Thursday, October 31, 2013

Wrist and Hand Pain Relief With Resistance Stretching

Wrist and hand pain can result when you type all day long. Or, play a concert piano, do hairstyles or retain tension from any activity. What makes this worse is if you work with poor posture - looking down (to any degree) at a computer monitor, slumping in the low back, and letting your chest cave in, suppressing proper breathing. This leads to decreased ranges of motion in your neck, shoulder, spine, forearm and wrist areas.

Repetitive stress, resulting in hand pain and wrist pain, can be prevented and soothed by understanding the connective tissues of the body, and how to take care of them.

The entire body is connected by fascia, a tissue covering all the soft tissues. Typically, the scalp muscles and the muscles right under the skull and top of the neck, will retain tension from nothing more than incorrect posture, and this tension will travel down the body.

Add athletic training, hours at a desk, or any repetitive motion, and chronic pain will result.

It is not a good idea to ignore pain or just take over the counter pain relievers. Seeing a chiropractor or a physio therapist, for treatment and to learn some home care, will bring pain relief and re-train your habits.

Also, getting a stretching guide from an experienced professional for home use will help you get pain relief. Not only will it relieve tension that is causing a pinched-nerve situation, resulting in muscle or joint pain, but establishing a routine in stretching will increase circulation and promote a general feeling of well being.

If you have any sharp or deep pain of any kind, be sure to consult a health practitioner.

If you have mild aches and pains that are becoming increasingly noticeable, learn some stretches that will likely relieve them. Also, check your posture at work (or play, walking, running, etc.,).

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