Saturday, April 5, 2014

Hip Pain - Illiopsoas Tendonitis and Illiopsoas Syndrome

Iliopsoas Tendonitis and Iliopsoas Syndrome are conditions that affect the iliopsoas muscle located in the anterior region (or front) of the hip, causing hip pain.

What are Iliopsoas Tendonitis and Iliopsoas Syndrome?

Technically, they are two separate conditions, but it's not uncommon to hear the term iliopsoas tendonitis or iliopsoas syndrome being used to describe the same thing.

Iliopsoas tendonitis refers to inflammation of the iliopsoas muscle and can also affect the bursa located underneath the tendon of the iliopsoas muscle. Whereas iliopsoas syndrome refers to a stretch, tear or complete rupture of the iliopsoas muscle and / or tendon.

Anatomy of the Hip Joint

The iliopsoas muscle is actually made up of two separate muscles located in the anterior (or front) of the hip area.

The Iliacus and the Psoas are responsible for lifting the upper leg to the torso, or flexing the torso towards the thigh (as in a sit-up).

Although the two muscles start at different points (the psoas originates from the spine, while the iliacus originates from the hip bone) they both end up at the same point; the upper portion of the thigh bone. It is at this point; the insertion, that most injury and hip pain occurs.

What Causes Iliopsoas Tendonitis and Iliopsoas Syndrome?

Iliopsoas tendonitis is predominately caused by repetitive hip flexion or overuse of the hip area, resulting in inflammation. Iliopsoas syndrome, on the other hand, is caused by a sudden contraction of the iliopsoas muscle, which results in a rupture or tear of the muscle, usually at the point where the muscle and tendon connect.

Athletes at risk for hip pain include runners, jumpers and participants of sports that require a lot of kicking. Also at risk are those who participate in strength training and weight lifting exercises that require a lot of bending and squatting.


Pain and tenderness are common symptoms of both conditions; however the onset of hip pain associated with iliopsoas tendonitis is gradual and tends to build up over an extended period of time, whereas the pain associated with iliopsoas syndrome is sudden and very sharp.


Iliopsoas tendonitis and iliopsoas syndrome is a soft tissue injury of the iliopsoas muscle and therefore should be treated like any other soft tissue injury. Immediately following an injury, or at the onset of pain, the R.I.C.E.R. regime should be employed. This involves Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, and Referral to an appropriate professional for an accurate diagnosis.

It is critical that the R.I.C.E.R. regime be implemented for at least the first 48 to 72 hours. Doing this will give you the best possible chance of a complete and full recovery.

The next phase of treatment (after the first 48 to 72 hours) involves a number of physiotherapy techniques. The application of heat and massage is one of the most effective treatments for removing scar tissue and speeding up the healing process of the muscles and tendons.

Once most of the pain has been reduced, it is time to move onto the rehabilitation phase of your treatment. The main aim of this phase is to regain the strength, power, endurance and flexibility of the muscles and tendons that have been injured. Click here for a complete and comprehensive article on the treatment of soft tissue injuries


There are a number of preventative techniques that will help to prevent both iliopsoas tendonitis and iliopsoas syndrome, including modifying equipment or sitting positions, taking extended rests and even learning new routines for repetitive activities. However, there are four preventative measures that I feel are far more important and effective.

First: a thorough and correct warm up will help to prepare the muscles and tendons for any activity to come. Without a proper warm up the muscles and tendons will be tight and stiff. There will be limited blood flow to the hip area, which will result in a lack of oxygen and nutrients for the muscles. This is a sure-fire recipe for a muscle or tendon injury.

Before any activity be sure to thoroughly warm up all the muscles and tendons that will be used during your sport or activity. Click here for a detailed explanation of how, why and when to perform your warm up

Second: rest and recovery are extremely important; especially for athletes or individuals whose lifestyle involves strenuous physical activity. Be sure to let your muscles rest and recover after heavy physical activity.

Third: strengthening and conditioning the muscles of the hips, buttocks and lower back will also help to prevent iliopsoas tendonitis and iliopsoas syndrome.

And fourth: (and most importantly) flexible muscles and tendons are extremely important in the prevention of most strain or sprain injuries. When muscles and tendons are flexible and supple, they are able to move and perform without being over stretched. If however, your muscles and tendons are tight and stiff, it is quite easy for those muscles and tendons to be pushed beyond their natural range of movement. When this happens, strains, sprains, and pulled muscles occur.

Stretching is one of the most under-utilized techniques for improving athletic performance, preventing sports related hip pain, and properly rehabilitating sprain and strain injury. Don't make the mistake of thinking that something as simple as stretching won't be effective.

Simple Exercises For Knee Pain

Over 70 million people in the United States are diagnosed with knee pain, with 8.5 million of them coming from severe knee injuries. To relieve knee pain with exercise instead of surgery and strong prescribed medication is quickly becoming a treatment of choice for many. Naturally working with knee joint exercises, skin stimulation, and relaxation methods have been shown to strengthen tissue and ligaments around the injured knee - the largest and most common synovial joint in the body.

In order to increase the strength and endurance of the injured knee, applying knee joint exercises can help reduce muscle tension and pain in the knee area. Overall, properly applied knee joint exercises will reduce the body's anxiety and pain levels over time. Pain is the body's way of saying something is wrong and a certain area is not working as it should. By practicing specific knee exercises for pain and learning to relax, the knee injury will be able to heal on its own without invasive surgery. Gently stretching muscles in the knee area is important to help the area become stronger and more flexible. Muscles and tissues that help work the knee joint cannot become injured if they are strong and able to move properly with good flexibility. Knee joint exercises are also a good preventive before a knee injury occurs.

Exercises to rehabilitate knee pain

Exercises to rehabilitate knee pain may take as long as two weeks to show signs of healing. This can be best demonstrated with better sleep patterns at night, with less tossing and turning because of nagging knee joint pain that keeps one awake. Try several exercises for the injured knee joint, using those that work best with the least amount of stress on the body. Simple exercises for knee pain should be comfortable to do as long as they are done in a relaxing manner and they are not "forced." After time the knee joint exercise will result in less pain and body anxiety, with a stronger and healthier knee joint as the outcome.

When doing simple exercises for knee pain or to prevent joint pain, they should be done every second day to allow for healing time in between and to avoid overusing the injured knee. At the most, do knee exercises for pain approximately three times per week, beginning with five repetitions of a knee exercise. If the pain is too much, do less. If it is bearable, build up over the weeks. Learn to read the body signals regarding its pain levels.

Sticking to a good exercise schedule

When certain knee exercises are found to work well, stick to them by developing an easy routine that can fit into the daily schedule. Practice the exercise twice throughout the day and five to ten minutes in duration. Avoid a feeling of tightness or tenseness in the body, or the exercise cannot do its job. Relaxed muscles in the leg or knee area can be done by making sure adequate stretching is done prior to the exercises. Also important are proper cooling down or warming up exercises, while avoiding any heavy physical activity until the knee joint is healed.

If strengthening and stretching knee exercises causes resulting pain afterwards to the ligaments and tissues surround the knee, using an ice pack/heat pack combination is just one of the many natural options that can help. In between simple knee joint exercises for pain, resting and elevating the injured knee is suggested as another treatment suggestion.

Back and Joint Pain-New Relief Through Lipoxygenase Inhibition With Natural Supplements

Lipoxygenase Inhibition: A Missed opportunity for controlling pain and inflammation

Are we only "half treating" our back and joint pains?

Back and joint pains are among the top reasons for visits to the doctor. Yet complete resolution of the complaint is often slow in coming or never completely resolved. Why?

There are 2 major physiologic pathways leading to inflammatory and pain responses: the cyclooxygenase (COX) mediated and the lipoxygenase (5-LO) dependent one. While the former is widely known, and inhibited by the well popularized NSAID's (like Celebrex, Vioxx(!)), etc, the second one is virtually ignored in the current management of pain syndromes. Principal cause for this is the failure of major drug companies to develop synthetic drugs that can inhibit the 5-LO and its downstream metabolites, the all important leukotrienes. To make up for the failure to deal with the 5-LO, pharmaceutical solutions like corticosteroids are usually put in place - with their well known side effects.

The bottom line is that when only one of two pathways to pain is addressed the patient is only "half treated" and half satisfied.

Lipoxygenase and pain

The 5-LO enzyme works to produce the "misery" of the leukotrienes.1 They are abundantly involved in over 35 chronic conditions including: asthma, allergies, colitis, arthritis, gastric disorders (promote ulcer formation, stimulate acid secretion, etc), scleroderma, neurological diseases, and so on. 2

More recently the involvement of the leukotrienes in pain syndromes has become clear from a multitude of studies. 1

5-LO and leukotriene B4 are involved in orofacial pain perception and mechanical and thermal sensitivity.3-7

Postoperative incision pain in animal models could be considerably reduced using experimental 5-LO inhibitors.8

The beneficial effects of 5-LO inhibition were demonstrated in the reduction of inflammatory events accompanying experimental spinal cord injury. 9

Several studies have identified inflammatory mediators in disk herniation, such as leukotrienes. Cytokines occurring in degenerated facets have been shown to contribute to the pain of degenerative lumbar disorders. 10, 11

5-LO has been shown to be involved in both pain modulation and induction of opioid tolerance at the spinal level. 12 5-LO metabolites are found in clinical cases of herniated nucleus pulposus and experimental data gathered in the study of associated radicular pain in animals demonstrated that 5-LO inhibition may prove to be beneficial in such conditions.13

Pharmacological inhibition of the 5-LO

While the market availability of COX inhibitors is widespread the opposite seems to be the case with pharmaceuticals in the lipoxygenase class direction. Partially this is not due to lack of trying. Promising experimental drugs had to be abandoned due to unacceptable side effects - death of animal subjects! Even those that made it to market carry warnings of hepatotoxicity (Zileuton) or have been associated with an increase in abnormal mental behavior (Singulair). On the other hand there is a persistent lack of research on the part of the pharmaceutical industry secondary to a tragic underestimation of the potential market size.

Financial disincentives explain the lack of studies of extracts of "natural" substances which are not easily patentable.

