Saturday, May 11, 2013

Pain and Oxidative Stress - Rusting Away from the Inside Out!

Apples and bananas turn brown. Butter turns rancid. Iron rusts. All are everyday signs of oxidative stress-destruction caused by free radical molecules. None of these nuisances compare to what destructive molecules can do inside your body, especially to cells of the brain, blood vessels and lining of your joints.

Free radical oxygen molecules are by-products of normal cell processes. They are molecules created from oxygen after certain vital and necessary metabolic processes - breathing, eating and exercising - are completed inside your body. In addition, this same sort of damage can occur from sources outside your body - ultraviolet exposure, cigarette smoke, poor air quality and poor dietary choices such as high-fat meals. We cannot escape this form of internal and external damage daily.

These destructive free radical molecules have an unpaired electron attached to them (a "free" radical). Nature has designed electrons to function best when paired together. An unpaired electron creates a very unstable molecule, wreaking havoc during its hunt for a mate. The source of its devastating action is the oxygen molecule's unpaired electron, making it unstable and electrically charged in a negative fashion.

It only becomes stable by interacting with the nearest available molecule, hoping to find another electron with which to pair. Having no prejudices, it targets lipids, proteins and DNA. It searches everywhere. Scientists have discovered that the free radical's actions as it searches for its pair can damage the molecules with which it reacts - lipids, proteins and DNA. This damage may even produce the cell's demise, often called "degeneration", thus the term "chronic degenerative disorder"- degenerative arthritis, degenerative joint and spine disease, degenerative eye disease and on and on.

When you have chronic or excessive pain, oxidative stress takes on additional significance - a powerful two-edged sword. It is both a source of inflammation in your body as well as a response to inflammation in your body. It produces inflammation when your body is exposed to toxins,injury or microorganisms. At the same time, the process of inflammation, whether for a healing purpose or uncontrolled as in an infection, actually creates more of physiological damage.

Not all oxidative stress is bad. You need some for the normal metabolic processes of life to work. Furthermore, some pain conditions are a result of altered, innate, genetically-determined responses to it, thus leading to excessive inflammation.

Oxidative stress has also been linked to premature aging. It has been cited as a performance-limiting factor in physical activity. Subsequently, preventing or reducing the process may result in an overall improved level of health and wellness. Reducing or neutralizing this physiological reaction can both limit the formation of inflammation in your body from internal and external environmental sources as well as diminish your body's response to inflammation, thus impacting pain and other symptoms.

How do you control oxidative stress? Nature has given you a whole host of innate mechanisms including enzymes made by your body to neutralize it. However, some people genetically cannot produce adequate amounts of enzymes to fight all the physiologic stress they produce or to which they are exposed. Fortunately, your body also has the ability to fight this stress using nutrients found in your diet - vitamin C, E, D and A as well as minerals such as zinc and copper.

In addition, a whole host of bioflavonoids (big molecules found in fruits and vegetables) act as antioxidants, neutralizing this process. The good stuff found in grapes, grape seeds, blueberries, bilberries, i.e. colorful molecules found in fruits and vegetables - are actually nature's way of helping you fight oxidative stress through your diet.

Yet, there are times when diet alone is inadequate to provide enough nutrition, especially antioxidant capability, to neutralize your body's stress. For instance, if your eat a limited variety of foods (a restricted diet) you may not consume adequate levels of antioxidants. In addition, the foods you do eat may be limited in nutrients because they have been excessively processed - stripped of vital nutrients such as antioxidants. Foods grown in poor soil conditions will be nutritionally deficient. This is when supplementation becomes necessary. Supplementation can provide the vitamins, minerals and bioflavonoids missing in your diet to work as antioxidants and neutralize this physical response.

In summary, you have two mechanisms available for reducing unavoidable stress on your body - your own enzyme system and your diet. Control of your enzyme system is involuntary because it is directed by your genetic code. But your diet is under your voluntary control. Wise dietary choices can compensate for the challenges nature may have given you through your DNA code. Make healthy choices to fight oxidative stress, decrease inflammation and fight pain!

Arthritis and Dogs

Did you know that one out of five adult pets in the United States
suffer from one form or another of arthritis?

We have approximately 80 million cats and dogs living in our homes and considering that number we have a great many suffering pets. Pets that have no real way of letting us know that they hurt.

This knowledge is actually "food for thought" when it comes to changes in behavior patterns of our senior pets.

Pain certainly causes our behavior to change in many ways; we get grumpy, snarl, lash out at others and just plain complain.

Our pets cannot talk, but some do actually change their behavior and this is when "knowing your pet" is important. By knowing your pet, it is possible to tell if only by observation that something is amiss and a possible trip to the vet is necessary.

What is arthritis?

Arthritis is joint inflammation and degeneration. It is a general term for abnormal changes in a joint.

Many things can cause arthritis such as; an infection that can cause tissue destruction, congenital defects, stress and trauma and even a lack of certain nutrients in a pet's diet.

Some researchers feel it is a hereditary disposition, or it can be attributed to aging, excessive weight and genetic abnormalities that produce the cartilage.

Are there different types of arthritis?

There are several types of arthritis caused by different types of situations:
  • Traumatic arthritis shows up as a swelling or lameness usually caused by an accident or fall and may require surgery,

  • Rheumatoid arthritis is caused when your pet's immune system attacks the joint or joints. The cause of this is still unknown.

  • Hypertrophic arthritis is caused by the formation of bone spurs that grow causing the joints to not move smoothly. The joints feel like they are being poked by something sharp. It is very painful to both dogs and humans. It is usually caused by a trauma to the joint or joints.

  • Osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) is the most common form of arthritis, which is the breakdown in the cartilage cushion in the joints. This can cause intermittent pain for the pet. It is a slow progressive disease.

  • Hip dysplasia is a form of osteoarthritis. Hip dysplasia is the abnormal development of the hips, which results in an increasing amount of looseness in the hip joint. Dogs can suffer from degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis) that is not caused by hip dysplasia or they can suffer with it because they have hip dysplasia.

    These are just a few of the different forms of arthritis that exist.

    What are some of the subtle symptoms to look for:

  • In smaller dogs, a whimper or growl when picked up or handled.

  • A lack of motivation to move.

  • Stiffness when walking, getting up or down.

  • Avoiding getting up on the bed, couch, chair or climbing stairs.

  • Hiding or disappearing out of sight.

  • Whining or crying for what appears to be no reason at all.

  • Changes in behavior patterns.

  • Sleeping more than usual.

    What are some of the contributing causes?
    Overweight: One of the major causes of degenerative joint disease (DJD) is a dog being overweight. The excessive weight puts a great deal of stress on the joints. This is especially true if your dog is predisposed to hip dysplasia or has the problem. Keeping your dog's weight at what is normal for its breed is important, along with making certain your dog is getting all the proper nutrients its body requires.

    Proper exercise: If your dog is predisposed to hip dysplasia limit its exercise to long walks, swimming, and very short runs. Do not put excess pressure on your dog's limbs.

    The same is true with puppies, do not exercise your young puppy by making it jump or do any exercise that puts stress on its young bones. If you do, the dog may pay for it, as it grows older with DJD.

    Agility training should be done for short periods of time and with a warm up period before starting the exercises.

    Diet: It may be hard to believe, but diet plays an important part in a possible avoidance of arthritis, not only in our pets, but for us also. A diet that is rich in the Omega 3 fatty acids plays an extremely important part in warding off some causes of arthritis. There are substances that all mammals (pets and people) need to make their bodies function properly, that are not manufactured by the body and the Omega 3 fatty acids are needed to carry out this job. So be certain that your pet gets an ample supply either from the food it eats or from a good supplement.

    Treatment: Before taking any steps in treating your pet, always consult your animal care practitioner. Be wary of over the counter adult human treatments, as not all can be used on dogs.

    Cats can suffer from arthritis as well as dogs. Cats require special consideration as their physical makeup requires only certain types of medication. Do not give a cat any aspirin or other types of over the counter drugs.

    There are nutritional supplements on the market made especially for cats and dogs that can be given on a daily basis that will help maintain a healthy joint system from young to senior cats and dogs.

    It is said that liquid products are better than pills as the liquid gets into the blood stream faster to do its work. That is fine if you can get your pet to cooperate and your pet is willing to take the dose without waste. For most of us pills seem to be easier, with the exception of cats - I find an eyedropper and liquid easier here.

    Before doing any "self prescribed" medicating for your pet, always get the advice of your pet's vet or animal care practitioner.

    One of the first things to consider when your pet starts showing signs of arthritis is to begin giving a supplement of glucosamine and chondroitin. This supplement helps, by not only helping to reduce symptoms, but helps to rebuild the cartilage and restore fluid. There are many brands on the market, find one that also has MSM in it. You may have to try several before you find the right one for your pet.

    Some say eliminating grains from a dog's diet helps enough, that nothing more needs to be done. While others claim white potatoes, tomatoes, egg plant and peppers aggravate an arthritic condition.

    There are many anti-inflammatory supplements on the market with the omega 3 fish oils being a leading contender. Be certain not to use "liver oil," as that is very high in vitamins A and D. If you decide to use the fish oils be certain to also give your pet vitamin E as the fish oils deplete vitamin E from the body.

    Acupuncture and chiropractic treatments also work in some cases with pets.

    Warmth is also an added plus, sleeping on concrete or a cold floor will only add to your dog's misery. There are many insulated dog beds on the market and some that can be heated. Just be certain the cords cannot be chewed.

    Dogs with arthritis can live long and healthy lives with a little help from their friends and as a dog owner you owe it to your pet to be as helpful as you can be.

  • Lateral Pelvic Tilt - What it is and How to Get Rid of It?

