Saturday, February 15, 2014

How to Treat Shoulder Pain

People of all ages suffer from shoulder joint pain. The causes are many and can range from an unknown onset to a traumatic event. Many people develop shoulder pain from performing repetitive type activities for prolonged times. Others will experience pain in the shoulder following a fall on the outstretched arm. Sometimes the reason for pain is not as obvious.

I see many cases where a person cannot identify what caused the pain in the shoulder. Often times this pain can occur when someone bumps their shoulder against the door jam in the middle of the night when going to the bathroom. This rather benign action sets off a chemical process that will build up over several days. Eventually this will cause pain in the shoulder. Since the "injury" occurred several days earlier the person cannot recall any event that started the process. Regardless of the cause of the shoulder joint pain the treatment is often similar from case to case.

Treatment of the shoulder can encompass several different areas. Conservative measures include medication (anti-inflammatories, pain medications), rest, cortisone injections, and/or physical therapy. All of these methods can be effective in helping relieve a painful shoulder especially when they are performed in combination with each other.

Often times when you present to your medical doctor with complaints of shoulder joint pain they will prescribe some medication as described above. Rest will also be advocated although this is not always easy for people to follow depending on their activity levels or their occupations. Injections are sometimes given right away depending on your medical doctor's philosophy. Some MD's would rather you attend physical therapy before considering injecting the painful shoulder. Injections are not the end all beat all and they do not offer relief to all patients that receive them. Often times a well rounded physical therapy program can alleviate the pain and you won't have to consider having an injection.

Physical therapy treatment can consist of the following interventions:

1. Therapeutic exercises - this will consist of range of motion, conditioning, and strengthening exercises. The goal here is to maximize and restore any loss of range of motion, improve the overall endurance of the shoulder blade and shoulder muscles and to improve the strength of these same muscles. The muscles surrounding the shoulder blade must be conditioned and strengthened just as the main shoulder muscles would be because these muscles have to work in conjunction with the shoulder muscles in order to restore normal motion and to prevent recurrence of pain.

2. Manual therapy - this will consist of hands on treatment that the physical therapist would perform on you. This might consist of joint mobilization (i.e. techniques designed to improve joint motion and relieve pain), or soft tissue massage (i.e. techniques designed to improve muscle and connective tissue flexibility and to relieve pain).

3. Modalities - this consists of machines that the physical therapist may apply to your painful shoulder to assist in pain relief and healing along with the other treatments mentioned above. Some of these machines are ultrasound, electrical stimulation, TENS, or iontophoresis.

All of these interventions can be used in the treatment of shoulder joint pain. It is common in clinical practice to use a combination of these interventions. It has been my experience in treating hundreds of shoulder patients over the years that therapeutic exercise is an absolute in the treatment of the painful shoulder. Well rounded exercises that target the shoulder blade and shoulder muscles are the mainstay of any good physical therapy regimen for the treatment of shoulder pain.

What You Should Know About Lift Chair Recliners

Lift chair recliners, also known as rise chair recliners, are a form of mobility equipment. These chairs were designed for the sole purpose of assisting the weak and disabled who find it difficult to sit in a chair and get up out of it.

There are three settings in it. The user can be assisted into a seated position, an upright position or a fully reclined position. Lift chairs have the same appearance as any other ordinary chair; only, they have a few additional components.

When a person wants to get up out of the chair, a button is pressed which uses the motor to tilt the chair in an upright position. When attempting to sit down, the weight of the body causes the motor to lower the chair. A motor can also activate the foot rest to elevate and place the person in a reclined position. Reclining lift chairs are plugged into an outlet but also have a battery in cases where the electricity goes out.

When people have a hard time getting into a chair or re-assuming a standing from seated position, they tend to become inactive. Inactivity or immobilization promotes further weakness and other secondary complications. Many different population groups can benefit from using lift chair recliners. People who suffer from arthritis will present with increased pain and stiffness when getting up from a chair, especially in the morning. Those with neck and back ailments are also advised to use less taxing ways of getting around. Much of the stress of bearing the body's weight can be reduced in people who underwent hip or knee surgery or have degenerative joint disease.

Lift chair recliners not only benefit the disabled person; it can even help the health care professionals treating the patient. Health care workers such as caregivers and private nurses can use chairs that lift the patient automatically. Even when these professionals are trained to use proper body mechanics when lifting, the labor-intensive task can still cause back pain. Using lift chairs does not cause strain and it also saves time for the health care provider, allowing more time to be spent on other treatments.

It can be ordered in different colors, shapes and sizes. Most sizes range from Small to Extra-extra-large. The largest size can be ordered to accommodate obese individuals. When purchasing a lift chair, it is important to know both the weight and the height of the user. The small size can comfortably fit a person who is less than 5' 4'' in height.

The chairs may also come with additional features like a heat and massage setting for added comfort. Cup holders and areas for storage are available. Some models have hand controls for more convenience. When arranging lift chair recliners in a room, it is important to remember that an appropriate amount of space be provided. The lift chair should be able to operate in all positions without coming in contact with other pieces of furniture.

Not Everyone Will Recover From TMJ Disorder

Recently I was abruptly reminded, by two long term TMJ Disorder sufferers, that not all cases of TMJ Disorder will self-resolve. These ladies were incensed at the title of a book I have written on this disorder which implies that everyone can conquer this disorder. And I do agree with them. This is a sad fact of this disorder: For a multitude of reasons, some cases are never going to be "cured."

For Some, Surgery May Be Necessary

I do know that some cases of TMJD may require irreversible procedures performed, like surgery. Unfortunately, all too often sufferers are worse off after surgery than they were before the procedure. I have had contact with far too many individuals who've paid thousands of dollars for irreversible procedures and not been left better off. I still say that surgery should be done only as a last case resort, and one should be prepared to suffer the unforeseen consequence that perhaps, just perhaps, they will not be better off for the experience. For some, however, surgery IS the solution.

Book Title

In fact, were I to re-title my book, I would not use the current title because it is, I now see, misleading. This was completely unintentional on my part given that, statistically, most cases of TMJD do resolve with a SOFTER DIET and TIME. For those who have shaken their fists in anger at this Pollyanna approach to TMJD, I apologize sincerely. It has totally never been my intention to belittle or diminish the extent of a person's suffering from this disorder. I've had this disorder. It was not only excruciatingly painful, it was extremely, totally depressing.

Pain Free, but Cautious

In point of fact, can I truly state I am completely recovered from my case of TMJD? No. Even though I am pain free, I am very cautious about what I eat. If anything is the least chewy or tough, I take an immediate pass on that item. I cannot eat apples on the core; I cannot eat corn on the cob; I seldom attempt to chew gum; no jaw breakers; sandwiches can sometimes be difficult; the list can go on. At best I can state I am now pain free and able to eat most foods, even crunchy items like carrot sticks. I cherish this because I know it can take only one careless moment, one thoughtless bite on something, and I could be back at square one.

Many Treatment Options Available

TMJD sufferers have a plethora of options they can now explore before they go the surgical or "irreversible procedure" route. Some steadfastly claim that chiropractic intervention cures their sporadic attacks of TMJD. Some cling to their use of mouthguards at night. Others resort to acupuncture. I, and others, believe that time and a softer diet alleviate the problem (along with stopping nocturnal clenching and grinding). There are, basically, many paths one can take to find relief from this malady. Not every path is right for every person. And for a few individuals, there may be no paths. Pain management may be the only option left.

So, for those who have been offended at the title of my book because time and a softer diet did not work for them, I apologize. It was never my intention to mislead anyone. Despite the fact that many dentists and health practitioners agree with me, I do recognize that my path may not be everyone's path.

I wish you well and a speedy recovery.

Cure Your Rheumatoid Arthritis - Alcohol, a Possible Treatment to an Impossible Disease

Every patient suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis is searching for alternative remedy, which could lower down growth of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) in the body. A recent research states that the people who intake 10 units (not more or less) of alcohol a week have reduced the severity of Rheumatoid Arthritis in body.

In this research, RA patients were initially divided into two groups, First group include those patients who do not take or have alcohol infrequently and the second group include those patients who take alcohol frequently (10 units of alcohol a week or five glasses of wine a week).

After 45 days, patients in the second group were observing lesser pain than before, whereas the condition of first group patients was still degrading at the same pace. Certain blood tests and X-Ray of all the joints were led to validate the reality and it was found that, there was much lower level of inflammation and swelling around the joints of the second group patients. Their X-Ray reports had also reflected less damage to joints of second group arthritis patients when compared to the first group patients in the same duration.

A lot of intense and deep research by research team, depicted that "the alcohol actually restrains the activity of immune system at a certain point which has a major impact on the ground where Rheumatoid Arthritis actually develops in body (when alcohol is taken in limited or prescribed quantity). The alcohol's insensitivity and anti-inflammatory effects tend to lower down the activity of immune system in body and the actual reason behind reduced pain in the second group patients".

The research team said that "the chances of recovering from Rheumatoid Arthritis can certainly increase with regular intake of prescribed quantity of alcohol, however any intake of alcohol apart from the prescribed quantity will certainly be harmful".

This research also resulted that the prescribed quantity of alcohol is also helpful in lowering down symptoms of RA severity in the body. The symptoms of RA were also found low in the people who drink frequently and high in non-drinkers. In fact, alcohol is also useful in pulling down the risk of heart disease in many patients.

Rheumatoid Arthritis medicines, including immuno suppressant drugs like Confluence could damage the liver if patient intake more quantity of alcohol apart from the prescribed quantity with any immuno suppressant medicines. The patients should certainly not exceed prescribed 10 units of alcohol or 5 glasses of wine a week in order to get relief in joint pain. It should be noted that drinking of more quantity of alcohol, taking regular medicine or any antibiotic could harm liver.

