Saturday, January 11, 2014

Taking a Closer Look at Canine Arthritis

If you suffer from arthritis or no anyone that does, you know just how uncomfortable the condition can be. In fact, depending upon the severity of the condition, it can be truly debilitating and can rob you of your freedom and independence. Unfortunately, your pets are just as susceptible to developing this condition as you are. This is particularly true of certain types of dogs who are genetically predisposed to certain types of arthritis, such as degenerative joint disease. In order to help your pet live in comfort and to avoid the development of this painful condition, it is important for you to know more about the condition and how it can be prevented.

What is Degenerative Joint Disease

Degenerative joint disease is a form of arthritis that affects the smooth articular cartilage of your pet's joints. The articular cartilage is responsible for covering the bone and the joints so the joints can move smoothly and without pain. With this condition, the covering becomes worn out and the raw surfaces of the bone become exposed. When these surfaces rub together, it results in a great deal of pain as well as a lack of mobility.

How Does Degenerative Joint Disease Occur

There are a number of potential causes to this condition. In many cases, the disorder develops after the pet has suffered from an injury to the area, but it can also develop from simple wear and tear. Unfortunately, once the primary cartilage becomes damaged, it becomes easier for additional cartilage to become damaged and for the condition to worsen quickly.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Degenerative Joint Disease

There are several different signs and symptoms to watch for that indicate degenerative joint disease. These include:

• Crepitation (crackling sound that occurs when moving)
• Lameness
• Muscle Atrophy
• Swollen joints

If your pet is exhibiting any of these signs and symptoms, you should take it to the veterinarian as soon as possible. The sooner you begin treating the problem, the more quickly you can alleviate your pet's pain and the more successfully you can slow down the degenerative process.

How Does a Vet Diagnose Degenerative Joint Disease

When you take your pet to the veterinarian, he or she will take a number of steps to determine whether or not your pet has degenerative joint disease. These steps include:

• Performing a complete medical history and examination
• X-rays of the joints
• Force plate analysis
• Joint fluid analysis

One your veterinarian determines that your pet is suffering from arthritis, there are several different treatment methods that may be used to help alleviate your pet's pain and slow down the process of degeneration.

How is Degenerative Joint Disease Treated

In most cases, treatment involves implementing a variety of treatment techniques. Some of these include:

• Putting your pet on a diet to reduce its weight, which will place less stress on its joints
• Surgery to repair damage, which can help slow down the degenerative process
• Joint replacement, which can help your pet achieve a greater range of motion

Monitoring your pet's weight and making certain it follows a well-balanced diet will also help in prevention and treatment of degenerative joint disease. So, choose your pet food carefully and keep a close eye on your pet's health so you can help it live a long, healthy and pain free life.

Healthy Eating - How I Got Fast Relief From Arthritis Joint Pain With Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating -How I relieved arthritis fast with healthy eating

When I first started having joint pains, my doctor told me to take a pain killer. He was not writing prescriptions for join pain because of bad press. I did not get the relief I expected from supplements. Eating healthy on the other hand quickly worked for me.
Eating healthy brings permanent relief, flexibility and a chance to maintain an ideal body weigh.

To get rid of inflammation, I used fresh citrus like lemons, limes, grapefruit and oranges to get Vitamin C. I had a glass of water with the juice of a piece of fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice every morning. This helped me to drink more water and avoid the sugar from large amounts of juice. This healthy eating habit dissolves inflammation caused by sugar.

Foods like berries, cherries plums and the ubiquitous apple have bioflavonoid that can remove toxins from joints, ease pain and speed up healing. I made quick 20 second healthy eating smoothies in a Vita Mix blender. I added almond butter as good fat and almond essence as flavor in my smoothie. Almonds have an aspirin like acid pain reliever. .

For healthy eating, I choose greens such as broccoli, kale, bokchoy, Swiss chard and spinach which were steamed, sautéed, or micro waved. I cooked with lots of onions, and parsley to improve my condition super fast. And it worked! You can do this too. Use the healthy eating recipes in my book - Eat Yourself Younger Effortlessly .the easy way to slow aging, feel great and look good.

When cooking use small amounts of water to braise or boil. Cook for between 5 to 10 minutes. You get super benefit if you do not overcook greens.

I cooked with grape seed and olive oil that have Alpha-linolenic Acid. (ALA), known to sooth joints. I use walnut and extra virgin oil to make salad dressings. These oils have catechins, bioflavonoids known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. I take Seven Seas cod liver oil the absolute only supplement that speeds up joint healing.
For healthy eating drinks I use black, green, or herbal teas. I increased my water by 16 0zs per day.

Eat good protein such as sardines and salmon. It is essential for healthy eating. Add a low carbohydrate protein powder to your smoothies and juice drinks. This increases enzymes production. Enzymes are needed for building of new bone and muscle supportive tissue. In crease your activity. Jump for joy and enjoy your pain free movement

Joint Pain Relief - Naturally

The market for joint pain relief is a big one. There are millions of people suffering from joint pain in one form or another on a daily basis. Our nation is also increasing in its numbers of senior citizens every day. With the baby boomer generation moving up in years and our life span increasing, it is inevitable that joint pain-and the relief of that pain-is a big business issue.

There have been some highly publicized recalls on some joint pain medications. One of the biggest recalls on a medication in recent history was for the medication Vioxx. After several years on the market, the maker of Vioxx pulled it from the shelves as it appeared to be contributing to heart attack and stroke issues. Some of the medications that work in a similar manner all have increased their warnings while other medications have since been removed from the market.

Communication with your doctor is always a must when it comes to medications and therapies for your body. It is vitally important that your doctor is aware of each and every medication or supplement that is being taken. Medications and supplements are not all processed through the body in the same way and do not all interact nicely. Your doctor can help ensure that you are not doing more damage to your body while seeking relief from joint pain. Self-medicating is really not a good idea and should be avoided!

There are always other ways to ease up joint pain, beyond medication. Hot and cold applied to joints can often help to relieve pain. Each and every body and situation is different, and it is often necessary to experiment a little to find what system works for you. A general guideline regarding hot or cold application to a joint is to avoid applying it for more than 20 minutes. Exercise can also help to relieve pain and stiffness. It is important to make sure that the exercise will provide relief and not exacerbate any underlying issue. Consult your doctor about these options.

There are also items like creams and supplements. Recently a product was released that contains cetylated fatty acids, also known as CFAs. The product is called Celadrin, and is available in both cream and supplement forms. Many people have already found it to help relieve pain quickly. With continued use, both the cream and supplement become more effective for most people.

After all the medication recalls, many people find more natural options to be more appealing. Items like Celadrin and the other joint supplements on the market generally have little to no side effects. Again, this area is becoming big business. Of course, the increase in attention and money flowing into this section of the market is helping to put these supplements in the limelight. Researchers and studies are showing that even chronic joint pain sufferers are feeling better after giving these more natural selections a chance. By combining a few options, real relief can be attained!

Five Treatments for Your Clicking Jaw

An occasional click or pop in your jaw when you are yawning or chewing is a normal occurrence. Repeated clicks and grinding noises, however, may indicate an underlying condition. Frequent clicking, especially when it's accompanied by jaw pain, can be a symptom of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. TMJ symptoms also include facial swelling, frequent headaches, jaw stiffness, difficulty opening and closing your mouth and unexplained earaches and dental pain. A dentist familiar with TMJ can determine if you have this disorder and assist you in finding the TMJ treatment option best suited for you.

1. Appliances

Dental appliances are custom fitted by dentists and worn to adjust your bite. Bite guards, splints and other appliances reposition your jaw and cover any abnormalities in the biting surface of your teeth. Repositioning the lower jaw into the socket relieves discomfort and allows the muscles to work more efficiently. A bite guard can also minimize tooth grinding, which can aggravate TMJ disorders and cause muscle pain.

2. Occlusal Equilibration

Missing teeth and jagged or missing fillings can create an uneven biting surface, making it difficult for your jaw to close properly. Your dentist can balance the surfaces of your teeth by reshaping them. This allows your jaw to close effectively, improves positioning in the socket and can decrease jaw pain and other TMJ symptoms.

3. Orthodontics

Structural problems with your bite may also result in TMJ symptoms. A misaligned jaw and small mouth are examples of structural problems. Structural problems can also be caused by traumatic injuries. Orthodontists commonly use braces to treat structural problems and permanently improve the position of your jaw. Technological advances in orthodontics have made dental braces a viable option for adults as well as children.

4. Medications

Several different types of medication are used to treat the symptoms of TMJ. Your dentist may prescribe pain medications that decrease discomfort by reducing inflammation and relaxing the jaw muscles. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications can also be ordered if stress and anxiety are intensifying your pain. Botox injections are another medication option. Injected into your jaw and chewing muscles, this medication blocks nerve impulses and causes a temporary relaxing of the muscles.

5. Surgery

Some cases of TMJ don't respond to conservative treatments. Surgical options vary depending on your particular situation. Cleansing and minor repairs to the inside of your jaw joint can be accomplished by an oral surgeon through arthrocentesis and arthroscopy. Open-joint surgery, however, may be the only option if your TMJ is the result of complex conditions such as bone trauma, scarring or tumors.

Arthritis and Joint Pain - Little Known Causes Of Pain In Your Joints And Arthritis

Each of us will experience muscle or joint pain at some time in our life. Is it arthritis?

Most of us have no idea what causes pain or why we have pain. This is not something we learned growing up. We will blame old age or arthritis as the culprit. We may have no clue that something we are doing, or not doing, may be causing our discomfort.

What if people knew the true cause of their pain?

It is exciting to know that almost all joint and muscle pain, including other pains like sciatica and migraines, is caused in full or in part by muscle imbalances.

There are natural laws which govern how our bodies work. These laws state that if something occurs in one part of our body, something must happen elsewhere to compensate for the first event.

