Saturday, July 6, 2013

Jaw Pain Causes - Don't Miss These Facts on Causes and Symptoms

TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint. It establishes the connection between the lower jaw in one's mouth with the temporal bone in the skull. However, this joint has adequate flexibility which allows the individual to open or close mouth up and down, as well as sideways.

Even eating can be a cause of jaw pain. Chewing tough vegetables or a tough steak or thick sandwiches can stress your jaw joints.

We all know the significance of opening and closing our mouth on a daily basis. You eat, talk and drink through our mouth. Due to TMJ pain if the opening and closing of the mouth is compromised even slightly you feel the brunt of it. Since this joint is located extremely close to the ears, any pain caused to the former will have repercussions on the latter.

Symptoms of TMJ Trouble:

Pain when you talk, yawn or chew

Ringing of the ears

Clicking or locking sounds while opening or closing the mouth

An abnormal position of the mouth while biting or chewing food can be symptoms of TMJ disorder.

Headaches or neck pain

Stiffness in the jaws

Inability to open your mouth wide

Inability to open your mouth more than a couple inches

Consider the following when you are trying to pinpoint why this pain is going on.

Causes Of Jaw Pain And Trouble:

There are several points that can be made about jaw pain cause-

Sudden clenching of the jaws out of anger or eating something can cause such pain. This is mainly because the clenching action puts unnecessary pressure on the flexible and soft joint and creates tight muscles of the face, jaw and neck.

Arthritis can affect any joint. You may need to go to a medical doctor to rule out arthritis of the jaw joint.

Sleeping on your tummy pushes the head to one side and can cause tight muscles and pressure on the jaw.

Sometimes the ball and socket keeping the joint in place may slip off from their normal positions causing the jaw to open and/or close imperfectly.

Chewing gum - if your jaw ball and socket are not correctly placed, chewing gum is going to put a continuous strain on your jaw joint and muscles. Avoid chewing gum if you are having jaw problems.

Sometimes when you eat things like a jawbreaker or stick-jaw candies it can cause the jaws to open or close improperly or put a lot of strain on the TMJ causing lock-jaw. Our instant reaction is to pull our jaw open which can cause further damage to the TMJ.

Avascular Necrosis Can Be Treated Through Hip Replacement

A common reason as to why a person can get a hip replacement comes from how the hip could be impacted by avascular necrosis. This is a condition that occurs in that the cartilage in one's hip can be reduced. This will cause pains in the area. By using a hip replacement procedure it will be easy to avoid having to deal with this problem.

Avascular necrosis works in that the amount of blood that can get to a joint will be reduced. It will not be able to get a healthy supply of blood on a regular basis. This could be caused by varying conditions like a blood clot or a buildup of cholesterol in an impacted area. This is a dangerous condition that will primarily impact the ball or head of a person's femur. It can occur in people of any age. It can also be something that could be caused by hypertension or thrombosis. The effects of steroid use could also cause this condition to occur.

When the blood flow to the hip is reduced bone tissues will become weak. They will end up deteriorating to where the bone will not be protected. It will get to the point over time where the bone will end up colliding with another bone. As a result extreme pains can occur in the area. Over time the joint will end up collapsing. If the area does collapse then the pains will end up getting worse. A person's ability to move around will end up becoming severely limited.

When hip replacement surgery is used the entire hip bone will be removed. This is used as a means of helping to see that the avascular necrosis pains that one is feeling will be eliminated. It can help to keep the body from feeling uncomfortable.

Effective Home Remedies for Treating Gout

An inflammatory joint problem that causes a lot of pain and acute swelling is termed as Gout in medical terms and is usually a result of the excess uric acid buildup. If this acid gets accumulated in the joints and the nearby areas it leads to a lot of pain. Though doesn't sound terrible yet it shouldn't be neglected as in the later stages it could lead to serious issues like heart attack, diabetes and finally death. This is something which could be easily avoided and all you need to take care of is your weight and give relief to your joints, being overweight is the only main cause of gout and if you can avoid this, then you can lead a blissful life.

Make sure that you take limited fast food, do not opt for fasting because dieting doesn't mean killing your diet completely but it is weight management. Reduce your intake on alcohol, stick to sea food rather than red meat or meat that are high in cholesterol. Once in pain it becomes ideal to consult a doctor because joint pain becomes unbearable at a point of time and can actually block your movement. They do prescribe you with certain medicine that cuts down the rate of your uric acid formation in the body but is it actually good for your kidneys. More the medicines you take more you bother your body parts. In that case you can actually opt for some home remedies that are ideal for fighting away you gout.

1) Everyone likes fruits, and what's your say about apples. The general norm is "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" but if you two more apples in your daily diet you can keep gout away.

2) Anthocyanins are the antioxidants found in cherries so having few cherries a day can prevent you from gout and get you some relieved from the pain. It is advisable to have fresh cherries instead of the canned ones because anything packed with preservatives can never be good for health.

3) Freshly made juice is always good for health but for treating gout try some homemade juice made of raw vegetables. All you need is a mix of cucumber juice, Beetroot juice and carrot juice, the mixture does taste good but here you need to forget the taste and concentrate on the uric acid level which will definitely go down because of the cleansing effect of the juice.

4) Make a solution of half cup charcoal powder and water and dip the infected joint for around 30 to 60 minutes. It relieves you from pain as you can even try half bucket water mixed with 1/3 cup of ginger paste. This gives a soothing effect to the joint if socked for a while and then that portion of the body can be cleansed nicely. Trying this remedy at the time of excess pain will give for tremendous comfort.

Arthritis Pain Relief through Natural Treatment

What is arthritis?

An inflammation of a body joint or its component tissues, accompanied by pain, soreness, and inflexibility in that area, which is basically a result of causes ranging from infection, distress, degenerative changes or metabolic disorders.

In simple words, affected joints are unable to move smoothly past one another.

In medical parlance, arthritis refers to a collection of more than 100 rheumatic diseases and conditions that can cause pain, stiffness and soreness in the joints. If left untreated, arthritis can cause irreversible damage to the joints.

What are the various forms of arthritis?

Arthritis can appear suddenly or gradually, and occurs in various forms, but osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the two most common.

There are four basic types of arthritis:

1. Inflammatory arthritis - inflammation of tissues related to joints. Connective tissue diseases, crystal deposition diseases, infectious arthritis, and spondylitis are examples of inflammatory arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common variety. Other types are Ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter's syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

2. Degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis) - corrosion of the cartilage lining the joints and lessening of new bone formation underneath the cartilage. The disease is quite common in the latter part of life where the continued slow damage causes increasing disability.

3. Nonarticular rheumatism - sometimes called soft-tissue rheumatism, and includes conditions like tendonitis, bursitis, fibrositis. This condition is related to sleep disturbances or even muscular abnormalities.

4. Other diseases may also give rise to arthritis. There exist neurological, blood and endocrine related disorders giving rise to rheumatic diseases.

How to recognize arthritis?

Symptoms differ from person to person depending on his age, the affected area and the type of arthritis. The most common symptoms include:

§ Swelling in one or more joints

§ Stiffness around the joint that usually occurs in the early morning

§ Constant or recurring pain in a joint

§ Tenderness around a joint

§ Difficulty using or moving a joint normally

§ Redness in a joint accompanied by heat there

Other possible symptoms:

§ Occasional fever

§ Weight loss and fatigue

§ Breathing difficulty

§ Rashes and itching

Who all are at risk of arthritis?

Younger people have a relatively lower risk of having arthritis but still comprise a sizeable portion of affected people.

Prevalence is generally higher among women as compared to men, especially osteoarthritis. Arthritis is the leading cause of mobility limitation in women aged 45 years and above. So all you ladies, remember prevention is better than cure.

What are the common causes?

The causes of arthritis usually depend on the type of arthritis. Common causes include:

§ injury (leading to osteoarthritis),

§ irregular metabolism

§ hereditary

§ some infection

§ unknown reasons in case of rheumatoid arthritis

What treatment procedure to follow?

Early diagnosis and treatment helps......

The most common complication of arthritis is functional disability. However, do not get scared! General health upkeep, rest, and gradual treatment can avoid this situation.

There is no complete remedial treatment, only control through a combination of heat fomentation, massage, and supervised exercise. The various treatment options help manage pain and reduce deformity and disability.

A correct diagnosis of the type of arthritis is important before undergoing any drug therapy. Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis can be treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Do not be your own doctor. Remember, all medications can have side effects, so the dosage and duration of treatment should essentially be under trained medical supervision. Surgical treatment includes arthroscopic surgery and joint replacement.

Tips to control and prevent the condition:

§ Weight reduction accompanied by regular physical activity: Keep your weight under control, as it reduces the risk of getting arthritis, especially osteoarthritis.

§ Strengthen the muscles: through regular exercise - especially weight bearing exercise. It helps maintain physical mobility and slows the development of disability.

§ Prevent stress on a particular joint as well as injuries: Repetitive stress or injuries on any joint increases the risk of osteoarthritis.

What kind of diet regime need to be followed to take care of this condition:

Nutrition is an important aspect in the treatment of arthritis.

For a person suffering from arthritis, his diet should be rich in fruits and vegetables (flavonoid rich foods), especially those that are rich sources of anti-oxidants so as to protect against cellular and joint damage.

Try and avoid all processed foods, complex carbohydrates, including sugar and fruit juices. Increase intake of high fibre foods. Limit fat intake to a minimum.

An important aspect in reducing arthritis pain is elimination of any type of food sensitivity. Get a test for food sensitivity because there may be allergies involved.

Food supplements may be introduced. Anti-oxidants help prevent damage to the cartilage of the bone. Vitamin E slows down the breakdown of cartilage as well as stimulates the manufacture of cartilage components. Vitamin C is necessary for the manufacture of collagen, the major support protein of cartilage.

How does physical therapy help?

Physical therapy is very important in reestablishing joint harmony. Various physical therapy treatments include exercise, heat, cold, and diathermy(heat treatment using electricity); and are beneficial in increasing joint mobility and decreasing pain. Avoid physical activities that excessively put strain on the joints.

Some natural treatment options:

No medicine or drug can completely cure arthritis or slow its progression without causing side effects. But, you can help repair your joints as well as slow degeneration with natural treatment therapies.

