Saturday, November 9, 2013

Wellness Coaching - Relieving Depression With an Anti-Candida Diet

By 2020, major depression is expected to be the second-leading cause of disability (the first is ischemic heart disease), according to the Institute of Functional Medicine. Anxiety frequently accompanies depression which are the two most common psychological disorders in the world.

I personally suffered from depression and anxiety for over thirty years, sometimes accompanied by panic attacks. I know what's it like to carry a heavy emotional pain-body for years on end and can empathize with others who have endured similar struggles. It's a living hell but I can tell you from personal experience, the knowledge and wisdom of particular holistic therapies can help to free those individuals who are imprisoned by their emotional and physical suffering.

Soon after my emotional body became depressed, my physical body shortly followed. Chronic fatigue set in and kept its hold on my for over twenty years. It wasn't until I began to learn how to properly take care of my body, that the fatigue started to slowly dissolve. After the painful TMJ, chronic dizziness, chronic candida, CFS, and mercury toxicity, the only healing remedies that have contributed to my whole body recovery have been; infrared sauna detoxification, upper cervical chiropractic care, and most importantly, a sugar-, gluten-, and starch-free diet.

A study in 2004 found that 67 percent of the patients with celiac disease (caused by gluten sensitivity) reported depression and that 73 percent reported anxiety. An article in the journal "Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics" found that "Depression is reported to be a feature of celiac disease and is ranked as its most common disturbance." When the body is undergoing a degrees of stress, our requirements for B vitamins increase dramatically, and are depleted by chronic carbohydrate (sugar and gluten) consumption. Sympathetic nervous system overarousal also lowers the hydrochloric acid production in the stomach, which is crucial for proper digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Electrolytes are also lost under stress, as is our body's neurological and bioelectrical regulation.

After prolonged periods of depression and/or anxiety, we become depleted of our energy and nutrient reserves. The consumption of alcohol, sugary foods, and carbohydrate-rich snacks become the only thing available to boost serotonin levels. But, of course, these indulgences only serve to perpetuate the negative cycles. We become addicted to food, drugs, and/or alcohol, and life becomes a downward spiral.

Chronic candida is also common among those riddled with depression and anxiety because it allows for the body's natural defenses in the gut to be broken down. Two of the most common symptoms of systemic candida is depression and anxiety. Go figure. Often gluten sensitivity and candida accompany one another because the candida leads to the craving for gluten-rich foods such as bread and pizza.

To end my gluten sensitivity, dissolve the candida overgrowth, and end my bouts of depression and anxiety, I had to restructure my diet to be based on nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich, fibrous vegetables. My protein intake became animal-based which I limited to 6 to 8 oz. per day. I also began supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids and GLA. I eliminated all sugars, alcohol, fermented and starch-based foods -- including all grains, cereals, and legumes. And finally, I began consuming cultured vegetables (rich with probiotics) such as "Bubbies" brand sauerkraut. Today, I am grateful for my perfect health and am living each day in a place of inner peace, joy, and tranquility.

Is Constant Joint Pain Causing Fatigue? It May Be a LUPUS Flare Up

Stress is part of our common lives and is needed to keep us mentally focused and challenged. Overwhelming stress can have negative effects on our lives and even lead to health issues.

If you suffer from joint pain and feel fatigued, your body may be reacting to excessive stress signals and triggering your SLE or "systemic lupus erythematosus". LUPUS is an auto-immune disease that has no cure and can cause aching joints, rashes and an overwhelming desire to sleep. Proper maintenance and self awareness is key to managing this disease.

If stress is a factor, these few tips may help you battle pressure that may trigger SLE responses:

  1. Follow a good diet and exercise regimen. Creating an healthy environment for your body can increase your ability to handle flare-ups when they do occur.

  2. Meditation is another option that can be pursued. Developing a way to put mind and body at ease can help reduce stress levels when outside influences can be overwhelming. Finding a few minutes out of each day will help your mind become more at ease and stress-free.

  3. Enter a Yoga program to help your body become more centered and flexible.

  4. Reduce your intent to do everything yourself. Delegation is a great way to get things done, but taking on all the tasks yourself can increase pressure to perform.

  5. Become well organized and only take on manageable responsibilities. Organization is another key element in maintaining control of your life and reducing anxiety.

In summary, LUPUS will always be a part of your life until there is a cure. Management through stress relief and health maintenance can assist you in preventing flare-ups that can cause joint pain and fatigue.

The Secret Life of Sugar in Your Body, Part 2 - The Sweets We Eat

When our relationship with sugar is a negative or detrimental one, we often cannot leave it alone. One of the hallmarks of sugar sensitivity, then, is the inability to stop eating it once you've started.

In my NAET practice, I've noticed that many patients remark, after the sugar treatment, that whereas before the treatment they could never walk past a plate of sweets without grazing (heavily), after the treatment, it didn't matter how delicious the sweets were, they just weren't as interested. They might have one, but were perfectly able to stop.

Although sugar is a naturally occurring substance, its use in contemporary junk food is far from natural. Corn syrup, and its lethal cousin, high fructose corn syrup, combine regularly with sugar in candy, baked goods, and soda to wreak havoc on our pancreas and pad our bellies with flab. As we move further and further away from a simple natural diet-and by that I mean, from proteins, carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables to meals consisting of protein bars, diet soda, and fast food-it is no wonder that our brains are suffering: with attention problems, dementia, metabolic disorders, and mood issues.

Further complicating the issue with sugar is the role of emotions. "I would never crave sugar," one of my patients remarked, "if my job wasn't so stressful." Many of us echo her sentiment...with a twist: "If my kids weren't so out of control," "if I didn't have so much stress," "if..." And we crave it because it delivers so beautifully, every time spiking our blood sugar with a rush that rivals a runner's high...or any other high, for that matter.

So what can you possibly do, given the environmental and chemical constraints that push you toward sugar cravings? The best way to combat sugar issues is to balance them. BodyTalk, a branch of energy medicine-and the fastest growing healthcare system in the world-determines where the communication in the body has broken down, and then restores the communication energetically. Each person has a unique body chemistry. Therefore, there can be no one set way to balance sugar. For one person, the problem might lie in the liver. For another individual, an imbalance in brain chemistry may be the cause of their sugar problems. Someone else could have a problem in the pancreas. Each person has symptoms of sugar imbalances, but must be treated in a completely different manner. Unless we understand exactly where the problem lies, we cannot expect to treat them successfully. BodyTalk, with its unique system of biofeedback, provides the structure necessary for communication with the body-mind complex.

In my clinical practice, I have found the sugar treatment to be a pivotal point in treating many cases of diabetes, addiction, and autoimmune disorders, as well as other complaints ranging from TMJ to fibromyalgia. Again, each case is unique in its root cause as well as the specific route of treatment. However, sugar always plays a key role in each treatment. Once we change the relationship with sugar, each individual seems to be more able to manage his or her own relationship with both the outside world and the chemical processes of the body. This ability to modulate information, both within and without, marks a new ability to maintain health, and this is the key to healing.

Degenerative Joint Disease Causes and Home Treatments

The degenerative joint disease causes are typically wear and tear injuries that occur over time. In fact, advanced age is a major risk factor of degenerative joint disease and it is rare for anyone over the age of 70 to be unaffected in some way by this progressive disorder. However, treatments are available that can help decrease the pain and stiffness associated with degenerative joint disease.

Degenerative Joint Disease Causes

Though degenerative joint disease, also known as osteoarthritis, can come on as a consequence of everyday life, its onset can be sped up by certain factors.

  • Trauma due to sports

  • Trauma from work-related activities or injuries

  • Repetitive motions of a joint for a long time

  • Infection in a joint

  • Excess weight, which puts pressure on the weight bearing joints.

Degenerative joint disease is common in the weight bearing joints (spine, hips, knees, ankles, feet, and toes) but can also occur in the non-weight bearing joints (shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, and fingers).

If you wake in the morning with stiffness, which goes away after moving for about 30 minutes, you likely have osteoarthritis. This is a classic sign of the disorder as is pain in the joints that is aggravated by exercise and relieved by rest.

Degenerative Joint Disease Home Treatments

You will not be able to completely cure degenerative joint disease but you can treat the symptoms and lessen the pain and stiffness. Below I have listed some common home remedies for degenerative joint disease:

  • OTC (over-the-counter) drugs like acetaminophen (Tylenol) are the first remedy tried by most osteoarthritis sufferers. Aspirin will have similar pain-relieving effects but may be harder on your stomach

  • NSAIDS (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like ibuprofen and naproxen can provide some relieve from pain and are commonly thought of as a step up from Tylenol or Aspirin. Talk with your doctor if you feel a need for regular use of these pain relievers.

  • OTC glucosamine and condroitin formulas have mixed results but some claim good results with their regular use.

  • There are a number of pain-relieving lotions and creams. Try Capsaicin (Zostrix), this may feel unusual at first but has proven to be helpful for the temporary relief of degenerative joint disease.

  • Hot or cold packs may provide temporary relieve. Hot packs can warm the joint and aid in pain-free movement. Cold packs help reduce swelling and pain that may occur following exercise.

  • Allow sufficient time to rest the affected joint and if repetitive movements aggravate the symptoms, take step to change your routine.

  • You do not want to avoid exercise because it helps to keep your joints mobile. However, you may need to shift your exercise routine to exercises that do not stress your joints. Swimming and water activities are non-weight bearing exercises. You can also walk instead of jog to put knees under less stress.

  • Alternative treatments like acupuncture and massage may provide you with relief.

TMJ Tinnitus - How to Understand and Treat TMJ Tinnitus

TMJ disease has many medical manifestations such as TMJ neck pain, TMJ ear pain and TMJ tinnitus. In fact, almost half of those suffering from TMJ dysfunction, have tinnitus as a symptom. This disorder is somewhat more difficult to diagnose as it is not really caused from the hearing loss, but more a result of your jaw being out of alignment. Once identified, however, relief can often be successfully achieved, sometimes with a few weeks of finding the TMJ tinnitus.
TMJ, temporomandibular joint disorder, is a disorder that involves the misalignment of the jaw, is one of the lesser known causes of hearing loss. The joint is found in front of the ear, and allows us to speak, chew and smile. TMJ sufferers usually wake feeling like they never slept or at least, did not sleep well.  TMJ disorders include sinus headaches, migraine headaches,  jaw joints popping when yawning and/or eating, tingling fingers, stiff neck and shoulders, frequent dizzy spells, lower back pain, and light-headedness. 
Tinnitus is often suffered by TMJ victims as a side effect. Hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo and nausea was often mentioned in case histories of TMJ patients. Earlier this year, researchers reported that patients with craniocervical mandibular disorders suffered with tinnitus as a primary or secondary complaint. If tinnitus is present for no obvious reason, a questionnaire may be developed by the audiologist that will help in determining if the condition is linked to a jaw joint dysfunction. Compression of the tissues behind the jaw joint are often the cause of decreased hearing and TMJ tinnitus. 