For example, we cannot have one high shoulder and the other shoulder in neutral. If one is high, the other must be low. If one hip is forward, the other must be in a more rear position. Not only does this happen, it happens often.

And when we have pain, almost all health care practitioners and massage therapists will treat the hurting area. If the pain is new, only a day or two old, then the cause of the pain may be where the hurt is.

But when the pain is longstanding, the hurting area is only a symptom. The cause of the pain is elsewhere. This is where the natural laws come in. Equal and opposite stresses are occurring.

Most medical practitioners and massage therapists offer treatment for the symptom, even though the painful area is generally not what caused the pain. Understanding the cause and effect of pain, and the roles that muscles play, is something most of us did not learn in school.

And beside physical treatments such as massage which are occasionally offered, drugs and surgeries are routinely offered.

Drugs address symptoms and can have side effects.

Surgeries may or may not reduce the pain, which is why fewer back procedures are performed now. Surgeries also may have detrimental long term effects. Surgeries may treat the symptom without treating the cause. An example would be a hip replacement, when the initial cause of the pain was an anatomical leg length difference, which was not addressed.

When we were little, we had perfect balance.

When we grew up, due to school and work and lifestyles, we lost some of our balance. Some of us lose a lot of it. We have over 600 muscles, and most of us only use the same sixty or so. So we develop pain.

We get out of balance and into pain.

But, what if people understood the causes of their pain?

What if they knew simple, self help movements, tools and tips which can easily be implemented by most people to bring balance back?

What if they could reduce or eliminate their arthritis and joint pain?

Friday, January 10, 2014

TMJ - Causes and Treatment

Temporomandibular joint disorder, often referred to as TMD or TMJ, is a disorder of the jaw, jaw joint and connecting muscles and tissues. The syndrome affects the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the joint on either side of the head that connects the lower jaw to the skull, which is vitally important for everyday activities like chewing, speaking, yawning, and more.

Symptoms of TMJ
The TMJ joint is very complex. In addition to muscles in the jaw, face, and neck, it also involves the bones and cartilage of the joint, as well as numerous blood vessels, nerves, and ligaments. As a result, sufferers of TMD can experience vastly different symptoms, some of which can be confused with earache, neck injury, or other kinds of body strain.

People suffering from TMD may experience:
Headache or migraines
Stiffness or popping in the TMJ joint
A clicking or grinding noise in the TMJ joint when the jaw is moved
Limited mobility in the joint, causing difficulty opening or closing the mouth
Difficulty biting or chewing
Wear or damage to teeth
Pain in the facial muscles, shoulders, and neck
Earache, ringing in the ears, or hearing loss
Pain or tenderness in and around the jaw itself

If problems continue without appropriate TMJ treatment, these symptoms can progress to include chronic headaches and face pain.

Causes of TMD
There are several common triggers for the TMJ disorder, including:
Misalignment in the bite
Orthodontic appliances, such as braces
Stress and emotional tension
Gum chewing or nail biting
Chewing on objects like pens or pencils
Fractures, dislocations, or other injuries
Teeth grinding or clenching the jaw
Systemic diseases; gout, lupus, and fibromyalgia
Sleep disturbances like sleep apnea
Extensive dental procedures causing stress on the joints

Although any of these issues can cause TMJ problems, there isn't always a direct correlation. Some people can have a misalignment of their bite or have high stress levels for years without developing TMJ syndrome, while others suffer from it without dramatic correlation of these triggers.

TMJ Treatment
Depending on the cause of the problem, there are a number of TMJ treatment options available, ranging from lifestyle changes that can prevent the disorder to specific dental therapies. For very extreme cases, surgery may be necessary.

Relaxation and physical exercise: The first and most common TMJ treatment is relaxation and physical exercise, which can help people deal with stress more effectively. This often lessens the frequency and impact of clenching and grinding of the teeth that contributes to a majority of TMJ cases. Eating soft foods, using anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, and treating the area with heating pads or warm compresses can also be a helpful temporary solution.

Correcting tooth and bite alignment: If symptoms persist, a specifically designed bite splint, or bite leveling orthotic, is often the best initial therapy to improve jaw function and decrease symptoms. Adjustment to the teeth or the bite alignment is sometimes required to correct the problem that initially contributed to the TMJ disorder. Repair to the teeth may also be necessary if there has been wear or grinding on the chewing surfaces. Examples can include the use of dental crowns or veneers to correct the levelness of the bite and restore worn-down teeth.

Surgery: In rare cases, surgery may be required to repair a deteriorating jaw bone (when the cause is osteoarthritis) or correct trauma from an accident that might have misaligned the jaw or injured the facial muscles. Less than five percent of patients need surgery to correct their TMJ disorder.

To find the best treatment approach for TMJ, it's a good idea to see a reputable TMJ dentist who has extensive training and experience in treating TMJ disorders. A highly qualified dentist can help to identify the root of the problem and choose a treatment plan that's conducive to your lifestyle, budget, and desired results. Make sure the dentist you select takes the time to listen to you about your lifestyle and symptoms. Collaboration with your dentist is necessary to diagnose and implement a plan for an ideal treatment outcome.

Arthritis Pain Relief Remedies - Reduce Pain and Inflammation of the Joints

Arthritis causes pain and inflammation in the joints, pain relief is necessary for maintaining the movement of joints before arthritis makes them completely immovable. Apart from this, the continuous pain can push the patient in a state of depression where he might even give up the will to fight the condition which can reduce the effects of the treatment.

Doctors usually prescribe medicines those can be categorized in to three NSAID, narcotic pain relievers and steroids. These medicines do provide immense relief from pain and even inflammation to the patient but along with this these are also susceptible for causing serious side effects. Though till today NSAID are considered safe but their complete effects on the body are yet to be known. In some arthritic conditions taking these medicines for pain relief can become compulsory.

Many people are switching to alternate medication for arthritic pain relief to avoid side effects of the drugs. There are many herbs which have been used since ancient times for arthritic pain relief and new herbs have been discovered too recently. Nettle leaves are natural counterparts of NSAID for anti-inflammation apart from this it has a natural substance called boron which is a helpful nutrient for arthritis patients. Cinnamon bark is a Chinese herb and very popular for its effects on arthritic pain relief, it improves blood flow and functioning of kidney and spleen. This herb is equally effective in relieving rheumatoid arthritis pain. Few other effective herbs for arthritis pain relief are alfalfa, angelica, licorice, ginseng, burdock, devil's claw, hawthorn, oregano, prickly ash, rosemary, turmeric, wild yarn etc.

Cayenne cream is popularly used as alternate treatment for arthritis pain as cayenne peppers have capsaicin which can inhibit the signals of pain flashing to the brain. However some people may not find it effective immediately and some may need more time, at least a week's time is recommended before making a decision. Consumption of vitamin E and vitamin B as supplement help the body in relieving arthritis pain. Chondroitin can draw blood to the cartilages, fish oil has natural anti-inflammatory properties and ginger has rich anti-oxidants which can help in relieving arthritis pain and inflammation. Glucosamine sulfate is a natural supplement which helps the body in rebuilding cartilages and is known to have very few side effects.

Some pain relieving methods are also helpful like hot water bath which can improve blood flow for some relief from pain. Hot and cold packs at the painful and inflamed joints can also relieve the pain and inflammation however in case of acutely inflamed joints only cold packs shall be applied. Hydrotherapy has exercises to be done in water to improve the movement of the joint for arthritis pain relief. Traction, massage and manipulation are included in mobilization therapies which promote joint movement for arthritis pain relief. TENS, relaxation therapy and acupuncture are also effective treatments for arthritis pain relief and reducing inflammation of joints. These therapies focus on improving the range of motion, strengthening the joint and improving endurance. These therapies shall be taken according to medical expert's advice as all the therapies are not suitable for every arthritic condition.

Full Body Massage - How's It Beneficial?

It is not easy to decide which type of massage is ideal for your body. Generally, the massage therapist focuses on a full body massage. These areas are usually known as trigger points. When massaged appropriately, the areas release any of the built-up knots in the muscles which trigger pain and discomfort in the other parts of the body. However, the sole purpose of the massage is not to relieve the physical pain. Reflexology targets specific parts of your body for regulating the systems. This kind of massage is not meant for hitting a particular area of the body, but for making it healthy.

Another targeted massage therapy includes focusing on the cranial sacral region of the body which is the neck and head region. It is especially effective in healing temporomandibular joint disorder, and backaches. If you are suffering from pain in any particular area, targeted therapy is the best solution. While imagining massages, most of us visualize a full body massage. In a Swedish massage, the deep tissues of the body are massaged. This releases metabolic buildup and relaxes tight muscles that could ail you. It also helps in realigning the skeletal system and enhances your mobility.

A sports massage also covers the whole body and it is common in athletes. This is a form of therapy which is directed more towards sportspersons or people who are very active. Massages are also given to geriatric and prenatal women in a gentle manner for best results. The purpose of these massages is to gently release the metabolic buildup, tighten the muscles and realign the skeletal system of the person with the aim of improving the person's mobility. A whole body massage can be easily accomplished, although if you want it to succeed, you must ensure that the massage is being done appropriately.

It is also important to make a preparation with the place in which the massage is to take place. The person receiving the massage should also be accordingly prepared. To choose between partial or full bodied massage, you need to understand whether you want to target a particular part of your body or focus on overall wellness. Seeking a professional masseur is usually the best way to go as it will give you the confidence to move ahead with the project. You can ask for references from your friends and family members for best results in full body massaging.

Expert Tips on How to Prevent Cycling Back Pain and Injury - Cycling Health Benefits

Cycling Health Benefits

The Tour de France has inspired millions of bicycle riders of all ages and from around the world to get fit and have fun through cycling. Whether you are a novice bike rider or an experienced cyclist, it won't take you long to discover the numerous health benefits associated with bicycling. Likewise, learning how to cycle safely and how to prevent back pain and injury while you ride will go a long way in enhancing your cycling experience.