Natural Solution: Arthcare Oil - An Anti-inflammatory Herbal massage oil.

Arthcare is anti-inflammatory herbal oil, which not only gives a relief from joint pains but also strengthens the bone tissues, the skeletal and the neuromuscular systems, giving comfortable movements of joints and muscles.

Massage with the yellow wonder herb - turmeric. No question of any side effects, plus turmeric also acts as an anti-oxidant to help protect joints.

Ginger, an ayurveda herb, if consumed in small amounts on a regular basis can reduce symptoms and occurrence of rheumatoid arthritis.

Aromatherapy technique involves the use of extracted oil from flowers, plants and trees in combination with massage and steam inhalation - helps relaxation, pain relief.

Yoga involves a combination of breathing exercises and relaxation to help in blood circulation and movement of joints.

Osteopathy includes the manipulation of the body to restore normal action and decrease pain. It is not recommended for those suffering from osteoporosis.

Reflexology involves rubbing the feet and the palm of the hand to help progress the state of rest of the body, and also generate a warm sensation. This is an ideal method for stress management and overall health continuance; factors that cause arthritis.

So, come on get moving, and do not allow this ageless epidemic disease become a debilitating factor in your daily life.

Do You Suffer From Migrating Joint Pain?

Migrating joint pain can be frustrating, as well as painful. You start off with pain in one joint area, perhaps treat it at home or go to the doctor, only to have the pain migrate to a completely different area. What, you may wonder, is going on? Joint pain that moves from place to place can have a number of causes, some of which may be difficult to pinpoint.

Inflammation of the joints, and thus the pain that goes along with it, can increase with age and your level of fitness. Overworking your body or working out without a proper stretching routine can increase your risk of joint pain. You don't have to be elderly to have some form of rheumatoid arthritis, one of the primary suspects in migrating joint pain, so don't immediately dismiss that as a cause. Even something as simple as sleeping or standing wrong, or in a way that places stress on various joints can cause pain that appears to migrate from joint to joint.

Joint pain, whether it migrates or stays in one place, may be a symptom of other diseases, so if it is a constant irritation, take it seriously. Some of the diseases are not life-threatening for a healthy individual; the common cold or, more seriously, a flu can cause your joints to ache. However, migrating joint pain can also be symptoms of more serious ailments such as lupus, sickle cell disease, herpes complex and disorders of the nervous system.

What can you do about migrating joint pain? Pain medication is always one option, but if the pain continues and the care you receive does not quite alleviate it, you may want to search for other alternatives. Natural methods to alleviate pain and discomfort, such as a visit to a qualified acupuncturist, gentle stretching and heating pads also may help. Don't do anything harsh or extreme that may make the condition worse, if it is avoidable. If it is a sports related injury, staying away from the sport for a time, or simply easing into it, may cause the joint pain to lessen or disappear. If the cause of your pain is one of the forms of arthritis, good medical care, medication and/or natural remedies have a good chance of lessening the pain.

Whatever the cause or causes of your migrating joint pain, paying attention to it and taking care of yourself is key. Listen to your body and what it is trying to tell you. Working through pain and ignoring it is usually not the best way to go. Once your joints are inflamed, it may take a bit of time and work to bring them back to where they need to be, so make sure you can establish a good relationship with someone who knows what they are doing and that you trust, such as a doctor, nurse, acupuncturist, physical therapist. Once you know the cause of your pain, you'll have a better idea of who is best able to treat it.

Capsaicin: Real Pain Relief or Myth?

We've seen a huge boom in the quantity, quality and availability of all natural healing remedies for pain (whether temporary or chronic) in recent years. Unfortunately we've also seen a big jump in the number of ineffective pain management therapies posing as all natural solutions for pain, making it difficult for many people to sort through what really works and what's just marketing hype. One of the most touted natural treatment of pain remedies to arrive in recent years has been topical capsaicin treatments. Does capsaicin really work to reduce pain in a safe and natural manner, or is it all hype?

Anecdotal and Clinical Proof

To make it very clear from the start- yes, capsaicin has been shown both anecdotally and within proper scientific studies to work as a natural pain remedy. A study conducted by the University of Oxford tested capsaicin creams with arthritis and neuropathy patients and found that about forty percent of the arthritis sufferers halved the level of pain they were suffering from by using the cream, and over half the neuropathy sufferers replicated those pain relief results with two months of treatment. Capsaicin has similarly been shown to reduce general pain significantly more effectively than a placebo in another study of one hundred and sixty people, and has been used to treat headaches from migraine sufferers.

But what is Capsaicin?

So now that you know that capsaicin has been proven effective as a natural healing treatment, you're probably wondering what the cream actually is? Simply put, capsaicin is the ingredient that makes chilies and other peppers hot. It's the component of those foods that causes that "mouth burning" feel and which makes your skin tingle when you come into direct contact with them. While the exact reason why capsaicin works effectively to treat pain hasn't been proven, most researchers suspect it has to do with the ingredient's ability to remove substance P from the skin upon contact, which is a chemical within your body that induces the feeling of pain.

The Top Uses of Capsaicin

Because of this capsaicin is almost always utilized as a topical treatment for back pain, neck pain, and other forms of localized muscles pain. Capsaicin cream can be purchased over the counter at pretty much any general store or drug store these days, and is reasonably priced. Pain management with capsaicin is easy enough- all you need to do is directly apply the cream to the source of your pain a few times a day. It usually takes a couple of weeks to begin to experience significant pain relief.

The way that capsaicin treatments are produced these days makes them better for natural healing of localized pain compared with full-body chronic pain. Capsaicin treatments are primarily formulated to deal with extremely localized predictable pains like arthritis or overworked muscles. Considering the prevalence of these forms of chronic muscle pain it's no wonder that capsaicin is reaching the level of popularity and widespread acceptance that it is. There are no known negative side effects of capsaicin pain relief treatments when they are applied properly, though it's important to avoid letting the cream come in contact with your eyes or other extremely sensitive parts of your body.

Friday, July 5, 2013

New Research Shows the Effectiveness of Bariatric Surgery in Treating Type 2 Diabetes

Today, in the United States, we are in the midst of an epidemic of Diabetes. Between 2000 and 2030 the number of people, world-wide, with Diabetes is expected to more than double. Most of this increase will be due to obesity-related Type 2 Diabetes. The National Institutes of Health most recent estimates are that nearly 24 million people, almost 8% of the population in the US now have Diabetes. Of these patients, 90 to 95% suffer from Type 2 Diabetes and is most often obesity-related.

Like for obesity itself, dietary, behavioral and medication therapies to manage Type 2 Diabetes have a very high failure rate. Despite all of these efforts, less than half of all patients achieve adequate control; defined by the American Diabetes Associate as a Hemoglobin A1C of less than 7%. (Hemoglobin A1C is like a monthly average of your blood sugar levels.)

Diabetes is associated with an increased risk for heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney disease, nervous system disease, limb amputations and complications during pregnancy. Having diabetes doubles your risk of death.

Patients struggling with obesity-related Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and their Bariatric surgeons have known for years that diabetic medication requirements can decrease very quickly after Bariatric surgery. Often, patients who enter the hospital on multiple diabetic medications leave the hospital several days later after undergoing Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass surgery on little or no medication at all! Clearly this benefit is independent from the weight loss that Bariatric surgery will eventually provide, since it occurs almost immediately.

Those patients who still require some medication can see further benefit over the following one to two years as their weight loss progresses; and the benefits appears to last, extending out for years.

Doctors from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have recently published a new research study that shows just how significant this improvement can be. This landmark study examined over 2200 patients from seven different states, all with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, who underwent Bariatric surgery.

At the time of surgery each patient was on an average of more than four daily diabetic medications. Six months after surgery 75% of all of the patients were off of all their Diabetic medications; two years after surgery 85% of all patients were free of medication.

Most of the patients in this study underwent Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass; a surgical procedure that re-routes the pathway that food takes through the digestive system. Only a few of the studied patients underwent procedures that do not alter this pathway. Bariatric surgeons believe that it is this altered pathway, diverting the food from traveling through the first part of the small intestine, called the duodenum, which is responsible for the dramatic improvement in Type 2 Diabetes even before a patient has had time to lose any weight.

Not only were patients healthier, but as a result they spent a lot less on healthcare. The current cost of treating Diabetes in the U.S. is estimated to be over $175 Billion a year, about one in every five dollars currently spent on health care. The annual cost of Diabetes drugs alone has more than doubled in the last ten years. The research study showed that after undergoing Bariatric surgery, a patient's annual health care costs decreased by 70% three years after surgery.

This study demonstrates the prominent role that Bariatric surgery can play in addressing our increasingly critical national goals of improving health while decreasing health care costs overall.

And Diabetes is but only one of the many serious health conditions that are associated with the obesity epidemic. These other conditions include heart disease, hypertension, pulmonary disease, degenerative joint disease and higher rates of many forms of cancer; all of which have been shown to have dramatic improvements after Bariatric surgery.

The authors of the study concluded that "Until a successful non-surgical means for preventing and reversing obesity is developed, Bariatric surgery appears to be the only intervention that can result in a sustained reversal of both obesity and type 2 Diabetes...."

Quite simply, current research indicates that Bariatric weight reduction surgery results in a significant lowering of health care costs for all of us; both the patients and the rest of us who share in our nation's health care costs. Bariatric weight reduction surgery must be a covered benefit of all insurance plans for these, and many other reasons.

"Coverage of Bariatric surgery should be available to all obese patients who meet criteria regardless of their degree of coverage....."

Steven C. Simon, MD, FACS Arizona Weight Loss Solutions

Makary et. al. Arch Surg. 2010;145(8):726-731

Arthritis in Dogs - Natural Dog Pain Relief

It's really bizarre, the number of animals suffering from 'people' type disease like arthritis in dogs. To see some poor dog limping around, (and it's happening in younger ones) is something most of us cannot bear to watch.

It's true that it's more common in the larger breeds and in particular the purebreds, but I have to say even smaller dogs have arthritis pain. As for the purebreds, I believe that the genetic manipulation which is prevalent in their lines may cause expression of various desired traits like coat color, structure, behavior etc., but at the expense of heartier, sturdy genetics resulting in chronic ailments coming out which in nature, they would not.

