Saturday, April 27, 2013

Finding A Natural Bruxism Treatment And Natural TMJ Relief

Bruxism is a condition that refers to the clenching or grinding of the teeth. This can occur in the daytime or even at night while you are sleeping. This is a very distinctive condition, mainly due to the person not being aware it is happening until somebody informs them of the grinding noise. Bruxism not only wreaks havoc on your teeth, but it may also lead to TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder), muscle issues with your jaw, headaches, and depression.

Using Mouth Guards To Stop Teeth Grinding

Many people that suffer from bruxism utilize mouth guards for natural TMJ relief. The mouth guard helps to ensure that the teeth do not grind while they're asleep by using stints. Mouth guards are a very sensible option for natural TMJ relief because it does not involve any medical treatment. Although it is not very time consuming to get mouth guards, it does have its downfalls. The biggest downfall is that the clenching will proceed and the jaw issues will not go away.

Stop Breathing Through Your Nose

Another natural bruxism treatment is to keep your mouth busy with something else, like breathing. This will take some practice because your body is used to using your nose to breathe. Some people find it very uncomfortable, but it is a very effective method if you want to stop teeth grinding from occurring. You may even want to invest in nose plugs so you will be forced to breathe through your mouth while you are sleeping. This natural bruxism treatment might seem odd, but it has been known to produce great results because the body eventually "forgets" to clench the teeth.

Try Using Your Taste Buds

Many people rely on their taste buds to find relief from bruxism. They will bite or suck on something that will put an acidic or bitter taste in their mouth. This will stop their teeth from grinding and will make the tongue hard to move because of the bitterness. It is another strange natural bruxism treatment, however it might help you to get the clenching under control and stop teeth grinding.

It's Time To Find A Remedy

If you've been dealing with the torment of bruxism you should give these strategies a chance. They are a little difficult in the beginning, but they can help condition your body to stop clenching the jaw. Bruxism is just a small health issue (at first), but it can get to be very frustrating if no attempt is made to find a natural bruxism treatment. You deserve a good night's sleep, but having this condition may prevent you from that.

Your Pets and Arthritis

Arthritis is the term used in both human and veterinary medicine to describe any type of joint inflammation. Several types exist, including rheumatoid, degenerative, and infectious arthritis, each having a different cause. Infections, autoimmune diseases, trauma, and certain drugs, such as sulfa antibiotics, can promote joint inflammation.

The clinical signs associated with joint disease are basically the same. Stiffness or lameness involving one or more limbs is often the most obvious sign of a joint problem, usually aggravated by cold weather and/or exercise. New medications and surgical techniques have been introduced in the treatment of canine joint disease.

Osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease, describes the condition in which a cartilage defects or erosion occurs. It can be inherited but is usually a part of the normal aging process in older dogs. Infectious arthritis is caused by bacteria that gain entrance to the blood stream causing inflammation in one or more joints. Bacteria from the gums, periodontal disease, or Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease can cause damage to the cartilage and joint structure.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune-related disease seen frequently in toy breeds. Caused by an overactive immune system, antibodies coalesce within the joints causing inflammation. Fever and depression are also features of these diseases. Hip dysphasia refers to a hereditary arthritic condition which begins as a partial dislocation of the hip joints. In time the cartilages lining the joint surfaces wear down because of abnormal strain on the joints.

The key to lessoning the effects of any form of arthritis is early detection and treatment. Your veterinarian can prescribe antibiotics, immunosuppressive drugs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as vitamins and supplements, and even cortisone if needed. The real key is you and your observations to your veterinarian.

Unexplained Joint Pain

At some point in our lives, we get to experience many kinds of pains due to very many reasons. Joint pain is one of those pains and, at some point there is no reason why it affects us in the first place. This kind of pain is usually said to be unexplained joint pain. At first, we are not alarmed by unexplained joint pain and, most of the times, the pain goes away even without the need for medication.

When you suffer from this kind of pain, you will rule out the diseases that cause the condition like arthritis. This is when you do not have the condition. The only way to rule out other diseases is to visit your health provider. Some people rule out these diseases without any tangible evidence. Make sure you visit a doctor to undertake thorough check up. Another cause of joint pain can be a disease like rheumatism.

If you have not suffered from any accident or physical trauma then you find you have joint pains, your condition will be branded as unexplained joint pain when you have no diseases as mentioned earlier. The first thing you do when you have unexplained joint pain is to have a doctor examine you thoroughly. You will give an account of what you have been up to so that the cause can be known. Total recovery will come after there is some known cause of the problem.

Usually, when a doctor digs deeper into the tests, there are all sorts of causes that come up and they include conditions like influenza and even the auto immune diseases like lupus. You are advised to never treat any symptom you do not understand. It does not matter whether you will use anti inflammatory drugs. They may play the role of hiding the real cause and this will continue to devastate you.

Another condition that is bound to surprise you is an incipient form of arthritis. The doctor will put you on medication to avoid damage of cartilage. If the cartridges are harmed, your condition will be pretty hard to salvage with drugs. You might be forced to go for surgery in the end and there are no guarantees.

Never combine medications unless the doctor has stated so this is because you will be making a recipe for disaster if the drugs are not compatible with each other. For example, never use diuretics and certain analgesic drugs.

Myofascial Pain Syndrome Of the Low Back and Hips

Myofascial pain syndrome of the low back and hips is caused by pain producing "trigger points"(TrP) in the gluteus medius muscle. Some patients will refer this as "a pain in the butt". It is important to stress that myofascial pain syndrome can affect any muscle in the body, and in any area of the body. A common area affected can be in the upper back over the shoulder blade (scapula) area that is caused by trigger points in the trapezius muscle. The myofascial pain syndrome can even affect the side of the face, causing pain in the jaw, commonly affecting the tempero-mandibular joint TMJ).

For now we will focus on the low back and hip myofascial pain syndrome. To understand what causes the myofascial pain syndrome, we need to understand what causes it. The pain is caused by nodules (knots) causing areas of irritation in the muscle or fascia associated with the muscle. These trigger points (TrP) are areas of irritation within extremely tight bands of muscle and or fascia.

These irritations are caused by various traumas, such as engaging in sports, aerobic exercises, working out with weights and sudden falls. Another cause can be standing on one leg for extended periods of time without changing positions. This causes the muscles of the leg you are standing on to be become tired making them work harder so that they go into spasm. This spasm sets up areas of irritation that become trigger points. Another precipitant can be when the muscle becomes chilled. The chilling of a muscle can cause it to go into spasm, resulting in the same phenonemen that will result in trigger points.

One of the muscles that are very often affected in this manor is the gluteus medius. This muscle starts at the top of the ilium (hip bone) and is attached to the outside head of the thigh bone (femur). The function of this muscle is mainly to stabilize and keep the pelvis level while the individual is walking. This prevents the pelvis from dropping when raising the foot on the opposite side.

Pains are not always localized at the trigger point area. These trigger points can also cause radiating pain in surrounding tissues, or radiate into areas further from the trigger point site. Pains in the buttock, back of the thigh, the sacral area (the large triangular bone between the hips), and up into the side of the lumbar spine, are commonly affected sites.

Structural instability of the lower spine and pelvis is the foremost cause for the myofascial syndrome. When there is a tilt or rotation of the pelvis and/ or a shortness of one of the legs, will set up the weakness that that makes the individual more prone to injuries. Once being prone to this type of situation produces injuries while engaging in sports, aerobic exercise, weight lifting, running, golf, tennis, or even sitting in a slumped position. Even lying on the affected side for a length of time can be a causative factor. This causes the gluteus medius muscle to become shortened and loose it's flexibility. It is the muscles loss of flexibility that makes it more prone to injury, and set up one or more trigger points within that muscle.

The pains, once they occur can last for extended periods of time, or there can be remissions that can last from hours to days, or even longer. The patient sustaining a myofascial pain syndrome may be prone to future episodes even after the initial occurrence is resolved, especially if there is a spinal imbalance unless it is properly diagnosed and treated. A spinal imbalance can best be diagnosed and treated by a Chiropractor. The Chiropractor will not only correct the spinal instability, but will treat the primary pain symptoms so as to give the patient the needed relief from pain.

The patient must also take an active part in their treatment if they wish to lessen the pain and length of disability. Home health care by the patient will determine how soon they will be pain free and able to get back to their normal daily activities. At first they should curtail any and all strenuous sports, exercise, and the more difficult household chores, such cleaning windows, mopping floors, vacuuming, ironing, etc. Applying heat (preferably moist), 3 or 4 times daily for 20 minutes will soothe and relax the muscles. After the heat, rub in a good analgesic gel.

As the symptoms subside, the degree of activities can be increased. If, when they are increased, pain reoccurs or increases, then that particular activity should be stopped. When the individual is pain free, they then can resume their normal daily activities. At this point an exercise should be started. Exercise is the single most important component in the strengthening of the abdominal and low back muscles. Strengthening these muscles will help stabilize the back and prevent future episodes of this debilitating syndrome.

The type of exercise program must be carefully selected. A wrong type of program can reactivate the pain. A no impact exercise program would be best. and is excellent for strengthening the abdominal and back muscles. The program picked, even though it is a no impact program, it still gives you a total body workout. The exercise should permit the individual to set their own pace and set their goals higher as their muscles become stronger and their strength increases. With the increase of strength will come a more flexible physique that will enable the individual to live a vigorous and a more vital lifestyle!

Obesity Causes Pain in the Back

It is a well known fact that overweight is a major risk factor for a number of noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders and some cancers. The risk for these noncommunicable diseases increases, with the increase in BMI (Body Mass Index). But not many people know that overweight can also cause people pain in the back.

Recently, researchers at The University of Hong Kong found that being overweight and obese significantly contributes to the development of disc degeneration. Degeneration of the joints of the spine, known as the intervertebral discs, is one of the major causes of low back pain. Traditionally, it is believed that it occurs with only aging.

Two studies for adults, one cross-section, one time series, were conducted on this issue.

