Saturday, June 22, 2013

Differential Diagnosis of Gout - What Causes The Joint Pain?

The differential diagnosis of patients presenting with joint pain is extensive, ranging from mild sprain, joint dislocation, trauma, malignancy, infection, and some life-threatening autoimmune diseases.

Joint pains that caused by physical activities are very obvious and easy to be diagnosed. Examples of this kind of injury are sprained ankle, joint separation, ligament sprain, torn cartilage and torn cartilage. Usually, this kind of pain is immediate and the patient can vividly remember the physical activity that causes the pain at the joint. These kinds of traumatic condition can happen to people of all ages.

Other causes of joint paint that usually affect people of older age are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the result of mechanical degradation of the joints due the years or wear and tear. It usually happens to those who were physically active during their younger years, such as sportsman or those who work in hard labour jobs.

One the other hand, rheumatoid arthritis is form of autoimmune disease where the abnormal immune system attacks the tissues around the joints and causes inflammation and pain. The actual cause of rheumatoid arthritis is still unknown, some say it is because of viral or bacterial infections, some say it is because of genetically inherited abnormalities. Extensive researches are still taking place around the world to find out the answer to this mysterious illness that affects a huge number of elderly population.

Although these 2 types of arthritis have very different causes, but they share certain similar symptoms that make them easy to be ruled out in the differential diagnosis of gout. Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis usually develop the pain over a long period of time and they usually affect joints of both sides of the body such as in the feet, hands. These kinds of arthritis usually attack multiple joints at the same time and the pain develops gradually.

Another more common cause of joint pain in the modern day is gouty arthritis which is more commonly known as gout. Gout attack is a type of inflammation that is caused by the formation of urate crystals inside a particular joint due to long term exposure to hyperuricemia. Many times, gout is mistaken as one of the above mention arthritis conditions, especially when the patient get the gout attack for the very first time.

Differential diagnosis of gout is very straight forward and easy, here are some of the unique properties of gout that differentiate it from other causes of joint inflammation.

  • Suddenly occurrence of intense pain

  • The attack starts in the middle of the night when the victim is sleeping

  • It usually attack one side of the joints

  • 90% of the gout attacks happen at big toe

  • If blood test is conducted, it usually shows a high blood serum uric acid level that is beyond healthy range

Although Gout is easy to be diagnosed, but it is not easy to get rid this awful devil. Those gout drugs and pain killers can only temporarily control the gouty inflammation, none of them can remove the root cause of gout, which is the urate crystal.

It is commonly known among the gout patients that gout pain is the worst and most unbearable pain in their life. Instead of wasting your money on those expensive tests involved in the differential diagnosis of gout, you should spend some time to understand the actual cause of gout and remove the root once and for all.

Sciatic Pain Relief - Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Exercises

The sacral bone, located where the spinal column ends, is connected to the pelvis bone by the sacroiliac joint bridges. The structure acts a shock absorber when we run and walk, protecting the spinal cord from injuries while supporting the upper body. The joint, also called the SI joint, restricts the movement of the lower body and any awkward or abnormal movement can cause the joint to dysfunction. Such movements also affect the sacroiliac nerve that runs through the ligaments and muscles of the joint. Any problems related to the SI joint can cause pain in the legs and back. Aging can also cause sacroiliac joint dysfunction as the muscles around the joint start to stiffen.

Regular exercise can help relieve the pain and stress on the muscles and the joint. Here are some effective sacroiliac joint dysfunction exercises.

Exercises # 1

Lie down on your back and raise your right knee by folding the leg. Pull the knees towards your chest while you exhale. Release the leg and then repeat the routine 10 times for the same leg. Switch to the left leg once you are done with the right leg. This particular exercise works on the hamstrings and relieves the pain and strain you feel in the back muscles. It tightens the muscles around the pelvis and promoted the rehabilitation of sacroiliac joint dysfunction.

Exercises # 2

Lie down on your back with raised knees that are pressed together. Gently sway the knees sideways while keeping your feet flat and firm on the ground. Do not raise your lower back from the ground. This exercise should be repeated 5-10 times. The routine will stabilize the pelvic area and make the muscles flexible and stronger reducing the chances of arthritis.

Exercises # 3

Similar to the previous exercises start by lying down on your back. Now bend your right knee and balance the foot. Rest the other leg over your right knee in such a way that the ankle of your left leg is slightly higher than the right knee. Firmly link both hands around your right thigh and pull it towards your chest. Hold the position for 30 seconds so that the muscles stretch well. You can repeat the same routine with the left leg. You will need 3-5 repetitions for each leg daily.

You should be very careful when trying out these exercises so as to avoid straining the back muscles. It is recommended to consult a doctor if you experience any discomfort or pain while exercising. The exercises are aimed at rehabilitating those recovering from sacroiliac joint dysfunction and should be followed only after undergoing a proper treatment for sacroiliac joint dysfunction. The exercises combined with other treatments including massage, ultrasound and sacroiliac joint injections will help relieve the pain and joint inflammation. The sacroiliac joint dysfunction exercises help in restoring the flexibility of the muscles around the sacroiliac joint by stretching and strengthening them. It also helps avoid aggravating the condition.

How to Avoid Surgery for Arthritis in Your Neck

On a daily basis in America, neck pain affects millions of Americans. Most commonly this is coming from arthritis in a person's neck either at one particular level or it may be coming from multiple. This causes pain in the neck itself that may radiate out into the shoulders and may also cause significant headaches. Also, patients who have been in a car accident with whiplash often end up with arthritis problems in the neck.

This pain may bother an individual daily, with the analogy being the same as if you have a pebble in your shoe that bothers you every day. Surgery for neck arthritis is usually a terrible idea, and here are 5 ways to avoid it.

1. Physical therapy and chiropractic treatment- the patient has arthritis in the neck, the joints there have cartilage just like any other joint. So the theory with physical therapy is that strengthening and stretching the muscles around the neck can help unload those arthritic joints. It is been shown in research studies to work really well and so has chiropractic treatment. Arthritis can cause misalignment in the joints of the neck, and chiropractic treatment can help put those back into proper position.

2. Medications- anti-inflammatory medications along with Tylenol can be extremely helpful at alleviating neck pain. Make sure to take them according to the manufacturers recommended dosing or otherwise a person will risk injury to their liver, kidney, or get an ulcer. These medications can allow patients to concentrate better, work more, play with their kids, and avoid depression that comes with the chronic neck pain of arthritis.

3. Cervical traction- cervical traction for arthritis has an excellent track record. Unlike lumbar traction, traction in the neck has been shown to have great benefits and it can be done a couple of times a day. There is an apparatus that provides traction for the neck with a rope and pulley system going over a door, and there's also one where the patient can wear a neck brace that pumps up and separates the area of arthritis. These give temporary relief as gravity will bring the joints back down but they may provide pain relief in the meantime (that's why it should be repeated daily). There is also an intermittent traction technique called spinal decompression therapy which has also been shown in the neck to help a lot.

4. Facet injections and medial branch blocks- these interventional pain management treatments are shown to work really well for neck arthritis. One involves placing steroid medication directly into the arthritic joint. This can be repeated every few months if they're working well. Medial branch blocks are injections that do not go inside the joint but go around it in the area of the tiny little nerve endings that cause joint pain. These also can provide pain relief for months and can then be repeated.

5. Radiofrequency ablation- also called radiofrequency neurotomy, this procedure represents a revolutionary technology in pain management and one of the best procedures that exist for neck arthritis. This involves burning the tiny little nerve endings that supply pain to these joints may provide pain relief for upwards of 2 years in affected individuals. It's really impressive what this procedure can do for patients who have had no other relief or only temporary relief but the other treatments mentioned.

Surgery for neck pain from arthritis that does not radiate out into the arms from radiculopathy has never been shown to be a great idea unless there's instability of the neck from trauma or extenuating circumstances for the procedure.

The Right Exercises For Joint Pain Relief

There are certain exercises that arthritis sufferers may benefit from. Some exercises may be detrimental to this goal, so avoid jumping into an exercise routine that may do more harm than good. The point of exercise should be to provide joint pain relief and improve range of motion, not cause debilitating pain. A doctor, physical therapist or other health care provider should be consulted when designing an exercise program to make sure you're safe from harm. Arthritis brings with it a need to proceed with caution, but a need to exercise, nevertheless.

Exercise in itself is something we all need to do. Arthritis sufferers generally have enough on their plate just getting through the day-to-day pain they live with. Contrary to what may seem logical, exercise can actually help to relieve pain and increase mobility.

There are a few types of exercises that are popular in routines designed for those with arthritis. Some of these incorporate exercises geared toward aerobic fitness, increasing strength, and working on range of motion. Each if these functions work together to give an overall boost in health and joint pain relief. Aerobic exercise only requires a 20 to 30 minute commitment, most days of the week. If you are also working to improve your BMI and lose some weight, aerobic exercise is a good choice. A decrease in weight, if there is an excess, can go a long way in joint pain relief as pressure on joints like the knees and hips is decreased with each and every pound lost. Aerobic exercise can also increase heart health. Walking, swimming and even bike riding are some good exercise choices that will not be too harsh for arthritis sufferers. Try to keep your choice as low impact as possible while still getting your heart pumping.

Exercises like yoga and tai chi are great examples of arthritis-friendly exercises if they're done at least every other day. These can help sufferers to decrease their joint stiffness because they work on their normal ranges of motion. As people begin to do these types of exercise their joint pain and stiffness will decrease over time. Through continued sessions people can increase their range of movement. Strength training is another great option that's not just for potential Mr. or Miss Universe contestants.

Strength training helps to build muscle, which helps to increase the amount of protection your muscles provide for your joints. This doesn't mean that you need to work out until you look like you're running for a weightlifting title. Just by working your muscles every other day can give you positive results. If, however, your joints become more painful or if any swelling is noted, you should take an extra day off. One hour of exercise a day can bring arthritis sufferers a better quality of life. There are a multitude of exercise options available these days; if one type doesn't hold your interest, try something different. It can be fun and more rewarding to shake things up over time anyway. Hopefully, with daily exercise, joint pain relief can be yours.