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease, which is clearly a reflection of changing lifestyle, more than 2 percent of world population is currently affected by Rheumatoid Arthritis. There is an urgent need to find alternative treatment, which can lower down the RA effects and restrain further damage. Millions are spent every year to discover a medicine to cure Rheumatoid Arthritis, patients can certainly restrain themselves from every form of arthritis by adopting few simple measures.

A recent research conducted by a private arthritis research website, resulted that every men aged 45 and women aged 42 will be suffering from one or the other form of arthritis after 2020.

Hip Pain Problems

Our hips do a lot of work for us. They support our bodies, put up with the repeated motion of back and forth while we walk and run, and help us to dance the night away when needed. They are not indestructible, however, and over time, they may begin to hurt. If you are experiencing hip pain, you might be curious as to what may be causing it. If so, we may just have the answers you need.

The Anatomy of the Hip

Our hips are made up of two ball and socket joints, actually the largest of all the joints in our bodies. They are designed to withstand a lot of wear and tear, with a cushion of cartilage inside the joint to give us that fluid range of motion we need every day. Over time, the cartilage will begin to wear down, or become damaged. The muscles and tendons that are attached to the hip, that join it to our torso and to our legs, can be overused, and stretched or torn.

The bones that form the hip, and its ball and socket joints, are just like any other bone in our bodies. They can become broken if we fall, or be susceptible to any number of bone disorders, especially arthritis. When this happens, or any number of other medical conditions, the hips begin to hurt, and stop working as they should.

Causes of Hip Pain

As we said, there can be a whole host of medical conditions that can cause a patient to suffer pain in the hip. The most common cause is simple aging, which can cause bones to thicken and lose the vital lubrication that the joints need to function properly. Arthritis is the number one reason behind such pain, and while there is no cure, it can be eased with a combination of regular exercise and medication. Bursitis will cause the muscles and tendons around the hip to become inflamed, as will tendonitis. Fractures of the hip bones come in a distant third in the rankings of common causes.

Two of the most devastating causes of pain in the hip are cancers, and a disease known as avascular necrosis. Cancers can spread to the hips and weaken them, or start there, as in the case of bone cancer or leukemia, which affects the marrow within the bone. Avascular necrosis can be an especially nasty condition to treat. What happens is that the blood flow to the hip bone is reduced to nearly nothing, and the bone tissue dies as a result. Dislocating or fracturing the hip can lead to this necrosis, as will prolonged use of high dosage steroids, like prednisone.


The symptoms included with pain in the hip can vary, depending upon what condition is causing it. Some symptoms will worsen with activity, especially if it is caused by something like arthritis. You may develop a limp, as well as finding that your range of motion has been reduced.

The main symptoms associated with this condition are pain felt in the thigh, the inside of the hip joint, the groin, the outside of the hip joint, or the buttocks. Other pains throughout the body, like those from the lower back, can also radiate towards the hips, and make it feel like the pain is coming from there.

Pain Relief Options

If your pain is caused by muscle strain, osteoarthritis or tendonitis, it can usually be managed by over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen. Rheumatoid arthritis sufferers will usually be treated with anti-inflammatory prescription drugs like corticosteroids, or anti-rheumatic drugs like methotrexate or sulfasalzine.

Other options include exercising, usually low-impact activities like swimming, stretching and resistance training, all geared to improving joint mobility and reducing the pain. Another treatment choice that can improve range of motion is physical therapy, and some chiropractic adjustments, all designed to reduce your overall hip pain.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Is It Really Liver Pain?

Liver pain is on the right side, mostly right under the rib cage, and up. There can be free fluid around the liver in the abdominal cavity which will produce pain in the right shoulder. It probably hurts to breathe in, or cough. Sometimes people describe the feeling as a swollen full feeling or cramping under the rib cage.

Liver pain symptoms are often dismissed because it is a general belief that organs don't hurt. If you are experiencing any of these sensations, don't give up, and don't think you are making it up. Liver Pain can be real. Rheumatologists, nephrologists, family practitioners, all have been known to dismiss liver pain as patient complainings.

Sometimes it feels like your liver just doesn't fit under your rib cage. One person described it as feeling like a brick was tucked under their right rib. Sometimes the feeling is connected to a pain in the back as well.

Pain caused from a swollen liver is not necessarily sharp. Most of the time 'liver pain' is just a dull ache. Sometimes the sensation is wrongly attributed to fibromyaliga.

The cause of Liver Pain may be more easily identified by identifying other symptoms, such as fatigue, itching, swollen testes, difficulties breathing, eating problems, or even shoulder pain.

There can be many reasons for liver pain. Blood and urine tests help to identify problems in the liver, but don't rule out the effects of barrage of pollutants and toxic substances in today's environment. While the liver was designed to detoxify and rid the body of foreign chemicals, it may not be equipped to handle the barrage of pollutants and toxic substances in today's environment. So, while you are checking for possible causes of the pain associated with the liver, it would be a good idea to check your body for chemical overload as well.

Individual reaction to toxic overload can vary greatly. The most common symptom associated with toxic overload is fatigue. Other symptoms include headache, muscle and joint pain, irritability, depression, mental confusion, gastrointestinal and/or cardiovascular irregularities, flu-like symptoms or allergic reactions including hives, stuffy or runny nose, sneezing and coughing which is not usually associated with liver pain, but can actually be the cause.

Like all other pain symptoms in the body, liver pain should be taken seriously.

Stem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis of the Hip: Current Perspectives

The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is caused by the premature wearing away of cartilage, the gristle that caps the ends of long bones.

Osteoarthritis has a predilection for weight-bearing joints such as the neck, low back, hips, and knees.

One of the areas that has gained a lot of interest in recent years because of its apparent increased incidence and prevalence, is osteoarthritis of the hip. Unlike osteoarthritis of the knee, there is very little correlation with obesity as far as the initiation of disease. However, once osteoarthritis has developed, worsening of symptoms occurs with increasing adiposity.

There is also a correlation with prior trauma to the hip as well as the presence of congenital abnormalities that may predispose the hip to early deterioration.

Among these include a history of Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, hip dysplasia, and prior fracture.

That being said, with the growing number of Baby Boomers, particularly active Baby Boomers, osteoarthritis of the hip is a significant contributor to activity restriction.

The hip is a ball and socket joint. The ball is the head of the femur and the socket is the acetabulum of the pelvis. Both the acetabulum as well as the head of the femur are covered with a layer of hyaline cartilage. The hip is constructed such that multiple ligaments and muscles provide stability for the joint.

Unfortunately, the peculiar angulation of the hip contributes to steady worsening of osteoarthritis once abnormal forces come into play and cartilage begins to wear.

The progression of osteoarthritis often leads to the formation of bony spurs called osteophytes. These osteophytes may eventually cause what is termed "femoroacetabular impingement" or FAI.

These osteophytes develop in two distinct locations: either at the outside rim of the acetabulum or at the junction between the ball and neck of the femur. When spurs develop on the acetabulum and cause pinching with hip movement this is called a "pincer" deformity. When the spurs on the femoral head/ neck cause pinching, this is called a "CAM" deformity.

Symptoms of osteoarthritis of the hip include pain in the groin and/or buttock that is aggravated by internal rotation of the hip such as occurs with walking. Pain may also radiate down the front of the thigh to the knee. As pain progresses, nighttime discomfort becomes an issue. Shortly thereafter, restriction of range of motion develops.

Treatment, to date, has been primarily symptomatic including analgesic and non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoid injections, massage, chiropractic, and physical therapy.

Surgical remedies have included osteotomy (where a wedge of bone is removed to line the joint up better), resurfacing (a modified replacement), and total joint replacement. While surgical treatments are by and large effective, they are irreversible and they do carry attendant risks, some life-threatening.

So the search has been to develop treatments that will be effective but also preserve the joint. One such approach is the use of autologous stem cells. In our hands, the procedure which involves the use of autologous stem cells (a patient's own stem cells) along with autologous fat, and growth factors has been relatively successful. [At the same time, osteophytes are trimmed using a special fenestration technique.]

Quite frankly, so far, our hip results have not been as good as with the knee. There may be a number of factors involved including patient selection, the difference in joint mechanics, the fact that the iliopsoas bursa- a large cushioned sack- sits in front of the joint and stem cells may dump out into the bursa rather than staying in the joint, inability to go at complete non weight-bearing after the procedure, and so on.

We are continuing to modify our approach to this technique and our patient results are now beginning to approach what we initially hoped.

Nonetheless, the procedure needs to undergo constant improvement to eventually achieve the results we want and the patient deserves.

Prominent Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

TMJ or the Temporomandibular Joint Disorder has myriad symptoms, which can sometimes be confused with other malignant pain or disorder. It is also stated that TMJ is one of those problems faced by human body, which even the doctors diagnose in a wrong way, so little can be said about the knowledge of the patient regarding the symptoms of TMJ. Thus, it is vital to point out few of the most significant indicators that play a role in showing that an individual is inflicted by TMJ. The TMJ specialist has incorporated many alarming symptoms for the diagnosis of TMJ disorder and the most pertinent of them are mentioned below.

One of the prominent symptoms is a defining pain in the ear, lowering of hearing sight or ringing in the ear. One take of these symptoms could be that there is an ear infection, but if the doctor finds no infection and if also there is a sign of light headaches or a feeling of vertigo inside the brain, it is most probably a TMJ disorder. In such a case, asking the TMJ specialist about a detailed examination of both the ear and the jaw is recommended.

If a person hears a click or a crack of his or her jaw when they are opening or closing, this certainly suggests a dislocated jaw. Even if you yourself are in doubt of the sound and a friend sitting next to you hear any type of sound such as a grinding, you should immediately consider this a great symptom of TMJ. This would probably be followed by a pain, which will eventually increase in intensity. Many TMJ specialists have state of the art equipments to relocate the jaw without causing even a hint of a pain.

