Saturday, July 20, 2013

Get Rid Of Arthritis Pain Forever

I know the secret to getting rid of arthritis pain forever and it is not taking drugs. A few years ago I accidentally discovered how to rid one's self of arthritis pain, naturally. Osteoarthritis affects joints in a different way depending on their location in the body, causing various symptoms. Arthritis pain can be experienced whenever a stiff or swollen joint is used. The first step when looking for solutions to an arthritis pain problem is to understand how arthritis works.

Collagen is the essential protein in cartilage; it forms a mesh to give support and flexibility to the joint. The combination of the collagen meshwork and high water content tightly bound by proteoglycans, creates a resilient, slippery pad in the joint, which resists the compression between bones during muscle movement. Cartilage contains a high percentage of water, but it decreases with age.

Most experts now believe that osteoarthritis results from a genetic susceptibility that causes a biologic response to injuries to the joint, which leads to progressive deterioration of cartilage. Injuries sometimes can be the start in the arthritic disease process; osteoarthritis can develop years later even after a single traumatic injury to a joint or near a joint. The cause of arthritis (osteoarthritis) and the factors leading to the deterioration of cartilage in osteoarthritis is still not understood.

Making a ginger tea, by adding a thin slice or two of fresh gingerroot to hot water, is helpful to many people I know. A study in Great Britain touted the beneficial effects of cod liver oil on osteoarthritis; relieving pain and stiffness, and reversing the destruction of joint cartilage within 24 hours. For snacks, choose raw nuts without salt instead of lifeless roasted nuts.

Natural treatment for arthritis is usually a better choice because it's non-invasive to the body. One natural treatment method involves avoiding all inflammatory foods. Dried Montmorency tart cherries seem to be helpful for arthritis pain also.

If you really want to get rid of your arthritis pain forever it may take a radical change in your diet and an ongoing commitment. Keep in mind, if you take a joint supplement it should help do three things -- build cartilage, relieve everyday joint pain, and enhance your flexibility and movement.

Make smoothies with fruit only using a base of two bananas, adding a cup of frozen or fresh blueberries and mango chunks or substitute any other fruit and add an energy boost of two tablespoons of coconut oil; add one or two leaves of kale for another highly nutritional boost -- no one will ever know. I eat a diet of living foods (fruits, raw veggies, raw nuts and raw seeds) to relieve my arthritis pain and this should be tried for at least 30 days, thus eliminating any foods that might be culprits.

There are a number of exercises which can benefit arthritis sufferers regardless of how much restriction of movement there is. Exercise your affected joints every day, to keep them flexible. If you have pain and swelling in your fingers, try squeezing Thera-putty made for this purpose or exercising with two Chinese chime balls. Exercise in a heated pool; it will help reduce the pressure on your joints and the heat will help you loosen those joints.

Sign up for water aerobics classes at your local community center. Even the lightest exercise can go a long way to maintaining your joint mobility and overall health. Important exercises for arthritis are range-of-motion exercises, isometrics, and some weight bearing exercises.

Once you become more informed about arthritis you'll be able to plan an arthritis treatment program, natural or conventional or a combination of both. At the very least, understand what the side effects and adverse reactions are for any drug you take. Only you know which treatment option is best for you.

Once you understand the facts about arthritis, possible causes and treatment approaches you can take, you'll be on your way to recovery and pain will disappear. Arthritis pain relief is the ultimate goal - understanding arthritis is a good way to get there. Changing your diet to predominately fruits and raw veggies, like I did, can turn your arthritis pain around almost overnight.

Treating the Smoldering Fire of Pain and Chronic Disease

In this article I will provide you with specific wellness strategies in conquering the chronic inflammation and oxidative stress that may be at the source of many of your own health issues. No one prescription will work for all individuals, each treatment program must be individualized, but there are general wellness strategies that can be beneficial in starting you on the road to better health.

As a whole we Americans tend to follow a diet of overconsumption and under nutrition, and we are exposed to thousands of neuroendocrine disruptive chemicals on a daily basis. Together this leads to free radical production in our tissues causing oxidative stress which then activates genes that turn on systemic low-grade inflammation. This dietary and lifestyle induced chronic inflammation increases oxidative stress which then perpetuates the more low-grade inflammation. This is metabolic dysfunction creates a vicious cycle that leads not only to chronic muscle and joint pain issues, but most of the degenerative diseases of today, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cancer..

This dietary and lifestyle induced vicious cycle of oxidative stress and chronic inflammation leads to chronic pain states by sensitizing the pain receptors, known as nociceptors, in your muscle and joint tissues. This peripheral sensitization can create physical and chemical changes in your spinal cord and brain, called Central Sensitization. Research now shows that it is this Central Sensitization of your nervous system that leads to chronic wide spread pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia. For example, if the sensitized pain receptors from chronic inflammation and oxidative stress were located in your myofascial tissues supporting your lumbar spine, then you would develop a chronic regional pain syndrome of low back. If this peripheral sensitization was taking place in the supportive muscles of your shoulder, you would be diagnosed with a chronic rotator cuff syndrome. Therefore, for real healing it is vital to treat the underlying metabolic dysfunction that keeps your muscle and joint tissues and nervous system sensitized.


A well rounded approach that gives you a fighting chance begins with cleaning up your personal environment. Start by lowering the amount of neuroendocrine disruptive chemicals entering your body by filtering your water, eating as organic as possible, and utilizing green personal care and household cleaning products. The work Iris R. Bell Ph.D. from the University of Arizona has shown that low-level chemical exposure can cause sensitization of the central nervous system leading to chronic muscle pain disorders and fibromyalgia. In addition to reducing toxic exposure and you will then want to enhance your cellular detoxification capability. You can achieve this by utilizing specific botanicals such as Silymarin, green tea extract, N-acetylcysteine and alpha-lipoic acid. (See table for suggested dosages) It is also very helpful to eat a more Mediterranean based diet which has been shown to decrease systemic inflammation. You can more effectively and efficiently achieve this goal by utilizing educational resources found on line.


Do an "oil change" for optimal health and to reduce chronic inflammation. First drain out the harmful sludge-shown to increase systemic inflammation, oxidative stress and insulin resistance-by removing all Trans-fatty acids and hydrogenated oils from your diet.. It is also important to reduce your dietary intake of arachidonic fatty acid, primarily found in meat and dairy. Arachidonic fatty acid is the precursor to the inflammatory PgE2 prostaglandin that stimulates tissue nociceptors. Research shows when individuals lower the amount of arachidonic acid in their diet and supplement anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids EPA/DHA they have a marked reduction of inflammation in myofascial tissues.


After performing an "oil change" it is important for you to tune-up the cellular engines of your soft tissue by improving mitochondrial function, the very power plants of each and every cell in your body. Vital to accomplishing this is improving cellular levels of magnesium, a mineral that serves to activate over 300 different enzymatic reactions in the cell. A little more than one fourth of all the bodies' magnesium is concentrated in the muscles, where it performs vital function's especially that of energy production. The primary symptoms of deficient tissue magnesium are: fatigue, muscle tenderness, muscle cramps, irritability, weakness, mental confusion, insomnia and a predisposition to stress. Perhaps this sounds a bit like a laundry list of the symptoms that plague you, which is not surprising for research shows magnesium deficiency to be extremely common. Additionally it is helpful to add Malate and specific B vitamins with the magnesium to enhance energy production in your muscle cells. This increase energy production by the muscle cell allows it to fully relax which can reduce muscle tenderness within 48 hours.


The supplementation of standardized extracts of Ginger and Curcumin can not be over emphasized in the treatment of chronic inflammation and oxidative stress. A 2005 review of the past 25 years of research on ginger's anti-inflammatory properties established that ginger helped to manage multiple biochemical pathways activated in chronic inflammation without blocking enzymes vital for maintaining healthy tissues, like NSAIDs can. Possibly one of the most exciting aspects of utilizing standardized Ginger extracts for chronic pain is its ability to affect Substance P in the central nervous system. In one study Substance P averaged three times higher in the cerebral spinal fluid of fibromyalgia patients, when compared to individuals without fibromyalgia. What is exciting about standardized extracts of Ginger root is that it contains the gingerol (6)-shogaol which research has shown to reduce substance P in the spinal cords of mammals.

Much of the research on standardized Ginger root extracts for chronic pain disorders utilized anywhere from 1000 mg to 4000 mg per day. Based on my review of the research and my own clinical experience I find that best results are found with utilizing products that contain as much as 300 to 500 mg of standardized ginger root extract per tablet or capsule. Also the ginger root extract label must state that it has been standardized to at least 5% gingerols and shogaols. If this isn't enough of an incentive to add Ginger extracts to a healthy diet, then consider the fact that gingerols have been shown to inhibit the growth of colorectal cancer cells.

As powerful as Ginger extract is, recent studies have shown extracts of Turmeric root, also referred to as Curcumin, to be the most powerful natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent available. In numerous studies Curcumin extracts anti-inflammatory abilities has been shown to be comparable to the potent drugs like hydrocortisone as well as NSAIDs, but without the safety issues. In a full review of almost 300 research papers Curcumin was shown to be nontoxic, have strong antioxidant activity, and modulate numerous contributors to chronic inflammation. A recent study completed in 2000, also showed that turmeric extract protected the liver from acute and chronic toxic chemical injury.