    Proper biomechanics demand a lot of things, one of which is a person's ability to maintain proper muscular length-tension relationships. As is the case with any joint, a postural abnormality and pain can develop when a muscle is tight while its antagonist is lengthened and weak. The pelvis involves a number of muscles that allow it to tilt anteriorly, posteriorly, and laterally. If a sizable disparity in those length-tension relationships emerge, then pain ranging from nagging low back pain to something more severe, such as piercing or radiating pain in the buttocks and legs can result. In this article, I'm going to be specifically exploring how the pelvis can become fixed in a lateral tilt and what can be done to both identify and correct the problem.

    So what is lateral pelvic tilt and how is it best identified? Lateral pelvic tilt can best be described as simultaneously involving two motions: hip hiking and hip dropping. When compared to a neutral pelvic position, where the iliac crests appear level, hip hiking requires that the hip on one side is raised above a neutral position, while the other iliac crest must drop below a neutral level. When standing as evenly as possible, one should be able to determine with a mirror or another set of eyes whether or not their iliac crests appear level. But where are these iliac crests, you ask? The iliac crest is a term used to describe the pelvic border that stretches from the anterior superior iliac spine to the posterior superior iliac spine. Part of the anterior portion can be felt as the bony point of the pelvis situated beneath the oblique while the posterior portion is laterally offset from the base of the spine. If necessary, practice tilting the pelvis forwards and backwards with your hands on your hips to determine their respective locations.

    Another important, albeit indirect, screening method requires scrutinizing the walking gait. If there is weakness in the gluteus medius or the tensor fasciae latae, then the gait is characterized by a lateral shift of the trunk when the opposite leg swings forward. A similar conclusion could be reached by standing on one leg with the opposite leg flexed to 90 degrees at the knee and the hip and then assessing the opposite hip's position. If the hip drops then the abductors are likely weak. Let's now take a closer look at some of the common dysfunctions that accompany hip hiking and hip dropping.

    First and foremost, for hip hiking to take place one most likely has a tight quadratus lumborum, which is a muscle that connects the lumbar vertebrae to the iliac crest and is primarily used in extension and lateral flexion of the lumbar spine. As a result, the hiked side must create adduction in the hip, which likely means that the adductors are tight as well. Consequently, the hip abductors, namely the gluteus medius, are likely to be in a lengthened and possibly weakened position.

    On the other side, the dropped hip is likely to have a lengthened quadratus lumborum and a tight gluteus medius, which connects the ilium to the top of the femur. Due to this position, the dropped hip must therefore be in abduction. This then places the hip adductors in a lengthened and possibly weakened position. Another potential contributor to the hip drop could be a tight tensor fasciae latae muscle, which connects the iliac crest to the iliotibial band. Now that the typical dysfunctions have been clarified, what is recommended in terms of treatment?

    Before proceeding, I advise everyone with marked pain to consult a physician before initiating any self-treatment program. With that said, the simplest fix for those with only a slight impairment might only require a subtle alteration in posture and walking mechanics. In other words, practice standing with the weight evenly distributed over the feet and with the pelvis in a neutral position. This may seem painfully obvious, but too many people are unaware that they stand in "postural adduction" which is when the hips are shifted outward and the weight bearing leg sits underneath the hiked and shifted hip. If symptoms are a little more pronounced, then some other provisions that include stretching and strengthening will be necessary. When walking, one should use a walking stick or a cane in an effort to support the weak gluteus medius. This should only be necessary in the beginning stages of treatment so as to better manage the pain. If sleeping in an adducted position is painful, then a pillow between the knees might be appropriate. On the side of the dropped hip, one should stretch the tensor fasciae latae by standing on one foot on a sturdy platform 2-4 inches thick and with the other foot on the floor. Be sure that the knees and feet are facing forward. Next, posteriorly tilt the pelvis and hold for 20-30 seconds. Corrective exercise is certainly a vital component to eliminating any movement impairment. Those who have experienced some pronounced pain would be advised to start conservatively in their corrective exercise. Hip abduction exercises from a prone or supine position are recommended initially. Progress to a side-lying position once 20 pain-free repetitions with a full range of motion can be performed in the introductory positions. Eventually, one should move to standing exercises where one places a leg on a 2-4 inch platform to practice dropping the hip so the foot touches the floor and then hiking it back up to a neutral position by recruiting the gluteus medius.

    Hopefully, this article has helped clarify the ways to identify and understand lateral pelvic tilt and what can best be done to correct it. I'm confident that with a little diligence and patience your lateral pelvic tilt will soon become a thing of the past.

    Arthritis and Spondylolisthesis

    The term arthritis refers to inflammation of a joint anywhere in the body, including the spine. The condition may result from, or be associated with, various disorders including infection, degenerative disease, metabolic disturbance and tumors. Types of arthritis include ankylosing rheumatoid spondylitis, a chronic progressive disease that usually affects the spine and adjacent structures.

    Osteoarthritis affects mostly the weight bearing joints, but also others such as the facet joints, and rheumatoid arthritis, which can sometimes produce crippling deformities. Osteoarthritis related degenerative changes in the spinal bones and joints, which are common among people over forty, are known as spondylosis.

    The prefix spondyl means vertebra. They can result in an abnormal curvature of the thoracic chest spine in older people, a condition known as kyphosis. For accurate diagnosis, x-rays are required. Treatments include rest immobilization, pain relieving and anti inflammatory medication, followed by graduated exercise and postural training by a physiotherapist.

    Surgery is necessary only in extreme cases. What is spondylolisthesis? In this condition, one vertebra slips forward or subluxates on top of another. This movement narrows the spinal canal through which the spinal cord passes. Although it can occur anywhere along the spine, it most frequently involves the slipping of the bottom lumbar vertebra over the sacrum.

    Spondylolisthesis may be the result of trauma, a spinal fracture or arthritis. Its symptoms include mild low back pain, muscle spasm and sciatica, or it may produce no symptoms whatsoever. Practicing good postural habits and strengthening the muscles of the trunk are good preventive measure to take.

    Normal disc is the inner soft core is held within the tough, fibrous outer shell. Bulging disc with aging small tears may occur in the outer shell or annulus fibrosus, allowing the inner core or nucleus pulposus to bulge. Herniated or prolapsed disc is when tears in the outer shell increase in size or number, the inner core may spill into the surrounding area and impinge on an adjacent nerve, causing both inflammation and pain.

    Joint Pain Relief - Prolotherapy a Non-Surgical Approach to Help Heal Joint Pain

    Are your joints causing you any of the following?


    If you're one out of the million American suffering from joint paint, you are not alone. According to the U.S. department of Health & Human Services by the year 2020, about 157 million people will suffer from a chronic illness or degenerative disease. What's more shocking is that those numbers are expected to reach 171 million people by the year 2030.

    Traditional Joint pain treatment includes non-steroidal & steroidal medications, and surgery. It's no surprise that most treatments that offer a solution, only offer a temporary fix. That's why many continue to suffer from back pain, degenerative & herniated disc, and carpal tunnel syndrome, TMJ, Sciatica, heel spurs and a wide variety of sports related injuries. If none of these joint pain treatments work, what will? Enter, Prolotherapy. But, what exactly is Prolotherapy?

    Joint Pain Relief with Prolotherapy?

    Prolotherapy is a non-surgical treatment for chronic pain, also known as non-surgical ligament reconstruction. It's an injection technique that stimulates your natural healing process by stimulating growth of cells and tissue. Prolotherapy increases oxygen, nutrients, and growth factor to the affected areas and helps facilitate healing.

    What are the Benefits of this type of Joint Pain Treatment?

    Many people choose Prolotherapy because of its non-surgical approach. Here are some of the benefits associated with this modern technique:
    •There's no surgery
    •It stimulates the body's natural healing ability
    •It's joint pain treatment that doesn't weaken the body
    •There is no down time
    •It relieves pain; function is regained and the results are permanent
    •There are no significant side effects

    In general, many people notice a significant improvement in their joints after a few series of injections. So, if you are ready to stop Joint Pain for good, why not try something that is proven to work? Find an experienced practitioner in your area and see how prolotherapy can help change your life today!

    Joint Relief Solution Ingredients

    For long-term relief from arthritis and joint related pain you may be better off trying a natural supplement than relying on NSAIDs and steroids.

    Joint relief solution is a natural supplement that is designed to provide greater flexibility to your joints and to reduce pain. It is also designed to protect your cartilage, and it may even reverse the loss of cartilage as a result of a number of factors such as, the process of ageing, repetitive movements, posture and impact sports like running.

    Unlike medications like NSAIDs and creams joint relief solutions natural formula gets to work preserving and strengthening your cartilage, rather than masking the symptoms. It offers joint pain relief combined with a number of scientifically proven natural ingredients. These ingredients include the following:

    Glucosamine 2KCL - A natural compound that occurs naturally in your cartilage, your glucosamine level falls with age. In 2006, researchers found that glucosamine reduced pain from mild to medium osteoarthritis when it was combined with chondroitin. You can not replace glucosamine from food sources.

    Chondroitin - naturally occurring in cartilage chondroitin is an amino sugar, chondroitin is at the forefront of research into arthritis treatment and has been shown in clinical studies to reduce reliance on NSAID's which is a good thing when you consider that they are generally not safe for long-term use and are linked to gastrointestinal bleeding.

    Your levels of natural chondroitin decrease with age, yet there are no food sources for this natural compound. Some experts speculate that this loss of chondroitin may be a common factor in cartilage loss.

    Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables - a 2002 study reveals that ASU "significantly reduced the progression of joint space loss" for patients with severe osteoarthritis of the hip.

    Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) -Methylsulfonylmethane sulfur forms connective tissue. There is also evidence that shows MSM is a natural painkiller and can also improve overall joint function.

    Boswellia Serrata - This plant that is native to India has been shown to neutralize the 5-lipoxygenase (5-lox) enzyme that is linked to inflammation and deterioration of cartilage and joint function. Joint Relief Solution uses a standardized extract of boswellia serrata, ApresFlex, which is said to absorb into the bloodstream 52% more than previous extracts.