Persistent pain in many areas of body including head, jaw, face, shoulders, and scalp or in and outside of the eyes is another major indicator of TMJ. Research has shown that many of these problems are side effects of TMJ, which not treated and diagnosed at its earliest can certainly lead to increase of pain channeling it to other areas of the body. As far as eyes are concerned, individuals who are facing blurry sight or when exposed to light, they squint accompanied with water suddenly appearing in their eyeballs should be concerned about this and talk to a TMJ specialist. From the research of TMJ specialist, it is shown that if a person is feeling intense pressure in his or her eyes or they have bloodshot eyes, the magnitude of TMJ disorder is certainly high and the doctors of TMJ have prescription to eradicate the disorder at every level.

Although, it is not agreed by a large majority of doctors and medical practitioners, but women in the age bracket of 30 and 50 are more prone to get Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. Many of the population do not realize about this disorder until and unless it visibly intrudes in their personal lives and affect their everyday routine. Staring from the very basic of eating to a small headache or a mild migraine, the TMJ disorder is considered by many TMJ specialists to be a critical problem, which should be rectified as soon as its starts showing its adverse symptoms.

TMJ specialist not only provide you with the best of consultation, but take into account the medical history of your teeth and ask for conducting specific teeth test, which can be very crucial in determining the status of TMJ disorder.

Is It True That Nothing Can Be Done For Pain Caused By Arthritis?

Many people around the world suffer from the pain of arthritis. Arthritis is the gradual breakdown or deterioration of the joint spaces in a person's musculoskeletal system. According to recent research, experts say that about 8 out of 10 Americans over the age of 55 experience the pain of arthritis in some form. For some people, arthritis pain can become so debilitating that they're unable to perform even the simplest daily tasks such as holding a pen or opening a jar.

What Does Arthritis Pain Feel Like? Obviously, arthritis has different effects on different people. For some, the pain and stiffness is located in the hands making computer work and other office tasks almost impossible. Other people have issues with their wrists, knees, shoulders and even joints in the spine itself. As debris and fluid fills the joint spaces, the level of pain often increases.

Arthritis doesn't just have one main cause. Instead, there are a mixture of issues that create arthritis in most people. Age is one primary factor as well as a suppressed or weakened immune system. Sometimes, the injury is also a precipitating factor in the development of arthritis. Finally, some people have a hereditary form of arthritis.

The body's response to the development of arthritis is to make extra bone. It's trying to protect and strengthen the degenerating joint. This extra bone then turns into an osteophyte or bone spur.

By far, the pain of arthritis is what most people fear. When you have arthritis, you may experience inflammation, joint pain, burning, cramping, numbness, stabbing pain, muscle spasms and even a loss of muscle control. There are two major types of arthritis called osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

The elderly are at risk for arthritis. Most of the time, the degenerative form of arthritis affects the elderly. This is called osteoarthritis and can make it extremely painful for people to twist or bend. This is because osteoarthritis causes cartilage to break down and pull away from the joints stripping them of their protective material. Then the joints start rubbing together which causes pain and problems with movement. All of this irritates the nerves surrounding the area.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a different kind of arthritis in that it causes additional problems including a low red blood cell count, possible loss of appetite, joint tissue inflammation, pain and weakness.

Arthritis pain can be treated. The good news for arthritis patients is that they don't have to live with arthritis pain for the rest of their lives. In fact, pain specialists are able to assist by offering specific kinds of physical therapy. This kind of physical therapy has been proven to help increase function and strength while also reducing pain and bringing back mobility. Pain specialists can also teach patients how to manage their pain themselves giving people hope for the future and confidence in their ability to live a good life.

Pain specialists are able to do extensive, high-tech testing on the patient to find out the extent of the arthritis and come up with a care plan. The patient will likely do exercises at home such as walking in order to continue improving their strength and moving the affected joints.

Ignoring the pain of arthritis is definitely a bad idea as it can worsen the condition. Keeping joints moving is a critical part of the treatment process since joints are designed to move. Pain specialists may also recommend joint injections as a way of providing relief for pain issues as they have been proven to be very effective in some cases.

Why Do I Experience Joint Pain After Exercise And How Can I Stop This From Happening?

If you routinely suffer from joint pain after exercise sessions, you need to know that you are most definitely not the only one. Millions of people, both young and old, end up with painful joints after they have been doing exercise, although it is of course more prevalent amongst people over the age of forty.

As is to be expected, the pain can range from mild to severe, regardless of the type of exercise one is doing. In elderly people, arthritis is very often the culprit, but not always. Certain medications can also cause joint pain, although many doctors are reluctant to acknowledge this.

Statins are a good example of drugs than can cause joint discomfort. You probably would not see mention of this in the list of possible side effects, but it does happen. There are tens of thousands of people who have begun experiencing joint pain shortly after their doctors have put them on statins in order to lower their cholesterol levels.

Coincidentally, patients will usually first begin feeling joint pain after exercise, but then as time passes, the pain tends to become more and more consistent until eventually they have to take medication for the pain as well. Although people can have high cholesterol at any age, it is usually older people who are affected the most, and of course this makes it easy for doctors to blame arthritis for any joint pain.

Having said all that, arthritis is of course the biggest culprit, and it is certainly responsible in the vast majority of cases. I would even go as far as saying that if you have not sustained any injuries, and you are not taking any prescription drugs, then it is almost certainly arthritis that's causing the pain you are experiencing.

Some forms of arthritis can progress very quickly if left unchecked, and they can have a severe impact on the quality of your life. If you suspect that you may have arthritis, it is imperative that you see a doctor for advice as soon as possible. If your suspicions are confirmed, you will be given prescription drugs which are actually quite effective at slowing the disease down, and you will be given medication for the pain.

Naturally there are countless people who try to avoid prescription drugs whenever possible, and many have found they are able to control their arthritis with natural remedies, and with the help of certain exercises. New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel extract is said to be very effective, and many people combine this with a daily fish oil supplement as well.

All people are different, so just because a particular remedy works for one person, that does not necessarily mean it will definitely work for you. If you try this approach, and you find it does not provide the type of results you want, just move on and try something else.

Knee Pain And Exercise

Knee pain is the most common ailment of the body. Ironically the knee is the most complicated joint; it bears virtually all the body weight while performing straightening, bending, twisting and rotating functions. All these functions increase the risk of knee injury. Whereas the more acute knee injuries like torn ligament and cartilages are more prevalent in sports involving jumping, running and turning.

However these injuries are caused when the knees are overworked. These pains gradually develop over days or weeks and gradually worsen over time. When muscles and tendons are overstretched microscopic tears occur (the prevalent pain is usually as a result of inflammation). Avoid chronic problems by giving the tear time to heal. Knee pain is usually caused by the following:

1. When the knees are overworked over a short period of time- this usually occurs when one indulges in very strenuous exercises after a very long exemption.

Usually, the risk of knee injury is higher with age- it can lead to knee osteoarthritis, which is a gradual disintegration of the cartilage.

2. Runner's knee-It is usually found in young people and it is a diffuse pain behind the knee cap. The pains usually get worse after activities such as running and climbing.

There are various solutions or ways of preventing knee pain through exercise but they all center on developing the muscles and supporting the knee.

Knee injuries require time to heal; exercises should be done gradually by increasing the count, and should be stopped once you experience any pain. During these exercises the muscle will tear and after the process of healing the muscle becomes bigger and stronger. These exercises help to correct the problems in the knee joint. Here are some of the exercises required to solve and prevent knee injuries and pain:

Knee exercise for runners - by indulging in this form of exercise you will get to muscle groups in the body like the quadriceps and hamstrings.

Leg raises - this is a simple exercise and it can be done at home.

Standing leg raises - this kind of exercise needs support and it is very similar to the leg raises.

Single leg dip - this exercise strengthens the knee and squads. It also requires support on both sides.

Wall squat - this is a simple compound quad exercise for runners. However, the quadriceps strengthening contraction is possibly the safest, easiest and most recommended exercise you can perform to avoid knee pain and injury. You can always do most of these exercise even while watching television especially if you find difficult to fix exercise in to your program. For optimum result, adhere to the recommendations of the experts like the fitness trainers, gym instructors as well as your physical therapist.

It is important to note that the most feasible way of protecting your knee from injury is by developing and strengthening the muscles around the knee.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Some Awareness About TMJ And Muscle Disorders

A group of conditions called temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders (TMJDs) are the leading cause of facial pain in the jaw joint, muscles that control jaw movement and supporting tissue.

The disorders cause recurrent or chronic pain and are the second most commonly occurring musculoskeletal condition that results in pain and disability. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, facial pain stemming from TMJDs affect ten million Americans, or approximately five to 12 percent of the population, and are more common among women than men.

Temporo-Mandibular Disorder (TMD) & Muscle Skeletal Disorder (MSD)-an incorrect relationship of the mandible (lower jaw) to the temporal bones resulting in a malocclusion, also known as a bad bite, may or may not include jaw joint problems.

Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ)-the jaw joint, connecting the lower jaw to the skull, located near the front of the ear. A lot of people make the mistake of ignoring the problem. If they are experiencing chronic pain but put off consultation or treatment, they are likely to end up with additional symptoms and pain that are more difficult to relieve and eliminate.

There is a complex system of muscles, ligaments, bones and temporomandibular joints that connect the upper and lower jaws that control the opening and closing of the mouth and the forward, backward and side-to-side movements of the lower jaw. Any problem that prevents them from working in harmony, such as physical trauma, can result in pain and other problems, although the exact cause of TMJ disorders is often unclear. What to Look For Patients may or may not be aware of the signs of a TMJD, but they are obvious to a trained health practitioner. Some signs include one eye, shoulder, hip or leg that is shorter than the other side, worn or crowded teeth, root erosion and the position of the head.