Since riding a bike is easy on the joints, it is one of the easiest forms of exercising. It provides a terrific cardiovascular workout for your heart, builds muscles in your legs, quads, hips and core, and ultimately increases spinal stabilization. In fact, even people suffering from conditions such as osteoarthritis, joint pain, and hip and knee replacements are able to cycle and keep pace with other cyclists. Finally, riding a bike is simply good old-fashioned fun and a great way to spend some quality time outdoors or enjoy the company of fellow cyclists.

Causes of Cycling and Back Pain

However, the sport of bicycling has also been associated with upper and lower back pain. According to sports doctors, the three primary causes contributing to cycling back pain are: bike fit (riding a bicycle which is not properly fit to your body); core muscle strength (which you can improve through Pilates and certain types of yoga, as well as through back-strengthening exercises); back posture or riding style (the degree to which you are hunched over while cycling).

Additional causes for bike riding back pain include overly taut hamstrings, poor posture on and off your bike, lack of flexibility, and cycling on rough terrain (which can jar and compress the spine, causing back pain). Finally, musculoskeletal conditions such as misalignment of your spine or leg length discrepancies can also give rise to back pain during cycling.

Expert Tips on How to Prevent Cycling Back Pain

  • Have an experienced professional (i.e. from your local bike store) help adjust your bicycle to properly fit your body

  • For better back posture while cycling, keep your chest up, distributing weight to your arms; occasionally shift positions and gently lower and lift your head to loosen the neck muscles

  • Be sure to both push and pull with your legs while cycling

  • Invest in bike accessories such as shock-absorbing seats, shock-absorbing seat and handlebar covers, shock absorbers on the wheels, and gloves

  • Combine back-strengthening exercises and yoga with your cycling routine to prevent injury and to provide the ultimate workout

5 Tips to Combat Arthritis Pain

There are over a hundred different forms of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common. It is a degenerative joint disease that often accompanies the aging process. Common symptoms include joint pain, stiffness and tenderness. Joint locking and increased fluid around the joint may also occur.

While over-the-counter and prescription medications may be used to relieve the pain and minimize the symptoms, the drugs are not without side effects. It is possible to combat arthritis pain naturally. Here are five tips that should help. They might not have an immediate effect but if you stick with the program, you will get relief.

Tip 1: Do Gentle Exercises

If you are not currently exercising, you will need to start out slowly. In other words, don't go out and try to play tennis. Start with gentle exercises like swimming.

A recumbent bike is often recommended by physical therapists for improving knee flexibility and reducing knee pain. Yoga stretches can improve flexibility in all of the joints. Low impact cardiovascular activity of any kind can be helpful.

Tip 2: Watch Your Weight

If you are overweight, the extra pounds put extra strain on your joints. If you are 20 pounds overweight, think about how hard it would be to go for a hike with a 20 pound backpack. Losing even a few pounds can reduce the load on the joints of your lower body.

Tip 3: Take a Good Fish Oil Supplement

Fish oil has long been regarded as a remedy for naturally reducing joint pain. Recent studies have shown that some brands have potent anti-inflammatory activity. Not all brands are the same, of course. So, it is important to do the research and buy a good brand. Cheap fish oils will provide no relief and could even be tainted with toxins.

Tip 4: Try an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Inflammation is involved in all forms of arthritis and also plays a role in the general aging process. Research has shown that what we eat can either cause inflammation in our body or reduce it.

There are a number of different anti-inflammatory diets. Some are based on the glycemic index of foods. Others are more general. Dr. Weil's Anti-inflammatory Food Pyramid is a good guide to get you started. The doctor also recommends fish oil and other dietary supplements.

Tip 5: Take a Good Dietary Supplement

Dietary supplements can help support joint health and reduce pain. One of the most effective, according to several studies, is Green Lipped Mussel Powder. The green-lipped mussel is a type of shell fish. It has proven benefits for reducing pain, stiffness and swelling. To get the best results, you want a product that is 100% green-lipped mussel powder.

Specialty supplements that combat arthritis symptoms naturally are also available. There are many of these supplements on the market. When you are comparing them, you need to look for specific ingredients if you want the best results.

Many products contain only glucosamine and chondroitin. Glucosamine and chondroitin are good but they have no anti-inflammatory activity and do not provide all of the nutritional support your body needs for good joint health. Other ingredients to look for include chitin, corktree extract, ginger, rutin, turmeric, MSM, chaste berry, piperine and vitamin D3.

Some of the best supplements contain all of those ingredients, as well as a small dose of green lipped mussel extract. With the right nutritional support, you can recover from the pain of arthritis naturally.

Please click the Arthritis Free for Life link below in the resource author box.

Arthritis and It's Treatment

Arthritis is a group of more than 100 diseases that cause pain, swelling, and damage to a person's joints and the surrounding tissues. It is a widespread and serious condition that affects nearly 70 million Americans, or one in three adults. The disease is a complex disorder that includes more than 100 different conditions, it can affect people at any stage of life.

It's often misunderstood, largely due to misconceptions, misinformation, and myths which persist. Arthritis is the inflammation of a joint, usually accompanied by pain, stiffness and swelling. It is a term that is used to describe inflammation of the joints. The disease is the number one cause of disability in the United States. It is a huge problem that does not have a good medical solution, as any sufferer knows.

Rheumatoid Arthritis:

This is an autoimmune disease that causes the joints and the tissue around the joints to become inflamed. Rheumatoid is marked by being tender to touch with warm, swollen and stiff joints. It can also cause inflammation of the tissue around the joints, as well as in other organs in the body. The symptoms: Did you know that low back pain is one of the earliest symptoms of arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common serious inflammatory form of the disease.


There are over a hundred different types of arthritis joint pain but the most common are osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and gout. There are two main types of osteoarthritis, those that develop as a part of older age, and those cases that develop in connection with other disorders or conditions. Osteoporosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis are the two most common types.

Degenerative joint disease results from inflammation in the joints and is generally divided into two types degenerative and inflammatory according to the source of that irritation. All types of the disease share the common findings of inflammation, joint destruction, and soft tissue changes that cause pain and limited movement. If left undiagnosed and untreated, many types can cause irreversible damage to the joints, bones, and organs.


Treatment plans usually combine several forms of treatment and vary depending on the type of arthritis and the patient. Treatment may vary depending on the severity of the condition. Treatment often includes physical therapy as a method to keep joints and muscles toned and working, and as a pain reliever. Treatment options include: Anti-Inflammatory Medications: These medications can help treat the pain, and also help decrease inflammation and swelling around the joints. Treatment is a cornerstone of therapy of any form of arthritis, is physical therapy and occupational therapy to maintain joint mobility and range of motion. An effective treatment plan for the disease can help manage the pain.


I hope you find the information and article I have written useful to you in some way. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. Any medical information published in this article is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a health care professional.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Pain in Your Thumb Joints

There are various problems that have an association with pain in thumb joints. Some of the most common problems are physical trauma. This is an injury that might come from an accident. The other problem is arthritis which is probably one of the most common factors that is associated with pain. The other one is tendinitis.

Pain in thumb joints will definitely see all your duties come to a stand still especially when the pain is so severe. Therefore, with this kind of frustration, you need to get relief at the soonest time possible. Hands are very vital and you will find many using them, despite of the pain they are experiencing. Experts advice that when you suffer an injury, take all the time you can to rest.

You should also ensure that your thumb is well protected when experiencing pain in thumb joints. Therefore, forcing your thumb to perform normal chores will only lead to further injury. Take caution even for the most simple tasks. Another chronic ailment that causes pain in thumb joint is rheumatism. The only treatment available is meant to manage the condition.

Just like in other parts of the body, when the cartilage is depleted, the bones will rub against each other and a lot of pain will be experienced by you. The major thing to do at this stage is to find ways of regenerating the soft joint tissue. This can be done by the use if amino sugars and shark cartilage supplements.

There is however no guarantee for regeneration and many people end up very disappointed. However the remedy works in other cases making a huge difference. You can go for other remedies to eliminate the problem. For sprains and other pains in general, they can be controlled by using ice cubes. Another relief is the use of anti inflammatory ointments.

A good massage will also go a long way in ensuring some pain is eliminated. It is vital for you to apply heated bandages to the affected area. Keep mind that some of the drugs come with major side effects. There are some people who decide to go for other methods that do no involve taking drugs. This is for the reason stated above.

Anti inflammation drugs will give you the following side effects;

* Vomiting
* Nausea
* Abdominal pain
* Headaches

This list goes on and on. There are certain things you should keep in mind when you are searching for a good treatment. Have some in depth information about every drug.

Charcot Foot Diagnosis? Simple Tips You Can Do at Home

A Charcot foot diagnosis could accompany any athropathy or disease of the joints in the feet, but it most commonly accompanies diabetic neuropathy; loss of sensation in the nerve endings.

Regardless of the underlying disease, two main mechanisms are involved in the development and progression of the condition.

First, there is the neuropathy. Because of the lack of sensation in the nerve endings, a minor trauma, such as a fracture, goes undetected. The fractured bones may continue to rub against each other, causing further damage.

Second, there is poor vascular health. In diabetes, the blood vessels leading to the feet may become damaged to the point where they are no longer able to nourish the tiny nerve endings. That is what leads to the neuropathy.

In non-diabetes cases, there may be increased blood flow to the joints, which causes an imbalance in bone metabolism. Normally, bones are rebuilt over time, throughout a person's life, although the rebuilding can be negatively affected by many things. The increased blood flow can cause a kind of washing out of the minerals that would build up new bones. So, the bones become thinner and more fragile.

A definitive Charcot foot diagnosis can only be made after X-rays reveal bone loss and degenerative changes in the joints. But, there are some outward signs and symptoms that diabetics, in particular, should be aware. Watch for:

  • Redness

  • Swelling

  • Pain

  • Increased skin temperature-the skin around the joint feels hot

If caught early, the condition is manageable. The joints can heal, although it may take several months or even one-two years for complete healing.