    L-Leucine - It is not possible for the body to synthesize this branched amino acid that is linked to reduced loss of body mass from the process of ageing. This ingredient helps to protect against oxidizing molecules and the breakdown of cartilage.

    Willow Bark Extract - Used for thousands of years as a painkiller, making it a more natural alternative to non-steroidal anti-inflammatories.

    Cetyl Myristoleate - This is a fatty acid and a very popular anti-inflammatory, cetyl myristoleate may also lubricate the joints and protect against cell oxidation.

    Curcumin - Used in Indian cuisine for centuries, there's an organic compound in curcumin, called turmeric, that may possibly reduce the effects of a protein molecule, nuclear factor kappa B, that contributes to degeneration of joint tissue. It may also act as a natural painkiller.

    Bioperine - Is a pepper extract that may block uric acid crystals and act as a natural therapy for people with gout.

    As you can see the joint relief solution ingredients combine together to provide a powerful natural alternative to traditional medication and NSAID's. This formula has also been shown in studies to preserve joint function and it is not linked to any side effects making it an obvious choice for join pain relief.

    Magnetic Dog Collar - What You Need to Know About Arthritis and Your Dog

    Arthritis is more common in dogs than you might imagine.

    In this article you will find suggestions of the telltale signs that your dog might have a problem, the treatments and whether a magnetic dog collar could help to give relief.

    A good place to start is an explanation of what arthritis in dogs is and what the cause are. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis which is a degenerative joint disease. Often the cause of the disease is age related, the joint just wearing out with use and the passing of time but in dogs as in humans it can be damage from an accident or a weakness from birth. You too may have witnessed highly bred pedigree dogs suffering at a remarkably young age. Breeds such as Labradors and retrievers are a prime example but they are certainly not alone.

    As a dog owner you may be reading this article and wondering whether there is anything you can do to prevent your beloved friend from getting the disease in the first place. The answer is that there are things that you can do to help but unfortunately there are no guarantees that your pet will avoid the problem in the long term. It is perhaps stating the obvious but an overweight dog will put extra pressure on joints and this does not just mean hip and leg joints, the spine may also be affected. Provide your pet with a sensible recommended diet with the occasional treat but do not be tempted to give in to gooey eyed begging, You know exactly what that means, you have seen it often enough! Tough love it may be but to have a healthy mobile dog into old age is worth all the angst.

    What are the signs that you should be looking for that suggest your dog is starting or is suffering with arthritis? The first signs can be obvious such as being reluctant to climb stairs or just not standing as easily and quickly as normal. Watch as the dog chases a ball in the park, is the movement fluid or is there a stiffness in one or more of the limbs? And have you noticed a change in nature, perhaps not always being as friendly as previous. When we suffer pain and discomfort we become less tolerant so why should we expect our dogs to be any different?

    The sad fact is that there is no cure for canine arthritis but not all is lost, the condition can be managed. A veterinary will suggest treatment that may include diet alteration and regular medication. swimming in a special pool can provide exercise with no pressure on the affected joint.

    Then there are alternative treatments, similar to the remedies that we try to alleviate the pain of arthritis. Glucosamine for example or foods that help to provide omega fatty acids.

    A popular treatment to alleviate arthritis pain in humans is magnotherapy, the use of magnets applied to the affected area. Medical science is still very much divided about the efficacy of magnetism but there are many, many people around the globe who claim to have found relief. So why not try the same treatment on dogs? The best way is buy your dog a magnetic collar. Magnetic dog collars are available in leather or webbing and contain powerful magnets.

    Friday, May 10, 2013

    How to Treat Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

    Getting its abbreviated name from the T, M, and J in TemporoMandibular Joint Syndrome, it describes the pain and chronic inflammation of the TemporoMandibular Joint. This joint connects the jaw bone to the skull. People who suffer with TMJ find that applying heat and or cold to the jaw area can relive the pain and discomfort.

    Those with this disorder usually have pain and impairment in the jaw area. Because this area is susceptible to many of the problems that other body joints have, arthritis and dislocations are not uncommon. Areas of the jaw that can be affected are the nerves, ligaments, bones, muscles, connective tissue, and the tendons.

    The two major symptoms of this disease are pain and dysfunction. In some cases there is actually a clicking or popping sound when the jaw is moved. Some of the most common causes are over usage of the jaw muscles. They could be as simple as chewing gum, clenching muscles, fingernail and pencil biting and grinding of the teeth. Most cases however are not so easy to diagnose. The joint in the jaw is one of the most complex joints in the body. It is more susceptible to common use, causing wear of both the bone and cartilage.

    Because there are many causes of the disorder, diagnosis and treatment can be difficult. Treatment can range from simply not using the joint as much to muscle relaxants and in more severe cases, surgery may be a choice. People who suffer with TMJ find that applying heat and or cold to the jaw area can relive the pain and discomfort.

    How to Stop Teeth Grinding While Sleeping

    There are so many people that are grinding teeth during nocturnal hours. Because people usually are not aware what happens when they are asleep, teeth grinding while sleeping is usually not paid with particular attention.

    You may not be aware of it, but there is a great chance that you are suffering from this condition. Teeth grinding while sleeping is not actually a disease, but it is becoming a popular concern among people.

    You may not be able to directly tell if you are a nocturnal teeth grinder. That is because it is a human nature not to be able to determine any unconscious activities during sleeping hours. You may not know it, but you could be a victim of teeth grinding while sleeping.

    Your family or roommate could tell you that you are grinding your teeth in sleep. And they may do so not because they are too concerned, but because they are often annoyed by the sound you make in the middle of the night. People do not normally think something is wrong when there are teeth grinding while sleeping.

    That is true. But looking closely at the condition, there is still so much things to care about. Teeth grinding while sleeping is not a very serious condition, but still, there must be measures you should take to curtail that involuntary habit of yours.

    Causes and implications

    Before knowing the ways to stop teeth grinding while sleeping, it would be more appropriate and helpful if you would first get the knowledge of its causes and its possible implications. Knowing the cause and the effect might provide enough motivation for you to stop that sleep-hour habit.

    For a start, there are just three identified main culprits that make people grind their teeth when they are asleep. Stress is identified as the greatest contributing factor for teeth grinding while sleeping. You see, your body needs an outlet for releasing stress and since you are asleep at night, it makes its own action, thus, there is the involuntary grinding of teeth.

    Mental problems are also identified to cause teeth grinding while sleeping. Just like stress, problems on the mind might be exhibited and ventilated at sleep. Lastly, misalignment of teeth can cause teeth grinding while sleeping.

    Effects of this habit includes loosening of teeth, chipping of enamel on teeth surface, jaw pains and heightened sensitivity to temperature especially inside the mouth.

    Stop teeth grinding while sleeping

    The primary way to stop teeth grinding while sleeping would be to address the three identified main causes. Relieve your body from stress, consult experts if you have mental issues and see your dentist if there is a misalignment of teeth. Other than these, here are several more measures you could take:

    - The most recommended step to initially curtail teeth grinding while sleeping is to purchase a mouth guard. Your dentist could help you at this. The mouth guard should be worn at night before getting to bed. Doing so would help prevent yourself from unconsciously grinding your teeth at night. Once done regularly, your body would be conditioned not to do the same thing again.

    - Hypnosis is now becoming a popular way of relieving ailments. You should try it out to help break your habit of teeth grinding while sleeping.

    - Counseling should also be taken to help you more effectively to de-stress. When you are de-stressed, your muscles would relax and you could prevent teeth grinding while sleeping. Tranquilizers could also be an option.

    Kitchen Gel Mats Can Help Relieve Back And Joint Pain

    Despite all the wonderful scientific and technological breakthroughs we have made in recent times, we are surrounded by threats and danger from every corner. Some of these perils we can take steps to protect ourselves from, but there is one enemy that poses a threat to us all, and it is one that none of us can completely conquer: gravity.

    Whenever we stand for prolonged periods of time, it is gravity that forces our veins to tighten and close, thereby limiting the flow of blood. It is gravity that makes our heart beat faster in a desperate ploy to keep up with the workload of providing oxygen around the body. And yes, it is gravity that makes every fiber of our body ache, every muscle scream, and every tendon groan.

    If the above paragraph sounded scary, that is because it is. The flamboyant language is used to highlight the significantly detrimental effect that gravity and standing for long periods of time can have on the body. A myriad of health complaints await us, including (although by no means limited to): hypertension, osteoarthritis, spinal dysfunction, degenerative disc disease, fatigue, and chronic back pain.

    With such a sobering list as this one, is there anything that we can do to spare ourselves pain and misery? Actually, yes there is. Kitchen gel mats are one of the best ways of countering and minimizing the worst ravages of gravity, thereby reducing the strain on the body overall.

    Kitchen gel mats are designed to act as a buffer between our feet and the hard floored surface. This ensures that the worst of the impact that we sustain whenever we take a step forward is dissipated. This in turn reduces the mechanical strain on our ankles and knees, which in turn means that the whole lower body benefits. In short, these kitchen floor mats are nothing short of miraculous when it comes to safeguarding our good health.

    Another benefit of kitchen gel mats is that they are waterproof, which is great if you happen to spill something on the kitchen floor. The last thing you want is a puddle of liquid posing a threat to someone who enters the kitchen. They may slip on the puddle and then crash into furniture.

    If you do intend to make use of kitchen gel mats in your home, or any other kind of kitchen floor mats, it is important that you do not ever expose them to extreme forms of heat. The reason for this is that an intense level of heat concentrated directly onto the kitchen gel mats will cause the gel contained within the mats to be damaged. Really, the mats are very easy to care for and will last a long time in your home.

