Thursday, July 11, 2013

Herbal Remedies for Arthritis, Joint Pain, and Stiffness That Work

Herbs having anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties are very effective in relieving arthritis and joint pain. The advantages of using these herbal remedies are that they do not contain any harmful side effects.

Herbal Remedies for Arthritis and Joint Pain

1. Boswellia is a very good anti-inflammatory agent, and can be used to treat arthritis.

2. Cayenne or capsaicin, the burning agent in chili or vegetables like capsicum, acts as a good pain reliever in case of osteoarthritis.

3. Grated ginger or ginger tea may be taken daily for good results.

4. Two grams of devils claw may be taken thrice daily. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of devils claw may tackle well the symptoms of arthritis.

5. One teaspoon turmeric powder mixed in one glass water may be taken every morning on empty stomach. Turmeric reduces inflammation.

6. A paste made out of white willow and aspen bark may be consumed for beneficial results.

7. Horsetail is rich in silicon, and plays a tissue strengthening role.

8. Licorice root extracts and celery seed extracts act as anti-inflammatory agents on arthritic joints.

9. Cherries, blue berries, hawthorn berries bear compounds like anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins. These compounds are excellent for maintaining and increasing collagen matrix integrity.

10. Hot castor oil is good for massaging arthritic joints. It reduces stiffness.

11. Angelica root oil may be added to warm water, and used for bathing swollen joints.

12. Applying hot, moist fenugreek pack on inflamed joints can help a lot.

13. An infusion made out of wild yam, celery seeds, willow leaves or hay flower extracts may be added to warm bath water. This is an effective remedy for acute joint inflammation.

14. Willow bark tea may be taken twice daily. It is effective for treating aches and joint swelling.

15. Ginger extracts are helpful for treating arthritic conditions. Ginger is a powerful antioxidant allowing the body to get rid of damaging oxidizing agents.

16. Willow bark tea acts as an aspirin, relieving pain.

17. A cup of papaya seed tea may be taken frequently for pain relief.

18. A mixture of half teaspoon turmeric powder and warm water, if taken daily, heals ailing joints.

19. Garlic cloves fried in butter can reduce joint inflammation and pain.

20. A glass of warm water mixed with apple cider vinegar and honey brings relief from pain.

21. Cod liver oil keeps us away from inflamed joints. The fatty acids in cod liver oil check the eroding of cartilages.

22. Intake of glucosamine sulphate tablets helps to maintain the glucosamine levels in our body. Glucosamine is an important chemical in our body that imparts the joint tissues and synovial fluids their lubricating quality. With age, glucosamine levels drop down. The tablets can make for the decreased level of glucosamine.

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