Saturday, February 22, 2014

Memory Foam Dog Beds Can Help You Provide Love and Support For Your Dog

Memory foam beds are designed with your dog's comfort and health in mind. The memory foam really does have a "memory." It's designed to "give" or adapt to your dog's anatomy, providing support and comfort at key joints and muscle pressure points as he rests in it. Once your dog exits the bed, the four-inch thick foam rebounds to its original shape..

Memory foam dog beds have two benefits for your dog's quality sleep. The first is that the foam helps regulate your dog's temperature, keeping him warmer in the cold months and cooler in hot months. The second benefit is the beds are designed to be low to the ground, making it easier for elderly or injured pets to climb in and out. And these beds come with removable waterproof covers that protect the cushion beneath just in case your pet can't move fast enough to make it outside and has an "accident."

Deep Dish Dog Beds

These beds resemble a couch, and are shaped like an open-ended dish. Unlike your couch which Fido may prefer now, these 4-inch thick dog beds have a tufted bolster collar attached to one top edge. This provides security and support for your dog, since he can snuggle his backside against it. Oval fleece-lined beds have a silky smooth material, making sleep a pleasure. Round wrap-arounds create a circle that "wraps" around your dog, providing a sense of security vital to good sleep.

Dream Lounger dog beds

This memory foam dog bed is made for ultimate comfort. The fleece bedding has a water-resistant liner designed to keep the foam clean and dry, which helps prevent odor build up.

Orthopedic dog bed

Dogs give you affection, love and companionship all their lives. It's fitting that you return the favor, especially when your dog gets older. As your dog ages, he may suffer from painful degenerative joint diseases in sensitive joints when he moves or lays down. Because your dog may not be able to move fast enough to get outside, "accidents" happen, But these Orthopedic dog beds have sleeping areas covered with a highly absorbent fabric, and a removable, washable bolster.

Give your dog what he needs

Your dog gives you unconditional love all his life. Give him the same. Buy him a dog bed that he can be comfortable in and enjoy his canine power naps. He'll love you all the more for it, and may be with you a lot longer.

Equestrian Arthritis

Degenerative Joint diseases are commonly seen in humans and in pets such as dogs and cats but did you know that even horses fall prey to this condition? Horses are generally physically-active animals. They can stand for hours, gallop, jump and clear hurdles (for trained horses) of varying heights. But like humans and pets, they are susceptible to the everyday wear and tear of cartilages in the joints. This is inevitable and is the leading cause of degenerative joint diseases with ageing as a complementary cause.

Whether or not the horse is physically active or is a retired beast of burden, arthritis usually comes and is manifested by lameness. Standing alone provides a lot of pressure to the horse's joints. Sometimes too much physical activity or regular physical activity leads to normal wear and tear but remember that as the horse ages, in much the same way as glucosamine production in humans and pets degenerate, so too does in horses. The general picture then becomes that there is an imbalance between physical activity and its pressure on the joints and joint rehabilitation and repair through glucosamine production.

Some tips in Treating Equestrian Arthritis

First, check for signs of swelling in your horses' legs. One way to do so is to compare opposite legs against one another and see if they are generally of the same size. Another way is to gently massage the legs and feel the edge of the bones. If you can't swelling may have taken place or is taking place. So-called 'valleys' in the horse's joints which are made of soft-tissue and are described as "fluid-free" may feel as if they are "filled-up" and is taken as a sign of swelling. If you suspect any of these, consult with a veterinarian right away to remedy future signs of equestrian arthritis.

Once you are sure that your horse is suffering from degenerative joint disease or arthritis, and then you may try to treat it as authorized by your vet. Of course, natural treatments are highly-recommended.

Exercise and Stretching

Since lameness usually results from long periods of inactivity and/or a strain in the joints due to a traumatic injury or the normal wear and tear of everyday, a controlled exercise program can help strengthen your horse's joints while stretching can help with blood circulation and flexibility.


A nutrient-filled diet goes hand-in-hand with regular exercise to safeguard your horse from future diseases. For arthritis, glucosamine diets have been found to relieve the pains of equestrian arthritis and effectively treat degenerative joint disease as well. Synflex Liquid Glucosamine is a dietary supplement that has been proven to treat equestrian arthritis with just an ounce to an ounce and a half (depending on your horse's weight) for more or less 3 months. Once absorbed in the body, the ingredients in Syn-flex Liquid glucosamine work synergistically to ease pain and rehabilitate degenerative cartilage in the joints and repair damaged tissues as well. You can read more on Synflex and other Syn-flex Liquid Glucosamine for equestrian use at

Arthritis Pain Relief with Acupuncture

Arthritis pain has never been easy to treat and arthritis symptoms have often been managed by the use of possibly toxic or unpalatable arthritis medication. Acupuncture can result in powerful arthritis pain relief and it can provide an alternative arthritis remedy for many pain sufferers. Arthritis treatment by acupuncture is described below.

Arthritis pain relief with acupuncture - what is acupuncture?

Acupuncture has been used for arthritis pain relief in traditional Chinese medicine for many thousands of years. It has recently become a widely used technique in western medicine – both by doctors and others.

Acupuncture claims good results in the treatment of arthritis pain. Arthritis pain relief and joint pain relief are among the most common reasons for using acupuncture in Western countries. Many people who suffer from osteoathritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, degenerative arthritis and gout seek pain relief from acupuncture – either alongside, or instead of, their arthritis medication or other arthritis treatment.

Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles into several points around the body. These acupuncture points are often near to the site of your arthritis pain and may be very tender to touch before the needle is inserted. Other acupuncture points used for arthritis pain relief may be quite a way distant from the affected joint – acupuncturists usually call these areas “distal points.” It depends on the particular style of practice used by your acupuncturists but you should expect to have anything between two and twenty needles inserted each time you go for treatment

Most arthritis pain sufferers need from three to six treatment sessions before they begin to get relief.
The needles are extremely fine – not much wider than a human hair – and are often left in your skin for more than twenty minutes during a treatment session.

There is no way to predict how much arthritis pain relief you will get from acupuncture – it really is a matter of try it and see what happens.

How is acupuncture used in arthritis pain relief?

Your first acupuncture session may last about an hour and subsequent appointments are often shorter in length. From two to twenty very thin needles are put in place and left there for several minutes. Having needles stuck in your body may not sound like fun but most people say there's only a slight stinging sensation as the needles enter, and no pain at all after that. Your therapist may stimulate the needles by turning or rotating them quickly during your treatment session.

Acupuncture needles are very thin and solid with a smooth point and having them inserted may not be as uncomfortable as getting an immunisation having blood taken for a blood test. The number of sessions needed varies. Long-standing and complex chronic pain problems like arthritis might need one or two treatments a week for several months.

Most people do not experience side effects from acupuncture therapy but a few of us can have problems such as bleeding or infection. Some people who have never experienced acupuncture may feel dizzy after their first acupuncture treatment.

If you suffer from arthritis then do consider trying acupuncture – it may provide the arthritis pain relief that you have been longing for.

You can read more about arthritis pain relief and other aspects of joint pain on my website where you’ll also find useful information about other frozen shoulder and other joint and muscle pain conditions.

While You Were Sleeping

Wikipedia explains bruxism from the Greek word brugmos as grinding of the teeth accompanied by clenching the jaw during nighttime sleep or daytime naps. It is classified mostly as a form of habit and at the same time, considered as one of the sleep disorders. While chewing is a neuromuscular activity controlled by the subconscious process, teeth grinding is more of an activity governed by the unconscious mind during the sleep process.

During the waking life, a person grinding his or her teeth usually happens if he or she needs to say something but unable to do so thus causes frustration. However this teeth grinding ceases when the situation is resolved by allowing the person to express what he or she needs to say. A person dreaming of chewing gum may also exhibit teeth grinding. Thus a person who grinds his teeth at night is unaware of such activity until someone tells him he does or until complications such as dental problems, persistent headache and muscle pain somewhere in the mandible and neck area occur.

Although bruxism is not a life-threatening condition, proper medical, dental and psychological attention are needed depending on the causes why it is experienced by a person. The management also depends on the severity of the disorder. Some bruxers need only to bite on towels, munch on apples, while others who have more severe form undergo psychotherapy, surgical intervention and biofeedback mechanism or through the use of scientifically proven and medically accepted gadgets such as mouth guards and biofeedback headbands.

Mona Lisa's enigmatic smile which has captured majority of us had some untold story about it. Mona Lisa believed to have suffered from bruxism as a result of the strain of prolonged posing for the great Leonardo da Vinci. Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain has been constantly seen moving his jaw in most of his footage. Majority believe that this may be due to the side effects of the drugs that he has been taking while others say that it has become his habit which started as a kid in an attempt to maintain or keep-up with the rhythm which he never learned to overcome. The late Anna Nicole Smith, was informed by a dentist named Nick Luizzi, that her teeth grinding due to nervousness, resulted in her need of 20 crowns. It was never reported if Ms. Smith had a major dental work-up but judging from the look of her teeth when she smiled, it was evident that she sought medical and dental treatment.

Although it was never reported how and when those other personalities sought treatment, what was crucial was that, they were aware of the existence of the disorder and people around them encouraged treatment procedure.

Natural Ways to Relieve Arthritis Knee Pain - Remedies That Work

This article emphasizes on the natural ways to relieve arthritis knee pain effectively. Knee pain can restrict your movement and can greatly influence your daily life activities.

1. Limiting activities is one way of relieving knee joint pain. Avoid long walks, running or jumping. For instance, instead of stairs, the patient should use an escalator. Excessive exertion can accelerate the damage in already worn out joints.

2. Light aerobic exercises like hamstring set exercises, heel slide, straight leg raise and static hold exercises, knee extension with leg lift, flexion and extension, assisted knee flexion are some exercises that may be practiced at home for relieving knee joint pain.

3. Walking with the support of a cane serves as an effective pain reliever in case of knee arthritis. However while using cane, one should keep in mind to hold the cane in the hand opposite to the leg with the affected knee, and the cane under the guidance of an orthopedic doctor, should be of the appropriate height.

4. Knee braces or ace bandages may be used to give external support to the ailing joint. This helps in checking pain after an activity, and also controls swelling.

