Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Perfect Diet for Cervical Spondylosis

As people age, they encounter a handful of medical conditions related to ageing. One of these age-related diseases that are mostly common in 85% of people with the age of seventy (70) is Cervical Spondylosis.

Also known as Cervical Osteoarthritis or neck arthritis, cervical spondylosis is one of those degenerative diseases that affect men more than women. The condition appears in old age as a defense against the body's natural mechanism of wear and tear. Although some people are already suffering from this condition, it is not clearly diagnosed unless a thorough neck x-ray is performed. Those who are positive with the disease often complain recurrent neck stiffness accompanied with pain.

When you are diagnosed with Cervical Spondylosis, your physician will usually advise that you should adhere to a strict diet to decrease the pain intensity in your neck area. You will be required to avoid specific food preparations along with certain condiments that has the ability to worsen the pain associated with the disease. On the other hand, there are also specific fruits and vegetables that can help alleviate the neck pain caused by the degenerative condition.

If you are suffering from Cervical Spondylosis, what then are the foods you need to avoid?

One of the many contraindications of Cervical Spondylosis is fried and salty foods along with those that had been cooked with hot spices. You also need to avoid ingestion of sour food, most especially curd. Tea and coffee are included among the strictly need to avoid list.

Your "to avoid" list should also include acid-building foods such as red meat, citrus fruits and even white potatoes. Accumulation of acid in your body can signal joint inflammation and worsen Cervical Spondylosis.

It is advisable to eat wheat instead of rice. Soup along with vegetable juices is a must in your diet. To fight free radicals in your body, it is beneficial to consume foods rich in Vitamins A & C. Free radicals are sometimes the root cause of neck swelling and inflammation.

There are a lot of food selections you can choose from for an effective relief from Cervical Spondylosis. Turmeric, which is one of the primary ingredients in Indian cuisine, has the ability to block inflammation processes in the body, including joint inflammation. Include this in your diet along with apples, ginger and garlic. Foods with abundant supply of Omega 3 and Vitamin E such as oil seeds, nuts and fish can also help combat joint inflammation.

Take note that if you have Cervical Spondylosis, you should be eating four healthy meals a day. Each of your meals should include ample amounts of calcium, phosphorous and protein.

Low Level Laser Therapy For Pain - LLLT

Low Level Laser Therapy or LLLT is a medical treatment commonly used to treat pain, joint disorders and some wound healing. It is most often used over joints and nerves. It uses lighted diodes to change the cellular function. There have been many clinical testings that show that LLLT is effective in providing pain relief for all types of problems.

There are several conditions that can cause pain that Low-Level Laser Therapy can help to relieve or treat. Some of the most common problems it has been used in treating are:

  • Tendonitis

  • Painful joints

  • Neck and back pain

  • Carpal tunnel

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Sinusitis

  • Tonsillitis

  • Vertigo

  • TMJ

  • Chronic back pain

  • Pain and injury from trauma

  • Reduces Inflammation

  • Migraines and headaches

There are many different things that low-level laser therapy is used for but it is most effective in the treatment of all types of pain. From a slight nagging pain to the more chronic pain that never leaves you. It has also been approved for treatment of helping to heal wounds and ulcers.

LLLT has also been proven to reduce inflammation. It is useful in the treatments of inflammation of skin conditions such as acne and eczema. Low-Level Laser Therapy has also been used in the treatment of migraines, hearing loss and even the treatment of some scars.

This type of therapy is also being used for the treatment of hair loss. While it does seem to help some other types of skin inflammation and wounds it is primarily used for the treatment of acute and chronic pain in the body.

While the theory of exactly how low-level laser therapy works has not been officially stated, the light given off by the lasers during light therapy causes photochemical reactions within the cells that have been targeted. It also has been suggested that it helps to control and reduce pain due to increasing the blood flow to the area and lowering the levels of several types of prostaglandin that cause stress and pain in the cells. It also increases adenosine triphosphate in the mitochondria which produces more oxygen. It also produces ATP which promotes relief of painful sensations in the cells.

The great thing about the use of low-level laser therapy is that it is painless. It can be used at any time. It also provides fast relief for these painful symptoms. It greatly reduces your healing time by providing cell stimulation to increase and promote the healing of cells. It is also 100% safe as the level of the laser is low so that it can not damage any of the cells that are being treated. It is not toxic, non-invasive and has virtually no long-term side effects to the patient. Application is very easy and very quick.

Treatment with these lasers will depend on your condition. Some people have relief in as little as one time, while others have to be treated 8 to 10 times for the pain to go away or decrease.

Things You Need to Know About Joint Pain Relief

Joint pain can originate from different causes. When the condition is not inflammatory, the term used by medical practitioners is arthralgia while arthritis is the appropriate term when the condition is inflammatory. Although joint pain can be caused by a number of factors, common origins such as osteoarthritis brought about by aging are easier to address. There are many autoimmune factors which can bring about joint pain and usually, these are serious cases which need the proper diagnosis and treatment. These, medical practitioners can provide.

If the joint pain is deemed to be not life threatening and you would like to experience joint pain relief, you can opt for alternative medications which can give you good results ranging from short term to long term effects.

One of the most popular pain relief treatments is probably acupuncture. Before, acupuncture has been ignored by many physicians, but now, there are many studies to prove the efficacy of this oriental treatment. As a result, you can now find doctors in hospitals which are properly trained to perform acupuncture treatment. The reason why acupuncture can help in giving relief to painful joints has something to do with the release of chemical compounds in the body which are induced by the needles used in the therapy. Accordingly, there are certain points in the body which, when targeted, can shut down pain and trick the body into believing that it is not in pain.

Another natural way of alleviating joint pain is through the use of herbal medicines. Some of the herbs used in managing the pain of the joints include licorice, Indian ginseng, ginger, menthol and camphor. If you are familiar with the herb peperomia, it has been used by many Asian households to manage joint pain. The stalks and leaves of this herb are edible. When harvested, clean the herb in running water and you can eat it raw or as a salad. You can as well boil the 1 cup of the leaves or the stalks in 2 cups of water and drink it in the morning and the afternoon. If you are under a certain medication, consult first with your physician because taking herbals with other medications can bring forth chemical reactions that are can be harmful to your health.

In addition, you can avoid pain and give joint pain relief as well by avoiding certain foods that can give you pain. Some of the foods to avoid include dairy products, fatty foods, processed foods, meat, sugar, coffee, nuts, alcohol and leguminous foods. On the other hand, you might as well try fruits and green leafy vegetables rich in vitamin c. One example of vitamin c rich foods is berries. Berries can protect your joints from wear and tear and vitamin c is essential in formation of connective tissues.

You can get joint pain relief through many means, but it is also important that you understand the mechanism behind pain and how this pain can protect your body. The pain tells you that something is wrong so that you can act fast and do something to address what is wrong with your body. Also, preventive measures are important for your joints to be healthy and for them not to give you any pains.

Dog Joint Pain - What You Can Do to Make Your Home Dog Joint Friendly in His Golden Years!

Just like you, dog joint pain can plague your best friend as they get older. Good pet joint health is one of the responsibilities the owner should live up to as Fido reaches his golden years. From knee to hips, your dog can suffer a great deal pain but never complain.

Some of the warning signs that your dogs joints are beginning to bother him are seen in his lack of activity. His willingness to run or jump is also a sign that he may be suffering from joint pain in his knees tor hips. If he hesitates as he climbs the stairs, chances are that he is weighing the benefits of sleeping in his favorite spot vs. the pain he must endure to get there.

If he is overweight, his condition may affect him even earlier in life than you would expect. Just like a human, the amount of weight he is carrying around directly stresses his knees and hip joints. Ongoing obesity can further aggravate an already difficult health condition. Proper nutrition and weight management is always recommended to ensure a healthy friend in his golden years.

If his mobility continues to concern you, a visit to the vet is always recommended. Often times certain over the counter supplements are available to help in relieving joint pain and providing some welcome relief. Supplements that contain ingredients like glucosamine and chondroitin are usually recommended. Glucosamine is a naturally occurring substance that appears in cartilage in both man and animals.

It helps to keep joints fluid and flexible by assisting in keeping them hydrated and limber. This in turn provides protection between the joints by cushioning the forces that joints take during exercise or running activities. Although the scientific benefits are still being researched, many supplements for joint pain include this compound. If your dog is diabetic, glucose levels must be monitored regularly to ensure there are no side effects from the treatment. Owners who treat their animals with this supplement report, effective mobility and increased activity when used regularly.

In addition to supplements, you can also make the environment more "joint friendly". It is recommended to add carpeting in his favorite areas where wood or tile floors exist. It will make it easier for him to stand and maintain balance and control. An Orthopedic bed might also provide some comfort for him when resting or sleeping.

In summary dog joint pain is common in many breeds as they mature. Your ability help them through weight management, exercise and in some cases, dietary supplements will make your remaining years together more enjoyable.

Glucosamine Tablets

Glucosamine is a protein plus sugar molecule that is usually given to persons suffering from arthritis. It has proven to be effective in assuaging pain, improving flexibility and strengthening the bones. Today, glucosamine is available as tablets, as injections and also as a liquid.

The standard dosage that is prescribed is usually 1500mg. After taking the tablet the concentration of glucosamine in blood is in its peak during the first four hours after which it gradually declines. The glucosamine tablets are usually supplemented with compounds such as chondroitin, Methyl Sulfonyl Methanol and collagen.

The tablets that use glucosamine and chondroitin usually contain extracts from fish. Each tablet typically contains 100mg of pharmaceutical chondroitin sulfate and other compounds like Maltodextrin, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Stearic Acid, Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate and Hydroxypropylmethyl Cellulose. The reason for using MSM in tablets is that, sulfur is required for the manufacture of many proteins. Sulfur is present in bones, teeth and tissues and helps to build a good anti-inflammation system.

Some tablets also contain Vitamin C, manganese and collagen as ingredients. Vitamin C plays a crucial role in healing wounds, stimulating tissue repairs and building healthy bones. Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant is very important for building a good immune system and maintaining the integrity of blood vessels and gums.