The cross-sectional one was the study of adults with age 21 or above. A total of 2,599 individuals (1,040 men and 1,559 women with mean age of 42) were assessed with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Participants were from diverse social and economic backgrounds and were recruited regardless of whether they had lower back pain or not.

After the assessment, it was found that 73 per cent of them had disc degeneration with men (76%) having a significantly higher prevalence of degeneration than women (71%). Increasing age was also found to increase its prevalence.

Of those who had disc degeneration, 7 per cent were underweight, 48 per cent in the normal weight range, 36 per cent overweight and 9 per cent were obese.

Overweight and obese individuals were found to have a greater extent and severity of disc degeneration in comparison to those individuals of normal weight or underweight.

"Our research confirms that with elevated BMI, there is a significant increase in the extent and global severity of disc degeneration. In fact, its end-stage with narrowing of the disc space was more pronounced in obese individuals," said Dr. Samartzis, one of the team leaders of this study.

In another study, 129 working middle-aged men, representing three occupations (machine drivers, construction carpenters and office workers), were recruited. The selection was based on the age (40-45) and place of residence. MRI images of the lumbar spines were obtained two times, one at baseline and another at 4 years later (follow up stage).

In this study, besides measuring their current weight, the participants' weight at age 25, their height, history of car driving, smoking, and back injuries were also obtained.

The findings of the study showed that persistent overweight (with BMI ≥25 kg/m2 at the age of 25 and at the current age) associated strongly with risk of increased number of lumbar disc degeneration.

Overweight at young age was a stronger predictor of an increase in the number of degenerated discs during follow-up than overweight in middle age.

Thus it can be concluded that overweight with BMI above 25 kg/m2 increases the risk of lumbar disc degeneration.

This is the case for adults. As more children are now becoming overweight, how detrimental would this also affect their lumbar spine?

Another cross-sectional study was on adolescents who were 13-20 years of age. The sample size was 83.

It was found that 35 per cent of them had disc degeneration. The majority (93%) of these adolescents with disc degeneration experienced low back pain and decreased physical function.

More importantly, being overweight in adolescence triples the likelihood of having disc degeneration and developing more severe forms of the condition than those with normal weight. Individuals with juvenile disc degeneration had an increased prevalence and greater intensity of low back pain and/or sciatica and hence greater physical disability.

Also, the development of disc degeneration in young age may potentially contribute to its greater severity early on in life and possibly a life-time of low back pain episodes.

Disc degeneration is irreversible and may cause a lot of long-term suffering and psychological distress for patients. Serious low back pain may prohibit the patients to maintain normal work and social life. And so it could lead to a serious need for back surgery.

Because of more weight, physical loading on the disc and/or a chronic low-grade inflammation from the fat cells may play a role in its degeneration, Dr. Samartzis explained.

Thus there is a need for the overweight people to employ successful weight loss strategies to prevent suffering from these diseases.

A Healthy Back Starts With Your Feet

Contrary to popular belief, many people with foot problems do not have any pain in their feet. Instead, the area of pain is transferred up the body, to the knees, hips, lower back, or even neck. An example of this is one whose feet roll inward, which causes their pelvis to jut forward. This, in turn, causes the upper back to "hump" and the head to move forward, all in an attempt to keep the body balanced. In fact, 80% of people over forty years of age experience bodily distortions directly resulting from supinated (rolled out) or pronated (rolled in) feet. The most common symptom of this problem is not pain, but rather, a general feeling of fatigue.

Your feet must be flexible enough to adapt to changes in the terrain, yet rigid enough to provide solid propulsion when walking. Problems arise when there is too little or too much mobility in the foot and ankle. Visual signs that the foot and ankle are causing problems include: bowing in of the Achilles tendon, lateral heel wear on shoes, patellar (kneecap) malpositioning, weak psoas (hip flexor) muscle, and anterior pelvic tilt.

Orthotics can help stabilize your feet and ankles, thereby alleviating the associated pains. Orthotics have been shown to help the following conditions: excessive pronation, arch pain, bunions, plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, Morton's neuromas, shin splints, Achilles and patellar tendonitis, patellofemoral syndrome, iliotibial band syndrome, hip bursitis, hamstring strains and spasms, stress fractures, ankle sprains, chondromalacia patella, knee collateral ligament injury, vertebral subluxations, lower back pain, leg length inequality, sciatica, spinal instability, lumbosacral strain, lumbosacral facet joint jamming, L4/L5/S1 disc degeneration, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, cervical muscle spasm, and pelvic rotation.

Besides orthotics, wearing properly fitted shoes is very important for foot health. This is especially important for women, as they are four times more likely to have foot problems due to the type of shoes they wear. Shoes have been shown to be the principle cause of forefoot disorders in women, and 88% of women wear shoes that are too small for their feet. Proper footwear for the proper activity reduces fatigue because the bone alignment is correct.

When buying shoes, pay attention to the width and arches of the shoe as well as the length. Each type of shoe has a particular arch to support the movements the foot needs for that activity. Alternate shoes daily and with each activity. All fitting should be done weight bearing. You should have your feet measured by a qualified professional occasionally, as our foot size tends to change with age. When standing in a shoe, there should be three-eighths to one-half inch space from the longest toe (which is not necessarily the big toe) to the front of the shoe. The toe box must be wide, high, and long enough to allow for toe movement. If it is too narrow, the toes will be crowded and calluses will form. If it is too short, the shoe will cause nail problems and jammed toes. Any shoe that does not have laces is too tight; as it needs to be so to prevent the shoe from falling off, so avoid these if at all possible. If, after some time of wear, your shoes show a "pushed over" vamp (the lace area), it is probable that you have biomechanical foot problems.

If you have back pain and answer "yes" to any of the following questions, your pain may be related to problems in your feet:

1. Do you stand or walk on hard surfaces more than four hours per day?

2. Do you regularly participate in a physical sport?

3. Are you forty years of age or older?

4. Have you had a previous knee, back or neck injury?

5. Do your shoes wear unevenly?

6. Do you have joint pain while standing, walking, or running?

7. Is one of your legs shorter than the other?

8. Do you have "knock knees" or "bow legs"?

9. Do you have any obvious foot problems, such as bunions, corns, or flat feet?

10. Do your feet toe out when you are walking?

Whether a foot tends to pronate or supinate, these chronic, repetitive forces are transmitted along the kinetic chain to the knees, hips, back, and neck. To stabilize the feet, well-fitted shoes and custom-made orthotics are necessary. By providing proper support for each phase gait, these will ensure balanced function throughout the musculoskeletal system.

References:Austin, William M, DC, CCSP, CCRD. "Repetitive Microtraumas and Chronic Low Back Pain." Practical Research Studies, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2003. Charette, Mark N, DC. "Every Shoe Has a Story to Tell." Orthopedic Notes, 2003. Danchik, John J, DC, FICC, CCSP. "Posture Starts From the Ground Up." Orthopedic Notes, 2003. Greenawalt, Kent S. "Serial Distortion: It's Effect on the Patient." Orthopedic Notes. Hyland, John K., DC, DACBR, DABCO, CSCS. "Foot Flexibility and Hypermobility." Practical Research Studies, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2004. "Tips on Foot Care from Faculty Doctors at Northwestern Health Sciences University." Northwestern Natural Health News Service, 2003.

Friday, April 26, 2013

7 Secret Weapons to Win the War of Arthritis Inflammation and Pain

Arthritis is the #1 cause of disability in America today, impacting approximately seven million people. It is now one of the most prevalent chronic health problems.

The estimated annual costs of arthritis to Americans are $15 billion in direct medical costs and $49 billion in indirect costs such as lost wages. Nearly 40 million Americans have arthritis, with 24 million of them being under 65 years old. Projected increase of arthritis by 2020 is 60 million in the U.S. alone.

With over a hundred variations of arthritis, the most common one is osteoarthritis. It is a degenerative joint disease which is related to aging. The deteriorated cartilage that covered the ends of the bone in the joint cause's loss of movement as the bone rubs against bone. It causes the bones to change shape, the muscles to weaken and the reflexes to slow.

Osteoarthritis most commonly occurs in the weight-bearing joints. Severe trauma to a joint can precipitate arthritis, sometimes years after the initial injury. Painkillers are effective for a while, but when the drugs no longer ease the pain some physicians recommend surgery. Americans undergo lower back surgery, and knee and hip replacement surgery mostly because of osteoarthritis.

Another common arthritis known as rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. In autoimmune disease, the body's immune system actually attacks its own tissue. The joints and cartilage are normally surrounded by protective tissue called synovium which produces a fluid that nourishes and lubricates the bones and cartilage.

A rheumatoid arthritic patient's immune system produces white blood cells that attack the synovium. This is what causes the inflammation, and painful swollen joints. When the inflamed synovium attacks the joint, bone, and cartilage it causes the muscles around the joint to become too weak to support it properly. Therefore chronic inflammation is the culprit that may eventually cause damage to the cartilage and bone.

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most serious and disabling types of arthritis. Severe joint pain, fatigue fever, and inflammation are the first symptoms most people notice. In more serious cases, the autoimmune response involves other areas of the body such as the heart, lungs, kidney or liver.

Gout is characterized by monosodium uric crystals in the joints or tissue. It generally occurs in patients 30 to 50 years old after many years of eating an over rich diet of purine foods. When the kidneys can not eliminate the over production of uric acid from the body, levels build up causing the needle like crystals to form on the joints.

This painful disease mostly attacks small joints. The frequency of subsequent acute attacks of gout usually increases over time. A diet of fatty protein rich foods, excessive alcohol consumption, and obesity are contributing factors of gout attacks.

It is important that you take an active role in the prevention and treatment of joint damage. There are many steps you can take to lower your risk for developing arthritis, as well as natural remedies to help reduce inflammation, and other symptoms.

The conventional treatment includes the use of painkillers, and anti-inflammatory drugs. While these drugs are often helpful in alleviating the pain, they may accelerate the degeneration of articular surfaces thereby destroying the body's ability to repair cartilage. Several thousand patients are admitted to hospitals every year for complications associated with anti-inflammatory medications.