A Pain In The Butt May Be Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis syndrome can be characterized by a deep often burning pain in the hip joint which can be difficult to treat. It is also important to target the cause of the pain as well as ensure that it is indeed from the piriformis muscle before beginning treatment. However with regular exercises and attention, this condition can be treated.

The reason it is often difficult to treat piriformis syndrome is because it is related to the piriformis muscle, which is found deep inside the back of the hip joint. It crosses over the top of the sciatic nerve, which is the longest nerve in the body, running from the bottom of the spine, through the hip, knee and to the ankle. When the piriformis muscle is tight, it can cause pinching or tension of the sciatic nerve which can result in searing pain deep inside the buttocks. Sciatica is the condition when the sciatic nerve is pinched, damaged or inflamed. Thus if sciatica is occurring as a result of the piriformis muscle, this is called piriformis syndrome.

Piriformis syndrome is often related to sports injuries or overusing the muscle in one particular way without working the surrounding muscles. For example if you are a regular runner your muscles will be conditioned for running forward but not lateral movements. This can be rectified by balancing out your exercise and ensuring all muscles are worked, stretched and are strong.

However, a small percentage of the population suffers from piriformis syndrome because their piriformis muscle does not cross over the top of the sciatic nerve but rather the sciatic nerve goes through the muscle. Less than a third of the population have this, however it has been linked to more severe cases of piriformis syndrome.

Piriformis syndrome can be relieved, however it takes a bit of exercise and dedication. It is recommended that exercise and stretches be done to release the piriformis muscle, often with the help of a physical therapist. Stretching this muscle and strengthening the surrounding muscles may help to take pressure off the sciatic nerve, alleviating piriformis syndrome and the pain that comes with it, which can often be very uncomfortable. Exercises and stretches targeting the gluteal muscles as well as the hips, pelvis and lower back may help to strengthen the area, giving the piriformis muscle more support. Exercises for this can include the pelvic tilt, hip extension exercises as well as stretches that work deep into the hip joint, such as lying on your back and pulling your knee towards your opposite shoulder.

For more severe pain anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed or pain killers to alleviate the inflammation and pain, which may help the piriformis syndrome temporarily.

Massaging deep into the hip or as an alternative method being treated with acupuncture, may help to release the tension in the piroformis muscle and thus take pressure off of the sciatic nerve, relieving you of piriformis syndrome.

If the piriformis is not easing surgery may be considered by a physician as a last remedy. This involves an operation to relieve and loosen the piriformis muscle tendon.

Piriformis syndrome, because it occurs so deep in the body and joint, can be a difficult pain to target and repair permanently. It often leads to a tender buttocks and hip area which can cause discomfort and tension along the sciatic nerve as well, making areas of the leg feel weak, tender or numb. It is important to target this muscle by doing continuous stretches and strengthening exercises to ensure the muscles are strong and keep pirformis syndrome at bay.

Housetraining Issues - The Other Side of the Coin

Housetraining 101- what if your dog hasn't mastered the basics of it yet? What if after a series of consistent training and monitoring and still observations about improvement has not taking place?

What to do?(your running out of patience) Need some consultation? Probably yes but first let's take a closer look at some instances why your little pup isn't getting what it should be doing. It could mean a lot of things and in many cases; dogs will necessitate a different kind of approach. First things first, you should identify the cause: what's bothering your dog? What hinders it from learning the basics? True enough there could be a lot of reasons. For example, when your reliably trained 4 month old puppy pees on your carpet while your in the midst of entertaining guests; your puppy may habitually become agitated in the presence of strangers and loses bladder control or perhaps it learned that inappropriate elimination guarantees to catch up attention or it could also mean that your puppy was never completely trained in the first place.

Another bothering situation is when your formerly trained 6-month old female puppy begins to urinate in her crate after you and your family moved to a new residence; it could mean that she become s fearful and doesn't want to go out and explore a new and unfamiliar surroundings or she may be confused of the relocation and is not used to be having another training ground for her daily routine. Another possibility is that she is experiencing a bout juvenile vaginitis before the onset of puberty- these, and a lot more of the basic issues can explain house training failures. Understanding the cause is of vital importance to eliminate any unwanted outcomes in idle attempts to correct the problem.

Rule out the most apparent possibilities, here is what you should know more about the underlying factors:


It has been proven that certain medical conditions can actually affect the capacity of a puppy to learn a new skill that of which includes infections, parasites, inflammatory disease, kidney or bladder stones, colitis, cancer, diabetes and neurological disorders; all of these circumstances are known to cause bowel or bladder dysfunction. There would be times that medical problems as a causative factor couldn't be ruled out immediately because it is a chronic condition such as degenerative joint disease or a failing eyesight and the manifestations of which is not directly obvious, in cases like this you should inform your vet with thorough information about changes in your dog's physical, behavioral and elimination patterns, when did you first notice the problem, what triggers the problem to appear and when and where the house raining lapses occur.

If the tests that have been conducted doesn't give a clear answer, psychological aspects must be investigated and here you would find yourself looking at a more complicated side because canine perceptions are a combination of environment and genetics, they constantly adjust their behavior in response to the changing environment, we need to understand that the re are no revised plans o r teaching skills good enough that can exactly fit and match a dog's learning abilities, we shouldn't expect them to be as consistent as we thought they should and give them the opportunity to relieve themselves sometimes when a need calls for it. Don't be so uptight about it, it takes one's patience and perseverance to really reach that basic target.


Different breeds at some point calls for a different treatment and approach, for instance, you cannot force a hairless breed to be trained outdoors esp. during the colder seasons because it would be too much for them to take, I was told that hairless breeds do not cope effectively and environmental factors such as a cold climate poses a greater barrier towards the training process. I suggest that their exercise area must be clean and dry and an appropriate-sized crate will be a good tool to stop most dogs from messing their crate. After waking up or after doing some activities they should be taken outside and let them pee, after doing so, they should be praised and given a small treat. That way, they would be able to keep that in mind and the higher the probability that they would repeat that routine for next time.


Keeping a dog's environment clean is just as important as being a diligent owner. Diligence is the key to house training a dog, the dog conforms to the state of his environment - you should establish a good working environment, a one that would make good use of both of these practices. Get your puppy out as soon as he wakes up, after eating, and after certain activities, don't give him a chance to make a mistake and be consistent with your routine. Feed on time, refrain from changing his regular meal pattern and withhold food and water (close to bedtime) until the puppy is well-trained. When taking you r puppy out to potty where he's supposed to- make it sure that that's what's going to happen- no playing- just elimination, then lots of positive reinforcement and back in the house. Maintain a pleasant ambiance by immediately cleaning up accidents with an odor neutralizer and use baking soda to remove dog pee out of the carpet. Just sprinkle it on the stain, cover with newspaper and leave it for 24 hours.

Friday, June 21, 2013

What Are The Major Restorative Dentistry Procedures?

Poor dental health can always affect your self confidence. Not only would it spoil your lovely smile, but also cause difficulty in chewing your food and even talking. This is why you should maintain proper oral hygiene. However, poor oral hygiene is not always the reason behind a less-than-perfect smile. Many people have broken or chipped teeth because of an accident. Stains and discolorations might occur due to some diseases or health conditions. For getting a perfect smile you should use the services of a restorative dentist. 'Restorative dentistry' improves the function and appearance of damaged teeth. A dentist might even remove and replace a damaged tooth or fill a missing tooth with artificial material. There are a variety of treatment procedures that restorative dentists offer, such as crowns, bridges, or implants.

These major types of dentistry procedures are undertaken to cure the following common dental conditions:

1. Crowns - These act as a protective cover over the damaged teeth. If you have teeth that have been chipped or injured, crowns are the perfect solution to hide the imperfections.

2. Implants - This is a perfect solution for people with missing teeth. Implants fill up the gaps between two teeth and act as a good option for a complete dental makeover.

3. Dental bridges - This procedure (like implants) bridges the gap between two or more missing teeth. It stabilizes the jaw and corrects your smile.

4. Root Canal - Root canal is a procedure that is used by dentists to remove infected tissues in the tooth pulp. These infected tissues cause severe pain and discomfort, and eventually lead to teeth loss.

5. Gum disease - It is characterized by tenderness, swelling, and bleeding in the gums. There are both surgical and non-surgical treatments for such conditions. If you have developed a swelling or tenderness in your gums, immediately visit a dentist for proper treatment before the problem aggravates.

6. TMJ disorders - Such type of disorders occur due to a misaligned bite, teeth grinding (bruxism), and putting undue pressure on your teeth. This is basically a problem of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ). When suffering from such disorders, patients also complain about headaches and neck pain.

If teeth problems aggravate to a level when no amount of restorative repair could help, patients are suggested a full-mouth restoration by the dentist. For such surgeries, a dentist often employs both cosmetic and restorative procedures to improve the health of the gums, correct smile, and enhance general teeth functioning.

Are you looking for a dental clinic where you could get all types of surgical and non-surgical treatments? To get treated by a reputed dentist, Lexington based H. David O'Donnell DMD Family Dentistry is a health center where you can always find affordable solutions for cosmetic, restorative, and preventive dental care!

TMJ Dentist Helps With These 3 Kinds of Pain

Many types of pain are misdiagnosed and remain untreated or mistreated for years. A good and experienced TMJ dentist can diagnose the problem and offer you the proper treatment for your problem. What is TMJ though and what are the three types of misdiagnosed pain to see a TMJ dentist for?

