Saturday, January 25, 2014

Using Ginger Root for Pain Relief

Ginger root is more than just a tasty cooking herb, it is also excellent for pain relief.

You may already know about some of the ways ginger root helps in healing. For example, used fresh it is an excellent choice for relieving nausea. You will also see it in formulas for helping with indigestion, cough and early stage cold symptoms.

But one of the best uses for ginger root is in relieving pain. Its uses for pain relief cover many different kinds of pain. Here are some of the documented uses for it:

  • Abdominal cramps from diverticulosis or Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Alleviating exercise-induced muscle pain

  • Reducing joint pain from osteoarthritis & rheumatoid arthritis

  • Alleviating migraine headaches

  • Toothache relief

  • Reducing menstrual pain

One study showed the power of ginger for reducing pain. The Journal of Pain published the results of this study in April 2010. Participants in this study were people who exercised regularly. The 74 subjects received either ginger or a placebo for 11 days. Some of those receiving ginger got unheated ginger and some go heat-treated ginger.

After the 11 days, they did a set of 18 arm 'curls' with a heavy weight. These exercises caused minor muscle injury to the arm. Over the next three days, subjects underwent tests for arm function, inflammation and pain.

Results showed that people taking ginger had 25% less pain than the placebo group. The reduction was the same for both heat-treated and unheated ginger. That means if you exercise and get sore muscles, ginger will help reduce the soreness. Notably, it does this without the side effects of NSAID drugs.

If this natural herbal pain remedy works for so many types of pain, how, exactly does it do this?

Recent research shows that ginger reduces the COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes. This is similar to how non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs work. However, unlike NSAIDs, ginger also counteracts some of the side effects seen in NSAID use. It does this by lowering production of Leukotriene B4. This means ginger has fewer side effects than drugs.

Ginger also decreases the action of a number of genes that add to the inflammatory response. That means it reduces chronic pain at a deeper level. This is probably part of why ginger helps reduce joint pain.

In addition, for people who still feel the need for anti-inflammatory drugs there is an extra bonus. At least one study shows that ginger protects the stomach from the toxic effects of NSAIDs.

You can find ginger in capsules, liquid tinctures and pill form. Ginger is also available fresh in the produce section of most grocery stores.

Permanent Solution To Cure Arthritis

Arthritis is a disorder of the joints. The word "arthritis" is a Greek Words "Arthon" which means joint and "Itis", which means inflammation.

That goes to mean that arthritis is the inflammation of joints which a lot of people will experience in their life time. There are hundred types of joint disorder and they are all related. This means everyone will experience joint pain at some time of their life but you may not know when it will be your turn.

Arthritis is usually characterized by pain, swelling and stiffness which can lead to deformity. Sometimes it can also be called rheumatism which is a term use commonly to describe aches and pains in muscles and joints.

A joint is where two bones meet. There are immobile and mobile joints. Immobile joints are referred to as inflexible and semi-inflexible joint of the body. These joints does not move much as they have no cavity, e.g. head and spinal cord.

Mobile joints are the flexible joints of the body; for example the shoulder, knee, waist, toe, finger, etc. They all have a cavity.

There are different type of Arthritis:

1. Osteoarthritis is the most common type that almost everyone will experience at some point of their lives. This is because it is a degeneration or wearing out of joint due to old age, over-exertion or injury. This type of arthritis affects the mobile joints of the body and can be due to wear and tear, heredity or excessive stress on dislocated joint, not properly healed injured joint and overweight that put extra weight on those hips and knees.

Those who stand for longer hours every day are prone to pain on the knees. And those whose occupation requires lifting heavy objects are prone to waist pain which is usually called lumbago.

2. Rheumatoid Arthritis
This is an inflammation of the same joints on the two sides of the body e.g. say you experience a pain in the right knee or shoulder on one side, it will still be showing up at the other side. The pain or symptoms tend to come and go. This is more common between the age of 25 and 55. Infants can also experience this type of arthritis.

This type is usually caused by viruses that live in the body for a long time undetected and never treated. It can be cause by immune-deficiency syndrome, a situation where the anti-bodies that was suppose to fight against foreign agents begin to attack the tissues of the joint which cause inflammation and pain.

Early Signs Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Pain and stiffness in one or two joints like the hands and feet and the pain come and go. It is usually worst in the morning and wears off during the day. As this progress, the pain and inflammation becomes more painful and starts to spread to other parts of the body such as the elbows, knees, hips, waist, ankles, shoulders and neck. It can make the person weak, tired, feverish and pale plus the eyes become dry due to a reduction in tears. The mouth also becomes dry due to reduction of salivary fluid and lack of appetite which can be followed by weight loss.

How To Eradicate Arthritis Pain

To treat arthritis and eradicate the pain, the aims are:
1. To strengthen the bones
2. Repair damaged joint tissues e.g. the cartilage
3. Strengthen the immune system against bacteria and viruses
4. Eradicate the pain symptoms

To achieve these aims, diet is very important. Processed or refined food and drinks like sugar, cold foods, biscuits and ice-cream or coffee must be avoided. Smoking and alcohol of all kinds must be avoided.

Take plenty of water upon rising up daily and use fruits for breakfast. Fruits and certain vegetables can help mops off uric acids deposited from the joints and help in the healing process.

Get the right bone supplements that can repair damaged cartilage (the damaging of the cartilage is what results in deformity or folding of body due to arthritis) and strengthen the immune system against bacteria and viruses.

The Treatment of Arthritis in the Hands

Arthritis is a, somewhat, general term referring to the inflammation in the joints. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, where the cartilage in the joints starts to deteriorate and bones start rubbing against each other directly. It feels as bad as it sounds, not very pleasant.

Besides pain, arthritis often causes deformities within the joints, limiting the range of motion and movement itself. It can be quite challenging, regardless of the location, and especially difficult when it affects hands.

The hands are so specific because they are made up of many smaller joints that work together and allow movements. So, if any of those joints "malfunctions" it will disrupt the entire hand and make those precise movements, such as threading the needle, nearly impossible.


So what causes arthritis in the hands? Well, the simplest reason would be wear and tear, combined with age, but I can't just leave you with that. To answer this question, we must look more into the joints themselves and identify the "troublemakers".

First, we need to analyze cartilage. Its main role is to absorb shock and act as a cushion between bones of the joint. Over time it deteriorates, "forcing" bones to rub on each other, causing pain, swelling and deformity.

Second "bad boy" is lubrication. As we get older and less active, joints are less lubricated. This results in faster cartilage deterioration and causes troubles.

Common symptoms of arthritis in the hand joints (or any other joint for that matter) are pain, swelling, elevated temperature, occasional cysts and even changes on surrounding joints.

How To Treat It?

So, the question is what can you do? Luckily, there is plenty you can do but the effects will vary depending on several factors:

- Your age
- The progress of arthritis
- Number of joints affected etc.

This is why you must visit your doctor as soon as possible. Many people refuse to go see a doctor for numerous reasons, most often because they don't want to admit to themselves something is wrong with them. They believe that if they are not diagnosed they are not sick. Big mistake! Instead of messing around and living in denial, you could be using that time to help yourself. What will you choose?

I hope you went for the second choice because we are going to discuss some common ways of treatment for arthritis.

People first reach for medication, and I can understand that. If you are in pain and you want it to go away, medication is a reasonable choice. But you need to know that medication is only addressing the symptoms of the disease, not root cause!

Medication will not renew your cartilage and cure you eventually. This may not be what you wanted to hear, but I must be honest, this is a serious matter. Medication treatment might include injections, so if you are not squeamish, they are a good way to go.

Other forms of treatment include exercises, hot and/or cold treatment, rest and physical therapy.
Whatever you do, please consult with your doctor first, he/she will know best what to do since he/she can access your situation and tailor the treatment process specifically to your needs.

Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis That You Should Know

Physical, occupational, nutritional therapies are the non-pharmacological ways to combat the disease. Analgesia or pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs and disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs like azathioprine, gold salts, leflunomide, minocycline etc are being prescribed these days to control the progression of the disease. The disorder can also be tackled the natural way and through home based remedies.

The patient should carry out the treatment by balancing the commercial medicines along with natural remedies. This is to be done in order to escape to some extent the harmful side effects of toxins in the commercial medicines. Here are some natural ways to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

1. Light stretching exercise to mobilize affected joints is essential. Mobilization will reduce stiffness at the joint. If the joints attacked by rheumatoid arthritis are left idle and inactive, the problem of stiffness will only worsen. Heavy impact exercises like jumping, running, skiing etc are to be avoided.

2. Food items rich in Omega3 fatty acids, Gamma-linolenic acid should be consumed by rheumatoid arthritis patients. Cold water fishes like salmon, sardines, anchovies etc are rich in omega3 acids. Even fish oil capsules available in market can serve the purpose. Sea food diet thus is highly recommended as a cure for rheumatoid. Borage oil, black currant seed oil, primrose oil are rich sources of gamma-linolenic acids. Raw vegetable juices like that of celery, carrot, and beet can prove beneficial in reducing pain and inflammation.

3. Magnesium and copper supplements can prove beneficial.

4. Cupping therapy, a remarkable form of alternative treatment in Chinese medicine, proves to be an effective natural way of treating rheumatoid arthritis. The therapy reduces pain, inflammation, boosts up blood circulation and helps in getting rid of inflammation causing toxins.

5. Orthotic devices like braces, splints can be worn for acquiring easy mobility. They help in giving support to ailing joints.

6. Turmeric, dry ginger, boswellia, guggul are beneficial herbs that can treat the problem of pain and inflammation due to rheumatoid.

7. Green tea extracts may also bring some relief.

8. Ointments like Ben Gay and capsaicin creams may be rubbed on the ailing joints to get pain relief.

9. Smoking and consumption of caffeine are to be strictly avoided.

Rumatone Gold Capsules and Massage Oil are unique proprietary blend of natural ingredients to ease pain and stiffness due to rheumatoid arthritis. These supplements taken in a regular and disciplined way greatly help in relieving rheumatoid arthritis pain. As these supplements are made of plant-based herbal ingredients, they are safer and natural way to treat the problem.