    Osteoarthritis - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

    Osteoarthritis (OA), also known as degenerative arthritis, is a type of arthritis that is caused by the breakdown and eventual loss of the cartilage of one or more joints. Most cases of osteoarthritis are age related and have no known cause; and are referred to as having primary osteoarthritis. This is due to loss of protein in the cartilage as an ageing process, which eventually leads to degeneration of the cartilage and of the joint. Secondary osteoarthritis is caused by other diseases or conditions which usually include obesity, repeated trauma or surgery to the joints, congenital abnormalities, gout, diabetes and other hormonal disorders. Swelling, pain and stiffness of the joints are common symptoms of this condition, which usually affects the hands, feet, spine and large weight bearing joints such as the hips and the knees.

    The Ayurvedic treatment of osteoarthritis is aimed at reducing the symptoms and slowing down the basic pathology of the disease. To reduce pain, swelling and stiffness, medicines used are: Triphala-Guggulu, Yograj-Guggulu, Punarnavdi-Guggulu, Maha- Rasnadi-Guggulu, Maha-Rasnadi-Qadha, Dashmoolarishta, Maha-Vat-Vidhwans-Ras, Vat-Gajankush-Ras, Agnitundi-Ras, Vishwa (Zinziber officinalis), Nirgundi (Vitex negundo), Kuchla (Strychnos nuxvomica) and Guggulu (Commiphora mukul). Medicated oils like Vishgarbha oil, Mahanarayan oil and Mahasaindhav oil are used for local application on the affected joints. This is followed by a medicated steam fomentation of the affected areas using decoctions like Nirgundi-Qadha and Dashmool-Qadha. This procedure is called 'Naadi-Sweda', and is very useful in reducing pain and swelling of the affected joints.

    In order to halt or slow down the progress of the disease, efforts have to be made to repair the damaged cartilage of the weight bearing joints. Medicines like Trayodashang-Guggulu, Panch-Tikta-Ghrut-Guggulu, Sinhanaad-Guggulu, Laxadi-Guggulu, Shankh-Bhasma, Praval-Panch-Amrut and Asthishrunkhala (Cissus quadrangularis) are used for this purpose. These medicines have to be given for prolonged periods, sometimes up to two years in order to have a good therapeutic effect. Patients who do not respond satisfactorily to these medicines are given, in addition, medicated enemas of a special medicine called 'Tikta Ksheer Basti', which consists of milk boiled with several medicines. Repeated courses of this enema have to be given for several months.

    It is important to treat obesity and other conditions associated with osteoarthritis. The use of a walking stick helps to relieve pain in a vast majority of people having mild to moderate osteoarthritis. Regular activities like swimming, walking and yogic asanas can help to reduce pain and stiffness in the joints.

    Understanding How to Conquer Knee Joint Pain

    As we grow older the body begins to develop aches and pains, especially in the area of the knees. Knee joint pain can be the result of arthritis that forms after years of abuse to the joints, inflammation caused by bursitis or a sudden injury to the knee. In a moment we will discuss how to conquer the pain in your knees.

    Most people know to apply an ice pack to the sore knee. If an ice pack is not handy then it is easy to make one by freezing some water in a Styrofoam cup one uses for coffee. At least four times a day for about ten minutes will help the soreness of the joints. Using the makeshift cup with frozen water works well and as the ice melts down the cup can be peeled away.

    Taking an over-the-counter remedy will also help like ibuprofen. The only problem is the tablets you can get at the drug store are only 200 milligrams and to control the pain you will need at least four times that much. This has to be given as a prescription.

    You have seen the knee braces. These really do help as they offer support to the knee and also maintain the knee in a stable condition keeping it from twisting as you walk. The brace offers warmth to the joint as well and these factors will help in the healing of the injury to the joint.

    It may not be an obvious thing but your feet have a lot to do with your knee joints. If your feet are not protected, this translates to problems with the knee. Often the feet are out of alignment and this is apparent if you look at the wear on your shoes. If one side is broken down then you may be suffering from pronation or it may mean you are turning your feet as you walk. Both will through your body off balance and cause unnecessary pressure to your knee joints. Pronation is a condition where the bones of the feet are actually turned and throwing the weight of the body to the inside of the foot which makes the body off center.

    Being over weight is really hard on your knees. The knees take most of the weight that the body carries and this is just way too much pressure and stress on the joints, especially the knees. If you will take off just a little of the extra pounds this will decrease the pressure greatly.

    Doing exercises to build up the muscles of the thighs will help the knee joints as this will help to give support to the knees. This may help to overcome that knee joint pain of yours. You might not think that walking is a good thing for a sore knee but actually it does help it because it cause the joints to be lubricated as you walk. The only thing is you must wear proper walking shoes that have cushioned soles to absorb a lot of the shock to the bones that walking creates.

    Arthritis Pain Relief For Dogs - Regular Massage and Heat Therapy

    Depending on the severity of the condition, arthritis can cause excruciating pain. 1 out of 5 dogs is suffering from this chronic condition and though there is no known cure yet, there are a lot of treatment methods to help relieve the pain and reduce inflammation.

    Giving regular massage is a good arthritis pain relief for dogs. It will definitely help in increasing flexibility and blood circulation. It's also very effective in soothing pain and in relaxing the muscles. Start gently using small circular motions, it will be better if you apply medicated massage oil. Apply the oil twice a day and massage your dog for about 15 minutes.

    If you see your dog being uneasy or has trouble staying still for long periods of time, you have to start with shorter sessions and then gradually increase the duration. The best time to do the massage session will be early in the morning and evening. A morning massage will help ease the stiffness from the night's activity while an evening massage is beneficial to relieve muscle and joint tension resulting from the day's activities. Massage is not a cure for the said degenerative disease but it sure is an effective arthritis pain relief for dogs and if done on a regular basis, you can prevent the disease from further advancing.

    Another effective arthritis pain relief for dogs is heat therapy. We all know that arthritic pain tends to be on its worst when it's cold. You can use hot water bottles or hot compresses to help relieve the pain. Heat helps soothe and relax the muscles and joints. Place the hot water bottle or hot compress on top of the affected area for about 15 to 20 minutes. Do not make the water too hot otherwise your dog might not be able to tolerate it. Also, a heated bed or pad will help in making your dog more comfortable when he goes to sleep at night. Heated pads cost from $30 to $60.

    Thursday, May 9, 2013

    What is Bursitis Pain and What Treatments Are Available?

    From the time you wake up each morning until the time you go to bed, every movement you make requires the use of your joints. If one joint is stressed or injured it can cause bursitis pain, which can affect whether or not you are able to lead a normal, pain-free life. Some motions as simple as lifting a bag, reaching for a plate, or pouring a glass of juice can cause great pain. Or, you may find that your range of motion is severely limited.

    Bursae are small sacs filled with fluid that cushion your joints. They help prevent friction in the various joints in your body and allow for the gliding motion when you move. Repetitive movements, most commonly in the hip, shoulder, knees, or ankles, can wear the bursae down and cause inflammation or irritation. When this happens it is called bursitis, which literally means "inflammation of the bursa." Young athletes or those in jobs with repetitive motions are more susceptible to bursitis pain. It can also be caused by repetitive compression on a joint. For example, if you sleep on your side, it could cause pain in your hip or shoulder, though this doesn't happen as often.

    Symptoms will vary from person to person depending on what motion is causing the irritation of the bursae. Stiffness in your joints, with or without pain, is common. There may be pain or heat in the area, and sometimes a pinching pain. The pain might come and go, and it may differ from day to day. If you experience a lot of pain one day, you may feel more stiff the next.

    Avoid movements that aggravate the joint and let it rest. Icing the sore area the day you injure it will keep the inflammation down. Taking an all-natural anti-inflammatory will also help reduce inflammation. If the pain does not improve after a week, you should call your doctor for a diagnosis. Your doctor will be able to identify the problem, which could be your bursa or the result of another injury.

    When you meet with your doctor he will provide you with treatment options and discuss with you which ones are best for your circumstances. Whichever treatment is chosen, it is very important that you follow through with it. For a damaged bursa to heal, it can take up to six weeks of treatment.

    Your doctor may suggest a brace to keep you from moving the affected joint and allow healing time. Physical therapy is also a commonly used option. Loosening the joints is the primary goal. If it hurts, try taking an anti-inflammatory to help ease some of the pain. When the inflammation is gone, it will allow the bursa to heal and the tendons to strengthen themselves.

    It's possible to prevent bursitis. By exercising regularly and sticking to a healthy diet, you will strengthen your tendons and the muscles surrounding the joints. When the tendons and muscles are stronger, they are better able to protect the joint.

    Natural Joint Pain Relief: Natural Ways To Lessen Joint Pains

    Is joint pain hindering you from doing your everyday activities? Are you currently looking for a highly effective joint solution? In that case, natural joint pain relief is widely used by people encountering pain in and around the joints, mainly because it offers you safe and is more effective choice as compared to synthetic drugs. Joint pain solutions are easily obtainable in the form of natural remedies to therapeutic massage that are discovered to be productive in relieving joint problems. Considering the fact that people are aware of the risks of utilizing prescription drug they aim to address pain in the joints in a natural way and many of them attempt to take into consideration natural joint pain relief.

    For very best relief of painful joints as well as for overall health benefits, it is actually important to conduct careful study for the excellent solution. Aside from that, educating yourself about joint inflammation and it is impacts in other areas of health is of great importance for your overall wellness. In certain cases, certain diet modifications have become much helpful in terms of minimizing inflammation. More often than not, maintaining good health, stress management and having proper diet and lifestyle are fantastic place to begin to dealing with any health problem.

    Many remedies for arthritis purely handle the pain itself and not the actual problem. Taking short-term pain relief is neither a practical solution nor a long term answer unless otherwise taking drugs for years is good enough. There are numerous cases of pain in the joints which may call for forms of surgery as alternatives nonetheless the rate of success is minimal or temporary. Determining pain management is effective in acquiring alternative cures to nearly every disease. Therefore, natural pain relief is widely advised by medical professionals today.

