Saturday, November 16, 2013

Collagen And Joint-Pain Relief

As the body ages, various areas seem to age faster than others. Major areas that are affected by age are the body's joints. As the joints of the body age, they remind us their are aging by pain and discomfort due to age, arthritis or injuries. To combat this condition, an all natural medication or supplement is needed that can directly reduce the pain and discomfort in the joints. A necessary ingredient for rebuilding joint cartilage is collagen.

There are approximately 25 types of collagen occurring in the body to support skin, tendons, muscles, bones and cartilage. It makes up about 25% of the total amount of protein in the body and is known as the glue that holds the body together. Without it the body would surly fall apart. Collagen works with elastin in supporting the body's tissues and together they provide firmness, strength and flexibility for the entire body.

It is the most abundant protein in the body and is essential for the healthy growth and development of muscles, tendons and bones. The body produces and stores collagen during its youth. But as it ages, the collagen level starts to decline and the body can not produce or rebuild collagen on its own. By age 45 collagen levels in the body will have been reduced by up to 30%. When the body's collagen level is reduced, the cartilage strength in he body's systems that depend on it are affected. This reduction results in aches and pains in joints and muscles and requires longer times for injuries to heal.

A reason for joint pain, other than injury, is due to the lack of collagen in the body. Deterioration of the cartilage between the bones is what causes osteoarthritis and the resulting pain is due to bone against bone. Collagen makes up 95% of joint cartilage, and bones lacking in collagen are dry and brittle, and are easily broken. The more collagen in the bone cartilage, the less chance of developing osteoarthritis.

Better Joints AF Capsules can help replace the collagen your body is no longer producing. Due to today's lifestyle, collagen supplements are vital for good health of both the body and bones. These capsules are an ideal nutritional dietary supplement and preventive for staying fit and healthy. They can play a vital role for those with the risk of developing joint disease and can benefit those already suffering form degenerative joint disease and arthritic conditions. Better Joints AF helps to reduce inflammation, decrease pain and improve joint function, flexibility and mobility.

Top 5 Home Remedies for Ankle Pain

Suffering from ankle pain?

Sometimes ankle pain may occur due to sprains that took place unknowingly. Ligaments that are attached to the ankle either tear partially, or fully rupture. The overall pain experienced depends on the severity of the injury, yet home remedies can reduce the amount of pain and discomfort you feel.

Here are 5 home remedies for you to reduce pain and discomfort on your ankle:

1. Icing
your ankle may respond better to an alternating hot-and-cold therapy. Use two gel packs. One should apply heat for 20 minutes. Follow it with a cold pack for 20 minutes.
Alternatively, you can prepare ice packs by filling a gallon-sized Ziploc with fresh ice. Apply the ice pack on your swelling ankle to reduce the amount of swelling will reduce your discomfort. Ensure that the ice rests directly on the swollen area. If the cold is too intense, place a small rag between the skin and the ice pack.

2. Herbal Remedies
Home remedies such as coconut and garlic oil help reduce pain and swelling when they soak directly into the skin. Mix 3 table spoon of coconut and garlic oil into a container and heat in the microwave for ten seconds, slightly warming the mixture. Generously massage the oil directly onto your ankle for ten minutes, allowing the oils to soak into your skin.

Cabbage contains minerals and vitamins that are useful when ingested, as well as when they're applied externally. Gather the outer layers, or leaves, of the cabbage plant. Blanch the leaves by boiling them in water and then immediately placing the leaves into a container of ice-cold water. Once the leaves have been blanched, wrap your entire foot and ankle, and allow them to rest for 30 minutes before removing.

3. Dieting
Changing your diet to relieve knee pain can be effective over a longer term. If you are heavy, you may experience poor circulation and heightened stress in the ankles and other weight-bearing joints. If you are overweight and suffer from frequent strains or bone degeneration, losing weight can permanently end your ankle pain. Adding a joint supplement to your diet, such as glucosamine or chondroitin, may also help some people by protecting the ankle joint and surrounding tissue.

4. Exercises
Exercise is an ongoing home treatment that will serve as pain relief and prevention. To prevent future ankle injuries, and to strengthen an ankle that is already injured, range-of-motion exercises and stretches provide the most benefit. Only stretch or exercise the ankle once the pain has subsided.

Range-of-motion exercises will increase the flexibility of tendons and ligaments that have tightened during an injury. Trace the alphabet with your toes, moving the ankle as much as possible throughout. Repeat at least ten times per day to strengthen your ankle and improve your flexibility.

While sitting on a chair, place the foot with the injured ankle flat on the floor. Slowly move your knee from side-to-side without lifting your foot off of the ground. Repeat this exercise at least ten times per day to enhance lateral movement.

The pain level of these exercises should never move into moderate or severe levels. Experiencing a small amount of pain is common when beginning range-of-motion exercises, however, discontinue the exercise if the pain becomes severe.

5. Orthopaedics treatment
Seek for medical support if your back pain still persists after trying out the suggested remedies. It is advisable to seek for professional help if your back pain is giving you symptoms that casn be interpreted into serious health issues.

Health Screening - A Revolutionizing Process to Prevent and Treat Any Disease Effectively

Health Screening - Prevention and Disease control.

The new "holistic health center" consists of different, completely holistic (entire body) oriented components: A) Fast, effective, pain-free and non-invasive diagnosis, B) Analyzing and immediate treatment of meridian blockages, C) Energy therapy for over 200 disease conditions including cancer, nerve- and bone related diseases, D) Health monitoring and effective prevention to avoid future disease manifestation.

A Holistic Health Center in the design of a mini-clinic will serve the urgent need of health screening and prevention. Health Screening is a new method for early non-invasive diagnosis, usually performed within a few minutes. It is based on the over 5.000 year old knowledge of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is the first reliable Meridian Diagnostic in the world. Cost efficient and highly accurate - up 95%.

Meridian diagnostic is the core concept of efficient health analyzes. A computer based high tech measurement of the 12 main meridians and its correlated organs. It provides a complete energetically picture of a person displayed in an easy to read graphical format. The measuring points are (20) on the fingers and (20) on the toes. Overall biological energy levels, meridian balance, yin - yang, left - right, top - bottom organs, etc. is recorded and can be used for future therapy control (health screening).

Energy levels over 50% reflect health, vitality, less aging, high immune system activity. Energy levels under 50% reflect energy deficit, low immune system activity, disease condition, chronic diseases.

Therapy suggestions are displayed with exact treatment points. One of the major advantages of the Meridian Diagnostic is the advantage to discover unknown Meridian Blockages in the system. When one or more meridian blockages exists the patient becomes Therapy Resistant, which means no therapy will have a sufficient effect. With the BioGraph meridian diagnostic system we are able not only to discover blockages furthermore we can treat and "delete" those blockages immediately. The patient turns from therapy resistant into therapy receptive. The therapy effects are re-established.

The second component in the Holistic Health Center is the world leading and cost efficient "Pulsating Energy Resonance Therapy" (PERTH) acc. to Prof. Dr. Werner (Germany).

Four (4) complete professional therapy systems on a therapy bed will serve app. 32-50 people treatments per day. The capacity can be extended to 8 therapy systems and will serve more than 64 people treatments per day. The basic research of the PERTH therapy started in the early 1920's with Dr. Royal Rife (The end of all diseases), later research by over 200 Russian researcher for the space program MIR in Russia and since 1994 the research is finalized by a well known German researcher and medical professional Prof. Dr. Werner. In cooperation with leading German universities Werner developed the cancer and bone therapy programs with proven results in 1000's of medical and clinical studies.

The new PRTH P5 professional treatment system is easy to use, non-invasive, pain free and highly effective for prevention and disease treatment. The energy increase can be monitored with the Meridian Diagnosis immediately after a treatment session.

Particular meridians and related organs are effected long time before a disease becomes a pathological issue. (green - normal, yellow - attention and red - signals treatment is necessary). For example most cancer patients have an energy level of only 25%, or energy deficit of 75%. This means the immune system is nearly not functioning anymore. Fertile ground for cancer cell grow is established without major defense. Cancer can spread in the body. The reverse circumstance high energy levels - a powerful immune system, health and vitality and a non toxic environment don't allow cancer cell grow. Disease development of any kind becomes impossible. The Meridian Diagnosis and PERTH treatment combination will make those scenarios visible and immediate treatment plans can be developed. The treatment effect is tested and recorded on a patient by patient basis during the very first measurement - therapy - measurement sequence.

This reflects the most effective way to prevent any kind of disease long time before it would appear. In addition the treatment of existing diseases is not "blind" anymore and the patient - treatment response can be finalized through different therapy applicators. For example mat treatment for energy balancing and meridian harmonization, oxygen increase in the blood (65% after 10 minutes), immune system boost, better sleep and vitalization etc. The treatment with the head applicator for the central nervous system, head, eye, ear, nose diseases and brain related diseases like Parkinson, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's etc. The intensive applicator for all joint related problems and to rebuild the cartilage, which is alone a phenomena and was completely impossible before. Finally a point applicator for any pain related circumstance. The PERTH therapy system is very easy to use, any therapist assistant can perform the treatment after a short introduction. As soon a therapy plan is in place patients for therapy or prevention can go in and out on their scheduled appointment without long waiting periods.


- Degenerative bone and joint disease (hip arthritis, Bechterew's disease, Sudeck's disease)
- Arterial circulation disturbance (hardening of arteries in the leg as result of smoking, lower leg sores, stroke, heart attack)

- Asthma, allergies,

- Burnout syndrome

- Cancer, Leukemia

- Heart diseases

- Liver cirrhoses

- Eye diseases (cataract)

- Venous circulation disturbance (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis)

- Sport injuries, healing of wounds and bones, general regeneration of tissue

- Chronic turbal catarrh resistant to treatment, tympanic effusion, inflammation of the middle ear

- Stabilization of circulation

- High and low blood pressure

- Pulmonary emphysema

- Osteoporosis

- Radiant sickness

- Acute and chronic nasal cavity sicknesses

- Virus infections, allergies, migraine and asthma

- Tinnitus aurium (ear noises) and macular edema (retina damage)

- Stress, sleep and digestive problems

- Metabolic disturbances (normalization of fatty acid and pH values)

- Diabetes in the elderly

- Incontinence, bed wetting with children

- Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),

- Climatic problems, potency problems

- Rheumatic disease with chronic pains

Indications are given in strict conformity with International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems of the 10th review, accepted by the 43rd World Health Assembly.


