Saturday, June 15, 2013

Magic Pain Reliever For RA Joint Pain

So that joint pain is back in action again and you have run out of choices on what to do. But fellow rheumatoid arthritis sufferers seem to trust calendula oil to do miracles. So what would you do?

Calendula is an ordinary plant that grows in any soil. However, it is widely found in Europe, USA and in Western parts of Asia. Known from its botanical name Calendula Officinalis, the plant belongs to the same family of daisies and ragweed.

As per its medicinal value, the yellow-gold petals of calendula are known to perform miracles. If you haven't heard about Calendula, you would have probably heard of Garden marigold, pot marigold or poet's marigold. All these names are used to refer to the same plant.

Rheumatoid arthritis and Calendula goes hand in hand because it acts as a perfect companion that relieves joint pain. Known from the early Persian and Greek societies, marigold carries an impeccable reputation for relieving swellings and pains. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory nature and anti septic qualities, it is also used for healing wounds.

Although Calendula does not provide any cure or long term relief for rheumatoid arthritis, many people who use calendula infusions believe that it has magical properties to relieve joint pain. On a scientific level, using marigold as herb activates carotenes, polyphenols and phytosterols together with EFAs that act as a penetration formula that could drastically improve the blood and oxygen flow in the affected areas of your body.

Although there are many novel means and methods of pain relief for rheumatoid arthritis joint pain, natural remedies based on topical ointments are known to be best for they carry little or no side effects. Another plus side of herbal remedies is that they usually provide a galore of healthy remedies as opposed to western medicine which tries to eliminate a single symptom.

Furthermore, marigold can be used if you suffer from other painful conditions such as gastritis, burns or eczema. It is also used as a home remedy in some parts of the world to treat minor issues such as headaches, toothaches, ulcers, varicose veins and colitis.

Marigold may be one in thousand natural products that work well for joint pain relief. So read up on the subject, as much as you can, before making a decision on using it. You should also beware of allergies that can be caused by natural products.

While you search for products that include the essence of Calendula goodness, be cautious about so called herbal remedies that promise you a world full of relief. As you know through experience, joint pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis is not something that will easily go away or ameliorate. Therefore, don't let fake products and false promises put your hopes up only to leave you disappointed at the end. Speak to someone who has already experienced the magic of marigold before opting in for any products that claim to contain its goodness. First hand information always speaks much more genuinely than sales pages you find online.

Surgical Treatment For Canine Hip Dysplasia - Will This Help My Suffering Dog?

The therapy for canine hip dysplasia (CHD) is usually targeted toward inhibiting additional break down in the hip joint and reducing pain. Different medicinal and operative treatment options are usually offered these days that may relieve a dog's pain and regain mobility. The kind of procedure will depend on a number of aspects, for instance chronological age of the dog, the intensity of this situation and monetary factors.

Care for this ailment commonly includes physical exercise restriction, weight supervision and symptomatic pain relief with pain killers and anti-inflammatory medications.

Even though each and every effort is usually designed to take care of the dog's suffering by means of diet and lifestyle modifications as well as using anti-inflammatories together with pain killers, it might at times end up being essential to get operative treatment. This really is especially true regarding elderly dogs.

One of the basic surgical treatments for canine hip dysplasia is - Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO)

During this process, the particular injured rough-edged top of this femur will be taken off. The remainder section of the particular femur will act as an artificial joint with muscle tissue, ligaments as well as tendons within the region.

Despite the fact that that artificial joint isn't as a genuine joint, a substantial decrease of suffering will be the common result.

Although nearly every size of dog may go through this kind of surgery, it can be a great deal more beneficial with smaller sized dogs. Overweight dogs and the ones having substantial lack of muscle mass really don't fare similarly.

FHO is really a relatively uncomplicated surgery and dogs which have this kind of surgical procedure could go back to practically usual performance. This artificial joint is actually significantly smoother and even enables going for walks, exercising not to mention actively playing.

Even so, the brand new artificial joint is not really an ordinary joint. It could show reduced hip extension; your pet's gait will be very different, however the joint will be ache free.

Dogs which have gone through FHO can be a little bit different that's why early on physiotherapy needs to be emphasized.

If your dog doesn't make use of the leg a lot right after operation, skin damage might limit scope of hip movement as well as leg performance. A variety of movement routines can assist flex and even stretch the particular hip after operation, increasing the functionality as quickly as possible. Easy, slower leash walks are usually very helpful at the beginning. Relaxed strolling beyond any gait can motivate the pet to make use of this afflicted leg.

Certain dogs recuperate more quickly compared to some others. When it comes to FHO, the majority of dogs are going to be making use of the particular leg in about 6 weeks or so. With dogs which have gone through FHO, complete recuperation could take a couple weeks to a few months. Performance is going to be eighty to eighty-five percent related to the way the dog used to be, however the dog is going to be able to exercise, go walking as well as playing and end up ache-free.

After reading the above information, dog owners that are worried about their dog having to go through FHO can make an easier decision knowing that chances for the dog getting better are very good.

Free Yourself From Joint Pain

With our age, our body systems as well as our body parts get older. One of the most common problems, which come with old age, is Arthralgia (from Greek arthro-, joint + -algos, pain) literally means joint pain. However, joint pains are no more common to the older people as each adult suffers from chronic pains. People in pain can only realize how powerlessly unbearable this pain causes.

People experiences pain in joint in various locations of our body. The causes of Arthralgia are varied and range from, a joints perspective, degenerative and destructive processes. The common roots of pain are:

• Excessive wear and tear of the joint muscles (particularly applicable to athletes)
• Osteoarthritis (chronic degeneration and destruction of the articular cartilage leading to bony spurs, pain, stiffness, limitation of motion, and change in the size of joints common in adults above 45 years)
• Fractures and injuries
• Osteomyelitis (inflammation of bone and bone marrow, usually caused by bacterial infection)
• Gout (inflammation of the big toe due to uric acid metabolism disorder, resulting in accumulation of the acid and its salts in the blood and joints)

If the causes of the pain are identified it becomes easier for one to go for remedy. Joint pain are now easily healable and do have various cure. There are many approved herbal medication to relief joint pains. The remedies for pain have ail many suffers from pain and stiffness. The only thing you need to ensure pain relief is regularity in consuming the dose. In no time, you will observe a notable difference.

Herbal medicines for the pains are a nutritional breakthrough, intended to sustain and help ease and support joint health, and enhance flexibility.

• Picrorhiza kurroa (Kutkins) is effective in reducing the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
• Cyperus rotundus (Musta) for relief of pelvic pain and bloating
• Tinospora caudifolia (Guduci) is effective to reduce the pain and oedema, in gout and skin diseases
• Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice root) to ease the joint pain and stiffness
• Zingiber officinale (Ginger root) is effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or joint and muscle pain.
• Boswellia serrata (Shallaki) combat the effects of joint pain and osteoarthritis.
• Trachyspermum ammi (Ajamoda) helps to remove stiffness and improves mobility of limbs. It helps to bring relief from backaches, muscular strains, rheumatic pains, etc.

These herbs are also vitamins supplements to relieve the bones from pain. The herbal products with the blend of tall the above herbs cure the disease and enhance the body's immune system to repel future recurrence of this disease.

Joint pain can affect anybody and so it is the time to recover, and only herbal products can give relief safely and naturally.

Fertility Treatment and Craniosacral Therapy

--- Fulfill your dreams - have a baby and build a family ---

Perhaps one of the most thrilling moments in a couple's life is the culmination of a healthy pregnancy, when they can hold their newborn baby for the first time. However, for many couples, this process does not come easily. Cranial Sacral Therapy is helping couples, for whom conception, pregnancy and childbirth has become a long and painful process, to realize their dream.

There are many possible causes of fertility problems, and in each situation there are couples where Craniosacral Therapy (CST) has enhanced and complemented the fertility process, making it quicker, more effective and reducing stress and pain. This applies to couples who going through a medical fertility program, as well as those who have chosen to use other methods to help them.

---How does CST work?--

Our treatment focuses on releasing physical stresses and tensions or lesions in the layer of tissue called fascia which surrounds all of your organs and your nervous system. These tensions can reduce the effectiveness of your nerves - which are the main channel for passing information around your body. Fascial restrictions can also affect the hormonal system which is of central importance to the timing and maintenance of a pregnancy. As fascia also surrounds internal organs, including the womb, tensions here can reduce their function or ability to heal or adapt to the changes that occur during pregnancy.

Fascia can become stressed due to illnesses, injury surgery or inflammation in the body and this is a reaction of the body in order to protect itself from further injury.

CST is calming and gentle; it enhances your body's abilities to function properly, greatly reduces the tensions in the fascial layers of your body and rebalances your hormonal and nervous systems to allow them to function at their best. It improves blood flow to all parts of your body which leads to enhanced organ function, as more oxygen is able to reach them. This will also increase your energy, further reduce your stress levels and speed up your body's ability to heal and repair itself.

As further fascial restrictions are treated, CranioSacral Therapy improves the mobility and freedom of your internal organs to move and adjust to the body's needs during pregnancy. Put all of these improvements together, and your chances of conceiving and reaching full term increase tremendously. Treatment can be in conjunction with, or instead of, your formal medical Fertility program.

---About treatment--

For us, one of the most thrilling aspects of our work is to know that we have helped you on your path to a happy future.

For more information on how Craniosacral therapy can help you or to book an appointment

email: or visit the website

Why Do I Get Pain In My Stiff Joints?

Probably the biggest reason for stiff joint pain is arthritis. This could include rheumatoid arthritis and other forms of arthritis as well. It's important that you take the time to consult with your doctor who can diagnose this condition and provide you with potential treatment options.