5. Reduction in body weight reduces the load on the knee joint. Thus weight reduction is one way of pain reduction.

6. Omega3 fatty acids are essential for mending damaged joints. Sweet water fishes like tuna, salmon, herring, sardines etc are rich in omega3 fatty acids. Also fresh vegetables like broccoli, fruits like banana, grapes and pineapple, flavonoid rich food items can prove beneficial for treating an aching knee.

7. Green tea is rich in antioxidants that have bone boosting properties. Therefore it may be used as a pain relieving means.

8. Cortisone injection for mild arthritis, and Gold injection and methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis are used these days for suppressing knee joint pain.

9. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs are helpful in reducing knee pain and swelling. Aspirin is one example of such drug.

10. Glucosamine supplements are capable of restoring and rebuilding cartilages, and are therefore used by countless people all over the world as a remedial measure against knee pain.

11. Ice therapy is a proven means to reduce pain. Ice cube wrapped in fabric may be rubbed on the aching joint to get comfort and relief from pain.

12. Breathable, self-adhesive compression bandages may be used for results. They will prevent fluid accumulation within the knee joint.

13. Elevating knee with the help of pillows can reduce pain and swelling, as it drains away the fluid that could have collected within the knee joint.

14. A warm cozy ambience can ease painful situations.

15. Boswelia and bromelain herbs are clinically proven pain reducing agents.

16. If pain becomes intolerable, and makes the patient gradually move towards disability, knee replacement surgery could be a way out.

Arthritis: Knee Pain and Joint Pain Most Common Symptoms

Do you Suffer from Aching Bones and Stiff Joints?

Arthritis is a condition in which the joints of the body become inflamed. Knee pain, joint pain and knotted or inflamed joints are common symptoms of arthritis which range from mild to extreme. People who suffer from arthritis may find their movement becomes limited by aching bones and stiff and sore joints. Arthritis is most commonly found in the hands, mostly affecting the fingers and wrists, but also occurs in the knee joints.

The word itself "arthritis" literally means inflammation of the joints from the Greek word 'arthron' meaning "joint" and the Latin word "itis," meaning "inflammation".

What to expect from Arthritis

While some of the most common complaints from arthritis sufferers are painful knees and joints, other joints to be affected by arthritis, the hips, finger joints, thumb joints and lower spine. Shoulders, elbows, wrists, ankles, and toe joints are less commonly affected.

Arthritis Care UK estimates that there are close to 10 million people in the U.K. alone that suffer from one form or another of arthritis. This makes it one of the most widely spread conditions in the UK. Seeing as arthritis affects so many people, let's take a closer look at what exactly it is.

Symptoms of arthritis vary in strength and severity; they can often start off mild and become stronger as the condition develops. Knee pain and joint pain may start to develop especially before or during weather fluctuations. Pain may develop in the joints of the wrists, knuckles, fingers, ankles and toes. Shoulders may become stiff first thing in the morning and also give rise to pain. Movement may become limited in the hips and other affected areas.

Knee Pain and Joint Pain - Possible Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

In rheumatoid arthritis, knee joints can become inflamed and swollen, resulting in pain, joint stiffness and in extreme cases, reduced movement or even loss of joint function. Rheumatoid arthritis affects the elbows, knees, shoulders and hip joints. All of these joints contain a special lubricating fluid called synovial fluid. The fluid of the joints comes under attack from the body's own immune system. Painful and inflamed joints are often symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis that may lead to discomfort and can often making movement painful.

Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms tend to develop gradually, over a period of several weeks and tend to be more common in women than men and usually starts between the ages of 40-60. The word 'rheumatoid' comes from the Gk. rheuma meaning "stream, current, a flowing," as this condition affects the fluid in joints.

Bones become Worn Away in Oseotoarthritis

One of the most common forms of arthritis is osteoarthritis and is caused by a wearing away of the joints, most specifically, the cartilage at the end of the knee and hip joints. Other joints such as the fingers, thumbs and lower spine may also be affected. These are predominantly the weight-bearing joints. The word 'osteon' comes from the Greek language and means 'bone'.

What actually happens to the cartilage when someone has osteoarthritis is that it can become rough and brittle, it literally gets worn down. Sometimes the underlying bone tries to compensate for the additional load on the cartilage and bony growths can occur at the outer edges, making the joint appear knotted and thick. Over time, the affected joints can become stiff and inflamed, leading to pain and often immobility.

There are natural health products that may be of benefit in alleviating the suffering and symptoms of arthritis.

Help Interpreting Your Spinal X-Ray Results

An X-ray is one kind of imaging test done to assess internal areas of the body. They are less thorough but cheaper than the popular MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) test, which can provide a picture of both the body's soft and hard tissues. X-rays provide a clear picture of bones, whereas softer tissues appear as shades of gray.

An X-ray may be ordered if you have back pain to assess the alignment of your spine, its curvatures, the spaces between vertebrae and the condition of spinal joints. X-rays can also indicate the presence of disc degeneration, infections, tumors and bone spurs in the spine.

Many patients are given the reports of their X-rays without receiving an understandable interpretation of what they mean. People with back pain are left wondering what problems are affecting their spines and how severe they are. Online forums are full of people asking for help interpreting their X-ray results. The following explanations may help you understand what your imaging test indicates.

Spinal Anatomy

First, you must understand how vertebrae are named. The top seven vertebrae beginning at the neck make up the cervical spine. Below this, there are 12 vertebrae composing the thoracic spine, 10 of which connect to the ribs. Below this is the lumbar spine, made up of 5 vertebrae. The sacrum attaches to the bottom lumbar vertebrae; it is a large, triangular bone made up of several bones fused together. The coccyx, or tailbone, sits below the sacrum.

The bones of the spine are named with the first letter of the spine section (C for cervical, T for thoracic and so on) and a number denoting its position in the segment (1 for the highest vertebra, 2 for the next one down and so on).

Next, use the following glossary of medical terms to make sense of your X-ray results.


Anterior: The front-most part; closest to the front side of the body

Arthritis: Wearing down of the cartilage that protects bone ends at a joint

Arthrosis: A joint

Degenerative Disc Disease: The general condition of discs wearing down, due to either age or overuse

Disc Space: The amount of space a disc takes up and separates vertebrae by. Decreased space means the disc is degenerating, bulging or herniating.

Facets: Joints that connect vertebrae together in the posterior section of the bones.

Foramen/Neuroforamen: The hole between vertebrae through which nerves within the spinal canal exit to reach other parts of the body

Fracture: A break in the continuity of a bone

Fused: A condition that occurs when two bones literally fuse or grow together.

Kyphosis: Outward curvature, naturally found in the thoracic spine. If kyphosis is lost where it is supposed to be, spinal discs will experience excess posterior pressure.

Lordosis: Inward curvature, naturally found in lumbar and cervical spine segments. If lordosis is lost, spinal discs may experience excess anterior pressure.

Posterior: The back-most part; closest to the back of the body

Retrolisthesis: The backward movement of a vertebra

Sacroiliac Joints: Formed where the large hip bones meet the sacrum on each side at the base of the spine; susceptible to hyper- or hypo-mobility

Sagittal Alignment: The alignment of your spine as seen from the side; assesses where the sacrum is relative to the top cervical spine; can show lordosis or kyphosis

Scoliosis: Sideways curvature of the spine

Spondylitis: Inflammation of the joints between spinal bones

Spondylolisthesis: The forward movement of a vertebra

Spondylolysis: The breaking of a facet joint; could lead to spondylolisthesis

Spur: A small fragment of bone that forms due to injury or prolonged friction between bones

Stenosis: Narrowing of the spinal canal in which the bundle of nerves composing the spinal cord runs; caused by bone spur, disc or anything else protruding into the canal.

Transverse Process: Bony protrusions, one at each side of each vertebra, responsible for attaching ligaments and muscles to the spine.

This glossary should help you understand the results of your X-ray. For more back pain terms, see

If your doctor is unable or unwilling to help you understand the results of your imaging test, you will need to do your own research. Understanding the medical jargon and some basic facts about the spine will put you in a position to be an empowered, informed patient.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Knee Problems Associated With Locking, Grinding, and Popping

Lock, Pop, grind and no it's not a dance move

Knee problems associated with locking, grinding, and popping

Since u are not a firecracker or a soda can you can be forgiven to think that popping sounds in the knee is an indication that something is wrong. The truth though is that popping sounds occurs naturally when movement occurs in the joints. A slight misalignment in the knee cap (Patella) or the movement of different ligaments across the joint can give a popping sound. If it is a case however where this sounds is accompanied by pain then one has reason for concern. Grinding and locking are better indicators of a physiological disorder in the knee, but the pain factor is also very important in these cases.


As stated earlier unless accompanied by pain then a popping sound is perfectly normal, however if there is pain then it is often an indication that the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) has been torn. ACL maybe torn in two pieces or there might just be a partial rip, the extent of damage will determine treatment implemented. If ACL is ripped apart then surgery followed by rehab will be necessary, however for partial tears one just need to stay away from physical activities for awhile as the injury will self heal. A popping sound in conjunction with pain may also be an indication of another condition known as Discoid Lateral Meniscus or "popping-knee syndrome". This occurs when there is an abnormal shaped meniscus in the knee joint. This can usually be treated by conservative methods such as stretching, however if pain persist arthroscopic surgery though optional might be required.


When cartilage degeneration occur the bones of the knee joint tends to grind together causing immense pain and producing a grinding sound. This is usually caused by rheumatoid arthritis which rarely occurs in individuals under 50. The degeneration caused by rheumatoid arthritis is irreversible. Patella tendonitis (runner's knee) can also cause degeneration of cartilage and thus the pain and grinding sound. Runner's knee is the most likely cause of the grinding sound in the knees of young individuals particularly athletes. Fortunately in this case the degeneration is reversible, as resting the knee and doing exercises that strengthen the quadriceps muscles will see the knee return to normal over time.


You may find yourself playing a game of basketball and suddenly being unable to flex a leg or you may be kneeling then find that you are unable to straighten your leg to get up; when this happens you are experiencing a phenomenon known as locking which can be quite painful. There are generally two type of locking, pseudo-locking and true locking. Pseudo locking is a reaction to pain and functions like a kill switch where the knee locks into position when tension in the area becomes excessive. True locking results from physiological problems in the knee, causing the knee become rigid, unable to bend or extend. True locking usually occurs when torn cartilage or bone fragment (resulting from a bone disorder known as Osteochondritis Dissecans) becomes jammed between joints surfaces restricting movement of the knee joint. When a muscle on the inside of the thigh becomes weak and fragile or the outer muscles tighten they can throw off alignment of the knee cap, which also lead to locking.