Numerous studies have linked the frequent use of turmeric to lower rates of prostate, breast, lung and colon cancer. Recent research may have uncovered why Curcumin is so effective in preventing chronic disease and certain cancers. It found that Curcumin extract inhibits the activation of a chemical messenger called NF-kappa B. NF-kappa B signals your genes to produce a variety of inflammation-causing molecules that can promote cancer cell growth, as well as chronic pain when tissues are chronically exposed to it. This study points out something very important; Curcumin root extract can regulate the chemical switch NF-KappaB that is "stuck in the on position" when you are suffering with chronic inflammation and pain. The herbal formula you utilize should have around 500 mg of quality highly absorbable curcumin root extract standardized to 95% Curcuminoids per tablet. You need this concentration so you can easily get up to the necessary 2000 mg of Curcumin a day sometimes necessary to lower inflammation and pain

Both of these herbs have the added benefit of keeping your blood from getting too sticky, which of course helps prevent strokes and heart attacks much like aspirin has been shown to do. Because of the mild anticoagulant ability of these herbs, any individual on the drug Coumadin/warfarin must not take these botanicals, without consulting their prescribing physician. This article has only begun to scratch the surface of the causative mechanisms involved in chronic inflammation and oxidative stress and its treatment. However, once you begin to grasp the importance of this issue in your health it provides you with a lever large enough to adjust your metabolic dysfunction and promote real healing. The treatment of chronic inflammation and oxidative stress is covered in great detail in my book "Why We Hurt".

Alternative Treatment for Degenerative Disk Disease

Intervertebral discs are the cushions of cartilage in between every vertebra in the spine. If the spine experiences even the smallest amount of trauma it can then rupture, cause inflammation, or bulge the disc.

Numbness and tingling in the bilateral extremities, with radiating pain, is a common sign of someone with degenerative disc disease, even worse if the disease is irritating adjacent nerve roots. Symptoms normally appear when the disc puts pressure on the nerve root. The chiropractic approach to disc degeneration is to reduce inflammation and improve the motion in the spine. If the chiropractor sees it necessary to help with his diagnosis, he may send the patient for an MRI or CT scan for further evaluation. There are three types of spinal manipulations for disc problems:

Flexion-distraction technique: A non-thrusting technique that is normally used on herniated disks or the treatment of spinal stenosis.

Specific spinal manipulation: The restricted joints are identified and treated by the chiropractor, restoring movement back into the joints.

Instrument-assisted manipulation: This technique is performed with a handheld instrument, typically an activator.

Many chiropractors offer manual therapy to their patients in addition to the spinal adjustment. Trigger point therapy involves pressure being put on the painful spots to relieve the tension. Therapeutic exercises, such as stretching and resistance techniques, help prevent symptoms from getting worse.

Degenerative disc disease is most commonly diagnosed in people who have suffered an injury to their disc because they degenerate quicker. There are a few different types of disc injuries:

Disc tear: Located in the outer cartilage where fluid starts to leak out.

Bulging disc: The jelly substance centered in the middle of the disc is pushed to one side and begins to swell.

Herniated disc: The jelly substance ruptures through the fibers on the outside and extends past the normal position.

Prolapsed disc: A fragment of the disc breaks away becomes a free-floating piece.

Desiccated disc: The disc loses the fluid inside, degenerates, and wears down. This takes place right before the bones start to fuse together.

Optimal functioning of the musculoskeletal system is a necessity for good health. 60% of the human body consists of bones, muscles, tissue, and nerves which are all part of the musculoskeletal system. Chiropractors are experts in this area, so it's only wise to seek out and receive chiropractic treatment for degenerative disc disease. Many patients have avoided unnecessary surgery or a pill dependency because they chose the best approach to natural healing.

Joint Pain Or Muscle Pain?

The dilemma of understanding whether that nagging pain is coming from joints or muscles can be quite daunting, especially for someone who's been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, recently. Even for those who have not been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, joint and muscle pains can be considered the red alarm point. So what are they really and how do they differ? And most importantly, how can you tell the difference between joint pain and muscle pain? Joint pains are more like those you get right before flu. Remember that dreaded feeling of numbness in all your joints, as if you've been beaten up with a pole? Right! Now muscle pain is different because they are the type of pains you will get after an extreme workout.

Many people associate joint pains with rheumatoid arthritis, but they hardly consider muscle pains playing a role in the game. In fact, it should be acknowledged that if you have muscle pains around certain areas, especially around legs and arms, the culprit could be none other than joint inflammations that are commonly seen in arthritis.

The common symptoms of stiffness, pain and swelling in joints could easily affect the surrounding muscles and give you mixed signals. Therefore, recognizing whether the pain comes from a joint or a muscle may not be an easy task for someone suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

For example, pain in the feet is very common but no one really cares about it. Remember that if your body is aching or in pain, it is a signal that something is wrong, somewhere in your body. In fact, pain is your messenger that indicates danger. So ignoring aches and pains will not help you in any way. When your feet hurt, you tend to change your posture. The latter may cause stress and fatigue to your muscles. And with that, you've welcomed muscle pain too! These posture problems may then lead to digestion problems, problems of the lower back and knees. Do you see the link?

Similarly in rheumatoid arthritis, joint pains can run from arms to legs, spreading its inflammations all around the joints and sometimes affecting the organs in the vicinity. Therefore, if you experience muscle pains and fatigue on top of the usual joint pains, you should know that inflammations are devil dancing in your body.

According to western medicine, although there is no known cure for rheumatoid arthritis, some alternative treatment methods such as Unani system have proven to be effective in eliminating the condition. The bottom line for any person suffering from rheumatoid arthritis is to know that something has gone wrong somewhere and that if treated, or taken care of early, the conditions could even be reversed.

Regular exercise in healthy doses is a must for any one suffering from joint and muscle pain due to rheumatoid arthritis. Additionally there are health supplements such as Omega-3 fatty acids, SAMe, TMG and Glucosamine that can assist you in the process. Additionally, there are alternative healing methods such as reflexology, yoga and reiki that you can try out with zero risk and no after effects.

Using Fish Oil Supplements For Joint Pain Relief - Is This A Viable Option For Arthritis?

There are countless people using fish oil supplements for joint pain relief, but does it really work? Can a daily supplement honestly reduce joint pain? Many people swear by it, so I would imagine it does work, at least for some people.

Of course it could also be a placebo effect, but even if it is, so what? If taking a supplement means you experience less pain, then why not continue taking that supplement? Also, omega-3 rich fish oil is incredibly beneficial to one's health, so even if it does not reduce the pain in your joints, it is still going to benefit you in other ways.

It is also important to remember that joint pain can be caused by several things, with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis being two of the biggest culprits. To date, there has been a tremendous amount of research done in order to determine the effect fish oil has on these two diseases.

In one 12 week study, rheumatoid arthritis sufferers were given 3 grams of DHA and EPA fish oil per day for the duration of the study. All the volunteers reported a significant reduction in morning stiffness, and many were even able to come off their prescription drugs.

In a more recent study involving 250 osteoarthritis sufferers, the results were also very promising. Again, researchers focused primarily on DHA and EPA, both of which are essential fatty acids found in omega 3. Again, all volunteers reported a dramatic reduction in pain, and many were able to have their regular prescription drug dosages reduced.

The reason why fish oil tends to be effective is because it inhibits the body's ability to synthesize a substance which is known to cause inflammation. This also explains why it is more effective at treating rheumatoid arthritis than it is at treating osteoarthritis, which in essence is a disease which results in the breakdown of cartilage.

Many people remain skeptical about the effectiveness of fish oil supplements for joint pain relief. This is largely because the FDA has not yet endorsed the use of these supplements for treating diseases such as arthritis. However, there is a huge amount of research that shows omega-3 rich fish oil can in many cases reduce joint pain and especially in cases where the pain is being caused by inflammation.

In a nutshell, only you will know if your joint pain responds favorably to daily fish oil supplementation. The good thing is, you will be doing your body a big favor, even if you are still left with the pain.

Lower Back Pain And Kidney Pain - How To Tell If Your Back Pain Is Caused By A Kidney Infection

It is important to remember that kidney pain and back pain can have similar symptoms that have entirely different causes. You can have back pain symptoms that are caused by a kidney infection, while another person could have the exact same symptoms caused by a back problem.

When lower back pain is caused by a kidney problem.

Your kidneys are located to the left and right side of your spine directly above your hips. Pain from an infection in your kidneys will usually occur near this same general area, although it can radiate outwards thus complicating diagnosis. Many people describe the symptoms as a general tenderness or ache and not "pain." A strong, stabbing pain may be related to back problems and not the kidneys. The pain or tenderness can be due to an infection or it could be related to some type of injury to the kidneys themselves. For instance, an injury caused by a fall could compress one kidney impacting and damaging it.

In addition to kidney pain caused by accident or injury there are also symptoms that are associated with a kidney infection. Pain caused by an infection is much more common than that caused by physical trauma. In addition, with infections in the kidney there will often be other symptoms such as a fever, pain while urinating or blood in the urine.

How to tell if you have a kidney infection and what to do about it.

If you have a kidney infection, you will likely have some of the following symptoms: fever, chills, backache and pain. Nausea and tenderness near the infected kidney can also occur. Your doctor will diagnose the condition through tests of kidney functioning or by a bacterial test. Why two types of tests? Because there are two common types of kidney disorders, each with a different cause. Treatment and pain relief will likely include rest and antibiotics for any bacterial infections. Usually the treatment will last for several weeks, but certain people may have structural issues and require longer-term treatment.

The bottom line is that you want to get the right information about what might be creating your pain symptoms - do not self-diagnose. A kidney infection left untreated for many years can have catastrophic implications for your health. If there is a history of kidney infection in your family, or you have recently been in a fall or car wreck or had some other trauma that could have damaged your kidneys, you should consider seeing a doctor. The treatment for low back pain caused by poor posture or over exertion is different than the treatment for low back pain caused by a kidney infection. You want to treat the right condition.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Winter Joint Pain Help!

Before I solved my knee pain and knee clicking disorders I remember the very cold times of year being the Most horrible. Dry skin, stiff legs, aching muscles, BLAH! I thought I would come on right now and write out a handful of simple tips for managing your knee joints in the winter time and cold air to stop soreness and clicking. Of course this is all evaded and explained in the course I've been telling you guys about, but I wanted to give a little heads up on some quick and easy thing you can do as well.

