to suffer at night; take pain medications before bedtime when suitable and do not overdo things after having alternative therapies or using complimentary medicine - remember that your body needs time to process therapy and time to wind down after receiving it before sleep.

Pain does not have to mean sleeplessness; with careful management you can maintain a sleep pattern that allows your body to heal itself and your mind to deal with what is important.

How to Take Care of Your Older Cat?

The eyes may display the most visible age-related changes. If you looked into your older cat's eyes and you notice a lacy, or moth-eaten, appearance in the iris where the formerly solid, dark swatch of green, blue or gold once appeared. Cats with nuclear sclerosis may develop a bluish cast in the eyes. Iris atrophy and nuclear sclerosis are common age-related traits that may not decrease your cat's vision to any appreciable extent, though several diseases - especially those relate to high blood pressure can seriously impair a cat's ability to see.

Hearing loss commonly occurs in elderly cats for a variety of reason, including chronic inflammation due to infection. As a result of hearing loss, your cat may vocalize more loudly and may not respond when you call him. Sudden moves, noises or touches may startle him.

Here is what happens as your cat's body ages.

Paying attention to your older cat's dental health in his younger years will pay huge dividends down the road. Dental disease, which can hamper or prevent eating and cause pain, is extremely common in senior cats. In older cats, some teeth may be missing or look worn and yellow.

In healthy senior cats, it's possible a reduced sense of smell may partially cause loss of appetite, though a refusal to eat is more likely associated with dental problems or other diseases.

Skin and Fur:
A decline in the metabolic rate can cause your cat's skin to become dry and less elastic. An aging cat's skin thins and blood flow decreases, leaving the skin more prone to infection. The skin may appear flaky, and the fur may become thinner and a little dull or rough. As often occurs in ageing dogs, your cat's muzzle may turn gray. Older cats groom less efficiently than younger cats, which sometimes results in hair matting, skin odor, and dermatitis.

Muscles, Bones, and Joints:
Older cats lose muscle tone and can appear unsteady or wobbly on their feet. The loss of muscle mass may result in a thinner appearance or the opposite may happen, as your cat's metabolism slows and your pet puts on weight. Older cats often display stiffness in their joints as tissues lose moisture and cartilage gradually deteriorates. Degenerative joint disease, or arthritis, is common. Bones become brittle. Senior cats may have trouble getting up, lying down, or stepping into their litter box. To your aging cat, climbing stairs may now seem like climbing Mount Everest and his favorite perch on your couch even harder to reach. Aging cats may not enjoy being picked up or cuddled if they experience pain. Finally, grooming may become more challenging as stiffness impedes a cat's ability to bend or stretch.

The nails, or claws, of an aging cat can become thicker, brittle, and overgrown. A senior cat is less able to retract her claws. Be sure to clip her nails (or have them trimmed) to prevent the nails from sticking to textured materials such as carpet or growing into her paws.

Your Older Cat Page

An Overview on Lumbar Facet Joint Injections

Facet joint injections are the most commonly performed pain management procedure in United States. There are two reasons to perform a facet injection. Number one is for a diagnostic purpose to figure out if the joint is the source of pain, and the second reason is for therapeutic purposes. Thankfully these often overlap, meaning a diagnostic injection, if it works, provides pain relief often for weeks to months.

In the human body, there are facet joints on either side of this fine at every level all the way from the top of the cervical spine down to the sacrum. These small joints allow individuals to have an incredible range of motion of lumbar spine.

Similar to other articulating joints in human body, they are prone to arthritis and often times it occurs at multiple levels. This is called facet syndrome if it causes pain in patients.

If the patient is suspected of having pain in the facet joints of the lumbar spine, a pain management doctor will often perform a facet injection for diagnostic purposes. This injection involves administration of a numbing agent such as lidocaine or along with a steroid around and or into the facet joints. If the injection relieves the patient's pain, then diagnostically that joint is the pain generator. Even as a diagnostic injection, the pain relief may end up lasting for weeks to months. When the steroid and numbing agent is injected around the facet joints rather than directly into it, this is called a medial branch block. The medial branch nerve is a tiny little nerve that brings sensation to the joint and often times pain. The injection can relieve that pain for as mentioned a few weeks to months.

If the pain relief is substantial and then wears off after a few weeks to months, the individual will then be a potential candidate for procedure called a radiofrequency ablation. This procedure involves heating up the facet joints in order to get in the tiny little nerve endings supplying pain to the joint. Pain relief from this procedure may last for 1 to 2 years, and it may be repeated if the tiny little nerves grow back and the pain comes back as well.

The research on whether or not facet syndrome exists is controversy. It is also controversy over whether or not to perform facet joint injections for a therapeutic purpose. Larger studies are needed to continue to prove further efficacy of facet injections. At this point in time they're typically approved for diagnostic purposes and sometimes for therapeutic purposes but it varies between states and/or insurance companies.

Surgery for arthritis in multiple facet joints is typically not a good idea, so seeking treatment from a pain management doctor to receive treatment with either a diagnostic injection for therapeutic injection and maybe even a radiofrequency ablation may be able to achieve significant pain relief and lesson a patient's need for narcotic medications, and avoid surgery.

Sciatica and Back Pain - How a Short Leg is Involved

Most doctors and therapists explain this away with, "everyone has a short leg and it doesn't make any difference" but it does for a large percentage of people, especially when the discrepancy is quite noticeable, the person's body is weak or they have hyper mobile joints. A short leg also adds to the muscle imbalances because it makes your weight distribute unevenly throughout your body with every moment whether you are sitting or standing. Ask any therapist who can fix chronic back pain or sciatica quickly and effectively and they will agree without hesitation, because correcting the short leg it is the only approach that works every time for a long time.

Being a ball and socket joint it allows for a variety of movements of the leg from the hip, so it relies heavily on the muscles in the lower back, the leg and around the hip and buttocks for support.

The condition of each of these supporting muscles, relative to their ability to contract and lengthen with movement, or their resting length, will determine the angle at which the neck of the femur sits in its socket.

If problems with any of the relevant muscles on one side of the body cause this neck to draw up or downwards slightly, it will effect the length of that leg in relation to the other side. This causes the pelvis to tilt and other muscles in the body to start compensating.

Unfortunately because of our lifestyle these days, changes to the muscles supporting one of the hip joints can come about very easily, either through an injury or accident from overuse or through something as simple as bad posture over a period of time.

Whether any problem with these muscles becomes permanent or not depends largely on things like posture, stress levels and whether the original problem is given the correct treatment at the time. When the correct treatment is not received, the supporting muscles don't do their job properly and so excessive wearing of the hip or knee joint can happen, resulting in the need for joint replacement surgery later in life, something I am sure everyone would want to avoid if at all possible.

Once a person has a short leg their pelvis is drawn down on that side and up on the other. This causes tension to build up in the lower back and in the erector spinae muscles along side the spine into the neck. When this happens it's possible for the spine to curve and some of the vertebrae in the back to become twisted or tilted especially in people with weak muscles. This is often the underlying cause of back pain or worse, sciatica.

Keeping your muscles healthy and supple into your old age and having a balanced pelvis are very achievable goals and something we all should strive for. It is an ongoing effort that is required though and something that needs to be incorporated into your lifestyle with the right diet and exercise treatment, along with vital self treatment techniques that will work to take away any problems that already exist. All the information you need to help you achieve this is contained in my self treatment program which covers information, lifestyle changes, exercises and self treatment techniques that will help you to diagnose and treat your chronic back pain or sciatica.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

ACL Surgery and ACL Repair - 7 Facts You Should Know From an Orthopedic Surgeon

The ACL or the anterior cruciate ligament, a ligament in the knee, helps provide stability to the knee during activities that involve jarring, turning, twisting and jumping.