Common TMJD Symptoms

There are a lot of symptoms that are associated with TMJDs. The most common symptoms are pain while chewing, opening and closing the mouth or touching the muscles and jaw joint. And some people tend to brush off what are actually symptoms of TMJDs as normal.

Some symptoms make sense like a jaw joint that locks when the mouth is opened wide, stiff muscles or limited movement. Some symptoms are auditory like clicking, grating or grinding sounds in the jaw. Other symptoms seem completely unrelated like headaches, dizziness, and blurred vision, eye pain, ringing ears and pain or limited mobility in the neck, shoulder and back.

Length of Treatment For TMJDs If someone suspects that they may have one of these conditions based on the signs and symptoms they are experiencing, consult with a dentist immediately. They can schedule a consultation with Alpan for a thorough review of the signs and symptoms reported on the intake paperwork, an oral and physical exam, and diagnosis and treatment plan.

There is no reliable way to estimate treatment time because patients' needs are drastically different. Some find that one to three treatments alleviate or eliminate symptoms, while others require minor tooth adjustments with orthodontics in addition to the treatments. Patients with severe and persistent symptoms may require more extensive therapy options with a different specialist.

The Basics of Oral Reconstructive Surgery

One of the nine specialty areas of dentistry is maxillofacial surgery. This surgery is performed to repair damage that has affected the neck, head, jaw, face, and the soft and hard tissues of the oral and maxillofacial areas, that was caused by injury, or by one or more conditions that may affect these areas.

Although the focus is on the oral maxillofacial areas of this, an oral maxillofacial surgeon is a specialist in the craniomaxillo facial region, which is the entire head, face, mouth, maxilla, and mandible (lower jaw). A maxillofacial surgeon is a qualified dentist who then underwent special surgical training, and they may often possess an MBBS or MD, although this is not a requirement in The United States.

Types of Procedures

Procedures performed in this area are not limited to just working on the teeth, but include dental alveolar surgery, which is surgeries performed to remove impacted teeth or other difficult tooth extractions as well as bone grafting and surgeries to prepare the patient for implants or other dental prosthetic devices.

Also included in this area are surgeries for treatment of TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders, removal of malignant or benign (non-, malignant) cysts and tumors in the craniomaxillo facial region, lip reconstruction caused by injury or cancer (chewing tobacco use, or "dip" often precede this surgery).

Oral Maxillofacial Specialist

Reconstructive surgery to repair fractures of the mandible (lower jaw) and maxilla (upper mouth, face area, cheekbones), surgeries for the treatment of sleep apnea, craniofacial prosthetics, and cosmetic surgeries for the head and face such as rhinoplasty (nose job), brow lifts, Botox, chemical peels, chin and cheek augmentations, lip enhancement procedures, facelifts and a multitude of other procedures are performed by the oral maxillofacial specialist, as well as work that you would typically expect from a dentist such as dental implants, gum and tooth contouring, crowns, bridges, dentures and other dental surgeries.

If you ever have the need for an oral maxillofacial surgeon, rest assured that you are in good hands and that they know what they are doing. To become a craniomaxillo facial specialist it takes the dentist 12-14 yrs of additional training after secondary school. Training includes, 2-4 years of undergraduate study, 4 years of dental study, 4-6 years for residency training, then after all that they must pass a final specialty examination: (U.S. "Board Certified (ABOMS) to finally be prepared to perform the procedures.

Bursitis or Fascial Adhesion / Tendinosis - Which Is Causing Your Chronic Pain?

By definition, bursitis is the inflammation ("itis" = inflammation) of small, fluid-filled sacs called bursa. These bursae reduce friction at potential "friction" points. Bursae are found in places where muscles or their corresponding tendons slide across bones. Healthy bursae create a smooth, almost frictionless, gliding surface that makes normal movement painless. However, when bursitis occurs, movement across an inflamed or irritated bursa becomes both difficult and painful.

Bursitis is most commonly caused by repetitive movement and / or excessive pressure or mechanical stress. Repetitive jobs or sports tend to be big factors in developing bursitis. Although bursitis can occur in dozens of places, the most common places to be diagnosed with bursitis include:

  • Prepatellar bursitis:housemaid's knee

  • Infrapatellar bursitis:clergyman's knee

  • Trochantaric bursitis:causes hip pain

  • Olecranon bursitis: characterized by pain and swelling in the elbow

  • Subacromial bursitis:causes shoulder pain (see picture at top of page)

Traumatic injury is a less-common, but equally problematic cause of bursitis. And sometimes bursitis can even be caused by a systemic disease process such as Rheumatoid Arthritis.


It is my experience after two decades of practice, and 10 years of treating extensively via "Tissue Remodeling", that the vast majority of what doctors are diagnosing as bursitis, is not really bursitis at all. It is either a Fascial Adhesion or some sort of Tendinopathy (tendinosis).

If someone comes to me with the bony knob of their elbow (or their knee) swollen up like a tennis ball, Tissue Remodeling Treatment is not going to help. That is a true bursitis and will require some other sort of intervention (possibly acupuncture will help, but it may have to be drained). However, when someone is generically diagnosed with "bursitis" of the shoulder or hip, there is a strong possibility that they are being misdiagnosed. This is because the majority of bursitis diagnosis in these two areas are not really bursitis at all. As stated above, they are usually a tendinopathy (tendinosis) or a fascial adhesion. But don't take my word for it.

Read what Dr. Warren Hammer, board certified orthopedist and one of the world's foremost experts on Collagen-Based Connective Tissues such as ligaments, tendons, fascia, and muscles, with over 50 years of experience, has to say on the issue. Does he agree with my assessment of the situation? Pay attention as Dr. Hammer breaks down recent scientific research that was published in the medical journal, Joint, Bone, Spine; as well as the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.

"It is interesting to note that the term, "periarthritis of the hip" has been changed to hip rotator cuff tears, to trochanteric tendino-bursitis. However, studies have shown that isolated hip bursitis is virtually non-existent. Although a bursitis may be present, the underlying causes are lesions of the overlying tendons....."

If you have been diagnosed with bursitis, but do not have significant visible swelling, I would strongly suggest trying just one of the Tissue Remodeling Treatments ---- I.I.R.E.C-B.C.T. (Instrument Induced Remodeling of the Elastic Collagen Based Connective Tissue). If your problem is in fact, tendon or fascia, you will see big changes in one or two treatments.

Visit Destroy Chronic Pain dot com and learn more about the Elastic, Collagen-Based Connective Tissues, and why so many problems in this area (including bursitis) are both misdiagnosed and mistreated.

Joint Pain Relief - Tips

Arthritis involves the erosion of cartilage cells from the area of joints in hands and legs. The cartilage normally protects the joints from continuous wear and tear. The movement of joints will cause some pressure on the area and this could cause pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints.

It a disease condition and nobody have ever recommended a permanent cure. The best way is to prevent from causing the condition. A number of treatments are available but nothing has reported to overcome the state. Instead of undergoing the painful treatments its better to consume the Joint Pain Relief pills before the condition gets worst. The Joint Pain Relief supplements provide complete relief from arthritic symptoms, improve the easy movements of joints and also strengthen the muscles in the joints. They are 100% safe with no side effects

Joint Pain Relief supplements are prepared from herbal ingredients and do not cause any side effects on the health condition of the body. It provides long term relief from pain, swelling and stiffness. They are enriched in anti-inflammatory property which can smoothen the movement so joint fibers and muscles. The extensive research behind the product delivers a completely herbal and no side effect product that can relieve you from the pain of Arthritis. You can daily take a dosage of 2 tablets along with well nourishes food. It is also good to reduce the body weight as they can give extra weight and pressure to the joints and gradually develop Arthritis.

Joint Pain Relief supplements have been reported to satisfy a large number of customers and they are happy to re order the product and also to recommend the product to others who are suffering from the pain in the joints.

Arthritis Pain - OUCH

Arthritis is joint inflammation. It can affect one or more joints.

The symptoms of arthritis are joint pain, warmth around the joint, stiffness, which affects the person more in the morning, swelling in the joints, redness of the skin around the joint, and limited movement of the joint.

There are over 100 different types of arthritis affecting an estimated 46 million adults in the United States. More than half are women and nearly two thirds are under 65 years old. Arthritis even affects children.

The two types that are going to be examined are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. These two types of arthritis can be crippling over time. Surgery might be necessary in extreme cases.

Osteoarthritis is a deterioration of your joint's cartilage due to wear and tear. It is also called osteoarthroses or degenerative joint disease. It involves one or only a few joints usually in the hips, knees or fingers. This type of arthritis usually occurs as we age. The person would experience pain, swelling, tenderness and a decrease in function.

The person has to change their lifestyle to improve this type of arthritis. If needed, medication should be used like Acetaminophen (Tylenol), Ibuprofen, and Aspirin. If your symptoms are severe you'll need prescription drugs like Enbrel, Humira, and Remicade. Or you might need steroids injected into your joints.

Exercise should be added to your daily life to help maintain your joints and reduce the pain. Exercise should include: Low-impact aerobic activity, strength training to help muscle tone, and range of motion flexibility exercises. You will need a physical therapist to set up a program that fits your needs.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of arthritis that affects your hands, wrists or knees. It occurs in joints on both sides of the body. Joint symptoms usually develop gradually over a period of several years although with some people it progresses rapidly.

Medications for rheumatoid arthritis are Ibuprofen or Aspirin, Prednisone, narcotic pain relievers and pain relievers that are applied to the skin.

Rest and exercise is very beneficial to this condition. Exercise is important to maintain flexibility to the joints and to help strengthen the muscles around the joints. To maintain joint mobility do range-of- motion exercises.