Arthr (joint) itis (inflammation) is as it's root words indicate, an inflammation in the joints, particularly the weight bearing ones. Commonly, dog arthritis pain occurs in the hips and ankle joints.

The normal joint is the meeting of two bones which are lined with a pad of cartilage and bathed in a nutrient rich liquid called synovial fluid. In arthritis, the fluid starts to dry up, the cartilage thins and as this gets worse and worse the two bones end up rubbing together creating bone destruction and crippling pain.

Obviously, your dog can't tell you about their joint look for symptoms or indications such as:

1) Favoring one leg
2) Difficulty getting up and/or laying down.
3) Sleeping more
4) Avoiding or hesitating when you want to go for a walk, especially when they loved it before
5) Weight gain
6) Disposition changes, especially more cranky or aggressive
7) Being less alert or bright

Don't forget that inflammation in one area of the body, will predispose to inflammatory problems throughout, such as Diabetes, Heart problems, Skin disorders, etc.

Glucosamine For Dogs and Other Natural Solutions For Dogs With Arthritis

First and foremost, do NOT give your dog any Ibruprofen or Tylenol-type medications! They are extremely toxic to animals and just far too risky. Besides, they solve nothing. Your dog is not suffering from joint pain and arthritis because they lack acetominophen or ibruprophen!

The best anti-inflammatory for dogs is in their food. And they key to avoiding arthritis in dogs is to feed them naturally, chemical free food from day one.

Commercial pet food is filled with dye, chemical flavor enhancers, preservatives and that doesn't even mention the quality of the 'protein'. That can be from dead, diseased animals, chicken feathers, beaks and feet. It's really very disgusting.

I was fortunate enough to find a book by a Vet who had lost his dear pet to these types of foods and according to him the typical medications he was trained to use in college. Dr. Jones admitted that approach is wrong.

Combine that information with the use natural arthritis cures such as glucosamine for dogs, homeopathics like Rhus Tox for stiffness, Ruta Grav for acutual joint pain and Belladonna for that really hot, sore joint.

Arthritis in dogs can be treated successfully and changes in your dog's diet will save them from other chronic diseases, leaving them to live happy healthy lives.

Bursitis Hip - Is There a Natural Way to Relieve Hip Pain?

When you are young, healthy, eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly and live a full life, you are least likely to suspect that anything could go wrong with your health. You are even less likely to guess that anything at all may go wrong with your joints, causing you pain.

Unfortunately, there are some aches and pains that do not restrict themselves to visiting only the middle aged. In fact, bursitis hip can affect you in your prime, despite being perfectly healthy.

Bursitis is something that you will be completely aware of when it starts affecting you and announces its presence through intense pain. It is quite happy to occur all of a sudden. Perhaps one morning you may wake up and feel hip pain. So, what is bursitis, what causes it and how can you treat it?

The biology of it

Let's get down to the nitty-gritty of explaining exactly what bursitis hip is. The point where the muscles are attached, the point that allows your hip joint to move, is called the trochanter. Lying over this is a large bursa, which is the source of the problem.

When the bursa becomes inflamed, it causes the pain you feel in your hip. Often, the pain of bursitis hip starts off as sharp and focused in a single small spot. It can grow to become an ache that is more widely spread across the hip area. When you visit your doctor for a diagnosis he will give you a full physical examination and perhaps request other tests.

What causes it?

Overreaching yourself in daily activities causes bursitis hip. You need not be unfit in order to overreach yourself; you simply push your fit and healthy body too far for it to manage. When this happens it irritates the bursa and causes it to become inflamed.

Bursitis Hip is not as common among younger, healthier and fitter adults as it is among middle aged and older adults. It is also more common in women than it is in men. As you grow older, a hip injury or even lying on your hip for too long can lead to an unpleasant visit of bursitis hip.

Treating the pain

When you have bursitis hip, it is no use forcing yourself through your daily exercises and routines. Take it easy and rest your hip to lessen the inflammation and try not to do anything that may aggravate your already unhappy bursa. Bursitis hip can also be prevented and kept at bay by living a healthy live, not pushing your body beyond its limits and taking cell regenerative supplements. Anti-inflammatory medication will also help ease the pain caused by the inflammation.

You can also invest in an acupressure mat for natural and effective pain relief through massage of the body's pressure points. Massaging the pressure points in your body will allow increased blood flow to the inflamed area, aiding healing. It will also stimulate the release of your body's natural painkiller; endorphins, to help heal and ease pain. You can also use the acupressure mat in conjunction with regular workouts to relieve tension and strain from your body as a preventative measure against another visit from bursitis hip.

Arthritis And Joint Pain - Cause & Effect

Arthritis is the main cause of pain. It is commonly characterized by inflammation of the joints, or the area where two bones meet. This disease is often a result of regular degeneration of cartilage tissues inside the joints, where it breaks down and could not protect the opposing bones anymore. Hence, causing stiffness inside and swelling outside.

There are over a hundred different types of arthritis but the most common are rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and gout. Whichever the type, the popularity of this disease became widespread as it affects both the elderly and the children. In the USA, it is noted that 46 million individuals have been diagnosed with arthritis

Arthritis symptoms are easy to be noticed, thus easy to be prevented also. Here is a list of some symptoms of arthritis for preventive action to be taken:

• Inability to use the hand to write, type, pick-up or hold things
• Inability to walk or difficulty in rotating the ankle
• Difficulty to move the elbows, knees, back or neck
• Difficulty to sleep continuously
• Easy to get tired or exhaustion
• Fever
• Muscle aches
• Weakness of the areas around the joints
• Weight loss
• Skin rashes (for children)

Joint Pain-the Effect

Joint pain is the adverse effect of the disease arthritis. It is usually coupled with the stiffness and swelling being felt around the joints. This happens when arthritis occurs and the cartilage that smooths the bones, when rubbed to each other, is deteriorating.

The effect of joint pain to the body is usually the incapacity to move and engage in certain actions. Because of this lack of activity, individuals suffering with joint pain can also obtain other diseases like obesity, high cholesterol and heart failure.

To treat joint pain is to treat the symptoms of arthritis. Thus, arthritis treatments are to be observed so that one can continue enjoying mobility. Here are some suggested remedies for joint pain:

• Cold therapy through an ice pack
• Hot therapy through a hot bath
• Massaging with essential oils like eucalyptus and olive with anti-inflammatory effects
• Physical therapy to exercise the joints
• Adding herbal supplements like peppermint, willow bark, or ginger to one's meal
• Epsom salt through bathing or adding to lemon juice
• Taking of natural joint supplements such as Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Back Pain Caused by Rib Malposition

A very common source of upper and mid-back pain is misalignment of the ribs. Some misalignments of the rib-spine articulation can cause severe, sharp stabbing pain between the shoulder blades which can also radiate into the shoulders. Heavy breathing or taking a deep breath will usually cause an increase in pain. These injuries are usually non-traumatic and can last for weeks unless properly treated. The most common treatment includes pain medications and in some severe cases, pain injections. Complementary alternative medicine such as chiropractic, massage therapy, and physical therapy can provide fast relief from these types of injuries using spinal manipulation, stretching, trigger point therapy, and myotherapy. To better understand rib non-traumatic rib injuries you have to understand the anatomy of the thoracic spine and ribcage and how it works naturally. This is a brief overview of the anatomy of the involved area and the causes of rib pain.

What makes the thoracic spine different from other regions is its articulation with the rib cage. The components of the thoracic cage include the menubrium, sternum, xiphoid, and costal cartilages anteriorly, the T1-T12 spinal vertebrae poseriorly, and the ribs connecting them. Normally there are 12 sets of ribs that make up the thoracic cage. The first 7 ribs are known as true ribs or vertebrocostal ribs. These ribs extend anteriorly from the spine and directly attach to the sternum through individual costal cartilages. Ribs 8-10 are referred to as false or vertebrochondral ribs. They extend from the spine and articulate differently to the sternum. Their costal cartilages join to that of the rib above them. These then collectively attach to the inferior portion of the sternum near the xiphoid process. Ribs 11 and 12 are considered free floating vertebral ribs. These ribs extend from the spine and terminate into the posterior abdominal musculature and never articulate with the sternum. The ribs are further classified as typical and atypical ribs. Ribs 3-9 are considered typical due to their design. Each of these ribs has a wedge shaped head with 2 facets. The inferior facet articulates with the superior demifacet of the corresponding vertebra and the superior facet articulates with the inferior demifacet of the vertebral body above. The crest between the two facets articulates with the interposed intervertebral disc and is connected by an intraarticular ligament. Each costovertebral joint has a capsule that surrounds it and contains articular cartilage and synovial lining. On the anterior side, the capsule is reinforced by the radiate ligament. The radiate ligament extends from the anterior aspect of the rib head to the two articulating vertebral bodies. Ribs 1,2,10,11,and 12 are classified as atypical. They are different from the above described ribs as follows.

The 1st rib is the broadest and shortest of the true ribs. It only has one facet on its head which articulates with the T1 vertebra. It also has a scalene tubercle and 2 grooves for the subclavian artery and vein. The 2nd rib has 2 facets like typical ribs but also has a tubercle for muscle attachment. The 10th and 11th ribs have only one facet like the 1st and the 11th and 12th ribs are short and have no necks or tubercles. The thoracic spine and rib cage are intimately related to the vessels and nerves of the region. The mixed spinal nerves in the thoracic region split and form dorsal and ventral rami. The dorsal ramus passes through the foramen of Cruveilhier and then divides into medial and lateral branches. The inferior aspect of this foramen is the rib below and the lateral aspect is the superior costotransverse ligament. The ventral rami go on to form intercostals nerves and a subcostal nerve at T12. The intercostals nerves travel laterally along the subcostal grooves, just inferior to the intercostals veins and arteries. Each nerve provides motor, sensory, and sympathetic innervation to the thoracic wall. Intercostal muscles lay within the intercostals spaces. There are three layers to this muscle system. The external intercostals muscles form the superficial layer. These muscles run inferoanteriorly between the ribs and aid in inspiration. The internal intercostals muscles are the middle layer and run at right angles to the external intercostals. These muscles aid in expiration. The innermost intercostal muscles are deepest and also aid in expiration. The intercostals nerves and vessels run between the middle and deep layer of the intercostals muscles. Also involved in such cases is the trapezius muscle. It is a large superficial muscle of the neck and back. Due to its attachments into the thoracic spine it can indirectly alter biomechanics of rib articulations and cause instability in the scapulothoracic region. It attaches to the medial 1/3 of the superior nuchal line, EOP, ligamentum nuchae, and the spinal processes of C7-T12. Inferiorly it attaches to the lateral 1/3 of the clavicle, acromion, and spine of the scapula. The superior fibers elevate the scapula. The middle fibers work to retract the scapula. And the inferior fibers depress the scapula.