TMJ tinnitus remedies treat the tinnitus noises you are hearing, relieve the pain , treat the depression and also help you to sleep. A thorough diagnostic assessment is done prior to treatment. The cause of TMJ can be different, depending on the TMJ dysfunction patient, so careful treatment and diagnosis is important. It is recommended that two to three weeks into the course of treatments, you have chiropractic manipulation of the temporalis masseter muscles in the jaw. The course of treatments may involve taking two separate remedies , which between them treat the pain, the tinnitus, help relieve the depression, help you to get some sleep and most important of all, help you to relax those tensed muscles. Cranial osteopathy - gentle, hands-on structural adjustment, used with other treatments, is used to address TMJ, facial pain, headaches, vertigo, tinnitus, and ear infections.

The Most Common Cause of Pain at the Base of the Thumb

Does your thumb hurt? Pain at the base of the thumb - where it joins up with the wrist, is usually caused by a very common condition, especially over age 50. It's more common in women, and it's not carpal tunnel syndrome!

The answer?

Arthritis at the base of the thumb.

What is it?

The word arthritis means joint (arth-) inflammation (-itis). The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, or OA. Another name for it is degenerative joint disease, or DJD. The ends of bones normally move smoothly against each other. Smooth cartilage in joints makes this possible. The disease process of arthritis causes this cartilage to wear out and the joint no longer works as it was designed to.

In the worst, most advanced cases, bone literally grinds on bone inside the arthritic joint!

The base of the thumb is where the thumb joins up with the wrist. The main joint involved in arthritis at the base of the thumb is the trapeziometacarpal joint (also known as the carpometacarpal joint - CMC joint of the thumb).

This joint is formed by a long bone in the thumb called the metacarpal and a bone in the wrist called the trapezium. This joint provides the majority of the useful motion in your hand - gripping, pinching, twisting, opening jars, and writing all require this joint to have pain-free function. Arthritis may cause pain with all these activities.

This type of arthritis is more common in women than men, and usually doesn't happen before age 40. Fractures and other trauma to the thumb joint may put you at risk for developing arthritis in the future.

What are the Signs and Symptoms?

Some patients with arthritis at the base of the thumb never have symptoms. Others have crippling and severe pain at an early age.

The earliest symptom of thumb arthritis is pain at the base of the thumb (the heel of the palm) with pinching, opening jars, or after long periods of writing. Turning keys or opening door knobs may also be painful.

Weather changes (such as before it rains) may create pain in the thumb. Heavy repetitive use may also cause deep aching in the thumb. As the arthritis gets worse, the strength of pinching gets weaker and heavy activity is no longer required to make the thumb painful.

Patients with advanced arthritis may feel a grinding/crunching sensation with even small movements of the thumb, and the thumb joint may start to look enlarged, swollen, or "out of place". The joint at the base of the thumb becomes very stiff at this point.

Other joints further out towards the tip of the thumb may become looser and more deformed to compensate for the stiffness at the thumb base.

How is the diagnosis made?

Arthritis at the base of the thumb is diagnosed by history (the story of how symptoms develop) and physical examination.

The base joint (CMC joint) is tender to touch and you can often feel crunching or grinding as the joint is moved in a circular pattern. Swelling is usually present around the joint.

Other conditions in the same area may cause a similar appearance, such as tendonitis and arthritis in other joints of the wrist and thumb.

X-rays are useful for confirming the specific joint involved with arthritis, though the appearance of the joint on x-ray may not match how the patient feels.

There are several x-ray views ordered by your hand surgeon that show the arthritis more clearly than those ordered by your family doctor. These additional views are especially helpful in mild cases, where the diagnosis isn't obvious on regular x-rays of the hand or wrist.

The swelling, tenderness, or abnormal motion of other joints nearby may also reinforce the diagnosis of arthritis at the base of the thumb.

How is it treated?

Arthritis at the base of the thumb is treated like arthritis elsewhere in the body:

  • limited motion or use

  • splinting

  • anti-inflammatory medicine (pills or creams)

  • heat therapy (warm/hot water soaks)

Cortisone (steroid) injections in the joint may give some significant relief for several months. This can be done along with the above methods or after they have failed to provide pain relief.

After non-surgical treatments fail to provide adequate pain relief, surgery should be considered.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Best Pain Relief Cream Reviews!

There are millions of people worldwide who live daily with chronic pain. In America alone, it is estimated that close to 75 million people live with chronic pain. And for all these people, getting through the day without the aches and pains is a major goal! They will do almost anything in order to manage their pain. Very often, these people have tried almost everything, from surgery, highly potent and addictive prescription drugs, many with dangerous side effects, to homeopathic, herbal, acupuncture or other remedies.

Regrettably, most of these people around the world continue to live with their chronic pain, sometimes on a daily basis. Pain relief creams are not a cure all remedy! In fact, some creams may even be toxic and dangerous to your health, just as much as the highly toxic, dangerous and sometimes addictive prescription drugs that are on the market today.

So, how do we ensure that the product we choose is safe, will do what it promises on the label, relatively fast, and has no harmful side effects?

This article will discuss what chronic pain sufferers are looking for in an effective pain relief product and offers a recommendation for a product that appears to be already helping many people manage their chronic pain.

Is There An Ideal Pain Relief Cream?

Consider this: there is no known cure for chronic pain. There is no pain relief medication yet on the market today (prescription or over-the-counter) that will permanently cure chronic pain. Hence, the objective of many people with chronic pain (according to research) is to manage this pain safely, quickly and affordably! Several other research studies have determined that people want their ideal pain relief cream to be odorless, fast acting, natural and organic ingredients, safe, no side effects, no stomach upsets and no adverse reactions. And because pain management tends to be a lifelong process, these people are also looking for an affordable pain relief cream product!

Typical Pain Relief Solutions!

Research has also determined that customers expect their ideal pain management product to help them manage in one way or the other, the following, relieve aching joints, block nerve pain, cool down hot pain, ease sprains and backaches, stop shooting pain, relax muscle spasm, soothe burning pain, calm emotional pain, relieve painful swelling and still nerve-based pain. While they fully understand that ONE pain relief cream cannot adequately manage ALL these pain symptoms, they want their ideal product to manage as many of these ailments as possible, so they are NOT using several potentially conflicting medications at the same time.

An Ideal Pain Relief Cream!

This review article has identified a pain relief cream that comes close to being the" ideal", based on the customer requirement above. RLIEF is a 100% natural pain relief cream that works by reducing inflammation while increasing blood and oxygen flow to the inflamed area. The pure plants and oils in RLIEF actually help the body heal itself in a much shorter recovery time. RLIEF uses a revolutionary and "patent pending" process to extract the essential oils, minerals and other natural ingredients from plants, nuts, olive oil, ginger oil, dead sea salt and Inula Viscosa.

Inula Viscosa has been regarded since biblical times as a "miracle plant". It was used in traditional medicine as a treatment for joints pain, back pain and swollen feet. And recent clinical studies have confirmed the anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties of Inula Viscosa.

The waters of the Dead Sea have been renowned for their therapeutic effects since ancient times. Two thousand years ago, Flavius wrote that the salts from the Dead Sea "heal the human body".

When you listen to commercials about the current prescription pain drugs on the market today, it is not unusual to hear, at the end of the commercial, a long list of potential serious side effects. It is not easy to find pain management medications or creams that do not have these negative side effects.

Fortunately, there are a few all natural, safe and fast acting alternatives on the market today.

You can get more research and information on the best pain relief cream reviews here!

Is Knee Arthritis Inevitable With Aging

This is the common perception of Knee Osteoarthritis in our country where Primary Hip Osteoarthritis is rare. However in the recent past, it has been realized that not only are the elderly at definite risk of Osteoarthritis but many more of the middle aged and even young. Osteoarthritis is the commonest form of joint disease (arthritis) and is a leading cause of disability in older individuals in India and many countries. It is the common perception that wear and tear inevitable with aging alone leads to Osteoarthritis, but this is not the whole truth. As we shall see not only the elderly, but others are also vulnerable to Osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis (OA) in peripheral joints, most frequently involves the knee joint, and the disease may affect one or more of the three compartments of the knee. The knee joint acts to transfer force from the thigh muscles to the leg to move the body. Loads exerted on the surfaces of the knee during normal daily activities are two to seven times the body weight. It is therefore no wonder that the knee is so vulnerable to wear and tear (Osteoarthritis). Osteo-arthritic changes in the joint decrease the effectiveness of load transfer during these activities. Overall health is impaired and Knee OA has been to shown to account for more limitations in walking, stair climbing or other daily activities than any other disease. The form of the disease in the elderly is called primary osteoarthritis whereas the affliction of the young and middle aged is called Secondary osteoarthritis. Let us take a look at the risk factors for developing secondary osteoarthritis, which encompasses other age groups of people in the general population.

These are of two categories, General or systemic and local risks.

General risks


Man along with two more mammals, the Elephant and the bear are the only animals to have straight knees. Evolutionarily straight knees are invaluable to minimize energy expenditure during walking so that the body does not tilt from side to side as it would do if the knees were bent in a two legged creature. The price or side effect of the erect posture is weight transmission occurring through the inner half of the knee joint. Therefore the inner half of the knee is susceptible to wear in the normal course of time.

Genetic factors

These play a major role in a generalized form of the disease known to affect some communities and families. Research is on to identify the exact genetic location that increases the susceptibility to OA.