Sharp Pain Around Hip and Buttock That Streaks Down the Leg

How much is a good night worth to you? Every step feels like a knife stabbed in the back of your buttock and leg. The sharp, burning pain continues to streak down your buttock and leg as you cautiously limp around. Numbness and tingling take over as you take refuge on your favourite couch. Sciatica is one of the worst problems that you can have. Sciatica can temporary cripple your entire day when it strikes.

Sciatica refers to an irritation and inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve gives sensory feeling to the back of your legs. A common cause of sciatic pain is piriformis syndrome. The piriformis muscle is often tight, over-active and full of trigger points as it compensates for a weak gluteal medius muscle and chronic sacroiliac dysfunction. The piriformis muscle can irritate and put extra pressure on the sciatic nerve causing pain around the buttock and down the leg.

Trigger points to the low back and gluteal muscles can also cause similar symptoms of sciatica. Trigger points are pain sensitive spots found in tight, shortened, over-active muscles. When these pain sensitive spots are pressed, not only will you experience intense localized pain, but also pain to other areas. Trigger points in the low back muscles cause referral pain down to the buttock, hip and groin areas. Trigger points in the buttock cause shooting pain down the leg.

Other causes of crippling, sharp leg pain with numbness and tingling are spinal stenosis, severe spinal arthritis, disc bulge (usually at L5/S1), spinal cyst and other space occupying lesions.

Whether you have a true sciatica or not, it is important to find out the exact cause of your leg pain, numbness and tingling. Treatments will be determined by the source of your leg pain, numbness and tingling.

Stretching the shortened, over-active piriformis muscle and strengthening the weak gluteal medius can prevent flare up of sciatica if there is no spinal stenosis, disc bulge, spinal cyst or any space occupying lesions. Chiropractic adjustment to the sacroiliac joint and soft tissue treatments such as Active Release Technique and trigger point therapy to the involve muscles relief sciatic pain and improve soft tissue and joint functions.

If your sciatic pain is from spinal stenosis or a L5/S1 disc bulge, conservative treatments may also be successful. This complicated situation requires the addition of a coordinated, manual distraction. When this procedure is done correctly it can provide much needed pain relief. The breathing coordinated, manual distraction procedure is different from spinal decompression, traction table or inversion table.

There are a few lifestyle changes that you can do to reduce the risk of having sciatic pain. Sitting with a wallet in the back pocket and sitting cross-legged promote sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Try to avoid this.

Maintaining a level of fitness is also important in preventing sciatica. Sedentary lifestyle weakens the gluteal muscles which causes the piriformis muscle to be over-active, tight and shortened. Extended sitting not only increases intervertebral disc pressure, but it also makes the gluteal muscles weak. People with flabby and heavy bottom tend to experience more sciatic pain.

Whether you have true sciatica or not, it is important to know what and where the source of pain is. A thorough and caring health care provider saves you time, money and any unnecessary emotional pain.

TMJ Treatment - The Best Way to Get Rid of Lockjaw

There are a number of ways to relieve the TMJ lockjaw, however for most dentists they will tell you that the best method is to allow your body to do the work. You heard right, your body is going to tell you what to do. To have TMJ lockjaw for the very first time can be a scary feeling and a frustrating thing to deal with. The main reason is that you do not know what to expect or how you can make the pain stop.

TMJ lockjaw will take place when the patient experiences a muscle spasm and the muscles decrease of the jaw. You will know when you are experiencing a muscle spasm. If you are able to move your jaw from one side to another and are then unable to open your mouth, then you have experienced lockjaw from TMJ. For most who are experiencing this, they will find that they tense up and this in turn will cause the TMJ to get worse.

So how do you get rid of the lockjaw? First and foremost, you need to make sure that you relax. By relaxing, your body is allowing the muscles in the face to loosen. Once this has taken place, try to start doing some TMJ exercises. By applying a warm compress to the area is another way to make it better. This will help to soothe the area.

Before you are to stretch the muscles and loosen the muscles, remember that it is best that you allow the muscles to become accustomed to the stretching by first applying a warm compress. By applying a warm compress, you are drawing blood to the area that is sore and this will allow it to move easier.

Once you have started to notice that the muscles are beginning to loosen, then you will want to practice the exercises. Start with some very basic exercises and work your way up. You will only want to do a few at first to allow your facial muscles to not become overworked which can cause more damage. As with any other treatment option, this may not work for everyone.

First, you will want to open your mouth as wide as you possibly can. You will want to do this without feeling any pain and then close your mouth again.

Second, you will want to open your mouth up and move the jaw from side to side, first moving left and then moving right. Once you have done this, close your mouth. Then move on to the next step.

Third, Repeat the second step but switch the sides in which you move your jaw by first going to the right and then to the left and then close your mouth.

The last step is to do this over and over again. You will want to do this for several minutes and for several times a day. This will slowly start to stretch the muscles.

For some they start to feel relief right away and for others, it may take quite a while before they are able to notice any difference. This is just one of the exercises that can be done for someone who is having TMJ pain. You want to remain as stress free as possible as this can cause the facial muscles to become tense. Try to stay as relaxed as possible. Remember when you start to feel like you are going to have lockjaw, to stay calm and relax. Then apply the warm heat to the side of your face as this will help the blood flow and the muscles to relax.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Reflexology For Joint and Muscle Pain

Reflexology has been defined as the application of pressure with the thumb and forefinger on reflexive points on the feet and on the hands to stimulate occurrences within the body. This stimulation has been shown to cause physiological changes within the body and should not be confused with massage. There is one large difference between reflexology and massage, massage treats the underlying area that is being affected - whereas in reflexology the area being worked on causes changes in a different area within the body.

Reflexology has been known for centuries to have beneficial effects on the body in preventative measures as well as healing properties. Recently, it has been catching on as a way to deal with pain in the joints and the muscles, as well as a way of dealing with chronic pain. The body is a whole and should be treated as such when treating pain - reflexology successfully treats the body while assisting the prevention future illnesses.

Reflexology has shown to be especially helpful when dealing with foot pain. Using reflexology to treat foot pain literally deals with the root of the problem and is a superb alternate treatment to try. Anything from bunions, swollen feet and joint disjunction have been relieved with specific types of reflexology.

Reflexology has gained credibility since it has been proven that over seventy five percent of illnesses are related to stress, or can be improved by removing the stressor.

The principals of reflexology state that many illnesses are caused by a buildup of chemicals within certain areas of the body such as the hands and feet, and stimulating these areas can breakdown the buildup and therefore improve the symptoms. Uric acid and calcium are two of the minerals that have been known to cause buildups and decrease the optimal function of the body including the blood flow and organs. This can have devastating effects on the joints, and therefore causing pain. Allowing these mineral buildups to be released can decrease the tension that is being placed on the joints causing pain.

There are more than seven thousand nerve endings in each foot, and each of these nerve endings leads to the brain. This significant fact begins to give reflexology the merit that it deserves.

Arthritis has been shown a decrease in symptoms when reflexology was conducted on a study of nearly one thousand patients. There are twenty six bones in the hand. All of these bones must function symbiotically to gain the proper working of the hand, and the wrist. When these bones are manipulated it can show significant decrease in arthritis pain.

Reflexology is gaining merit, and beginning to be covered by numerous health plans. It seems as if there is a shift occurring in the medical profession from treating diseases and illnesses with medication to treating and preventing these diseases and illnesses with age-old, non invasive techniques - ask the patients who have seen success with reflexology who are pain free, or try it yourself - to really find out the answer.

5 Tips to Maximize Bone and Joint Strength Naturally

Here are my top five tips to maximize bone and joint strength naturally. Think of it as your bone and joint health regimen.

Tip One: Exercise Appropriately

While some types of intense exercise can put stress on the joints, regular moderate physical activity has been shown to improve bone mineral density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. To find out what types of exercises are appropriate for you, you can talk to a fitness trainer, a physical therapist or your doctor. Low impact weight-bearing, resistance training, yoga stretches and walking are some of the exercises commonly recommended.

Tip Two: Eat More Calcium-Rich Foods

When you think of calcium-rich foods, you may immediately think of dairy products. Low-fat dairy products can be a part of a balanced diet. Greek yogurt, for example, is an excellent choice because it is also rich in protein. Protein supports muscle strength and growth. Your muscles help to support and protect your joints and bones.

There are other calcium-rich foods that may be even more beneficial than dairy because of the antioxidants they contain. Antioxidants help protect against free radical damage that can cause joint and bone deterioration. Many antioxidants also have anti-inflammatory activity. Inflammation degrades collagen and elastin fibers that make up tendons, ligaments and other supportive body components.

Here are some "super" foods to include in your daily diet:

繚 Canned salmon-3 ounces provides 200 milligrams of calcium, plus protein and the potent antioxidant astaxanthin

繚 Broccoli-1 cup provides 90 milligrams of calcium, plus the antioxidants vitamin C, beta-carotene and vitamin E, along with the mineral magnesium which contributes to bone mineral density and the vitamin K which provides major protection against osteoporosis

繚 Turnip greens-1 cup provides 200 milligrams of calcium, plus vitamin C, Vitamin A and vitamin K

Tip Three: Be Sure to Get Plenty of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is sometimes called the sunshine vitamin. As we get older, the conversion of sunlight to vitamin D is less efficient. Many doctors believe that we need even more vitamin D as we age. Your body needs vitamin D in order to absorb calcium.

Tip Four: Take Fish Oil

Fish oil has natural anti-inflammatory activity and is beneficial for joint pain. Some brands also provide beneficial antioxidants such as lycopene, astaxanthin and coenzyme Q10. COQ10 may be particularly beneficial because it contributes to muscle strength and the amount present in the body decreases with age. The most effective form of coenzyme Q10 is ubiquinol.

Tip Five: Take A Multi-Nutritional Supplement

Multi-nutritional supplements naturally provide extra support for bones and joints. Not all supplements are the same, of course. The best ones for bone health contain the nutrients mentioned above (calcium, magnesium, vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, vitamin C) and mangosteen extract.