Locking can easily be corrected by resting as movement will eventually return to joints. In the case of true locking the problem can only be completely nullified by orthopaedic surgery to remove loose bone or cartilage.

Arthritis Pain Relief and Treatments

Arthritis is commonly associated with old age. Arthritis pain is an important cause of loss of mobility in your pet as it is in humans. Arthritis is caused by: inflammation, the process that causes the redness and swelling in your joints; damage to joint tissues caused by the disease process or from wear and tear; muscle strain caused by overworked muscles attempting to protect your joints from painful movements; fatigue caused by the disease process of arthritis, which can make your pain seem worse and harder to handle - so the pain varies. The pain is one of the most prevalent medical problems in the world today and it afflicts tens of millions of people worldwide. Arthritis is often caused by an accumulation of toxic buildup in the joints, muscles and fluids.

There is a widespread and strongly held belief that arthritis pain is influenced by the weather; however, scientific studies have found no consistent association with that belief. Medicines like TYLENOL Arthritis Pain, is available in bottles containing 24, 50, 100, 125, or 150 mg caplets or bottles containing 20, 40, or 80 mg gel tabs at most food, drug, and mass merchandise stores. When taken according to directions, TYLENOL Arthritis Pain is effective for the temporary relief of the minor pain of arthritis, and the temporary relief of minor aches and pains associated with the common cold, headache, toothache, muscular aches, backache, for the pain of premenstrual or menstrual cramps and for the reduction of fever.


Symptoms usually develop over time rather than suddenly.  Symptoms such as morning stiffness and swelling should be present for at least six weeks before the diagnosis is considered.  Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis are nail abnormalities, skin lesions, joint swelling and joint pain.  Symptoms of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis are joint stiffness, limited range of motion, high fever with chills, low grade fever, slow growth rate, rheumatoid rash, and rheumatoid nodules, chest pain, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, eye pain and red eyes. If you see any of these symptoms in your child seek medical advice immediately the faster the disease is identified the faster the doctor can prescribe a treatment.


Relief can be had from a patch and medications.

Q: What are the benefits of applying SALONPAS Pain Relief Patch or SALONPAS Arthritis Pain instead of taking a pill?

A: The patch is a clinically proven, FDA-approved option for OTC pain relief that doesn't have to be swallowed.

Q: How soon should I expect relief when using the patch?

A: Pain relief generally occurs within one hour of patch application, but in some individual cases, pain relief may take longer about 2-3 hours after applying the patch it's really according to how bad the pain is when the patch is applied.


You've seen it on television and in magazine ads -- over-the-counter treatments for minor arthritis pain. Treatments are aimed at relieving pain associated with the disease, but with severe joint damage, constant pain may be unavoidable at that stage of the disease. Recognizing early osteoarthritis symptoms leads to early treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment help manage knee osteoarthritis symptoms. There are specific symptoms and distinguishing characteristics which determine the diagnosis and course of treatment. It is pain that the patient notices, pain which brings the patient to the doctor and pain which will dictate the treatment that the doctor chooses. As treatment for rheumatoid arthritis improves, severe disability and life threatening complications appear to be decreasing.


Generally arthritis pain is commonly associated with old age. It is a chronic pain that comes and goes and sometimes is constant.  The pain is caused by inflammation in the body as the bones rub against each other due to eroded cartilage.  Arthritis is a tough disease to treat and some types of arthritis, including those of back pain, continue to deteriorate. Arthritis pain is the most common source of chronic pain. The pain occurs because our joints suffer natural wear and tear through the years, they are less able to maintain the supportive cartilage matrix surrounding the joints and bones. Before taking any type of arthritis medications please consult your doctor.

Can an Orthopaedic Mattress Help a Bad Back?

Most of us love the feeling of getting into our beds at night time. They are a place of comfort and a source of relaxation. This is not the case for everyone though. There are many people who suffer from crippling pain when they get into their beds. For example, did you know, that your mattress may actually increase existent pain? For sufferers, an orthopaedic mattress may be the solution.

Reasons Why You Might Need an Orthopaedic Mattress

To determine whether you need one you must observe your body's comfort levels throughout the night and even in the daytime too. If you suffer from a stiff neck, back pain (both lower and upper), painful hip joints or some spinal conditions such as scoliosis, sciatica or lumbar pain, this type of mattress could be beneficial to you.

How They Help

These mattresses are much firmer than the standard mattress. With a spring gauge of 12.5g compared to 13.5g in the standard variety, orthopaedic mattresses provide support for those suffering from aches and pains at night time.

The Features and Their Benefits

The specialty mattresses have two main features which offer support for suffering sleepers providing a number of benefits. The firmer mattress relieves pain by easing the pressure off the source of the pain. Imagine an extremely soft bed; the sleeper would sink right into it. For some this is ideal, optimum comfort but for others it can significantly increase pain by putting pressure on painful areas. The other main feature of an orthopaedic mattresses that the sleeper would find beneficial is the softer sleep surface; an extra covering on the mattress. This is done by covering the top of mattress in memory foam, cashmere, lamb's wool or latex. The firmness of the springs coupled with the softer sleep surface would allow sleepers to experience a mattress that provides support and comfort, alleviates back and joint pain and allows for a good night's sleep. Orthopaedic mattresses also last longer and are more durable than their standard counterpart.

For those sleepers who wake up with a bad back or for sufferers of spinal conditions, orthopaedic mattresses are suggested by orthopaedic specialists, surgeons and mattress experts. Getting a good night sleep is vital; orthopaedic mattresses provide the sleeper with a better quality of sleep, thus, in turn, providing the sleeper with a better quality of life, more injury free time while also lessing the likelihood of having another injury.

Still More Arthritis Myths and Facts

Everyone experiences aches and pains from time to time. But if they persist and bother you a lot, chances are you have arthritis - a painful and disabling disease that affects 40 million Americans and about 50 percent of people over age 60.

Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints and is the most common chronic health problem in the United States. It affects one in three adults in developing nations and can make the "golden years" of your life miserable.

Symptoms include swelling, pain, stiffness, and redness in the joints. The pain is greatest in the morning and subsides as the day progresses.

Sadly, there are many myths about the disease that can interfere with treatment and make matters worse. To get things straight, here are some myths and the truths behind them care of Flexcerin, a powerful formula that rebuilds worn joints, lubricates stiff joints, and soothes inflamed joints to increase your flexibility and mobility. Visit for more details.

Arthritis is a normal part of aging. False. While most victims of arthritis are senior citizens, the disease can strike at any age. The most common type, osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease, can occur in young people as a result of joint injury or overuse. Another type, rheumatoid arthritis, is a chronic disease that can affect children.

Arthritis is one disease. False. The term "arthritis" actually covers more than 100 diseases that inflame the joints and make movement painful. The most frequent forms are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis but other types exist like gout, lupus, and bursitis.

Most pain relievers are effective and safe for arthritis. False. If you have arthritis, your doctor may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to relieve the pain and swelling. More than 20 million people worldwide take these drugs for relief.

Unfortunately, prolonged use of NSAIDs even in moderate doses can cause stomachache, bleeding, ulcers, and hypertension. Kidney failure can occur with large doses.

Arthritis can be cured. False. Many people turn to unconventional remedies like copper bracelets, Chinese herbal remedies, large doses of vitamins, and snake or bee venom to end their arthritis. Unfortunately, none of these work. Because the symptoms of arthritis come and go periodically, individuals who try these unproven remedies may associate the remedy with the sudden disappearance of the disease. In truth, there is no cure for arthritis but treatments can help reduce pain and maintain joint movement.

Natural Remedies For Joint Pain - Are They Really Effective?

The Chinese system of medicine advocates the use of ginger for alleviating joint pain. Ginger oil mixed with almond oil when rubbed on to painful joints is an excellent pain reliever. Ginger tea is equally good if taken daily and so is 500 mg ginger supplement capsule if taken three times a day. Ginger reduces the prostaglandin production in the body which is responsible for the sensation of pain and that's how it works.

Drinking Papaya seed tea 6-7 times a day for several weeks is another remedy. So is eating bananas or drinking carrot juice, apple cider vinegar or even plain water. Remember liquids and juices like pineapple juice helps keep the joints moving freely. Lemon juice plus honey mixed in warm water and taken in the morning is an effective remedy. Drinking equal parts of carrot and lemon juice is also a remedy. Yet another remedy is fresh potato juice taken in the morning.

Try exercising the normal way or swim around the pool as that you can improve joint mobility besides strengthening the muscles around the joint. For relieving pain from rheumatoid arthritis, deep breathing exercises, meditation, and Tai chi have been found to be effective. Regular exercise keeps the joints lubricated, improves blood circulation and prevents gout besides controlling body weight.

Eat healthy and balanced low carbohydrate diet with more of whole grains, leafy green vegetables and fruits; take less of tea, coffee, carbonated liquors, and sugar. Cut down on fat content in your diet. Spice your diet with herbs like white willow, devil's claw, and turmeric which have anti inflammatory properties. Avoid eggplants, potatoes and pepper that could add to the inflammation. But add plenty of turmeric and garlic as seasonings.

Since our body does not make omega-3 fatty acids take food like fish or fish oil capsules that contains this essential micronutrient which has natural anti inflammatory properties. Food containing omega-3 fatty acids not only reduces joint pain and stiffness, but also improves cardiovascular health. Nowadays animals are not fed on grass but on grain which means the chicken and beef we eat do not have omega-3 fatty acids as it used to have before. So eating fish is the only option to get these anti inflammatory nutrients that could do a world of good to your joint pain. Herbal supplements such as Rumatone Gold Oil and Capsules are found very effective in getting relief from joint pain and stiffness naturally.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Identifying Boxer Dog Health Problems

In order to raise a healthy and fit boxer dog, you need to know what different kinds of boxer health problems exist. The average life span of a boxer ranges between 8 to 10 years. A few major boxer dog health problems that commonly afflict this breed of dogs include CHD, cardiomyopathy and SAS. Other boxer dog health problems concerns are colitis, gastric torsion, corneal erosion and hypothyroidism. Occasionally, your pet boxer may suffer from rarer ailments like degenerative myelopathy or even brain tumor. Hence, it is strongly recommended that you get your canine friend checked regularly by a vet. The risk of developing various boxer dog health problems can be eliminated to a great extent and treated properly if diagnosed in the early stages. Hence, ensure that your vet conducts specific tests particularly for cardiac concerns, hip dysphasia and other thyroid issues, in order to assess boxer dog health problems in advance.