The sequel of nervous system inflammatory diseases (meningitis, encephalitis, myelites, encephalomyelitis), Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, migraine, headache, transitory cerebral ischaemic attacks, sleeplessness, disturbances of sleep-awake cycles, trigeminal neuralgia, facial nerve lesions, neuralgia, neuritis, phantom limb pain syndrome, mononeuropathies, polyneuropathies (including diabetic), infantile cerebral paralysis, hemiplegia, paraplegia, tetraplegia and other paralytic syndromes, vegetative nervous system disorders, vascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia, hydrocephalus, toxic and other encephalopathies, intracranial hypertension (increase of intracranial pressure), fatigue syndrome in recovery period.


Hypothyrosis, clinical manifestations of hyperthyrosis (thyro-toxicosis), diabetes mellitus, adrenal / ovarial / testicular dysfunction, local fat deposits, adiposis, bilirubin metabolism disturbances, mucoviscidosis.


Acute alcoholic intoxication, abstinent delirium (delirium tre-mens) and abstinent status without delirium, symptomatic treatment of chronic alcoholism, depressive disorders, neurotic, stress induced and somatoformic disorders (tic, vegetative nervous system disorders, enuresis, logoneurosis, etc.), sleep-awake regimen disturbances of inorganic etiology, absence or loss of sexual libido, insufficiency of sexual reaction (impotence of inorganic origin), orgasmic dysfunction, mental retardation.


Essential (primary) arterial hypertension, hypertensive disease, arterial hypotony, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, pericarditis, endocarditis, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrest, paroxysmal tachycardia, intracerebra! hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, stroke, cerebral atherosclerosis, hypertensive encephalopathy, cardialgiae (pains in the cardiac region), cerebrovas-cular diseases sequelae, diffuse atherosclerosis, Raynaud's syndrome, narrowing (obliteration) of arterioles, varicosis, lymphadenitis, lymphoid edema, lymphangitis.


Acute nasopharyngitis (nasal cold), vasomotoric and allergic rhinitis, acute pharyngitis, acute tonsillitis (angina), acute laryngitis and tracheitis, chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis, chronic sinusitis, chronic diseases of amygdalae and adenoids, chronic laryngotracheitis, diseases of vocal cords and larynx, acute obstructive laryngitis (croup), and epiglottitis, acute respiratory infections, viral and bacterial pneumoniae (inflammations of the lungs), acute bronchitis, acute bronchiolitis, recurrent and chronic bronchitis (obstructive and non-obstructive), bronchial asthma, bronchoectasiae, pneumoconiosis (occupational pulmonary diseases), pleurites, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis.


Oral cavity diseases, pyrosis, esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux, esophageal ulcer, esophageal dyskinesia, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis and duodenitis of various origin, pylorospasm, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, acute and chronic gastroenteritis and colitis, irritated intestine syndrome with and without diarrhea, constipation, functional diarrhea, neu-rogenous excitability of the intestine, anal sphincter spasm, anal and rectal fissurae and fistulae, hemorrhoids, alcoholic liver disease, toxic liver lesion, acute and chronic hepatitis, hepatic fibro-sis and cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, acute and chronic cholecystitis, biliary tracts dyskinesia, acute and chronic pancreatitis, vomiting after surgical intervention on gastroenteric tract, postoperative intestinal obstruction (intestinal paresis), dysfunction after colosto-my and enterostomy, secondary disturbances of intestinal absorption, disturbance of alimentary behavior (overeating).


Skin abscess, furunculi and carbunculi, panaris, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, neurodermitis, psoriasis, Quincke's edema, burns (including sunburns), frostbite, focal alopecia (baldness), follicular cysts of the skin and subcutaneous fat, hyperhidrosis (sweating), vitiligo, callosities, atrophic skin lesions (trophic ulcers), hypertrophic skin lesions (keloid cicatrices), erysipelas.


Infection, postinfection and reactive arthropathiae, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, gout, polyarthrosis, osteoarthritis deformans, articular cartilage lesions, ligaments lesions, joints luxations and subluxations, hemarthrosis, exudate in the joint, pain in the joint, rigidity of the joints, osteophytes ("spurs"), lupus erythematosus, dermatopolymyositis, systemic sclerosis (including sclerodermia), systemic vasculites, scoliosis, osteo-chondrosis, torticollis, ankylosing spondylitis, spondylopathiae, spondylosis, inter-vertebral disks lesions, radiculopathiae, radiculitis, ischias, lumbago, backaches, myosites (muscles inflammation), synovites, tenosynovitis and bursites, ligaments and joints injuries, pain in the limbs, other unspecified diseases of joints and soft tissues, bones fractures, poor fractures consolidation (including age-related fracture of the neck of the femur), osteomyelitis, periostitis, periodontitis, parodontosis, parodon-titis.


Hordeolum and chalazion, blepharitis, dacryocystitis, chronic inflammation of lacrimal ducts, acute and chronic conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, corneal scars and opacities, cataract, retinal breaks and detachment, diabetic retinopathy, open-angle glaucoma, optic neuritis, optic atrophy, squint, myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (including age-related), blindness and lowered vision, eye pain.


Acute and chronic external otitis, non-purulent of middle ear, perforation of the drum membrane, tympanosclerosis, neurosen-sory hypoacusis, ototoxic hypoacusis, pain in the ear.


Glomerulonephritis, acute and chronic nephritic syndrome, acute and chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis, acute and chronic pyelonephritis, reflux-uropathy, toxic nephropathy, hydronephrosis (without obstruction), urolithiasis, renal ischemia or infarction, acquired renal cyst, acute and chronic cystitis, neuromuscular dysfunction of the urinary bladder, urethritis, urinary tract infection without definite localization, enuresis; hyperplasia of the prostate, adenoma of the prostate, acute and chronic prostatitis, prostatocystitis, prostatic calculus, orchi-tis and epididimitis, balanopostitis, vascular disorders of male genital organs, certain forms of male sterility; mastopathia fibrocystica, mastitis, lactostasis, nipple cracks and fistulae; salpingitis and oophoritis, vulvovaginitis, incomplete vaginal prolapse, ovarial cysts, incorrectwomb positions, cervical erosion, myoma and fibromyoma, absence of menstruations, poor and rare menstruations, frequent, irregular menstruations, premenstrual syndrome, menstrual pains, early menopause, climacteric status, recurrent abortion, secondary female sterility.


Arterial hypertension as complication of pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal period, edema and proteinuria caused by pregnancy, nephropathy of pregnancy, excessive vomiting of the pregnant, hemorrhoids, diabetes mellitus, herpes of the pregnant, arterial hypotony syndrome in mother, preparation for childbirth, anesthesia during childbirth, hypothermia of unclear origin appearing after childbirth, changes of mammary gland and lactation.


Lesions of fetus and newborn caused by mother's diseases and complications of pregnancy and childbirth, birth injuries, intrau-terine hypoxia, respiratory disorders of fetus and newborn, non-traumatic intracranial hemorrhage in fetus and newborn, neonatal jaundice, transitory neonatal endocrine disorders, digestive disorders in perinatal period, thermoregulation disorders and skin changes in fetus and newborn, regurgitation, vomiting, poor sucking and overfeeding, muscular tonus lesion in newborn.


Increased blood pressure without diagnosed hypertension, cough, stridor, wheezing respiration, hiccup, sneezing, pain in throat and chest, pain in stomach and pelvic region, nausea and vomiting, pyrosis, meteorism, lesions of skin sensitivity, pain associated with urination, retention of urine, loss of consciousness and coma, nervousness, anxiety and excitation in association with failures and disasters, emotional shock and stress, speech and voice disorders (dysarthria, dyslexia, dysphonia), fever of unclear origin, headache, indisposition and fatigue, syncope and collapse, senility (without psychosis).

Radiation Therapy - A Beneficial Treatment For People Who Undergo Total Hip Replacements

On September 17, 2007, New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine underwent a single radiation treatment to his hip area the morning of his hip replacement surgery. The purpose was to prevent the recurrence of a medical problem he incurred, after his shattered hip and thighbone were operated on after an automobile accident he sustained last April.

The condition is called heterotopic ossification (hereafter referred to as HO). The role of radiation therapy for this non-malignant medical problem is relatively unknown by most people but is quite useful.


HO is the formation of rigid bone in places it doesn't belong, namely in the flexible muscles that surround the hip joint. It occurs as a complication of total hip replacements, anywhere from 8-90% of the time, with an average occurrence rate of 40%.

HO can be identified on x-rays of the hip as early as three to six weeks after the operation. However, its effects, such as hip pain and impaired joint mobility limiting the person from climbing stairs, bending forward to tie his or her shoe laces, and arise out of a chair, usually take six to twelve months to develop. The only effective treatment for HO is re-operation, as in the case of Governor Corzine. Needless to say, it is desirable to avoid such a complication.

Who is at Risk?

Risk factors for HO include: male gender, people over age 60, history of severe osteoarthritis, arthritis of the hip following hip trauma, previous surgery on the same hip, and prior HO in the opposite hip.

How does HO occur?

Although the mechanism is not clear, one theory is: in the setting of hip trauma or surgery, bone fragments shed into the surrounding muscle tissue. There, immature connective tissue cells mature into bone cells, which then multiply and form bone in the muscle.

How radiation therapy works

Radiation therapy interferes with the production of DNA by the aforementioned immature connective tissue cells. Thus, the cells cannot multiply and give rise to bone tissue where it does not belong.

History of radiation therapy to prevent or decrease the risk of HO

Radiation therapy was first used to prevent or decrease the risk of HO in the 1970s. With the emergence of new technology, radiation therapy techniques have evolved over the decades.

For example, in the past, radiation therapy was delivered over a series of several treatments administered over the course of one to two weeks. Today, it is usually administered in a single dose.

