Monday, July 8, 2013

Treating Piriformis Pain

Piriformis pain is closely related to the sciatic nerve and can be very difficult to treat as it seems to occur deep in the hip joint, at the top of the thigh. In fact it has only been around as a medical term for six decades. However certain exercises and stretches can alleviate the tension and pain.

The piriformis is a muscle which runs behind the hip joint, helping to support the hip when it is turned out, or rotated externally. The piriformis muscle and the piriformis tendon work closely with the sciatic nerve, crossing each other where the piriformis sits, behind the hip joint. Thus piriformis pain is often related to the sciatic nerve, in fact some physicians refer to piriformis pain or syndrome as a type of sciatica. Piriformis syndrome was a term first used by Dr. Robinson in 1947.

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body, running from the spine, through the leg right to the ankle. Sciatica refers to a pain, which can be incredibly severe, that occurs along this nerve, usually on one side. A person may also experience tingling or weakness in the leg. It is considered a syndrome caused by something else, such as a slipped disk or a problem in the spine. Whatever the cause is, it has put pressure on the nerve - sometimes damaging it - which is why the pain can be so crippling. Piriformis pain could be a result of the piriformis putting pressure on the sciatic nerve, irritating or even damaging the nerve. If the piriformis muscle is contracted tightly along with the piriformis tendon, it has also been suggested that this could put a lot of pressure on the sciatic nerve.

However it could be the other way around, where sciatica is causing piriformis pain. If sciatica or the cause of sciatica, like a slipped disk or a problem in the spine, it may cause a deep pain in the hip joint, as it is affecting the piriformis muscle or tendon. This is also why pirformis syndrome is sometimes referred to as a type of sciatica.

Piriformis pain is sometimes difficult to diagnosis, because it is such a deep pain sensation in the buttocks area, however it can be treated, although it takes time. It is often suggested that someone suffering from piriformis pain should hold back from physical activities which may put more pressure on the piriformis muscle and tendon.

Other treatment includes physical stretching and strengthening to build the piriformis muscle while rotating the hip. Exercises include lying on your back and pulling your bent knee up towards your shoulder or pushing a slightly bent knee towards the other side of your chest while lying on your back, or even bending your knee under your chest and leaning forward, while the other leg is behind you. These and other exercises are encouraged to work deep into the hip joint, releasing tension in the pirformis, making the muscle less tight and thus relieving piriformis pain.

Anti-inflammatory drugs as well as massaging are also suggested for piriformis pain. Like sciatica, surgery is also considered as a final option to release the muscle tightness in the piriformis.

While piriformis pain can affect someone quite severely, treatment and exercise stretches are available to alleviate tension in the piriformis muscle and tendon. However treatment can be a long process because of how deep the piriformis sits behind the joint and because it is difficult to diagnose the exact cause.

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