A Fix for Stiff Knees

When a joint starts out to come to feel stiff it's caused by inflammation. I've spoke of inflammation a lot on the site since it's the number one cause of knee clicking and knee pain. All joint troubles really. The best and quickest route to soothe some of the pain and tension is to do hassle-free exercises.

Basic Stretching

The best stretches to do for your knee muscles and joints is also one of the simplest. Sit on the floor with your legs completely straight in a V-formation and just hold that position for as long as you can. You will really feel when you're done with this one. This is another one that can be done anywhere and that you should try and do at least once a day, maybe in the morning to help get yourself moving.

Simple Diet Changes

The inflammation that winter months causes is also (sometimes) very easily solved via simple diet changes and nutrition. Yes, there are really food items out there which have great anti-inflammatory effects that one can fit into your diet during the Cold months. Much like you use oil to lube up the pieces in a car you can add olive oil into the foods you eat to do the same on your knee joints. Sure, maybe not directly... but organic olive oil is a popular anti-inflammatory food.

My Smart Trick

1 trick that I would usually use is the exact contradictory of the situation, HEAT! Utilizing a heating pad on your knee joints (or most joints) in the course of the cold weather season is a fantastic tiny trick to relieve the pain after a long day at the office or going around town in the wintry dry air. And of course it just feels fantastic!

Bruxism - How Is It Related To TMJ?

Many people grind their teeth at night, a condition known as bruxism, doing considerable damage to their teeth and annoying their bed partners. For a long time, it has been blamed on stress, even in children. We now know that there is a relationship between bruxism and TMJ disorders as well as sleep-disordered breathing, even in its severe form, obstructive sleep apnea.


The dental and medical community alike have blamed stress for the gnawing and gnashing of teeth at night. Our fast-paced society does indeed pose a considerable level of physical and emotional stress and we do know that bruxism increases with additional stressors. From some of the research done on children, we know there is a link between bruxism and the body's survival mechanism to keep the airway open. If a child is grinding his or her teeth at night, the first causative factor to look for is an obstructed airway. Enlarged tonsils and adenoids are a common cause for airway obstruction in children and even contribute to obstructive sleep apnea. Bruxism triggers a muscle in the back of the throat to spasm and keep the airway open. It is hard to blame teeth-grinding on stress in a young child. Most children do not have the level of emotional stress that adults do. Adults with compromised airways also brux to keep the airway open. This is particularly apparent in people suffering from sleep-disordered breathing, the most severe cases being obstructive sleep apnea. In adults the cause is usually not enlarged tonsils and adults, but a collapsible windpipe that contributes to the sleep apnea.

When the jaw is in the wrong position, the body attempts to correct it by bruxism. The muscles of the jaw and face spasm and attempt to move the jaw to a more comfortable position. As these muscles spasm, the teeth slide back and forth in response to that muscle activity . This can occur particularly in a person whose facial and jaw muscles are shortened-a muscle cramp in the jaw. The teeth grind to relieve the spasms much like stretching the relieves a cramp in the calf muscles.


- Severely worn teeth
- Receded gums in the absence of gum disease
- Higher incidence of root canals, major dental work on back teeth
- Sore jaw muscles in the morning
- Headaches
- A face that looks shortened between the nose and chin


After even a short period of grinding, the lower jaw can recede backward causing a jaw joint disorder or TMJ disorder. The lower jaw fits in to a socket of the upper jaw and is protected by a cartilage disc. If the lower jaw is allowed to retrude to the back of the socket, a couple of things can occur:

- Compression of the nerves and blood vessels in the back of the jaw joint, which can cause headaches, face, jaw and neck pain
- Displacement of the cartilage disc, indicating a dislocation of the joint and resulting in clicking, popping or grating noises upon opening and closing of the jaw
- Further compromise of the airway, making obstructive sleep apnea even more possible


As in all medical treatment, therapy should be directed towards eliminating the cause of bruxism. If the airway is collapsing, treatment should directed towards opening the airway with the use of oral appliances or dental devices in mild-moderate cases and CPAP therapy in severe cases. If the jaw is in an improper position, treatment should be aimed at repositioning the jaw with specialized oral appliances for day and/or night wear. Proper care must be taken to find the correct therapeutic position of the jaw that creates a healthy jaw joint and opens the airway. Since bruxism is both a cause and effect of a TMJ disorder, proper diagnosis with extensive and thorough testing and records is imperative.

Effects Of High Blood Pressure On Tendons And Joints

The American Heart Association estimates that in the United States approximately 73 million people, age 20 years old and older have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. However, only about 71% of people who have blood pressure even know that they have it. This can be dangerous because high blood pressure can lead to other serious conditions such as stroke and coronary heart disease which can led to heart attack. Many people don't understand the effects of this condition, particularly the effects of high blood pressure on tendons and joints as well as the kidneys and other organs. This can be dangerous and cause hypertension patients to suffer needlessly.

High blood pressure is the force that blood is pumped through the arteries when the heart beats. This is known as systolic pressure. Diastolic pressure is the force of the blood being pumped through the arteries when the heart is at rest. Hypertension occurs when and adult has a systolic pressure that is 140 mm Hg or greater or a diastolic pressure of 90 mm Hg or greater. Because blood pressure measures the force of the blood moving through the arteries, high blood pressure means that the heart must work extra hard to move the blood through the body. This can lead to pain in the legs as circulation is compromised.

Circulation in the extremities is also compromised due to effects of high blood pressure on tendons and joints stemming from narrowing of the arteries. Conditions such as atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases can cause the blood vessels to narrow which increases blood pressure. Because of this, cholesterol may accumulate in the tendons and joints which can cause inflammation. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon is a common condition that is linked to hypertension. It can cause inflammation and pain in the tendon that is in the back of the ankle.

High blood pressure has also been closely linked to kidney disease. Kidney disease can lead to the build up of excess uric acid in the body which can lead to gout. Because the kidneys are not functioning properly, the uric acid is not adequately expelled from the body. The uric acid then accumulates in the joints, leading to inflammation. Gout generally affects the hands and wrists as well as the knees, ankles, feet and the large joint of the big toe.

Diet, exercise and weight control can go a long way in alleviating the effects of high blood pressure on tendons and joints. It is also helpful to effectively manage high blood pressure and keep it under control. The effects of hypertension on tendons and joints can be painful and inhibit a your quality of life. It can make you a virtual prisoner in your own body, trapped by pain and immobility. It does not have to be that way, though. If you take the crucial steps to manage your high blood pressure, you can reverse the painful conditions that are associated with it. Hypertension can be managed and you don't have to live with the pain that some of its effects can cause.

Different Forms of Tendonitis That Can Cause Pain in Joints

There are a lot of different forms of tendonitis, all of which can cause quite a bit of pain in joints as well as other complications if the condition is ignored. Tendonitis can usually be diagnosed during a regular examination at a visit to the doctor's office.

X-ray machines and MRIs are not necessary, but an x-ray may be used to make sure that there are no other injuries to the area, such as broken bones, that could be the cause of the tenderness and swelling. MRIs may be used to identify where exactly the swelling is located in order to be treated more directly.

One of the many forms of tendonitis affects the wrist, which would cause a localized pain in the joints in that area. Wrist tendonitis can also be identified as tenosynovitis, a very common condition caused by the inflammation or irritation of the tenosynovium. These are a sort of tendon sheath that allows the wrist tendons to slide and allow the tendons to move smoothly with very low friction. If the condition is left unattended, it can lead to a far more serious condition from the thickening of the tenosynovium, which can keep the tendons from moving as smoothly as they should.

Symptoms of wrist tendonitis may vary, but the most common are swelling around the tender area. There are several forms of treatment, including the use of a wrist splint, which would immobilize the joint and allow it time to heal since the tendons are not being used. Applying ice to the tender area is also an option. This will stimulate blood flow to the area to assist in healing. You may also decide on an anti-inflammatory medicine which will help ease the pain, as well as control the inflammation and give the tendons the opportunity to heal.

Achilles tendonitis affects the large tendon that runs from the back of the ankle up the back of the leg. The condition seems to be more common in middle-aged recreational athletes. If the tendonitis goes untreated, it may lead to tears which could weaken then tendon even more, and make it more susceptible to rupturing.

The most common cause of Achilles tendonitis is a lack of flexibility. Other possible causes of joint pain caused by this form of tendonitis is a change in footwear or an exercise or training routine that the individual is not used to. As people get older, they begin to lose flexibility, which makes them more susceptible to injury-this is why middle-aged people are more likely to get suffer from this condition.

An important thing to remember is that the joint pain is caused by forms of tendonitis that won't go away on their own. Though it may stop hurting for an hour, or maybe even a couple of days, if the inflammation is not taken care of and the tendons healed, the pain in joints may cause other problems on top of the tendonitis.

Discover How Beneficial Deer Antler Velvet Extract Can Be for Osteoarthritis

Relieve pain from osteoarthritis with deer antler velvet extract. One of the most powerful therapeutic supplements nowadays is the antler velvet, which is harvested from elk antlers and contains several vitamins and minerals that improve overall health and vitality. One of the most prevalent illnesses in the United States is arthritis, and it affects 60 million people. This high number has prompted the development of several supplements for osteoarthritis. Continue reading this article to learn more about how this supplement can help aid this ailment.

What Is Osteoarthritis?

Before discussing the effects of antler velvet, let us first look in detail at the causes of this painful joint ailment. Osteoarthritis is also called a degenerative joint disease because it causes mechanical abnormalities, which affect subchondral bone and articular cartilage. Some of the symptoms include tenderness, pain, stiffness, along with effusion in the affected joint. There are many causes of osteoarthritis, such as metabolic, hereditary, developmental, and mechanical. Certain processes initiate the loss of cartilage. Without the cartilage to surround the bone, the latter is exposed and becomes damaged.