In addition, as the prosthesis (artificial hip joint) used in total hip replacement surgery has also improved over the decades, so the area of the hip that needs to be treated with radiation therapy after the operation has gotten smaller.

Timing of radiation therapy

It is known that radiation therapy is effective when it is delivered to prevent HO. This is called prophylactic radiation therapy. Radiation therapy is not beneficial once HO has ensued. Therefore, radiation therapy needs to be administered either within 96 hours after the surgery or within four hours prior to surgery.

Radiation therapy for joints other than the hip

Prophylactic radiation therapy is also used for other joints, such as the elbow, wrist, shoulder and TMJ (the hinge joint of the jaw).


The incidence of HO decreases from an average of 40% in people who do not undergo radiation therapy, to 5% for those who do. This translates into a significant benefit.


Theoretically, radiation therapy can cause cancer. However, to the present, no such complication has been documented in the medical literature.

Also, because the area that is exposed to radiation therapy is near the reproductive organs, fertile people need to practice birth control for one year. This is because radiation has the potential to cause genetic damage in sperm and eggs.

In reality, there are usually no adverse side effects from radiation therapy to treat HO.


Radiation therapy is a useful and safe treatment to prevent heterotopic ossification in people who undergo hip replacement surgery. For more information about radiation therapy, visit

Treating Your Hip Bursitis Yourself

What Is Hip Bursitis?

The word bursitis is derived from bursa. A bursa is a fluid filled sac which acts as an absorber of shock (cushion) between a bone and a tendon. While, a tendon is the tissue that connects the muscles with the bones. The bursa absorbs the shock by reducing friction and pressure by releasing the fluid which acts as a lubricant for the hip joint. The bursa, normally, has only a small amount of fluid, but in case of an injury the bursa is filled with a lot of liquid which causes pain.

Causes Of Hip Bursitis

The following are the most common causes of hip bursitis and any or all of these can be the cause.

  • Continuous pressure or exertion of the hips. Usually through standing for long hours or sitting on hard surfaces.

  • A hard and direct injury to your hip (through a fall)

  • Other health conditions such as arthritis or gout

  • Constant usage of hips i.e. in activities such as sports (running, climbing etc)

Symptoms of hip bursitis simply include pain, soreness and/or stiffness over long periods of time.

Treatment For Hip Bursitis

  • Rest- it is essential that you rest your hip, giving the bursa time to heal

  • Ice - cold helps constricts the blood vessels. When the blood flow is restricted, the inflammation of the bursa will reduce gradually

  • Medicine - antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs to fight infection and inflammation

  • Sleeping position - it is advisable to not sleep on the side of the hip which is suffering
    Exercises For Hip Bursitis

Before starting any exercise it is advisable to heat up the muscles of the affected area (hot bath). The following is a list of the exercises that you can administer to relieve your pain.

  • Cross-leg pulls

  • Outer thigh stretches

Living With TMJ (Temporomandibular Disorder)

Over 35 million Americans suffer from TMJ, which stands for Temporomandibular Disorder and is basically a collection of poorly understood conditions presented as pain or discomfort in the jaw and surrounding tissues and limitations in the jaw movements. Certain injuries or other physical conditions such as arthritis may have an effect on the temporomandibular joints, effectively impairing a person's ability to speak, eat, swallow, and even breathe.

Other conditions may overlap with TMJ, resulting in additional discomfort. Chronic fatigue, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, hypermobility, irritable bowel syndrome, and sleep disorders are among the other conditions which may appear in conjunction with TMJ. TMJ disorders are normally highly complex, involving hormonal and genetic influences as well as numerous other biological factors.

The largest demographic of TMJ sufferers are women of childbearing age. Pain is usually the most common symptom, usually presenting as a dull ache in the lower jaw accompanied by difficulty in using the joint. People suffering from TMJ may also experience neck or shoulder pain, migraines, stiffness in the jaw or locking of the jaw, a popping or grating in the jaw when opening or closing the mouth, a bite that feels off center, tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

Some people may experience noise when opening or closing their jaw, but it is only TMJ if there is pain accompanying the sound. Almost everyone experiences some discomfort in the jaw area from time to time, and it is not always indicative of a disorder. Even some TMJ sufferers improve without treatment, with the problem slowly correcting itself over a period of weeks or months.

Diagnosis of TMJ disorders is not always easy, because facial pain can be the result of a number of factors, sinus infections, decayed or abscessed teeth, headaches, or facial neuralgia. At the present time, there is no standardized test to accurately identify and diagnose all TMJ conditions.

TMJ is usually diagnosed after all other possibilities have been eliminated. The process of elimination is a slow one, consisting of trips to multiple healthcare providers such as your primary care physician, your dentist, ENT, neurologist, endocrinologist, pain specialists, and chiropractor (among others).

TMJ has no known specific cause; however it can be traced to injuries or trauma to the jaw area, arthritis, some dental treatments, infections, or auto-immune diseases. TMJ patients may also exhibit other chronic pain conditions.

TMJ disorders may improve over time, or if left untreated, may worsen, becoming long term and even debilitating problems.

The treatment for TMJ is usually simple common sense care, such as eating soft foods, applying ice or heat to the area, and avoiding extreme jaw movements such as yawning (not easy to do), singing, or chewing gum. More intensive treatments may be prescribed, but there is no scientific basis for this approach and such treatment may actually serve to make the problem worse. You should definitely avoid surgical treatment for the problem as there have been no long term studies to conclusively prove that such procedures are safe and effective.

As mentioned earlier, some conditions may overlap with TMJ symptoms. It is unknown why these conditions overlap, some people may suffer from two conditions, while others from three or even more. Or one condition may be apparent for several years before another appears. TMJ is rarely a stand alone issue.

Friday, November 15, 2013

10 Ways to Manage Arthritis Foot Pain

Diabetics are not the only ones to suffer foot pain, people with arthritis are also prone to foot pain. Due to the fact that the foot has 33 joints, it is especially prone to arthritis. Arthritis is characterized by the inflammation and swelling of the cartilage and lining of the joints, and often includes an increase of joint fluid. Walking and moving is often extremely difficult for those with arthritis foot pain.

What causes arthritis foot pain? There are different causes, but those that put a person at greater risk include:

- Injury and strain not properly taken care of

- Bacteria and viral infections

- Certain disorders such as ileitis and colitis

- Certain prescription drugs and illegal drug use

- Genetics

In addition to the above causes, there are two forms of arthritis that can lead to foot pain:

1. Rheumatoid arthritis - This is a systemic disease that causes non-specific inflammation of joints belonging to the hands and feet. Over time, rheumatoid arthritis may result in the destruction of the joints and cause serious, chronic foot problems including hammertoes, bunions, etc.

2. Osteoarthritis - This is a degenerative form of arthritis, and it often affects more than one joint. Osteoarthritis is more common among the elderly, obese or those who've suffered a physical trauma. Osteoarthritis can cause changes in the foot bones such as cartilage destruction, spurs, narrowing of joint space and cystic changes.

How can arthritis foot pain be treated? Arthritis foot pain shouldn't be ignored, and should be treated as soon as possible. The following are 10 treatments you can try to help relieve inflammation and pain, as well as improve the flexibility of joints -

1. Exercises - Stretching, range of motion, and functional exercises are all ideal for preventing arthritis foot pain. These exercise help to improve blood flow to the feet, improve flexibility, and keep bones and muscles strong. It's best to ask your podiatrist to recommend exercises.

2. Lose weight - Weight puts plenty of stress and strain on your joints. If you are overweight, shedding excess pounds can make a significant difference to your feet.

3. Supportive footwear - It is imperative that you invest in shoes that provide your foot with support, and feature a high, wide toe box. Shoes with rocker-bottom soles are a good choice for those suffering from heel pain. You should avoid wearing high heel shoes and shoes with pointed toes. In fact, it's a good idea to have your shoes custom made or ask a podiatrist for recommendations.

You should also consider acquiring removable insoles or orthotics for your shoes to provide your foot with more support.

4. Knee, ankle and foot supports - Tensor bandages and braces that provide mild compression and support can help reduce stress placed on the joint.

5. Heat/cold therapy - Applying heating pads or ice packs to the inflamed joint can help relieve inflammation and sooth the aching joint.

6. Physical therapy - Talk to your doctor about physical therapy treatment.

7. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supplements - These supplements help to slow the deterioration of cartilage between joint bones and reduce pain. Talk to your doctor about these supplements before taking them.

8. Over-the-counter pain medication - If you are suffering from pain due to joint inflammation, common over-the-counter medications that may be effective at reducing inflammation and pain include aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen.

9. Anti-inflammatory creams and topical ointments - There are topical medications that help relieve acute pain (I.E. "JointFlex"), and those that relieve pain and reduce inflammation (I.E. "Aspercreme").

10. Surgery - Those who suffer from severe, disabling foot pain may require surgery to realign or replace joints.

Finally, remember that it is not normal for joints to hurt anywhere in your body. If you are experiencing frequent or recurring foot pain, it's time to visit your doctor.

Knee Pain - Thigh Pain - Crouching Or Squatting

Knee pain or hip pain after crouching or squatting is common in those with tight lower back, hip and knee muscles. Most of us who sit all day long have tight muscles in the lower back and lower limbs. So when we perform crouching or squatting movements whether done in a prolonged fashion or repetitively, you may feel weakness, discomfort or pain in the hips, groins, front of the thighs as well as along the inner aspect of the thighs and perhaps even knee pain. This should tell you that the muscles in these areas were abused by the crouching or squatting positions.
The muscle responsible for discomfort or pain at the front of the thighs or pain in the front of the knees is the rectus femoris muscle and the muscle at the inner aspect of the thigh and knee that has been stressed is the adductor magnus muscle.

If pain is in the outer aspect of the knees, the pain is likely to be from stress to the tensor fascia lata muscle and if pain is at the back of the knees, the pain is from the hamstrings muscles.
Although the other quadriceps muscles are important for producing anterior thigh and knee pain, they are not the main muscles to be injured since the other quadriceps cross only one joint namely the knee joint whereas rectus femoris (which is also a quadriceps muscle), tensor fascia lata and hamstrings cross both the hip and knee joints and are thus more likely to be abused with crouching or squatting.