Mangosteen extract has been highly promoted as an overall health supplement. The value to bone and joint strength has to do with the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Mangosteen has proven to be a natural COX-2 inhibitor.

COX-2 is an enzyme that contributes to pain, swelling and inflammation. COX-2 inhibiting drugs have proven to be dangerous, although effective for pain relief. Mangosteen extract provides the benefits without the risks.

Please click the Bones & Joint Problems link below in the resource author box.

Using Pilates To Relieve Arthritis Joint Pain

Because Arthritis joint pain is caused by wear and tear on the joints you may not even consider exercising when you are hurting. To alleviate some of the pain and stiffness you are feeling, low impact exercises can be the best thing you can do.

Exercising the muscles that cushion sore joints can lessen the pressure on the joints. Some of these sore joints include: the hips, shoulders, knees, and hands?wrists.

The most common cause of arthritis joint pain is mal-alignment. A properly aligned joint with balanced muscle strength coming from opposing sides can reduce pain and support your activities that you enjoy.

What this means is that if you are strengthening the muscles in the thigh or front of the leg you also need to work the opposing group of hamstrings in the back of the leg.

Pilates exercises are designed to stretch and strengthen muscles groups at the same time. What this means is that the muscle groups that support your spine, knees, hips, and shoulders will be equally balanced. This corrective practice will, in turn, cause them to move more efficiently with less wear and tear, which equals less pain.

Stronger Muscles = Less Pressure on Joints = Less Pain!

Some sample Pilates exercises to help relieve the arthritis joint pain that you are feeling:

------------------------ Joint Pain Exercise for the Hips:

· Pilates leg circles are a great exercise to stabilize the pelvis while lubricating the hip joint and simultaneously stretching and strengthening those muscles of the hip and upper leg.

Leg circles are done by lying on your back with one leg extended out along the floor and the other can be extended almost to a 90 degree angle or modify by bending at the knee. Feel the femur or thigh bone heavy in the hip socket and rotate in circles keeping the torso anchored into the mat. Do this 5-8 times each direction.

--------------------------- Wrist Joint Pain Exercise:

· Wrist/finger curls: One of my favorites to strengthen the wrist and increase finger dexterity is to do curls using a small dumbbell or weighted ball.

Leaning forward in a chair with your forearm resting on your thigh palm up and the back of the hand hanging off your leg. Roll the weight out to your finger tips and then slowly curl with your fingers and then make a fist around it as it curls into your palm. Do this 10 times on each hand.

--------------------------- Shoulder Joint Pain Exercise:

· A great way to stabilize the shoulder joint is by doing scapular protraction and retraction exercises.

Standing with your arms extended at chest height, protract the scapula by reaching the arms out farther away drawing the shoulder blades apart. Retract the scapula by drawing or sliding the shoulder blades together. Complete 8-12 repetetions of this exercise in each direction.

-------------------------- Joint Pain Exercise for the Knees:

Eve's Lunge on the Pilates reformer is one of the best ways I have found to stretch and strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee joint. If this equipment is not available for you try doing a non-impact exercise such as leg extensions with a small soft ball.

Place a small ball between your knees as you are lying on your back. Extend your legs squeezing the ball more feeling your inner thighs working and your spine stretch flat into the mat. Bend your knees again to relax. Do this for 10-15 times.

If you are looking for a qualified Pilates instructor in your area go to:


Tips to begin any arthritis joint pain exercises:

1. Start slowly - Begin with low repetitions (4-8 times) and light weights (2-5 lbs).

2. Progress in small increments - after a week or two with no pain and soreness increase reps or frequency by a couple of reps or minutes.

3. Set goals you can achieve - If it's only exercising one day per week then start there.

4. Work in a pain free range of motion. No Pain - No Gain is not allowed here!

Tinnitus and Dehydration

Tinnitus is commonly called 'ringing in the ears' but some people have really loud noises (or roaring, hissing, buzzing, or tinkling) in their ears that can actually jam out outside noises and conversations. It can be caused by loud noises or music, ototoxic drugs, wax buildup in the ear, allergies, ear or sinus infection, congestion, jaw or bite misalignment (TMJ disorder),cardiovascular disease, Meniere's disease, a tumor on the auditory nerve, otosclerosis, underactive thyroid, head or neck trauma and believe it or not, dehydration.

The body is 70 percent water and the delicate bones and accompanying tissues in the ear are very sensitive, even to dehydration. Once the tissues dry out, there is not the flexibility in the small joints in the tiny bones that "hear". The imbalance in the fluids can make the tiny hairs in the cochlea of the inner ear become damaged. Damage can also come from loud noises such as lawn mower and rock concerts. Even MP3 players turned up too loud can cause damage. The damage can become permanent if too little healthy water is ingested over time or if you are habitually in a noisy environment. Chronic dehydration can make inner ear function worse, so make sure that you drink lots of healthy water, not coffee, fruit juice, carbonated beverages or bottled water.

If you find you have tinnitus after a loud noise event, start drinking more water and avoid other loud noises for a few days. You don't want the ringing to become permanent. If you find that the ear noises persist, avoid alcohol, recreational drugs, caffeine, aspirin and nicotine as they can make the noises worse. Although aspirin and certain antibiotics can make tinnitus worse, your doctor can help you make substitutions or regulate the dosage so you are more comfortable.

If you run or do sports you will want to drink plenty of healthy water. Overheating can aggravate your tinnitus just as much as dehydration.

In recent years, researchers have used MRI imaging to detect brain activity with people who suffer from tinnitus. They have found hyperactivity in the auditory cortex and in certain parts of the limbic brain, not normally found in people without ear noises. The limbic brain governs stress responses such as anxiety and emotions. Researchers say that it is not that tinnitus is induced by stress, but that the part of the brain that produces fearful emotions is hyperactive in tinnitus sufferers.

For a long time, the questions medical professionals and scientists had was where the "ringing" was located. They know people could "hear" the noise but they wondered if it was in the ears or the brain. It was postulated that the noise emerged as the sound went from the ear to the central nervous system to the brain. When the hearing was assaulted by prolonged loud noise, even for a short time and there was trauma, the brain would try to compensate by switching up its own amplifier. But just like a short wave radio you hear more sound in addition to hearing more hiss. But now in concert with the MRI imaging, scientist are beginning to unravel the mysteries of tinnitus.

In Germany and Belgium, research is showing some promise with a treatment protocol called Magnetic Transcranial Stimulation with some sufferers. This treatment involves placing a magnetic plate just above the ear and holding it where the auditory cortex is. When electric current is pulsed through the plates, it is postulated that faulty brain signals are disrupted and even possibly being reset. The painless 5 to 30 minutes sessions do not require anaesthetic but do require expensive equipment only found in major neurology centers.

Within the last two years, some exciting developments have been emerging from the pharmaceutical industry. A very dangerous procedure was tried, injecting lidocaine, an anaesthetic into the blood stream of a tinnitus sufferer. There was a complete absence of symptoms for five minutes. This is not a recommended treatment, but what it told researchers is that somewhere in the brain, there is an off-switch. Researchers are now actively looking for it.

In my clinic, I have a number of clients who have lost their tinnitus from drinking alkaline, ionized water. The level of their chronic dehydration was the benchmark for how long it took to disappear. This healthy water gently neutralized the acidic condition that partners with dehydration to create all kinds of symptoms in the body, including ear noises. Try my 7 day water challenge. It's free and you'll feel better for it.

What Is Osteoarthritis And The Connection Between ASU and Osteoarthritis?

What Is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of the potentially debilitating rheumatoid disease. The disease finds it's most victims in adults age twenty-five or older. In 2006, nearly twenty-one million Americans were living with this form of arthritis. Also known as degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis attacks the bone's cartiledge. While healthy bone cartiledge makes it easy for bones to glide over and pass each other and absorbs the shock of physical movement, once the cartiledge finds itself under siege by osteoarthritis however, the surface layer of the bone cartiledge deteriorates and begins to wear down. Eventually, the bones beneath the cartiledge effected by osteoarthritis will start to rub together, swell, start pain, and loss joint motion.

Osteoarthritis patients regularly experience pain in the joints and limited mobility. But unlike other members of the arthritis family, like rheumatoid arthritis for instance, osteoarthritis does not spread it's havoc into other areas of the body like the tissues of the skin, the lungs, the eyes, and the blood vessels. Instead osteoarthritis goes for the hands, particularly the ends of the fingers and thumbs, the spine, especially the areas around the neck and lower back, the knees, and the hips.

What Do Osteoarthritis Patients Look Like?

Osteoarthritis is most common in older people, but the condition has been known to manifest itself in young people suffering from a joint injury, joint malformation, or a genetic joint defect. Striking both men and women equally, osteoarthritis in people age forty-five and younger is most common in men, with the disease becoming more common in women older then forty-five. Excessive weight and professions that stress the joints are both factors that can flare the onset of osteoarthritis.

No matter how common, the effects of osteoarthritis reach behind the joints and cartiledge that attacks. Osteoarthritis can not only alter lifestyles, but bank accounts, too. Some lifestyle chances associated with osteoarthritis include depression, anxiety, helplessness, limited activity, limited employment potential, expensive medical treatments, and lost wages.

How Is Osteoarthritis Treated?

Osteoarthritis has four goals:

· Controlling pain

· Improving joint function

· Maintaining a normal body weight

· Achieving a healthy lifestyle

In an effort to champion these core goal, osteoarthritis is treated with a rigorous combination of exercise, weight control, rest and relief, natural pain relief, medication, surgery, or even alternative treatments. Studies have shown that exercise is one of the best treatments for osteoarthritis. Not only can exercise routines like walking, water aerobics, and swimming increase flexibility and strengthen the heart rate, they are also great for decreasing pain and prompting a cheery outlook. Other exercise benefits on osteoarthritis include an improved blood flow and affordability.