You may want to include natural supplements to help with the pain and flexibility. These are without a prescription and usually without side effects.

We have to make the best out of life so get moving and always have a positive outlook no matter what the odds. Your life depends on it.

Pain in the Shoulder Joint - Treatment Options

Joint pain can be a frustrating and challenging problem to live with. When a person is experiencing pain it is often best for them to visit their primary care physician in order to try to figure out the root cause of the pain. It is necessary to understand why the shoulder joint is in pain so that the treatment can be tailored to that specific issue. Once the doctor has an idea about the cause of pain in the shoulder joint a treatment plan can be developed.

Keep in mind that not every treatment will be effective for every injury. In fact, some treatments may cause more shoulder damage and make the joint pain an even bigger issue, so proceed with caution and follow your doctor's advice. For the majority of joint injuries rest is the best treatment. Pain in the shoulder joint is no exception and taking it easy until your doctor can be consulted would be an excellent choice. Do not decide to rest the joint for too long as the shoulder joint can actually develop problems if it is not used for a long period of time.

Another option that works well in addition to resting the shoulder joint is applying heat or ice. In the vast majority of cases ice is the best option. It should be used as soon as possible after an injury to help prevent swelling and therefore reducing pain in the area. Heat is used much less often than ice and really should only be applied if it is recommended by a health care professional. Either option should be used carefully in order to avoid causing any other problems such as burns. These treatment options are the most common and are easy to do and inexpensive as well.

Physical therapy may be needed depending on the severity of the shoulder joint issue. Oftentimes, there is a stretching routine involved that can be instrumental in pain relief as well as progress if there is stiffness in the joint. A physical therapist will often set goals to help the patient return to a pre-injury range of motion as well as strength. It is fairly common for this type of treatment to be covered by health insurance.

Many doctors may recommend a medication or supplement. NSAIDS, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are one such medication. These are best of the pain is due to inflammation. Bursitis, tendonitis and arthritis in the shoulder may be relived with this type of medication. Many joint pain supplements are also available on the market today. Along with glucosamine and chondroitin there is another supplement that is new on the market and showing very positive results. It is made from cetylated fatty acids. This supplement had been shown to reduce inflammation, increase mobility by reducing the stiffness the joint, and has thus far shown no side effects. All of these options may bring relief to shoulder joint pain.

Don't allow yourself to suffer with shoulder joint pain. See your doctor and develop a treatment plan so that you can get out and enjoy your life! It may be easier than you ever imagined.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Coping With Osteoarthritis

There are a lot of people in the United States that suffer from arthritis. Arthritis can be painful and greatly limit a persons' mobility. There are many types of arthritis, but it generally involves joint inflammation. One of the most common types of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which is often called degenerative joint disease.

Under normal conditions there is a layer of cartilage that surrounds the bones in a joint. The cartilage acts as a sort of pad for the bones and allows them to move easily and freely. In people that suffer from osteoarthritis, the cartilage will begin to wear away and breakdown. Eventually the bones of the joint may directly rub against each other, which can be very painful.

Many are affected by degenerative joint disease, but it is very commonly found in those who are older. This is in large part do to the fact that they have been using their joints for a long time. Athletes, those who are overweight, and people who have had joint injury are also frequently affected by osteoarthritis. The exact cause, however, is unknown, but it is thought to be at least partially genetic and just using your joints alone will not cause osteoarthritis.

There is currently no cure for osteoarthritis, but there are many things that can be done to help control its advance and the pain associated with it. One of the most important things to do is to protect your joints whenever possible. This means using devices like canes or rollators. A rollator is a rolling walker that has two handlebars and doubles as a seat. It is also important to avoid lifting heavy objects and you should do some types of exercise. Some people also find that heat packs or ice packs can help to reduce stiffness and pain. There are also several different types of medicines available that reduce swelling and inflammation. Many over the counter drugs like ibuprofen and acetaminophen (Tylenol) can also reduce pain, but you should consult a doctor to find out the best one for you.

Protecting your joints and minimizing their use is one of the best ways to control and combat osteoarthritis. Things like electric can openers and electric knives should be used when possible. You should also consider buying tools and kitchen utensils that have larger handles and you can wrap things like pens in fabric or foam to make them easier to handle. Another device that can be used is a lift chair. Lift chairs are like recliners, but the base of the chair rises to make standing and sitting much easier. They are controlled by a remote control and some come with built in heat pads. A lift chair will greatly reduce the amount of wear that you put on your joints and can greatly reduce the pain of standing and sitting. There are many other devices that can be used.

For those that live with osteoarthritis, many everyday tasks, like standing and sitting, walking, and using tools and kitchen utensils, can become very difficult. It is very important to reduce the amount of strain that you put on your joints. Devices like automatic can openers and lift chairs can be used to affectively reduce the amount of strain that you put on your joints.

German Shepherds and Hip Problems

German shepherds are undoubtedly one of the more popular dogs among families and god enthusiasts. Unfortunately, they can be susceptible to certain health problems that you need to watch out for.

German Shepherds and Hip Problems

Make no mistake about it, we love our dogs. They have quirky personalities and soon become a part of the family. Heck, I often treated my pup better than I did myself. You will note I use the pass tense. My pup recently passed away from health problems. While young, he was vibrant and playful. As he got older, however, he started having health problems until it reached a point where I had to carry him up the stairs in the house. The humane thing was to finally put him down and end the pain. It didn't feel very humane to me and I doubt I will ever forget that moment. It does raise the issue, however, of health problems and your pup.

German shepherds are tremendously popular. They are loyal, smart, beautiful and noble dogs. Unfortunately, they are also at risk for certain health problems - particularly hip problems. If you are considering one for your family dog or already have one, you need to know the risks and what to watch out for in regard to symptoms.

The biggest issue German Shepherds face is often dysplasia. Canine hip dysplasia is sadly a fairly common problem in bigger dogs. It is caused both by genetic disposition and environmental factors. In practical terms, hip dysplasia acts like arthritis. The bones interacting in the hip joint do not fit correctly, which causes wear and tear. The body also attempts to generate cartilage to repair the problem, but it fails and actually further impedes the range of motion and exacerbates the problem. This will ultimately cause soreness and pain upon movement and will also restrict the range of motion in the legs. It can occur in the front legs, but most often presents in the hind legs.

Unfortunately, there isn't a lot that can be done. Anti-inflammatory and pain medication is most often prescribed. Hip replacement surgery is possible, but results show the pup has a significantly reduced quality of life.

Canine hip dysplasia will not present in your pup as you might anticipate. Simply put, German Shepherds are stoic dogs. They will not yelp or bark from pain unless it is significant or sudden. There are only really two practical ways to realize your dog has the problem. The first is a limited range of motion. If the pup is dragging a leg or having problems getting up, you should see a vet. The second symptom you will see is dramatic. If your pup just refuses to walk or suddenly sits down while walking, it means they are in a great deal of pain. Again, they will rarely bark or yelp when this occurs, so it is important you recognize what is going on.

Ultimately, hip dysplasia is one of those things many German Shepherds are simply going to face. You can care for your pup by making sure you recognize the symptoms, see a vet and get pain medication.

Joint Pain Sufferers Should Shun Away From Joint Pain Relief Medicine

Joint pain sufferers do not need to continually suffer from pain. They can choose among the options available. Perhaps, the most common option in getting immediate relief is by taking medicine. Joint pain relief medicine is normally available over-the-counter and is one of the known nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs block the production of prostaglandins, which makes it effective in relieving cream. However, NSAIDs can have harsh consequences which sufferers do not have live with.

The Consequences of Taking Joint Pain Medicine

Medicine is designed to provide immediate relief to pain as well as ease the swelling and stiffness associated with painful joints. Painful joints are normally caused by any of the forms of arthritic conditions. Since arthritic conditions can be disabling and crippling as they progress, sufferers must seek for treatment. Doctors typically recommend the use of medicine, which are either orally administered or injected directed on painful joints.

Sufferers may get immediate pain relief from a medicine, but they are also posing themselves health consequences associated with it. Orally administered medicine is associated with risk for cardiovascular diseases and strokes. Moreover, results of clinical trails also suggested that taking joint pain relief medicine increases ones risks for kidney and liver damage. In addition, there are also minor side effects that sufferers has to live with if they continually take any medicine.

A Better Option Over Joint Pain Relief Medicine

The desire to be free from a condition that disables and limits ones physical activity could be the ultimate quest of sufferers. While medicine is associated with a number of health consequences, it would be wise to seek for all-natural reliever. Supplements are designed to provide relief without adverse side effects. Sufferers could never go wrong by opting for a safer and more natural treatment.

The effectiveness of the supplement lies on its all-natural ingredients. A supplement that is composed mainly of natural anti-inflammatory substances and pain relievers which include natural COX-2 inhibitors, glucosamine and chondroitin. These substances enable s supplement to manage the pain, swelling and other symptoms of arthritis. Moreover, contains herbs, vitamins, minerals and collagen, which are all essential elements in maintaining the health of the joints.

Who Does Arthritis Affect?

The following paragraphs summarize the work of Arthritis experts who are completely familiar with all the aspects of Arthritis. Heed their advice to avoid any Arthritis surprises.

The answer to the question who does Arthritis affect? is very simple. It can affect anyone. Arthritis is not only found in the elderly, it can strike at any age.

Arthritis is not really one disease, it is a word that is used to cover over 100 medical conditions, relating to the joints of your body, ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists , fingers, in fact anywhere that you have joints.

About 60% of Arthritis sufferers are actually of working age and of course, even the very young can suffer this debilitating disease.
The result of Arthritis can be stiffness in the joints, together with pain and it can bring on a feeling of everything being too difficult to do, or cope with on a daily basis.