Initially, anterior thigh and knee pain is more common than posterior thigh pain. Because of our sedentary positions involving sitting for prolonged periods, the muscles in the front of the hip such as rectus femoris, tensor fascia lata and psoas major may be chronically shortened while the muscles in the back of the hip, the gluteus maximus (buttock muscle), hamstrings and adductor magnus are chronically over- stretched and weakened.

At the knee joint, sitting places the knees in a bent position, therefore the rectus femoris and the tensor fascia lata whose functions are to extend the knee are over stretched and weakened whereas the hamstring muscles whose function is to bend the knee become short and tight due to the imbalance of muscle power as in the see-saw principle.

Upon crouching or squatting, the sitting position is exaggerated with excessive hip and knee bending. Therefore, the rectus femoris and tensor fascia lata muscles become shorter and tighter at the hip and more long and stretched out at the knee. Excessive shortening contraction in bending (flexion) at the hip and excessive lengthening contraction in straightening (extension) at the knee injure both rectus femoris and tensor fascia lata muscles.

To maintain the person in a crouched position or squatting position, muscles at the back of the hip have to undergo an excessive lengthening contraction in addition to an excessive shortening contraction at the knee. Since muscles at the back of the hip that have to undergo a lengthening contraction such as the gluteus maximus and adductor magnus are huge and very strong, the hamstring muscles which also does the same action at the hip can now have more concentrated power for bending the knee. The stronger the pull of the hamstring muscles to actively bend the knee, the more power the rectus femoris and tensor fascia lata muscles have to exert to counteract this force.

Therefore, when you try to stand erect after crouching or squatting, the first weakness, discomfort or pain will be felt in the front of the thigh and front of the knee giving rise to thigh pain and knee pain.

© 2007 copyright

Tinnitus TMJ - Understanding and Treating Tinnitus TMJ

The medical manifestations of TMJ condition include tmj ear pain, TMJ neck pain and tinnitus TMJ itself. It has been reported that virtually all who suffer from TMJ dysfunction show forth the symptom of tinnitus. The condition is somehow more difficult to diagnose since it does not actually result from hearing loss, but rather from the case of jaw going off alignment. But as soon as it is spotted, it is relatively easier to find solution for the condition in a couple of weeks.

Short for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, TMJ is a disorder involving jaw misalignment; this disorder is not a popularly identified cause of hearing loss. Generally, the jaw is located in front of the ear, and it aids us to talk, chew as well as let out a smile. Those who suffer from TMJ tinnitus would normally awaken from sleep with a feeling of restlessness or like one who had sleepless night. The condition is more of a disorder and the symptoms of this condition include migraine headaches, sinus aches, popping of jaw joints when eating or yawning, stiff shoulders and neck, itchy fingers, light-headedness, constant dizzy spells as well as lower back pain.

Those who are diagnosed of TMJ disorders often suffer from tinnitus. Tmj patients histories often reveal cases of tinnitus, hearing loss, nausea and vertigo. A study carried out of recent showed that patients with craniocervical mandibular disorders also had tinnitus accompanying their condition, either primarily or as secondary to the mandibular disorder. However, it is intended that if tinnitus is found in an individual with no apparent cause, further study may be necessary to aid in ascertaining if the condition is connected to a jaw joint dysfunction; an audiologist is in a better position to carry out this study. It has been established that the compression of the tissues located at the back of the jaw joint is usually the cause of TMJ tinnitus as well as decreased hearing.


The treatment or remedies for this condition offers solution towards disturbing noises; it also offers relief to any pain experienced as a result of the condition and also resolves the issues of depression and sleeplessness. Before treatment is administered, a complete diagnostic evaluation is performed. The causes of TMJ could vary based on the patient involved; consequently, thorough diagnosis and treatment is essential. Sometimes, a recommendation of chiropractic manipulation of the temporalis masseter jaw muscles 14 -21 days into the treatment plan is made. The treatment plan may include different solutions which also treat the tinnitus, the pain, and substantially relief the tensed muscles.

In addressing TMJ and other accompanying conditions such as tinnitus, headaches and ear infections, cranial osteopathy could be combined with other treatments. There are also natural remedies for the treatment of tinnitus TMJ symptoms; it is non-medical and does not involve the use of drugs in any way. it usually involves the use of herbs such as the gingko Biloba, sesame seed, fenugreek seed tea, black cohosh and others

5 Jaw Exercises for TMJ Relief

TMJ exercises help in improving the movements of the temporal bone and the mandible. The purpose of the exercises is to ensure that you are able to open and close your mouth without any difficulty, be able to move the jaw on both sides so that you do not have any difficulty while eating, drinking, smiling or making any other form of facial expression. TMJ involves several muscles and tissues that help in the smooth movement of the joint.

Given below are a few exercises that may help in getting rid of TMJ disorder.

  1. In order to get relief from the pain, sit comfortably on a chair that has a strong back rest. Now, try and place your tongue on the roof of your mouth and in the same position try opening your mouth with your tongue. Now, breathe in slowly and after a few seconds exhale slowly and then close your mouth. Make sure that you repeat this exercise at least 8 to 10 times for a quick relief.

  2. There are many people who suffer from shifting of the jaw to one side. For such people it is suggested that you stand in front of the mirror and see on which side your jaw has shifted. Then try and open your mouth straight. This can be pretty difficult and may require a lot of effort from your muscles on the affected side of the jaw. Try opening and closing your mouth at least ten times in a set and then take some rest. Repeat this thrice in a session.

  3. The next exercise involves holding your fist to the damaged side of the jaw just below the TMJ by using a low force and holding it for a few seconds and then release. Do this exercise at least thrice so that you can get relief on both sides.

  4. Next, open your mouth as wide as you can and put your fist to your chin and push it to open your mouth wider. Though it may hurt you a little it is worth the trouble.

  5. Next, open your mouth wide and try to move your haw to the right side as many times as you can. Use your fingers to push your jaw to the right side. This will cause some movement in the jaw. Hold this position for a few seconds. Make sure that you do this exercise at least four times in a day.

The above mentioned are a few exercises that help in providing relief from TMJ disorder.

Hip Joint Pain Causes and Treatments - Part 2 - Treatments

There are many possible causes of hip joint pain, which means that it important to consult your doctor and together work through your symptoms, and history so that you can identify the real cause of your hip bone pain and take appropriate action. Some causes a relatively minor and can be treated with some over-the-counter medication or simple rest and immobilization while others are serious medical conditions that may ultimately lead to surgery.

In Part 1 of this article I covered the common causes of hip joint pain, and now in part 2 we look at the common treatments.

Common treatments

  • Rest. This seems to be by far the most effective and universal treatment.

  • Nonprescription over-the-counter anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen. These will relieve the pain and reduce the inflammation and swelling around the joint which is the main cause of the pain.

  • Reduce the usage of the hip joint. If you use the joint, less you are less likely to suffer from pain from it. You may need to be much more careful about carrying things such as groceries and small children.

  • Light exercise. Exercise that supports you such as swimming and water aerobics in a very beneficial effect on your hip joint pain. When you exercise (and stretch) it increases the blood flow to the hip which brings oxygen and additional nutrients into the area that your body can use to speed up the.

  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption. This seems to be a key factor in triggering gout attacks and its effect on your body weight increases stress on your hips.

  • Drink at least 6 to 8, 8-ounce glasses of water each day.

  • Maintain an ideal body weight. Keeping your weight under control reduces stress on your hips, reduces the chance of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and greatly reduces the chance of you suffering from hip joint pain.

  • Use crutches or a cane. This will help you to keep your weight off the joint and reduce the stress.

  • Heating pads and ice packs. These will help to reduce the inflammation around the joint. Do not use them on bear skin as they can damage your skin.

What You Need to Know About Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding is a habit done by people from time to time. It can be a response to stimuli, such as an overwhelming emotion or stress. However, when the grinding of teeth becomes uncontrollable, it can become a health problem. The medical term used for this act of grinding of the teeth that includes the clenching of jaws is bruxism. Bruxism commonly occurs during slumber, and is one of the most common sleep disorders. While it does not have immediate health threats, it can lead to teeth damage, facial pain, and facial joint damages.

There are several causes of bruxism, the most common being in the form of stress. Stress plays a huge role in the aggravation of teeth grinding. When an individual is stressed, his normal sleeping patterns is disrupted. He can easily be aroused, which leads to unconscious grinding of the teeth. When the person is continuously subjected to stress, this can change into a habit, which is hard to reverse. Another cause of bruxism that is highly linked to stress is unreleased feelings of anger. When one is angry but is unable to express it, his emotions can translate into physical symptoms. And one of the most common physical manifestations of suppressed anger is grinding of teeth.

Other than the emotional factors, there are also physical causes of bruxism. These include the improper alignment of the teeth of the individual. This can be congenital or a cause of a disorder or an injury. When the alignment of the person's teeth is abnormal, there is a chance that they will be in frequent friction. Another physical cause is the development of the teeth. During childhood, teeth are temporary and grow in a fast rate. The growth can be uncomfortable to the child, and he might grind his teeth as a response. This will diminish as the child grows a permanent set of teeth that in turn eliminates his bruxism. Lastly, bruxism can be caused by disorders that impair the motor function of the individual, such as Parkinson's disease or Huntington's chorea. Because of the decreased motor function, the sick individual cannot control his facial muscles, leading to involuntary grinding of the teeth.