ACL injury is a very common sports injury treated by orthopedic physicians - especially in sports like soccer or basketball or tennis, where players make quick direction changes, sometimes forcefully twisting and turning the knee.

If you are suffering from a moderate to more severe ACL injury, chances are you may be considering ACL surgery or ACL reconstruction. ACL injuries can be quite painful, often accompanied by noticeable swelling and a restricted range of motion.

Unfortunately, when the ACL tears, it does not get better on its own. ACL injuries can be very serious, and as with many medical conditions, if you have an ACL injury, you should seek out the qualified advice and treatment of a medical professional like a board certified orthopedic physician.

If your ACL tear requires ACL surgery, repair and reconstruction, it is helpful to note that surgery for an ACL tear is outpatient. The arthroscopic procedure completed by an orthopedic surgeon typically last about sixty minutes.

When an ACL is torn, it must be reconstructed. The ligament cannot be sutured back together. Orthopedic surgeons use a graft to reconstruct the ACL. Orthopedic surgeons either use an Autograft or an Allograft. An Autograft comes from the patient's own body. An allograft comes from a donor/cadaver. Your orthopedic physician will help guide you as to the best type of graft to use to reconstruct your anterior cruciate ligament.

Here are 7 more facts about ACL surgery, repair and reconstruction:

  1. The ACL is the 6th most common procedure for orthopedic surgery.

  2. There are more than 100,000 ACL surgeries every year.

  3. ACL reconstruction helps to improve stability and function of the knee.

  4. ACL reconstruction reduces the risk of chondral and meniscal injuries.

  5. ACL reconstruction does not protect the knee from degenerative joint disease.

  6. Autografts are often recommended for patients under 40 years of age.

  7. Allografts are typically used with older patients and for ACL revision surgery.

If you think you have an ACL injury, you may want to consult a board certified orthopedic surgeon for a thorough exam and more information about your treatment options.

You may be required to have an MRI Scan which is often considered the gold standard for diagnosis of an ACL tear.

More emphasis needs to be placed on preventing ACL injuries, especially among athletes, to try to decrease the number of people that experience this painful injury. There are a number of ACL injury prevention programs already in practice that can be very beneficial in helping athletes avoid injury and damage to the anterior cruciate ligament.

Is Arthritis Hip Pain Grinding You Into Submission? Discover What's Behind it and End Your Pain Now

Do you know if you are experiencing arthritis hip pain? Many people don't understand the very symptoms of arthritis hip pain; consequently, they may blow the symptoms off as "just some nagging injury that will heal up" or "I must have twisted my hip a little, I'll be alright in a few days".

But if you really are experiencing arthritis hip pain, not the effects of an injury, you can't treat that pain in your hip the way you might have always treated it before. If you've got pain in your hip due to arthritis, it is probably a form of rheumatoid arthritis. And while men can and do certainly get rheumatoid arthritis in their hips and elsewhere in their bodies, it is a fact that about 75% of "rheumatism" sufferers are women--especially when it comes to the hips. Why this is so is essentially a mystery, but we know that it's a fact. Therefore, the first hint that the pain in your hips might be arthritis is your being female.

Rheumatoid arthritis, as doctors will tell you, is possibly a conglomeration of several diseases all at once, for while it is based in inflammation it also directly affects the immune system--and affects it for worse, not better. When you get this disease in your joints, such as your hip joints, you may experience limitations on your hips' range of mobility as well as tenderness and the obvious pain caused by inflammation. If you suspect that you are experiencing arthritis hip pain, you should go to your doctor immediately. X-rays can determine if there is wear and tear on the joints because of damage done in that area to tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and bone. Once this damage is done, arthritis hip pain can arise because of circumstances similar to what happens when the break pads on your car wear out and suddenly the metal bar is pressing directly against the inner part of your tires. Your pain is like that "squeal" sound or, if things get really bad, just like your breaking bar pressing metal-to-metal--wearing out your tires quickly and causing you to be unable to stop properly. This is why your range of motion is compromised--and, it's the source of the intense pain that you feel.

Rheumatoid arthritis is so sinister because it can come on without any warning. There are people suffering from arthritis who have gone to bed fine one night and woken up in the morning with sudden aches and pains, loss of mobility in the joints, low-level fevers (a possible arthritic symptom), and fatigue (another possible symptom). Arthritis in the hips can cause the hip joints to become destabilized and even deformed. This could clearly lead to loss of walking speed, diminished ability to balance which could be especially dangerous in certain places such as when taking a shower, and perhaps, eventually, the need to use a cane or be in a wheelchair.

If you have pain or tenderness in your hips and you suddenly cannot move your hips as you usually could, first consider if you've done something to injure yourself. But, if you cannot rationally figure out how you did this, then you must get to your doctor right away and check for it being arthritis hip pain. Remember, this condition can come on literally overnight, although of course it has built up to that point over time. There are steps you can take to diminish the pain and perhaps even keep it at bay. But arthritis hip pain is nothing to be taken lightly or ignored

All About TMJ Disorders

What is TMJ?

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint. This joint is located in front of your ears on each side of your head, where the lower jawbone meets the skull. One of the most frequently used joints in the body, this is the joint that we use to bite, chew, talk and yawn. It is a complex joint made up of bones, muscles and tendons.

What causes TMJ disorders?

There are many different problems that can cause TMJ disorder such as jaw injury, arthritis and muscle fatigue. Teeth grinding, habitual nail biting or chewing gum, dental problems or misalignment of the teeth. Stress can also be a cause as well as some occupational tasks like holding a telephone between the shoulder and the ear.


Symptoms of TMJ disorder include headaches, aching pain around or in the ear, tenderness or pain of the jaw or face, difficulty or discomfort while chewing, lockjaw and uncomfortable or uneven bite. Other symptoms include toothache or tooth loss, dizziness and slurred speech. You may also have a TMJ disorder if you hear a clicking sound when you open and close your mouth or when you chew. However, if there is no pain associated with the clicking sound, you most likely don't have a TMJ disorder.


In some cases, TMJ disorder symptoms will go away without needing treatment for TMJ and in other cases the symptoms are chronic, so if the symptoms persist, you should visit your doctor. The doctor will advise you to refrain from overusing the jaw. This would mean limiting gum chewing and eating hard foods. They may prescribe pain killers, muscle relaxers or advise you to use a bite guard even though heat and ice therapy and aspirin or Ibuprofen can help control the inflammation. In some cases physical therapy, stress management or surgery, used only as a last resort, may be necessary.

Hip Strength - A Great Pregnancy Exercise

Often overlooked in all fitness programs, but especially for pregnancy is hip strength. Yes hip strength is very important during pregnancy. Working on your hip rotators, flexors and extensors can help prevent some low back discomfort. Your pelvis is changing and sometimes on a daily basis. Your muscles are changing in length too, you need to keep them strong so they do not become too tight, too loose or too weak on any one position.

Your hip rotator muscles run from your sacrum to the head of your femur. You will notice particular tightness around your outer thigh at the top of your leg; this is the head of the femur where hip rotator muscles attach. Important exercises to do to help this is using the foam roller and doing self myofascial release. Now the other attachment is at the sacrum. I am sure you have heard of SI joint pain during pregnancy, well the hormone relaxin and a changing pelvis are the culprits of this. Again you can roll you sacrum on the foam roller as well as perform some abdominal bracing exercises to take the strain off you posterior change from pregnancy posture. Specific strengthening exercises you want to do are standing and rotating your leg from the hip ball and socket joint as far as you can in each direction 10x without hiking your pelvis. Also performing side lying leg raises with your hip in internal rotation is another great exercise to keep the hip strong and even out the strain around the sacroiliac joint.