Many degenerative diseases like Osteoarthritis are the result of tissue damage from "Free Oxygen radical" attack. Normal cartilage cells are known to reduce free radicals. Anti oxidants such as Vitamin A, C and E have the potential to protect against such tissue damage. It was found in a study that people consuming High amounts of Vitamin C have a 60- 70 per cent reduction in risk for progressive OA. High vitamin C intake levels were also found to be associated with a reduced risk for knee pain according to the same study.

Vitamin D plays an important role in bone mineralization. Results from the above study show that high levels are protective against progression of disease.

Bone mineral density

About three decades ago surgeons removing the head of the upper end of the thigh bone from elderly patients with hip fractures in the operation of partial hip replacement, observed that the end bone rarely showed arthritic changes. Since then, many studies have confirmed the inverse relationship between Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis. Currently research is on to determine if the medicines prescribed for Osteoporosis such as Calcitonin and Bisphoshphonates prevent the x- ray changes of OA and prevent cartilage breakdown.

Female hormonal deficiency (estrogen)

The incidence of Knee OA increases in Post menopausal women suggesting that estrogen deficiency might be a risk factor and that post menopausal women are more susceptible to osteoarthritis. Despite the obvious correlation, more research is needed to understand the relationships between bone mineral density, estrogen and OA. As females are the preponderant sex to suffer from OA knees, Female specific Knee implants or Prostheses have been developed for a Total knee replacement as the majority of people (two thirds) undergoing a knee replacement are women.

Local risk factors


Increased body weight contributes to the increased load transmitted across the weight bearing knees by a factor of three to seven times the body weight and leads to accelerated wear of the articular cartilage. The relationship between obesity and Osteoarthritis is stronger for bilateral than unilateral disease and is greater in women than men. Since the load transmitted to the knees varies between three to seven fold the body weight, one fold reduction of weight leads to a three to seven fold decreased pressure on the knees. In addition the knee alignment may affect the impact of body weight on the knee joint. Knees with bow legs are more stressed by body weight resulting in more severe inner compartment arthritis.

Physical activity

There is no evidence that participation in light or moderate levels of physical activity (walking, running, dancing, cycling, gardening, and outdoor sports) throughout the life cycle will increase an individual's risk of developing knee OA. This means that even middle aged people can safely participate in these activities without risk of developing osteoarthritis.

However participation in high intensity contact sports is strongly linked to development of knee OA in elite athletes. Many tennis players, runners, professional soccer players are more likely to suffer from knee arthritis and Patello-femoral OA than age matched controls.

Occupational activity

Men in occupations that require repetitive overuse of the knee joint for example, carpenters, painters, miners, dock workers have an increased risk of developing knee OA. Crouching, kneeling, squatting, climbing stairs and lifting heavy loads all cause abnormal joint loading across the knee joint and lead to cartilage damage. The risk factors are similar in both men and women.


Several studies in Europe and America have confirmed that knee injury is a strong predictor for the development of knee OA. Most Knee injuries involve the ACL (Anterior cruciate ligament and ACL rupture is often associated with meniscal damage or a tear in the medial collateral ligament. ACL injuries occur after two wheeler accidents, domestic and outdoor accidents. Both ACL deficiency and meniscal rupture are strongly linked to early degenerative arthritic changes. Although at present it is not clear to what extent the common operation of ACL reconstruction can delay the onset of arthritis, some studies show that early ACL reconstruction with meniscal preservation and not menisectomy provides the greatest protection. A poor outcome after knee injuries is seen in patients who have undergone a partial or total menisectomy an operation which is commonly performed by surgeons. Meniscal suture and Meniscal transplant are ways to protect against osteoarthritis. The former operation is available but the later is yet to kick off from early teething problems. A meniscal transplant facility was announced in Chennai last year but supply of grafts has not been forthcoming.

Mechanical environment of the knees

It is easy to comprehend how any joint or bearing can wear out quickly by understanding what happens to your car tyres if the alignment and balancing is not perfect or if the pressure is more or less. The treads on the overloaded portion of the tyre wear out more. The same analogy applies to the knees. Knees which have a bend like the one shown in the picture will wear out faster. Increased joint laxity an accompaniment of age contributes to OA.

Muscle strength

It is a well known observation that people with OA have weakness of the quadriceps muscles. It was assumed that decreased muscle strength is the result of disuse atrophy secondary to knee pain; however it has been noted recently that many patients with asymptomatic knee arthritis have weak muscles. Therefore it makes sense to develop the thigh muscles to prevent arthritis or ameliorate the symptoms after its development, but is to be noted that increasing muscle strength will not arrest progression of the disease.

In summary Knee Osteoarthritis once considered an inevitable consequence of aging is now recognized to be multi-factorial, resulting from the interaction of a variety of general and local factors like age, genetic predisposition, obesity, trauma and mechanical properties of the joint. The traditional surgical treatment of OA "a total knee replacement" is the best long term cost effective solution. However other operations like an osteotomy to correct the alignment of the bones around the knee, ACL reconstruction, cartilage surgery, medications are available to different affected groups of patients. They will not condemn the patient to developing Osteoarthritis in earlier age and become a candidate for a total knee replacement.

Living With Osteoarthritis!

The most common form of arthritis is Osteoarthritis. Sufferers of this disease also know it as osteoarthrosis or degenerative joint disease, and it is a condition where, over time, the cartilage that lies within your joints begins to wear down, causing inflammation of the joints and pain.

Any joint in the human body can suffer the effects of this degenerating disease, but the most common areas are the knees, the hands, spine and hips. Typically, only one of these joints are affected, however, in the case of Osteoarthritis in the hands, individuals may suffer from degeneration of several joints in the fingers.

Unfortunately, osteoarthritis becomes worse over time and it currently cannot be cured. The treatments available for this disease relieve pain and inflammation and allow individuals to remain active in the life they currently live. This disease often affects the everyday things that an individual does, such as tying shoes, cutting food and turning switches on lamps.

Management of osteoarthritis is possible, allowing an individual to have some form of control over pain. The development of osteoarthritis occurs over time and many individuals live life as well as possible with it. The largest factor in control is preventing deformities in the joints for a person to live a good quality of life.

Signs of Osteoarthritis are stiffness in the joints that are mostly noticeable between periods of inactivity or wake up in the morning, a grating sensation when the joint is used, in some cases there may be swelling, the loss of flexibility makes joint use difficult, tenderness in the joint when pressure is applied to it, as well as pain during instances of inactivity or during use, and bone spurs which are hard lumps around the problematic joint.

These symptoms can affect many places in the body such as your spine, hips, hands and knees. Uncommon places where joint pain may be felt unless you have been injured are in the ankles, jaw, elbows, shoulders or wrists. Risk is increased when people become older, if they have deformities of the bone, joint injuries and women are at risk for osteoarthritis more than men, although the reasons why remain unclear.

Medications for this disease may cause side effects with symptoms that range from moderate to severe. Call your physician if you experience any of these side effects as medication dosages may be adjusted to lessen those effects and help you to experience a better quality of life. Some examples of side effects include drowsiness, nausea, constipation, abdominal discomfort or tarry or black stools.

Jaw Pain - New Therapy For Relief

Myofascial Release for Jaw Pain - Healthy Alternative Found in Myofascial Release for Jaw Pain

Jaw pain is not all that uncommon among people these days, and if you have experienced it, you know that it is just plain uncomfortable. TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint disorders, is often caused by unsymmetrical chewing patterns, tightness of the neck, and head posture. You can identify this by pain or tenderness of the jaw, clicking, popping, and locking jaw, inability to open the mouth wide, facial swelling, a tired feeling face, or an off-center bite. If you have this type of problem, trying myofascial release for jaw pain is a great choice for a long term relief of this uncomfortable condition.

When receiving myofascial release for joint pain for TMJ, the therapist will often times first confirm the condition with the patient's dentist and take a history from the patient. The practitioner will then do their own examination, taking note of how the jaw is or is not able to move and any irregularities or sounds that the jaw presents. Once the evaluation is complete and he or she begins the treatment, the practitioner will then begin by applying a mild pressure to areas affecting the jaw, often located in the jaw, head, and neck. Where the fascia is tough, the practitioner will work to loosen and lengthen the fascia.

Another great way for someone to perform myofascial release for jaw pain is through the use of trigger points. These are small knotted locations which are loaded with neurological and chemical factors which, when released, allow the fascia to loosen and repair. Many areas of the face and head can experience relief when these trigger points are released, such as the around the jaw, head, eyes, ear, and teeth. Patients receiving this type of treatment may also be advised to do things such as sleeping with a night guard for teeth, eating softer foods, avoiding rash jaw movements, and using relaxation techniques.

Using myofascial release for jaw pain is a completely safe and effective treatment for TMJ. Although there might be some mild discomfort during treatment, the long term benefits are definitely worthwhile. Experienced, professional practitioners are well aware of where they can apply more or where they need to apply less pressure. Using this form of myofascial release can benefit those experiencing jaw pain and other forms of pain in the face, head, and neck. Choosing to use this form of therapy is much healthier than taking prescription or over the counter pills and is a natural way to treat this type of pain.

Try A Natural Diet For Arthritis Pain Relief

I got rid of my arthritis and arthritis pain forever by eating a natural living food diet. I found relief from my arthritis pain, naturally, and you can do it too.

Arthritis concentrates in one or several joints where deterioration occurs. To get the arthritis pain relief you're seeking it's helpful to understand how arthritis works. The first step when looking for solutions to an arthritis pain problem is to understand how arthritis works.

The combination of the collagen meshwork and high water content tightly bound by proteoglycans creates a resilient, slippery pad in the joint, which resists the compression between bones during muscle movement. Collagen is the main protein found in all connective tissues in the body, including the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. The ability to make repairs to cartilage becomes limited as cartilage cells age.

Most experts now believe that osteoarthritis results from a genetic susceptibility that causes a biologic response to injuries to the joint, which leads to progressive deterioration of cartilage. Genetic factors are thought to be involved in about 50% of osteoarthritis cases in the hands and hips and a somewhat lower percentage of cases in the knee. An inflammatory response causes cytokines, to gather in injured areas and cause inflammation and damage to body tissue and cells; it's known to play a role in rheumatoid arthritis and other muscle and joint problems associated with autoimmune diseases.

