Saturday, March 1, 2014

Some Vitamins for Joint Pain

Are there really minerals and vitamins for joint pain that you can take? Can something as simple as vitamins and minerals stop something like joint pain? And if so, what vitamin and mineral supplements are best to take? Those are the questions we'll be discussing in this hub.

But first, a little background. The more that I study minerals and vitamins, the more I've grown aware that having a deficiency in these can really cause some major conditions and discomfort in the body. Did you know that scientists and doctors are now reluctantly starting to admit that somewhere around 80% of all cancer comes from the diet we eat? That's 80%. If that's really true, just think of how many more things are going wrong inside the body because of our diet. Joint pain is just another one of those things that has gone wrong. Having the right minerals and vitamins for joint pain should help alleviate the problem in most cases. In some cases however, there are other factors. I myself have a bone spur in my shoulder, and have to deal with a somewhat constant joint pain. But there isn't a whole lot that can be done short of surgery.

Here is a list of some specific minerals and vitamins for joint pain and the ways that they affect the joints:

1. Detox. Well that's not really a vitamin or mineral now is it. Rather, it's a combination of minerals and vitamins. Detoxing your system using detox teas, lemon juice, sweating, and raw vegetables will not only help you get some of the vitamins and minerals you need, it will help correct a nutritional imbalance and jump start the process of joint healing. Before you go straight for a multivitamin or something similar, try doing a little bit of detoxing first. Here's more information on how to detox.

2. Lots of Vitamin C. Some sources recommend up to 5,000 milligrams of vitamin C everyday in order to support the joints. That's a lot of vitamin C. As in most other forms of nutrition, it's best to get them in their natural form instead of in pills. Whenever possible, try and eat a healthy fruit with each of your meals. Do not be hasty in running straight for pill supplements. Do a little work to change some of your eating habits.

3. Vitamin B Complex. There are a total of six members of the family of vitamin B. They are thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and pantothenic acid. Deficiency in some of the vitamins in the B family can be a main factor in the development of arthritis. B vitamins you'll most likely have to find in a supplement of some kind. You can usually take all of them in one supplement. Start taking the daily recommended value. B vitamins help to support the nervous system. This should help reduce some of the pain associated with joint pain.

4. Vitamin A. A Deficiency in vitamin A has been shown to lead to painful joints. If a person is deficient in vitamin A, that could be a large part of the problem. Vitamin A can be found in most vegetables that are yellow and orange, such as squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, etc.

5. Probiotics. For those of you who don't know, probiotics are foods that support and elevate the positive digestive bacteria inside the stomach and intestines. These, along with other digestive enzymes, help to digest and absorb nutrients from food. According to some sources, malnutrition in general may be the root cause of many kinds of joint pain. Many people aren't able to absorb and utilize all of the food they ingest. Even though they're eating plenty, they're still not getting the right nutrients, vitamins, and minerals out of the food they're eating. That's where probiotics come in. Having a efficient digestive tract helps to ensure that you're fully processing all of the food that you're taking in. This is just a good general step for anyone experiencing joint pain.

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