People who have bruxism fail to recognize their condition most of the time because the grinding happens when they are asleep. If an individual is suspected to suffer from this disorder, it is best to bring them to the dentist so that an evaluation can be conducted. Symptoms of teeth grinding include pain in the jaw muscle, because of the nerve damage caused by the disorder, flattened or chipped teeth because of the constant friction that the teeth are subjected with, and headaches caused by the prolonged muscle contraction experienced by the individuals. Treatment of this disorder includes application of a dental guard, electric stimulation and biofeedback. The main goal of the modes of treatment is to prevent further damage to the teeth and jaw muscles and joints and to reduce the muscle contraction to enable the facial muscles to relax.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Side Effects Of Glucosamine Chondroitin

Glucosamine and Chondroitin are the building blocks of cartilage and connecting tissues. Glucosamine, also known as chitosamine, is a substance that occurs naturally in the covering of shellfish. Glucosamine is available in natural forms such as glucosamine hydrochloride, glucosamine sulfate as well as in synthetic forms. Chondroitin occurs naturally in shark or bovine cartilage. It is also synthesized in the labs. Chondroitin is also called chondroitin sulfate, chondroitin sulfuric acid and chonsurid.

Glucosamine is usually combined with chondroitin to help people suffering from osteoarthritis. Studies have shown that this combination can improve the function of bones and restore cartilage. Chondroitin has ophthalmic uses too. It is present in the eye drop used during cataract removal and is also used to treat dry eyes. Research is being conducted to use chondroitin as an anticoagulant.

Every action is countered by a reaction and it's true in the case of medicines too. They cause side effects depending on the person and the dosage taken. Studies show that glucosamine supplemented with chondroitin is usually safe to consume, but may have a few side effects. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, irregular heartbeats, hair loss and gastrointestinal upsets. Some people suffer from major side effects like intraocular hypertension where high pressure builds up inside the eyes as a result of using chondroitin in the eyes.

People who have an allergy to shellfish must not take Glucosamine chondroitin. Diabetics must also be careful as it might elevate insulin levels in blood. Patients on blood thinners must use chondroitin only after consulting their physician.

Chondroitin is a large molecule and may not be well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. Oral doses of glucosamine supplemented with chondroitin usually range from 400mg to 1200 mg per day taken in two or three doses. Glucosamine chondroitin is better to consume when compared to other supplements of chondroitin like manganese.

Dining Out With TMJ Disorder

Eating out is perhaps one of the more difficult situations to contend with if you have a severe case of TMJ. It can be depressing as hell, as most restaurants do not seem to cater to this particular ailment. Few restaurants offer many items that can be chewed easily.

Forget These Places

Forget about steak houses. Forget about pizza. These types of restaurants will probably not work and will only serve to make you depressed about your condition. This does not mean that you cannot eat out, however. You'll just have to use some creativity and select your restaurants carefully. This can be difficult if you are dating, if you are part of a group, or if you are participating in a group gathering where the choice of where to eat is made by others.

Remember What You Can Eat

Remember the things you CAN eat: pasta, soups, fish (not fried) rice, cheese, and most ground meats (depending on your TMJ condition). Obviously, Italian restaurants will work well for you, and surprisingly, many Mexican dishes will work, particularly cheese or ground beef enchiladas, although some may not regard this as particularly healthful fare. But it's not like you're eating this every day! Burritos can be doable if they are not dry. Avoid the chips and salsa.

Fish is a safe choice, but only if it is grilled, baked, or poached, and please do not eat farmed salmon as it has received a great deal of bad press, is potentially full of dioxins and PCB's, and is not nearly as full of Omega 3 fatty acids as wild salmon. In general, be careful about consuming any farmed fish. Also, fish can be too chewy for you if it is not cooked correctly or if it's been frozen.

Breakfast restaurants are a no-brainer with their multiple egg and pancacke offerings.

The soups in many restaurants are very high in fat and salt, but they are tasty, and what the heck, at least you're not eating meat containing hormones and antibiotics, and you're not wolfing down bread lathered with butter, or appetizers that are deep fat fried. Splurge.

Sometimes buffets offer edible choices, and remember there are always side dishes. I once had a tiny spinach souffl矇 and a baked sweet potato for dinner, both of which had been offered as side dishes. My meal was incredibly filling and delicious.

Chinese food is not particularly easy to eat. Finding edible food at Grills and Sports Bars is also next to impossible.

Try to think of all the money you'll save by not eating out so much. And, remember, most sufferers of TMJ do improve.

Zymosine Joint Pain Relief

Zymosine joint pain relief can be attained if you are willing to give it a try. For me it was a matter of either getting an injection of cortisone or living with the constant pain every time I moved my arm for simply daily activities.

Zymosine joint pain relief helped me eliminate "golfers elbow" and "tennis elbow". Both are conditions found near the bones of the elbow. The muscles that attach to these bones can be injured in the weirdest way. Here is how I did it.

While fishing I hooked into a sturgeon that surprised me because I was after salmon. The fight took over 30 minutes of hard pressure on my fishing arm. My arm was sore but that was only the beginning. The next day I had another 20 minute fight with a 25 pound salmon and that sent my elbow into a frenzy. This all happened in September and the pain did not go away for several months. Some days the pain was bearable and other days it was a constant dose of Advil.

In December we started cutting wood and I worked hard and oftentimes the chainsaw was used with one arm. This resulted in pain found on the top outer portion of the elbow. Because we were on a time line I had to get this orchard cut down so I never stopped cutting. 8 hours a day on the weekend every weekend for a month. My arm was in constant pain and I zero relief except for an ice pack each evening and bottles of empty Advil laying around.

My elbow was never free from joint pain but I did manage to find some joint pain relief using traditional methods you can do really easily in your home.

1. Ice after each activity that causes pain
2. Heat before each activity to the affected area
3. Ice massage works real well for increasing blood flow
4. Aspirin, Tylenol or Advil for minor pain relief
5. Mild exercise to strengthened the connective tissue

It was a major find on the part of a friend when he told me about Zymosine. Both of us had some ailments (he had arthritis in the ankles and wrists) and my elbow joint pain.

Zymosine was a product that contained some of the ingredients we had read about and many others we had never heard about. Therefore we gave it a try praying that it could help reduce the pain. We were not interested in long term solutions at the time, simply pain relief.

Zymosine joint pain relief targets the inflammation and helps reduce the pain in a unique way. It does not try to block pain receptors, rather it heals the soft tissue so you can return to a normal life void of pain.

Just remember that I never stopped treating myself with the above 5 steps. I continued following that treatment plan and simply added Zymosine to the process.

Zyomsine joint pain relief worked for us and it might work for you. Their are no guarantees but for us, it was worth a try.

Bruxism Treatment and Causes

Bruxism is a medical term for teeth grinding or jaw clenching. The condition occurs more often during deep sleep or when a person is under stress. 2-3 in every 10 kids will experience teeth grinding or jaw clenching as being said by experts but majority outgrow it.

Bruxism Causes

Although studies have been made, nobody knows the exact reason why bruxism happens. In other cases, kids tend to grind because the bottom and top teeth are not aligned properly. Others also do it as a pain response like when having teething or earache.

Stress-Anger and nervous tension is a common form of stress. For example is when a child gets worried due to an incoming school exam, or there has been a change in routine (a new teacher or sibling). Even with siblings or parents is enough to cause a stress leading to jaw clenching or teeth grinding.

A number of hyperactive kids also experience bruxism. Sometimes bruxism can develop to those kids taking up certain medications and those having medical conditions like cerebral palsy and etc.

Other Symptoms

Stress, Tension and Anxiety


Painful or sore jaw

Eating disorders




Home Remedies

1. Apply wet heat or ice to the affected jaw muscles.

2. Refrain from eating hard foods such as candies, nuts and steak.

3. Increase Fluid Intake

4. Get enough Sleep

5. Massage the face, shoulder and neck muscles. Carefully look for painful nodules (also called as trigger points) which are responsible for the head and face pain.

6. Get rid of factors that can trigger stress.

7. Apply relaxation techniques; the most common is deep breathing.

8. Make it a habit to relax your face.

Bruxism is not a life threatening condition however it can lead to uncomfortable headaches, jaw pain or ear pain and permanent teeth damage.

Other tips

1. Avoid drinks and foods that contain caffeine like chocolate, coffee and colas.

2. Avoid alcohol consumptions

3. Avoid chewing on anything except from food. Do not eat chewing gum as well.

4. Train yourself never to grind or clench your teeth. If you experience it during the day, place the tip of your tongue between the teeth as this train the muscles of your jaw to relax.

When To Contact A Medical Expert

In Dentistry there is no specific TMJ specialty. However you should visit your dentist immediately if you are having problems with opening your mouth or eating. Remember, TMJ symptoms can be caused by many conditions.

Although bruxism is none life-threatening, imagine how much burden you have to carry having such condition. If you find the home remedies mentioned above ineffective, then it is time for you to look for a new alternative treatment. TMJ No More is a new guide which can help you face bruxism.

Fish Oil Supplements in the Treatment of Arthritis

The term 'arthritis' describes a wide range of diseases that affect the joints. Osteoarthritis, also referred to as degenerative arthritis, is by far the most common form. Inflammatory arthritis is a general term for many different arthritic diseases in which the specific joints are inflamed.

Generally, all forms of arthritis, which in addition to osteoarthritis and inflammatory arthritis include rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis caused by gout or infection, septic arthritis, reactive arthritis and Reiter's syndrome, are characterized by joint pain, swelling and stiffness, and a reduced range of motion in a joint. Chronic dietary deficiencies in which such vital nutrients as vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and omega 3 fatty acids inhibit the body's ability to repair the damage caused by stress in the joints, injuries, repetitive motions or the relentlessness of aging. Being overweight also contributes to the problem, as it puts inordinate stresses on the weight-bearing joints. Lack of exercise is another problem.

Because of the great number of people afflicted by this condition - over 40 million Americans alone - there is always a number of ongoing clinical laboratory trials, and continuous research by drug companies, hospitals, and universities to find ways of curing the disease or ameliorating its effects. There are also any number of companies selling cures of all kinds. It can be a daunting task to separate fact from hype. Where lies the truth?

We'll take a look at the benefits of fish oil supplements, one of the more well-tested and proven remedies which works to relieve the pain of arthritis by reducing the inflammation that causes the flare-ups. For sufferers, there is some encouraging evidence from a number of independent laboratory studies, animal studies, and clinical trials about the potential usefulness of fish oil, or omega-3 supplements, for various aspects of arthritis and the joint pain that characterizes it.