Manganese is necessary for healthy skin, bone and cartilage formation. One of the key properties of manganese is that it activates the antioxidant enzyme superdioxide Dismutase. Collagen is present in bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, skin and teeth. It is very useful for people with degenerative osteoarthritis. It functions by stalling the auto-immune processes of the disease.

People who are pure vegetarians might not like the usage of tablets which have extracts from fish and other marine creatures. It is for these people that vegan glucosamine tablets have been introduced. It is made from corn instead of shellfish. These types of tablets make a difference in two lives. They uphold the greatest theory of the universe "To live and let live."

Back Pain Relief and Hip Stretches - What's the Connection?

I am a physical therapist and I regularly see back pain patients in my clinic who get lasting relief from stretching. Whether they are suffering from a simple case of low back pain or have a fully herniated disc, a key element of their treatment is often a rigorous hip stretching routine.

The Hamstrings get most of the attention when it comes to stretching for back pain relief. The connection between the Hamstrings and the back is that the Hamstrings attach to the pelvis at your sit bones and extend down the back of your leg to just below your knees. This allows them to control motion at the knee and the hip. When the Hamstrings are tight they do not allow sufficient motion at the hip. The hip doesn't rotate freely when we bend or twist. Because the hip is the first mobile joint below the vertebral joints in the low back, the spine must flex and twist more than it normally would to make up for the lack of motion in the hips. Therefore normal activities such as walking, sitting down, getting up and bending over will cause excessive motion in the low back which puts undue stress on the vertebra and surrounding tissues. This persistent stress can result in, or perpetuate chronic lower back pain. Also, an acute back injury such as a disc injury or a low back strain may not heal in a timely fashion due to this persistent stress.

The human body is an amazing self-healing system. However in some cases there may be some barriers to healing that need to be addressed before the body can heal itself. Most people come to physical therapy after about two weeks of pain that does not resolve on its own. When a patient arrives in the clinic, it is my job to find out why their system is not healing itself and what may have caused it to breakdown in the first place. A crucial part of my low back evaluation is the hip range of motion assessment. It is not uncommon to find limited hip motion in back pain patients. Fortunately, it is possible to stretch the hip muscles back to the proper length and restore normal hip motion, thereby alleviating a primary source of irritation to the low back.

Due to the limited movement patterns most people use in their jobs and the excessive amount of sitting that most people do during the day, it is not surprising that many people have some restriction in their hip motion. The Hamstrings get all the press when it comes to stretching, but there are other hip muscles that contribute to back pain when they are tight. These are the hip rotators, the hip flexors and the Quadriceps. These muscles all control some aspect of hip motion and are often as much of a contributor to pain in the low back, as the Hamstrings.

For many patients, Yoga, regular stretching classes or a home stretching program can be the key to back pain relief. For information about how to safely stretch your hips and other muscles related to low back pain, consult a physical therapist or if you don't have access to a therapist I recommend a book called the 7 Secrets of Back Pain Relief Guide.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Treatment of Canine Arthritis With Human Glucosamine For Dogs

Human Glucosamine for dogs has been effectively used to treat dogs suffering from arthritis or osteoarthritis. The results have been very encouraging and positive. These products have been found to be the safest and most effective way of treating aging dogs suffering from the crippling effects of arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Human medicines have to be of human food value while for pets the same have to be of animal food value, which is at a significantly lower level. Hence, the challenge might come in the way of getting the dogs to ingest the medicines. Human Glucosamine cannot be patented by pharmaceutical majors and hence they prefer to stay away from manufacturing medicines for pets. Glucosamine belongs to a class of nutraceuticals and the FDA does not exercise strict control over it. Glucosamine is a naturally occurring substance found in many food products in abundance and are categorized as vitamins.

The typical patients that are subjected to the treatment are middle aged and old dogs who exhibit symptoms of stiffness and limping. Some dogs find it difficult to negotiate stairs while some have problems while getting in and out of vehicles.

Glucosamine is mostly found in the cartilage of animals and humans, and a majority of it is unsuitable for use due to degradation. Animals synthesize the required Glucosamine from glucose. However with advanced age, the ability to synthesize glucose diminishes significantly and also due to increased injury to cartilages, the body is unable to keep with the requirement. Therefore one has to supply Glucosamine from outside for normal bodily functions.

One can safely use human Glucosamine for dogs to replenish the depleted amount. One should consult the veterinary doctor before using any medication. It is always advised to have the dog thoroughly checked and diagnosed for a specific condition before starting medication. Glucosamine does not hide or mask the pain, instead it helps, renew, repair and rebuild cartilage. There are no reported side effects even for cases where there has been prolonged usage of Glucosamine. Glucosamine provides dogs with a key component of cartilage called collegen. Collegen is composed of water, which in turn is supported by proteogylcans. Glucosamine synthesizes proteogylcans in two ways. The first way is by virtue of being a key component of the structure of proteogylcan. Secondly, Glucosamine induces the production of proteogylcan producing cells.

Glucosamine is readily available in Chitin, which is a key component in the structure of shell fish. Pure Glucosamine is obtained after removing calcium and proteins, following which the Glucosamine is stabilized with another substance to ensure potency. For dogs the most studied and widely used variant of Glucosamine is Glucosamine Hydrocloride.

There are some schools of thought that believe that human Glucosamine can be harmful for dogs. However, the general belief is that if your vet recommends it, there is no harm is helping your old and suffering pet.

Treating Lumbar Facet Joint Pain With Radiofrequency Ablation (Radiofrequency Neurotomy)

Of the millions of chronic back pain sufferers in America, just less than half (45%) have the facet joints as their pain generator. This is termed facet joint syndrome. Facet joint injections are the most common interventional pain management procedure by far in the US. They work well about 80% of the time.

Making the diagnosis of facet joint syndrome is difficult with simply a history, physical examination, and imaging studies. Similar to arthritis seen in other body joints like the knee and hip, the presence of arthritis does not mean the patient will have pain. Endstage degenerative arthritis may be present with the patient experiencing minimal pain.

The best method available for determining whether or not a patient has facet joint syndrome is a diagnostic injection into the joint. This injection is when a pain doctor performs a diagnostic injection of numbing medicine around the facet joint to numb up the small nerve endings supplying sensation to the joint (and pain). If the patient's pain is substantially relieved from the numbing injection, then the diagnosis of facet joint syndrome is cemented.

Facet joint intra-articular injections and medial branch blocks have been shown to provide on average five to seven months of pain relief. When the pain wears off, the injections can be repeated with similarly successful results.

In the 1970's and 80's, radiofrequency denervation was developed for the first time and modified as it became more successful. It has grown in popularity as clinical research studies have shown very good outcomes with the procedure.

Radiofrequency ablation involves putting a catheter in the same area as where a medial branch block is performed. Rather than injecting the numbing medicine at that point, the tip of the catheter is heated with radiofrequency waves and the tiny little nerve endings are deadened.

Results of studies that have been done looking at radiofrequency neurotomy have been encouraging. Good to excellent results after RF procedures have been 70-90% for a year with pain being relieved for up to 2 years. This is much longer than facet joint injections. Eventually the medial branches that were deadened will regenerate and the pain may return. At that point the procedure may successfully be repeated. The RF procedure may allow patients to decrease their pain medication needs substantially.

It should be noted that patients may temporarily see increased pain after a radiofrequency ablation. This may be due to muscle spasms from the procedure. Typically within a week the pain relief will begin and the benefits will be noticed.

RF procedures are performed in an outpatient setting. They can be done under local numbing and/or IV sedation. The procedure is predominantly safe with a low risk profile, but there are potential complications. Those include dural puncture, spinal cord trauma, infection, painful dysethesias/hyperesthesia, or increased pain.

Arthritis Pain Relief - Nurse's Simple Home Remedies To Relieve Arthritis Pain

These are just a few of the arthritis home remedies and treatments that arthritis sufferers have sworn worked for them. Most have an anti-inflammatory effect. There are many ways to achieve arthritis pain relief. Before you take any supplements, you may want to check with your doctor. I found that the best arthritis pain relief is a permanent radical change in the diet to all living foods. Eating a raw food diet will eliminate all osteoarthritis pain. This is the best and fastest short-term and long term approach to get rid of arthritis pain.

Remember that supplements contain isolated chemicals that are not working in conjunction with other chemicals and nutrients as they are in their natural state. So the degree of absorption, if any is questionable and different supplements from different manufacturers may have varying degrees of absorbability.

But here are the tips that others have reported working for them with my comments.

1. MSM (Methyl-sulfonyl-methane), take 1,000 mg. twice a day to reduce the inflammation which causes the pain some report.

2. Fish oil or cod liver oil which contains the omega 3's. Use a good brand that contains no mercury - 1,000 mg. one to three times per day is supposed to help lubricate the joints and thus relieve the pain.

3. Many people report that glucosamine sulfate is good for supporting the joints, 500 mg. twice a day. However there are many different brands with many different absorbability reports. And many people have reported it not working for them. There also may be an elevation of blood pressure some reports say.

4. Drink one quarter cup of black cherry juice a day or take one tablespoon of concentrate in water have had excellent report say many. The best juice would be raw not pasteurized but that is difficult to get. This may take awhile to work but good for the health. Some report that it irritates their stomachs so take with plenty of water and perhaps with food. Make sure the cherry juice is unsweetened. Some people eat dried unsweetened tart Montmorency cherries and achieve the same effect.

5. To reduce arthritis pain, make sure to get plenty of minerals in the diet naturally. Eat plenty of fruits and raw veggies, several servings of day. Make huge green salads, with good greens, not iceberg lettuce.

6. Eat coconut anything. Of course, opening a fresh raw coconut you can get from the Asian groceries is the best. Put the coconut meat in a smoothie and drink the coconut water. Second best is eating coconut anything. Coconut in any form when heated will not destroy the good nutrients. It is from a tropical climate and made to endure hot temperatures.

7. Some say to drink radish juice.

8. Helpful foods that have been reported include avocados, bananas, cherries, greens, and raw nuts soaked overnight to remove the enzyme inhibitors, such as walnuts and pecans, however all living foods, not cooked foods will help. All cooked foods are acidic and inflammatory and can aggravate the joints. Most all, living or raw foods are alkaline and anti-inflammatory.