Advances in nutritional therapy with high concentration boswellia (frankincense) extracts

The premier 5-LO inhibitor is the natural, herbal ingredient AKBA, acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellia acid, the most active component of the frankincense, Boswellia serrata. Boswellia as such has been known for centuries to be a potent anti-inflammatory agent. Studies have proven its efficacy in arthritis, colitis, allergies and environmental sensitivities. 14-16

More recent studies have confirmed the analgesic properties of boswellia extracts, both as stand alone solutions as well as synergistic enhancers of pain relief when given in conjunction with COX inhibitors, opioids and other NSAID's. 17, 18

The success of boswellia extracts is all the more surprising since only poorly standardized products have been available on the general market. The component AKBA is recognized as the active anti- inflammatory principle in the boswellia and yet by far most of the formulas have only 1-3% AKBA concentration.

Fortunately high concentration boswellia extracts are now available with a concentration of over 90% AKBA! This leads to enhanced efficacy. There are a number of high quality boswellia products on the market. To get the best a careful reading of the supplement facts on the label is necessary.

If the label does not specifically state that the AKBA content is minimum 90% you are not getting the best quality possible.

With the right quality and dosage, however, either taken alone or together with other therapies symptom relief could be seen from this nutritional modality. Improvement in previously therapy resistant back or joint pain, prolonged "holding" of chiropractic adjustments and faster pain relief after injury has been routinely noted.

Safety and toxicology;

High concentration boswellia extracts are considered GRAS - generally regarded as safe. There are practically no side effects except for an occasional report of headache. There have not been any reports of the intestinal distress seen with other boswellia preparations.


High concentration boswellia extracts with 90% or more AKBA is highly beneficial for the treatment of pain syndromes ranging from back to joints and other damaged soft tissues. They can help in other organ and neurological pain conditions due to their anti- inflammatory properties. It can be given as a stand alone solution or in conjunction with other COX inhibitors. They are considered nutritional supplements and should be part of a general health maintenance.

(These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These ingredients are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Never start a new program without consulting a qualified heath care professional.)


1. Whitehouse MW, Rainsford KD. Lipoxygenase inhibition: The neglected frontier for regulating chronic inflammation and pain. Inflammopharmacology. 2006;14( 3-4):99-102. 2. Werz O, Steinhilber D. Pharmacological intervention with 5-lipoxygenase: New insights and novel compounds. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents. 2005;15( 5):505-519. 3. Aley KO, Levine JD. Contribution of 5- and 12-lipoxygenase products to mechanical hyperalgesia induced by prostaglandin E2 and epinephrine in the rat. Experimental Brain Research. 2003;148( 4):482-487. 4. Amann R, Schuligoi R, Lanz I, Peskar BA. Effect of a 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor on nerve growth factor-induced thermal hyperalgesia in the rat. European Journal of Pharmacology. 1996;306( 1-3):89-91. 5. Bisgaard H, Kristensen JK. Leukotriene B4 produces hyperalgesia in humans. Prostaglandins. 1985;30( 5):791-797. 6. Chichorro JG, Lorenzetti BB, Zampronio AR. Involvement of bradykinin, cytokines, sympathetic amines and prostaglandins in formalin-induced orofacial nociception in rats. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2004;141( 7):1175-1184. 7. Martin HA. Leukotriene B4 induced decrease in mechanical and thermal thresholds of C-fiber mechanonociceptors in rat hairy skin. Brain Research. 1990;509( 2):273-279. 8. Gaspar AF, Prado WA. Comparison of pre- versus post-incision administration of intraplantar indomethacin and MK886 in a rat model of postoperative pain. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 2007;40( 8):1141-1147. 9. Genovese T, Rossi A, Mazzon E, et al. Effects of zileuton and montelukast in mouse experimental spinal cord injury. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2008;153( 3):568-582. 10. Goupille P, Jayson MIV, Valat J-, Freemont AJ. The role of inflammation in disk herniation-associated radiculopathy. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism. 1998;28( 1):60-71. 11. Igarashi A, Kikuchi S, Konno S, Olmarker K. Inflammatory cytokines released from the facet joint tissue in degenerative lumbar spinal disorders. Spine. 2004;29( 19):2091-2095. 12. Trang T, McNaull B, Quirion R, Jhamandas K. Involvement of spinal lipoxygenase metabolites in hyperalgesia and opioid tolerance. European Journal of Pharmacology. 2004;491( 1):21-30. 13. Singh VP, Patil CS, Kulkarni SK. Effect of licofelone against mechanical hyperalgesia and cold allodynia in the rat model of incisional pain. Pharmacological Reports. 2005;57( 3):380-384. 14. Ammon HPT. Boswellic acids in chronic inflammatory diseases. Planta Medica. 2006;72( 12):1100-1116. 15. Ammon HPT. Boswellic acids for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases. Medizinische Monatsschrift fur Pharmazeuten. 2003;26( 9):309-315. 16. Poeckel D, Werz O. Boswellic acids: Biological actions and molecular targets. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 2006;13( 28):3359-3369. 17. Bishnoi M, Patil CS, Kumar A, Kulkarni SK. Analgesic activity of acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid, a 5-lipoxygenase-enzyme inhibitor. Indian Journal of Pharmacology. 2005;37( 4):255-256. 18. Bishnoi M, Patil CS, Kumar A, Kulkarni SK. Protective effects of nimesulide (COX inhibitor), AKBA (5-LOX inhibitor), and their combination in aging-associated abnormalities in mice. Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology. 2005;27( 7):465-470.

Grandma's Old Fashioned Arthritis Remedies

Modern day arthritis treatments include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's), corticosteroids, anti-TNF (tumour necrosis factor) treatment and, of course, the disease modifying anti rheumatic drugs (DMARD's), which are notoriously excelled for their nasty side-effects. This minefield of chemicals that we are willingly putting into our already ailing bodies surely can't actually be good for us and our delicate constitutions. What would our grandparents think? More importantly, what would our grandparents do?

The answer is simple, they would go into the pantry or the garden to gather a herb or dig up a vegetable. Here are a few of the remedies that our ancestors would have used to ease their aching joints.

Let's take a look in the pantry first. Mustard was a popular choice of treatment for joint pain. The seeds of white or yellow mustard (sinapis alba) are used make the popular condiment. Mustard plasters were very popular for treating arthritis as well as chest congestion, bronchitis and sore muscles.

To make a mustard plaster mix together one part mustard powder to two parts flour and mix to a soft paste with warm water. Spread the paste into the middle of a clean hand towel. Fold the towel in half to enclose the paste, and half again before putting on the affected joint. Leave the mustard plaster to work its magic for approximately 15 minutes. If the plaster starts to feel uncomfortable at any point remove it immediately. After the treatment, gently wash the treated area with lukewarm water and pat dry. It is important to ensure that the mustard paste does not come into contact with the skin; it is hot on the skin as well as the palate and has the potential to cause severe blistering.

Epsom salts were used in the bath as a general arthritis remedy. Four tablespoons in the bath will reduce inflammation and stiffness in the joints.

Castor oil has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Rubbed into the ailing joints it was also a common arthritis treatment. Castor oil was also taken as a medicine for arthritis with two tablespoons of castor oil boiled and added to fresh orange juice. This should be taken every morning on an empty stomach.

Going into the garden we will find herbs and vegetables that will soothe arthritis pain. The herb comfrey, also known as knitbone, has been used for centuries for a host of different ailments. It has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. As a poultice comfrey will help to reduce inflammation and draw out toxins.

To make a poultice, chop the comfrey and add to a blender to make a fine paste. Put the paste into a bowl and add flour and knead to make a stiff doughy consistency. Use old sheets to make the poultice and add the comfrey paste to the middle and wrap to make tidy squares about an inch thick and a comfortable size for the joint you wish to treat. Apply the poultice for 15-45 minutes then wash the area with warm water and pat dry. A great tip is that you can make several and freeze them for later use. Just pop them into a self-sealing bag and bung them in the freezer. Alternatively you can make a lazy poultice by simply bruising the leaves, wrapping them around your aching joint and holding them in place with clingfilm!

Cabbage makes a really good poultice for arthritis too. Cabbage is from the same family as mustard and has anti-inflammatory properties. For a basic cabbage poultice simply bash the leaves with a rolling pin to get the juice running and wrap the leaves around the joint that you wish to treat. Cover with a gauze bandage and leave overnight. Also you can freeze the cabbage leaves and place them directly onto the joint for instant relief.

Moving away from herbs and vegetables to apply to joints to vegetables that are to be eaten to help ease arthritis; potato juice is alkaline and will help to dissolve uric acid for gout sufferers. Peel and cube a potato and leave overnight in a glass of water. Drink the starchy water that is produced the next morning before breakfast. Not so tasty but if you hold your nose as you drink, it won't taste so bad. This is absolutely true because your olfactory glands and your taste buds work together.

Garlic and onion have anti-inflammatory properties. Eaten raw in salads, salsas or sandwiches gives the best results. Strong onions work better, and to stop the tears, peel them under running water.

Finally we will look at celery which when juiced with 2 carrots and an apple works a treat on Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Sarapin - A Natural Solution for Acute and Chronic Pain Without Dangerous Side Effects

Sarapin is an aqueous solution extracted from a pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea), which has been used successfully as a biological medicine as early as 1930s. This solution is primarily used as a treatment for muscular, neuralgic, and joint pain. It provides effective relief from pain, swelling and inflammation. The effectiveness of this pitcher plant extract has known to come from its ability to initiate the body's own natural healing. And because it is a natural solution, it does not cause serious side effects, making it an excellent alternative to cortisone.

Sarapin is used for treating muscular and nerve pain, as well as joint pain. This natural alternative can help in providing pain relief to some conditions including sciatic pain, hip pain, low back pain, mid back pain, upper back pain, pain between the ribs, neck pain, and pain down the arms. It also works for other conditions that can be treated with cortisone.

Sarapin stops the pain signals in the nerves of the spine without affecting other nerve functions or motor functions. In an earlier study, it was noted to have an effect on sensory nerves, relieving nerve pain without change in skin sensation, and having no effect upon the motor nerves. In toxicity tests, it has found to be harmless and there were no signs of tissue coagulation or sclerosis.