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint. It is a condition affecting the hard and soft tissues of the joint and is usually referred to as a TMJ disorder. Dental professionals usually recognize emotional and psychological factors as playing key roles in the maintenance, etiology and treatment of TMJ. The primary symptoms of the disorder are headaches, neck pain and facial pain. Other symptoms are as follows:

- Pain in the mastication muscles, in the area in front of the ears

- Popping, clicking and grating sounds in the joints

- Inability to open the mouth wide or chew

- A perception that the occlusion (bite) does not work properly

- Jaw locking in open and closed positions

Most patients with a TMJ disorder report a wide array of additional symptoms, which are not directly associated with this condition, such as dizziness, tinnitus, shoulder and neck pain, tooth pain, earaches, mobile teeth or fractured teeth. In addition to dental professionals, other doctors and physicians can also evaluate and treat the symptoms. Due to the complicated nature of the condition and symptoms, many patients have reported visiting several different doctors, such as neurologists, rheumatologists and otolaryngologists seeking treatment and therapy.

It is because of this complicated nature of the condition that physicians need to maintain a close working relationship with a TMJ dentist because the symptoms can mimic a large variety of conditions and disorders. Proper and fast assessment and early intervention for the disorder can reduce the individual and societal cost associated with the care of such patients.

TMJ is usually a chronic and painful disorder with psychological correlations similar to all other chronic pain conditions. People who suffer from TMJ might have severe mood and somatoform disorders, or anxiety disorders.

The etiology of TMJ includes many other causes as well, such as work related traumas. Repeated behaviors, such as raising of the shoulder to hold the telephone receiver to the ear can put pressure to the TMJ and increase the tension in shoulders and the neck. Although few people would consider the risks involved, this repeated behavior can produce pain and exacerbate a preexisting issue.

Proper physical examination is necessary that consists of measuring the of range of motion of the mandible, auscultation of the joints for any sounds, observation of opening and closing function and palpation of the masticatory muscles. The physician should also assess the history of complaints and symptoms, and their impact on daily living and emotional functioning.

Treatment provided by a TMJ dentist involves more than one element and includes home care, medication, behavioral intervention and dental techniques. The most common dental treatment for a TMJ disorder is a hard interocclusal appliance, also known as mouth guard, which covers the maxillary of mandibular teeth. This device prevents grinding which usually causes more severe damage if left untreated.

Upper Back Pain Relief - Causes and Cures

There are many different causes of upper back pain, and while not as common as pain in the lower back, it can often times be a much more painful, often chronic condition. The good news is... There ARE medications and pain management treatments that can be very effective.

Some of the causes are myofascial pain (irritated muscles), dysfunction of or degenerative joints, and even an injury or herniation to one of the discs in the upper spine, called Thoracic Herniation. You may even have a genetic disease or disposition to having these problems. Other scary sounding problems could include osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatic nerve impingement, compressed vertebrae and others.

In other words... before you start on any course of self treatment, check with your doctor to be certain your pain relief effort doesn't require surgery.

Though more common in lower back pain, pain in the upper back can also result - over time - from poor posture.

If you are sitting at a desk all day, hunched over doing work, this puts a strain on your upper back. The upper back vertebra are not designed to be constantly bent over like this. It is a more rigid part of the spine, designed to support the weight of the person, and protect the internal organs. If it is not held in an upright position, the muscles surrounding the spine itself can become strained.

Upper back pain can be extremely discomforting. Usually, in addition to having upper (cervical) back discomfort, you may also experience shoulder and neck pain, as well as pain in the lower back and spine. To find upper back pain relief, you will want to really dig in and find ALL the causes. It could be a combination of several acting together - not just one.

Luckily, if you happen to have upper back pain, there are a number of ways to alleviate it. Surgery, medication, back strengthening and stretching exercises, massage and even acupuncture to name a few. Prevention...
But, when discussing your health, it prevention should be your first - top - line of defense.

Since it is so important that you prevent the problem in the first place, here are a few things you can do:

1. The first is get enough sleep at night, with a bed that is supportive of the spine. Sleep is important, not just to rest the back muscles, but to repair nerve and muscle damage.

2. If you are someone who does sit in front of a desk for long periods of time, or in front of the television, that's all right, but it is important that you get up at least once every half an hour.

Move around, stand up straight as much as possible, and walk around a little bit. This way your back and spine don't strain by sitting in one position for so long a period of time.

3. There are a number of back stretching and strengthening exercises you can find that can help... try taking a class in Yoga. Building up weakened muscle tissue in the back helps!

4. Changes in diet can also help to prevent upper back pain. Reducing the amount of caffeine in your diet, eating foods that have anti-inflammatory properties.

Sometimes, upper back pain is unavoidable. It may even happen from doing something you aren't even aware of, and all of a sudden you have these pains.

Frequently, when you get sudden pain from nothing more than twisting or turning at just the right angle, this is caused by a herniated or bulging disc. Since there is no pain unless it actually touches a nerve (we are talking millimeters), it is estimated that 60% of all of us have disc problems - but we aren't aware!

We are all going to have a certain amount of upper back pain occasionally, and here are just some of the many ways to get severe back pain relief.

Upper Back Pain Relief... Cures

One way to find upper back pain relief is to soak in a tub of water with Epsom salt. Adding a bag or two to water that is hot enough to just stand it can be a great relief, not just for you upper back, but other areas of the body as well. If you want, you can even add some essential oils for aromatherapy.

Upper back massage is another great way to relieve pain, and you can do this even if you are by yourself. Take a couple of tennis balls, lay them on the floor, and lay down on them.

Gently move your body back and forth, allowing the balls to massage the muscles. Every thirty seconds to a minute, change the positioning of the balls. If you find an area that is particularly painful, you don't have to stay there, move the balls in another location.

Getting upper back pain relief is something YOU can do... there is no need to suffer!

Reduce Arthritis Pain by Changing Your Diet

Many people have long believed that certain foods contributed to arthritis pain flare ups. For years, people who claimed to experience pain relief by eliminating certain foods and food groups from their diet were dismissed. Today, physicians and laypersons alike are discovering that diet is often linked to worsening or improvement of conditions like arthritis.

People suffering from joint pain have revealed that red meat, fat, salt, caffeine, sugar and tomatoes were foods that made joint pain worse. When the offending foods were removed from the diet, the arthritis pain was reduced.

Certain dairy products, especially cow's milk, are also associated with increased pain in arthritis sufferers. While a strong connection has not yet been made, it is feasible that arthritis and the consumption of milk products are linked when there are signs of a milk allergy. An allergic response is a sign that the body recognizes something as harmful or foreign, which can trigger a systemic inflammatory reaction. Various studies have pointed out that some people who suffer from arthritis may have an allergy to cow's milk. The proteins found in cow's milk, such as casein and whey, have also been found to be possible allergic triggers. However, cow's milk also contains hormones and antibiotics which may also cause health problems in some people. If you believe cow's milk is causing your arthritis symptoms, then eliminate all foods that contain cow's milk from your diet for at least 2 weeks. If your symptoms improve, then you should consider getting your calcium from other food sources. Some foods that are abundant in calcium include dark green leafy vegetables, sardines, almonds, and tofu.

Dietary changes can help relieve the discomfort of arthritis. Omega-3 oils taken as a supplement or by eating foods rich in omega-3 and polyunsaturated fats helps relieve joint pain. Foods rich in natural plant fats and antioxidants, but low in saturated fats may help relieve joint pain. Vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help cleanse the body of cell destroying free radicals. A diet of grains, beans, fruits and vegetables can help relieve joint pain. Keep a food diary to document pain flare ups in connection with the kinds of food you eat. If you notice your joint discomfort increase or decrease in connection with a particular food, adjust your diet accordingly. Adding a dietary supplement of fatty acids may help if a change in diet does not provide adequate pain relief. Flaxseed or blackcurrant oil is available at health food stores. See your physician before beginning a regimen of supplements and always follow the dosage instructions.

Foods that usually contribute to arthritis pain are all dairy products, corn, meat, eggs, potatoes and citrus fruits. Grains such as wheat, oats and rye have also been linked to joint discomfort. Nuts, coffee and tomatoes have also been linked to increases in arthritis pain. Eliminating or reducing these foods from your diet may help reduce joint pain.

Foods that will almost never contribute to increased arthritis pain or other inflammation are brown rice, dried and cooked fruits, pears, prunes and cranberries. Vegetables such as artichokes, broccoli, lettuce, beans, squash and sweet potatoes should not contribute to increased discomfort. Include brightly colored vegetables like pumpkin and greens cooked or raw in your diet. Drinks that contain caffeine may cause increased joint pain. Eliminate caffeine from your diet to help alleviate the pain of arthritis.

TMJ Symptoms Really Should Be Taken Seriously

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) is able to induce very excruciating symptoms for the patient. The affliction is caused by inflamed temporomandibular joint. There are an assortment of different symptoms that the sufferers might experience. In this article we will mostly focus on them.

Generally, the first indication of TMJ is jaw pain indicating that there is some kind of dental issue. This is the reason why people normally determine to meet a dentist as an alternative of a physician. However, TMJ causes typically many additional symptoms too.

Often, there is agonizing headaches, which accompany this ailment as well. Actually what they're experiencing is TMJ symptoms.

Dizziness, neck discomfort, and, of course, jaw pain are additional common symptoms of TMJ. It is not uncommon that TMJ sufferers experience back discomfort. Sometimes the patient could think that he or she has some kind of back complication, even though the real cause is the swollen temporomandibular joint. It is possible that this inflammation affects to the musculoskeletal system.

Other individuals are astounded to learn that their earache or tinnitus, or ringing in the ear, is also caused from this affliction. Because the temporomandibular joint is so close to the ear, the person is not actually having an earache, but it appears that way.

Hearing loss is also possible due to the pressure from the swelling in the location. While this might be the scariest symptom of all, generally it is reversible when the inflammation is gone.

While the symptoms of TMJ appear to be simple, there can also be some complex ones also. Because the temporomandibular joint impacts many parts of the body, it is not uncommon for additional symptoms to happen.