9. Some swear by apple cider vinegar. The vinegar should only be a RAW apple cider vinegar like Bragg's. And be careful using apple cider vinegar as it is an irritant to some stomachs.

10. A fad arthritis home remedy is the gin-soaked raisins method. Soak the raisins in gin for a week. Eat six raisins at bed time. Maybe the alcohol is absorbed into the air by then. Alcohol is a neurotoxin and is inflammatory and should not be ingested.

11. Some say the old remedy of Edgar Cayce's works for them - rubbing the affected joint with castor oil each morning and at bedtime. Make take a few days to work.

12. Keep moving. Moderate exercise will reduce stiffness.

13. Some report they take burdock and yucca for inflammation and swelling.

14. Some report lobelia extract, halibut oil, or cayenne extract (cayenne cream) can help alleviate pain and speed healing when applied to the affected area. Be careful about any supplement or cream you don't fully understand.

15. For severe pains in joints some have reported they have used garlic externally - warm up the affected area with a hot towel and then rub the juice of the garlic very slowly on the area. The juice of the garlic can be extracted in a clean coffee grinder or other kitchen appliance.

These are just a few of the many osteoarthritis and arthritis home remedies and arthritis treatments and arthritis diet suggestions floating around the Internet. Use your best judgment before trying any, that may be harmful, for arthritis pain relief, and get the advice of your doctor or naturopathic doctor.

Hip Replacement: Electro Therapy - Can It Postpone It? (It May Worth Checking It Out For Free)

What is ARP Wave?

In a nutshell, using electric current for muscle stimulation is old news. Originally, DC (direct current) was used. Years ago, the industry found that AC (alternating current) could be used, and was tolerated much better (less or no pain). The industry stuck with AC current, and very low voltage.

The ARP inventors went back to using DC at high voltage, because they say the benefits of DC far exceed AC. They patented a background electric wave which they say reduces the pain of the therapy. They also developed proprietary exercises.

Why does it work?

According to the inventor: The joint deteriorates because the muscles go from being "Like a new bungie cord", to being like an "old rubber band", and can no longer absorb shock. Much of the problem is loss of good circulation. The ARP Wave Therapy restores circulation.

How many treatments are required?

Ten sessions of about fifteen minutes each, followed by forty exercise sessions, after which they say you're done. And the cost? About $2,000. The small machine is sent to your home. A therapist directs you on how to use the machine on Skype. Skype is a free video and voice connection across the internet. You'll have to have a laptop and know how to use it. If you don't, we all know someone who has one and will help.

What are the results?

Go to You Tube and put "ARP Therapy" in the search window. You'll find 36 videos. The history of this starts in the Soviet Union and the Olympic Coaches who used DC electric current. Is ARP popular with athletes in the USA? The NFL is using 290 machines.

A pad with a wire attached from the machine, is placed on your lower leg. Another at your point of most intense pain. The dial is turned up to your level of discomfort (they say it's not really pain - just "discomfort"). Next, you'll do movements with the machine on. They say this process causes scar tissue on the muscle to come off. The muscle is then able to build back to normal levels.

The exercise sessions utilize the machine as well. The inventor says the machine will cause a muscle to contract and relax rapidly, creating an intense work-out in a few minutes. You'll be instructed to eat a lot of protein because you'll be burning up a lot of calories!

Is it worth investigating this before you get a hip replacement? What are you risking? Nothing, right? If you need to get your hip replaced, you should. Should you avoid having your hip replaced if you can? One thing is for sure, once you have your hip replaced, you'll never have your natural hip back. Conversely, if you give ARP Wave Therapy a try, and it doesn't work, you will have wasted very little time, and relatively little money.

ARP Wave Therapy has a lot of testimonials. The use of the machine has been approved by the FDA. The use of the machine must be by prescription.

What should you do next?

Arthritis and the Lower Back Pain Relation

Arthritis is one of the most pervasive diseases in the United States and is the leading cause of disability. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention one out of every three Americans is affected by one of the more than 100 types of arthritis. Arthritis simply means a painful condition of the joints. There are different types of the disease - many inflammatory and others more degenerative in nature. Across the world there are 350 million people suffer from the chronic joint inflammation of Arthritis. In US the number reaches to the 37 to 40 million. All of us know that there should the joint pain that is accompanied by the arthritis. The joint pain referred as the arthralgia. To suppress the join pain all of the people search for the natural arthritis treatment.

There are many forms of arthritis (over one hundred and growing). The forms range from those related to wear and tear of cartilage (such as osteoarthritis) to those associated with inflammation resulting from an over-active immune system (like rheumatoid arthritis).Together, the many forms of arthritis make up the most common chronic illness in the United States. People are spontaneous to react in way of finding the treatment of arthritis symptoms and anxiety of its various forms.

In the world there are two types of arthritis- 1) Osteoarthritis and 2) Rheumatoid arthritis. The Osteoarthritis mainly affects the cartilages of or around the bones. The cartilages provide the bone with the cushion and thus to protect it from the rubbing friction. On the other hand the Rheumatoid arthritis is the joint chronic inflammation that also the affect the body autoimmune system. Rheumatoid arthritis is also the main disease that causes the pain in or around the joints. Only the arthritis low back pain relief is the main pain suppression methodology for both of the arthritis. Here Autoimmune disease must be explained. The autoimmune disease is that illness by the blood antibody or the cells whose main job is to seeking and destroying body invaders preferably the infections mistakenly attack the body tissues.

For most people arthritis pain and inflammation cannot be avoided as the body ages. In fact, most people over the age of 50 show some signs of arthritis. Joints naturally degenerate over time. Fortunately, arthritis can be managed through a combination of medication, exercise, rest, weight-management, nutrition, and, in some cases, surgery. Your doctor can tell if you have arthritis through blood tests and x-rays. He or she will then be able to help you decide on the best treatment for arthritis for your case.

Osteoarthritis - Three Things You Should Know

It is a predator that knows no boundaries. Young, old, black, white, male and female - this is an equal-opportunity predator that can render its victims immobile.

1. Who is this culprit?


Osteoarthritis goes by many names - degenerative joint disease, wear-and-tear-arthritis among them - but the facts remain. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and affects an estimated 20 million Americans. Unlike other forms of arthritis, which are genetic, osteoarthritis can be linked to a number of causes - weight, age and injury among them. As with other forms of arthritis, there is no known cure for osteoarthritis, so recognizing the signs and symptoms of the disease early can be quite helpful in managing pain.

First, a little background. As its other names imply, osteoarthritis is inflammation caused by abnormal wear of the cartilage cushion in the joints. In a joint affected by osteoarthritis, this wear and tear leads to the degeneration of cartilage and the body is unable to replenish its own supply of this most precious resource. Inflammation causes mild to severe pain and, in some cases, degeneration is so severe that doctors will recommend replacement of the joint.

So what should you know about osteoarthritis? Here are three things to get you started.

2. Listen to your body.

Pain, particularly in the weight-bearing joints of the lower body, is a good indicator of osteoarthritis. Although osteoarthritis can affect any joint, particularly after traumatic injury or infection, most cases of osteoarthritis occur in the weight-bearing joints of the knees, hips, spine and ankles. Often, obesity or even moderately overweight can cause osteoarthritis pain to flare up. Losing a few pounds can help decrease pain, as can rest and judicious use of affected joints. For example, recurring pain in the knees is a good indicator that you might want to stop your rigorous running regimen, if only for a few weeks.

3. Early diagnosis is important for successful long-term pain management.

Although not all cases of osteoarthritis are visible on x-ray, your doctor - particularly if he or she is an internist or rheumatologist - can diagnose osteoarthritis with little problem. Medical history, physical examination and blood tests, along with MRI and x-ray offer reliable avenues for accurate diagnoses.

There is hope for osteoarthritis sufferers.

Osteoarthritis is degenerative - that means that the disease will get worse over time. The most commonly prescribed medications treat the pain by decreasing joint inflammation temporarily. Unfortunately, these medications - known as NSAIDs - also come with a host of dangerous and, in some cases deadly, side effects.

Non-prescription NSAIDs are also available over the counter - in the form of pills, potions and lotions - but the relief is short lived. Like their prescription counterparts, these chemically based medications only treat the symptoms. They mask the pain for a few hours and then the patient must take more. Over time, the body builds up a certain resistance and pain relief decreases.

There is hope, however, in the form of a natural treatment with no side effects. A treatment that treats more than the symptoms - it gets to the root of the problem by replenishing damaged cartilage in the arthritic joint.

Supplementation with all-natural glucosamine and chondroitin, the building blocks of healthy cartilage, has been shown to actually improve the condition of arthritic joints, without dangerous side effects. Pain relief and healing - a powerful combination.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Light Therapy For Pain Relief

There is nothing worse than suffering from the aches and pains that are caused from overexertion of your muscles, arthritis or any other condition. Many people have spent years trying to find that right combination that will reduce their swelling and joint discomfort. Many people have tried medications and have decided the side effects far outweigh any benefits that the drug might have. They are constantly searching for new ways to enable them to lead an active and healthy life. We are now beginning to realize that light therapy for pain relief may be the answer for some.

Light therapy uses certain forms of infrared light, utilizing LEDs. These devices that use this kind of technology are able to stream the light to the areas of your body that are experiencing pain. The light will help to increase circulation as well as reduce some of the swelling that may be causing the pain. If you are one of those people that experience the soreness and stiffness in the morning, light pain relief will get you on your feet fast.

Light therapy can help those that have the pain associated from tendinitis, hip and joint pain, as well as to take care of spasms. These are devices that are manufactured. You can use them in the comfort of your own home to get that much needed relief. These units are very portable and lightweight and will fit comfortably in your hand. You just merely rub it over the problem area and let the light do its work. This technology has been used by professional athletes for many years. We now find that this style of unit is available for everyone. The FDA has recently reviewed one such unit, Light Relief. The unit has high, medium and low settings. They can be adjusted by the individual based on their needs. These types of units are best used15 minutes at a time. A safety shutoff system will turn off the unit, in case you fall asleep while using it.