Is Sarapin safe to use? Absolutely, it is! Many have not yet heard of this alternative medicine due to its lack of profitability and marketing. However, it is recognized by the FDA and AMA and it requires prescription for treatments that require injections. Most of all, it has no known side effects.

Using Sarapin has more advantages over other conventional drugs. It is often compared to cortisone because there are several ailments that these two medicines can be used of as a treatment. Both of them are recognized by FDA and AMA and both require prescriptions. Cortisone, however, can only be used when other methods and less toxic medicines do not work, because it has side effects that can be dangerous to the one who is taking it.

Sarapin is safer to use than cortisone because it is a natural product. It works effectively without causing serious side effects unlike cortisone does. As a natural substance, it is non-toxic and does not accumulate in any body part such as the liver. Your body excretes it without the liver processing it. It also has no damaging effect on tissues, making it possible to administer several times within a short period to obtain maximum pain relief.

There is no need to suffer from the dangerous side effects of cortisone knowing that there is an alternative solution for it. Fortunately there are doctors who are aware of Sarapin and have been successfully using it in treating chronic pain.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Chronic Arthritis Pain - Top 3 Ways to Cure Arthritis

The word Arthritis derived from two Greek words; "Arthron" meaning joints; and "Itis" meaning inflammation. It is the disease of joints. They are like hinges at the end of a bone which join another bone to it. These hinges are covered with padding called cartilage and lubricated by a fluid called "Synovial fluid". Adequate amount of synovial fluid makes the joint move smoothly.

Wear & tear of cartilage is called osteoarthritis and it generally occurs in the older age group. It affects the weight bearing joints mostly such as spine, hip, knees, hands etc.

Another type of arthritis - Rheumatoid- is due to inflammation of the joints due to reduced synovial fluid. It not only affects joints but also the muscles, tendons and other tissues of the body.

Symptoms- The main symptom of arthritis are:-

1- Pain.
2- Stiffness
3- Inflammation
4- Redness, tenderness and swelling

Remedies- It cannot be cured permanently but the symptoms can be controlled or minimized with the help of:

1) Medication: In Allopath, combination of medicines and surgery helps in reducing inflammation, pain, and swelling. There are several Non steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs, Analgesics and creams available. Calcium lactate is also recommended

2) Natural remedies:

Dietary Considerations: - Foods that produce alkalinity should be consumed.
Garlic: - contains anti inflammatory properties and is effective in the treatment of this disease
Copper: - water that is kept overnight in a copper container accumulates traces of copper, and drinking this water helps in strengthening the muscular system.
Oil massage: - Warm coconut oil, mustard oil, or sesame oil massages are helpful
Cod liver oil and Castor Oil: - Intake of either of these oils helps in reducing inflammation.
Cold packs: - Using ice pack on joints can reduces the swelling
Nuts: - walnuts of sesame seeds, bananas, egg plant, peppers should be included in the diet

3) Exercise: - The patient should always consult a therapist to determine the intensity of swelling and pain and seek advice regarding which exercise to do.

Elbow Pain From Biceps Curls? Here's What to Do

Biceps curls are the classic bodybuilding exercise used to add mass to the biceps. Furthermore, they're used as assistance exercises by weight lifters and other strength athletes. If you spend any amount of time training for bodybuilding or athletics, odds are you'll do some biceps curls.

The problem is that biceps curls done incorrectly can damage your elbow joint.

This happens at the bottom of the movement, when the arm is extended, and it usually takes a long, long time to heal once the pain becomes noticeable. What's more, once you get elbow damage, you will continue to injure yourself further if you try to 'train through the pain' or ignore what's happening in hopes that it will all just go away.

Three types of elbow injury caused by biceps curls

All elbow pain isn't indicative of the same problem. There are three injuries related to curls that might cause elbow problems.

One is ligament damage. The ligaments are tough, fibrous bands of connective tissue that hold your elbow joints together, and limit you to a proper range of motion.

The second elbow injury is tendon damage or inflammation to the biceps tendon (and, less commonly, to tendons associated with muscles in the forearms).

Finally, you might experience actual elbow joint damage. But this usually only occurs when you refuse to let an injury heal. It's more a symptom of stubbornness than it is of improper curling technique.

How to do biceps curls so you avoid elbow problems

The first sort of elbow problem -- caused by ligament damage -- is usually the result of hyperextension of the elbow joint during biceps curls. The weight of the barbell or dumbbell forces your joint past it's proper range of motion when your arm is straight, causing the ligaments to stretch (or worse).

This is a common injury when people use a preacher bench without an ez-curl bar. The preacher bench makes it easy to get a full range of motion during high-intensity curls, but it also puts your elbow into a dangerous position. If you're not experienced with the preacher curl, you are in danger of hurting your elbow. The ez curl bar keeps your elbows oriented properly, reducing (but not eliminating) the danger.

The second type of elbow pain -- tendon damage -- is usually a result of overtraining. But it also happens when you "cheat" during a curl. The extra weight can cause a repetitive-stress injury to the elbow tendon as you lower the weight. Again, using an ez-curl bar keeps the elbows "locked into a groove" and helps prevent this sort of injury. Young guys who are obsessed with the appearance of their biceps in a tight t-shirt often fall prey to this sort of overuse injury. Performing endless sets of high-rep biceps curls will pump up your upper arms, but it won't build true strength and size. It's better to stick to a sensible number of sets and make sure to keep your reps below 12.

Finally, damage to the elbow joint is caused when ligament damage is present. People who continue to work out despite having stretched-out ligaments are going to damage the joints. This is something you shouldn't ever do. If you are so obsessed with working out that you push through elbow pain, you need the services of an exercise psychologist. Be sensible and allow it to rest and heal.

Keeping Your Body Healthy and Mobile!

There are many theories about health out there, each with its own merits. One that I have come to embrace is that maintaining correct motion in a system is absolutely vital to achieving maximum health. What I like about this philosophy is that it seems to apply no matter which bodily system you are looking at. I come from a chiropractic point of view, and I feel that this theory applies to not only what I do as a chiropractor, but also to health issues that I rarely deal with. Let me give you a few examples of what I mean.

What happens with heart disease? The arteries around the heart begin to narrow, typically because they build up a layer of plaque called atherosclerosis. This plaque impedes the natural flow (motion) of the circulatory system, and over time can lead to a heart attack because the heart isn't getting the nutrients it needs.

Are you familiar with bedsores, and why they occur? When a person is immobile, bedridden, and unable to change positions, the simple pressure of their body on a mattress leads to the formation of bedsores. The body starts to break down because it's under constant pressure. Even though this pressure is considerably light, the fact that it is constant makes it enough to cause damage to body tissue. The same concept is true inside the body as well. Your joints are designed to move. When they don't, pressure builds up inside of them, which can lead to inflammation and pain. Eventually it can cause osteoarthritis (more accurately called degenerative joint disease). That is why chiropractic care can be so important in helping to maintain a healthy lifestyle. My goal as a chiropractor is to identify those joints, and muscles which may not be moving as they should, and provide treatment to restore the full range of motion.

There is a fascinating study done on rabbits that found:
"After 5-6 weeks of immobilization most of the knees showed moderate or severe changes including loss of articular cartlilage and osteophyte formation."

By simply immobilizing a joint, they were able to create degenerative joint disease similar to that found in humans.

Think about what a vast majority of Americans do every day. Many of us go to work and sit in a chair eight hours a day, then come home and relax by sitting in front of the TV/computer for another few hours before going to bed and starting the cycle all over the next day. What is this doing to our bodies? If this sounds familiar, take a quick inventory of your posture when you sit. Are your shoulders rounded? Does your neck stick out in front of your shoulders? Is there a pronounced curve in your upper back as you slouch in the chair? How much is your back actually moving in a day? If you're honest, you'll realize that your back doesn't move much at all. Sure it's not being forcibly immobilized as was the case in the study above, but 8+ hours a day of not moving for 10, 20, 30 years... it's going to take a toll on your body. So do yourself a favor. Get up, move around, and take breaks from sitting. Get a chiropractic adjustment. Exercise daily, even if it's only a short walk. Keeping your joints and body mobile is absolutely essential if you want to maintain optimal health as you age.

What to Expect If Your Knee Joint Pain Does Not Go Away Easily

If you are even moderately physically active, then you must have, at some point in your life, experienced knee joint pain. If the discomfort doesn't go away in a few days of routine home care and relaxation, do you have to go and seek professional medical advice? Here is when it is best to see a doctor:

If, as a consequence of injury, your knee has swollen up virtually immediately;
if it looks as if the bones are deformed;
in the event you can no longer bear weight (i.e., get up comfortably);
when you've got insufferable ache;
if you happen to have lost sensation below the injury site;
if the foot and ankle have turned cold;
or in case your knee area is red and warm and there's an accompanying fever along with the injury.

Normally, knee joint pain can be resolved at home by rest, applying ice, compression, and elevation (RICE). If different symptoms, such as recurrent ache and swelling, persist, then medical care is probably in order.

How Knee Injuries Are Diagnosed

Should you decide to seek medical help, you will first be given questions to complete a medical history. Naturally, the physician will wish to know the main points concerning the injury, such as when, where, how it happened, to find out what structures in the knee are perhaps damaged. If the injury is due to a direct blow, then a fracture or contusion (bruise) might be the issue. If it was a twisting injury, then a cartilage or meniscus tear could be the reason for the pain. What else might have placed stress on the knee and to potentially trigger a tear in the ligament?

Be ready to answer other inquiries to further assist with the diagnosis. For example, was swelling present, and did it happen instantly or did you first notice it hours later? Were you able to stand and walk immediately after the damage? Is there discomfort in different areas, such as the ankle or hip? Does it damage especially bad when going up or down steps?

The physician will then examine the knee, first to make certain every part is where it belongs. If the kneecap is fractured or the patellar tendon is injured, the kneecap can slide out of position. The physician can easily check to see if the kneecap is sliding to the outside or lateral part of the knee; if that is the case, then the patellar tendon is dislocated. If the knee is held slightly flexed, then there may be fluid within the joint space, since joint space is maximal at 15 degrees of flexion.