The inflammation in the temporomandibular joint can easily impact to a lot of tendons, mucles, and nerves in the human body. Nerves in the swollen region can send signals to other parts of your body. This is the reason why some TMJ sufferers have also musculoskeletal pains and even arthritis.

The symptoms for each individual may be different, but a couple classic TMJ symptoms are generally always noticeable. Dealing with TMJ might be difficult, yet there are lots of TMJ treatment possibilities which are able to effectively handle it.

Looking for medical attention at the 1st notice of any of these indicators is imperative for a good prognosis. The pain can be debilitating and only a specialist is able to assist a patient recognize what is going on and get the help they need.

What Does Acupuncture Treat and Can it Help Me?

In the last several years people have become less satisfied with their modern western medical providers and solutions which has led them to begin looking toward alternative medicine for solutions. However, this search has led to a new questions, "how do I find the right alternative medical system for me and will it help my condition?" One of the best solutions to this problem is acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine. This amazing system has the ability to work with many different types of health-related problems by treating the person as an individual and not just treating the disease. This article aims to help you find out just what types of problems can be treated with acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine.

Most people in the west think that acupuncture works with mainly with pain, or that it is a fringe type of treatment that can't treat anything at all. While it is true that acupuncture can be a phenomenal treatment tool for pain and that pain is what most people in the west begin seeing an acupuncturist for, there are many different problems that acupuncture can effectively treat. Even more, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) have approved acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat many different diseases that are not pain related at all. These can include things like adjunct treatments for nausea during cancer treatment, menstrual cramps and syndromes, and fibromyalgia, and digestive disorders among many others. In addition, there are many groundbreaking studies showing that acupuncture can even be helpful in treating complex problems like infertility as well as a host of other difficult problems.

The following is a list of very commonly treated diseases and health-related problems that Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine can treat quite effectively. This list isn't exhaustive, but does cover a large number of them.

Disorders of bones, muscles, joints and nerves such as Bells's palsy, arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, tendonitis, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis, neuralgias, migraines, dizziness, low back pain, neck and shoulder pain, headaches, spine pain, sciatica, muscle spasms, facial spasm, numbness and tingling, fibromyalgia and fascitis

Sleep and stress disorders such as insomnia and fatigue.

Circulatory disorders such as hypertension, hypotension, angina, pulmonary heart disease, cardiac neurosis, palpations, atheroschlerosis, and anemia.

Gastrointestinal disorders such as food allergies, abdominal pain, peptic ulcers, constipation, chronic diarrhea, indigestion, anorexia, gastritis, nausea and vomiting, biliary colic, dysentery, ulcerative colitis and irritable colon syndrome.

Gynecological disorders such as irregular, heavy, or painful menses, PMS, polycystic ovary syndrome, fibrocystic breast disease, menopause, morning sickness, malposition of fetus, induction of labor, infertility, herpes zoster, hypo-ovarianism, and lactation deficiency

Urogenital disorders such as stress incontinence, urinary tract infections, retention of urine, renal colic, prostatitis, and sexual dysfunction.

Respiratory disorders such as emphysema, sinusitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, allergies, and bronchitis.

Endocrine disorders such as diabetes, hypo/hyperthyroidism, and obesity.

Addictions such as to alcohol, nicotine, and drug addiction.

Depression including depressive neurosis, chemical or otherwise.

Skin disorders such as acne vulgaris, pruritus and neurodermatitis.

Myofascial pain, including crainomandibular disorders and temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ).
Stroke rehabilitation

Postoperative pain

Performance enhancement such as athletic and strength assistance.

Supportive therapy for many other chronic and painful debilitating disorders.

Adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy
Pain in dentistry (including dental pain and temporomandibular dysfunction)

If your specific condition was not included in this list the best thing to do is contact an acupuncturist in your area and talk with them. Because of an acupuncturist's unique way of diagnosing and treating problems there is a good chance that you can be helped. Millions of people worldwide use acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine to heal their illness. The acupuncturist should be able to let you know, after a consultation whether acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine is right for you. The beauty of a consultation is that you have nothing to lose! It gives you the opportunity to get the information you are seeking and allows you to make choices for yourself

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Aching Joints Got You Feeling Run Down?

One of the most common complaints that affect Americans is joint pain. Some of the simplest activities through the day can seem so difficult, but think about how much weight your joints hold and how much they go through threw out the day. And not only is that a lot for your joints to handle there affected by poor bone alignment, repetitive use, and weak muscles too. It can also be caused by injuries affecting the ligaments and tendons that surround the joint. Pain in the joints can also be caused by inflammation, infection, tumors on the joint, tears in cartilage, fractures, and sprains.

There are many different people that experience joint pain. Athletes, body builders, and weight lifters. Elderly and even children can get joint pains. Women with osteoporosis get arthritis too.

Arthritis is a disorder that involves the joints being inflamed. The joint is an area where two bones meet together. There are almost over 100 different kinds of arthritis too and most are being discovered all the time. Some symptoms of arthritis are pain and limited function of the joints. Stiffness, swelling, redness, and area feeling heated all make up the inflammation in joints. Sometimes fever and lymph node swelling can occur, along with fatigue, weight loss, and problems with lungs, kidneys, and heart can happen as well.

Diagnosis of arthritis is important. Symptoms could be similar to that of other disorders and diseases like osteoporosis. A rheumatologist is a doctor who has special training in arthritis and other related diseases. The doctor will review your symptom history, examine your joints, and certain blood, urine, joint fluid tests and x rays may have to be done to further determine a diagnosis. It may even be necessary to make several visits to the doctor before being completely certain of the diagnosis.

Getting proper and early diagnosis of joint problems can help prevent damages that can't be reversed and can cause disabilities. Things like exercise, medications, surgery, and physical therapy may be needed in some very serious cases. This is why keeping up on regular appointments with your doctor is important.

Some things you can do to help prevent against arthritis are reduce the amount of repetitive strain you put on your joints and muscles. Work, hobbies, and recreational activities can all cause chronic pains that result in arthritis. Things like squatting, knee bending, other physical labors, and even long hours on the computer are the most common causes of wear and tears on the joints.

Exercise can help your joints as long as you don't abuse them. When muscles get weak it can increase the chances of getting arthritis in the future. A cross training program that has various exercises or a light weight training program would be the best. Yoga will help make you flexible and it help to make your joints flexible as well.

Overweight people are at a greater risk of osteoarthritis and losing the weight can make that risk smaller. Eating healthier will help to loss weight and keep your joints healthy at the same time. Your body is also made up of 70% water; this plays a role in "lubrication" if you will, of the joints and cartilage. Dehydration can be a very large factor in the health of your joints.

There is also a lot of supplements you an take to make sure your joints are healthy. Certain nutrients that is vital to joint health like vitamin C and D, boron, chrondroitin sulfate, MSM, and glucosamine. Alternative Health Supplements has a number of all natural supplements that can help protect and support your joints; one of these products is Xyience Xmotion. This is an effective formula designed to maintain joint and tissue health. It is perfect for anyone looking to maintain healthy joint and muscle tissue. It contains ingredients such as Hyaluronic Acid, Chondroitin Sulfate, Collagen and more for maintaining connective tissue health and strength.

How to Deal With Body Joint Pain

Body Pain in the joints and muscles is common as we grow Age. The ligaments and tendons do not support our knees, elbows and ankles as they once did when we were in our teens and twenties. Body pain can be caused by overuse or age related disease and can become chronic joint pain if not attended to. Body Joint pain afflicts millions of people across the country and can be cause mobility issues at home and work.

If you suffer from normal aches and pains in your muscles and joints there are a few simple and common sense things you can do to help relieve the pain.

  • A heating pad or ice bag can be applied to your joints to help reduce inflammation and/or swelling.

  • Elevate and rest your affected limb as much as possible. Try not to aggravate the issue by continue to push the envelope and doing too much when you feel pain. Your body is telling you the affected area needs to heal from the stress.

  • Over the counter pain relievers will help reduce inflammation and reduce the pain.

Long term joint maintenance should be considered if you are prone to strains in your muscles and joints during exercise or other physical activity.

  • Low impact exercise like cycling or yoga can go a long way to strengthen your muscles and joints

  • Eating healthy and maintaining proper weight is always a good idea. The heavier you are the more likely you will suffer from arthritis type of conditions like gout.

  • Stay away from running or sports activities when your joints begin to ache. Try walking, until you are ready for more strenuous activities.

In summary, body joint pain is a normal condition of growing older, however, your approach to diets and exercise can reduce the onset of age related diseases that can cause chronic joint pain.

Tips on How to Relieve Joint Pain Effectively

Learning how to relieve joint pain for those who are dealing with arthritis is so important as well as maintaining mobility. So, is there some easy way you can achieve this? Actually, there are some natural and easy ways that you can get joint pain relief without having to take drugs that can numb your mind. So, let's take a look at a few things you can do to relieve your joint pain.

Water Exercise - Studies in England have shown that exercising in a pool for an hour a couple times a week, just doing simple exercises, can provide improvement of joint pain This study group was compared with another group that had received education on relieving their joint pain.

Exercising in water helps to allow exercise without involving a lot of stress on the joints and it also helps to get rid of the pain as well. This can help people with arthritis to achieve flexibility and mobility with less pain.

Devil's Claw - This has been used to help treat joint pain and in many cases it has had positive effects. Before you decide to try devil's claw though, you should speak with your doctor. There are quite a few people who swear that it helps to ease the pain in their joints and increases their mobility, so it is worthy of investigation.

Glucosamine - Various studies of glucosamine have shown that it can be effective in treating arthritis joint pain as well. However, there are a few side effects that can be experienced. Various types of arthritis also need different preparations of glucosamine, but investigating this product further may be rewarding. Just make sure you seek the advice of your doctor before using it.