Try massaging your fingers or other affected joints with coconut oil twice a day. Some foods and beverages to avoid that are inflammatory are: caffeine, salt, sugar, meat, dairy products, additives, soft drinks, white flour, white rice, alcoholic beverages, fast food, processed vegetable oils, refined, packaged and processed food. Studies done on antioxidant vitamins question the value of these supplements; it's clearly better to consume these antioxidants in living foods because they may also need to work with other nutrients present in the foods to work properly.

If you really want to get rid of your arthritis pain forever it may take a radical change in your diet and an ongoing commitment. Make smoothies with fruit only using a base of two bananas, adding a cup of frozen or fresh blueberries and mango chunks or substitute any other fruit and add an energy boost of two tablespoons of coconut oil; add one or two leaves of kale for another highly nutritional boost -- no one will ever know. Making a ginger tea, by adding a thin slice or two of fresh gingerroot to hot water, is helpful to many people I know.

Try avoiding the eight most allergic foods, wheat being the most allergenic; they are wheat, corn, eggs, milk, peanuts, fish, shellfish and some nuts, not all. One natural treatment method involves avoiding all inflammatory foods, that is, foods that are not alive.

I know quite a few people who are drinking tart cherry juice to relieve their arthritis pain; but is has to be the tart kind though. Some of the supplements commonly used for relieving arthritis pain, but I don't know if any of these work, are: glucosamine, chondroitin, bromelain, grapeseed extract, omega-3 and omega-6, cod liver oil, manganese ascorbate, MSM, boron, niacinamide, pantothenic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E.

To be on the safe side always seek your doctor's advice before starting or changing your exercise program. A good exercise routine is the key to beating arthritis and relieving arthritis pain. If you have pain and swelling in your fingers, try squeezing Thera-putty made for this purpose or exercising with two Chinese chime balls called Taiji balls. Even the lightest exercise can go a long way to maintaining your joint mobility and overall health.

Your body has 147 different joints that are in motion every day of your life. Exercise your affected joints every day, to keep them flexible. Stretching and warming up the joints should always be the first step in your exercise routine to make your joints more flexible, just be careful you don't do further damage-proceed slowly..

Be aware that the use of NSAIDs or Cox-2 inhibitors do not halt the progress of osteoarthritis and may even hasten the onset.

Once you become more informed about arthritis you'll be able to plan an arthritis treatment program, natural or conventional or a combination of both. For conventional treatment of arthritis - if you do choose to take drugs or medications, be very careful and read the labels thoroughly.

Following these suggestions can help you get back in the swing of things fast and allow you to spend your days enjoying life once more. Arthritis pain relief is the ultimate goal - understanding arthritis is a good way to get there. Begin your treatment program with a diet change, exercise and weight loss plan to see incredible results and fast pain relief.

TMJ Treatment Options - Dental Treatments

Have you ever gotten your jaw stuck open? Many people say that mine really should stick now and then because I talk way too much.

On a more serious note, a stuck or painful jaw, or even hearing loss could have a common source. The jaw actually not flexing on the ball and the associated jaw pain might in fact result from TMJ or temporomandibular joint syndrome.

There are some TMJ treatment options that one can use to get rid of the condition. However, the majority of individuals go to visit their dental professional, and this is not a bad decision.

Can you picture exactly what that boxer's jaw feels like after a well-landed right cross? Well that could just be similar to the pain of a person enduring TMJ disorder. It might also induce a ringing in the ears, popping or cracking sound when opening the mouth, headache, or neck pain or even have the symptoms of a migraine.

Dentist is often the best individual to treat TMJ disorder. While the condition appears in your jaw area, it is only logical that the specialist who is focused on that location also treat it.

TMJ disorder impacts to the muscles that are used in chewing. Also, often one cause of TMJ is dislocation of your teeth. A dental professional can take an oral x-ray from your jaw and teeth which can help in identifying whether you have TMJ or not. It also helps in comprehending your symptoms better and whether there are any abnormalities.

The causes differ from degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis to temporal arthritis or Horton's Illness, an inflammatory condition of the blood vessels. Not to worry, all is not lost. There are treatments.

For instance, the dental professional can choose to move the condyle to the new position so that it is easier for the individual to chew. In this way, the pain can be relieved since the lower jaw rocks appropriately. Before this kind of treatment, the dentist will inject an anesthesia into the jaw joint and also a shot into the blood to relax your muscles.

The dentist might actually offer another TMJ therapy which involves tightening up the ligaments that attach to the jaw bones and facial muscles. Ligaments attach to muscles and bones in all the joints of our body to assist in holding them in place and in supporting their basic functions.

Many of us understand that, if the ligaments that help the knee function are injured, serious pain and difficulty walking often result. It's that knee rocking movement that nearly mimics the rocking movement of the mandible in chewing.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Arthritis in Athletes

Reduced mobility and flexibility of one's joints that is often accompanied by a grating sensation are probable manifestations of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis, often known as degenerative joint disease, is prevalent among adults. Often associated and caused by the gradual wear and tear of cartilage, protracted injuries such as sports-related injuries could also mark the onset of osteoarthritis.

A sports-related injury that does not heal will inevitably lead to the formation of subchondral bone cysts and osteophytes commonly known as bone spurs which are basically calcium deposits in stress areas along the joints. In addition, pain is known to be amplified with the presence of bone spurs in joints. Involvement in sports activities, especially in competitive sports that have a lot to do with intense and high-degrees of joint loading and twisting (such as baseball, soccer, basketball, karate, tennis, lacrosse, competitive running, and water skiing) drives the body to a state of hyper mobility. As a response, the body naturally produces osteophytes along stress areas for stabilization and protection of the joints. With a prolonged sports-related injury, one can fall prey to ankylosing spondylitis, a type of arthritis that has to do with the calcification of the whole ligament.

Osteoarthritis is observed to be more common in athletes with histories of low-extremity injuries as in football players. Athletes with histories of high extremity injuries are also known to suffer osteoarthritis. Injured athletes are advised to refrain from further intense training until such time that their injuries heal.

NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the standard medication for osteoarthritis but these are mostly taken to reduce pain relief and do not necessarily heal sports injuries, hence, do not effectively treat osteoarthritis. Moreover, NSAIDs, for the past couple of years, have been linked to gastrointestinal side effects and may do more harm than good. Prolotherapy treatment has also been cited to have beneficial effects for injured athletes. Through direct injection, prolotherapy reduces joint spaces and treats injured ligaments.

However, a more simple and non-invasive osteoarthritis treatment is more viable and safe. Glucosamine and chondroitin supplements are growing in popularity among adults suffering from arthritis especially athletes. These have been known to reduce the pain of arthritis as well as assist in rehabilitating damaged joints and ligaments. Dietary glucosamine and chondroitin supplements in liquid form are most-effective in combating further joint degeneration. Synflex Liquid Glucosamine is a brand of glucosamine supplements that come in liquid form and is the leader in its field.

Synflex Liquid Glucosamine effectively deters the progression of degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis by assisting in repairing the damaged cartilage and aiding in the construction of new, healthier, and stronger ones. Syn-flex Liquid Glucosamine also does an effective job of alleviating pain from arthritis, by reducing stress areas, without the negative effects that most NSAIDs produce. Effective cartilage repair and pain relief is made possible through carefully-reformulated anti-inflammatory, rehabilitative, and enriching ingredients in Syn-flex Liquid Glucosamine that work synergistically to address the effects of osteoarthritis. Significant improvements in mobility and flexibility among athletes have been associated and reported by athletes using Syn-flex Liquid Glucosamine. Learn more at [].

How to Manage Degenerative Disk and Joint Disease

As you age, there are a lot of diseases that you can encounter. There are some that are unavoidable since these come with aging but there are others that you can prevent while you are still young. Two common disorders that you should know about are degenerative disk disease and degenerative joint disease.

Degenerative disk disease (DDD) or also called spondylosis is a condition that happens when the cartilages in the intervertebral discs of the vertebrae become weak and fragile. This gradual deterioration will lead to wear and tear of the vertebrae which is partially composed of cartilage. This condition is common in older people because of the years that these body parts have been strained, overused or even misused. This happens because the flexibility and elasticity of the discs are lost as a person ages. These will also become thinner when they are dehydrated which make them lose their shock absorbing characteristics.

The most common symptom of degenerative disk disease is chronic pain that starts at the lower part of the back then radiating to the hips. During walking, you will also feel pain on your buttocks and thighs. In some, there may be weakness or tingling sensations at the knees. The pain can also be felt when you are doing other activities such as bending, lifting or even sitting. As the condition worsens, the pain can radiate to the upper back, the shoulders, the hands and arms. When neck pain causes an interruption in the blood supply to the brain, other symptoms will include vertigo, headache and disturbances with cognitive abilities. The treatment of degenerative disc disease includes physical therapy, traction, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and chiropractic treatments such as chiropractic manipulative therapy. If the condition is severe and the treatments are not effective after three months, surgery can be recommended.

Degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis is another condition that commonly occurs with aging. It is one of the forms of arthritis occurring when cartilage in the joints are worn down due to inflammation, overuse and straining. The most common affected areas are the hands, the knees, hips, neck and the lower back. Just like with spondylosis, the most common symptom of degenerative joint disease is pain that will lead to inability to use the affected area as well as stiffness. This is usually described as a burning sensation or a sharp pain which is often accompanied by a crackling sound when you move the affected area. There can also be muscle spasms and contractions on the affected areas.

For degenerative joint disease, the treatment is focused on reducing the severity of joint pain such that you are still able to do your activities of daily living and for the increase in muscular support. Analgesics are usually given such as Aspirin and Rimadyl as well as corticosteroids to decrease the inflammation. It is important to maintain your activities such that the affected areas are moved to avoid contractures. Swimming is one of the recommended activities since this does not require too much weight-bearing. Surgery is only recommended if all other treatment methods have been exhausted but are not yet effective.

Although these disorders are unavoidable since they come with old age, there are ways on how you can lessen your chances of having them. You should maintain a healthy lifestyle by having a healthy diet as well as a healthy weight while having regular exercises. This way, you are avoiding joint contractures and other significant risk factors for degenerative disk disease and degenerative joint disease.

TMJ Symptoms Disguised As Everyday Medical Conditions

The early signs of TMJ or TMJ symptoms can sometimes be hard to detect. This is due to the fact that these signs can mimic more common medical conditions like earaches, headaches, jaw pain and "clicking" or "popping" sounds when opening or closing the mouth.