Pain arising from rib misalignments, also known as subluxations, can be extremely painful in many cases. This atypical chest wall and interscapular pain can raise concern for more serious pathology including cardiac and pulmonary related disease and must be investigated and ruled out in many situations. A number of factors can lead to this sort of pain perception. One of the primary reasons for this is the extensive innervation present at the costovertebral joints. Any abnormal positioning of the rib itself can cause irritation to any number of nociceptive fibers in the area. Because of its central location, lesions in this area can gain access to both spinal and autonomic nerve fibers. Many patients suffering from rib pain can also have symptoms related to the sympathetic nervous system including tachycardia and excessive sweating. These symptoms also mimic more serious visceral pathology. Researchers have recently identified the presence of free nerve endings within the costovertebral and costotransverse joint capsules that respond to inflammation and mechanoreception. This can serves as a primary pain generator but also tells us that these joints can respond well to manipulation. Recent research even points to highly innervated synovial folds within the costovertebral joints as a large player in rib related pain patterns. Another source of pain generation in the thoracic cage comes from motor reflexes coming from the spinal cord. It is well documented that pain afferentation from nociceptive receptors within the rib capsule can cause a motor reflex resulting in myospasm of related musculature including intercostal muscles, leading to a protective splinting response. This may be a direct result of pain caused by excessive movement of the rib articulations when the rib head is out of position. Constant activation of these receptors leads to a loop of nociceptive afferent input and reflex muscular hypertonus and pain. Typically these mechanoreceptors are unmyelinated free nerve endings that are easily stimulated during rib subluxation. In a way this splinting reflex is useful in that it helps to stabilize the joint but it is also very painful at the same time. As the intercostal muscles begin to spasm they cause serious irritation to the intercostals nerves and vessels that run between the two innermost layers of musculature. Initially this results in intense localized pain paraspinally but can progress to radiation along the affected nerves.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Seven Major TMJ Symptoms

The TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is the most overworked joint in the entire body, and when it's overworked, it can produce a number of what are called TMJ symptoms. Since this is a hinged joint that connects the jaw with the upper skull, it literally never stops working. That's because you are always eating or talking or yawning or otherwise opening your mouth. In severe cases, the jaw will lock open - just try eating or talking when your jaw won't move! And, if you are like me, you might wish that the joint could take a mandatory rest in some people, especially if they are incessant talkers.

Unfortunately, the joint's never-ending motion can result in a painful condition known as TMJ dysfunction, and lots of people have it. The American Dental Association has estimated that about 35 million Americans and 720 million people worldwide get it at some point in their lives. That's because even when we're not talking or eating, our jaws are still working. Think about it - do you clench or grind your teeth, either when you're awake or when you're sleeping? That's very common, especially if you are stressed. Do you chew gum? How about bite your nails? All of these can lead to a damaged joint.

Because there are so many ways to use the jaw, it also means that there are many ways the different symptoms can arise. And the multiplicity of symptoms and the possible confusion with other maladies can cause confusion about the exact nature of the problem. Before going any further, let me say that it is always a good idea to keep a journal of the various possible symptoms and the stresses you've had at the time they arose so you will have something to show your healthcare provider when you visit with him.

So, knowing what the disorder is and how it's caused, a good question to ask is what are these symptoms we've mentioned? Well, about 80% of the people who have TMJ dysfunction complain of headaches and /or pain radiating down the neck and back, while about 40% report pain in the face or along the jawline. If the headaches or this type of pain occur most specifically when you open or close your jaw or when you are exposed to the cold, you can be pretty sure it is related to TMJ - both situations induce muscle contraction.

And then there are the sounds when you move your jaw that set your nerves on edge - clicking, popping, grinding - it almost feels as if you're running your fingernails over a blackboard. These sounds occur for a variety of reasons. It could be that the ligaments around the joint are moving in and out of position, or possibly that the joint disc has slipped from its place, or maybe that your jaw cartilage is rough because you grind or clench your teeth. You may or may not have pain along with the sounds and sometimes people even experience a wide range of clicks and pops but never feel a twinge.

Another common symptom is dizziness. Though fully 40% of TMJ sufferers report feeling dizzy or unbalanced, experts are not exactly sure why this happens. Many other ailments, and even hunger or dehydration, can cause a lightheaded feeling. The only report of significance here is that this type of dizziness is definitely not related to vertigo, a condition of the inner ear which causes the room to appear to "spin" around you.

33% of TMJ patients report that their ears feel "full," or "muffled," or "clogged," such that their hearing is affected. This feeling commonly occurs in people during airplane takeoffs or landings, and in those cases it is usually caused by the Eustachian tubes, the structures responsible for maintaining and regulating pressure in the middle ear. They may cause muscle spasms as the pressure changes. The spasms may also be occurring in TMJ sufferers, but experts are not certain that this is the case, and the symptom's cause remains uncertain.

Ringing in the ear, also known as tinnitus, appears also in about 33% of patients, but fully half of these people lose the noise once their TMJ disorder is treated. In addition, a high percentage of people report pain in their ears, even when they don't have an infection. Sometimes the diagnosis of TMJ dysfunction is delayed as doctors try to treat ear infections that aren't there.

People are different from each other, and, as a result, not all patients will report the same TMJ symptoms or the same proportions of each. However, this is a good list to go by in trying to determine if you do have TMJ dysfunction. If you notice these symptoms, make a note of each one, its onset, duration, and severity, and seek out the advice of a healthcare professional, such as a dentist or physical therapist. He will be able to assist you in making a correct diagnosis and in receiving the proper treatment. Just because you have a TMJ disorder, it doesn't mean you have to suffer

The Pros and Cons of Hip Replacements

Following on from last week's letter about the best ways to prevent and treat the pain and symptoms of arthritis, I've received a number of emails from people worried about the effectiveness and problems connected with hip replacement surgery.

So, let's start with the facts: There are approximately 65,000 hip operations in the U.K. every year, all of which carry certain risks.

In the past, it was difficult for those under 60 to receive a new hip as the lifespan of the replacement was only 10 to 15 years which meant there was the probability of replacements in the future.

Thankfully, new techniques and materials can now provide a lifelong expectancy for the new hip. Added to that there are also many new preventative treatments used to reduce the risks of post-operative problems.

Blood clots and infections are the most common post-operative problems. These are normally treatable, but you should discuss all the potential problems that could arise with your surgeon.

You should be aware that:

According to NHS Direct, post operative infections can be as high as 10%.

2. A recent study in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery found that blood clotting statistics after hip and knee replacement surgery were as follows:

O.25% suffered pulmonary embolism (obstruction of an artery by a clot of blood or an air bubble).
O.4% suffered painful symptoms of deep vein thrombosis
5.2 % suffered painless symptoms of deep vein thrombosis

*Also you must remember that all forms of hip replacement usually require a period of 18 to 24 months for the new hip to fully knit and this usually causes varying degrees of pain and discomfort during that time


  • Plastic socket and metal ball - this method is now becoming out dated because the plastic wears away over the years, leading to further replacements every 10 to 15 years.

  • Metal on metal - The ball and socket are made from cobalt chrome and all the evidence shows that there is no significant wear and tear over time. Therefore, the new hip should last a lifetime. Some people have expressed fears about cobalt/chrome ions being released into the body, but as yet there is no evidence to support that.

  • Ceramic on ceramic (aluminum oxide) - again, this will last a lifetime and has even less wear and tear than metal and has a minuscule risk of shattering. However, some experts believe that this is the best material for younger, more active patients.

  • Hip resurfacing - Lasts for life, with no drilling into the femur required and it preserves the healthy bone. The new section is made from carbon hardened steel. Steve Backley, the Olympic javelin champion, had this procedure in 2005 and stated that it has allowed him to return to full and normal pain-free mobility.

  • Magnetic Hip - A revolutionary new technique containing a magnet that helps the prosthetic last three times as long. It's currently undergoing laboratory testing and should start clinical trials on NHS patients within three years.

Once again, it is vitally important that you speak to your surgeon about all the options available.

If you are not completely satisfied with your surgeon's answers, then either insist on an official NHS printed list of possible risks, or utilise your right to ask for a second opinion.

Never forget you're the patient, its your body, its your life - don't be afraid to ask!

Obviously, as I've been saying all along, it's up to you to take care of your own health, especially your joints. This is vitally important if you want to ensure good health and mobility well into old.

For those of you that already feel the early onset of any arthritic hip problems, you must consult your doctor immediately and be proactive in treating the pain and dealing with lost tissue and grinding joints.

If you are middle aged , and especially if you have suffered from any sporting injuries or endured an arduous working life, you really must consider taking action now to stave off any joint problems, especially with your hips.


  • Weight loss - I know its obvious, but relieving the stress on the joints is vital to retaining healthy tissue around the joint.

  • Water exercise - The buoyancy of the water allows for comfortable movement and gentle exercise for the hip area.

  • Hydrotherapy - A good physiotherapist can suggest a regime of warm water therapy that will alleviate pain and stress on the joint.

  • Strengthening exercises - Again a good physiotherapist can help you to build up the muscles around the affected joint. This will help you with your posture and mobility.

  • Artrosilium - Once again I would refer you to the all natural product Artrosilium that I mentioned here last week- its proven to help relieve the pain and even help rebuild lost tissue (and with no side effects!)

  • I would recommend the regular application of Artrosilium combined with a daily dose of Arthritis Power Formula.

Together they provide a potent arthritis busting team that is completely natural and safe to take.

Remember that arthritis is a particularly cruel condition and can hit anybody at anytime, irrespective of your past physical history - arthritis does not discriminate!!!

