Saturday, October 5, 2013

Parasites And Joint Pain: Is There Any Connection To Gout?

It is estimated that 85% to 95% of the population has parasites. There is also a growing suspicion that all cancer, asthma, diabetes, arthritis and heart disease is due to parasitic infection. This deserves further investigation and it would not be surprising to find a strong connection for the tendency toward Gout.

The definition of a Parasite is: "any living thing that lives on or in another living organism". The danger of parasites in the human body (or the bodies of our animals that make up our food supply and our pets) is that they will cause any number of difficulties; they interfere with various bodily functions, destroy tissues in the vital organs, and release toxic poisons into the bloodstream.

Parasitic organisms have two classifications: a larger variety that are basically "worms", and microscopic, single-celled organisms that can travel in the blood and other body fluids like a virus or bacteria.

The most common method of transmission is through poorly washed foods and contaminated water. However, because most of the population already has some sort of infestation, there a many other ways to get infected. The "eggs" of these parasites are microscopic. These microscopic eggs can be transported undetected in a number of different ways.

Here is an example: someone uses the restroom at a restaurant, sits back down at their table and uses the salt shaker - they have just deposited microscopic parasitic eggs onto this object. You're next to use this table and you use the salt shaker and then lick your finger - you are now the new host to the parasites.

Kissing, holding hands, exchanging money, etc. - these and many others, are all ways that we pass around the infection every minute of every day. Typically if one family member is a host, the whole family is infected. The eggs can live under fingernails for 2 months and because the eggs are microscopic in nature, they can even become airborne and then inhaled.

The list of symptoms is long and varied:

  • chronic fatigue

  • bloating, constipation, diarrhea

  • environmental sensitivities

  • joint and muscle pain

  • ulcers and sores

  • anxiety

  • bruxism

  • chronic viral or bacterial infections

  • depression

  • difficulty losing weight

  • candida

  • itchy ears, nose, anus

  • brain fog

  • pain in the back, shoulders, thighs

  • sexual dysfunction

This is a condensed list; depending on your source of reference there are many other conditions and illnesses that can be found.

Due to the enormous and very broad range of parasitic species, testing is almost completely ineffective. Many of the tests that can be done will look for and detect several dozen different species or types of parasites but will completely overlook several dozen others. This explains why there is a severely unnoticed and undetected epidemic of parasitic infection progressing throughout the world.

Like all living organisms, parasites eat and defecate. The urine and feces is acidic and toxic. This waste adds stress to the kidneys, liver and immune system.

In addition to the toxic waste load that infection adds, parasites can do serious and fatal damage. They not only eat our food, they eat our tissues. They can eat the protein coating off of nerves, the calcium off your bones, they can get in your lungs, brain and liver. Anemia can be caused by hook worms that attach themselves to the lining of the intestines and bite into the blood vessels and suck an enormous amount of blood out of the bloodstream. Heart worms from pets have caused deaths in children. Whip worms and Pin worms can travel in the colon and female sexual organs.

But what can be done about Parasites and what does that have to do with Gout?

The link between Gout and Parasites is due to the acid-forming nature of the presence of parasites; Gout is caused by an overall acidic inner bodily terrain, not just too much uric acid. The strain that parasitic infection creates for the kidneys disrupts and interferes with the adequate elimination of uric acid.

There are a number of best practices to stay parasite-free. Washing your hands frequently is at the top of the list. Never let your pets sleep on your bed our lick you on the mouth. Always wash after a pet licks you.

Raw fruits and vegetable can be a bigger source of parasites than meat; wash everything thoroughly and cook meats until there is no pink left.

Have bowel movements 2 - 3 times per day; the longer feces stay in your digestive tract will create a greater likelihood of parasites to grow.

Old time methods of de-worming are still a very viable and valuable method today. The use of castor oil and mineral oil should still be implemented.

Recipes for herbal preparations like Black Walnut Hulls, Wormwood, and Common Cloves are easily found on an internet search.

In Conclusion: Avoid becoming infected and resist infestation. Parasites of all kinds thrive in acidic conditions and constipation. Staying properly hydrated with high-quality water is a must, and following a high-fiber, alkalizing diet is the best prevention and cure for infection and infestation of parasites.

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