Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dealing With TMJ Dysfunction: Its Symptoms and Treatment

When you have head and/or face pain and a popping or grinding noise when you open your jaw, close it, or chew, you may be suffering from TMJ dysfunction, also known as TMJ disorder. The condition affects up to 35 million Americans, which makes it a common occurrence, but that by no means suggests you should leave it alone.

What does TMJ mean?

The TMJ is the temporomandibular joint, a hinge found at the junction of the skull and mandible (jaw) bones. This joint allows the jaw to move up, down, and side-to-side, to help aid chewing, talking, and yawning. Because it is so extensively used, as time passes, it may cause excessive wear on the joint, stiffness, headaches, ear pain, bite problems (malocclusion), clicking sounds, locked jaws, or even hearing loss, all of which require treatment.

How is TMJ diagnosed?

TMJ dysfunction is a common condition, affecting about 35 million Americans, and about 720 million people worldwide - that's 12% of the population! However, since the condition is so widespread, the chance for diagnosis and treatment is obtainable through many different avenues.

First, you can find a great deal of information about TMJ dysfunction on the Internet, and you should take advantage of this resource to understand what you are going through. Keep a log of your symptoms while you're doing this, and indicate how they vary over time, when they're best or worst, and any other information you think is relevant. Once you have the information, set up a meeting with your doctor to discuss your concerns.

If your doctor is not a TMJ specialist, he or she will refer you to another practitioner, most likely a dentist, a physical therapist, or a maxillofacial surgeon, who can make a definitive diagnosis. According to the American Dental Association, dentists are the most capable specialist to detect and treat TMJ; however, unless the dentist has taken continuing education classes to learn all the manifestations of the disorder, they can only treat the TMJ signs that you bring up. Before you go to any specialist, make sure he or she is capable of diagnosing your condition properly.

How is TMJ treated?

What you do next is highly dependent on what type of TMJ specialist you've engaged for treatment:

1. Most will start their treatment in the same way, by advising you to rest your jaw muscles, as well as to limiting yourself to a soft diet and performing some jaw exercises.

2. Many Western medicine doctors will most likely opt for a range of painkillers and muscle relaxants to help take away the discomfort and allow the muscles around the TMJ to rest and heal.

3. A dentist might create an oral appliance to prevent tooth grinding and clenching, the two activities most responsible for the tightness and discomfort around the TMJ area.

Three possible alternative treatments are:

1. Biofeedback. This technique teaches you to control involuntary processes, such as muscle tension. Since one of the causes of TMJ pain is muscle tension, by learning to relax and to control that tension, you can control TMJ pain.

2. Yoga. This technique, with its focus on breathing control techniques, is also a good choice.

3. Massage therapy. Done regularly, this technique can also help release the muscle tension in the jaw and offer relief to the underlying stress responsible for all or some of the TMJ pain. In a 2007 study providing TMJ treatment option outcomes, results showed that massage, along with hot and cold therapy, offered the greatest pain relief among all the self-care treatments for TMJ pain.

Above all, you should look into self-help techniques, ones that you can do without the necessity of running to specialists all the time. Try to network with other TMJ patients, seeking support from like-minded people. And look into specialized organizations that do a wide variety of research on TMJ causes and treatment options. Just because you have TMJ dysfunction does not mean you have to suffer. If you become proactive, you can discover the wide range of TMJ treatments and options open to you.

Home Remedies for Soothing a Stiff Neck

If you have ever woken up with a sore neck then you can appreciate how painful and annoying it can be. A pain is noticed as soon as you try to turn your head in the morning. If for whatever reason your neck goes out-of-place whilst you are sleeping there are several different remedies which might be practiced to help with soothing a sore or stiff feeling neck. Here are some of the main remedies that might be used at home -


If you wake up with a sore neck due to sleeping in a somewhat awkward position then a first thing to reach for in the morning might the supply of NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the medicine cabinet. These might include aspirin, naproxen sodium or ibuprofen, which are all everyday pain medications that can be quite effective in relieving the sore neck symptoms.

Gently Move the Neck

A common reaction to waking up with a sore neck is to twist and turn to try to loosen it up. However, this is the exact opposite of what you should be doing. Rather then aggressively moving the neck, it is a lot more beneficial to gradually move the neck in a left and right, up and down direction, which should be done in small movements. Always aim to be gentle in your movements. You might also want to try to massage the neck to help with loosening up the sore neck muscles. If you continue to do this gently for five to ten minutes then the neck should start to loosen up.

Use an Ice Pack

Besides doing a gentle massage, another effective technique that can be used to loosen the neck muscles is to place an ice pack on the sore area, which should slow help to relieve the pain and reduce the inflammation. An ice pack can often be used over a period of 72 hours if the stiffness persists.

In most cases the sore neck is a result of sleeping in an awkward position and because of that you wake up hurting. However, if the aches seem to be more persistent and noticeable than usual it might mean that something more serious is the problem. Neck or back pain can be serious, so if the symptoms of a sore neck include numbness, fever, or a headache then it is often best to visit a doctor to find the full extent of the problem.

The Best Joint Pain Relief

Joint pain sufferers the world over are in a constant search for the best joint pain relief. If you're among the masses on a quest to ease your pain, you may want to consider the following research.

Several recently published studies outline Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM) as first on the list when it comes to the best relief for joint pain. MSM is a compound that contains sulfur and can be found in many foods. Chemically MSM is closely related to dimethyl sulfoxide, which is another accepted arthritis treatment. If you topically apply dimethyl sufloxide, or ingest the compound orally, around fifteen percent of the amount applied or ingested will be broken down by your body in the formation of MSM. When DMSO is applied on the skin or taken orally, about 15% of it breaks down in the body to form MSM.

While MSM alone is hugely popular among arthritis sufferers, research indicates that MSM combined with glucosamine and chondroiton in a supplement designed for joint health is the number one choice for the elimination of pain.

You can purchase this supplement combination at any health food store and most grocery stores. If you decide to begin a supplement routine to improve your joint health and to find the best relief for joint pain, stick to it for at least three weeks. Some people say they can feel a difference in their pain levels nearly immediately, but on average it takes about three weeks before a real difference is noted.

So, if you're continuously looking for the best joint pain relief, consider a supplementation program of MSM with glucosamine and chondroiton. It will take about thirty days to reap the benefits of your efforts, but once you're pain free and feeling great, those efforts will be well worth the trouble.

Should I Seek Treatment For That Popping Sound in My Jaw?

Do you have clicking or popping in your jaw? If you suffer with clicking in the jaw with or without pain, it could be a form of Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) dysfunction. TMJ dysfunction is a disorder that affects the joint space where the jawbone (mandible) connects to the bone on either side of the head (temporal bone), right in front of the ear. If you gently place the tip of your index and middle finger in front of the ear and open and close your mouth, you can feel the joint moving.

There are many different functions for the temporomandibular joints, including allowing you to make facial expressions, talk and of course eat. Popping in the jaw can happen whenever one or both of these T-M joints is not moving or functioning correctly which commonly leads to an uneven and/or increased amount of stress on the disc that sits in the space where the lower jaw or mandible meets the temporal bone. This increased strain on the TMJ can result in a loss of smooth gliding of this disc that is seen in a normally functioning joint.

When this disc loses its' smooth movement it tends to get stuck during parts of the opening and closing of the jaw which results in a 'pop' you can hear and often feel.

If this incorrect movement of the disc results in irritation within the joint space, then the symptoms that may be experienced in addition to the popping or clicking include stiffness, aching, pain, headaches and even 'locking' of the jaw if the mouth is opened excessively wide such as when taking a bite out of an apple.

So the next question is, should I seek treatment for a 'popping jaw' that does not have pain associated with the clicking? Well, in short, you should seek an opinion at the very least just as you should have any condition you are concerned about checked out by a health care professional. Now having said that, whether or not it will be determined that you need actual care for the condition will depend on who you talk to about the problem and what their treatment philosophy is towards this particular condition.

Being a Chiropractor in Phoenix, Arizona who has worked with TMJ dysfunction for more than 15 years in conjunction with dental, medical and physical therapy professionals, I can tell you that unless there is a specific injury that led to the rapid onset of TMJ issues or a suspected pathological problem, I tend to not treat the jaw for clicking unless:

  1. There is pain associated with the clicking in the jaw

  2. There is an obvious misalignment of the joint or occlusion (lining up of upper and lower jaw) issue that I believe will not correct itself over time and will likely lead to pain and/or early deterioration of the joint

  3. There is obvious myofascial (muscle tension) issues that again I believe will only continue to get worse over time and lead to bigger problems such as disc or cartilage damage

If and when I do begin treatment, I begin very conservatively assessing the tight muscles and alignment of the TMJ first; typically in conjunction with a qualified Phoenix dental professional who is adept in TMJ dysfunction and evaluation for the need of an orthotic device such as a splint to help relieve some TMJ pressure and restore proper alignment while treating the joint.

Osteopathy and Arm and Leg Pain

Arm and leg pain and their associated joint pains can be caused by many different factors. Sometimes, pain in your extremities can be caused by an obvious injury. However, surprisingly most arm and leg pain are usually not caused by direct trauma. Instead the pains are often the result of other pains that originate in other parts of your body - far removed from the arms or legs. This pain concept is named 'referred pain' and can be difficult to understand.

Our muscles, joints and bones are all intertwined with one another. This means that an injury or pain in one area can often travel to other parts of the body.

Understanding Referred Pain

As osteopathy is a holistic manual therapy, it's perfect to assess whether the origin of your pain is localised to one particular area, or if it actually originated in a separate area before travelling to your arms and legs.

It can be difficult to recognise pain in your central nervous system. This is often because it is referred to your extremities. You therefore think that 'a sore foot' is a sore foot, when it's actually a sign that another part of your body is experiencing pain. Where some doctors may fail to notice this, osteopaths are acutely aware of this phenomenon and try to locate all connected sources of pain. A pain in your arms or legs may allow your osteopath to uncover and treat pains across your whole body. In such cases, your osteopath is not only helping you rid the pain in your legs and arms, but also the pain in your neck, shoulders and/or other areas of the body. Now that's a good thing.