The disease has no cure, and at this point in time there is no prediction of any cures in the near future. However, there are many things that can be done to manage the problems and even help to prevent further degeneration within your joints.

As with most medical conditions, early intervention is important, it is absolutely no use leaving the condition until it is too bad to do anything.
The important thing for sufferers to do, is to keep the joints supple and the muscles strong, it is no use resting the joint, the vital element is to keep it moving. Exercise is very important, Walking, swimming, gentle weight lifting, tai chi and yoga, are all very good for keeping the joints mobile and supple.

I realise that when you are in pain, you will feel that resting the joint is the best way to go. Wrong, research has proved that it is the worse thing you can do, as I said before, you must keep it moving.
Exercise is very beneficial, but you must not do high impact exercise, as this can do more harm than good to your joints.

I have previously written an article about Glucosamine and Chondroitin, this can be very useful in helping with pain and sometimes even helping to restore some of the tissue in the joints. Some Medical Practitioners are even recommending this to their patients, the main problem is, that Glucosmine is made from shellfish shells, and if you are allergic to shellfish, stay clear of it, though there is another type recently on the market, that is not made from shellfish, so people with shellfish allergies, please be aware of what type you are thinking of using.

You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about Arthritis. But don't be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days.

There is another problem with Glucosamine capsules and that is from all reports, if you stop taking them, the pain and stiffness will return.

Glucosamine is excellent, but exercise is even better, usually when you exercise, you also lose some weight, this can improve the symptoms of Arthritis because your back and joints is being subjected to less strain.

Good quality food can help, plenty of fruit and fresh vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and beans, stay away from what is called junk food, the immune system is what controls all of your health, it is the system that you were given when you were born and medicine has not developed anything to compare with the way it performs. The important factor in the immune system, is that it must have a healthy natural nutrition to function efficiently, that means it must be fed correctly. If your immune system is functioning 100% efficiently, well you just would not have any health problems.

If you have any of these problems, Joints swelling, Stiffness in the morning that lasts for a while, Tenderness or pain in a joint, not able to move the joint properly, then you should consult with your normal physician, also you should consult with your physician before embarking on any exercise program, let the physician tell you what you can do, to improve your condition.

There is no doubt in my mind that all is not lost, you really can help yourself, but get professional advice first.

There are many Arthritis Information Center's throughout the western world, just look in your telephone book, I am sure that there will be a number of listings under Arthritis.

To all sufferers of Arthritis (Worldwide many millions) I hope that you will get some benefit from reading this article, Please pass it on to anyone else that you know that also suffers this problem and you are welcome to visit my website at

As your knowledge about Arthritis continues to grow, you will begin to see how Arthritis fits into the overall scheme of things. Knowing how something relates to the rest of the world is important too.

Is There a Better Way to Treat Arthritis?

Bone and joint pain is on the rise, especially with increased fitness activities, injuries and the aging population of baby boomers. Management of bone and joint disorders and chronic bone pain can be very difficult. Follow up is frequently needed for established and chronic problems for the best management. Proper evaluation is essential and there are multiple ways to protect and improve your joint health.

I am including general information about bone & joint health including arthritis. I find that reducing inflammation, no matter what the cause, is always helpful for joint pain. The major purpose of drugs/medications has been to reduce inflammation. Changing your diet is helpful. Exercise of some sort, especially resistance exercises are very important. Weight management is important as obesity is a major risk factor for the well being of your joints.

The evaluation process must consider previous injuries/surgery, tendonitis, congenital disorders, arthritis, degenerative joint disease, osteoporosis, bone spurs, disc problems, fibromyalgia, neuromuscular and autoimmune disorders, multiple myeloma, bone cancers, rotator cuff tears, pelvic instability syndrome, vascular problems, etc. requires a thorough and ongoing review of your history and a (repeat) physical exam.

A review of family history for arthritis and autoimmune disorders, injury and work history for possible wear and tear or overuse problems, previous surgery, a dietary and nutritional review, weight issues such as chronic obesity, and a smoking history is important in the evaluation of bone, joint and muscle disorders.

Diagnostic tests might include x-rays of affected joints, a bone density test to rule out osteoporosis, DEXA scan, a bone scan, BIA (bioelectrical impedance analysis) test, and lab tests that include bone markers including calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase and vitamin D (25-OH D3 levels), thyroid and parathyroid studies, hormone studies, immunoglobulin studies, a PET scan, a bone scan, RHEUMATOID FACTOR, an ANA and possibly an MRI, and an EMG, or biopsy, as indicated, just to name a few.

Nutritionals include: Omega three fatty acids -fish oil-- (epa/dha) Higher doses from two to five grams) , SAMe, hyaluronic acid (collagen type II), strontium, chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, and natural progesterone support bone health. In addition, adequate intake and a good source of Vitamin D (not milk (100 IU) and at least 1000-2000 IU (testing is recommended for the best dose) of vitamin D3 (and sunshine, if tolerated--20 minutes without sunscreen is 25, 000 IU) are now recommended, calcium, magnesium and vitamin K are very useful for bone health. Vitamin K cannot be used if on blood thinners, such as coumadin. Glutathione (IV, inhaled or via oral liposomal products) and it's precursors (alpha lipoic acid, glutamine and cysteine/N-acetylcysteine) along with Vitamin C, are very useful for helping to reduce pain.

Additional supplements that are very useful for bone and joint health are Kaprex, Kaprex AI, EC Matrixx, Cal Apatite and Ostera which are all made by Metagenics.

Acute pain management needs the immediate attention of your doctor, a specialist or the emergency department. For more resources, or product information, please email me.

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - What Is It and How Is It Treated?

The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects the maxilla (upper jaw bone) to the mandible (lower jaw bone). The joint is a sliding ball and socket joint with a disk between. The primary muscles in the area are the massetter and the temporalis which allow the jaw to open, close and to move laterally. This joint is used throughout the day, especially in biting, chewing, talking, and yawning. It is one of the most frequently used joints in the body.


TMJ syndrome, otherwise known as myofacial pain dysfunction and Costen's syndrome, can be a complex condition which can involve inflammation of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments, or structural damage to the bones, disk or joint. Because the muscles and joints work together, a problem with either one can lead to stiffness, headaches, ear pain, bite problems (malocclusion), clicking sounds, or locked jaws. The primary cause of TMJ can be overuse caused by chewing gum, the grinding or clenching of teeth, or stress. Injury to the area or misaligned teeth or jaw can also be the cause of the problem. TMJ is largely a chronic disorder, caused over time, but it can occasionally present as acute, in particular when caused by an accident.


Common signs and symptoms include headaches, ear pain, dizziness, a full feeling in the ear, sounds similar to grinding, crunching, popping or ringing sounds which may or may not be accompanied by pain


A test to help determine if a client is presenting with TMJ is to place one or two fingers against the triangle area of the ear. Move them slightly to the anterior and ask the client to open and close their jaw. If any pain presents, or if there is any accompanying popping, grinding or clicking of the joint, it would be advisable to refer them to a general practitioner or dentist to diagnose the problem. The client will need to be made aware of any clenching or grinding of teeth and stress that they experience. Clients should also be advised to avoid opening their jaw too widely. Further referral to a psychologist to help with stress management may be helpful.


Treating TMJ involves passive opening and closing of the jaw, massage of the muscles involved including trigger points, and heat/cold therapy. Ischemic pressure to the area will help to inflame the area and encourage healing. Anti-inflammatory or steroids may be prescribed by a GP, or dental work/surgery may be necessary for structural conditions. Occlusal therapy, where a custom made acrylic appliance which fits over the teeth is prescribed for night use, may also be used. Left untreated, TMJ may lead to permanent wearing of the teeth, the disk or the bones. Damage to the bones could also lead to osteoarthritis in the joint, or an inability to open or close the jaw, otherwise known as lockjaw.


Massage has been shown to be highly beneficial in the treatment of TMJ. Techniques such as myofascial release, trigger point therapy, and relaxation massage have all shown positive results. The practitioner should focus his attentions on the pectoralis minor, sternocleidomastoid, scalleens, temporalis, and mastoid muscles in particular.


Referral to a general practitioner, dentist, or psychologist would be advantageous. Clients should be advised to utilize heat/cold therapy where applicable and to ovoid clenching their jaws, grinding their teeth, jawing gum, eating hard foods or opening their mouths too wide.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Nurse's Best Arthritis Pain Relief Tips And Treatments

I found relief from my arthritis pain, naturally, and you can do it too. A few years ago I accidentally discovered how to rid one's self of arthritis pain, naturally.

Arthritis concentrates in one or several joints where deterioration occurs. The pain in arthritis can be moderate to severe. As a result of arthritis, the bone beneath the cartilage undergoes changes that lead to bony overgrowth and the tissue that lines the joint can become inflamed, the ligaments can loosen, and the associated muscles can weaken.

The combination of the collagen meshwork and high water content tightly bound by proteoglycans, creates a resilient, slippery pad in the joint, which resists the compression between bones during muscle movement. Cartilage is one of the few tissues that does not have its own blood supply. Damaged joints cause pain and sufferers are constantly looking for ways to relieve the pain.

Possible causes of arthritis include lesser known: bleeding disorders, like hemophilia, that causes bleeding to occur in the joint; disorders such as avascular necrosis, that block the blood supply closest to the joint; and conditions like hemochromatosis, that causes iron build-up in the joints.

Injuries sometimes can be the start in the arthritic disease process; osteoarthritis can develop years later even after a single traumatic injury to a joint or near a joint. It's generally thought that inflammation plays a minor role in osteoarthritis and is more likely to be a result, not a cause, of arthritis.