A Look at Pain Relief for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic disease that affects the musculoskeletal system. Symptoms vary widely among sufferers, but generally include muscle and joint aches, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches and tenderness in several of eighteen specific areas, or "trigger points" on the body. Fibromyalgia is often overlooked by sufferers as the inevitable result of a busy schedule and everyday stress. When patients do seek treatment, doctors often misdiagnose fibromyalgia as rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, or another musculoskeletal condition. It affects women far more often than men, at a ratio of about ten to one. While some cases result from a specific trauma, more often the exact cause is unknown.

The first step to fibromyalgia pain relief is being properly diagnosed. The condition is not completely understood by the medical community, and there is no specific course of treatment. Most advice given to patients reads like a weight-loss program, recommending low-intensity exercise, drinking lots of water, and reducing mental and physical stresses such as those caused by saturated fats, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, meat and sugar.

Anti-depressants are often prescribed as part of the treatment, which elevate the mood of the patient. Muscle relaxants and sleep aids may also be recommended. Since fibromyalgia sufferers are often found to be low in manganese and magnesium, both of which help balance thyroid function, nutritional supplements may prove beneficial as well.
Physical therapy is another essential component for fibromyalgia pain relief, as it teaches patients methods of walking, stretching, and exercise that reduce muscle tension and fatigue. A physical therapist will also teach patients how to make use of ergonomic tools in their daily life, like padded chairs and special keyboards designed to minimize muscle strain.

Some patients choose to incorporate alternative treatments such as acupuncture, chiropractic, and massage therapy into their treatment. While the efficacy of these natural treatments has not been carefully studied and quantified, testimonials of fibromyalgia sufferers indicate that all of these alternative treatments may help alleviate symptoms of the disease. Whatever patients decide upon, it must be remembered that there is no simple cure for fibromyalgia, and a comprehensive plan that address mental and psychological symptoms and promotes healthy lifestyle habits is the most direct method of obtaining fibromyalgia pain relief.

Signs of Dog Arthritis and Joint Pain

The basic difference in canine and human arthritis is that in case your pet is suffering from dog arthritis, it will not wail in pain. Hence, if you do not watch for subtle signs and changes in your dog, it may be too late for the dog to be cured.

Let us have a look at some of the vital signs that could lead to possible dog arthritis:

* Inactivity: Your dog is not active as before. It spends more hours in bed.
* Licking: You find your dog licking the legs more often than not.
* Slow: Your dog takes time in climbing or getting up.
* Lazy: Your dog feels lazy to go for regular walks.
* Jumping: Your dog keeps both the rear legs together while jumping. This could be due to dysplasia, which can later lead to dog arthritis.
* Shifting weight on the front legs: Your dog keeps rear legs close to each other while standing. It does this to shift the body weight to the front legs in an attempt to ease pain.
* Elbows: Normally, the elbows of the dog remain under the body. In case the elbows spread outside, it could be an early signal to dog arthritis.
* Loss of weight: If you feel that your dog has become lean, in spite of eating properly, it could be due to muscle atrophy.

Unfortunately, your dog cannot communicate its discomfort to you. Therefore, you need to be vigilant about its health. Approximately, 20% of the dogs suffer from arthritis. Hence, if you see any of the subtle signs mentioned above in your dog, do not ignore it as aging signs or feel that your dog is being lazy. Consult your vet immediately and get an X-ray done.

Maintain a healthy routine for your dog and put him on joint supplements before it gets late.

Causes of Shoulder Joint Pain

There are many causes of shoulder joint pain. Your shoulder is a ball and socket joint that is necessary for a wide variety of movements, from very small movements to large wide range movements. Most of the time you do not think much about the shoulder joint, that is until pain interrupts your natural usage. At this point, you suddenly become quite aware of just how necessary proper shoulder joint function is to your daily life.

There are several reasons you may be experiencing shoulder joint pain and here are a few of the most common causes.

Over Exertion

Over exertion is going beyond your abilities and strength, and when applied to the shoulder area is generally considered an over use injury from repetitive motion. Many jobs and even some hobbies require constant use of the shoulder, which can quickly lead to over exertion and shoulder joint pain. You see, even though the shoulder is the most movable joint in the body it is the most susceptible to injury. The upper arm ball is larger than that shoulder socket and therefore is stabilized by tendons, ligaments and muscles, which can become torn or injured from repetitive use. You will often hear the terms tendonitis or bursitis in reference to this type of shoulder pain.


A traumatic injury to the clavicle, humerus or shoulder blade can result in a great deal of shoulder pain. If you experience a fall or other blows to the area, you will want to have your shoulder thoroughly checked out by a medical professional. For less serious injuries rest and relaxation may be all the treatment you need, however some situations may call for a brace or other medical intervention.


You may have seen movies where the hero suffers a dislocated shoulder and bravely puts it back into place. Well in the real world that is probably not very accurate, especially the very first time this happens. Dislocation occurs when the ball is forced out of the socket, most of the time due to trauma while the arm is extended above the shoulder. The area may swell, bruise, look deformed and hurt very badly, you will likely be unable to move the joint. Unfortunately, once you have dislocated your shoulder for the first time, it is more likely to happen again. This is why some people simply pop them back into place on their own, because they have become accustomed to the issue.

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is pretty much, what it sounds like, a shoulder that will not move or is frozen in place. There may be some small range of movement but nothing significant. This occurs because the tissue around the area has become inflamed and irritated. Scar tissue from a severe injury or surgery can also lead to shoulder joint pain, and frozen shoulder.

What You Can Do

There are many things that can cause shoulder joint pain, from simple over use to extreme injury and sometimes-underlying medical conditions can be to blame. The best thing you can do when experiencing this type of pain is see a physician.

Not moving your shoulder due to pain or arthritis can lead to further problems such as frozen shoulder. Take care of your joints if you want them to take care of you. Consider using natural supplements to assist in recovery. Prescription medications (drugs) work on symptoms such as pain, while natural supplements work toward healing and pain relief.

Temporary Joint Pain Medicine

There can be no doubt that there is a time and place for joint pain medicine. For those who are in pain there is a quick way to reduce the pain. Any person who has experienced pain of the joints would not overlook this means of relief. The help lies in the outline of anti inflammatory medication. This will be in the form of tablets that are taken three times a day and usually over a period of five days. It is important to finish the course because this time period is designed to get rid of the inflammation and therefore the pain in the joints.

For those who suffer this kind of pain the relief from an anti inflammatory course of medication is most welcome. Pain changes a person's demeanor and ability to cope with the basics of life. It is important to get relief from pain but it is just as important to find a program that can be used every day to keep the pain from returning. The medicine gets rid of the pain and the inflammation. It is very important to find a program because anti inflammatory medicine should only be used temporarily. It cannot be used on a long term basis. A program should be thought of as a plan to manage the health of your joints.

Once the anti inflammatory medication has taken effect it may be an option to go to an expert to find out which exercises would benefit your joints. If you do the right exercises you would build up and strengthen the muscles situated around the joints. When this happens the actual joints are made to be more stable. This is important because your joints will be stronger and will provide you with more movement. If you can reach this stage then you will not have to use joint pain medicine in the shape of an anti inflammatory course too often.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Surgery to Treat Arthritis of the Big Toe Joint

Arthritis of the big toe joint is common, and can be particularly disabling. Options to manage this condition non-surgically are few, given the express need for the big toe joint to attempt bending during the walking cycle. This article discusses the cause of this painful arthritis, as well as surgical treatment options to relieve pain.

The big toe joint consists of the first metatarsal bone forming the 'ball' of the joint, and the initial bone of the big toe (the first proximal phalanx) forming the 'socket'. It has an important role in how the body moves when walking, and limitation of its motion forces other joints and muscles to function abnormally to take up the slack. Arthritis of this joint, or cartilage wear, occurs when there is abnormal pressure or positioning of the joint bones. This results in grinding down of the smooth cartilage that covers the bone surface at the joint, allowing for smooth motion. As this cartilage erodes, the bone underneath begins to become exposed, and parts of the joint surface start to see bone rubbing during joint motion.

In addition to this, thickened spurs of bone can develop along the margins of the joint, further hampering motion. When bone grinds on bone and when spurs limit joint motion, pain usually results. This condition will gradually worsen, leading to destruction of much of the joint surface. In severe cases, the bones will even partially fuse together. The structural cause of arthritis can be due to many factors. Natural bone structure can contribute to this, such as seen in people with longer or shorter first metatarsals, as well as first metatarsals that are angled too steeply in elevation or declination with respect to the ground surface. Bunions and other rotational deformities of the big toe joint can also contribute to cartilage wear and tear. Fractures, crushes, sprains, and other injuries to the joint can also result in arthritis after awhile. Finally, certain body-wide joint-affecting diseases will cause joint erosion as well, such as seen with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis.

Non-surgical treatment is limited, consisting of measures to limit the painful motion of the joint and decrease the resulting inflammation. Stiff soled shoes and specialized custom foot inserts can be used to limit the painful motion. Anti-inflammatory medications and steroid injections can reduce the inflammation, although this is not nearly as effective as it is in larger joints like the knee. However, the unique structure of the big toe joint generally necessitates surgical treatment in many cases of arthritis. Surgical treatment is divided into procedures that destroy the joint and procedures that maintain the joint (in the case of mild arthritis). When joint destruction is severe or significant, the joint destruction technique is chosen as the cartilage of the joint will have to be replaced or removed entirely in order for the pain to be resolved.

The choice of whether to use an artificial implant or fuse the joint surgically is up to the health of the patient and the preference of the surgeon. Joint implants have been in use for fifty years, and are made of metal or silicone gel. Various designs can replace the ball of the joint, the socket, or both. There are advantages and disadvantages to each design, and certain conditions like diabetes with nerve disease, poor circulation, and obesity limit their use. Their lifespan is much longer than hip or knee implants, which have to be replaced after a certain number of years. The motion restored by these implants is rarely equal to the motion of the joint before the onset of arthritis, but in generally is significant enough to relieve all motion pain and limitation. When these fail, or if the surgeon is not advising their use, a joint fusion is the preferred method of relieving joint pain.

