Saturday, April 13, 2013

Osteoarthritis - Is Not Necessarily For The Older Generation

The cause of osteoarthritis in not totally known, however, it can be very discomforting and painful. It could run in our genes or just from our normal daily living and the wear and tear on our joints throughout our lives. However, athletes or people that have jobs that require repetitive movement of their joints do develop osteoarthritis at an earlier age. Accidents or injuries to joints can cause osteoarthritis to develop in younger people as well as excess weight can be a contributing factor in osteoarthritis of the knees, hips and spine.

Arthritis means inflammation of the joint(s). It can cause pain and sometimes limits the mobility of the affected joint. Osteoarthritis is normally called degenerative joint disease. The cartilage (pad) between the ends of the bones, the joint, wears thin and can rub together and cause great discomfort or pain. In some instances the bone ends grow too thick, the pad, may loosen and chip. This causes the joint movement to be impaired and causes discomfort and pain.

Nutrition and exercise are a beneficial part of joint health. A person needs to build their body both inside and out. Nutrition supplements can be very effective in rebuilding and soothing the joints of the body. Since joint discomfort and pain varies from person to person, choosing a nutritional supplement that has only one ingredient may not be the right answer for everyone. Choosing supplements that have various natural ingredients are shown to be effectual anti-inflammatory reducers.

Our pets' health care should be just as important as our own. Dogs and cats can get osteoarthritis the same as humans, by over use, injury or by being over weight. Nutritional supplements can help rebuild and sooth their joints so that they have a more comfortable life. More often than not our pets are part of our immediate family; we want them around for a long time. A one-ingredient supplement may not be the right answer for our pets anymore than it is for us.

1 comment:

  1. this problem can happen to every age so better don't take joint pain lightly

    osteoarthritis pain relief