ASU and Osteoarthritis

For the alternative medicine aficionado in osteoarthritis patients, avocado-soybean-unsaponifiable (ASU-no relation to Arizona's infamous party school) is one of the most promising alternative treatments to emerge in hopes of relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis. ASU and osteoarthritis demonstrated a connection in a series of European studies that provide osteoarthritis patients with between three and six hundred milograms of a day of ASU. The trials discovered that the terms ASU and osteoarthritis treatment may just go hand and hand; ASU has proven to be an effective treatment for osteoarthritis in the studies administered.

Most Common TMJ Symptoms: How to Know If You Have TMJ

TMJ is a tricky disorder, and it is very often under-diagnosed. Hence the need for a guide to self-diagnosing your TMJ disorder even before consulting a specialist. This article will provide you with a brief but comprehensive list of the most common TMJ symptoms. If you believe that you have two or more or them, it is highly recommended that you consult a specialist as soon as you can.

Severe Pain

All TMJ sufferers report experiencing severe pain - which, in some cases, is even described as excruciating. It generally involves the whole face region (especially the area surrounding the ears and the temples).

However, even though you pain is still manageable, consulting a doctor is always a good idea. Sometimes, what looks like a harmless ear infection can be a TMJ disorder in its early stages.

Grinding, popping and crunching sounds

if you are wondering whether your pain is TMJ-related, this symptom is very likely to provide you with an accurate answer to your dilemma. Asking your parents or friends if they ever noticed you make strange grinding and popping sounds with your jaw is probably the most important tell-tale sign of TMJ.

Visit a doctor immediately if you have this symptom. Grinding your teeth every day, for an extended period of time, can lead to permanent damage to the jaw cartilage, thereby considerably aggravating your TMJ disorder.

Frequent headaches

Do you often complain about your frequent headaches or migraines? If you have had this problem for a long time and the medicaments you have been taking have not helped you, then TMJ is very like the underlying cause of your disorder.

The only way to get rid of them is finding a TMJ specialist as soon as possible. Your dentist or family doctor are simply nor trained enough to diagnose this tricky disorder, which is also why TMJ sufferers very often spend thousands of dollars before being able to find a proper cure.

Over-sensitive eyes

TMJ patient often report having blurred vision, bloodshot eyes, watery eyes and pain below, above and behind the eye region. In addition, a dislocated temporo-mandibular joint can also lead to a disorder called photophobia (also known as "light sensitivity"). Finally, if your eye muscles are often twitching, you are very likely to be suffering from TMJ.

Pain in the neck region

Repeatedly clenching you jaw and contracting your facial muscles is often the underlying cause of your neck pain. The vast majority of TMJ sufferers complain about the severe pain in their neck, but they very often relate it to the wrong cause. In this case, watch out for any other TMJ symptoms. If you are experiencing at least two more, you are very likely suffering from TMJ.


The wisest thing to do if you have many of these TMJ symptoms is looking for a health professional with a proper training on these kind of disorders. Do your research and try to get a second opinion before undergoing surgery or trying extreme or new therapies. Many TMJ sufferers have ruined their lives because of their impatience.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Lower Back Pain - Rectus Femoris

Lower back pain with irritation of the L3, L4 nerve roots can cause pain and spasm in the rectus femoris and pain and spasm in this muscle will aggravate lower back pain.
This muscle is one of the four muscles termed the quadriceps muscles. The quadriceps are the muscles in the front of the thigh and are responsible for straightening the knee.
The rectus femoris arises from an area on the pelvic bone known as anterior superior iliac spine and the part of the bone just above the hip joint. It inserts at the upper border of the kneecap (patella) and also to the tubercle on the front of the shin bone (tibia). Its action is to bend the thigh upwards (hip flexion) and to straighten the knee (knee extension). It receives the L2-L4 nerve root supply through the femoral nerve.

Since rectus femoris is the only muscle of the quadriceps that crosses over the hip joint as well as the knee joint, this muscle is more vulnerable to trauma than the other three quadriceps muscles (vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and vastus intermedius).

When the hip and knees are bent as in sitting, crouching or squatting, rectus femoris and tensor fascia lata muscles are very tight at the hip and excessively stretched at the knee. This predisposes the muscles to get easily traumatized. Additionally, aging of the L3, L4 nerve root, injury, or irritation from presence of degenerative arthritis of the spine, slipped disc, bulging disc are also responsible for underlying neurogenic weakness in this muscle.

Since the quadriceps is essential for keeping the knee steady when going down steps, inclines and in the walking phase after the heel strikes the ground, weakness of the rectus femoris and the tensor fascia lata (which also has L4 nerve root fibers) can predispose the person to falls.
To strengthen the rectus femoris and tensor fascia lata muscles, the principle involves education starting first with shortening contractions of the spinal extensors from the neck to the lower back and the hip extensor muscles. The hip flexor tightness is secondary to imbalanced contraction of the hip flexor muscles such as rectus femoris, tensor fascia lata, adductor muscles and the iliopsoas muscles in the presence of weak back and hip extensors such as the gluteus maximus, lower part of the adductor magnus muscle and the hamstring muscles. When the knee is flexed, the hamstring muscles do not participate in straightening the hip (extension). Therefore most of the strength of the hamstrings is directed to bending the knee (flexion).
The health education for shortening contractions of the spinal extensors and hip extensor muscles such as gluteus maximus and adductor magnus must be performed first to return strength to these muscles. These extensor muscles are the main muscles constantly exposed to lengthening contractions at the hip making them weak.

At the knee, the weakness in the extension force results in unopposed pull of the knee flexor muscles. The shortening and spasm in the knee flexor muscles such as the hamstrings and the gastrocnemius muscles are difficult to release primarily. Therefore shortening contractions of the knee extensor muscles such as the rectus femoris, tensor fascia lata and the other three quadriceps muscles need to be performed first.

It is difficult to isolate these muscles to be individually trained for shortening contractions. Selective activation of these muscles is best performed with motor point stimulation using the eToims Twitch Relief Method.

Thus in the treatment of lower back pain and discomfort, rectus femoris has to be treated together with all the other large and powerful muscles that cross multiple joints and are exposed to lengthening contractions. Therefore, treatments must involve the entire spinal muscles from the neck to the base of the spine, gluteus maximus, adductor magnus, and tensor fascia lata muscles as a minimum.
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Afflictions Of The Back That Cause Poor Posture

We can narrow down this from all afflictions of the back that cause poor posture to just those that you weren't born with. In the chiropractic arena, we generally understand that most spinal conditions (that you aren't born with) are due to some kind of trauma.

That trauma may be as easy to remember as a car accident or serious fall, or it could be something more sinister like having bad posture or a poorly set up computer workstation for far too long. The afflictions of the back that can cause poor posture are largely due to repetitive trauma or micro trauma.

These "mini-traumas" are nothing that you would notice if you were only performing the activity once or twice. However, since you perform the offending action thousands upon thousands of times, it can begin to add up. The trauma can lead to such things as degenerative joint disease (DJD), herniated disc, and osteoporosis-related problems like compression fractures.

Degenerative Joint Disease is also known as a "wear and tear" disease. This is usually the result of spinal joints not functioning as well as they should, cause them to simply wear out. DJD may also show up as the result of a more traumatic injury as your body attempts to heal or just bad posture. The visible signs of DJD can be seen on x-ray only after the process has been going on for at least several years.

A herniated disc is usually more painful. The jelly-like substance inside the spinal disc becomes inflamed and begins pushing its way out of the more fibrous outer ring. This can lead to pressure on spinal nerves and lot of associated pain.

Compression fractures related to osteoporosis are also very painful. Once the spine has been pushed out of its normal alignment, it leads to an increase in the amount of pressure and force being put on spinal joints as they resist gravity. Finally, something has to give and the bone begins to collapse on itself. This is called a compression fracture.

The bad news is that once you get one spinal fracture, the increasing stress and body weight will typically lead to more. Prevention is the key, then, to all of these conditions. Since you can't predict or always avoid the traumas of auto accidents or falls, you'll have to try and avoid the repetitive traumas in your daily life.

TMJ Splints - What Are They and How Do They Work?

What Is A TMJ Splint?

A TMJ splint is sometimes called a TMJ appliance or TMJ mouth guard. While these sound good in theory, well over half of the wearers of these splints, feel no pain relief. Some even feel worse!

This is because of the many different causes of TMJ. It's still sort of a mystery of what causes TMJ, and how to cure TMJ. In most cases, if you have TMJ because of a trauma to the face, these splints will do no good.

Furthermore, many TMJ sufferers have crooked bites. This was my case too. Because you have a crooked bite, your jaw doesn't open or close properly, causing weakening of the TM joint and muscle spasms and pain. Using a TMJ splint doesn't fix the cause! The cause is the crooked bite, the pain is the effect. Using a splint only holds the mouth open for long periods of time bringing some pain relief. This is like using a band-aid on a compound leg fracture.

For those folks that have arthritis in that join because of long term TMJ, then a TMJ splint will only worsen the effects and cause even more pain. What will happen over the long term is that it will become painful to close your mouth! Imagine walking around all day with your mouth half open.

While these TMJ splints provide some relief, I think they are hurting more than they are helping. After using one myself, it only provides temporary relief and doesn't fix the CAUSE of TMJ. Fix the cause of TMJ and your pain will go away for good.

General Information About Osteoarthritis

Common Characteristics of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, is one of the most common ailments associated with getting older, and it is therefore most common in those parts of the world where people live the longest. More than 15 million Americans receive medical attention for osteoarthritis each year, and more than twice that many are affected by it to some degree. However, it rarely results in serious disability.

Osteoarthritis is essentially a "wear-and-tear" disorder. In typical cases, symptoms appear after the age of 50, and usually in the large joints that bear the most weight--the hips, knees, shoulders and spine.

Pain and stiffness are at their most uncomfortable upon arising in the morning and are likely to be intensified during damp, cold weather. (This does not mean, however, that symptoms are likely to disappear in a warm, dry climate.) Redness and swelling of the affected joints may also occur. Joints, particularly in the fingers, may become permanently gnarled by osteoarthritis, but this almost never interferes with their function. Painless bony bumps, known as Heberden's nodes, may also appear symmetrically on the fingers of both hands or on toe joints as well.