In the quest to find the true source of your pain, your osteopath not only looks locally, but also centrally. For example, a pain in your neck joints may cause referred pain to your wrist. Logically you would think that your wrist is the sole area that requires treatment. However this would be of little benefit, as the source of your problem is in the neck. Your neck therefore requires treatment, which would then eliminate your wrist pain.

For the source of the pain to be identified, your local joints may also be checked for any joint pain. In most cases, pain in your extremities may be a result of referred pain from various sources in the body.

Your Osteopathic Assessment

During your osteopathic assessment, your osteopath will ask you questions to either confirm the signals your body is indicating, or ask questions to help provide a better understanding of your health across other areas. Your osteopath will ask some routine questions such as whether your pain started after a local injury, if the pain began slowly at a particular spot, or if you noticed pain in the back, neck or the spinal region a few days before your leg and arm pain started. It's important that you answer these questions as honestly as possible. The answers to these questions will help your osteopath understand whether your pain is due to a recent injury or whether the origin of your pain is due to the resurfacing of an old injury. This will also allow your osteopath to understand whether the source of your pain is local or central. To further confirm, your osteopath will perform a physical examination.

Apart from making these observations, your osteopath will also look at the spinal patterns and the nerve relationships to get to the source of any central pain in your body. They will test different parts of your body, especially the areas where you feel the most pain, to look for any kind of muscle tightness or loss of strength.

After a full assessment, your osteopath is best able to diagnose the true origin of your pains and recommend the best course of action.

Aging and Joint Pain

Unfortunately, as we age we expect certain outcomes when it comes to our bodies. We recognize that some parts may not be exactly where they started out; functions like vision and hearing are bound to deteriorate. We have to work harder to keep our health intact, and for most of us, we expect to deal with joint pain. According to some experts, this is one area where we can put in some work and really give our bodies a gift-the gift of eased pain, or even avoiding painful joints all together.

There are steps that can be taken to keep our bodies healthy. We all know the basics even if we may not follow them as we know we should. Steps like a good diet and getting enough exercise are obvious. The benefits of these two things are touted everywhere we look, and for much more than joint pain relief. In fact, for those who are already dealing with stiff or painful joints, exercise might feel like it should be a four letter word!

As we age we should not assume that a painful joint is normal or just part of the aging process. There is always an underlying cause of joint pain. A trip to the doctor is highly recommended to help determine what is going on with the joint. By taking the time to address and determine why the pain presented itself, patients can address the pain in much more effective ways. It seems apparent that treatment for a strained joint would not be the same as treatment for a joint afflicted with arthritis. This is why it is so important to talk to your doctor and ferret out the root cause of the pain. More answers means better management of the pain, and hopefully a plan to take away the problem altogether.

An exercise routine can often make a big difference in joint pain and stiffness. Physical therapy may not seem to be the answer to pain relief. If something hurts to move, of course our natural tendency is to move it as little as possible. Getting into the habit of limiting movement in painful joint can actually be the opposite of what needs to take place to feel better. Exercise done right can make a huge difference with stiff joint and pain. Again, your doctor should be able to point you in the right direction.

So, even as we age we do not need to just accept joint pain as inevitable. Currently, there are several supplements on the market that, when added into a daily exercise habit and proper nutrition, are bringing pain relief. Most of these work by helping to restore cartilage and lubrication to the joints. Cetylated fatty acids, also known as CFAs, are one of the latest treatments to become available. Studies have shown the pain relief can be attained fairly quickly and increase with continued use. It is exciting to see science working to contribute to joint pain relief and finding success!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Stretches and Exercises to Help With Hip Pain

Hip pain is one of the most persistent and painful which a runner can get. If it doesn't force you to stop running, it will surely slow you down. You can, however do the following stretches and exercises to help alleviate your hip pain.

Yoga pigeon - Lay one leg in front of you on the floor with your foot angled towards your pelvis. Put your other leg on the floor behind you with the top of the toes on the floor, and toes pointing directly behind you. While keeping your hips square to the floor, extend forward to stretch. Hold the position and relax for sixty seconds.

Hip hike - Stand sideways on step or curb with one foot off the ledge. Using only your hips, lift and lower the foot that is hanging off the ledge. Do ten reps to start with and build yourself up to thirty during the following weeks.

Side leg raise - Lie on your side with your legs and hips stacked. Keep your toes pointing toward the wall. Slowly raise your top leg as high as you can, keeping strict form all the way up and all the way down. Start with ten repetitions. Build to thirty repetitions during the following weeks.

Knee lean - Lunge forward and put your front leg at a ninety degree angle. Touch your back knee and shin to the floor, and drop your hips. Hold the position for ten seconds to start with. Build to thirty seconds during the following weeks.

Discover The Most Common Causes of Joint Aches

As we get older, many of us start to wake up with joint aches and pains we never had before.

Although you may still consider yourself young, such as late 30's or early 40's, the truth is that most causes of joint aches and pains is arthritis.

This isn't to say that you have arthritis...but you could be in the early stages of developing it.

You may be overweight or you may not be. The onset of arthritis can be from an old injury....especially if you played sports in your younger years.

If you are a few pounds too heavy, this can make the situation worse.

Of course, there are several types of arthritis. There is rheumatoid arthritis and there is osteoarthritis as two examples. The causes of joint aches will depend on which type of arthritis you may have or may be developing, if indeed arthritis is at the cause of your aches.

If you notice your joint aches happen frequently in the morning, upon first rising, then osteoarthritis could be your problem.

The Root Causes of Joint Aches

Regardless if it's rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, both types are characterized by inflammation of the joints. This inflammation causes joint aches because of the swelling and stiffness created.

As such, regardless of what the causes of your joint aches happen to be, there is a really good chance that you should look into anti-inflammatory substances to counter the inflammatory cascade transpiring within your body.

One of the best anti-inflammatories is fish oil. Fish oils are a natural substance that can not only help alleviate inflammation, but they have a myriad of other health benefits, such as improving cardiovascular and brain functioning.

Other good sources of anti-inflammatory foods include rich, leafy green vegetables. Think spinach.

If you live in the United States, you've probably never heard of a substance known as the New Zealand green lipped mussel. In New Zealand it is rather famous for its anti-inflammatory properties and is used to counter joint stiffness, aches, and pains. Like fish oil, the green lipped mussel is rich in omega 3's.

In summary, the root causes of joint aches are usually inflammation that can mean the onset of some type of arthritic condition. Increasing your dietary intake of natural anti-inflammatory substances may help counter these aches and also may improve your overall health.

TMJD - Temporomandibular Joint Pain Disorder, The Cure in the Mirror

Originally man fought with his jaw and teeth, so it is not surprising that tight jaw muscles are a manifestation of fear, anxiety and aggressiveness. The muscles of the jaw are the ones that are used in anxiety and stress. Your lower jaw (mandible) is connected to the head right in front of your ear. That upper connection is the Temporal Bone. A fairly elaborate set of muscles open your jaw and also closes it. Even when you are not eating, a set movement takes place when you are swallowing or talking or singing. We are built with a system of using our teeth to attack and bite and tear. Much emotion of anger and worry takes place in this system.

Although the dental textbooks all attribute jaw joint disorders to deviations from normal bite anatomy, in practice I see persons with terrible dental structure who don't have Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD) and persons who have had the best orthodonture who have this problem. For whatever reason, in TMJD, a patient is manifesting her emotions by clenching her jaw.

The symptoms of TMJD are:
Pain on opening the mouth wide
Pain on palpating in front of the ear canal
A noise creptitation that can be felt and heard
Ear Pain
Ear pain after the dentist visit
Pain is referred as a headache, neck pain or facial pain
Relief with anti-inflammatory products.
The jaw opens to the side, indicating that the muscles are not balanced.

Because a primary symptom is ear pain, many patients get put on antibiotics and eardrops. Then, when they are not relieved, a second antibiotic is prescribes. Since it is the jaw joint that is the problem, of course these medications don't work and even do harm.

Because so many errors in diagnosis are made, it is important that you learn to make your own diagnosis:
Please your finger in front of the ear canal. Feel the movement here as you open and close your mouth. Push into the joint- is that painful? If it is, that's TMJD. Is there a creaking heard and felt? That too is TMJD.

Now let's relieve the condition. With a mirror, draw a straight vertical line down the middle of the mirror. Now line up your forehead and nose along the line. Open the jaw- does it open midline or to the side? Practice relaxing as you exhale and allowing the jaw to come to the side. Practice this daily, emphasis on relaxing so the jaw relaxes to midline. Eventually the muscles get balanced and the jaw opens midline.

In TMJD the joint may be swollen. To reduce that swelling take Clear.ease one four times a day melt in mouth between cheek and gums. This constains papain from papaya and broelain from pineapple. Incidentally, in parts of South America it is customary to rub papaya leaves around any painful are. That works because of the papain from the leaf.

Clear.ease is a lozenge with one million units enzyme of Bromelain from pineapple and 500,000 enzyme units of Papain from Papaya. These are proteolytic enzymes that reduce joint swelling.

X rays of the TMJ don't give much information except re fracture or displacement. The MRI clearly shows capsule and tendon and ligament abnormalities and is best for diagnosing TMJ abnormalities

Resting the jaw is a help. Use a chinstrap or an Ace bandage to support the jaw.Don't hold the jaw tightly, you only want to support the jaw to take the strain off the joint.

If you have a tendency to develop TMJD
a. Avoid wide yawning
b. Be careful laughing not to open jaw too wide
c Avoid chewing gum or pipe smoking
d. Try to make your dental visits as short as possible, break them up into short sessions
e Find an anti-inflammatory product that gives you relief.
f. Try sleeping with a chinstrap to hold the jaw from opening too widely.