Infectious diseases can often be a contributing factor to a series of concerns including the pain from stiff joints. Some of the most common types of infectious diseases that can cause these problems are:

  • Chickenpox

  • Measles

  • Parvo

  • Rheumatic Fever

  • Hepatitis

  • Influenza

  • Lyme Disease

Keep in mind that these are just some of the concerns that can contribute to this condition. One other factor for this condition is overuse of your joints. This is especially the case on parts of the body that experience regular repetitive use, such as fingers on the keyboard. Often, the best solution for your stiff joint pain is to allow your body to rest for a few days. Repetitive movements which place a heavy load n your joints can be particularly problematic. Any misalignment or jarring can rapidly cause point damage or pain.

You will want to take warm baths, massages your joints and stretch your muscles. These are all useful ways to reduce the amount of stiff joint pain that you have. While these don't usually treat the underlying issue, they will provide you with a temporary solution to help improve circulation and reduce pain.

If you are just starting to experience pain, you will need to pay attention to your body. If the joint pain lasts less than three days, you most likely don't need to seek immediate medical help. However, if it lasts more than three days, you are experiencing sudden weight loss or the pain continues to worsen, you will need to seek medical advice.

You will want to keep in mind that it will be important for you to consult with your doctor about any underlying medical condition that could be causing you to experience this level of pain. To help them understand your condition better, keep track of the areas that seem to be most affected by this condition. Take notes about when the pain started and what you were doing at the time. All of this is going to help them to pinpoint the cause of the joint pain and that can help you to get the results you need. In many cases, an x-ray, blood testing and other tests will be done to help rule out possibilities.

Can Bodyweight Exercises Fix Creaky Joints?

Recently, I asked a few of my past customers why they decided to start an exercise program consisting of bodyweight-only exercises.

Most of the answers I received contained the expected answers.

A person wanted to get in shape, build muscle, lose fat. Some people hate going to the gym. Others simply don't have time.

But one person told me that the reason he decided to start a bodyweight only exercise program is because his joints were hurting from weight lifting and he heard that bodyweight only exercises can help to heal joints.

That Got Me Scratching My Head...

At first, I thought the idea of body weight exercises "curing" joint pain sounded like wishful thinking.

But then I remembered that my own joints and tendons actually seemed healthier and stronger when I was doing these body weight only exercises.

Was there actually something to this?

I decided to find out.

Weight Training & Joint Pain:

Partners In Crime

First of all, let me say that I like weight training and I am not in any way saying that weight training is bad for you.

However, as any long time weight trainer will tell you... your joints start to take a beating after extended periods of weight training.

Especially if you are training with heavy weight and low reps.

Usually, this type of joint pain is not permanent and will subside once the trainer takes a short break from weight training.

How Bodyweight-Only Exercises Can Help

There is nothing magical about bodyweight exercises that will suddenly make all your aches and pains up and vanish.

However, there are a few characteristics about bodyweight exercises that can dramatically improve joint health and offer relief from the aches and pains associated with weight training.

The first characteristic of bodyweight exercises is a lighter load.

If you go from benching 400lbs and instead start doing push-ups using just your own body weight as resistance, your joints will experience a tremendous amount of relief as they are no longer subject to the heavy load of weight training.

How Acid Can Heal The Burn

The main reason that bodyweight exercises seem to help alleviate joint pain is because they are usually done with higher reps (more than 15 per set).

High rep ranges cause the body to create lactic acid. Lactic acid can cause a slight burning sensation in your muscles. For example, if you run up 100 flights of stairs, the muscles in your legs will start to burn.

This burning can be slightly uncomfortable (although experienced trainers will typically enjoy the burn to some degree)... however it serves a very important purpose.

The presence of lactic acid actually stimulates the body to repair tendons and can therefore lead to increased joint health.

For this reason, many experienced weight lifters may enjoy a bodyweight-only workout program while taking time out from the grind of heavy lifting.

A Bodyweight-Only Workout Program

Again, I'm not claiming that bodyweight-only exercises are any type of cure or magic pill. But many trainers use bodyweight-only exercises to relieve joint pain and prepare their body for the next bout of heavy iron work.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Corrective Fitness Solution For Low Back Pain

As a Corrective Exercise Specialist one of the most common complaints I hear from new clients is of low back pain. If you have ever suffered from low back pain then you know what I am talking about and why it is such a big complaint. Low back pain is the number one cause for sick leave than any other medical condition. (Office of Communications and Public Liaison, 2003) If you work in an office and spend most of your day sitting then this article is for you! If you are like me and have suffered or are currently suffering from things like herniated discs, compressed vertebrae or sciatic nerve pain I suggest you consult with your physician before beginning this or any exercise routine. The methods that I discuss here have helped me personally and many of my clients to alleviate low back pain and to care for it daily.

When a joint is moved into any position then one muscle is shortened (contracted) and the opposing muscle is lengthened (stretched). When these positions are held for long periods of time, the contracted muscles get tighter and stay like that, while the stretched muscle becomes weaker, thus keeping the joint in an altered position and out of neutral. Over time this can cause joint dysfunction, pain, altered movement patterns and could even lead to serious injury eventually.

The primary joint we will be discussing here is the pelvis because this is where your spine connects via muscles and connective tissues. In order to keep this as simple as possible just imagine the pelvis like a box suspended in air by four cables (representing muscles). There are a 4 major muscle groups involved in the positioning of your pelvis; the abdominal muscles and hip flexors in the front. The gluteus, hamstrings, and low back muscles in the rear. If the low back muscles and hip flexors are tightened then the pelvis shifts up in the rear. The opposite happens if the gluteus, hamstrings and abs are tightened. If all are even then the pelvis would be square.

Now that you understand how the joint and muscular systems work together, let's discuss a major contributor to low back pain. The majority of people who suffer from this problem that I've met all have one thing in common: jobs that involve hours of sitting at a desk. When sitting, the hip flexors and the low back muscles are in a shortened state. This creates a pulling of your pelvis down in the front and up in the rear, called an anterior pelvic tilt, tilting your pelvis in such a way that your butt sticks out. The lengthened muscles in this dysfunction are the abdominals, hamstrings, and gluteus. These muscles, primarily the glutes and abdominals, are constantly in a weakened state and these are the very core muscles needed to support the lower back.

The process of treating this is based on Corrective Exercise. The first step towards correcting this is to inhibit the over-active hip flexors through self-myofascial release (aka foam rolling). The second step is to lengthen them by doing a static hip flexor stretch. You can also stretch the low back by lying over a fitness ball, this is also a great way to decompress your spine after a long day of sitting.

Once you have lengthened the tight muscles, then you can begin isolated strengthening of the abdominals and glutes. Some great exercises to accomplish this are hip extensions (aka bridges), planks, and sit ups or crunches. Another great exercise for strengthening the transverse abdominals is the standing or kneeling draw-in. You should also strengthen your hamstring muscles as these contradict the pulling of the hip flexors. This last one may not seem to make sense because most people with low back pain feel like they suffer from tight hamstrings and this is true. However, the reason the hamstrings feel tight is that they are being overly stretched because of the position of the pelvis and they actually need to be strengthened to counteract the hip flexors.

By doing these exercises you can bring your pelvis back to neutral and eliminate the pressure brought upon the lower back by sitting all day. I have used these exercises on myself and many of my clients with extreme success. If you have joint pain or issues feel free to comment or email me your questions, I would love to help you live and move pain free.

Dave C Smith CES.

Dealing With the Effects of Arthritis and Alternative Treatments

One of the many misconceptions surrounding arthritis is that the joint pain can be minor and that in time, the pain will eventually go away. Some arthritis patients in the early stages of the disease may only feel minor pain. However, arthritis is a degenerative disease. It does not have a cure and it can get worse when left untreated. Arthritis in its most hideous form can in fact lead to permanent joint damage and loss of mobility. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease of the cartilage that cushions our joints and prevents bone on bone contact.

Chronic pain resulting from osteoarthritis and the potential loss of mobility can be hard to live with. People need to consider the fact that as their condition progresses, their way of life may have to change as well. There will be times that they will be unable to perform everyday activities like house chores, walking, or even attending to personal grooming. Arthritis sufferers may need to rely on other people to help with daily routines. Severe osteoarthritis sufferers may have to accept the fact that working may be difficult and their ability to make a living compromised.

Change is always hard to accept and cope with. Having to deal with unbearable chronic pain, and the frustration of not being able to do the simplest things we use to take for granted, can lead to anger, depression and a feeling of uselessness. Severe arthritis can lead to financial problems, deepening the constant worry, feelings of devastation, and hopelessness.

This is why early diagnosis and treatment is essential. Early signs of pain can be a precursor to chronic pain and the change in lifestyle that may come with it. A rheumatologist, a doctor specializing in arthritis, can prescribe various forms of treatments depending on the needs of the patient. Medication typically includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), but in the recent years, more and more rheumatologists are beginning to add supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin for treatment. Proven to be effective relieving pain in those suffering from osteoarthritis and other joint disease, these supplements are rapidly being embraced as an alternative, of not primary, therapy of choice. A USA study in 2006 concluded that a combination of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate relieved those suffering moderate to severe joint pain more effective than NSAIDs like Celebrex. These supplements have been available for years and studies like these have doctors and patients reassessing their treatment.

Feline Arthritis Symptoms - Help For Cat Hip and Joint Pain

Feline arthritis symptoms like limping up stairs or refusing to jump up on the couch without your help are painful to accept. Knowing that you cat hurts is something you want to fix. Here's some tips on how to help him.

Arthritis is not a friendly disease and it's one of the more common ones that hit middle to older aged cats. Feline arthritis symptoms develop in many of the same places humans deal with the disease, which is wherever there are joints - elbows, knees and hips.