This procedure fuses the bones across the joint, resulting in no motion at all. It differs from painful arthritis that is partially fused in that there are still areas of motion in those cases that produce pain. By removing all motion, the joint is no longer painful, leading to a stiff lever upon which the foot rolls off during the walking cycle. Eventually the body adapts to this, although some minor strain can occur to the joint in the middle of the big toe, or the complex of joints in the middle of the foot. If the arthritis is only mild, the surgeon may elect to preserve the joint. In this technique, the surgeon simply removes any bone spur limiting motion, and drills holes in the eroded areas of cartilage.

The drilling promotes growth of a tissue called fibrocartilage, which is a rough form of cartilage that is not as functional as regular joint cartilage, but is better than the bare bone below. It is usually necessary to address the underlying structural problem if this procedure is selected, as leaving the reason behind the arthritis alone will simply result in further arthritic change years down the road. These additional procedures could include procedures to elevate, lower, shorten, or shift over the first metatarsal back to a proper position based on the underlying structural problem. Often a bunion is corrected if present. Follow-up with long term orthotics foot supports is usually needed, along with periodic monitoring.

Regardless of the selected procedure, repair of the big toe joint is generally successful, with good long term results. Complications, including infections and implant or hardware failure, do occur. However, they are uncommon and most patients are restored to pain-free or significantly reduced pain-limited walking within a month or two following the surgery. Nearly all podiatrists (and a small number of specially trained orthopedic surgeons) perform these procedures. If one is suffering from big toe joint arthritis, a visit to their foot and ankle specialist can lead to relief and restoration of activity.

How Hip Dysplasia In Dogs Is Diagnosed

Young, large breed dogs such as Labrador retrievers, St. Bernards and Great Danes are prone to develop a condition called Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD). So are some of the smaller breeds such as beagles, bloodhounds, Brittany spaniel's and bloodhounds.

CHD is a very serious disease that can cause the dog to suffer a great deal of pain and even become lame. While most dog experts will admit that it cannot exactly be determined what causes canine hip dysplasia, they will tell you that genetics plays a big part. If your dog's parents suffered from canine hip dysplasia, it is likely your dog will develop it. However, there are other factors. For example, older dogs can develop this condition due to osteoarthritis. It can also be caused by overfeeding the dog high-protein and high calorie foods, and by prolonged inactivity or obesity.

The symptoms of CHD include a difficulty or stiffness when the dog gets up or climbs uphill, You may also notice it using only its front legs when it attempts to rise, that it has a waddling rear limb gait or is reluctant to jump, climb stairs or exercise. If your dog has hip dysplasia, it may also have a very short stride due to pain in its rear legs.

Diagnosing Hip Dysplasia In Dogs

After your veterinarian watches the dog walk and performs a general physical examination, he or she will do an orthopedic evaluation to determine how the dog can best be treated. One of the things your vet will do is flex and extend the dog's hip joint. If your dog does have CHD, it will probably tolerate the hip flexion but abduction will cause the dog to experience pain. After your vet performs the physical examination and orthopedic evaluation, he or she will use and x-ray to confirm the diagnosis and evaluate the severity of the disease. For the X-ray, the dog will probably be laid on its back with its legs extended.

X-rays are used to confirm the diagnosis of hip dysplasia because its symptoms can also be those of other conditions that resemble hip dysplasia in dogs. This includes lumbar-sacral spinal problems, a ruptured cranial cruciate ligament, osteochondrosis, panosteitis, degenerative myelopathy and hypertrophic osteodystrophy.

If The Diagnosis Is Confirmed

If the x-rays confirm that your dog does have CHD, the treatment will depend on several factors, not the least of which is finances. This is because surgery may be an option but will be expensive. In fact, if the problem is really severe, the recommended surgery might be a total hip replacement.

If you catch the hip dysplasia early on, the recommended treatment will probably be anti-inflammatory or analgesic drugs to help with the dog's pain combined with changes to its exercise and eating. The drugs are usually given for only a short time to help the dog stay active while you are making changes to its lifestyle. These changes usually include weight control and good exercise management. In other words, you will need to restrict the dog's exercise and keep its weight at a recommended level.

What's the Best Way to Get Rid of Gout and Get Gout Pain Relief

Joints soreness, redness and severe pain at the base of the big toe are symptoms which probably indicate that you are suffering from gout. The excruciating pain which comes from the big toe may make you wake up at night. These sharp pains are possible signs of one the most severe forms of arthritis. Gout attacks can cause burning sensation and intense pain in the big toe. This sort of illness may affect anyone at any age and make you feel helpless in search for gout pain relief.

Finding gout pain relief to alleviate and ease the pain is probably the first requirement when suffering from a gout attack. Severe gout attacks can cause severe pain and intense burning sensation leaving the affected parts inflamed, raw and hot which couldn't even bear the slightest of touch. The good news is that, you can find remedy to gout pain and reduce its painful symptoms, and prevent it from occurring again. But first of all, let's get to know what is gout? What are the types of gout? What causes gout?

What is gout?

Gout is often referred to as the most painful type of arthritis. The high deposit of uric acid in the blood is what results in gout. It can be an extremely painful situation and affects your joints. Gout takes place when your body tends to produce too much of uric acid and cannot dispose the exact quantities. Uric acid is the waste product of the purines. It is processed by the digestive system of the human body. Generally, the uric acid flows in the blood stream and departs through kidneys.

What causes gout?

Remember when your body produces high level of uric acid, you are more vulnerable to suffer from hyperuricemia. Urate crystals gathered around the tendon areas causes intense pain and swelling during any gout attack. When uric deposits reach to its extreme, the joints around the affected area become inflamed and swollen.

The inflammation taking place is the reaction of your body failing to fight off the disturbance caused due to excess of uric acid. With the production of too much of white blood cells, the swollen and inflamed joints experience a burning sensation.

What are the different gout types?

Recurrent Gout

This is the sort of gout which offers sufferers a few years or months of possible respite from the pain and the symptoms. The joints can go back to its normal function without any problem. The lapses can even last up to many years. But, when the gout attacks take place again, it can appear more dangerous than the earlier attacks. And the second time when it appears, it can spread to the other neighboring joints.


This sort of gout points out to a high level of uric acid in the body. There are 2 sorts of hyperuricemia- secondary and primary hyperuricemia. The primary hyperuricemia is a type of inherited dysfunction in kidneys which disables its capability to excrete the correct amount of uric acid that leads to the accumulation of the uric acid in your blood stream. On the other hand, secondary hyperruricemia is caused due to certain treatments and medications. Eating few particular food groups can even trigger this disease.

Acute Gouts

The acute gout is usually characterized by the swelling of the joints due to the high amount of the uric acid crystals. An intense pain and inflammation may take place and continue for several days. Acute gout attacks can bring on a throbbing and excruciating pain. And the burning sensation can even spread out throughout the affected areas. Big toes are the major victims of this sort of gout. However, it can even extend to the other areas.

Chronic Gouts

This is one of the most dangerous kinds of gout types. This causes permanent damage to the joints and the kidneys. It may affect tendons, and build lumps in knees, ears, hands and in the other body parts. Puss may appear from your skin. In such a condition, gout pain relief should be administered quite immediately, if you are suffering from this sort of gout.

Gout Cures & Remedies

For quick gout pain relief, immediate medication is required. There are various types of medications available in the market. Doctors usually prescribe medications depending on the state of your health. Generally, medications are prescribed to cure the acute and painful gout attacks and to restrain it from getting back again.

Treatments are recommended to lessen chances of the gout complications, like a sudden increase in the urate crystal deposits which causes lumps to develop under your skin. Treating gout pain with proper medications is a useful way of getting rid of this painful disease. However, to cure gout a proper lifestyle change is necessitated which starts with the regular diet.

Drinking 2 to 4 liters of water in a day will help in flushing out toxins from your system and avoid gout attacks. Avoid alcohol and fast foods which includes a high fat content. You should even eat less of fish, poultry and meat, especially when you are trying hard to free yourself from the painful gout attacks to ensure gain gout pain relief.

Many people feel that alternative and natural treatments to seek gout pain relief are the safest and the best options to put an end to this painful condition. For instance, coffee is considered a possible remedy as it helps to reduce the level of uric level. However, there is a lack of evidence, so non-coffee drinkers might not be encouraged to begin with the habit. But you never know few clues can lead to new discoveries to treat gout in future.

Cherries and Vitamin C have been discovered to minimize the uric acid levels in the human body. Even deep breathing exercises and meditation are few other alternative gout treatments which can help you to manage the gout attacks.

Paying attention to your diet is the most crucial thing to ensure the removal of the uric acid build up stored in your body and thus get a proper gout pain relief. Be sure to take Vitamin C supplements, grapes, avocados, strawberries, cherries and blueberries. Also, limit the total protein intake as well.

How Osteochondrosis (OC) Occurs in the Horse

Osteochondrosis is a joint disease that can affect all horses, but is found to be most common in Warmblood horses. It is a disease that can cause lameness and create long term problems if left untreated, but it is also expensive to get the necessary treatment. Because it is a joint disease it is not really an issue that can be ignored as joint damage can increase of fragments are left in the joint space as well as being painful for the horse. It is important to know what OC is and therefore get closer to understanding why it occurs in some horses and not others.

The joints most commonly studied in OC incidences are;

1. femoropatellar (stifle)
2. tarsocrural (hock) and
3. metatarsophalangeal (fetlock)

As the growth rate in horses is greater in the hind limb than forelimb during early stages of development. OC occurs when there is a disturbance of the physiologic process of endochondral ossification, leading to locally thickened cartilage plugs. At the same time cartilage canals disappear during chondrification. This means that the articular cartilage depends exclusively on the synovial fluid for diffusion of nutrients. Therefore, excessive thickening of cartilage can lead to certain areas lacking nutrition and hence to focal necrosis and weakening of the tissue.

Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD), as well as subchondral bone cysts, are commonly considered to be a manifestation of osteochondrosis. The epiphyseal ossification centre advances out until ossification is completed, leaving a layer of cartilage. This layer of cartilage becomes the articular cartilage. If there is a disturbance in endochondral ossification, an area of retained cartilage can be formed with a consequent defect in the bone. Cracking can then proceed in this retained cartilage to give a flap or fragment of cartilage that may contain bone. These flaps and fragments on the surface of the joint result in osteochondritis dissecans. Also, because of joint incongruity, this may lead to degenerative joint disease (DJD). Unlike bone, articular cartilage shows very limited capability of remodelling and repair after maturation. This indicates that the cartilage layer needs to develop fully and correctly during this phase. Osteochondrotic lesions may disappear due to remodelling in the juvenile horse, but lesions that are still present when the cartilage is fully matured will not repair and become a serious factor form the animal welfare point of view.

Physitis of the joint also occurs and can be described as a clinical symptom especially if swelling of the growth plates is associated with lameness; radiographs are taken to ensure that there is not a significant problem within the growth plate. Clinical signs may be divided broadly into two categories; those seen in foals <6 mo old and those seen in older animals. Often the first sign noted in foals is a tendency to spend more time lying down. This is accompanied frequently by joint swelling, stiffness, and difficulty keeping up with other animals in the paddock. An accompanying sign may be the development of upright conformation of the limbs, presumably as a result of rapid growth. Fetlock osteochondrosis is particularly seen in younger foals (<6 mo old). Lameness in older horses is not always apparent, but more than likely a horse will show signs of stiffness, reduced flexion and even muscular atrophy where movement had be compromised.

Natural Pain Relief Remedies For Joint Pain - Anti-Oxidants May Be the Missing Link in Joint Formula

Are you suffering from chronic pain? You are not alone. Joint pain and arthritis seem to be a normal part of the aging process. In fact, there is nothing normal about it. The fact that it is so common makes people think that it is a normal phenomenon when we get older. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Currently approximately 46 million people are affected by arthritis. This is an astounding number of adults and children that suffer perhaps needlessly, most days of their lives. Many of the conventional pain relief medicines and arthritis drugs are very harmful to the digestive tract and other internal organs. Thankfully there are natural remedies that are helpful in minimizing the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis and joint pain.

What Causes Arthritis and Joint Pain?

It has been discovered that free radical damage to cells is a major (if not the only) cause for joint pain, inflammation and destruction, namely arthritis.

The theory of free-radical damage to cells as a cause for joint pain has been proven for over 40 years. Arthritis can either be caused from normal wear and tear on joints (osteoarthritis), or through an inflammatory, auto-immune disease (rheumatoid arthritis). Both forms of arthritis are caused by free radical damage in the joints themselves.

What is a Free Radical?

A free radical is an atom or group of atoms that is highly chemically reactive because it has at least one unpaired electron. Free radicals are unstable molecules that run through the body, looking for free electrons to make them more stable. In stealing electrons, free radicals cause other cells to become free radicals and unstable. A domino effect occurs and thus disrupts cell function. Free radical damage occurs in the joints if there are not enough anti-oxidants available to quench these free radicals.

What is the solution?

Thankfully, many natural remedies exist to help with joint pain and arthritis. The most commonly found joint formulas include; glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate and MSM. Some of the better formulas include natural anti-inflammatories such as bromelain from pineapples and Boswellia, an anti-inflammatory herb.

When looking for a good joint formula, make sure it contains anti-oxidants to quench the free radicals that cause the joint pain and destruction in the first place. The anti-oxidants should be whole food nutrients, not synthetically made for the best absorption and utilization by the body and joints.

It also helps to take whole food anti-oxidants as well as a joint formula to further quench the free radicals in the body and alkalinize the blood. Joint pain is worse in an acid environment. For this reason, an alkalinizing formula of concentrated fruits and vegetables in capsule form helps to maintain the proper alkaline environment.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate - Natural Joint Supplements

Most number of the elderly undergoes the so-called wear-and-tear of the joints known as osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis, which causes joint pain, swelling and deformity. This condition results to a problem of breaking down the normal cartilage of the joints. Because of the increasing number of people suffering from this disease, much time has been spent on research to find natural ways to treat this.

Two of the most popular natural health supplements for cartilage repair are Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate. They are major components of the joint cartilage and may help to prevent cartilage degeneration and treat osteoarthritis.


Glucosamine is an amino-sugar and a precursor for the molecule glycosaminoglycans which are a major component of the joint cartilage. It helps in the natural formation and repair of cartilage as it inhibits cartilage cell characteristics. It is found to have beneficial effects to reduce pain and prevent impairment of the joints, thus, used as an alternative medicine for the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Glucosamine is the most common dietary supplement in the USA which is non-vitamin and non-mineral. Oral glucosamine is often sold in combination with another joint health supplement, Chondroitin Sulfate, for effective relief from joint inflammation.

Chondroitin Sulfate

Chondroitin sulfate is a glycosaminoglycan with sulfate which is usually found attached to proteins. It is an important structural part of cartilage and brings a large amount of its defense to firmness. Its help to the resiliency of cartilage makes it a popular natural aid for stiff joints.

Like Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate has also become widely used as dietary supplement to ease joint stress. The oral consumption of the combination of these two may enhance the structure of new cartilage by providing more of the essential building blocks of joints and gives significant protective effects.

Natural Joint Supplements

Together, Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate are found to be helpful natural joint supplements. Glucosamine is usually obtained from the shells of lobsters, shrimps and crabs. People allergic to shellfish should ask their doctor before taking this supplement. Chondroitin Sulfate, on the other hand, is usually taken from shark or beef cartilage, or could also be manufactured synthetically.

Although there are still more room for research to entirely prove the healing significance of these two supplements, more and more people are testifying that they experienced reduced pain on their joints when they took Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate. An increasing number of patients with osteoarthritis are turning to these alternative natural supplements rather than take chemically-made anti-inflammatory medications.

Please view here the resources for the natural joint supplements.

Catch Dog Joint and Muscle Problems Before They Get Out of Control

We love our dogs and try to take care of them as best as possible. But problems occur despite our best intentions and precautions. Common ailments include arthritis, muscle strains and pulls and hip dysplasia. However, your beloved pooch need not be in constant pain and discomfort. The first step is to identify whether there is a joint or muscle problem. Even if in doubt, a visit to the vet is never unwarranted, especially if you are able to catch a problem before it gets too serious.

Different factors can affect the health of your dog's joints. Infection, degenerative disease and physical trauma are all known factors that cause joint problems. Joints work improperly due to bone, muscle, ligament, tendon or nerve damage. Physical signs of joint problems include obvious pain, swelling, rigidity and an increase of body temperature. However, these symptoms are not necessarily due to joint problems. Understanding common joint and muscle problems that dogs have will help you to see the warning signs and help you to understand when your pet starts acting out of the ordinary.

Arthritis: Arthritis is caused by muscle strain near the connection with a tendon. Symptoms of arthritis in dogs include limping or stiffness, having a difficult time rising, reluctant to jump when it was previously not a problem and even obvious pain. Now, noticing these symptoms after a weekend hiking or camping can be quite normal, but any prolonged symptoms are best checked out by your veterinary.

Muscle Sprain or Strain: Muscle injuries are not only one of the most common injuries in dogs, but the most difficult to diagnose. Most often, muscle sprains or strains go undetected simply because dogs do not show pain the same way that humans do. If you are noticing obvious pain, most definitely take your pet to the vet. Dogs mostly show signs of "slowing" or "favoring" rather than yelps or cries in pain. Favoring a leg for more than a few days or acting lethargic are reasons to be concerned.

Hip dysplasia: The basic definition of hip dysplasia is any abnormal formation of the hip joint. This abnormal formation causes looseness to the joint, which results in physical symptoms. Some breeds are more prone to dysplasia than others, but it is beneficial for all dog owners to know what to look for. After regular exercise the puppy may refuse to walk any farther and sit back on its legs. Another warning sign in puppies is that their back legs may look a bit underdeveloped.

Even if your dog appears normal, it does not mean that he or she has escaped hip dysplasia. Some dogs simply accept the pain and you won't notice any sort of complaining until the hip has degenerated into joint disease. The only way to know for sure your dog doesn't have hip dysplasia is through a pelvic x-ray.

When it is Time to go to the Vet:
Any sort of obvious pain is cause to make an appointment with your veterinarian. Even if you're fairly confident that it is simply arthritis, you will not know for sure until your dog is examined.

What to Expect at the Veterinarian:
At the visit, the vet will want to do an overall physical, especially if your dog is a new patient or it has been awhile since the last visit. The physical will include a dental check, physical palpitation for any bumps or lumps and confirmation of spaying or neutering. A dental check-up is more important than some owners realize. Bacteria can lead to infection, which then can spread throughout the entire body if left untreated. When the visit is for possible joint or muscle problems, the vet will most likely want an x-ray to rule-out hip dysplasia and verify any other theories.

Hopefully, all checks out well with your pet and there are no problem other than the need for a little extra rest! We all love our pets and sometimes all does not turn out well after a vet visit. But, there are many ways to treat joint and muscle problems while alleviating discomfort. Ignoring a problem is never the solution and when in doubt, make an appointment and have the vet check it out!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Fibromyalgia Hip Pain Relief

What is Fibromyalgia?

If you have fibromyalgia, you know that the condition involves chronic widespread pain. However, what sets it apart from other pain conditions is that you also have a heightened response to gentle stimuli on certain parts of your body.
Knowing what fibromyalgia is also involves you understanding the array of symptoms of the condition of which there are many.
If you are like most people fibromyalgia hip pain is just the tip of the iceberg as far as your symptoms are concerned. Symptoms vary from person to person. They may include:

  • Numbness,

  • Tingling of the hands and feet,

  • Irritable bowel syndrome,

  • Bladder irregularities,

  • Breathing problems,

  • Difficulty swallowing,

  • Chest pain,

  • TMJ,

  • Grinding of the teeth,

  • Extreme fatigue and sleep pattern disturbances.

These symptoms are usually coupled with non-physical symptoms  like depression, anxiety, stress, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, and confusion.
Finding Relief
The first thing that you need to do to get relief for fibromyalgia hip pain is find a doctor who is capable of diagnosing the condition and treating it.

Unfortunately, diagnosing fibromyalgia is not something that every doctor is capable of doing. This is because the symptoms are often confused with other illnesses.

In addition to this, the criteria used for diagnosis are the topic of debate.

A skilled doctor will be able to rule out any other likely explanations for your symptoms and provide you an accurate and quick diagnosis.