The following are a few common genetic conditions in brief that this particular breed of dogs is prone to:


Aortic stenosis or sub-aortic stenosis is a condition in which the aorta constricts, consequently, restricting the flow of blood also in the heart. So, in order to maintain an appropriate blood flow through the body, the heart has to pump harder. This condition can be easily diagnosed, if the dog tires out easily or you can notice soft heart murmurs. Although, such dogs should not be included in breeding programs, they can continue to live a routine life.


As the name suggests, this condition indicates that the thyroid of your boxer is either not functioning properly or not working at all. This genetic disorder can result in hair loss, inactive lifestyle, slow growth and chronic skin conditions like dry skin or lesions. Fortunately, it can be treated with appropriate medications.

Hip dysplasia

This is one of the most widespread boxer dog health problems, in which the hip joints of the dog wear out regularly, resulting in pain and stiffness. Unfortunately, the situation only worsens with time and age of the dog, since there is no cure for it. Very often, pain management treatment is the only solution to ease the suffering or in extreme conditions, a joint replacement can be considered.

Boxer cardiomyopathy

This condition occurs when the heart of your pet boxer begins to beat erratically. The electrical signals produced by the dog's body cause its heart to deviate from its usual rhythm. In many dogs, the first attack of this irregular beating of the heart can prove to be fatal. This is a characteristic boxer dog health problem that cannot be spotted until the dog is fully mature. A routine examination by your vet is not enough to determine this condition because the inconsistent heartbeats are not constant. Hence, every dog of this breed should be inspected specifically for detecting if he suffers from boxer cardiomyopathy.

Corneal dystrophy

This condition is the outcome of uneven corneal development. Due to irregular development of the cornea, ulcers may form on the cornea. If not detected and treated properly in the early stages, it can cause loss of vision or even total blindness. Pain management techniques and surgical measures can be adopted to treat the condition effectively.

Fighting Crohn's and Arthritis Joint Pain Naturally

In the past, whenever people had a painful condition in their stomach or joints, their natural reaction was to go to the medicine chest for the best advertised over the counter or doctor recommend prescription drug of the day. Most folks just didn't know that there were any alternatives to drugs made in the lab, and the potential risks of harmful side effects from taking them. In fact studies show that even now, half the population doesn't think natural supplements are worth buying. The Federal Drug Administration doesn't even think they are important enough to try and regulate.

However, an increasing number of people are delighted with the positive results they are discovering by taking certain types of natural supplements derived from plant compounds found in fruits and vegetables and even certain kinds of tree bark...specifically pine bark or pycnogenol. These supplements called OPC's or (Oligomeric Proanthocyandidins) belong to a specific family called bioflavanoids...which are powerful antioxidants that encourage your body's own immune system to respond appropriately to inflammation, allergy and infections. Antioxidants are compounds that protect the body's cells and tissues from being damaged by free-radicals, which contribute to aging and illness. Free radicals are created by environmental pollution, food additives, high-fat diets, excessive alcohol, smoking and second hand smoke, burns, infection, stress, radiation and nutrient deficiencies. In short...everyone is exposed to free-radicals on a daily basis. But by giving our own bodies immune system the strength it needs to fight off free radicals and their effects, we can live healthier, longer and more active lives.

Besides the inflammation and pain in the intestines, most Crohn's sufferers, like Arthritis sufferers experience a great deal of pain and stiffness in their joints, mostly in the elbows, knees, wrists and ankles. While traditional medicines simply treat the pain symptom itself by blocking it out, antioxidant rich natural supplements like OPC's go straight to the root cause of the pain...namely the inflammation, and eliminate it naturally, without producing any harmful side effects in the body. If inflammation is the direct cause of pain, whether from an injury or a degenerative disease like rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's, Colitis, etc., it seems only logical that the inflammation should be addressed functionally through immobilization and by antagonizing the chemical messengers (such as histamine and prostaglandins) that are responsible for the inflammatory response and subsequent pain to begin with. Bioflavanoids have been proven very successful in this pursuit. Actually, OPC's are not the only bioflavanoids available...there are literally thousands. For example Vitamins A, C, E, zinc, selenium and beta carotene (to name a few) are also known for their strong antioxidant properties. However, out of all the of antioxidant bioflavanoids available, only the grape seed extract and pine bark rich OPC's are considered to be the most powerful.

While OPC has not been proven to cure any disease or condition, reducing the amount of free-radicals in the body levels the playing field and allows it (your immune system) to heal itself amazingly well!

How to Be Free From Back Pain

There is nothing quit so debilitating as low back pain. I don't mean the kind of pain that aches and leaves you a bit sore. I'm talking about the kind of pain that takes you out of action. The kind that makes even walking hard to do.

Some people learn to live with the pain. In the morning they get up and move slowly until the stiffness is worked out. They learn to be careful picking up even the smallest things. Everyday activities become a test to see if there is some way to do even the simplest activities or not.

One reason muscles in the low back tighten up and sometimes spasm is a misalignment in the joints. Misalignments press on sensitive tissues causing pain. Muscles tense, nerves get compressed and the surrounding area becomes inflamed. With inflammation comes pain.

The most common low back issue comes from a combination of three issues. First, the fifth lumbar which is in the very lower back, goes out of alignment. Then, the illio-sacral joint which is the junction between the upper hip in the back, and the sacrum goes out of alignment. The weakness allows the spine in the low back to get compressed, even locking the vertebrae together.

The illio-sacral joint is the load-bearing connection between the upper and lower body. Most of the weight of the entire upper body rests on this joint. When there is a problem here, especially when coupled with the other two misalignments, there is no strength in the back. Usually it is quite painful.

What is the root cause of most lower back problems? That is the real question. Back problems often return, so knowing the root cause is essential in treatment and prevention.

In most cases the root issue is stress. Time off is one of the best known treatments for low back pain. However, it often returns when people return to their usual lives.

Stress injures the body by putting excess strain on the adrenal glands which produce stress hormones. As the adrenals work harder and harder, they start drawing nutrients from other areas of the body to keep up with demand. Some of the nutrients they really need are the same ones that ligaments and tendons need to keep their tone. And, the low back often is the first place go.

Dealing with the stressors is first. One of the worst ones that really harms the adrenals is sugar including honey, fruit juice, dried fruit and more. Processed carbohydrates release their sugar stores quickly, so they cause the same problems. Things like noodles, bread, chips both corn and potato and other 'health chips,' white rice, bread of any kind and just about anything that comes in a package.

Another stress factor is emotional stress. This could be caused by any intense emotional experience from work related expectations to a great loss. These issues need to be dealt with on different levels. Obviously, a release of some type is needed for the immediate issue. And, the root, often from childhood, must be dealt with.

On a physical level, emotional components can become lodged in the body. They usually cause some sort of problem like a tight muscle pulling a rib out of alignment resulting in chronic back pain. These issues can be cleared using a very gentle Applied Kinesiology technique.

Realignment is next. After the underlying issues have been cleared, it is time for realignment. Realignment is facilitated by physical manipulations that put bones in proper alignment so that the joint is fully functional.

There are different ways to realign a back and other areas of the body. One is to go to a chiropractor or an Osteopath, a medical doctor who specializes in joint manipulation. They often use forceful techniques that can cause other problems and sometimes even more pain. Not to mention the scary noises as joints are forced back into alignment. There are some though who learn and develop more gentle techniques.

Alternatively, you can learn how to adjust yourself with Self Adjusting Technique. This is a simple method of doing gentle adjustments on yourself without the forcing that is common to so many chiropractic adjustments.

Stretching can relieve back pain as well as help prevent problems. Taking a yoga class is a good way to learn stretches that will help your back. It is best to tell the instructor before the class if you have any limitations. Often they can give you an alternative pose or a variation. With time you can develop a daily practice which many people use to eliminate back problems.

Exercise is essential to good back health. Walking is one of the best exercises in the world. As well as working most every muscle in the body, walking strengthens the core muscles that support the low back.

These are just a few things that can be done for any kind of back pain. There are many other treatments available. Now more than ever, we can be proactive with our health and with our treatment possibilities. Find what works for you, and above all else, listen to your body.

Earache Information - Causes of Earache

Early in the morning, a well dressed man rushes into the emergency complaining of excruciating ear pain following a flight journey couple of hours back. At home, a child who had an attack of flu starts complaining of earache in the middle of the night and the apprehensive parents immediately takes her to their family physician. Another day, a gentleman, in his sixties presented to the out-patient department complaining of dull aching pain in the ear since past few days without any history of flu or trauma or any ear discharge. On examination, no signs of ear infection were found, later, after a thorough investigation he was diagnosed of having a benign tumor in the neck.

Pain, anywhere in the body is always unpleasant, and the worst of all is to have an earache. Thus, earache can be a result of various underlying causes, warranting a thorough investigation. This article tries to explain in brief 'what are the causes of earache'?

Human ear is divided into three parts namely external, middle and inner ear. The following discussion will be based on these divisions for the sake of easy understanding of the disease condition and its pathology.

Common causes of sudden onset of earache are impacted wax in the auditory canal, traumatizing the canal while attempting to remove the accumulated wax, swimmer's ear, acute otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear secondary to blockage of the ventilating tube connecting the nose to the ear) and barotrauma (trauma caused due to pressure variations in the ear, during flight journey or diving). As these conditions present with excruciating pain, the individuals usually present early to the out-patient or emergency department. With appropriate intervention, the pain can be relieved immediately or with-in couple of days.