Benefits of Deer Antler Velvet Extract for Osteoarthritis

In the past, the only available remedies for osteoarthritis were steroids and limiting activity. Most of these remedies resulted in devastating effects because what these drugs have been doing is to mask the symptoms and not treat the causes. Unlike prescription drugs, the antler velvet contains many minerals and vitamins that help reduce inflammation. Two of the potent anti-inflammatory agents in the velvet antler are chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine. Both of these agents help reduce inflammation and enhance joint support. The highest levels of chondroitin sulfate found in the velvet antler function like a liquid magnet and attract fluid into the proteoglycan molecules in order to support the cartilage. This is very critical because without the fluid in the cartilage, it would become dry and malnourished. Apart from these two potent substances, collagen is also helpful in addressing osteoarthritis. It is also found in velvet antler, and it contains fibrous protein that works well with connective tissues.

Other Therapeutic Benefits of Deer Antler Velvet Extract

Besides its powerful effect on osteoarthritis, the extract is also beneficial for other health ailments as well. The antler velvet is also used for the following:

繚 Enhances endurance and strength

繚 Improves the immune system

繚 Promotes rapid recovery from ailments

繚 Addresses high blood pressure, asthma, indigestion, kidney disorders, skin ulcers

繚 Increases level of sexual drive or libido

There are many ways that the velvet antler can be a potent substance for aiding various ailments. It is important that you choose a natural alternative like deep antler velvet extract to be safe and experience fewer side effects.

How Does Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Progress Into Adult Scoliosis?

There are multiple different kinds of scoliosis, which is a term that refers to abnormal twisting and curvature of the spine. With regards to the different kinds of scoliosis, there are those that occur in childhood and those that occur in adults.

Scoliosis that occurs prior to adulthood can be subclassified into juvenile, adolescent, congenital, and neuromuscular. The most common type is referred to as adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. The term "idiopathic" means there is no known cause. The good thing about scoliosis in adolescents is that the spine has the following characteristics:

  1. Until skeletal maturity is reached, the spine can potentially respond to bracing as it may be flexible.

  2. Only a minority of kids with adolescent scoliosis experience pain. It's noted to be less than 25%.

  3. If an adolescent does need surgery for scoliosis, the physiologic reserve is tremendous and the complication profile is reasonable.

Bracing for adolescent scoliosis can help prevent the progression of curvature, but not reversal. If skeletal maturity is reached and the curvature is under 40 degrees, the scolisosis may not progress according to various studies. However, if it's over 40 degrees studies show the natural progression after skeletal maturity to be approximately one degree per year. Might not seem like much, but after 30 years, the curve may be at 70 degrees!

Once skeletal maturity is reached and the curvature is over 30 to 40 degrees, surgery is not always indicated. The curve should be monitored every year or two along with the patient's symptoms.

As the patient settles into adulthood, additional factors come into play. Meaning adults who had adolescent sciolosis have spines that are typically loaded off-center and subjected more often to arthritis of the spinal joints and degenerative disc disease. The spinal discs can be loaded off-center and experience asymmetric degeneration leading to a worsened scoliosis.

As the scoliosis worsens, the biomechanics of the spine actually compound the situation, creating arthritis in the spinal facet joints and making the scoliosis painful. This is a major difference between adolescent and adult scoliosis - Pain! While adult scoliosis can be exceptionally painful, adolescent scoliosis is typically more of a cosmetic issue.

The increased facet joint arthritis and degenerative disc disease brought on by the asymmetric scoliosis leads to two problems:

  1. Worsening scoliosis

  2. More pain

So adolescent scoliosis can lead to adult degenerative scoliosis. Adult degenerative scoliosis can occur all on its own, but a significant amount of the time it is a continuation of what occurred in the person's early years. Unfortunately the gift that keeps on giving.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

3 Common Sources of Toe Joint Pain

When you think of aches, which body parts do you usually link to it? The first ones that pop into our heads are usually stomachaches, headaches, backaches, and so on. But don't forget toe joint pain! Though toes are tiny, they can cause hue pains. Here are some of the most common origins of these aches:

1. Gout. This is definitely one of the most painful types of arthritis. Gout causes various symptoms, including redness, tenderness, swelling, warmth, and so on. Also, gout can impact various body parts, including our toes. It results from a surplus of uric acid that builds up in our bodies. Some of the most common origins are purine-rich foods and particular medicines. They cause uric acid crystals to form on different joints, including those in toes.

2. Bursitis. This is yet another condition that can result in toe joint pain. Did you know that our bodies actually contain hundreds of bursas in them? The function of bursas is to lower the amount of friction between a couple of surfaces that move in opposing directions. Usually this is where muscles and tendons slide atop bones. Bursitis is the result of bursa becoming swollen. The bursa slides less smoothly, which results in it becoming swollen when you move it.

3. Bunions. Over time, bunions can form after our toes' joints are injured. Afterwards, the big-toe angles towards the four other toes. Typically, the origin of bunions is connected to the alignment of the bones in our foot's front. The result is that the base of the big-toe undergoes excess pressure. After soft tissues in the foot's area become swollen, this causes extra aches and swollenness.

Many people have learned that the natural cure Joint Advance can effectively treat the different symptoms of toe joint pain. You can discover for yourself why they're pleased with it.

Homeopathic Pain Relief Formulas For Arthritis Pain

Homeopathic pain relief formulas are the one hundred percent natural, safe, and the most powerful anti-inflammatory agents on the market today.

They also acts as highly effective lubricants in joints, muscles and other tissues. Homeopathic pain relief formulas are also immune system modulators, which can be effective against auto-immune conditions.

All of these characteristics contribute to its ability to act as an analgesic by removing the source of pain (inflamed and irritated tissues) so that there is no pain impulse; hence Homeopathic pain relief formulas are most effective for easing all types of arthritic pain.

Ingredients of Homeopathic pain relief formulas

White Willow Bark (Salix species) is the main and most important ingredient of most all FDA registered all natural homeopathic pain formulations.

The Chinese have used the bark of the stately white willow tree (Salix alba) as a medicine for centuries because of its ability to reduce fever and relieve pain.

Native Indians of the North American continent used the bark of the indigenous willow trees as a medicine to relieve pain and lower fever.

The white willow contains salicin, which when used as an active ingredient is converted by the body into salicylic acid

The first aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) was made from an herb, meadowsweet, containing the similar salicin. All aspirin is now chemically synthesized, and it is no wonder that the bark of the white willow is often referred to as "herbal aspirin".

Another ingredient in most homeopathic pain relief formulas is Boswellia, also known as boswellin or "Indian frankincense" The boswellic acids contained in the gummy like resin from the bark of the Boswellia serrata tree that grows in the dry hills of India, have been used for centuries by traditional Indian healers for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Modern preparations made from a purified extract of this resin and packaged in pill or cream form are used to reduce inflammation associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Unlike conventional NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen, the accepted treatments for joint inflammation, Boswellia is not known to cause stomach irritation.

How do homeopathic pain relief formulas work?

Prostaglandins are hormone like compounds in the human body that cause aches, pain, and inflammation.

The salicylic acid in white willow bark lowers the body's levels of prostaglandins. While it may take longer to begin acting than aspirin, its effect last longer, and, unlike aspirin, it does not cause stomach bleeding or other known adverse effects.

Specifically, white willow bark helps to relieve acute and chronic arthritic pains because of its power to lower prostaglandin levels in the human body. Some arthritis sufferers taking white willow bark have experienced reduced swelling and inflammation, and eventually increased mobility, in the back, knees, hips, and other joints.

Added to the above is the anti-inflammatory properties of Boswellia, actively ease osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

Effective Treatment For Plantar Fasciitis

Today I am going to talk about Plantar Fasciitis. I just had this discussion with somebody at a health event the other day. The gentleman was a physical health educator and he explained how in his experience that the occurrence of plantar fasciitis amongst the athletically active health education teacher was an issue of "when" they would get and not "if" they would get it. He went on to explain that he had discovered the most efficient treatment for it that he knew of and was eager to share it with everybody, and essentially it involved wrapping his foot in ice packs for hours at a time.

I would like to talk about this topic a little bit more because we do see plantar fasciitis fairly often in practice. We see patients from other medical offices where they have had treatment already and they may have had some partial relief and these individuals are still distressed with pain and quite relieved to come somewhere where they find that the problem can be dealt with directly and forth-rightly without drugs or surgery.

Plantar fasciitis is a condition where there is essentially a tightening of the muscular-like tissue at the bottom of the foot that runs back and forth from the front to the back of the foot, predominantly in the arch area of the foot and usually what we find is very tight bands of spasm that may have progressed to a worse form of spasm, called fibrotic spasm or fibrotic degenerative spasm, as well as a form of tendinitis where the plantar fascia fibers, the muscular-like fibers, are pulled from their origins and insertions from their front and back attachments to where they insert into the bones of the feet. We call this pulling "micro-avulsion".

This literally is a "yanking out of place" and involves micro-tears of the insertions of the plantar muscular fibers. They are actually often torn out of their attachments into the bony areas of the foot and this is often the beginning of spur formation in those areas, resulting in pinpoint pain, usually back toward the heel area. Invariably the person with plantar fasciitis does describe pain along the bottom of the foot, often worse when they try to stretch that foot and curiously, from my perspective, one of the common treatments for plantar fasciitis is stretching, which usually is torturous and aggravating to the condition. I guess I have seen this mostly from the podiatrists and physical therapists.