If you receive a Charcot foot diagnosis, it is important to follow your doctor's instructions carefully. In order to prevent further damage to the joints, you should wear good, supportive shoes; no flats, flip-flops or sandals. You should never go barefoot.

Your shoes should have rubber soles, to prevent slipping and absorb shock. Oxfords with an extra-deep base are a good choice. There are many brands of orthopedic shoes. It is important to choose a good brand.

Your socks should be seam free, because a slight irritation can lead to an ulceration, which in a diabetic can lead to amputation. If a Charcot foot diagnosis accompanies Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, it is important to wear seamless socks and supportive shoes, at all times. Additional ankle and arch supports are also be beneficial.

In all cases, it is important to maintain a healthy weight, to reduce the stress on the joints. Regular physical activity is recommended in order to maintain strength and flexibility. Water aerobics is a perfect form of exercise for anyone with joint disease.

As a last resort, there are some surgical procedures that have been shown to improve a person's physical condition. Although complex, surgery may help prevent further bone loss and restore the natural function of the feet.

Living with a Charcot foot diagnosis may be difficult, but it is not impossible. With the right footwear and sound medical advice, surgery is avoidable in most cases.

Pain Relief For Dogs - Aspirin

When pain relief for dogs is necessary for mild to moderate arthritic pain, aspirin is a possible choice. One of the good things about aspirin is that is is not addictive, and its effectiveness does not diminish over time. When it is taken in low dosages it relieves pain, and in higher dosages it acts as an anti-inflammatory.

However, there are a few draw backs that pet owners need to be made aware of. The first draw back is that joint inflammation responds slowly to aspirin, and it should not be taken with any other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, without supervision from a veterinarian.

Pet owners also need to be made aware there are side effects of aspirin. One side effect is that it can irritate the stomach and aggravate gastrointestinal problems, and could cause peptic ulcers. It also puts stress on the kidneys. The best choices are coated or buffered aspirin, as this offsets the effects. If your dog has intestinal bleeding, anemia could develop. If this occurs a diet rich in iron could be necessary.

Cats however, are different than dogs and should not be given aspirin unless absolutely necessary. Aspirin could actually be fatal for cats if taken at the dog level.

When using aspirin for pain relief for dogs, it should always be given with food to avoid upsetting the stomach. If your dog has a sensitive stomach, a buffered aspirin is highly recommended, as it contains an antacid to neutralize gastric acid in the stomach, which lessens the chance of ulceration.

Another option is aspirin with the enteric-coating. This passes through the stomach before dissolving and it absorbed later as it moves through the small intestine. Some doctors believe that enteric-coated aspirin is not absorbed well, however, there is no medical proof to back the theory up. One thing they have agreed upon though, is that it takes longer to reach the bloodstream and therefore is not recommended for quick pain relief.

As you can see, aspirin is an option for pain relief in dogs. However, you should not give your pet aspirin or any other medication without first consulting with your veterinarian. Some medications could be dangerous and life threatening to your pet, especially if given the wrong dosage. Never give your pet an human/adult dosage, as dosage varies between humans and animals.

Arthritis and Joint Pain: Causes, Symptoms, Home Remedies

Arthritis is an inflammation of one or more joints caused by the wear and tear injury or any infection. This inflamed condition of the joints is mostly seen in the elderly people. It comes from two Greek words, athron meaning joints and itis meaning inflammation. It affects almost half of the population of the world. About 50 million people in the United States suffer from one or the other type of arthritis. It is more common than cancer and heart problems. In brief we can say that it is the condition that affects the health of the bone joints in the body.

Arthritis refers to the more than 100 distinct diseases that cause pain and swelling, and limit movement in joints and connective tissue . The common types of arthritis are-


Rheumatoid arthritis


Osteoarthritis results from the loss of bone tissue from the joints and is also known as degenerative arthritis. It mostly occurs with the preceding age. Rheumatoid arthritis affects the people above the age of 40. It is more dangerous than osteoarthritis as it affects the ligaments and tendons that join the bones and muscles. Gout mostly affects men who are above the age of 40 years and is caused by the excess accumulation of uric acid in the spaces between the joints causing intense pain and inflammation of the joints.

The various symptoms of arthritis are:

Joint pain

Swelling of joints

Limitation of movement

Swelling of joints

Stiffness of the joints

There are many types of arthritis and each of them has a different cause of occurrence.

The common causes of arthritis are:

Obesity and overweight

Preceding age

Heredity factors

Hormonal changes

Weather changes

Excessive acid in the body

Nutrient deficiencies

Home remedies for Arthritis

Two teaspoons of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey taken in a cup of warm water twice daily is highly beneficial for the treatment of arthritis.

Half teaspoon of turmeric powder taken with warm water twice a day is also effective in curing arthritis.

Application of hot packs and ice packs for 10 minutes also provides relief from joint pains.

Drinking alfalfa tea twice daily is also beneficial for the treatment of arthritis.

Drink some radish juice with sugar added to it.

Soak Spiegel seeds in water, make a poultice and apply it on the joints for immediate relief from pain.

Natural Solution: Arthcare Oil - An Anti-inflammatory Herbal massage oil.

Arthcare is an anti-inflammatory herbal oil which not only gives relief from arthritis pain but also strengthens the bone tissues, the skeletal and the neuromuscular systems, giving a comfortable movements of joints and muscles.


Joint pain is on of the symptoms of arthritis. It affects one or more joints. Many types of injuries or conditions can cause it. Joint pain can also be caused by the inflammation of the bursae known as bursitis. The bursae are fluid-filled sacs that cushion and pad bony prominences, allowing free movement of muscles and tendons over the bone.

The other causes of joint pain are:

Joint injury

Infections like viral infections, bacterial infections etc.

Joint strains

Auto-immune diseases

Nervous system disorder

Home remedies for Joint Pain

Warm baths is the highly beneficial water treatment for the joint pains.

Drink 15 grams of fresh bathu juice daily with an empty stomach without adding any salt or sugar to it.

Massaging the affected area with any oil will provide relief from the pain.

Drink a cup of papaya seed tea six or seven times daily for two or three weeks for relief from joint pain.

Eat porridge of 2 teaspoonfuls of winter cherry with ghee and molasses with an empty stomach for 15 days.

Diet also plays an important role in the treatment of arthritis and joint pain. Improvement in the digestion and metabolism of the body is very important for the treatment. Heavy meals, meat and fish, sour fruits and fried foods should be avoided, as they are difficult to digest. Consumption of rice during nighttime should be avoided. Among fruits bananas are considered best as they provide strength to the joints and grease them. Carrot juice is highly beneficial as it strengthens the ligaments. Besides diet rest is also important for the patients suffering from arthritis and joint pain.

Natural Solution: Arthcare Oil - An Anti-inflammatory Herbal massage oil.

Arthcare is an anti-inflammatory herbal oil which not only gives a relief from joint pains but also strengthens the bone tissues, the skeletal and the neuromuscular systems, giving a comfortable movements of joints and muscles.

What Causes Lower Jaw Pain? - Nurse's Report!

If you're suffering right now from lower jaw pain or have had acute or chronic jaw pain episodes in the past, you may or may not have sought medical attention. Lower jaw pain can be caused by a few things including arthritis, fractures, dislocations, whiplash injuries and structural issues in the jaw that you were born with.

Do any of these symptoms sound like the kind of lower jaw pain you're having? Clicking or popping jaw, sore jaw, jaw ache, locked jaw, clenching jaw or does it feel like a dislocated jaw? If so, your jaw and jaw pain can be treated and possibly cured and most of the time naturally. Of course removing the cause is the most important part once it's recognized or diagnosed.

If you're wondering what kind of jaw pain is linked with heart problems is the most important thing to remember about lower jaw pain is that it can be caused by heart problems and you want to make sure it isn't related to your heart first of all. If it is you want to seek treatment immediately. You don't want to wait around. This can be serious and a heart attack may be looming. If you have eliminated heart issues as a cause you can review the above list and see if any of that could be the cause.

If not the most common cause would be what people commonly call a TMJ problem. Pain in the lower jaw is usually due to temporomandibular joint or TMJ pain as it is called. These joints are located on both sides of the head just in front of your ears. There are other related problems in these areas but all fall under the category of TMJ disorders.

Most TMJ problems happen due to physical stress or sometimes emotional stress on the structures that support the joints. It can be one-sided or the lower jaw pain can be felt on both sides, to varying degrees of pain. The structures involved include the cartilage that connects the joint, muscles in the face, neck and jaw along with ligaments, nerves, blood vessels and teeth in the lower jaw area.

Some of the structural changes can happen if you have an overbite. Or get partial denture or full dentures that don't change your overbite - which is hard to do. If you clench or grind your teeth at night or throughout the day this can pose serious stresses on the tempormandibualr joints (TMJ). This clenching causes a lot of stress on the jaw. Even poor posture can influence the muscles in the TMJ area. If you're sitting at a computer all day long and not in an ergonomic fashion you may unwittingly put a lot of stress on the lower jaw and it may cause you pain then or later.

Other factors that might make TMJ symptoms worse are stress, poor diet, and lack of sleep. Complicating factors could be you develop headaches, toothaches or earaches caused by the lower jaw referring pain to those areas.

Once you have eliminated the possibility of heart-related issues and decided on whether your lower jaw pain is caused by, arthritis, fractures, structural problems, dislocations, whiplash or TMJ or a combination there are many natural approaches you can take.