Causes of Osteoarthritis

When a person is young and spry, the joints between the bones swing freely like efficient, well-oiled hinges. Stresses and strains are absorbed by the cartilage pads that provide cushioning and lubrication at the ends of the bones where they constantly come together as the parts of the body make their coordinated movements.

Over the years, these protective layers become eroded, lubricating fluids diminish and the result is a sensation often described as "creaking" at the joints. In addition to a decrease in smoothness of function, small growths, or spurs, may develop on the bones in the area of the joints. These are 10 times more prevalent among women than among men and are likely to aggravate an already uncomfortable condition.

Signs and Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

Since the weight-bearing joints are the ones most commonly affected, stiffness and discomfort in the knees and hips are likeliest to occur first, especially in the overweight person or in someone whose life style involves long stretches of standing or walking. A visit to the doctor for diagnosis normally includes close inspection of painful areas as well as X-ray examination of the joints in question. (when X-ray pictures are taken for diagnosis of some other condition in younger patients, they usually reveal the beginnings of cartilage erosion in the weight-bearing joints at a stage that does not yet produce associated symptoms.) Other than X-rays and visual examination, there are no other diagnostic tests for osteoarthritis.

Treatment of Osteoarthritis

Where overweight exists as a contributing factor, efforts should be made to lose the extra pounds and keep them off. Application of warm, moist heat, slow and gentle massage of the affected joints and a reduction (not a total cessation) of normal activities are ways in which patients can help themselves when there is an intensification of discomfort. Where pressure on the weight-bearing joints can be diminished through postural adjustments, special exercises may be recommended.

Drug Therapy

Although inflammation is not one of the initial symptoms of osteoarthritis, as the joint degeneration progresses, swelling, redness and other signs of inflammation may occur. When this happens, anti-inflammatory drug therapy may be recommended.

Aspirin. Patients who can tolerate high doses of aspirin may be treated with this drug alone. However, patients on anti-inflammatory aspirin therapy, which may involve taking 16 or more tablets a day, should be aware of possible side effects, among which the most common are ringing in the ears, heartburn and other gastrointestinal upsets. To minimize gastrointestinal complications, the aspirin should be scheduled after meals. Acetaminophen, in smaller dosages, may be recommended as an alternative to aspirin.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. These are relatively new drugs that relieve the pain and joint inflammation of osteoarthritis. It is the physician's role to match the patient with the particular drug that will be most suitable and effective without adverse effects. Sometimes drugs are used in combination, but whatever the procedure, supervision by the doctor is usually indicated if maximum benefit is to be achieved.

Steroids. In those few cases where other measures fail, steroid drugs (cortisone) may be injected into the damaged joint for temporary relief. However, long-term treatment with steroids is not recommended for osteoarthritis.


When an older person suffers such severe osteoarthritis that most normal activity becomes impossible, surgical replacement of the affected joints may be considered. Hip replacement, in which the entire hip joint or head of the femur is replaced, is the most common operation of this type. The replacement joint is made of plastic and metal parts and is held in place by special plastic cements. The artificial joints allow the previously immobilized patient to be relieved of crippling pain, and most activities can be resumed following physical therapy and regaining of muscle function.

More recent joint replacements include the knee--a joint that is more complicated than the hip and, consequently, poses more engineering problems in replacing. However, the newer artificial knee joints are providing good results, both in terms of pain relief and restoration of function.

Traumatic Arthritis

Closely related to osteoarthritis, traumatic arthritis is usually the result of excessive joint use combined with injury. It is commonly seen in athletes. Rest will usually resolve the problem, although in some instances, drugs or surgery may be required, particularly in the case of athletes who need to quickly regain the use of the injured joints.

Summing Up

For millions of people, osteoarthritis is an inevitable condition of aging. Most cases can be handled by rest and common sense. Anti-inflammatory drugs--both non-prescription painkillers such as aspirin or acetaminophen, or prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents--may be used during flare-ups.

Osteoarthritis rarely turns into a crippling disease, but as newer and more effective drugs are available for reducing aches and pains to a minimum, there is little reason for allowing this particular cause of physical discomfort to be a dominating factor in determining one's life style in advancing years.

Natural Arthritis Pain Relief - Natural Remedies For Joint Pain

Joint pains are not something that sufferers have the luxury to take lightly. It can become so severe, in fact, to a point that the sufferer finds it difficult to do even the simplest of movements.

Most sufferers of joint pains and arthritis often turn to natural arthritis pain relief when conventional pain relief methods have failed. More and more patients are trying out natural arthritis pain relief methods with success, which is one reason why other sufferers are encouraged to try the natural route as well.

Natural herbs and supplements also offer fewer side effects compared to conventional drugs, although more clinical studies are still needed to be done to assess the short-term and long-term effects of these remedies, since most remedies are not yet approved by the FDA.

The most popular natural arthritis pain relief products out there include primrose oil, devil's claw, capsicum, and soya. Patients are also often encouraged to include foods with anti-inflammatory properties in their diets to reduce the inflammation which is the main cause of joint pain. Foods like vegetables, beans, fruits, as well as natural oils like walnut and canola are examples.

Nowadays, there are several natural arthritis supplements on the market that contains these natural herbs and ingredients making it easy and convenient for sufferers to consume these. Most of them are pill form although some are also available in liquid form as well.

Apart from supplementation, another form of natural arthritis pain relief is rest, relaxation and natural arthritic exercises, which are designed specifically for people with arthritis.

These exercises include range of motion, strengthening, and endurance exercises. Most arthritic patients may not be able to perform endurance exercises, which is why a visit to the doctor or a physical therapist is important before starting any form of exercise regimen.

How to Get a Better Nights Sleep During a Hip Or Knee Replacement

After having either a hip or knee replaced, getting the required amount of sleep in those first two to three weeks after the surgery can be a daunting process. You will find that you slept better when you were hospitalized then when you return home and the reasons are many.

One reason was that you were better medicated. medication schedules for the most part are better regulated then when you arrive home. Many patients will either postpone taking their medication for pain or forget altogether. You are less distracted at the hospital in regards to family and friends you find you will rest better in the hospital then when you arrive home.

Now there are cases however where this is not always a fact. It will depend on your experience at the hospital some of you may feel much better in your own bed. Something however will change when you get home causing the replacement to create more discomfort and in turn reduce your sleep.

I find the patient that has had a knee replaced will suffer more then the hip replacement patient as having the knee replaced is more painful. keeping the knee comfortable during the night is something that you have to work at. The knee will wake you up at night as it starts ache and you will develop muscle spasms once it has sat still for awhile. The trick here is when you wake up to start moving the knee as soon as possible and you will find the pain will relieve itself.

Here are several things you can do to help yourself get a good nights sleep after returning home after joint replacement surgery.

1. Be sure not to complete your last set of exercises right before going to be. I suggest you do your last exercise session roughly two hours before going to bed.

2. Be sure to take your pain medication before going to sleep. I found this to be helpful in my case and it will help relax you and begin to decrease the pain at the surgical site.

3. Keep your room cool and comfortable. Have found many patients that have tried to sleep with the room temperature higher then normal due to the fact they are not active and feel cold to begin with. Having a room temperature that is higher then normal will keep you uneasy and tossing and turning as well. Use a temperature that is comfortable to you.

4. Monitor you overall workload during the day. Many people when they get home begin to get involved in to much around the home. Remember these joint replacements will not let you know you have done too much until later that night and the next day. By over doing things around the home more exercises then has been prescribed or household chore will also cost you a good nights sleep.

After getting home and re-established, you will find your sleep patterns will begin to get back to normal within two weeks. The first two weeks will be hit and miss. this is something I have found of course that will vary from patient to patient. Sleeping will be a challenge when you first arrive home so try and prepare yourself accordingly.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Joint Pain Relief - Shielding Your Joints From the Everyday Wear & Tear Isn't As Hard As You Think

Protecting your joints from the normal wear & tear of everyday living is something most of us don't even think about... That is, until we start to feel a little stiffness in our knees, wrist, shoulder, etc., etc...

All of a sudden we have all these aches & pains to deal with on a daily basis, that seemingly came out of nowhere. "Oh, it's just age." And with that simple sentence, we just chalk it up to the 'normal aging process, and accept the fact that there is no relief for our joint pain.

And it's completely unnecessary, too...

Treating joint pain, even avoiding it all together has never been easier. And yet still, most people in our culture will experience some kind of arthritic condition and resign themselves to 'living with the pain' for the rest of their lives.

In the past, this kind of attitude (behavior) might have been acceptable due to the lack of access to genuine remedies, that actually relieve pain, by addressing the real problems and not just treating the symptoms by masking the pain.

Today we have access to the very best information on joint pain relief, without the use of harmful prescription drugs or expensive, dangerous surgeries (which usually do more harm than good). Now, we understand that protecting our joints from the normal effects of aging, or relieving sore, aching joints is not as difficult as we once thought...

With the latest advances in the use of 'glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate' (natural substances found in and around the cells of cartilage. Glucosamine is an amino sugar that the body produces and distributes in cartilage and other connective tissue, and chondroitin sulfate is a complex carbohydrate that helps cartilage retain water).

Add that to some MSM, which is used to help maintain the lubrication of the joints, flexibility to the tissues & even rejuvenation of the hair, nails & skin. Now toss in some pain relieving, anti-inflammatory herbs like ginger & willow bark, a little vitamin C... And you have a support system for your joints that Superman, himself, would be jealous of.

These are not "new" treatments for painful joints, either. They are only recently being rediscovered, as proven remedies for your aging joints. Used for both, long & short term joint pain relief and the reduction of inflammation. Tapping into the use of natural options, when it comes to protecting your joints could be the wisest move you ever make...

Remember physical activity is not supposed to be painful, at any age! And by adding some of these natural options to shield our joints, we no longer have to live a life full of aches & pains.