Earache in the external ear can be due to fungal infection, keratosis (accumulation of dead cells and keratin) of the external auditory canal, malignant otitis externa (elderly diabetics whose sugar levels are poorly controlled and less commonly in immunocompromised individuals) myringitis (inflammation of the ear drum), perichondritis of the pinna (inflammation of the pinna cartilage) and cancer. Isolated herpes zoster infection of the external ear can cause severe earache associated with vesicular eruptions over the external ear. Middle ear causes include chronic suppurative otitis media (long-standing ear discharge), and its associated complications, Eustachian tube dysfunction and malignant tumors.

Many a times earache would be the sole complaint of the patient, but on examination there will be no signs of ear infection. If thoroughly investigated, the roots of the pain can be traced to the tumors in the neck compressing over the nerves supplying the ear.

Hope you enjoyed reading this article. A small attempt has been made in this article to enlighten about the causes of earache.

RiteTemp: A New Modality for Treating Occupational Injuries

Occupational injuries are one of the most important and preventable health problems that occur daily throughout the world. While preventable, they are a human capital issue to business and a disabling socio-economic factor to the injured worker. The concurrent impact reaches far beyond lost time, missed schedules and production delays. In years past, scores of today's aging workforce labored in non-ergonomic jobs, never to be inoculated to improved ergonomics as part of today's assessment of human capital costs. Improper height of work stations, non-electric hand tools and warehouse staging areas account for a multitude of simply avoidable musculoskeletal disorders (MSD's) the aging workforce faces today.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Editor's Desk 2005 Report, of the 1.3 million sprains and strains reported, often involving the back, 43 percent of these injuries required more than one day recuperation from work beyond the day of the incident. When you combine the simple sprain and soft tissue damage with bruises and contusions, lacerations and fractures, approximately two thirds of all these cases resulted in cumulative lost work time, not counting the day of the injury.

The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) of the Journal of American Medical Association's occupational supplement records and reports non-fatal work related injuries from U.S. hospital Emergency Rooms across the U.S. NEISS uses a stratified sampling of 67-70 hospitals' emergency rooms that monitor injury trends 24/7 to aid in prevention activities correlating monthly reviews out of 5300 hospitals to separate work related and non-work related injuries.

The U.S. Dept of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) December 4, 2009 Report, where lower trunk (back) injuries being the most prominent, discloses a common denominator among other reporting agencies with like data - BLS, OSHA, CDC, to name a few. The underlying factor stated that resulted in the highest number of absences that directly correlates to the list below was overuse/overexertion (hyperextension) of muscles due to: (1) heavy lifting, (2) pushing, pulling or carrying heavy objects; (3) falls on the same level, (4) bodily reaction to avoid obstacle; (5) contact with object or equipment; (6) repetitive motion (tendonitis); (7) extremity or joint stress fractures; (8) carpal tunnel syndrome; (9) complex regional pain syndrome; and (10) fall to lower level. In a 2008 BLS Survey of Occupational Injuries, of the nearly 19 million state and local government workers with reported MSD injuries, firefighters and law enforcement personnel remain the highest among all workers with a 14.8 per 100 cases. Yet, this same report reflects that these state and local government workers ranked 1.5 times higher for the same injury than that of the private sector. While these statistics reflect high human capital costs for lost work time, medical costs and their ensuing socio-economic impact on the injured, OSHA and other organizations only collects data from a small portion of the private sector establishments within the U.S. or approximately 80,000 out of 7.5 million. Therefore the data does not effectively represent the majority of business, especially small business, where enumerating the data is impossible. Even state workman's compensation boards do not account for establishments with less than 15 employees so conclusions should not be drawn on this data alone.

The small business or self-employed injury affects the economic and social impact to a much greater extent where loss of time translates to loss of income for the self-employed. Numerous self-employed individuals interviewed stated they couldn't justify the cost-benefit ratio of workman's compensation insurance and choose to work 'at risk'. Drawing a parallel with a JAMA 2007 injury report and an Indiana Workers' Compensation report for that year, back injury accounted for more than 53% of all work-related injuries exacerbated by improper or repetitive motion-bending, twisting or lifting.

Succeeding to lower back injury, further data cites Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) as one of the highest maladies for absenteeism. A 1998 human capital cost reported three out of every 10,000 workers missed upwards of ten days at an aggregate cost of $30,000 per individual over a long time span. Surprised that CTS reported such high human capital cost, I decided to research this subject to clarify the misconception that CTS was a computer operator's nightmare. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a neuropathic malady in which the body's peripheral nerves become compressed or traumatized by injury within the carpal tunnel, a rigid passageway containing ligaments and bones surrounding the median nerve, usually at the wrist. This nerve controls sensations to the palm side of the thumb and fingers, sans the little finger, as well as impulses to small muscles that allow the fingers and thumb to move.

Who is at risk for CTS? According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), women are three times as likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Another misconception, I assumed this was due to a higher percentage of workforce women in administrative jobs involving computer activity. Not true. In fact, a 2001 Mayo Clinic report found that heavy computer use (averaging 7 hours per day) did not increase a person's chances of developing CTS.

Dispelling the myth. According to Dr. Mark Souder, Family Practice Physician in Auburn, Indiana with an active patient roster of over 8,500 and voted Indiana Doctor of the Year 2010, states "Women may appear more prone to this ailment because their carpal tunnel is simply smaller in size. By no means is this a woman's disorder. I see plenty of assembly line personnel with neuropathic and tendon disorders caused by a host of underlying circumstances. Sometimes it's simply defined as new job misery having little time to adjust to motor function change. Many times it is short-lived and classified as repetitive motion disorder such as bursitis or tendonitis. First I rule out congenital disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, overactive glandular activity, cysts and tumors. Then I determine if excessive repetition, vibration or mechanical problems of the wrist itself exist. Last year, under co-sponsorship by InMed, a company that evaluates new technologies, I trialed a new therapeutic modality-RiteTemp Medical on workers experiencing work-related musculoskeletal disorders. RiteTemp employs anatomically correct optimum temperature cool therapeutic devices that are not cold like ice or gel. These devices effectively deliver continuous cooling in the mid 50's Fahrenheit so individuals can wear any of the RiteTemp devices without worrying about frostbite and its complications. It's a truly effective treatment coupled with conditioning and flexing the tendons and ligaments to accelerate healing and return to function of the affected area. What I discovered in my trial that's ideal about RiteTemp as a modality is higher patient compliance and a reduction of the need for pain medication."

The occupations at the highest risk for carpal tunnel were sewing machine operators and manufacturing assembly personnel requiring repetitive hand motion with intricate movements. Asking around I actually located a large U.S. based sewing operation, whose owner is proactive in thwarting workplace injuries. Hentz Manufacturing and Markfore's owner, Bob Hinty of Fort Wayne, Indiana is an advocate of preventative medicine and conditioning therapy for his workers. Hinty's facilities, one of the largest sewing, silk-screening and embroidery operations in the U.S. that offers exceptional quality, quick turn-around, specialized and custom sewing that from the high-end line of ladies handbags and computer cases to Disco Bed for mobile transport of military personnel in the field. Hinty, in his facilities, takes a personal approach daily to involve job conditioning, safety compliance and goes so far as customizing work stations to account for petite to the exceedingly tall worker, especially when workers rotate to different jobs.

"Human ergonomics has many facets and they all must co-exist harmoniously in a high volume production facility," states Hinty. "When cross-training is required, which involves atypical motor skill or non-ergonomic functions, my supervisors regularly employ the use of RiteTemp Medical therapeutic devices as part of body conditioning and training." His recipe for success is a mix of mechanical science and human ergonomics that produces a "work of art" in the high-end fashionable Cinda B line of specialized handbags and totes. Hinty is in the forefront overseeing implementation of a new production project on the Gerber Cutter with one of his employees wearing the RiteTemp Wrist-Forearm to thwart overexertion of using new muscles until the muscles become conditioned to atypical movement.

When it comes to addressing the baby boomer population that have been working for at least 3 decades, I was fortunate to have an orthopedic surgeon that is one of several doctors participating in a pain study involving the RiteTemp Medical cool therapy devices as pre- and post-surgical recuperative treatment. The perfect example below was echoed by Dr. Richard Steinfeld, Orthopedic Surgeon of Vero Beach, Florida who recently conducted arthroscopic surgery on a business owner, who is active on his feet daily, to clean out the torn ACL (acruciate ligament) and meniscus in his right knee joint. Removing the badly torn meniscus during the arthroscopy revealed the looming problem that faces this baby boomer and our aging workforce - arthritis and other degenerative joint diseases.

Presumed from excessive rotation or torsion of the knee joint during high energy exercise, in this case, the patient experienced prolonged aggravation of the knee joint due to the repeated pounding pressure on the joint. Upon completion of the arthroscopy, I was privileged to have the opportunity to view the patient's injury and post-surgical outcome with Dr. Steinfeld. While the operation was successful, what was not initially revealed by the patient's pre-op X-Rays was degenerative arthritis, diagnosed as common among the baby boomer population from trying to be 'too healthy'. According to Dr. Steinfeld, former Navy flight surgeon who operates a private practice in Vero Beach, Florida, "The patient described herein who now has arthritis reported to Dr. Steinfeld and thereafter to me in his pre-operative interview that in his more youthful days he regularly ran five or more miles a day in hilly country, played racquetball twice weekly and actively pursued baseball as often as possible. We're invincible in our twenties and thirties. We're not invincible in our fifties. We ply tremendous torque on our joints by running. This patient is like many I see who has finally succumbed to arthritis.... He will need a total joint replacement in the very near future as he has bone on bone rubbing together, creating friction and discomfort. It's like having a flat tire."

As a participant in the pain study, the treatment prescribed by Dr. Steinfeld for this patient recuperating after arthroscopy outpatient surgery was to utilize the RiteTemp Active Knee as a regimen at first opportunity and continue wearing the cooling device as much as possible over the upcoming weeks. Different than all ice or gel cold therapy devices, this medical device can be worn without interruption as it does not get cold like ice or gel. It is a two-piece device with a live-hinge to flex appropriately on all body types as the knee bends during normal ambulation. While I was not privy to obtain a picture of this new active knee cool therapy device being used by this patient, an informational video describing this new "active modality" for physical therapy can be viewed at the YouTube site and refer to RiteTemp Medical Active Knee.