For people who have any type of arthritis, joint pain relief is not always so easy. However, if you are not wanting to go with prescription drugs to ease the pain, then you may need to consider some simple practices and alternative medications that may help.

Many people don't realize that toxins in the blood can accumulate in joint tissues and the actual joints, causing inflammation and pain. If you're having unexplained joint pain it is important that your body gets rid of these toxins. So, water is important since it can help to flush these toxins away. Sure, toxins are not your only problem, but water can help. However, if you have joint pain that lasts a long time and these relieve joint pain tips don't help you out, make sure you are checked by your physician.

A Degenerative Knee Joint - A Major Problem! Improve Your Knee Stability & Alignment With a Brace

Treatment Options For A Degenerative Knee Joint

A degenerative knee joint is a debilitating condition wherein the knee joint becomes inflamed and begins to deteriorate. Although it is more commonly associated with people over 50 years, Osteoarthritis does not discriminate and can affect anyone, irrespective of age or sex.

Some of the strong indicators of the development of a degenerative knee joint include:

" Genetics
" Being overweight
" Repetitive overuse either through repeated strain or excessive exercising
" Previous injury to the knee
" Trauma to the knee brought on by a disease that affected the mechanics of the joints
" Accumulation of crystal deposits such as uric acid crystals in gout

While a degenerative knee joint can be excruciatingly painful and can severely restrict mobility as it advances, it not life threatening. There are several ways that you can treat and manage the condition without having to resort to full knee replacement surgery.

A.) Why Not Knee Surgery?

One of the reasons why most people tend to avoid knee surgery unless absolutely unnecessary, is because it is an invasive procedure. It can also take an indeterminate amount of time to rehabilitate the new knee joint after the surgery. Surgery can involve resurfacing the entire degenerative knee joint. It can be risky and is not always 100 percent effective. In some cases, the knee surgery will not be much of an improvement over the old knee.

Knee surgery is also expensive. Not all insurance companies will cover knee replacement surgery and for those who are not insured, it is basically out of the question financially.

B.) What are Other Options?

Conservative treatment methods are always recommended as the first line of defense for osteoarthritis. This includes a combination of anti-inflammatory drugs, knee braces and ice packs to quell swelling and alleviate the pain.

Many people who suffer from a degenerative knee joint will just use a knee brace to help allow them to remain active without pain. Affordable and easily available, knee braces help offer respite from the pain without the risk of any adverse side effects. Very often, especially for older individuals who may have underlying medical conditions, a knee brace is the only option for treating their osteoarthritis.

C.) Should you Rest or Not?

If you have a degenerative knee joint, your first inclination may be to rest the joint so that it does not hurt as much. However, this can cause even more stiffness in the joint. It is best to remain as active as possible (under your physician's supervision) and although you may want to refrain from high impact activities, there are certain exercises you should do that will help maintain flexibility in your knee. Wearing a knee brace will help reduce the pain and prevent inadvertent movement of the knee while exercise.

However, if your condition is not related to osteoarthritis of the knee, you will want to rest an inflammation. This is why it is so important to get the correct diagnosis. While some conditions require rest, others, such as osteoarthritis of the knee, should be exercised in a way to keep the joint from deteriorating further.

Lower Jaw Pain - Why Your Lower Jaw Causes You Pain

Lower Jaw Pain

Do you suffer from lower jaw pain? Does this jaw pain keep you up at night and make you want to shoot yourself? Is the jaw pain excruciating and radiate up around the ear area or even cause tooth pain? If so, you might have TMJ.

What is TMJ

TMJ is a disorder of the temporomandibular joint that causes inflammation and incredible pain of the join. This pain can radiate up into the ear, face and neck, causing tooth pain, headaches and stiff and sore jaw muscles making it hard to chew or open the mouth.

The temporomandibular joint is the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull. This is located right below the ear. The TM joint is the most complex joint in the human body because it's the only joint that moves up, down and left to right. Because of this, this joint can become weak and damaged leading to this disorder that causes extreme pain.

TMJ starts with lower jaw pain, and be caused by many different reasons. Some of these are trauma (car accident, a punch to the jaw, etc...) to the joint, extended amount of stress (stress causes us to clinch the jaw) or hereditary causes such as arthritis, etc... No matter what caused it for you, the pain is all the same. It's hard to sleep, eat, or even be happy!

How To Cure TMJ

There are many ways to cure your lower jaw pain, but some are more involved than others. If you have extreme cases of TMJ, you can look at surgery, although I wouldn't recommend this. This surgery can cost $50,000 and most insurance won't cover it. Besides, who wants to have their jaw broken and reconstructed?

I am a long time TMJ sufferer that has found some exercises to do at home that builds up the weak and damaged joint so that I no longer have lower jaw pain for longer than a few minutes at most.

Bruxism Relief - Stopping Teeth Grinding, Bruxism And TMJ

Bruxism is a sleeping disorder where a person asleep is grinding their teeth. Most people don't know that they have bruxism, of course because you're asleep while you are doing it. But some people may mention it to you that you grind your teeth while you are sleeping and it is becoming a bother to them, especially with your partner. It doesn't only happen in the night, it can also happen during the day. It is not only irritating but can also cause side effects to the person and it commonly shows during stressful times. Although it is something that you are not aware of when you are sleeping, you can still treat bruxism.

Grinding your teeth can make you break or lose your teeth especially when you do it very strongly. After a while, bruxers experience pain in their jaw, ear and head. And it doesn't stop there; eventually you can also have eating disorder, insomnia and depression. So you have to stop teeth grinding before it leads to a more serious problem.

Although some people may think that grinding your teeth while you sleep is just a normal reflex, it is not and it is a habit that was subconsciously developed over time. So if it is not a reflex then you can treat bruxism. Some may even have a habit of clenching their teeth especially when they are under a lot of stress and they're anxious. If you notice that you are clenching your teeth, then you can relax and unclench it.

Bruxism is also a symptom of a TMJ disorder. So it would be best if you try to find a TMJ cure that would also help you stop teeth grinding. Available cures for teeth grinding do not solve the main cause of the problem but it alleviates the condition. One of the many cures is the mouth guard. It is used by placing splints between the upper and the lower teeth to prevent them from contact. It is only a temporary solution though because it doesn't really solve the problem. The mouth guard won't stay long if you constantly use it and it also costs around $200-$600.

So you have to know first the real cause of your problem in order to solve it. If the root cause of your problem is TMJ disorder then you have to find a TMJ cure and like a domino effect, your bruxism is also cured!

Teeth Grinding Causes - Why Do People Grind Their Teeth?

There are many reasons why people grind their teeth. Medical researches do not agree on a single cause and it appears that there is a mix of factors that may lead to this habit. Bruxism is the technical term that is used to refer to teeth grinding and clenching. There are many people who clench and grind their teeth but they never feel the symptoms. Below are some of the factors that are often cited as some of the causes of this condition.

If you're continuously under a lot of stress and tension, you may be prone to bruxism. Learning to reduce your daily stress and learning some relaxation techniques may help. You may want to enrol on a stress management program. The reason why people grind their teeth consists of a complicated mix of factors which include how stressed you are, how long and how tightly you clench or grind, your ability to relax, whether your teeth are misaligned, your posture, diet, sleeping habits, and other factors. Each person is different and so are the causes and symptoms. Symptoms of teeth grinding and clenching may include grinding teeth, painful jaw, headaches, earaches, anxiety, stress and tension. Symptoms may also include insomnia, depression and eating disorders.

Teeth grinding and clenching usually focus on reducing pain and preventing damage to teeth. To cure bruxism, you need to remove and eliminate the cause and modify your behavior as much as possible. Experts recommend that you relax your facial and jaw muscles throughout the day and try to make facial relaxation a habit. Massaging the muscles of the shoulders, neck and face can also help. A physical therapist can help you learn stretching exercises to help the restore a normal balance to the action of the muscles and joint on each side of your head. Remedies such as applying ice or wet heat to sore jaw muscles also have beneficial effects.

In terms of diet, health professionals recommend that sufferers avoid eating hard foods like candies, nuts and steak. Drinking plenty of water every day and getting plenty of sleep is also recommended. If your teeth grinding is caused by stress, try to reduce your daily stress and learn relaxation techniques. Stress reduction and anxiety management may help reduce or eliminate bruxism. To prevent damage to the teeth, mouth guards may be recommended.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ears and Hearing - 7 Myths Debunked!

Myth: To clean my ears, only cotton swabs, keys, or my fingers work

Truth: Do not put anything in your ear that is smaller than your elbow

Many people think that ears must be cleaned like our bodies to remain healthy. While ears do need to be kept clean, they actually clean themselves. How? The skin of the ear canal (cerumen) migrates outward and acts as a protector of the delicate eardrum. Many times, prodding, poking, or picking at this material pushes it back in, causing blockage and potential temporary hearing loss - or even accidental puncture of the eardrum. In that event, a serious injury to the hearing bones can result in the need for emergency surgery.

And if itchy ears are often incorrectly relieved using cotton swabs the repeated scratching can cause a thickening of the ear canal, much like a callous. This pushes wax even deeper into the ear canal.

But some ear canals don't remove the wax like they are supposed to - they are too narrow, so the natural cleaning process cannot do its job. In this case, ear wax accumulates. So how do you know if your ears are cleaning themselves properly?

If your ears are not clean, they may feel gummy and you may be tempted to grab that cotton swab or key. And if wax completely obstructs your ear canal, you may experience hearing loss. But don't take matters into your own hands! Visit your ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) doctor, who can safely remove the wax build-up.

But if you want to try alleviating the wax at home, gently clean the outer portion of your ear canal with a wet washcloth. If your ear still feels blocked, you should call your doctor and have the cerumen removed.

The next best thing is to gently irrigate the ear canal with 3% hydrogen peroxide, using a small rubber ear syringe. Then dry the ear canal with a hair dryer set on a medium temperature; hot temperatures can cause temporary dizziness due stimulation of the balance canals.