    Determining food allergies, modification in diet and herbal tea are effective treatments for arthritis. An ancient herb called Boswellin is utilized as incense and proves to be effective in giving you natural joint pain relief. Many other beneficial joint pain remedies incorporate White willow bark, Holy basil, ginger, turmeric, rosemary and oregano. These treatment options are obtainable in nutrition stores.

    One powerful way to lessen joint size almost instantly is greatly reducing or eliminating carbohydrates in the diet. The dependence on drugs and surgery is simply wiped out through taking away a trigger of inflammation. Health experts recommend an increase of high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. Omega-3 fatty acids is available in fish products, grass-fed beef, and flaxseed. Even though these are recognized common solutions which works for most people but keeping a daily food diary will help an individual understand and identify food allergies which can be the main cause of the joint inflammation.

    Embracing a healthy lifestyle can for sure enable anybody to feel and stay better; lower the danger for diseases not to mention build and maintain great health. When thinking about a change in diet, consuming a multivitamin is a great place to start. A multivitamin improves the disease fighting capability of the body and provide the needed nutrients which makes it a powerful type of natural joint pain relief.

    Getting yourself current with the most current medical discoveries and further research can help one enable to gather helpful information to acquire the best joint solution.

    Hip Arthroscopy

    Hip arthroscopy is a form of arthritis of the hip which causes a loss of this cartilage surrounding the hip joints and ligaments. The arthritis buildup causes changes in the joint fluid in and around the joints, which ultimately leads to an irritation to the lining around the joints. The reaction from this process causes more inflammation and more fraying which is a vicious cycle. The pain most people encounter with this condition is much different than most joint pain problems with one major issue being that it can keep someone from sleeping through the night.

    Until recently the treatment options for hip pain were somewhat limited and the possibility of a hip replacement was virtually guaranteed. Even though the techniques in use today have improved the lives of a great many people, there are no long term guarantees and obsolescence is inevitable with every implant. No matter how good the circumstances may be or how well someone may seem to recover from the procedures, the implant will simply wear out and will need to be replaced.

    Until a more suitable material can be created, hip arthroscopy may postpone some of the damage by helping to break the vicious cycle caused by the arthritis. One of the biggest benefits of the hip arthroscopy is that it has a much simpler process of recovery as compared to other process such as open hip surgery. Almost immediately after a surgical procedure, a person can work on regaining motion around the joint by doing gentle strengthening exercises on a regular basis. Many times a patient will work with a physical therapist for assistance with these exercises and stretches to insure that they are being done properly which could speed up the recovery process.

    No procedure is without some level of risk and hip arthroscopy is no exception. One of the more common risks has to do with injury to the articular cartilage of the hip by the instruments used to perform the arthroscopy procedure. Although it is possible for this to happen with arthroscopy of any joint, the possibility of it happening with hip arthroscopy is much greater due to the joint being "tight" and difficult to access. The upside is that when an injury does occur, it is almost always minor and inconsequential. Now days with more modern instrumentation being used, and the experience levels of surgeons growing, the complication rate of this procedure is much lower.

    Home TMJ Treatment - Effectively Treating TMJ Yourself

    Painful TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) symptoms are thought to be due to the cartilage where the lower jaw meets the skull becoming displaced. This results in the nerves that control the senses being stretched and pressured.. TMJ dysfunction affects lots of people, however, it affects more women then men. A full blown case of TMJ is rare, because the body typically recovers within 2 weeks, if the jaw is given a proper amount of rest.

    TMJ dysfunction can be very difficult to treat. Many individuals with TMJ dysfunction experience pain, numbness, difficulty in opening their mouths, jaw clicking and head and neck aches, and do not know how to properly treat the symptoms. Some individuals opt for surgery, while others, are interested in a proven, home TMJ treatment.

    TMJ surgery is a very difficult surgery because the jaw is a very complicated joint. Such surgery is usually chosen as a very last resort when all else has failed. The tissue surrounding the jaw is tough and difficult to cut and easily scars after surgery. In fact, many patients are worse off after the surgery. Home TMJ treatment is certainly cheaper and is considered a much safer alternative.

    An effective, home TMJ treatment is primarily characterized by TMJ exercises. Most of these exercises are focused on strengthening the muscles around the jaw, the tongue, the throat, neck and shoulders. You may also be prescribed a splint plate, which is a piece of plastic that is fitted over your teeth. This device is similar to a mouth guard worn by athletes. It's job is to reduce teeth clenching and grinding. It also will help resolve muscle tension.

    TMJ dysfunction can be very painful. It has a way of controlling your life, because it affects eating, and sometimes your entire upper body. There are home TMJ treatment that are effective in easing the pain. A complete, effective system will incorporate TMJ exercise and diet. To find a suitable solution, do your homework, speak with people, and perform some research on the web. Many people have successfully treated their TMJ dysfunction. It's time that you became one of them.

    Cortisone Shots and the Side Effects You Should Be Aware Of

    What is a cortisone shot?

    A cortisone shot or a cortisone injection is given to patients to relieve pain mainly caused by joint inflammation. The ankle, hip, shoulder, elbow, knee, wrist and spine joints are the most common areas in the body where patients receive cortisone injections. Outside of the common joints, cortisone shots may rarely be given to the smaller joints in your feet and hands.

    An injection of anti-inflammatory medicine into the joint is commonly referred to as a cortisone shot, usually consisting of a mixture of corticosteroid and a local anesthetic. In some more rare circumstances different types of medications may be added to the mixture. The local anesthetic works to relieve pain in the short term, while the corticosteroid reduces the inflammation providing the longer term pain relief. Frequently it is your doctor who will give you the cortisone shot in his office.

    Listed below are some side effects and rare complications that may arise from cortisone shots

    • Osteonecrosis - occurs when a bone dies near the cortisone injection point

    • Joint infection

    • Damage to nerves around the injection site

    • Skin may thin near the injection site

    • Pain may become worse due to a temporary inflammation which could last for as long as 48 hours

    • May affect tendons near the injection site by weakening or even rupturing them

    • May lead to osteoporosis in bones near the injection site

    • Skin pigmentation may become lighter close to the point of injection

    One of the more frequently asked questions are how often can you receive a cortisone injection? One of the biggest questions debated is what limitations should be placed on cortisone injections. The concerns are raised from repeated cortisone injection exposure that is suspected to further damage and deteriorate joint cartilage. This is the main concern of many doctors and for this reason cortisone injections are usually only given to a patient once every three months per joint. In rare situations more severe forms of arthritis may bend this general rule and these patients receive a cortisone shot once a month.

    Another common question often asked is, how painful are cortisone injections? The pain associated with a cortisone injection is dependent on what the mixture of medicinal ingredients is. If you are having the more rare injections to the small joints in your hands or feet, then you are likely going to feel considerably more pain. Larger joints in your body such as the knee or shoulder will only trigger mild amounts of pain, while injections in other joints through your body will cause moderate amounts of pain.

    How to Recover From a Cortisone Injection

    It is common to feel a little pain and stiffness around the injection site after a cortisone shot. It is best that you continue with your daily routine as this is normal and it will just take a little time for you to start feeling better.

    Here are a few activities your doctor may ask you to do in the first few days following your cortisone injection:

    • Apply ice packs to the injection site as required to reduce the amount of superficial pain you are feeling

    • Monitor the injection site for signs of infection. Symptoms of infection may include an increase in your pain level and redness or swelling lasting longer then forty eight hours

    • Be mindful not to over exert the joint that was given the injection. Examples being, if you had a cortisone injection in your shoulder, then you should avoid any heavy lifting. If you had the injection in your knee you should do you best to stay off of your feet for the first couple of days. You can still use these joints, just be mindful not to strain them with too much activity.

    Earlier we touched on possibilities of an increase in pain and inflammation. This is commonly referred to cortisone shot flare. The flare in pain will usually lasts for up to forty eight hours, but when it subsides you should start to feel relief from your pain. As in all health concerns, if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact your doctor. Even if there is nothing wrong, confirmation from a professional often puts the mind at ease.

    Wednesday, May 8, 2013

    Exactly What You Should Know Of Sciatica

    Well-known information about sciatica strain or irritability of the weak vertebral neural roots might frequently lead to sciatica. The sciatic nerve is the biggest nerve inside the body. This type of soreness is commonly felt down the leg in addition to lower back pain, while the sciatic nerve is definitely irritated or trapped as a result of lower back condition or injury. Treatment options for sciatica are determined by the main reason and the extent of the pain.

    What exactly is sciatica? Sciatica is actually a usually chosen brief phrase for sciatic neural soreness. Sciatica is painfulness in lower legs and back of thighs caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is considered the greatest nerve inside the body. More or less entire leg in addition to lower back are supported with the sciatic nerve. This particular nerve starts out inside low back, goes toward upper legs, knees as well as lower leg. Lower back is considered the most usual area where people spot the discomfort first. Next they might feel it going forward to the legs along with under the knees.

    Which are causes of sciatica? The hernitation of backbone disc pressing directly on the nerve would be the essential factor for sciatica discomfort. But it really can be activated by any sort of problem which induces the sciatic nerve irritability. There are certainly many causes of the pain like long term standing or perhaps sitting, body building, heavy training and much more. Numerous causes for example contamination, tumors, internal bleeding, irritation of the nerve from nearby muscle tissue or bone, physical damage and other reasons can certainly contribute to sciatica. Sciatica is definitely attributable to inflammation of a root of the lower lumbar and lumbosacral spinal cord.

    What are factors of risk for sciatica? Risk factors for sciatica comprise degenerative joint disease of the lumbar spinal column, lumbar disc disorder, and trauma or injury to the lumbar spine.