Fish Oil - Its Potential

The pain of, for example, Rheumatoid arthritis is thought to result, at least in part, from an over activity of the inflammatory agents found in Arachidonic Acid. Arachidonic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid that the body uses to synthesize regulatory molecules. It is a form of Omega 6 fatty acid, which is a good fat and is essential to good overall health. It does, however, play a central role in the inflammation related to many chronic conditions. Individuals suffering from joint pains or active inflammatory disease may find that increased consumption of arachidonic acid (various vegetable oils are excellent sources of it) exacerbates their symptoms, the likely reason being that more of it is readily converted into inflammatory compounds.

Fish oil is comprised of the Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA which are well documented to have anti-inflammatory properties. Balancing Omega 6 fats with more Omega 3 fats will significantly reduce the amount of inflammation in your body. The main ingredients of fish oils are also reputed to reduce the chances of breast, colon and prostate cancer where the fatty acids may halt the development of a cancerous mass from healthy cells, inhibit cell growth and cause the death of cancer cells. Though less well studied, there is also evidence that fish oil may be instrumental in preventing certain types of depression including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and attention deficit disorder. It may also helpful in treatment of the Huntington's disease, inflammatory bowel disease, systemic lupus and other inflammatory conditions.

It is difficult to get therapeutic amounts of fish oil by eating fish alone. Most dietitians will recommend that the consumption of fish be limited to a maximum of two 3-ounce servings of fish a week. Fish is a very protein-rich food, and a high intake of proteins has been shown to cause high levels of uric acid - the prime culprit in the arthritis-like condition known as gout. Gout is a most painful condition which is specifically related to elevated levels of uric acid in the bloodstream which ultimately crystallize and get deposited in cartilage, joints, tendons and surrounding tissues. Eating some fresh fish, though, is definitely worthwhile since it is a healthy choice. Not surprisingly, the same types of fish which, when eaten fresh are also the best sources of the essential dietary fish oil, are also the best sources for making fish oil supplements. These include cold-water fish such as salmon, cod, mackerel, halibut, tuna, and herring. So, since diet alone is not the best source of getting the recommended amount of fish oil, other dietary steps and supplements that reduce uric acid should be considered because they provide the omega-3 without providing the protein. There are benefits of fish oil in treating all types of the disease, because it has natural anti-inflammatory properties.

Clinical trials (randomized) have demonstrated that patients with rheumatoid arthritis who include a daily omega-3 supplement in their regimen experience reduced pain, less morning stiffness and improved joint motility. They were also able to reduce the amount of NSAID drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs they were taking, thereby lessening the damaging effect on the liver that those drugs have been known to cause.

The Type of Fish Oil is Also Important

Many people are looking for an arthritis treatment that is both safe and also effective. Fish oil is worthy of attention, but with such a proliferation of different brands on the shelves, which types are worth consideration? Not just any fish oil will be effective. Make sure that any brand you purchase is ultra-refined to remove the impurities and toxins which are absorbed through fish skin such as mercury, PCBs, and lead. The product should also be rich in omega 3 fatty acids, particularly in ones called DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid). Research has shown that DHA and EPA have more anti-inflammatory properties than the other essential fatty acids.

Both DHA and EPA inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines. Cytokines are a vast classification of proteins, some good, some bad, that are produced by the body and serve as chemical messengers between cells. They interact with the cells of the immune system to regulate both inflammatory responses, such as seen in arthritis sufferers, as well as the body's response to infective agents and diseases. DHA and EPA inhibit the inflammatory function of the cytokines by binding themselves to the target immune cells to disrupt their harmful effects.

Several independent tests have shown that a dietary supplement of fish oils (DHA and EPA) rich in Omega 3 fatty acids can result in a significant lessening of chronic pain and joint pain in rheumatoid arthritis sufferers by markedly reducing interleukin-1 beta (which is one of the pro-inflammatory cytokines) creation. They have a positive effect on the immune system and do not foster unwanted side effects such as those seen with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Omega 3 fish oil is only an effective arthritis treatment if it has a high level of anti-inflammatory activity in the body. Consumers are able to find out from the manufacturers themselves what the level of anti-inflammatory is in their products, because the producers can have the level of anti-inflammatory ingredient accurately measured.

Besides being an effective anti-inflammatory, fish oils offer many other health benefits. We know that fish oil is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce inflammation. We also know that fish oil lowers blood trigylceride (fats that circulate in the blood stream, the 'bad cholesterol'), thereby protecting against heart disease and reducing high blood pressure. Fish oil may be valuable as well in the treatment of hardening of the arteries (atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease), which starts with inflammation of the artery wall. Fish oil, too, appears to stabilize certain arterial plaques that build up and can sometimes break loose to initiate heart attacks and strokes. Because persons afflicted with rheumatoid arthritis have a significantly increased risk for developing atherosclerosis, the potential benefit of fish oil is doubled.

Some rheumatoid arthritis sufferers using fish oil supplements may be able to use it as an effective alternative to the prescription drugs VIOXX and Celebrex without having a flare-up of joint pain in their disease. Researchers have shown that long-term supplementation with fish oils may really benefit rheumatoid arthritis patients and can, indeed, lessen their need for the aforementioned prescription arthritis treatments.

If you choose to use fish oil supplement for relief of arthritis pain, it is important to use a pharmaceutical grade of the product, since inferior grades of fish oil may have contaminants and lower levels of DHA, EPA and omega-3 fatty acids. Current research suggests that lower grade fish oils with high levels of chemicals like polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) may actually reduce or eliminate the positive effects of DHA, EPA and omega-3 fatty acids.

We know with great certainty that fish oil is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce inflammation. We know, too, that fish oil lowers blood trigylceride (fats that circulate in the blood stream), protecting against heart disease and reducing high blood pressure.

Dosage Recommendations

Although, as mentioned earlier, it's difficult to get a therapeutic dose of fish oil from food alone, for general health two 3-ounce servings of fish a week are recommended. To treat arthritis-related conditions, use fish oil capsules with at least 30 percent EPA/ DHA, the active ingredients. For rheumatoid arthritis, up to 2.6 g fish oil (1.6 g EPA) twice a day.

For mild pain, a supplement that provides 1000mg of omega3s per day should be effective. Hand pain, general stiffness or redness and inflammation, are signs that more help is needed and the dosage can be increased.

For severe pain, up to 3 grams of fish oil once per day can help to reduce joint inflammation. If, to that dosage you add a bit of olive oil, you may experience less morning stiffness. Fish oil comes in a variety of preparations. The most common is gel caps. Each gel cap should contain at least thirty per cent EPA/DHA, which are the active compounds.

For rheumatoid arthritis about 2.6 grams of fish oil containing 1.6 grams of EPA should be taken twice a day. Fish oil works by reducing inflammation and there is not, thus far, convincing evidence to suggest that fish oil can, in any significant way, retard the progression of rheumatoid arthritis. To the extent that it may help, the effect, if it exists, is relatively mild.

Still, there are those who rely on data from at least a few randomized double-controlled studies which have demonstrated a beneficial effect of dietary fish oil in rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. More than nine studies overall have shown statistically significant reductions which have relived symptoms of joints soreness.

In many of these studies, patients were able to lower the amount of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications and corticosteroids. One study suggested that combining fish oil with olive oil may enhance the anti-inflammatory effects of fish oil. In some people, the high amounts of omega-3s that are present in fish oil can increase the risk of bleeding or can affect the time it takes blood to clot. If a person is taking drugs that affect bleeding or is going to have surgery, this is of special concern. Fish oil supplements interact with medicines for high blood pressure, so taking them together might lower a person's blood pressure too much.


Certain species of fish can contain high levels of contaminants such as mercury due to environmental pollution. Using the oils from contaminated fish could pose a health risk, especially for pregnant or nursing women and for children. People fitting these descriptions may want to avoid eating cold water fish because of the danger of mercury toxicity. Shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish are the species of fish that the Federal Government has found to have the highest levels of mercury. Anyone who makes the decision to use fish oil in the treatment of arthritis symptoms should look for products made from species of fish with demonstrated lower levels of mercury. They should also only purchase pharmaceutical grade supplements, which are refined to remove impurities. Government information on this topic is available in the form of two Federal publications called "Mercury Levels in Commercial Fish and Shellfish" and "What You Need to Know About Mercury in Fish and Shellfish: Advice for Women Who Might Become Pregnant, Women Who Are Pregnant, Nursing Mothers, and Young Children." These tracts are available online and are co-published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

It is also a good idea to examine whether the manufacturer of the fish oil supplement does its own testing on the product for the presence of contaminating substances and to see whether the results of those tests are available.

Another noteworthy point about the safety of fish oil products is that certain supplements may contain in their list of ingredients a product called fish liver oil. This substance may well contain a higher dosage of vitamin A than is recommended as a daily dosage. For some individuals this could be a potential source of problems. Also, some patients with blood disorders who have been prescribed an anticoagulant therapy with the drug warfarin may notice their clotting times will become erratic.

Generally though, for low doses of fish oil supplements, the side effects are mild and can include gastrointestinal symptoms including gas, belching, stomach disturbances, and nausea. Others have also reported diarrhea, spontaneous nosebleeds and sores in the nostrils. These symptoms are not common and may be indicative of other medical conditions unrelated to arthritis.

Final Notes

In addition to the obvious benefits of including a fish oil supplement in the diet to offset the symptoms of arthritis, there are lifestyle changes which could affect an even greater positive outcome in the treatment of the pain associated with swollen joints. Losing weight and performing any of a series of special exercises specifically designed to reduce joint stiffness and improve overall flexibility can be of great help. Addressing those lifestyle issues is a good first step. Just be aware that most of the conventional treatments for arthritis include taking pain relieving drugs, which do not actually address the root cause of the joint soreness problem and most of them have been proven to be detrimental to liver function. Certain pharmaceuticals such as VIOXX, Bextra, Celebrex and other COX-2 inhibitors negatively affect the heart, as well.