Now that you understand that controlling inflammation is the biggest step in combating arthritis- here are my secret arthritis weapons:

1. Foods to avoid- eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, wheat, corn, beef, pork, eggs, dairy, fried foods, sugar products, refined carbohydrates and foods high in gluten which tends to intensify inflammation.

2. Foods to eat- foods high in sulfur such as asparagus, cabbage, garlic, and onions which may help repair cartilage and bone. Also include fish, flax (omega-3 fatty acids), and borage oil (omega-6 fatty acids) which can help decrease inflammation.

3. Multivitamin- including antioxidants such as vitamin E, C, A, selenium, and zinc because we no longer get optimum amounts from our daily diet to fight free radical attacks on the joints.

4. Exercise- beneficial in helping to reduce stiffness, and maintain an optimum weight to help ease the pressure on those weight bearing joints.

5. Celery seed- this wonderful natural spice contains nearly two dozen anti-inflammatory compounds known for decreasing inflammation.

6. Glucosamine supplement- the joints stop producing this necessary substance that helps alleviate stiffness.

7. Chondroitin supplement- the body stops producing chrondocytes which help maintain healthy joints.

Incorporate these 7 non-biochemical (natural) weapons into the battlefield, and the war against arthritis will be much more attainable- naturally.

Back Pain Treatment Tips For Acute and Chronic Back Pain

According to the Back Association of Canada (BAG), a Toronto-based foundation established by a group of back pain sufferers and health care professionals, finding an effective program of back pain treatment in most cases calls only for knowledge of the general category (or categories) of problem to be known. "Narrowing the problem down further doesn't usually make a whole lot of difference since the conservative treatment for each category is more or less the same," according to BAG'S Web site, which lists the five main causes of pain as:

  1. Sprains and strains of the muscles, ligaments, and tendons

  2. Disk problems

  3. Facet joint problems

  4. Osteoarthritis (also called degenerative arthritis, or degenerative joint disease, because it's related to age-related changes in the bones and joints)

  5. Spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal canal that can develop because of a congenital defect or as a result of osteoarthritis.

Chronic or Acute?

Not only can it be difficult to tell where the back pain is coming from - it can even be hard to tell whether the pain is acute or chronic, and that can affect treatment.

In general, acute pain is the initial pain people feel after an injury. In most cases, the body will begin healing itself, and the patient's job is simply to relieve the pain and keep the injured area safe until fully recovered. If the pain lasts longer than expected - which, for back pain, is usually considered to be about six weeks at most - or is due to an ongoing condition such as arthritis, it is considered chronic, and a different treatment plan comes into play.

Although chronic back pain is, in most cases, not directly caused by injury, the source of the pain can bring about an injury that then appears to be the culprit. For instance, poor muscle tone deprives the spine of necessary support, puts stress upon the joints, and leaves the back more susceptible to injury.

Some schools of thought hold that chronic pain is the end of a chain of nervous system events that starts in the brain and ends with pain in the back. In its most basic form, for instance, emotional stress can lead to physical muscle tension, which can lead to pain (and injury, which, in our stressed state, we're more likely to become victim to). Because the nervous system is connected to the mind and the emotions, the theory goes, healing is best directed there.

Categorizing your pain as acute or chronic can be a subjective call. Are those intermittent episodes of acute pain you're experiencing, or is it a series of recurrent episodes stemming from the same source? Does the pain never seem to leave, becoming only relatively better and worse?

Jaw Exercises For TMJ - Find Relief For Your TMJ Pain

TMJ is one of the most difficult conditions to deal with as it has no known causes or treatments. If you think you have TMJ, which is a condition that affects the joints of the jaw, then you need to work with your doctor and a TMJ specialist to try and find a way to manage the symptoms while looking for an underlying cause to the disorder. Some of the most common symptoms of TMJ are swelling and tightness of the affected joint, pain, an "off" bite, dislocation of the jaw joint and others. If you are experiencing these symptoms, the first thing you should do is talk with your doctor to see if there is something else going on that could be causing the TMJ and find a way to treat the underlying condition. If there isn't one, then you should meet with a specialist to try and find a way to treat your specific case and prevent the symptoms from coming back.

Of the treatments available are jaw exercises, which are supposed to strength your jaw and help to avoid the symptoms from coming back. You can press your tongue to the roof of your mouth and open your mouth as wide as you can while breathing deeply. This should help to strengthen your jaw to prevent the symptoms from coming back. You can also press one finger against each of your jaw joints carefully while moving your jaw open and closed. This can help to relocate your jaw to where it should naturally be and relieve the pain and pressure associated with the dislocation and the strain it causes on the jaw.

If you are experiencing the pain and discomfort of TMJ symptoms, you should consider using these jaw exercises for TMJ to help relieve them. TMJ is a difficult condition to deal with, but with the right treatment and a plan of action in place to help prevent the symptoms of TMJ in the first place. You can find relief with the right plan and a good doctor.

Importance of Pain Medication For Animals

Animals are "stoics" when it comes to pain; their instinct is to hide pain, infirmity or even dying. This legacy is also evident in your favorite dogs and cats. In the wild, a sickly or informed animal is vulnerable to all kinds of attacks so instinctively, it acts as if there is nothing wrong or it keeps out of sight. Animals feel and are subjected to pain as much as human beings do. As a pet owner, you should know all about the importance of pain medication for animals.

You are most likely to notice when your pets experienced pain than veterinarian's observation because you are more attuned and have bonded with them. Pain experienced can be temporary or persistent; some acute or sudden pain can be caused by surgery or sudden damage of major organ, bone or muscles. Dysplasia, arthritis of the spine and joint instability are the main causes of pain in older animals.

Pet owners must learn the first line of defense in dealing with animal's chronic pain:

* Your pets must be examined and diagnosed by a veterinarian.

* Diet for your pets must be grain-free and low in carbohydrates.

* Lower or reduce the weight of your pet, through diet and exercise.

* Imbibed with glucosamine/chondroiton supplementation.

* Include fish oil and Vitamin E supplement in the diet.

* Also include MSM, SAM-e, and Celyl Myristolaete.

* Appropriate homeopathic remedies maybe used.

* Anti-inflammatory medication will help relieve pain.

* Try using acupuncture, if feasible.

* You can also try using injectible glucosamine (adequin) with your veterinarian's direction.

Pain medication used for dogs, cats and other pets must be both safe and effective. The CVM (FDA Center for Veterinarian Medicine) regulates medication used in animals. It has given its seal of approval to the use of NSAIDs (non-steroidal inflammatory drugs) in dog suffering pain due to degenerative joint disease (osteoporosis) or with pain after surgery. These medications include: etogesic (etodolac), rimadly (carprofen), metacam (meloxicam), zubrin (tepoxalin), previcox (ferocoxib) and novax (generic rimadly).

NSAIDs help to control signs of arthritis which includes: inflammation, swelling, stiffness and join pain. NSAIDs work by blocking the production of prostaglandins which is the body chemical that causes inflammation. FDA considers NSADs as safe and effective when used following closely the instructions in the label and that pet owners be strictly on the look-out for adverse reaction of the drug.

If not properly administered, NSAIDs can give adverse effects as: vomiting, loss of appetite, depression, lethargy and diarrhea. Its serious side effects are: gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcers, perforations, kidney damage and liver problem. When your dog shows adverse signs, get the help of a veterinarian at once.

These drugs are only use with the vets' knowledge, given only when necessary and it is only taken for a day or two. It must be administered according to the specified dosage and frequency. The use differs from dog to dog.

It is difficult to administer oral medication to cats since they do not metabolize any drug so there are few options for them.

Pet owners must consider the importance of pain medication for animals, understand its uses and seek the advice for your veterinarian.

Chakras - Symptoms of Imbalance and How to Heal - Includes 8th Chakra

What are Chakras?

Chakra is a Sanskrit term meaning "spinning wheel of energy," or "wheel of light." Your chakras are the map or energetic blueprint for your physical BodyMind. These Energy Centers or Chakras connect with one another through circuits or streams of life force energy within your BodyMind. There are thousands of chakras throughout your body.

Chakra balancing practices assist you in clearing blockages from deep within the subconscious levels of your energy system. A regular practice of chakra attunements is a journey into self discovery. With practice you will increase the amplitude for each of your Chakras. Increased amplitude will greatly enhance your vital life force energy and positively impact your health and longevity. Most importantly through regular attunements you will begin to realize your highest Divine potential.

What is Kundalini? The name Yogis gave to awakening to your full potential. Kundalini is depicted as a snake, coiled and slumbering at your base chakra, the Sushumna Nadi. Nadi is another word used for chakra.

Pranic or Rainbow Light Chakra Breathing

Direct aroma inhalation using Pranic or Rainbow Light Chakra Breathing is one of the most effective ways to benefit from aromatherapy for balancing the chakras.

Sit comfortably with your spine erect, close your eyes and begin to focus your attention at the chakra you are balancing. Inhale your oil or blend, slowly allow your lungs to fill with oxygen. Your diaphragm is the organ for processing emotions, so breathing is an essential tool for releasing old, stagnant emotion.

Feel and hear your breath moving in and out at the back of your throat as you visualize Prana entering through your crown chakra to circulate down through your kundalini* channel to nourish your chakra. See your chakra as a beautiful whirling ball of colored light.

Visualize the air you breathe being filled with Pranic or Rainbow light, as it fills your lungs and is delivered to your chakra. As you exhale see any toxic residue, like brownish-grey smoke, leave your chakra. Allow any memories, thoughts or emotions, to surface and leave you. Conclude by seeing your chakra as clear, vibrantly alive and healthy.


1st Chakra (Muladhara or Base) ~ EARTH ~ DARK RED ~ STABILITY & SECURITY

The First Chakra is situated at your perineum, between the genitals and anus. The flowering of this chakra is the mature person who walks steadily towards their destiny.

Body Parts: central nervous systems, adrenals, lymph system, male reproduction, prostate, large intestines, coccyx, sacrum, bones, teeth, nails, legs, arms

AROMATHERAPY: Sweet, warm, earthy, regulator or restorative aromas like Vetiver (vetiveria zizanoides), Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum ssp serotinum), Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha), Frankincense (Boswelia fereana), Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata), Patchouli (Pogostemon patchouli).