The bad news is that this mis-diagnosis often results in valuable time lost as sufferers consult with a number of doctors or specialists looking for a cure. Those who are lucky enough to contact a dentist in the early stages avoid unnecessary pain and worry as they get the pain relief they need so desperately.

One of the most common signs of TMJ disorder is teeth grinding (commonly known as bruxism). When someone clenches or grinds his or her teeth, additional stress is put onto already tired and overworked muscles. This stress is then transferred to the head, neck, face, shoulders, and in some extreme cases, the back.

Another common symptom of TMJ disorder that is usually mistaken for a regular medical condition is headaches. The biggest reason people do not think of headaches as a TMJ symptom is because they are more commonly confused with migraine headaches.

TMJ headaches usually start in the temple area (right behind the eyes), the back of the head, and the pain travels along the neck and shoulders. On the other hand, migraine headaches cause visual impairments (including sensitivity to light) and can be felt mainly on one side of the head. Unfortunately, the treatment for migraine headaches do not provide permanent relief for TMJ disorder induced headaches. To get proper diagnosis for TMJ disorder, you will need to consult a dentist or a dental specialist and not a neurologist. An excellent source of information for TMJ disorder treatment is the American Academy of Head, Neck and Facial Pain.

Jaw clicking and/or popping are also common TMJ symptoms. Many people dismiss this symptom as an everyday occurrence because at the early stages, jaw clicking and popping does not usually interfere in their daily lives. The clicking sound occurs when the condyle moves forward when the mouth opens and the condyle slips on and off the dislocated disc. The bad news is that if left alone, the condition could become worse. This is why early detection is crucial. When the clicking sound becomes louder, chances are the condition is getting worse and the pain can become more intense at a rapid pace.

In order to avoid a delayed diagnoses, keep in mind that some of the common TMJ symptoms that are disguised as common medical problems include headaches, earaches, jaw pain and "clicking" or "popping" sounds when opening or closing the mouth. If any of these TMJ symptoms are constant for an extended amount of time and only seem to be getting worse, then you need to look for medical attention as soon as possible.

Water For Wellness - Will Water Cure Disease?

Most of us are aware that we should drink more water, some of us don't see that it's necessary and drink very little, others realise they don't drink enough and are 'going to try to drink more'. I, for one, keep telling myself that I should drink more water ... but I never thought of it before as being a possible cure for many of the health problems that people suffer from today.

Water is, after all, the basis of all life and is vital to our very existence. The muscles that move our body are 75% water; the blood that transports nutrients is 82%; the lungs that provide our oxygen are 90% water; the brain, the control centre of the body is 76% and even our bones are 25% water.

When you think of it - nothing on this earth will survive without water and our health is truly dependent on the quality and quantity of the water we drink.

Another essential nutrient of life is salt and there are many problems that are caused by a deficiency of these two essential nutrients, water and salt.

Among them:
Arthritis, asthma, autism and other birth defects caused by the mother being dehydrated, most back problems (without enough water & salt the body cannot produce enough cartilage to prevent joint degeneration), cancer, high cholesterol which only appears when the body needs it to prevent water loss in cells, circulation problems, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia, headaches, lupus, Multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, obesity, osteoporosis, scleroderma & most skin problems and thyroid problems.

It would seem far too simple to imagine that we could actually cure any of these problems just by adding water and salt to our diet. Yet, according to Dr Batmanghelidj, author of "Your Body's Many Cries for Water", this is just what we can do. Think about it ...what is the most common treatment that is used in hospitals to stabilise the patient? - an IV saline drip.

The pioneering work done by Dr Batmanghelidj shows that Unintentional Chronic Dehydration (UCD) can be a cause for pain and the presence of many degenerative diseases. Increasing water intake and adding sea salt to the diet on a regular basis can prevent and treat many of these degenerative diseases.

Everyone agrees that water is good for the body but what they don't know is what happens to the body if it does not receive its daily requirement.

Thirst signals often show up as pain, and are treated with drugs. These drugs do not 'cure' the problem, instead they just mask the problem. This is like turning out the dashboard signal light that tells us our car is about to overheat.

If you are committed to a healthy lifestyle, make drinking enough natural water a habit in your life. It won't take long for you to feel the benefit.

How to Deal With TMJ Safely

TMJ exercises refer to exercises a TMJ patient can use to relieve their TMJ symptoms. TMJ stands for Temporomandibular joint which are the joints on either side of your face that connect your jawbone to your skull. When someone is diagnosed with a TMJ disorder they could be experiencing trouble or pain with eating, sleeping, breathing, yawning, or talking.

The TMJ disorder could affect your neck, ears, jaw, back and head. Some of the symptoms associated with TMJ are clicking, popping, or grating noises when you open and close your mouth, trouble opening your mouth, jaw pain, earaches, headaches or migraines, neck pains, and shoulder pains.

The most common cause for the TMJ disorder is clenching or grinding your teeth in your sleep because of stress or tension. If you are a TMJ patient and stress or tension is the root cause you will need to do more than just TMJ exercises. If you do TMJ exercises and fail to do something about your stress levels you will keep on damaging your TMJ in your sleep.

Here are some TMJ Exercises:

1. Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth and open your mouth as far as possible without letting your tongue lose contact. Breathe in slowly with a two count as you open your mouth and then use a two count to close your mouth. Repeat this 10 times.

2. Put your chin on your fist and try to open your mouth. If your jaw has been clicking when you open your mouth you want to make sure you are not pushing hard enough for that to happen with this exercise. Hold the pressure for 10 seconds then release. Do this 10 times.

3. Push your hand against one side of your jaw below the joint and try to hold steady pressure. Hold for 10 seconds and then do the other side. Repeat until you have done each side 10 times.

4. Now you want to press 1 finger on each side of your face and open your mouth slowly using your fingers to keep your jaw from clicking. If your jaw does click you need to start over and try it even slower to keep it from clicking.

5. For this exercise you want to hold your jaw between your thumb and pointer finger. Then you want to relax your jaw and very carefully shake your chin back and forth so your jaw can release and move freely.

If you repeat these TMJ exercises every day or even more times per day it shouldn't be long before you start to feel better. But I cannot stress enough that if your TMJ disorder is caused by stress you will need to aggressively attack that with a separate treatment plan that you can do along with your TMJ exercises.

Foods to Eat When You Have Arthritis

Arthritis is not a single disease; it includes a hundred disorders that involve the joints. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the most common form of arthritis. In USA, about one in every five people is suffering from this disease. One important aspect in the joint pain treatment is the control of body weight. Overweight put extra stress on the joints which increases the risk of wear and tear. Excess fat is capable of producing hormones and chemicals which will increase level of inflammation. Overweight should be reduced to get arthritis pain relief. Diet control is necessary for this also.

Selecting a diet which is heavy in acid forming foods leads to bad effects on arthritis. Key foods that will help to cure arthritis are oily fish, fruits, vegetables, legumes and spices. Benefits of good diet are that it will be helpful in the prevention and reduction of symptoms of arthritis.

Recommended Foods for Arthritis Patients

Avoid white flour or refined white flour (pasta, white bread etc.). White flour turns into sugar in our body which will aggravate the pain. Brown rice is good to eat.

Fruits and vegetables should be consumed in large quantity daily. Five servings of these items in a day will do much help. Cooked fruits and dried fruits can be used. Eat cherries, pears, prunes etc. Avoid citrus fruits, bananas and tomatoes. Tomato can be used after removing the skin and seeds. Cooked vegetables such as artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, lettuce, tapioca, chard, spinach, tapioca etc. are good.

Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables help to curb the actions of free radicals which are destroying the healthy cells and exacerbating the damage at inflamed sites. Inflammation produces cell-damaging molecules that are formed in response to toxins. Antioxidants protect the body from the effects of free radicals.

Include foods that are rich in Vitamin C, Selenium, Carotenes and Bioflavonoid in the diet. Vitamin C is available in sweet pepper, orange, grapefruit, strawberries, pineapple, papaya, lemon etc. Body will get Selenium from foods such as tuna, crab, oyster, lean beef, shrimp, whole grains and turkey. Carotenes are a group of powerful antioxidant materials found in fruits and vegetables such as sweet potato, carrot, bale, butternut, squash, pumpkin, spinach etc. Bioflavonoid has anti-inflammatory effects and it is available in onion, cherry tomato, broccoli, elderberries, cocoa powder, apricots apple (with skin) etc.

Omega 3 fatty acids in fish oils have direct anti-inflammatory properties. They are polyunsaturated fats which will decrease inflammation by suppressing the production of cytokines and enzymes. It is very good for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. We will get omega 3 fatty acids from salmon, herring, sardines, rainbow trout, pacific oysters, flax seed oil and walnuts. Consume foods containing omega 3 fatty acids three to five times a week.

Oliver oil should be used instead of vegetable oil or butter. It is a good mono saturated fat that contains antioxidants called polypenols that protects body against inflammation.

Ginger and turmeric are good to include in the diet. Ginger contains chemicals that will ease pain and swelling of joints. Fresh ginger is anti-inflammatory and capable of giving cooling effect to the body. Use ginger in tea or in curries. Turmeric is from Asia. It will suppress inflammatory body chemicals.

Avoid artificial fats, saturated fats found in red meat, diary foods, processed foods and refined carbohydrates (white bread and sugar). All these produce free radicals or cause blood sugar level to spike leading to inflammation.

Along with the medication, selecting and avoiding the appropriate foods will also help to minimize the effect of the disease. If possible, be a vegetarian or limit the intake of red meat, vegetable oil, butter and eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables for the treatment of joint pains.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Help Reduce Joint and Muscle Pain

Physical pain is a sensory that you experience and it is an unpleasant feeling caused by bodily harm. Pain is your body's defense that gives a reaction and painful stimulus. Natural behavior stops you from doing the same painful thing again in a harmful situation. Pain in only based on the person experiencing it. There is different toleration of pain for every person. What one person thinks is the worst pain can be a mere bother to another.