Occasionally TMJD can be a cause of tinnitus and relieving the TMJD may improve that condition.

If severe pain persists then you should see a dentist.

Pain Relief Solutions

When it comes to pain relief, patients will do just about anything to make their discomfort go away. Whether it is popping the latest Tylenol capsule to undergoing expensive surgical procedures, a pain-free life is one of the most important goals for an individual suffering from an painful condition. One of the more inexpensive and sometimes most effective remedies for pain relief is the use of pain relief creams. Whenever throbbing, redness, swelling or a stinging sensation is felt in the joints, muscles or skin there are numerous pain relief creams that offer a simple topical solution.

Knowing the ingredients that best treat pain relief will help you to choose a pain relief cream that will better relieve your symptoms. For example, aloe vera is a common ingredient in pain relief creams. It causes the soothing sensation and relief of many different ailments. Athletes and arthritis patients know the relief that can come from a good pain relief cream, such as IcyHot or Aspercreme. Active ingredients in these pain relief cream selections include methyl salicyclate, menthol, and camphor, which act as an external analgesic. These are some of the elements of pain relief creams that provide relief from common conditions and ailments, such as aching muscles, joints and backaches.

Relieving Arthritis Pain - One of the most painful conditions to attack the body is arthritis. There are numerous pain relief creams on the market that promote the easing of arthritis. Some are rather popular like Aspercream or BenGay. You may see some of these commercials on a daily basis, while others like Zostrix use unfamiliar ingredients like capsaicin for pain relief. Bengay Arthritis Cream, which has been on the market for a long time, contains methyl salicylate and menthol, where Aspercreme uses trolamine salicylate as its active ingredient.

IcyHot is quite popular among athletes, as the methyl salicylate and menthol use cold and hot approaches to dull and relax away the pain. Tiger balm is recommended for muscular aches and joint pain and uses camphor, menthol, cajuput oil and clove oil as part of its treatment. For a triple dose of pain relief, you may consider Nuprin Arthritis Clear Gel Maximum Strength, which offers the effects of menthol and capsaicin in a gel formula.

Diabetic Pain Relief - Diabetics often suffer from poor circulation and painful heels that may have hardened over time. There are pain relief creams made with aloe that aim to deeply penetrate the skin, providing convenient lubrication that eventually leads to the softening and relief from dry, cracked heels. This is when pain relief creams not only ease the pain of a condition, but also facilitate the restoration of body parts.

Aches and Pains - Aches and pains of the joints, muscles or bones may occur in people of all ages. You may have strained or sprained a body part and the throbbing is too much to bear. Lifting a heavy box may cause lower back pain in any number of people. Massaging a pain relief cream into the skin will provide temporary relief from whatever is ailing you. You may choose a pain relief cream, such as JointFlex, which contains camphor, Glucosamine, and Chondroitin Sulfate for the conditioning of the skin. With this option, you will not feel a burning sensation like IcyHot and don't have to bother with the medicinal smell in BenGay. JointFlex can be used for the treatment of ailments, such as muscle sprains, tendonitis, bruises, cramps and knee pain.

Eczema and Psoriasis - Often with a condition that affects the skin in a way where painful rashes and blisters arise, there is a need for some sort of balance. Pain relief creams can relieve some of this discomfort, as well as provide the proper moisture that the skin needs. This is especially effective when eczema or psoriasis has affected the legs, hands, scalp and elbows.

Thumb Joint Pain - Easy Tips to Get Rid of Thumb Joint Pain

Thumb arthritis or thumb joint pain is quite common these days because of increased use of thumbs and wrist while working on PC.There are many other reasons of this kind of pain alike general arthritis, rheumatism menopause etc. It is also caused by an injury or an accident that hits your thumb.

Arthritis at the base of the thumb is quite common especially after turning 40. It is more common in women than men. It impairs your grip therefore you feel pain while twisting your wrist. Simple tasks like turning the keys or opening the lids become very painful. Some people also feel stiffness at and swelling at the base of their thumb.

Treating general arthritis is often very effective in reliving thumb pain as well. However if your other joints are quite normal you can try some tips to get rid of thumb joint pain.

o If you work on PC for long hours; make sure that your wrist remains horizontal as much as possible. Adjust the height of your work station accordingly.

o These days you will find many keyboards, mouse pads which are meant for relieving wrist and thumb pain. You must start using these customized peripherals as soon as you start feeling pain in your wrist.

o Try to rest your wrists whenever possible.

o Take some wrist exercises after taking bath every day. Rotate your wrists joints while keeping your hands horizontal to the ground. You can also try to touch your arms with clenched fist while maintaining the same position. It works well for reliving pain in wrists and thumbs.

o Using customized splints are very effective in reliving joint pains in general. You can use wrist splints at night.

o Ice cubes or cold bandages are also highly effective in reliving thumb joint pain. You may take some general OTC anti inflammatory drug once in a while. However it is often better to go for natural formulas that are highly effective in treating arthritis in general.

Arthritis Pain - Cold Laser Therapy & Chiropractic Can Reduce & Eliminate Joint Pain & Inflammation

As a chiropractor in the Plano, TX area, I treat patients for all types of arthritis. One of the most common types of arthritis is osteoarthritis. I've found that using Cold Laser Therapy provides tremendous benefit to my patients who have arthritic issues with their neck, back, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and knees. If you have a joint issue, this type of therapy can help.

Arthritis affects more than 50 million people living in the US, every year, and that number will only increase. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common types of arthritis I treat. This disease is degenerative in nature and causes cartilage to wear away along with giving you a lot of pain and discomfort. There are more forms of arthritis than I can count on my hand, but I'm guessing you've heard of bursitis, tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and so on.

All forms of arthritis have one common symptom, PAIN. Pain develops as a result of multiple factors including inflammation, joint deformity, and can lead to lack of mobility and partial disability. Chiropractic treatment with cold laser has great results but this is not to discount the possible need for medicines, injections, and surgery. Each has their place and value in helping with arthritis pain, but there is still a need for potentially useful adjunctive modalities that can accelerate the recovery and reduce pain faster.

Beyond arthritis, cold laser therapy is excellent for treating various forms of chronic and acute pain. Chiropractors also use laser therapy for patients suffering from back and neck pain, musculoskeletal pain, fibromyalgia, tendonitis, busiitis, neuropathy, achilles tendon pain, migraine headaches, sinus blockage, sprains and strains, carpal tunnel and other associated pains. Cold laser therapy also treats conditions such as TMJ, reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) and other inflammatory and scarring conditions.

Cold laser therapy is non-thermal and noninvasive. With the proper combination of cold laser and electric stimulation, laser therapy is one of the most effective healing therapies in the medical community today. Completed in ten to twelve sessions, laser therapy is not only significant in reducing treatment times, it is cost effective as well.

How Cold Laser Therapy Works:

The laser instrument is applied directly to the area needing treatment. By sending short burst of photon laser light into the skin, it blocks pain transmitted by nerve cells. This in turn reduces/eliminates inflammation preventing further swelling in the joint and stopping the pain. Another benefit of the laser is the ability to assist the body in releasing high levels of pain killing chemicals such as endorphins and enkephalins. The laser therapy also benefits your body by accelerating cellular reproduction and growth.

When the cell is damaged or injured, for instance in arthritis, it is not able to repair itself so the joint continues to deteriorate. This is why it is so important to help the cells repair themselves so that the deterioration stops and the regenerative cells of tendons, bone, ligaments and muscles repair faster.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Reasons Why You Should Opt for Natural Pain Relief

People suffer from pain due to injury, age, or other physiological factors. Irrespective of the source of the pain, you will need to get something to ease the pain. There are various methods that this can be accomplished and one of them is through Natural Pain Relief. Here is some information about the various methods that you can use to ease pain naturally.

You may be wondering why natural pain relief is preferable to chemical relief. People have different physiological reactions to chemicals. You may take certain medication and suffer a life-threatening allergic reaction. This is the reason why you should choose natural methods, since the ingredients are applied as they are in nature. The manufacture of these products does not compromise the natural constitution of the ingredients, thereby providing them in as-close-to-natural form. Many people will argue that the chemical drugs are derived from natural ingredients, but there is a difference. The chemical drugs do not preserve the near-natural form of the ingredients.

Another reason why people prefer Natural Pain Relief is because the methods do not cause any dependence as chemical ingredients do. If you use chemical pain medication for an extended period of time, you run the risk of getting addicted to the drugs. You may end up having to go into a rehabilitation program, in order to get the drug out of your system. When it comes to natural methods, there is no danger of addiction, no matter how long you use the product. Similarly, overdosing on chemical pain medication can pose grave danger to your life, and that of others around you. Many people have lost their lives after taking overdose of drugs such as Morphine. With natural products, you do not have to worry about the amounts that you take. You only need to stop, once the pain subsides.

Natural pain relief products come in diverse forms. They come in form of sprays, pills, ointments, or supplements. The sprays, ointments, and creams are for topical application, while the pills and supplements are for ingestion. Many people will prefer to use the topical forms rather than those that they have to ingest. This is a normal reaction, since people who prefer natural methods of relieving pain, are averse to swallowing pills, etc. If you choose to take a product that you have to ingest, you should do so after consulting a medical practitioner. Many companies will advertise purely natural products for the relief and management of pain, but still include chemicals, which may bring you some harm, or discomfort.

Natural pain relief products share some common ingredients, and you should ensure that the creams, sprays, or other forms contain these ingredients.

Chondriotin and Glucosamine are amino acids that are common to most natural methods of pain relief. People with aches and pains that come from injury of bone and muscle tissue should look for products with this ingredient. It is important in the growth of both these tissues. Any injury will be healed and the pain will subside. Antioxidants also play a huge role in the management of pain. They help in reducing the inflammation that multiplies the pain that is caused by injury. They also help repair nerve tissue, and reduce the pain further.