    Indications of sciatic nerve soreness. Sciatica causes painfulness, a burning sense, feeling numb, or tingling passing from your spine and upper buttock straight down the rear of your thigh to the back of the lower leg. Discomfort in buttocks, lumbar soreness, pain in thigh, and soreness in leg are generally some of the several results. From time to time a person can feel as if soreness in hip in the event the painfulness goes across the buttock or hip. Frequently, the painfulness runs from the lower back all through the back of the upper leg and down through the leg. Common signs of sciatica incorporate:

    Most of symptoms for sciatica happen to be:

    - Feeling tired, tingling, or problems moving the leg or perhaps foot.

    - An acute discomfort that makes it challenging to get up.

    - Feeling numb: one additional regular attribute, commonly in the paws or foot. Often rather then feeling numb, pins and needles is felt and infrequently a burning sensation.

    The abnormal stress or interference in a single or some more nerves which makes up the sciatic nerve certainly is the reason for the sciatic discomfort. From time to time the indications of sciatica will be worsened by going for walks or bending at the waistline and relieved by relaxing. Swapping poses can be rather sufficient to obtain sort of pain relief.

    Just how is sciatica identified. To be able to make sure whether lower-body soreness and various signs or symptoms are, in reality, sciatica, a health care professional may inquire about medical background, symptom seriousness, and even indication place. Men and women will likely be expected to look at various postures as well as activities, including squatting, walking on toes, bending ahead and also backward, turning the spine, sitting, relaxing on the back and lifting one leg at a time. Technological strategies just like MR neurography may help in identification as well as care of sciatica. There can be many supplemental studies for sciatica diagnosis:

    - MRI - magnetic resonance imaging produces sharp pictures of the inside of the human body without the need of utilization of X-ray.

    - EMG - in electromyography, muscle action is watched by quite small needles that check reaction to mind signals.

    Treatment of Sciatica

    To be able to treat your sciatic nerve pain, you have to know the causal agent and handle it accordingly. On most occasions the medical doctor will propose slumber as the right treatment, for the reason that frequently recovery can happen over time frame. In cases that suffering don't resolve interventions may well involve spinal injections along with medical procedures based on the root cause. It is recommended keep your muscles stretched once you have a sitting occupation that makes you sit for an extended time. Exercises stretch the muscles and beef up, they aid in reducing pain along with tightness, and truly increase the range of activity. The physical exercises recommended will depend on what's inducing the sciatica. Additional therapy ways for sciatica contain dealing with the actual trigger, prescription drugs to alleviate painfulness together with irritation (together with oral and injectable steroid) and loosen up muscle tissues, and even physical treatment.

    Therapy Pain Relief for Arthritic Feet With Microwavable Slippers

    Arthritis is a chronic condition which causes inflammation and pain in the joints, including the many joints found in the feet. The two types of arthritis are osteoarthritis arthritis which is usually associated with age and wear and tear on the joints, and rheumatoid arthritis which is an autoimmune disease that attacks the cartilage and tissue surrounding the joints. Many doctors recommend both heat and cold treatments to help reduce inflammation and ease the pain and stiffness that comes with arthritis. A wheat bag or heat pad is a convenient method of applying heat therapy and can be easily heated in a microwave. They may also be frozen and used as cold compress.

    Heat therapy with wheat filled microwavable slippers can reduce the pain of arthritis in the feet by increasing circulation and relaxing muscles.

    Heat Therapy for Osteoarthritis

    Nearly 70 per cent of people over 70 years of age suffer from osteoarthritis, although it is fairly rare in people under the age of 50. Arthritis of the feet can seriously impact an individual's mobility, but self treatment with heated slippers can ease pain and improve mobility for many arthritis suffers. There is no cure for osteoarthritis and medical treatment is limited to medications that relieve pain and inflammation. Those who have severe inflammation may get greater relief from a combination of over the counter analgesics and heat therapy such as using a pair of microwave slippers.

    Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Rheumatoid arthritis can strike people of any age although it most often presents in people in their thirties. In the U.K. the prevalence of the disease is estimated at between 0.5 and 1.5% of the population. This is a degenerative disease which in addition to attacking the joints, can effect organs and cause serious medical problems. People with rheumatoid arthritis should be under a doctor's care, but can treat the symptoms with heat therapy which can greatly reduce pain and improve mobility.

    Using Microwavable Slippers for Heat Therapy

    Most doctors recommend elevating the feet and legs to reduce the swelling of arthritis. With this in mind, it can be difficult to use most heat pads or hot water bottles to fully cover the feet during these instances. Microwavable slippers are designed to be comfortable and can stay in place for prolonged treatment. It only takes a couple of minutes to microwave these heat therapy slippers, but remember to turn them around half way through the process if your microwave doesn't turn correctly.

    The application of heat is used to reduce pain, lessen muscle spasms and diminish joint stiffness. Heat therapy works by adding energy to the painful area which increases the metabolism of all types of cells. Applying heat causes the blood vessels to dilate which increases blood flow. Heat decreases muscle spasm through reducing tension in muscle trigger points and the muscle tendon unit is more able to relax and stretch since the heat decreases the thickness of the collagen in these muscles. If the heat is applied over enough time, the muscle and tendons relax and stretch more readily. This can reduce pain and stiffness in joints. The sensation of heat acts to reduce the transmission of pain signals and can trick the brain into ignoring soreness.
    Self Treatment with Heat Therapy

    Although there is no time limit on heat therapy, the maximum results are usually obtained in about 8 to 10 minutes. Since there are no drug interactions or side effects from heat therapy, over the counter analgesics or prescription anti-inflammatory medication can be used to reduce any swelling associated with the disease. However, heat therapy is less expensive than prescription pain medications and in many cases provides better relief. Arthritic feet suffers should test different combinations of treatment to see what works best for them.

    Arthritis foot pain can be disabling, but microwavable slippers can help relieve pain and keep patients mobile. Heat therapy is recognized by medical professionals as one of the most effective treatments for relief of arthritis pain and doctors recommend that patients use it in conjunction with other medical treatments. Slippers also come in a range of styles and sizes so that everyone will find a slipper that fits them well.

    TMJ Home Remedies - 4 Little Known Ways to Remedy TMJ From Home

    Having a TMJ disorder can be the most frustrating problem a human can face in daily life. Apart from searing pain in the face, head and jaws TMJ can affect almost all daily functions like eating, sleeping and talking. Purging TMJ off your body can be a difficult task. However there are proven treatments which can act as excellent TMJ home remedies.

    Before venturing into treating TMJ, it is important that you have been examined well by qualified doctors using standard methods to confirm its presence and ascertain its nature. TMJ can occur due to a variety of reasons, ranging from bruxism to osteoarthritis, each of which might need a different approach to treatment and decide which can be considered your specific TMJ home remedies.

    The most common treatments for TMJ include jaw exercises, hypnotherapy, wearing splints, biofeedback headgear and surgery. While surgery and hypnotherapy aren't exactly possible TMJ home remedies, the rest of the methods are. Each method can very in for a person. In order to ease TMJ, one needs to follow these steps.

    1. Consult with your physician or chiropractor and determine the nature of your TMJ pain. This will help to decide whether you need drastic measures like surgery, or take a slower, more gradual approach.

    2. Allocate at least 20 minutes of time for TMJ relief in your daily schedule. Any treatment suggested under the banner of TMJ home remedies will only work if followed meticulously on a daily basis.

    3. Select a suitable method that works for you and fits your requirements. Jaw exercises help to stretch and relax the muscles of the jaw, to reduce pain and increase functionality. Splints and physiotherapy will help to re-align jaw joints. Biofeedback headgear and movement therapy will help to eliminate bruxism and other root causes. Often, a combination of two or more of these methods will be the most efficient.

    Modify your eating habits, working environment and daily activities to minimize stress both physically and mentally. This will have a positive influence over your recovery.

    Can Changing My Diet Offer Arthritis Pain Relief?

    Modify your diet...

    New research has revealed that your diet has a lot to do with how your body reacts to arthritis. For instance, certain foods are renowned for triggering inflammation of the joints, whilst others can help to reduce it and offer your natural pain relief.

    And this is true of all arthritis types...

    Whilst osteoarthritis ('wear and tear' arthritis) has never before been considered to be an inflammatory condition - as is the case with rheumatoid arthritis - studies have found that inflammation still plays a role in your pain management of this condition.

    Luckily you can help to reduce the effects of inflammation, simply by making the following changes to your diet:

    1. Balance your essential fatty acid ratio - it is a well known fact that coldwater fish, seeds and nuts are a good source for omega-3 which is good for your heart. But did you know that omega-3 can also help you to reduce inflammation?

    Experts have found that increasing your omega-3 levels, whilst reducing the amount of omega-6 you consume (corn and sunflower oil, processed foods, spreads, eggs and meats) can both help to offer you some joint pain relief by decreasing inflammation.

    Omega-6 in particular has been found to activate the COX-2 enzymes in your body which are responsible for joint inflammation, so by reducing the amount you have, you can reduce joint pain.

    Foods to have: salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna, walnuts, flaxseed, canola oil and dark leafy greens.

    2. Reduce your intake of saturated fats, refined carbs and sugars - common in red meat, full fat dairy products, butter, white bread, sugary foods, cakes and sodas, each of these nutrients can trigger inflammation according to Dr. Wahida Karmally.

    Now you don't need to cut out these foods completely; however nutritionists recommend opting for leaner cuts of meat i.e. round or loin, (free of fat) and having them in small portions.

    3. Get plenty of vitamins and minerals - a combination of Vitamin C and D can help to boost your immune function but more importantly reduce inflammation by inhibiting the enzymes which are responsible for breaking down cartilage in your joints.

    Aim to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, and foods fortified in Vitamin D such as fatty fish (tuna, mackerel, krill), milk, cereals and orange juice. Also try to bulk up on your fibre.

    4. Maintain a healthy weight - becoming overweight can worsen your arthritic pain and risk of inflammation. For this reason, it is important that you reduce your intake of foods which are high in sugar, saturated fat and refined carbs as these high calorie foods can lead to weight gain.