There are two levels of pain, acute pain, which doesn't require medical treatment. This type of pain only requires rest or over the counter medication to relieve aches and tension. Then there is chronic pain, which does not go away and requires medication and medical attention. This is no longer a symptom, when it becomes ongoing it becomes an illness. Two specific types of pain are joint pain, and muscle pain, these are very common. Injury affecting any of the ligaments and tendons surrounding the joint is joint pain. This can also harm your cartilage and bones. Pain is a feature of joint inflammation also known as arthritis.

Joint pain is a serious issue. It makes everyday tasks unmanageable. It almost feels like an endless struggle. There are so many important joints that we take for granite. Hip pain, knee pain, even elbow pain may effect the stiffness and swelling. Just walking, climbing the stairs, bending down or even stand for a long period of time becomes stressful and painful. Millions on people deal with this type of pain everyday. A study shows that about 60 million people suffer from joint paint daily, no matter what field of work. It ranges from body builders all the way to school teachers!

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease; it's type arthritis specifically on the joint. This is when spurs form onto the joint causing major pain. There is a decrease in lubricant between the cartilages and bones. It is excruciating pain when bone on bone rubs, or bone on cartilage. When there is less protection it demotes your flexibility and movement. Exercising regularly will help restore muscle tone. You can try walking, riding your bike, or swimming. These are good aerobic activities that will help the aches in time. Also a good idea is a physical therapist. They can teach you how to stretch, tone, and do different aerobic exercises that will make you feel better and be pain-free. Studies show that exercise reduces muscle pain by 25%. Starting slowly is the key and gradually work your way up to your goal, don't try any heavy aerobic activities or lifting of weights if injured or while in pain.

Make sure to try to get the right amount of sleep and rest, and try to reduce your stress levels. Yoga, light exercise, meditation, and keeping a healthy body are excellent ways to help relive everyday tensions. You can also get temporary relief from pain with Pepper Cream by bell. It relives pain immediately or within minutes. It works by preventing nerves from transmitting pain messages to the brain.

Left Hip Pain

Hip pain can be very worrying as it can cause alarm and distress never mind the actual nuisance of the irritating pain itself. Left hip pain can cause difficulty in the day to day running of people's lives because it can cause create strain on levels of mobility. There are different types of left hip pain caused by many different factors.

Mobility can become an issue which ultimately affects everything in a person's life who has this pain. Some people find the extremity of the pain can differ from day to day whereas others claim that the pain is more or less the same each and every day of their lives.

Hip pain can be a result of a serious medical condition or can result from day to day posture imbalances that can aggravate a particular area of the hip which with regular exercise and correct posture can be corrected.

There are many types of Left Hip pain, here are a few:

Arthritis of the Left Hip:

Hip Pain can be caused by the shape of the hip joint in the way that it works with the surrounding hip and joints. The hip joint left and right are located deep inside the pelvic area of the hip. As the hip joint endures weight on it, this can cause many imbalances of weight which can build up to arthritis which is an inflammation of the osteophytes. Ultimately this means the wearing down of the inner hip joint can occur through duration of time. This type of pain can be lateral, posterior, anterior or far posterior. This pain can vary in its presentation on a day to day basis. It can also vary with age, as people get older the pain can get worse.

Treatment for this type of left hip pain can be non- invasive such as physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, topical injections and laser treatment on the affected area which can help ease the pain. The eventual treatment may be to replace the hip altogether as the condition can get very painful over time.

Lebral tear of the Left Hip:

Left hip pain can be caused by a tear in the Lebral which is located in the hip joint. The position of the lebral is in rim of the hip socket. The labrum's job it to hold the hip in place as it moves whilst staying in its position. However, when there is a tear in the labrum the sufferer can experience many unpleasant symptoms such as a "seizing" feeling in their left hip. Sports men and women tend to be at more risk of developing this tear for obvious reasons.

Treatment for this type of pain can begin with arthroscopic practices as well as physical therapy and medications. The ultimate treatment can involve surgery as the medics remove the loose fragments and repair the lebral tear.

Avascular Necrosis:

Left Hip pain can be caused by Avascular Necrosis which is not specific to only the left hip. It is a medical condition which can cause serious damage to the hip. The condition interferes or blocks the supply of blood in the hip causing the bone to collapse. This condition occurs mostly to long term users of steroids and excessive alcohol. The condition needs prompt diagnosis in order to achieve the best results.

Treatment of the left hip Avascular Necrosis can be done through decompression or stem cell injections in its early stages. Total hip replacement may be required for severe cases although some cases can undergo a vascular fibular graft.

A Method to Stop Clenching and Grinding

One of the leading causes of TMJ Disorder is the propensity for sufferers to be nocturnal clenchers and grinders. Some even find themselves desperately clenching during the day when they are in stressful situations. Traffic jams, personal confrontations, medical concerns and unexpected bad news are just a few examples of what can lead one to clenching while fully conscious.

Nocturnal clenching and grinding can be an especially damaging habit, particularly as the person doing it rarely realizes that this is what they are doing. A sore jaw, aching teeth, headaches, ear pain, tinnitus and many other symptoms can be one's only indication that something is terribly amiss as one sleeps.

The reasons for clenching and grinding are mysterious and as varied as the large percentage of people who do so. Besides stress, there may be other factors that mitigate this problem. Some scientists are exploring a genetic cause. It seems that many clenchers/grinders also have at least one parent who also does this. Or, since clenching and grinding is a common childhood practice, but one that most (not all) people outgrow, clenching and grinding could be a habit that one just never broke. It's hard to break a habit that one doesn't know one has. In fact, it can be hard to break the habit even if one DOES KNOW.

I've been a lifelong clencher, with some grinding. I actually lasted many years before problems arose, but when they finally did rear their ugly little heads, I was far down the path of TMJ pain and extreme discomfort. Incredibly, it was actually a medical doctor who gave me advice on how to stop this nocturnal habit. It worked for me, and it has worked for almost everyone that I've shared this with. As odd as this may sound, it's worth trying. It costs nothing and takes a minimum amount of time.

Ready? This is an exercise using the power of your subconscious. The same subconscious that people tap into to cure cancer and other ailments and diseases. It can cure your grinding habits too.

When you go to bed at night, repeat to yourself at least three times, "I will not grind or clench my teeth tonight, and if I do I will wake up immediately and stop." Remember, say this at least three times and really focus on what you're saying. When you crawl into bed, place your tongue behind your front teeth. Relax your jaw. The lower teeth should not be touching the teeth above. Repeat your mantra: "I will not grind or clench my teeth tonight, and if I do I will wake up immediately and stop." This whole process only takes a minute or two. It can make a difference. In addition, many people write this out on a note card or piece of paper and lay it on their nightstand.

The first week I tried this I woke up five to ten times a night as I was starting to clench or grind. Soon, however, the number of times I awoke dropped off dramatically. I no longer clench or grind, and when I start to, I automatically wake up and stop.

It's worth a try. It's worked for me and for many others. Believe in yourself and the power of your subconscious.

Benefits of TMJ Treatment on Your Bite

The impact of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder on your bite can subsequently lead to other problems such as muscle pains, malocclusion, and tooth mobility. This can greatly affect the longevity of your smile as well.

A TMJ disorder is a major problem that prevents you from having a stable bite and a proper occlusion. When you're suffering from a TMJ syndrome, the joint that connect your upper and lower jaw is misaligned. This misalignment can cause pain in your jaw, face, neck, and shoulders.

There are TMJ treatment options you can choose from to restore the alignment of your upper and lower jaw. Once your specific TMJ condition is determined, you can use mouth guards or undergo TMJ exercises and bite therapy.

Doctors change the terms TMJ therapy or TMJ treatment interchangeably, which includes several options. On the first level, the treatment aims at pain relief by applying mouth guards or dental splints. In the next level, bite therapy principles are used to pinpoint the cause of the misalignment.

Using a TMJ mouth guard cannot be a panacea to the TMJ symptom. People who suffer from TMJ have weak joints. While it is true that a TMJ mouth guard can relieve them from pain, using the mouth guard can damage the join if used too often. Also, be wary of the consequences of using a TMJ mouth guard. Using one means you need to open your mouth all night thereby allowing the entrance of harmful bacteria into your mouth.

The use of mouth guards is not also recommended if the TMJ syndrome is due to hereditary causes or trauma. Other TMJ treatment such as TMJ exercises can be helpful in relieving the pain and strengthening the weakened joints.

TMJ or jaw exercises are done to relax the jaw and prevent them from clenching. Restoring the upper and lower jaw back to their normal alignment can be possible by performing TMJ exercises. This cannot be done on a whim though. Consultation with a dentist is always necessary. Dentists usually provide patients with appropriate TMJ exercises since each set would be different to meet your particular condition.

Use a mirror when performing a TMJ exercise to control your joint movement. The exercises will eventually help you control your jaw muscles and prevent jaw clenching.

The last TMJ treatment available is called the TMJ bite therapy. Dentists use this process to locate or pinpoint the cause of a TMJ syndrome since they usually differ according to the patient's personal circumstances. When successfully implemented, a TMJ bite therapy can provide long-term pain relief. Causes can vary from stress and just a bad habit that promotes jaw clenching.

These TMJ treatments are proven to be beneficial. In choosing the right treatment, consult a dentist in your area and make sure that you disclose all information related to the condition of your jaw. This will make it easier for the dentist to find the appropriate TMJ treatment for you.

How Bikram Works

Following are the postures in exact sequence along with the benefits a practitioner is expected to receive.

For maximum benefits and to avoid any injury whatsoever, it is highly recommended to perform and practice these postures under supervision of certified Bikram Yoga teacher and preferably at a certified Bikram Yoga school.

Pranayama (Deep Breathing)

Brings freshly oxygenated blood to every muscle in the body, warms up your body and prepares you for the standing series.

Ardha Chandrasana w/Pada-Hastasana (Half mood pose w/ hands to feet pose)

Improves flexibility of the spine, circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body and invigorates the nervous system. Increases flexibility in the spine and sciatic nerves and tones muscles in the abdominal area.

Utkatasana (Awkward Pose)

Strengthens and firms your thigh, calve, hip, deltoids and triceps muscles. Increases blood flow to your ankle, knee and hip joints relieving arthritis and gout.

Garurasana (Eagle Pose)

Works all 14 major joints throughout the body, 7 on each side, creating pressure in the joints then is released. Massages the reproductive organs improving vitality.