Feeling the knee, referred to as palpation, comes next. The physician can correlate the particular location of the ache to the underlying structures like ligaments or muscle-insertion points. Palpation over the space between the bones within the front part of the knee, often called the joint line, could be associated to fluid or tenderness resulting from a meniscus injury. The doctor might examine the uninjured knee to the injured one by exerting stress on the unhurt knee to see how loose or tight the normal ligaments are.

X-rays of the knee may be advisable to make certain there are not any broken bones, but if no direct blow to the area has precipitated the knee joint ache, then plain X-rays or imaging of the knee via an MRI might wait till another time.

Avoid Back Pain While Horseback Riding

Horseback riding can become difficult for those suffering back pain. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent lower back pain caused by riding.

Unless you have a chronic back pain condition, your pain is likely caused by your riding posture. Even on a gentle ride, the continuous rocking back and forth places pressures on your pelvis and back that can only be absorbed properly when posture is correct; these pressures and the pain they cause are increased in proportion to the intensity of your ride.

Anatomy of Proper Posture

The lumbar spine in the lower back naturally arches inward. Every structure of the back - the muscles and ligaments supporting the spine, the joints connecting vertebrae together and the cushioning discs between vertebrae - absorb pressures and shocks optimally when the lumbar arch is maintained.

When the spine is flexed (bent forward) or extended (bent backward), there is a change of force distribution throughout the structures of the back. When flexed, The erector spinae muscles and surrounding ligaments in the back are stretched while the abdominal flexors are tightened. The anterior sides (closest to the stomach) of the lumbar vertebrae move closer together, placing pressure on the anterior portion of discs that promotes herniation and nerve impingement as the disc is enlarged on the posterior side near the spinal nerves. Forces are not properly absorbed by the stretched muscles and ligaments, meaning they fall primarily on the compressed spinal discs. Lower back, hip and leg pain may result.

When the spine is extended, spinal joints are compressed as the posterior portion of vertebrae move closer together. The facet joints in the spine and the sacroiliac joints that connect the sacrum to the pelvis take the brunt of the forces applied to the body. This can cause joint pain. The muscles and ligaments of the lower back are compressed in this position as well, which can cause muscle fatigue, spasms and cramping.

Keeping a strong, balanced core muscle group will encourage proper posture while riding your horse.

Posture Tips

On horseback, your posture should be upright. An imaginary line should connect your ear, shoulder, hip and ankle.

Riders who stoop over with the spine in a flexed position may do so for a sense of security and stability. Balance and strength exercises can make you more secure in an upright position and prevent the perceived need to stoop. Using shorter reins will also improve balance and stability.

If you ride with a hyperextended back, you may find that you tend to have your feet positioned away from your body's midline toward the horse's head. This may be a nervous reaction, locking the knees and acting as though you're putting the brakes on. Being aware of your foot position will help keep the rest of your body aligned. Shorter reins will help to keep your body from bending backward.

Ergonomic Saddles

The type of saddle you use greatly impacts your posture. Ergonomic saddles are made of soft leather to cushion your buttocks and are designed to distribute your weight evenly on the horse's back, which benefits both you and your horse. The less hard you have to work to stay balanced, the less muscle strain you experience. The less concentrated your weight is on certain areas of the horse's back, the less strain he or she will experience. Ergonomic saddles may also have raised pommels and cantles (front and back sections of the seat). This helps secure your pelvis in its proper position.

Ergonomic saddles can cost anywhere from a couple hundred to a few thousand dollars, depending on what type you by and whether or not it is custom-fit to you and your horse. The type of investment you make should reflect the frequency with which you ride, the duration of your rides and the back pain you seek to prevent.

Body awareness, a strong core and ergonomic aides can all help prevent back pain while horseback riding. Address back pain early on to avoid the development of a chronic pain condition.

What Causes TMJ Dysfunction?

TMJ Dysfunction is a common, often misdiagnosed pathology and is often called "The Great Impostor" because of the many symptoms that can arise it. TMJ Dysfunction (or TMD) is the general term for the symptoms of abnormal joint function.

Some TMJ symptoms include:

  • ringing of the ears

  • Tinnitus

  • headaches

  • facial and muscle pain

  • popping or clicking of the TMJ

  • difficulty eating or chewing

  • neck and or back pain

  • pressure behind eyes and/or blurring of vision

  • direct jaw pain

  • limited opening or range of motion of the jaw (unable to open the jaw 40mm)

  • jaw opens crooked to one side or the other

  • scalloped tongue (from clenching at night)

Generally speaking, there are two reasons we see TMJ dysfunction in patients - microtrauma and macrotrauma.

The first, microtrauma, is caused by any type of trauma that occurs internally. Habits such as parafunctional (outside of function, or abnormal) clenching of the teeth is a common cause. Signs and symptoms include worn down teeth, sore facial muscles, and a scalloped tongue - grooves in the tongue surface where the tongue rests during clenching activity.

Another microtrauma is teeth grinding, or bruxism. The constant wear and tear of forces on the facial muscles and teeth cause stress on the joint, which can lead to further TMJ dysfunction. The constant stress on the supporting muscles of the TMJ can cause the posterior ligament to wear out and improperly displace joint head. If you experience bruxism or clenching, a night guard may provide some relief. You can find more information on bruxism and how to prevent this phenomenon by asking your dental health care professional.

An improper bite, or occlusion can also cause TMJ dysfunction. When your teeth come together properly, the anatomical position of the joint is in tact. However, if the teeth come together incorrectly, the joint can become dislocated over time.

Other trauma causing TMJ Dysfunction could be osteoarthritis of the joint or rheumatoid arthritis. If you are prone to osteoarthritis, the TMJ, like other joints in the body, can deteriorate over time and start to degenerate, which could cause TMJ dysfunction.

Macrotraumas include anything external, such as a blow to the face from physical activity or auto accidents for example. If you have an excessive traumatic force that would allow the joint to be dislocated, this could flatten down the lubricating disc of the TMJ and permanently damage the joint.

If you are suffering from bruxism or clenching, be sure to visit your dental professional for the best treatment options.

Arthritis Knee Pain Causes, Symptoms and Natural Relief

Arthritis is a joint disorder resulting in joint inflammation and pain. Knee joint is a major weight bearing joint of our body, and therefore is quite vulnerable to increased rate of wear and tear. Before learning about arthritis knee pain management, we have to understand the structure and functioning of the knee joint. Knee joint is, by nature, a hinge joint, allowing flexion normally to a maximum of 135 degrees but no extension. The functioning of knee joint allows free movement of the legs, and the joint is also capable of bearing the entire body weight.

The knee joint is the point where the femur or thigh bone and the large shinbone or tibia meets. The joint is comprised of three compartments: the inner or medial compartment, outer or lateral compartment and the knee cap or patella joining the femur to form the third compartment named as patellofemoral joint. The knee joint lies protected within a capsule and collateral ligaments are there both on the inside and outside of the joint, and also ligaments cross each other within the joint, and are known by the name of cruciate ligaments.

These ligaments hold the bones in place, and also impart strength and stability to the joint. The junction where the femur and tibia meet, the cartilage meniscus occurs. Meniscus serves as a cushioned pad allowing the bones to move freely without friction, and also absorbing the load of body weight above knee while standing. Below the knee cap, a large tendon called patellar tendon occurs. This tendon is attached to the front part of tibia bone. The thigh muscles, quadriceps muscles and hamstring muscles surrounding the knee relax and contract to allow knee movement.

Cause and Symptoms of Arthritis Knee Pain

Arthritis knee pain occurs due to degeneration or wear and tear of the meniscus or inflammation of soft tissues surrounding the knee. Aging of body makes the meniscus weak and incapable of repairing itself after the daily wear and tear. As a result of which it may start tearing or flaking. Once the cartilage is lost due to degeneration, the shin bone and thigh bone are exposed to friction which may develop bony outgrowths or spurs called osteophytes. The above occurrence makes the knee painful. Pain may occur also when rheumatic arthritis invades the delicate tissues around the knee joint.

Another cause of knee pain due to arthritis is the crystallization of uric acid within the joint cavity. This actually occurs in case of gout. Swelling of knee due to arthritis may lead to accumulation of fluid in a cyst behind the knee. Such a cyst is called Baker's cyst, and it is one common reason for pain at the back of the knee. The common symptoms associated with knee pain due to arthritis are swelling, warmth in the joint, inflexibility or stiffness, redness of skin around the joint, locking sensation in the joint, crunching sound while moving knee.

Rumatone Gold Capsule and Oil are natural remedies for arthritis knee pain relief. These herbal supplements and anti-inflammatory massage oil are specifically formulated to ease pain and inflammation associated with knee pain.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hip Pain and Osteoarthitis Answers

A large percentage of the American population, nearly seventy six million Americans, are believed to suffer from some sort of pain on a regular basis. The top four types of pain that people report having are lower back pain, neck pain, headache or migraine pain, and face pain. Hip pain is most likely to appear in patients who are age sixty five and older, though the fifteen percent of seniors who report this pain are still only half as many as those who suffer from knee pain.

It's not uncommon for someone who has a hip injury or abnormality to have pain not just in the hip joint, but along the length of the thigh and in the groin area as well. An injury to the hip may be the primary source of hip pain, though it may also be caused by an injury to other parts of the body.

Though most people who report hip pain are older, it can appear at any age, and even children have been known to suffer from this problem. Among the most common reasons for hip pain are:

* Fracture of the hip

* Various forms of arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and psoriatic arthritis.

* Bursitis, which is caused by an inflammation in the tiny sacs of fluid that keep the joints moving smoothly (the bursae)

* Aseptic necrosis or lack of blood flow to the hip

* Hip joint muscles that have been strained or sprained.

* Bacterial or viral infections

* Injury or pain to the lower back area

* Hip injuries caused by a fall or other similar situations

* Osteoarthritis

What You Need to Know About Hip Pain:

Osteoarthritis, which is usually found in the hips and knees, will strike nearly ten million people this year. The most likely people to suffer from osteoarthritis are those who are overweight or obese - approximately 66 percent of those diagnosed with arthritis fit into this category, far more than you see for those with a normal weight.

Hip fractures are commonly caused by osteoarthritis - in fact, 97 percent of hip replacements performed in this country are for hip fractures that are the result of osteoarthritis. And 70 percent of those hip replacements that are required for reasons other than hip fractures can be attributed to osteoarthritis.