Hip flexor stretches are great as well when pregnant. As your pregnancy progresses and your pelvis is tipping anteriorly, you hip flexors are in a constant shortened position. Tight hip flexors are another big culprit of back pain. Perform a simple standing quad stretch and push your hip bone forward, this will get into your hip flexor muscle. For more strength and stretch pregnancy exercises visit Baby Bump Pregnancy Fitness. After your hip flexors are stretched you will want to strengthen them in extension.

When performing hip strength exercises later in pregnancy you can complete them standing. Doing a simple standing hip extension or lateral raise can do the trick. Be sure not to hike your pelvic with either of these moves. If you experience low back pain during standing hip extension this is a red flag to discontinue this exercise. Your best bet is to perform closed kinetic chain leg moves to prevent any pelvic shearing that you become more prone to later in pregnancy. By closed kinetic chain I mean both feet fixed on the floor, like in a stationary lateral lunge.

Helpful Advice for Women Who Suffer From Joint Pain During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can do many things to a woman's body from hormonal changes to making your joints tender and prone to becoming stiff and sore. This will vary from woman to woman and depends on the health of the mother and what her nutrition is like.

One main nutrient which is required for healthy joints is DHA, which is an essential fatty acid. The main function of this nutrient is that it helps the brain to function and helps to keep joints lubricated.

For any pregnant woman nutrition is very important, so pay attention to what you are eating on a daily basis. Try to include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables along with lean protein and carbs. Eating this way can really help you see a reduction in the level of joint pain during pregnancy.

Many women tend to suffer with carpal tunnel syndrome while pregnant and this is due to fluid retention and swelling in the hands and wrists. While this is an annoying and sometimes can be a painful condition, the upside is that it usually clears up on its own after the baby is born.

Joint pain in the hip area is another complaint for many women. This becomes more noticeable in the later stages of pregnancy. By the eighth and ninth month of pregnancy your hip muscles become more relaxed due to the weight of the baby. The best solution is to try and rest more often and to drink more fluids if possible.

Back pain is also more noticeable in the last few months of pregnancy. The weight and positioning of the baby is the main cause for this. Try sitting with additional support, a cushion behind your lower back can often remedy this. Warm baths are another great way to help elevate joint pain during pregnancy.

Avoiding Standing or Sitting for Long Periods is also very important - Variety in postures is the key. Do too much of one thing for a long time, and your back pain will increase for sure. When doing dishes, put one foot up on a footstool or on the inside of the cupboard below the sink.

Many pregnant women find that practicing yoga is extremely helpful. It has another benefit in that it helps prepare your body for birthing. Women who take yoga classes report having an easier time during labor, plus their recovery time is often quicker.

Also bear in mind that taking a natural healthy supplement can also help reduce joint pain during pregnancy. In fact get into the habit of taking a vitamin or supplement while pregnant and continue your new habit afterwards. This will help you deal with the night feeding schedule that lies ahead.

Instant Relief From Aches and Pains With Sulphur Spring Water

Are you tired of using muscle relaxant creams, sprays, hot and cold compresses? Have you got immune to painkillers and still find no relief to joint pains? Don't despair. There is still hope and that too naturally.

Bathing in sulphur spring water is a natural way to heal inflammatory joints. It stimulates the entire nervous system, giving the patient a relaxing sensation. Next, it starts working on the connective tissues making them flexible. The blood flow slowly increases which in turn helps in better absorption of oxygen and minerals. The sulphide gets absorbed in the system and reaches the inflamed joints and cartilages.

Besides working on the joints, it also enhances skin. The blood circulation gives a boost to the skin making it plump and softer. The toxins disintegrate to revive the skin's natural glow. The steam giving out from the natural spring water helps to clear sinus and any discomfort from cold and cough. The lungs clear up, allowing the patient to breathe with ease.

For a proper treatment of illnesses of the musculoskeletal system many experts suggest taking a thermal bath of sulphur. Besides degenerative joint, spine illnesses and spinal disc problems, inflammatory rheumatic diseases are also known to subside with this. Patients suffering from eczema and neurodermatitis can also seek relief from this water.

Finding the right location for natural sulphur springs can be difficult. The sulphur content varies from area to area. Most places where the spring water naturally erupts have been taken over my large organizations and converted into luxurious spa and health resorts. These high-end spas are not feasible for every pocket.

In India, there are many natural sulphur springs. Several places offer these services at nominal rates. There is a pill for every ailment but sometimes trying alternate natural healing methods can actually work miraculously.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Hip and Joint Pain in Dogs - How to Stop It Forever Without Drugs or Surgery

Does your dog suffer with hip and joint pain? Does your heart break as you watch them struggle to get up after lying down? Have they been diagnosed with hip dysplasia and/or arthritis? This is all too common but the good new is that it is possible to completely relieve the symptoms and reverse the cause of this pain. Without drugs or surgery.

Hip dysplasia is an abnormal formation of the hip socket that can cause crippling lameness and painful arthritis of the joints. It is affected by diet and environmental factors. It can be found in many animals but is most commonly associated with dogs, and is common in many dog breeds, particularly the larger breeds. The causes of hip pain from dysplasia and arthritis are considered genetic, but new research conclusively suggests that diet and lifestyle also play a role. More and more evidence suggests that most dogs are allergic to wheat which is in most commercial dog foods. Environmental influences would include overweight condition due to lack of exercise and unhealthy diet.

Natural common sense interventions include three elements:

Weight Control, Exercise, and Diet.

Weight control is the single most important thing that we can do to help a dog with arthritis, and sometimes reducing the dog's weight can go a long way toward controlling all of the symptoms of arthritis in many dogs.

Exercise is vital for the health of all animals and dogs are no different. Regular exercise keeps the body functioning properly, and keeps weight in check. Think about the breed of your dog and what job were they bred to do. Are they genetically programmed for lots of movement, i.e, herding dogs, retrievers and hunting dogs. Are they getting the right amount of exercise for their body?

A healthy diet plays a crucial role in controlling weight issues and reversing the inflammation that is the cause of the pain. Ingredients in commercial dog foods can contribute to inflammation in the dog's body and cause an excessive level of blood uric acid. Uric acid is a direct cause of arthritis, as well as other joint disorders, such as when humans develop swollen and painful joints of gout. High amounts of uric acid in the dog's body (and humans), induce the formation of sharp, hard crystals that cripple joints. These crystals continue to accumulate unless dietary changes are made, eventually inflicting permanent damage to affected joints if nothing is done to eliminate them.

Important! Avoid any food containing corn gluten meal, wheat and artificial preservatives (BHT, BHA). Make sure that purchased commercial canned food is all meat and contains no meat-by-products or better yet make your own food. Combining regular doses of glucosamine supplements and omega 3's with homemade dog food specifically meant to promote joint health, is an effective measure that dramatically reduces the risk that your dog will develop osteoarthritis.

Some recipes to make for your dog's anti-arthritic meals include:

One pound of lean meat (chicken, turkey)

2 cups of cooked rice

1 cup of vegetables, such as carrots, peas or mashed potatoes

2 cloves of pressed garlic

1 egg

1 teaspoon of brewer's yeast

1 tablespoon of flaxseed or safflower oil

Cook meat thoroughly, mix all ingredients together and add water for consistency.