There are different ways of applying natural pain relief products. The products are applied through:

• Hydrotherapy - This method involves immersing the body in warm water, containing the active ingredient. People have been known to put essential oils in their bath water to help in managing chronic pain. Salts and other natural products can be put in the water to help in relieving pain. Apart from reducing the pain, the bath will make you feel energetic, and rejuvenated, thus enhancing the therapeutic effect of this method of application.

• Massage - This methods involves kneading and rubbing the pain relief product into the affected area. If you are having muscle pain, you can rub an ointment or cream onto the aching area, and massage the active ingredients into the body. This is one way of ensuring that the ingredients get into the tissue, and begin relieving the pain immediately.

• Ingestion - This is where you have to swallow the pain relief product. This works well with supplements, pills, and syrups. You should not ingest any product that is to be used for hydrotherapy, or other topical application.

• Sleep and relaxation - This is an indirect method, since it is suppose to augment the effects of the above applications. Sleep is important since it gives the body enough time to heal, and rebuild itself. Anytime you have adequate deep sleep, you will always wake up feeling rested and full of energy. Pain can make it difficult for you to get enough sleep. When you are taking natural pain relief products, it would be a good idea to take something that will help you sleep. Remember to take a natural sleep enhancer.

You can get natural pain relief products on the Internet, or specialty shops. Take the time to read all the information provided about a particular product before you buy it. Talk to a medical professional before opting to take natural pain relievers. You may be suffering from a condition that will need dome form of chemical medication, or intrusive operation to cure. Read online reviews and forums, and see what other people have to say about the natural remedies that they have used to manage their pain.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Tinnitus?

In today's modern world constant noise has become a part of our daily routine. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't see someone wearing an iPod or a Bluetooth headset. People love to crank up the stereos in their cars or watch movies that have soundtracks loud enough to vibrate their seat. Many people are also exposed to loud noises from machinery where they work. It is no wonder the largest majority of tinnitus sufferers get their tinnitus from noise induced hearing loss. I am not kidding when I say that 90% of tinnitus sufferers have some level of hearing loss.

There are a many other causes for tinnitus. Here is just a partial list.

o Certain diseases like fibromyalgia, hyperthyroidism and even Lyme disease have been found to produce tinnitus as a symptom of those conditions. Many times by just treating the condition a person's tinnitus symptoms can completely disappear.

o Sinus and ear infections have also been known to produce tinnitus symptoms. Usually as your infection gets better so does your tinnitus.

o TMJ also known as temporary mandibular jaw disorder is a misalignment of your jaws joints and/or muscles and it can also produce tinnitus symptoms. When this occurs it is important to seek out a qualified dentist that can help you to correct the problem.

o Wax buildup in your ears can also cause tinnitus symptoms. If you are one of the lucky people whose ears produce a lot of earwax. It is important not to clean with a cotton swab it is best to see a ear nose and throat doctor to remove the wax safely for you.

o Head or neck trauma can also cause tinnitus to rear its ugly head. It is important after a head or neck injury to let your doctor know if you are hearing any tinnitus noises.

In the United States alone, approximately 50 million Americans have tinnitus at varying levels or degrees. About 12 million of those have tinnitus bad enough to seek out a physician for help. Out of that 50 million people about 2 million have a debilitating tinnitus that makes it difficult for them to function from day-to-day.

Even though tinnitus can be frightening and frustrating there are methods and treatments available to help you with this condition. Some of the best treatments available use what is known as CBT -Cognitive behavioral therapy. This therapy helps you teach your brain to ignore the sound you are hearing because it is not important. Other therapies include masking techniques, tinnitus retraining therapy, and changes to your diet and lifestyle. There are also medical and drug treatments available but they have not been shown to work as well as some of the natural treatments available today.

TMJ Symptoms - 7 Warning Signs of TMJ Symptoms

The temporomandibular joint or TMJ is ball and socket joint responsible for the way your jaw moves, and can be found on the side of your face. Due to TMJ disorders being so common, it is important that you are able to recognize the TMJ symptoms and warning signs so that they can be treated correctly.

Here are the 7 most common warning signs of TMJ symptoms:

1. Headaches

Headaches are by far one of the most common complaints of TMJ disorder. Often, these headaches are so severe that they can easily be mistaken for migraines. However, with TMJ symptoms, TMJ headaches are often felt behind the eyes, the temple area, and the back of the head. In some cases, the pain will also radiate to the neck and shoulders.

2. Tenderness

One of the other major TMJ symptoms is tenderness. This tenderness is often experienced in the jaw area and can be localized to the joint itself or it could radiate up to your ears.

3. Congestion or ringing ears

In the absence of ear infection, congestion or ringing in the ears can relate to a TMJ disorder. Other things that can accompany this, is the loss of hearing, loss of balance, or dizziness. This often happens when the condyle (top of the lower jaw), is too far back, and the disc dislocated forward. The muscle responsible for chewing can go into spasm, causing the above mentioned TMJ symptoms.

4. Clicking and popping

Are you experiencing clicking or popping sounds when you open and close your mouth? These are probably the most common TMJ disorder symptoms known to people. The clicking or popping sound you hear is the condyle (top of the lower jaw), slipping on and off the dislocated disc. In some cases, you may also experience a grating sound. This is caused by bone rubbing on bone. However, only occurs on a later stage when the disc becomes completely deformed.

5. Limited jaw opening

Limited opening and closing of the jaw is yet another one of the most common TMJ symptoms. It is crucial to treat a dislocated disc early on, and not wait until the grating sounds gets louder.

6. Depression

Depression is very common to patients suffering from TMJ disorder. Since most patients fail to understand the nature and cause of their pain, they often tend to feel helpless. Moreover, since most people suffering from TMJ disorder also experience sleeping disorders, the lack of sleep and feeling of not being well rested, adds more fuel to the depression.

7. Sensitivity to light

This is also commonly known as photophobia. A patient experiencing TMJ symptoms, will often feel a pain inside and behind the eye, which can cause the sensitivity to light.

If you are experiencing any of the above TMJ symptoms you could possibly be having a problem with your TMJ, and you should have it seen to before the disorder progresses.

Bruxism: Symptoms and Treatments for Teeth Grinding


Bruxism is defined as clenching or grinding the teeth and putting excessive pressure on one's jaw. If jaw clenching and teeth grinding become habitual, a very painful condition called Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome--TMJ--can result. Unfortunately, individuals suffering from Bruxism seldom realize what they are doing until symptoms arise. These include earache, clicking in the jaw, headaches and dental problems such as stress fractures in or more teeth. Some patients with severe Bruxism experience stress fractures in virtually every tooth, especially molars. Eventually the condition can also lead to a misalignment of the jaw.

Many times, those who clench or grind their teeth, do so while sleeping, and this aspect of bruxism presents a particular challenge since it is an unconscious activity. The specific cause for the disorder is unknown, however, most experts agree that stress plays a significant role in its development.

Bruxism Treatments

If someone has recently begun to experience bruxism, there may be time to treat it with simple remedies, before a destructive, long-term pattern has been established. One of the best things a person can do is to consciously relax the jaw muscle. This can be done by simply parting the lips enough so that the teeth do not touch. Another tip some dentists recommend is to place the very end of the tongue forward between the upper and lower teeth. The pinching of the tongue will alert the person as soon as his or her jaw begins to close.

A moist heating pack can help to reduce pain, as well as relax the jaw muscle. Compresses should be kept in place for 15 minutes, and when removed, one should slowly open and close his or her jaw 15-20 times in order to keep the muscle flacid.

Some doctors prescribe a muscle relaxer which will help to maintain slackness in the jaw muscle. This is especially helpful when taken at night, since the other remedies cannot be utilized while one is sleeping. In addition to the aforementioned medication, a person's doctor may recommend that a mouth-guard be worn while sleeping.

When a person has suffered from bruxism for a long time, the muscles in the jaw will increase in size. Unfortunately, this can lead to a widening of the jaw, which will alter the shape of the face, giving it a square, unattractive appearance. Cosmetic clinics such as The Victorian Cosmetic Institute offer effective treatments to correct this undesirable side effect of Bruxism. These jaw slimming procedures are aimed at restoring the person's face to its original shape and appearance, before the damage from bruxism occurred. The change can be dramatic, and anyone suffering from this condition should consider having such a procedure in order to look and feel better, as well as restore his or her self-esteem.

Dealing With Gouty Arthritis

Gouty arthritis refers to a specific kind of degenerative joint disease in which uric acid builds up in certain areas. This involves particle crystallization in certain key joints, which ultimately causes inflammation and pain. Though it is most commonly associated with bones, it can also affect tendons and other tissues that are closely related. Medical specialists indicate that the big toe is most often affected, though all joints can potentially face problems. Uric acid itself has specific properties that irritate tissue and lead to redness and swelling.

There are a number of things that people can do in order to decrease their risk of developing chronic gout. Because excessive uric acid is linked to obesity, losing weight can be an excellent way to deal with the problem. If rheumatoid arthritis is a prominent part of the family history, then people would do well to take up healthy living habits. Men and women who have already had at least one gout attack should talk with their doctors to see what kind of exercise plan they can embark on. Weight should not be lost all at once. Rather, individuals should strive for a slow, gradual process.

Most specialists will diagnosis gouty arthritis by examining joint fluid under a powerful microscope. If crystals are present within the fluid, then the diagnosis can be made. Most patients may also notice that several joints are affected at once. If attacks often occur at night, people should try to stay hydrated as much as possible. By drinking a certain amount of water each day, men and women can keep their tissues in optimal shape. This will help just a bit in avoiding overly long episodes of gout.

Patients may also want to sit down with a team of specialists so that they understand the role of genetics in all types of arthritis. If they have had a family member deal with the disease in the recent past, then they will have some idea of what to expect. Proper nutrition, adequate exercise, and pain medication can all help with the worst of the symptoms.