Top Ten Anti Inflammatory Foods to Add to Your Diet for Pain Relief

While more Americans are seeking traditional homeopathic and natural treatment for arthritis, gout, and many other muscle and joint aches and pains, the simplest and most economical home remedies for pain may be adding a few top foods to eat to the American diet. Here is a short list of anti inflammatory foods for health.

#1 - Fish Fish, especially a cold water fish like salmon, trout, or tuna, is loaded with anti inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. Many studies confirm adding fish (or fish oil) to one's diet will lower inflammation.

Choose your fish carefully There is much debate over wild fish versus farm-raised. Wild fish are usually higher in nutrients and lower in fat than farm-raised, because of their diet and the exercise they get swimming. Farm-raised fish, on the average, have about 20% less protein and 20% more fat than wild caught. Wild fish eat a diet of small fish, shrimp and red krill, which is where the abundance of omega-3 EFAs in their flesh originates. They are also free-range, and get abundant exercise, reducing their fat-content.

Farm raised fish are fed fishmeal pellets, usually made of ground, processed and compressed mackerel, anchovies, sardines, and other small fish, which does not contain the high concentrations of omega-3s that wild food sources do. In order to mimic the deep red color that wild fish have, especially salmon, most farm-raised fish are fed a dye along with their meal. Because fish farms are small, over-crowded net enclosures or pens, the fish are fed antibiotics to combat diseases, parasites, and infections.

There have also been reports of high mercury content, both in wild and farmed fish: the wild fish from living in contaminated waters, and the farmed fish from mercury contamination in their feed. Mercury in fish mostly accumulates in the skin, so do not eat the skin when eating any fish.

#2 - Extra Virgin Olive Oil Olive oil is a superb source of oleic acid; an anti-inflammatory oil. Olive oil also improves insulin function thereby lowering blood sugar. Because of its low smoke point, olive oil is not good for deep-frying, but is perfect for healthier cooking options, such as saut矇 and braising. Cook with olive oil instead of oils or shortening that are high in unhealthy trans-fats.

#3 - Nuts Almonds, walnuts, cashews, and many other nuts are high in oleic acid, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, and other healthy phytochemicals. Because some nuts are high in fat, be sure to eat them in moderation.

#4 - Grapes Researchers report that grapes are high in flavonoids, which they believe have anti-inflammatory properties. According to Medical news today "Now, researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have shown that powdered grapes appear to reduce pain and inflammation in a rat model of arthritis, where rats' knees are inflamed using a chemical injection." Perhaps drinking wine, as the Europeans know, can lower inflammation as well.

#5 - Cherries Cherries, especially tart cherries, are a rich source of antioxidants. Specifically, they contain large amounts of anthocyanins, one of the most powerful anti oxidants, which give the cherries their rich, red color. A study conducted by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and their university colleagues suggests that cherries may reduce painful arthritic inflammation, as well as reducing the risk of other inflammatory conditions such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.

#6 -Green Tea Green tea, which is an unfermented tea, contains flavonoids called "catechins". Catechins are powerful antioxidants which are destroyed during the processing and fermenting process that other teas go through. Green tea contains about 27% catechins, as opposed to oolong (partially fermented) which contains 23%, and black tea (fermented) which contains about 4%. Animal studies have shown that green tea significantly reduced the severity of arthritis. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), green tea affects arthritis by causing changes in arthritis-related immune responses.

If you discover you have headaches after consuming teas, you may have an allergy, as many people discover. As always, listen to your body and observe what works.

#7 - Leafy Greens Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and kale, are packed with fiber, anti-oxidants, and Omega 3s. Look for organically grown produce, or be sure to wash thoroughly to remove the chemicals and pesticides that tend to accumulate on the leaves.

#8 - Broccoli A compound, 3,3'-diindolylmethane (DIM), found in broccoli and its kissing cousins, cauliflower and brussel sprouts, has been shown to fight inflammation and help boost the immune system. These super-veggies also contain sulforane, a phytonutrient that helps liver function and increases your body's natural detoxification ability. Eat them raw (frozen varieties of vegetables lose a lot of nutritional value) or steam them to preserve the beneficial nutrients, which can be broken down by cooking methods such as boiling or frying.

#9 - Apples Apples and red onions both contain quercetin, a chemical that research has shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, along with other antioxidants. The majority of the quercetin is in their skins, it's what gives them their rich red coloring, so don't peel apples before you eat them. Rinse all fresh fruits and vegetables well before eating to help eliminate pesticides and fertilizers.

#10 - Water The more fresh, clean water you drink, the better. Your body is made up of more than 70% water, and continuous replenishment helps to keep toxins flushed from your system, including joints, muscles, and blood.

In recent years, with the increased popularity of bottled water, there has been heated debate over tap water versus bottled water. In order to decide which is better for you, you should know what the differences are.

There is a bewildering array of choices in bottled water available on the market today, from spring water, mineral water, well water, to sparkling water. While some of them come from natural springs and other pristine sources, over 25% of the bottled water sold actually comes from municipal sources.

Yup, you may be drinking tap water!

Clever packaging messages have corralled the herd mentality of an easy-going, optimistic public!

It's been treated, filtered and purified, then bottled and sold to you at a thousand-fold increase in price. There are no current regulations that force the bottler to state where the water comes from, so that pristine mountain glacier melt that you thought you were drinking might have actually just come from a tap in Alaska or New Jersey.

Bottled water is no healthier than tap water. In fact, current research suggests that it may be more harmful. BPA's, chemicals in the plastic of the bottles themselves, can actually escape into the water you are drinking. (BPAs are known to cause neurological problems, among other things.)

In addition to the dangers of the chemicals in the bottles, there are other environmental footprints to consider. Fossil fuels, with their associated pollution and greenhouse gasses, are used to produce the plastic bottles. Shipping water bottles far and wide uses up more fossil fuels, as well as causing carbon pollution of our air and water ways. While most plastic water bottles are recyclable, over 75% of them end up in landfills, or littering beaches, lakes, and the sides of the road.

Look at your tap water

Municipal water sources are rigorously treated and tested by the EPA. EPA regulations of contaminants are very strict, while the FDA regulations for bottled water are much looser. Tap water also contains fluoride, to help protect our teeth from decay. Most importantly, tap water is extremely wallet friendly! Twenty ounces of water from the kitchen faucet costs pennies, but twenty ounces of bottled water costs over $1.

If the taste of the bottled water is what keeps you buying it, consider adding a filter to your tap water at home. There are many filters available in a huge range of prices, from simple pitchers that filter water for around $20, all the way up to complex systems for your entire house that cost thousands of dollars. Just be sure to check that it doesn't filter out the fluoride that your teeth need. If you like the convenience of the portable bottle, consider investing in an inexpensive reusable bottle made of a safer, more durable plastic, such as that used to transport water on a bicycle, or even a glass or metal thermos. Your environment and your pocketbook will appreciate the effort.

Degenerative Joint Disease in Cats

Degenerative joint disease is not as common in cats as it is dogs and the symptoms tend to be milder. There are a number of reasons for this but the most obvious ones are size and weight. Degenerative joint disease in cats is a condition where the articulating surface of a joint wears out and the underlying bone develops a roughened surface that damages the joint. Joint degeneration in cats is frequently seen in joints that have been subjected to extreme overuse, fracture, or dislocation. While this condition is not curable identifying and embarking on an early treatment program may prevent future lameness. Now that you know what degenerative joint disease is let's explore three areas that could possibly slow degenerative joint disease in cats.  

Nutraceutical Supplements: Nutraceuticals are products that have been shown to prevent cartilage breakdown both in pet and humans. This is particularly important because cartilage breakdown is the first step in joint deterioration. Most nutraceuticals formulas contain glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates - compounds known to be involved in the synthesis and repair of joint cartilage. Supplements containing the above ingredients are readily available and can be found both in supplemental liquid formulas and chewable treats.  

Physical Therapy: Moderate exercise should be a part of your cat's daily routine to maintain joint flexibility and preserve muscle mass. The key here is moderate exercise. Excessive exercise can prove to be counterproductive and may further damage the problem joint/joints. Additionally, if your favorite feline is overweight a diet program should be considered. When cats become too heavy it not only puts excess stress on the joints but may seriously impede the treatment of degenerative joint disease.  

Medications: There are many medications designed to treat pain and inflammation in animals. This is a tricky area which is best left to your veterinarian. While your vet is the best source of information there are a couple of facts you should know. First, the vast majority of drugs developed to treat degenerative joint disease in dogs are not safe for cats. Secondly, if you have Tylenol Pain Relief (acetaminophen) in your medicine cabinet, DON'T give it to your cat. Tylenol is toxic for cats.  

In summary, degenerative joint disease in cats is not curable but it is often manageable. Finding the right treatment for your cat will probably boil down to either prescription medications or supplements. If you decide on prescription medications a trip to the vet will be in order. If you decide on a supplemental formula for degenerative joint disease in cats you should do your best to research the ingredients both for effectiveness and safety. Remember, early treatment will greatly improve your chances of success.

How to Reduce the Discomfort of the Elbow Pain Joint

Elbow pain joint limits the bending and straightening of the elbow joint. The main symptoms reported by people suffering from this condition are pain, stiffness and limited movement in the affected joint. Your medical practitioner will check the joint for a decrease in stability of the joint which may be responsible for the restriction of movement. The medical expert may also check to see if there is any swelling in the affected area.

Repetitive activities involving rotation of your arms and bending and straightening of your arms may be the primary cause of elbow pain joint. If you have to use the computer keyboard for a prolonged period, it is better to rest your elbows on a soft sponge like surface at your workplace. This will reduce the chances of the pain.

Remember that this is only a precaution to reduce the pain that is felt in the region and cannot give relief to the already affected joint without medication. There are many things that you can do to prevent the condition of elbow pain joint.  It is important that you consciously try to reduce the stress on the elbow joint as the normal joint use is less likely to cause damage to the joint.

Choose the right exercises to strengthen the joints and improve the mobility of the elbow joint. Stretching exercises also help to reduce the discomfort of the elbow pain joint by strengthening the muscles in your elbow joint. You can perform your daily tasks easily by making some adjustments in your home and workplace.