After a 30 day follow up with Dr. Steinfeld about this patient, Dr. Steinfeld reported that this patient was religious in utilizing the cooling device as often as possible and that pre-cooling of this patient's knee for one hour with the RiteTemp device prior to surgery in his opinion aided in reducing the typical post-surgical pain and swelling. He noted the patient reported only using Ibuprofen occasionally and did not take the prescribed pain medication reaffirming a higher patient compliance throughout the recuperation period and faster healing attributable to utilizing the RiteTemp as a better modality.

For more information on this "active medicine" technology visit the website or email me at and I'll gladly share worthy health information.

Recovering From Pain in the Finger Joints

You've probably come by this page from searching for the expression pain finger joint, and poor grammar aside, let me tell you that you are not alone. Hundreds of thousands of people suffer from extreme pain in their finger joints which forces them to miss out on many of life's simple pleasures. If you are someone who cringes at the thought of gripping a soda bottle, dialing a phone number, holding a pencil, or typing in keyboard let me be the first to tell you that I feel your pain and know what it's like to hurt.

Extreme pain in the finger joints can even cause you to deform your hands just to remain comfortable. I'm sure you've seen people who walk around holding their fingers in an almost claw formation to avoid bending them in a way that causes them in agony.

Repetitive stress injury is leading cause of pain in the finger joints. RSI, as it is abbreviated, is fairly easy to prevent by using instruments like ergonomic keyboards, desks, and chairs. If you're not in office worker and you're worried about RSI than the best way to prevent this injury is to take frequent breaks from any repetitive task that you have to perform. Unfortunately once RSI sets in it is something that you need to learn to live with.

Do not give up hope however; although you do have to learn to live with RSI you can repair the damage over time. This may sound paradoxical but hear me out. One of the causes of RSI is due to damage to your cartilage between your finger joints. If this is the case for you than taking joint supplements is a great way to help your body rebuild the cartilage naturally over time. Supplements are not a quick fix for your RSI, but given enough time and provided you take good care of yourself supplements will help you rebuild the damaged cartilage.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Frozen Shoulder Treatment - How to Live With Frozen Shoulder Symptoms

If you've read my other frozen shoulder articles or visited my frozen shoulder website (details below) then you now know a great deal about frozen shoulder and about the options for frozen shoulder treatment.

I'm sure that the knowledge you've gained is already helping you to cope with your frozen shoulder symptoms and I truly hope that you've found a doctor or therapist who has helped you find some pain relief.

But what if you haven't - or if you've gained only partial relief from your frozen shoulder treatment? What follows are my top tips for surviving with your shoulder symptoms until nature works her magic. Remember - stay positive - you will get through this and you will soon return to full normal function without pain or discomfort.

First tip for frozen shoulder treatment: Keep your shoulder warm!

I know that it almost sounds too obvious but it works! Use warm or hot compresses (or buy a heating pad) and use it over your shoulder four or five times a day for fifteen minutes at a time. It also works well applied in your armpit - the warmth travels up into the shoulder.

Many of my frozen shoulder patients have also found great relief - particularly at night - by using a heated pad or thermal blanket. There are a variety of moderately sophisticated products available, and a range of other inexpensive options, some of which you simply heat in the microwave before use. You can find details of these products on the website links below.

Second tip for frozen shoulder treatment: Sleep with an extra pillow!

No - not a pillow for your head, but a pillow under your shoulder on the affected side. Loss of sleep at night makes it much harder to cope with shoulder pain during the day and if you roll onto the painful shoulder when asleep you will wake up in pain. Sleep on your back with the extra pillow under your sore shoulder.

Frozen shoulder treatment tip number three: Massage helps your shoulder pain!

The pain of frozen shoulder comes from the joint but the surrounding muscles can become very tired and tense. Massage can produce good short-term relief of pain. A family member, a friend or professional masseur could help with this. As with heated pads, there are a number of self massaging devices available and you can find more details on my website by following the links below.

Fourth tip for frozen shoulder treatment: Try dietary supplements!

Natural products like glucosamine or fish oils have been shown to ease joint pains and stiffness. Some herbal remedies have pain-relieving properties. This does not work for everyone but might be worth a try for your frozen shoulder pain.
I've had particular success recently with products based on honeybee venom. The use of honeybee venom is based on the long-known fact that bee keepers (who often get stung) very rarely develop arthritis or problems with their joints and muscles.

Now - the braver amongst you (not including me I hasten to add) might volunteer for traditional "bee sting therapy" where you are subjected to repeated stings from a succession of bees held in tweezers!
Most of us would feel more comfortable simply applying the bee sting venom in the form of a balm to be rubbed into the painful or stiff area. In truth, I was a bit sceptical about all of this at first, but a large number of my patients have had great benefit from its use and I recommend you give it a try if you are interested. It's certainly a very natural way to obtain pain relief.

Fifth tip for frozen shoulder treatment: Buy or borrow a TENS machine!

TENS - or trans cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is a good and safe way to induce pain relief and some muscle relaxation. It works by stimulating the skin nerves and thus encourages the brain to pay less attention to the incoming pain signals from the joint. It doesn't seem to work for everyone but may be well worth a try.

Frozen shoulder treatment tip number six: Strap or support the arm from time to time!

If your shoulder is in the frozen stage then support from a simple strap can be of great value. Be careful of strapping too much in the other phases of the condition. You may simply encourage the shoulder to stay stiff for longer. As before, the website links below give details of strapping and support products.

Final tip for frozen shoulder treatment: Consider short term medication to improve sleep

People are naturally concerned about becoming dependent on sleeping medication - justifiably so. But for short term use there is no risk of dependency or addiction. Consider asking your doctor for a sedative medication if your frozen shoulder is stopping you from sleeping.

Bone and Joint Problems - Signs, Symptoms, Causes

Bone and joint problems were at one time thought to be a fact of life, things that simply accompanied the aging process. Now we know a little more about the problems. Here you will learn what we know about the symptoms and causes of bone and joint problems.

The early symptoms of bone and joint problems are aches, pains and stiffness. The later symptoms may include any of the following conditions:

• Osteoarthritis
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Osteoporosis
• Frequent bone fractures
• Osteomalacia

Bone fractures in the elderly can be deadly. Complications can arise from surgery. The fracture may fail to heal properly leading to permanent disability.

There are risk factors and causes of weak bones and joints. Age is one of the risk factors, but as mentioned above, the problems are not caused by normal aging. Something else is going on.

Other than frequent fractures, the most common symptom of osteoporosis is a hunched appearance. The spine starts to curve in as though the head is too heavy to be held up any longer. People may also seem to shrink as this curvature occurs and for other reasons associated with unhealthy bones and joints.

Osteomalacia is a painful condition that is often mistaken for arthritis, especially when it affects the elderly. Not only is there pain in the bones and joints, there is also pain in the muscles.

Who's At Risk?

Osteoporosis is the most common bone disorder among post-menopausal women. It has been estimated that fractures occur due to osteoporosis every three minutes in the United Kingdom.

Men are not immune to the risks of osteoporosis. Current figures show that 1 in every 8 men over the age of 50 will have a fracture related to osteoporosis at some point in his lifetime. Even more men have osteoporosis, but are lucky enough to avoid a fracture.

What are the Causes?

The underlying cause of osteoporosis and osteomalacia is reduced bone density. Fractures occur because the bones are thinner and more brittle. In the case of arthritis, the underlying cause is loss of protective cartilage between the joints.

What Causes Reduced Bone Density?

Researchers have learned that many things can interfere with the production of new bone, which is an ongoing process throughout a person's life. The process may be slower with age, as most bodily processes are, but it should not stop completely.

One thing not only interferes with the production of new bone. It actually causes the breakdown of bones to get at the calcium stored within them. As you might suspect, lack of calcium in the diet will cause the body to break down bone to direct the mineral to other bodily function. But, there are many minerals stored in bones. So any mineral deficiency can lead to bone loss.

Lack of vitamin D will also cause unhealthy bones. Osteomalacia is actually the adult equivalent of rickets, caused by inadequate vitamin D intake.

Other causes of reduced bone density include physical inactivity, smoking cigarettes, excessive alcohol consumption and diseases that interfere with nutrient absorption. Endocrine and rheumatic diseases are examples.

How to Protect Your Bones

Now that you know more about the risk factors and causes, you would probably like to know what you can do to protect your bones. That is the subject of my next article. Please click the Bones and Joint Problems link below in the resource author box.

German Shepherds - Common Health Problems You Should Know About and How to Reduce the Risk

When you are choosing the right dog for your household, it is important to consider potential dog health problems that each breed may have. There are certain breeds which are genetically susceptible to particular diseases. This is definitely true for the German Shepherd breed. These Shepherd's are one of the most intelligent breeds, and certainly make great companions, but before taking that little shepherd puppy home, there are some things you might want to consider.

What are some of the common German Shepherd health problems you may see? There are two major conditions - canine hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia. Both are also known to lead to arthritis in dogs, which can be treated by Glucosamine.

Unfortunately, this breed is prone to canine hip dysplasia, a condition in which hip displacement occurs because the end (head) of the femur bone does not connect properly into the hip socket. The hip joint may be quite loose as a result. The hip dysplasia will often cause dog arthritis and leave your German Shepherd in pain.

How can you tell if your dog suffers from hip displacement? It can be difficult because there are not always symptoms present. As with many dog health problems, your German Shepherd may appear to be in pain. You may notice that he will run with his legs together. He may have a hard time climbing up hills or stairs. Your German Shepherd may prefer to sit rather than stand, and will have a hard time getting up. He may also have a hard time keeping up on walks and may visibly limp. You may also notice that your German Shepherd no longer likes to be touched or may even bark in pain.

The second of the possible German Shepherd health problems is elbow dysplasia. This occurs when the three bones that make up the elbow joint don't form together properly. This causes the elbow joint to be loose which, again, often leads to arthritis in dogs. There may also be bone chips that form, leading to further pain. Severe cases of elbow dysplasia lead to more serious bone conditions. The main symptom of elbow dysplasia is lameness in the dog.

It is especially important to treat arthritis in dogs with these conditions. You should visit your veterinarian to get an X-ray to confirm the problem. The common treatment for dog arthritis is Glucosamine. Studies show that Glucosamine can help stop pain, rebuild cartilage, and improve the joint structure.