Physical imbalance: sciatica, constipation, ovarian, uterine, prostate, varicose vein, rectal cancer, immune disorders, hemorrhoid conditions.

Emotional blockage: Disconnection community, family, or yourself. Sense of abandonment gives rise to frustration, blocked passion, emotional instability, self indulgence, insecurity, grief, loss, depression, conflict between attachment and letting go.

Affirmation: "I am one with all that is. I am safe. I am loved."


2nd Chakra (Sexual/Spleen) ~ WATER ~ ROSE PINK ORANGE ~ CREATIVITY

The Second Chakra is situated at the base of your lumbar spine, halfway between your navel and pubic bone. Water's power is fluid, yet unyielding - the power to overcome obstacles and act with integrity.

Body Parts: Female reproductive organs, bladder, large intestines, pelvis, buttocks, 3rd lumbar to sacrum

AROMATHERAPY: Sweet, fluid, citrus, aphrodisiac, regulator or restorative aromas like Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata), Rose (Rosa damascena), Rose Geranium (Pelargonium roseum), Patchouli (Pogostemon patchouli), Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum ssp serotinum), Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium), Bergamot (Citrus bergamia), Tangerine (Citrus reticulata), Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis).

Physical imbalance: lumbar tension, low back and pelvic pain, sciatica, kidney and bladder infections, immune disorders, chronic fatigue, impotence, frigidity, irritable bowel, cancer and diabetes, addictions.

Emotional blockage: anxiety, fear, worry, power struggles, financial and work problems, emotional boundary issues, jealousy, mistrust.

Affirmation: "I love and honor myself and all of life."


3rd Chakra Manipura (Solar Plexus) ~ FIRE ~ EMERALD GREEN ~ DESIRE
Your Third Chakra is located just above your navel - power of transformation. In balance you trust yourself and take full responsibility for your life.

Body Parts: Diaphragm, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, spleen, kidney, adrenals, stomach, small intestines, rib cage, lower thoracic to 2nd lumbar

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, earthy, sour, woody, regulator or restorative aromas like Sandalwood (Santalum album), Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha), Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum ssp serotinum), Atlas Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica), Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata), Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium), Lemon (Citrus limonum).

Physical imbalance: Respiratory, Immune, Hormonal and Digestive Systems, Ulcers, Gallstones, Heartburn, Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Tumors, Anorexia, Bulimia, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Arthritis.

Emotional blockage: victimization, need for approval, stress, anger, frustration, fear of responsibility, guilt, worry, doubt, commitment issues.

Affirmation: "I am the powerful creator of my reality and I love it."


4th Chakra Anahata (Heart) ~ AIR ~ SUN GOLD ~ COMPASSION
The Fourth Chakra is located just behind your heart - power of movement. This chakra governs your communication systems, especially the nervous system.

Body Parts: Heart, circulation, lungs, rib cage, thoracic spine, thymus, breasts, esophagus, shares with the 5th chakra - arms, shoulders, hands

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, citrus, woody, nervine, anti-depressant, regulator or restorative aromas like Rose (Rosa damascena), Frankincense (Boswelia fereana), Sandalwood (Santalum album), Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi), Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata), Vetiver (vetiveria zizanoides) Bergamot (Citrus bergamia), Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum ssp serotinum), Neroli (Citrus aurantium), Rose Geranium (Pelargonium roseum)

Physical imbalance: Heart disease, Asthma, Lung and Breast Cancer, Thoracic spine, Pneumonia, Hypertension, Stroke, Angina, Arthritis

Emotional blockage: insensitivity, emotionally closed, passivity, depression, lack of forgiveness, loss, grief

Affirmation: "I am unconditionally loving and accepting."


5th Chakra Visuddha (Throat) ~ SAPPHIRE BLUE ~ INTENTION TO CREATE
The Fifth Chakra is located at the back of your throat - power of creativity and self expression.
Body Parts: Mouth, teeth, gums, trachea, larynx, cervical spine, thyroid gland, shares shoulders, arms, hands and esophagus with 4th chakra)

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, woody, citrus, regulator, restorative aromas of Frankincense (Boswelia fereana), Sandalwood (Santalum album), Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha), Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi), Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium), Lavender (Lavendula augustifolia), Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis), Bergamot (Citrus bergamia), Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum ssp serotinum).

Related physical imbalance include: throat, voice, gum, tooth problems, TMJ , thyroid conditions, catching the flu or colds, chronic infections, allergic reactions.

Emotional blockage: stagnation, obsession, lack of expression, depression, indecision, fears and phobias.

Affirmation: "I am the author of my life. The power of choice is mine."


6th Chakra Ajna (Brow or 3rd Eye) ~ DEEP INDIGO BLUE ~ INTUITION

The Sixth Chakra is located at your forehead, the seat of your Divine Consciousness.

BODY PARTS: Brain and nervous system, pituitary and pineal glands, eyes, ears, nose

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, spicy, citrus, nerving, regulator, restorative aromas like Spikenard (Nardostachys atamans), Petitgrain (Citrus uranium), Lavender (Lavendula august folia), Neroli (Citrus uranium), Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata), Bergamot (Citrus bergamia), Frankincense (Boswelia fereana), Sandalwood (Santalum album), Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha), Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), Lemon (Citrus limonum).

Related physical imbalance include: Headache, fuzzy thinking, brain tumors, strokes, blindness, deafness, seizures, learning disabilities, spinal problems, panic, depression

Emotional blockage: fears, phobias, lack of focus and discipline, lacking judgment, confusion, nightmares, schizophrenia

Affirmation: "It is safe for me to see the truth."


7th Chakra Sahasrara (Crown) ~ WHITE VIOLET ~ SPIRIT CONNECTION

The Seventh Chakra is located at the crown of your head - the power of the infinite.
Body Parts: Cranium, top of head

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, citrus, regulator, restorative aromas like Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata), Rose (Rosa damascena), Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi), Frankincense (Boswelia fereana), Lavender (Lavendula augustifolia ), German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) Neroli (Citrus aurantium), Bergamot (Citrus bergamia), Sandalwood (Santalum album), Lemon (Citrus limonum).

Emotional blockage: loss of meaning, or purpose, loss of connection with the divine, closed minded, worry, depression

Physical imbalance: Musculo-skeletal system disease, skin disorders, divine discontent, depression, chronic exhaustion, hypersensitivity to light, sound and environmental stimulus.

Affirmation: "I am one with the present moment."


8th Chakra Universal Heart ~ AQUA TURQUOISE ~ DIVINE LOVE

The Eighth Chakra is located behind your manubrium, below the suprasternal notch - power of the Divine Love.

Body Parts: Heart, thymus gland, manubrium

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, restorative aromas Rose (Rosa damascena), Neroli (Citrus aurantium).

Emotional blockage: Disassociation, numbness

Physical imbalance: Mysterious, non-responding illnesses

Affirmation: "I am one within the Universal Heart."

PKD and Back Pain

Back pain is the most common pain symptom reported by people with polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Finding ways to manage the pain associated with this disease is a major component of treatment.

PKD is characterized by the development of cysts, or fluid-filled sacs, in the kidneys. There are different forms of the disease, both acquired and genetic. Two kinds of genetic PKD exist, one which usually manifests in childhood (autosomal recessive) and one whose symptoms generally delay until adulthood (autosomal dominant). Autosomal dominant PKD accounts for the vast majority of cases.

Cysts grow gradually in the kidneys. Once adulthood is reached, kidney space filled by the cysts may cause urinary problems, such as blood in the urine and urinary tract infections. High blood pressure is also common among those with PKD. Though less appreciated, one of the main symptoms of the disease is back pain, which may be acute or chronic.

Back Pain and PKD

There are a number of causes of back pain, and by itself, it is not a good indicator of PKD. If you have a family history of the disease and urinary problems, however, it may be the symptom that leads to diagnosis.

People with PKD may experience back pain due to muscular changes and degenerative changes affecting spinal joints and discs. Kidney cysts can grow very large, adding weight to the abdominal region. According the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, a cyst-filled kidney can weigh as much as 30 pounds. Extra stomach weight pulls forward on the spine and back muscles, causing the spinal arch in the lower back to increase. This shortens the length of muscles in the lower back and creates chronic tension.

Structures of the spine may suffer from the growing cysts nearby. Often kidneys are more impacted on one side than the other, meaning weight distribution will be uneven. Slowly, posture will adjust to changes in weight distribution with and the pelvis will become uneven. As the pelvis tilts, the spine undergoes a change in alignment (the spine and pelvis are attached via the sacroiliac joints and a network of muscles). Uneven forces may cause degeneration of the sacroiliac joints, facet joints in the spine and spinal discs. Aside from localized pain, spinal misalignment and herniated discs can lead to radicular pain in the form of sciatica if the nerve is impinged by these structures.


At present there is no cure for PKD. The disease is associated with a number of serious health complications that usually take effect after the age of 50, including polycystic liver disease and renal failure. Current treatments focus on the management of pain and correlative complications as well as slowing the growth of cysts within the kidneys.

Back pain from kidney cysts can sometimes be managed by physical therapy and postural training, such as the Alexander Technique. This helps people better cope with the uneven weight distribution characteristic of PKD. In some cases, steroid injections are used to simply numb the pain in the lower back and hips. Other medications like over-the-counter anti-inflammatories and prescription pain killers are sometimes prescribed if pain is severe. Surgery for back pain is rare, and is usually only prescribed to those who have degenerative spinal conditions and who conservative treatments have not helped.

Though a unified approach has yet to be identified, there are studies that provide evidence of ways to slow cyst development. One study found that a soy protein-based diet led to less cyst development than a diet heavy in casein protein (found in milk) in animal controls ( ). Another study showed that increasing water intake actually slowed the proliferation of PKD cells, leading to smaller kidney size in rats ( ). A number of drugs are being tested for their ability to slow cyst growth, but none are standard as of yet.