There isn't a cure for arthritis in cats. You can, however do a lot to help your buddy live comfortably, even pain-free for the rest of its life. But the faster the symptoms are noticed, the sooner the arthritis can be treated.

This is why it's important to be aware of your cat and know its regular routine. The speed with which you're able to pick up on feline arthritis symptoms will only help you in the long run. While some of the signs are more gradual and can be the cause of something else, it's good to get them checked out or at least mentioned when your cat has its regular veterinarian visit.

One symptom that may be noticed before others is limited motion. When a cat has developed painful joints, he might suddenly start doing things a little differently. For one, he might totally avoid the stairs or start taking short hops so there's less stress on its joints. He will most likely move slower than normal, or it won't be as quick to jump up to its scratching post or favorite place to watch the activity of the day.

Limping might become more noticeable on a gradual level, unless you know your pet well enough to notice every detail. It will be worse in the morning or right after the cat has been napping. The limp will decrease as the day goes on, as activity helps stiff joints. It is sometimes more noticeable during cold and damp weather.

The other feline arthritis symptoms tend to relate to moods. It's probably because of the cat's inability to do the many things it was accustomed to. A cat's mood will normally change if it isn't feeling well or it's in pain. This means if a cat is struggling with arthritis, it's not uncommon for it to become depressed or irritable. It may also not want to be touched, because the brushing or petting hurts it.

If nothing is done about your cat's arthritis, then your cat is only going to become more and more lethargic and moody. He's going to sleep more than normal. There may even be an appetite decrease because depression has set in or because it isn't moving around as much. The reason is everything is painful and every movement hurts.

The Treatment of Big Toe Joint Arthritis Using An Artificial Joint Implant

Arthritis of the big toe joint can be a very disabling condition, as painful motion of this joint can hamper the ability to comfortably walk. Conservative treatment options of this joint are somewhat limited owing to the strain placed on it by the body during walking. Surgery is usually performed for treatment, and the use of joint implants is very popular. This article will review the types of joint implants available to treat big toe joint arthritis.

Arthritis of the big toe joint, also called the 1st metatarsal phalangeal joint, is very common, and is the most common place of symptomatic arthritis in the foot. The big toe joint is comprised of the roundish head of the first metatarsal, and the concave base part of the proximal phalanx, the first bone of two in the big toe itself. Arthritis occurs when the cartilage that covers the ends of the above two bones erodes away, resulting in a loss of the normal smooth motion of the joint. Bone grinds on bone, and the tissue in and around the joint becomes inflamed. Large spurs on top of and around the joint form, and can limit motion even further. The destruction in the big toe joint usually begins as a result of long term wear and tear on the cartilage due to a first metatarsal that is formed either too long, too short, or too elevated. Bunions can also result in arthritis where the big toe is angled too far toward the second toe, and the 1st metatarsal sticks out too far in the other direction. Trauma, particularly prior fractures that involved the joint or one of its bones, can eventually result in joint destruction and arthritis. There are also a number of other diseases that result in more significant (and some cases unsalvageable) joint destruction, including psoriasis, body-wide immune system-related arthritic conditions, bone infections, loss of blood supply to the bone, and nerve disease associated with certain conditions.

Nonsurgical treatment of big toe joint arthritis can have limited help compared with arthritis in larger joints like the knees and hips. These can include stiff shoes and inserts to limit the motion of the joint, as well as anti-inflammatory medications and injections. These measures rarely provide lasting relief.

Surgical treatment of big toe joint arthritis involves procedures that either preserve the joint, replace the joint, or destroy the joint all together. Joint preserving procedures are used in mild cases of arthritis, or in those who have high functional demands (like competing athletes) or cannot undergo a joint implant or destruction procedure due to poor health or bone density. These procedures involve removal of bone spurs and loose bone particles, and possibly a correction of any abnormal 1st metatarsal position. Joint destruction, which amounts to a removal of all cartilage and fusing the joint so it does not move at all (eliminating the pain), is done when arthritis is severe, and also in more moderate cases depending on the philosophy of the surgeon. Some surgeons prefer to use this option in all painful arthritic cases, others prefer implants to artificially restore motion.

Since the scope of this article is joint implants, the discussion will be centered on this option. Joint implants for the big toe joint have been around for well over fifty years. Joint implants can replace both sides of the joint, or only one side, leaving the other side's cartilage intact. A variety of materials have been used to make these implants, including silicone, metal of various alloys, and ceramics. Some implants have withstood the test of time, and others have faded into obscurity due to design issues or implant failures.

One of the first implant designs, and one that is still in use today by some surgeons, is essentially a hinge with stems that run into the 1st metatarsal and proximal phalanx, respectively. This implant is made of a firm silicone gel, that is stiff enough to withstand the forces acting on the big toe, and flexible enough to allow for a bending motion at the hinge. This implant has been used for nearly forty years, and has a fairly decent success rate. The nature of the silicone gel material can lead to complications, including silicone degeneration and depositing of particles in the surrounding soft tissue, as well as stem fracturing and implant slippage if not tightly seated in the bone due to stem hole widening.

Perhaps the most popular implant design today is historically the earliest implant. This implant design has been in use since the 1950's, and has proven itself durable, effective, and generally complication free when properly installed. This implant design replaces the 'cup' of the proximal phalanx part of the joint, and consists of a concave plate attached to a stem that is impacted into the bone. This implant fits in tightly, and has a thin profile so that not a lot of anatomic bone has to be removed in order to fit it into the joint. The original design is still in use, and many companies have implants that are very similar in shape and function. This implant, while it replaces the only one side of the joint, is very effective at restoring joint motion without pain, even if the other side of the joint has a large amount of cartilage loss as well. Complications can include extended joint swelling follow the surgery for awhile, as well as implant slippage out of position or toe bone fracturing in a very low number of cases. This author has personally used this design for years with good success.

A more recent design developed in the last decade provides a surface replacement for the metatarsal side of the joint. Anatomically, this is the side that wears down the most, and so theoretically this is the most optimal part of the joint to replace. Unfortunately, this bone is much more difficult to design a partial implant for given it's size, shape, and role within the joint's motion. A recent design has overcome these challenges, and has success in resurfacing the metatarsal portion of the joint to resolve the arthritis pain and degeneration. This type of implant essentially consists of a round 'head' portion that replaces much, but not all, of the end of the 1st metatarsal. It is secured to the end of the bone via a stem that is either screwed or impacted into the canal of the bone. The base part of the proximal phalanx will then move over this implant, with the end result being better motion and reduced pain. Like implants in the other bone, this design can cause bone fracturing, and if improperly placed (or if the bone quality is not ideal), the stem can move in the bone canal, leading to implant surface motion.

A final design in implants for big toe joint arthritis has been the one most technically challenged, and historically least successful and consistent in design. These implants have two pieces that replace both sides of the joint respectively. Essentially, there is a cup component for the proximal phalanx and a 'ball' component for the 1st metatarsal. These designs require the removal of a lot of bone in order for them to fit in properly, and historically have had a higher failure rate that the one-sided implants. This joint takes on a great amount of force during walking, and the presence of metal in the bones at this joint increases the stress on the respective bones. When the metal is present on both sides of the joint,a higher rate of bone stress can develop, as well as a higher rate of implant fracture and bone fracture. Design improvements persist even now, and there are many surgeons who prefer to use implants with two sides rather than one-side despite this history, usually given their own success with using the two-sided design. While this author does not prefer the use of total joint implants in the big toe joint, contemporary designs are still very much a legitimate and effective way to improve joint motion and reduce pain, especially in the case of severe erosion of both sides of the joint surface.

Joint implants for big toe joint arthritis is a valuable option for relieving pain and improving foot function. There are some patients who should not use these implants, no matter what the design. These include very heavy and obese people and people with poor bone density or who heavily smoke and have decreased bone density as a result of nicotine on blood flow to the bone. They also include diabetics or others with significant nerve disease, as decreased sensation can lead to excessive foot joint pressures and eventual destruction. People with big toe joint implants also need to keep in mind that motion is rarely ever 100% improved, and most of the time squatting over one's toes is not comfortable due to some restriction of motion that the presence of an artificial joint creates. However, in the big picture, these implants are more reliable, more durable, and are less likely to become infected than larger implants like those in the hips and knees, and they rarely ever have to be removed or replaced.

Is There a Totally Natural Way of Combating Arthritis and Joint Pain?

Arthritis may be the oldest and most treated disease in the history of mankind, with evidence from the remains of the earliest human beings to walk our planet, showing that they too, suffered from Arthritis. Coming up-to-date, it's now estimated that more than 80% of people over the age of 50, and many people under this age, are now suffering from this crippling disease.

Most people are aware that Arthritis causes tremendous pain, discomfort and distress for these millions of people all over the world. In particular they know that Osteoarthritis, or the wearing down of the joints over time, can even lead to the point where some people find themselves needing to take powerful drugs, have replacement joints, or even losing their mobility completely.

Fortunately, extensive research, some of which utilises centuries-old proven ingredients, has shown us that there are a number of completely natural vitamins, minerals and herbs, which have been shown in numerous clinical studies, to provide a very effective and totally natural, relief and treatment of Arthritis, inflammation and other joint conditions. JointEase has been designed around these natural products.

You will see by reading the following description of the ingredients, and the benefits that they bring, just what a safe, totally natural, drug-free and effective product JointEase is; but it's also important to state that it has no known side-effects, or problems with any other medication that a person might be taking, and as such produces only positive results, unlike many prescription drugs!