As long as you are aware of potential German Shepherd health problems, you can help your dog have a long and healthy life. You can notice the signs of hip displacement and treat the arthritis in the earlier stages. Treating these problems can be done through regular visits to the vet and through the use of dog supplements containing Glucosamine. This and other important vitamins, minerals, and nutrients help keep your German Shepherd healthy and feeling good.

Cranial Molding Helmets and Bands For Your Baby (or Infant) - Special Report on Cranial Orthoses

1.) What is Deformational Plagiocephaly?

Deformational plagiocephaly is a condition in which a baby suffers from having a head shape that is uneven or irregular in shape. This typically will be displayed with a flat spot on the infants head.

2.) What is Craniosynostosis?

The condition known as Craniosynostosis can cause plagiocephaly. This is caused by the premature fusion of the child's skull at its sutures. This would cause an irregular shaped head through growth in one direction and growth located at the suture closures. Nonsynostotic plagiocephaly actually does not necessarily require that a child have surgery and it can be treated with the use of a cranial molding helmet.

When a child has what is refereed to as "mild positional plagiocephaly", the condition may actually correct itself within the first six weeks of the child's life. If not, then treatment may be required when its irregularity is diagnosed.

3.) Who Suffers From Positional Plagiocephally?

In the past, positional plagiocephaly would occur in one out of every 300 babies. This would include synostotic and non-synostotic cases. (Note to reader: "synostotic" refers to the fusion of normally separate skeletal bones). However, more recent data suggests that the number has raised up to 40% in health infants! - This rise in incidence or diagnosis of non-synostotic plagiocephaly has been linked to two basic reasons:

A. ) There has been a rise in multiple births

B.) The "Back to Sleep" campaign. This was headed by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 1994. This campaign suggested for infants to be sleeping on their backs to decrease the onset of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). As you can guess, when the child sleeps on its back more, what can happen to the back of the child's head? - A flat spot can develop.

4.) What Can Cause Non-synostotic Positional Plagiocephaly?

It is possible that this type of plagiocephaly is caused prior to birth. This happens due to pressure that is located within the mother's uterus. Typically, this is caused by one of the following conditions stated below:

• The infant dropped down early, into the mother's pelvis prior to the deliver process.
• Bicornase uterus
• The infant was born breech
• Multiple births such as twins, for example
• The baby's size is unusually large
• The mother has a decreased volume of amniotic fluid or she (the mother) has a small pelvis

After birth, plagiocephally can be due to the infants frequent lying posture. This means that the baby is in the same position, such as in their crib or car seat.

5.) What Are The Current Treatments Available to Help Treat a Flat Spot on The Head?

The main treatment for positional plagiocephaly is a cranial remolding orthosis. Many people refer to them as "baby helmets" or "infant helmets". A child can begin using one of these special helmets between the ages of four and eight months. - This orthosis (helmet) will gently reshape the skull as it continues to grow in the coming months.

6.) Will My Insurance Cover a Helmet (Cranial Orthosis or Headband)?

Insurance can cover these items, but each insurance provider has its own medical guidelines and coverage percentages. It is best to get in contact with the insurance company to determine the coverage of benefits for these special helmets. In this case, these helmets will be covered under DME (durable medical equipment) and orthotics and prosthetics (O&P). It is not unusual for the insurance company to request a letter of medical necessity for these remodling helmets. This will basically tell the insurance company why it is medically necessary for your child to obtain this kind of orthosis.

If untreated, your child may have to deal with more than just a flat spot on their head. They may also suffer from vision and hearing problems and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), etc. It is important for you to be in contact with your local, licensed orthotist to provide you with all the necessary information regarding these helmets prior to making a decision. Moreover, many health insurance companies will have published detailed criteria for DME (durable medical equipment) on their websites.

7.) Are All Cranial Orthoses (Remolding Helmets) And Bands Created The Same Way?

The general concepts behind the product are similar, although its our opinion that it is important to get complete coverage of the baby's cranium to achieve the best outcome. Typically we are concerned about the upper cranial vault. Bands typically only address this aspect of the infants head. However, your baby has sutures that are located over and around their ears. Sutures are also located at the top of the baby's head as well. Since the helmets functions by allowing growth at a flat spot and inhibiting growth in the direction of any bulge, a band would not be optimal coverage for the area around and above the ears. This could allow for a deformation to persist if left uncontrolled. It is our opinion that a complete helmet of the child's unique shaped head will help to insure against this rare side effect.

8.) How Quickly Will My Child Receive Their Helmet After Casting?

Every O & P company is different in how they approach cranial molding helmets. Ideally, your baby will be using their new helmet with one week of the casting date to assure the proper fit and function of the cranial orthosis. However, insurance approval is typically needed before a licensed orthotist can provide this special helmet to your child. Ideally, the insurance approval process will be complete prior to the casting visit and this will expedite the time it will take for your child to receive their helmet. If you are going to get one of these for your child, phone ahead to your local, licensed orthotist and talk with their company about coverage benefits. You will probably need your health insurance readily available when you call.

9.) What Kind of Special Training do Certified Orthotists Possess? What is it That Makes Them The Best Candidate For Taking Care of Your Child?

A certified orthotist has proven themselves in the field of orthotics. They have passed exams of the highest standard in the orthotics community and need continuing education to keep their credentials in the field of orthotics. Although some individuals might like to call them a helmet, the device your child will receive is technically considered to be an orthosis.

Licensed orthotists are allied health professionals. They are also specifically trained and educated to provide or manage the provision of custom or prefabricated orthoses. This strong background in patient care, using proven biomechanical principles and materials, gives these specialists the skills to manage infants with positional plagiocephaly. Orthotists have also been fitting and providing braces (orthoses) including cranial helmets for over a century in the United States.

Note: This is health information. Not medical advice or to be used as a diagnosing tool for your child. It is best to work with your local licensed orthotist and physician to get the best treatment possible.

Seeking Answers to Hip Dysplasia

This article is a bird's eye view into a common problem faced by many breeds of
dog, known as hip dysplasia.

With some information gleaned from an article written by Marcia King in the December issue of Dog Fancy. Words of advice from Dr. Darryl Mills, professor of orthopedic surgery at the University of Tennessee, taken from the same article in Dog Fancy and some research by me, I will give you a quick rundown on this common and dreaded problem.

There are many breeds that seem to have a genetic tendency toward hip dysplasia, among them you will find Golden Retrievers, Labradors, German Shepherds, Dachshunds, Spaniels, Dobermans, Rottweilers, Mastiffs and many more.

If you are in the market for a dog it is wise to research the breed you are looking for, to see what the genetic tendencies are toward certain ailments.

What is hip dysplasia?

It is a loose abnormal hip joint caused by a hip socket that is too shallow to hold the ball or head of the thigh bone (femur.) This causes a rubbing together of the joints and that in turn causes inflammation, pain, cartilage damage, muscle loss and arthritis. It is more common in males than in females.

What causes it?

In many cases it is a genetic predisposition, however it can also be caused by too rapid a growth in large dogs, while in the puppy growing stage and high impact exercise while a puppy, such as excessive jumping, running and training.

What are the signs?

Lameness or stiffness in the hind legs, difficulty in walking or standing, problems getting up after lying down, a type of "bunny hop gait" and pain. The dog may show pain by crying out or by nipping at its hind legs as if he/she were trying to get a flea or some other bite.

It is a condition that develops in puppy-hood, but may not be noticed until a few years later. Puppies can show signs as early as 5 months (20 weeks.)

How can you tell if your puppy has hip dysplasia?

Your vet can tell by moving the hip joints and by taking x-rays. If found early enough (before 20 weeks) there is a simple surgical procedure that can be done to repair the problem and it is the least expensive of the surgeries that can be done later on.

Many veterinarians suggest the surgery be done at the same time you spay or neuter your pet, providing you know you have a dog that is a high risk for the problem, especially if one of the parents has a known case. What can be done to prevent it?

Preventing rapid growth is one way. Slowing down the weight gain gives the bones a chance to grow and get stronger without the extra body weight. Some vets advise mixing the puppy food formula with adult food to help slow down the growth, while others suggest just feeding less more often. Talk to your vet before implementing any changes in your puppy's diet.

Avoid high impact exercise, keep the jumping and other strenuous exercise at a minimum. Any type of play that puts stress on the hind quarters on a continual basis is not recommended.

If your puppy is from high-risk parents or if the breed has a tendency to have problems, have your puppy checked early by your vet. Just knowing what to expect can allow you to plan for early surgery if necessary or it will give you something to base the early training of your dog on.

What types of surgery are available?

There are currently 4 types of surgery available:

  • Juvenile pubic symphysiodesis is the surgery that is done before 20 weeks. It is the quickest and the least expensive. It cauterizes the growing cartilage cells in the hip, altering the growing hip angle, which provides a tighter hip.

  • Triple pelvic osteotomy is a surgery where the pelvic bone is cut in 3 places and repositioned to better secure the thigh bone. It is best done before any signs of arthritis appear.

  • Total hip replacement is the most expensive and of course the best alternative. The dog gets an artificial hip and most dogs have amazing results.

  • Femoral head and neck incision surgery removes and replaces the head of the thigh bone with muscle or joint tissues that form a false joint. This is best done on dogs that weigh less than 50 pounds with generally good results.

    Besides surgery there are also other ways to help reduce the pain dogs suffer. Some more advanced veterinary clinics have available transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, which uses an electrical impulse to help reduce pain.

    Then there is extracorporeal shockwave therapy that utilizes sound waves to induce pain relief. This treatment has helped some dogs go for months without pain and others for a year or two.

    Knowing many of us have budgets that do not allow (as much as we would like to) for giving our pets the most expensive treatments and we have to rely on medication and supplements to supply pain relief.

    The market place abounds with many good products that can help your pet and dull the pain of arthritis type symptoms. Look for products that contain glucosamine, chondroitin and/or MSM. As always consult your pet's health practitioner before dispensing any medication.

  • Don't Let Chronic Joint Pain Rob You Of The Joys Of Life

    For those of us who have chronic joint pain life has changed. We don't do a lot of the things we did before the pain started. And if the pain is caused by a degenerative cause then the pain won't do anything but get worse. And it really doesn't matter which joints happen to be affected. The joints that are constantly hurting could be the knees, ankles, shoulders, hips, elbows or hands. Our quality of life can be taken away by chronic joint pain. Orthopedics specialists can help you manage your pain.