Hip Fractures and Hip Pain - Recognizing the Cause

If you fracture your hip, you'll likely suffer from pain along the thigh and groin as well as suffering a restriction of hip movement; this is an injury that will require immediate medical attention. As you age, the chance that you'll suffer from a hip fracture increases as well. There are other groups who are at high risk of hip fractures and hip pain as well, including:

* Those who have cancer

* People who have rheumatoid or osteoarthritis

* Those with a family history of osteoarthritis

* Anyone who is overweight or obese

* People who have a long history of taking steroids

* Anyone with sickle cell anemia

* Those who have suffered an injury to the hip or lower back area

* People who consume large amounts of alcohol

No one wants to miss out on their daily routine just because of hip pain, and fortunately, hip pain can be managed these days, no matter if the cause is an infection, inflammation or injury. One of the most common methods for reducing hip pain includes therapy and anti-inflammatory medications. If you're in one of the high risk categories for hip pain or hip fracture, then you should follow a plan to reduce your chances of injury - make sure you get plenty of calcium and vitamin D, as well as improving the condition of your joints with weight-bearing exercises.

Pain in Jaw Joint - Exercises to Relieve Pain

It hurts when you chew, it hurts when you open your mouth... actually when doesn't it hurt? Having pain in your jaw joint is excruciating and annoying. But do you know why it's happening? Most likely your suffering from TMJ, it's a condition that is experienced by approximately 30% of the population.

So How Do We Fix It?

There are many ways to go about treating pain in the jaw joint, some dentists recommend mouth guards and splints, coupled with muscle relaxants and pain relief drugs. This is of course what most people do, but they are usually disappointed with the results.

Mouth Guards and Splints For Jaw Pain?

Mouth guards will only prevent teeth grinding and they will only prevent that during your sleep. Most people who suffer from TMJ find that they will end up grinding through the mouth guard anyway.

In some cases the mouth guard is fitted well enough to slowly move the jaw back to it's proper position. But you need someone who is very experienced and skilled to make something like this. Even if they get it right, it can still be hit and miss.

That's why many people are now finding relief through TMJ exercises. These exercises realign your jaw by strengthening, stretching and massaging certain muscles in your body to release tension in your muscles and tendons in your jaw. The techniques are proving to be incredibly powerful, with some people reporting permanent relief in as little as three days. This is not the norm however and these exercises aren't to be mistaken for some miracle cure. They require you to complete them every day for about 10 minutes during a 10 - 14 day period and sometimes longer. But they do work.

Telltale Signs of Jaw Clicking and What They Mean

Every time you open your mouth to yawn or even just to chew, do you feel and hear something move and lock on each side of your face? This may have happened to you a couple of times in the past, but you chose to ignore it and it went away. However, not all cases of jaw clicking are meant to be ignored. These may be indicative of an underlying disorder, one that needs to be checked by a doctor right away.

Your jaw functions as a hinge, allowing you to open and close your mouth without difficulty. This is of vital importance to your daily living as most of your activities (e.g. speaking, eating, etc.) require movement of your mouth. Since your jaw muscles are sometimes excessively utilized, they usually fall prey to wear and tear. Jaw clicking is usually due to the muscles of your jaw (aka muscles of mastication) providing unequal and limited force to your jaw.

Sometimes, jaw clicking manifests with other symptoms including headaches, pain in the area and even the neck, as well as difficulty and pain in opening and closing the mouth. Some dentists and doctors claim that the reason this can be so annoying for some is that it occurs close to the ear. Although this can be indicative of a more serious disorder, it doesn't always necessitate a trip to the doctor. Oftentimes, this happens when you excessively chew on something or when you stretch your jaw too much.

However, a more serious disorder associated with jaw clicking is the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder. Your TMJ connects your mandible or jaw to the temporal bones of your skull. Usually, a TMJ Disorder involves pain in the muscles of mastication, and sometimes an inflamed TMJ. With these symptoms, you can expect impaired functioning of your jaw and related muscles.

Because bone doesn't have the ability to transmit pain, you can expect the pain to come from surrounding soft tissue, musculature and even Cranial Nerve V (Trigeminal Nerve). This nerve is responsible for supplying motor function to your jaw.

Listed below are a few known causes of TMJ Disorder. Bear in mind that these are only a few external factors that may causes TMJ Disorder, and that the causes aren't limited to the ones mentioned.

Teeth Clenching or Grinding

Some people have the habit of clenching their teeth during times of frustration or stress. Sometimes, teeth clenching happens when you're asleep so you don't even know it's there. Doing this puts an intense amount of pressure on your jaw muscles as well as other soft tissue.

Excessive Chewing

Similar to teeth grinding, this causes too much strain on the muscles of mastication and may also cause inflammation of the TMJ.

Exaggeration in Opening the Mouth

This doesn't refer to excessive opening of the mouth, but rather opening the mouth too wide as when one eats large sandwiches, yawns or sneezes.

Degeneration of the Joint

This usually occurs with conditions accompanying aging, including osteoarthritis.

Since prevention is always better than cure, here are a few things you should do to avoid becoming a victim of this condition:

Kick the Habit of Chewing Gum

Although chewing gum is a great way to keep yourself awake, excessive chewing does you more damage. You continuously strain your jaw muscles, leading to a better chance of developing jaw clicking.

Try to Avoid Hard-to-Chew Food

If you're a fan of steak and ribs, this might come as bad news to you. Just like chewing gum, chewing on hard-to-chew food constantly strains your jaw muscles. The same goes for Big Macs and double decker burgers. Although our jaw works as a hinge, there's only so much it can take.

Check for Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, also known as Bruxism, can make your condition worse. Bruxism usually happens when we sleep at night so we're usually unaware of its occurrence, unless someone tells us. So on your next visit to the dentist, ask him/her to look for signs of Bruxism. Although this is said to be triggered by stress, its causes remain highly debatable.

TMJ Exercises

Although this seems like a quick fix, it does help relieve the pain. Massage your jaw as well as the area surrounding it, including your neck and shoulders. It's also important to relax your face throughout the day.

Because it's better to be safe than sorry, set an appointment with your dentist once you feel pain in the area of your jaw, and when you have trouble chewing and opening your mouth.

Low Back Pain - Can Sitting All Day Be the Culprit?

Low back pain seems to be epidemic these days. Many people feel they are at low risk for back pain. They do not have physically demanding jobs. After all, they sit at a desk all day behind a computer. It is very likely that all that sitting may literally turn into a back ache (or butt pain).

The human body is miraculously designed to move, that's what it's meant to do. With all of today's technology and automation, our bodies move less and less. Just think of how many hours you spend sitting. Do you commute to and from work? How many hours do you sit behind a desk at work? Then what do you do when you get home... watch some TV? All this sitting has a huge negative impact on the body. The lack of physical activity causes muscles to shorten and get tight. If they become too tight, you may experience painful muscle spasms. These shortened muscles lead to muscle imbalances which are often the root cause of most back or neck pain.

Ever try to stand up after sitting for a while and feel like you have to crank your hip joint and low back so you can stand up straight? Maybe it takes ten or twenty steps for you to "get the kinks out" before you can stand up straight and walk freely. This back pain is usually caused by specific muscles becoming particularly tight which then pull on the back. Regular movement helps avoid this tightness and helps keep the muscles limber.

We've only mentioned muscles, but sitting for prolonged periods of time has a negative impact on all the body functions. The body slows down, including the circulatory and digestive systems, and also our metabolism and mental capacity. Physical movement gets the muscles pumping which assists blood flow to all organs, getting the much needed oxygen to all parts and transporting waste products away. Needless to say, moving simply makes you feel better in many ways.

Inactivity Causes Back and Joint Pain

Most individuals don't realize how profound the effects of inactivity can be. It can sometimes take months or years for the aches and pains to manifest and people don't connect the dots with inactivity being a cause of their back pain. But many aches and joint pain are attributed to lack of movement and muscle weakness or tightness that leads to muscle imbalances.

A simple step towards pain free movement is simply that... to get moving again. One can start with some basic stretches done hourly for a minute or two to break up hours of sitting and help to avoid the muscles from tightening. Other stretches can be done daily but held for longer (from 30 seconds up to a minute). These stretches should be done to the point of mild discomfort but not pain. While holding the stretch for 30 seconds or more, focus on long, deep breaths. This will give you a chance to breathe deeply, another health factor than many of us ignore on a daily basis. Focusing on deep breathing allows your muscles to relax and lengthen and takes your mind off the stretching.

After working in the Corporate Wellness field for over two decades, there are several simple ergonomic stretches that you can do easily at your desk. These ergonomic stretches help your body adapt to the workstation (in this case - long hours of sitting). They require no special equipment and take only seconds or a couple minutes to do. These stretches generally involve muscles of the neck, shoulders, legs, hips and low back. Most people feel instant relief but the key is to do them periodically throughout the day and then do more extensive stretching or strengthening exercises daily to address existing muscle imbalances. To receive your copy of "7 Simple Office Stretches" visit

Arthritis and You

Forty-six million americans report that a doctor told them they have arthritis or other rheumatic conditions. Arthritis or rheumatism continues to be the most common cause of disability, while back or spine problems and heart trouble round out the top three causes.

Arthritis symptoms include pain, joint inflammation and swelling. As it progresses, rheumatoid arthritis symptoms may feel like the flu, with achiness, muscle aches, and loss of appetite. An experimental drug called masitinib may ease rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in people who aren't helped by other drugs, according to new studies.

Two of the most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The types range from those related to wear and tear of cartilage such as osteoarthritis to those associated with inflammation resulting from an overactive immune system such as rheumatoid arthritis . Causes include injury leading to osteoarthritis , metabolic abnormalities such as gout and pseudogout , hereditary factors, infections, and unclear reasons such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus .

Osteoarthritis-This is the most common type of arthritis. Osteoarthritis can occur in any joint, but most often affects the hands and weight-bearing joints such as the knee, hip and facet joints in the spine . Osteoarthritis often occurs as the cartilage breaks down, or degenerates, with age. Degenerative joint disease osteoarthritis is a ubiquitous joint disease characterized pathologically by deterioration of cartilage lining the joints and new bone formation beneath the cartilage. Osteoarthritis is treated with anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.