Glucosamine HCL - many studies have shown that Glucosamine, a naturally occurring substance, is able to treat the original cause of Osteoarthritis, rather than just alleviating it's symptoms. By providing the body with the building blocks that it needs to repair the cartilage and hence the damage done to the joints, very significant improvements can be seen over time. Most nutritional formulations that contain Glucosamine, contain Glucosamine Sulphate, but the Joint Ease formula utilises Glucosamine Hydrochloride (HCL) which has been shown to be much more powerful and more readily absorbed by the body than Glucosamine Sulphate. To give a comparison, one would need to take almost 700mg of Glucosamine Sulphate, to even compare with the potency of the 400mg of Glucosamine Hydrochloride in every tablet of Joint Ease.

Chondroitin Sulphate - extensive research has shown that incredible results in the battle against Arthritis can be achieved by combining Glucosamine, with another naturally occurring substance, Chondroitin. The reason for this is that Chondroitin boosts the production of cartilage, inhibits the enzymes that can destroy it, promotes the nourishment of the cartilage cells, and contributes to the protection of the joints. The chemical structure of Chondroitin has been shown to create a shock absorbing space within the cartilage tissue, leading to enhanced protection, better lubrication and nutrient transport. This means that cartilage that is normally destroyed by Arthritis, can stay strong, flexible and healthy.

MSM or Methyl Sulphonyl Methane - is a naturally occurring form of biological Sulphur, which is a nutrient found in all living organisms and foods. Much research has shown that it has a very powerful ability to relieve the pain of inflamed joints, which is one of the worst consequences of Arthritis. As MSM increases the flexibility of cells, it allows fluids and most importantly toxins to pass through the cell, preventing the pressure build up that causes inflammation and subsequent cartilage damage. Sulphur is also a vital element, which must be present in order for the body to be able to produce and regenerate cartilage. A number of studies have shown that low levels of Sulphur are almost always reported in people suffering from Osteoarthritis.

Lecithin - a purified form of Choline, which has been shown to be essential in maintaining the shape and integrity of the cells of the body. It also enables the movement of nutrients such as fats, in and out of cells, and as such is a vital component in maintaining the correct nutrition of the cartilage cells.

Vitamin C - this crucial vitamin is a very powerful anti-oxidant, and it is very well reported that people suffering from Arthritis, who also have a high level of anti-oxidants within their system, show a much slower rate of joint deterioration, particularly within specific joints such as the knees. Vitamin C is also needed to make collagen, which is a key component of cartilage; and has been shown to be very effective in reducing inflammation and infection.

Turmeric - contains a powerful element known as Circumin, which is a very powerful anti-oxidant. In addition to this, it has also been shown to reduce inflammation, and increase circulation; two factors that are crucial to maintaining healthy joint cartilage.

Devils Claw - this herb has a powerful pain relieving and anti-inflammatory action, two features that illustrate why it has been widely used in Europe for the treatment of Arthritis for many years. In addition it has been shown to have properties that aid digestion, leading to better absorption of nutrients, and subsequent benefits for optimum joint repair.

Beta-sitosterol - is a naturally occurring plant sterol, which has been proven to have a number of benefits that are of great value to Arthritis sufferers. Firstly, it is a very powerful, natural anti-inflammatory, which can help to reduce the swelling of arthritic joints. Secondly, it boosts the immune system, leaving the body more able to fight disease, and build healthy cartilage.

Ginger - this herb has been used in the fight against Arthritis by traditional Chinese medicine for over 2,500 years. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, stimulates digestion, and also enables the nutrients necessary to prevent Arthritis to be properly absorbed.

Bromelain - is a type of enzyme derived from pineapples, which shows positive results as an anti-inflammatory, and boosts the immune system, thereby promoting speedier recovery time from joint injuries, promotes good circulation.

Boswellia Serrata - this natural plant extract has been shown to have both a strong anti-inflammatory action, but also an inability to inhibit the substances in the body that can go on to cause future inflammation; both of which give great benefits to the Arthritis sufferer.

Celery Seed - this plant operates as a powerful anti-inflammatory within the body, and has been used as a natural remedy over many years.

Magnesium - this mineral is very important to the Arthritis sufferer as it helps to prevent Calcium from being excreted from the body, enabling it to form strong bones, and cartilage.

Grape Seed Extract - is a very powerful anti-oxidant, and is very important in the production of collagen, the vital component of healthy cartilage, and joint mobility.

Zinc - this mineral is a natural component of more than 300 enzymes, which are necessary to repair injuries, boost immunity, maintain good health, and help to decrease inflammation and joint stiffness.

Manganese - this mineral is crucial component in the building of new cartilage, and is also very important in one of the body's key anti-oxidant enzymes.

Copper - this mineral is very important to many different processes of the body, and in particular is very important in the production of collagen, and also helps to fight the oxygen free radicals that contribute to damaging inflammation.

Beta Carotene - derived from plants, is converted by the body into Vitamin A, which is of great importance in maintaining healthy cells, and fighting disease. It also acts as an anti-oxidant, and an immune system booster, and it has been shown that people deficient in Beta Carotene are more likely to develop Arthritis.

Selenium - activates a very important anti-oxidant in the body, and also has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Vitamin D - helps to maintain the body's levels of calcium, which are crucial to good bone formation, while at the same time it boosts the immune system.

JointEase is quite simply the most successful product of it's kind in the world, as it gives better results for more people, than any other. So even after a sufferer has tried other natural products in the past, and found that they haven't given the required, results that you were looking for, we strongly recommend that you try JointEase, as it works very successfully for most people.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Natural Supplement For Knee Pain: Will It Give Ultimate Pain Relief?

We employ our knees in most of our body movements. With continuous bone to bone contact, the cartilage can wear out. For that reason knee joint pain is among the most frequent troubles amongst seniors these days. It is typically a part of getting old.

In order to reduce knee pain, health professionals frequently prescribe cortisone shots or an anti-inflammatory drug. The mentioned treatments give temporary relief only yet don't do anything to solve the condition and take it away once and for all. The problem is removed temporarily but the patient with left with the same condition. At times it becomes a whole lot worse when it recurs.

Now and again, pain reliever plus anti-inflammatory drugs accompany terrible unwanted effects. With regular use, cardiac problems can rise or develop. Others negative effects are bleeding, ulcer, perforation of the stomach or intestine. These conditions can be fatal putting seniors at a higher risk. So, it's not worth taking the risk. Do not rely on over-the-counter or prescribed pain killers. These prescription drugs only take away the pain but don't address the real cause of knee pain.

A good natural supplement can certainly give relief from pain and at the same time an even better condition. Cartilage building supplements support cartilage re-growth without side effects. It neither interacts with other supplements that the patient takes. Consequently, it offers the very best knee pain treatment found in the market these days.

The reason why medical doctors do not usually recommend natural supplements is that they receive little training in utilizing natural solutions to address illness. They have little or no clue regarding their nutrition. Also, huge pharmaceutical companies have little fascination with natural solutions simply because they can't be patented. They offer financing for studies on various other medications as well as offer prescription samples and other advantages for medical practitioners to ensure that the latter will suggest them. This has something regarding revenue.

Because of the negative side effects brought by prescription drugs, individuals have began searching for alternative solutions. Natural supplements for ailments and diseases are getting attention from these individuals these days. With the type of treatment of pain relievers as well as side effects of doctor prescribed medicines, re-growing knee cartilage by natural means would be the very best option for you.

I am not suggesting to disregard your doctor's advice. You just might wish to give consideration to trying a natural supplement for knee pain. Natural supplements for knee pain treatment commonly make use of glucosamine and chondroitin - ingredients that have been proven to help resolve joint problems.

Arthritis Symptoms - Signs You Need To Keep Tabs On

Arthritis is one of the most common diseases people across the globe suffer from. Although this disease is common in old age, you can even see a lot of youngsters and middle aged people suffering from this problem, these days.

Once this problem arises, you cannot do anything about it except eating medicines for pain relief or applying topical creams or oil. However, some of the medical experts these days even claim to have found out various effective methods to treat this disease.

Most experts in medical field feel that early diagnose of this disease is really important in order to control the disease and getting relief from pain. In order to diagnose the disease at its early stages, you must look out for potential symptoms of this disease. This will help you a lot to combat pain this disease comes with.

Here are some of the most common arthritis symptoms you should watch out for in order to diagnose this disease on time.

The symptom mentioned here is divided in to many groups as arthritis itself is divided into several categories:

A) Common symptoms

- Weakness in muscle

- Weight loss

- Fatigue

- Excess perspiration at night

- Hair loss

- Dryness in eyes and mouth

- Symptoms of inflammation or infection such as rash, swollen lymph nodes or fever

- Chest pain

- Small ulcers of mouth and nose

- Sensibility of the hands to cold

B) Severe symptoms

a) Joint pain

Arthritis usually starts with joint pain and stiffness. It is also not abnormal to notice certain abnormalities such as swelling, tenderness and restricted movement of one or more joints when you undergo a physical examination.

b) Stiffness

Stiffness after resting for a while is common in the cases of inflammatory arthritis. This is usually experienced in the morning.

c) Excess pain

The pain suffered due to arthritis is aggravated when moving or picking up weight. This is soon relieved by rest. The effect is seen in one or both sides of the body.

d) Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

The disease is also known as Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease. This is a condition where inflammation of low-grade in joints. The disease usually results in wearing of the cartilage covering and acting as a cushion inside joints.

e) Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

This type of Arthritis is considered to be a chronic condition by medical experts. It results in an extremely painful condition that ultimately results in loss of mobility due to pain and joint destruction.

f) Symptoms of Gout Arthritis

This type of arthritis usually results in sudden as well as severe attacks in the big toe. However, any of the joint can be affected.

g) Symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis Arthritis

It is also a chronic inflammatory disease of the spine and often so mild that it cannot be detected.

h) Symptoms of Juvenile arthritis

This is a condition common in adults and children. The disease can be characterized by severe pain in the joints.

i) Symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis

Here the Bone and joint tissues get inflamed. It can also affect the whole body.