Dandayamana JanuShirasana (Standing head to Knee pose)

Helps to develop concentration and determination. Improves flexibility of sciatic muscles, develops strength in the: abdominal, thigh and hamstring muscles.

Dandayamana-Dhanurasana (Standing Bow pulling pose)

Improves circulation to the heart and lungs. Diminishes lower back pain by improving flexibility in the spine.

Tulandasana (Balancing Stick pose)

Improves circulation throughout body, increases heart rate and opens up the chest improving the capacity of the lungs. Strengthens your hips, buttocks, thighs, shoulder and upper arm muscles.

Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Pashimottanasana (Standing Separate Leg Stretching)

Opens up adrenal glands and improves circulation to the bran. A whole body-stretching pose from the hamstring and hips up to your lower, middle and upper spine.

Trikanasana (Triangle Pose)

Works every muscle, joint, tendon, nerve and tissue in the body, union between the heart and lungs bringing balance to your vital organs. Strengthens your hamstring, quadriceps and calve muscles.

Dandayaman-Bibhaktapada-Janushirasana (Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee pose)

Compresses the pancreas, thyroid and kidneys. Good for balancing blood sugar levels and for boosting of the metabolism.

Tadasana (Tree pose)

Opening of your hip and pelvis.

Padangustasana (Toe stand pose)

Strengthens weak joints and stomach muscles. Builds determination and concentration in the mind and body.

Savasana (Dead body pose)

Slows down heart rate, allows the body to reset and breathing return to normal.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind removing pose)

Opens and improves flexibility in hip joints. Improves the digestive system stimulating liver and spleen.

Sit up

Strengthens and tightens the abdominal muscles

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Strengthens the lower spine, preventing osteoporosis.

Salabhasana (Locust pose)

Strengthening of the upper spine, bringing strength and balance to both sides of the body.

Poorna-Salabhasana (Full Locust pose)

Strengthening of the middle spine.

Dhanurasana (Bow pose)

Opening of the shoulders and throat, strengthening of the entire spine, eliminating scoliosis.

Supta-Vajrasana (Fixed firm pose)

Opening of the knee and ankle joints, helps to cure sciatica and gout.

Ardha-Kurmasana (Half tortoise pose)

Strengthening and lengthening of shoulder, lattisimus and back muscles. Providing maximum relaxation to entire body and spine. Increases blood flow to the brain enhancing memory and mental awareness. Brings balance to your sleep schedule.

Ustrasana (Camel pose)

Maximum compression of the spine, improving flexibility and spine strength. Opening of the chest and throat and stimulation of the entire nervous system.

Sasangasana (Rabbit pose)

Stretches and lengthens the entire spine and back, stimulating blood flow throughout the body bringing fresh oxygen to the head.

Janushirasana w/ Paschimottanasana (Head to knee pose w/ Stretching pose)

Increases flexibility of hamstring and shoulder muscles, opening your hip joints and improving flexibility of spine lengthening the last five vertebrae. Increases blood flow to the spleen, liver, pancreas, intestines, thyroid and thymus glands.

Ardha-Matsyendrasana (Spine twisting pose)

Bringing flexibility and circulation to each and every vertebra of the spine, release tension.

Khapalbhati (Blowing in firm)

Re oxygenates body riding it of toxins in the lungs, revitalizing and reenergizing.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Juice For Arthritis Treatment

Juicing for joint pain and aches is a good long term solution. It is both effective and devoid of any side effects. One of the advantages with natural cure is that it has a holistic effect on your body. It rejuvenates the whole body. You don't have to worry to about over doing it since even at high doses it is safe. Natural cures can be used both as preventive medicine as well as as a cure for affected joints. You could continue using it as a maintenance dose even after you are cured. Below you will find some of the natural medicines which you can incorporate in your diet.

Pineapple juice is good for your joints. Pineapple juice contains and enzyme called bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Anti-inflammatory agent in pineapple is effective in athletic injuries, joint pain and post-surgery swelling. Juice is also great fuel for your body. Raw pineapple juice contains just about all minerals and vitamins necessary for the digestive system too. 300-350 ml of raw pineapple juice is recommended for daily intake.

Black Cherry juice if good for arthiritis too. Cherries contain chemicals called the anthocyanin which works as an anti-inflammatory agent which can alleviate pain for arthritis sufferers. Pineapple contains nutrients like beta-carotene and copper that helps in treating rheumatoid arthritis.

Experts believe that the results of drinking cherry juice are specific to a person. While for some relief can in few days, for others it might take months of juice drinking to get. Two glasses of juice twice a day

Raw potato juice is one of the most successful natural cure for arthritic conditions. It has been used for centuries. The traditional method of potato juicing is to cut a potato into very thin slices, leaving the skin on, and place it in a glass filled with cold water over night. Drinking this water in the morning on an empty stomach is great.

Other Juices that are highly effective for joint paint and arthritis pains includes the following:

o Green Barley Juice
o Celery Juice
o Bilberry Juice
o Aloe Vera Juice

So you can start juicing your way to pain relief.

Hip Pain Relief: Now I Know Why They Strap Pillows To Their Bottoms

Has getting hip pain relief ever seemed like a daunting task to you? As if it was next to impossible to attain?

I have never longed for hip pain relief as much as I have in the past couple of months after falling and landing on my hips. I took my children ice skating in the nearby community center during the winter break because it seemed like a whole-hearted and fun family activity. Ice skating with my kids didn't seem difficult at the time as I pictured myself swirling around in grace. I used to ice skate a lot and I thought that I would have no problem reintroducing myself to the ice ring except I forgot that the last time I skated was over 15 years ago.

My children were overly ecstatic about ice skating and insisted that I join them. I didn't hesitate at all. Mommy was going to show off her skills! The problem laid in the fact that since I haven't skated in so long I had no idea what skating felt like anymore. My legs felt so wobbly trying to adjust to the ice and I found myself slipping and sliding all around the ring to my children's delight. It was all fun and games until I slipped on a turn and fell right onto my hips.

The pain was immediate and tremendous. I felt the sharp spurts of pain travel all the way from the external skin to the internal bones. I could barely even get up! It wasn't embarrassing showing my children that it's OK to fall and I'm glad that they had a good laugh out of it but the pain has haunted me ever since that day. It has persisted every day and never seems to disappear.

I have been actively seeking out hip pain relief ever since then! My hip pain appears to grow every day, and I think the ligaments and tendons are still swollen with jolts of pain running through my hips at random times of the day. It has begun to interfere with my daily life and my ability to take care of my children. My children are able to walk faster than me when I take them to school now and I can barely even keep up due to the pain. The moment that I return home I immediately have to soothe and ease the pain by applying heat packages for temporary hip pain relief and my day can sometimes really go downhill from there.

My hip pain has definitely taken a major toll on my life and I have constantly had to seek hip pain relief from that day on. It has been a nightmare!

If I only knew that one day would cause so much pain, I would have never ever gotten on the ice let alone try to show off in the skates! So much for being an avid ice skater back in the days! Sometimes it's just not worth the trouble of showing off to your kids anymore when my body just isn't as resilient as it used to be when I was a kid!

Arthritis Hip and Knee Remedies

In 2008, the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI), published its first evidence-based recommendations for arthritis treatments of the hip and knee. The goal was to determine which arthritis remedies would be most useful for individual patients.

They determined that the first arthritis remedies to relieve patients' hip and knee pain should be those that they can do for themselves. It was also found that receiving monthly phone calls from lay people promoting self-care improved patients' joint pain and physical function for as much as a year.

Compensating for a painful knee can, over time, result in pain in your hip or ankle. Shoes with high heels or uneven wear can throw your posture off and put unnecessary stress on your knee joints. Switching to comfortable shoes may not be enough, however. You might need an orthotic device placed in your shoe. Shoe inserts come ready made or a physical therapist can design one especially for you.

Physical therapists can observe how you sit, stand and walk and teach you how to move with less pain. They will tailor exercises to your particular condition and help you relieve hip and knee pain, maintain motion and prevent joint stiffening.

Physical therapists can also provide assistive devices to make daily tasks easier. Canes and crutches can reduce pain in the hip and knee joints. Wheeled walkers may be preferable if both hips and/or knees are affected. With arthritis affecting the knee, special footwear and insoles can improve walking and reduce pain while a knee brace can also improve your stability and reduce the risk of falling.

Consider getting a trainer. Aerobic, muscle-strengthening exercises can promote muscle strength, improve range of motion, increase mobility and ease pain. In a recent study by Japanese researchers, exercise, whether on land or in water, decreases pain levels, increases the body's production of inflammation-fighting hormones and decreases stress and anxiety, which can make joint pain worse.

If you are overweight, losing just 10 pounds will take 30 to 60 pounds of pressure off your knee.

Exercise in water. If you don't have access to a warm-water pool, you can do warm-water exercises on a smaller scale in your own tub, Jacuzzi or whirlpool bath. Warm water is a good place to stretch and strengthen your muscles, even for those who have difficulty exercising on dry land. Acting as resistance to help build muscle strength, the buoyancy of water makes exercise seem easier and more comfortable.

Relieve pain with heat and cold.

Heat may be dry or moist. Moist heat sources include warm baths. Soaking in a warm tub can be a good way to apply heat to all parts of the body at once, especially if you have arthritis in several joints. A hot bath or dip in a Jacuzzi can also bring immediate pain relief. Consult your doctor if you are older than 70 or have respiratory or cardiac problems. Heat inducing creams are a temporary but effective way to relieve pain but, to prevent burning, do not use them with a heating pad.

Dry heat sources include heat lamps, heating pads, microwaveable pads or wearable heat wraps that apply continuous heat to the body and can even be slept in. In a recent study researchers found that continuous heat administered by a wearable heat pack eased pain and stiffness all day and better than either of two commonly used drugs, ibuprofen and acetaminophen.

Or apply cold. When joint pain is severe, applying something cold can numb the affected nerves and distract your mind from your pain. The coldness restricts the blood vessels and prevents fluids from leaking into the surrounding tissues. But using it for too long can cause stiffness.

Cold may be applied with a commercially available cold pack, or you can make your own cold pack by wrapping a towel around a bag of frozen vegetables or filling a sealable plastic bag with ice. For best results, and to avoid causing damage to your skin, always put a towel between your skin and the cold pack. Apply cold packs for no more than 15 to 20 minutes at a time. Alternating hot and cold methods may also provide relief.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, TENS, has been shown to help with short-term pain control in some patients with knee or hip arthritis. TENS is a technique using a weak electric current applied to the skin through electrodes. It is believed to stop pain messages from reaching the brain.