The stretching of that musculature can bring people some temporary relief. Overall, I have not seen it be highly effective. The thought is apparently that since the musculature is tight, it should be stretched. It is my experience that this tightening, in most cases, is beyond stretching and that the stretching tends to cause a reactive defensive posturing of that musculature, tightening it up even more, and sometimes aggravating by increasing the pulling of the tendonous-like insertions and perhaps even bringing on greater propensity to ultimate spur formation. At worst, it just doesn't seem to get the kind of result that people would expect.

Instead, we generally recommend an approach that would involve loosening those muscular fibers and there are several different approaches that could be taken and one of them is called "spindle cell therapy" which is a highly specific kind of myofascial release technique that causes the muscular-like fibers of the plantar fascia to let go and relax down and loosen up in length and take some of the pull off of their insertions and allow for more flexibility without stretching therapy, so that when the individual does perform activities that lead to the natural stretching of the arch in order to function and move about, the stretching is well tolerated and not irritating.

Often orthotics are recommended for these individuals and again sometimes there is relief and this is highly variable. My thought about this is that the condition should undergo at least a certain amount of fundamental correction. It is not often that I find a foot/ankle complex free of other distortions when somebody has plantar fasciitis. We believe one of the causes of plantar fasciitis has to do with partial trapping of the nerve that feeds the plantar fascia through the ankle at what is called the tarsal tunnel, a tunnel-like opening like the carpal tunnel, at the ankle.

There is a major nerve that runs through there and when it is pressed upon by misalignment of the ankle, it will cause tightening of the plantar fascia at one point and ultimately can lead to abnormal relaxation but nevertheless, abnormalities of responsiveness of the plantar fascia due to compromised nerve control. So one of the first things we look for is misalignment in the ankle and the heel and get these corrected and then take the approach of going toward the plantar fascia, relaxing it appropriately through specialized myofascial release techniques, and then we can teach the patient some home vibrational massage techniques and then it would be appropriate to move forward with orthotics for the rehabilitated foot so that they could be supported in their healthier position.

These problems are often left unhandled, and, often people don't know of the choices that might be available in a chiropractic biomechanical setting and instead elect for procedures involving injections and sometimes, even surgery. If you are somebody who has had plantar fasciitis and would like to avoid injections and surgery and have not had a course of conservative care like I have described, I would certainly recommend that you find a chiropractor who is trained in this type of care and who can evaluate you and see if you are an appropriate candidate for that type of care and start you on a road to getting you better.

Knee Joint Pain: You Don't Have To Live With It Anymore!

Have you ever stood up just to find yourself sitting straight back down again because of a knee joint pain? Bad enough as this is when you reach a more stately age, but it can also happen to you when you're a lot younger, too.

In this article we're going to have a look at knee joint pain and some of the reasons why you may be starting to feel its effects, no matter what age you are.

Often you'll just feel as though you've a twinge, or that you've stood up too quickly and something has just 'clicked' to give you the knee joint pain, and, as possible as that all is, it's also possible that it stems from something else.

There are a number of ligaments and tendons in the knee and any of these can pick up an injury for the most innocuous of reasons. You can cause minor and sometimes major damage to them by over stretching, or even by not stretching. It can be a difficult balance knowing how much is too much when it comes to stretching.

Before doing any form of exercise that could cause knee joint pain - which may or may not include standing up in the case of some people - it's always a good idea to warm up. There are plenty of good warm up routines that you can try out, but if you've already had some problems with knee joint pain you'll want to find the exercises that don't put too much stress on the part of the body.

Another thing that may cause some damage is when you bump your knee on something. In the case of a sports person that could be the accidental 'nudging' of an opponent's head, or, in the case of our person doing a bit of casual standing up, it could be caused by bashing the knee on a coffee table. The effect, bizarrely enough, is pretty much the same.

The knee is one of the most exposed bones in the body and covers, as mentioned earlier, a number of tendons and ligaments, as well as cartilage that can easily be damaged. With all of those things that can be tweaked, or damaged, it's a difficult thing to know just how serious your knee joint pain actually is.

As you get older other factors can start to creep in too. There is a natural degeneration in the bones and cartilage of older people and this will often lead to the knee joint pain that they get. There aren't too many things that you can do to prevent this natural aging process from happening, however, if you take the time to visit your doctor and get an exercise routine that is suited to you, you should at least be able to help slow down the effect of aging on your joints.

So, if you're young, old, fit, or unfit there's still a strong possibility that you'll get a knee joint pain. You could be out running and notice the effects of it sometime after you've stopped, or you could be standing up after kneeling down tending to the garden; it's not something you can really become immune to.

If a problem does flare up then you should see if you can treat the knee joint pain yourself i.e. apply something cold to it, apply something hot to it, stop whatever you're doing and sit down, unless it happened as you were sitting down to start with, in that case, stay where you are.

I had all of the above knee joint pain problems myself and so like you my search began for a way to end it. Then...

Treat Bruxism Naturally - How To Stop Teeth Grinding And TMJ With Ease

It is important for those who want to treat bruxism naturally to understand the root cause of it. Bruxism or teeth grinding is a behavior that develops during sleep; either during the day or in the night. The main problem with this condition is that people who suffer from it may not find out until someone draws their attention to. Since it happens during sleep, it may take someone who has been watching or hearing you make a lot of sound during sleep to get you informed. The major health problems usually caused by this disorder include; temporomandibular joint (TMJ), toothache, headache, backache, neck pain, and others.

In this article, I am going to explain three popular methods or ways by which you could stop teeth grinding.

The Precautionary Method (Mouth Guard)

The most commonly used method for all those suffering from teeth grinding is to use a "mouth guard." The whole idea behind this method is to prevent the lower and upper joint or teeth from coming in contact with each other. This method does not require the intervention of a medical personal, as anyone can easily purchase and start using it once he/she starts noticing signs of bruxism. There are two major problems associated with using a mouth guard; it is expensive, and may not actually stop teeth grinding.

The Taste Technique (odd, but practicable)

For those looking for a natural way of treating TMJ, this technique or method may sound a bit absurd, but you can give it a try. Natural TMJ relief methods are among the most sought after treatments many sufferers want. This method requires you to bite on something that is a bit sour to your taste. This will prevent your teeth from biting since it simulates the taste; and since it conditions your body, thereby preventing bruxism.

Breathing through the Mouth (a bit difficult, but works)

This may sound a bit difficult to practice, but I am sure it is going to be of great help to you. In this technique, all you need to do is breath through your mouth instead of the normal way of breathing. It might be a bit difficult at first, but as soon as your body is conditioned to breathe through the mouth while sleeping; the rest becomes easy. Many people suffering from bruxism have tried this method successfully in the past; and many are using this method to overcome this problem.

Although there are different methods that one can use to treat bruxism naturally; some are a bit odd, while some require some are not. However, it is important to find natural TMJ reliefs before things begin to get out of hand.

Degenerative Disc Disease - Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Can Help

Millions of Americans suffer from severe back and neck pain as a result Degenerative Disc Disease. DDD as it is often referred to in the literature is not really a "disease" in the common sense of the word, but rather a term used to describe a process or condition that develops gradually and worsens over time. Use of this term indicates that the cartilage-like discs between the spinal vertebral joints are the primary cause of the symptoms, and that the degenerative changes are rather advanced. To some degree intervertebral discs lose their flexibility, elasticity, and shock absorbing characteristics as we age as do the other tissues in the body. Abnormal or excessive mechanical stresses or injuries of the past coupled with hereditary, developmental, and metabolic influences can rapidly accelerate this process.

As the involved disc dries out and loses height (a process known as desiccation) it causes the vertebra to become closer together narrowing the channels through which the nerve roots pass. A dry, hard disc can absorb less shock and is thus more easily torn resulting in a greater likelihood of herniation or bulge further compressing or pinching the nerves. As the stress on the joint compounds and osteoarthritis begins to result, bone spurs form and ligaments thicken (hypertrophy) gradually narrowing the nerve channels even further. These factors in various combinations and degrees of severity compromise the space in the nerve channels, a condition known as spinal stenosis (narrowing), and conspire to compress (pinch) the nerves.

Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease

The most common symptom of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine is low back pain (lumbalgia). If the cervical spine is affected, the most common symptom is neck pain (cervicalgia). When degenerative disc disease causes compression of the cervical nerve roots there may be shoulder pain, arm pain, and pain in the hand/fingers (neuritis, neuralgia, radiculitis), and may be associated with numbness and tingling (paresthesia). When degenerative disc disease causes compression of the lumbar nerve roots there may be butt pain, hip pain, leg pain, and pain in the foot/toes. This often is accompanied by muscle weakness in either the arm or leg.

Spinal Decompression Treatment

In the past, a patient suffering from disc problems was usually given pain medications or injections, instructed to refrain from physical activities, referred for physical therapy, and when they weren't progressing they were sent for spinal surgery or simply told to learn to live it. Since 2001 when the FDA finally approved non-surgical spinal decompression therapy, there is new hope for those who suffer from degenerative disc disease. Spinal Decompression Therapy is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment performed on a special, computer controlled table similar in some ways to an ordinary traction table. A single disc level is isolated and by utilizing specific traction and relaxation cycles throughout the treatment, along with proper positioning, negative pressure can actually be created within the disc. It works by gently separating the offending disc 5 to 7 millimeters creating negative pressure (or a vacuum) inside the disc to pull water, oxygen, and nutrients into the disc, thereby re-hydrating a degenerated disc and bringing in the nutrients needed to heal the torn fibers and halt the degenerative process. As the disc is re-hydrated the shock absorbing properties are restored and a normal life can be resumed.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Relieve Joint Pain - Causes And Treatment

There are millions of people all over the world who complain of joint pain. As we all know, joint pain can arise in one or even more than one joints in our body. Inflammation of joints can also lead to pain. Rheumatoid arthritis, which is an auto-immune disorder, is one of the major causes of joint pain.