Managing high blood pressure is an important part of PKD treatment. Medication may be part of this management, as well as healthy weight maintenance and a low-sodium diet.

Though there is no cure for PKD at this time, there are steps you can take to slow the disease's progression and manage its painful symptoms. Acting early can help to delay or prevent kidney failure later on.

How To Delay The Progress Of Degenerative Arthritis

Degenerative arthritis is a type of arthritis that commonly affects millions of people worldwide. In fact, next to rheumatoid?? arthritis, this is the next most common form of arthritis that never fails to make people suffer from pain on a daily basis. Usually, degenerative arthritis happens when the cartilage that is supposed to act as a shock absorber to the bones decrease. Because of this, parts of our body that beats weight such as hips ( for women) and knees often get affected by degenerative arthritis especially for those who are overweight. Daily activities such as walking and climbing? stairs gives our joints a beating that we often ignore until the time pain is felt.

Arthritis can affect people who are in their mid-40s, especially men. In the United States alone, 20 million people suffer from arthritis according to a report from the national health department. As the cartilage wear out, spurs or small new bones develop that is actually greatly responsible for the pain in this type of arthritis. The swelling causes pain and as a response the cartilage produces new bone growth. The rubbing bones definitely amplifies the pain felt by the person suffering from degenerative arthritis.

Although more often than not, doctors are often perplexed by the cause of OA to a person especially when there is no history of previous trauma which is why it is referred to as primary? osteoarthritis. Nevertheless, obesity is a main contributing factor to OA since excess body weight puts so much strain on the joints. When obesity becomes the main culprit, it is now referred to as secondary osteoarthritis.

Degenerative arthritis is also known as Osteoarthritis (OA)?? since the situation worsens as cartilage becomes worn out. In fact, there is no way yet to stop the progressing of this ailment although some supplements and medication may be able to reduce the pain and swelling as well. Usually, doctors advice people with OA to lose weight and continue moderate physical exercise. Also, physical therapy? as well?? as weight training exercises that strengthen affected body parts may help delay the progress of degenerative arthritis. In conclusion, degenerative arthritis cannot be stopped but its progress can be delayed by taking some precautions advised by the doctor.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Pain Relief - How to Tell If You Have Fibromyalgia? Nurse's Guide

Years ago, after much suffering, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Even though I was a nurse, I suffered along with everyone else I knew who'd been diagnosed with it and sought various natural methods of pain relief. But through a sheer stroke of luck I cured myself! I no longer suffer from fibromyalgia and many years have passed now.

Fibromyalgia, also called fibromyositis and fibrositis, is a condition which causes long-term pain throughout the body and in the tender points (not trigger points) in joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues. Sufferers also can have fatigue, morning stiffness, sleep problems, headaches, numbness in the hands and feet, depression, and anxiety, which may or may not be due to all the symptoms they have.

Fibromyalgia can also coexist with other conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.

Although the cause of this disorder is unknown there are all sorts of expert guesses as to the cause including physical or emotional trauma that may play a part in the development and abnormal pain transmission responses.

It's been theorized that sleep disturbances, which are common in fibromyalgia patients, may actually cause the condition or that maybe the cause is waking patients up. In my case I would wake up for two hours between 2 A.M. and 4 A.M. every night and be wide awake.

This disturbance wreaked havoc with my daily activities because I don't think my endorphins were getting released properly. The endorphin release to repair the body and initiate healing happens around 2 A.M.

Another one of the theories is that the disorder may occur with changes in skeletal muscle metabolism, which may be caused by a diminished blood flow causing chronic fatigue and weakness similar to chronic fatigue syndrome.

Others experts have guessed that it might be a virus that has initiated fibromyalgia or even that it's inherited. But I don't believe any of that.

Although women and men have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia it's more common among women especially in the 20 through 50 years old age group.

Fibromyalgia pain can sometimes be confused with arthritic pain. But it doesn't have the deformity of joints as seen in arthritis.

The pain can be described best as deep-aching pain, like mine was, or radiating, burning or shooting pain and can be severe at times. The pain can be present during the night when one wakes up or throughout the day to various degrees. This pain can drive people to find all sorts of methods, treatments and therapies to try to get pain relief usually with no pain relief.

Pain can get better or worse throughout the day. As well as mild generalized pain through the body I noticed severe pain in specific areas such as my quadriceps muscle that I used while driving making long distance driving impossible. My upper arm would ache so bad that I thought I would keel over.

People complain of back pain, lower back pain, chest pain, muscle pain, joint pain etc. And usually try pain medications and various other pain pills which don't work.

Your doctor can diagnose fibromyalgia by pressing on your tender points.

The doctor will want to know how long you've been enduring the widespread pain and/or pain and tenderness in 11or more of the 18 tender points. If it's been more than three months it would be considered chronic and would help make the diagnosis. The tender points are located in fibrous tissue or muscles of the neck, shoulder, rib cage, chest, thighs, knees, lower back, arms and buttocks.

When the doctor presses on these points they may or may not hurt. So it's fairly easy to diagnose except the doctor has to determine if there are any other disease present that is causing your pain. So he/she may do some other tests to rule out infections, thyroid problems, rheumatoid arthritis, sleep disorders, cancer and other conditions.

Besides sleeping problems, muscle aches or joint aches or general body aching and fatigue, there can be facial muscle pain or aching. And a reduction in exercise is common. I found it difficult to walk more than 20 minutes at a time without severe aching and fatigue.

Fibromyalgia has been a common problem for many years. In some pain sufferers the symptoms may get better then return out of the blue.

I suffered with fibromyalgia along with arthritis and many other ailments and sought pain relief until I changed my diet due to breast cancer, which I cured naturally. Changing my diet was the key to getting rid of fibromyalgia and many years later I still no longer suffer from it.

Chiropractic Is A Natural Solution For Hip Pain

Hip pain can result many different causes. Referred pain from the low back is a common cause for much of the pain people experience in their hip. If a person has had previous trauma or injury to the hip, this can predispose the hip to arthritis. Osteoarthritis of the hip more commonly occurs if someone has a family history of it or if they are overweight. The extra weight puts a lot more stress on the hip joints than normal.

The symptoms and presentation of hip pain will vary from individual to individual. The pain may start off as a mild pain in the groin region or buttocks. The hip may feel stiff in the morning and then subside as the day progresses. It is common to have accompanied pain into the front of the upper leg or into the knee. The hip may even be overlooked because of the pain in the knee. Hip pain is often increased with weight bearing activities because they put more stress on the hip.

The muscles around the hip or leg may also weaken with hip problems and there may be reduced motion in the joint. This is often noticed when a person is walking or running. It may also be difficult for the person to squat down such as when tying their shoe. Rest usually helps the pain subside, but not always. If there is a lot of inflammation or arthritis in the joint, the person may experience pain at rest as well. Using a can or walking stick can help take pressure off the hip joint and make walking easier.

There is very little evidence that supports reversal of joint degeneration of the hip. However, many people with hip pain have found relief through chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractic can help to slow the progression degenerative changes in the joint. Chiropractic is effective in restoring normal motion of the joint and may help to avoid surgery of the hip.

Chiropractors are trained to perform a detailed evaluation of the hip. This evaluation will include neurological, orthopedic and muscle testing to diagnose the cause of the problem. An exam of the spine and lower extremity will also be performed to rule out other causes of hip pain. X-rays are helpful to provide a clear picture of the hip joint and detect degenerative changes in the joint.

Chiropractic care helps to reduce inflammation of the joint, restore normal range of motion, reduce muscle spasms, correct misaligned bones and strengthens weak muscles. The treatment involves stretching and massage to help healing in the muscles. The chiropractor may also perform a chiropractic adjustment to correct misaligned bones of the hip or spine.

Poor Sitting Posture - Neck and Back Pain Relief

How much time do you spend at your desk or in a chair during the day? With so many of us in desk jobs and so many people who love the surf the Internet, it is important to remember that there is good sitting posture and poor sitting posture. Your posture has so much to do with your comfort and your health, so make sure that you keep a few tips in mind.

If you ever experience pain while standing up or experience body ache from sitting in particular positions for long periods, now is the time to try something different as well as learn how to sit correctly in a good office chair posture. Here are a few steps for avoiding bad sitting posture that you should keep in mind as well.

First, avoid sitting on your tailbone. Your tailbone is the bottom-most bone in your spine and when you sit on it for long periods of time, it can cause soreness, stiffness and even pain. Remember that you should be sitting squarely on your buttocks.

The sit bones are part of the hipbones and should bear most of the weight while you are sitting. The muscles of the buttocks cover these bones. They have the ability to sustain the weight of the body, whereas the tailbone does not. When you are sitting always, sit squarely. Never lean to far backwards or forwards as this causes strain and tension.

Look at where your shoulders are right now, as you read these words. Are they hunched forward? Chances are good that if you are working at a computer or work station that your shoulders are curled forward and in. This will cause tension in your shoulders and it will have a regular impact on the way that you look and feel.

Widen your shoulders and pull them back. It might be a bit of a strange feeling, but in a little bit of time, this will start to feel quite normal. Do some exercises to loosen up your rounded shoulders posture.

Craning the neck is another posture that happens regularly when you are hunching over to peer at your computer screen. This causes tension and strain at the back of the neck. You can remedy this problem when you reposition the screen of your computer.

If you are using a flat screen computer monitor, that causes you to tuck your chin down in order to read, you need to place the screen up onto a stand. Try to locate your correct neck posture.

Do you round your lower back? You may be rounding your lower back while you are sitting in a hard, straight back chair with a 90-degree angle from the seat. The result is bending to far forward to support your back. What you need is a good ergonomic chair. While sitting in it, make sure that the seat is tilted slightly forward.

These tips might be a little hard to keep up with, depending on how strong and flexible you are, and certainly on how much body awareness you have developed. If you really want to help yourself relieve the pain associated with poor sitting posture, find a program that focuses on strength, flexibility, relaxation, and body awareness, and does not take much time out of your schedule. That will help ensure your success and get rid of your back pain.