But, there is no doubt that omega 3 fish oil is highly beneficial to your overall health. At the very least, it should be considered as a complementary addition to any other arthritis treatment. It has been recommended as an essential component to a heart healthy diet for many years. Its omega 3 fatty acids can be absorbed easily and the EPA and DHA have proven to play a very crucial role in development of normal brain cell activity, proper functioning of nervous system, as a protection against heart diseases (by reducing the fatty deposits in arteries) and can even contribute to better eyesight, decrease dryness in the eyes and help to stop the inevitable decline in eyesight that comes with the increasing age.

Eating fresh fish is a great way for the body to get enough fatty acids, but to get the maximum advantage of its benefits, the concentrated fish oil available as a supplement represents the most efficient and easily digestible alternative.

In summary, choose a high quality pharmaceutical grade, preferably molecularly distilled fish oil supplement. Although a bit more expensive, you can be assured of receiving the most benefits from an already proven source of treatment for the effects of joint pain and stiffness.

Simple Home Remedies for Gout Pain Relief

Gout is a painful condition caused by the accumulation of uric acid deposits affecting many joints of the limb, particularly the big toe, knee, and fingers. Men are more susceptible to gout as compared to women. It is very painful and causes so much pain to the sufferer that finding immediate gout pain relief is of utmost importance. There are a number of simple home remedies you can try to alleviate pain caused by gout.

One of the recommended and effective ways of relieving gout pain is a hot and cold water bath. This involves subjecting the affected parts in alternating hot and cold water. It starts by soaking or aiming the shower head to the affected area in hot water for 3 minutes then immediately following it with cold water for 1 minute. This process is repeated several times as needed until the pain is reduced.

Bathing with hot water mixed with Epsom salt can also help relieving the pain caused by gout. Epsom salt is known to contain the element magnesium, which has been found to help lower blood pressure and also promote blood circulation. For this home remedy, make sure you add 3 table spoonfuls of Epsom salt in hot water and dip the affected part of your body for around 30 minutes. This will help to loosen the solidified uric acid in the joints, allowing smooth flow of blood, thereby helping to relieve pain.

Castor oil is also a good home remedy for alleviating pain caused by gout. Take a piece of cloth and immerse it in warm castor oil. Next, fold the cloth around the affected area. Hold it tightly there. For this home remedy to be more effective, you can try adding some heat. You can do so with a pad heater or a bottle with hot water placed on top of the cloth.

A mixture of flaxseed and charcoal can also be used to relieve gout pain. Mix the two compounds in equal proportion and grind them until they form a paste. Smear the paste around the infected region and tie a piece of clean cloth over it. Keep the paste there overnight.

You don't have to suffer through the pain brought on by gout. You can find relief. Try any or all the above home remedies and see if your pain is eased.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Acupuncture For Sciatica - The Best Natural Treatment Alternative

Sciatica is becoming more common and there has seen an increase of numbers in sufferers of this condition. And besides the conventional form of getting treatment from western medicines, there some who are exploring methods of alternative treatment that may prove to be effective in the relieve of pain and discomfort from sciatica. Acupuncture for sciatica is an alternative that seems to be delivering promising results in the treatment of nerve pain.

With acupuncture, there is no involvement of surgery or any from of prescribe medications. It is totally natural. It is the method of inserting needles into certain points that has the body's "Chi" or energy essence, flowing through. It is not conjecture. This has been proven by sciatica patients who have tried acupuncture and have discovered that the flow of Chi can help ease body pain.

The testimonies from these people are actually prompting experts to consider the use of acupuncture as an added option for the treatment and pain relief for sciatica.

Sciatica is a condition where there is a sharp pain that goes from the buttocks to the legs. Especially concentrating on the lower back area. The pain is mainly due to muscle spasm close to the sciatic nerve that is resultant from a lack of exercise or aging.

Numbness is among one of the symptoms. That could be a cause from some degenerative disease like a herniated disc which could lead to sciatica. Fotunately, the use of acupuncture can be a solution, which has been proven by sciatica sufferers to remove spasm and give quick pain relief.

There are numerous benefits that can be derived from acupuncture sciatica. It can improve blood circulation in the lumbar region and spinal chord that is beneficial to the body besides eradicating pain. Muscles have improved flexibility and bones can be strengthened. Inadvertently, a person can lead a more active life because of an increase in energy from the treatment. It is a reliable form of treatment to reduce symptoms although the effects are usually not immediate. And it will vary depending on different people.

It may be important to have an understanding what causes sciatica in order to gain an understanding of why acupuncture is effective in treating it.

Apart from a few others, the main factors that causes pain is because of pressure applied on a sciatic nerve. Muscle spasms are common because the nerve is directly connected to the muscles. Inflammation of the nerve can be another pain-causing factor.

When bone joints have some form of degenerative diseases especially around the spinal area, it can result in pain since the spine affects the related nerve.

Acupuncture is not suitable for providing pain relief in the instances where degenerative diseases are involved. It may ease the pain temporarily but will not remove the condition completely.

That is due to the condition where the disc of the spine starts pressing on the sensitive nerves, that tightens the muscles and pain results.Acupuncture cannot reverse the disc location but it can ease the muscle spasms or inflammation that may alleviate pain but it has no ability to change the disc's condition.

However, sciatica acupuncture may still prove to be the safest and most natural way in which to bring pain relief and to cure sciatica patients. With this form of treatment, there is no requirement for surgical procedures which risk exposing your sensitive nerves to the knife and there is no need for medical drug prescriptions that may lead to side effects.

Overall, acupuncture for sciatica may be the best alternative to relieve the pain without the side effects.

Joint Pain Relief - What is the Best Natural Joint Pain Relief Solution?

Overview on Joint Pain

Joint pain and stiffness is often a symptom of old age but perhaps it is the result of an active lifestyle. Constant physical activity, whether it be work or play related can effect the way you move and interact with the environment. This can be a painful disadvantage in ones life as it may seem like you are not doing the same things that you love and enjoy and consider not doing them because it is a solution to joint pain. This can even cause mental strain as you find yourself resigned to the armchair and becoming more inactive than you and others would like. Sounds like a bit of a sob story I know, but Joint pain can also be more subtle, perhaps you find yourself not being able to do normal activities because of pain in your wrist (from excessive typing perhaps) and not even know it. For these reasons among others, people look for the best joint pain relief solution. There are many joint pain solutions out there on the market and it should be noted that, extensive research should be undergone so that an informed decision can be made on what the best joint pain solution is for you.

treatment options for joint pain and management

A popular treatment that is often prescribed by doctors is aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs. These are proven to help reduce pain as a result of joint strain but do not manage the problem. It may seem like you can do more as there is no pain barrier but the problem of damage to cartilage in the joints remain and so more extensive damage might be done to the joints.

Because of the above reasons among others, more and more people are looking for the best natural solution to joint pain as an alternative to simple pain relief medication. There is more emphasis on anti-inflammation, pain management and strengthening of the joints through natural ingredients such as vitamin D, fatty acids, and glucosamine.

With knowledge of these natural ingredients that aid in the management of joint pain, perhaps a simple change in diet will be sufficient in reducing joint pain and may seem like a cheaper and more effective solution than medication. However there are scientifically proven natural solutions to joint pain which have proven to be very effective in joint pain, whether it be chronic or just annoying enough to hinder everyday life.

Treating a Degenerative Knee Condition - The Problem That Can Make You Want to Give Up

Are your knee(s) painful?

While osteoarthritis or degenerative knee conditions are not always an emergency condition, it is a severe condition that can cause debilitating pain and gets progressively worse over a period of time. In a worse case scenario, the joint can get severely deformed as alignment problems advance and can eventually cause someone to lose the ability to walk.

A.) Symptoms of A Degenerative Knee Condition

The symptoms of degenerative knee condition include:

1.) Pain in the knee when moving or standing still

2.) Stiffness in the knee joint

3.) Swelling around the knee

These symptoms usually bring the person who is suffering from osteoarthritis to the doctor as the pain worsens and their mobility gets increasingly more restricted.

B.) Diagnosing A Degenerative Knee Condition

Your doctor will confirm that you have osteoarthritis only after examining an X-Ray of the knees. A doctor will rarely make a clinical diagnosis of this condition as the symptoms can also mirror other conditions. Once the diagnosis is complete, you can then discuss treatment options with your physician.

C.) Treatment for A Degenerative Knee Condition

Treatment for this disease can range from over the counter pain medication to wearing a knee brace during flare-ups to getting actual knee replacement. The treatment depends upon the health of the individual, their age and the progression of the condition.

• Cortisone Injections: While cortisone shots are effective for relieving the pain, their effects are not long lasting. With these shots, you can expect to get relief from pain for anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. These shots can also be expensive and will require regular visits to the doctor administering the shots.

• Knee Surgery: Knee surgery is usually considered the last resort and is only recommended for those who have a severe case and for whom the success rate is potentially high. Surgery, which entails rebuilding the knee joint, is an invasive procedure. It can be very expensive and also takes months from which to recover. Rehabilitation will be a large part of recovery and can be indefinite, causing another dent in your finances. You should discuss this option thoroughly with your doctor and weight the risks as well as the benefits before opting to undergo full knee surgery to treat your degenerative knee condition.

• Knee Braces: Using a knee brace is the least invasive way to treat the condition. Let's face it, sometimes you need surgery, but these braces can be the one thing that helps take away your pain like no other! When you take your knee stability to the next level, you can feel relief as soon as the brace wraps snugly around the knee. Many people find this the preferred treatment option as it offers them relief from pain without hampering their mobility as they go about their daily tasks.

If you are concerned that you may have degenerative knee condition, you should seek a firm diagnosis from your doctor. While this is an incurable condition, there are millions of people who suffer from this type of chronic inflammation and who treat it with the use of over the counter pain pills and by wearing a knee brace.

Understanding Neck Joint Pain

We hear a lot about back pain but there are also many people with neck pain. The neck is made up of joints to give it mobility. The neck has a very important job because it holds up the head. The joints of the neck can become inflamed due to arthritis. This is one of the most common causes of neck point pain.