Myth: If my ear hurts, I must have an infection

Truth: Pain is usually caused by something less severe

One major cause of ear pain is inflammation of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The TMJ joint lies adjacent to the ear canal. Because of this close proximity, many of the same pain nerves are shared.

Swimmer's ear (External Otitis) is another common cause of ear pain. It's the result of the ear canal becoming and staying wet. This warm, wet, and dark environment is the perfect place for bacteria and fungus to live and multiply, causing an infection.

Another cause of ear pain is otitis media, an infection in the middle ear. This infection occurs after an upper respiratory infection reaches the middle ear, via the Eustachian tube.

Neuralgia, an inflammation of the nerves around the ear, can cause excruciating pain that feels like jabbing or stabbing inside the ear.

So how do you know what's causing your ear pain?

TMJ is indicated if you press on the jaw joint while opening and closing the mouth and its hurts or is tender. A swimmer's ear infection may be your problem if gently pulling on your outer ear hurts.

Otitis media and neuralgia are generally accompanied by sharper pain originating deeper in your ear. Otitis media is normally accompanied by pus draining into your ear canal through a perforation in the ear drum.

By now you're wondering, Can I treat any of these problems myself?

Although TMJ inflammation should be managed by a dentist, you can temporarily relieve the discomfort by eating a soft diet; placing a warm heating pad on the affected jaw joint twice daily; or by taking anti-inflammatory medications. But if the pain still persists after a few days of home treatment, you must consult a dentist that specializes in TMJ pain.

Swimmer's ear can be prevented by filling the ear canals with rubbing alcohol after every swim. Let it site for a couple of minutes, then draining the alcohol and dry your ears with a hair dryer set on medium temperature. Once swimmer's ear infection occurs there can be a tendency for recurrence when the ear gets wet. Then it is even more important to treat your ears with alcohol after each and every swim.

If your pain is significant and comes from deep in your ear, you should seek treatment by an ENT doctor right away. Using special instruments, your doctor will clean the ear canal and prescribe antibiotics (either drops or oral medication) to eliminate any infection.

Myth: Popping my ears is dangerous

Truth: Popping your ears is rarely dangerous

While you can have problems with your Eustachian tubes - the part of your ear that "pops" - rarely is the act of popping them the problem.

So what are some of the problems you might encounter with your Eustachian tubes?

One is blocked Eustachian tubes. The Eustachian tubes connect the middle ear cavity with the throat, aerating the middle ear when you swallow and draining mucous and secretions from the middle ear into the throat. Often a cold or sinus infection will cause the Eustachian tube membranes to swell. When this happens the Eustachian tube is not able to function, causing pressure and stuffiness in your head. Your
hearing may feel diminished, and fluid may accumulate in the middle ear.

Another potential problem is abnormally open (patulous) Eustachian tubes. This is an uncommon cause of ear stuffiness and usually occurs when someone loses weight. When your Eustachian tube is open it can cause the sensation that your voice is loud or has an echo (autophony), like you are inside a drum. It may also cause a sensation of hearing air "whoosh" when you breathe through your nose.

So how can you tell if you have blocked or open Eustachian tubes?

Pinch your nostrils closed and blow hard against them. If you cannot "pop" your ears, your Eustachian tubes are likely blocked by swelling of the mucus membranes. However, if you suddenly feel pressure relief you've probably just opened your Eustachian tubes and equalized the middle ear pressure with ambient air pressure.

This maneuver can be performed many times throughout the day to relieve blocked Eustachian tubes. There is no danger of harming your ears with this technique, but if you get dizzy you should see your ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) doctor.

To diagnose open Eustachian tubes, sit down and bend forward completely at the waist, putting
your head between your legs. If the pressure and stuffiness in your ear disappears you have open Eustachian tubes. Lying flat in bed will relieve the symptoms of open Eustachian tubes.

If popping your ears, bending forward from a seated position, or lying down do not relieve your ear pressure, your problem may be due to increased inner ear pressure and should be evaluated by an ear specialist.

If you have blocked Eustachian tubes over-the-counter medications such as decongestant nasal sprays can help shrink the membranes, relieving pressure in the ears. Flying in an airplane, skin diving, or
scuba diving should be avoided if there is blockage of the Eustachian tube, as landing or descending in the water will result in severe pain in the ears. If you must fly, taking Afrin® nasal spray (two sprays to each nostril) and a 30mg Sudafed® tablet one hour before descending. This will help open your Eustachian tubes, helping prevent ear pain. If symptoms persist, you should contact your ENT doctor.

Depending on the cause of your open Eustachian tube, your ENT doctor may recommend several different treatments. Treatments for increased inner ear pressure include prescribing diuretics or office surgery to deliver steroids to the inner ear.

Myth: Loud noises won't hurt me because I'm young

Truth: Loud noises can damage anyone's hearing, no matter their age

Damage to the ear can occur from exposure to loud noises like guns fire near the ear, industrial sounds, lawn and construction equipment, and music played too loud - especially via headphones.

But how do you know if you have hearing damage? If you experience ringing, stuffiness, or hearing loss after noise exposure, damage to the delicate cells of the cochlea has probably occurred.

Unfortunately, most hearing damage is permanent, so the best treatment is prevention. Ear protection should be worn in any noisy situation:

o loud work environments

o when using power tools and noisy yard equipment

o during firearm use

o when riding a motorcycle

o when exposed to loud music at concerts

But hearing protection doesn't have to be bulky or ugly. Today's ear plugs are practically invisible, and ear muffs can blend in if worn in the winter. Custom molded ear plugs are also available to ensure
an optimal fit in the ear canal. Additionally, some personal listening devices have volume limits, preventing excess noise exposure.

The good news is that for some cases a short course of steroids may reverse acute hearing damage.

Myth: There is no treatment for tinnitus; I just have to live with it

Truth: Many treatments can help tinnitus sufferers

Tinnitus is a very common hearing-related complaint - upwards of 50 million American adults have some degree of the hearing disorder. Tinnitus occurs as the little hair cells in the cochlea die, causing noise or ringing in the ear.

Although this ringing is not a serious problem, people experiencing it should be evaluated by an ENT doctor because it can indicate a more serious medical problem. When you are evaluated for tinnitus, your physician will perform special tests to determine the cause and recommend treatment if necessary.

So, what kinds of treatments are available for those with tinnitus? Currently several treatment options exist, including

o Masking tinnitus with outside noise such as music or TV. If the tinnitus is accompanied by hearing loss, a hearing aid can increase outside noise, reducing the intensity of tinnitus.

o Low-salt diet.

o Electrical stimulation.

o Stress reduction.

o Bio feedback.

o Zinc, Ginkgo, garlic pills, and supplements including high level antioxidants.

o Brain retraining, in which a therapist works with you to train your brain not to hear the tinnitus.

Also, knowing that tinnitus is not a life-threatening problem may help you cope.

Myth: My parents went deaf, so I am bound to go deaf, too

Truth: Heredity is a factor in hearing loss, but not a certainty

Hearing loss is a combination of many factors: exposure to loud sounds, general health, heredity, and age. We are genetic products of our family, and hearing loss is no exception. And as we age, the tiny hair cells in the cochlea that lie closest to the middle ear begin to die, resulting in a high-tone hearing loss. But no one factor plays a more influential role than the others, so no one is "doomed to deafness."

Normally a gradual process, hearing loss can occur quite suddenly - even overnight. If you suddenly notice that you can't hear out of one ear, it is a medical emergency. Put the phone up to your ear; if you can't hear the dial tone, see an ENT specialist as soon as possible. Hopefully it is just ear wax blocking the ear canal, but you need to visit an ENT to find out for sure.

Signs of more gradual hearing loss include

o Needing to turn the TV or radio turned up louder than other family members

o Asking people to repeat themselves all the time

o Your spouse says you don't listen to him or her

o Sounds muffled, or distant

o You have trouble hearing from a cellular telephone

While hearing loss is certainly disappointing and inconvenient, it can be treated. Examination by an ENT doctor is necessary to make the correct diagnosis. This usually includes a hearing test and other special ear tests.

Once a diagnosis is made, treatment can begin. Treatment for sudden deafness is done with steroids either taken orally or placed directly into the ear. Additionally, a hearing device may be needed.

Treatment for the more common, progressive hearing loss that can reduce symptoms and effects includes a four-part program of healthy life style changes, including

o At least 30 minutes of daily exercise,

o Vitamin and mineral supplements,

o A healthy diet of veggies, fruits, whole grains, fish and lean meat, and

o Protection from excessive noise exposure.

Myth: There is no treatment for deafness in one ear

Truth: Two successful treatments exist for hearing loss in just one ear

There are two hearing devices that allow a person to hear from a deaf earCROS and BAHA.

CROS (Contra Lateral Routing of Signals) or Bi-CROS is a hearing aid that uses microphones to pick up sound from the deaf ear and transmit it to the hearing ear. As a result, the CROS aid allows sound to be heard from all directions, and even allows a telephone to be used in the deaf ear.

BAHA (Bone Anchored Hearing Aid), or bone stimulator, picks up sound from the deaf ear and transmits it through the skull to the hearing ear. Minor surgery is required to implant a titanium screw behind the ear, serving as an anchor for the external processor, which holds the device. The results are excellent.

Treating Hip Pain Using Chiropractic Methods

The hip is a stable joint, reinforced by strong ligaments, and several powerful groups of muscles. It is much easier to harm the shoulder, knee, and ankle than to injure the hip. Even so, hip problems can be highly disabling.

Daily activities such as walking down stairs, and turning in bed can be uncomfortable or painful for patients with a hip problem. The hip links to the lower extremity kinetic chain, transferring ground-reaction forces from the legs to the trunk.