In the end, men and women should rely on their doctors for a properly devised treatment plan. Once the uric acid reaches certain levels within the body, it will be hard to ignore. Physicians will likely recommend that individuals overhaul their lifestyles so that they can better deal with the condition. If they can work to keep the acid levels as low as possible, they should gain some relief as they continue on through life in the years ahead.

The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not, nor is it ever intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice or professional recommendations, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician(s) or other qualified healthcare provider(s).

Stop Arthritis and Joint Pain by Eating Right

Doctors usually give people who suffer with joint pain painkillers. However, painkillers do not always work for some people. In an attempt to stay away from drugs and medications joint pain sufferers tend to turn to supplements or some type of alternative means to control their pain. Nevertheless, did you know that a growing majority of people are having success with curing their joint pain just by eating right?

When you eat the right foods, curing joint pain forever is a definite possibility.

Foods that are good for inflammation of the joints are oranges, limes, grapefruits, and lemons. These citrus fruits contain vitamin C, which is known to help people with arthritis. A good habit to form is to try staying away from too much sugar. Sugar is known to cause inflammation. Instead of drinking juice in the morning, try squeezing a lime or a lemon into a glass of water. Lemon or limewater is not only good for your joints, but it is a very refreshing drink to get your day started right.

Other foods that can benefit your joints are foods rich in bioflavonoid, which have the ability to expel toxins from the joints. Foods that are rich in bioflavonoid are apples, berries and cherries. The best way to take advantage of these joint pain-relieving foods is to blend them up into a nice refreshing smoothie.

Vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, and kale are also good for joint pain. You can prepare them by microwaving, sautéing, or steaming. Also, try cooking with lots of onions and parsley. Onions and parsley are good with alleviating pain in the joints.

Eating healthy foods will help to cure your pain, but it will also do wonders for your over-all health.

Remember; do not overcook your greens. Boil or braise them in as little water as possible. Five to ten minutes of cooking is all you need to have your greens maintain all the nutrients you need to alleviate the pain while still maintaining taste.

Use oils such as olive oil and grape seed oil that contain Alpha-linolenic acids (ALA), which is known to sooth joint pains. These oils contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Taking some form of omega 3 supplement such as fish oil or flaxseed oil is also recommended.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Is Your Migraine a TMJ Disorder Migraine?

Migraines may be a symptom of a TMJ disorder, but it is hard to diagnose the condition without considering other symptoms that are associate with the migraines.

One way that you will be able to tell whether your migraine is a TMJ migraine or a migraine associated with another disorder is: that a TMJ migraine will rarely, if ever, exist without at least one additional symptom associated with this disorder. This is due to the fact that a TMJ migraine is the direct result of the joint of the jaw area being misaligned, and as such pain from the jaw area will also be present and exist along with the migraine headache as well. A migraine that is a TMJ migraine will be accompanied by tmj symptoms due to the following reasons:

1. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve -- In further detail, the nerve most affected by the TMJ disorder is called the trigeminal nerve, which controls all functions of the jaw and teeth functions. This nerve also controls almost 40% of all brain processing functions as well, with the brain interacting much of the time with this nerve, and is connected to the nerves which control the face, head, and neck and throat areas.

Hence, upsetting this particular nerve will also result in these other nerves being affected negatively as well, contributing to much of the other pain symptoms associated with TMJ. A TMJ migraine will be a result of not only the nerve inflammation described above but also of the jaw joints themselves being misaligned.

2. Jaw misalignment -- Other sources of pain may be the misaligned jaw rubbing improperly against the nerve endings of the trigeminal nerve. The nerve may not necessarily be inflamed (as in the first reason listed), but minor irritations of this nerve may cause TMJ migraines.

3. Tense facial and head muscles -- Some doctors also believe that the source of TMJ migraines may basically be a result of the tension that results from facial and head muscles that are shortened or out of balance due to the jaw misalignment.

In general, TMJ migraine is a result of a number of jaw joint malfunctions, and as such will present itself with a number of TMJ symptoms as well, If you experience any of the symptoms listed for this disorder as well as a migraine headache, it is a good idea to consult with a doctor and find an effective TMJ treatment for your individual needs.

Tasty Foods That Can Aid in Your Hip Replacement Recovery

Having a hip replaced can be a great pain reliever, allowing a person to enjoy everyday living the way they always imagined. Yet, there's a general fear of hip replacement recovery obstacles, like blood clots or Osteolysis.

Because a hip replacement can be the result of numerous life situations, medications and follow up care may vary. Still, across the board physicians agree that a healthy diet is a big key to recovery success. Since hip replacement surgery can make the body more vulnerable to illnesses, it's important to load up on super nutritious foods. The exciting thing is, there are foods that are packed with both powerful nutrients and taste.

Imagine enjoying a carefully seasoned salmon grilled with a splash of lemon.  Or a mouth watering Trout, well prepared and tender.  These fish taste good and provide your body with Omega-3 fatty acids known also as Omega 3s. Omega 3s are amongst the top food champions known for their ability to help ease joint pain and boost immune systems.

The moment they work their way into a body's system, they begin activating a chemical that helps control inflammation. Their role is so vital that a recovering patient can enjoy up to two hearty servings of one of these cold water fish a week.  Almost every restaurant has one of these fish on their dinner menu but there are several everyday recipes that can show you how to make this fish an at home dinner delight.

Do you have a sweet tooth?  Indulge in a cupful of fresh strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries.  Because these sweet treats are flavor filled bites of antioxidants, they also reign as some of the top food champions.

The antioxidants these berries release are disease fighting, preventing the stress that comes from oxidation.  There have been several studies showing that a cup of berries a day can help increase the amount of antioxidants your body needs, especially after a surgery when your body needs the extra help. Served chilled, steamed, or freshly picked, berries are an excellent addition to your recovery menu. 

If after eating a wonderful fish dinner or berry snack you still have a desire for a little more, try having a small portion of dark chocolate.  An ounce of smooth, melt in your mouth dark chocolate eaten everyday has been proven to reduce the formation of plaque formed in arteries while simultaneously lowering blood pressure. During hip recovery, this treat is one you don't have to feel bad about enjoying.

Tasty foods that can aid in your hip replacement recovery really do exist. Fish, delicious berries, and dark chocolate are just as nutritious for children as they are for adults.

Dog Arthritis Pain Relief - What You Can Do

What is Dog Arthritis?

Your dog's skeleton is lubricated by synovial fluid which allows flexibility for your dog to walk, run, and move. When your dog's joints are injured or damaged, this can cause joint inflammation which can prevent your dog from moving about normally and comfortably.

The two types of dog arthritis are degenerative joint disease and inflammatory joint disease.

Degenerative Joint Disease for dogs is also known as osteoarthritis. This occurs when the dog's cartilage that protects the bone is damaged or destroyed. Dog osteoarthritis can happen normally in dogs as they age from normal use and function or due to excess stress and accidental injuries.

Inflammatory Joint Disease for dogs is caused by bacterial or fungal infections, ticks, or even hereditary. This form of dog arthritis is not as common.

Dog Arthritis Symptoms: How To Tell If Your Dog Has Arthritis
There are a few things you can look for which may be a signs your dog has some form of arthritis.
If your dog is Limping
If your dog has swelling joints
If your dog has trouble getting up
If your dog cries or yelps in pain from normal movements

Dog Arthritis Treatment: What To Do If Your Dog Has Arthritis
Depending on why and how painful and severe your dog's arthritis is which could lead to a few different options. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as Acetaminophen such as Tylenol can help relieve mild pain and inflammation but is not for long-term use. Higher doses of acetaminophen can cause liver damage or worse.

Dog arthritis pain relief products such as Flexpet have been getting great reviews to help with their dog's arthritis treatment and dog's arthritis pain relief.

Other prescription medications and arthritis treatment options are available from your local veterinary such as cortisone injections directly into the joint to relieve severe pain and inflammation. There are also a few other brand name dog and pet arthritis medications available for your dog by prescription only.

Severe arthritis can lead to necessary surgery to improve moment and reduce pain but should always be considered as a last resort option.

Pain Relief and Infrared Heaters

The use of infrared heaters, particularly infrared saunas has greatly increased in recent years. Not only are infrared heaters relaxing which helps people reduce stress, but they also provide a number of health benefits. For instance, infrared heaters that are used in infrared sauna are known to provide significant pain relief.

The Infrared (IR) radiation emitted from infrared heaters is electromagnetic radiation that penetrates the body. The infrared waves heat the body from the inside. Infrared saunas emit the equivalent infrared waves as the sun and they do not deliver hazardous UV light. The temperature varies from 110 to 130 簞F. The infrared radiation does not heat the air as the heat is generated below the skin.

Infrared heaters are effective at alleviating muscle pain and spasms. They also help speed up healing in injured tissues and muscles. Because the heat warms up the body from within, blood circulation is increased which helps brings nutrients and oxygen to the injured region. As well, it removes fluid causing swelling. The deep infrared penetration alleviates bone and joint pain and swelling which makes it an effective treatment for such conditions as arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Using heaters that are infrared helps loosen stiff joints and reduce pain. Far infrared light penetrates the skin up to 6 centimeters 2.36 inches or 6 centimeters. Blood vessels become dilated permitting oxygenated blood to travel to the affected region. The result is reduced inflammation and pain relief. It is a safe, non-addictive, and non-invasive method of reducing pain. People suffering from chronic pain greatly benefit from infrared heaters.

These heaters are not only beneficial for pain relief, but they also help with following: boosting metabolism, reducing high blood pressure, reducing the risk of developing blood clots, and flushing toxins from body, including the skin and lymph areas. It also improves the elasticity of the arterial walls, reduces the acidity in the body, improves the immune system, and relieves muscle spasms. As well, it helps improve skin elasticity, sleep, and it helps reduce and encourage the healing of scars, irritations, psoriasis, acne, burns, and eczema.