Joint pain, which is quite common in older people, can be brought on, due to Osteoarthritis. It is also known as "DND" or "degenerative joint disease'. The most common cause of joint pain is perhaps osteoarthritis. This is caused due to the breakdown of one or more cartilage in the joints.

Swollen joints and weaker muscles are just some of the complaints of a person who suffers from osteoarthritis, which can be caused by bone disorder and obesity. Fortunately, thanks to progression in the field of Medical Science, there are many medicines available nowadays which can treat and relieve joint pain.

Bursitis (which can be defined as inflammation of a 'bursa') can also result in joint pain. The bursa is actually a small fluid-filled sac located between the movable parts of our body. It, thus acts as a cushion by facilitating the smooth movement of muscles. Septic arthritis is also responsible for joint pain.

It is important to note that Vitamin D is extremely effective in treating joint pain. Deficiency of Vitamin D can cause pain in the joints. It is crucial to note that exposure to sunlight results in the synthesis of Vitamin D in our bodies. Doctors are of the opinion that obesity can also result in arthritis. In fact, research has shown that people who are obese are prone to osteoarthritis. That is why weight management is important for one and all.

There are many different simple ways to help relieve joint pain. Exercising in water can be extremely helpful for joint pain, and is also effective as a strengthening exercise regimen. Cardiovascular exercises, or any exercise that raises your heart rate, are also helpful. Sometimes alternative therapies, like yoga or acupuncture, can provide the relief regular exercise can't. Internet articles may also provide other ideas, but a good natural remedy for pain in the joints is "Flex Protex". It contains healthy rice bran and Glucosamine, which can greatly lessen the pain.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief: Treating the Pain First

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic and systemic inflammatory disorder. It attacks synovial joints, but may attack other tissues and organs in the body. It causes swelling, stiffness, and pain, and eventually damages the bones, tendons, and cartilage. It causes deformities and limiting motions. Although less common compare to other arthritis, this debilitating disease is very painful that needs an immediate rheumatoid arthritis pain relief. It has a huge impact to the life a patient as it limits the body movement of a person, and deforms the bones.

Rheumatoid arthritis pain relief can be given for chronic or acute pain. Controlling the pain is more important that to cure the disease because it can cause anxiety to a patient. The medications enhance the mobility of a person and give comfort in the synovial joints. However, before trying to do any pain relief, always consulted doctor first. These drugs can cause side effects to the people using it, especially if prolonged use such as hypertension and gastrointestinal upset.

NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Non-inflammatory Drugs) and narcotic medication are powerful painkillers. NSAID examples are ibuprofen, naproxen, and Celebrex which treat mild to moderate pain, while for narcotic pain, which treats moderate to severe pain are killers are oxycodone and codein. However, the prescribed drugs only act as painkillers. It did not solve the underlying condition. Steroids are also prescribed by a doctor, which is not for painkiller, but to reduce inflammation. It gets rid of the redness and swelling of the joints. Non-drug can also be used to help rheumatoid arthritis pain relief such as hot and cold treatments, positive attitude, exercise, relaxation methods, acupuncture, and topical lotions.

Nutritional supplements and changes in lifestyle are more effective rheumatoid arthritis pain relief than those any other drugs and methods. Agony due to pain should not let anyone not to do things that a normal person does, nor to cancel the activities that were already planned. Rheumatoid arthritis pain relief is already here to ensure us that we enjoy the things that we did when we are young.

Three Yoga Postures to Reduce or Eliminate Back Pain

As teachers, each of us learned the differences of main Yoga styles before we began teaching. At every Yoga teacher training, it should be noted that these differences can help, or hurt, one's back. Therapeutic, restorative, and gentle Yoga are labels that give students assurance that you care for their wellbeing.

If a student has a pre-existing back injury, he or she should seek out a therapeutic Yoga class that is gentle and taught by a compassionate teacher. A student, with a pre-existing back injury, is playing with a "time bomb" in a vigorous style, run by a drill sergeant, with no clue about precautions, modifications, or compassion.

Eliminating back pain is one of the greatest reasons why people choose to practice Hatha Yoga. Yoga can truly serve as a therapeutic exercise in relieving tension and stress from the back muscles. There are all sorts of Yoga poses that one can learn, which will help eliminate or reduce back pain. Before practicing Yoga poses, new students should seek professional guidance, do diligent research, and perform a proper warm-up before practicing the following postures.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

First, one of the most common Yoga poses (asanas) to learn is the pelvic tilt (Bridge Pose). The pelvic tilt will help a person to build strength in the lower abdomen, so that stress is relieved from the upper back muscles. In addition, a pelvic tilt will help a person to develop stronger support in the lower and middle back region, as well as the sacroiliac joint. This is one of the foundational Hatha Yoga poses that is great for any person, who has suffered from back problems, as a result of poor posture.

To start, a person will lay on the floor with his or her knees bent. Then, a person needs to exhale and slowly lift his or her pelvis to the air. As one is lifting the pelvis toward the air, a person needs to exhale to release the stress of the movement. While doing this exercise, it is recommended that a person try to be aware of how the tension feels in the hip joints and any pain that may be created. A person should try to do this exercise slowly, and with knees at hip-width apart.


The standing forward bend is another popular Yoga posture for reducing and eliminating back pain. The key with this therapeutic Yoga exercise is to remember to bend at the hips. A person needs to slowly raise his or her arms to the sky and then reach forward.

One should let gravity do the work, and cautiously reach toward the ground, without pain. One should remember to bend the knees or use Yoga props if his or her leg and back muscles are not flexible enough to support this sort of Yoga pose.


The triangle pose is a more complex type of Yoga posture, which works powerfully to eliminate back pain. This pose entails leaning to the side, and then raising one's arm up to the sky. A student could use a Yoga block to balance his or her arm on the other side. A student should also try to bend at the hip joint when doing this exercise. The many therapeutic benefits of Trikonasa variations for the spine, back, hips, internal organs, and emotional health are worthy of a book. Trikonasa encompasses a family of similar asanas, when you consider the variations in styles, revolved triangles, gate variations, and side angle variations.

Overall, these are some of the best Yoga postures a person can do for eliminating back pain. However, each student is a different person, with unique problems. Consultation with one's family physician should be recommended, at all times, prior to entering a therapeutic Yoga practice for back pain.

Yoga teachers should have systems in place to know who has pre-existing back problems. No student should be admitted without filling out an informed consent form. On this form, students help themselves, by reading that there are risks in Yoga practice, and by making the teacher aware of any health problems they have.

If a new student refuses to fill out the form and sign a release, this is not a problem. However, do not admit him or her to class. Our guarantee is that we will not put students at risk. If a new student is going to put you at risk of being accused of negligence; why would you admit him or her to your class?

穢 Copyright 2011 - Aura Wellness Center - Publications Division

Joint Support Through Nutritional Assistance

The human body is unique, the most cfomplex organism in the world and every aspect of the body down to the tiniest microscopic cell reveals that the human body is fearfully and wonderfully made.

The human body has 206 bones and there are 230 moveable and semi-moveable joints in the body. Joints are structures where two bones meet. When joints are healthy they hold the bones together and allow the rigid skeleton to move easily.

Joints may be synovial (with a cavity) or fibrous.

Fibrous Joints Fibrous joints lack synovium and synovial fluid. Bones in the joints are covered by cartilage which is an open spongy network of calcified collagen in a tough outer shell. The bone can withstand thrust forces as long as it is covered in cartilage, which distributes load evenly. Without cartilage, the spongy bone collapses easily. Bone is constantly remodeling in response to stresses

Synovial Joints Synovial fluid is effectively a liquid connective tissue. Normal synovial fluid is clear, colorless and noticeably thick and stringy, like eggwhite. Hence the name syn ovium ('with egg'). Its viscous and elastic properties are due to hyaluronan, a long chain glycosaminoglycan carbohydrate Healthy joints are amazing parts of the human body and when joints are healthy they provide easy, smooth and painless body movements. They need to be taken care of to remain healthy lifelong. Overuse of joints can cause excessive wear and tear. Underuse of joints because of a sedentary lifestyle may cause stiffness and joint pains

Common Causes of Joint Pain Joint pain can generally be attributed to following causes:

oInjury Injury to the joint, due to a fall, twist or overloading may cause damage to the joint and may result in temporary inflammation and pain in the joint.

oDegenerative Arthritis or Osteoarthritis(OA) Wear and tear of the joints can lead to joint pains. The exact cause of OA is not known but it is generally believed that OA can be due to obesity, sedentary life style and/or lack of exercise, unhealthy eating habits leading to nutritional deficiencies like low calcium and other essential minerals needed for healthy bones and joints. Smoking and alcohol may also contribute to osteoporosis of the bone

oInflammatory joint disorders When the joint capsule holding synovial fluid becomes inflamed, the lubrication of the joint is affected. This type of pain can be due to rheumatoid arthritis, or arthritis due to gout and Lyme's disease.

Symptoms of Joint Pain May Include

oJoint pain that is exacerbated by exercise and relieved by rest. In advanced stages pain can be experienced during times of rest and at night. Knee pain due to OA is usually bilateral and felt in and around the knee. Hip pain due to OA is felt in the groin and anterior or lateral thigh.
oJoint stiffness in the morning or after rest.
oReduced function and mobility of joint.

Signs of OA Local examination of the joint affected by OA will show:

oReduced range of joint movement
oPain on movement of joint or at extremes of joint movement
oJoint swelling/synovitis (warmth, effusion, synovial thickening)
oJoint instability
oMuscle weakness/wasting around the affected joint.

Arthritis continues to be a large and growing public health problem. According to the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, recent arthritis prevalence studies show that 46 million American adults suffer from arthritis which comes to nearly 1 in 5 adults. Around 27 million people suffer from osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis. Osteoarthritis accounts for most of the hip and knee replacement surgeries performed in the United States. It is estimated that 67 million people in America will be affected by arthritis by the year 2030.