Watch out for any of the symptoms mentioned above and rush for medical help.

How to Cure TMJ Pain Permanently With No Surgery

Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders (TMJDs), commonly called TMJ, are a collection of poorly understood conditions characterized by pain in the jaw and surrounding tissues and limitations in jaw movements. TMJ is a disorder that arises when the jaw is improperly aligned, and it can cause many different painful symptoms. TMJ is the commonly used acronym for temporomandibular joint disorder. Treatment for TMJ depends on the severity and extent of the individual's condition. Treatment with drugs that prevent chronic tension-type headache is often effective, particularly the tricyclic antidepressants.

Between 5 and 15 percent of people in the United States experience pain associated with TMJ disorders, according to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, part of the National Institutes of Health. Some patients have experienced worsening conditions due to guards- If your TMJ is caused by having a bad bite then your specialist may require dental therapy or restoration. TMJ treatment may range from conservative dental and medical care to complex surgery. Symptoms may relate to your bite and how they can successfully be treated by a health care professional that has special education in managing these disorders. Symptoms of TMJ disorder The most common symptom of TMJ disorder is pain, with intense discomfort not just in the face and jaw joint, but also the neck and shoulders.

Many medical and dental insurance plans do not pay for treatment of jaw joint and muscle disorders, or only pay for some procedures. TMJ is a disorder that arises when the jaw is improperly aligned, and it can cause many different painful symptoms. TMJ disorders can bring headaches, facial paint enderness in the jaw clicking and grinding noises in the jaw difficulty in opening the mouth as if the jaw were locked and even or uncomfortable bite trouble chewing certain food saching in or near the ear.

Depending on the severity of the TMJ, there are many effective treatments that range from specific muscle relaxing exercises to costly surgery. People tried The TMJ no more program and the TMJ help program, but they recommend the TMJ Help program. The program first explains your TMJ problem and then gives you a simple, step-by-step program that is aimed specifically at your causes for TMJ.

Surgery to cure temporomandibular joint pain may be performed as the last resort, provided that you have tried all the alternative treatment options. The treatments that ended up helping TMJ the most involved improving overall posture and body alignment and loosening up my tight muscles.

Ear Pain Causes and Symptoms

Ear pain is one of the chief complaints for both adults and children. It is important for the cause of the ear pain to be determined before tying to treat the symptom. This can be the symptom of a direct cause or an indirect cause (pain which originates from another region of the body and radiates into the ear). Treatment of ear pain will depend entirely on the underlying cause. Treatment can range from antibiotics to surgery. In fact for some causes of it, there is no real way to prevent the pain, only to treat the symptom itself. It is important to take care of your ears by avoiding loud environments without protection and keeping all objects including cotton swabs our of the ear canal.

Some of the more common causes of ear pain are:

* Ear trauma

This includes slapping or blunt force on the exterior of the ear, loud sounds or blasts of sounds, and excessive ear picking.

* Ear conditions

Ear conditions vary and can be from bacteria causing ear infections, middle ear infection or otitis media. Having a build up of wax holding fluid in can cause pain. Swimmer's ear is when water becomes trapped in the ear canal and causes pain. A foreign object stuck in the ear, a perforation of the tympanic membrane, a boil in the canal, cold sores or ulcers in the ear canal and cancer of the ear are all types of ear conditions that can cause pain. There are far too many ear conditions to list them all, this is only a list of some of the more common conditions.

* External ear pain

Again these can be external ear trauma that does not impact the inner or middle ear. External hematoma, boils, or skin cancer can cause external pain of the ear.

* Underlying causes of referred ear pain

This is when pain originates in one place and radiates into the ear. Dental work or periodontal abscess, along with other dental disorders often cause ear pain. Infections of the throat or sinus passage way, along with tonsillitis, pharyngitis tumors or cancer of the tongue, larynx, or spine can cause ear pain. TMJ disorder or jaw arthritis are tow skeletal disorders that can cause ear pain. Barotrauma which often referred to as ear popping when a person is involved in air travel or scuba diving. Certain kinds of nerve disorders can cause this; as can various skin disorders such as eczema and dermatitis. Glue ear is relatively unheard of but actually is the culprit of many ear pain patients. It is a condition when the fluid accumulates in the middle ear.

Again treatment for ear pain depends upon the underlying cause. The list above barely scratches the surface of the under lying cause that could be resulting in pain. When ever you have ear pain or ringing in your ears, you should contact your health care professional for medical treatment. Only a trained health care professional we be able to determine what the cause is.

TMJ Exercises

TMJ exercises can be an effective way to treat Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome from home, but it is important that you are following the correct TMJ exercise program. There are many websites out there that claim to have the latest and greatest techniques, but they are not all as effective as they claim to be.

TMJ is a condition where a person experiences pain focused in the Temporomandibular Joint, which is the joint that connects your jawbone to your head. Because this joint is often used, the person will experience pain while moving through their daily life functions-- small things such as eating and talking will cause pain because they will be causing the jaw to move.

The pain from this condition can be severe, a person experiencing TMJ symptoms may experience several symptoms including: a clicking in their jaw, pain when the jaw is moved, ear pain, frequent headaches, and soreness in the jaw joint.

There are several exercises that can be done from the comforts of your own home to help relieve your TMJ symptoms. These TMJ exercises should be followed on a regular basis, it is important to keep up with your treatment plan so that your symptoms do not relapse.

The purpose of completing TMJ exercises is to relax the muscles in the jaw that are causing you pain. It is very common for a person experiencing these symptoms to have tight muscles in their jaw joint, which in turn clamps down on the nerves in that area. If you want to find relief from your pain, you should relax those muscles so that the blood can flow freely and the muscles are not strained.

Arthritis Cream - How to Choose Effective Ones

If you or one of your family members is suffering with arthritis then you may have tried various prescriptions and oral based treatments. It has been found that one of the best ways to relieve the pain and symptoms of arthritis is by applying arthritis cream to the affected joints. It is often believed that creams and ointments are preferential in some patients as they do not cause any damage to internal organs or produce ulcers of the stomach.

There are plenty of cream based products available in the market that can help to alleviate the pain. They range from pharmaceutical to homeopathic based solutions. It is important to choose the right arthritis cream for you. The success of such treatments can vary depending on the severity and the form of arthritis that is present.

One of the longest used and most recommended products is Arnica. This is a plant of the sunflower family that commonly occurs in temperate regions. It has been successfully used to treat arthritis and similar ailments since the sixteenth century. It is now possible to purchase arthritis creams that contain high dosages of Arnica.

Another proven treatment involves the application of castor oil based creams. These are suggested to be applied to the concerned area at regular intervals to help ease the pain. Some homeopaths will advise the use of Tiger balm and similar products. Many of these balms also contain camphor, clove, and menthol.

An ingredient contained in many prescribed arthritis creams is capsaicin. This is what is known as a "hot" treatment as it creates a burning sensation when applied. The active chemical is derived from the chilli plant. It works by activating nerve cells which then in turn send signals to the brain to release endorphins.

Pharmaceutical based ointments that have proved to be successful may contain glucosamine, chondroitins, and hyaluronic acid. These are especially effective when combined with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or aspirin.

Whichever cream is used it is always useful to fully research any possible side-effects. Certain preparations can cause reactions such as skin irritation, blistering, stinging, and in some cases inflammation. It is best to discuss any potential treatment with your GP so that you can be sure that the application is suitable for your body. It must be stated that any arthritis cream that is chosen should not be applied to areas of wounds, the eyes or the mouth.

Laser Therapy: Conditions That It's Used For

Laser therapy uses monochromatic light emissions from a low power laser. It is used to treat many conditions including musculoskeletal injuries, degenerative and chronic conditions and some wounds. This technology enhances the body's natural process for healing.

There are conditions that conventional therapies are inadequate. For these health problems, laser therapy can offer a great deal of relief. These conditions include carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, ligament or tendon tears, soft tissue injuries, herniated discs, tendinitis, bursitis, spinal stenosis, and so on. Some of the other illnesses and conditions include ulcers, burns, shingles, gout, and arthritis. This is merely a partial list of the conditions that this type of treatment may be beneficial for.

Using this type of treatment offers many advantages that a patient will not find with other types of treatment. To begin with, this is a non-invasive procedure. There is no surgery involved. Also, this non-toxic treatment is highly effective and features a cure rate of around 95%. It has no known harmful side effects and is easy to use. This therapy has other positive effects as well. For example, the immune system is stimulated and the natural healing process is enhanced, resulting in tissue regeneration.

For years, therapies such as ultrasound and TENS have been used exclusively for pain treatment and to stimulate the healing process. These types of treatments have been a disappointment to some because they seem to only tone down the symptoms but do not promote the natural healing process. One benefit that this type of treatment has over many of the other types is that it is not harmful to other tissue. Cells that are functioning normally are not adversely impacted by the use of low intensity lasers.

When used for pain or other medical conditions, the number of treatment required may vary. The biggest factor is the individual that is receiving the treatment and their own response to it. A single treatment can last anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. The prices vary as does insurance coverage

Another use for laser therapy is smoking cessation. Although it is not covered by insurance, a typical smoker will spend approximately 1/3 the amount they spend annually on cigarettes to pay the cost of this type of therapy. The laser must be applied to very specific points on the face, ears, wrists, and hands that are associated with nicotine addiction. When used for smoking cessation, there is usually only one treatment with other sessions available if needed.