People with psoriasis may also have other forms of arthritis, such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis It's important to learn how rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are similar and how they are different.

Get the facts on arthritis types, causes, research information, statistics and diagnosis. Practicing the traditional Chinese martial art tai chi may reduce arthritis pain and disability, according to a new research review. Current research suggests that something perhaps an infection acts as a trigger in people who are susceptible to this type of arthritis because of their genetic make-up.

Researchers are finding that the immune system is influenced by signals from the female reproductive hormones. Researchers' find could lead to new RA Treatments. Engaging in joint friendly activities; such as, walking, swimming, biking, and participating in available arthritis-specific exercise interventions can help manage both conditions.

Always consult your physician before self treating or starting a new exercise programs.

What Causes Joint Pain: From Arthritis to Lupus to Tennis Elbow

What causes joint pain? Joint pain refers to any kind of discomfort that occurs where two bones or more come together. This relatively innocuous term can describe anything from minor soreness associated with too much typing to the excruciating pain and inflammation that comes with some forms of cancer and immune disorders. While joint pain usually isn't an emergency, being able to identify its source can help you determine whether your discomfort is a sign of something more serious.

Repetitive Stress Injuries
As more of the population enters jobs that require the same motions over and over again, the incidence of repetitive stress injuries increases. These injuries include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis and a wide variety of other damage to the joints and the tissues around them. If left alone in their early stages, the majority will heal on their own or through the use of anti-inflammatory supplements and drugs. Longer-term injuries may eventually require surgery or other more serious intervention, however.

This condition is usually associated with old age, but can happen at any time in your life. It's caused by repeated wear on the cartilage in your joint, which forces the surface of the bones to come into contact. This can be very painful and causes significant inflammation. Taking natural or over the counter anti-inflammatory treatments like NSAIDS or green-lipped mussel powder and fish oil can help you deal with this condition, but the problem is not usually reversible.

Autoimmune Disorders
Several disorders of the immune system cause the body's natural defenses to attack its own tissues. These include lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and sarcoidosis. There is currently no cure for any of these autoimmune causes of joint pain, but doctors can use anti-inflammatory treatments combined with immunosuppressants to decrease the pain and damage done to the joint.

While joint pain from cancer isn't very common, it can be a very serious sign. The two cancers that are most likely to cause joint pain are cancer of the bones and metastatic cancers that have spread to the bone. Both damage the bone and create swelling and tenderness accompanied by fatigue. They can also cause bones to break much more easily. Treatment requires surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and symptom-based care from an oncological specialist.

When to See a Doctor
If you're wondering what causes joint pain, you should be aware that not all pain indicates a serious problem. In fact, many cases will simply heal on their own if you allow the joint to rest. In slightly more serious cases, you may need to use over the counter medication or herbal remedies to alleviate the discomfort. If you experience bleeding, deformity or sudden swelling in the joint, very intense pain, or difficulty actually using the joint, however, it may be time to see the doctor. These signs could indicate that something much more serious than a minor injury has occurred.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Heart Complications With Total Joint Replacement Surgery on Knees and Hips

Doctors have always known that there is some risk of heart complications associated with major surgery, especially for those who are older or who have preexisting heart problems. There was a study done in the summer of 2008 that looked at the risk factors for cardiovascular problems after total joint replacement (TJR) surgery on the knees and the hips. Two new heart risk factors in TJR surgery were identified: having bilateral joint replacement, replacing joints on both sites of the body during one surgery, and having revision surgery to replace an earlier joint implant.

Researchers looked into the heart risk of TJR by studying the medical records of those who received new or revision total hip or knee replacements over the time of 29 months at a large hospital in New England. From these, the researchers identified the records of patients who, during their hospitalization, had experienced an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), heart attack, unstable angina, congestive heart failure, or blockage of an artery in the lung. Records were then matched with those of another group of those who had joint replacement surgery but no documented heart problems. These groups were matched as closely as possible according to surgeon, approximate age of the patient, and year when they had their total joint replacement. Eliminating incomplete records, the researchers had a total of 418 patient records for the study with an average age of 71.4 years; 55% were women; and 51% had knee surgery, 49% were hip surgeries; 20% of the operations were revisions; the rest were initial joint replacements; 11% were bilateral procedures, replacing both knees or both hips in one operation.

The researchers obtained information about any preexisting heart risk factors fro the medical record reviews and fro physical exams, electrocardiograms (EKG), and patient intake questionnaires. Included in these are the well known risks like high blood pressure, diabetes, lung disease, and smoking just for example. Researchers also sifted through data to pick out the factors associated with cardiac problems during the patients' hospital stays. In 70% of the patients who had some post-surgical heart problems irregular heartbeat was present; 24% had a drop in blood pressure; 8% had unstable angina; 2% had a heart attack; 11% had congestive heart failure and in 1% there was death.

There were many factors had no effect on the risk of heart complications, including gender, being overweight, type of anesthesia, use of NSAIDs, knee versus hip surgery, or having diabetes or high blood pressure are just a few examples of these factors. Some of the traditional factors known to raise heart risk in other types of surgery also hold risk for those who are getting a TJR; age over 75 years; some preexisting heart problems like coronary artery disease, heart attack, congestive heart failure, or diseased heart valves; and irregular heartbeat were confirmed by this study.

A new finding from this study is that patients getting a bilateral joint replacement or revision surgery have 2 to 3.5 times the risk of heart complications during a total joint replacement compared to those getting a single, first time joint replacement.

There were two drawbacks to this study, and they were that it included the data from only one hospital and the results were not typical for other populations where there were TJR's or hospitals.

Researchers hope that their findings will help doctors to do a better job of weighing the risk and reducing the heart complications that come up in total joint replacement patients. And giving that more than 700,000 total hip or knee replacements were done in the U. S. in 2004, it is essential that there are targeted measures to reduce cardiovascular risks and potentially save many lives.

Discover The Best Supplement for Joint Pain

Millions of people all over the world suffer from joint pain. Trying to find the best supplement for joint pain will take some research and trial and error. However, there are natural supplements that will work to ease your arthritis pain quite easily.

Arthritis pain develops when the sac found in the joint areas become filled with fluid. Arthritis pain is directly related to inflammation of the joints, so it is essential to find the right treatment to ease the pain.

Fish oil is a good supplement for joint pain. Fish oils high in DHA fatty acids help relieve the pain in your joints because of the process of conversion it goes through in the body. DHA is converted in the body to a very powerful anti-inflammatory chemical which is known as Resolving D2. Due to the fact that arthritis is strongly associated with inflammation, any supplement containing anti-inflammatory properties will provide great benefit to alleviate arthritis pain.

Multivitamins are great for helping alleviate the pain in your joints. Vitamins such as the following help reduce swelling and pain caused by inflammation.

Vitamins B3 and B6 help reduce tissue swelling. They work very well together to alleviate pain in the joints. They also help improve blood circulation.

Vitamin C act as an anti-inflammatory and helps relieve joint pain.

Vitamin E works to improve flexibility in the joint and protects joints from destructive free radicals.

Due to the many negative side effects of prescription medications many people are turning to natural supplements as a means of relieving pain and other types of illnesses. There are many different types of arthritis, the most common of which are Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. These can be extremely painful, causing anyone suffering from arthritis to be unable to perform their normal daily functions.

Another supplement that is great for joint pain is cherry. Naturally juiced cherries contains lots of magnesium and potassium which act as pain reliever and diuretic to help lower inflammation by getting rid of fluid buildup in the tissues.

Molasses has been used for centuries to cure aches and pains. Dissolve molasses in water and drink a small glass each morning. Molasses is a great source of potassium, minerals, magnesium and iron which works extremely well in eliminating joint pain.

Dandelion leaves are also a well-known source for easing pain in the joint. It contains a high-level of Vitamins A and C. It also helps the body repair tissues which have become damaged. Dandelion leaves can be eaten in salads when picked fresh or can be saut矇ed or steamed. Dandelion leaves can also be used as a tea. Just add a few leaves in boiling water and let it brew.

Finding the best supplement for joint pain is not difficult if you know what to look for. Look for Vitamins such as Vitamins B5, C, K and E to reduce inflammation of the joint. Taking the daily recommended dosage of these Vitamin supplements will help not only with joint pain, but will keep you healthy and living a life free from pain. Along with the best supplement for joint pain it is also important to eat healthy meals and exercise. Keeping your body healthy and free from pain is something we can all strive for.

TMJ Pain: Is Your Posture to Blame

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint. Disorders of this joint are often referred to simply as TMJ. It is a simple acronym for a complex, hard to treat health problem. If you have a TMJ disorder you know just how agonizing it can be.

The TMJ joint is a ball and socket joint on each side of a person's head. It is estimated that up to 15 percent of the people in the U.S. experience pain with a TMJ disorder at some point in their lives. Most TMJ sufferers are women.

TMJ occurs when the temporomandibular joint is under stress. Well known triggers include factors such as dental work, a blow to the jaw, osteoarthritis and whiplash from car accidents. However, poor body alignment may be an often overlooked factor in muscular stress. In my own experience with TMJ, my jaw pain was caused in part by uneven, and rounded shoulders. My shoulder on the right side of my body was lower than the shoulder on the left side which caused a constant downward pull on my right jaw and ear, resulting in neck, jaw and ear pain, tinnitus and eventually even vertigo. My shoulders were also both rounded inward from tight pectoral muscles, causing a forward pull on both sides of my neck.

Physical therapy and yoga helped to raise my right shoulder even with my left side and pull back my rounded shoulders. With my improved muscle alignment, all of the problems with my ears, neck and jaw slowly but surely improved in unison. Now, whenever I lapse with my yoga and home physical therapy routines and spend too much time on the computer, my symptoms start to reappear. They disappear when I return to my therapy routines.

To see if poor posture and tight, unbalanced muscles could be a factor in your TMJ, take a look in the mirror. Standing up straight and facing a full length mirror, take a look at your shoulders from the front. Are they even? In my case the right shoulder was visually lower than the left. Next, with your hands feel the muscles on each side of your neck. Do they feel the same? When I had TMJ, the muscles on my right side were distinctly weaker and more stretched out than the muscles on my left side, which were knotted and overly taut. How about the muscles in your neck? Is your head even on your shoulders from side to side, or are imbalanced muscles keeping it tilted to one side?