For variety, here is another homemade dog food recipe:

6 cups water

1 pound ground turkey

2 cups cooked brown rice

1 teaspoon dried rosemary

16 ounces of frozen broccoli, carrots and cauliflower combination

Incorporate fresh vegetables into the dog's diet, and include omega-3 fatty acids in the diet from fish oil. Changing a dog's diet and giving the animal a dog joint supplement like Hip+Joint that contains glucosamine/chondroitin, and methylsufonylmethane (MSM), will effectively reduce the presence of dog arthritis and allow dogs to live a normal, healthy and pain-free existence. Also make sure you incorporate fresh vegetables into the dog's diet, and include omega-3 fatty acids in the diet from fish oil.

Make these simple common sense changes and your best friend will pain be free and you will have many happy healthy years together.

What Causes Knee Pain For Seniors And What Is Emotion Code?

Knee pain is a truly common complaint for seniors and the Emotion Code is one of the things that can help it. Knee pain is something that does have many causes. However, it can be handled with good self-care. Seniors can experience knee pain for various reasons. Some of them can be attributed to arthritis, knee injuries, tendinitis, bursitis, and the list goes on.

What is the binding tie for all of these ailments is that they can be painful and crippling. The Emotion code is indeed a way to help out. What is the Emotion Code? It is a healing energy technique that helps identify and release any emotions that are trapped within yourself.

Arthritis is an inflammation that does happen in one or multiple joints. It is also called joint inflammation and there are well over one hundred kinds of it. The most common type of arthritis that takes place in the knee is called osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is also known by other names and some of these include degenerative joint disease or wear and tear arthritis.

Arthritis of the knee usually happens to people over the age of fifty, and it tends to be more common in those who are overweight. It is believed that this specific type of arthritis can have a genetic connection and be passed down in families. The symptoms of knee arthritis include stiffness, range of limited motion, swelling present in the joint, and a person may experience pain doing activities.

Knee pain in seniors and those younger can be brought on by the presence of various injuries to the knee itself. Some of these injuries are ligament injuries and cartilage injuries. Ligament injuries usually occur while doing some form of athletic activity and they can create instability and pain. Cartilage injuries happen to both the old and the young. This is also called a meniscus tear.

There are many things that cause excruciating knee pain and some of the conditions are a dislocated kneecap, bursitis, plica syndrome, baker's cyst, patellar tendonitis, and gout. Pain from these injuries and negative energy do not have to live with you in everyday life. The Emotion Code might be the very thing to deal with these issues.

Knee pain does not have to be tolerated by seniors with the assistance of the Emotion Code program. Trapped emotions are definitely bad for a person from a physical, mental, and emotional standpoint. Therefore, refuse to trap yourself by applying this system to begin healing. Trapped emotions are just like the wind. They are invisible, but you can still feel their effect. These negative effects can take control of your life. Free yourself of their presence for good.

3 Easy Ways to Minimise Knee Pain When Crouching Or Squatting

Crouching and squatting usually affects muscles in the lower back and limbs. If, after crouching and squatting, you feel pain and weakness throughout your limbs, you are likely to realize that actually your body does not react well to this sort of physical movement. It may be a good idea to start doing less prolonged and vigorous exercise in this form, especially if your occupation involves sitting down all day.

Here are 3 quick tips to minimise your knee pain when squatting:

  1. Do your squats properly. Some forms of squatting are also very bad for your knee joints. They basically are not designed to take weight in this way. If you watch young children or toddler's squat, they do this more like trying to sit on a low stool. Their knees don't go beyond their toes. This is actually a much better way to squat or crouch.

  2. Limit how far you lower yourself. Often just restricting how far you squat will make a big difference to the stresses on your knees and supporting muscles. You will often find that by halving the movement, you can stop or minimise the pain.

  3. Don't hold the position for a long time. This multiples the stresses and makes it more like that pain or injury may occur. Another problems is that the synovial fluid that lubricates your joints can literally get squeezed out of your joints and it takes movement to get this back into your knee. In the mean time they can get painful and stiff.

The rectus femoris muscle is the cause of pain in the knees, as well as the adductor magnus muscle, which is at the inner part of the knee or thigh. Pain at the back of the knees is caused by from the hamstrings. In the outer aspect of the knees, stress may be due to the tensor fascia lata muscle.

The main muscles which a prone to injury are rectus femoris, tensor fascia lata and the hamstrings. There are many reasons for this, but the main one is that they cross both the hip and knee joints, so are probably going to be more easily injured by crouches and squats. Many people expect that the quadriceps muscles are most likely to be injured. However, this is wrong because the quadriceps only cross the knee joint.

In disagreement with what most people think, posterior thigh pain is not actually the most common type. Anterior thigh and knee pain is actually more common. As human beings, we often remaining sitting for long periods of time. This is just because of how our generation has been brought up. When we sit the knees are always bent, so the muscles in the knee, in which the function is to extend the knee, are often weakened and stretched to the limit, in contrast to the hamstring muscles, which bend the knee and become short and tighten easily. This is due to the imbalance of power in the muscles. It is often called the see-saw principle. The muscles in the front of the hip are often shortened by this prolonged sitting, whereas the muscles in the back of the hip are lengthened and weakened.

Excessive shortening and lengthening in the knees is a very common cause for knee injury. This is often because of exaggerated and tougher exercise, such as crouching and squatting. Therefore, the rectus femoris and tensor fascia lata muscles become shorter and tighter in the hip areas, and longer and more outstretched around the knee.

When a person does crouches or squats, their muscles around the knees, thighs and hips become strained, as they are put under a lot of stress. The muscles at the back of the hip are lengthened to excess, whereas the knee contracts, becoming very short. Therefore, the muscles at the back of the hip are much bigger and stronger then muscles in other body parts, such as the knees. The hamstring muscles have extremely concentrated power, which is directed towards the knee. When the hamstring muscles pull harder, they are using more power.

For all the above reasons, after crouches or squats, discomfort and heavy pain can often be felt, which may be the beginning of future knee and thigh pain. Pain in the hips may also occur. It is better to either squat correctly, like a child, or avoid these altogether. There are also more specialised squats such as the 'Hindu Squat' that some health gurus believe actually help to repair knee damage.

Prevent Osteoporosis - Keep Your Hip Flexibility!

Hip fractures are considered the "beginning of the end" for the elderly. Why? Physically and emotionally, this event is a terrible blow. An elderly person loses their balance and falls. And their hip breaks. Surgery is immediate, with the long time spent under anesthesia. Not good for an older person, as their metabolism is slower and there is a possibility of brain damage, depending on their former lifestyle. But I am not writing this article for older people! I am writing it for you, the younger person who wants to keep bones strong in a well muscled body. Maybe you are over forty or over fifty or even sixty. I am going to help you go in the right direction to prevent osteoporosis and keep your bones strong.

There are a few factors to consider in realizing this goal.

*** your age
*** your physical strength and work out habits
*** your lifestyle meaning active, sedentary, stressed or relaxed

Firstly, you need to understand osteoporosis, or bone loss. The bones both carry calcium out of the bone tissue into the blood, and then put it back, on a regular basis. In other words, your body keeps renewing bone tissue, just like we trim plants of brown-tipped or thinner, smaller leaves, and then have them grow new and better stems and leaves. Or more blooms.

This article is not about the nutrition of calcium, magnesium and other minerals, but I mention them just to note that they are necessary in your diet.

Also, Vitamin K2, now often added to Vitamin D3, to enhance bone re-building, triggers the placement of calcium from your veins and arteries, back into your bones.

Exercise, a high intensity exertion, of muscles upon bone also triggers the bones to retain their density. So hopefully you exercise your large muscle groups with a high intensity challenging workout, one that increase your heart and lung capacity, which paced high intensity exercise will do.