Heaters that are infrared also help promote weight loss. When your body starts to heat up, you will begin to sweat and your metabolism will be boosted. You can burn up to 600 calories sitting in a sauna for 30 minutes. The metabolic process of important organs is increased resulting in caloric loss. As well, people who have health conditions that affect their breathing can sit in an infrared sauna comfortably because the air does not heat up. Many people will also sit in an infrared sauna before a massage because it loosens the muscles and tissues and allows the body to relax. The massage therapist is then able to give a more intense and therapeutic massage.

When you use an infrared heater, particularly in an infrared sauna, you will receive many health benefits that include pain relief. Because infrared heat is good for the mind and body, more people choosing infrared heat as a way to promote optimal health.

Arthritis Facts and Overview

Arthritis is the #1 cause of disability in the world with more than 350 million people affected. 1/7 of the total people affected with arthritis live in the U.S. They suffer from severe limitations, absenteeism, obesity, high cholesterol, heart disease, depression and fears their symptoms could get worse. It's estimated that the total cost of arthritis cases is close to $100 billion of which nearly 50% accounts from lost earnings. Each year, arthritis results in nearly 1 million hospitalizations and close to 45 million visits to health care centers. More than 70% of people who are affected by arthritis in North America are over the age of 65. It's more common in women than men at all ages and affects all races, ethnic groups and cultures.

There's over 100 type of arthritis, some more severe then others. The primary forms of arthritis range from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, septic arthritis, gout and pseudo-gout, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, still's disease to ankylosing spondylitis. The secondary forms of arthritis are link to other diseases and complications. They ranges from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, lyme disease, hepatitis, haemochromatosis, sarcoidosis, Inflammatory bowel disease, Henoch-Sch繹nlein purpura to Wegener's granulomatosis.

The one that affects the most people is osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease. It comes as a result of natural aging, trauma or infection of the joint. Other well known types are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and autoimmune diseases. These types causes the body to attack is own tissues while others like septic arthritis is caused by joint infection. The most common symptoms for all arthritis disorders include varied levels of pain, swelling, joint stiffness, ache around one or many joints, fever, weight loss, poor sleep, malaise and feeling of tiredness. These symptoms should be taken seriously and treated early to prevent any complications.

Available treatments include drugs such as corticosteroids, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), immunosuppressants (cyclosporine and cyclophosphamide), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), etanercept (Enbrel), infliximab (Remicade) and adalimumab (Humira). Physical therapy, exercise, orthopedic bracing, medications, dietary supplements, arthroplasty (joint replacement surgery) and natural remedies may be the solution depending of the arthritis. Clinical examination, radiology and blood tests made from an appropriate health professional are key for a good diagnosis.

Joint Pain Symptoms Causes, Remedies and Treatments That Work

Joint pain is a common disorder experienced by millions in varying degrees and due to various causes. Both children and adults suffer from this problem either from any physical injury, some internal disorder or due to aging. Age related joint pains or Arthritis comes in various forms and features that start showing its symptoms from the age of 50 reaching the peak at 75. Such pains can pose great problems leading to general debility. People suffering from osteoarthritis type joint pains go through agonizing moments due to severe attacks of pains that last for hours.

Main joints like shoulders, knees, hands, back and hips are mostly affected by this condition arising from Arthritis reducing the free movement to a great extent. Painful elbows, fingers, ankles and heels are also experienced by some due to this.


Many factors are responsible for this condition like -

1. The reduction of the synovial fluids due to aging that reduces the lubrication of the joints allowing more friction between the joints and thus results in the pain.
2. Natural wear and tear of the joints and weakening of the cartilage due to aging leading to osteoarthritis.
3. Autoimmune disease like Rheumatoid arthritis.
4. Drop in the estrogen levels in women after menopause.
5. Unhealthy food habits and life style that leads to gout.
6. Sprain and dislocation due to physical injury
7. Bursitis
8. Leukemia and bone cancer.


The symptoms of the joint pains vary a lot depending upon the locations and the causes behind them. General symptoms observed are as follows -

1. Swelling and inflammation of the joints that can arise due to arthritis or any physical injury.
2. Stiffness and tenderness in the joints.
3. Experiencing moderate or acute pain due to dislocation, fracture or arthritis.
4. Extreme difficulty in moving the joints.
5. Free movement gets impaired due to age related arthritis.
6. Experiencing difficulty in turning over in bed due to arthritis or spondylitis.
7. Patients suffering from osteoarthritis may experience creaking noise in the joints.
8. Fever, weight loss, fatigue, muscle aches along with the pain and inflammation of the joints is observed in case of Rheumatoid arthritis.
9. Joint pains in younger age may also result from bone tuberculosis, sickle cell anemia etc.
10. Localized severe joint pain and inflammation may be caused due to dislocation or sprain in the joints.

Remedies and Treatment

This involves -

1. Dietary and life style changes.
2. Taking anti- inflammatory drugs.
3. Massaging the affected areas with eucalyptus oil, menthol and camphor.
4. Supplements of herb Devil's Claw is highly effective in treating this condition.
5. Hot and cold compress.
6. Physical workouts
7. Surgical procedures in some cases.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Top Causes Of Jaw Pain And Possible Treatments

The many causes of jaw pain may be identified with different medical problems. Varied as they are, they can be categorized into two: primary and secondary. The first type involves a condition affecting the jaw directly and this can be treated by a dentist or an ears, nose and throat doctor. The second type, on the other hand, involves a condition affecting other parts of the body and causing the pain to migrate towards that part of the chin. Such a situation may be more difficult to resolve and so needs the expertise of other medical specialists.

This article though would focus on the most common causes of jaw pain under the first category. They are trauma, dental problems, bone spurs, arthritis, sinus infections and necrosis.

Trauma - Trauma usually results to a broken jaw. Accidents or direct hitting on this facial bone are the common culprits to this. Moreover, excessive teeth grinding called bruxism can also trigger such trauma.

Dental Problems - Cavities, damaged teeth, teeth extractions, oral surgeries and fillings and severe gum infections can sometimes be very painful to the jaw.

Bone Spurs - These are also known as bony outgrowths that happen among adults. Projection of impacted wisdom teeth definitely cause hurting sensation to this joint.

Arthritis - The mandibular joint is the specific area that Arthritis attacks. In relation to this, Temporomandibular or TMJ jaw pain is caused by chronic inflammation of this bone.

Sinus Infections - Sinus infections as well as ear infections may lead to jaw pain. This is because of the pressure in the ears and sinus cavities which are connected to this facial joint.

Necrosis - This is characterized by swollen glands in the neck which in turn results to hurting sensations in one's facial joint.

There are times when the ache that these conditions bring are bearable. If that is the case, you can try applying gentle pressure to the tender areas of your jaw. Avoid possibility of deep massages as this facial joint is severely delicate. In between the gentle massages, you can slowly open and close your mouth to relieve the pain. Be keen to observe if the hurting sensations increase once pressure is applied. This must be a hint for you to stop with the gentle massage.

Giving your facial joint a rest is also advisable. Excessive use of it as in talking and/or chewing must be avoided. Chewing gums, for one, is not healthy because it induces constant movement of the jaw muscles making the related joint swollen and painful. Also, try to relax your neck and shoulders. Strain in these body parts due to wrong posture when working or sleeping can also result to an aching facial joint.

In conclusion, seeing medical practitioners like dentists and ENT doctors would be ideal in eradicating any of the causes of jaw pain you might have. After requiring some check-ups and X-rays, they will immediately advise you of the most appropriate measures. They could be prescription drugs, surgeries, therapies or use of dental appliances.

Inflammation of the Hip - Your Guide on What to Try Before Considering Dangerous Drugs

Inflammation of the hip may be due to injury, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or another disease. The conventional medications for treating these inflammatory conditions include steroids, opiate pain relievers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

The use of any of those medications on a long-term basis is ill advised. Steroids should never be used on a long-term basis; they stop working after a short period of time. Yet, people become dependent on them.

If their use is continued, the inflammatory responses kick into high gear. The first signs are swelling of the face and weight gain due to fluid retention. As time goes by, they can damage the organs of the body and contribute to an early death.

Opiate pain relievers are habit-forming as well. Due to their being psychoactive drugs, they can lead to depression, injury and other health problems.

NSAIDs have long been considered the safest forms of treatment, because they are non-addictive. The body does not build up a tolerance to the drugs. But in recent years, we have learned that the drugs damage the liver. Even the weaker over-the-counter NSAIDs have caused liver failure in some individuals.

So, how do we treat inflammation of the hip without the use of dangerous drugs? A complete plan would involve special diets, regular physical activity and natural anti-inflammatories.

Diets can be designed to keep the production of inflammatory hormones to a minimum. Anti-inflammatory diets focus on consuming more fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes and healthier fats.

Exercise is aimed at keeping the joint mobile, without causing any impact on the joints. Working out in a swimming pool is an example of a very low impact form of exercise.

Natural anti-inflammatories can be taken in supplement form. Unlike the drug treatments, they are not damaging to any of the organs and they can be taken for inflammation of the hip and other joints on a daily basis.

Some of the natural anti-inflammatories include ginger, turmeric and black pepper. Although these are common spices, they have medicinal uses. Ginger and turmeric have been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of ailments. Evaluation of the compound piperine which is found in black pepper has shown that it too has mild anti-inflammatory activity.

Another important dietary aspect has to do with the ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s in the diet. Too many omega-6s and not enough omega-3s can worsen inflammation of the hip. Consuming more omega-3s, while consuming fewer omega-6s, could be the answer.

The easiest way to get more omega-3s in your diet is to take a fish oil supplement. At first, it was thought that fish oil could only modulate inflammatory response; there was no anti-inflammatory activity. However, recent studies have shown that some brands have anti-inflammatory activity equivalent to or greater than aspirin.