    Pain in the hands, elbows and shoulders is definitely annoying and definitely complicates things. Doing simple things that we take for granted like opening a pop bottle, tearing open a bag of chips or even something as simple as zipping our pants can be almost impossible. Pain in our hands is usually caused by rhuematoid arthritis, although it can be tough to eliminate, it can be eased with medication. Elbow and shoulder pain can be caused by that as well and treated the same way, but if the damage is from injury then joint replacement surgery is possible.

    Also, pain in the hips, knees and ankles may be from arthritis as well, but more often than not, the pain in those joints is from damage. This damage can make walking anywhere a real chore and if the pain is severe enough, it can even cause a fall. Sometimes the joints are damaged in such a way as they don't operate the way they should which can also cause a fall. Joint replacement surgery is definitely an option and one that can restore a quality of life far beyond pre-surgical states.

    Joint replacement surgery isn't the easiest of surgeries to recover from, however if you're coping with moderate to intense pain, it is definitely worth it. After the surgery, the pain doesn't miraculously go away, but after physical therapy and the healing process is complete, all of the pain can go away completely. You won't have to suffer any more and you can go back to your active lifestyle.

    Many joint pains don't have to be tolerated and managed with medicines and therapy while some do. You could cure completely the pain in elbows, hips, knees, ankles and shoulders that used to be debilitating and required canes, splints, braces and sometimes even wheelchairs with surgical joint replacement. If you suffer from joint pain, check into all the different treatments for chronic pain, hip or knee replacement and start living a pain-free life. You can live life without pain and actually start enjoying it again.

    TMJ Disorder: Exploring Complementary and Alternative Therapy

    Pain related to temporomandibular disorder can be managed through different therapeutic regimens depending on the primary cause. Homemade remedies include the use of sedatives like pain relievers, use of heat compress in the affected part, and massaging the affected area. It is suggested that if the pain is not relieved within the day to consult immediately with a doctor. There may be underlying medical conditions that resulted in the pain in the temporomandibular region. Habits like teeth clenching, excessive gum chewing, teeth grinding should also be noted since these could be the culprit behind the pain you are experiencing.

    Several treatments are available for managing TMJ treatment through either contemporary or modern medicine, or through a complementary and alternative form of medicine. Your doctor will give you an overview of different contemporary forms of treatment that is suitable for you depending on the signs and symptoms you experience upon assessment in the doctor's clinic. However, you have a choice to whether you would like to try a different approach like the use of alternative forms of therapy that have been proven to alleviate and manage pain related to TMJ disorder.

    The use of alternative medicine calls for evidenced based practices that have had undergone peer reviews and clinical trials to prove its efficacy. Databases like the Cochrane Collaboration of researchers and clinical trials will give you updated reviews on different alternative therapies that would suit TMJ treatment. If you are not sure whether such therapy suggested by others would be suited for you, and you would be more comfortable if scientific researches and evidence proved the therapies claim for promoting good health and healing, and then conduct interviews, then that is your prerogative.

    Some forms of alternative medicine on TMJ treatment that have returned substantial reports through utilizing different search engines online include acupuncture, relaxation techniques and massage. You can also ask around and see firsthand what other people are experiencing in regard to the effectiveness of this type of therapeutic approach. Among the different forms of complementary and alternative form of therapy for pain management, acupuncture has had a significant amount of research and evidence based clinical trials. If you have not seen or observed how acupuncture is done, you might hesitate on the way they will perform the method. Acupuncture involves the use of thread like needles inserted at a different point in the body called meridians. It is said that this meridian once properly stimulated can promote healing. Acupuncture has been around for centuries and if you ask the Chinese nationals, you will be told of different stories and instances regarding its effectiveness. It is a century old practice and is still the preferred choice among people from China and Tibet.

    TMJ treatment depends on your preference. Therapy is based on the symptoms you present during assessment. Early diagnosis is essential for the development of a good prognosis. Most therapies are centered on pain management. You have the right to choose your mode of treatment whether you would go for the most convenient which is contemporary medicine or try the unusual yet proven to be effective complementary and alternative therapy like acupuncture. The choice is entirely up to you. You will be the person to decide on how you will receive therapy. You may discuss it with your doctor or you may not. Some doctors may support you in case you would like to try a different approach to healing. Some doctors may laugh at you and consider you foolhardy for even considering non contemporary medical regimens. You have the right to consider all options relevant to your overall health and well being.

    Tuesday, February 18, 2014

    Conquering Arthritis - Mentally and Physically

    Common Types of Arthritis

    There are many forms of arthritis. They range from severely debilitating rheumatoid arthritis to common osteo-arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. Over ninety percent of people over the age of fifty have some degree of oseto-arthritis. It is basically the wearing out of the joints over time, or plain and simple wear and tear. There are a lot of factors that determine when and how severe it will affect you, some factors you can control and some that you can't. Rheumatoid arthritis is less common, but much more destructive. It is a disease which the immune system attacks the joints for an unknown reason. The body treats the joints like invaders and slowly destroys them over time. It is unknown what causes rheumatoid arthritis and it can be severe. It can happen at any age and can stop and go into remission for no apparent reason. There are a lot of other forms of arthritis that are rare, but they all negatively affect the joints.


    Osteoarthritis affects every mammal on the planet and every person will eventually develop it if the live long enough. It is the joints wearing out with age. The first sign of osteoarthritis is stiffness in the joints. This is due to the fluid (synovia) that separates the bones of the joints becoming less viable and breaking down. Over time the joints will get closer together and lose the viscosity of the fluid. Calcium will start to form on the ends of the bones and slowly start to form a bridge between the two bones that make up the joint. This process is called spurring. Eventually the joint will lose all the fluid that lubricates the joint and spurs will take over the entire joint. The bones will fuse together to form one big connection. This process takes time and it can start as early as late teens or it can start much later in life.

    Causes of Osteoarthritis

    There are a lot of factors that determine the age and rate when osteoarthritis will start. Some factors can be controlled and others cannot. Did you ever see people in their eighties that look and move like they're in their forties? Then you see someone in their fifties that look and move like they are ninety. This didn't happen by chance. Many things determined this, but they all occur over time. It's never to late to change, unless your dead! The first factor is genetics. This is handed down by your parents and their parents. You can't pick your parents so this is 100% not controllable. If your parents developed osteoarthritis at an early age, chances are you will too unless you take precautions. Trauma is another factor that isn't exactly controllable. The amount of trauma your body, particularly the joints, has had will speed up the degeneration process of osteoarthritis. Most football players have a high rate of osteoarthritis in their hips and knees at young ages due to the amount of lower body trauma they endured while playing football. Livelihood is not really controlled either, and it is another factor that contributes to arthritis. I'll give a couple of examples. Mail carriers that carry heavy mail bags on their shoulders will develop osteoarthritis in their spines at a much faster rate than most people. Years ago they were taught to switch sides regularly to prevent on side from receiving most of the stress. This helps, but it still doesn't eliminate the increased stress on the spine day after day. Another example are dentists. My father was a dentist and my sister is a dentist. When my father started to age he had a finger that was crooked. It was just his first finger (pointer finger) on his right hand. This was due to the constant pressure he placed on the instruments while working. Rheumatoid arthritis hits all the fingers so it wasn't rheumatism. Dentists also bend to one side all day. This places a lot of stress on one side of the spine. I recommend switching sides, but it is impossible for them to do this because most dentists aren't ambidextrous. Over time this will degenerate the mid back of most dentists. I'm a chiropractor and I stand all day. I'm developing arthritis in my knee. I also had severe knee trauma (surgery) in high school form sports.

    Slow Osteo-Arthritis Down

    Regular moderate joint motion is one thing that slows the degenerative process down. A moving joint is typically a healthy joint. Regular daily motion stimulates the fluid (synovia) of the joint and will nourish the joint. It is similar to the difference between a pond (dirty) and a stream (clean). A pond develops scum due to the lack of moving fresh water, but a stream in constantly moving fresh water in and removing the dirty water. The joints of the body act similarly to this. They get their nourishment from the fluid in the joints so if the fluid isn't circulating the joint wont get proper nourishment and will degenerate at a much faster rate. Daily stretching and moving the whole body through a full range of motion is recommended. People that work hard often times don't get enough full ranges of motion in their entire body. They stimulate certain areas too much and other areas not enough and they become imbalanced. There are a lot of methods to stimulate and stretch, but I feel yoga and pilates along with swimming are the best ways to stimulate and stretch the entire body. Proper alignment of the joints, especially the spine is crucial in preventing osteoarthritis. If the bones are mis-aligned it is common sense they will wear out faster. Like making sure your tires are in alignment, the vertebra move and can become mis-aligned. When vertebra are mis-aligned they become fixated and don't allow proper motion in the joints. Muscle spasms are the biggest reason why this occurs. When a muscle goes into spasm, it gets tight and will move the bones or compressing the joint. A pulled muscle can create havoc on the spine, short and long term. Regular chiropractic treatments prevent mis-alignments and reduce muscle spasms. Proper nourishment and fluids are another big factor. Joints have been found to degenerate at a faster rate if they aren't hydrated properly and they also have been found to improve if proper nutrients are given to them. Glucosamine Sulfate, Chondroitin Sulfate, MSM, and Hyaluronic acid along with Omega 3 fatty acids have been found to aid in joint function. I also recommend natural ant-infammatories such as ginger and turmeric for preventing harmful inflammation of the joints and soft tissue.

    Conquering Arthritis, Mentally

    I don't care what type of arthritis you may have, your mental attitude is the most important factor that will enable you to manage it and help you live a happy productive life. Even the worst cases of rheumatoid arthritis can go into remission. Without positive thinking and positive preparation it usually won't happen. Osteoarthritis effects everyone. Some people let it destroy who they are and others empower it. It doesn't have to become who you are. Everyone has an identity or a story. Don't let the first thing you think of when you imagine yourself be arthritis. If you let it control you it will eventually destroy you. Arthritis is manageable and it is not going to prevent you from enjoying your life. Take preparations and you will be fine. Associate yourself with active and supportive people that enjoy life and don't dwell on the negative things such as their ailing health. Positive thinking and positive living will change your life. Energy breeds more energy. The more energy you use the more your brain and body will produce. You just have to get it started. So get moving, nourish your joints and keep them in align.