Even though osteoarthritis does not leave patients totally disabled, it affects the quality of life because of pain on movement and joint stiffness. Osteoarthritis affecting the elbow and shoulder joints may inhibit simple day to day activities like brushing the hair. Normal activities like dressing up, and other household chores tend to become painful and may ultimately lead to depression in many patients. It may restrict a person's social life in some cases as moving around becomes painfully difficult.

Nutritional Support for Joints Research shows that nutritional support can help to relieve joint pain and may help restore healthy cartilage to the joints. These nutrients support proper joint function, mobility, and healthy ligaments and tendons. GoFlex contains:

Interhealth Collagen Type 2 Works with the immune system to promote healthy joints, while improving joint mobility and flexibility.

Hyal Joint A natural substance known to lubricate joint cartilage surfaces to reduce friction and keep them gliding smoothly.

White Willow Bark Extract Ancient Egyptians used white willow for inflammation problems.

Yucca Root Powder Contains natural steroidal-like saponins that have been used to reduce inflammation, spasms and pain associated with arthritis.

Green Lipped Mussel Extract Contains Omega-3 and a rich blend of natural proteins, minerals and mucopolysaccharides that support healthy joint mobility and cartilage maintenance.

Boswellin A natural herb that has traditionally been used for optimum joint health.

Curcumin C3 Traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, antioxidant and immune system stimulating properties.

DL-Phenylalanine A combination of the well-tolerated essential amino acids that promotes optimal joint health.

Natto Kinase One of the most promising new nutrients used to help support a healthy circulatory system.

Bioperine Generates energy and increases the bioavailability of other nutritional compounds.

Grape Seed Extract A potent antioxidant that that nutritionally supports reduced swelling, improved blood circulation and healthy collagen.

MSM A vital building block of joints and cartilage.

Glucosamine Sulfate1 May nutritionally help to stimulate your body's ability to repair its worn joints, and may help to provide joint pain relief, reduced tenderness and improved mobility.

An insufficiency in any of these essential nutrients that support joint health may be a significant factor leading to the deterioration of the joints and causing stiffness, loss of mobility and pain. GoFlex contains natural proteins, minerals and other nutrients to effectively provide nutritional health support for joint health.

References: 1. Long-term effects of glucosamine sulphate on osteoarthritis progression: a randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Lancet. 2001 Jan 27;357(9252):251-6. PMID: 11214126

How to Stop Teeth Grinding

How to stop teeth grinding at night is a question that millions of Americans are asking themselves each morning. This condition is also known as Bruxism. Waking up with a sore jaw, pressure behind your ears or even headaches are not signs of a good night sleep. Sometimes worn, flat or chipped teeth or even more serious conditions such as Maloccusion or TMJ (also known as Temporomandibular joint disorder) will be enough to get you to schedule an appointment with your doctor or dentist.

When it comes to grinding or clenching, many people do not see eye to eye on this subject. However, research shows that Doctors say that stress is the most common cause of teeth grinding at night. Frustration or suppressed anger can also lead to this as well. In addition, by staying away from drugs or alcohol such as caffeine or pills can greatly help stop teeth grinding at night. But what many people don't realize is that there might be a simple solution to their teeth grinding problem. Mouth guards, tray's and even retainers can help stop teeth grinding. These items will work and will help protect your teeth from any further damage that may occur while sleeping.

Many researchers say that learning to relax will help you to learn how to stop teeth grinding. Techniques such as yoga or stretching exercises will help with this condition. It is said that grinding or clenching is thought to be hereditary and that it is also related to gender as women are three times more likely than men to grind their teeth.

Things to check for in the mouth and on the teeth and gums are as follows. Periodontal pockets (loss of supporting bone around the teeth), bony ridges (tori), sensitive, fractures, wearing or breaking of the teeth. Other indications are difficulty to hear, sore jaw or mouth, hard to open or close your mouth, neck pain and even locked jaw.

Learning how to stop teeth grinding at night may very well be challenge in itself. To know whether it is related to stress or something else is a another story and you may need to consult with a doctor. In any case, educating yourself and taking action are the two most important steps you can do avoid grinding and clenching at night. What ever you decide, be sure to get the problem resolved before it leads to more serious conditions down the road.

Osteopathy and Jaw Pain

Jaw pain is a collective term for any kind of pain or discomfort felt in the different parts of your jaw. These parts include the lower jaw or jaw bone, temporomandibular joint, also referred to as TMJ or jaw joint, and all the surrounding tissues in the area. The most used joint in the body, the temporomandibular joint connects your jaw to your temporal bone in the skull and is basically responsible for holding your lower and upper jaw together.

Jaw pain can be characterized by a striking, a dull, or a very painful ache that you may not be capable of opening your mouth. This pain may be accompanied by jaw clicking, headaches, dizziness, sinusitis, and sensitive teeth. These pains in your jaw can be triggered by normal activities that can worsen the pain, like eating or even just with touching your jaw. If this kind of pain is accompanied by other conditions such as chest pain, pain in your extremities, shortness of breath, and sweating, this pain may even be indicating you are having a heart attack. If this happens make sure to immediately seek urgent medical attention.

Jaw pain can either be chronic or acute depending on its underlying cause. It can be caused by the stress or damage to the temporomandibular joint that can lead to the tempormandibular joint disorder, which can be caused by any wears, tears, diseases, and injuries in the tissues surrounding the joint. Moreover, it can also be a symptom of an underlying condition such as teeth grinding and infection. Furthermore, this kind of pain can be caused by diseases such as neuralgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and heart attack. Lastly, jaw pain can also be caused by alterations in your posture that causes your jaw to tighten, stress that can cause spasms, and daily unhealthy habits such as regularly chewing gums, and eating hard types of food.

However, if symptoms of heart attack are not present, you may want to consider seeking help from a practicing osteopath. After you undergo different examinations that are ultimately non-invasive, you will be offered with various treatments that may help alleviate the jaw pain you are experiencing. You may be treated with a soft tissue and other techniques that can help your jaw and neck to be even and aligned.

You may also be prescribed with various exercises and stretches that may improve your posture, eating, and other lifestyle habits. An experienced osteopath may be of great help in alleviating and potentially removing your jaw pain completely.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Obesity and Osteoarthritis - A Clear Path to Joint Pain and Damage

Being obese is the most common cause of osteoarthritis and pain in the joints. In other words, the heavier your weight, the more susceptible you are to such health problems. Of course, osteoarthritis is more common among the elderly. Still, being overweight can greatly reduce the age at which you might develop this disease.

Osteoarthritis is caused by the wearing out of the substance between the joints which is called cartilage. Once it is no longer there, the bones start rubbing against one another thus causing a great amount of pain. Just think about the pain in your wrists, knees and your spine.

It is only natural to conclude that the heavier we are, the more loaded our joints are. Being overweight, however, does not harm your joints only mechanically. According to research the abdominal fat produces chemicals that may cause joint inflammation.

Contemporary life seems to do its best to serve osteoarthritis. The sedentary lifestyle affects mostly the lumbar region of the back, as it is the one body area that undergoes the greatest pressure. Factors such as ageing, sitting all day long in the office in that uncomfortable chair and bending over the computer for hours are enough to cause you back pain. Just think about adding obesity to the picture.

The lumbar region (the lower area of your spine) consists of five lumbar vertebrae, which are separated by five intervertebral discs. These discs help the bones remain a little bit apart, not allowing them to rub against one another and basically act like shock absorbers. What they actually do is to absorb the weight of the body and its muscles and ligaments.

Another one of the discs' functions is to allow movement in the waist. It permits the spine to bend or twist. As you may guess, the lack of movement and sedentary way of life often cause the muscles to weaken. Of course, this is one of the problems of contemporary life and especially of white-collar jobs. Adding obesity to the equation does not help your body cope with these issues. It is quite the opposite.

So the advice is to exercise more. This would prevent or lessen the pain in the back and joints and help you lose weight. Of course, being obese obstructs exercising, but there are a number of ways to strengthen your muscles without straining them. Swimming and walking are only some of the possibilities.

TMJ Symptoms and Their Treatment

TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome, a painful condition of the jaw joint. It is also called TMD for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. The jaw joint, in front of the ear, is a ball and socket joint where the lower jaw (mandible) connects with the temporal bone of the skull. Between the two bones is a cartilage pad for cushioning. The jaw joint can be out of alignment. This gives what dentists call malocclusion, or a bad bite.

Neuromuscular dentistry

General dentistry, which we are all familiar with, treats teeth and gums, filling cavities, doing crowns, dentures, root canals etc. In recent years, with computers and lasers, dentistry has taken giant strides forward and expanded its conception of how to treat teeth. One of the new dentistry areas is neuromuscular dentistry, which looks at the jaw joint and its related structures - muscles, nerves, blood vessels, ligaments, and other soft tissue - as well as teeth and gums. A neuromuscular dentist considers the whole face, head, neck and shoulder area when examining or treating dental problems.

Misaligned jaw joint

The causes of TMJ are not fully understood. It can be caused by trauma to the head which knocks the joint out of alignment, moving the cartilage pad or mandible from their correct positions. Sometimes it's slowly caused by chronic tooth grinding, and sometimes by misaligned teeth. Genetic factors can play a part, and some systemic diseases and developmental abnormalities. It is thought that a majority of Americans suffer from TMJ to some degree or other, without knowing it.

When the upper and lower teeth do not meet correctly, the jaw muscles become strained. We open and close the jaw so many times each day, and this continual strain builds up in the muscles and related tissues, creating inflammation and swelling. This in turn can compress the nerves in the area, and the result is pain.