Next, put your hands back at your sides and look at them in the mirror. In a person with balanced muscles, the hands should hang straight at his or her side, thumbs facing forward. If your shoulders are pulled forward and unnaturally rounded, then when you look in the mirror you will often see your palms flat against your thighs and the back of your hands facing forward. This may mean that your shoulders have rounded and are rotated inward. This forward shoulder movement can also cause muscle tension in your jaw, as it often means your chest muscles are tight and pulling your shoulders inward, while your back muscles are weak and stretched out, causing a constant forward pull on your jaw from the tighter muscles on the front of your body. .

Now turn to the side and check your posture. Do your arms hang freely at your sides, with the back of the hand flat against your thigh? Is your head evenly at the top of your spine, neither tilted forward nor backward? Is your shoulder directly below your ear? Many people with TMJ suffer from a chronic forward head position and forward shoulders.

If you suffer from any of the above posture problems, don't despair. The good news is that you now may have a valuable clue that poor posture and muscle imbalances may be a contributing factor to your jaw pain and related problems of the upper body. Poor posture caused by muscle imbalances is an often correctable condition with traditional physical therapy or with alternative health therapies such as yoga, posture training, the Alexander technique, rolfing and massage.

Please note that any information in this article should be considered as general information only and should not be used to diagnose or treat TMJ, jaw pain, neck pain or any other health condition. See your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment of any medical concerns you may have, and before implementing any diet, exercise, supplement or other lifestyle changes.

Immediate Pain Relief For Gout

Gout is a very painful health problem that usually effects the big toe. It can, however, effect other joints such as the fingers, knees, etc. It is caused by the build up of crystals of uric acid depositing in the tissues of the body. When the body is unable to break down uric acid it accumulates causing inflammation of the joint(s). Uric acid is also known for causing kidney stones.

Normally, uric acid dissolves in your blood and then passes through your kidneys into your urine. Sometimes your body either produces too much or excretes too little of this acid. When that happens uric acid can build up forming sharp, needle-like crystals (urate) in a joint or surrounding tissue that causes pain, inflammation and swelling. The cause of intense pain is when inflammation occurs in the joint as white blood cells surround the uric acid crystals. This causes intense pain, heat and redness

Gout occurs more often in men than it does in women, but women are more susceptible after menopause.

Here are some things you can do for immediate pain relief:

You can make a charcoal/flaxseed poultice. You mix 1/2 cup activated powdered charcoal and 3 tablespoons finely ground flaxseed. Add warm water until you create a paste. Put the paste directly on the affected area and cover with a cloth or some plastic. Change the dressing every four hours or leave on over night. Be sure to cover the poultice carefully as charcoal can stain your bedding or clothing. You can also take activated charcoal orally to lower uric acid levels. Take 1/2 teaspoon when you first wake up, at mid-morning, at mid-afternoon and again at bedtime.

You can use a Castor oil pack. Soak a piece of white flannel in warm Castor oil, wring out excess and place over the affected area. You then cover it with plastic wrap and apply heat using a heating pad or hot water bottle. Do this twice daily for about one hour.

Reduce pain by alternating hot and cold applications. Soak the joint in hot water for three minutes and then in cold water for a half minute. Do this about three times,

Use an Epsom salt foot bath. Put 2 to 3 tablespoons of Epsom salts in a pan or basin of hot water big enough to put your foot in. Soak your foot for about a 1/2 hour. You can also take a whole body bath in Epsom salts. This is especially helpful if the gout pain is in another part of the body. There are usually instructions on the Epsom salts package but you should use about one or two cups.

Any one of these remedies should work to give you some immediate relief, but in order to eliminate gout for good you will need to do some research on how to lower uric acid levels in your body. You should also support your kidneys using supplements, herbs and foods that improve kidney function.

How I Skipped the Spine Surgeon's Knife

At first I thought it was a normal bout of hip joint pain which frequently recurred and went off after taking Ibuprofen. This prescription drug is used to relieve pain, tenderness, swelling, and stiffness caused by osteoarthritis. But this time the severe radiating pain into my hip, buttocks, nerve pinching, tingling and numbness on my right thigh and foot, continued for three weeks having barely no sleep at night , a condition that rendered alarming loss of weight. I decided to consult a physician to check on my hip joint problem but after explaining him about the pains, he suggested that it was not the hip joint, but my spine had a problem. Examination process began with x-rays which showed widespread osteophytosis, and spondylosis-immobility of verterbral joints, among other complications.

The doctor said my problem was a matter to do with spine bone degeneration in which the cartilage wears through and the spine bones responds by growing extra bones at the margins of the joint surface. He explained that these growths called 'spurs' had compressed the nerves hence the reason for nerve pains, numbness and related problems. He gave me a prescription indicating several drugs I could buy from a pharmacist, also gave me instructions to observe, including complete bed rest and the shoes I should wear. Unfortunately none of prescription drugs could alleviate my pain. The doctor had said if I didn't get much help from prescribed medication, an alternative help would be to go for spine surgery where the spurs could be removed to free the nerves. I decided to pursue the surgery option but just before I made an appointment with the spine surgeon, I sought a second opinion with another doctor, who, after perusing the medical report and ex-rays taken by my earlier doctor, suggested it was best not to have the spine bone spurs surgically removed, instead he was of the opinion that taking food supplements with high calcium content, the bones could be regenerated and possibly end my problems, to which I opted the food supplements.

I began taking Chinese herbal preparations March 16, 2009 - anti-Lipemic tea; Zinc Cream Supplement; Nutrient High Calcium, Lecithin+Calcium; Cordyceps Mycelium capsules; Chitosan capsules; Vitality Softgel Capsules; Dia Gins. Within 40 days of taking these preparations, my pain was gone and I have since been doing my daily chores normally. I have also benefited from taking whole-leaf aloe vera juice and wheat grass tea; these two herbs have an abundance of calcium and other nutrients.

The TMJ and Migraine Connection

Do you suffer from migraines or cluster headaches? If you do, you might be one of the estimated 10.8 Million people who suffer from TMD (Tempomandibular Joint Disease). While victims of migraines often resort to popping pills, lying in darkened rooms, and shutting down all activity completely until the pain subsides, new research is showing that these sharply focused headaches may actually originate in the jaw and can be taken care of at the source!

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the hinge joint that connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the temporal bone of the skull. Like other synovial joints in the body, the TMJ is predisposed to similar degenerative alterations as a result of frequent and everyday stress.

Common symptoms of TMD are generalized orofacial pain, chronic headaches and earaches, jaw dysfunction, which include hyper- and hypo-mobility, locking of the jaw, painful clicking and popping sounds when opening and closing the mouth, and difficulty talking and chewing. Frequently, the first approach is resting the jaw, physical therapy, and eating only soft food. In some cases talking is even discouraged. When these jaw-limiting actions don't work, a mouth splint used at night can sometimes resolve the problem. If the painful and obnoxious symptoms persist, people with TMD may turn to TMJ dental and surgical specialists. Conventional treatments include TMJ arthroscopy and various types of surgery, TMJ implants, injections of botulinum toxins, and cauterization. All of these are invasive and somewhat risky, and treat the immediate problem while largely ignoring future consequences. Although surgery is an option, there is a more advantageous and less invasive procedure that can eliminate these ongoing problems.

Prolotherapy for the Jaw
Many painful and persistent problems can be directly linked to ligament and/or tendon weakness or degeneration. With this understanding, several physicians have begun to focus directly on the joint and/or tendon for ground zero for healing and repair. They do this by using a therapy that, although has been around for decades, is often overlooked by mainstream medicine.

Prolotherapy, a dextrose-based injection therapy, has been shown in one double-blinded animal study over a six-week period to increase ligament mass by 44%, ligament thickness by 27%, and the ligament-bone junction strength by 28%. (1) Another animal study confirmed that prolotherapy induced the normal healing reaction that occurs when an injured tissue is healing itself. In this study, the prolotherapy caused the circumference of tendons to increase by approximately 25% after six weeks time. In human studies on prolotherapy, biopsies performed after the completion of treatment showed statistically significant increases in collagen fiber and ligament diameter of up to 60%. (2)

How Does Prolotherapy Work Specifically in the Jaw
In the 1930s, a physician by the name of Louis W. Schultz found that by using Prolotherapy on the jaw that:

- There was no alteration of the normal joint cavity; the proliferation occurred in the ligaments.
- There were no gross changes in the ligaments other than their thickening.
- Lymphocytes infiltrate the area injected within 30 minutes.
- Proliferation of tissue can be seen in four to six days.

Although these results are over 60 years old, today's results are just as amazing. Injections to the TMJ can repair and strengthen the ligaments and significantly reduce the pain associated with the degeneration and weakness of the joint. It can heal the TMJ and prevent future recurrences. If you suffer from pain in your jaw and have recurring headaches, you should be evaluated for TMD. If you have it, you may want to research the possibility of Prolotherapy as a immediate and long-term treatment.

1. Liu Y. An in situ study of the influence of a sclerosing solution in rabbit medical collateral ligaments and its junction strength. Connective Tissue Research. 1983. 2: 95-102.

2. Maynard J. Morphological and biomechanical effects of sodium morrhuate on tendons. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 1985. 3: 236-248.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Any Reputed Natural Health Centre Offers Permanent Cure for Neurological and Respiratory Problems

Those who suffer from muscle pain or arthritis related problems know very well how these can disrupt your normal activities. You won't be able to move or work freely. Even, performing daily chores can be very difficult.

When the situation becomes really unbearable, people tend to listen to any kind of advice no matter from where and from whom it is coming. They try out different kinds of medications which sometimes result in disastrous side effects. On the other hand, there are many who have been extremely benefited by visiting the natural health centre. A combination of Chinese herbs and acupuncture can really work wonders and relive you of various ailments.