Lasers are also used by veterinarians to treat animals with chronic pain and age related diseases. Vets can use this treatment to help reduce inflammation and promote healing in tissue that is damaged. This treatment can help a pet that is suffering with arthritis, degenerative joint disease, post surgical pain, and so on. This is a safe and effective way to help improve the quality of life and restore the mobility in your elderly pets.

Laser therapy, although still under a lot of experimentation, is a practical and non evasive way to help doctors care for their patients. Over time, the use of lasers will no doubt advance even further than it is right now.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Yoga - The Antidote to Arthritis and a Key to Healthy Aging

Forty years ago, when I first became interested in yoga and therapeutic exercise, I was assisting an older woman who was immobilized in her wheelchair by arthritis. Long before I understood the degree to which yoga can rehabilitate the body, I was helping people who were unable to dress, bathe or feed themselves independently due to the pain and stiffness in their joints. This has helped me understand the extreme suffering that can be inflicted by arthritis.

Back then, people with joint pain and swelling were advised by doctors not to move! The thinking was "If it hurts, don't move it." We now know that inactivity is one of the worst responses for someone with arthritis.

As Loren Fishman, MD, points out in his book, Yoga for Arthritis, "Arthritis restricts movement, yoga increases range of motion-these two were made for each other."

Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in this country, limiting everyday activities for millions of people. Drugs, surgeries, and steroids can alleviate some of the discomforts, but study after study has shown that exercise is most beneficial to most forms of arthritis, specifically low-impact, flexibility-enhancing exercises such as yoga.

Osteoarthritis, a painful and often debilitating condition caused by decades of wear and tear on the joints, is considered to be one the side effects of living longer. By the time we reach age sixty-five, X-rays for at last a third of us will show some signs of osteoarthritis, the most common of a group of diseases collectively referred to as arthritis.

Arthritis in its many forms affects more than seventy million (or one in three) American adults, according to estimates by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Arthritis is so common in our culture that most people consider the pain and discomfort it brings to be a normal part of aging. Arthritis makes normal activities increasingly painful and difficult and diminishes or destroys the quality of life.

An Overview of Arthritis

The word arthritis means "joint inflammation." Modern medicine recognizes more than a hundred varieties of conditions that produce deterioration in joint structures. The common thread among these conditions is that they all affect the joints-those nearly 150 ingeniously designed structures located where two or more bones come together.

Arthritis-related joint problems may include pain, stiffness, inflammation and damage to joints. Joint weakness, instability and visible deformities may occur, depending on the location of the joint involved.

Arthritis is classified into two main types. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder, resulting in stiffness in the joints and muscles, joint erosion and pain. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disorder that erodes the cartilage in joints, which leads to bones rubbing together. Osteoarthritis frequently occurs in people who are overweight or whose joints are painful from extreme overuse.

In spite of the prevalence of arthritis, be careful not to jump to the conclusion that your achy joints are necessarily due to it. Overuse and injuries can also result in tendonitis, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and other fairly common conditions that are unrelated to arthritis.

Arthritis and Exercise

To remain healthy, muscles and joints must move and bear weight or they will lose strength. This weakness, coupled with joint swelling, will make the joints unstable. Joints in this condition are vulnerable to dislocation, increased injury and pain. Thus, regular gentle movement helps to reduce pain and to maintain mobility.

Physical movement promotes health in many systems of the body. It increases circulation, which in turn reduces swelling and promotes delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. With immobilization, a cycle of deterioration begins.

Because movement is crucial to so many physiological processes, the arthritic person's overall health tends to deteriorate without it. The normal functioning of the immune system declines, infections and illnesses occur, and the person often becomes frustrated and depressed. This cycle is self-perpetuating.

When someone comes to me with arthritis, I teach them how to practice yoga safely with the support of yoga props. For those who are new to yoga, the term "yoga props," simply refers to any object, such as a wall, a sturdy table or a chair, a folded blanket, a firm pillow, a strap or other item that makes practicing yoga safer and easier. Yoga props are especially helpful for older beginners who may have balance problems and are coping with common health issues such as arthritis and osteoporosis. In addition to common household objects that can be used as yoga props, there are professional yoga props such as a sturdy wooden bar known as the "yoga horse," yoga wall ropes, yoga bolsters in many shapes and sizes, yoga straps, special yoga chairs, yoga blocks, firm yoga blankets and more elaborate props like yoga backbenders that give people with arthritis and other common health conditions new hope and confidence.

Physicians are increasingly advising regular gentle exercise for people with arthritis because it tones muscles and reduces stiffness in joints. Yoga is an ideal form of exercise for this because its movements are fluid and adaptable. Yoga loosens muscles that have been tightened by inactivity, stress and tension. In yoga we progress gradually, beginning with simple stretches and strengthening poses and advancing to more difficult postures only as we become stronger and more flexible.

If necessary, you can begin with gentle movements while sitting in a chair or lying on the floor. You can gradually add weight-bearing standing postures, with the support of a wall, counter or table, wall ropes, chairs, blocks, and other props.

The weight-bearing yoga standing poses are among the key poses for safely increasing range of motion in all the joints as well as increasing strength and flexibility.

It's important to note that weak muscles are considered a risk factor for osteoarthritis. Be especially aware of weakness in the quadriceps, the large frontal thigh muscles: The weaker the quadriceps, the higher the risk of developing osteoarthritis in the knee. Yoga standing poses are valuable for strengthening the quadriceps without wear and tear on the hip and knee joints.

Practicing yoga can help improve respiration throughout the day. Calm, slow, rhythmic breathing helps to release both physical and emotional tension by flooding the body and brain with oxygen. The regular, daily practice of deep relaxation is restorative to every cell of the body.

I encourage those of you with arthritis to seek the help of an experienced teacher who can help you learn to distinguish between good pain and bad pain and to make yoga part of your daily life.

The positive effects yoga can have on mood and overall outlook are especially important to someone with arthritis. A yoga class offers positive support and the opportunity to connect with people who are health-minded and have experienced the benefits of yoga. Numerous studies emphasize the value of group support in coping with health challenges such as arthritis.

With arthritis, as with any injury or disease, listen to your body with focused attention to avoid injury and determine which movements are most healing. Take classes with a teacher who is knowledgeable about arthritis. If you are new to yoga, I recommend a few private lessons, if possible, or start in a small group class with individualized instruction, where you can practice at your own pace.

Guidelines for Practicing Yoga in Class and at Home

1. Respect pain. All yoga students, but especially those with arthritis, must learn the difference between the beneficial feeling of muscles stretching and the pain that signals harm. Learn to distinguish between the normal discomfort of moving stiff joints through range of motion, and the pain caused by a destructive movement or an excessive demand on a joint. Sudden or severe pain is a warning. Continuing an activity after such a warning may cause joint damage.

In general, if pain and discomfort persists more than two hours after a yoga session, ask a knowledgeable teacher to check your alignment and help you modify the pose. Try moving more slowly, practicing more regularly and experiment with how long to stay in a pose. There is no set answer to the perennial question "How long should I stay in the pose?" Stay long enough so that a healthy change has been made but not so long that your body stiffens from staying in a position too long.

2. Balance work and rest. Balancing activity and rest applies to yoga as well as to other daily activities. Do not exercise to the point of fatigue. Stop before you are exhausted! Weakened, fatigued muscles set the stage for joint instability and injury. Balance your active yoga session with yoga's deeply relaxing restorative poses. Restorative poses are passive poses that help your internal healing processes to work. If you are fatigued, practice restorative poses first. You will benefit more from active, more challenging poses, if you are well rested.

3. Practice with focus and awareness (pay attention to how you feel) and breathe properly. Avoid mechanical repetitions and counting while exercising. Watch the flow of your breath and your body's response to a particular pose or exercise. Without fully expanding your lungs, the muscles you are exercising cannot be adequately supplied with oxygen. Holding your breath while stretching inhibits relaxation. Smooth, peaceful, rhythmic breathing through the nose reduces pain and tension and increases the feeling of deep relaxation that follows a yoga session. Learn to tune into what your body is telling you.

4. Learn to use yoga props. People with arthritis may already be quite stiff by the time they start yoga. The use of props helps improve blood circulation and breathing capacity. By supporting the body in a yoga posture, props allow the muscles to lengthen in a passive, non-strenuous way. Props help conserve energy and allow people to practice more strenuous poses without hurting or over exerting themselves.

Yoga for Arthritic Hips and Knees

The areas most commonly affected by arthritis are the hips, knees and hands. With decreased movement, the muscles and soft tissues around the hip shorten, putting additional wear and tear on the gliding surfaces. If a person becomes more sedentary in an effort to minimize pain, bones and cartilage receive less weight-bearing stimulation. Bone spurs may even develop to further limit movement.

Lack of exercise also weakens the thigh and calf muscles. Their strength provides stability and support for the knee. When the soft tissues of the joint swell, this causes compression and reduces space in the joint even further.

Standing poses are crucial for stretching and building supportive strength in the hips, buttocks and thighs. Moving the head of the femur in the hip socket helps distribute synovial fluid, thus lubricating the joint and all points of contact.

The same standing poses recommended for hips are also critical for knee rehabilitation. They create more space in the knee joint for synovial fluid circulation and develop the strength of the thigh and calf muscles for better support.

Sit on the Floor Every Day!

I encourage all my students, especially those with osteoarthritis of the knees, to sit on the floor every day, in various cross-legged and other bent knee positions, as part of their daily life routine. This helps assure that you do not lose the ability to sit comfortably on the floor. Sitting with the legs crossed loosely is a simple, natural position that helps remove stiffness in the hips and knees. To help you sit comfortably on the floor with your back straight, sit on one or more folded blankets, a firm bolster, large dictionary or other height. Avoiding sitting on the floor will only make your hips and knees stiffer with the passage of time.