TMJ symptoms

The most common and painful symptom is headaches. They are often thought of as migraines, and the sufferer may visit several doctors in search of relief. A series of pain medications helps temporarily, but does not treat the cause. A physician will not usually look at headaches as having a dental cause.

Each case of TMJ is unique, and there may be any combination of these symptoms:

· Jaw pain

· Neck and shoulder pain

· Earache

· Ringing in the ears

· Popping or clicking sounds in the jaw

· Limited jaw movement

· Tingling in the arms or fingers

· Stiffness and fatigue in the jaw muscles

· Chewing discomfort

· Unexplained dental pain

· Unexplained tooth wear or chipping

It may seem mysterious that a jaw joint problem could cause symptoms in the shoulders or hands or ears. There are several large nerves in the facial areas, with many branches running through the entire head, face, neck, shoulder, and arm areas. One is the trigeminal nerve, the largest nerve in the body. These nerves with their many branches, register sensation in all the areas where they extend. When one part of a nerve branch is compressed, the resulting pain can be felt by other parts of that nerve.

Studies on the Efficacy of Glucosamine For Arthritis

A lot of people, especially those aged 45 and up, are or will be afflicted with arthritis, a condition involving degenerating joints. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which is a degenerative joint disease. In this condition, the cartilage found within the joints has broken down and worn away, leaving bones with little or no cushion whatsoever to rub against each other. This results in pain (sometimes very severe and debilitating) every time the person moves. Over the years, a lot of treatments and remedies have been used for arthritis. However, the most effective substance found to alleviate the pain and stop cartilage degeneration is glucosamine.

The action of glucosamine on affected joints is found to be different compared to other types of medications prescribed for arthritis, such as COX-2 inhibitors and several types of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs commonly referred to as NSAIDS. There are numerous studies on the effects of glucosamine on arthritis sufferers as well the extent of its efficacy in treating this condition. The latest study done in the United States in 2006, reported some interesting findings. Bolstering glucosamine claims were the statistics showing glucosamine when taken in conjunction with chondroitin provided a higher percentage of pain relief (compared to Celebrex) to those suffering moderate to severe arthritis pain.

Even though both medications are effective in reducing arthritic pain, glucosamine has little or no side effects. Patients do not experience nausea and upset stomach, conditions which are commonly reported as adverse reactions to NSAIDS (Celebrex). With better tolerance, more and more people stick to their medication regimen using glucosamine. Furthermore, people who use glucosamine for arthritis found that its effects last longer compared to other medications, reducing dosing requirements. A high quality liquid glucosamine requires only a single dose a day.

Apart from its anti-inflammatory actions, several studies have also demonstrated its efficacy on different kinds of arthritis experienced in different parts of the body. Those who experience pain on their knees report longer period of pain relief as well as increased mobility. Glucosamine is also found to be safe for osteoarthritis of the spine and on other joints of the body, such as in fingers and hips. There are also reports on the delayed progression of the disease, since glucosamine is considered a building block for cartilage growth. This is particular pronounced on those suffering from knee osteoarthritis and have been taking this substance for more than a year.

In addition, glucosamine has been found to have protective properties in preventing further degeneration of cartilage and joints. Several studies have also been done to demonstrate this unique property and its benefits for those who have just been diagnosed with one type of arthritis. This means that patients will not expect their condition to worsen to the point of being debilitating, hampering their movements and reducing their overall quality of life.

3 Things That Can Cause Joint Pain and Headaches

Old age is a natural course of life and pain is a common side effect of old age. If you suffer from stiff joints in the back, neck or other areas it may be attributed to stress. Joint pain and headaches go hand in hand when it comes to emotional stress from external influences like; debt or money issues, job challenges and family hardship are all life areas that can cause stress in your daily life.

Diet and exercise is and always will be a solid strategy to combat stress and create a healthier you. Physical activity and proper nutrition can reduce risk of diabetes and other age related diseases.

If you suffer from joint pain and or headaches, the root cause may be due to stress or other problems. Your physician should be consulted to assist in proper diagnosis and treatment. Here are 3 potential causes of joint pain and headache:

1. Bruxism is a condition that involves the clenching and grinding of teeth during sleep cycles. The person usually is unaware of their teeth grinding but it may be causing long term damage to the Jaw joint and teeth. The grinding of teeth can be annoyingly loud or in some cases silent with no trace at all until checked out by your dentist. In these cases, the dentist may be the only one that can tell you are grinding your teeth which in turn causes your jaw pain and in turn headaches.

2. Changes in weather can affect your body in various ways. As air pressure changes for an oncoming thunderstorm, your body can react with a stiffening of the joints and sinus based headaches. Many people can "feel" a storm coming in as their body begins to show the signs related to changes in the weather.

3. Depression and emotional stress can manifest themselves as chronic pain in joints and other areas of the body. Initial pain can come from an injury or medical condition but can be magnified by feelings of anxiety and tension. There is mounting evidence that personal emotions and state of mind can actually increase the sensation of pain in the head and other parts of the body.

If stress is a factor, a good diet and exercise program is typically recommended where you should begin start to focus. In times of overwhelming job and family pressure, proper diet and a basic exercise program is difficult to maintain, but a commitment should be made to increase health and wellness whenever possible.

Meditation is another area that can produce great results in reducing stress and increasing your ability to stave off pain due to stress and emotional depression. Yoga is a great discipline to follow when trying to learn meditation and relaxation techniques.

In summary joint pain and headaches can be caused by stress and manifest itself in different ways. Following proper diet and exercise program may assist in you in dealing with stress which can be the root cause of your health and pain related issues.

What Are The Causes Of Body Joint Pain? A Great One - 50

When it comes to causes of body joint pain, the options are widely varied. Most joint pain is automatically associated with arthritis, but that may or may not be the case. Before you jump to an erroneous conclusion about the case of your painful joints, be sure to contact your primary health care provider.

He or she will complete the appropriate tests and give you a diagnosis regarding your pain. The correct diagnosis of the causes of body joint pain is especially important, since the proper treatment plan can be developed in order to best combat the condition.

Arthritis is one of the most frequent causes of body joint pain. There are several different types of arthritis that are caused by a host of conditions.

One of the more serious types of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune condition. Although science has yet to find a cure (or a specific cause) for any type of arthritis, there are many treatment options available that can dramatically decrease the impact of the condition on your body.

Sometimes, the cure can be as simple as to change prescription drugs, as medication interactions are often associated with arthritis. Other types of therapies, including most natural ones like acupuncture, are also gaining in popularity.

There are several types of diseases associated with joint pain. Although these types of diseases are not linked with arthritis, the symptoms are often the same. For example, the autoimmune condition known as lupus often affects individuals by making their joints swollen, inflamed, and painful.

Prescription drug interactions can also result in joint pain. It is not uncommon to have an individuals medication react with another medication or a preexisting medical condition.

For this reason, it is important that you know all of the potential side effects of any type of medication and be sure to tell your doctor about every prescription, herbal, or holistic medication that you are currently taking to prevent such problems.

Other conditions that may cause body joint pain revolve around the physical health of the joint. If the joint has been damaged in any way, it is a possibility that joint pain will be a result of the damage. Athletes are especially prone to joint pain, as their joints are often put under a great deal of stress.

Physical therapy, medication, and even surgery are possible options for individuals with damaged joints. Sometimes, extreme treatments like joint replacement are necessary in order for the joint to function properly and the pain to be eliminated.

Whatever your specific cause of your body joint pain, an appointment with your primary health care provider is essential. He or she will be able to determine the cause of your pain and instruct you on a proper treatment program.

However tempting, you should avoid creating your own diagnosis or investing in your own treatment program without the guidance of a medically trained doctor.

Furthermore, be sure to remember that drug interactions can potentially occur whether you are currently taking prescription medication or natural remedies, so you should seek the guidance from your physician before attempting any holistic treatment plans.

You Can Cure Your Arthritis Hip Pain

Arthritis is fairly common and patients experiencing arthritis hip pain are usually over the age of 50. The most common of hip arthritis types is osteoarthritis. This is basically when the cartilage of the hip joint wears away due to the arthritis and that leaves the bone bare inside the joint itself. Hip arthritis tends to run in families but people who are overweight and those who have suffered from traumatic injury near the hip joint are most likely to develop arthritis.

If you aren't sure whether or not you have hip arthritis, determine if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

繚 Pain
繚 Poor range of motion
繚 Hip stiffness
繚 Limping while walking

If you think you may have arthritis, don't feel like you have to keep dealing with the arthritis hip pain. There are several treatments to try and they don't have to include dangerous prescription medications with uncomfortable side effects.

The first thing you could try if you're over your recommended weight is to lose a few pounds. This can drastically reduce the symptoms of hip arthritis and it's a natural and relatively easy treatment method if you think about it. It's also something you can do entirely on your own or with the help of close friends and family members.

You could also try using a single crutch or walking cane to help take some of the pressure off of the arthritic joint. This isn't something you'd necessarily have to do for the long term and it will help to reduce the pain.

Refrain from participating in any physical activity that seems to make your hips achy. Sprinting or stair stepping wouldn't be good exercises choices for you but you could try walking or swimming instead. Physical therapy can also help because it enables you to strengthen the surrounding muscles of the hip joint which can take some of the pressure off.

In severe hip arthritis cases you may have to undergo hip replacement surgery or hip resurfacing surgery. These should only be used as last resorts. You should try all of the natural methods first to save money and avoid any kind of prescription drug use. Weight loss is the method that is used the least and yet it's really so simple. It doesn't make sense to stay overweight if losing weight could mean a lot less pain for you and more use of your hip joint. The excess weight is hard on all parts of your body and when it's lost, your body will thank you for it.

You don't have to suffer from arthritis hip pain. If you think you may have arthritis in your hip try all of the natural methods first to see if they help. It could save you thousands in surgical costs.