Once your doctor is through and has made a diagnosis they can begin making your treatment plan.

If your predominant complaint is hip pain they will focus on pain relief. Typically your doctor will start by prescribing you a pain reliever or recommending an over the counter pain reliever.

Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and Aspirin may all be used to treat your symptoms.

If they do not relieve your pain effectively, your doctor may prescribe a stronger pain reliever like Tramadol or an opioid drug like Morphine or Hydrocodone.

It would also not be unheard of for your doctor to prescribe an antidepressant or anticonvulsant because they block pain signals in the brain.

When you are suffering from fibromyalgia hip pain there are many treatments that can be quite effective that do not involve medication. First and foremost, physical therapy is important because it helps you maintain or regain your mobility and prevents further decline in your activity level.

Chiropractic manipulation can also be quite useful, along with acupuncture, massage, counseling and biofeedback.

In most cases a multidisciplinary approach works best when treating fibromyalgia. Taking medication in conjunction with active participation in other therapies will have you well on your way to relief.

Do Effective Cures for TMJ Exist?

TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, prompting them to look for remedies that will help them get rid of the pain as soon as possible.

Anyone facing this condition will testify to the fact that it is severely uncomfortable. TMJ causes unusual or incorrect jaw movements, which results in the discomfort. There are a lot of different things that can cause TMJ to occur. It is not just accidents or injuries that cause TMJ, there are other aspects like stress, grief or extreme cases of anger that can also lead to this highly complex dysfunctional problem.

Many types of difficult issues can result from TMJ which can completely alter your lifestyle and cause great suffering. Some of the typical symptoms of this condition are erratic tongue movements, unpredictable jaw movements, teeth grinding and clenching, cheek discomfort, trouble with jaw opening and closing, and difficulty opening the mouth. Without prompt treatment, severe discomfort and difficulty can result.

Failing to address your TMJ situation fully and rapidly can cause exacerbation of the condition. Finding the right kind of cure is vital, otherwise it can lead to serious complications like dizziness, vertigo, difficulty in swallowing and severe headaches.

It can also lead to serious problems with your shoulder, neck and head muscles. Your best bet is to consult with an experienced doctor who can give you access to proven treatments that will help you. It will also help you understand the severity of TMJ. You CAN stop the pain and eliminate TMJ for good with treatments specifically designed to address this vexing problem. It is important to follow each and every procedure of the treatment and approach it very holistically if you want to completely get rid of the condition.

One way of getting rid of TMJ is to take over the counter medications. Muscle relaxants, as well as a variety of medications for pain and inflammation, represent just a few of the medications that can quickly address symptoms and eliminate the condition. However, exercise caution when taking these drugs as some of their side effects can lead to other serious health related issues.

Another option that can be used to cure you of TMJ is to undergo physical therapy and exercise your jaw regularly. If you can do these exercises and therapies systematically, you will be able to strengthen the muscles of your jaw and cure your TMJ. Yet another treatment for this condition, according to experts on the subject, is to receive cold and heat therapy which relaxes your jaw muscles (heat) and reduces the pain (cold).

Others will suggest that a dentist can help you to get rid of your jaw pain and cure your condition. One treatment that your dentist may offer you, based on the severity of your condition, is the use of a bite plate which reduces the pain of TMJ by placing your upper and lower jaws in the right alignment. A dentist might also be able to cure you of teeth grinding and clenching.

Lastly, while TMJ is often the cause of severe discomfort, there truly is reason for optimism because with a hearty dose of commitment and dedication, TMJ cures are possible.

What Causes a Crackling Sound In the Ear?

Tinnitus is a condition that causes a person to hear sounds and noises that no one else can hear. Tinnitus is a fairly common condition that occurs in about 10% of the population. Tinnitus is normally found in the elderly however more recent studies have shown an increase in tinnitus occurrence in younger populations. More than likely this change in occurrence is due to the increased exposure of younger generations to loud noises such as music, guns, blow dryers, etc. People who suffer from tinnitus hear different sounds such as musical tones, hissing, whistling, buzzing or ringing. No two people will hear exactly the same noise. Most affected people find these noises to be no more than an annoyance or nuisance but are able to continue on with their daily lives. However, in some instances tinnitus can greatly affect ones quality of life due to the constant inconvenience of the noise.

Tinnitus can be put into two categories, objective and subjective. Only a doctor can differentiate between the two types. Objective tinnitus can actually be perceived as sound emanating from the ear. Anatomical body sounds such as muscle spasms, heart beat or pulse, and blood flow can all be heard through the ear of the patient. Subjective tinnitus is more common because it describes the symptoms that the patient is feeling. In subjective tinnitus sounds are not present for the doctor to hear emanating from the ear.

Tinnitus has no cure and determining the exact cause of tinnitus is difficult. There are four areas that tinnitus can stem from, the outer ear, middle ear, inner ear and brain. Wax or foreign bodies can block the noise from outside and can cause damage to the outer ear. In the middle ear fluid, infection, or disease in the bones of the ear or in the eardrum can cause damage. Damage to the nerves in the inner ear can distort noise. Lastly, abnormalities in the brain can cause symptoms of tinnitus.

Additionally, several disease, deficiencies, drugs, and emotional factors that can cause the symptoms of tinnitus as well. However the most common cause is damage to the nerves in the inner ear (cochlea). The nerves in the cochlea transmits electrical impulses to the brain which interprets these signals that are sent to the brain are distorted. Distorted signals are interpreted by the brain as noise. Determining how the nerves become damaged is the ultimate cause of tinnitus symptoms.

Elderly people are more likely to experience the symptoms of tinnitus. As we age like many other areas of the body, the inner ear or middle ear gradually change which causes symptoms of hearing loss. Age related hearing loss is called presbyacusis. The change in the ears occurs over longer period of times and normally occurs in both ears. In younger persons exposure to loud noises can cause hearing loss as well. Cumulative effects of repeated exposure to loud noise will ultimately lead to presbyacusis. Depending upon duration of exposure and frequency of sound will determine if the nerves in the ear are damaged. In some cases, damage can cause temporary hearing loss however permanent damage can cause tinnitus or the need for hearing aids. Although, not all tinnitus symptoms are caused by exposure to loud environments or due to old age. Some of the changes that can occur within the ear include otosclerosis. Ear bone changes causes stiffening of the bones in the middle ear. This abnormal growth puts pressure on the other bones and nerves within the ear.

Our normal body functioning such as breathing, heart beating, muscle contractions and blood flow all make noise. However, most people don't hear these noises because we are surrounded by noise that masks our ability to hear these minuscule sounds. However, if you eliminate outside noise, it is more likely you will hear your own body's anatomical sounds. Additionally certain changes in the body can cause you to hear these sounds more readily.

Metabolic disorders in the body can cause symptoms of tinnitus due to defects that interfere with ones metabolism. Most metabolic disorders are genetic in nature, meaning they are passed on by their parent's genetic makeup. Metabolic disorders may cause abnormal enzyme function, the body produces too much or too little of a necessary substance, or can't break down certain substances. Common metabolic disorders that cause tinnitus are thyroid disease, hyperlipidemia, vitamin B12 deficiency, and iron deficiency anemia.

Anemia is a condition where the blood becomes thinned of red blood cells, which provide oxygen and nutrients to the body. Thinned blood rushes through the veins so quickly, that it causes a sound. Anemia can cause fatigue and ultimately death, if not taken care of immediately.

Menieres disease is a disorder that causes abnormal flow of inner ear fluid, which affects hearing and balance. Normally causing hearing loss and tinnitus in one ear, Menieres disease causes inner ear fluid pressure buildup. More unlikely causes of tinnitus include a brain aneurysm, brain tumor or acoustic neuroma. Aneurysms commonly occur in arteries at the base of the brain. A bulge occurs in the blood vessels and fills up with blood and risk rupturing with increasing size. As the size of an aneurysm grows the more pressure it puts on the surrounding blood vessels. Brain tumors and acoustic neuroma, a non-cancerous benign tumor, that occurs in the brain puts pressure on the blood vessels which cuts off the nutrients and oxygen supply to the brain. Therefore the brain interprets increased blood pressure as distorted sounds. Acoustic neuromas normally occur on the cranial nerve that runs from the brain to the inner ear, which affects balance and hearing.

Earwax also known as cerumen is secreted in the ear canal to protect the earfrom bacteria, fungus, insects, and water. Regular removal of earwax should be maintained as to not allow an excess of wax build up. Although Q-tips were originally designed to aid in the removal of earwax, now they are tough to be more hazardous than helpful. By using a Q-tip you can cause the earwax to go deeper into the ear canal, which can cause an impaction against the eardrum. When the wax is pressed up against the eardrum it causes the brain to perceive these as noise signals.

Head, neck and Temporalmandibular joint (TMJ) injuries also have their affect on tinnitus. Chiari malformation, multiple sclerosis, skull fracture, whiplash, closed head injury, and TMJ disorders all affect the ears, nerves and blood vessels of the brain. Injuries and disorders cause abnormalities so the brain perceives electric impulses differently than it would in a normal persons brain. Neurological disorders also cause malfunctions in the brain, which can cause tinnitus symptoms.

Prescription medication and over the counter drugs also affect the bodies ability to decipher sound waves. Drugs both legal and illegal can cause the brain to receive distorted signals, which can cause tinnitus. Aspirin, antibiotics, cancer medications, diuretics, quinine and cloroquinine can all cause symptoms of tinnitus.

Lastly stress plays a huge role on the bodies ability to function properly. Unfortunately stress can inhibit the brains ability to interpret and perceive stimulus. Atherosclerosis, high blood pressure depression, anxiety, and nervousness are stressors that take toll on the body causing malfunctions in its ability to perform. Therefore the brain can misinterpret electrical impulses, which causes tinnitus.

Unfortunately with so many causes of tinnitus it's hard to quickly determine which one is causing the subjective or objective symptoms. Therefore it can be a long drawn out process to find your specific cause of your condition. Until then tinnitus can be a huge inconvenience and annoyance on your life. Plus the amount of testing and treatments that you try without relief can be disappointing. However, there are many alternative medicines that can be useful in diminishing your symptoms until you can resolve your current condition completely.