Wednesday, March 5, 2014

TMJ Relief - Tips That Work Quick

If you suffer from the pain of TMJ you are not alone, according to a recent survey there are over 10 million people in the US alone who suffer from this condition. Symptoms can range from a mild headache and pain in the jaw muscles to pain that is severe enough to prevent you from being unable to eat or talk properly. Most sufferers are looking for quick tips that offer TMJ relief so that they can get on with their lives. In most cases the symptoms of TMJ will do away within a couple of weeks with the proper care and treatment.

There are several simple therapies you can use at home that can give you TMJ relief that will last long enough for the muscles to relax and give you more permanent relief. While some of these tips may seem rather simplistic they will offer you the kind of quick relief you need to be able to function normally and pain free.

One of the fastest ways to get temporary relief from TMJ symptoms is to use one of the common analgesics that you can get in almost any store. These include acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) or plain aspirin. Each of these drugs is designed to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. This will give the affected TMJ muscles a chance to heal, which is all they may need to stop causing you pain and allow you to return to a normal life.

You may need to make some immediate changes to your diet. Foods that are hard to chew such as tough meats, crunchy vegetables and fruits make your jaw muscles work overtime. Instead you should switch to soft foods that are easy to chew; this will give your jaw muscles a chance to rest and repair. You will notice the difference within as little as a few days and will be able to return to your normal diet in just a few weeks.

Heat and moisture are your best friends, like any other muscle that has been overextended you can gain immediate relief from the pain by applying hot moist towels to the sore muscles. To further help speed the healing process you can exercise the muscles gently several times each day. You should gently lower and raise your jaw and then move it from side to side 5 to 10 times each session. This will not only help to stretch the muscles, but will also serve to strengthen the muscles so that the chances of a recurrence of these symptoms does not reoccur giving you long lasting TMJ relief.

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