Gluten may be a culprit in arthritic diseases including fibromyalgia; avoid wheat, barley, rye, spelt, triticale, kamut and oats (although not a gluten grain it gets contaminated at the wheat mills. Natural treatment for arthritis is usually a better choice because it's non-invasive to the body. Nutrition experts say it takes a combination of supplements, that no one supplement can relieve arthritis pain, build cartilage, etc.

Making a ginger tea, by adding a thin slice or two of fresh gingerroot to hot water, is helpful to many people I know.

Make smoothies with fruit only using a base of two bananas, adding a cup of frozen or fresh blueberries and mango chunks or substitute any other fruit and add an energy boost of two tablespoons of coconut oil; add one or two leaves of kale for another highly nutritional boost -- no one will ever know.

Many have told me that going off dairy products and gluten containing foods relieved their arthritis pain entirely.

Some people swear by morning drinks of raw apple cider vinegar and honey for arthritis pain relief. If you're not already doing so, make a big effort to watch your diet.

Some people swear by glucosamine and/or chondroitin and others say it didn't help at all. One natural approach is to consume foods that are known to help relieve arthritis pain or prevent arthritis.

To be on the safe side always seek your doctor's advice before starting or changing your exercise program. Even the lightest exercise can go a long way to maintaining your joint mobility and overall health. There are a number of exercises which can benefit arthritis sufferers regardless of how much restriction of movement there is. Exercise is good for joints affected by osteoarthritis.

Your body has 147 different joints that are in motion every day of your life. Exercise in a heated pool; it will help reduce the pressure on your joints and the heat will help you loosen those joints. Important exercises for arthritis are range-of-motion exercises, isometrics, and some weight bearing exercises.

If you're planning to take any of the non-prescription NSAIDS for arthritis, make sure you understand what bad effects they can have on the stomach, liver and/or kidneys and discuss this with your doctor. Be aware that the use of NSAIDs or Cox-2 inhibitors do not halt the progress of osteoarthritis and may even hasten the onset.

Let your doctor and pharmacist know about any other drugs, herbs or other supplements you're taking, to ward off any adverse drug reactions that might occur from the combining of different drugs or supplements.

Changing your diet to predominately fruits and raw veggies, like I did, can turn your arthritis pain around almost overnight. Arthritis pain relief is the ultimate goal - understanding arthritis is a good way to get there. Knowing more about arthritis and how it works will ultimately help contribute to your relief of arthritis pain.

Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease Symptoms In Children

Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease Symptoms are seen more often in male children but the condition can develop in girls. One of the first symptoms of Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease can be a subtle limp with or without pain. Children are most likely to develop this condition between the ages of 2 and 12.

Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease affects the head or ball of the thighbone (femur). For reasons that are not well understood, the ball of the thighbone does not receive an adequate blood flow, which causes the bone cells to die and results in an unstable hip joint.

Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease Symptoms

Symptoms of Legg-Calve-Perthes disease may start slowly and seem insignificant. Your child may display a slight limp but may not complain of pain. If your child does complain of pain, it may only be present at times of activity in the early stages of this condition.

As the condition progresses, the child may complain of pain or stiffness in the hip, thigh, groin, or knee. The disorder typically affects only one hip but both hips could be involved.

You may notice that one of your child's legs appears to be shorter than the other or that the affected hip has limited flexibility or range of motion.

The time to take your child to the doctor is when you first notice a limp or any of the other symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment is important and can minimize long-term complications of the hip such as a hip deformity or arthritis in the hip joint.

When you take your child to the doctor, he or she will perform a physical examination and test the range of motion in your child's hip. The doctor will also analyze your child's gait to detect any possible limp, which is typically one of the first Legg-Calve-Perthes disease symptoms.

For a complete diagnosis, your doctor will likely recommend an imaging test such as an x-ray of the hip, MRI, CT scan, or bone scan. These imaging tests will confirm the diagnosis and help your doctor determine how far the condition has progressed.

After your child is diagnosed with Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, your doctor will begin treatment with the main goal being to keep the ball of the thighbone in the proper alignment with the socket of the hip. This procedure is called containment.

To maintain this alignment, your doctor may brace the joint, use a cast, or use a traction device over the nighttime hours. Your child may need to use crutches to relieve stress on the hip.

Physical therapy will likely be prescribed to keep the joint mobile and maintain a good range of motion as the hip heals. If pain is a problem for your child, anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen (i.e. Motrin, Advil) may be recommended. Aspirin is not recommended for young children.

Surgery is only an option if conservative treatment fails to restore blood flow to the head of the thighbone. The type of surgery will depend on the extent of damage to the hip and other factors.

With successful treatment, Legg-Calve-Perthes disease symptoms resolve, the blood supply to the bone returns, and normal hip function is restored.

Children under the age of six have a high success rate with treatment and are likely to recover completely. Children over the age of six can recover completely but are more likely to suffer some hip deformity or to develop arthritis later in life.

Jaw Pain Relief Facts You Need to Know

If you are experiencing a lot of jaw pain and have come to read about how to get some relief, please read on. There are answers out there. Personally I have been helped a lot.

Many of us experience discomfort in the jaw joint or what in medically appropriate terms is known as the Temporomandibular Joint. There are many reasons that may lead to the dysfunction of this joint. We speak, chew, yawn and grind our teeth with the help of this joint, which connects the lower jaw of our mouth to the temporal bone of the skull. It is located right in front of the ears.

In case there is a situation of jaw popping or locking there may be severe pain and swelling in the area which can easily go up into the head or affect the ears.

Chewing gum can be a great exercise for your jaw when there are no problems, but you can overdo it. Over working the jaw muscles only results in tension created in the muscles which lead to tightening of the jaw. And when you are having jaw problems causing discomfort, it is best not to chew gum.

Get Some Relief

Your muscles, joints and ligaments of the jaws may have moved out of alignment with the problems you are manifesting. Now is the time to rest your jaws when possible and find some things that help.

If you are already experiencing jaw pain then try to stay away from foods that require major chewing or grinding actions. Stay away from very hard or brittle foods that need force to chew them down to a swallowable size. This will help in getting jaw pain relief.

Do not pop your jaw purposely. Popping the jaw back in place may seem like an easy "undo" option but if this is a regular habit then it will cause pain eventually.

In order to keep the jaw joint functioning healthily you may perform some pressure applications and massages at home. Putting pressure on the nerves of the jaw joint located right below the ears and opening and closing the mouth at the same time can help increase its mobility.

Is Your Headache Really a Pain in the Neck?

Is it my imagination, or is this article likely to be read all over the world? Wherever you are, it is a good guess that commercials on your television will direct their attention to common local needs. Chances are good, then, that you will see commercials for chronic pain relief. Our local commercials frequently make offerings for head, neck and back aches from a variety of brands: Tylenol, Excedrin, Advil, Naprosen, etc. Of course there is regular, extra strength, prescription level 1,2,3, and eventually morphine and beyond. What joy it is to recover the freedom of mobility when the pain barrier is removed! What amazing things we can experience when we are on drugs! Not that some headache patients don't require medication (eg, migraine and cluster headaches) mind you, but the majority of chronic headache sufferers (eg, chronic tension-type, chronic daily headache, and cervicogenic headache sufferers) are better off with non-medicinal therapies.

There are legitimate drugs, but there may be a dark side. The Tylenol ad that I watched last night made it look so good: Old guys dancing and acting like young kids. Adults of both genders and all ages were all acting like, well, young kids and teenagers; and all with the help of pain relief medication. Their slogan that I saw a few minutes ago was "Get back to normal, whatever your normal is." What could be so wrong with that? For many people headache is chronic. It is a daily, hourly ordeal. If medication is required to get back to "normal", it requires a lot of medication. It isn't something that requires an occasional pill to remove the barrier. It doesn't go away unless you continually pop pills that load the body to toxic levels. If you are going to retain that kind freedom or "normal" it creates an unwanted dark side.

Have you got a calculator handy? Have you ever thought of how much you, or your insurance company spends, or someone spends for you to get relief from headaches? How much is it? Like cigarettes, or coffee, it gets absorbed into expenses for the daily necessities of life. Have you got something better to do with that money? I do and if I had to go out and add these extra costs, some things would have to go. Okay, I drink coffee; but usually one cup a day and I make it myself. I haven't started to make my own pain medication, although in my first organic chemistry lab at university, we made acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). Looking at the medications in my cupboard, there is the range, but some of them have been there for 5 - 7 years and I now am afraid to use them.

Pain is usually a warning signal. Like the warning light on a car dashboard, it tells you that something is wrong, or a smoke alarm that is warning of impending danger. You only shut it off if you are aware and are dealing with the problem. Deactivating the warning signals means greater and greater damage and the repair bill just keeps on adding up.

Pain experienced in one area, could be a chain reaction to a problem in another one. Cracks in the walls, ceiling or windows of a house are often symptoms of problems in the foundation. Many of our aches and pains in the head, neck, shoulders, back, hips, knees, jaw, shoulders, etc. actually are related to problems with poor postural alignment of the spine. It causes muscles to tighten and use excessive energy and produce myofascial pain or "contraction knots." The knot locations are called trigger points.. According to Dr. Howard Makofsky, Professor of Physical Therapy and former co-director of the TMJ and Headache Centers at Southside Hospital in Bay Shore, New York, "It has been demonstrated with microdialysis needle technique that active trigger points contain significantly higher concentrations of protons, bradykinin, CGRP, substance P, serotonin, interleukin-1 beta, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and norepinephrine than normal subjects and individuals with latent trigger points. The presence of these algogenic (pain producing) substances helps to explain why individuals with active trigger points have lower pressure pain thresholds and myofascial pain syndromes. The PostureJac/MyoPresser system, through specific compression therapy (massage therapy), helps to reduce contractile activity at the contraction knot and disperse pain-producing biochemicals from active trigger points in the upper trapezius, levator scapulae, paraspinals, and pectoralis minor muscles. These therapeutic effects help to explain the symptomatic relief experienced by using this unique approach to trigger point therapy.