What I am leading up to is the regular stretching and relaxation of your large muscle groups, and the hips in particular. Hip flexibility is extremely important. You have major muscles pulling and pushing and balancing your hips, keeping your skeleton safe from bumps, trips and falls. Brain health and reflexes are involved as well, but strength and balance is key.

Balance depends on strength, but also depends on the hip muscles at the front, side and back of the body, being equally strong, toned, stretched and relaxed.

Tense muscles cause pain, and skeletal imbalance. The millions of tiny movements and adjustments we do every day, to change body positions and stay on balance, are way outside of our awareness. As it should be. Providing there is no resistance from tension, or jammed up joints in our body, we can practically glide around doing whatever we need to do.

And grab our balance without even thinking if anything disrupts our flow of movement. Most of us do this for the first couple of decades of our life. Until an impact or injury occurs. Then we develop some scar tissue, and lose a little of our former mobility and ease of movement.

Yet, with the right rehabilitation and education, we can proceed to the next stage of our life becoming stronger and wiser.

To retain hip flexibility, and the ease of movement to keep exercising, and retain reflexes and balance, you need to learn how hip stretches work.

Keeping that part of your body balanced means stretching and toning the front of the hips, the side and the back of the hips. To keep the front of the hips stretched, you would need to include the Quadriceps, or large front of your thigh muscles. Then you would need to stretch your psoas muscle which goes from the front of your upper thigh, over your hip bone, to attach onto the front of your spine.

Keeping the psoas muscle stretched means that your natural posture, a small curve in your low back, and your pelvis structure upright (not tilted forward nor back) is preserved. Your walking and general moving around will be relaxed and easy.

However, if the front of your hips are fairly relaxed, but for some reason your side and back of hip muscles are tense, your skeleton cannot move so easily. Your balance will not be quite as on. This kind of imbalance can even lead to the tendons that go over your hip joint snapping or popping as you move.

Ideally, you want to stretch out all your muscle groups, after exercise, and even instead of exercise when you can't fit it in. To keep your neck, shoulder and back muscles relaxed is important. If you sit on a chair all day, you know what I mean. If you do one type of repetitive movement all day, you know what I mean. Ouch.

Nutrition and exercise keep bones strong.

Is There a Tinnitus Cure on the Horizon?

First, what actually is tinnitus? It is the medical term for the perception of sound in one or both ears or in the head when no external sound is present. Although commonly referred to as "ringing ears," some people hear hissing, roaring, whistling, chirping or clicking instead of in addition to ringing. It can be constant or just occasional. And the volume can range from barely audible to roaring.

It is estimated that over 50 million Americans have some degree of tinnitus. In most people it is just an annoyance but almost two million patients have tinnitus so bad they can't functional normally.

The ATA states that noise is the leading cause of tinnitus. Our world is noisy and getting noisier all the time. Think about the noise you face on most days - traffic, home appliances and tools, barking dogs, and one of the worst offenders, listening to music with headsets. Then there is the occasional really loud situation such as when you cut your grass, attend a rock concert, or sit in your car as a fire truck whizzes by.

Some professions are at high risk for developing tinnitus such as musicians, firefighters, building contractors, construction workers, lawn maintenance workers, and military personnel.

Some other common causes of tinnitus include head and neck injuries, jaw problems such as TMJ, medication side effects. It can also be a side effect of certain disease such as Lyme's, fibromyalgia, or thyroid disorders.

Sadly, according to the American Tinnitus Association, there is no tinnitus cure at this time. But the association does acknowledge that tinnitus can be managed by treating the underlying cause. If you have tinnitus, and you've been able to reduce or stop tinnitus symptoms, you probably don't care about whether you are considered cured or not as long as you have been able stop tinnitus from driving you crazy.

According to the ATA, one of the most effective forms of tinnitus therapy is sound therapy. Others have been able to diminish their tinnitus with tinnitus herbal treatments or vitamins, minerals, or even homeopathy.

No one really know when or if the ultimate tinnitus cure will be found. There are organizations devoted to finding the cure. The American Tinnitus Association is continually pressing the U.S. government to increase their funding for research. And the U.S. Department of Defense is funding research due to the large number of military personnel that have this disorder.

If you have tinnitus and want to help find the tinnitus cure, you could participate in a clinical trial. is a great place to search for research studies. You can also call your local university hospitals to find out if they have any studies you could get involved with.

What Treatments Are Available for Flat Head Syndrome in Babies?

If your child has recently been diagnosed with flat head syndrome, you may be wondering how or if to seek treatment, and what options are available. In this article, we will discuss common treatment strategies such as repositioning, physical therapy, and helmeting and banding. We will also briefly discuss surgery and why it is generally not advised for children with this condition.

In most cases, your child's physician or medical professional will suggest that you try repositioning or physical therapy following a diagnosis of plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, or scaphocephaly. These treatment strategies involve helping your baby learn to rotate and lift his or her head at will, and to sit independently. These skills decrease the amount of time your little one will spend with pressure applied to one part of the skull, in turn reducing the likelihood that the condition will progress. In minor cases, even without targeted treatment, parents and physicians may notice a complete or partial reversal of positional cephalic disorders with the acquisition of sitting and head lifting skills.

Helmeting and banding are more targeted techniques which help your child's skull to develop a normal shape by restricting growth in one direction and encouraging it in another. When helmeting or banding is used, results can be seen within a few months, and may demonstrate significant improvement in skull shape. These techniques are significantly more expensive than physical therapy, involve frequent doctor's visits, and may lead to self-esteem issues later in life for the child undergoing treatment - although there is much debate as to the likelihood of a child's emotional health being affected by helmet or band use, and customizable or clear options exist to reduce the likelihood further. Helmeting and banding are normally used for more severe cases of plagiocephaly, brachycephaly and scaphocephaly and generally insurance companies and physicians will encourage that parents use physical therapy, tummy time, and repositioning before proceeding to this type of treatment.

The need for treatment of positional cephalic disorders is a subject of much debate in the medical community. Long term complications of these conditions are still unknown, although some doctors suspect that the deformities may be self-correcting. Others, however, suggest that severe developmental delays may result if the conditions go untreated or if they are severe and treated too late. The complications theorized to be associated with positional cranial deformities include motor skills delays, physical deformity, TMJ (tempromandibular joint dysfunction), increased cranial pressure, blindness, seizures, and many other significant problems. Figuratively speaking, the jury is still out and for many parents the risks of long term health problems and disfigurement are too great to forego treatment. That said, a study of the satisfaction of parents who chose to not treat their child's positional cephalic disorder revealed that in the majority of cases, they were content with their baby's head shape and developmental progress even years later.

Surgery is not recommended for positional cranial deformities, partially as a result of the lack of data regarding the lasting consequences of the condition. Additionally, in order to surgically remedy these deformities, complex procedures that involve the removal or resection of skull bone in areas that may lead to heavy bleeding makes surgery a dangerous option. If your doctor or treating physician suggests surgery for the treatment of a cephalic disorder in your baby, seek a second opinion before proceeding with treatment. The risks of surgery outweigh the potential benefits in the vast majority of cases, and the strain of major surgery on your child at such a young age is not usually advised unless his or her life is in danger.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Management of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction, or TMD, is a disorder which has a vast variety of symptoms and causations. Symptoms range from popping, clicking, locking of the jaw, reduced mouth opening, headaches, neck pain, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), or a number of related symptoms. Regarding causation, there is an exhaustive list, with the most common related to trauma (i.e. whiplash), microtrauma (i.e. poor occlusion/bite contributing to grinding), stress (psychological or physical), postural problems, nutrition, or hormonal variations.