Special aids are available to help you when you want to open jars and bottles. A trolley used to move things about at the workplace helps avoiding lifting heavy objects for long distances. All these precautions will greatly contribute in the recovery of elbow pain joint.

Many gadgets are also available to help you perform your daily tasks without placing stress on the elbow joint. Water based exercises are usually helpful in relieving pain as the water gives the necessary support to the joints while the muscles are strengthened by the exercise. Swimming is also recommended by physiotherapists to treat the elbow pain joint as it does not place any excessive stress on the elbow joint.

Massaging the area also helps in accelerating the recuperation of the elbow pain joint and stimulates the muscles that give support to the elbow joint.

Revealed - The Truth About Joint Pain - Discover Below How to Get Lasting Relief in 4 Simple Steps

Don't believe the lies, don't believe that achy, painful joints are something you're just going to have to live with as you grow older. Don't believe that arthritis is an inescapable fact of life after 50 ... The real truth is, you don't have to put up with joint pain and you CAN get relief from arthritis - no matter what age you are or how active (or inactive) your lifestyle is.

Here are four keys to living an active, pain-free lifestyle:

1. Take control of your diet. Avoid excessive intake of acidic substances that lead to an acidic body. Maintaining an acid-based balanced diet in very important for arthritis treatment and prevention of the complications arthritis can cause. Eat more vegetables, particularly organic alkaline plant foods and eat less meat. Alkaline-rich plant food can quickly rule out the acid in vivo to the acid-base balance in body fluids, and thus prevent and improve arthritis.

2. Participate in outdoor sports. Being out under the sun and sweating can help rule out the excessive acid in vivo and thereby prevent the occurrence of arthritis.

3. Maintain a good mood. Try not let yourself be under too much psychological pressure. The pressure will cause excessive deposition of acidic substances, affecting the normal metabolism. Thus, appropriate regulation of mood and stress helps to prevent the occurrence of arthritis.

4. Start taking Guan Jie Yan Wan.

What's Guan Jie Yan Wan?

Guan Jie Yan Wan is a Chinese herbal formula that helps joint inflammation sufferers remove "damp wind" from their joints and bring their bodies back into balance. Traditional Chinese herbalists believe that many common joint inflammation conditions are caused by "excessive wind" and dampness associated with the body's "luo channels" and joints.

Guan Jie Yan Wan is specially formulated to help you get rid of your body's excessive dampness and reharmonize your blood and joints. The end result is that you'll feel much better. Your body will go back into alignment and you'll no longer experience stiff, sore and achy joints.

That's right, growing older doesn't mean you have to experience:

  • Bone weakening

  • Thinning of cartilage

  • Gradually lessening ability to repair and reconstruct bone and connecting cartilage

Start taking Guan Jie Yan Wan and in no time, you could be:

  • Enjoying long walks with friends and loved ones

  • Doing household chores with ease

  • Playing with your grandchildren or children

  • Or doing whatever else you wish you could be doing right now instead of sitting there trying not to think about how much pain you are in!

Isn't it time you discovered the amazing healing powers of our Chinese wonder herbs? Isn't it time you took your life back? Start taking Guan Jie Yan Wan and in no time you could feel better and be much more active than you have been years. So what are you waiting for?

Toothache Relief - How to Treat Your Toothache and Be Pain Free!

Toothache can be debilitating. Believe me it is really something that you will be ready to give everything for! Even the strongest and the bravest will crave for a toothache relief the instant a toothache surfaces into existence. Even the dentist's chair will seem like heaven if there is hope of toothache relief. 

Why do toothaches occur? Odontalgia or toothaches occur because the nerve at the root of the tooth is irritated. Why do the nerves get irritated? The nerves are irritated because there are problems in the tooth or jaw. Cavities, gum disease, emergence of wisdom tooth, a cracked tooth, infected dental pulp, jaw disease or exposed tooth root can irritate the nerves and send pain signals to the brain. Toothache can also be a symptom of heart problems such as angina or myocardial infraction. The pain is then a referred pain. Dry socket that occurs after tooth extraction can also cause pain. The toothache can therefore, range from mild to severe. Toothache relief will be brought about by tackling the root cause of the problem. 

Before providing permanent toothache relief, the dentist must understand and identify the root cause of the pain. He will begin with a preliminary physical examination of the teeth. He will record the medical history and eliminate the possibility of the toothache being a symptomatic physical response to any other medical condition. Some dental problems like barodontalgia (toothache due to change in barometric pressure) or atypical Odontalgia (pain that shifts from tooth to tooth) are not treated and no relief is provided. The former will disappear when the barometric pressure is removed and the reason for the latter is unclear and is often reported by middle aged women. The toothache relief, if any, provided will be symptomatic pain relief. 

A very common cause of toothache is the irritation of the tooth pulp or pulpitis. This can be reversible or irreversible. Toothache relief for irreversible pulpitis lies in root canal treatment or tooth extraction. 

For those who cannot reach a dentist immediately, toothache treatment can be provided by over the counter pain medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. These drugs should be used for relief with caution and exactly as instructed on the package containing the medication. The patient should avoid very hot or very cold foods. Some toothache relief can also be provided by making the patient bite on a cotton ball soaked in oil of cloves. Oil of cloves can also be obtained from most drug stores. 

Toothaches related to jaw problems or temporomandibular joint pain, the patient can be provided toothache remedies as above and an immediate appointment with the dentist is warranted for determining the root cause of the problem. 

Toothache medications that may be prescribed by your dentist may include pain killers, antibiotics and anti inflammatory drugs. The dentist needs to first contain any infection that may have affected the gums before he can perform tooth extraction or root canal treatments for toothache relief. While the pain will be alleviated immediately with pain killers the complete treatment will be spread over 5-10 days and several sittings at the dental clinic. You can pursue your normal activity during the course of the treatment for toothache relief. 

It follows that you need to learn and practice good dental hygiene thereafter, if you want a permanent toothache relief. Ask your dentist the right questions about your teeth before you sign off with the toothache relief you sought from him.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Muscle and Joint Pains

Muscle and joint pain is usually seen as just a fact of life. It seems like anything you do will cause muscle and joint pain-whether it's too much exercise, not enough exercise, whether your just getting old or you're a youngster with growing pains. The causes can be nefarious and subtle, such as early onset arthritis, or obvious such as an injury.

Illnesses That Cause Joint Pain

Some illnesses have muscle and joint pain as one of the symptoms.

• The Flu. Some people will wonder what they did to their back, because it hurts so badly, or, they'll wonder what in the world they did yesterday that would make them so sore today. That is, until the rest of the symptoms set in. Thankfully, just as the flu will subside, so will the muscle and joint pain that accompanied it.

• Hepatitis, besides the life-threatening infection, can "settle" in your joints, which is another way of saying that, just as it causes inflammation in the liver, cutting down on circulation, it causes inflammation in the joints, as well.
• Rheumatic Fever, while rare in the United States, can cause swelling and damage to the joints, and serious muscle pain.

• Fevers affect the muscles and joints, no matter what the disease. Fever increases inflammation in the body. As inflammation increases, circulation decreases, keeping the body from flushing toxins out of the bloodstream. These toxins will pool, or settle in the joints, causing viral arthritis, a painful, debilitating illness that may require hospitalization.

• An excruciating condition called bursitis can affect the shoulder joint. The tissues surrounding the shoulder gets inflamed, and the pocket fills with fluid.

• Arthritis is a disease of the auto-immune system that cause the body to attack itself. The target of this disease is the joints. Other auto-immune diseases such as fibro-myalsia mimic arthritis, making both diseases sometimes hard to diagnose.

Treatments for Muscle and Joint Pain

Doctor treatment for muscle and Joint Pains can be very effective. Prescriptions can make a big difference. But, some of the most effective arthritis medications can cause pretty bad side effects. Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet for arthritis pain. There are, however, home remedies that may help.

• Some women report that after a manicure, the arthritis in their fingers feel better. It's because of the hot wax treatment that they rest their hands in, and the massaging action of removing the wax.

• Alternating heat and cold on inflamed joints can give temporary relief.

• As with many health problems, staying hydrated is important. "Drink plenty of water" is a mantra that you may get tired of, but it's more important than you may want to admit. So, stay close to the bathroom, and drink lots of water to give your body the fluids it needs to manufacture blood, digest nutrients, and flush toxins from your body.

While muscle and joint pain are common, unrelenting discomfort should be checked by your doctor.

Regenerative Medicine With Stem Cell Rich Injections

Stem Cell rich injections are now available for patients dealing with painful conditions. This represents a potential breakthrough in pain management for patients dealing with back, neck, arm, and leg pain.

For decades the gold standard in pain management treatment has been steroid injections for spinal or extremity pain issues. These cortisone injections work well with excellent results over 75% of the time. However, steroid injections do not alter the course of arthritis or soft tissue injury. They simply offer pain relief for a finite time period and then need to be repeated usually. In addition, there are significant limitations on the frequency with which corticosteroid injections may be performed due to potential adrenal gland problems and blood sugar issues. Most pain doctors recommend no more than once every few months for injections, and if multiple joints are being injected the total amount of steroid going into the body can add up quickly.

For a long time, the holy grail for arthritis and soft tissue injury has been to find a cell regenerating injection substance which both relieves pain and helps regenerate bone or soft tissue. Steroid injections only help with the pain relief portion. The non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory, stem cell injections that are processed from amniotic fluid have the potential for cartilage and soft tissue regeneration along with offering pain relief.

The regenerative effects have been shown in both the laboratory as well as in animal studies. Cartilage defects have been able to be filled with real cartilage. What is seen now is that cartilage defects typically are filled in with pseudo-cartilage, which is also known as fibrocartilage. This is not nearly as durable long term as native types of cartilage.

The non-steroidal stem cell therapy product is made from the amniotic fluid of live donors, and is neither fetal nor embryonic. The stem cells that come in the substance are not pluripotent, meaning they are not capable of differentiating into all cell types. However, they are capable of differentiating into most cell types, including, bone, muscle, and cartilage, which is the most important for orthopaedic and pain management injections.