Hint: If there is pain in the knees, try increasing the height under the buttock so that your pelvis is higher than the knees, and place folded blankets or yoga blocks under the knees. A knowledgeable yoga teacher can help you adjust your props so that sitting on the floor becomes easy and comfortable. Increase the length of time you sit gradually, and be sure to cross your legs the opposite way (opposite leg in front).

Caution: Do not strain your knees by attempting to sit prematurely in more advanced, bent-knee positions such as the classic Lotus Pose. Forcing your body into any position can result in serious injury. STOP if you feel pain, and consult a knowledgeable teacher.

4 Common Causes of Elbow Joint Pain

Are you suffering from elbow joint pain? If so, then it's important to know everything you can about it, in order to treat it. Here are some of the most common conditions and diseases that cause these pains.

1. Arthritis.  It's important to understand that several types of arthritis exist. However, usually indicators of inflammation in joints of elbows are the source. This can result in several symptoms, including swelling, pain, tenderness, and lowered range of motion. The decreased range of motion results from inflamed joints that limit it.

2. Infected joints of elbows. This source of elbow joint pain is fairly uncommon. It involves bacteria infecting the joints of elbows. Typically patients with diabetes or poor immune systems; or those taking cortisone medicines suffer from this disorder. Common symptoms include redness, swelling, pain, and heat. People with this type of arthritis often experience chills, fevers, and perspiring. This type of arthritis needs antibiotics and frequently requires drainage via surgery.  

3. Tumors. It's uncommon for people to suffer tumors in the joints of their elbows. Tumors can be painless or painful (in the joints of the elbows). X-Ray testing and nuclear bone scanning are helpful for detecting tumors.

4. Ulnar nerve entrapment. The ulnar nerve is the "funny bone" that's located between the end of elbows and the inside bone of elbows. A "pinching" sensation, known as entrapment, can cause the pain. When this occurs, you can feel a tickly sensation in the pinky and the finger beside it. It's also possible to feel pain throughout the entire forearm. When this happens, the agility of your hand can become impaired. Sometimes raising the hand can cause lack of sensation in the area.

If you need an all-natural way to treat elbow joint pain, you could try Joint Advance. It uses ingredients from Mother Nature to provide your joints with the nutrients they require. 

Joint Pain Relief For the Obese

How much do you know about rheumatism?

You probably know it's related to pain in the joints. Yes, joints are only one affected area. Therefore, rheumatism is a broad term that also includes inflammation of bones, muscles, tendons and even internal organs. But let's focus only on joint pain with you here.

What Causes Joint Pain?

The two most common causes of joint pain are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Other factors can be sprain, fracture, gout in the big toes, septic arthritis or polyarthritis.

Let's take a closer look at osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis (OA)

It's a condition where spurs grow and cartilage degenerates in the joints, leading to joint pain. It's also known as "wear-and-tear" arthritis. Some symptoms are:

-- The stiffness in the joints disappears within 30 minutes from the time the patient wakes up but aggravates later in the day after repetitive use or after a prolonged inactivity.

-- Starts with one joint.

-- Often happens in large joints or joints related to knee and hip.

-- An affected joint tends to look a little larger than normal. This is due to abnormal growth of the bone next to damaged cartilage.

-- More common than rheumatoid arthritis.

-- Slow and gradual pain.

-- Usually affects older people.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

This is an autoimmune disorder due to the malfunction of certain immune cells in the patient's body which attacks the joints. Hence, he'll encounter the following symptoms:

-- Morning stiffness lasts more than 30 minutes.

-- Warmth, swelling and pain often begins with the small joints of hands and wrists near the palm or the small joints of toes.

-- Affected joints are usually symmetrical such as the same joints on both hands.

-- Can also trigger fever, fatigue, depression, loss of appetite, dry eyes and chest pain.

-- Can lead to joint deformities.

How does Obesity Worsen the Condition?

Although doctors have yet to prove if obesity causes rheumatism, they believe excess weight certainly doesn't help the patients. In fact, they believe obesity will increase the risk of both OA and RA.

That's because the excess weight will add more pressure on the inflamed joints, aggravating the pain, especially in the affected joint areas around knees, spinal cord and hip.

Currently, there are no cures for OA and RA but the treatments can help to relieve pain and improve joint movement so that patients can still go about their daily tasks.

The treatment often comes as a program - medications, physical and occupational therapy, reduction of joint stress and sometimes surgery. But if a patient is also obese, weight loss will inevitably become part of the program.

Right Exercise can Help Obese OA / RA Patient

1. Flexibility exercises help to maintain or improve the flexibility in affected joints and surrounding muscles. This contributes to better posture, reduced risk of injuries and improved function.

2. Strengthening exercises are more vigorous to work muscles a bit harder. Stronger muscles can better support the joints and cushion the shock impact to the painful joint. They also assist in better function and reduce bone loss due to inactivity, inflammatory arthritis and use of certain medications such as corticosteroids.

3. Aerobic exercises such as walking and swimming are good for weight control as they work off the excess fats and replace with useful muscles. For even better fat-burning results, you can engage in anaerobic exercises like strength training. But you must consult your doctor and make sure to have a certified trainer to guide you along such high-intensity exercises that can cause injuries pretty easily.

4. Body awareness exercises improve posture, balance, joint position awareness, coordination and relaxation. This is especially important as the patient's sense of balance and coordination may be impaired due to the illness.

Natural Arthritis Diet for Pain Relief

Stay away from acidic stuff like coffee, tea, sugar and alcohol. You should also cut down on intake of meat and seafood since these are high in cholesterol, saturated fats, salt and toxins. For best results, I suggest you include these natural vegetarian foods as a significant part of your diet:

a) Fruits - avocado

b) Vegetables - spirulina, wheat grass products, carrots, seaweeds, sprouts

c) Whole grains - millet, wheat, brown rice, barley and oats

d) Nuts - pecans

e) Soy and seeds - flaxseed, pumpkin and sesame

This natural diet serves to help you maintain a healthy weight. According to the Arthritis Foundation, for every pound of weight lost, there is a four-pound reduction in the load exerted on the knee for each step taken. Simply put, the less heavy you are, the less pain you suffer.

Last but not least, whether you're suffering from rheumatism or not, sticking to a healthy diet and regular exercise regime are always essential.

Arthritis, Bone and Joint Disease in Protection Dogs

Health problems like arthritis often referred to as degenerative joint disease affects not only humans, but also dogs as well. Arthritis is the breakdown of cartilage, which causes the bones to rub against each other. This will cause stiffness, pain and loss of movement in the joints. As a protection dog owner hopefully you do everything in your power to keep them healthy. Including things like giving them medicine to prevent things such as heart worms, making sure they have good nutrition, and have a loving home. You will also naturally notice changes in their mood and behavior. Your guard dog will become like another one of your children, and if they begin to act differently in the slightest way, you will be able to tell. If you notice your protection dog not feeling too well, there is a possibility it could be arthritis. Arthritis affects one out of every five dogs in the U.S, and is a source of unbelievable chronic pain.

Being that your personal protection dog will not be able to verbally tell you what is wrong with them, it is your responsibility to look for signs of arthritis. Some signs that your dog will show you is favoring a limb and difficulty sitting or standing, these symptoms obviously result from the chronic pain they are in. Also, their joint deterioration will cause them to have stiff or sore joints, and also a hesitancy to jump, run or climb stairs. If your guard dog, for example your Belgian Malinois has arthritis they will have a large decrease in activity and will begin to sleep more and be a lot less alert. If your dog experiences these symptoms for more than two weeks, take them to the vet to be evaluated for arthritis. Therapies for arthritis may include a healthy diet and regular exercise to maintain a proper weight. Drug treatments will also help relieve some of the constant pain your dog is experiencing. The most common treatment for arthritis is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Also over-the-counter treatments, such as pills or foods which contain glucosamine and fatty acids have been known to relieve symptoms of dog arthritis. Regardless of how it's done, making sure that your protection dog is happy and free of pain is the most important thing.

Osteoarthritis - Is There Any Modern Day Cure To This Disease?

One of the most feared and extremely debilitating diseases that are a major cause for partial and permanent disability in the world is osteoarthritis. The joints in the body, especially the limbs, are the most affected. There are extremely painful conditions leading to decreased movement, tenderness, inability to walk or make a fist formation and a host of other pseudo psychiatric effects.

Osteoarthritis has its origins in degenerative hereditary conditions and it goes down through the genes into the progenies. It is feasible that any joint in the body can be affected but the most common areas are the knees, hands, hips, spine and feet.

In extreme cases, there is permanent disfigurement too. Swelling in these areas is marked leading to a gradual limp in the gait and virtual inability to climb stairs. Pain gradually increases during the daytime and bedtime becomes unbearable or, at the very least, very uncomfortable. With the complete wearing off taking place in the cartilages, the bone joints rub against each other increasing the pain many fold. Even the slightest touching of one bonehead with the other in the missing cartilage area causes enormous pain.

Since the disease is degenerative in nature, osteoarthritis does not have a permanent cure. There may be medication for pain relief but that is purely temporary in nature. Steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs may be used to prevent worsening of the pain. Surgical treatments such as complete replacement and resurfacing procedures have been able to address the issue with some success but again, the costs involved in these procedures are astronomical. There are also continuous post-surgical medications that may become necessary depending upon the progress made.

Supplements For Joint Pain Relief: The Pain Can End

It starts out as a sore knee. As time progresses on, it turns into a soreness that will not go away. Before you know it, you have chronic knee pain. It can hinder your life in many ways, such as making getting around much more difficult. You may even feel like there is nothing you can do about it. You may have even considered radical surgical procedures to fix the issue. There is a less invasive, simpler procedure that simply requires a change in habits and the addition of a few supplements each day. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what supplements can help ease joint pain, as well as what each individual supplement does.