Light therapy for pain relief is great for the temporary treatment of sore muscles. By using the infrared lights, you will begin to see immediate relief. There are many websites that have these units for sale and often you can find them price between $39 and $80. It is a great alternative to taking medication that can cause side effects with prolonged use. Since the units operate on batteries, they are portable enough to take with you wherever you go. Check out what other people have said about this type of light pain relief and get your unit today.

Treatment of Osteoarthritis That You Ought to Know

Better known in medical terms as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease it is another popular form of Arthritis that originates due to breakdown and eventual loss of cartilage within the bones. Over 20 million people around the world, generally occurs to men after the age of 45 and above and in the case of women 55 and above. Patients suffering from Osteoarthritis go through excruciating pain that inculcates the affected part and at times the pain tends to spread towards the surrounding region. Hands, feet, spine, and large weight-bearing joints are the ones that are commonly affected.

Medically speaking, with age the water content within the cartilage grows along with the decrease in the protein make up of the cartilage. Ultimately the cartilage tends to deteriorate by flaking and they form tiny crevasses. In extreme cases it has been found that, there is total loss in the entire cartilage that cushions the bone joints resulting in immense pain and swelling. Researchers and doctors alike have found Osteoarthritis to be hereditary and secondly one may find Osteoarthritis with people suffering from obesity, repeated trauma or surgery to the joint structures, gout, abnormal joints at birth (congenital abnormalities), diabetes, and other hormone disorders.

There are two ways of treating Osteoarthritis, one is the surgical and another is the non surgical way. A lot of surgical methods have been invented by doctors after years of research to perish Osteoarthritis through surgeries. Surgical treatments like Osteotomy, Joint replacements, Chondroplasty, Arthroscopy etc are done by a lot of patients now a day to treat Osteoarthritis. Osteotomy is a more conserved form of surgery. With Osteotomy the entire joint loading mechanism can be altered. Thus it eliminates the pain to a large extent and is very effective with patients having knee Osteoarthritis. Joint replacement surgery is for those in their advanced stage of Osteoarthritis. Chondroplasty is also quite popular but lack in efficacy in certain ways. Arthroscopy removes fragments of loose cartilages thus preventing pain.

Nonsurgical method of treating Osteoarthritis is the Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance Technology, shortly known as RFQMR. This procedure uses a device that is totally computer controlled. It is known as Cytotron. This device focuses a RFQMR beam on the joint that is affected. These beams affect the dynamicity of the cells in those areas and cause them to generate and activate. This stimulates growth of cartilage. This treatment enhances mobility and flexibility. This treatment is practiced in clinic and has been successful in cases over 500. You can try out whichever way you are comfortable in provided it gives you expected result.

5 Tips to Reduce Arthritis Swelling and Pain

Arthritis swelling is just one of the symptoms of this chronic disease. It's also one of the ways to find out if you really have arthritis or a related disease. Pain and swelling also result in less range of motion for the limbs affected.

There are several ways to combat this condition:

1. Exercise:
Although exercise can often mean more pain at the beginning, it's really important because only through exercise can you increase the range of motion of the limbs and joints affected. Otherwise, you will find that you are becoming less and less flexible. If you're concerned that regular exercise is too painful, then try yoga for starters. This gentle exercise routine is excellent in improving flexibility. Afterwards you can move onto include regular exercise.

2. Warmth (possibly cold too):
Arthritis is a disease that affects people differently. Usually applying a warm pack to the affected area brings relief. However, if this doesn't work, try an ice pack and see what effect that has. If you have any problems with your circulation, then an ice pack isn't for you. It's trial and error but either warm or cold, this could definitely help reduce swelling and pain.

3. Ultrasound:
This produces gentle waves that penetrate deeply into your sore tissues and gives them warmth. It has been known to reduce pain and swelling as it increases blood flow, thus giving your body more oxygen.

4. Diet:
If you are overweight, make an effort to reduce those extra pounds. The more you weigh, the more pressure is put on your joints, so it makes perfect sense to relieve that pressure by reducing your weight. Also have a good look at the foods you eat in relation to your arthritis swelling and pain. Often zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant and even coffee produce more symptoms and pain. Just be more aware of what you eat and drink and how it affects your body and then reduce or eliminate the intake of that particular food or drink item.

5. Get Another Treatment Option - Drugs Or Natural Remedies
Visiting your doctor is always a good idea. He may prescribe a different medication for you to try. You can also visit your health food store and ask them if they can advise any supplements you can take to help with your pain and inflammation.

As you can see, you don't just have to put up with arthritis swelling and pain, there are often simple ways you can help yourself.

Can Silica Supplements Relieve Joint Pain?

In the twenty first century, science has made new discoveries as far as the well being and chemical composition of our body is concerned. It has now been revealed that the well-known mineral silica, which occurs as silica dioxide in quartz crystals, can help in re vitalizing your body and help you to feel younger and stronger.

The uses of silicon are as vast as the resources of this element on the planet earth. It is used in semi conductors and all kinds of high tech instruments. This trace mineral also helps in better absorption of calcium, glucosamine and vitamin D.

Silica is required by the human body for a variety of functions like the formation and metabolism of cells. It is also needed to maintain healthy nails, skin and hair. It helps in the stimulation of the immune system, reducing the effects of aging and even decreasing inflammations and other infections. Silica also plays a vital role in maintaining the firmness and elasticity of our blood vessels.

We have ample reserves of silica at the time of our birth. However, by the age of 35, these reserves almost get depleted and need to be replenished.

Though it has been known to help in enhancing the nails, skin and hair, more attention is now being paid to the anti aging and the health benefits of this mineral. It can act as a first aid medicine for the treatment of skin problems like insect bites, sunburn, acne and eczema. In such cases, it helps in arresting the inflammation, as an antiseptic to prevent further infection and even helps in augmenting the growth of new tissue. In the recent studies, it has been discovered that silica helps in speeding up the healing process in fractures by the process of re mineralization of the bones.

In osteoporosis, silica helps in the mineralization of bone and prevents the thinning of the bone. Silica also helps in the balancing the levels of magnesium and calcium in the body. It also catalyses the metabolism of phosphorus which is required for tissue repair, waste metabolism and strengthening of the bones.

We are yet to completely understand the implications of silica deficiency in the human body. What we do know, however, is that silica is a vital ingredient for maintaining our youth and health. With age, the natural reserves of this mineral in our body become depleted which impacts our appearance and health. Natural sources of silica include brown rice, green vegetables, wheat bran and soybean.

Hyaluronic Acid For Joint Pain - Does It Work Or Should You Seek An Alternative Option?

If you are not familiar with hyaluronic acid, you may be wondering what it is, so I will start by giving a brief outline. It is essentially a substance that is present in the body, and especially in one's joints and eye fluid. In the joints, it serves as a lubricant and a cushion between the different joints. So, where does the hyaluronic acid come from that one can buy in the pharmacies?

Do not worry; it does not come from human donors. Instead, most medicinal hyaluronic acid comes from the combs of roosters, while some is also produced in laboratories using specially selected bacteria. Apart from using hyaluronic acid for joint pain, many people also believe it can help to slow down the signs of aging if it is applied to the skin, but since we are discussing joints, we will leave that for another time.

Although it can be taken orally, it is more often than not injected directly into the affected joints. Many healthcare providers do however overrate this form of treatment, and as a result, many patients expect to see a huge improvement, and then end up being terribly disappointed. In truth, it is a bit of a hit-and-miss form of treatment. While some people do experience a reduction in joint pain and stiffness, many do not experience any improvement at all.

Another downside to this type of treatment is the fact that the injections are not cheap, and even if they do work, the results are only temporary. This means one must be willing to go for injections on a regular basis, which of course is also an inconvenience.

You may also come across claims that it can reduce joint pain if rubbed into the affected area. In a nutshell, this could not be any further from the truth. Some people also claim to get good results when they take it orally. Of course medical professionals do not agree simply because there is no scientific evidence to support such claims. On the other hand, there are countless people who say it does work, so whether it does or not is anyone's guess.

In my opinion, based on the research I have done online, you are likely to get far better results from one or two cleverly chosen supplements. Scores of people have been disappointed with hyaluronic acid for joint pain due to its low success rate, and of course the same can be said about many supplements. Having said that, there are some good ones about, and many people have and still are benefiting from them.

Exercise - The Best Treatment For Sacroiliac Joint Pain

Sacroiliac (SI) joint pain is located at the lower part of the back, a small joint on both sides of the spine at the pelvis junction, supporting the spine and hips. Often leading to pain radiating down the buttocks or back of the thigh, females are more susceptible to sacroiliac joint pain by a 2:1 ratio. The Si area has very little movement to it, if any, with the hip points often causing pain in the individual's groin or disc pain mimicking SI pain.

Any injury or sacroiliac joint inflammation in this area tremendously affects body movement as it is a joint that transfers the upper body weight to the lower body. Simple activities such as walking up-and-down the stairs or reaching overhead in cupboards can become severely affected. Current evaluations or treatments of any sacroiliac dysfunctions are controversial - ranging from surgery to exercises.

Too often patients with painful SI joint problems are told their pain is coming from the SI joint, instead of the real culprits - the sacroiliac joint ligaments and surrounding highly innervated tissues. For this reason, surgery fuses the joint because of a misdiagnosis of "abnormal joint mobility." However, pain is still felt by 50% of all patients who have had the SI joint surgery.

Neutralizing the spine to begin SI exercises

As an alternative to surgery, it has been found that conservative therapy or special exercises work well with SI joint's inflammation or injury problems. Before beginning any strengthening exercises for sacroiliac joint pain, it is necessary to do a warm-up and neutralize the spine to avoid further pelvic alignment. If not, the faulty alignment will become even more misaligned and cause more pain.