The human amnion derived allograft has been used over 4000 times in the US over the past few years. Indications have included soft tissue injections, spinal fusion enhancement, wound healing, degenerative joint disease, joint injections, and injection around the spinal cord as a scar barrier. Adverse events with this potentially regenerative medicine substance have been minimal and results have been encouraging.

At this point in time, regenerative medicine injections are becoming more and more popular. Larger research studies need to be done, so for now the anecdotal excellent results are enough to spur its popularity.

Rumatory Arthritis - Tips for Pain Relief

For those dealing with rumatory arthritis, pain is a constant problem. The swelling and inflammation that comes with this disease causes stiffness and pain in the joints. Some of the main areas where pain can occur include in the hip joints, wrist joints, hand joints, knee joints, and the spine. To deal with this chronic pain, here are some helpful tips for pain relief that can provide the pain management needed.

Tip #1 - Healthy Diet - One excellent tip for rheumatoid arthritis pain relief is to eat a healthy diet. A diet that is well balanced can help to keep weight under control, easing the strain on joints. Limiting certain foods like saturated fats and read meats can help to reduce inflammation, since it limits arachidonic acid, which can make inflammation worse. Eating foods that contain omega 3s can also be helpful, since they are proven to help reduce inflammation in the joints.

Tip #2 - Cold and Heat Therapy
Many people find that cold and heat therapy can help to ease some of the pain that comes along with rheumatoid arthritis. When a joint is aching and inflamed, cold therapy can help to reduce some of the inflammation, easing the pain. Other people find that heat therapy is helpful for relaxing muscles and easing the pain felt in joints.

Tip #3 - Non-Impact Exercise
Exercise is an important part of reducing pain with this disease. Building muscles that are strong and fit provides better support for the body's joints. Exercise can also reduce pain symptoms and increase flexibility as well. Non-impact exercises are the best options for those with joint damage, such as water therapy and swimming. Speaking with your doctor before getting involved in a new exercise plan is a good idea.

Tip #4 - Massage
Even massage therapy can provide some pain relief for those with rheumatoid arthritis. Massage can help to warm up and relax muscles that are tense because of the constant pain. A good massage also can help the body to release endorphins, which are natural painkillers, alleviating pain.

Tip #5 - Medications
Today there are a variety of excellent medications that can help to treat rheumatoid arthritis and relieve some of the pain that comes with the disease. Inflammation can be reduced with medications like corticosteroids and NSAIDs, which leads to the reduction of pain. Other anti-rheumatic drugs are available today that actually treat the disease, leading to pain reduction as they begin to work. Some of the newer biological medications that are available include Enbrel, Orencia, and Humira. Several are taken by infusion, while others are given as injections.

Dealing with the pain that comes with rheumatoid arthritis can be frustrating. However, there are many great options available that can provide some pain relief. If you are dealing with this disease, consider some of these tips and talk with your doctor about the options that may work best for you.

Dog Hip Dysplasia

Dog hip dysplasia is a condition that causes the joints in the hip to form abnormally. It can lead to loose joints in the hip, which make moving difficult and painful. The condition can affect any dog, but it is more prevalent in large breeds such as; Labrador Retrievers, Mastiffs, German Shepherds, Great Danes, Golden Retrievers, and Rottweilers.


Learning the symptoms is extremely important, especially if your dog is genetically predisposed to the condition. Signs to look out for and to notify your veterinarian immediately of include;

  • Limping in one or both rear limbs.

  • Difficulty Walking

  • Pain in the hip area.

  • Trouble getting up from a lying or sitting position.

  • Avoidance of usual activities such as playing, running, or going for walks.

  • Inability to jump or walk up stairs.

  • Wasting of the muscles near the hip area.

  • Shoulder muscle growth due to the extra weight being placed on the area.


Some of the causes include;

  • Genetics - Most dogs with hip dysplasia genetically inherit the condition. However, environmental factors can also play a role in the development of the disease.

  • Obesity - Dogs that are overweight have to carry more weight on their hip joints, which can cause hip dysplasia from wear and tear. The extra weight also increases the chances of hip-related injuries.

  • Nutrition - Excess calcium in the diet has been linked to hip dysplasia in puppies. This is because too much of the mineral causes the growing process to speed up and doesn't allow the bones to form properly.


A physical exam and x-rays are essential for diagnosis. During the physical portion, your veterinarian will perform some manual evaluations to check your canine's hip. Your veterinarian will then scan the radiographs for any abnormalities.


Most veterinarians use a combination of pain medication, anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, weight management, and supplements to manage hip dysplasia in canines. Hip replacement surgery is also an option for some dogs.


There is no way to completely prevent hip dysplasia in dogs. However, there are things you can do to minimize the chances of your dog being affected by the condition. Some of these things include;

  • Maintaining your dog at a healthy weight.

  • Feeding your large breed puppy a special dog food designed for larger dog breeds.

  • Get your dog tested by the OFA (Orthopedic Foundation of America) before breeding him. This does not guarantee that the puppies will not develop hip dysplasia, but avoiding breeding in dogs with the condition does minimize the risks.

Relieving Pregnancy Aches & Pains

It's not pregnancy that causes aches and pains, it's posture. Posture while you're sleeping, standing, walking and sitting can cause problems with your lower back, hips, shoulders, headaches and cramping. So before you reach for the bottle of painkillers, or spending a lot of money on seeing an osteopath, use the guidelines below and see if anything changes.

Once you reach 22 weeks of your pregnancy, it is strongly advisable to lie on your side (normally your left side) while sleeping. This is because you have a main vein running up the right side of your spine, and with the extra weight of your belly pressing against it when you're on your back, you and your baby will find you get short of breath and will be restricting the blood flow to your baby. If you find yourself on your back during the night, don't worry. Your body has woken you up so you can change position and be more comfortable.

Many doctors, midwives and physiotherapists recommend placing a pillow between your knees while you sleep on your side to help with hip and back aches. Unfortunately this is totally pointless. The first problem is that you'll be placing too much pressure on the inside of your leg with the weight of your top leg. Given that your blood is thicker and prone to clotting (very normal and healthy; any clots are usually dissolved naturally), you don't want to be putting extra weight onto your legs. You're likely to experience pins and needles and cramping by doing this.

The second problem with using a pillow between your legs is that the pillow is rarely stable enough and thick enough to keep your hip joints at the right angle. This will mean that you're back will be twisting (causing more mid and lower backache and also pressing on your belly) and your hip will be over stretching with the angle of your leg pulling down. It's really not comfortable to lie like this, and your sleep will be compromised.

For a Joyful night's sleep, I recommend getting either a sturdy bolster (that won't roll) or a firm pillow from the sofa that is at least as thick as the span of your hand; your thigh needs to be at a right angle to your hip joint and your foot supported (preventing cramps). This will allow you to have a straight spine while sleeping and also give your belly enough room to be comfortable, and thus give baby enough room to move. Your lower back ache will be eased and you'll be comfortable enough to sleep well.

If you turn over in the night, don't worry about the leg pillows... put your leg over your partner! (If he/she doesn't mind!!) They're usually just the right height!

You will also need to place a small pillow under your belly as you sleep on your side. There are some ligaments from your uterus that are attached to the base of your spine, so any pulling on those may cause lower back ache. By placing a small pillow, just big enough to stop the feeling of dragging (so not very thick) you'll find your lower back is much more comfortable, and you're baby will have more room to move.

To help with any shoulder tension, I suggest you place a pillow parallel to the pillow under your head. Allow your shoulder to drop down between the two pillows to as you don't squash it while you're asleep. Having the pillow horizontally will mean that if you roll over you'll already have the pillow in place for your other side. I also think it's a great idea to hug on to a pillow over your chest (like you would a teddy bear). This stops your exposed shoulder from over stretching as it drops down and will also protect your breasts if they're feeling tender.

Prevention is better than a cure, so even if you don't have any aches, please do lie with these pillows so as to have a comfortable pregnancy. Going into labour with a sore back to start with isn't a very good way to enjoy your child's birth to the full.

Whenever I mention posture to a client, they immediate stiffen their back and pull their shoulders back! Here are some great tips to encourage good posture, the easy way...

When you walk, stand or sit, try and remember to have your feet pointing forwards. By turning your toes out, or your ankles in, will result in hip ache as the bones and joints are rotated. When your feet are pointing forwards and the weight of your body is evenly distributed you should feel a slight pull outwards on your thighs. If you feel the weight on your feet is uneven (on the front, back or sides), rock backwards and forwards or side to side until you feel that the weight is equal.

The weight of your body, and correct posture, should be held on your bones and not your muscles. Muscles are designed for movement and if they're expected to take your body weight for prolonged periods they will start to ache. Place a finger on the ball of your hips (one on each side), and purposely push your bottom out. You should feel the ball of your hip roll down and back. Many women stand like this and think they have a big bum and belly; standing like this will feel like your growing uterus is dragging down. Tuck your bum under so as you feel the ball of your hips roll up and forwards. It's only your bottom that needs to move, not your legs and knees. You should now feel the weight being held in your hips and feel a relief from your belly and back.

If your shoulders are prone to rolling forwards you're likely to cause yourself lower and mid back aches from the muscles pulling, and also neck ache and headaches. The way you will always be able to tell if your shoulders are rolling forwards is by placing your hands by your sides. If your hands are in front of the seam of your trousers/skirt then your shoulders are rotating forwards. All you need to do to correct your posture, is to move your hands, palms flat against your leg, behind the seam of your trousers. It's really difficult to roll your shoulders forwards when you're hands are in this position. When walking remember to swing your hands behind the seam of your trousers, rather than in front of you. Keep practicing this and you'll find any shoulder and neck tension will dissolve very quickly.

Standing and walking with the weight in your hips and your shoulders back will now make you look like a gorgeous pregnant woman rather than a gorgeous over weight lady. Follow these easy steps and you'll have more space to breathe, your mood will lift, your energy will increase and your baby will have more space to wiggle!