    In fact, research has found that by losing 10lbs you can reduce knee and hip related pain caused by arthritis.

    5. Adopt a Mediterranean diet - enrich in antioxidants, phytochemical-rich fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, healthy oils and fish, Mediterranean diets are notoriously lower in saturated fats and red meat, making it the ideal diet to reduce inflammation and encourage joint pain relief.

    6. Choose a sustainable diet - for this reduction in inflammation to remain positive, it is important that you view your new diet as being sustainable and for life. These dietary changes are not a quick fix, but must be consistently maintained in order for you to experience long term joint pain relief.

    Simply changing your diet can offer your body the much needed support it needs to take control of your arthritis and free your joints from the discomfort of aches, pains and inflammation.

    Just remember to keep the above suggestions in mind and ultimately make sure you adopt a healthier approach to your eating habits.

    Physical and Emotional Sources of Low Back Pain

    Do you have low back pain? Does it hurt on your lower back when you get up, sit down, twist or even move in the middle? If you are suffering from low back pain, you probably have some degree of discomfort, from mild to severe, when you shift your body in some way that involves your lower back. With all of the bones, joints, ligaments, discs, nerves and muscles of our back, it is possible to suffer from many different reasons. There are several sources of low back pain, but also physical and emotional treatment modalities to make the pain subside or go away completely. Yes, there is healing for low back pain, in the form of conservative, non-invasive treatments.

    Physical Sources

    Almost all low back pain begins with stress or strain to the muscles. This can be caused by overworking it around the house, or during athletic or other heavy back movement activity. In addition, when your back muscles are tight, weak or out of balance, sometimes the slightest irritation will cause a great deal of aggravation. This may occur in the form of a harsh sneeze, bending over to pick up something, or a quick turn to respond to someone calling to you. There are exceptions of course, for example, when a person has been in an accident or had a serious fall. But underlying all that is the source of the pain, which are the muscles. The muscles are directly connected to the nerves that send pain messages to the brain.

    Complicating the muscle pain is the issue of emotional trauma or stress. When a person is under duress, muscles will tighten and when contracted for too long, become stiff and uncomfortable, leading to pain.

    There are also structural defects to the spine which may be causing pain. A back disc, which is the cushion between each vertebrae on the spine, can be ruptured and that places pressure on the nearby spinal nerves. This type of damage can occur in a patient as early as the age of 20. Spinal stenosis, which happens in older patients, is the compression, or narrowing of the spinal canal typically due to osteoarthritis or a congenital defect. There is also degenerative joint and disc diseases which when not treated, will only become more challenging to correct.

    Emotional Sources

    Unfortunately for humans, when a person is stressed, their muscles automatically tense up, as if for preparing for a fight. If a person has had an injury to their low back, these tightened muscles only agitate the low back pain. And even without a previous injury, a stiff, tensed up back could be compared to a dry twig instead of a leafy branch. With a slight provocation, it is apt to "snap" and cause low back pain. Stress comes from many sources and in many forms, relating to work, family and many other issues. If you have trouble sleeping or concentrating AND low back pain, the pain is probably stress-related.

    Physical Treatment

    The actual physical source of back pain can be difficult to diagnose directly to the source in some patients. A specific injury that you may or may not remember may have started the process. Sometimes the lower back will try to overcompensate for the injury, causing yet another problem. Add to that the stress of everyday life and you may have low back pain that may become chronic, lasting more than three months.

    An orthopedic or pain management specialist can help diagnose the source of the pain and prescribe specific exercises, stretching or massage that will relieve pain and heal the low back pain over time.

    Emotional Treatment

    When a person is suffering from low back pain, it is best to treat the whole person, not just the back. There is certainly a connection between the mind and the body when a person is in consistent pain. Sometimes the tension in our back that makes our muscles contract and give lower back pain is caused by stress, worry and even anger.

    Combined Relief

    For a low back pain treatment analogy here, when you are diagnosed with strep throat, it is because a particular bacterium is found and so you are given specific antibiotics to treat it, as well as rest and plenty of liquids. In the same way, if you have low back pain, is could be a result of stress in your life as well as a disc or muscle problem. This must be treated from the perspective of the muscles of the back as well as the emotional point of view. This treatment strategy includes both the emotional and the physical structure of the back, and a scientific way of looking at both. An exceptional health care provider will ask questions about your lifestyle and current stress levels to see if your low back pain is related to your emotional state. If it appears that therapy would assist in treatment, he or she can refer you to a counselor to treat both sides of the problem.

    How to Accelerate Hip Replacement Recovery

    The hip is a major weight bearing joint that is subject to a lot of wear and tear and inflammation that may cause chronic pain. Hip replacement recovery helps to relieve pain. A sufferer is able to carry out his or her daily activities like walking, climbing stairs etc. after surgery, which otherwise would not have been possible due to a lack of mobility in the hip joint.

    The period after hip replacement surgery is followed by rest. During this period, you may be advised to limit your mobility to reduce the chances of applying undue pressure on the artificial joint too soon after surgery. A recent innovation in the field of invasive techniques causes less blood loss and less damage to the surrounding tissues during the surgical procedure. So the patients experience a quick recovery and regain their strength very rapidly.

    Specially designed instruments are used in hip recovery replacement to install the implants to ensure that no damage is caused to the surrounding tissues. This speeds up the healing process and most patients are able to go home within twenty four hours after surgery.

    The progress in the surgery and the excellent results that it produces have made more and more people opt for the surgical procedure to relieve chronic pain in the hip joint. Following the surgical procedure, your physiotherapist will advise you on the type of activities that you should or should not perform to hasten the hip replacement recovery. However, you should follow an exercise program diligently to get your artificial hip to work in a good condition.

    For a few months after the surgery, avoid squatting, sitting in a low chair or sitting whilst keeping your legs crossed to aid the hip replacement recovery process. The recovery from the surgery is usually very fast, but it will take a couple of weeks to regain full use of your hip joint. The time needed for recovery can be reduced with proper care and a strict adherence to the hip replacement recovery program that has been designed for you by the physiotherapist.

    With proper care after the hip replacement surgery, the majority of the patients are left pain free for many years to come. Many people with successful hip replacements are able to play games like golf. This should give you an indication of the success of this procedure and the hip replacement recovery programs that have been devised by the recovery experts.

    Grinding Teeth in Sleep

    We have different pet peeves when it comes to sleeping. Most people will really get irked when they hear somebody snoring. The unusual sounds can be really irritating to the extent that one cannot sleep anymore. We have all been immersed to this kind of sleep disorder. We are all guilty this sleep disorder occasionally especially when we are really exhausted. Few people know that there is a sleep disorder that is similar to snoring specifically to the annoying sounds produced. This sleep disorder is known as grinding teeth.

    For some people this is more distracting than snoring. This is because there is an added fear when one hears the grinding sound of teeth. It brings back memories of those popular horror movies. Just imagine teeth gnashing producing the same sounds similar to the movie the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Sleeping with somebody who grinds teeth is one hell of an experience. It is just like sleeping with the enemy wherein you need to be always on guard. Grinding teeth is an excruciating experience especially to the one who does it.

    Grinding teeth is rarely occurs in daytime. It is usually more apparent at night. Studies show that grinding teeth in sleep is due to the stress that a person encounters on a daily basis. An individual's teeth grinding is his or her body's way of releasing stress. Usually the sufferer is not aware of this habit or sleep disorder. This is the reason why they usually feel sore on their jaw area when they wake up. They have unexplained headaches or migraine of some sort due to the clenching or gnashing of their jaw. If the occurrence of grinding teeth is chronic, they may even notice that the enamel of their teeth are cracked or broken.

    It is important to know that kids are not spared from grinding teeth in sleep. In fact this is a common occurrence since they have not developed their teeth yet. This is not a major threat since kids normally outgrow this condition as they get older. It only becomes a serious condition when there is a noticeable misalignment of teeth or jaw. Adults who have malocclusion which is the abnormality in the coming together of teeth or more commonly known as overbite or underbite should consult a dentist immediately. In this manner, temporomandibular joint problems TMJ (jaw joint) and TMJ Syndrome or TMD (disorder) will be corrected and avoided. If not treated, this can cause loss of hearing and disfigurement of one's face. Grinding teeth is really a serious condition that might even lead to surgery. If it is just related to anxiety and stress, then it can even cause a loss in relationships. One should take time in determining what causes his or her grinding teeth disorder. Once known, then pro-active actions should be taken immediately to cure it. If not, manage the condition in the best manner possible.

    Tuesday, May 7, 2013

    Joint Pain Relief Cream: A Rub-On Relief for Painful Joints

    Joint pain has tremendous impact on the lives of affected individuals. They may cringe at every movement since it can be unbearable. More importantly, arthritis which is responsible for most cases of pains can alter the lives of its sufferers. Arthritis such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritics can be crippling and causes physiological changes in the affected joints. As a result, affected individuals are hindered form carrying on with their normal lives. With this becoming a burden, the sufferers tend to explore their options. They may opt for any form of pain relievers including joint pain relief cream.

    What is Joint Pain Relief Cream?

    Relievers have evolved in forms. From the usual oral medications, scientists have invented cream for the purpose of providing easier means to ease pains. It is a rub-on formula designed to ease by applying it over painful joints to provide immediate relief. The analgesic effect of joint pain relief cream, however, is only temporary. Addresses only the symptoms, but not the cause of the painful joint.

    Indeed, relief cream cannot be used on all types of joint pains. It cannot help sufferers with severe and chroni. More importantly, since these are only applied on the muscles over the affected joints, its ingredients may not really reach the painful joints. Therefore, for joints located deeper such as shoulders and knees, the effects of cream could be largely decreased. It could only be beneficial if is used over joints of the fingers and toes. It should be noted, though, that since it is composed of synthetic chemicals, there is possibility of ingesting its components if it is applied on fingers. Ingestion allows the chemicals to get into the body and cause adverse effects.