Some hip problems are due to trauma, while many other conditions are due to overuse or misuse. Muscle imbalance impairs the normal joint function, limiting the functional range of motion. Degenerative and pathological hip conditions can be challenging to diagnose. Many times, patients who complain of pain and discomfort in the lower back, the buttocks, or the legs can be traced to a hip condition. And conditions such as hernia or aneurysm, without an obvious hip connection, may also prompt pain in the hip or groin.

Often, hip disease manifests as pain in the groin radiating all around the thigh and the knee. In such cases, the real challenge is ensure that the hip and thigh pain is a pathology of the hip as opposed to intra-abdominal or retroperitoneal pain. The majority of hip conditions are related to biomechanical issues. For example, when a patient strains a knee, and has knee or ankle problems, the gait is affected, causing hip pain. A change in gait may include carrying a baby or small child on the hip. People may also complain of hip pain when they are sitting differently. Basically, asymmetry of motion can cause a hip problem.

Doctors of Chiropractic see many hip conditions develop over a period of time, such as trochanteric bursitis, recurrent muscle strains, piriformis syndrome, and chronic degenerative changes in the hip joint (degenerative joint disease). Chiropractors have thorough knowledge of hip joint function, its involved muscles, and the adequate exercise regimen to help patients with hip problems.

Hip Treatments

Gentle stretching of specific muscle groups can be performed even right after an injury. Gradual movements of the joint should also be employed in order to prevent the formation of adhesions. In addition, vigorous exercise of the contralateral leg muscles helps create a neurological stimulus in the injured muscles that offsets atrophy. In the case of an acute injury with muscle swelling, however, an initial period of rest may be needed.

Piriformis syndrome and trochanteric bursitis may benefit from specific stretching exercises. Piriformis syndrome develops when the piriformis muscle inflames the sciatic nerve, causing hip aches down the back of the leg. Treatment should include gentle stretches of the piriformis muscle.

Trochanteric bursitis brings pain to the lateral part of the hip. Localized pain in this area indicates the need for stretches to lengthen this segment of connective tissue.

Weakened or injured muscles can be strengthened with the use of isotonic resistance exercises from a machine, elastic tubing, weights, or the body's own weight.

Since biomechanical alignment issues are linked with chronic hip complaints, patients must be screened for leg-length discrepancies and pronations. The failure to address these factors may cause recurring hip complaints, or symptoms in other locations. The lower extremities must be properly aligned to ensure the hip joints work smoothly.


In patients in their sixties and older, with preexisting conditions such as knee replacements, hip pain can result from age-related degenerative conditions. Osteoarthritis of the hip joint is one such degenerative condition that is commonly reported. Osteoarthritis of the hip joint may also occur after many years of improper biomechanics and dysfunction.

Here follows hip problems that originate within and around the hip:

  • Overuse injuries, repetitive motion, or gait conditions

  • Serious injuries, such as fractures

  • Avascular necrosis

  • Joint or bone infections near the hip. These are followed by fever, redness, and/or swelling

Contact a Chiropractic Doctor

A chiropractic doctor will evaluate the patient's medical history, ask about past exercise and movement that, in some cases, may point to a fracture or pathology. Chiropractic care will correct the subluxations and biomechanical faults of the pelvis and seek the right course of treatment to prevent and treat hip conditions.

Natural Cure For Arthritis - Prevention Is Still The Best Option

Arthritis literally means inflammation of the joints. Annually, millions of Americans are affected by this malady especially those in their fifties. But recent surveys revealed that some persons in their twenties already have arthritis. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease which is a result of erosion and destruction of the cartilage. The cartilage is a tissue that absorbs shocks to the joints caused by injuries, wear and tear, stress, improper nutrition, genetics, metabolic and endocrine factors. Usual symptoms are pain aggravated by movement, stiffness and in worsening cases, sufferers start to have limitations of movement that may lead to disability.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic autoimmune disease: it means that the person's immune system attacks certain tissues in the body particularly the joints and the synovium. Symptoms are red, stiff painful joints and in some cases fever, weight loss and anemia. The triggers are usually infections or injuries.

Arthritis is usually treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the more recent Celecoxibs. Use of these drugs should be minimized because of some controversies involving these drugs and their many side effects, hence more and more patients seek alternative and natural cure.

Proper Diet and Exercise

Most helpful are low impact exercises like walking, swimming and stretching - you can also ask your physical therapist or physician to make a program of exercise designed for your type of arthritis. Healthy diet is important, so try to eat a balanced diet, take lots of vegetables, fruits, fish high in Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamins C, E and folic acid. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol, coffee and tea.

Ultrasound Heat Therapy

This uses an ultrasound machine that produces high energy sound waves directed to the affected joints and muscles. It relieves pain and its effect is medium to short term.

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)

This is a portable battery operated device that works by sending electrical currents to affected parts of the body. Electrodes are attached to the affected surface and are set in desired duration and intensity of stimulation. Many claim a significant reduction of symptoms and improvement of general well being.

PST (Pulsed Signal Therapy)

When joint tissues are stressed, this creates an electrical signal that causes the body to repair itself. PST works this way - it produces electromagnetic electrical signals at repeated and specific intervals that will in turn activate the body to repair or regenerate. This is usually done at a frequency of nine one-hour sessions.


Diathermy uses electromagnetic heat which is applied to the injured tissues and muscles. Temperature is raised by a high frequency current. It is believed that heat speeds up healing process by increasing blood flow to the injury. Precautions are necessary - for example, it should not be used on wet areas or those with metal objects to avoid risk of burn injury.

Intake of Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate

These substances are called amino sugars which give elasticity to the cartilage. The recommended amount is 1500mg of glucosamine and 1200 mg of chondroitin sulfate per day for at least 6 to 8 weeks to achieve benefits. Precautions are given to children, pregnant women, diabetics, those taking blood thinners and those with allergies.

An Ounce of Prevention is Better than a Pound of Cure

Of course, nothing beats preventive measures to avoid developing crippling Arthritis. One of the most important is to lose weight if you are overweight because extra weight will put more stress to your joints. Intake of antioxidants like Vitamins C and E is recommended because they attack free radicals. There are also studies on the importance of oily fish like salmon, tuna and swordfish.

Regular exercise helps strengthen and make the muscles and joints more flexible to protect them from wear and tear. Simple practical measures include good posture, usage of big joints when lifting and carrying, use of supportive and comfortable shoes, use of protective gears for those in injury prone sports. Minimize job-related induced arthritis like improperly positioned tables and computers.

To de-stress is also a key factor if you are looking for a natural cure for arthritis, as evidence suggests that stress plays an important role in its development, so go on vacation, do some Yoga, Pilates or Tai Chi - and lastly, always have a regular check up with your physician.

What Can I Do About Tinnitus, The Non-Stop Ringing In My Ears?

Tinnitus is a common problem, which affects 50 million Americans, according to the American Tinnitus Association (ATA). For one third of those who suffer from tinnitus, the problem is "significantly annoying", for 1 percent of tinnitus sufferers this condition is debilitating and it interferes with sleep and their ability to lead a normal life. The "ringing in the ears" is described as static, screeching, ringing, hissing, crickets, whooshing, roaring, pulsing, ocean waves, buzzing, or dial tones, as stated by By Janice Howard, MA, CCC-A, member of the Tinnitus Practitioner's Association, in her article Tinnitus Treatment Saves a Marriage. Some people report hearing music and even voices. Hearing voices falls in the auditory hallucination realm, while hearing music is somewhere in between tinnitus and auditory hallucinations and is beyond the scope of this article.

Many tinnitus sufferers believe they have a terrible disease which is causing the ringing in their ears. When they seek medical help and their medical providers tell them they can't find anything wrong and to "learn to live with it", despair and isolation increases, which in turn might make tinnitus worse. Tinnitus is not a disease, it's a symptom. Several medical conditions may cause tinnitus, therefore it is important to have a complete medical evaluation if you experience tinnitus, which should begin with a visit to an audiologist, preferably one familiar with tinnitus. The audiologist can then make a referral to an otolaryngologist (ENT) or family practice physician if needed. Once you've been medically cleared, that is, if your doctor can't find any medical reason for the tinnitus, you should seek the help of a professional who specializes in tinnitus management. Good places to start are the Tinnitus Practitioner's Association and the American Tinnitus Association.

Some conditions that may cause tinnitus are:

Presbycusis (age-related hearing loss)

Noise exposure with or without hearing loss


Otosclerosis (arthritis of the middle ear bones)

Stress and depression

TMJ disorders (problems with the temporomandibular joint)

Head or neck injuries


Blood vessel disorders


High blood pressure

Some medications

However, for many people the cause of ringing in the ears is not known.

People react differently to tinnitus. Some find it a little annoying and others find it debilitating. Unlike what most people think, the actual "volume" of the ringing is not very different between the groups, that is, it's not that tinnitus is softer in those who feel mildly annoyed, rather, it's the person's reaction to the noise that makes it either annoying or unbearable. There are several treatments that can help people cope with their tinnitus, including:


Hearing aids


Psychological therapy

Sound therapy

It is important to know that as of this writing there is no cure for tinnitus, however, this doesn't mean there is no help for dealing with it. Many tinnitus sufferers have gotten their lives back by seeking help.

I will explore the "why" and "how" tinnitus therapy works on my next article.

Presently Exposed! 5 Sure-Fire Hints On The Way To Maintain Your Nagging Arthritis Joint Swelling

Arthritis Remedies - The numbers can certainly rattle you down to your bones if you let them. Millions upon millions of North American adults are afflicted with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and that's not including people around the globe in other nations. The fact is, rheumatoid arthritis tops the list as one of the most widespread chronic conditions in the states and most other developed nations.

The statistics are considerably worse considering that joint disease pain and other arthritis signs and symptoms are so tough to live with in many occasions. arthritis signs can normally include devastating agony in your joints along with your bone fragments. It can lead to the inability to move some specific limbs, or perhaps drastic hardness in others.