Do you want to know more about chronic myofascial pain, headaches and trigger points? A simple search with key words will produce plenty of hits. We don't lack for evidence and expertise. The spine is the axis that everything moves around. If its function is impaired, other things have to change or stop functioning. Then they wear out more quickly because they weren't designed to operate that way.

Is your headache really a pain in the neck? Dr. Makofsky reports the following:

  1. 70% of headache sufferers have neck pain.

  2. 15-20% of headache sufferers have what is known as cervicogenic headaches (headache originating in the neck).

  3. 50 million Americans suffer from chronic headaches.

  4. Active trigger points (aka "contraction knots") have been found in the neck and shoulder muscles of people with chronic headaches to a greater degree than people who don't have headaches.

  5. Forward head posture is more prevalent in headache sufferers than in people who don't suffer from headaches.

  6. For an effective means of controlling neck-based headaches, Dr. Gwendolyn Jull, a professor of physiotherapy in Queensland, Australia, and a leading headache expert recommends the following:
    a. postural correction

    b. deep neck flexor strengthening as well as

    c. stretching and strengthening exercises to the shoulder, neck and back muscles

  7. Drug-rebound headache is a worldwide epidemic. Leading headache specialists agree that headache sufferers need to learn non-medicinal headache strategies because chronic pain medicine use can lead to ulcers, kidney failure and liver damage.

Do you notice young children with alignment problems? Not many. Do you notice teenagers with posture problems. Yes! Lots, and it gets progressively worse in subsequent age groups. Why the rapid deterioration in adolescence? I suggest some big factors, but there are others: Computers, backpacks and self-esteem. Tylenol acknowledged poor posture as a source of headaches in a recent ad campaign, and then offered their product as the solution. The pharmaceutical industry is profiting nicely, but imagine the relief for the health care and insurance industry if the cause of recurring headaches and chronic pain in general were addressed. Fewer hip and knee replacements, fewer spinal surgeries, less medication, less rehab therapy, fewer canes and walkers and other corrective or assistive devices. That doesn't include the treatment of unwanted side effects: liver and kidney damage, hypertension, etc. Could there be some simple solutions?

With over 30 years experience in clinical orthopaedic physical therapy, Dr. Makofsky created the PostureJac as a mechanism to help the body recover its original alignment and function. A lot of it is lost when the body mistakes extended periods in unhealthy positions as "normal". A dentist or surgeon who continually bends over to treat patients, adapts. People spending extended time in front of a computer for work, or other purposes, adapt. Teenagers who carry a backpack, practice piano, self-consciously slouch to "fit in", adapt. And on it goes. "Get back to normal, whatever your normal is." Wait a minute. A faulty normal is causing the problem in the first place and pain medication is just masking it. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a non-toxic, non-addictive, and inexpensive remedy to correct alignment?

If people could correct their perception of what is "normal", then they could return to it. Bringing the body to proper position reduces stress on joints, muscles, ligaments and fascia. They don't complain and malfunction and send pain signals to the brain. Passive devices that hold your shoulders back don't do that. Like a splint or cast, they substitute for muscle activity and actually cause them to weaken. It is not much better to become dependent on a static device than on medication. The PostureJac is something that can correct muscle memory and internalize this mechanism.

Do you need some other reasons to correct your posture? Did you know that poor posture may also affect blood pressure? Pain from poor posture (eg, chronic headaches) stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which is capable of raising blood pressure.

How about bone health? Studies show that it is enhanced when muscles attached to it are active. In typical forward head/rounded shoulders posture, vital support muscles in the mid and upper back are stretched. As you become more bent over, these muscles become less active and weaken. Leading experts on osteoporosis promote posture correction, muscle restoration and activation.

The PostureJac offers the following to headache sufferers:

  • Correction of forward head posture/rounded shoulders posture

  • Trigger point ("contraction knot") release

  • Flexibility of tight neck, shoulder and back muscles

  • Strengthening of the deep neck flexor and scapular stabilizing muscles

Is it necessary to use a device? Can't I just do some back exercises to get relief? Stand up straighter? Buy a different pillow? Use a static posture brace? I am not claiming that this is the only way to go, however it teaches the body a very significant mechanism to restore alignment. Dr. Makofsky calls it the Spinal "Corkscrew Principle." As your shoulders create a lateral downward force, they are like the handles of a corkscrew. Your spine is the cork. It goes up. Try if for yourself. Try it while you are lying on a flat surface like a bed. You will feel your spine stretch and elongate. Producing this mechanism creates a muscle memory and you have a new technique for aligning and lifting your spine. It is more stable and closer to where it should be. Depending on where you started, it may not be ideal, but with work it can get better. Improving spinal stability is where you want to be when you are stretching and strengthening the structures that are causing so many problems in the first place. This is a portable device that will reinforce it and get you there faster. Do you want to continue masking the pain or address the root causes?

The focus of this article has been on chronic headaches and their origin. The same holds true for backache, shoulder impingement, and temporomandibular disorders (TMD). A lot of those problems originate in the neck, where some muscles are tight, others are weak, and nerves are impinged. It looks like correcting the pain in the neck is important for many of our chronic pain issues.!

Consider this quote. "Observations of the striking influence of postural mechanics on function and symptomatology have led to our hypothesis that posture affects and moderates every physiologic function from breathing to hormonal production. Spinal pain, headache, mood, blood pressure, pulse, and lung capacity are among the functions most easily influenced by posture. The most significant influences of posture are upon respiration, oxygenation, and sympathetic function. Ultimately, it appears that homeostasis and autonomic regulation are intimately connected with posture. The corollary of these observations is that many symptoms, including pain, may be moderated or eliminated by improved posture." John Lennon, BM, MM, C. Norman Shealy, MD, Roger K. Cady, MD, William Matta, PhD., Richard Cox, PhD, and William F. Simpson, PhD, American Journal of Pain Management, Vol. 4, No. 1, January, 1994

Having said this about chronic headaches, it is important to realize that acute headache can be a danger sign of a serious condition. So please check with your physician before embarking on any self-treatment approach to headache management.

Exercises For TMJ Disorder - How They Work

It's taken a long time, but she had finally found what she'd been wanting so desperately. Something that will actually stop her teeth grinding and TMJ symptoms. She finally got fed up with her mouth guard which didn't work and started doing exercises for TMJ disorder. But will they work?

TMJ exercises are the only proven treatment for TMJ that effectively and permanently fixes the condition. Unlike other treatments like mouth guards and splints, TMJ exercises actually treat the root causes of TMJ.

Tight and stressed muscles and tendons in the jaw cause TMJ by displacing your jaw slightly which affects your nerves. To counter this, the exercises massage and stretch surrounding muscles to release pressure on your jaw. This allows your jaw and the muscles inside it to relax and settle back into the normal position.

Something That You Can Try Now:

The exercises involve simple movement of the mouth and jaw. One exercise for example gets you to push your jaw to the right and left and back to the center, while pushing against your jaw lightly with two fingers. This builds up resistance and strengthens muscles in your jaw that hold it in place properly.

Exercises for TMJ are no miracle cure. Some people experience substantial pain relief within just a couple of days of using the exercises, it will usually take about 2 - 3 weeks to see permanent results.

The earlier you start doing the exercises the better, if you allow your symptoms to go unchecked you risk further injury, such as tendons snapping in severe cases.

How to Tell If You Have TJM - What Are the Symptoms and Visible Signs?

TMJ is a condition that affects a large number of people each year. The condition not only affects the jaw area but also can affect the head, shoulders and neck as well as some experiencing back pain. It will generally involve pain mainly in the jaw and will continue to cause discomfort unless something is done about it. In a short, the TMJ is a condition which causes the joint to become inflamed, which then in turn causes the discomfort in other areas as well.

Some of the conditions are not noticeable while others are. Some patients who have this problem do not report even knowing that they had this problem. That does not mean that medical attention is not needed or required. The side effects of the TMJ are what you want to be cautious of.

Symptoms of TMJ

One of the most reported symptoms of TMJ is the feeling of soreness around the muscles of the jaw and face. This is especially present in the morning and after waking up. Some patients will report that they found it hard to just open and close their mouth. Some have trouble with chewing. Symptoms like this are especially active when the patient eats certain foods or participates in activities as chewing gum. Sometimes there will be trouble speaking as the jaw joint tends to not function right when there is to much tension or when the jaw locks into place.

There can be sounds that can be heard by not just you but by others as well. Such sounds include a clicking and popping noise. There may be a sensation of grinding or sound like grinding when you are trying to chew or bite. If someone tells you that you grind your teeth in your sleep, then you more than likely are experiencing TMJ disorder.

Visible Signs

When someone has TMJ, they might find that they have the feeling that they need to push the jaw back, in the direction of the ears. This is to simply be able to take a comfortable bite. This is caused from the TMJ. The natural instinct is to push your jaw back into place.

A common sign of TMJ is for the patient to notice that they are experiencing some swelling on the side of the face. The patient may not be the only one to see this but may find that a physician also notices swelling and any redness that may be present. The patient may find that there is a shift in the position of their bottom lip.

Associated Symptoms and Conditions

The problems of TMJ are not just simply restricted to the jaw area. The problems can involve various parts of the body as well. Problems that are reported with someone who has TMJ is often a mild headache, and they may also experience the ringing sound in their ears. The symptoms may make the patient become dizzy and can disturb the way that they are able to sleep.

Some more serious complications can arise such as a backache and the inability to swallow correctly. This can in turn affect someone's respitory function. Some have experienced pain in the back of the neck which is often a frequent complication.