The area of the TMJ is the area of the face that contributes to chewing, your occlusion (bite), and jaw movement. Therefore, TMD compromises jaw flexibility and may cause pain at rest or during common movements such as talking, chewing, or yawning. The first approaches towards addressing TMD should be conservative. One of the few ways of confronting TMD will be addressed in this article. Please contact an orthodontist or dentist to find out more information as needed per your condition.

In our practice, our treatment philosophy combines two phases of treatment. The initial phase incorporates splint appliance therapy combined with intensive physical medicine modalities (i.e. physical/massage therapists). A splint is a custom made mouthpiece that allows your facial muscles to relax, and many times, for your joint symptoms to dissipate. The use of this appliance also allows the doctor to better diagnose the causation of your symptoms by telling him or her, for example, if your symptoms are joint related versus muscle related. The second phase of treatment usually involves modification of the patient's occlusion (bite) via orthodontics , restorative dentistry, or any other necessary treatment depending on the patient's needs.

Outside of splint therapy and physical medicine, patients should also avoid extreme jaw movements like yawning or singing. Additionally, patients should chew softer foods and stay away from food requiring repetitive chewing or opening movements. In particular, avoid gum, biting into apples and large sub sandwiches, chewing ice, etc. Patients should also avoid keeping their mouths open for prolonged periods of time (i.e dental appointments)

Osteoarthritis Causes, Symptoms and Remedies That You Ought to Know

Osteoarthritis is not related with single disease but it is the result of variety of disorders. Finally it results in structural and functional failure of one or more joints. This condition includes the pain in entire joint, nearby muscles, underlying bone, ligament and joint lining. In osteoarthritis there is an advance loss of cartilage. Initially the cartilage tries to repair itself. It is related with degenerative joint disease which typically affects joints in the knees, hand, hip, feet, and spine. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis.

There are varieties of causes of arthritis. Some of its important risk factors are -

1. Women: Women get often affected by the problem of osteoarthritis in comparison to men.
2. Older age: Usually osteoarthritis affects the people of older age.
3. Obesity: Risk of osteoarthritis increases with the increase in weight. So, obese person are at more risk in developing the problem of osteoarthritis.
4. Joint injuries: Sometimes due to sports injury and repetitive stress, due to some occupation also it results into the problem of osteoarthritis.

Usually the symptoms of osteoarthritis begin gradually, but over the period the condition worsen. Though there are varieties of symptoms of osteoarthritis but some of its main symptoms -

1. Aching or stiffness.
2. Growth of bones on the margins of joints.
3. Occurring intermittently.
4. Pain worsens during activity and the condition improves in the rest condition.
5. When the joint is moved, it causes a great sensation.

Usually, osteoarthritis is diagnosed after proper physical examination and also the results of an x-rays. Sometimes the doctor finds a need to take a sample of synovial fluid from the joint. On the basis of proper diagnosis, the person suffering from the problem of osteoarthritis may go for treatment.

Though there is no permanent cure for osteoarthritis but proper treatment can reduce pain and also help in improving flexibility, joint movement, and quality of life. Some of the options for treatment include:

Modifications in lifestyle and also non drug approaches like weight loss, exercise and physical therapy.

Some pain reliever medications like corticosteroid injections, acetaminophen and hyaluronic acid injections.

For severe conditions of osteoarthritis, surgery is the last option. In this condition, none of the treatments show any improvement. So at last the person suffering from the problem of osteoarthritis has to go for joint surgery with the advice of the doctor.

Proper exercise, yoga, diet etc also works in reducing the pain of the patient suffering from osteoarthritis.

Natural Cure for Joint Pains and Osteoarthritis

If you are currently suffering from joint pains, osteoporosis and other joint-related diseases, then you are part of the 140-million statistics in the United States.

According to a study conducted by Maryland Medical Center, osteoarthritis or a condition wherein a joint cartilage degenerates is common among individuals reaching the age of 45 and this condition may continue to worsen as they age. While these conditions have become usual, the pains can be bothersome. This has also lead several patients to seek for natural cure for joint pains and osteoarthritis, such as Fast Joint Care+.

Fast Joint Care+ Product Details

Fast Joint Care+ is a revolution that relieves several types of joint pains as well as improves flexibility and considerable amount of stiffness in the joints.

Fast Joint Care+ features:

繚 Fast-acting effects. Relief can be felt in as fast as 7 days.

繚 Aside from relieving symptoms, it also helps improve over-all and long-term joint health.

繚 You only need to take one capsule a day.

繚 Its main ingredient, Natural Eggshell Membrane or NEM簧 is proven good supplement for the joints. This enables the body to build flexibility and mobility due to Glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate and other proteins essential to build and improve joint health.

The NEM簧 Advantage

The main advantage of NEM簧 is its source. It comes from natural eggshell membrane, which means natural cure for joint pains and osteoarthritis.

According to two clinical studies published in the US National Library of Medicine, NEM簧 is a possible natural supplement for those suffering from joint and connective tissue disorders. A 500mg NEM簧 can work as fast as one week, and when taken consistently within a month, significant improvements in joints can already be observed.

What NEM簧's components do:

The clinical studies on NEM簧's components also revealed that Glucosamine and chondroitin together with methylsulfonylmethane has been largely used as relief for joint pains brought along by osteoarthritis. Glucosamine and chondroitin are popular for their support for cartilage matrix.

Hyraulonic acid and fucose are components often lacking among osteoarthritis patients; complement the proper functioning of joint tissues and serve as cushion for cartilages.

Dermatan sulfate is reported to have important roles of holding collagen and supports the structure of cartilage tissues.

No side effects

Because of the natural ingredients found on Fast Joint Care+, there are no side effects and it is a natural cure for joint pain relief and osteoarthritis. And because it is derived from a natural source, a patient is also less prone to allergies.

Fast Joint Care+is a good food supplement especially for aging people and those who live a highly active lifestyle. When excessive force is put into the joints due to strenuous activities, the aging process of the tissues may also increase. Taking Fast Joint Care+ could be of relief, however, it is still best to consult your doctor before doing anything with your body.

Canine Degenerative Joint Disease and Inflammatory Joint Disease

Degenerative joint disease and inflammatory joint disease are each forms of arthritis. Degenerative joint disease usually has it's beginnings when the dog is still a puppy. A puppy needs a good diet to promote bone and skeletal health, as well as overall health. Puppies, mainly large breed, have many rapid growth spurts. The weight needs to be monitored during those growth spurts. If a puppy gains too much weight too fast, added stress is added to those joints. That added stress can become evident later in life. It can show hip dysplasia or knee dysplasia. It can also become evident with loose knee caps or osteochondritis. Osteochondritis is the development of flaps in the joints, which occurs when bone development is disturbed. Since cartilage has no nerves, the damage can progress with no symptoms until the joints are severely compromised. At that point, the synovial fluid will be thinned and no longer able to lubricate the joints. If the synovial fluid can not lubricate the joints, there is no protection for bone surfaces.

Degenerative joint disease can sometimes be halted or prevented if x-ray indicate a malformation early enough to be treated. If not, relief can be obtained by pain killers, low impact exercise, rest and diet. You must be very careful about over the counter pain medications for your pet. Some over-the-counter meds can upset the stomach and the bowels, causing diarrhea, diarrhea with bloody stool, diarrhea with mucous, severe abdominal pain and vomiting.

Inflammatory joint disease is caused by infection or bacteria. This can due to a tic bite. Inflammatory joint disease also has another category and must be treated differently. The second category is caused by an underlying immune disease.