• Standing - Check the status of the lower back by placing the shoulder blades and buttocks and against a flat wall to check on the position of the lower back, as an arch between the lower black and the wall - which is the normal position. To neutralize the spine, stay in the same position but push the center of the back toward the wall.
• Lying down - lie down on a soft mat with knees bent. Arms should be at the side with feet placed apart about a hip width. Create an arc by moving the body upward, drawing the middle back area down while keeping the spine in a normal position. On the mat the blades of the shoulder should be pushed flat, while drawing the chin downwards toward the chest while leaving a size of the fist.
• Sitting - press the buttocks toward the seated chair's back with the spine placed directly on top of the seat area. Directly in line will be the collarbone over the hip bones, with the breastbone over the tailbone/pubic bone area. Draw the navel gently inward.

Sacroiliac joint pain exercises

The wall squats are simple exercises for working with sacroiliac (SI) joint pain. The basic position is to stand in neutral (see above) while learning on the wall - feet placed at a distance of a thigh length. Bend the knees at an angle of no less than 90 degrees, keeping the body's weight evenly on both heels. The kneecaps need to be lined with the 2nd toe of each foot. Remember that the shoulder blades, buttocks, middle back, and shoulder blades should be kept flat on wall at all times while bending and lifting. Repetition: 8 to 12 times, three times a week.

Another exercise for sacroiliac joint pain is the pelvic clock, practiced while on the mat with a neutral spine (see above) and bent knees. Imagine the hours of a clock (3 o'clock and 9 o'clock are the hips; 6 o'clock is the tailbone; and 12 o'clock is the navel). Moving the pelvis only while keeping the knees immobile, move the center of the body clockwise and then repeat counter-clockwise. Repetition: 8 to 12 times every other day (do two to three sets on those days).

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Top 7 Tips To Relieve Hip Pain

Your hips sure come in handy at times. They are perfectly located for supporting extra-heavy grocery bags or for giving an open car door a shove when your hands are full. But they were intended as your body's built-in valet. If anything, they are more a combination of bodyguard and chauffeur. They provide indispensable protection for your vital organs and give your legs the range of motion they need to carry you from one place to another. In fact, it is when you are on the move that your hips are at greatest risk for injury. A bad fall or a blow to the knee can cause the hip joint to dislocate. In other words, the hipbone no longer connects to the thighbone. The hip joint is also a prime candidate for arthritis. And the muscles and tendons that support the hips can become strained and inflamed from overuse. Because of its potential causes, here are some tips that you can consider to adopt to relieve your pain.

1. Be Patient

It is going to take a while for your hip to heal, especially if you have injured a muscle. If you pull a hamstring muscle, located in the back of either thigh, it can take 6 to 10 weeks to get better.

2. Get Some Support

If you can't walk without limping, then use crutches or a cane. When you try to avoid bearing weight on your sore hip, you can easily strain muscles and tendons in other areas. If you opt for a cane, it is recommended to use proper technique by carrying the cane in the hand opposite the injured hip. Move it forward at the same time you step out with the injured hip, so you are bearing weight on both the good hip and the cane. Then step out with your "good" hip.

3. Go Polar

Ice is the first line of defense against hip pain. It is recommended to crush some ice and place it in a resealable storage bag, so it has a greater surface area. Lay a thin towel over your hip, then apply the ice at the site of pain for 15 minutes. If your pain is acute, caused by an injury, for example, you may need to reapply the ice as often as once every hour. But for chronic pain such as arthritis, once or twice a day may be enough.

4. Be Reasonable

Don't place too many demands on an aching hip. In general, stay away form any activity that aggravates your pain. You may have to drive to work instead of walking or take the elevator instead of bounding up three flights of stairs at least for the time being.

5. Strike A Pose

Yoga can also enhance flexibility. It is recommended to adopt this simple technique. Sit on the floor and place the soles of your feet together. Pull your feet in, as close to the groin as comfortable. Then let gravity pull your knees toward the floor. If this position is uncomfortable at first, recommend to modify it slightly by bending only one leg at a time and keeping the other leg extended. Hold the pose for 15 seconds. Repeat three times.

6. Walk In Water

To keep your hip limber while you recover, head to your nearest pool for an aquatic workout. Water takes the weight off your hip and allows you to do more without pain than you could on dry land.

7. Take A Tablet

An over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help a hurting hip. But if the dosage recommended on the label does not do the trick, alert your doctor. Something more serious may be going on.

Understanding Arthritis - Part 1

The term arthritis literally means 'inflammation of the joint/s'. There are around 206 bones in our body and each of them forms a joint with another bone. So a joint is made up of two articulating bone surfaces which are covered with a cartilage. The space between the two bones - the joint space, is filled with a fluid known as synovial fluid. The synovial fluid is secreted by a membrane present in the joint known as 'synovium' and the function of the synovial fluid is to lubricate the joint and ensure smooth movements. Inflammation or long term damage to any of these structures is likely to result in arthritis.

The first symptom of arthritis would naturally be painful joints. The site of the pain is according to the joint affected and more advanced the disease worse will be the pain. In some cases, particularly in arthritis of the joints of spine, nerves may become compressed between the affected joints leading to pain which will be radiating away from the joints into the area of supply of those nerves.

Arthritis is divided into two main sub types depending on the underlying disease process. First is inflammatory arthritis; most of the causes of arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, infective arthritis are of inflammatory origin. In this type of arthritis the person's own infection fighting cells come and attack the joints. The second is degenerative arthritis which results from the wear and tear of the joints over a prolonged period of time, the most common example of this type of arthritis is osteoarthritis.

The different types of arthritis have their own specific symptoms and signs.

Here are some of the medical terms that are used.

• Monoarticular: arthritis affecting only one joint
• Polyarticular: arthritis affecting more than one joint.
• Migratory: arthritis moving from joint to joint.
• Small joints; joints of the hand and feet
• Large joints: any other joints besides hands and feet.
• Contractures: abnormal and permanent contraction of the muscle surrounding the affected joints, resulting in severe limitation of movements.


The diagnosis of arthritis is based mainly upon the history and examination. However in most cases certain tests are done.

• Tests for rheumatoid factor (RF): the major value of RF is to confirm the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.
• ESR and C reactive protein: provide a guide to the activity of inflammation. These are blood tests with little diagnostic value but are very useful to monitor the response of treatment.
• Blood uric acid level: good confirmatory test for gout.
• Synovial fluid exam: synovial fluid is drawn from the joint with a long needle and examined. This test is of particular importance if infective arthritis is suspected.
• Antinuclear antibodies (ANA): these are a variety of antibodies including (ANCA), anticardiolipin antibodies, antibodies against double stranded DNA. The level of each of these antibodies rises in specific types of arthritis.

What Is TMJ Disorder and How Can It Be Treated?

TMJ disorder, or temporomandibular joint disorder, is a condition wherein the joint at the juncture of the upper and lower jaw is no longer working properly. This is a complex joint with multiple ligaments, tendons, surrounding nerves and muscles and discs and cartilage that all must function together properly in order for the lower jaw to move forward, backward and side-to-side. Any time there is a problem that prevents this complex joint made up of a system of muscles, ligaments, discs and bones from working as it should is called TMJ disorder.

Patients describe their TMJ as feeling like the jaw is popping or clicking or even sticking in one position for a moment or two as if the jaw is stuck or frozen in position. This is always uncomfortable but it is very often excruciatingly painful as well. The exact cause of this condition is often impossible to determine and is often irrelevant in the treatment of the condition. One need not know what the cause of the condition is in order for a doctor to offer relief from the discomfort. Symptoms of this condition can include unexplained headache, ear aches, clicking or popping sounds coming from the area, pain when chewing or opening the mouth, jaws that lock in one position, soreness around the jaw, and a sudden change in one's bite.

In order to treat this condition doctors often will tell patients to apply a heating pad to the area, or take an anti-inflammatory or a muscle relaxer. Wearing a dental appliance known as a bite plate is often recommended, especially for those that also grind their teeth while they sleep. This appliance works best when custom fitted by a physician or dentist. Sometimes physical therapy to help a patient learn to relax the muscles in the area can be helpful. Relaxation techniques are important as stress plays a role in the severity of this condition. In the most serious cases surgery is performed so that the patient can have a more comfortable and pain-free life.

It is important for patients to understand that there is no one treatment or cure that works for TMJ disorder. One treatment or combination will work for one patient but will not help another find relief at all. Occasionally, a patient will seem to spontaneously feel better, other times a patient who was seemingly over the pain and discomfort will begin to have symptoms again for no apparent reason. TMJ can be tricky to treat but all options must be pursued as this is a very uncomfortable and even life changing condition of left unchecked.

Omega 3 Joint Relief: Can You Beat The Pain?

Sedentary lifestyles help to promote joint pain among the young and old alike. Today, more than ever before, people spend most of their lifetime seated in front of various electronics and inflammation of the joints is one of the outcomes of such a lifestyle. So this problem is only growing.

Types of Joint Pain

Joint pains can be divided into three distinct categories: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Bursitis.

Arthritis is the most common type of joint pain. Arthritis is itself subdivided into two categories: rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

The former refers to the condition wherein the immune system of the body attacks the body's own joint tissues, having mistaken them for being foreign cells. Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common auto-immune disease that people suffer with.

Osteoarthritis, on the other hand, refers to the deterioration of the cartilage surrounding the joints due to wear and tear in the body.

Bursitis is the name given to the chronic pain of the joints caused by the inflammation or injury of Bursae, which are sacs filled with fluid that cushion the movement of the joint bones against friction. Shoulder and elbow joints are the usual victims of this issue and the individual suffers unbearable pain.

Omega 3 and Joint Pain

Omega 3, an essential fatty acid that can only be provided to the body through the food you eat, is a nutrient that has been proven to reduce inflammation. This is one of the many reasons why it has become so popular over recent years.

But the crucial thing most people are not telling you, is that not all omega 3 is equal!

Flax oil emerged as a favorite among athletes and bodybuilders since they frequently tend to suffer from inflammation around their joints - due to improper warm up regimens or just wear and tear on their joints.

However, the new champion that studies are hailing is fish. Specifically those cold water oily fish that we are told to eat more of to protect our hearts.