Joint disease ache could possibly steal your ability to feed yourself with utensils, to be able to pick-up your grand kids, or even leave your bed every morning. Other rheumatoid arthritis conditions may include inflammation, burning sensations in your joints, aches and pains in indiscriminate elements of the entire body, and redness.

Arthritis is truly a category of lots of diverse dysfunctions. And then to source the most appropriate arthritis pain relief and remedy for you, you must understand your particular form of arthritis. The two very important types of arthritis are arthritis rheumatoid and osteoarthritis (OA). Another highlight is gout, and a few often contemplate fibromyalgia a form of arthritis.

Every type has its own arthritis treatment solution. For osteoarthritis, sometimes known as degenerative joint disease, here is an example: to get joint disease pain remedies various health specialists tend to recommend alternative homeopathic solutions, or even your standard health supplement medical treatments like vitamin C, vitamin D, along with calcium supplement.

The very best sure-fire arthritis treatment recommendations involve a little of such therapies, along with some physical things you can do to easier guard your joints.

1. Often be gentle towards your joint capsules. Osteoarthritis (OA) starts as abnormal corrosion inside your joints. Hence one of the best ways to reduce the risk of this is by averting repetitive workouts, which unfortunately could include swinging a tennis racket, golf club, picking up packages at work, and other activities you do similarly time and time again.

2. Trim off fat. Another way to be the kindest to your joint capsules is to lose the load they have to carry. Quite simply, lose weight. Talk to your physician about exactly what a sensible body weight is for you if you're plump.

3. Eat right. Several consultants believe that calcium-filled dairy meals, and vitamin packed veggies and fruits, can go quite a distance as a possible arthritis cure and prevention strategy.

4. Know much more about your prescribed drugs. NSAIDs work well against some kinds of arthritis pain, unfortunately they also come with concerns. Recall Vioxx? Acetaminophen, the drug in Tylenol, performs very well, too, nonetheless it can also produce kidney and liver organ problems in substantial doses. So don't take these medicines without your physician's professional guidance.

5. Become familiar with your herbal treatments as well. Chondroitin and glucosamine have finally been recognized as beneficial remedies for arthritis soreness. Nonetheless talk with your health practitioner prior to taking them.

There is absolutely no guarantee that any of these types of arthritis treatment options will let you not end up part of that daunting arthritis statistic, however the beauty is, irrespective of how much they appeal to your arthritis agony, they will without a doubt benefit your entire wellbeing. So it is a win-win scenario does not matter how you look at it.

Radiofrequency Neurotomy (Ablation) for the Sacroiliac Joint

As individuals age, arthritis ensues and weight bearing mobile joints may experience significant pain. There are sacroiliac joints on both sides of the body. They are joints with cartilage and some movement does occur in the joints. It is not nearly as much movement as a ball and socket joint like the hip, but enough to cause daily pain for individuals. Radiofrequency ablation may help for an extended duration in the SI joints and be an excellent nonoperative treatment.

The unfortunate things about sacroiliac joint pain are that

1) it is a very common problem to have

2) It can be tough to diagnose the SI joint as a pain generator

3) It is a tough problem to treat either non-operatively or operatively

Similar to the facet joints in the lumbar spine, it can be difficult for a pain doctor to accurately place a needle into the joint. A significant angle may be necessary to achieve placement, and it should always be performed under x-ray guidance. Having a sacroiliac joint injection performed without it entails a high miss rate, upwards of 50%.

The objective with a radiofrequency ablation, also called a radiofrequency neurotomy, is to heat up and "deaden" the small nerve endings supplying the sacroiliac joint causing a patient's pain. These are not nerves that supply vital motor or sensory functions, but tiny little nerve endings that bring sensation to the joint itself. If those can be negated, pain can be decreased.

Prior to it being performed, the pain doctor will perform a diagnostic injection containing numbing medicine around these nerve endings to make sure the patient will obtain pain relief and the joint is the source of the pain.

If it works, then the radiofrequency procedure is indicated and the patient's insurance company usually approves the procedure. The procedure has been shown on average to alleviate pain from six to 18 months, which is more than double the average of a standard cortisone injection.

A radiofrequency ablation is an outpatient procedure. Patients who are on blood thinning medications like Coumadin will need to stop this for at least 5 days or so prior - the physician can give specific time frames.

The procedure usually lasts 30 to 45 minutes and the patient will be sore for days afterwards. In fact, the patient may get worse for a few weeks as the initial trauma from the procedure wears off and the benefits "kick in".

At a certain point after the procedure, the nerve endings will grow back and regenerate. This may bring back the pain from before, it may not. If this happens, the procedure may be repeated.

Potential complications of a radiofrequency neurotomy include pain around the injection site, numbness of the skin over the injection site, initially worsened pain due to muscle spasms, infections (rare), or in a small amount of cases worsened pain from the procedure (unusual).

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Treatment of Degenerative Knee Pain - The Monster That Cripples You - Get Support

Most Effective Ways To Treat Degenerative Knee Pain

Degenerative knee pain is a condition that affects millions of Americans every year and can result in progressive, severe deformity of the joint. While there are several different ways to manage this condition, they will not necessarily result in a cure.

Although degenerative knee disease is not curable, it is not life threatening either. There are plenty of people who have this condition and who go about their lives normally just using a knee brace to support the knee and taking an occasional pain killer to manage the pain.

What are the Treatment Options Available?

Some of the most effective treatments for degenerative knee pain include:

1.) Ice pack
2.) Over the counter pain pills
3.) Exercises
4.) Anti-inflammatory medication
5.) Cortisone shots
6.) Knee replacement surgery
7.) Knee brace

All of these treatment methods except cortisone shots and knee replacement surgery can be self administered by the sufferer. So what should you opt for? Should you bite the bullet and go in for knee replacement surgery right away or should you first try out the other options?

In order to determine which is the right treatment for you, it is important to first assess the frequency of the joint flare ups and the severity of the knee pain. You will also need to take into consideration your age as well as how the condition impacts your daily life.

Conservative Treatment Options for Degenerative Knee Pain

Conservative treatment options, which offer you a safe way to manage the pain and swelling, should be your first line of defense if you have degenerative knee pain. This means you should consider ice packs to control the flare ups and over the counter pain pills to manage the pain (Speak with your physician about taking any drugs). Wearing a knee brace which can provide you with meaningful support that can reduce your pain and will help to allow you to walk around and get on with your daily activities.

Your instinctive reaction may be to try and move your knees as little as possible in order to avoid aggravating the condition. However, this could render the knee even stiffer than before. Many doctors will advise some sort of exercise for the knee to prevent it from getting stiff.

Cortisone shots or injections can also help with the pain but only on a temporary basis. These injections must be administered by a health care practitioner.

Knee Replacement Surgery for Degenerative Knee Pain

Though frequently recommended, knee replacement surgery does not offer any guarantee that the knee will be as good as new. Considering the pain, the post-op inconvenience and the mounting expenses of the surgery and rehabilitation, it is a high risk to take. Moreover, the duration of rehabilitation is indefinite, and the temporary lay off from work could just add another blow to your finances.

A very small percentage of people would actually consider full knee replacement surgery as their first choice. Most people who suffer from this condition will treat their degenerative knee pain with medication and a knee brace, which will enable them to remain active and relatively pain free without having to undergo the trauma of surgery.

If you believe that you can benefit from pain reduction and increased knee stability, then you should seriously consider a knee brace today. These supports can be obtained very quickly and are also very affordable, especially when you compare it to the costs that of surgery.

Do You Have Degenerative Arthritis?

With 10 million or more people with arthritis, the majority of them will have degenerative arthritis. This arthritis is called Osteoarthritis. Degenerative arthritis occurs when joints are overworked, rub against each other, experience excess friction, and slowly degenerate.

Most joints rub against each other, but bone joints have a protective layer called cartilage. This cartilage has no blood vessels or nerves so it cannot receive nutrients directly. This cartilage serves as a cushion or pad between bones so that bones don't wear out and so you don't feel pain.

Cartilage should not wear out if its surfaces remain lubricated with oils that you eat. But if you are not eating the right oils or the proper amount, then your cartilage can become dry. Under these conditions you will slowly deteriorate the cartilage, which will lead to degenerative arthritis.

Once your cartilage becomes damage or grinded down, it is hard to regenerate it. Cartilage is not a living tissue and does not receive its nourishment directly from blood vessels. It is made up of mucin, albumin and sulfuric acid. It absorbs oils and nutrients by osmosis.

Osmosis is the movement of oil from an area of high oil concentration, passing through a membrane, into an area of low oil concentration. So, if the cartilage is deficient in oil and you don't eat the oil it needs to minimize cartilage-to-cartilage friction, then degenerative arthritis will occur over time.

Eating oil that is high in vitamin D and iodine is what is necessary for good cartilage strength and function. Oil such as cod liver oil is ideal as lubrication for cartilage function. Fish oil is another good oil to eat. When you eat cod liver oil, this oil passes through the joint lining into the joint cavity. Once in the cavity, this oil is absorbed into the cartilage through osmosis.

Once the cartilage is properly lubricated, it has an elasticity and lubrication so that when it rubs against other cartilage little friction and cartilage degeneration occurs.

There is another process that can affect the integrity of the cartilage. Calcium can deposit on the bone near the cartilage and break into the cartilage and wear it down.

To prevent this condition, calcium must be kept in solution in the lymph liquid. This is done by maintain a balance diet.

Degenerative arthritis is a process where the cartilage at the end of bones in joint structures slowly degrades. This degradation occurs from the lack of the right oil in the diet and through calcium build up in the bone joint. Joint degeneration starts to occur after the age of 20 and can continue if the right diet if not followed.

Eating the right food to prevent degenerative arthritis is difficult to do if you have been brought up eating the wrong kind of food. But as an adult, you can now make a choice as to whether you will have Osteoarthritis when you get older by continuing to eat the wrong kinds food.