At first, it was thought that the omega-3 content made the difference. Now, researchers realize that there are some nutrients in the natural triglycerides that enhance the anti-inflammatory action.

So, do a little more research about the best brands of fish oil and learn how to fight inflammation of the hip without drugs.

Causes Of Body Joint Pain

Joint pain can be due to several causes and the treatment is dependent upon the cause of the pain. Joint pain is a common complaint often associated with aging process. Unusual exertion or overuse of joints can cause body joint pain. Other causes include injury, Arthritis, Tendonitis, Bursitis, Infectious diseases like influenza, measles, rheumatic fever, hepatitis and mumps, and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.


Impact and accidents of any sort leading to sprain, ligament or cartilage tear or fractures can cause body joint pain. The affected area and the nearby joints can become painful, depending upon the severity of the impact.


Gouty arthritis is caused by a defect in metabolism that results in overproduction of uric acid or a reduced ability of the kidneys to eliminate uric acid. In acute gouty arthritis the symptoms develop suddenly in one or two joints.

Osteoarthritis is a disease that causes deterioration of the joint cartilage. It is associated with aging and is the most common form of arthritis. The cartilage of the affected joint is roughened and worn down, which causes pain. Septic arthritis is inflammation of a joint caused by bacteria. This form of arthritis can also cause body joint pain.


Tendonitis is inflammation of the tendon which is the fibrous structure that joins the muscle to the bone. Common joints that get affected by tendonitis are wrist, elbow, shoulder and heel.


Bursitis is inflammation of fluid filled sacs called Bursae. Bursae connect tendons to both the skin and bone. Bursitis commonly occurs in the shoulder, knee, elbow and hips.

Infectious diseases

Diseases like flu, mumps and others are contagious diseases can cause pain in the body joints, among other symptoms.

Autoimmune diseases

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease that causes joint pain affecting the joints and surrounding tissues. It is a disease that attacks the body using its own immune cells. Lupus is another chronic autoimmune disorder. It affects many organ systems including skin, joints and internal organs.

Cellaplex Review - Is it the Right Pain Relief Product For You?

Did you know that millions of people who suffer from arthritis do not take any pain relief product at all? They simply manage their pain through a combination of home treatment options like warm or cold compress, warm baths, salves, or massage.

The problem is that some type of arthritis can cause extreme joint pain that can affect your mobility. Home remedies are also not enough to relieve extreme joint discomfort and pain.

In order not to lose your mobility and independence, it is important to consult your doctor so you will know the best pain relief product for you. Here are some of the most common pain relief products that you can use to alleviate debilitating arthritis pain:

Analgesics: The First Defense against Pain

Analgesics are the most widely recommended medications to alleviate pain. Analgesic drugs are inexpensive and that is why it one of the most popular pain relief product against pain symptoms.

For most cases of osteoarthritis, acetaminophen is highly recommended. Acetaminophen is a widely available analgesic, inexpensive, and can immediately numb joint pain.

However, there are joint pains that can not be treated with acetaminophen. In such cases, doctors usually prescribe stronger analgesic with opioid. These are regulated drugs and you can only get it with a prescription from your doctor.

Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

NSAIDs are also a common pain relief product to fight arthritis pain. Most anti-inflammatory drugs are highly regulated so you need to consult your doctor first before you take these medications.

NSAIDs combine the efficacy of analgesics but also suppress inflammations. Because some types of arthritis are characterized by inflamed joint tissues and cartilage intervention with NSAIDs are necessary.

Some patients however can develop allergies from NSAIDs. This type of medication can also cause stomach upset, diarrhea, and stomach allergies. You may be forced to take analgesic or alternative pain relief product if you can not tolerate NSAID.

Natural Pain Relief Supplements

Natural supplements normally contain active ingredients that are effective against pain and inflammation. Such supplements are especially designed for patients suffering from arthritis, degenerative joint disorder, or inflammatory disorder.

You still have to consult your doctor before you take natural supplements for pain. You have to know if the active ingredients of the supplement will interact with your drug medication.

Normally, natural supplements contain substances that have been proven effective against pain symptoms. For example, Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate, which which are common substances found in anti-arthritis supplements, are very effective against arthritis pain. They have anti inflammatory properties that could help reduce joint discomfort.

Bromelain is also a good substance that is very effective against pain. This is an enzyme with natural anti-inflammatory properties. It has been proven in several clinical trials that Bromelain can reduce swelling, fight inflammation, and alleviate extreme joint pain symptoms. Cetyl Myristoleate (CM8) lubricates joints, provides strong anti-inflammatory properties, and also supports your immune system.

There are lots of anti-pain products available for you but only one seems to have all the ingredients necessary to relieve pain and inflammation, rebuild damaged joints, and help restore normal joint function. The makers of Cellaplex have addressed the most common joint pain issues and have formulated a unique, clinically-proven product that is being widely recommended by Orthopaedic doctors and physicians to help aid in rehab and overall joint health. I have added Cellaplex to all of my patients' rehab programs and have seen very promising results to date.

To read further about Cellaplex please visit their website at

The Chiropractic Treatment Known As the Activator Technique

A chiropractic technique developed in the 1960's is being used today to treat patients and relieve pain. The Activator is a hand held instrument that resembles a small polo stick. It's made to give adjustments without causing strain or pain. It gives an extremely quick thrust that's very effective. It's described as a light sensation by patients. This instrument works on the exact area of the body where there's a health issue. It's used to safely and gently return spinal balance which helps heal the body. A benefit of this treatment is its ability to heal the body without drugs or complex surgery.

The Activator has been tested to be used as a chiropractic treatment. The Activator technique uses the newest progresses in orthopedic, neurological and chiropractic examinations. Specific procedures detect spinal joint dysfunction, examine leg length, neurological reflexes and other problems in the body. It's a treatment for areas of the body including knees, shoulders, wrists, ankles, spine and the jaw. Some benefits of this type of treatment are helping the body heal itself, protecting the body from disease, relieving pain and sustaining health without using drugs or difficult surgery.

An Activator instrument is different than a manual adjustment. The Activator is a unique compared to other chiropractic treatments. The body isn't turned in uncomfortable ways and there's no popping or snapping sounds. It's a precise and comfortable low-force adjustment which restores normal nerve supply and muscular tone. This instrument is beneficial to the chiropractor because it shows exactly where to make an adjustment. The problem can also be found faster. It's helps patients to feel better and restore spinal balance without causing any pain or distress. Patients often say they are calmer going to a chiropractor when this method is used for treatment.

Chiropractic doctors receive extensive training in using the Activator Technique method. Patients of all ages can benefit from an Activator adjustment because of its gentleness and efficiency. It works great for small children because it's so quick and easy. It's even safe for small babies. It's also very gentle for elderly patients with osteoporosis or arthritis. It can be used for pregnant women in all stages of pregnancy. The Activator works well on athletes or people who are physically active because of its effectiveness on pain in the spine, joints and muscles. Dr. Andrew Weil recommends the Activator to his patients because of its safety and reliability. He says it's safer than traditional high force manipulations.

Clinical trials have proven that the patented design in engineering of the Activator is very effective. Over 35,000 doctors worldwide use the activator technique according to There are many case studies that show the activator method works successfully. It can even help heal old injuries and stress related pain which can interfere with nerve interference throughout the body. Brochures and DVD's about this treatment are available on the activator website to educate patients. The Activator is used by many chiropractors around the world because of its low force technique.

Information on a TMJ Cure

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the area directly in front of the ear on both areas of the head where the upper jaw (maxilla) and lower jaw (mandible) meet. The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are multifaceted and are made up of muscles, tendons, and bones.

TMJ is a group of situation that cause pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement. The disarray and resulting dysfunction can result in significant pain and impairment. Because the disorder transcends the boundaries between several healthcare authorities -in particular, dentistry and neurology-there are a variety of healing methods.

TMJ Treatment

Occlusal Splint - Are called a night guard, it is designed to protect the teeth from further wear. These also will reduce the harshness of grinding at night and permit the muscles to relax.

Jaw Rest - You must relax your jaw for it to mend. The occlusal splint will help but other steps should be taken. You should not chew gum at all, gnaw your nails, grit your teeth together while conscious.

The medication - Pain drug can be prescribed. Often over the counter analgesics such as ibuprofen are enough. Sometimes we will prescribe medicine similar to Ibuprofen but a bit stronger. These prescriptions not only relieve pain but reduce swelling as well to aid in the healing process.

Moist Heat - Moist heat is very helpful for the sore muscles of the TMJ. The penetrating moist heat promotes blood circulation in the muscle which helps in curing and relaxation of the muscle

Exercises - Simple jaw and neck exercises will help the muscles stretch. A good time to do some of these is in the warm, damp surroundings of the shower or bath.

Occlusal Adjustment - We evaluate all TMJ patient's bite with the T-Scan computerized bite analyzer. This machine shows exact bite strength on each tooth in the mouth during various motions. It allows conventional, efficient adjustments to be achieved when desired.

Physical Therapy - Physical therapy can help rest the muscles, augment joint elasticity, and the like. We can do some simple stretching treatment in the office.

Stress Management - Emotion and stress plays an important role in TMJ. TMJ may be a sign that the patient is under stress. Anything that helps you relieve stress is helpful. Take a hobby, such as reading, exercising, listening to music.

Recommendation - Specialists may be needed for the best treatment for your case. Judgment and/or treatment may be sought from physicians, oral surgeons, orthodontists, psychotherapists, physical therapists, or Prosthodontists.

The test posed by TMJ disorders span the investigation spectrum, from origin to analysis through curing and deterrence. Researchers throughout the health sciences are working together not only to gain a better understanding of the TMJ and muscle disease process, and to improve quality of life for people have an effect on these disorders.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Natural Health Remedies For Joint Pain

Today's markets are flooded with dozens of joint pain relievers but most of them have adverse side effects. That is why more and more people are now considering alternative therapies and natural health remedies for joint pain. There are a number of herbal products and natural health remedies that can help relieve that cranky and debilitating joint pain and inflammation.