The first and perhaps most important supplement is Glucosamine. Glucosamine helps strengthen joints, as well as tendons, ligaments, and bones. Another supplement that is good to pair with Glucosamine is Chondroitin, which also helps aid in the process of strengthening bones, joints, and other connective tissue. It is important, however, that you avoid Chondroitin if you are allergic to shellfish, as that is usually the preferred source of Chondroitin.

To ease inflammation and pain that comes along with this particular issue, you can take supplements such as essential fatty acids, which are marketed as fish oil or flax seed oil. This will help reduce inflammation of tissues, as well as take away some of the associated pain.

Overall, it is important to do your homework and educate yourself about these particular supplements. As always, please check with your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen, and always follow the directions on the label.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mouth Guard Teeth Grinding Info That Has Bite

There is an avalanche of mouth guard teeth grinding cure info available online. Most of it is disseminated by affiliate marketers who are hoping to grab a quick buck without giving any real service or quality information to those who have a legitimate need for dental night guards for teeth grinding (bruxism) issues. Or for those who have a specific TMJ night guard requirement. Very rarely do you have an actual TMJ dentist giving you his professional opinion, which opinion has been formed after many years of actual practical bruxism (or TMJ) experience.

Some Context
Some quick context before we talk about some specifics revolving around the mouth guard teeth grinding points that will comprise the bulk of this article.

One of the reasons teeth grinding or bruxism is so common is due to a TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) disorder or problem. That is what is meant by the acronym TMJ. Indeed, TMJ symptoms are very serious. It should also be noted that the term TMJDs also refers to temporomandibular joint and the related muscle disorders. However, the more commonly known term is usually "TMJ." TMJ is a very painful and often restrictive health problem -- and it's fairly common as well. With TMJ patients, most are advised by their dentist to use custom mouth guards or a specific dental night guard with certain properties.

Even if you don't have a TMJ problem, using a dental night guard for grinding teeth is advised only after you talk to a dentist. While there are good custom mouth guards on the market, you should err on the side of caution by talking to your dentist first if you suspect your problem is especially problematic.

As you can hopefully surmise, a mouth guard is not the kind of product where one should arbitrarily use it without semblance of thoughtful consideration. Unless you are grinding your teeth during the night or if you have a specific TMJ issue, you should not use a mouth guard.

Treating teeth grinding can be resolved by way of a mouth guard. Also, TMJ symptoms can be resolved by using a good, quality dental night guard as well. But first, consider the problem. Self-diagnosis has its limitations. If money is an issue in seeing a dentist, then if you do decide upon a mouth guard for teeth grinding, then make sure there is an unimpeachable money-back guarantee. A 100% money-back guarantee is highly desirable.

First, though, consider the options out there.

Mouth Guard Teeth Grinding -- Things You Can Do to Help Resolve the Problem
With TMJ or bruxism treatments, there are some things you can do in addition to a mouth guard. Again, and sorry to be redundant, you should see a teeth grinding or bruxism or TMJ dentist to help you accordingly. You might need a good professional diagnosis so as to maximize your efforts to resolve the tooth grinding. Those treatments and proactive things you can do include:

  1. Jaw muscle exercises designed to strengthen the areas causing characteristic TMJ jaw popping, clicking and/or jaw pain, ear pain, headaches, etc. This is only relevant IF they accompany a teeth grinding problem.

  2. What to avoid, e.g., needlessly clenching the teeth, chewing gum, chewing on a pencil, biting lips or fingernails, etc. Doing these things or a combination thereof can cause or make the problem worse.

  3. Check your diet. Teeth grinding can be symptomatic of a parasite infestation in your colon or intestinal tract. According to Dr. Oz, 90 percent of people have some kind of parasite. He's not the only doctor who thinks so. Perhaps a good colon cleanse is needed as well. With a dental mouth guard and a colon cleanse, that may be all you need to resolve this problem.

Making money online is a primary undercurrent of the Internet. It's not inherently evil -- not at all. As long as a spirit of win/win truly pervades the transaction, it is fine. Just be aware of who is recommending something. I would much rather buy a mouth guard for teeth grinding recommended by a professional TMJ specialist dentist than a marketer. Self-diagnosis has its limits.

A good mouth guard can help your teeth grinding, but don't arbitrarily get one. Tread wisely. It's strongly advised that you get a night guard recommendation from an actual TMJ or bruxism dentist, from someone who has long experience therewith.

Patellofemoral Joint Replacement - What Exactly is Involved?

The total knee replacement (or arthroplasty) is a very common operation and brings great relief to many sufferers of osteoarthritis. A patellofemoral replacement is a much less common procedure and because of this is more difficult to find information on.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease characterized by the loss of articular cartilage and resulting in pain and deformity. The knee is a very common site for osteoarthritis. As this type of arthritis is typical in weight bearing joints, it is most common in the knee between the tibia (shin bone)and the femur (thigh bone). It is not unusual for there to be coinciding patellofemoral arthritic changes when the weight bearing surfaces are worn. This is why the patellofemoral joint is frequently replaced at the same time as the tibiofemoral joint.

What is more unusual is the isolated patellofemoral joint replacement. This is the joint between the femur and the patella (kneecap). It is unusual because the joint is considered minimally weight bearing and as such is usually less affected by years of use. This is why patellofemoral replacements are usually the result of a previous significant event such as a fracture or a long term anatomical difference. This is the reason the main weight bearing surfaces are intact in these cases.

In fitting with modern surgical practice, a patellofemoral replacement only replaces the affected areas. The prostheses used are very different from the traditional total knee replacements. The back surface of the kneecap is replaced along with the groove at the front of the femur, and that is all.

The rehabilitation following the surgery is basically the same as that of a total knee replacement. The time in hospital is often less however as there is less significant bony disruption and potentially less pain.

Because isolated patellofemoral osteoarthritis is usually the result of trauma, those undergoing a replacement tend to be younger. For this reason they have higher physical expectations of their replaced knee and they may not last as long as they would in a more elderly patient.

When health professionals talk of prosthesis failure the usual cause is prosthesis loosening. The materials used today are very resilient and it is not the replacement that usually fails but the junction between the replacement and the bone itself.

One of the key benefits of the patellofemoral replacement is that it does not significantly affect any future total knee replacements. This means that it can be performed in relatively young people and delay the need for total knee arthroplasty.

The ability to operate on younger people adds an extra step in the treatment chain and can result in osteoarthritis sufferers experiencing much less pain in the lead up to a total knee replacement.

The usual recommendations for arthritis sufferers still remain:

Lose Weight if possible
Increase exercise levels
Gain Quadriceps strength
Take appropriate analgesia

Patellofemoral osteoarthritis can be a life changing condition. It is always wise to investigate all non surgical options before going down the surgical route. If you have honestly done everything you can to hold back the pain of patellofemoral arthritis but have been unable to manage it, discuss the surgical options with your Consultant. They will let you know if you are suitable for this kind of surgery.

Claiming Compensation For A Hip Injury

Though the hip is one of the most robust parts of the body, due to its ball and socket structure, any injury in this area will invariably be extremely painful, restrictive and may result in long-term complications. Over a quarter of a million hip injuries are recorded in Britain every year, many the result of sports and vehicle accidents. A significant percentage of these injuries are caused by accidents in the workplace, and by slips and falls in public places. Hip injuries disproportionately affect the over-65 age group, as over time the strength of the bones deteriorates, making older people more susceptible to fractures and dislocations following a fall or blunt impact. Serious hip injuries beyond bruising, strains and sprains are likely to require hospital treatment, a length period of immobility and extensive physiotherapy. In the most severe cases hip replacement surgery may be required, and permanent physical restrictions and complications may result.

In the workplace, hip injuries are most commonly caused by slips on wet and greasy surfaces and by trips over materials discarded on floors. Other accidents at work which may cause damage to the hips include falls from heights, for example from scaffolding or ladders, and workers being struck by heavy items falling from height. Hip injuries are also caused by physical contact with heavy vehicles, especially in confined working environments such as warehouses and construction sites. Where a forklift or dumper truck used to transport materials reverses into a worker for example, the point of impact is usually around the waist and hip area. This may cause devastating crush-type injuries, which will often require lengthy reconstructive surgery. The causes of hip injuries in public places are similar to those in the workplace. Supermarket customers for example may slip and fall on wet floors or spilled produce, or trip on packaging materials left lying in aisles. Snow and ice in winter will pose a similar hazard. There have also been a number of cases in which shoppers have been crushed by stock crates on wheels, or vehicles reversing in the car park. These types of injuries regularly result in hip fractures and dislocations among elderly shoppers.

Even strains and sprains to muscles, tendons and ligaments that surround the hip can lead to long-term complications. Among these are tendonitis and bursitis. Bursitis is a condition where the small floating sac of fluid called the bursa, which protects the soft tissues, becomes inflamed, causing stiffness and pain around the joint. The condition may result from repetitive stress being placed on the hip, or from sudden physical trauma.

The most serious types of hip injury which attract the highest compensation awards normally involve what are known collectively as 'residual difficulties'. These may include damage to internal organs, such as the bladder, and related incontinence and loss of sexual function. Hip surgery carries its own inherent risks, including the possibility of a blood clot or infection developing, and the post-operative onset of pneumonia. Compensation awards for hip injuries vary widely, and may exceed 瞿80,000 in the event of serious residual difficulties following the original injury. Our team of solicitors have experience with all types of hip injury compensation claims. We operate on a No Win No Fee basis meaning if you win your case you keep all of the damages awarded, and if you lose you will not pay a penny.