Take a moment to consider the great benefits you will receive from improving your posture: freedom from back pain, more energy, better relaxation, and a healthier, longer life! These are so important to your well-being. Just imagine how much better your life would be without all of that tension and pain.

Using Splenda Can Cause Painful Side Effects

So many people are using Splenda as a sugar substitute, and I joined in on that bandwagon as well. I purchased a large bag of Splenda instead of sugar and promptly began to use it as I would use sugar. It was great. It tasted just as sweet as sugar but without the calories. I could use it in my coffee, in baking, in my tea, whatever I wanted. There are cookbooks filled with recipes specifically for using Splenda instead of sugar, so it had to be safe, right? Everywhere I went there was Splenda. Then the pain started.

Living in the New Orleans area during Mardi Gras season means there will be parades. My daughter is on the dance team in high school and her school participated in three parades. As her mother, I walked with her. The distance of the parades was five miles. At the end of the first parade, I had hip joint pain. I had never had hip joint pain before. Walking in the other two parades meant the hip pain would continue. I thought once parade season ended and I would have time to recover from walking so long and the pain would simply go away. It did not.

I found that while relaxing on the sofa in the evening, I would have to change positions frequently. Getting out of the car took effort and I would have to stand up slowly and stretch out my hip. I was walking hunched over and wobbling all the time. I felt as though there was a hip replacement in my future, and I am only 43 years old.

Then one day, I went to the drugstore to pick up a prescription for my husband and was glancing through a book on the Christian book rack entitled Eat This and Live by Don Colbert, MD. In his book, Dr. Colbert listed joint pain as a side effect of using Splenda. Joint pain. That got my attention. By this time, we had gone through the whole bag of Splenda and I had not yet replaced it. Well, I begin thinking about when my pain started, it was around February which is Mardi Gras season. About a month after the Splenda was gone and we were back to using sugar, my pain disappeared. Was this a coincidence? I did not want to find out. I was just happy to not be in pain anymore.

A month later, I went to my dad's house and had a cup of coffee only to find out they had Splenda in the sugar jar, not sugar. The next day the hip pain was back and lasted approximately three days. I was convinced. Never again would I eat Splenda. It is just not worth it.

Aloe Vera - Utilising Aloe Vera in the Treatment of Joint Pain in Humans and Animals

Fed-up of pain, hobbling down the street, and just wanting to alleviate the pain in your joints? Well, for many, the answer is unfortunately, 'yes'.

This article looks at how the healing qualities of the 'aloe vera plant' which when mixed with other natural products may be used as a treatment for alleviating and potentially eradicating joint pain. The plant itself is a small cactus-like looking plant with leaves filled with a gel-like product.

The plant's gel can be directly rubbed into effected areas, but not everyone has an aloe vera plant at their disposal. Fortunately, aloe based natural products exist in retail markets that can bring the benefits of this amazing plant to your door.

Aloe based gels come in many forms and have been created, tested and used to alleviate, reduce and potentially eradicate many conditions, especially skin disorders. For sufferers of joint pain, gels exist in retail markets that incorporate MSM (Methyl-sulfoyl-methane) in their product.

This organic sulphur is found in almost all living organisms and is the third most prevalent substance in the human body. This naturally occurring sulphur compound is crucial in forming muscles, hair, nails and skin. Acting as an anti-inflammatory agent, it works together with 'glucosamine sulphate' and 'chondroitin sulphate' as a defence against joint wear and tear. Glucosamine also stimulates the synthesis of cartilage in joints; reduces degradation and inflammation around joints.

These naturally occurring products when mixed with aloe vera are being used in cr癡mes that can be directly applied to problematic areas as a natural remedy to any joint pain related problem.

The naming of the aloe vera plant as the 'ultimate healer' by the ancient Greeks is well justified. The medicinal properties of this amazing little plant are questionably unrivalled in nature.

Below are some of the benefits of aloe vera and why it's being hailed by many as a wonder plant in the cure of many health problems:

  • The plant extract is naturally 'anti-inflammatory and can be used in the reduction of swelling.

  • It's also anti-viral and helps prevent infection.

  • It's very kind to skin and is used in many beauty products.

  • It assists in the production of collagen and elastin fibres which keep skin youthful

  • It's exceptionally nourishing to skin and contains many vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
These are but a few of 'aloe vera's' wonder properties. There are many other medicinal reasons to use aloe vera, particularly in relation to the digestive system, but these are not covered in this article

How to treat joint related problems:

The 'aloe vera MSM gel' should be massaged directly into problem areas to allow the agents of the cr癡me to work directly at the source. It's gentle on the skin, and doesn't leave a residue.

Aloe gel supplements not only work for people and animals with joint problems, but for those who are at greater risk of injury to muscles and joints from sporting activities.

Hip Dysplasia in Canines

Although this disease appears in humans and other animals, it is more associated with dogs. When determining canine hip dysplasia, typical symptoms are pain and lameness to one or both hind legs. It is a genetically inherited defect although there are environmental factors that can lead to this condition such as overweight, lack or too much of exercise or an injury at a young age. It occurs mostly in large breed dogs, although there some breeds which are more prone to it. Interestingly it may also attack cats, but its symptoms in cats are less severe than in dogs. This disease often leads to arthritis, which is known by different names like degenerative joint disease, arthrosis and osteoarthritis.

This disease causes cartilage that lines the hip joint to degenerate and become permanently damaged. The damaged cartilage loses its elasticity and thickness, which in turn affects absorption of pressure applied to this joint during movement. Over time, enzymes and debris accumulate in the joint and destroy cartilage-forming molecules.

Dogs that suffer from this disease usually walk with bunny-like hops, since it is so hard for them to make natural movements. A vet can determine diagnosis after taking x-rays.

There are several ways of treating this disease. If it is an easy case then drugs may control the pain and improve the dogs 's quality of life. Some medications are effective, and sometimes, a vet will have to change medication in order to achieve better results. There are specific instructions of when and how to administer these medications. It is a must to follow the vet's instructions. Also, monitoring calorie intake and reducing weight can be beneficial if the dog is overweight, as this will put less stress on his/her rear leg/s. An orthopedic quality dog bed is a must, since it distributes the body weight more evenly and prevents extra pressure on pain points. The importance of an orthopedic dog bed is invaluable.

In more severe cases, a surgical procedure will be necessary. There are several types of surgeries. Usually the head of the femur is removed, and whatever is left from it grows a false joint, which in many cases allows the dog to function almost normally. Generally with this type of surgery, the pain is reduced significantly. Other surgery that can be preformed is Total Hip Replacement, in which the femur head is removed replaced by titanium. This allows a natural and smooth movement of the joints.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Jaw Misalignment - What Does it Mean?

Jaw misalignment is considered to be one of the main causes of TMJ, and treatment of this disorder often focuses solely on re-aligning the jaw in order to reduce the amount of pain and discomfort associated with this condition. Jaw misalignment is characterized by the jaw joint moving out of alignment, and occurs as a result of the muscles of the jaw as well as those used to chew the food not working properly.

These muscles may malfunction due to poor chewing habits, grinding the teeth or clenching the jaw repeatedly, bad bite due to broken or missing teeth, poorly fitting dentures, unusual movements of the neck, poor posture (which may affect the muscles and bone alignments in the spine, neck, and subsequently, jaw areas), an inherited deviation mandibular deviation, and some diseases of the joints (including arthritis).

However, it is believed that both jaw misalignment, weak muscles, and bad bite can at times all be a cause of the other; a bad bite (otherwise known as malocclusion, or a misalignment of teeth or bad fitting of the teeth) and the associated poor chewing may cause the jaw to eventually become misaligned, while weak muscles may also cause the jaw to move improperly and shift to one side, and, in some cases, eventually mis-aligning the teeth and creating a bad bite. Either of the above disorders may be the cause of the other.

In further detail, a jaw may become mis-aligned as follows:

The joints in the jaw area move and function with the aid of these jaw muscles, and have are joined by a disk connecting the ball and socket of the joint; however, once the muscles, or any other of the above parts of the joint, begin to malfunction this can create jaw misalignment. More specifically, once the muscles begin to malfunction, they may also weaken, resulting in the jaw not only becoming misaligned but also overworking to compensate and creating stress and tension on this joint.

Other muscle malfunctioning may occur as a result of continual tightening of the jaw muscle - a jaw muscle that is permanently clenched loses its ability to relax and un-clench, and over time this may cut off the blood supply to this muscle, causing it to constrict, affect jaw movement, and affecting the jaw joint's ability to move or function (this may lead to a symptom known as lock jaw).

A malocclusion may also result from weak and shifting muscles which cause the jaw to move abnormally and affect the patient's ability to chew properly, the malocclusion may cause the jaw to move abnormally as well, and may be another cause of a jaw misalignment in addition to or instead of the weak muscles. Finally, teeth grinding or clenching may also cause a jaw misalignment either due to the bad bite which it may create, or the abnormal stress which is placed on the jaw joint itself,as chronic stress may also create a jaw misalignment as well.

In general, muscle malfunction, stress on the joint area which causes it to move abnormally, and inherited joint disorders all may contribute to jaw misalignment. This joint is prone in particular to misalignment due to its structure as well as complexity; the tempromandibular joint, unlike the joints of the fingers or toes, actually functions with two joints that control the movements of sliding and rotating separately. This structure makes it more susceptible to its the cartilage and bone components wearing down, eventually leading to jaw misalignment.

Overall, jaw misalignment is a result of many factors and habits, and its causes should always be investigated thoroughly; this condition is one of the main and most common causes of tmj, and hence should not be taken lightly or left un-treated.

Is There An Effective Remedy for Joint Pain and Stiffness?

If you suffer from stiffness and joint pain, you may feel all is lost. The pharmaceutical drugs that were widely used to alleviate pains of such things as arthritis -- known as COX-2 inhibitors -- have proven themselves to have serious health risks.

You may not be willing to take those risks, yet you are also not willing to live in continued pain. Joint pains and stiffness can rob anyone of quality of life.

What to do?

Well you may be interested to know that there are safe, natural alternatives that may help alleviate joint pain and stiffness. And not only are these natural remedies typically not harmful; they may benefit your overall health tremendously while reducing your aches and pains.

