Friday, October 11, 2013

How to Relieve TMJ Disorder, Fast! You Don't Have to Suffer TMJ Jaw Pain Any More!

Do you need to know how to relieve TMJ disorder fast? The problem is that most recommended treatments by physicians focus mainly on muscle relaxant drugs. These can have serious side effects. I know. I suffered for years with TMJ, my doctor prescribed Cyclobenzaprine. Almost immediately I suffered serious fatigue and drowsiness. It got so bad I decided it was less painful to have the TMJ jaw pain, than feel like I was ready to drop any second.

I got really annoyed. I needed help and all I was given was something that made me feel even worse. I don't know if you experienced anything similar. If you did then you have my sympathy, I know how bad it can be. This experience did result in me finding something that actually can help folk like us in dealing with TMJ, without the dangerous side effects.

TMJ Easing Exercises

I discovered by regularly following simple TMJ exercises I was able to reduce the symptoms of my TMJ. Now it doesn't affect me at all. I earnestly wish you the same benefits by following these tips:

1. Jaw exercising and stretching: Gentle stretching and exercise and help to reduce the TMJ pain in the jaw. The whole routine takes less than 5 minutes a day.

a. Open-Close. Use a hand on your chin to gently resist as you slowly open and close your mouth 20 times.
b. Back and Forth. Resist again slightly as you move your jaw back and forth 20 times slowly.
c. Left and Right. Use a hand again to gently resist as you push your jaw to the left and back to centre, then to the right and back to centre. Repeat 20 times on each side.

2. 20 minutes of relaxation: Relaxation is a vital part of good health. Stress alone can cause serious health issues. Take 20 minutes a day to do something that helps you achieve deep relaxation

3. Hot and cold treatment: Apply a heating pad or hot water bottle to the side of the jaw. After 1 minute apply an ice-pack to the area. After 1 minute apply heat again. Alternating between the hot and cold treatments can help to improve circulation and reduce inflammation in the joints.

Heat applied directly to the neck and shoulders can also bring much relief.

Caution: These advices are given freely as a record of my experiences and personal understanding. You are under no obligation to follow these advices. Random attempts at self-healing without any structure can be ineffective at best, possibly dangerous.

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