Recent revelations show that these valuable natural health remedies and medications can be the best therapy if tailored to your individual case. Here, we are presenting general but useful information about some therapies and natural health remedies for joint pain.

1. Omega-3 fatty acids act as anti- inflammatory supplement to decrease pain and swelling. You can find them in fish oils which are the best source of omega-3, but they can also be found in walnut, flaxseed, borage, grape-seed and primrose oils. Take one tablespoon of oil or 2-3 capsules two times daily.

2. A healthy vegetarian diet low in arachidonic acid and high in calcium and vitamin B complex also reduces pain significantly. These natural health remedies include such things as dark green leafy vegetables, garlic, shiitake mushroom, whole grains and fresh fruits (especially pineapple, papaya, strawberries, blueberries and cranberries as these are antioxidant compounds).

3. Many studies have shown that ginger also acts as a natural active compound to reduce joint pain and inflammation in people with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. You can use it in any form such as capsules, extract, powder and tincture.

4. Adequate amounts of vitamin D (400 to 600 IU of vitamin D) tend to keep cartilage healthy; has been shown in numerous studies of Arthritis and Rheumatism.

5. Nettle Leaf, Cayenne, Devil's Claw, bromelain, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), turmeric (Curcuma longa), and Boswellia serrata are powerful antioxidants and natural health remedies for joint pain as they have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

6. S-adenosymethionine or SAMe is a proven one of the natural health remedies for joint pain that is produced naturally in the body. It increases the production of bone and cartilage supporting molecules.

7. Some studies have found that heat application to the aching joint can give temporary relief and comfort which can be provided by hot-water bottles, electric heating pads, heat lamps and ointments or massage that soothes pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis by supplying heat.

8. Hydrotherapy or hot or cold water compressing treatments is another easy ways to relieve stiffness and pain of joints but apply it very carefully.

Each of these herbs and supplements act differently but they can work synergistically if used carefully and wisely in combination rather than individually. Contact your natural health practitioner to determine which of these natural health remedies for joint pain might be suitable for your health regimen in your particular case.

This article is intended to provide assistance and information to people who are interested in learning more about natural remedies. It should not be used as a basis for any form of diagnosis or treatment for any medical condition. Always seek professional medical advice.

Treating Bursitis With a Therapeutic Home Ultrasound Machine

The bursa is a tough, flat, membranous sac enclosing any joint between bones in our body. This sac contains a lubricating fluid and lies close to the tendons that attach the muscles to the joint. The fluid in the bursa keeps the ends of the bones in a joint well lubricated and in good condition.

Bursitis is a very painful condition resulting from an excessive accumulation of fluid in the bursa, causing it to swell up and press on the neighboring tissues. Bursitis may be acute, occurring suddenly as a result of injury or trauma. It may be chronic, occurring frequently. When any one of the joints in the body is stressed by being frequently, repeatedly and/or overused for a sustained period of time, the bursa responds by producing excess fluid and becomes painfully inflamed.

There are many other causes for bursitis. These are: staphylococcal or some bacterial infection; deposits of calcium or uric acid crystals; abnormal joints because of difference in leg lengths; arthritis; bone spurs; rheumatoid arthritis; psoriatic arthritis; tuberculosis; thyroid diseases; diabetes; or gout.

The type of bursitis you have depends on which of the joints in your body is affected. Shoulder and elbow bursitis are often associated with excessive physical activity that stress these joints. Bursitis of the hip joint may be due to infection or injury. Runners and ballet dancers are subject to hip bursitis. Sitting for a long time in the same position may cause ischial bursitis. The knee joints could be affected by frequent kneeling in upright position, obesity in conjunction with diseases like diabetes or osteoporosis. Young athletes who do not take care to wear well fitting shoes may develop calcaneal bursitis of the heel or ankle.

There are several options for treatment of bursitis. Very often treatment for bursitis may involve simple procedures of bursitis physical therapy like R.I.C.E, which is resting, icing, compression and elevation of the affected joint. Other bursitis physical therapy procedures are stretching and muscle strengthening exercises, and soft tissue manipulation.

Bursitis treatment may also utilize therapeutic ultrasound. Ultrasound physical therapy reduces pain and inflammation in the bursa because the ultra sound waves increase blood circulation and oxygen to the injury site. In short, ultrasound therapy causes micro-vibrations in the soft tissues beneath the skin's surface to increase blood supply and subsequently decrease local swelling and chronic inflammation. The vibrations also help to speed healing and relieve pain associated with bursitis.

Home ultrasound machines are now available for ultrasound bursitis treatment and rehabilitation. Such ultrasonic treatments are more affordable and convenient than chiropractor and physical therapist visits. Previously, ultrasound therapy treatments have only be available for professional athletes, but it is now possible to rehab bursitis, and many other chronic injuries, in the comfort of your own home.

Soft tissue injuries, such as bursitis, require a specific kind of home ultrasound machine. A home ultrasound physical therapy machine should emit 1Mhz ultrasound waves. It is also important to purchase an FDA approved ultrasound unit that is quality manufactured. Your portable therapeutic ultrasound device should also be covered with at least a 1 year warranty.

Because these home ultrasound machines utilize pulsed ultrasound waves, they are very safe for use by the general public. Pulse ultrasound also is just as effective as continuous wave ultrasound that is used by doctors, but in home treatments will just be more often. With a portable therapeutic ultrasound machine, you can treat your bursitis daily in the comfort of your own home.

12 Questions To Ask Your TMJ Specialist About Splint Therapy

Who is a TMJ Specialist?

There is a whole list of professionals who perform various treatments for TMJ disorders based on their particular training and experience. The partial list of dentistry and medical practitioners who deal with TMJ issues includes:

General practice Physicians
Physical therapists
Biofeedback therapists
Oral surgeons
and more

These specialists can have very different approaches to treating TMJ dysfunction which can cause patients to becomes confused about which recommended therapy is right for them. A great deal of the confusion comes from within dentistry where a number of approaches are vying to be recognised as the correct therapy.

The funny thing is that in Dentistry TMJ Therapy is not a recognized specialty area. A dentist requires additional training beyond basic dental school training to successfully perform TMJ therapy otherwise he cannot ethically claim to be a TMJ specialist. Also, there is little in the way of a standard of care when it comes to TMJ and dentistry. Generally accepted guidelines for management of TMJ and diagnosis are still not available in dentistry.

Anyone with minimal symptoms such as a slight clicking and popping of the joint should not have splint therapy.

A person with an obvious TMJ problem will require the teeth, muscles and joint to work together with the least amount of trauma. Any treatment needs to be based on sound orthopedic principles as well as sound dental principles. The chosen therapy should treat the cause of the TMJ not the symptoms.

12 Questions to Ask Your TMJ Specialist about Splint Therapy

  1. What type of splint do you recommend for my particular condition and why?

  2. Will this splint reduce my pain,reposition my bite or both?

  3. What other options are there?

  4. What happens if pain increases while wearing the splint?

  5. What happens if over time my teeth no longer touch?

  6. Is there any evidence you can provide as proof that this splint will help me?

  7. When do I have to wear the splint, in the daytime or nighttime or both?

  8. How long will I have to wear the splint before there is a significant improvement?

  9. If this splint does not work what will be next?

  10. If follow-up treatments are required, how many will there be and what will be the cost of those visits?

  11. Is my insurance going to cover the cost of the splint and the follow-up treatments?

  12. Will I be required to sign a contract with you to begin treatment?

Keep the list of question readily available so you can give them to your TMJ specialist. A good doctor will have no problem with being asked these or any other questions you may have. If he does then he is not the specialist for you.

Cosmetic Dentistry Recommendations and Other Treatments for TMJ Disorders

TMJ, short for temporomandibular joint disorders, causes pain mainly in the jaw joint. For some people, its symptoms include pain in the ears and other parts of the face; jaws that lock or can't be opened comfortably; painful or continuously changing bite; headaches; neck, back, or shoulder pain; and even swelling in some parts of the face. Cosmetic dentistry procedures today, however, have the capability not just to improve your dental and facial appearance, but also to remedy these symptoms.

TMJ sometimes leads to serious concerns about your teeth and facial structure due to cracked and worn teeth and permanently damaged ligaments and tendons in the jaw area. The cause of this disorder may be unknown, but a wide range of treatments, from therapy to surgery, are available to help you from suffering any further.

When consulting a dentist about TMJ, you'll undergo thorough dental and medical examination. The dentist may order dental x-ray, CT scan, and MRI tests to be able to know the TMJ problems you're experiencing. Your jaw movement will be checked - if you can open your jaws widely, if there are popping and clicking sounds, or if there is painful chewing. Worn-out teeth and infected ears and sinuses may be found out also.

Simple procedures and guidelines are often recommended for this disorder. To reduce muscle tension and spasm, ice packs can be used. Also, you may be advised to avoid chewy, crunchy, or tough types of food like candy, beef, raw vegetables, and the like.

One restorative and cosmetic dentistry treatment for this is occlusal equilibration. The dentist will reshape the teeth surfaces to take out any deflective interference, eventually helping the jaws to function properly and comfortably.

You may be prescribed to wear a mouth guard instead. It's usually a plastic or acrylic shield that will keep you from grinding and clenching your teeth. On the other hand, corrective dental therapy may be done to restore the stability of your bite. If wearing dental bridges or crowns, they may need to be adjusted to perfect the alignment of your teeth.

Lastly, severe TMJ cases may require arthroscopy, joint replacement and restructuring, or ligament tightening. These are rarely done - when all other cosmetic dentistry treatments just couldn't do.

At the first sign of a TMJ problem, make sure you consult a dentist. There are many treatment options available today. Letting the disorder go unchecked and untreated will only make the pain and other symptoms worse.