One of the best remedies is omega 3 fatty acids. You've probably heard how omega 3 fats are vital for brain and heart health -- both of which are true. But did you know that omega-3 fatty acids "appear to reduce tender joint counts in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis and may reduce requirements for corticosteroids."?

That's not our opinion. That quote was taken from the University of Maryland Medical Center's website. They also go on to state: "...several test tube studies of cartilage-containing cells have found that omega-3 fatty acids decrease inflammation and reduce the activity of enzymes that destroy cartilage."

What's even more fascinating for those with joint pains and stiffness is a natural anti-inflammatory rich in omega 3 fats known as the green lipped mussel native to New Zealand. You may think it sounds funny but in New Zealand this mussel is well known and extensively researched for its joint stiffness reducing ability.

In fact, at the University of Maryland Medical Center's website they also reference it by stating "Similarly, New Zealand green lipped mussel ( Perna canaliculus ), another potential source of omega-3 fatty acids, has been shown to reduce joint stiffness and pain, increase grip strength, and enhance walking pace in a small group of people with osteoarthritis."

All of these quotes can be found at: if you are interested in seeing them verbatim.

However, the overarching point to us seems to be that if you suffer from joint pain and stiffness you'd want a product high in omega 3 fatty acids and that also contains New Zealand green lipped mussel.

In addition, you'd be gaining numerous other benefits because omega 3 fatty acids are crucial for good heart and brain health.

In fact, in 2004 the FDA released a qualified health claim statement for omega 3 fatty acids. Then Acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Lester M. Crawford stated: "Coronary heart disease is a significant health problem that causes 500,000 deaths annually in the United States...." "This new qualified health claim for omega-3 fatty acids should help consumers as they work to improve their health by identifying foods that contain these important compounds."

The food highest in omega 3 fats are certain types of fish...fatty fish that come from deep, cold Ocean waters. And, the New Zealand green lipped mussel.

It is for this reason that we personally use supplements that contain purified fish oil in addition to New Zealand green lipped mussel.

Home Remedies for Osteoarthritis that Work

Some home remedies for osteoarthritis can work wonders.

A good one will strengthen the immune system, prevent the spread and severity of the disease and provide safe relief from painful inflammation.

Home remedies for osteoarthritis are particularly important since there are serious proven dangerous side effects when taking commercial painkillers like Celebrex, Vioxx, Bextra and Aleve.

When you consider the fact that most prescribed arthritis medications are not proven to be safe and don't strengthen the immune system or offer long-term pain relief, it only makes good sense to take a more holistic approach.

Plus, more and more evidence shows that lifestyle changes, diet and home remedies can both help prevent arthritis and provide relief from the painful symptoms. As a result, more and more people with osteoarthritis are living happier, healthier lives.

Although the cause is still unknown, most experts agree that arthritis is connected to a breakdown of the immune system.

This happens when the immune system is either too weak to prevent viruses from attacking the joints or it has lost the discretionary power to recognize the difference between healthy cells and viruses. Therefore, a faulty immune system destroys both.

If not managed, arthritis can grow progressively worse and cause very limited range of motion and permanent damage. For example, rheumatoid arthritis that starts in one joint can spread throughout the entire body, if it's not prevented.

Therefore, at the first sign of joint stiffness, pain or swelling, it's important to take action towards prevention. It's an even better idea to start before symptoms begin.

You want both safe relief from the pain and inflammation, plus a stronger immune system for controlling the spread of the disease.

The natural home remedy solution for osteoarthritis is basically the same as it is for any arthritis or degenerative disease.

The American Medical Association recommends supplements for everyone, especially people dealing with degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis. So begin improving your immune system with a healthy diet that includes whole food supplements - particularly fish oil.

Moderate exercise combined with a healthy diet can help you reach and maintain your optimum weight. Every extra pound puts additional stress on joints increasing the odds of painful arthritis.

Low impact exercise, such as walking, swimming or yoga, are also good low stress ways to strengthen bones, joints and muscles, improve flexibility and reduce depression, fatigue and stress.

You'll also need to cut back or eliminate red meat, since those who eat more red meat have twice the risk of arthritic pain compared to those who eat red meat no more than once a week.

For further building up of your immune system, replace non-nutritious foods in your diet with more whole grains, colorful fruits and vegetables and cold water omega 3 fish, such as salmon.

The most important of all home remedies for osteoarthritis is pure fish oil supplements. Fish oil is a natural anti-inflammatory pain reliever and has been proven to help protect people from arthritis.

Joint Pain Relief Using Natural Solutions

Ayurvedic (East Indian holistic medical system) perspective on joint pain relief using natural solutions.

Ayurveda treats musculo-skeletal problems holistically, taking into account the whole physiology, psychology and physical presentation of the person and the problem. The goal of the treatment is to restore homeostasis and to bring the person back to their natural psycho-physiological baseline or constitution.

Joint pain relief treatment is based on bringing the disturbed Dosha (Energetic principles that govern all biological processes in the body - Vata, Pitta and Kapha respectively) back into a balanced state.

This is achieved by diet, lifestyle, Marma (Ayurvedic Acupressure) massage with herbal oils, use of herbal poultices, Nadi Svedan (herbal steam treatments), herbal oil dhara (oil dripping) treatment on the affected body parts, herbal formulations and Panchakarma (detoxification and rejuvenation therapies).

The focus is on opening up blockages in micro-channels of the injured tissues, to remove toxins or metabolic waste products from these tissues, to improve metabolic capacity of the injured tissue for proper uptake and assimilation of nutrients and to improve macro and micro digestion of the whole system.

Opening up of channels facilitates flow of Prana or Qi or energy. Prana is the cellular intelligence that controls proper movement and functioning of the whole system. Removal of blockages also allows for proper circulation at the micro-cellular level providing nutrition and removal of metabolic waste products. With right movement of Prana and circulation the tissue is given an optimal environment for recovery.

Joint pain relief assessment focuses on the affected Dhatu or tissue, the state of the Dosha, the type of pain, state of Agni (digestive fire or digestive/metabolic capacity of the system), presence of Ama (toxins) and functioning of the excretory systems. This detailed examination of the person allows an Ayurvedic practitioner to accurately determine the disturbance in the system and choose the appropriate therapies to treat the whole system.

In addition to looking at the location of pain, the cause of injury and the structures involved - joint, muscle, ligaments, tendons, etc., Ayurveda pays close attention to the type of pain one is suffering from. It classifies pain according to the Doshas and presence of Ama.

Types/nature of pain:

Vata type of pain is radiating, shooting, shifting, cutting, pulsating, moving, fluctuating, vague/confusing, comes and goes, worst at dawn or dusk, shivering, body can feel cold, person feels restless or anxious, creates insomnia, emotionally person might have fear or anxiety, standing creates pain, worst during Autumn season, worst with movement, feels better with heat, moisture and firm pressure.

Pitta pain is burning, pulling, sharp, inflammatory, fever, might have complaints of nausea and vomiting, irritability and anger, penetrating, worst at mid day and mid night, increased perspiration, body feels hot and with redness, flushed face, insomnia, perforation, diarrhea and vomiting, worst during summer season, aggravated by firm pressure or deep massage, feels better with cold.

Kapha pain is heavy, dull, deep, mild, aching, long standing, pain with stooping or bending over, chronic, worst early AM and PM, congestion in lungs, swelling, heaviness, able to sleep in pain, emotionally can feel depressed or lousy, generalized pain throughout the body, pain worst in spring season, lingering, worst in cold or damp weather, feels better with dry heat, deep massage and deep pressure relieves symptoms.

Ama or toxin related pain is heavy, dull, mild, aching, even the hair hurts, debilitating, generalized pain all over the body, pain varies according to Ama level, heavy coating on tongue, bad breath, deep pain, sluggish or sleepy, mental confusion, pain anytime and can be all the time, feeling drowsy and lousy. Feel better with ginger tea and fasting.

Joint pain relief for different pain presentations

For example, a Vata problem would present as a complaint of cracking, popping in the joint, feeling of instability or giving out, possibly muscle atrophy or wasting might be present, moving or shifting pain, pain is aggravated by movement and increased activity level, dry, cold or windy weather would aggravate these symptoms.

Symptoms are relieved by heat, massage with warm herbal oil or Sesame oil, rest, staying warm and avoiding movement and excessive activity. Nadi Svedan (herbal steam therapy) or warm herbal poultices can also be applied for join pain relief and to improve circulation/lymphatic flow to facilitate healing.
Use of herbal formulas like Yograj Guggulu and herbs like Ashwagandha, Tagar, Jatamamsi, Musta, Bala, etc. can be very beneficial for reducing pain and inflammation while strengthening the joint and local muscles.

Pitta related join pain would be treated with a Pitta pacifying diet and lifestyle. Emphasis of treatment is on cool, soft, dry therapies reducing excess heat, sharp and penetrating qualities of Pitta.

Herbal formulations like Kaishore Guggulu, Gulwel Satva or herbs like Turmeric, Musta are good anti-inflammatories and pain relievers. Cold pack, Castor oil or herbal oil massage is recommended to relieve Pitta type of pain in the joint.

Kapha related pain would be treated with a Kapha pacifying diet and lifestyle. Emphasis of treatment is on warm, light, dry and mobile therapies to reduce the slow, congestive, cool and sluggish nature of Kapha.

Herbal formulations like Punarnavadi Guggulu, herbs like Punarnava, Musta, Ashwagandha, Shilajeet, etc. would be used to control swelling, heaviness or dull ache. Massage with herbal oils, application of dry heat and movement of the joint is recommended to relieve Kapha type of pain in the joint.

Ayurvedic treatments can be very effective in removing the specific cause of the problem and achieving lasting relief. This ancient medical system can help the body heal from within while bringing the person back to their natural state of wellbeing.

