Sunday, January 5, 2014

TMJ Mouth Guard - The Not So Effective Way to Treat TMJ

In this article I'll discuss my opinion of a TMJ mouth guard and its effects on the different types of TMJ sufferers. A TMJ mouth guard sound good in theory, and they do work, but they don't fix the problem of TMJ. Most TMJ sufferers actually have weak or damaged joints, and the TMJ mouth guard will provide some pain relief, but can actually further damage the joint if used too often.

A small portion of TMJ sufferers have a stress related form of TMJ. I don't consider this to be true TMJ, as their jaws are not damaged or weak. When people are stressed, they tend to clinch their jaws and bite down. This makes for sore jaw muscles and some jaw pain, which can be fixed with a TMJ mouth guard or some stress relief. Keep in mind that a guard holds your mouth open all night which causes an increase in harmful bacteria of the mouth and can lead to gingivitis over the long term.

A majority of TMJ sufferers have damaged or weak joints because of trauma, or hereditary causes. I don't recommend a mouth guard for these folks. This will further weaken the joint by forcing the mouth open for 8 hours a night. While it may feel good at first, over time, it will hurt to close your mouth and can cause even more pain. I tried a TMJ mouth guard for 4 months, and this is what happened to me. I recommend some TMJ exercises that will not only relieve pain, but will build up the weakened joints and strengthening them to rid yourself of TMJ all together.

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