Well the very substance in those fish that protects our hearts is the same one that has been shown to have significant effects on reducing many kinds of inflammation. And inflammation is of course what causes joint pain.

So we now know it's the DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) in omega 3 that provides most of the researched benefits. And oily fish is the only source of omega 3 that provides significant levels of DHA.

So Eat More Fish? Yes and No!

Eating more oily fish should be the solution. But we now have to be careful due to the levels of pollution that can be found in those fish. The danger is recognised by Government bodies that advise us to choose fish carefully and avoid eating (the very fish we want more) of too often!

Personally, I now choose to take fish oil in capsule form, after it has been properly filtered to remove those toxins. It's one of the very few supplements it actually makes sense to buy! After all, it's difficult to get enough DHA without eating plenty of fish.

But do buy carefully. Not all fish oil is filtered as it should be. So make sure the manufacturer properly processes their oils, maintains high quality standards - and double check that DHA content too. Remember, not all fish oil is the same just like not all omega 3 is the same.

Natural Osteoarthritis Pain Relief

Is natural osteoarthritis pain relief possible? You bet it is!

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. It's a degenerative joint disease that affects over 20 million Americans. OA causes inflammation, pain, lack of mobility and reduced motion, mainly in the joints of the hands, knees, hips and spine.

Before the age of 50, men are the most likely to be affected. But once the onset of menopause begins, the number of cases among women increases rapidly.

What is Osteoarthritis?

Healthy cartilage is smooth and slippery. It normally cushions the end of bone joints and serves the purpose of absorbing the pounding and shock of our movements.

But, over time, as a result of growing older and physical abuse, the natural cartilage can become thinner and thinner, causing the smooth cartilage surface to become rough, irritated and swollen. OA starts when this cartilage begins to deteriorate.

If the cartilage eventually wears down completely, bones start rubbing together causing even worse painful joint swelling and stiffness. This is generally most noticeable upon first waking in the morning, in damp or cold weather and after strenuous physical activity.

While the specific cause of osteoarthritis isn't clear, contributing factors can include:

o Being overweight,

o The aging of joints,

o Sports or accidents,

o Joint injury or stress,

o Hereditary tendencies,

o And muscle weakness.

If lifestyle changes aren't made the constant rubbing together of bone on bone can eventually cause permanent joint damage.

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

The most common osteoarthritis symptoms are joint pain, stiffness and swelling. But other common symptoms are bony growths and limited mobility of the afflicted joints.

Look for the following warning signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis:

o Inflammation, tenderness or pain in one or more joints.

o A crunchy feeling in a joint or the sound of bones rubbing together.

o Joint stiffness after sitting for a period of time or when first getting out of bed.

No single test can diagnose the existence of osteoarthritis.

And although the neck, lower back, hands, knees and spine can be affected, OA is most prominent in the weight bearing joints - the hips and knees - especially in older women.

Osteoarthritis is a progressive condition that tends to get worse over time. But some people can go for years without experiencing any pain at all. Symptoms also vary greatly from person to person. While some are incapacitated, others hardly suffer at all.

Osteoarthritis Pain Relief - Naturally

There's no known cure for osteoarthritis, so sufferers are generally prescribed risky, controversial painkillers that can have serious side effects.

But, more and more evidence shows that making healthy lifestyle and dietary changes can both help to prevent the onset of the disease and provide long term pain relief from the symptoms of osteoarthritis. So a more holistic approach is being taken.

The key is to get healthy and fit through exercise and optimum diet and to avoid injuries and reduce stress, fatigue and depression. The main recommendations are:

o Moderate exercise strengthens bones and muscles, improves flexibility, reduces pain and fatigue and relieves stress and depression. Walking, swimming and yoga are good ways to stay active with a minimum of stress. But don't push too hard.

o Healthy weight maintenance keeps joints from having to support excess weight.

o Rest and relaxation relieves stress on joints and improves health.

o An optimum diet provides the nutrients necessary to prevent degenerative diseases and is essential for OA relief. Red meat, for example, can increase the risk of inflammation and arthritis. Eliminate non-nutritious foods, such as high glycemic carbohydrates, and eat a moderately low fat diet (20% to 30% of calories) rich in cold water fish, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean poultry and low fat dairy.

o Omega 3 fish oil is nature's most potent anti-inflammatory. So increase the omega 3 fish in your diet, such as fresh salmon, and include fish oil supplements.

TMJ Therapy Can Be Used to Cure Your TMJ Disorder

Many people suffering from chronic jaw pain are diagnosed with TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) disorder and advised to get surgery to correct it. However, surgery is very risky and should only be used as a last resort after other methods have failed. There are actually some TMJ therapy exercises that can be done at home that may actually give you a TMJ cure.

First let's talk about why some dentists and doctors will recommend using surgery to correct your TMJ problem. The honest and straightforward answer to that is, treating the TMJ disorder is a booming business. Many dentists know the first solution they suggest will not work and it will mean more visits for the same problem. Unscrupulous, huh?

If they claim to know more than they do about your disorder they will be able to get you to try treatments that are easy for them to profit from. They can get you to buy some products that will never work.

Here is an example:

Your disorder may be solely caused by stress and tension which causes you to grind your teeth or clench your jaws at night in your sleep. Your dentist tells you the cause is because you have a bad bite profile and the treatment is to sell you a piece of plastic that goes between your teeth called a mandibular orthopedic repositioning appliance. This device is designed to help you correct your bite. Sadly, if this is the treatment you go with and your problem has nothing to do with your bite, it can reposition your teeth and damage your TMJ so much the only way to repair the damage will be to have facial reconstructive surgery.

Unless your disorder was caused by an injury, and you should know the most common cause of the TMJ disorder is muscle tension, the chances of surgery being the best solution are very low. If however, your TMJ disorder is a physical condition then you should consider that most physical conditions are treated successfully with therapy.

Before we explain what some of the TMJ therapy plans consist of I want you to understand what the most recommended surgery these doctors and dentists are suggesting. This is a painful and expensive procedure that involves removing the disc that acts as a cushion between your jaw bone and the skull. This disc works the same as a disc in your back that cushions one vertebrate from another. After the disc is removed the joint is either reshaped or an artificial disc is inserted to take the place of the original. Doesn't that sound painful?!

If you are experiencing jaw pain and are diagnosed with the TMJ disorder and your doctor suggests this surgery as a treatment for your condition, you need to get a second and maybe even more opinions. The first course of action should be to try to use less expensive and less invasive treatments to try to affect a TMJ cure.

Here are some alternative home remedies to use for TMJ therapy:

• Stretches - TMJ therapy exercises are a great place to start. You can use these exercises to help relax, repair, and rebuild the muscles and tendons of your TMJ.

• Diet - Many things can be done in the way of adjusting your diet to relieve your jaw pain. You can cut down on coffee, soda and junk food that put a lot of stress on your body. You will want to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables but you need to be eating cooked or steamed vegetables because eating less crunchy foods will offer some relief for your jaw.

• Breathing - Yoga is a great choice because of the breathing exercises that go along with it. If you have never tried Yoga or if you are familiar with how it helps to relieve stress you will definitely want to make sure to give it a try focusing on the breathing exercises.

You can definitely find your TMJ cure through TMJ therapy exercises and doing a few other things that relieve stress and tension. Make sure you give these suggestions and others a try before you even consider using surgery for your TMJ disorder.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hip Pain After Sitting - How to Get Rid of Arthritis Hip Pain Safely?

Arthritis is a commonly heard disease especially after the age of 40 & 50. In this ailment the patient suffers with acute pain in the joints. This happens due to inflammation of the joints and damage of the cartilage. The warning signs include redness, heat, swelling, and pain. The patient might have one of them or a combination of these together.

Now usually people think that arthritis pain occurs in the limbs only. Some people experience acute hip pain after sitting for a long time. That is basically caused due to arthritis. Though, this ailment directly affects the bones but the muscles are closely attached to them. So pain in the glutes (the hip muscles) should not be a surprise.

Here are some tips to get rid of the hip pain after sitting caused due to arthritis:

· Take a hot cup of ginger tea, that is, ginger roots boiled in water along with all other ingredients of tea. Ginger is really helpful in relieving the arthritis pain.

· In the evening meals have raw nuts with out salt in stead of the roasted nuts. This aids in forming a healthy cartilage in the body. That further aids in strengthening the bones and hence curing the issues related to arthritis.

· Increase your physical movements. Do not sit for long period of time at a stretch. That would enhance your hip pain after sitting. Even if you are in some sedentary job, make it a point to get up from that chair and do some simple stretch exercises for a minute or two. Take a small walk with in the office premises. This helps in keeping the back and hip muscles active.

· You must exercise daily for at least 30 minutes. In this time you may do some simple stretch exercises and go for a brisk walk. Remember, arthritis can be a chronic issue if you do not take care of your body. You have to choose the exercises very wisely. If you take up too intensive ones, they might harm you. It is better to seek guidance in this regard from your physician or some experienced physical trainer. How ever, a walk is safe and healthy always. · Such patients must take care that they have to maintain their weight. Obesity can be hazardous for them. As you can not exercise much, you should watch on your diet for this. Make sure that you keep away from the unsaturated & trans-fat. Also drink lots of water, at least 10 to 12 glasses per day.

How Physiotherapists Treat Back Pain

Low back pain, back pain, lumbar pain, spinal pain, all are names for the troublesome and very common problem which affects many of us at certain times in our lives. Physiotherapists assess and treat large number of back pain patients every day and have various treatment techniques to help this condition.

Back pain is rarely an indication of serious underlying medical condition such as cancer, infection or arthritic disease but the physiotherapist needs to be sure he or she is dealing with a non-serious back pain. Standard exclusion questions are asked by the physio to rule out loss of weight, loss of appetite, previous cancer history, bowel and bladder control, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, epilepsy, particular pain problems at night and generally feeling ill.

This subjective history tells the physio that the back problem is mechanical, i.e. it is related to the stresses and strains on the spinal joints now and in the past. They can then move on to the objective examination, looking at the patient with their clothes off. Initial examination starts with the patient walking in and with how they sit for the questioning, and posture is noted next. Many postural changes are not of great significance but some fit the overall picture and increase the confidence in the correct therapeutic diagnosis.