Signs of degenerative joint disease would be reluctant to walk, the dog holds a limb up and does not bear weight on it while standing, or the dog has difficulty rising from a resting position. The signs of an inflamed joint are swelling or heat around a joint. There may be tenderness when the joint is palpated. There is a problem when the dog stops panting and holds it's breath when examined. The dog may suddenly turn it's head and snap when an inflamed joint is touched.

Are Your Headaches and Jaw Pains Really Symptoms of a Condition Called TMJ Disorder?

An estimated 10 million Americans have what is known as a TMJ disorder. TMJ disorder is actually a term used to describe a group of conditions centered on problems with the jawbone joint or TMJ (temporomandibular joint). Sometimes it is a painful condition ranging from minor discomfort to severe pain and there are many different body parts that can potentially be affected.

There are also several other terms used for this condition. There is TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder), TMJ syndrome, simply TMJ, and other names as well.

The groups of people most at risk of having the TMJ disorder are women between the ages of 30 and 50 who clench their jaw or grind their teeth in their sleep, have a metabolic or nutrition disorder, have a high stress level and have malocclusion (bad bite). Scientists are currently doing research to discover if there is a link between female hormones and TMJ disorder since this condition afflicts twice as many women as men.

The TMJ (jawbone joint) is made up of many different components including bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, a disc between the bones much like the discs in your spine, and other connective tissues. Your TMJ is also one of the most used joints in your body since it's used to eat and talk.

Besides headaches and a sore jaw another symptom of the TMJ disorder is when your jaw makes a clicking or popping noise as it opens or closes. Many people actually have this symptom but if there isn't any pain associated with it there isn't any reason for treatment. Even if there is a little pain associated with this symptom it will only be temporary or happen in cycles.

Some doctors believe the leading cause of this disorder is stress. They think that stress causes patients to grind their teeth in their sleep. Then, by grinding their teeth, they damage the TMJ and cause the disorder. Other doctors think patients will develop the disorder and the pain and discomfort will cause the patient to develop high stress levels.

The only thing for sure right now is; there is no established test for diagnosis, there are no established treatments that are proven, and there are no specialized training courses so there are no real TMJ specialists.

What are you supposed to do? Most medical experts advise that if you have TMJ symptoms you should find a dentist with experience treating patients with TMJ symptoms and work out a therapy plan that uses only conservative and reversible treatments. If any surgery or irreversible treatment such as occlusal therapy (grinding teeth down or using crowns or bridge work to permanently change your bite) is suggested you should get more opinions and try everything else first.

Speech Problems Are a Symptom of MS

Many people can go for years suffering from isolated problems that they pay no attention to without realizing that they are a symptom of MS. Many of the most common symptoms are similar to those that are related to other ailments and many of them occur so infrequently at first that they are easy to dismiss as having an off moment in the day. However in reality if a person begins to see any of these signs on a regular basis it is time to go see a physician before the disease can advance to a more serious level. However speech problems are a noticeable symptom of the beginnings of MS.

Speech disorders are a relatively common symptom of MS with approximately 25-40 percent of those affected by multiple sclerosis and show up mostly during periods of relapse and extreme fatigue. Speech is controlled by many different areas of the brain and brain stem, thus lesions can affect it frequently depending on the number and size of the lesions. These speech difficulties are known as dysarthria and can range from mild to ones severe enough to make it difficult for the person to be understood.

The most common speech impediment that is a symptom of MS is slurred speech this may not occur on all of the words a person is saying in the beginning but may worsen as time goes on. Scanned speech is when there are long gaps between words as if the person has to find each word in their memory before they can say them.

Many times the tonal quality of the person's voice changes and can become low in volume or they may appear to be talking through their nose. Out of all of these symptoms the most embarrassing one for most people is the problem of slurred speech; this can cause public embarrassment or even accusations of drunkenness.

The best way to handle this symptom of MS is to talk to a speech therapist; they can suggest many ways to help a person overcome many of these problems. These techniques will help a person learn different ways to strengthen the muscles that have been affected and how to slow down and articulate more carefully when speaking. Breathing control is an important part of speech and learning to control it can make overcoming these issues and save the person from the embarrassment that can make them shy.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Teeth Grinding Causes and Treatment

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, occurs when a person unknowingly grinds or clenches their teeth. Mild cases may not present any symptoms, but more severe cases can lead to damaged teeth, facial pain, disorders of the jaw, TMJ and other issues.

Teeth grinding causes may be physical or psychological. Doctors suspect that stress is particularly to blame because it disrupts a person's sleep. People may subconsciously grind their teeth in an effort to vent anger, anxiety and stress. Dislocated jaw joints or misaligned teeth are physical issues that can cause excessive grinding. Vitamin deficiencies can also lead to bruxism. Low levels of calcium in the body can cause involuntary movements and muscle contractions. A deficiency of magnesium can also cause muscle spasms leading to clenching and grinding.

There are a number of things people can do to stop teeth grinding. Techniques to relieve stress can be extremely helpful. These include relaxation methods, massages and meditation. To prevent damage from teeth grinding in sleep, mouth guards are the ideal product. There are also mouth guards available for use during the day, and they can be custom-made by a dentist. A dentist can correct any dental issues that may be causing the grinding. When grinding is caused by a nutrient deficiency, a multivitamin or single vitamin can be used to boost the level of nutrients in the body. For more severe cases where there is damage to the joints or jaw bones, surgery can be used to perform repairs on the joints and bones.

To prevent damage to the teeth, it is important to get some type of treatment as soon as possible. Anyone who has symptoms of teeth grinding can try at-home remedies and techniques. They are very effective at providing relief in mild cases. If symptoms persist, see a dentist for an exam.

Chondroitin Liquid - How it Affects Back Pain

Chondroitin along with glucosamine are the building blocks of normal cartilage and are best taken to maintain and promote healthy joints. Both substances also have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. These anti-inflammatory properties really play a part in reducing swelling in an around joints but not for immediate relief.

For those who suffer from back pain, chondroitin liquid along with glucosamine may not be the best answer. It is not suggested or intended to provide any type of immediate pain relief. Rather promote joint health in the long run. Both of these are naturally found in the human body but for some, what is found in the body is not enough. For example, a body builder will most definitely need to supplement his diet with this high potency liquid. A professional athlete who is constantly bending and putting pressure on joints would need to supplement his or her diet also. Basically anyone who is active with weights, as an athlete, has a predisposition for osteoarthritis, or is about 27 or older is suggested to add this to their normal diet as directed.

Unlike chondroitin, glucosamine is found in the exoskeleton of crabs, lobsters and shrimp so if you are allergic to shellfish, only take chondroitin. Chondroitin is found in the cartilage of other animals like in sharks and in cow cartilage. These are the most common sources.

Though these commonly known supplements are natural precursors to healthy joints, they will not work specifically to relieve back pain. However, they will help to build cartilage, and keep the joints in your back functioning smoothly. It is a misconception that they are the cure for back pain of many sorts.

Osteoarthritis in the spine can erode the cartilage around the spinal bones. Without the protective cartilage, the vertebrae can rub against each other, causing excruciating pain. For this type of pain, pain medication, an anti-inflammatory, and maybe even surgery are best. Chondroitin for example, will help to rebuild the lost lubrication and cartilage within and around the spine, which will help avoid the vertebrae rubbing together.

Bone spurs can also form around the spinal facet joints. Facet Joint Syndrome can also wear away the cartilage protecting the vertebral facet joints. Degeneration of the cartilage leads to increased friction in the spinal joints. This bone on bone contact is the reason for facet joint pain. Using glucosamine and chondroitin helps to re-build lost cartilage and increase the protective measures and liquids in the spinal joints. If you are suffering or know someone who is suffering from some type of back pain, though it will not hurt to take some G&C, it is not recommended as the sole source for pain relief.

