Saturday, March 15, 2014

Dog Joint Pain - What You Can Do to Make Your Home Dog Joint Friendly in His Golden Years!

Just like you, dog joint pain can plague your best friend as they get older. Good pet joint health is one of the responsibilities the owner should live up to as Fido reaches his golden years. From knee to hips, your dog can suffer a great deal pain but never complain.

Some of the warning signs that your dogs joints are beginning to bother him are seen in his lack of activity. His willingness to run or jump is also a sign that he may be suffering from joint pain in his knees tor hips. If he hesitates as he climbs the stairs, chances are that he is weighing the benefits of sleeping in his favorite spot vs. the pain he must endure to get there.

If he is overweight, his condition may affect him even earlier in life than you would expect. Just like a human, the amount of weight he is carrying around directly stresses his knees and hip joints. Ongoing obesity can further aggravate an already difficult health condition. Proper nutrition and weight management is always recommended to ensure a healthy friend in his golden years.

If his mobility continues to concern you, a visit to the vet is always recommended. Often times certain over the counter supplements are available to help in relieving joint pain and providing some welcome relief. Supplements that contain ingredients like glucosamine and chondroitin are usually recommended. Glucosamine is a naturally occurring substance that appears in cartilage in both man and animals.

It helps to keep joints fluid and flexible by assisting in keeping them hydrated and limber. This in turn provides protection between the joints by cushioning the forces that joints take during exercise or running activities. Although the scientific benefits are still being researched, many supplements for joint pain include this compound. If your dog is diabetic, glucose levels must be monitored regularly to ensure there are no side effects from the treatment. Owners who treat their animals with this supplement report, effective mobility and increased activity when used regularly.

In addition to supplements, you can also make the environment more "joint friendly". It is recommended to add carpeting in his favorite areas where wood or tile floors exist. It will make it easier for him to stand and maintain balance and control. An Orthopedic bed might also provide some comfort for him when resting or sleeping.

In summary dog joint pain is common in many breeds as they mature. Your ability help them through weight management, exercise and in some cases, dietary supplements will make your remaining years together more enjoyable.

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