You don't have to suffer with TMJ or any other jaw pain. I suffered in the past too but I no longer have any TMJ or arthritis problems. Identifying the problem and being properly diagnosed by your doctor is the most important part. But try natural approaches to arthritis, TMJ and lower jaw pain treatment first efore resorting to invasive treatments.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Preventative and Rehabilitative Exercises for Those With Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is often seen as an inevitable part of aging. As it turns out, people younger than 65 may also develop osteoarthritis. Even though the majority of osteoarthritis patients are older, osteoarthritis is not a necessary facet of aging. Being overweight, having a family history, decreased bone density, a sedentary lifestyle, and previous joint problems are all risk factors for developing osteoarthritis.

In fact, more than 20 million Americans suffer from Degenerative Joint Disease, or osteoarthritis (OA). Knee osteoarthritis is also the major cause of musculoskeletal pain, disability and impaired mobility in elderly populations. Women are most often affected. However, research also shows that elderly people aren't bound to suffer from osteoarthritis pain. There are many holistic ways to address the condition that can have a long-lasting impact on osteoarthritis and the patient's general well being.

The Osteoarthritis Diagnosis
Osteoarthritis affects the cartilage - the tissue on the ends of bones that merge in a joint - and causes the cartilage to break down and gradually wear away. Cartilage is responsible for helping bones smoothly glide over one another. Instead of gliding, however, osteoarthritis causes bones to rub against one another. This can lead to pain, swelling, and motion loss.

The diagnosis of osteoarthritis is made by assessing the patient's clinical history, and performing a physical examination; an x-ray may be needed. Additional tests, such as taking fluid from the joint, may also be recommended.

Signs of osteoarthritis may include, but are not limited to: persistent, steady or recurring joint pain, stiffness in the joints after not moving for a prolonged period of time (this can include sleeping or sitting for extended periods), joint swelling or tenderness, and the sound of bones rubbing against one another, or a "crunching" sound/sensation.

The above are signs that you should contact your chiropractic doctor. Even though an osteoarthritis diagnosis is not difficult to make, oftentimes it's not immediately apparent whether the patient's symptoms is caused by OA. As such, it's important to rule out other disorders and conditions that may be aggravating the symptoms. Making a diagnosis at an early stage of the disease's onset and providing the right course of treatment will help reduce pain, improve overall function, and stall the degeneration process.

One of the best forms of treatment for osteoarthritis is through prevention. One of the ways to accomplish this is through adopting some form of regular exercise. Exercise strengthens the muscles around the joints, as well as aids and maintains the joint's function and ability to move. Exercise also helps with weight management and improves the patient's emotional well being; these are factors that can have a significant effect on decreasing the severity of symptoms.

Here are some exercise tips for dealing with osteoarthritis:

  • Go for low-impact activities, such as walking, and light weight training. Avoid heavy weights as they can place a strain on your joints.

  • Adopt strengthening exercises targeted at the affected muscle groups.

  • Develop a careful exercise approach. You don't want to place too much stress on your knee and ankle joints, especially if you are overweight.

  • Try climbing stairs or water aerobics. These can help keep the joints mobile without putting a strain on them.

  • Make sure to read your body's signals, which tell you when to stop or slow down.

  • Your doctor of chiropractic may also recommend proper supplements that play important roles in osteoarthritis prevention and treatment.

Your Doctor of Chiropractic Can Help
By the nature of their work, doctors of chiropractic are able to detect the degenerative changes in the joints at their earliest of stages. Doctors of chiropractic can see and evaluate the impact of degenerative changes in the spine. They can also see their overall impact in the hips, knees, and weight-bearing joints.

Chiropractors are trained experts, with reliable methods of alleviating osteoarthritis pain which, at the same time, improves joint function. Chiropractic doctors do this with the use of natural therapies, such as chiropractic manipulation, massage, and especially designed exercises, as well as a host of other techniques.

Self-Care Techniques for Treating TMJ

Millions of people suffer with the pain of temporomandibular joint disorder and most individuals can find relief of pain using various self-care techniques for treating TMJ. Treatment can vary from simple physical therapy to serious surgical procedures. Trying as many self-care relief techniques as possible should be exhausted before considering surgical treatments. If an individual suspects that they may have temporomandibular joint problems, there are?certain?types?of therapy that can be?applied at home to help relieve the pain.

Apply cold packs or moist heat. Ice packs should be applied first followed by gently stretching the mouth. The moist heat is then applied by using a warm wet towel or wash cloth and placing it in the microwave oven. Another method is filling a sock with rice and placing this in the microwave. Eating foods that are soft also helps rest the jaw joints. When experiencing pain from temporomandibular joint disorder, eat foods such as oatmeal or foods like eggs and yogurt. Avoid crunchy foods that are hard to chew such as raw veggies, nuts or chips and also foods that require stretching the mouth wide-open such as burgers and hot dogs.

Clenching and grinding teeth is a major cause of TMJ pain. Becoming self-aware of this can help prevent it. Pay attention to this and try to keep teeth apart and lips closed through the day. It this is a serious problem, taking note of the position of the mouth and teeth every ten minutes can help become aware of this and prevent it. Also try to avoid yawning too widely.

Avoiding stressful situations can help prevent this disorder and help prevent grinding and clenching of teeth. Practicing relaxation techniques, taking part in gentle exercise and using sauna?can help relieve pain. Applying these self-care techniques for treating?TMJ along with getting the proper amount of rest and maintaining a healthy diet can help relieve the painful symptoms associated with temporomandibular joint disorder.

Are Bumps on Finger Joints Signs of Arthritis?

If you have bumps on your finger joints you may have early signs of arthritis.

About two years ago, a friend of mine who is in her 40's came to me for advice about arthritis. Her doctor had told her that her neck was like she was 65 years old. Not only did she have arthritis in her neck, but in her feet as well. My friend is passionate about horse riding - how much longer will she be able to do that?

Both my parents had arthritis - my father's was in his feet and hands, my mother's in her back. My husband has arthritis in his knee - a result of a rugby injury and having cartilage removed. Arthritis is both painful and debilitating.

What causes arthritis?

There are two types of arthritis - osteoarthritis (the most common, caused by wear and tear) and rheumatoid arthritis (inflammation of the joints due to an autoimmune disease).

According to Doctor Ray Strand "over 70% of the people over 50 years of age have some degree of degenerative arthritis ".

Joint fluid from an inflamed joint, contains excessive free radicals. To counter free radical damage we need to consume a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables and to supplement with optimal levels of antioxidants which include Vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium, Vitamin D and Vitamin C. It is also advised to consume glucosamine which supports healthy cartilage.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease - caused by a virus or bacteria. The immune system becomes confused and it attacks itself rather than the bacteria or virus. The joints become inflamed causing chronic inflammation, pain and swelling; and the joint fluid which is usually thick becomes thin, so the cartilage becomes less protective.

My horse-riding friend is a 'health nut' - she eats organic food and has a healthy lifestyle. But that hasn't been enough to prevent Osteoarthritis. My suggestion is to add advanced-quality broad spectrum nutritional supplements - antioxidants, multi-vitamins, multi-minerals, glucosamine and omega-3 to a healthy lifestyle to support healthy joints and bones. And to also continue with exercise to maintain fitness, muscle strength, heart health, relieve pain and stiffness and to get better quality of sleep.

Glucosamine Chondroitin Therapy for Joint Pain

Damaged cartilage due to everyday wear and tear, traumatic injuries, dehydration, and an unbalanced and deficient diet would often result to arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that involves varying degrees of pain with no known cure. Most people will control the pain with NSAIDS and other pain relievers, which address the pain, but does nothing to go to the root of the problem. A better alternative is helping the body repair the damaged joints with natural supplements to reduce pain, without risking the dangerous side effects of today's powerful drugs.

What is Glucosamine?

Glucosamine is a naturally-occurring nutrient inside our bodies. It is an amino sugar that is formed by the combining of glucose, hydrogen and nitrogen amines in the body. Although glucosamine exhibits some properties of carbohydrates, they do not act as energy supplies but rather as building blocks of the cartilage found in the joints. Specifically, glucosamine is essential in the production of glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans that are necessary to keep the joints healthy.

As we grow old, the production of glucosamine in our bodies tends to slow down. When this happens, cartilages in our body cannot fully recover from the strain of everyday activities such as walking, running, and the lifting of heavy loads. Hence, there is a day to day imbalance between work and rest that the cartilage in our joints is put through leading to a deficiency of the component. This deficiency then leads to the degeneration of the joints that causes the formation of bone spurs which leads to inflammation of the joints, especially in the knees, back, and hip area. Furthermore, joint pain is a result of the scarcity of the synovial fluid, thinning of the cartilage and synovium which causes friction between the bones.

What are glucosamine supplements?

Fortunately, scientific innovations have produced glucosamine supplements to help aid the glucosamine production process. Man-made glucosamine comes in three variants, namely: glucosamine hydrochloride or glucosamine HCl, glucosamine sulfate, and N-acetyl-glucosamine. The technical difference is that the latter (N-acetyl-glucosamine) is the neutral form of glucosamine while the first two (glucosamine HCl and glucosamine sulfate) are composed of charged anions that have been found to be beneficial when it comes to joint protection, repair, and rehabilitation. Both are more sought after than N-acetyl-glucosamine because they are easily absorbed by the body thereby nutrients are more easily digested and distributed to the cells.

These types of glucosamine can come either in pill or liquid form and are alternatives to the usual pain killers that only relieve pain. By not addressing the condition of the damaged cartilage, NSAIDS are more of a band-aid to the immediate pain, with side effects that have pulled some products off the market due to deaths attributed to them. Todays glucosamine supplements contain not only glucosamine but a combination of other nutrients that aid in cartilage and joint repair. Glucosamine often is joined by chondroitin sulfate that not only aids in protecting the cartilage and protecting the cartilage from damage but also enables the quick absorption of glucosamine in the body's cells. The combined effects of glucosamine and chondroitin and their synthesis are further amplified by the presence of manganese ascorbate in most supplements. In addition, glucosamine supplements also contain anti-inflammatory ingredients such as yucca, white willow bark and bromelain that act as analeptics.