There are people who adhere to natural remedies who believe that inflammation in the body is due to a bad diet. By a bad diet they mean eating mainly food that contains very little nutritional value. It is thought that a diet that consists of mainly fast foods instead of a variety of fresh and whole foods is the cause of inflammation. There are people who do change their diets with very good results. If you suffer from pain in the neck joints it is advisable to use an appropriate food supplement on a regular basis. This will give your body the nutritional boost it needs to maintain healthy joints.

It has been noted by sufferers that the pain can start from the top of the shoulders. Sufferers also feel the pain in their upper arms. From the top of the shoulders the pain moves up the neck to where the head starts. Many people also feel pain in the jaw and head. This means that many people with head pain and jaw pain don't realize the pain could be coming from the neck area. Jaw and head pain could be an indication that you have inflamed joints in the neck.

Having arthritis could be the cause of neck joint pain. If the joints are inflamed then taking anti inflammatory medication is a quick and easy way to bring relief. However, you should not use this medication on a long term basis.

Could Temporomandibular Disorders Be Causing Your Jaw Joint Pain And Headaches?

Joint pain and headaches can be caused by countless things, including diseases such as arthritis, but obviously I can't cover each individual one in a single article. Seeing that I've already written several articles about different types of arthritis, I'll focus on TMJ (The Temporomandibular Joint) disorders instead this time.

As with other similar disorders, TMJ disorders can be difficult to diagnose, and equally as difficult to treat. A patient suffering from one of these disorders often has to undergo several tests, including things like MRI scans and etc.

So, what is the temporomandular joint? The temporomandular joint is a ball and socket type joint situated on either side of your face. They are the joints which connect your upper and lower jaws to each other, and are considered being the most used joints in the human body. Apart from all the regular movement, such as when you open or close your mouth, the joints are also subjected to a great deal of pressure whenever we chew our food.

Supporting these joints are a complex arrangement of muscles, ligaments, and bones, so when something goes wrong with one or both joints, it's quite often accompanied by muscle pain and headaches.

TMJ disorders can, as previously mentioned, be caused by several things. With that having been said, the most common causes are physical trauma, teeth grinding, gum chewing, and of course misaligned teeth.

People with one or more TMJ disorders often feel a clicking sensation when they open their mouth, and particularly when they yawn. They can also have difficulty chewing, or biting down on hard foods. Many sufferers also end up with regular headaches, and approximately 33% of sufferers experience tinnitus, in either one or both ears. Fortunately, surgery is usually only necessary in extreme cases, such as when ligaments need to be tightened.

In the vast majority of cases, patients are advised to rest their jaws as much as possible. This includes eating soft foods as opposed to hard crunchy foods. The next form of treatment a doctor is likely to recommend is heat and ice therapy. Doctors may also recommend that you take anti-inflammatory medication. Of course since I prefer to stick with all-natural remedies whenever possible, I'd most likely opt for a natural anti-inflammatory such as New Zealand green lipped mussel extract.

If teeth grinding is thought to be the cause, a patient might be instructed to use a special type of mouth guard designed specifically to stop one from grinding one's teeth. On the other hand, if misaligned teeth are the root cause, dental work might be necessary.

As mentioned earlier, there are several health problems which can lead to joint pain and headaches, so if this is something you're experiencing, then it is best that you see a doctor so that a proper diagnosis can be made.

Hip Dysplasia - Is Your Dog Predisposed?

Hip Dysplasia is frequently a painful crippling genetic developmental orthopedic disease. The sloppy breeding of two dysplastic parents is mainly the cause for the disease to be so rampant. Most often found in larger breeds, smaller breed dogs are also susceptible of receiving the defective genes.

What is Hip Dysplasia?

Hip dysplasia occurs in the "ball and socket" joint of the dog. When the "ball" does not fit tight in the "socket," it causes friction, inflammation, cartilage damage, and pain. It can and does often lead to arthritis so crippling, surgery or euthanasia are the only options.

There are two types of hip dysplasia: acute and chronic. Acute (early) is usually observed in young dogs, noted by severe pain in the hips and lameness. In the acute stage, symptoms can last from a few weeks to months.

Chronic (late) commonly appears in older dogs. However, it can appear in dogs less than a year old. The dog appears in pain, has less range of motion of their hips, plus, arthritis has usually set in, and is progressing.

What Signs Should I Watch For?

Lameness or limping after exercise or walks, waddling/swaying gait, difficulty standing up, stiffness especially on cold, damp days, moodiness, unenthusiastic to move, protective of hip area, and decreased range of motion around hips are a few signs to watch for.

How is Hip Dysplasia Diagnosed?

Your veterinarian can diagnose it through a physical examination, PennHIP x-ray, CT scans, and/or ultrasound.

The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) recommends the hip-extended ventro-dorsal view x-ray. With that, your veterinarian can get a frontal view of the hip joints and pelvis. This procedure is most widely used by veterinarians as the view also allows for an judgment of if there is arthritis and the amount of present.

How Will My Dog Be Treated for Hip Dysplasia?

Depending on the degree of damage, there are a number of options. They include: weight loss, change of diet, physical therapy, limited exercise, anti-inflammatory medications, pain medication and surgery.

In severe cases, where the animal is severely crippled beyond hope, euthanasia is at times recommended.

How Do I Prevent My Dog From Hip Dysplasia?

Before purchasing a dog, make sure the breeder is reputable! Ask for a copy of all documentation that the parents are PennHIP x-rayed and OFA certified.

Feed large breed puppies, food customized to their needs. Feeding high protein, over supplemented food, can invite problems later on.

Do not over feed your dog.

Do not let them jump in and out of your vehicle, especially SUVs and trucks. Provide a ramp.

Limit excessive weight bearing exercise. Swimming is a great way to exercise any dog, especially at risk breeds.

Do not allow at risk breeds to jump on and off furniture, decks, porches, etc.

Do not allow at risk breeds to jump for balls, toys or Frisbees.

Have your puppy x-rayed when they are around six months old.

Breeds Genetically Predisposed to Hip Dysplasia include but are not limited to:

Afghan Hound
Alaskan Malamute
American Eskimo Dog
American Staffordshire Terrier
Australian Cattle Dog
Australian Shepherd
Bearded Collie
Belgian Malinois
Belgian Sheepdog
Belgian Tervuren
Bernese Mountain Dog
Black and Tan Coonhound
Border Collie
Bouvier des Flandres
Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Clumberland Spaniel
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Curley Coated Retriever
Chow Chow
Doberman Pincher
English Setter
English Springer Spaniel
English Shepherd
Finish Spitz
Flat Coated Retriever
Field Spaniel
German Shorthaired Pointer
German Wirehaired Pointer
Golden Retriever
Gordon Setter
Giant Schnauzer
Great Dane
Great Pyrenees
German Shepherd
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Irish Setter
Irish Water Spaniel
Irish Wolfhound
Labrador Retriever
Norwegian Elkhound
Norwegian Buhund
Norwegian Elkhound
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Old English Mastiff
Old English Sheepdog
Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Portuguese Water Dog
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Saint Bernard
Shiba Inu
Siberian Husky
Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier
Standard Poodle
Standard Schnauzer
Tibetian Terrier
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon

Bottom line: Hip Dysplasia is a painful, debilitating, disease. Do your homework, educate yourself on what to look for, take necessary precautions, use common sense but, most importantly; enjoy your dog!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Managing Arthritis Pain - Calcium and Vitamins

Arthritis is a complex disorder that comprises more than 100 distinct conditions and can affect people at any stage of life. Two of the most common forms are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. These two forms have very different causes, risk factors, and effects on the body. The most common symptom in both is persistent joint pain. The joint pain of arthritis can appear as hip pain, knee pain, hand pain, or wrist pain, as well as joint pain in other areas of the body.

For most people arthritis pain and inflammation cannot be avoided as the body ages. Joints naturally degenerate over time. Fortunately, arthritis can be managed through a combination of vitamins, medication, exercise, rest, weight-management, nutrition, and, in some cases, surgery. Arthritis is a chronic disease that will be with you for a long time and possibly for the rest of your life. Your treatments will probably change over time and medication may be adjusted. Having a positive mental outlook and the support of family and friends will help you live with arthritis and be able to continue to perform your daily activities.

Before going any further, it is important that you remember to discuss any and all vitamins and supplements with your doctor before adding anything to your diet. Though it is not common, some vitamins and supplements can have adverse reactions with medications you may already be taking. Do not stop taking any prescribed medications without first talking to your doctor.

As an alternative to getting your RDA through diet, many people now take vitamin supplements. The following list of vitamins are known to be especially beneficial to arthritis sufferers:

Vitamin B5 - When grouped together B vitamins work at their peak, B5 specifically being good for reducing swelling.

Vitamin B3 - This vitamin reduces tissue swelling and dilates small arteries, improved grip strength and joint mobility and increasing blood flow. Note that Vitamin B3 is NOT advised for persons with high blood pressure, gout or sliver disorders.

Vitamin B6 - Another B that reduces tissue swelling. B-6 shrinks the synovial membranes that line the weight-bearing surfaces of the joints. It thus helps to control pain and to restore mobility in the elbows, shoulders, knees and other joints.

Vitamin B12 - This vitamin aids in multiple functions. It helps with cell formation, digestion, myelin production, nerve protection.

Vitamin C - This vitamin acts as an anti-inflammatory, relieving pain, and rids the body of free radicals. In addition to reducing inflammation, vitamin C also helps form collagen, the protein "glue" that holds cells together. Collagen is especially important in connective tissue to insure healthy ligaments, cartilage, tendons and the joints themselves.

Vitamin E - This is a strong antioxidant that protects joints from free radicals while increases joint flexibility.

Vitamin K - This vitamin assists with mineral deposit into the bone matrix.

Selenium and Zinc- The antioxidant nutrients such as selenium and zinc might also be effective because of their ability to stop free radical damage to joint linings that in turn causes the accumulation of fluids, swelling and associated pain.

Chondroitin - the key structural component in cartilage and plays an important role in the maintenance of joint cartilage.

These guidelines will help you evaluate supplements to relieve arthritis symptoms. If used under the guidance of your physician, you may find a dietary supplement to compliment your current arthritis therapy regimen. You just need the right information to help you separate potentially useful supplements from the rest.

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