4 Different Types of Bad Breath

Most people I talk to think bad breath, or halitosis, is a problem of the mouth. While this is routinely the case, bad breath has several different root causes. This article will talk about the 5 types of bad breath: tonsils, lungs, sinuses, and, of course, your mouth. By determining the cause, you can help treat bad breath and get rid of it!


Lung problems can induce halitosis in two key ways: disease or oral ingestion. A lung disease or disorder commonly comes with halitosis. Lung cancer, cystic fibrosis and asthma are just a few of the lung problems that may result in bad breath. Diseases that affect the blood will also create a foul odor of the mouth. This makes sense. Consider that anytime you exhale, you are releasing the carbon dioxide carried in your blood. This is why problems of the liver or kidney may also come with bad breath. Unfortunately, halitosis associated with an organ problem only go away when the organ problem goes away, but fortunately these types of conditions are quite rare.

Lung breath that can be controlled is caused by oral ingestion. This includes smoking and eating or drinking certain things. By inhaling tobacco and tar, you are causing "stinky lungs" that don't go away with a little mouthwash. Alcohol also induces halitosis because consuming it allows alcohol into the blood stream and is released in your breath over time. This is the reason why brushing after a few beers doesn't get rid of the bad taste or breath. This is the same reasoning for smelly foods like garlic and onions.


Sinusitis and post nasal drip can greatly worsen your breath. In both cases, some type of allergic infection or cold induces sinus problems. Sinusitis, or a sinus infection, simply means that your paranasal sinuses are inflamed. Paranasal sinuses are air cavities or spaces connected to your nose. This inflammation disallows mucus to circulate normally causing buildup that attracts bacteria. Post nasal drip occurs when excess mucus leaks in the back of your mouth. Both sinusitis and post nasal drip creates foul smells. We recommend using Nasal irrigators & saline nasal rinse.


This type of halitosis has to do with what's actually going on in your mouth. The cause could be excessive dry mouth, known as xerostomia, poor oral hygiene, drinking coffee or eating smelly foods. The best way to combat mouth-related halitosis is to practice great oral care, visiting the dentist and drinking plenty of water.


Infections in the tonsils can result in a bad breath condition. Often times, however, we are approached by people concerned about the possibility of tonsil-induced halitosis from tonsil stones or tonsilloliths. These so-called tonsilloliths are a natural secretion from natural crevices or crypts in the tonsils and they are not a stone. They are soft and look much like a cottage cheese curd but they do smell badly. It is easy to see why one might assume these might be related to their halitosis condition.

Everybody who has tonsils will get these and most of the time they are swallowed without realizing it, but they will not produce a halitosis condition. We have seen over a thousand patients since we have been treating this problem have their tonsils removed because they were convinced that these secretions from the tonsils were the cause of the breath problem. In every single case the secretions were halted because the tonsils were removed but the breath was unchanged in every case.If you have tonsil stones, you can use an oral irrigator to get rid of the problem.

Osteoarthritis in Dogs

Over time joint cartilage simply starts to degenerate, leading to loss of joint mobility and many times pain. Osteoarthritis in dogs is characterized by thinning of cartilage, buildup of fluid within the joint, and the formation of bony outgrowths around the joint. Joint degeneration can be brought about by a number of reasons factors, including: trauma, the body's own immune system, infection, or birth related disorders. Joint degeneration leads to inflammation, and abnormal joint function.

Signs of osteoarthritis in dogs include joint swelling, lameness, wasting away of muscle, and thickening and scarring of he joint membrane. Over time a large amount of joint damage can be done leading to the dreaded bone on bone grating sound. If X-rays are required they should reveal an increase in fluid within the joint, soft tissue swelling around the joint, soft tissue swelling around the joint, the formation of bony outgrowths, hardening and thickening of bone beneath the cartilage, and sometimes a narrowed joint space.

Treatment can include medication, surgery, or natural supplementation. Prescription drugs commonly prescribed are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain and inflammation. While these drugs are initially helpful they can sometimes cause gastrointestinal problems such as lack of appetite, vomiting, and inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Corticosteroids are another option for curbing inflammation, but they too may produce unwanted side effects if taken over a long period of time. You should consult your veterinarian to gain a better understanding of the risk involved with prescription dog osteoporosis medications.

On occasion surgery may be the only alternative, especially if the osteoporosis is in its advanced stages or if joint trauma is involved. Surgical options include joint fusion, joint replacement, cutting of the joint, and even amputation. The prognosis will depend on the severity of the joint disease and the location of the damaged joint.

Natural supplementation has been shown to be helpful in regenerating cartilage and bone without the unintended consequences. There are currently some excellent natural health options available which can be taken as stand alone remedies or in addition to conventional dog osteoarthritis medications. These alternative treatment options for dog osteoarthritis are definitely worth investigating further.

Other potentially helpful treatments for dog osteoarthritis are weight reduction, carefully monitored exercise regimes (only on soft surfaces), and use of joint heat therapy. Joint fluid modifiers may prove helpful in limiting further cartilage loss.

Arthritis: Causes and Treatment

Arthritis is defined as joint inflammation and is also used to describe dozens of other rheumatic diseases. The term 'Arthritis' covers osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, gout and fibromyalgia, to name but a few. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis and usually affects older people as it is a degenerative condition. However it can affect younger people, particularly if a joint has been injured or is deformed. There is no known cure for osteoarthritis but general wear and tear on the joints is a factor in developing the disease.

Osteoarthritis affects cartilage which covers bone between the joints and acts as a shock absorber. When the cartilage wears out bones rub against each other which can cause excruciating pain. Osteoarthritis attacks people in different ways. It generally develops slowly over the years but in some people it can develop extremely quickly. Sometimes the disease can be quite mild whereas in other cases it can produce a lot of pain and disability. Osteoarthritis frequently occurs in the hands, spine (including the neck and lower back) plus the knees and hips. Symptoms involve pain and stiffness in the joint. In the very early stages of the disease people may only suffer pain after exercise which quickly disappears after rest. As time goes on the pain can become constant and prove particularly debilitating. In its worst form, mobility may be lost. Fortunately, the majority of people are not crippled by osteoarthritis. When treated properly, millions of people live full and active lives for years.

Correct management of the disease is vital. Obviously, in order to treat the disease, doctors need to ascertain that symptoms are, in fact, those of osteoarthritis and not some other illness. In order to diagnose osteoarthritis, as there is no simple test which indicates the presence of the disease, doctors usually carry out several tests. These include a clinical history of the patient, a physical examination, X-rays and often MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging. If the test results prove positive, the doctor will then embark on a programme of pain management. This will vary from person to person, depending on the severity of the pain.

There are many treatments which help to control and lower the pain, plus helping to restore mobility. Good nutrition and rest are an essential part of the treatment in addition to exercise and weight loss. If people are carrying too much weight, then weight loss is crucial as osteoarthritis will aggravate weight-bearing joints such as the hips, knees and spine. Before taking up any form of exercise it is advisable for the patient to discuss the subject with a doctor. The wrong sort of exercise could result in more damage to the joints. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen are usually prescribed for pain relief. The use of heat cushions or ice packs will also often help to reduce pain. Never take alternative or herbal medicines for arthritis without a doctor's approval. When treating knee joints, a series of injections may be prescribed to reduce pain, under the careful supervision of a doctor. This treatment may not be suitable for all people suffering from painful knee joints. The decision will be made by a doctor. Finally, surgery may be an option in some cases, particularly those concerning the hip as well as other joints. Joint replacement techniques have improved tremendously over the years and, for people suffering constant pain, surgery can provide them with a new lease of life.