*This article is for educational purposes only. Please consult with your physician, physical therapist or medical practitioner before starting any exercise program or trying any of the herbal products/recommendations mentioned in this video/article. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

8 Reasons to Avoid Obesity

1. Overweight people are 2 to 6 times more likely to develop hypertension, have a stroke, thrombosis and clots in the legs. Excess body fat can also lead to impaired cardiac function.

2. Excess body fat can lead to insulin resistance and increase the likelihood of type 2 diabetes in both adults and children.

3. Obesity can be a factor in the development of cancer, because of the eating patterns that get us to obesity (most people don't get obese by eating fruits and vegetables) also increase the likelihood of developing some kind of cancer. Inactivity also increases the risk of cancer. Some estimates suggest that poor diet and exercise may account for up to a third of the cancer risk. The types of cancer linked with obesity are endometrial cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and breast cancer.

4. Obese people are more likely to have degenerative joint disease. It makes it more likely to have sleep apnea, mechanical breathing constraints (particularly during exercise). It just takes more effort to work the chest wall if it has huge amounts of fat.

5. Obese people have more problems with anesthesia during surgery, as well as compromised wound healing. It also increases the likelihood of developing gallbladder disease.

6. A newly discovered consequence is fatty infiltration of the liver. This is known as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Some estimates suggest that as the liver becomes infiltrated with fat, it causes hepatitis and that can lead to liver failure.

7. Obesity also has deep psychological effects: depression, being stigmatized by people, bullying and discrimination. This is really one of the least accepted forms of discriminations. We have made great advances in our culture: most of us accept that we can have different religious beliefs, or that we can have different ethnicity and still have the same rights. However, we are not sensitive to the individuals who are overweight.

8. In 2002, the cost of overweight in the US was estimated to be 92 billion dollars!

Authority On TMJ

If you are one of the many people suffering from problems like pain in the jaws and teeth, headache, severe pain in the shoulder or neck, sciatica, pain in upper or mid-back and foot pain, there is a high probability that you have become victim to a disease called temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). Most people would normally panic when they hear they have fallen prey to TMJ, but in my opinion it is something that cannot be controlled or cured. Instead of panicking, the first thing that the patient should do is to visit a TMJ specialist.

It is better to know a few things about the disorder, just to increase one's general knowledge of the disorder and to better understand the treatment that the TMJ specialist will provide. First of all, how does the problem occur in the first place? A lot of research on the topic has proven that people who engage in certain habits like biting fingernails, chewing gum, grind or clench their teeth have a greater probability of getting this disease. However, people who suffer from any misalignment of teeth due to natural or artificial reasons, such as accidents, are also prone to this disorder.

Unfortunately, the problem has started affecting the people of America at a massive level, a recent survey declared that almost 15% of total Americans were suffering from this disorder and the disorder was common amongst men and women equally. The question that must be popping in your mind would be, how do I identify the symptoms of TMJ? Well, the answer to this question is simple. First of all, the most common symptom of this disorder is when people start experiencing a pain while chewing or eating. Secondly, the jaw muscle starts to get stiff as a result the jaw gets locked furthermore. Some patients have even reported pain in the ear or the area near it. If you start experiencing any of these problems.

You may want to see your dentist. The dentist is one of the best professional help that you can get. He/she can give you a comprehensive exam. If you see the same dentist for the past few years, he/she can also provide your history of jaw symptoms. There are also some dentists who specialize in TMJ, and can specifically help you in finding out the reason behind the symptoms.

Once you've confirmed with your dentist that you indeed have TMJ, you can get a referral to a board-certified Maxillofacial surgeon. Actually, there is no one specific specialist who can treat TMJ. But there are surgeons, dentists, and ear, nose and throat doctors that have training in treating TMJ. Your primary care provider can actually refer you to a Maxillofacial surgeon, a dentist who specializes in treating the mouth and the jaw. You can also consult a surgeon. In some cases of TMJ disorders, a surgery may be necessary to correct the jaw imbalance.

Find other TMJ patients. You can actually ask other patients to refer you to a TMJ specialist. Of course, this is not an alternative for a professional medical advice. However, it may be helpful because other TMJ patients can share with you their experience. Plus, they can also suggest the same specialist that treated him/her.

By getting support and finding out the best course of treatment, you will feel more confident and comfortable in battling TMJ disorder.

Hip Stretches For Back Pain Relief

In the case of people seeking medical treatment for back pain is many and if you go to the right clinic you can you will be able to get long and lasting relief from your back pain. And it does not matter about the case whether it is a herniated disc or a case of lower back pain.

One of the most important things for them in their exercise routines is a lot of hip stretches. In this particular case of back pain the hamstring is stretched regularly, the link that the hamstring has is one that runs from the pelvis at your sit bone and continues straight till it reaches the below your knees. This connection allows for motion control of the knee and the hip.

The hip is not going to rotate when we twist, the reason for this is that the hip is the first vertebral joint of the lower back; in this case the spine will have to do more work in terms of turning and twisting in order to compensate the lack of movement in the hips. Some very normal activities very well put a strain on the lower back some of these are sitting down, walking, getting up and also bending causes a severe stress on the vertebra which then affects the surrounding tissue. If this situation persist it can lead to the chronic case of lower back pain, also acute back injuries are not so easy to get better under these particular stress.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Arthritis Joint Pain - How to Get Relief From It

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is the most common among the various kinds of arthritis. The first sign of morning stiffness and cracking joints followed by more discomfort, pain and disability exemplifies the degenerative aging process associated with joint and cartilage deterioration.

Osteoarthritis is believed to be a degenerative disease that develops as a result of wear and tear of the cartilage in the joint. It is thought to be due to increased mucopolysaccharide in articular cartilage and diminished hyaluronic acid in the synovial fluid, which develops with increasing age. It normally affects persons above 50 years of age. The main symptom is pain, which usually begins early in the morning when the patient gets up from bed. Continuous use of the lower limb eases the stiffness and pain due to increased synovial secretion. Obesity increases the risk of osteoarthritis by putting undue stress on the joints especially the knees and hips. Radiological investigations show reduction of joint spaces at pressure areas and presence of osteophytes.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease in which the immune system turns on itself and starts affecting the joints. It usually affects people between the ages of 30-55 years. Women are three times more likely to be affected than men. The disease is gradual in onset and affects the joints of the fingers and feet. Pain is the main symptom followed by stiffness, swelling and deformity. Occasionally this condition is associated with fever and weight loss. Movements are mainly restricted because of pain and spasm. This condition lasts for many years with alternating attacks and remissions.

Regular exercise like walking, cycling or swimming play a vital role in the prevention and treatment of all forms of arthritis and can help to reduce the joint pain. Yoga can also be done for movement and posture. Fish oil has been beneficial for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Fish like salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines and cod etc have omega 3 fatty acids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect on the joints. Person suffering can eat fresh oily fish three times a week or substitute it by taking fish oils available in the form of capsules. Vegetarians can eat plenty of Soya beans and tofu in their diet. Evening primrose oil has anti-inflammatory properties, hence beneficial.

Anti-inflammatory drugs can alleviate the pain to some extent. Various medications like Synotrex, Etoricoxib, Rofecoxib can be taken to relieve joint pain. Nowadays ayurvedic therapy is followed where oil massage is done to the joints, which relieves pain. Physiotherapy and occupational therapy of suitable type helps in reducing pain and preserves the mobility of the joints. Some painful joint disorders need localized injections of steroids also. Person suffering from arthritis should have fresh fruits and vegetables for vitamin C and beta-carotene, nuts, avocados for vitamin E and whole grains, cereals and eggs for selenium. For more information about preventing arthritic joint pain, please visit

Natural Glucosamine and Dog Arthritis: How It Helps and Where To Find It

For dog arthritis, some glucosamine is better than others. Feeding your dog naturally occurring glucosamine will help the body to repair and rebuild its own cartilage and revitalize the synovial fluid.

Dog arthritis can occur as hip dysplasia, cruciate ligament tears, or joint pain from osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease. Over your dog's life, their body produces its own glucosamine, which maintains the cartilage and attracts synovial fluid around their joints.

As a normal part of the aging process, a dog's naturally produced glucosamine will deteriorate, causing the fluid that lubricates the joints to thin and preventing collagens from rebuilding the cartilage that supports the joints. The natural answer to this process is to provide your dog with a supply of naturally occurring glucosamine, rather than a manufactured one.

How Natural Glucosamine Helps

The main building blocks in a natural glucosamine are glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) paired with chondroitin. GAGs are long sugar chains that help repair cellular development in cartilage and connective tissue. Chondroitin helps calm inflammation and rejuvenates lubrication in the joints.

Researchers have found that when a natural supplement pairs both glycosaminoglycans and chondroitin with other anti-inflammatory and energizing herbs, the absorption rate increases. This gives your dog more get up and go than if he or she were given only glucosamine.

By using a natural supplement that replaces the missing GAGs and chondroitin, your dog's joints will begin to repair and maintain themselves more efficiently and more quickly.

Where to find GAGs

Naturally occurring glucosamine can be found in the cartilage and bones of other animals. Feeding your dog raw meats that contain bone marrow or connective tissue is a great way to get more naturally occurring glucosamine in their diet.

In supplements, the most commonly used animals are the backbone cartilage of a shark and bovine trachea. There are many manufacturers that are aware of the need to protect sharks and use shark cartilage only from sharks caught for food. Shark cartilage contains a less amount of GAGs, yet because it also contains vital amino acids and proteoglycans it is more effective than bovine cartilage. This is true of other marine collagen extracts. The bovine cartilage overloads the supplement with GAGs but it doesn't provide the necessary mineral content for optimum absorption.

Natural supplements that contain shark cartilage or marine collagen extract paired with anti-inflammatory herbs will give your dog the best shot of getting on their feet again and maintaining their joints.

The most important thing to remember when feeding supplements to your dog is that dog arthritis is a long-term problem that must be managed. Supplements will need to be given to your dog regularly to keep the ingredients in their bloodstream. Once a supplement is stopped, the synovial fluid will begin to thin again and the collagen will stop repairing itself. Natural glucosamine supplements are a great alternative to NSAIDs and other harsh drugs. They can be given regularly for the life of your dog without side effects.