Spinal pain usually reduces the normal movements the patient is able to perform and this pattern of movement loss gives an indication of the kind of lumbar problem. The range of lumbar flexion is often reduced with the lumbar spine staying stiff and with pain during the movement or at the end of the available range. The other spinal movements are also tested, with the physio also checking the muscle reflexes, muscle strength, hip ranges of movement, sacro-iliac joints and the skin sensibility. The physiotherapist will palpate the spinal joints, gathering information about the stiffness or pain reactions of the lumbar segments.

The treatment goals and plan will be formulated with references to the findings during the examination e.g. a joint, disc or postural problem. A painful spinal joint will need careful treatment with gentle exercises, pacing, reduction in aggravating factors and pain-killers. A stiff spinal joint can cope with stronger manual techniques and exercises to stretch out the stiff tissues.

One of the most common therapies for athletes, gym attenders and those undergoing rehabilitation after injury or illness is to perform core stability work. Many Pilates classes are available using this approach to holding a mid-range spinal posture while performing activities. Initial technique is taught on a plinth until the patient has good control then progressed to keeping their stability control whilst performing harder and harder activities, finishing off with relevant functional work

Spinal joints do not appreciate being at end of their range for too long such as remaining slumped in sitting for a long period. This stretches the ligaments and can cause and maintain a pain problem. Physios teach patients to understand the new strange posture they are being asked to perform is the norm and that they need to perform it regularly until they do it naturally.

Many back pain physios use the McKenzie technique which uses repetitive movement to change the forces which the disc nucleus exerts on the walls of the disc, the annulus fibrosus. An increase in pressure against the posterior disc wall can worsen symptoms while a decrease can improve pain. Repeated movements in one plane establish a "directional preference", a direction of movement which improves the presenting symptom. McKenzie therapists treat patients depending on whether they have postural syndrome, dysfunction syndrome or derangement syndrome. McKenzie therapy is a popular technique, based on the idea that the disc nucleus exerts a force on the walls of the disc and can cause pain problems.

Once the symptoms are under control, the patient is taught to pace their activities appropriately so as not to overstress their spinal joints at any one time and to work on their overall fitness. It is embarrassing that there isn't good evidence for any particular therapy for low back pain. However there is good evidence that increasing our overall fitness, both aerobic and muscular, improves back pain symptoms and makes it less likely that we will have further episodes.

Relieve Sciatic Pain With Sciatica Stretches

Sciatica is a condition that can cause intense pain as a result of damage or pressure on the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body, running from the bottom of the spine, through the hip, down the leg, knee and to the ankle. Nerve damage is difficult to treat and the pain is hard to alleviate. However certain types of sciatica stretches which target the muscles and nerves can help with pain as well as target the cause of the nerve problems.

Sciatica stretches need to be done regularly. It is important to do the stretches as often and consistently as possible, to keep the muscles loose and thus your pain at bay. It is also recommended that you do five minutes of cardio to warm up your body, especially your legs where the sciatic nerve runs through to get the blood pumping in that area.

Stretching different muscles in the legs and lower back can improve pain resulting from sciatica. These include hamstring stretches, pelvic tilt, piriformis stretches, pulling your knee towards your chest, thigh stretches and lower back stretches.

Stretching your hamstring muscles can be done in various ways, targeting the muscle running down the back of your leg. When this muscle is too tight, it can hurt your back as it puts pressure on it which in turn can have an effect on the sciatic nerve. Sciatica stretches targeting the hamstrings can thus improve pain felt by sciatica. One of the ways you can stretch your hamstring is by lying on your back with one leg up, pulling it towards you slightly with a band or towel.

Sciatica stretches that target the piriformis muscle which crosses over the sciatic nerve deep inside the hip joint can also help relieve pain and improve sciatica. When the piriformis muscle is too tight, it could be choking the sciatic nerve. An example of a piriformis stretch would be to lie on your back and pull your one knee towards the chest on the opposite side.

The pelvic tilt, often used in Pilates, also targets the lower back muscles, strengthening them so that they do not put pressure on the sciatic nerve. It involves lying on your back with your knees bent and pushing your pelvis towards the roof, but slowly so that you roll upwards from the bottom of your spine. Doing this works like any sciatica exercises and done regularly can improve pain from sciatica.

Sciatica stretches that target your legs and thighs can also work as a great pain reliever. These limbs are used often during day to day activities like walking, which put pressure on the muscles. Stretching these muscles makes them more flexible and less likely to get injured or damaged. Sitting on the floor and trying to touch your toes is an example of how you can stretch your legs.

The benefits of sciatica stretches are vast, but the most important one is how it targets muscles and nerves, relieving pain felt by sciatica and other forms of neuralgia. Stretches like this also improve your range of motion making your muscles more flexible and taking pressure off the sciatic nerve, especially when the muscles in the lower back are targeted. When you are more flexible, you are less likely to maintain an injury resulting in damage to the nerves. It also helps with ischemia, when the muscles are not getting enough oxygen.

It takes some dedication, but sciatica stretches when done regularly can improve your sciatic condition. They are designed to target the cause of sciatic pain and when this cause is muscle tension or tightness as well as compression or ischemia, they can indeed relieve pain and strengthen the muscles around the sciatic nerve.

The Effects of Aging on The Skeletal System

The most significant effect of aging on the skeletal system is the progressive reduction in bone density that occurs in both sexes from about the age of 50 and a tendency towards inflammation and degeneration of cartilage. There is evidence that suggests that women may start losing bone density from the age of 30 onwards, depending on lifestyle and diet. Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are conditions most commonly experienced by older people, and are related directly to bone density, joint inflammation due to degeneration of articular cartilage and a destructive collagen disease believed to have an autoimmune component. Both diet and exercise can have a significant improvement in bone density, and may impact positively on the incidence of the other two conditions.

Dietary calcium is highly recommended in the elderly as a supplement to help maintain an adequate calcium balance. In addition to extra dietary calcium, other dietary components, physical exercise and gender influence bone growth and aging. To minimize bone loss it is recommended that ample exercise be maintained, Calcium, Vitamin D and oestrogen be supplements in the diet. Avoid smoking and stomach antacids that contain aluminum; excesses in alcohol, caffeine, phosphates (for example carbonated beverages) cortico steroids, dietary fiber and dietary protein.

To reduce the incidence of fractures for those who have weakened bones from osteoporosis it is best to avoid heavy lifting and reduce falls or those situations where falls can occur. With the deterioration of joints, exercise is recommended as it slows the rate of stiffening and the rate of deceased range of movements. One of the unique features of the human body is that the more it is used, within reason, the better it works. Exercise is a preventative action against a multitude of diseases. Bones benefit greatly from physical activity with increased strength in the bones and exercises performed in weight bearing position such as bicycling, jogging and even walking stimulate the formation of new bone. Combined with adequate calcium intake exercise can prevent abnormal bone loss and osteoporosis.

Education and instruction are very important in the lifestyle education of the elderly. Many don't know what constitutes a good exercise program to provide maximum benefit to the body. It is interesting to note too that those who remain physically active usually have a positive self image. There are many benefits to other parts of the body if an exercise program is followed. For example, the ability to cope with the stresses of life, such as financial loss or social support, loss of loved ones and loss of physical image. Coping mechanisms are very important and exercise is one of these.

Natural Pain Relief Safety and Benefits

Pain can be experienced as a result of old age, physical illness, extensive exercise, overwork, heavy lifting, strained muscles or broken bones. Pain triggers a region of the brain known as the lateral occipital complex, reducing a person's ability to concentrate and accurately recognize images, i.e. our ability to think and perceive properly. Pain also interferes with our ability to cope with life emotionally, e.g. sadness, irritation and perhaps depression and hopelessness. Supermarkets and pharmacies have aisles and aisles of pills, powders and bandages to help with pain relief. Some common pain relief medication can cause mild side effects like drowsiness or nausea. Other pain relief medications are prescribed and can have even more serious side effects. Drugs like vicodin and percocet are prescription, heavy duty narcotic pain relief pills that are addictive and dangerous if not taken carefully. New studies suggest those drugs that block pain could also be stimulating receptors that cause pain as well.

A safer option for society's pain relief is the variety of all natural products. These all natural products aid in pain relief for muscle and joint pain, as well as relax the body for a general improvement of the body and soul. Some examples of natural pain relief products are vitamins, supplements, herbs, ointments, creams and even bath formulas to reduce inflammation

Both glucosamine and chondroiton are a nutritional approach to maintaining the fluids needed to lubricate joints and cartilage. . Glucosamine is an amino found in the body that stimulates growth of new cartilage and can also help to reduce joint pain. People using glucosamine experienced as much pain relief as those taking over-the-counter medications. Antioxidants such as glutathione can help tissue recover from inflammation. The antioxidant acetyl-cystine, a precursor to glutathione, can reduce pain from nerve damage. There are widely known natural and herbal remedies for pain relief. These include varying amounts and combinations of "Devil's Claw", Willow Bark, Boswellia, Camomile, Bromelain, Oil of Oregano, Cayenne Pepper, Nettle leaf, St. John's Wort, arnica gel, celadrin, hyaluronic acid, collagen, msm and natural pain relief formulas to reduce neuropathic pain.

Bromelain is particularly useful for reducing muscle and tissue inflammation and as a digestive aid. Supplements are made from enzymes found in the pineapple stem. Bromelain is believed to be an effective blood thinner and anti-inflammatory that works by breaking down fibrin, a blood-clotting protein that can interfere with good circulation and stop tissues from releasing used material and toxins properly. Bromelain also blocks the production of compounds that can cause swelling and pain. When inflammation is reduced, blood can move more easily to a traumatized area, Bomelain can help reduce muscle and joint pain, reduce swelling, bruising, redness and drain excess fluid from the injured area.

Sleep disturbance is one of the most common experiences for people with chronic pain. It may not always be that the pain itself prevents a good night's sleep. Some studies suggest that poor sleep makes the pain worse. In fact, one study in healthy men found they grew more sensitive to painful stimuli when deprived of sleep. There are many natural sleep aids available to facilitate a good night's sleep that do not carry the risk of morning after drowsiness, dependence, or impaired thinking or physical ability.