Juicing For Vitamins Can Help With Osteoarthritis

There are actually more than 100 types of arthritis! The most common form is osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease. Osteoarthritis is caused by the wearing down of cartilage in our joints over time, causing the joints to become stiff and painful. Certain joints are more susceptible to developing this health condition, such as the knees, hips, hands, neck and the lower back. However, every joint can develop osteoarthritis symptoms. The cause of this degenerative joint disease is unclear, though definite risk factors include aging, joint damage/injury, obesity and heredity.

At present there is no known cure for osteoarthritis. However, there are treatments for osteoarthritis joint pain reduction, maintaining joint movement and slowing down the degeneration. These osteoarthritis treatments includes drugs (such as NSAID's and cortisone shots), alternative methods such as acupuncture and the arthritis diet. Here we will focus on some key vitamins which can obtain through juicing.

Vitamin D

A study has found that vitamin D is beneficial for those who suffer from osteoarthritis in the knees. The Framingham Osteoarthritis Cohort Study of 1996 suggests that elderly people with a low intake of vitamin D and low blood levels of vitamin D were 3 times as likely to see their osteoarthritis symptoms worsen. Vitamin D is not found in fruits and vegetables, so it is not something we can obtain from juicing. Great food sources includes, fish, eggs and vitamin D fortified orange juice.

Vitamin C

1) Pain Reduction - Several studies have suggested that vitamin C is beneficial as an osteoarthritis treatment for pain. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover trial was performed on 133 patients. Those that were given 1g of calcium ascorbate per day (containing 898mg vitamins C) had significantly more pain reduction than those given a placebo. Another study also showed that taking 200mg of vitamin C a day reduced the chance of developing osteoarthritis knee pain.

2) Degeneration reduction - Taking 120-200mg of vitamin C per day has been shown to decrease the progression of this disease threefold.

3) Connective tissue and cartilage - Vitamin C is necessary for the production of connective tissue and cartilage and is suggested that it may help with some joint repair.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant for mopping up free radicals that attack all the bodies cells, including the cells in joints. Vitamin E is also a good anti-inflammatory agent for Joint Pain. Many sufferers claim that vitamin E helps reduce their pain.

Juicer Recipes for Osteoarthritis Treatment

The following list of juices will all provide good amounts of vitamins C and E to help provide relief from pain and help slow down degeneration of the joints. Vitamin E is not really found in vegetables. On the other hand vitamins C and E are found in a number of fruit. The recipes below will all be fruit based.

Osteoarthritis Treatment Juicer Recipe #1 - Berry Bonanza
1 cup of blackberries
1 cup of blueberries

3 kiwis Wash blueberries and blackberries thoroughly. Peel the kiwis. Juice them and then give them a good stir and enjoy.

Osteoarthritis Treatment Juicer Recipe #2 - Apple Zing!
3 Apples
1/4 of a lemon

Pick 3 of your favorite tasting apples, peel and core them and remove the stem. Scoop out the flesh from a 1/4 of a lemon, but don't juice the rind as it will taste too sour. Juice and enjoy.

Osteoarthritis Treatment Juicer Recipe #3 - The Subtle Strawberry
1/3 cup of strawberries
1 cup of blueberries
1 apple

Wash and top the strawberries. Wash the blueberries. Peel, core and remove stem from the apple. Juice and enjoy! This one is real tasty.

A Fitness Rowing Machine For Joint Health

Many people who use equipment to exercise and stay fit have all reported getting great results while using a fitness rowing machine. The stationary rower is great in that it simulates a real rowing experience. Some even have water sounds that make the work out seem more like the real thing. For those that would prefer to be out on the water this feature an asset. Rowing is one of the safest and best ways to become fit, or stay fit.

When one rows they are exercising many muscle groups at one time, with no strain on the joints. For those that are older or have problems with their joints, using a fitness rowing machine provides them the low impact work out that they need. Exercising and working out can be very hard on the body, so using equipment that is low impact seems to make working out less like work. Some people that are very limited due to disability find that a fitness rower is a great way to get exercise in your home without hurting themselves in the long run.

There are many companies that make these rowers, and as usual, some are better than others; but all have one goal in mind and that is to provide a low impact but effective method of working out. Some machines can be bought in brick and mortar stores, however they can also be ordered online through retailers. There are many different types of rowers to choose from whether it's an air rower or the type that simulates the real deal. To advise on a couple of the most popular there is the Fitness Quest Integrity 3000 Air Rower, and the Stamina 1205 Precision rower. These fitness rower machine brands seem to get good reviews from those that have bought them.

There are many other brands to choose from, however when deciding on which one it is advisable to be a consumer conscience person by researching each brand and model that is of interest to avoid buying one that may not be suitable down the road for whatever reason. Those that are lacking space need to concentrate on buying a fitness rowing machine that can be easily stored or left out without taking up too much precious room space. No matter the choice of rowing machine, making the decision to buy one is the first step to a lifetime of fitness.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

5 Ideas For Natural Joint Pain Relief

As you age, chronic pain can occur seemingly overnight. People seek ways to combat the pain through various remedies that assist in natural joint pain relief solutions like acupuncture or magnetic relief therapy to help them continue an active lifestyle.

If you are among the millions of aging women across the country, you are dealing with daily health issues with chronic joint pain being at the top of the list. Physical activity or sports related injuries can cause stiffness and lack of mobility in knees, wrists and ankles. Arthritis based diseases target the tissue and cartilage that cushions your knee, wrist and other joints causing inflammation and ongoing soreness.

There are a few simple home remedies you can try to help in reliving you joint pain naturally:

1. Applying ice packs is a common practice in trying to reduce inflammation in and around the afflicted area. Application should be made several times a day for 10-15 minutes at a time.

2. Ginger extract has been used in eastern cultures for hundreds of years and thought to have properties that reduce inflammation and resulting joint pain. There are studies that are still out on the scientific properties of ginger as an anti-inflammatory, but there is some evidence that ginger may show some promise.

3. Tumeric is an additional plant based treatment that originates from the east to assist in reducing arthritis pain and inflammation. A 2006 study suggested that Tumeric may be more suitable as a preventive measure rather than a treatment of joint issues.

4. Devil's Claw is a herb found in South African cultures used as a joint pain therapy. Early indications from a small group of studies have yielded some positive results but additional research and analysis is needed.

5. Although topical treatments like creams and gels are not considered all natural, an ingredient found in most of them contain capsaicin, a natural element found in hot peppers. In several studies, Capsaicin provided significant relief to painful joints to test subjects. Creams that contain this ingredient were found to have desirable results when used over a 4 week period.

In summary, there are many reputed herbs, and remedies that target pain and inflammation that exist in many cultures. Prudent research and care should be exercised to minimize risk related to allergic reactions that could jeopardize your health in other areas. Seeking a physician's opinion is recommended before any natural joint pain relief is considered.

Food Specific Elimination Diet for Chronic Disease: Introducing the Neopaleo Specific Diet

Food as a cause of the epidemic of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease in the "civilized" world is a relatively new concept that is gaining popularity. Loren Cordain, Ph.D. is one of the pioneers in the U. S. in the field of paleolithic nutrition. He and others have published numerous high quality articles on the concept of the hunter-gatherer as a diet that our bodies were meant to follow. These researchers have established solid data that indicate our ancient ancestors who were hunter-gatherers ate little to no grains, legumes or dairy products and appear to have been spared the degenerative, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases that we in the Western or civilized world are experiencing in epidemic proportions.

Archeological and anthropological findings support the absence of many of the diseases of our current civilized world in these ancient cultures. Furthermore, the few remaining "uncivilized" hunter-gatherer tribes or cultures that exist have been found to be largely free of the common diseases of our "civilized" culture. However, when exposed to our more modern diet habits these peoples begin to experience the diseases of our culture. This has been particularly well documented in native eskimo. The diet of hunter-gatherers is variably known as the Hunter-Gatherer diet, caveman diet, Paleolithic diet or just the paleo diet.

More recently Dr. Cordain and others have been researching the role of food lectins as an explanation for the success of the paleolithic diet. Despite his excellent book The Paleo Diet and his website, there is a general lack of knowledge of this important information in the both the lay and medical community. There is also some confusion and misconceptions about what constitutes a Paleolithic diet. In my experience, as a stomach-intestine specialist who frequently recommends my patients try the "paleo diet", resistance is commonly encountered because of its restrictiveness, difficulty to adhere to in our modern culture and society and uncertainty about how long such a diet should be followed. Much more research into the role of food lectins in human disease is desperately needed.

What follows is my suggestion based on my personal and professional experience with food intolerance and a variety of gastrointestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms (brain, nerves, skin, joints, general energy) combined with lectin and paleolithic diet research. As a specialty trained and board certified gastroenterologist (specialist in digestive diseases) I have modified the paleolithic diet to include the lectin research data as well as information on food allergies and cross reactivity food intolerance occurring in people with pollen allergies. The diet could be termed a Neopaleo Specific Diet® or possibly better a Neopaleo Health Plan®. There may be some future modifications of these initial recommendations. However, in interest of helping individuals who are suffering from food intolerance or toxicity, these preliminary recommendations are offered.

For a minimum of 28 days, preferably 90-120 days, it is recommended that an individual seeking to recover from gut injury ('the leaky gut") and the associated toxicity and inflammatory symptoms avoid all potentially dangerous or high-risk food lectins. This means eliminating all cereal/grains, especially the gluten containing grains (wheat, barely and rye) as well corn and rice; legumes (includes peanut and soy); and dairy products. Because the so-called Nightshades (tomato, potato, pepper and eggplant) have food lectins that have been associated with a variety of inflammatory diseases especially arthritis conditions, they should be excluded initially as well, especially in those with inflammatory type symptoms. Peanut and soybean are both legumes that are very common causes of food allergy and intolerance, and have specific lectins that have been shown to injure the gut and even enter the blood stream potentially facilitating the leaky gut and extra-intestinal symptoms. These are strictly excluded within the first 90 days.