FM is an extremely painful muscle condition. Few common symptoms are widespread pain and multiple tender points in the body that may last longer than three months. FM also results in disturbed sleep, fatigue and abnormal pain sensitivity. You may experience morning stiffness, tingling feeling or numbness in hand and feet. The headache can turn unbearable and you may have difficulty memorizing. There are many other symptoms which are enough to hamper your work or activity schedule. A study by American Academy of Rheumatology shows that Fibromyalgia affects a huge population ranging in between three and six million people in the United States itself and is prevalent among women between age group of 30 and 50. Yes, the figure is really disturbing!

A visit to conventional hospitals may offer you temporary respite with anti-inflammatory drugs, pain killers, antidepressants, and sleeping pills. With such medicines you may have a drowsy effect or develop digestive problems. The worst part is that the main disease symptoms tend to return within few months. By trying out acupuncture and different natural medicines, you can expect a permanent recovery and that too without any toxic side effects. For this, a visit to any reputed natural health centre is a must. With proper nutritional supplements you can get rid of the excruciating body pain and can also experience overall well-being. A detailed discussion with any established and experienced naturopathic physician and acupuncturist can help in clearing whatever doubts you may have.

Many have this idea that natural medicines can work only with minor health problems. However, you will be astounded to note that acupuncture and herbal medicines can cure severe ailments like asthma, bronchial disorders, Temporomandibular Joint disorder, back pain, muscle, spasms, headaches and many more. If you have weight gain/ loss problem or suffer from any addiction, then these can also be successfully treated with acupuncture and related medications. Different neurological, reproductive and urological problems can be cured too.

As awareness spreads about herbal medicines, acupuncture and massage treatments this has resulted in coming up of many centers which offer such services. Prior to visiting the natural health centre, make sure to take a look at the website. This will give you an idea on the range of services they offer. You can also talk to the acupuncturist to have a clear idea about her expertise in this field. There are many centers which offer the initial session as complimentary. The treatment costs are also not that expensive.

Are Exercises Enough To Stop My Jaw Pain?

There is an estimated 10 million Americans suffering from chronic facial pain or jaw pain. TMJ (temporomandibular joint) which is the literal term for the jawbone joint is a term that has been applied to a disorder of that joint. There are several other names as well including TMJ disorder, TMD (temporomandibular dysfunction), CMD (craniomandibular dysfunction), MPD (myofascial pain dysfunction) and TMJD (temporomandibular joint dysfunction).

Whatever the label it's important to understand that it's not just one disorder but a group of conditions. There are three main categories: degenerative joint disease such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, internal derangement of the joint meaning dislocation of the joint usually but not always caused by trauma, and the most common category, myofascial pain.

For the majority of people, pain or discomfort from a TMJ disorder, will eventually go away with no treatment. If you are diagnosed with a TMJ disorder the best course of action will be to start with conservative therapies and make sure to try everything available before you resort to any irreversible treatments.

Some irreversible treatments to stay away from are surgery and occlusal adjustment. TMJ surgeries could involve irrigating the jaw joint, disc repositioning where the disc is sewn into a different position, discectomy where the disc is removed and replaced with an artificial disc, Articular eminance recontouring, or the reshaping of the ball in the joint, and complete TMJ replacement which could involve using bone from another body part or using a metal joint.

Occlusal adjustment is a treatment that involves changing the way your teeth meet when you close your mouth. It could involve using orthodontics or a repositioning splint that would permanently change your bite. The orthodontics could be crown and bridge work or grinding and changing the surface of your teeth.

Since most TMJ disorders are temporary and are not progressive, conservative self-care practices and TMJ exercises are usually enough to relieve jaw pain from a TMJ disorder. Since a TMJ disorder is a physical condition, correct TMJ exercises would follow the same guidelines as any other physical therapy used to correct a physical disorder.

Physical therapy guidelines are well established and work for almost every physical condition. The guidelines include starting with therapies like heat or cold packs and stretching exercises that help to reduce swelling and begin to restore the normal range of motion of the joint. Then more exercises are used that repair and strengthen the muscles around the joint to prevent re-injury.

Some other conservative treatments for jaw pain or TMJ disorders would be herbal therapies, Yoga breathing exercises, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or prescription pain medications and anti-inflammatory medications, muscle relaxants, or anti-depressants. But these measures should be used very temporarily since they will not fix the problem.

There are many uncertainties with the TMJ disorder but one thing is certain. Before doing anything irreversible as a treatment you may want to try everything and anything as an alternative and that would definitely include physical therapy in the form of TMJ exercises.

TMJ Cure - Stop TMJ Pain for Good

Millions of people are suffering from TMJ or temporomandibular joint dysfunction and constantly looking for remedies to stop TMJ for good. If you are one of these people suffering from this very complex disorder, you know how painful and annoying this condition is.

Temporomandibular joint disorder commonly known as TMJ is a disorder causing dysfunction in the jaw and its movement. There are different factors contributing to the occurrence of TMJ. It is not only physical factor like accidents and injuries but emotional factors like stress, extreme anger and grief could also trigger this very frustrating disorder.

This very complex condition is accompanied by many disturbing symptoms that can reduce the quality of your life. Some symptoms are uncontrollable jaw or tongue movements, tooth clenching or grinding at night, limited mouth opening, pains in the cheek muscles, difficulty opening the jaw smoothly and evenly. These symptoms are so disturbing and you need to stop TMJ for good.

You need to stop TMJ as early as possible. If this problem becomes chronic, it might lead to more serious problems. You need to find the right treatment before the pains and symptoms become unbearable and may lead to other problems like difficulty swallowing, vertigo, dizziness, headache, tongue pain and other upper body problems including the head, neck and shoulder. It is best to consult the doctor to know the severity of your symptoms.

There are treatments to alleviate and stop TMJ. This disorder can be treated with the right approach and remedies. Here are some remedies:

Common immediate remedy to stop TMJ are over-the-counter pain relievers, muscle relaxant and prescribed anti-inflammatory medicines, but you need to be cautious in taking drugs due to the side effects that could lead to other health problems.

Jaw exercises and therapies are also effective for some people. There are exercises designed to strengthen and relax the jaw and the muscles around it to stop TMJ. Heat and cold therapy is also an option to reduce the pains and muscle tension around the jaw.

Some people find relief through dental treatment. A biteplate maybe recommended by the dentist to align the lower and upper jaw and eliminate other symptoms like clenching teeth at night.

Some sufferers consider surgery which needs a lot of thinking. Before subjecting yourself under the knife, you have to exhaust all options because surgeries are expensive and sometimes there are consequences involved which are often irreversible.

Suffering From TMJ? Fixing the Bite is the Answer

According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders, commonly referred to by the umbrella term TMJ, affect over 10 million Americans. Because TMJ causes so many people pain and discomfort, researchers have been spending more time trying to establish the exact causes and treatments. But the best treatment for TMJ is occlusal correction, one of the most underutilized procedures in dentistry today.

TMJ is a potentially debilitating disorder whose underlying causes and cure are poorly understood by mainstream dentistry. TMJ is acute or chronic inflammation of the temporomandibular joint, the joint where the mandible (lower jaw) connects to the bone at the side of the head. This is one of the most important joints in our bodies because the motion allows us to talk, chew, yawn, etc. Sometimes trauma, such as whiplash as in a "rear-ended" automobile accident can cause the disorder. Burt Reynolds nearly lost his career when he was hit in the face with a chair that was wrought iron instead of balsa wood. This incident was the inciting cause of his TMJ.

Another cause is a bad bite-when the jaw can't find a definite location to bite there is a subconscious urge to grind or clench, to try to find a stable position, and this can cause stress on the joint. The literature says that the bite does not have any causal relation with TMJ, but the scientific literature predominately contradicts what I, and most dentists, believe.

Part of the problem with diagnosing TMJ is the many varied symptoms that can occur. Dizzy spells, ringing in the ears, headaches, pains, and strange noises in the head may all be attributable to TMJ. Headaches are probably one of the most common symptoms of TMJ. Other symptoms include pain in the face and neck, stiffness in the jaw (with limited movement or locking), and clicking. Even chewing can be painful. One case I encountered was so severe that the patient considered suicide. He was referred to me by his physician after more than ten years of suffering.

Because this joint disorder is often caused by a bad bite, the most effective treatment is organic occlusion, or the ideal fit of jaws and teeth. This bite correction procedure should always be done prior to any TMJ work, any periodontal work, and any major reconstruction work. This is an irreversible solution, but it is the long-term solution. When the torque produced by missing teeth, misplaced teeth, or dental work not in harmony with the existing bite is corrected, the joint has the best chance to heal.

There are other, short-term, solutions to this problem that actually just relieve the pain symptoms. These include pain medications, eating soft food, ice packs, and stabilization splints. Splints can provide immediate relief and hope for the patient, but the reason for the relief is really a testimony as to what is wrong-the habitual bite or the fit of the natural teeth is wrong. After doing it wrong for almost thirty years, I made the radical change that I now recommend to all dentists: occlusal correction.

Since occlusal correction is the latest concept of occlusion, most dentists have not been trained to use it, do not want to use it, or are oblivious to it. Like brain surgery in medicine, only very skilled dentists should be doing occlusal correction. They are called gnathologists. The procedure involves grinding small spots on the tops of the teeth to allow the mandible to sit in the rearmost hinge posture. This posture relieves the strain on the TM joint and allows it to heal, but has been avoided because of the disasters caused by inadequate training.

The goal of this procedure is to achieve what is known as organic occlusion, in which the jaw is seated properly and the teeth fit together in a stable, even bite while harmonizing with the jaw's position. If the jaw, for whatever reason, can't find a stable position, a person may experience clenching and grinding. In such cases correcting the tops of the teeth according to precise engineering principles will fix the problem and may also alleviate related issues such as headaches, muscle pain, joint sounds, and in some cases even problems with eyesight and digestion.

Although occlusion is controversial, the fact remains that the procedure that works most often for the largest number of people is occlusal correction. It is by far the most useful procedure in dentistry today. Most often, after the major three-hour correction appointment, a patient goes home with the first hope he or she has had in years. The person's pain is gone, the face is relaxed, and all the teeth hit at the same time. Dentists need to know there is a superior approach to many of the problems they face, and patients suffering from TMJ need to understand the treatment alternatives that will work best for them.