You might want to try acupuncture. In a recent trial, acupuncture significantly reduced pain and improved function for patients with arthritis of the knee who had moderate to severe pain even though they took medications for it. While patients had a 40 percent reduction in pain, they did not begin to benefit until week 14 of the 26-week study.

Acupuncture involves inserting thin needles at particular points on the body. The needles may be connected to a low-level electrical current for a more powerful effect. If you decide to try acupuncture, make sure your acupuncturist uses sterile, disposable needles and that they are licensed by your state and certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

Nurture your emotional health with guided imagery. To take your focus off your stress and pain, select a place in your home where you won't be disturbed. Play serene background music. Search your memory for the most beautiful, the most peaceful pain-free place you have ever been. Or imagine it in as much detail as possible, the sights, the sounds, the feelings. Take as much time as you need; Reach a state of calm and peace before you open your eyes. For extremely effective guided imagery, use self hypnosis techniques.

Arthritis Knee Exercises - Knee Workouts to Prevent Arthritis, Joint Pain and Swelling

There are many types of arthritis knee exercises and knee workouts that can be done on a regular basis to prevent joint pain and swelling. All these exercises and knee movements are very helpful for the patients and doctors highly advise the patients to follow the regime on a regular basis to keep the situation under control. Knee exercises and knee workouts if done properly and on a regular basis can prove to be really beneficial for curing joint pain and swelling.

Here are some effective knee workout types to help you stay fit as well as fight with the disease:

· Walking - Walking is considered to be one of the easiest and effective arthritis knee exercises for fighting pain. Walking does not need much effort and there is no much strain on your knees and side by side is pain free also.

· Water Knee Workout - This workout has the same effect as of the one done on the road or land. Water knee exercises may include doing aerobics, jogging, walking or playing sports like polo etc in the water. Water supports your body weight and it becomes easy for you to move around without causing much pain.

· Swimming - Swimming is again considered to be a very effective joint pain exercise as it gives you a great cardiovascular knee workout. Water supports the body and while swimming, you do not feel much pain. Patients with serious pain can also go for swimming.

· Cycling - Though it can be a bit painful initially but cycling is one arthritis knee exercise that every doctor recommends. The body moves all together and loosens the stiff joints and relaxes your knees. Cycling is a very good knee workout for reducing pain and swelling as it is a muscular exercise.

Arthritis: The Disease and Its Treatments

There are two types of arthritis which will be both discussed here. They are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We will begin discussing osteoarthritis which is also known as degenerative joint disease. It is a slowly progressive disorder of articulating joints, and it is characterized of the articular cartilage. The symptoms of OA are joint pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion. The disease can have a wide range of severity, ranging from annoying and uncomfortable symptoms to significantly disabling disease. It is estimated that nearly one third of all adults over 60 years of age, have X-ray evidence of degenerative joint disease.

The primary cause of OA is basically unknown. But it is considered to be influenced by multiple factors such as metabolic, mechanical, genetical, and chemical factors. Also previous trauma, fractures, infection, or deformities can predispose a person to degenerative changes at a later age. The deterioration of cartilage in a joint that leads to OA is an active process that occurs over the span of several years. An enzyme found in the joint fluid may be responsible for eating away cartilage that has been cracked by an injury. Also inadequate supply of nutrients to the joint and particularly cartilage may result in cartilage degeneration. Specific predisposing factors such as excessive use or stress on a joint have been identified as accelerating OA, e.g., the knees of football players, and the feet and ankles of ballet dancers. The person normally experiences pain in a particular joint, pain occurs on motion and weight bearing, and is generally relieved by rest.

There is no specific treatment for osteoarthritis. The purpose of therapy is to reduce pain, prevent the progression of the disease, and restore if possible joint function. Acetaminophen is one of the most common choices of treatment. Topical creams containing capsaicin is sometimes used in combination with acetaminophen. Capsaicin is a substance found in chilli peppers, which has been found to block pain signals to the brain and thus decreasing the sensation of pain. These creams can be found in different strengths and must be used regularly for maximal effect. The second choice of treatment for OA, consist of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The long term use of NSAIDs is discouraged as they may produce negative side effects. So it is better to use them under the supervision of a medical professional. Osteoarthritis cannot be prevented, but reducing or eliminating stress on the joints and reducing body weight can greatly improve the symptoms.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic, systemic disease characterized by recurrent inflammation of a joint and its related structures. Sometimes a person develops rheumatoid nodules, experience nerve pain, and other symptoms. The person may experience periods of being free from pain and inflammation, and periods when the symptoms become worse. RA may occur at any age, it most often occurs in women of child bearing age. In the USA is considered a significant health problem because it affects close to 6 million people and also for its potential to cause chronic disability.

The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown. It is also not clear if a single of multiple factors are involved in triggering the disease. Scientists continue to investigate the possibility of specific pathogens triggering the process. There is the strong possibility of autoimmune factors triggering the process. An abnormal change in the joint may trigger the body to attack itself (e.g., the joint tissue), as it is the case in some people with diabetes genetic factors have been linked to may diseases and may well influence the expression of RA. It has also been speculated that metabolic and biochemical abnormalities, nutritional and environmental factors may play a role in the cause of the disease.

Rheumatoid arthritis is known to progress through four stages. In the first stage, the unknown agent causes inflammation of the joint. The swelling of the membrane inside the joint causes the production of excess fluid within the joint. In the second stage inflammatory granulation tissue is formed at the juncture of the bone and cartilage within the joint. At the third stage, the granulation tissue becomes to be replaced by tough fibrous tissue. There is also a significant decrease in joint motion, and deformity of the joint also occurs. At the final stage of the disease, the tough fibrous tissue becomes calcified, almost bone like and total joint immobilization may occur. The initial symptoms of RA are nonspecific such as fatigue, poor appetite, weight loss, and some generalized discomfort and stiffness may occur. The stiffness eventually becomes more localized after weeks to months. The individual characteristically has joint stiffness on arising in the morning, and after periods of inactivity. The stiffness usually begins to disappear 30 minutes or more once the person begins moving again.

The treatment of choice of RA has been high doses of aspirin and Non steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). It is believe that the erosive destructive process of the disease begins within the first two years of the illness. Recently many rheumatologists have begun using a disease-modifying agent such as methotrexate. A disease modifying agent is a drug that has the potential to lessen the permanent effects of RA such as joint deformity. The damaging effects of the disease may be prevented, or postponed. The exact time to introduce the disease-modifying agent varies amongst health professionals. Some patients may not respond to methotrexate, so they may be started on Gold Therapy. Gold has anti-inflammatory action. It is usually given in weekly injection for up to 5 months, then once or twice a month to maintain its therapeutic effects. Gold therapy often causes minor side effects, such as skin rashes, mouth sores, and diarrhea. There is no special diet for RA. However, a well balanced diet is always recommended.

There are many alternative treatments and techniques available to relieve the symptoms of arthritis. At this time there is no cure for either type of arthritis. Some of the alternative treatments for arthritis include; cold therapy, acupuncture, exercise therapy, heat therapy, imagery and meditation. Cold therapy has been known to relieve the pain associated with arthritis flare-ups. Some doctors believe that cold can be such a powerful pain killer that it reduces the need for painkilling drugs. Patients who place cold packs on arthritic joints at intervals throughout the day seem to have less pain and may rely less on pain killing medications. On the other hand; heat therapy can be used to relieve painful muscle spasms and stiff joints. Applying heat to a stiff joint helps to relax muscles and joint tissue and brings a rush of healing blood to damaged tissue. A warmed-up muscle can also help thaw out joint stiffness, helping arthritis sufferers move more freely. "Heat increase the flexibility of the muscles and soft connective tissue around joints and it also relieves nerve sensitivity," says John Arbruzzo, M.D., director of the Division of Rheumatology at Thomas Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia. Studies show that by widening the blood vessels, heat draws a greater volume of blood to inflamed or infected tissues. In acupuncture 10 - 20 needles may be inserted at a time. Traditional Chinese acupuncturists believe that acupuncture helps facilitate the flow of energy of the body. This helps relax muscles and increase circulation. Many acupuncturists estimate that acupuncture brings 50 to 70 percent improvement in many cases of chronic pain such as in arthritis.

Balm of Gilead, a resinous, sweet smelling herbal remedy was well known for its healing powers in the Middle East for thousands of years, it's been used for rheumatic arthritis and muscle soreness. The topical balm helps improve circulation, as the circulation increases the area gets warm, bringing a feeling of pain improvement. In India ginger has a reputation as an anti-arthritis spice. Researchers speculate that ginger consumption may reduce the amount of prostaglandins, substances that play a role in joint inflammation. In the West ginger is better known for its ability to help settle an upset stomach and relieve dizziness, so use with caution or ask a health professional. Oil of wintergreen has the unique ability to feel your skin hot and cold at the same time. Deep-penetrating rubs with oil of wintergreen, are used for temporary relief of arthritis and minor aches and pains. Music therapy, deep breathing and meditation are alternatives methods that when used in conjunction with other treatments can help reduce stress and pain associated with arthritis or other ailments. These methods help your mind focus on other things besides your aches muscles and joints.

As we have learned here arthritis can range from annoying aches and pains to a highly debilitating disease. There are several measures you can take to relive the symptoms. In case of severe illness, splints at night might be useful to help support and protect a joint with active disease. Ask your doctor for more advice. Some people use gloves at night to retain heat and thus minimize joint stiffness and pain. Relieve pain with heat, including hot soaks, heat pads, heat lamps, or whirlpool, use electric blankets with caution as they may pose a fire hazard. Remain as active as you possibly can, but include daily rest periods. Sleep for eight to ten hours each night, don't become overtired. When able, exercise actively to preserve strength and joint mobility. Build slowly to the amount suggested by your doctor. Exercise disabled joints passively to help prevent contractures. Eat a normal balanced diet. Avoid arthritis diet fads, which are common. Try to lose weight if you are overweight, obesity stresses the joints. Always ask your doctor before trying any new products or treatments.