If you are known to be allergic or sensitive to certain foods you should obviously avoid those foods. Implied in the diet is the recommendation that no processed foods be eaten due to the presence of many of the above food lectins in such foods. Oftentimes these food lectins are hidden within the ingredients with labels that are impossible to decipher such as natural flavors, modified food starch, stabilizers, and emulsifiers, etc.

Some people with pollen allergies or latex allergy react to certain foods, in particularly in a particular type of allergy reaction called the "oral allergy syndrome" or OAS. If you have a documented tree, grass, weed pollen, house dust mite or latex allergy you should consider avoiding foods known to cross-react with these allergens.

"What can or am I suppose to eat on this diet?" you ask. The diet consists primarily of lean meat and fish, eggs (if not contraindicated by history of allergy or sensitivity) and fresh fruits and vegetables. The diet becomes an adventure in all natural foods but a challenge to established misperceptions of what constitutes healthy eating. Planning and frequent trips to a grocer with great selections of fresh organic fruits, vegetables and meats and seafood are important for success.

After 90 days of this Neopaleo Specific Diet (NSD)®, foods are gradually re-introduced one at a time, each week, while carefully noting any return of symptoms to suggest residual or ongoing intolerance and/or sensitivity. It is possible that some foods will not be able to be re-introduced without risking adverse health consequences. Those with documented Celiac Disease or non-celiac gluten intolerance or at high risk for Celiac Disease (family history, HLA DQ2, DQ8 or dual minor DQ for gluten sensitivity) are advised not to re-introduce gluten.

Before starting the NSD and while on it, it is advised that you keep track of your symptoms as well as their severity using a 1-10 scale in a food-symptom diary. Body pictures localizing your symptoms are also helpful to track the symptoms and look back on for assessment of response and re-appearance of similar symptoms with re-introduction or challenge of food lectins later. In the near future will offer online food-symptom assessment, diet recommendations specific to individuals based on their known or suspected sensitivities and an online food-symptom diary. However, if you are suffering from apparently unexplained chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal symptoms, or other inflammatory or autoimmune conditions then I would encourage you not to wait to try a elimination diet specific to your history.

Copyright 2006, The Food Doc, LLC. All Rights Reserved -

Osteoarthritis - Identification of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis in older people. It is sometimes known as degenerative joint disease because in Osteoarthritis the cartilage of the joints continues to degenerated causing pain, stiffness and swelling as bone scrapes over bone.

People often have limited movement and pain but there is no redness, heat nor does it affect the internal organs like other arthritic diseases do. Osteoarthritis is the most frequent cause of disability in older adults. It affects more men before age 45 and more women after age 45. The disease causes not only changes in the person abilities but also their lifestyle and finances.

The joints commonly affected are the knees, hips, hands and spine. Patients start to notice a difference in their comfort level as they rise to standing from a sitting position, in the morning getting out of bed or after exercise.

Warning signs of Osteoarthritis include crackling joints, stiffness after getting up from a chair or from bed in the morning, pain, swelling, and tenderness. In Osteoarthritis there isn't redness or heat from the joint.

Doctors don't have a single test that will identify this disease. They rely on several methods to identify the changes and determine a course of treatment.

They will take an indepth clinical history to determine when the symptoms started, how they've been treated thus far and how they affect the patient's lifestyle.

Doctors will also include a physical exam, x-rays and other tests. X-rays aren't conclusive since most people over 65 have osteoarthritis in the joints but are not symptomatic. Blood tests can help to rule out other diseases that cause joint pain and swelling. Joint aspiration may also be performed to evaluate the fluid in the joint.

Osteoarthritis happens in the hands greater in women than men. There also appears to be a genetic factor as it seems to 'run' in families. Medication, splinting and moist heat give patients with arthritis in their hands the most relief.

Osteoarthritis in the knees is very common since the knees are the largest weight bearing joint and therefore commonly affected. The arthritis is not symmetrical and can occur in one knee or the other but not usually both at the same time. The knee becomes stiff, swollen and painful but isn't red or hot. The pain can lead to significant disability and a disruption in the patients lifestyle.

Therapy for Osteoarthritis in the knee often includes medications, necessary weight loss, walking aids and in extreme cases a joint replacement. Over weight and obese patient have an increased rate of Osteoarthritis. Decreasing the weight load that the knees and hips carry will treat the pain and disability of the disease. In fact, people who are over weight will decrease their chances of having painful Osteoarthritis just by maintaining a healthy body weight.

Osteoarthritis in the hip can be felt as pain in the hip, knees, groin, inner thigh or buttocks. When arthritis settles in the hip it can cause stiffness, pain and severe disability. The pain limits movement and bending which makes dressing and caring for the feet a real challenge.

Patients with Osteoarthritis in the hip often respond well to medications, exercise, walking aids and in severe cases a joint replacement. Again, patients with Osteoarthritis in the hip respond very well to weight loss.

Spinal Osteoarthritis may cause numbness or weakness in the arms or legs. Patients often report relief when sleeping on a firm mattress, using back support when sitting in a chair, and warm moist heat. Exercise can be incorporated to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles.

Osteoarthritis commonly affects four different joints in the body; knees, hips, hands and spine. With the proper identification and therapy people suffering from arthritis can delay the progression and pain of the disease.

Tinnitus Headache - Causes of This Type of Tinnitus

Tinnitus and headache could have sprouted from stress and could easily be taken cared of. What is hard to manage and may require further evaluation is tinnitus with temporal headache. This condition is affects the temporal bone, which is the organ responsible for hearing, and is located just on top of the ear in the skull. Knowing the causes and evaluating it may lead the patient to have the right treatment. There may be many factors that could lead to tinnitus headache but among those are discussed here and are divided into two - the primary factors and secondary factors.

There are new discoveries of how tinnitus headache developed. This will be discussed along the article as the secondary factors. But let's go over to the primary factors from which headache might develop. First and most common is the stress. Stress affects the temporal bone structure of the skull. Relaxing and getting deep breath will relieve a person from a stress. Drinking plenty of water is necessary for those who are under stress. As medications could give relief, some medicines may have adverse side effects. Insomnia, the next factor could be easily treated with right quantity of sleep (7 hours/day).

One factor of a tinnitus headache is serious and life threatening because there is bleeding in the subarachnoid space in the brain. This is called a subarachnoid hemorrhage. It could unexpectedly occur or might be from a head injury wherein the cerebral aneurysm ruptured. This is not a common cause having only 1 out of 15,000 Americans in the survey result. Lumber puncture is a collection of cerebrospinal fluid from the sac of the lumber. Tinnitus headache may occur if it does after 12 hours from which the procedure is done.

Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) is a new study that tinnitus headache may have aroused from this condition. But this alone is the problem but this arises from another factor called Temporomandibular Join Disorder (TMJ). Some mechanisms in the jaw joint, which is located near the ear, may bring out an ear symptom. The muscles and tendrils get their nerve impulses from those that are joined to the jaw muscles, and sometimes, a bit of mistake in the analysis of the signals may cause alteration.

A progressive study of tinnitus in relation to a temporal headache is still on going. But another consideration of how a tinnitus headache may arise is from an ototoxic medication like the antibiotics, including Aminoglycosides, Vancomycin, and Erythromycin. The chemotherapy agents and quinine is also considered to be contributors to tinnitus headache, especially for the older people. Pain and discomfort may arise in the temporal structure in the skull due to the toxicity which is present in these drugs.

What Hip Replacement Rehab Means For the Athlete

Ballet dancers, football players, basketball players, and track stars all have the same concerns when it comes to having a hip replaced: will I still be able to perform?  Hip replacement surgery doesn't mean that suddenly life as you know it has changed or stopped.  Thanks to hip replacement rehab, life with a new hip can be just as good or even better than before.

A person that has an athletic lifestyle as a means of earning a living can come to a point in life when hip pain can virtually wipe out their desired movement.  When it's impossible to move any more, even to do normal things like stand or walk because of hip pain, then it's time to reconsider hip replacement surgery.

It's a known fact that no matter how strong our bodies are or how well trained, there will come a point in life when we realize it's fragility.  Over the past several years, hip replacement has developed into a time enduring solution.  With the earliest record of hip replacement surgery being recorded in 1891, the procedure has had plenty of time to advance. 

At first, the replaced hip was a metallic composition, progressing in some areas to an ivory replacement, and finally a combination of metal, a teflon acetabular, and an acrylic bone cement is used.  About 95% of  patients now can have up to 15 years or more with their replacement.  With the proper care and education, an athletic person will be able to enjoy their replacement hip and still be a semi-active individual.

There are things to consider though after having a hip replaced.  Hip replacement rehab is a good place to go over with your physical therapist the realities of your athletic career.  The suggestion may be to go from a full-time dancer to a part-time dancer and instructor, or from full-time runner to a coach. No one wants to give up their desired life passion because of an injury or severe pain, so educating yourself on how to do what you want to do the right way is the best way to maintain your athletic happiness. 

While there are several persons who have had a hip replaced and continued their livelihood, there's one person in particular that serves as a famous testimony.  In 1991, Bo Jackson had to face making the tough decision of having his hip replaced.  It took Bo Jackson two years to get his body back in "working" condition, but when he stepped back in the athletic realm in 1993, it was worth the wait. 

Fans around the country were amazed at how spectacularly he performed and by the time he retired in 1995, he had proven a point; with the proper education on how to rehabilitate a new replacement hip, an athlete can do anything they set their mind to.

TMJ Nerve Pain - How to Stop Nerve Pain

Your TMJ nerve pain jaw is getting worse. Shooting and stabbing pains that just keep coming. You are sick of spending your entire day trying not to open your mouth too wide, chewing so softly only to get another sharp pain. Is there really no effective way to stop TMJ nerve pain?