    Opting For Safer Treatment Over Joint Pain Relief Cream

    Like most analgesics, joint pain relief cream does not cure the painful joint. It has no way of providing long-lasting relief form painful joints. Its main purpose is only to mask the pain and thus sufferers should continuously apply the cream. Since sufferers aim to be free from the pain, they could opt for a better alternative such as taking all-natural formula Synotrex, which is capable of restoring the health of the joints.

    Its natural ingredients allow Synotrex to work effectively without causing harm. Synotrex has pain-relieving ability because it is composed of natural COX-2 inhibitors, glucosamine and chondroitin. The combined efforts of these substances provide pain relief and prevent swelling, which are associated with arthritis. Indeed, Synotrex is designed to help people suffering from arthritic pain. However, since vitamins, minerals and herbs are also present in Synotrex, It also facilitates recovery of damaged and weak joints. It shows that there is no better way to relieve join pains than by using Synotrex.

    Common Bone Diseases

    Bones are a vital component of the skeletal system. Upon birth, an infant has 300 bones and as they grow this number decreases to 206. Human bones vary in shape and sizes. As people age, there is a possibility of acquiring certain bone problems if the right minerals like calcium, phosphorous and collagen are not present to keep bones healthy. Deficiency in minerals for the bones will trigger bone diseases. There are people who acquire bone disease from faulty genes. But most people develop bone disease as they grow older or due to unhealthy food intake. Below are common bone diseases that an individual may experience at some point in their life.

    Osteoporosis - The gradual loss of minerals in bone will cause osteoporosis. Though bone tissues have a knack to patch up themselves still vitamins and minerals are needed. If you have bone mineral shortage, concave spaces might be developed and this will cause the brittleness and fragility of your bones. If this happens, this leads to osteoporosis.

    Osteoarthritis - This disease can be characterized by bone joint degeneration and arthritis. Bone degeneration can lead to the collapse of cartilage which is an essential component to connect tissues. As two different bones rub each other due to cartilage breakdown, inflammation may arise and this causes osteoarthritis.

    Rickets - As stated earlier, minerals like calcium and phosphorous are integral components of having a healthy bone. In addition, Vitamin D is also required to make the bone much healthier. Deficiency in this vitamin may attribute the disease called rickets. Lack of this vitamins will softens the bone and therefore makes your body more vulnerable to many types of bone fracture.

    Paget Disease - This results in atypical re-modelling process of the bone. Bone swelling and distortion may occur if you have Paget disease. The distortion may intrude into the nerves and this will cause throbbing pain. Among the most affected parts of this kind of bone disease are the skull, spine and collarbone. It is also believe that Paget disease is genetics which means it can be acquire through gens. If in any case your family has history of this kind of disease, then you are most likely to acquire it.

    Cancer of the Bone- This disease is referring to the unusual and unrestrained division in bone cells and tissues that leads to malevolent growth. Bone cancer may start as an ailment in the other parts of the body but after spreading the bacteria and viruses this certain ailment may cause development of the cancer cells. When cancer cells are developed due to mineral and vitamin deficiency, the bones are weakened and diluted leading it to a more serious ailment like cancer.

    Those are just five common bone diseases which can be inherited or degenerative. Keep in mind that most bone diseases are acquire due to vitamin and mineral deficiency as well as faulty metabolism and abnormal cell division. Therefore, one way to stay away from this kind of disease is to stay healthy. Staying healthy means having a right diet and of course regular check-up with your doctor or your trusted osteopath. They can best help you with any bone deformities you may be experiencing.

    Curing Bruxism, TMJ and Teeth Grinding - Using Mouth Guards Is Not the Answer

    What is bruxism? For most people bruxism is characterized by the grinding of teeth and the clenching of the jaw. Many people are suffering from bruxism and most of them are not even aware that they have it. Bruxism is also associated with TMJ disorder. TMJ is a disorder of the jaw and if you have bruxism it will also cause TMJ pain. There are many options for natural treatment for bruxism but you have to know the main cause of the problem first. Most people that grind their teeth at night don't know that they are doing it unless somebody tells them, that is why it is more difficult to cure.

    If you go to a doctor, the doctor will prescribe you to wear mouth guards to prevent you from grinding your teeth. But is this really the solution? Mouth guards only provides temporary solution and can only give short term relief. And also it is not economical because mouth guards are expensive because it's custom made for each person. The price usually ranges from $500 to $700 and using it every day will cause it to break down faster and you will have to buy a new one. The mouth guard acts as a barrier between your upper and lower teeth, so instead of your teeth constantly rubbing against each other the mouth guard will be the one to deal with the pressure. If you will stick to wearing mouth guards that will not stop teeth grinding and TMJ and you might wear it until the day you die if you can't find a permanent solution to your problem.

    There is also one option that provide relief from the pain and that is pain medication. Pain medications reduce swelling in the jaw but like the mouth guard it doesn't really cure the problem with bruxism. It can only help people with the pain but you will still continue to grind your teeth and the pain is still there due to teeth grinding. Plus the fact that pain medications are not good to be taken frequently because it has systemic effects and can damage your liver.

    So if you really want to stop teeth grinding and TMJ, you can know more about natural treatment for bruxism which will really treat bruxism and not just alleviate it. There are natural treatment and exercises that will permanently treat your problem. And if you can find a solution that suit your needs then you can say goodbye to nightly teeth grinding and say hello to a goodnight sleep for you and for the person next to you.

    How You Can Help Your Body Heal Itself

    Time to take a different look at modern medicine. Everyday a new TV commercial for a new medication, I'm starting to think they create the medication first and then the disease or ailment for it to work on.

    I was recently introduced to a supplement called StemEnhance which promotes your bone marrow to produce three to five million more of your own stem cells within sixty minutes. This is a great thing because as we age our body produces less stemcells. Notice how older folks take longer to heal from simple cuts and bruises.

    These stem cells are then called to the part of your body that needs the most help first. Upon traveling through your blood stream and arriving at the troubled area in your body these Stem Cells will migrate into the tissue to become the cells of tissue in need of repair.

    A Time Magazine cover story tells us that Stem Cells may offer diabetes help, heart trouble, and parkinsons disease. National Geography cover story tells of benefits of stemcell and how it is expected to increase life expectancy. LIFE magazine has no less positive remarks to share. With stem cell research being constantly in the news these days, and for good reason. When one's own body can repair itself it is a wonderful thing.

    Though Stemtech makes no claims to cure any disease, ailment, or make all your pain go away there are numerous testimonials all over the internet that you can read. Reduced arthritis pain, hip and joint pain to a minimal level, improved mental clarity, increased energy level, nightly leg cramps gone and overall feeling of well being are just some of the benefits I have enjoyed myself. Others have claimed to have regained use of limbs that did not work at all, constant back pain disappearing, decrease in stress and tension, getting diabetes under control, improved eyesight, decrease in sleepless nights. These are just some of the many benefits I have read as I researched Stemtech products.

    This is not the fountain of youth by a long shot but may help in slowing down the aging process and keep us feeling better for a longer period of time during our lifespan.

    Stemtech also produces StemPets which I have also used on my lab Bo suffering with arthritis in his rear hips. Results are simply amazing! After about two weeks on StemPets Bo is like a new dog, now active again, up and running rather than just being able to lay around all day only forcing himself up to go out as needed due to the pain he was suffering.

    My take on Stemtech products is most definitely a positive one as Bo and I will continue using these supplements daily. I feel more comfortable using a over the counter type supplement rather than prescriptions with to many side effects to mention. Now my 80 year old mother has started on Stemtech as well.

    Back Pain Relief - Rehydrate Your Discs

    Back pain relief is essential and targeting your spinal discs is an essential part.

    Everyone I'm sure knows that there are discs in your spine; however these are not the most important part of your spine. There are the smaller facet joints at the back of your spine that determine how well your joints will move, there are also the small muscles around the joints that will create a lot of your back pain as well.

    The discsheight to the spine and help elongate it; they allow for shock absorption.

    If either of these two functions decline, then the facet joints and intrinsic muscles will start to fail also. This leads into back pain very quickly. Sure there are also many other factors that create back pain and to remove your back pain totally, you need to address all the factors relating to it. Back pain relief should be a complete process of relaxing tight muscles, strengthening weak muscles, getting your joints moving correctly and balancing your pelvis.

    Back to the discs though...

    Your spinal discs are made up of a jelly like substance. When you stand or sit the pressure of gravity actually allows your discs to leak a small amount of fluid. Your discs then decrease in height and lose their functional ability to shock absorb and to maintain your height.

    This is why if you measure your height in the morning when you wake up; you are taller than when you go to bed. As you age your height shrinks, which you may notice in your parents and grandparents.

    If your discs remained at their full height and fluid levels, then your shock absorption would remain and your height also. To do this you need to make sure three things are occurring every day...

    1. You need to drink approximately 2 liters of water every day. If your fluid levels decline, so will the fluid levels in your discs. Water will help your muscles function, organs to work better, your nervous system to fire properly and a lot more.

    2. You need to be eating 1/2 teaspoon of salt (actually 1/4 teaspoon for every liter of water you drink). Salt helps your discs rehydrate, salt also allows your Adrenal glands to function correctly. Your Adrenals help produce the anti-inflammatory products, help to distress your body and mind, re-energize you and more.

    3. Lie down more... yes lying down actually allows your discs to remain at their true height for longer. IT is gravity that is the biggest cause of disc shrinkage - if you lie down when you read, listen to music or watch TV, and then your discs have time to rehydrate by removing pressure off them.

    Three simple things you can do that will improve the status of your spinal discs. Back pain relief is not just a matter of correcting your out of balance muscles, joints and pelvis. Back pain relief is also looking at the many other contributing factors to your back pain problems.