As mentioned earlier, pain can also interfere with one's ability to cope emotionally, concentrate, and perceive properly. Pain may arouse fear, sadness, irritation, moderate depression and decrease one's ability to give and hold attention. There are a wide variety of natural supplements and formulas to help increase oxygen and serotonin to our brain to help us remain calm and alert. These natural supplements include may also be pain relieving as well as mood enhancing at the same time e.g. St. John's Wort, acytl-cystine, and other antioxidants and amino acids that improve general circulation and promote healing as well as enhancing brain function.

Hydrotherapy, i.e. the use of water for relieving stress, tension, and muscle aches, is an ancient and widely used form of natural pain relief. There are natural elements that can be added to our warm, soaking baths to increase water's natural ability to relieve pain. There are also many aromatherapy bath products, e.g. sea salts, minerals, and oils, that not only help with pain relief but also provide therapeutic aromas that help soothe our emotional well being and emotional ability to cope with pain.

There are many topical and ingestion natural supplements and formulas available to help us relieve and cope with pain. These natural substances do not present a risk of harmful or unwanted side effects e.g. dependence, drowsiness, pain increase, etc., as do some prescription synthetic drugs. Natural pain relief supplements can actually help eliminate the source and cause of pain, i.e. aid healing, as well as reducing the feeling and experience of pain. Often natural pain relief supplements provide additional benefits, beyond pain relief, for improving our overall health in general.

Joint Advance - The Side Effects

One major hesitation that consumers have when trying out herbal supplements or any new product is the possible side effects that it has. Joint Advance is no exception to the rule. Even though it contains very helpful and effective ingredients, those same ingredients can induce possible side effects in patients. Below is a list of the key ingredients and the possible side effects that it can cause.


This ingredient is primarily made from shellfish, like lobsters, crabs or shrimps. Obviously, people who have allergic reactions to seafood could possibly get the same when they take products with this ingredient. It's best to consult your physician first and find out whether it's okay to take it.

Vitamin C

Of course, there are no extreme effects when taking in Vitamin C. However, it has been noted that over dosage can cause mild diarrhea. Apart from that, no other side effects are known.

White Willow Bark

This is also considered to be a pretty safe ingredient. However, nursing women as well as children under 16 years old should avoid taking in supplements that contain this element.

Most of the other ingredients in Joint Advance, like MSM and Chondroitin are considered to have no known side effect. It is only natural to question the legitimacy of a product and its effects before purchasing them.

It is always advisable to consult your physician first about your condition so that you can know the proper medications or supplements to take. Ask about any recommended product or supplement that can effectively relieve your joint problems.

Joint Advance is only one product, out of the many health supplements available in the market today. Be sure to do your research first and look for the perfect one for you.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Pain Relief Options for Osteoarthritis

If you are a sufferer of osteoarthritis I don't need to tell you that the major complaint is - the achy stiffness, discomfort, pain and eventual inflammation. As the symptoms progress and cartilage erodes, the pain gets increasingly worse to the point that in many cases pain relief is required to simply function on a daily basis. This is what drives most people to have the offending joint or joints replaced with artificial ones. However, this option is only open to those with hip or knee problems and does nothing for those suffering from osteoarthritis of the hands or spine.. Even for those who choose to attempt to heal their condition through lifestyle changes, nutritional re-balancing, and re-mineralization will have to continue to deal with the discomfort until their body has had time to return to balance. Depending on the progression of the condition the healing process can take some time. So at the end of the day, whether one is awaiting surgery, dealing with the condition in an area of the body without a surgical solution, or is taking the time and effort to heal their condition, dealing with pain is the common primary concern for those with osteoarthritis.

The standard allopathic response to this issue is naturally a pharmaceutical one. Unfortunately the types of drugs commonly prescribed in these situations are associated with many adverse drug reactions (ADRs), especially after long term use. The group of drugs to which I am referring are among the most widely used in the developed world. They are called NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). These are drugs with analgesic (pain-reducing) and antipyretic (fever-reducing) properties. One report published in Clinical Cornerstone stated that NSAIDs account for 70 million prescriptions and $30 billion in over-the-counter sales in the United States alone. Whether or not these numbers are accurate, the market is obviously huge. Some common names that you may be familiar with in this category of drugs are ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin), naproxen sodium (Aleve), ketoprofen (Orudis KT) and even good old aspirin, to name a few.

The main ADRs associated with prolonged or over-use of NSAIDs are well documented and on the increase. One of the immediate effects is on the gastrointestinal system. The molecular nature of NSAIDs is acidic, which causes irritation of the gastric mucosa. This in turn leads to digestive problems including nausea, gastric ulceration and intestinal bleeding, and even diarrhoea. Another area of concern with overuse of NSAIDs is that of renal interference. They impair the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are vasodilators. This in turn leads to the restriction of blood flow to the kidneys, which can cause fluid retention, sodium-potassium imbalance, as well as potential hypertension (high blood pressure). Of particular interest to OA sufferers are the studies going back as far as the late 70s that also indicated an acceleration of cartilage breakdown. Yes, that's right. When you take these pain medications to relieve headaches, migraines, menstrual pain, postoperative pain, arthritis pain, or any kind of pain, you may be actually accelerating the breakdown of your cartilage. If you are currently using one of these drugs to treat your osteoarthritis, you might want to consider potential alternatives for pain control, especially in the case of long term use.

In this area there are a few options that can be used individually or combined that have been shown to be effective in various studies. Given our acquired metabolic strengths and weaknesses, some experimentation may be required to find out which product or combination of products works best for you. In my experience the efficacy of a supplement is often determined by quality, sourcing, and processing, which will speak to issues of bio-availability. In this regard you usually get what you pay for, so caveat emptor.

One of the oldest and most overlooked treatments for joint pain is sulphur, which tends to occur naturally in many hot springs and is probably why people with arthritis find relief after bathing in them. Elemental sulphur used to be present in our drinking water but has been long lost to our diets through municipal filtration. In supplemental form it is usually found as a compound called methylsulphonylmethane (MSM). To my knowledge the clinical trials are scant and inconclusive; however, the ones I have looked at that show marginal success are dealing with pretty low dose ranges. Dr. Al Sears in a recent newsletter was recommending a daily dose of 850 mg for the treatment of joint pain. What MSM appears to do is to improve the permeability or flow-through of your cellular membranes. If this flow-through is impaired, toxins can build up in the cells, contributing to cellular pressure, inflammation and discomfort. When the flow-through is improved toxins are released, pressure is relieved, and inflammation decreases. This form of sulphur also appears to function as an effective anti-oxidant, which is always a good thing.

I suppose glucosamine sulfate needs to mentioned given that it is the most common non-vitamin, non-mineral supplement purchased by American adults. In the case of glucosamine, clinical studies appear to be all over the map with some showing improvement of symptoms while others show it to be no more effective than a placebo. Anecdotally it would appear that some people do experience significant relief of symptoms but only after many weeks or months of use. This probably has to do with the absorbability of glucosamine, which some studies have indicated may be as low as 15-20% of dose. This would indicate that glucosamine is not likely to be of use in the short term for control of pain.

Omega 3 oils have been shown to be a worthwhile investment for their many benefits to health in general. Their anti-inflammatory properties as well as the general metabolic need for omega 3s have been well documented and there are now numerous studies showing improved joint mobility. The turning of our collective diets away from saturated fats to seed and corn oils has led to an over abundance of omega 6s and 9s and fewer omega 3s than would have been present in a more traditional or evolved diet. Over abundance of omega 6s and 9s actually contribute to the potential for increased inflammation. When it comes to supplementing with omega 3s, source and processing will I believe determine effectiveness to a large degree. Although fish oil has been popular in the past, they can easily become rancid through oxidation, thereby losing any anti-oxidant effect they would have in the body. Another more contemporary issue with fish oil is the potential for bio-accumulated toxins like mercury and PCBs. This problem will obviously increase the further up the food chain you go for sourcing. For my personal use I have found the best bang for the buck is with a good quality Krill product. Krill is one of the largest biomasses on the planet; in fact, some large species of whales feed on it exclusively. Since it is harvested from relatively cleaner Antarctic waters, as well as being at the bottom of the food chain, bio-accumulated toxins become a relative non issue. Krill also contains the highest levels of a 'super' anti-oxidant called astaxanthin, which protects the omega 3 oils from becoming rancid and improves bio-availability and activity immensely.

From Ayurvedic Eastern traditions we know that turmeric has long been used as another potent anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. The most active component of turmeric is curcumin, which is what gives turmeric the intense yellow colour. There are now a growing number of studies as well as anecdotal evidence indicating a significant decrease in discomfort and increase of mobility for osteoarthritis sufferers, described by some as equivalent to the effect of NSAID's. Turmeric appears to be another one of those 'super' anti-oxidants that have many beneficial effects throughout the metabolism and seems particularly adept at helping the body deal with chronic low-grade inflammation. I have been using turmeric myself for some time now and can personally attest to its benefits. The turmeric powder which is used in food and medicinally is ground from the root of the plant. As with any supplement, sourcing is everything and you're probably best to find an organic source raised and harvested in the Ayurveda tradition. After all, they've been at it for 5000 years so they should know what they're doing by now.

One last potential alternative I would like to make mention of is something called Pycnoginol, which is a registered trade mark. I came upon this product quite recently while attending a webinar so I'm still in the process of investigation myself. However, given what I've read so far in the research, this product certainly warrants further investigation. Pycnoginol is an extract made from the bark of a maritime pine tree which only grows on the southwest coast of France. The claims of the manufacturer are backed by 280 published scientific studies and reviews as well as data collected from 7000 patients in 98 clinical studies. I'll leave this one simply as a heads up to provide further options in the pursuit of pain relief.

Given the problems inherent with the long term use of NSAID's, I hope this information, if nothing else, has at least provided options that can be used safely and in the end possibly do more to correct your osteoarthritis rather than contributing to its progression.