You Can Do It Yourself?

It has been recently proven that TMJ exercises can in fact relieve TMJ nerve pain and other related symptoms. But how can simple exercises get rid of this annoying and persistent foe that is TMJ?

These exercises however have a used by date. If your symptoms are too far gone they may not be able to save your jaw. For example people who have snapped tendons or ripped muscles are going to need extensive treatment and most likely surgery. Many people simply don't take enough notice of TMJ and live with the symptoms, which inevitably get worse and worse.

How Do They Fix TMJ?

Basically TMJ exercises correct and realign your jaw muscles and tendons. They do this by stretching, massaging and strengthening certain muscles in your jaw, mouth and neck. After doing these exercises, TMJ patients have reported losing their symptoms in as little as a few days. Although this is not the norm and it usually takes about 10 days for full recovery.

These exercises are a much better alternative to mouth guards and splints which can cost more than $300. Mouth guards only stop your teeth grinding at night and do nothing for the pain. Plus many people dislike them because they feel very uncomfortable when sleeping.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Arthritis - Are You Crippled by Ignorance?

Rheumatism is a general term for pain and stiffness in the muscular-skeletal system. Muscles, ligaments and tendons and the skeleton are all very interdependent upon one another for their shape, support and function. Trouble in any one will usually have an effect upon the rest.

Arthritis simply means inflammation of a joint and may be considered a form of rheumatism in a joint or joints have become inflamed. There are many different forms of arthritis - around a hundred different types - with a variety of causes. We are not going to explore them in detail in this article, but we will give a broad view of them.

Arthritis is derived from Greek - arthro means joint while "itis" stands for inflammation. Arthritis is the name for a group of conditions involving damage to the joints of the body.

Probably the most common or at least the best- known form is Osteoarthritis (OA) or Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD). It tends to affect the large weight-bearing joints such as hip and knee and is often found in one joint rather than multiple sites. It may be the result of trauma, infection, obesity, aging, instability, an after effect of surgery, or a "perk" of certain occupations such as farming and horticulture. Often described as "wear and tear" and is one of the major causes of joint problems involving erosion of bone and cartilage in your joints. It's also usually really painful..

Osteoarthritis is frequently thought of as an older person's disease, although in reality it can affect younger people, especially sportspeople who put their joints under a lot of strain to maintain the levels of fitness required for them. This causes wear and tear at the joint surfaces. Footballers regularly damage their knees, causing premature muscular-skeletal changes. In some cases theres also a hereditary factor. It's most often seen in the over 60 age group and can be confirmed clinically or with x-rays where bony changes such as spurs or osteophytes can be seen.

It may also be seen in the hands and feet in which case nodules, or Heberdens nodes, may be seen on the joints at the ends of the fingers and frequently runs in families. Bunions may be present on the feet.

Another form of arthritis is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and this is 3 times more common in women than men. This is a disease where the immune system starts to attacks itself.

RA has the potential to be a significantly disabling disease with destructive changes to the joints but modern medication has turned it into a much less crippling illness. Hands and wrists, legs and feet plus the neck are often affected. Left untreated, the lining of the joints thickens and excess synovial fluid is produced, which in turn alters the lubrication of the joint through changes to the composition of the fluid. Antibodies attack articular cartilage and gradually destroy it. Bone surfaces may become exposed and fuse to give considerable loss of function.

Initial symptoms are pain, tenderness, swelling, stiffness. These are often in the smaller joints and will affect joints symmetrically. So if you've got it in your right hand, then your left is probably affected too. It can happen at any age with the most common occurrence being between 40 and 50 years of age.

If you think you might have RA then it's important to get prompt attention as early treatment can have a big impact. Blood tests and x-rays are used to diagnose the disease. Today's medicine can go a long towards preventing deformity, disability and instability and there are many effective drugs available that control it but sadly they can't cure it.

Another form of arthritis is Gout. This almost always occurs in men and is characterised by raised levels of uric acid in the bloodstream - either because your body is producing too much uric acid, or you can't remove it once its there.

Crystals of uric acid build up on the cartilage of your joints, tendons and surrounding tissues. The pain is excruciating with a sudden burning pain often in the foot, where there is swelling, redness, heat and stiffness, often in the big toe.

Traditionally Gout is associated with rich food intake and grain alcohol. Meat, game, scallops, offal are often thought to be implicated becase of their high purine levels. A plant based diet seems to be low in purine levels.

Knowing a little about about the conditions affecting you is the first step to undersatnding what is happening and can often take away a lot of the fear and uncertainty. The next step is to get some professional advice on the specifics of your own unique circumstance and to work with your therapist to develop a plan for managing the condition so it doesn't take over your life.

Back Pain Caused By Track And Field

As spring arrives, many people are returning to their favorite warm weather sports. For many students and adult athletes, this means a return to track and field. It is important to educate yourself about the common injuries associated with your sport in order to guard yourself against back pain and other conditions that can take you out of competition.

A number of injuries can occur during any sport. The following describes a few common injuries associated with the various activities of track and field.


Most people, whether athletes or office workers, tend to have weaker hamstrings than quadriceps. This imbalance causes the pelvis to be pulled down in front and increases the lumbar arch. As the back arches in more, the discs in between vertebrae are compressed unevenly and the spinal joints are strained. Combined with the jolting force your body experiences as your feet pound against the ground when running, joint and disc problems become likely. Weak hamstrings are also susceptible to strains. Runners should take special care to ensure their quads and hamstrings are balanced in strength and flexibility.

Another muscle group runners should be aware of is the hip flexor group, particularly the psoas. This muscle is used when bringing the thigh and upper body closer together. The psoas connects the lumbar spine to the thigh bone and is used heavily when running. Tight, inflexible psoas muscles pull down on the pelvis and create the exaggerated lumbar arch that tight quads create. Running without regaining flexibility of the psoas will likely worsen its rigidity and exacerbate pelvic misalignment, which in turn causes lower back pain.

Regular stretching and myofascial release can help achieve muscles that are balanced in strength and flexibility. The assistance of a physical therapist is beneficial to people with sports injuries.


Muscle strains are common among hurdlers, especially in the groin and thigh. Groin strain is generally a sign of either bad form or overuse. If you feel groin pain on the side of your trail leg, you may be swinging your leg out too far or too late. If the pain is on the side of your lead leg, you may be doing too many drills with the hurdles close together.

Hamstring strains are a common overuse injury acquired by hurdlers. The hamstring of the lead leg undergoes an eccentric contraction during a hurdle jump, which means it contracts as it is being lengthened by the leg's straightening. This type of contraction comes with a high risk of muscle tearing. The trail leg works hard to push the body off the ground. Hamstring strain is a sign to stop, rest, and warm up sufficiently before practicing.

More troubling than a simple muscle strain, hurdlers have to watch out for sacroiliac (SI) joint dysfunction. The sacroiliac joints form where the hip bones meet the sacrum at the base of the spine.
Injuries to the SI joints generally occur when the muscles and ligaments that support them are weakened, torn or tightened. The tremendous forces sustained by the pelvis when pushing off the ground can, over time, destabilize the pelvis, causing significant joint pain. Proper form, adequate rest time, good conditioning and sufficient warmup time can help prevent this condition.


Whether it's a javelin, discus or shot put, throwers are susceptible to similar injuries. Throwers in track and field use muscles throughout the whole body to build momentum; javelin throwers run, while shot putters and discus throwers spin.

The most common throwing injury occurs to the shoulder. Rotator cuff injuries affect the set of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder, giving it stability and allowing up-and-down and rotational movement of the arm. Repeated throwing can cause tears to the muscles or tendons.

Hip and lower back strains may also occur in throwers, particularly discus throwers and shot putters who twist their bodies as part of their throw. Javelin throwers may also strain muscles throughout the back when lunging forward to throw the javelin.

The best defense against throwing injuries is to avoid overworking your arm and back. Know your limits and take adequate rest periods between practices.

Many sports injuries can be prevented with warmup, conditioning, self-myofascial release and the willingness to give your body the time it needs to recover. Whatever your track and field activity, approach it in a way that will allow you to enjoy your sport for many years to come.

Do You Suffer Joint Pain and Stiffness in Your Wrist Or Knee? Gout Vs Pseudogout

Joint pain is a common side effect of old age. Ligaments and tendons begin to be less forgiving and cartilage begins to erode. Our knees, elbows, ankles and wrists can all be tender and sore as we go through our daily lives. However, if you continue to suffer from stiffness and joint pain, there may be more to it than just normal wear and tear.

Gout is a form of arthritis and can strike in the middle of the night with joint pain and soreness. Without notice, you can awake with twinges of pain in your big toe, finger or other areas like ankles and knees. Although the pain may last for several days and go away, the condition can re-surface at any time in the future.Over 2 million people in the U.S. alone deal with gout and most often it afflicts men more than women. Gout usually develops in men over 30 and post menopausal women. Males are more likely to suffer if overweight and diagnosed with high blood pressure.

Pseudogout is similar in nature and is also a form of arthritis but usually targets the knees or wrists even though other areas can be affected. Pseudogout can be caused by irregular development of calcium deposits within the cartilage area between the knee or wrist joints. Once the calcium deposits enter the fluid resulting pain can occur.

Pseudogout targets an older age group, usually people age 60 or older are affected, where gout can occur much earlier in life. During an episode of Pseudogout, your wrist or knee joint may be swollen, red or purple in color and warm to the touch.

In summary, joint pain and stiffness can be attributed to just overdoing a particular activity, but chronic pain can become more serious as you age. A healthy lifestyle and diet could be a major factor in reducing the risk of chronic joint pain. Exercise is also a factor in strengthening your joints and muscles and reducing high blood pressure to combat age related diseases. Low impact exercise can be used in the beginning and as your joints become more flexible, stronger as more physical activities can be pursued.